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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1910)
3 AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Nebraska Nebraska Stockmen Plan Big Delegation to Frontier Day at Cheyenne. TirE BEE: OMATLY, THURSDAY. JULY 28. 1910. Nebraska ADMIT CONTENTION IS GOOD Attorney! for Democrat in Primary Injunction Beiort to Technicality. BAT WXONQ P1AESTHT IN ACTION tawyrrt lor Stat ftonamltt itt Mr. RomwiIm S Not Iatretea Klaaaotallr, Ileae taa Caa koala fall. Firemen's Tourney Stolen Horse and Buggy Recovered Big Taken by Automobile Thief Near Stella it Found netr Horton, KaniAs. Begins at York AX-SAB-BEN GOVERNORS GOING Tommy Breaaabaa ' aaa Ml Mary Large Crowd Wltnenei Competition Meehaa Married at St. Mary' Charrh -Two Batebere Cat Ksek Other. Number of State Teams En tering Bacei. f f Krom m Btaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb., July 27.-(8pcla!.) Th application of Victor Ros-waler, republican national committeeman, for an Injunction to prevent the aecretary of atate from certifying , out to the county clerks the names of democratic and populist candi date for office who flied double, and pre sented only one receipt showing that only one filing fee was paid was heard before Xtstrlct Judge Frvat this afternoon. The democratic committee was represented by former Supreme Judge John J. Sullivan, democrat, and T. J. Doyle, . a democrat representing IXck Metcalfe, appeared with Assistant Attorney General Ayres. Mr, Kosewater was represented by John O. Yelser. Thomas M. C. B. Birmingham, who la trying to get hia name on four bal lot as a candidate for United States senator, appeared In his own behalf and made a stump speech. The attorneys representing Mr. Junkln practically admitted that the law required two filing fees In cases of double filing, so they based their objection to the Injunction on the ground that Mr. Hosewater was not the proper party to Institute the suit, as he wss not financially Interested. Judge Frost has taken the case under advisement, Isaac Paakharst Killed. Is3 Pankhurst, aged 19 years, residing at Belmont, was Instantly killed by the explosion of a traction engine Wednesday morning. The traction engine, which be longed to Nick Kramer, waa working on the farm of Mayor Love, five miles north of the city on First street. The top of the young man's head was blown off. The explosion occurred at 11:30 on Wed nesday morning. Pankhurst waa working on the engine. Death was Instantaneous, Kramer, the owner of the machine, was Injured, the side of his face being scored with thousands of little outs. Harry Ras mussen, employed by the threshing gang and on the separator 100 feet away, waa thrown to the ground and severely bruised, The stacks of grain were destroyed by fire and the separator Itself was partially destroyed. Little Is known about the cause of the accident. Both ends cf the engine blew out at once, showing that it was probably not due to defective boiler heads, but to ex cessive steam pressure, lack" of water or some other cause:' . .' YORK, Neb.. July 17. (Special Telegram.) The State Firemen's tournament opened her yesterday with a large attendance of companies and spectators from over the atate. Nine nor teama took part In the program today and two hook and ladder companies. Tork had prepared the track and grandstand to the satisfaction of ev eryone and the proceedings were conducted without a particle of friction. The town Is gayly decorated, more than t.000 pennants and streamers being dis played from the public and business build ings of the city. In the parade this morning Btromsburg won the Ito-banner for the largest delega tion of visiting firemen. Lexington won the 120-trumpet for the best uniformed com pany. When class A of the ttO-yard, straight away hose raoe waa called there was anx iety between the friend of the old time rival, York and Fremont In this event there were four entries aa follows: Friend, Seward, North Bend and York. The result waa aa follow: Tork first, time, 0:S0; North Bend second. 0:W; Seward third, ;; Friend foarth, 1:1117. In class B Sargent was first In 0:3J Clarks second, 0:13; Fremont third, 0 U. In the hook and Udder event Exeter won over Fairmont, time, :K and 0;7V4, respec tively. The firemen's race waa won by North Bend, which city on the whole, carried off the honor of the first day for all the fact that York won the hose contest In class A. STELLA, Neb.', July 27.-(8peclal Tele gramsWilliam F. Stoltx, accompanied by John Tolly, waa called to Horton, Kan., this morning to Identify the horse and buggy stolen from him Monday night by the thief who made his escape Monday afternoon, when found In. the McOlnnls corn field with the Wheeler automobile he had stolon Inst Thursday night All day yesterday Sheriff Fenton was hot on the trail and found the horse and buggy late In the evening on the road between Powhattan and Horton, In Brown county, Kan. The thief made his escape in a corn field, which was guarded at night and today the pursuit was to be kept up. n The horse was a big bay, but Identlfl cation of the rig was from a big milk can tied to the back of the buggy, the thief having taken the ean filled with milk from the Stolli farm. A word was telephoned far and wide theVjnllk can waa mentioned and so as the rig pased through Brown oounty, passers-by noticed the outfit and In this way the sheriff was able to keep on the trail. SOUTHEAST NEBRASKA IS DRY Droatti I Working; lerloa Iajary to Cera , Croa.' STELLA, Neb., July X7.-(8peclal.) Rain Is seriously needed In southeastern Ne braska and the corn Is suffering. On good ground the corn is holding its own fairly well, but on the poorer land much of the corn is practically ruined. Experienced farmers today conervatlvely estimated that if there Is a rain within a day or two there will be at least a half crop or perhaps a trifle better than half a crop. The heat today is intense with no clouds, and this afternoon the thermom eter registers 107. If the heat continues until the last of the week withount rain the corn crop here will be a total failure. The uaat good soaking rain was June S, and no more until July 3, when there was a good three-hour' shower, since which time the rainfall has only been a very light shower or mere driszle. BOY HAS A NARROW ESCAPE s " ' Mother Trie, to Have i. Hint frona '. Wheat Bin, and Is Nearly s Drawn la Herself. "tECUMSEH, Neb.. July " 87 . (8peclal Telegram.) The 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. IX Morrow, as well as the -lad's mother, came near' being killed at Miners vllle, a atatlon on the Burlington not far from Brownsville. The boy was playing In a bin of wheat at the elevator as the wheat was, being loaded -into-a- car v H.-e caught In the suction of .' the ' escaping grain and drawn under it. His mother. In an: attempt to save him, also got In the wheat and had she not caught hold of a rod running across the bin would have been drawn under. The mother was soon released from her position, but the boy was under the wheat for aeveral minutes. being released finally by one of the work men grabbing an axe and chopping a hole In the bin, allowing the grain to run out -upon th ground until the boy's body be came uncovered. It is thought the boy will recover, though he had a rough experience and certainly is close rail for his life. Car Driven ay Sam Anstlne Strikes Bnara-r nad Serloasly lajares Boy. 8EWARD, Neb., July 27.-(Speclal.)-An automobile driven by Sam Anstlne ran into buggy occupied by Mrs. Henry Schroeder and a young eon of Milton Sampson at Goehner oorner Tuesday night All were thrown out and the vehicle was wrecked. The Sampson boy, who ' Is about 12 years old,, had one arm broken and a fin ger badly cut and bruised, but Mrs. Schroe der .escaped Injury.- The boy was taken to the fofepital, wheresucgicar aid was ren dered. Mr. Anstlne ' will appear , before Judge Oladwish to answer the charge of driving hi auto at a greater speed than allowed by law. , ' , ' BOY DROWNED NEAR BROKEN BOW Oar Cramp Meeker Takea with While la Svrlmmlnar, BROKEN BOW, Neb., July 27. (Special.) -Late yesterday afternoon, Ouy Meeker, aged 19 years, lost his life while bathing In a swimming pool , on J. O. Taylor's farm, eight miles east of here. Meeker was considered somewhat of an athlete and had given severs! exhibitions, so when he went Into the watir with life preservers on, his companions commenced bantering and mak ing fun of him in a good natural, way. He thereupon ' took the life preservers off, and had hardly entered the water the second time when he was seised with cramps and disappeared beneath the surface. When Dr, Talbot ft this place, arrived at the scene In snswer to a hasty summons by 'phone, the body had not been recovered, and was some time later before It was loaated t.zi brs'JSbi to shore. Life by that time was extinct. I. E. Cole left hero oday to take charge of tho body and make fun eral arrangements. Inttimont will bo mad at Lee's Park, near where the boy to aided. Meeker belonged to the Modern Woodmen,- at Berwyn, and wa insured In that order for $1,000. FARM HOISK I MS J Kit COUNTY Family of A ant I a lias arrow , Karape from Death. ' BROKEN HOW, July 27. (Special.) The home of Austin Loyd. a farmer living ten miles north of Broken Bow. was com pletely destroyed by fire, the family barely escaping with their live. The fire occurred In the early morning and Mr. Loyd wa awakened by the smoke and flame rush Ing Into hi aleeplng room; he then dl covered that the whole Interior of th house wa ablaa. HI wife and children had awakened In the meantime and a dasl wa mad for the open. Nothing was saved In the way of personal goods, and th Insurance on the dwelling and furniture is small. It Is thought the fire originated with a can of disinfectant, which bad been placed on the stove In the kitchen over night. Ther had probably been fir In the tove, and during the night the In gredient of the decoction gradually heated until an explosion was the result. This Is the second farm house destroyed by fir within a week. Poeketploker Basy. BEATRICE, Neb., July 27. (Special Tele gram.) Charles Sperman of Sioux City and Ed Bowman of Leon, la., following the Barnum St Bailey circus which appeared her today, were arrested and lodged In Jail on the charge of picking pocket. They secured about ICO from two farmers. AUTO ACCIDENT IN SEWARD Dlstret Caart at Nebraska Cttr. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., July 37. (Spe cial.) Judge H. V. , Travla wa here and held a brief aesslon of the district court and adjourned the same until September 38. He refused a newtrial In the case. of Weasel against Ha vena, ordered D. O. Dwyer of Plattsmouth, as referee, to take tho testimony In the case of Houston against Mayor Jackson and the city coun- cilmen. This Is a case affecting the fran chise of the water and light company, which was granted at a special election some months since. , He also orders that each of the litigants pay the money to the clerk to cover all costs. Nebraska Nam Note. NEBRASKA CITY-Fred Welch, while operating a planing machine came near losing his hand, because one of the heavy bits became loose and caught hia right hand and nearly severed Ik BEATRJCE Mrs. Charles Taylor died here last night after a brief Illness of heart trouble. She waa born at Ashland, Neb., and wa 33 years of age. She -leaves her husband and five children. I BEATRICE Mrs. Sarah Hoyle, an old resiaeni oi neat rice, a tea in a nonpuai Monday night at Omaha, where she had been receiving treatment She was 78 years of age and leaves a family of seven chil dren. The body was interred her yester day. NEBRASKA CITY-Mrs. Charles Bulger, was called to Bradyville, la., by her daughter, Mrs. Pearl Holdbrook, attempt ing suicide by shooting herself in the left breast. The young woman will recover. She wanted to come home for a visit and her hUBband objected. She then tried to take her own life. BEATRICE At the regular meeting of the city council Tuesday evening the an- I nual expense bill of $W,000 waa adopted. The contract lor curbing and guttering sewer districts Nos. 1 and 3 wns let to Relmer A Kauffman of Lincoln. A com munication from eight restaurant men, wanting to abolish luuch wagons on the streets, waa read and placed on file. The restaurant men say they are paying high rents and taxes while the lunch wagons only pay a small license. . , NEBRASKA CITY The marriage of Roy J. Anderson of Waterloo, la., and Miss Laura Kuhlman of this city at Council Bluffs, la., waa not only a surprise to their friends, but the young lady's parents. The bride, who Is one of the leading society young women of this city and one of the most prominent musicians of this section, telephoned her parents yesterday what she had done and asked their forgiveness. The young ' people will make their future borne at Anamosa, la., where the young man la In business, NEBRASKA CITY A colored man who waa working In the rock quarry at Xe hawka, went down to Union, with hia beat Sunday clothes on, where he met another colored man and a whit man. They In vited him down Into the railroad yarda to get a drink. He went and while down there they gagged and took all of his clothing from him, leaving him tied and( gagged near in raiirutm wkcks, wiiere lie wa found by a number of the train crew who were working there. He was as free from clothing as th day he was Horn. He was given a pair of overalls and a shirt. The officers are looking for th men who took his clothes and money. Dakota Tennis Players Draw Orlanell Girl Win Honors. GRINNEL, la., July 37. (Special.) A cablegram from Mlsa Jessie Christian In Paris to her parents, Mr. and Mr. Oeorge M. Christian of thla city, telle them that ahe ha been appointed to the posllon of first soprano In the grand opera of Bordeaux, France, for the coming season. Bordeaux Is a city of 200,000, and the appointment carries a good salary in addition to the ex ceptional honor Miss Christian haa excep tional natural endowments In muslo and has spent the psst three years In perfecting herself In that line In Parts. Team Killed by Lightning. BROKEN BOW, July 37. (Special) A bolt of lightning yasterday afternoon ln- aianiiy killed a valuable tesm of horses belonging to Jerome Taylor, six mile south of here, and nearly, killed Myron Taylor, a son. The young man was' rendered un conscious for several minutes. A storm clt ud had made its appearance and Myron was unhitching the team preparatory to going to the house when th bolt struck, The narrow escape of young Taylor Is more apparent by the fact of his being actually In touch with on of the horse at, the time of the accident. I'rro Methodist DrdH'ate. PERU, Neb., July 27. (Spidal.)-Th new Methodist church, a structure which, with th sit, cost 1 19, 000, was dedicated here rslerday. Dr. W. IX Parr of Kokomo, Ind.. and Chanrellor Bradford of Kpworth university In Oklahoma, wei present to assist.' It ws neevssary to raise th.l'iO to finish paying for the church and buy th property Just north of the building to com plete th grounds. H.fore the ging ceased In the evening. - I10.0U9 had been raised, which, aftr taking car of the debt and allowing for etirlnkJt and interest, left si am . start toward i pipe organ. This fin new horn of tho Methodist emigree tlou provide ample room for the lain Kundir school. nd a sesling capacity for church service of ovr 700. and I on of tii flnt church In thla part of th tate. Ponra Boy Areldeatally Shot. PONCA. Neb., July 37. Olenn Putnam, 13-year-old son of Horac Putnam, flv miles south of Ponca, accidentally ahot himself Tuesday about noon. Th boy found an old cartridge and get th old gun that wa broken and when the cartridge wa placed In prematurely exploded. Th ball penetrated th right aid of th head close to th and took out th right eye clean and th left y wa thrown out on hi cheek. Whcti-.Dr. Young arrived h said th boy must have died Instantly. Coaae Farmer Shoots Himself. ABERDEEN. 8. D., July 37.-Speclal.) Th body of Fred Welshlmer, a young far mar near Conde. waa found out of door with a bullet hole through hi brain. No cause for the suicide Is known, except that Welshlmer had been working very hard In the hot sun the day before, and may hav twtn mentally deranged. Illrl I'seuaaclaaa Whole Day. ABERDEEN, 8. D.. July 37. tSpecial.) Gladys Eddy, tho U-year-old daughter of W. V. Eddy, a Lemmon lawyer, formerly -ounty superintendent of the Brown county schools, waa thrown from a buggy, sua talnlng Injuries which left her unconscioui for twenty-four hours. She will recover, Sing-lei Brought Up to Semi-Finals in Annual Tournament at Sioux Fall. SIOUX FALLS. S. D., July 37. (Special Telegram.) Th afternoon play at th an nual tournament of the South' Dakota Ten nis association, now being held on the grounds of the Sioux Fall association, aaw the singles brought up to the semi-finals. in th drawing for position In the doubles, th following were matched against each other for the preliminaries: Macksy a-nd Burnette of Madison versus Barton and Phillips of Sioux Falls. Boa I Ion and Cone of Mltcnell v.rmia Ad kins and Chrlstenson of Oldham. Anderson and buikholder oi rtioux Falls versus smith and Smith of Mitchell. van me ana .Mciimght oi uianam versua leigen ana uoutmt ot tttoux f ails. The following drew byes, which brings them up to the flm round: Larson and Hoi brook of Sioux Falls var, sus Webber and Nolt cf Mitchelh mum ana BiocKstaa or vom versus Beaumont and Carr of Sioux Falls. Berkley and Gray of Siouk toiia vwmi iiomnan ana Meleenholder of Parkston. nerick and Bossert of Pr mihir. la. versus Barkley and Urill of Hloux Fulls. lurie ana uononoe of Sluux Falls versus r.nrigni ana Downey of Mitchell. ureasury and Ciirlstenson of Oldham versus Branson and Smith of Mitchell. ima evening, after play was completed, the visiting tennis players were taken In oharge by the member of th local asso ciation and given an automobile ride about the city. Wednesday evening th visitors will be guest at a theater party. Unusual Interest I taken In th coming Frontier Day excursion to Cheyenn. Wyo., August 36 to 37, from th fact that th Ak-6ar-Ben governor will aeompany th stockmen on this trip. Th South Omaha livestock exchange haa aent larg delega tion for aeveral year past, and It I a sign ot th Importance of th celebration of Frontier Day and of the high class of entertainment provided that these delega tions hav been growing every year. In addition to th Ak-Sar-Ben, a number ot Important official of th Union Pacific will attend. A special tram service Willi be provided, and the dining car will accom pany th excuralon for the entire trip. Th Union Stock Yard company ha taken great intereat In th paat and this year haa offered two fine silver loving-cups aa trophlea. On Is for th best woman rider and th other for th best relay team. It will be remembered In thl connection that ex-Prsldent Theodore Roosevelt will b present, which, asld from any other attraction. Insures a great demonstration and great auce. It 1s poaatbl that th Ak-Br-Bn may scour soms of th beat attraction for th autumn carnival. Board at Review Dae Little. No protest wer filed before th board of review yesterday and but few Inquiries were made. A number of people called in connection with their assessment but filed no formal objection. Th board has no. titled the aeveral packers, th Union Stock Yard company, th Oa company and the Omaha Electrlo Light and Power company toth effeot that a raise of their assessment la proposed. These companies will probably appear before th close of th week if any contest Is to be mad of the ruling of th board. Breanahaa-Meehaa Wedding. Tommy Bresnahan and Miss Mary Mee han wer married at 8 a. m. yesterday morning at St. Mary' church by Rev. Father Charles Mugan. Lester Murphy was best man and a sister, of th bride acted a her bride' maid. A wedding breakfast wsa served to many Invited guesta at the residence of th bride' mother after the ceremony. The young people . will beg'n their new horn lit at once. . Last night a larg number of . young people, who were friends of Bresnahan and hi bride, were received Informally aid a fin evening wss spent. Saapeet Hela at Jail. Eddie Mack and ' Charles Beacher were arrested yesterday aa ausplclou characters, and It is thought they may hav been con nected with the robbery of M. Andrea, Austrian groceryman at Twenty-eighth and R streets, Monday night The groceryman claimed to hav lost 336, and this amount wa found in tba possession of Charles Beacher, The men were not arrested to gether but Mack wa arrested in Albright and was found to be carrying two revolv era and a larg bunch of key. .. Batchers Cat -On Another. Charle Lester out John Frlesh on the arm yesterday at on of th local packing house while th two men were playing, a each now maintain. It i waa reported to th polio that they, wer butchers of th sheep gang ot the Omaha. Packing teompany and that they got into a quarrel and each had hia knit. Lester struck At Frlesh and tba latter, throwing up his arm In defense, received a bad out. Th wounded man was taken to th South Omaha Jail, where Dr. A. H. Koenig took aeveral stitches to close th wound. It Is likely that both men will be released, aa they claim they were play ing in a careless fashion with their knives. . Sararlaa for Charles Mahl. Charle Mahl.was given a surprise party last th laat entertainment on the part of hi gentlemen friends before his approach, Ing marriage. The party wa given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Campbell and was conducted on th initiative of Ralph D. Campbell. .Th guests were Perry McD. Wheeler, A. J. Bragonler, C. Brago- nler, Charle Burke, Chris Horn, D. R. Barclay, E. H. Robert, Harry Armstrong, Emmons Dlmock. Fred Towl, J. O'Leary, C. E. Campbell, Stuart Berger, and th guest of honor, Charles Mahl. The young man provided the groom-to-be with three hammer and a hatchet. - lie also got a car pet beater and a cook book. Refreshment wer served during the evening snd Stuart Berger and Mis Nell Letter played several instrumental duets. Magle City Gosalp. Jo Kelser, 3111 L street haa a eon. John Herdrina, 739 North Twenty-seventh street baa a son. Frank Fodyma, 761 North 40th street re ports the birth of a eon. Jo Hug, 160 South Twenty-first street, reports the birth of a ion. Ml Cora Barclay haa returned from a visit at Mount Pleasant la. Miss Mabel Davis ef Harvard la the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Jonea. R C "MeNallv la attending the democratlo convention at Qrand Island. Frank Qood and J. J. Ryan are attending the Urana island convention. Morgan Heafey, Jr., Is spending a two weeks' vacation at Randolph, ISeb. H. C. Murphy and P. J. Tralnor attended tUe atate oonveutlon at Lincoln yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Yctu.ut hav re turned from a vacation trip to th northern lakes. Chris Horn haa returned to Bouth Omaha after having been on th road for about a mouth. Th resldeno of Peter Uugerick, UXS V street, I quarantined on account ot scar, let fever. A. L. Beraulst haa received news that his only brother died July 1 at hia old home In Sweden. Harry Armstrong, a government- Inspec tor, has been tranaferred to South Omaha from Colorado. He report a serious drouta In th west "slBBtnWnmfllv bVntaVJfcssvsnmtav Qanvamsmssam; ff ff 1 &)) fft m In p i fin p PI p Ipf(IlR! If E lf lmni :'wr ALWAYS the same delightful bever ace and always uniform In delicious flavor and absolute purity. It's because we grow our own yeast and take the proper care and time to malt our barley by the old process. That's why High Life Deer is so rich and so consistently pleasing. Brwa by MILLER BREWIN3 CORIPANY.'at IRIIwaukee. auk.? !f jj Iff fill I - ORDER A CASE TODAY. j : jp I JftSffli- JESSEN LIQUOR CO., ,v v Distributors. w . 1020 Oroadwajr, Council Bluffa, Iowa. -S Both Phones. 704. Our New Store i 1 1 ii DM (u If m a t- a mm yj TO) is W IT I ! II Desperate BaoottaaT pains In th cheat require quick treatment with Pr. King' New 1'Ucovery. Prevents pneumonia. &uc and 11.00. For sal by Beaton Drug Co. Hnllaiaai Permit. Sam Carnasxo. 7ut Pierce street, brick baiwment fetiu; Mrs. Helena Clark. 2&30 Cal ifornia street, brick dwelling, t?.40O; Paul V. Kuhns, 2227-K Farnam street brick Store. IS6.00. Has a high food value. A splendid physical develop ment follows when it is used as one of the principal articles of diet. A food that children will like and grow vigorous upon. Compounded from WHEAT, OATS, RICE and BARLEY. Relished 4y the robustas well as the weak, possesing 90 of the nutritious value of these important grains. Ask your Grocer. Opens Saturday, July 30th At 308 South 18th Street Opposite' Court Houso Carrying the finest line of Italy's products ever placed ot the Omaha, market. There has long, been a great demand by the Omaha people, for the line -vro will carry, so that we feel we will indeed be welcome. t Most people, at some time, have been served with some of the delicacies grown in sunny Italy. . If it was genuine it undoubtedly left an impression as pleasant as that genial sunny country itself, because the Italian products sold all over the world today are the results of painstaking care in production, and they have the advantage ot being grown on soil unequaled the world over. It is only in Italy and southern France, with their ideal climatic conditions and wonderful soil, combined with intensive agri cultural methods, that these wonderfully delicate flavors" are imparted tp the fruits and vegetables.- . Along with our complete line of macaroni and spaghetti, for which the Italian manufacturers are famed, we will carry a large stock of the rarer vegetable products, fish, relishes, olives, etc. j - v . We will also carry a complete stock of the finest and most high grade olive oil on the market the Antinotti Brand especially grown and imported for table use; the Calbaa Brand, noted for its wonderful medicinal properties. , As is well known Italy retains it pre-eminence in olive culture on account of the large deposit of calcareous soil in which the tree attains perfection, combined with the sea breezes toward which the plant shows a marked partiality. The foremost horticulturists believe, after much research on this subject, that the narrow leaved varieties of the olive, such as are found in Italy today, are the descendants of the famed Licinian olive described by Pliny as that being held in high est esteem my his cotemporary Roman friends, and it is the fruit from this variety that produces the oil we are placing before you. Table Delicacies of Superior Quality Antinotti Olive Oil. Olives (ripe and green). Artichokes plain and in tomato sauce. Several Brands Imported Tomato Sauce. Italian Peeled Tomatoes. Tunny Fish in Olive Oil. Zgg Plant Salad. Italian and Spanish Sweet Peppers. Macaroni (genuine imported). ' Spaghetti (imported, superior quality). A. Minardi (Si Co. 30S South ISth Street. Opposite Court House 1S4 The Thing To Do If you log your pocketbook, imbrelta, watch or some other article of value, the thing to do Is to follow the example of many other poop la and advertise without delay In the Loot and Found column of The Dee. That la what most people do when they lose artjoles of value. Telephone us and tell your Ions to all Omaha In a single afternoon. Put It In The Bee