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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1910)
titf; heE: omaita', ttiTtiistuy, .tttly 2, 1915 Dudie Archdale Stops Whirlwind Race; Athletics are Defeated by Senators; Denver Wins DENVER SCORES SHUT ODI Olmitead Allewi Visitor. Only Twe Hita with Perfect Support. njJ . GITS TWO 'IN THE FOuTLTH Lincoln , l,oe Out CJenae Three THur Hit Heme Team '' ; Oct l Base IIH . ... '. ' ' a tio. DENVER, July 17. Denver shut out Lincoln. I to 0, In the first gms of the serlr today. Olmlad allowad the vll- tor but two htta, and received perfect up port, tsoore: LINCOLN. AB. H. II. O. A. B. j'i : 1 l 0 0 0 I 0 I 14 0 0 119 T 1 4 111 "l U ,1 II. O. A B. 14 10 110 o t o 0 10 0 110 0 1 I o o 110 0 0 7 10 0 0 10 0 27 7 0 0 0 0 0 o-o Jude, If Gngnler, aa ... Cole, f Oobb, rf ?ockman, 8b .. homaa. lb .... Wledensaul, lb Kruger. e ..... Knapp, p 4 0 0 0 0 0 i Total 27 0 DENVER. , Alts It. I Lloyd. Sb WiMron, If .... Cranston aa ... Dolan. lb Lindsay, lb .... Heell. cf I'aslriy, rf Weaver, Olmsteed, P .... Totala ,.... Lincoln Denver u ,.. v w.4 '.a ; 2 .... 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 -! Baall. Dolan. Two-ba Btulen baaea: hltai Lindsay, Lloyd, Beall. Sacrifice hits: Llndaay, Gagnlsr. Struck out: By Olm ateatl, T; by Knapp, 0. Base pn ball: Off Olmataad, 1; off Knapp, S. Lft on baa: Denver. I: Lincoln. I. Time: J;5l. Umpire; Haskfll. RROHI I.OB . FOR ST. JOSEPH Sloes C'ltr Caotoree' Flrt Clam of Series. Mat to Sl. . BT. JOSEPH. Mo.. Julr Errora on the part of Ht. Joseph loat the flrat game of the aerlea .with Siou cVUy today acore of 0 to 0. Poor: by BIQUX CITY, Ad. H. H. is. Andreta, ' Jb.,.. Stem, lb.............. My era, If............ Qlullen, !b.... Miller, e . Fenlon, rf ... Neighbor, cf. ...... Hartman. a Alderman, p.. ...a. i 0 0 0 0 0 0 I .. ..4 Totals,'. .41 0 ST, JOSEPH. ah. n. Powell, If., rf... 4 I Fox. Ib...,, Jonea, lb MrCheaney, .. ef Corhae, .,..,..,,. Rellly. lb...?....... Bauer, rf., If Frambea, -a 1 0 1 0 ,0 i 0 1 wlft, p. o . Totala ...Vv".. Ai'..'.. W I 9iou city ...,..,.'. o-l 111 fit JnanDh . 0 0 0 0 0 1 o I o Two-bate hlta: rowen, jonea, v-uinn, Nelfthbore, Millar, Aodreaa. Stolen baae; Corhan, ,Qxillln (3),. Meyera. Nelghbora. Sacrifice lite:, Foa," Alderman. Double play: Hartman- to Andreaa. Struck out: By Swift. 1; bv Alderman, I. Baaea on bajla Off, Rwltt, ll off Alderman,: f4. vVIU pitch 8wift.! paaaed ball. Framba. Hit by pitched ball: -By Alderman, Powifll; by Swift, Jonea. Left on baaea: St. Jo aeph, 10; Sioux City. 0. Time of game; IJ6. Umplrea: Sternberg and Clark. ,TOPP!KA WHS 131 TllK ,JH?ITH Vlaltera Defeated Aftea Aapareatlr ( laphlaai the Game. TOPEKA. July J7 Topek ran In three acorea In the ninth after two rmm wera out, and won today'a game. Scorer .; PES, MOINES, . " - i AB. R. H o. 0 I 1 n A. 0 4 0 1 0 I 1 1 0 0 Badef, rf Colligan. tV"i'v Cirtia,. cf .t. v lwyer, lb. Mattlck, If. Nlehoff, 3b..,..v,.. Vllllams, 3b CLemmona,' e . Mitchell,, p Hereche, p 4 I 4 .! i i i l 0 17 I I I Totala I 11 M U I iTwo out when winning run waa aoorad. .0 OcfrfOhllllllln i t - TOPEKA. AB. R, H. O. Wooley, cf ,., Kellly, aa Thomaaon, If..., I.andreth, rf.... Welch, lb Kunkel, Sb Abbott, lb Pole, o fetckjpn, p....... ... 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 . I 1 I I (Totala .:.7 4 11 M 13 Williams out. hit bv battad ball. Pea Molnea ..........0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 04 Topeka 0 I 0 0 1 0 0 0 . Three-base hit! Nlehoff. Two-baae hlta: Landreth. Kunkel. Abbott. Stolen base Curtie (1), Matilclt ID, Colllga. Saarlflce bit: Nlehoff. Base on balls: Off Jaokson. off lMtohell. 4,- Struck out; By Jack son. 4; by. MMoheil 7. lefl on baaa Topeka, Hi' Pes Molnra, 7. Double playa Jtellly to Welch to Abbott; Williams to Coilgan to Pwyer. Wild pltchea: IM'tchell, 4 raeeed tant Hoiea. Tima: i:oo. i.m Ulre: Mullen.. I lEOI'l.Tg 11 TlinBE-1 I,EAUIE (ueaker Caanoa Watehea Gam at , . UaaTllU. PEORIA, III.. July I7.-Wlth the baaea (tiled Jacob waa sent In to bat for Aa juuasen In the fifth and won the gam for reori. witn a inree-Dagger. score, 1 19 1, Score: - R.H.E. Peoria 0,0 01 4 1 00 - U 1 Waterloo 1 1 0 10 4 0 0 4-1 4 1 1 Batterlea: Gilberv and Aamuaaan and Jacob: Chaoman and Harrlnaton. . DANVILLE. Ul.. -July 17 Speaker Can on aaw Iiveaperi'a playera nearly run ttiemaelvea to d ih on the baaea and re' i marks or) the remblanee to Waahlngton (form. The loeaia never had a chance at any time, gaoren, v- R H.E. Panvllla tlttlttdf-l I Davenport-' 10111010 1-10 14 Batterlea: Duffy, Reynolds and Hilda- brand; Smith and Walsh. 8PRINGF1KLD. 111.. July 17. Couchman waa easy and, iSprlnafleld alugged the ball. winning in a walk, in viuor were out played. Scorer' R.H.E HiTlnk-fleld I 0 0 0 0 I I 1 -e 14 Itock Island 44001014 01 7 I Batterlea: Stelger and Hartley; Couch anan and O'LAry. UjNOOMINGTUN, 111., July 17 Dubuque had on their hitting clothe and Bloomina- ton ued three pitcher In an endeavor To atop them, ucore: It H E iiloomingtoil .......,. e v e e i 01 7 Dubuque ...'..j,... I01O1O00 17 11 Batterlea: 4frendergaat. Davldaon. Wulah and Nunamaker; Fvrrlaa and Boucher. HKMLTt MIX K, I.EAQI E Neyraaka Vltri 4eta ;iWlaaU score Over ralla Ctty la Koarteeath. At Talla City Score: R H E Kb. city.,...l v 0 0 0 0 0 0 v v 0 0 o 11 7 ralla City. .. .0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 I Batteries: WelU and Waller; Shears, Pe lair and Smltli. Umpire: Meyera. At 4h nandoah . eoore: 11. H E Auburn eooiOIOO 14 10 Chanandoah ..1 00000000-1 & Batteries: Kdllck and Cranlnger; jhnson and Caatle. Umpire: hag. At Clarlnda Moore: It H E Maryvllle 10000010 0 11 Clarlnda 10000040 0-1 7 Batterlea: Thorp and Plata; Lovell and jonnaon. inipir; rteicner. (relt AVIaa from Dorrheetar. CRETE. Nsb., Julv .-Speolal.)-The Crate aluggera batted out tlilr fourth uralght victory over Dorchester yesterday irternoon In a slsailng conteat. Mora: RHE Dorchester .V.j 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 14 1 Crete 0 1 I 0 0 I 1 0 - It 1 Batlerlaa: For Dorchester. L. Byera and Morreari tut Crete, Norton arid Ammer- O. A. 1 4 T 1 0 0 - 1 1 i - o t i 0 1 17 W O. A. II 0 r' io Standing of the Teams WEST. LBAUUR. NAT. LEAGUE. 1 W.Ul'ct VV.UPPt. Denver .....40 14 .aw Chicago M W MS Bloua City.. W .01: New York... 16 .6JH Lincoln U 40 .I7 Pittsburg ....47 r6 .41 Wichita ....4 41 .633, Cincinnati ...44 41 .412 At. Joseph, ..41 40 ,4S7Phlla 40 44 .471 Omaha 43 61 .4M, Ht. loula 47 .4f. n- Moines. 1 47 ,41 Hrooklyn s . Topeka. tU 1 .IM AMbR. LKAGUE1. Uotn UU AKH. A'."tt'N. W.L.Pct. W.L-Pct. Phlla Ml W ."7! Mlnneap' .70 16 ,M7 Uoeton M w .awl j oiooo be u .6t New York...l 84 .M t. Paul V 4a .6i letrolt 44 41 .US Cleveland ...37 44 . 4ol Kanaka Olty.r to .4 Columbua ...4 41 .49 Milwaukee 44 .iW lndlaliap'a ..40 40 .400 Loulavllla .,. .!7 44 .no MINK LKACJU'K. W.L.Pct. Waah T 61 AM t'ranuo U 61 .)i Bt. Loula....U ST .9W NWa. lAZjUVK. W.L.Pct Kremont ....42 OS .427 ClnrlDda .,..14 Ur. Ialand...l7 Nab. (.:ity....u w Mu parlor , Si t h Auburn II 20 .417 Seward .21 ax ralla C'Hy.,..3u SI .ttU Haatlnaa .,..13 M .4 8heaand4n.. n .Jht Kearney ....II 17 .4t Maryvnia ...Maa-.aai Columbua , 17 .44i , Red Cloud... a 17 ,4uS x Yeaterda y'a Reealta. wrBTEUN LEAOL'E. Omaha-Wlchlta, poatponed Sioua Criy, ; rit Joaeph, 4. Lincoln, U; Denver, I. Da Molnet, 4: Topeka, 4. AM RICA N LEAUUBJ. New York. 4; Uoeton, y Second am, New York, t; Boaton, I. WaahMifton, t, Philadelphia, 4. NATIONAL LhiAUUE. Philadelphia, I; New York, 4. I'llUburg, 1: Cincinnati, 4. Chioaao, 4; Bt. Loula, . mtn.. AMERICAN AHHOC1ATION. Milwaukee, 0; Columbua, K. kanaaa City, 1; Toledo, 4, ft. Paul, 4; lndlanapolla, . MUinapola, i Loulavllle, 1. NEUHAKA LKAOL'JO. Buperiir, 1; Columbus, 10. Red Cloud, 0; Grand Ialand, liastlnKa, 4; Fremont, 10, bewuru, 7; Kearney, I. MINK LEAGUE. Mir) villa, I: Clurlnda, I. l'-aiu City, J; Nebiaaka City, t. (rourteen Innlnaa). . . Auburn, 4; Shenandoah, 1. Uaniea Today. Weatern LeatuurOmaha at' Wichita, Sioux City at Hi. Joaeph, Lincoln at Den ver, Dea Motnea at Topwka. American Leanue VVBhlngton' at Phila delphia, ChlcaKO at Detroit. St. oula at Cleveland, New York at Boaton, National League Philadelphia at New York, Boaton at Brooklyn, Cincinnati at plttaburg, Chicago at fit, Loula. American Aeaoclatlon Toledo at Mllwau- Nebraska State League tuperlor at Co lumbua, Red Cloud at Urand Ialand, Kear ney at Seward, Haatlnga at Fremont. Mink League Mhenandoah at Maryvllle, Clarlnda at Falla City, Nebraaka City at Auburn. ' Morse Prevents Heavy Scoring ani Team Wins .':.. i Bed Cloud Given Clean Shutout in Game with Grind Iland- ' Columbui Wins Game. GRAND ISLAND. JNrt..'J.uJy'-;; l7.-(Bpe- clai Telegram.) Carroll t opened the fifth Inning for Grand Ialand with a three-bag- gtrr and alnglea by Morae and McKlbben A aoriflce by Smith, a pitchor'a error and a ttcanV three-bagger by. H. cook tunehed the game. Morae kept the four hits off him distributed over three Innlnga. Soor Red Cloud flDOOHOOM 4 1 Grand Ialand 01004100-0 I l Batteries: nnyder and Moss: Morse anu Carroll. Umpire: Boawell. COLUMBUS. Neb., July 27.-(8peclal Tele gram.) Bovee held the vleltora . down to four hlta, and Dewey's home run in the eighth saved them from being' shut out. Score; R.H.E. Columbua 0 I I 0 0 4 0 S 10 0 Superior ......000090010 1 4 I Haiterlea: Hovee ana Ainew; jusius ana Bai'tley and Dewey. Umpire: Fleming. FREMONT, Neb., July 27. (Special Teje- gram. Fremont defeated . Haatlnga here today In the flrat game of the series, 10 to The game was called In the seventh by agreement. -Score: . B.I1.JS. tiaminga y v v v v vr t Fremont lOlllO -10 12 4 Batteries: Waldron, Orth and Oardo; Ben nett and Bohner. King and Graham beating the Bushes Eourko 8ends Out Two Cripples to Scare Up New lave Ball Players for Omaha Team; L Nig Perrlne has been released by Pa Rourke and has gone back to his home In Kansas City. Nig fell hair to 061,000 one upon a time, but he and the sixty-five did not get on well together and are now parted, Pa Rourke ha not abated hi diligence to find niuie nd belter ball f!yr, and baa cent two of hi cripple, out to do some scouting. Bert King and George Graham are the advance guards, the old sleuths. who are beating the bushea and trying to scar out something that looks good enough to put on the Rourke pay roll.. Pa, tried hi hand for a week, but failed to pull In ny Jive one. , Live ball player. It must be admitted, are scarce those nut already bought up. King and Graham have bcn sent In dif ferent dlreutlon and will stay, out aoma time In th hope of landing. Klng'a brukan hand la healing nicely and he - niay Julu th team at Topeka and take hi old piaue in the field. The team wilr have finished the Merle at Wichita and Denver, making eight gamea, by that time. A to Uialiam return, that still la Indefinite. . DUDIE ARCHDALE TAKES EXTHEMELY FAS I MARK !Ft" . Geer Nobraska Trottlac Mseklss Win Over Cracks 1st Oleves Trot. KALAMAZOO, Mich., July 17. to the fttper still pur, thud heat, 1:11 trot; DuUI Archdaie waa flint, Alice ltooaevslt eeiund, Ulsa third, Charley 11. lourtn. lime: l.Ob'. EYeS-VI'a UN ' lttM,Nt. THACKS llaadbrldge Wins Peatoro ot idutolre t lir Race Trark. EMPIRE CITY TRACK, N. Y., July 17, llendbrldge, exhibiting wondtrtuf- iut.-a and apriuuiig ability, won the hiicap at aia furlona here today from a hih ela flld; Kcstigouch. tne 1 to J favor ite, won tne uiid-suniiiier stake In a.ltal lop. Summaries: First race, mile and twenty yard; Perry Jolinsoa (I to 5) won, Wtnn aacond, Chiintlajia, third. Time: I.4V - btcond 1 ace. six luriongs: Crsh 16 to U Won, '1 he Hague torond, Americaiieer third. Tims: 1:11 1-6. Third race, six furlout;: llandbivdva til to I) wi, Bir Alvesrott second. Rose guoci) (UUd. Tim: 1:1115. vsB ss a savoj, a nu uiiu sumuiti ci 14111 alakea,. uumt and one-eight , mils; ltsil- goueiii i'i tu 7) won, Glltllng Belle second, no 1 oil tiiiru- lime: l i r'lfih race, six furlong: Novelty i te 6) wcu. HscteKow second, Mr, Ujluotly third. Tin): 1.11 J 6, 8iWi race, niils and twenty yard: Neua (1 lo ) won. gui'on Maike second, Givon brtdge third- Time: 1X11. . CARDINALS WIS OYER CUBS Locals Lund on Viiiting Pitcher in Sixth Inninj. SC0EE IS EIGHT TO SIX Chicago l.oaea watfeat Oae Home Ilia Schalto Ceta Two Tbreo Baaa Hita Parla taa Game. ST. LOUIS, Mo., July St. Brown hit to almoat every oorner of the field in the elxth Inning and St. Loula won. Boo re; T. LOtll, CHICAGO. AB H 0 . AB H.O.A B. Muiflni, lb. 4 I 1 1 CRvtn. tk 1 1 P 0 0 Bills, : If Ill (Slmmer n, lb I I 1 n. el I I 1 0Hh'kr4, II.. 4 14 0 0 teuk, 14 111 0 OHofmsa, .. I I I 0 0 b.r, rf... lilt OCIitnc. 1. . 11400 nhn. I S I satclnfaldt. lb I 0 0 I B Korwu, rf... lilt 0('hnc, lb., i 1 0 0 RiMBShMi, ( I I I oiolnfaldt, Itl I I I I Mc.wr.jr, .. i I i'l oerlmlie, rf... 4 101 lUuaar, ..., 4 111 tTlnker, ... I ll I I UH. 114 t'Kltn. lift Uckmn. .. 1 I lBrewn. a.... 141 l'frri.Hi, p... J t vniahle, .... 0 0 0 1 HUUWIU ...1 l FIill.f, .... 0 V i.uitrul ....1 10 CUICAUO. H-iumnt ..104 Total 41 17 14 I 1 Batted for Bnckman In alxth. Hatted for Ride In eighth. Batted tor Peffer in ninth. St. liOula 0000 '0 100 -g Chicago 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1-0 Three-base hlta: Bchulta (21. Home run: Sr-hulta, Baaea on ball: Off Backman. 1: off Brown, ; off pfeffer, 1. Struck out: oy tirown, 1; by ,Luh, l; by pfeffer, 1; by Backman, I; by Corldon, I. Hita: Off Luah, 7 in three Inning; off Backman. I In three Inning; off Richie, none In one and one-third lnnlga; off Brown, IS In alx and two-third innnga. , Mew York Break Urea. BOSTON. July 17. New York and Boaton divided a double-header today, the locale wlniijng the first, 0 to 4, and the Vlaltors tne second, t to I In 11 Innlnga. Hughee waa nit freely In the early part of the flrat game. Boaton had tho second conteat ap parently won until the eighth Inning, when uireej wua inrowa by rvew York allowed them to score. The visitor won In th eleventh on five hlta. ocore, rirst gam: NSW VOHK. BOSTON. AU.H.O.A B. AB M O A K. Dtnlels, If... 4 11 OHonper. rf... 1 1 I Hemphill, rf. 4 10 0 I 11 4 I I 9 1 1 1 0 I I OBngl. lb..., 1110 . b.... iifie k.r. cf,, 4 I I I 0 !, lh I I 4 1 0 rdn.r, lb 1 I 111 s, II 4 400 Knight, lb..., I vspeaser, el., 4 1 v;ree, ci 4 I. 0rdnr,Jb 4 Rasch, I Auxin, b... I UBtihl, Ik. OL.Onrdnsr, lUwls, 111 Wanr, n... 1 1 1 1 0 Mltoh.ll, .., I 1 t 1 Hughes, 4 44 o rrin, .. 1 1,0 0 OCIoott., ....! t 1 1 a Total 14 11 M 11 1 ToUlt M "t 17 H t New York 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 04 Boaton 1..0 1 0 1 0 0 0 S Two-baae hlta: Knight, StahL .Hemphill. Three-baae hit: Cree. Iift on bases: New York, 9; Boaton, 4. Baaea on balls: Off Hughes, 6; Clcotte, J. struck outi By Hughes, I; by Clcotte, 4. Sacrifice hits: Jungle, Roach. Sacrifice fllea: Stahl, Aua- .La i.our' p,yB! Wagner, L. aGrdner m1niS.h1, ,H,t by '"her: By Clcotte (Dunlela). Umplrea: Connolly and Kerln. a lino: :oti.. ; HW YORK. BOSTON n., ?"?. AB.H.O.A I. r ... , u 1 u DHooDer. H... i a 1 a a Hemphll), rf, fill 0Bnl., lb..., , 1 1 41 Knight, lb.. I" I mmltr. 1 a 1 L-res, cf i I 4lihl. lb.... 1 114 B.O.raOW, Jb I I I 4 eL.ardn.Vb 11 ? 1 4 'L"". 1 1 Austin, lb. 4 1 4 1 a I 1 1 4 cwimr, s,.. a 0 1 Kiel now. c... 1 0 Hitcnsil, yrd, ., Totals I lUinllh. 4 0 MeCtonneil .11 10 1 16 4Lord 1 t ' Total 40 I ll l 1 wn.JI'l p Klelnow In eleventh. I Batted for Smith in eleventh. ""'r 100000200 P0"10" 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 3-8 0-4 Rt.hi 1 11 - H Qur0ner. Engle '(J), Stahl, Lewis l- Mitchell. Ford. HtL VortT .r- Lo,rJ1' ft'" on : New aiv. . . wee on Dans: Off . oae on error: V York, 1. Struck out: B Jd,J';ib?48ml-th' Sfcriflce hit; VaS t?. JCnl?t' Pan''- Sacrifice fly Fori wn.h,. tL"-..r?oa.9n. ovdner and ........... itauiiiui, uunn, rord, E. Card i;. "I,,???0.?' WMd pitoh: Ford. Passed noiy. TlmeT i:J7. P '"; nd Co Cliicinantl UiLf, ra.. ' elah?? Tf J,uIrtlJ7-lnolnnatl made PlTTant-RO CINCINNATI. ;! B,m. IK A? I .'. BA.. . .. AB.H.O.A.S Leaob, cf 6 t'smpbcll, if. 4 Wgnsr. ss. . k Plynn, lb 4 WllM)n, rf.... 4 Ulbvon, c. . . . 4 McKchnie,2b 4 rhilllpps, p.. - . ", . uiwKntf ir A , , 1 1 1 1 v 1 1 10 I I 1 1 .nn, m 4 1 1 I 4 I'Hoblltitl, lb. 4 1 10 I v jiutcneii, rf.. 4 1 1 u 0 liniim, er... 4 1 a iDoirnsy, lb.. 4 114 1 JS''."' 4 I I 0 1 1 1 - Ma,:nnimn. mm x u a s 11 r- 9 1 viip(r, p.... I 0 1 a P.. 1 0 0 1 CHow.n. I.... 0 010 ' brntuo, p..,, 0 A VMlllsr 1 0 0 4 4 Uobart 0 0 i -'"- 1 0 t I 1 1 . . . vsinuiis, TOUIS Batted for Rowan IrTaeventti:'' I 17 IT J .!Ut?n 'or McLean In ninth. tud ,or ynn l" ninth. 7i " . "L. ooiojtoo-0 t "L 1 l; 9 0 1 0 0 0 1-4 . r X,. Jiuumiei, uampbe I. Paa- kert. Three-bae hits: Byrne. licK.ohn ram,.?., f "T?"' i6 'nn'ntfa; off tamnlja. 4 In 12-1 Innlnga; off Gasper, 10 in Inning, none out In seventh) off -..., 1 aniiiiis, mi oenton, 1 In a Inning Sacrlfloe hits; CampbelJ, Wilson" McKechnle Uib.on. Stolen baaes: Egan . w t-ampoeii, Lobert. Double Play: Bvrni. Vl,-k-.i. . n.i c . w J . i8a? and "MU McKechnle and New Vork Is Viotorlon. NEW YORK, July .-8lx hit, one pa. today gave New York alx run and a victory over Phltadelphla. 4 to I. Fo.en up to the sixth had the local, it h e mew "'f h't free.y, kept th'hui of? ,h;i ,Vmp,r. 'hnston. sent Bate, off the field in the flrat Innlna fo pining a decision. Score: ., FHILADEU-H.A. NKTW YORK. I TH". rf f? 'l, 0."c8n.,m Knslx, lb.... 1 Tltumss. of. .. 1 1 I 4 1 1 f : 1 4 ! 2 iboyU, lb..... 4 1ti iHmour, of.. 1 1 1 1 ikumr, rf... 4 1 I i UBri4w.ll, . I Orjnl, sb 4 Due, If.... 4 Wliu, cl-ib, 4 brsn.llsld, U 4 iHiulsn, ss... 4 liiMtin, 4 ruisn, p..,,. 1 6.ur, p.,. 1 Morgan- 1 'Dnlln, lb..., Ill I 0 1 jurat. 1.., 4 17 4 0 ilfrer. e 4 , IWiltM, p lotto Tsui ' .11 int i 1 Totals i 11 14 11 1 Uiiulan out: hit bv bti.i k.u T,.'f?aV7,or h"b,r In ninth. Philadelphia 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 o-a w "" 0 0 0 0 0 lwo-ba hit:.Waiah, Murray. 8acrlfin hits: KTbe. toymou,: fii&?&Mr$lfc Ltt on baaea: Philadelphia. I; New York t '''' base on errorat Philadelphia, 1 and Merkle. 8lruek out! Ly Wl txa by Foxeti. 1: bhxiil... t. J. .. . V' ,."' nit 1.. l . ;.:: uu uwn, B, un aneitiar. 1. vi ta 1 Vi '. 1 inning; on Bhettier, 1 Four Club I.oaaraa Formed. HURON, S. P., July r.-Bpclal )-At a meeting of th. ba,.J ba mKgers of team from Waterlou n w. x , and Uedfield. held In III. latl.r city S r. I 1 . w ",o:iuin was formed, com- i 'ina-.Lf b? 'ro.m Ul, 'tr oltWo named. leagu. clo.e. VA; prw..d ..t'" ornanliatiun immediately spring Into ex- . Ju"r,' Is niada up of the ."i, r"--i 1 rum oiuna or ine atate leaaue V-k ,,T . "" "s ueen made. ine orru-er of tne new association are A .is.iuo.pri. Ktoiield, president; J. H. Miannon, Abrden, vlt president; C W Bchulta. W atnrtou-n, secretary, and Charles Hteel, Huron, treasurer. Hiir-i. m-ni ...... the new leaau tMharf il ith v.... ' T 'm.i 'ir Uy, Camnlt,, I; Benton? 3. rime. 1:05. Umpires; Brennann and O Dav. lu thla city next Monday with a three-game "el,e"- ' t reslon; Wins Uarns. .,s..nrfM.l f.7T!, ,7-. , , CRESTON, . la., - July 27 . Special. )-The , . . - L . I niil re. gBm. btwen Cre.ton and Red Oak Hun. I Hlt'AdO, July IT. President Chlvlngton day at thla place, was not the fast game of the American association, tuday sua- , it was expected to be. It wa full of errors twiid.d lony James tf Hi. Kansas City , and mlsplay. nd long-drwn-out and tlub fr three day fur thovlng Umpire i ended In a score of 10 to 1 In favor of Crs liush on th ball field at Columbus, July 3X Uiu, Tennis Tourney Plans Are Now Well Under Wag Clay Court Devotees Are Anxious for the Start of the Big- Event of the Year. Entries for the national Clay Court championship tennis tournament are counting up rapidly although tli com mittee atatea that It rekily expected mora early names ' sent In than hs-v been received. One reaaon for the delay la that many of the melt will enter their names in psrson when they coma In the last of this week, with the purpose of resting over Sunday before the big day cornea. . All manner rijf preparations are being mad for the .event to facilitate the beat playing and that the matches may be aa feat a possible-vSeVfnty dosea of Spald ing's championship lennls balls were .re ceived to start -the players off with and several new nets are to be put lh use neat Monday for the occaalop. One of the beet Improvementa In the equipment of the Field club for thla year Is the ' new three-wheeled liner, which places the lime on wet. When dry It stloks to the ground nd w,il rub out altogether before It will spread, and spoil the' ac curacy xf the line, Dry weather- may be hard on the golf couraea, but It certainty Improves the con dition of a.tennl oqurt.v Never before have th Field olub- courts been In batter condi tion. The surface Is hard and smooth and will not, scuff up and rk the crust as all day la bound to do after too much rain. Quit a Hat of prominent players entered themselves, lately for the conteat. W. $. Oilman, champion of Iowa and former Trl- elate champion; R. L.' Simmons of Syra cuse, a man of note It) tho eaat; Charles Spice end J..T. Bralley, both of Oklahoma, are In the double, and; other of the et and west fiave promised that they will enter the laat of thla week. . Omaha people are awaking to what a' big thing In athletic It la going to be and a large crowd Is expected at th Field club to watoh th oontest. . ' J . . HARRY LEGG LEADS GOLFERS Tala .Man Hakes Hundred and Seventy at Minneapolis. RECORD IS BROKEN ALREADY Rosnlt of - 4)jallflootloit Boaad la Weatera Auopatlon Teraait - Champion Robert A. Gard er Is Poshed Hard. MINNEAPOLIS,' July 17. Sixteen golfers survived the second, day's play of the tour nament for tho championship: of the Will era Golf aasoclatlon."- The honors were taken by Harry ipg of Mlnlkahda, tho stocky boy from Yalei Legg equalled his remarkable performance of yesterday, when he turned in. a, wonderful, dard Of 70 In th second of the-tbiirty-aix' bole qualifying round, maklaej-ih lotaJ xt 140, -That broke the old JWssterti porfyaaaoelatldn qualifying record of 14t.rnii,Je,i)y fl," Chandler Kgaji over thp old Exmoon eeurse-Charlea Evan, jr., of Edgewater, the'preeent champion; Robert A.' Gardner, the national ohamplon, and Legg remained )n thp atrugglo. , Gardner waa forced to go to the Sign- teerrth green to defeat Addison Vtlllwell of Midlothian by one up. Btlllwell fought hard and Gardner was unable to get better than a half In five on the eighteenth Gard ner made it In 74, while Btlllwell was one stroke higher. Their, cardst - . Gardner, out. ..4 4 0 1 4 4 1 4 6 88, hUllweai, out..., 4 4V Gardner, in I 4 6 114 11 480-74 Stlllwell. In 1466414 1 4-4575 Legg had little trouble In disposing of Harold Bend of St. Paul by 7 up and 0 to play. Legg continued hi excellent work pf the morning and Bend was easy for him. In the qualifying;1 rounds Legg led his nearest rivals Mason ' E. ' Phelps of Mid lothian and Albert Seokel of Hinsdale by five atrokea. Both Chlcagoans made -74 yes terday and 71 today for 140. Evans, the present champion, landed fourth with 75, 72, 147. R. A. Gardner Was one stroke be hind Evans, with 70, 71, 141. The qualifying soores ware remarkable. aa 162 waa tha highest to get Into the charmed circle and two with that figure were forced out when a six-handed tie waa played off to deolde the laat four qualifier. Those that tied at 143 were L. W. Klnnear of Detroit, W, J. McDonald of Midlothian, Drake Llghtner of St, Paul, Clarence Stan ley of Indianapolis, F. . P. Carr of Dea Moines and H. N. Chamber of Omaha. Carr and Chamber wr defeated In the playoff. Albert Seokel. Hlndle, defeated William Bheehan i up and 1 to play. H. E. Ha..t.r, aiiaisthlso.. ftefssted r&l R. Talbot I up and 1 to play. W. I. Howland, Jr., Glenvtew, defeated Holden Wilson, Cincinnati, 4 up and to Play. ... Mason Phelpa,' Midlothian, defeated J. D, Blandish, Detroit, up axid 1 to play. W. E. Clow, jr., Onwentsla. defeated Wal ter Fnlrhanka Danvar. 1 " .v.. ' .....i.e. 'N tMlvia nwgw n uu tiustutiu , 18. Today. T'l Harry Legg. Mlnlkahda.... 70 70 140 Mason Pheips, Midlothian.. 74 71 148 Albert Seckel, Hinsdale.... 74 71 146 Ralph Rider, Pes Molne., "6 0 164 H. P. Bend, St. Paul; U 75 157 Wm. Bheehan, Dea Molnea. 70 ' 71 167 Wm. Bheehan, Dea Molnea. 70 71 U7 Pon'd Edward, Midlothian 71 80 161 Oordon Yuel. Kenosha II 0 t W. N. Chambers, Omaha... 60 41 Kll Ben Colllna, jr., Midlothian, ill g lti4 W. E. Code, Westward Ho. 83 84 10 J. A. Robert. Evaneton... bO a l9 R. H. Wllllama,' Evanston. twj 17 ITS YORK GETS STRAIGHTAWAY Team Make the Ron In Thirty Sec ond at State Plremeo's Tcnrnntiien t. YORK, Neb.. July 17. -(8peclal Telo- grum.) Thla afternoon the first race waa announced aa a d uble race, Seward and North Dend filing a protest lit the 163-yard eltalght-auay yesterday and the hoard deeldej to take the time In the 250-yard hose race. The time given In the atralght'MWuy was: York, 0 30 forth Bend, 0:10; Howard, 0:32; Friend 0.54. Two Hundred and Flftv-Yard Hose Race (York, 0:WH; Kwrd, :at 1-10; Friend, 0:14 North Bend. Injured coupling, and no time 1 n'ven. Hook and Ladder Rate; Fairmont, 0:43 flat; Lexington, 0:41. Fifty foot rupl:ng-York, 0:14 1-10 Friend, 0:14V.; Clark, 0:15 1-10. . Two hundred and Fifty-Yard Hce Race: Clark, 0 aj'4; Fremont, 0 42S; Sargent, n un ATI1LET1CSL0SET0SENAT0RS Washington Soores Four Suns in Eighth Inning. SCORE IS FIVE TO F0UE Philadelphia Blaaked After roarth Klberfeld Gets Threo-Baso liltThree Doable Play. PHILADELPHIA, July 17.-Phlldelphla lost today's gam to Washington, S to 4. Waahlngton won by scoring four runt In the eighth Inning 00 a single by Conroy, base on belle to Gassier, an error by Baker, a three-bagger by Klberfeld and Henry's out. Bcore: WASHINGTON. FHIUADEI J'HI A. AB H.O A B. AB.II.O.A.C. K-bMtsr, f. OUoH, If 4114 bellvelt, lb.. 4 1 19 I (Oldrlnf, ef... I Conror, II.... I 1 4 0 DCnllln OeuUr, rf.... Ill Skr, lb. I I 4 piesHd, .. 4 11 lIMvts. lb.., Kllllfw, tb... tMurphy, rf.. klbwM. Ik 4 1 4 4 4rry, ... (twbenaerf, I 4 0 1 Thomas. ., Menrr, C 1 4 4 1 tDygeri, p.., I 11 Onu, p 4 041 ToUl Total 7 17 11 I Washington 0 0 1 0 .11 I 17 14 4 0 0 0 4 0-0 0 0 0 0 04 en and one- Philadelphia I 0 11 third Innlnga; off Plank, 0 In one and two- third Inning. Three-baae hit: Elberfeld. Sacrifice hit: Collin. Sacrifice fly: Davla. Double playa: Lellvelt to Gray to Kllllfer; paker to ceiiin to Davis; Maker to Davis to Thomas. Stolen bases: Lellvelt. Elber feld, Collins (1), Murphy. Left on bases: Washington, 7; Philadelphia, 4. First baae on error; Washington, I; Philadelphia, t. Struck out: By Gray, 1; by Dygert, I. Baaea on balls: Off Gray, I; off Dygert, t. Paaaed belli Thomas. Wild Ditch: Dvaert. Timet 1:60. Umplrea: Egan and O'Lough llo. HAYES DEFEATED BY BUNDY Paelfle Coast Champion wins from Illinois Man In Foarth Roan of Western Toorney. LAKE FOREST. III.. July 27.-In a mashing exhibition of hard fought, clever play on the court ot the unwentsia cluo here today, Thomas Bundy, th Pacific coast champion, defeated Walter Hayes, the Illinois state champion in tne tourtn round of the annual western championship tennis today. Hayea took the first set, the acre for th match being 8-4, 6-4, 0-1. The reaulta: Third round, men a alngles Gardner de feated Hill, 0-1, 0-1. Whitman defeated Miller, 0-4, 4-4, 4-t Eisner defeated Bur ton, 1-7, 7-1. 4-4. Fourth round, men's alnglea Bundy de feated Hayes, 3-0, 4-4, 0-. Gardner de feated Haaelhurat, 4-1, S-L Second round, men's doubles Goodbody and Keith defeated Kreel and Butler. 1-0, 0-4, O-L 0-2. Preliminary round, women s singles Mrs. Crane defeated Mis Waldo. 7-6, 6-4. Mrs. Brewer defeated Miss Bmitn, -o, o-x. First round, women s singles Miss Whit ing -defeated Mrs. Maasey. 0-4, 0-1. Mis Reaa defeated Mlsa Burnham. 0-1, 6-1. Mrs. Davla defeated Mr. Brewer, 1-0, 0-1, 4-4. 8OMBRI BUYS ttNTIRB INTEREST Vleo President of Cleveland Clnb Bar Oat Preaident, CLEVELAND. O., July 27. Vic Preal- dent C. W. Somera of the Cleveland baae bull club, today aequlred th tntereat of Preaident Kllfoyl in the club for a con sideration said to border on the 1400,000 mark. Ha la now aole owner of the club. Messr Somera and Kllfoyl have been as sociated owners Of the Cleveland team since 1000, when the American league waa organised. : - Denleon Defeat Dow City. ': - DENISON, It.." July t7. (Special.) Denl- son bail team defeated - now citystiare Tuesday. 4 to 1. Holmbach- ot Counoll Bluffs' pitched a no hit game for Denlaon. Anderson of Dow City pitched for . his team: doing well, but waa- not properly supported. Charter Oak' team will play ,t Denron Wednesday. Detroit Boy Loodlell, DALLAS. Tex.. July 27. Pitcher Loudlell Of the Waco, Tex., club ha been aold to the Detroit American. He will report to Detroit at onee. News Notes of Sportdom Tim Flood, the recently acquired Omaha aeoond baseman, la playing a fast field ing game and Is a good hitter. The Rourkes have a fairly good lead over Dea Molnea and are rapidly overtaking St. Joaeph. With thirty gamea yet - to play a winning streak would work won der. "Dope" ha It that acouta for the big league are working as they have never worked before, and are going over the brush leagues with a fine tooth comb In eeareh. of, winning material. Walter Camp, although he is still dis satisfied with foot ball rules, thinks the alterations already made will make some great games thla fall, camp predict that Yal will not have aa atrong a team this year aa In the laat two or three year. The moot enthusiastic base ball fan In Kansaa la totally blind. He la Gish at Abllln. il attend all the ball game and can ten witn tne aimosi uncanny In tuition of the blind where nearly every play la mad. and who makee th putout. On of th biggest sporting events Omaha baa aver seen will open August 1. Tennis player from all over the United State will gather for the National Clay C'purl Tennis tournament. Omaha haa an oppor tunity w mnOm Wii it aiavliuv VOCUIIU Q none aa a piece tor not oniy tennis tour nament, but for any kind of an athletic, tournament In lh list ot aporta. Kearney I no place for an umplr. Dur ing a game between Kearney and Grand island a few days ago, Umpire Boswoll decided a play unfavorably for die Kearney team. He immediately necame tne center of an angry bunch of spectator, and when the smoke had cleared away he had a biulsed head to anow tor it. Ana an umpire la paid to make decisions. According to reports from out on the coast, Jimmy Coffrolh, the wall known fight promoter, la planning a "test" bout for California as tns flrat move toward a revival of the game. With Ad Wolxast as Star pcnurmai, lie I sum iu u plan n ng for a twenty-rouna go, it the au thorities do not cut It to ten. If it is allowed to go through at twenty, the pro moters will feel that they hav gained on point at iaai. Couldn't Come Hack. "Servant girl must all look pretty mueh alik to man," vald the woman with the twinkly ye. "At least they do to ray huuliar.d. "1 had been without one for nearly two weeka, and I couldn't seem to convince my husband of the difficulty of getting ope worth havjng. Flnully he got very cros about It one evening and, picking up the paper, he pointed to the 'Bltuatlone Wanted' column and announced that her wer score of girls advertising for places. 'I'll get on for you this very evening,' h announced. ' "He Cupled off several addresses and went Out. Did he come back with one 7 Indeed, lis did, In about half an hour. And who do yeu Ihlnlc he had in tow? 'That Impudent, nasty Delia, the girl I discharged only two weeka ago. Of court, ho hadn't recognised her, and she came in aa Impudent a you please, with ail her bundlos, prepared to stay. But vou can gamble she didn't. And my husband ha decided to leave thoxu mutters to ma In the future.' New York Times. Coarlua! vc. The girl with th blonde hair and the dark st lrl wliU th dimple were making var ious purchases preparatory to thair summer vacation. When ll came to bathing suits there wa a dlaagreemenl. The girl wUn th blonde h-lr wanted to select a de cidedly abbreviated roatume, and the dark girl with the dimple v.a trying to dt auade htr. "Vou ar not tall enough to wear ll." re monstrated, the drk girl. "Don't you know a sk'rt that nit abov tha knee mukas a girl look shorter!" - "1 kno It ui.i-e. the men look lunger,." Insinuated tha little blonde. And that aeitled the matters-New Yoi-k Times. Billy Brooks Wins Fifteen Trot and Breaks a -Record Fast Colt Retrieves Hard Luck in Two and Three-Year-Old Form in Hot Race. KALAMAZOO, Mich., July 17. Th Sec ond day of Grand Circuit racing showed up the sensational trotter of the year In th four-year-old colt Billy Burke, who won the feature event-tha 13.000 stake for t.U trotter trotting tb fourth heat In 1:064, which tlea the world's record for a fourth heat, held Jointly by Beusetta and Bob Douglas. Th gray gelding, Robbie Mc Gregor, beat Billy Burke In the flrat heat, but after that the eon of Silent Brook bad things hi own way. The 2:01 pacers had a great battle, and the race waa finally won by the favorlta, King Cole, Waverly Winning the first heat In 2:04V the fastest time of th. race. The Judge did not think Driver Owing we trying to win with Tho Philistine In the first heat of th 1:17 pace, which Hallle Lou took with little difficulty. With Walker up in tb next heat, The Phlllatln finished In front, but May Quean waa beat In th third, after which th race was post poned on account of darkness. Track and weather conditions were again Ideal. Every favorite won In the contest which were finished. Summaries; Pacing, 2:00 slaaa, purs 11,000, three In five: ivlng Cole, b. h.. by BInger-Redlnda (Dodge) I 1 1 1 Waveriy, b. g., by Oratorio (Cam ming.) 1 I T I Joe Brown, b. g. (Rash)., 4 4 11 Doctor M., oh. h. (iseattle) 2 114 Donax, oh. g. (McMahan) 17 12 Shamrock, ch. h. (Bradford) 0 6 4 7 Rolllna, b. g. (Dean) Til Hallle Direct, rh. in, (Jonea) I 2 3dl W. A., b. g. (Floyd) , Ji Richard Grat(an, blk. g. (Elliott).. dla Demonla Wllkea, b. h. (Helman).. di Time: 1:04, 2:06, 2:06. 2:0614. Trotting, class, slak W.vuO, three In five; Billy Burke, br. c. by Silent Brook- Crystals, last (Benyon) ,. Sill nobble U. Mcuregor, g. g., by HOD ert T. MoGregor (McDonald) lit Henry H.. b. g. (Dean) 4 11 Annette R.. blk. m. (McCarthy).... I S 4 Myrtle Grannette, blk. m. (An drew) H I I Belle Colbert, b. m. (Fenelon) 17 7 6 Oakland Flobar, br. h. (Laaelle).... 0 0 Id Is Decoration, ch. g. (Keating) 3dls Time: 2:00V. 2:08V., 2:084. 2004. Trotting, 2:18 class, purse 1,000, three In five: Sable Maid. blk. m.. by Rudy- Margaret Mill (Murphy) 1111 Banon Penn, br. h., by William Penn (Shuler) 1 B t t Velsora, b. m. (Cox) 12 4 1 Caatle Pome, b. h. (Chandler) S S I 4 Henry Winter, b. h. (McDonald).. 4 4 6 3 u. J., cri. g. (Owing) dls Time: 1:11V.. 2:1SV4. 1:104, 2:124. Pacing, 2:17 class, purse 11,000, three In five, unfinished 1 Hallle Lou, b. m., by Hal B. (Snow). 1 S 1 The Philistine, b. h, (Owinga and Walker) Ill May Queen, b. m. (McLaln) 4 12 Lady Athel, b. m. (Bpangler) 4 4 Harold P., rn. g. (Hunnell) dla Time: 1:0714, . Ml. RED OAK RACK RESULTS Emma Z and Ben Bile Fight Hard! In Twenty Pae. RED OAK, la., July 27. (Special Tele-gram,)r-To racea opened today with the track la good condition and a big crowd in attendance.. The eventa acheduled wer 'the 2:22 trot. In which there were seventeen starrer,! and th iso- paoe,-in'whlch' ight faced th starter. - ,- The trot was a hot race and went to the full five heats. Emma Z. and Ben Biles held equal positions In the summaries at the finish and divided flrat and aeoond moneys, nest time, l:Z0"4-. Harry C. captured the pace In atralght heat. Best time, 2:14V.. Tomorrow Baron Dillon, Jr., and Colonel Axoyone will resume the fight which they have been carrying on In Nebraaka, when they meet In the fifteen trot. Eight other are entered in this race. The twenty-five pace, with fourteen en tries, and the three-year-old trot, with ten entriea, are also scheduled." ' The firemen's - parade waa one of the features today. The Clinton, Sioux Cty and Red Oak teams wer lined up for this. Cherokee Indians Lose, DAVID CITY, Neb., July S7.-(Speolal.) Th Cherokee Indian base ball team. now touring Nebraska, waa defeated In a hot game at Pavld City yesterday by a score of 0 to 6. The game wit marked by rapid double playa and atellar fielding. Howser for David Ctty and Payne for the Indiana atarred at bat. Th Indians go to Oaoeola for their next gP-me. . No matter in what way an old sore or ulcer first oommenoecl, whether from a wound, out, or bruloo, or from tie ulceration of a pimple, wart or mole, or evoii If it came without reason, the fact that it does not heal shows that bad .blood Is back of the place. While the circulation remains Impure and polluted the .nerves end tissue of the flesh around the place are constantly being fed with unhealthy matter, and the fibres are thus prevented from knitting together and healing; Purify the blood and the plaoe MUST heal, its cause having been removed. B. B. 8. cures old sores and chronlo ulcers because it is the greatest of all blood purifiers.' It cleanses and removes from tne circulation every taint or impurity, and so enriches the blood that it feeds and nourishes the tender, sensitive flesh, causes a knitting together of all fibrous tissue, and thus heals the place entirely; Jt works on the simple principle of curing by removing the impurities which produce the trouble. Book on Sores and TJloers and any medical advloe free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA You will find our late night train to Denver convenient. TUE COLORADO LIMITED NO. 9 ,, It Leaves Omaha at 11:25 P. M. -Jt Arrives in Denver at 1:00 P. M. This is the usual Burlington standard, high-clues dynamo' electric lighted, fast train .fvir ears, diners, 6tandard and observation sleepers. ' Omaha-Denver Sleeper Ready at 9:30 P. H. THE OVERLAND EXPRESS, NO. 3 It Leaves Omaha at 4:10 P. M. It Arrives in Denver at 7:20 A, M. Electric lighted throughout, with chair cars, dinerB, .also through standard and tourist sleepers for Rait Lake, Los Angeles and Sim Francisco. -: . , ..Call or write .for Illustrated publications, descriptive of etc., J Bell.' Doug. n p'''7-t TV M MILLERS WIN FROM COLONELS Louisville Takes Losing End ol Close Game. BOTH SCORE IN. THE LAS1 Minneapolis Captures Game br Land , las; Oao In Fifth and Another 'v In Math- Two Three-Banners. LOUISVILLE. July 27,-Mlnnaapoll from Loulsvlll today, I to 1. . Boor; won tOUISVILLg. ,, M1NNSAPOUI AB.H.O.A.S. AB.H 0 A.S. ItdMn.nn, ss. I 1 I I Clrir, of ... II PVkerln rf. 4 I HAItlstr. 41 Btanlar, ef... 14 CO'N.ll, If.... 411 Howard, lb. . 4 1 I 0 Williams, lb. t 0 4 Bnhannan, Ik 4 1 4 I eRoaaman, rf.. 4 I 1 Flalier, If.,,, I I 1 Or.rrla, lb.,, I 1 I I I i . Masre, 1110 ouiu, ID , If Hushes,' ). IX'rl. I ritron, 1 4 aw, p... 1 0 Hall .... 110 0 Total If T It 11 I . Total ..... I 17 11 Batted tor Weaver In the ninth, Louisville 00000000 11 Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1-2 Two-baae hit: Magee. Three-baa hits: Robinson, Ferris. Btruck out: By J. Doyle, 2; by Patteraon, 4; by Weaver, 1. Baae on ball: Oft J. Doyle. 1; off Patterson, I; off Weaver, 1. Umplr; Hay and Owen. Time; 1:46. t. Panl Defeat ladlnnapolta. . . . INDIANAPOLIS, July 27,-Pltcher Laroy who was retired at the end ot three In nings yesterday, ' "cam back" today and let Indianapolis down without a hit, St. Paul winning, 4 to 2, and making the series an even break. The locals had to us three pitchers. Score: ST. PAUU INDIANAPOM. - AB.H.O.A.S. AB.H.O.A.S. Cl.rks, If.... I 1 1 0 oChadbourno, of I 04 1 Bratn. lb I Jon., cf..,.. I 1 s imtiiama, lb e e s t liarean, rf.. 4 4 4 4 ICarr, lb 4 0 11) 4 blhaty, M 4 4 4 e 0 IHnwIay, c... 1 O 4 4 OBn-wermsn, 1 0 4 1 1 0 IMuroh. lb... 110 1 CMIIMian, as . 1 I 0 1 I 1 ' MiM 'ormlrs, a. I Murray, rt.. I 1 I Aulrar, lb... I 0 10 Bouofcsr, lb.. 4 Lilly 4 iroy, p...., I 0 I I Olaae. p U I 0 10 I 17 I Ichanar. ... t Do4, p 1 Totals ' , . nTllili M IT 4 I St. Paul 0 0 0 0 1 I 0 1 04 lndlanapolla 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Two-base hit: Jonea, McCormick. Three base hit: Clark. Struck out; By Olaae, 4; by Cheney. I; by Laroy, 4; by Dowd, 1. Stolen bases: Delenanty (I). Olaae, Brain, Murray. Base on balls: Off Laroy, I; off Glas, .-; off Cheney, I. Sacrifice nlla: Jonea, Autrey. Hlta: Off Glas. 4 In five Innlnga, none out In the alxth: off Cheney, 1 in three Innings; off Dowd, 0 In one In ning. Umplrea: Chill and Bush. Time: 1.46. Colombo Wins Final. . 4 COLUMBUS, July 27,-Columbu won tho final game of the aerlea with Milwaukee, 8 to 0, the visitor being unable to do anything with Llebhardt's delivery. Cant well was knocked out of the box In tho third, when alx runa were scored. McGlynn finished the game. Score: OOIAJMBU. MILWAl'KtB. "" AS. H.O. A. S.'. W rattan, lb.. 641 plsenear, of., 1011 Hlnohman, It 4 1 10 OCharlea, lb . 4 0 14 AB.H.O.A.S. . AB.H.O.A.S Concalum. rf 6 I 1 IRajidall. rf 10 14 I 0 11 0 Downs, lb... I 1 4 I lMaOaiin, lb. Rsllly, cl.... 1 I 4 (Clarke, lb.. 04 wall, lb.... I 111 CLwwl. aa... Mahllng, s.. 1 1 1 I CBraan, if... Arbogaat, e. 4 I I 0 0 Marshall, c. Llebhardt, p. 4 0 1 tlcantw.ll, p. - MoOlynn, p. Totals M UH1I 2Brtllfrt .. 4 1,1 4 0 1 i a. 4 0 14 4 11)0 i 14 140 1 0 0 0 , . Totsls It 4 14 11 I Batted for MoOlynn In ninth. ' Columbus 00410010 4 Milwaukee 00000000 0-0 Stolen base: Odwell, Mahllng, Spencer. Sacrifice hits: Mahllng, Rellley. " Sacrifice fly: Mahllng. Baaea on ball: Off Cant well, 8; Llebhardt, 4. Two base hlta: Con palton, Rlolley. Hlndeman. Double play: Mahllng and 6dwell; Chadle, Lewi and MeGann. Hit by pltoher: Spencer. Struck out: By Llebhardt, J; by MeGlyna, t-Hlti Off Cantweil, 0 In thre Inning. Umpire: Blcrhaiter and Cusack. Time: 1V46. Toledo Defeat Kansas Cltr. TOLEDO, July 27. Toledo defeated Kan sas City today In the closing game of th series, holding the visitors safe at all times. Soor: TOLEDO. KANSAS CITY. AB.H.O.A B. AB.H.O.A.S. Hallmao, rf. I 0 1 0 (Shannon, If., I 1 1 Hlnohman, jp I III oOooaah, rf... I i 4 a 0 tulllvan, of,.. I 110 OHuntsr, lb.,. 4 1110 Hickman, If. I 1 1 oLova, a I i 4 f mniiii, v. a a a vria-iuary, ,. . a s 1 Duller, as.... 4 111 CHIttar, s I 4 4 1 -0 Land, I 4 I 1 OBarbaau, lb.. I 0 I t MoCartbr, lb 4 1 4 dPnwnla. lb... I 0 I i 1 lingung, p., ill SBrandom, ., Totals 17 7 87 14 , 0 Total ,.w..2T I 14 11 I Toledo 0 6 0 2 0 0 2 0 4 Kansas City .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 fcaorlflce hits: Hallman (2), Hlnchman. Sacrifice fly: Freeman. Baaea on ball: Off Yingllng, I; off Brandom, 4. Struck out: By Ylngllng, 1; by brandom, I. Double play: Butler to Hlnchman to Freeman (2); Mc Carthy to Freeman. Left on bases: Toledo, 7; Kansas City, 2. Hit with pitched ball: Cocash. Tim: 1:66. Umpires: Guthrl and Feruarson. PERIIiViElITLY HEALS 50HES AIID ULCEUS EIRV1CIE any tour ot the west you have in mind. Tiekets, berth reservations, information, CITY TICKET OFFIOE : 1&02 rarnam Street, Omaha, Neb. 3580. Independent, A-3323 V i If I f f I i 9, I