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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1910)
THE BEE: OMAHA', THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1910. V. f iyr''o VTl TTTT 1 S S Closing of Our July Sale Special Sales Each Day Thursday for Shoes Choice of all our $5 and $6 Ladies' Low Shoes, Pumps and Ties $3 .50 ;m row rropirs j 1 AWM tTHff V 5 ; .1518-1520 FAENAM STREET. grttt next j'overnber I n?epary to ac complish tlie etitli program ef the Taft administration. ..'.-.-, - "Tli, tariff liat been revised In. accord anca with republican doctlne of protecting home'-Industrie and Amtrlcan ! labor It did not rait tit rat of duty on -a single common food product. Tha increase mad war on luxurle and articles not of or dinary uo. It affords no nior than an adequate protection to the Industries of the nation, and Is fair alike to consumers, laborers and producers. No tariff bill was more unjustly assailed. It has Justified the expectation's of 'Its friends by turning a national deficit Into a. surplus, while at the same tlm deducing th average rate of all duties. Its maximum and minimum rates have operated to give us for-the first time equality of -opportunity with other nations In our foreign. trad. ' i- ' "Th republican party through congress and th president have' given free trad with th Philippines with such limitations as to sugar and tobutfeo as will afford protection to domestic Industries and has established customs court. - ' Tariff Board Aapro-re-d. "Recognizing Inequalities due to changing conditions or that otherwise, may be found to exist, congress ha ' provided a tariff board,, with an ample appropriation, for the investigation of the differences In th cost of production at home and abroad, so that If any . rates Are found to be higher than necessary to Naftor.d labor i a high wage and capital, a, fair return, those rates will bo reduced."'. V.' :- ' vt.-; t ... Praise la given, to ttta railroad law and a list of congressional achievements is given. Th platform continues; ; i "Our senators- and representative in congress hav rjieintHlned the highest Stand ard of ability, and. deyotiotv, to duty which hav always characterised Ohio's represen tattca in the federal legislature. "W favor legislation .which will revive our mercfiant marine, ' th;. equal enforce ment of all laws; an adequ&to national de fense, with a navy ample to protect all pur Interests at hem arid abroad, .while' favor ing arbitration in the settlement of Inter national disputes; the systematic, compre hensive and businesslike Improvement of our rivers, harbor and waterways and suoh amendment of the anti-trust law as final judicial Interpretation proves to be neces sary for th proper regulation of monop olles. .' . "W commtifa vthav action congress1 in the creation of, a loornmtoslon to nytlgat th question -it employers' liability laws and workmen's compensation acts, and to ' make recommendations t the, president and to th congrete. V believe that m dustrlal accidents to worVmen ''Should be treated as inevitable accidents to Industrial operations and the compensation therefor as a part of th cost of production. Th experience of other countries demonstrates that this principle' oan be applied to our industrial condition without Increasing th burdens of Industry. "We endorse the principle of conserva tion of our natural resources and cordially endors th action of th present icongress la enacting, and of President Taft in ap proving, legislation along this line. W refer particularly, first, to the act of con grass, conferring upon th president express pbwer to withdraw lands as public welfare demands; and, second, to the act separating th surface from th coal -and authorising agricultural homestead entries on landf heretofore withdrawn from entry or settle went under coal land classification. Under this act, millions of acres of the public domain can be entered by homesteaders and limited patent to surface aranted. re srvlng the title to th coal in th federal government for future disposition in ac cordance with law. "W demand that enforcement of exist ing laws ana th enactment of new laws tor th protection, wis ua conservation of th natural resources under th control of federal government. The resources, such as th coal deposits of Alaska, water power and reservoir sites, snoum be developed under a system by wnicii any abuses of monopoly can be avoided, extortion from the consumer pre vented and juat compensation to the public omainea. Other planks ar for: Limiting th tax fat for all DUrnnaaa In tan mllla mu,. vian and regulation of all publlo utilities by a commission, giving to municipalities the right to horn rule and to th people the right to vote dlreot.on th granting oi puniio franchises; legislation for estb llsliing good roads; protection of labor state law requiring tho publicity of cam pa. en contrlbutloes; the ratification of the income tax amendment to the federal con stltutlon; individual punishment for cor porate offences, a.n.1 tlia ,-aiHm, s9 - ... ttutlonsl convention to draft a new state constitution. ' i TWO MORE DEATHS FROM i INFANTILE PARALYSIS Her aeon from Marine Hospital erv - lie and gtate Official Co.opvrate I with Maaon City Officers. MASON CITY, la..- Jaly tl.-tSpeclal.)'-Tfr mor victims surrendered to the dread Infantile paralysis Tuday. Karl HubLrd, a young man about M years of age, and Leslie Clark, aged 4 years. Charles Trlb bktcock, aged years, the oldest age on record afflicted with ths disease. Is still living and may recover. On Thursday fqur-of the prominent med ical experts of the state and nation will b In the city to begin a systematic and Intelligent campaign agulnat the eucrojeh-nw-ni of the disease. lr. 'tii H. Krost, assistant surgeon the . I'nJuU .States Health and Marine Jlotpttal service of Washington, IX C . is to lead in the move ment. Ore. Mork'a, McManus and ilk-hard-son. members of th State Board of Health, will all b litre, ami with tliem will b soma of the most prominent physicians of the stat, who ar after all the knowledge they can get regarding this little under '.it'Uxl disease. The government Is taking rib-tit hold of It and Mason City will be the basis of operation for the next month r alx week. Th 8tat Board of Health 1 convinced that thl Is a germ disease. Week Pair It Is quit probabl that every part of th city will be thoroughly sprinkled. What ever Dr. Frost and hi board of advisors decide to do th cltisens will enter heart ily into It. ; Quite a number of mothers with young children have. been frightened by th dis ease and are makinor temDorarv homes out .rvl"5 " a""X. mwmmm of the city. During th last two weeks to reach a program, on, th liquor plank, At Ther hav been In all not to exceed sixty noon th document had not been con number of case remains about th same structed and nd report wii expected until There have been In all not to exceed clxty cases, and possibly 10 to 16 per cent hav I proved fatal. Th great fear of th dis- ease Is not death, but that It leaves a per- son, if ther Is raoovery, crippled for life. Council Bluffs .oy on Bicycle Hit by Automobile Arthur Wyatt Runs in Front of Ma chine and Hat Narrow JEicape. ., Arthur Wyatt, a U-year-old. boy .residing at 1511 South Eighth street,- was struck and knocked from his bicycle yesterday after noon at th corner. of $outh Sixth street and First avenue by an automobile driven by C. E. Mario w, of Massena,: la. '. Tha lad was severely bruised and received two cuts, one just above th left eye and the other over the left tempi. ana iccunni wu un-.voia.Die, ana was caused by the boy turning upon th avenue wmIo ,nn. , r,nt .u- -..i .... J T a- ..j. a and r.n'.lmo.t sauarelv in front of th. ma- aUI.. .aA-lAM. kla a. ..1.1 ..J amMmA In rarlnr tnr th wn, in rlawl W. Th. ImA w.a t.W.n' r. h l,fto f Tr D . - " " w. 1 Houghton and wa later taken home. The injuries ar not serious, the physician says, but th boy had a narrow escape from be ing killed. Marlow mad no effort to con ceal hi identity,, and those who saw the accident deny that he manifested a desire to get away. He say he wa going about ten mile an hour, put ether say he was. traveling At a twev-mll gait. DESERTED WIFE SENDS .OFFICER AFTER HUBBY Tracked EUrcn Hundred Miles and Located at Detroit, Minn., Wktsee Ho 1 Bronaht Baek, . . Constable Baker returned yesterday from Detroit, Minn., a small town forty miles east of Fargo, N. IX, having In custody Arthur Ruby, who waa arrested ther and brought ' her upon complaint filed by his wife, charging htm with desertion. The distance traveled wa over 1,100 .miles, r i,iw ,wmia. Ruby resided with Ms wlf and family of four small children at Crescent. Things were not moving along to suit his fancy, and on November 22, last year, h left home without making any provision tor tn care of the little flock dependent upon him. The few letter that he sent back war of a character to make tha deserted wife feel more bitterly the painful position in which she was left and with th fury and de termination of a scorned woman she went after the recreant spouse. She tracked him from place to place, but ha eluded th offl oers sent to arrest him. 6h finally looated him In th harvest-field district of tha northwest and. aent tha looal officer after him. Ruby 1 now In th county Jail await ing a hearing upon an information filed In Justice Cooper offiu. HOGAN WALKS FROM TOWN alenwood Man' Mtory of Robbery Hoe Not Brio Aid Desired of Polleo. Mike Hogan of Qlenwood, la., found hi way Into th Counoll Bluff polio station at . a i.l., rua. aA a mimnlniP acta . h.hvavm whom h an. Hnnth Main uiwn the Burlington and Rock Island depots, at U:S0 o'clock. He exhibited a badly bruised face and generally dishevelled appearance, indloatlng pretty rough treatment. He said tho' men knocked him down immediately after accosting him. robbed him of i and a gold watch and gave hi in several savage kicks In th ribs a he lay helpless on th pavement, Some suspicion wa cast upon Hogan's story on account of th wonderful detail of his description of th two hold ups. HI description was aliudat a eiact as If recorded from Bertlllon measurements. Color of the hair, eyes, eyebrows,, complex ion, number of missing teeth, minutest de- 1 tail of dress. Jewelry, Including finger j rings, were among the thing observed by him whil being, beaten, robbed and kicked. When It was recalled that th streot Is but dimly lighted thetd and th hour was dark est midnight, with a torrential thwidor storm In progress, Hogan's tale appeared somewhat improbable. Appeals at th sta- tlou for transportation to Olenwood and breath that wa still redolent with whisky fumt-a Inspired still less confidence,' and Mr. Hogait waa Invited to walk out of town. Weentrd Uargaln. A worker for . tha Salvation Army tell tne following story: " X .. I.-.! ..... .. ,.... ' - 1 . . ., M an uptown street the other daw -wh-re 1 waa netting ready to hold a meeting-. Ihe man loosed pretty much up attains! 11. ana 1 watuntd to st- what he wouM do. Ho approached a bystander, aliamo facedly, and muttered something. The I man asked him to re-at It, and t heard ine pea-far Say; "'Please, air, will yju glv me W cental for a bed? certainly, certainly,' th man replied. taking a dime from hia pocket. 'Where is in. ia r - uosiou Traveler. ir you hav anything to sell or trad ao vert la It In The He Want Ad ol- umna and get quick result a SESSION Committee on Flatfona ii SiTded on Liquor Plank. NEW STATE CENTBA1 COJiMTTTIE Jt. F. Re ( Ottumwa I Cfeoa tsslrsiii -J. J. Hsibm la Mem- ber from Coooell Blaff . Candidal Porter Talk. OTTUMWA, la., July 27. The democrats Stat convention was called to order her today for the purpose of adopting a plat form, nominating two candldatee for tn supreme Court bnch and choosing a nw stat central committee. Th opera house in which th delegates met resembled a bak oven. All, boats and many collars were abandoned. With -the arrival of additional delegates a pronounca ssnumen in iui v. Olarlng delegate for high' license local option (not county-wide) became - viaent. Ther was alio much sentiment beijtna a declaration to modify th primary law so as to reduc th expense. Th recent prl marlaa ar aald to have cost about 11 a voto. Among th leaders, it u gtated, when drawn, tha platform would declar for the recall, not mentioning tn toiion iw, uo the reorganisation of th Btat Railway commission and would condemn the new noatal savings bank law as tending to con oentrat money in tha cast, and th hew administration law. . ' The commute on resolutions was unable th afternoon session New itat Committee Th member of th , new state central committee given in th order of their re spectiv dlstriots: Aiav Milier. Washington. j. a. VanLent, Muscatine. T M. Duffy. L)ubuqu. Timothy Kefouran, Hampton. E. R. Moore, Anamosa, K V Raed. Ottumwa. Henry Blgleman, Des Moines. Lr. J. w. ieyniaa, iimu. J. J, HUgnes, Viouncil Diuna. J. F. Dslton, Mftnson. W. H. Beck. Bloux uy. Mr. Reed was made chairman.. Abstract of Platform The platform . as reported by the com ml t tee reads In part: 'We denounce the republican tariff act as a masterpiece of Injustlc, Involving re morseless action from .fce many to enrich th few through th trtists and monopolies which it fosters. Tariff exaction. Ilk other taxation, should be for public pusposes only "Illegal trusts and . combination are in tolerable. They are fostered by republican tariff legislation. We favor the vigorous enforcement of the criminal . law against guilty trust magnate and officials. I "We, favor a law provimng ior iir aim Just regulation of th rates and service of railways, telephone, telegraph ana express - . ll ....ii.lea We oompame- " ""tJi nnlv bsllev franchise, should . b granted only upon consent of th voter. Th Dlatform goes on. to chfcrge publican party- with th. rklees expendl- EUre Dl JUUM41U mu 1DB bibuwvu v , , . ... A iL- I.. . A flltAAl f OA 0tCl VOt Bl-Wf PWl.; The noom tax ignored. ADDRESS OF CLAUDE R. PORTER far Governor LtmMHi tno Repnbllcan Party. OTTUMWA, Is,, July XI. Claud R. Por- r democratlo nomine for governor of tow; addressed th democratlo stat con Vehtron today... He said ', W,'1toM In. Iowa, of any party or any canWta for, any of fio enter this cam ff&.&TS'X feats of either myself or my party. I con fldently believe that I hav sound basis for my faith. The slia of th vote against us In time past should not daunt ua Our attention as democrats has not been altogether directed of lata to th rank and fll of th opposition and with what munlfl cent results th two brilliant and able United 8tates senator and a majority of our congressmen hav voted in congreas aaalnst a further Increase of th burden .. nn tha rnunv and have In lZ"t.A ., '..!. viia i.b. . - , defended with power the Justice and rlght ouaneea of their vote and conduct. 'With such distinguished advocates of the cause which w hav for years pleaded in vain in old Iowa, hav w not valid reason for believing that our people will yet be brought to a realisation of their past poli tical mistakes and help us bring about th reform we so earnestly desire. 'That we ar met in a tlm of great poli tical unrest and uncertainty is a fact patent to all. That a portion of the source of this uncertainty can be traced to the Whit Hou at Washington Is also well known. No president ever apparently launched his administration on a fairer sea than WU- llam H. Taft and no president ha met with ao mauy Wmxik-ra In short a season. Nominated by his prdeoasor, who n- Joyd In a larg aegre tn and esteem of American people and elected on th' express understanding that his administration was to be a continuance of that of ! sponsor, he has within eighteen months undone all that waa ac complished by his predecessor la seven I ytWAl'sV. Wall street that In his anger If any con- gr.ssmen should oppose his desired legls- ltiou h ha. gone to th extreme of petty politics and refused th men of their aelectlon appolntmenta to minor postof- tics, and commenced hlB semi-official Jauut acros the country by acclaiming Senator Aldrlch as the leader of the United States senate. The republican . party went Into power with a definite promts in its platform that it would rvl th irlff with on standard In view, and that wa the dif ference in th oott of production at horn and abroad. 'How. did tho republicans treat that promise T How was It fulfuIledT Let the .enior senator of Iowa answer 'It was laughed at as ridiculous.' Whera was the candidate who was elected oiu this . pledge? What aas he do lug?. During the long wekH. when organized greed thronged the capital, and the democrats and -a small minority of republicans contended for an honest re vision of the tariff cheUul. not a single encouraging word for the it'ur escaped the Hps of the prcsidrnt. "And then a as writtti. on the statute books of our land a law characterized by Senator Lieverldge as 'so destitute of Jus tice, so burdensome and ao dangerous, that nothing can prevail upon me to give It muvvu "Truly, while Home burned Nero fiddled." Ur. Porter attacked th president In re gard to the bill regulating railways, and tlie Income tax. Continuing h said: "If the lat eighteen months has done anything. It Is to remove any further un certainly but that the republican party as now controlled and managed Is the faithful ally of th vested wealth of the east. "Let th democratic party stand not for a dlscurslon of th tariff nor for Its enact ment in th Interest of th trust and the IOWA DEMOCRATS IN . combination that Infest th land, but for a fair, honest revision downward." An Income tax, popular election of United State senator, efficient control and regu lation of our railroads and economy In all governmental expenditures were urged. Dlscusalng stat affair, th speaker said: "Th governor of the stat Is by virtue of his position a leader of his party. And yet, In all the months of agitation and discussion and all th turmoil and conflict our governor ha remained profoundly silent. . "It has been currently reported that he I standpatter. In titties of political stress Ilk this th pec pi of th. atat have a right to know whether . on the tariff he stands with Tsft, Aldrlch and Cannon, or with Iollvr, whether ' h endorse th corporation attorney general from New York and his rata bill, or believes with Senator Cummins aa expressed at Creeton 'that It waa rotten throughout.' These and other question I apprehend may b In quired about as th campaign progresses." General Strike " - . of Building Trades in Chicago Now Eighteen Thousand Hen Will Quit Work at riTeOlclopk-rrowi Out of Otii" Elevator Tight. CHICAGO, July 7-A general strlka of building trade wa, de.cido.4 , upon at to day's conference of thlrty.-seven un'onai which met in a, flnal efort to ..obtain a settlement, with h.,Otla elevator company. Th strlk was called at (- o'clock, today and affects l,900,mn, v. . , DEMOCRATS FLOCllO ONAHA (Continued' from First Page.) excitement and ' real 'open and shut speeches, Ralph Clark 'had ho comment to make on politics. , ' . 1 HAIXBNBRRGER'S STMAM ROLLER Kept Metcalfe's Option Plank Safely In HI Pocket for Safetr (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, July 27. Spolal.)-One of th features of tha democratlo convention, which has not been played up, but whtoh Indicate how well ' Shallenberger and Hitchcock had the organisation In hand wa th way they put th gag' rule on Richard L. Metcalfe, candidate against Hitchcock for senator.' They not only got a resolution through th convention to pre vent Metcalf from submitting hi liquor plank a an amendment to the platform, but to make the play safe, th governor suppressed the copy' of the Metcalfe plank. After the convention had voted not to permit th discussion of "any resolution, which wa not reported a"s a majority or minority report from th resolutions com mittee, Metcalfe so - th story foes,' gave th copy of hi plank to tha governor, who said ha would give it to Dr. Baboock, member of tha committee. '" Dr. Baboock wa to report it as it minority resolution, When Metcalf informed "the convention that Dr. Baboock was to report hi plank and th doctor indignantly denied that he had ever "seen tha plank, 'there waa con slderabla speculation, but It developed later that Governor Bhallenberger had not turned tha plank over to the member of the reso lution committee. ' .' 1 Metcalf. waa hi posneuslon of thl fact. but declined to mki it THiMio tin the floor of the xonventioh w"'ti4tnlgh hav don and. which act' pfoMta$Cvrduld hav re sulted in . hla-i pUuiln bingi --adopted of : at least, diaaulsed by Ire idMatfateav -Several members'- of the oonveralti'-tewnd- of the. action. if the gnvernt'!a.nd'-expssl'on- Iderabl feeling, ovetr-the-matten.' ' 74 .,,-. ... 1 ,.m 1 1 , j, . ;. HEAT; AFFECJS:;;PATRQLMjN One of Oldest Officers on Force Be some Violent at Hoarding' Hons Mania Frank-Mtbbe. 1 -r Patrolman Smith, on of the oldest of ficers on the police fore, was affected by the heat at 10 o'clock last evening at hi boarding plaoe, 1S West Pierce Street, and Frank ' Hlbbs, with whom ' he make his home, was unable to restrain him. Th aosistanoe of hi fellow officer wa re quited. Officer Smith is. on day duty and complained frequently yesterday afternoon of th heat He was taken away from the residence and cared for.' during th night Later in th evening It was found necssary to detain him at th police station for fear h might do violence to Hlbbs. Hlbbs is a bar ber employed at XUVt Broadway, and wa pretty roughly handled by Smith, who la almost a giant In comparison. Demanded by th Trade. "Papa, how often have X told you not to ay I aeen you'" 'MOW, ye iook a-nera, saaggie, inter ruDted uncle Charlie Saaver. laying down his knife and fork, "maybe you will mak your llvln' by good grammar and higher liucvKtlon, but your m and ma air Jest Obliged to take in summer boarders, ana they demand th' dialect 11 tney pay our rates. So what I say goes, see,, whether she grammatio or not.' Puck. Persistent Advertising Is th Hoad to Big Heturrt. The. Weather For . Nebraska Cooler, For Iowa Continued warm. Temperature at Omaha yesterday: Hour . . t a. m 7 a. m Deg, .... 7S .... W 82 .... 86 .... f .... M .... K6 .... 9 It m..,' in 10 a. m 11 a. m IS m 1 P- m 2 p. m I p. m... ...... - 4 p. m P. m p. tn 7 pr 111......... 8 p. m I a. m. ........ ....102 ....lot ....103 ....102 ....100 .... Hi .... 74 I.oea) Record. OFFICE! OF THE WEATHER BUREA1T, OMAHA, July J7.-OfflcUl record of tem leiature B"u precipitation compart d with the corresponding period of the last three years: li10. lw. xnof. Maximum tempera t ur JOi HI - W 7 a MU.linum Urrneratur 1 74 i6- 74 62 xreuipiittiion v x i u Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March 1, and compared with the last two years: Normal temperature 77 Exoets for the day , 12 F.xcesn since March 1 , WV Normal pieclpltutlon 14 Inch Deficiency for the day 14 Inch Freclpitattlon since March 1 4.82 Inches Dcflclvncy since March 1 .-...U.W Inches Deficiency for cor. period 1909... .29 Inches Exotss for cor. period UueV 1 70 inches deport, from Utatlona at T I, M. . Station and Sxcte of Weather. Cheyenne, rain Davenport, cloudy. M. Denver, rain Des Moines, cluoiiy... lodge City, clear...... Lander, i t. cldy North .Plate, dear.... Omaha, pt. cldy Pueblo, clear Suit Lake, clourty. Santa F. pt. cldy Sheridan, clear Sioux City, rain Valentine, pt. cldy.... Temp. Max. 7 p. in. Temp. Raln f nil. .14 0 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T e. S4 7& M 8J M loo 14 74 feu 'SI 4 SJ 102 (6 1(M 104 U8 Hi S2 SO 0 Indicates trace' of precipitation. U. A. WELSH. Local Forecast mi-ooK 1S ITY COUNCIL PROCEEDING Mo ting Picture Theater to Be Given Some Attention. NEW UQHTINO REGULATIONS Hew Orleans Ask Coanrll to Adopt of Reaolntlona Favoring It Aspiration to Hold Panama Exposition. Nw regulations fir moving plctUr theater was th object of an ordinance In troduced In th meeting of the city council Tuesday night by A. C. Kugel. Th new regulations apply to the conditions of the lighting of th theater buildings, to th positions and arrangements of the various pieces of apparatus In which electricity is used and to th wiring and other mechani cal feature. Th enforcement of the law will be left to th city electrician. New Orleans made another bid for Omaha' support in the fight to see whether New Orleans or San Francisco holds the Panama canal exposition, by asking the council to pass -solutions in Its favor. The message came to th council through the office of Francis T. Tobln, a Philadelphia lawyer. It states th terms of a reso lution passed by th common and select council of Philadelphia and suggests that Omaha, for reasons set forth tn a lengthy statement, do the same. Th reasons are very similar to th argument presented to the Commercial club by New Orleans busi ness men. The decision of the Omaha gov erning body will be mad next Monday afternoon In the meeting of the commute of th whole. The request of th water board for $100,000 to be added to th general tax levy for water, purpose was approved. The reso lution takes no notice of tho suit recently filed by th water company demanding that the city be forced to Include also an addl tlonal tax to pay the hydrant rentals which ar still in arrears. From Tuesday night tha council will be reduced again to thirteen members. The thirteenth man who Is more regular in his attendance than some of the member Is Park Commissioner Kd Berrymanand the fourteenth who ha decided .to drop out 1 J. P. Palmer, an attorney. For two years lacking on month Mr. Palmer ha oc cupied at every council meeting a seat Inside the circle and nothing has escaped his eye and ear. Just why he ha been ther all that time and Just why he is now leaving no on knows. Tha nature of the client' business and the Identity of the client ar mysteriously hidden. Now a mysterious conclusion has come to tha af fair and he will be seen no more. Woman Killed by Lightning. DBS MOINES, la., July 27.-Mrs. A- C. Bayltss, wife of President Baylies of tho Bank of Cromwell, was struck by lightning and Instantly killed as she stood In th doorway of her home last evening. Iowa Now Notes. LORIMIER Leonard, th 12-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Williams, living near Lorlmor, died Sunday afternoon, fol lowing Injuries he received the first day of th month while helping put up hay. ELDORA Rev. L. C. Clark, who has been pastor of Methodist churches In El dora, Iowa City, Belle Plain and Osage, . ha accepted a call from the Wooley Memorial Methodist church of Chloago. He will begin hi pastorate on July. 31. MARSHA LLTOWN Roy . J. Guyer of Shlppensburg, has been elected physi cal director of tha Railroad 1 . M.-C A., to succeed A. B. Dawson of Montreal.- Can., who ha resigned to, go to the Cal gary, -Can.,- asoclatlon ' a . physical direc tor. .-; ; .,u . . , DENISON T. J. Kelly.- a shoe - mee chant of this .place, probably... holda the world s record for the length- of time he ha continuously played on one -base .ball team. For twenty-seven years Kelley has piayea second base Tor the Lenlson semi professional -team. He haa averaged three. games a week during the season. , MARSH ALLTOWN-John W. Chawn. . a casting grinder employed by the Lennox Furnaoe company, narrowly escaped death and lost his right hand Monday, when the high speed emery wheel he waa operating burst. - Fragments of the wheel riddled his hand so badly It had to be amputated at the wrist. Other pieces struck him In the groins. Inflicting serious Injuries. CREBTON Mrs. A. F. flayles of Crom well was struck by lightning during the heavy storm of yesterday afternoon, and Instantly killed wnlie standing in the yard at her home, tine waa 42 years old. and la daughter of T. S. H. Daugherty of 'his city, and sister of banker Ernest Daurh- rty of Cromwell. She leavea a husband and a family. NBVINVULLK The farmers' co-operative creamery at Nevlnville burnil to the ground Sunday. No olue as to how the fir originated Is known. Two hundred dollar worth of cream left from Saturday in one or tn vats wa lost, and an lo nous adjoining th creamery, containing 100 ton of loe was also lost The entire loss aggregates nearly ,000 with but 17.000 insuranoe. This creamery haa been a pay ing institution and while it loss falls heavily upon the farmers conneoted with It, It 1 learned they are contemplating plans for rebuilding. CRE8TON The death of John Murphy, one of th oldest resident of this place, and one of the oldest of the Burlington's looal employes occurred here Sunday night after an Illness of several years. The fm medlate cause of death was hemmorrhaife of the brain. Diseased was 72 years old, a native of Iria.n1. and had lived here for the hurt thirty-five yoars. Plans were under way for the celebration of the golden wedding of Mr, Murphy and his wlf in September had he lived until that time. Nine of th twelve children born to this couple are living, scattered over the dif ferent states. ttOTZaUMin- OP OOXAV STEAMSHIPS. Port. ' Arrived, Hailed. NW YORK ,. , Wllh.lm. MARaHILLKS 0rmaul Kron Print. KAPLkM. Luittin i. (AN FRAKCISUU rr VICTORIA aUkura gtATfl ,.Aw aUru. . One-Fourth Of 25 per cent discount on of Browning King & Co., is a genuine eaving. of 25 as our prices are right at the start. 1 All our Men's, Boys' and Children's light weight clothing (except full dress and tuxedo suits) is in cluded in this sale. Straw Hats i Off All our men's Straw Hats and Panamas, 33t4';o dis-count. SHIRT SPECIALS All our $1.50 and $2.00 Shirts, now $1.25 All our $2.50 and $3.00 Shirts, now $1.85 AVhite Shirts and Soft Negligee Shirts not included in this sale . , . . During July and August we close at 5 p. m:, except Saturdays. 'BrQwning,1(ing S Co R: KCLOTHINO, WJRN18HINQ9 AND HATS. rirrtENTH DOU0LA8 TRETS omah4l JL S. WILCOX. Manager, The Store Of The Town. - Our. Letter Box CoatrlhaUoaa a Timely aajeott Vol asoeeolaf Twe Kna&xat Word Ar Xavited from Oat meaiera, Handling; Anto Speeder. OMAHA, July .-To the Editor of The Bee: A recent paragraph In your editorial columns points out th greater necessity of prevention as compared with punishment In reference to automobile crimes. I there not something analogous between the driv ing of a machine and th use of Intoxi cating liquors' At lesst, either indulgence appeara to produce the same contempt for law. Then why not apply the same princi ples of treatment to both? First, post no tices stating th legal rat of speed along streets and boulevards, as Is don In New England, for Instance. Next catch the speeders and request a substantial contri bution to the expense of government. (Thl method would doubtless reduc our tax assessment If not our list of fatalities.) Such a system answers to the principle of high license. In employing th second rem edy, prohibition, It Would be desirable to separate the offender wholly from tempta tion by shutting him up. Whether or not It would be more effective to send tha ma chine rather than the driver to Jail, may be left to the Judge to decide. Th Idea of a re formatory for sinful autos certainly has Its charms. Furthermore; complete confiscation after the third offens In over-speeding would surely furnish plenty of machines for the city officials without extra draft upon the department funds. Very truly yours. PEDESTRIAN. Water for Animal. OMAHA, July 35. To th Editor of Th Boe: Will you kindly draw the attention of your readers to the need of supplying do mestic animals with plenty of fresh water' during this unusually dry season? A small earthenware bowl Is better than tin to keop water cool for the thirsty dog or cat Just at present when there Is no publlo foun tain for wandering dogs. It would be wis as well a charitable for Individual to provide drinking bowls for stray animal. In our neighborhood one or more dogs comes regularly to' our back door every morning, frantio for water. Precautions now may save th town from th cry of "mad dog" later on.' J. A. 8. If you have anything to aell or trad advertise It in The Bee Want Ad col umns and get quick result. Stop Diarrhoea Wakefield's Blackberry Balsam Quickly stop Diarrhoea, Dysentary, Chol era Infantum and all bowel trouble with out constipating. No opium no other habit forming drugs. Accept only WalrefleU'c It oures after other remedies fall. Kc of three bottles for 11.00. Everywhere. Shctcct MX SODA FOUNTAINS OR ElSCWHEftt I Y Gotth i Original Genuine MALTED MI L5C ThcFoodDrinkforAllAfes RICH MILK, MALT MAIN DETRACT, IN P0WBTJ lot in any Oilk Trust rT Insist on MII CROCK'S" - Tak a paokag koaw REMITTER 51CIGAR p Fill your pockets with the Remitter or Hand Made 5c Cigars. 1 The Cigars with the true Havana flavor. . The best the marKet affords. J3m 0INDERUP' MTU Large Shoe Production. (St. Louis' Factory Output and Shoo ' Production.) ' The shoe shipments from St. Louis for the "week ending July 1C were 20,810 cages; 48 factories made 442, 189 pairs. The shoe drummers are be ginning to come in for new samples. Over 700 travel from St. Louis. MUDLAV1A Kafnri't Trtatrnint wb.f. roa bathela blank, mot Bind Ual oat ai a nnu TbamaaMn eaniA. JBI. HoWl opaa .11 aar. Baa low beak. JL B. , 7U. JLniaMri tim.. Eiwn, Iaa. clothing bearing the label wai keep your teeth L r- j white and ound, I w; J sweet until old tivkJ k age. Remove, tftgffifift : tartar, will not maltha; cratch enamel, l xEETll 25c-Att . !!'. DraggUfSOQ yMy f r nothing Too Good for you. That's why we want yog , ,. to take CASCARET9 for livwTmi . bowels. It's not advertising talk ' but merit the great, wonderful, . lasting merit of CACARliTia that ,., we want you to know by trial. Tben you'll have faith and ioin the mil-" lions who keep well by CASC AR RETS alone. CASCARETS toe a boa for a we-fc's 'n treatment, all Biggot aellar . . tn ihm world. MUlioa boaes mouLh. Beautiful Tooth Ther ar but few peopl "who Bar tbain. flood Teeta, rj on, mga If thy would ho to Ut. Bradbury. Ihm aulckat, easiest and least painful ar ) oaiy methods employed by us- aul aundreus of our patients, both la aua ut f th ilty will gladly tell you about, the good denial work and our up-to-dat-way of doing thing. Crown and bridge work from It. 00 per tooth. Platevth fit trom 14.00 to tl. 60. . Palnleas xtroP tlon of teeth. Nerve Of teeth rmov4) without hurting you. Work warrant ten years. . , ., OR. BRADBURY, THE DEKT13T UM Vanam Vkona 9. a7e XI rra a am' taaatloav. HOTEtl. in tit inopplr BlBtrlat. Bloa, ' on rsttlooa tana' Hotel Kuppor , llta aad McOee . ;, . Kansas City, Mo, ' In th bonnlnc- mttrica, ' latear all b Thar.i,-4L.d:i i.'f-ju BOO BSautlfrU. Booms, , ,,i J 100 lrlTt Baths. r 1 " Hot aad eold water la all'-rooBaaf i Bpaoios Lobby, Parlor. -v .-! Telephone In Try room. .. aanlftU Cafe, rerfeot Cnlsin.' . $1.00 to $2.50 Per Day " Snropeaa lan "''' Kupper-Benson Hotel Co. r. a. aavsoiT, mgr. ' '- ' '"- OLD POM COMFORT HOTM CHAMDERLlnl BOATING, UATHINQ. FISHIMO, ' BAILING, OKCnESTKA, XKXN13, GOLF, '' " ' Unique aa food Culslna, rORTKjt.60 MuWHUK, larkejt Milt-' tary tost on th Atlantic Coast. UAMtTON HOAXm. Ui Haudesvoua ot th XMattou'a Warship. peolal Weakly Mat Jan to Ootokst Booklet at Chicago, Koek island 'ft JFaolflo, and W a bask aVallroad. " Ox aaarass azo. T. adams, m.UK rOTaVCk afOMatOxl. VA. AMVJSEMKNTI. THEATER".; Klrht 10o, 8So. BOO , Matin loo and Sflo " TOaTZOKT AT 130. MAT. BAT. fll30 ' MILLER STOCK COMPANY. Present THE LITTLE VAGABOND . ttw. tm atxmrxp 07 SAITST TOM.X $ohbols G o 1 L 0 09, ; 1 1 ' 1 ugr "W'W "XZ'cu.l Are You Looking-,;- for a Good College? Yo -rill ha aleM vkh tk Woman's College at Jacksonville, 111. , Yi r to lut to s Caller, for Women ? Hei ar, fall Coll. , ,,4 Picplt.tory CouiKt, toa la, Art, DoauMic Iclaaea, ,o4 tipti'tloa. Bipantei fe.wotblc. taiioundlnii kcalthful. Hoax 111, Idol. Location cantr.l In Ml.dl. Wm. Vttjf conr.ol.M loareit part el 1b, Mim1.,I V.U.r. tu,nttiroaiaMita,a twenty tuici. CmIoim Ir,,. Adaicit President Barker. Boi m ),ckara,lrlc. III'. Twwntv.nftb Season American KimbaDHalL 23 I 153 Wabuli A. Ckica, Conservatory r.lE LEADING tCHOOL f MUSIC Is AKEkJCA kinim-iit lacultr ot TO. Hueerlor Ttsi-brr", TmluUiB Svbool. Pulilli! .School klmlc. td tool of Kxprcaalon, Hhrau aH'ulrurr. Vnurttui aJvatiittt. Thirty (fera-twjlnnliii award ed. rli torm beclna Tlinrclny, Srnl. Mo. i.almloi mitltd th. JOHN J. HATTSTAtDT, Fraa'U Hart Conway School of Acting ttrectot br ban t.:owarr4merloa's rreasnit di.;a(or ;oi teat te Su.. '-i' kiuapacsaa. I. I i (jr. Yi 1