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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1909)
8 THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. AUGUST 13. 1905. Want Ads Advertisements fer the wast a Nlian will takes til 11a. for the evening; edition aad aatll i30 m. fa tka morning gander edi tions. Cas mast arcorasaar all orders for will ads wad aa adwtlsemeat accented for less than 20 real for first Insert I osu Rates apply ' Tne Dally tender Bra. Always ( sis words to a liar. CASH RATES rOH. WST ADS. REGULAR tXAMiriCTIOW Insertion, 1 1-9 eente per war and 1 peat er mirl far each enbaesjaeat laerrtlon. Ear Insertion odd dare, 1 l- eata per word 81. 60 prr laa per month. Want ada for Tka Bra mar at (if of tka folia win a- iric atorra na la roar "earner dma-glst" they are all kraack offices for Tka Bra aad roar ad will be laarrted Jaat the mala offleo la Tka Bea Betiding, Seventeenth ul Farm am atreetat Alback. W. G, 40th and Famem. Bersnek, 8. A-, 140$ B. Mth t Becht Ptiarwaey. Benson. Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy. 83d and Cuming. Rlske'e Pharmacy. 2KS Sherman Ave. Courhlin. C. R.. lh and Pierce Hts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 1311 Military Ave. Conte. J. B., list Ave. and Fa mam St. Crlsrey Pharmacy, I4th and Lake Bts. Cermak, Emll. 1204-8 8. 13th Bt Ehlers. P. H.. 2801 Leavenworth St. ' Foster A: Arnold!. 218 N. $5th St Freytsg. John J., Ill N. 14th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence Neb. OreenouKh. O. A . 1634 8. 14th St. Hanacom Park Pharmacy, 1401 8. 29th St. Hayden, William C, 3020 Far nam St. Hoist John, BM N. Mth St. Huff, A. 1m, 2914 Leavenworth St Kin. R- a, 2S88 Farnam St. Kot ntxe Place Phaxma.v, Ml N 24th St Lathrop, Charles E.. 1.24 N. 24th 8t Patrick Drug Co., 1602 N. 24th 8t Snyder Pharmacy, 20th and Lake Sts. DEATH AND FUNERAL. NOTICES. ARRIENS Mrs. Emma, Thursday A. 1632 North Sixteenth. m. Funeral Saturday at 2 p. m. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been granted: Name and Residence. Age. Edward 8. Carren. Augusta. Ga... .Over 21 Mabel Eckard, Omaha Over 21 George E. Tovrea, Otturnwa, la 22 Margaret Winalow, Otturnwa, la 22 Charles Bullock, McComb, 111 84 Estella Baymlller, McComb. Ill 30 ANNOUNCEMENTS ROD AND GUN CAFE OPEN ALL DAY AND EVENING. Tel. Reservations. D. H. BECK, formerly mgr. of the Henog Tailoring Co., now at iu bo. idui bu BETTER TAILORED CLOTHES. W. J. MURPHY makes cement sidewalks, tens and basement floor const ructions. Phone Douglas 6397. 1516 Davenport St "COLBRIX." new pkg., keeps Waterloo brlok Ice cream, bard, a hours, 1617 Howard J. D. BULGER, painter and paperhanger; paints and oils. 1447 a 12th. Doug. sceO. PANAMAS bleached, sew Stetsons $3.60, IS. Ramser, practical hatter, zxo a. lttn. James H. Craddock. architect, room Weed. Bldg., Uth and Farnam. Red 6274. RUGS and everything cleaned with the Puntley vacuum cleaner. Lagerstrom, ins Leavenworth. -none a. auu. COMBS. 1620 Douglas, expert eye fitting. DEPOSITIONS, F. J. Sulcllffe, 628 Bee bldg OMAHA Electric Works repairs elect rlo elevators, ion N. Uth St, u. 1181. A.-1648. IF YOU want any dirt call on O, 11 Bachmann. 43s mion diock. RED tU The Omaha House and Win dow Cleaning Co.; any aino. oi Cleaning. v:.K rp .1 PIANO TUNER. IViOUlA xcttUiio, Charles U Fish, 1914 Burdette Bt Tel. weoster 1266. OMAHA Mirror and Art Glass Co., art glass, miter cutting, beveling mirrors of all kinds, resllveiing and framing. Office and factory 1614 Cuming St Both phones OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. loth. CLEANING AND. DYEING The best ever. Twin City Dys Works, 407 8. 16th bt. REMOVAL SALE monuments. 1417 8. Uth. PLUMBING A. W. McVea, US N. 40th. recent city plumbing inspector. A-llu?. HULSE A RIEPEN, funeral directors, b accessor! to Harry B. Davis, 70 8. Ibtn. SIGN PAINTING S. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas DAVID COLE Creamery Co. SHOE8 called for and delivered fren Standard Shoo Repair Co., 1U4 Farnam. UllKV.'R ART STORE, 1621 DODGE the priua others charge. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. LAWN MOWERS sharpened by special machine. $1; called for and delivered. A. eensun 4k Son. HIM N. 24iu. Both 'pnones. OMAHA FURNITURE REPAIR WORKS removed from 2AJ1 Farnam St. to i & UUi fit Phone Douglas iiist ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood. Last a Life Time. 107 N. 17 th. Phone Red M.4. HATS cleaned and reblocked. Schmame a Hat Factory. . Htli Bt. Tel. Doug. 6M0. ALAMITO buttermilk, retail. Both phones Key C. R. Heflln. 161 Douglas St., over " Lindsay's. Tel. D. 2W4; A-4266. 1.626 COUPLES have been married by Rev. C. W. Savidre: he Is Dravins to man v l.uuL If you want him to marry you, call Web. 444 or B-1430. Write for booklet. nave iou luuna xour fiunning stater OMAHA Paste Co. now located at 712 So. 13 St. Douglas $764. run watcnes ana jewelry repairs, see uustafson A Henrickson, 301 N. 16th St Hie Quality Press. Printing. 12U Harney, HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace. strongmen, sue pox. " utiuu CO. GRAVEL ROOFING. J. R Stevenson Roofing Co., gravel and composition roofing, 63S Paxton Blk.. loth and Farnam Sis., Omaha. Tela. Douglas ziis. A-iiwi; nn., eo. an. THE most attractive drug store window In Omaha Is at lath and Douglas Sts. Schaefer's where you will always find seasonable drug store things well dls played at prices that talk. Please re mem ber theae people have 4 large drug stores .ana buy more goods than any competitor, and was the FIRST FIRM THAT STARTED FREE DELIVERY IN THIS CITY. HAY RACK PARTIES Call ua up. Are prepared at any time. ROSENBLATT. Both 'Phonea. 12JJ Nicholas St. Special pilcea on all pictures framed this monin. aicgeatn sta. to., uin at f arnam. flksourt filters made a"d sold. 1310 How, WOOD. Dr. O. 8., 621 N. Y. L. Homeopath AUTOMOBILES BEND for our list of second hand eaja. DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO., v 1814 Farnam St STORAGE, centrally located, opposite library. UU Harney, fit Brwk P. iiuaa. AUTOMOBILES. (Continued.) RAMBLERS New. 4 and i-eylrndera, SO Per cent discount Rambler Auto. Co., 2044 arnam St BARTER AND EXCHANGE TRADES! TRADES! If you have any thing for sale or trade write u; we.match everything. 8. E. Wait Co. 617 Bee Bldg., Omaha. 5-Roora Strictly Modern house. North end. 7-Room, Modern Every Way. corner. North end. 10-Koom Modern House, corner. Near Hanscom park. Will take smaller house and lot or va cant lot as part payment. NOWATA LAND AM' Lit IT CU., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 1999. Omaha, Neb. FOR EXCHANGE Valuable Omaha rental property located In choicest resi dence district, bringing large net Income, for improved rarm or iso acres or less near Omaha or South Omaha. Just the thing for someone who Is looking for a rare bargain In rental property. C ISO. care Bee.e BUSINESS CHANCES to nvT in nr nut of business call on QANOESTAD, 4C4 Bea Bldg. Tel. D-8W7. mn hat. it Hardware and undertaker business; beet location In town of 400; best part of Iowa; store and fixtures, hearse and aat tinner's tools: cheaD for cash; no trade. C. T. Eatlnger. Administrator, Bag-If-y, Iowa. WE8TERGARD can help you get In or out of business. 402 Bee Bldg. Tel. U. mr. FOR SALE The best located hundred barrel FLOUR MILL and araln elevator In the state, present owner being In business 26 years and wants to retire. Address x mo, ca.-e of Bee. ' FOR SALE A good livery stock In Su perior. Neb. Best location in the state. Frank i Abbott. FOR SALE OR RENT A desirable 18 room hotel property In Superior. Address P. O. Box 665, Superior. Neb. FOR SALE. Concrete block plant well established and doing good, profitable business. Must sell. Reasonable, If taken at once, ai dress, A 20S, Bee. COAL and feed business cheap; other business reason for selling. U. Z4, Bee. FOR SALE A stock of general merchan dlse: located center of town. Miller W acker, Loveland, Colo. FOR SALE A first class, up-to-date bakery and restaurant; all fixtures; large brick oven; first class location, and fine trade. Will sell cneap It sola at once, ao drens Y 711, Omaha Bee, GOOD lumber and coal yard. Good proposition. Good territory. Good reason for selling. Good residence at Grand Island taken In Dart navment. Good thing at $14.000 If It looks GOOD, here's the goods. Write J. Cleve Scott Platte Valley State Bank, Central ty Neb. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. $700 equity In new 4-room cottage, nicely located, one block from car; fruit trees. strawberries, large garden, city water, elec tric lights. Will make an attractive price on this If sold quickly. If desired, will ac cept a six months' lease at a liberal fig ure as part payment L 270, Bee. FOR RENT Meat market at David City, with full set of tools and other equipment; been running for over 20 years. For further particulars address A. xanike, Beuwoocs, Neb. FOR SALE Stock of shoes, consisting of men's ladles' and children's shoes, nice clean goods; wll' invoice about $2,000; will sell cheap if sale can be made at once. Lock Box 12J, St Paul, Neb. FOR SALE The best gad largest plumb ing, heating, pump and erlndmlll business of southwestern lowa. Have several con tract Jobs on hand now. Will sell at in voice. Address Y 181 care Bee. PARTNER wanted; a partner with $2,600 for a dry goods business, now established at Independence, Kan.; town of 18,000; will puy salary of $100 per month to active man; net profits last year were 4TH per cent; this over an expenses; business is all cash; room modern and best location In the city. Martin Dry Goods Co.. Inde pendence, Kan. FOR SALE CHEAP BT OWNER-$J,000 stock of general merchandise, Al condition; modern rixtures; live town; splendid terri tory. True reasons for selling. Traders. don't answer, H. GOLDBERG, Leigh, Neb. GRAIN elevator for sale In southern Ne braska, account owner going west; oceans of grain, hrice, u.ouo. Do not answer un less you mean business. Addrers C 22a, lit: TEN shares of stock of the first comnanv of Nebraska, the National Fidelity and asualty company, head office. Merchants National Bank bldg. I must sell this stock at once and will be glad to receive your oirer. a. r. Liiiiis, Hoard or Trade. CHIROPODISTS SEE Monhelt Treatment on feet 1411 Far. J. W. Scott, at Neb. barber shop. 1202 Far, CONSULTING ENGINEERS W. J. R08S, CONSULTING ENGINEER. CIVIL. ELECTRICAL. MECHANICAL Street railway, water works, street im provements; business propositions financed especially tnterurban railways. Consult me. R. 12-24, Patterson Bldg., 1623 Farnam St. E. M. FITT, drawings, designings and estimates 616 Bee Bldg. Tele. Doug. 6036. DENTISTS BAILEY A MACH. 3d floor, Paxton. D.1085. DR. FICKES. 217 Board of Trade. He doesn't hurl like othera." TAFT'8 Dental Rooms. 1617 Douglaa St. DETECTIVES A. J. ADLER. (17 Karbach Blk. D. 2S3S. DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY, 2427 Dodge. Tel. Ind. A2677. TERRY' College 20th and Farnam Sta. EDUCATIONAL BOY LES COLLEGE. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. L DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. Send for a FREE copy of the now famous book. Bread and Butter bciencea. Also firepare to start your training ior success n Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Typewriting. Telegraphy, Civil Service, Railway Mall Service and all Government Grade Sub jects. Official Training School for Union Pacifio It. R. Address H. B. Hoyles. Presi dent Omaha. Neb. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 19th and Farnam. M. O. ROHRBOUGH. Pres. E. A. ZARTMAN. Vice. Pres. SUMMER SCHOOL Now open. COURSES: All mercsntile. SESSIONS: Day and night. FALL TERM: Opens Sep tember 1 to 6, Inclusive. TELEGRAPH FOLDER: Sent free. CATALOGUE: 96 pages full of Interest free. 'Phone D. 128$ or A-218S. Address: M. 'J. Rohrbough, Pres. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN LADIES wishing to obtain the latest dress cu'tlng system. Learn cutting. Call 2412 Dodge St. "Phone Douglas 70il FRENCH DRY CLEANING WK8. Both TeU. Lest work; prompt service. CHINA decorating; order work a specialty, Leaaona Tueeday, Thursday ana Satur days. Firing dally. Children's classes Saturday morning. Mrs. C. C. H ungate, 84 Brandeis Bldg. Tel. Red U. TiTTOQ Select now, pay when needed. rger selection ana reaucea prices now. HUBERMANN, Continental Blk., 16th And Douglas. BBS EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN (Continued.) CLEANING and dyeing; biggest and best Only one office. 1S13 Jones St. THIS PANTUKl'Jm. CAKES THREE LAYER WHITE 30c Groceries and Meats. Bottom Prices. JOHNSON A GOODLETT. 20th and Lake. oaie oniinuea count Gf extensive remodeling, we will cut 20 per cent on all hair goods. Halrdresslng dept. Is In opera tion during repalra. Hobson's Beauty Shop, 1608 Douglas St "ALWAYS THE BEST,' Harding' Ice cream. Wedge ood creamery butter. The Haraing Co., stt- and Harney. L'ougias . LACE CURTAINS nicely done and wash- ng to take home. Telephone Hamey 1360. BUNDLE washings wanted. Douglaa 4SH $1 Iji Tresis nerfume. os KCi Haines Drug Co., 1610 Farnam. ui7Vj BATH CAP8 at reduced prices at Schaef- er's Cut Price Drug Stores 4 big drug stores. CANDY Good candy Is good In summer as well as winter, if you get the right kind end know it Is PURE and FRESH. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Stores carry only fresh candy and recommend Balduff'a 'cause It Is always good and made In Omaha. If you want the GENUINE get it at Schaefer's. "VIAVI" A druglcss home treatment for women; 400 page book free. 812 Brandela Bldg. INSTRUCTIONS In China and water col ors at SPECIAL RATES during the sum mer months. M. R. Emlg Studio, 938 N. Y. L. J. HOUSKA. Pioneer Meat Market 2623 Sherman Ave. Our Increased facilities, com bined with our usual good service, makes shopping easy here. Meats and fish fresh dally. CLEANLINESS OUR MOTTO. FLORISTS BRANDEIS' CUT FLOWER DEPART MENT South side of new store. BENNETT'S cut flower department lth street entrance. Bennett's store. HESS A SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. HENDERSON'S fresh cut flowers dailv from our hothouses for weddings and dec orations. Douglas 1258. 1519 Farnam. FURNACE REPAIRING WHY not make up your mind now and get your heating plant set in good condi tion for winter. The most expensive thing Is a poor working furnace; it consumes coal fast, without heat result. Get our Ideas of repairing and remodeling. New furnaces we carry stands the hlgheet test Both phones. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 1206-8 Douglas St NOW Is the time to have your FURNACE t:L,iAKKlJ AIMU PUT IN ORDER, we re pair ail mattes of furnaces. Estimates Kladly furnished. MILTON ROGERS ec SONS CO., 14th and Farnam. Both phones. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. Steno. and clerk., $46. STENOGRAPHER and bkpr., $46. BUI clerk, $60. Collector. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN., INC., 73 N. Y. Life Bldg. ELEVEN stenographers, $30-$66. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 676-77 Brandeis Bldg. Factory aad Tradea, EXPERIENCED cholocate dippers. Apply Balduff Pure Candy Co., 1116 Farnam St LEARN hairdresBlng; It pays; you can easily earn $16 to $25 weekly; full course taught. Brandeis Halrdresslng Dept. HELP WANTED IN ALL DEPARTMENTS EVANS LAUNDRY CO.. 207 8. UTH. GIRLS wanted at once; steady work; good pay. Bemls Omaha Bag Co. EXPERIENCED body Ironer and starch girls. Truax Laundry. Hoaeekeepere and Domestics. WANTED A cook. 3416 Dewey Ave. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; no washing; good wages. 2434 A, South Omaha. GIRL for general housework. 1022 Park Ave. WANTED A housemaid. Apply Mrs. Wm. A. Aycrlgg. 201 So. 33d St. WANTED Girl for general housework: small family; no cooking. Apply et once. 1509 South 29th St., near Park School. WANTED An experienced second girl In private family In country 100 miles from Omaha, in Nebraska; wages, $26 and trans portation; no laundry. Mrs. Stubbs, 1904 Farnam St. WANTED A cook and laundress in a small family where a second girl is kept; good wages. Apply, 1046 S. 29th St. WANTED Woman aa housekeeper by widower, on farm; work easy; two children. William Murray, White Clay, Neb. YOUNG girl to assist with housework. 1732 S. 17th St. WANTED A housemaid. Arply 201 8. 33d St. GIRL WANTED-607 S. 29th St. Harney 2669. Tel. SMALL girl to assist with general house fork. 1105 Park Ave. Harney 3308. GIRL for housework. 1703 Dodge Et GIRL for general housework. 3707 Jones St. GIRL for general housework. Small fam tly. No washing. 3664 Howard. Call after I p. m. GIRL for general housework. Small fam- ity. No washing. Good wages. 616 8, 28th. Harney 1762. GIRL for housework. 914 8. 33d St. SERVANT girl, neat, clean and can cook; good room, with separate bath and toilet. 1330 S. 36th St. Tel. Harney 413. GOOD second girl wanted. 2026 Dodge St WANTED Girl for general housework. L. W. Kennard, 1822 Dodge. Douglas 6048, GIRL for general housework; no washing 117 N. 40th St. Tel. Harney 348. GIRL for general housework. 2226 Mason Et. GOOD laundress fur Mondays and Tues days. 2554 Manderaon St. GOOD second girl wanted. 3866 Farnam St. Tel. Harney 3181. GIRL for general hoaework. No washing 2808 Capitol Ave. A NO. 1 housemaid: no washing nor Iron ing. 2211 St. Mary s Ave. WANTED Competent laundress Mrs. E. F. Howe, I0o3 Georgia Ave. by GIRL for general housework. 3027 Chi cago bt. Mlscellaaeoas. TWO ladles to trsvsl, demonstrate an sail dealers. Call or address at once Good rich Drug Co.. omana, jseo. FIVE girls for pressing skirt, good wages, steady work. 2907 Leavenworth St T.Anin-H immediately to cony letters a home; easily earn $10 to $- per week. 6en4 10 cents for particulars, westers) epeoaii Co BlpoulPgton, Ail. In Other People's Cellars or Attics are things you can buy at a small price, that will be just as good as new ones to you. Read the Want Ads. HELP WANTEDMALE Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen. THREE high clsss salesmen. 640 Bee Bldg. Call after 8. Write. WANTED Expert canvassers for At once. None but Omaha and vicinity hustlers need applv. Call for H. C. Berns tein, 1901 California between 6:30 and 7:30 p. m. WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call and see clrc il lation manager. The Bee Publishing Co. WANTED GENERAL AGENTS and lo cal agents for Nebraska and South Da kota. Have you a contract wltn the com pany you represent 7 Addrexs James A. Keith, supervisor Hartford Life Insurance Company, 623 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. VEGA, TEXAS, offers the best Invest ment opportunity In the West; 36 miles West of Amarillo. will be County Seat of Oldham County, and will soon have a pop ulation of 5,000. Write for booklet and special agency offer. Sales are easy and you can make big money. Address, Pool Land Co., Amarillo. Texas. AGENTS Earn $1 hourly: sample free. James M. Cody, 2710 Dickson St., St. Louis, Mo. SALESMAN to call on merchants In Omaha; salary $25 per week. Apply F. J. Rogers, manager Harrah A Stewart Mfg. Co., Ground Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. Clerical and Office. BOOKKEEPER, wholesale, $75. Collector, asst. bkpr., $60. Stock clerk, wholesale, $46. Office boy, $. Driver, city, $10. Young man to run elevator, $46. These positions MUST be filled IMME DIATELY. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 675-77 Brandeis Bldg. 8TENO. A office clerk, $60. Grocery clerk, $10. Bookkeeper, $65. Steno. and clerk R. R. experience. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASSN., INC.. 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. WANTED A young man 18 to 25 years old, who Is a good stenographer, and must be a good penman. Address Fairbury In vestment Co., Fairbury, Neb. WANTED Clerk to draw drafts In a bank. Must be good penman. Address B 227, this office, giving references. Factory and Trades. DRUG store and lobs. Knlest Bee Bldg. WANTED Molders. Joseph, Mo. Berry Foundry, St. WANTED Good, all round blacksmith; steady work, $16 per week. Nels P. Brown, Atlantic la. WANTED Four first class carpenters at North Platte; steady work; others need not apply. R. P. Basta, Contractor. TAILOR wanted at once. Must be first class on coat, vest and pants. Address Joseph Orchowskl, Alliance, Neb. Mlacellaneoaa. FREE Employment Dept. Business Men's Ass n.; no fees. Call 327 B. of T. Bldg. WANTED Government clerks at Wash ington; $76.00 monthly. Examinations In Omaha, September 2L Coaching free. Franklin Institute, Dept 116 x, Rochester, N. Y. WE SELL COBS-N. the kind you bunr In a stove, but the kind a good smoker burns In his mouth. Nine for 16c, and every one is as good or better than many igurs lor wmon you pay oc ana even ivo each. NOT A CHEAP 8MOKE, but a good smoke, cheap. CIVIL SERVICH POSITIONS are very desirable for young people; full Informa tion and Questions recently used by the commission free. Columbian Correspond- nce College, Washington, D. C. WANTED Good all around kitchen man, good pay. Apply Vincent dining room, 19th and Harney Sts. GOOD advertising solicitor for Al propo sition. Call 320 S. 19th St WANTED Railway mail clerks, postof- flce olerks, carriers. Examinations In Omaha Nov. 17. Preparation free. Frank lin Institute, dept. 1843, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED 10 teams to haul asphalt: weigh not less than 2.S00 lbs.; wages at rate of $6 per day for teams that can do tne work. Hugn Murpny, Z4 ties tuag. Phone Doug. 834. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. M'CRARY buys and sells all kinds of horses. Blue barn rear Millard hotel. D. 4096 FOR SALE Good driving horse, harness, phaeton, two-seated surrey and runabout The horse Is a aood family driver and per fectly safe and thoroughly sound. Call at the office of Midland Glass and Paint Co., 1107 Howard St. ELEGANT Cabriolet carriage, Stanhope nd harness slixhtly soiled. If you want one or all now at less than half price see Johnson-Danforth Co., 10th and Jones Sts. AUTOMOBILE and wagon repairing, painting, trimming and rubber . tires. New ana second nana wagons; Darsaina, a. j, Simpson & Son, 1409 Dodge street. NEW AND SECOND-HAND WAGONS for ssle. A. J. JEWELL, 1724 N. 24th St GOOD candy wagon, painted, V. Glaas side station wagon, $9u Baker 'electric car, bargain, $600. DRUMMOND, 18th and Harney. OATS 560 per bu. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. ETILL In the wagon business; charges reasonable. Harry Frost, Mth and Leav. FOR SALE A beautiful little dark bay Shetland pony. A. E. Hecker, Hooper, Neb, LOST AND FOUND FOUND A place to buy good glasses, Globe Optical Co., 218 S. 16th St LOST A larce male pug dog. Answers to the name of Jack. Liberal rewara. Return to 9W Capitol avenue. MEDICAL HERT nerve brace for man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, $1 a box. postpaid. Sherman at McConnell Drug Co.. umaoa. CONSUMPTION I can cure or stop any acute disease In one day. prol. Johnson, Uth and P Sta., South Omaha. FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelahton s Medical college. 14lh and Davenport Sta; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug' las 1167. Calls answered, day or night MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AMD CHATTELS OUlfPLAN Makes It easier for you to get out of debt than in because you can pay us when you get it. We do not charge extension or application feia. Omaha Mortgage Loan Lo., 119 Board of Trade. Phone Doug. 3Ub 8. 16th St. HERE blNCE 1592. LOANS on salary, furniture and live stock; lowest rates, easiest payments, ties us first. -PEOPLES LOAN CO . Room 4 Patterson Blk., 1623 Farnam St. Tela: Douglas 7 477. Ind. A-1477. MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments- Offices In H principal ci'ics. iolman. Room ali. New York Life Bldg. LOANS, half rates. t Board of Trade. MONEY TO LOAN Salary aad I taattelatoattnaeeK w$$$$$wttmwwmmmifflitsmtt8 Money for Vacations U 10 $300 U $1 at the LOWEST RATES EVER OF- $1 It FERF.D in the city on HOUSEHOLD M It UOOD8. PIANOS SALARIES, etc. 11 ft Payments weekly or monthly to suit It t your convenience. ,veryming strictly s $t confidential. Open till 6:30 p. m. Tele- tt It phones Douglas 2036 and lnd. A 2026. It Omaha Jsinancial Co., J! It 601 Brown Block, Opposite Brandela. It U 16th St. Entrance. It ttmwmttwmtwwtiwtmwwttttwisiti Salary and Furniture Loans At the VERY LOWEST RATES. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., M Floor. 307-8 Paxton Blk., Northeast corner lfith and Farnam Sts. Phones Doug laa 1411 and Auto. A 141L LOANS on everything of value: Sk rate. Western Loan Co.. 331 Neville Blk. LOANS of $3 to $36 on salary or chattel security; private party; no red tape; hours 10 to 2 and 4 to 6. Call 620 Paxton Block. AT flMFV on furniture, pianos, live stock Jiiuiiui or any aecurlty. Before mak ing a loan see us. Both phones lJofi. Busi ness strictly confidential. Low rates; small payments. Nebraska Loan Co., 16Lb and Capitol Ave., oppoaite post office. 6 on DIAMONDS. W". FLATAU, 1614 Dodge. MOVING AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Daven port Sts.. warehouse zzvf-u izara au ALL kinds of HEAVY HOISTING and HANDLING SAFES A SPECIALTY. B. Davis. 1X18 Farnam. Telepnone, Loug. 3&3. Residence Douglas 6702. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES KINDERGARTEN music teacher's outfit for sale cheap; cash or time. Address Miss A. C. Cassidy, care General Delivery, Omaha, Neb. UNIVERSAL Musical Bureau. We help music teachers and students by three guar anteed propositions. Address 204 Old Boston Store Blag., umana. bena no money. GUS TURNER, araduate of Leipsic. Ger many, Conservatory of Music; piano lessons cheap. Tel Red 50; or drop me a postal at 2674 Harney St. and I will call on you. OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; and Rooms. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam. LARGE south room, to permanent mar ried couple, -also single rooms to gentle men, in modurn home; references. 1918 Cass. 'Phone Douglas 14,6. ST. JAMES HOTEL. 418 8. Uth. Am. plan; $L25 day; $6 week up. Big meals. THE GEORGIA, 1042 Georgia Ave. H. 66L THE ALDEEN, 26th and Farnam. H 2534. DODGE HOTEL; modern; steam heat DESIRABLE south front furnished room with board; summer borne; tine lawn. 123 8. 15th Ave. THE ROSE. 2020 Harney, rooms; good board; rates reasonable; meal tickets. COOL, airy rooms, modern, fine shade. with or without board, to two gentlemen or man and wife. 3404 Capitol Ave. ROOM and board In private family; modern home; also large south room, with alcove. Tel. Harney 4768. TABLE board, first class, home cooking. with or without room. 1818 Capitol Ave. FINE rooms and board; modern; walking distance. 624 N. 19th. GOOD board close In: large south room; suitable for two; also single room. 114 8. 19th St. 'Phone Red 4033. FIVE minutes' valk of postofflce, beau tifully furnished: clean, modern rooms reasonable; no sign used on house. 1919 Cass St. Furnished Rooms. GOOD rooms. $2 per week; free bath. Ogden Hotel. Co. Bluffs. CLEAN, cool, modern, large, front; also smaller room. 614 N. 23d. FURNISHED room by the week; ele vator, bath, hot and cold water; rent rea sonable. Oma Hotel, 16th and Jackson Sts. APPLICATION foi- rooms In The Bel mont, 1518 Dodge St., are now being re ceived; gen tinmen only; everything newly furnished and decorated throughout. Ap ply to It T Ver Mehren, Mgr. Doug. 167L BEAUTIFULLY furnished large front room In private family for one or two young men. 2019 Webster St NICE single or suite of rooms, with board if deBlred. 3016 Pacific 81. SINGLE room; reasonable. 606 N. 17th St. VERY desirable room; fine location; walking distance. 218 8. 25th St. ROOMS for transients. 1707 Dodge. D. 7330 FURNISHED rooms, house new, plenty of hot water. 316 N. 19th St FURNISHBiD rooms, cheap. 619 8. 20th. NICELY furnished front room in new modern flat. All conveniences; walking dis tance. 2405 Harney. SALVATION ARMY Workingmen's hotel, 418 S. 13th St. 'Phone Red 3o48. VERY desirable large room; newly furn ished; also smaller room; fine location. 201 S. 25th Ave. TWO furnished south rooms, bath, two blocks west of Rome Hotel, 1816 Jackson St. NICELiY furnished room In good neigh borhood. 4520 Florence boulevard. TWO connecting rooms, newly furnished. 2047 Dodge. WALKING distance. 404 N. 23d St., 1 ex ceptionally nice rooms, with boatd. Suite of housekeeping rooms. FRONT room; private family. 2403 Har ney. STRICTLY modern east room and others In private family. 640 S. 19th St., 'Phone Douglas 7111 N1CELY furnished rooms, 2022 St. Mary's Ave. 'Phone Douglas 4-t3. CENTRAL, modern room. 230 N. 23d. BEAUTIFUL room for rent, modern, cool; reasonable in price. 701 S. 29th St. LARGE front parlor for two gentlemen, modern flat, third floor. 410 N. 16th St., Tel. Douglas 6617. FOR RENT Splendid newly furnished room, strictly modern, walking distance for one or two gentlemen. Call 2306 Dewey. Tel. Doug. 6401. FOR RENT Nice room, one or two ladles; private family; use of piano; very rea sonable. 717 N. 28th Ave . HOTEL COLONIAL, formerly the Vien- na. bet. 10th and 11th. Newly furnisnea. NICELY furnished rooms, new flit; all outside rooms. J.S N. ath bt.' NICE cool room, private family; no chil dren, strictly modern. 578 8. 28th St. NICE new strictly modern front rooms. also two unfurnished or housekeeping rooms. 611 N. Zlbt St. NICELY furnished room in private modern home, no children; use of parlor; walking distance to 16th and Farnaia. Call Harney !. OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued ) Apartmeats aad Flats. THREE and -rootn flats. Pcargo Rldg , Mi N. C4th St., South Omaha. Hall. 4ii Ranige Bldg. Both 'phonea. CENTRAL APARTMENTS Ample, permanent, private homes. Best arranged apartment In city. 6 rooms, full modern, fine finish, heavy wain, cool summer, warm Inter; shades, gas ranges, hot water, steam heat; Janitors. Must see lo appreciate, summer rates. $.3 tip. Ref erences required. BEM1S. 4S0 Brandeis. $ A 4-R. Apt mod. 816 So. 22d. AT 30TH AND FARNAM. new 6-room flat, modern and strictly up to date, $30 per month. Telephone Harney 2029. LOW-PRICED APARTMENTS. M6-39 So. list St., neat 4 and 5-r. apart ments, with new open plumbing, electric light, newly decorsted throughout, cistern, fine shade and only $16 to $18 each. PAYNE. HOSTWICK ft CO.. Sole Agents, Main Floor, N. Y. Life. Heswkeeplsg Rooms. TWO, three or four nicely furnished rooms complete for housekeeping. 201S Davenport. SLEEPING rooms, new, clean strictly modern, or for light housekeeping. Rent reasonable. 2011 N. 20th St. 8UITE of housekeeping rooms, all mod ern, 603 S. 27th St SUITE modern front rooms, gas range; reasonable. 2425 Dodge. Red 6196. LIGHT housekeeping rooms for rent. 8. 2Ut. Call Douglaa 6734. 808 TWO housekeeping rooms, all modern; two nice Bleeping rooms. 216 N. 19th St TWO front rooms for light housekeep ing; ground floor. 2901 Farnam. NICELY furnished light housekeeping rooms at 616 N. 20th St. TWO completely furnished llkht house keeping rooms on first floor; $6 per week. 611 N. 21st St. SUITE of housekeeping, rooms. 601 N. 18th. also sleeping THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping, modern. 617 N. 17th St. Red 6794. CLEAN, cool front room for housekeep ing. 207 N. 23d. TWO nicely furnished rooms for house keeping. 2210 Harney St. CLEAN furnished room for housekeep ing. $6 per month. 613 N. Uth St. LARGE room furnished for housekeep ing. 604 N. 17th St 'Phone Douglas 4668. Modern. THREE connecting, furnished, modern housekeeping rooms; no objection to chil dren. 309 N. 25th St. TWO unfurnished rooms for light house keeping; also one large furnished front room. 632 S. 28th. SUITE of housekeeping, also sleeping rooms. 601 N. 18th. TWO completely furnished light house keeping rooms on first floor; to per we-k. 513 N. 21st St. TWO housekeeping rooms, ail modern; two nice Bleeping rooms. 216 N. 19th St. TWO front rooms for light housekeep ing; ground floor. 2901 Farnam. NICELY furnished light housekeeping rooms at 615 N. 20th St. THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping, modern. 617 N. 17th St. Red 6794. SUITE modern front rooms, gas range; reasonable. 2426 Dodge. Red 6186. LIGHT housekeeping rooms for rent. 808 8. 21st Call Douglas 6734. NICELY furnished dining room kitchen, modern. 422 N. 17th. and Untarnished Rooms. I ROOMS. 1120 N. 17th St UNFURNISHED rooms, sll modern, 1627 No. 17th St. Hoases aad Cottages. 8 ROOMS, modern, close In, rent reason able. 821 8. 20th. Phone Harney 2863. FOR RENT. 3018 South 19th St., 6 rooms, $14. 'MM Charles St., 4 rooms, fine well. $12. 2016 N. 22d St., 7 rooms, modern, tDO. 2022 N. 22d St., 6 rooms, modern, t"0. 3716 N. 24th St., new 8-room, strictly mod ern home, $35. W. G. SHRIVER. 1023 New York Life Btdg. WEST FARNAM. Eight rooma, strictly modern, corner lot. Large cellar with hot and cold water. Street to be paved this year. $35. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. M01 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A -2151 4022 FARNAM 9 rooms, modern, $36. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO. 1320 Farnam St MODERN 6-room brick house, 1113 N. 23d St., $26.00 per month. 'Phone Harney 980. FOR RENT 8-room, all modern house, electric lights. 1461 8. 11th; $36 per month. C. M. Bachmann. 436 Paxton block. 2967 PACIFIC ST., S-room thoroughly modern house, oak finish. $40. A. G. Elllck, 602 Bee Bldg. FOR RENT 6-room cottage, 623 N. 22d St., modern except heat $26, to small family. Also 6-room ground flat close in, all modern, low rent, to choice tenant. Apply at 607 N. 19th St OMAHA Truck, Van and Storage Co., Doug. 1496, lnd., B-2428. Office 1713 Web ster street FOR RENT Brick house at 1511 8. 29th St., ono block east of Park avenue car line;' modern In every respect, with 4 bed rooms on second floor; large parlor, dining room, kitchen, buttery, large hall and ves tibule on first floor. Inquire at 1609.8. 29th St. Tel. Harney 1609. FOR RENT 7-room cottage, modern ex cept furnace, newly papered and painted throughout; located 8. W. corner of 25th and Charles Sts. Rent, $25.00. Tel. Doug las 4598. HOUSES, Insurance. Ring wait Barker Blk. HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., 118 N. Y. L. 2564 8PENCER BT., 7 rooms, all modern; oak finish, $22. Inquire 2612 Spencer St. FOR RENT Strictly modern 9-room house, 2529 California Bt., near Creighton university; hot water heat, hard wood floors, good cellar, large cistern, icebox, gas range and fitter; also good barn. Inquire of Tom Lee, 906 New York Life Bldg OMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack, move, atore, H. H. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. Uth; office 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. ,15o3. CENTRAL, no equal for solid comfort. all modern, 4 or 6-room flats. Apply 220 N. 23d. ELEGANT 6-room flat, located at 610 8. 27th, all modern, price $35. Bemls, Brandeis Bldg. Best liooming House. . location in Omaha at the price. 12 ROOMS MODERN 2412 Dodge. $TA NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624, N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 1999, Omaha Neb. TWO. 6-room, for rent. 825 8. 23d St. MAOGARD Van A Storage Co. Tel. Doug;. 1496. We guarantee moving, pianos, house hold goods. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 394 FOR RF.NT: 6-room modern St. Louis flat, reception hall, combination fixtures; 712 N. 3-d bt 1J0. 9-room modern brick house; 2W9-3011 Wil lis Ae.-l-j. C. M. BACHMANN, 4. Paxton Blk. CENTRAL 6-room flat. 7-room. attached house: 8-room deiached noube. .'ji r. 11-ROOM hou.e, $30; modern; one block from 24ih street car. Sll Pierce St In quire 1301 8. lath Ave, J. G. Althouse. OFFERED FOR RENT llonaea aad Cottages Caattaaed. ITlll'm-'iJ In all parts of the eltv. UULi?r,0 Crelgh Sons A Co.. Bee Bldg. HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L. Bldg 6-Room house, nice cellar, at No. 41U Browne St., mo block from street car Rent $12 per month. Hemte. Brandeis Bldg FOR RENT 7 rooms, large reception hM. all modern; combination fixtures $40 and water rent. 704 No. 21. C. M. Bachmann. 4.56 Taxton Blk. OMAHA express Co., furniture and piano moving. 416 N. 17lh. P. 8354. 8-ROOM lioufk. modern-except heat, KXt Maple St., $1S. 6 rooms, modern except heat. William. It.i. 6 rooms Id floor, toilet, 190R N. 2th St., $13. 3-room house, toilet. 2124 N. 27th Ave, 110 CHRIS ROVER. 22d and Cuming Sts. Stores. SCAROO Blk.. South Omaha. K N. 14th, Hall. 433 Ranige Bldg.; both 'phonea. STORE ROOM for rent at 206 8. 14th St : ready for occupancy Aug. IS. Apply at once. Palace Clothing Co., corner Mth and Douglas. FOR RENT Modern store room In Daw son. Neb. Prick and concrete, 40x70 ft., corner building, east front, to a good mer chant. Will rent cheap. Splendid location Address E. L. Sandusky. Falls C'ltv. Neli GOOD store room 312 P. 18th St. Fine office In Wead Bldg. F D. WEAD, 1S01 FARNAM. Balldlnars. THAT fine young building. S-try and basement, cement floor, electric elevators, is still for rent. 9th and U. P. tracka. Barker, Douglas 29. OFFERED FOR SALE Fnrnttore.' 3x5 CARD CASE Solid oak case, made by the LtSiavy Ru reau Furniture Co. This is fx.-epilonall well constructed office furniture and will last a lifetime. Call Ree office. 17th aul Farnam. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS Any mnk.-. all prices, sold and rented, rent applixi: easy t.rms; shipped anywhere fur examination. riU for large bargain list and offer. R. p. Swanson Co.. 417 S. Uth St., Omaha. Nh M lapel la n?ona. DRUGS at rut prices, freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. ICE FOR SALE Good reservoir ! in carload lots. Keirl Ice Co., 652 BrandeW Bide, Omaha. FOR SALE Cash register and sufe. Ad dress. J-579 care Hee. BARGAINS M-haml pulleys. shsftlnK, hangers, belting, rip raw. forge, boxing ma chine, blacksmith tools. A. Murphy a- Sons. Scholarship ' If you Intend taking a course In buMlm:. college, see u.s abou: !cholarttitp. We will sell you one at a saving to you. Ad dress O 85, care Bee. FOR SALE New and 2d-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world in cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Bruns-wIck-Balke Collender, 407 8. 10th 8t WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink barrels which we will se! at 60c each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call ai pressroom Be I'u'ulishlng Co. For sale, a hot water lien ling plant good condition and new Inlaid linoleum for store. CaJI at Leffert's. 409 tiroadwuv Council Bluffs, ings. ELECTRIC pianos and banjos. 15j. d tlnental Novelty Co., Omaha, Neb. Second Hand Boilers We will tell (mo buiUis Dial hav been ,.i use at the Bee building. They are eac.i 175-horsepower return tubular boilers, 7i inch diameter by 18 feel lung. They ha.i 188 C. 1. tuber. 3 Inchei bylo feet. l'ur Ing oreHSuie lub ootinax oer .nu.ri inch. Heat surface lu.OOu square feet. Grate at... S2 square feet. v e are very anxious to d it pone of thexe boilers Immediately and will sell at a bai - gain. If taken al once. THE HlfiK BUILDING COMPANY. Uth and Farnam Si.. Omaha, Neb 45-H. P. gas engine und producer: 30-K. W. dynamo; switchboard, etc.; almost new: will sell at a bargain, Address Y 718, Bee, WE SELL COBS Not the kind vou burn to a stove, but the kind a good smoker burns In his mouth. Nine for 16c. and every one is as good or better than many cigars ror which you pay 6c and even 10c each. NOT A CHEAP SMOKE, but a good smoke, cheap. Schaefer Drug Store.-!. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON. INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1614. Dr. Katheryu Nlckolaa os N. Y. L. Bldg. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL. paxion Blk. Tel. Red 711. HUFFMAN, $1$ Neville Bldg, Book fre.. WILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner In U. S. Patent Office . Y. L. Bldg. 1. 9i PERSONAL OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg THE SALVATION ARMY sollolts castoft clothing; in fact anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. U n St., for cost of collection to the worthy poor. Call phone Douglas 4136 and wagon will call. DR EGGERS: private confinement noma. 1516 Martha St tel. Douglas 6230. PRIVATE home during confinement. babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 740 1st Ave., Council Lluffs. la. HI A H"M TTITTP treatment Mme. Smith. 622 8 16th St.. third floor. MASSAGE AND BATHS. Mineral baths, electric, vibrating and Swedish massage. 808 Old Boston Scare. YOUNG WOMEN comins to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women s Christian association, litn and Howard Sta., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise as sisted. A deaconess representing the asso ciation meets trains at the Union station ai travelers' aid. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN-I will not be responsible for any bills con tracted by my wife, Mrs. Judith E. Lar sen, from this date. August 10, D09. M. C. Laraen. 4316 Charles St. MAGNETIC treatment Emmelin Brott, 2319 8. 16th. Doug. 6186. HALL'S aafes, ew. 2d-hand. 1811 Farnam. PRIVATE confinement home. Mrs, Dr. King. 1324 N- 24th. TeL Wab. 1069. Ind. B-U53. A. D. S REMEDIES are made from the eierirl formula or re clues of 12.000 of the leading retail druggists of ths United State. There are forty-nine drug stores In Omaha who sell A. D. S. remedines and every remedy Is positively guaranteed to do all that Is claimed for it Schaefer's .lorry are A. D. 8. Stores. PRINTING YAFFE Printing Co.. SOT Boston Bt Bldg. 'PHONE IND. A-2620 for aood nrlnUrtf Lyngstadt Printing Co. Uth a Capitol HOLLAND Printing Co., 110 8. 17th St. WATER8 Printing Co.. 621 8. llth St. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS Elenog., notary public. Hotel Loyal. Stenog . Hotel Henshaw. prompt service Quick Action for Your Money You get that by using Ths Bee advertising columns.