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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1909)
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. AUGUST IX IMl REAL ESTATE til (CIT DULcai. REITD JLbpTRACT CO.. Est IM: prompt ear-vioe; got ear price. 171 rnm ait C4NOMAU 40 Bee Kdi. Tel. IV VAINE 1NV. CO- first floor N. T. Lit BENJAMIN JC . CO.. 477 Brandeis Bmg REAL MTATF TlTLB-TRUKT CO. OUL C W lLUAMffON, President. ClTT MOPEItTT l-UH SAI.B. A SNAP Fir a-room houwi, - modern, must tx told in a lumfi. They mil retail at IftuO profit to buyer. Can be bought on reasonable terms. MQEachron K4?alty Co.. 1824 Lake, EL " 'Phone Web. i HOME BARGAINS. T-roore tMm on N. lath St.. near Nlcho )aa. modern except furnace. Price U 250. One A-rown and one -ruom house on on lot r RMHrh Ht., renttng for M a month. Prloe, ' 2.J00.-' - : - W isvw Ver bArfsrifis- YD$TERN REAL ESTATE - COMPANY, 411 r?arbecb Block. Both Thones. Brick Home t t3200 Cash Balance monthly, pr. to suit. FULL LOT One-half Woe to car , NOWATA LAN U & LOT CO. . Suit 424 N. Y. Life Bide 'Phone Red IHue. - Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE citt rHorexTi ron itia (Continued INSIDE BARGAIN V. aie i.frering the greatest insM bar rain In uu.aha. Just think of l-tory building tutrin ttie (uil lot fxU2 on Harney Si., one nloik from City H-K Pee Buildli.IT. bojds Theatur, T. M. C. Court Moue. Vacant comer one bl"Ck east held at llfiuwu. Vacant corner ft-t corner eaat heid at ISSOCV. Thla buildir.g la opposite Public Library and Boyle Col leg. THE INlHiMK li OVER AND THERE ARK ENoUt.H VACANCIF IN BUILDING TO 1K1NU A OROrsS RJ-V TAL Of VOW. THIS PRICE IB ONLY ItfOTO Tou couldn't buy the vacant r round for that if most people owned It. Every real estete agent we hare poken to pay ttie owner ought not to sell J" J will aell for lrJ.l n I years and $100 000 ome day. If vou really want an wsioe bargain and have HOWS) rash, buy thla protxrty NOW. IXiti't be the man who el wav tell u when too late. "1 would hav boueht that If I had known it." N P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam St. George & Co., 1G01 Farnam. OWNER LEAVING TOWN WANTS TO SELL HOME t4.gno for 490 California St., eight-room, tw-n-etory house, strictly modern, fine f.nUh " throughout, mantel and grare In reception hall, four bed rnomi e-cond floor, fruit In yard. Recently reduced . for quick aale. Reasonable terma. ACRES m acres., cash... ..J 5S0 0 120 acres.:., ..two caeh.-..1.2' 00 6 27 tri,...4W cash 12. m M The finest Suburban hbme tracts near Omaha.4.juM. lo Benson and paved road to city. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Firef Floor. f. T. Life B'du Tel.: Uouglaa 17S1; "A" HiS. 30TII AND DAVENPORT STS S. E. CORNER SIX-ROOM MODERN DWELLING. Hot water heat, oak finish downatalra. combination fixture. extra high-grade tilumhlnK. full cemented basement, with lavndiy, larae lot with plenty of spec for to St. lvoule flate or another larire dwel ling on the corner; paving all paid. Thla l In eaav walkinc dinance. on the boule vard and In a neighborhood where extra ' ud titium-n have l)fn bulit and are now I bu'lolnr A di-mrehle renldenoe arid flrat' cm piece of lnvetment property wheo irtiprovifl. Vi Ice r- ducpfl to I'.WO for Immediate aale MUST hi; 1 USl'i 8K1i OF THIS WEKK. Owner llv c In hotiee and will be glad to how It to prospective purchaser at any time, see It, then ae us. D. V. S110LES COMPANY,' 111 PJ. Trade Blrti?., Kith anJ rarnam Sta. Tol. loug. 4M. lnd.-J-etideiil A-4. v . $250 caah, balance . per month, for 1M0 B. Mth; l-room, I-Btory Ouuse, modern plumb ing:, lot MxlS feet; paving paid. . , "WL. SELRY, . 4-H Boarfl of Trade Bldg. I "WEST FARNAM LOT ' -.$1,200,. , Thla. la located on 431 St.. Juet . norlh of.fodue ft., site TiOxli;:. , ft.-., new hooues All around It Other lota In thia block are held frem fl.MO fo u0. Non , iH'fldciit otMifi .very &nxloua to e.lU hence low price. . Georgor & Oo HJOl Fnrnam. ClTT REAL ESTATE rkuraiir foh ialb (Centlnoed i REAL ESTATE CITT mOFKRIT FOH SALE. Contnuetf LOTS Sunday Addition BIG SALE OF Tomorrow, Saturday and The Nearest Close-in In Shull's 3d at 20th and Poppleton Ave. Prices $575 to $950 Each Terms, $10 Cash, $10 a Month . Onlv 10 minutes' walk from this the Bee Building, the New York Life Bldg., and any of the new 17 story building?. Buy one of the close-in lots. Paved streets, permanent side walks, city water, etc. Come out at once so you can get your pick. Salesmen on the gTOund till dark. We Will Build For You If you pay cash for the lot. Come today or tomorrow. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney Street. Conservative Bldg LINCOLN HEIGHTS LOTS $65 TO $250 ' $5 CASH, $5 A MONTH NO INTEREST, NO TAXES Located on Maple, Blnney and Wirt St., BtSih to d 8ts Hi lot aold wiihln the laat ninety day: 100 choice lota to chooae from. All lots ruiked. all In blue gTk kid well kept; free factory Bitea on the east aide of this addition. No reason why these lota will not double In two years. Saleaman on the around at our branch office every evening after 30 until dark, and Sunday afternoons. Come out. Take IM-af Institute car rotng north on lth Rt. and out Cuming: get off at 4uth and Maple. HASTINGS & HETDEN. 1S14 Harney St. Oonaervatlve Bldg. This : Story I Won Over Matny Others Last Week ' ARDIS' SUCCESS WITH THE AID OF TAVO BEE WANT ADS By Helen McKee, 417 K Street, South Omaha. Neb., IauKhter of J.. A. McKee. MIks ' Fowler.a English teacher. South Omaha High school. Aged 14 Yearn. Passed Into Tenth A. 1 - LOST Light yellow Scotch Collie. 1 year . eld, tag T4; reward If returned to North Twenty-second St. Tel. Webater. Axdia Harland had Just graduated from high school and via at a losa to know , what to fit herself for. She could not teach school because her mother, who was a widow, waa not able to avnd her to col legeIndeed, she had hardly been able, even with the help of a moderately well . to-do uncle, to aend her through high tchool. .The uncle had died before Ardla completed her high school course and had - left part of. hla money to Mra. Harland. . wko waa now using It to live -on until Ardla could get work. Aa -Ardla. left her home one afternoon . ' to aTO down town, she felt a cold nose thrust Into her hand and, looking around, aw A Ursa collie dog. lis followed her downtown and back. That evening as Ardla and ber mother . aat by the flra with the dog on the rug In front of them. Ardla said to her mother, "Haa The Bea come yet?" . " "Tea, dear," anawered Mrs. Harland. Ardts found tba paper and turned to the want ad pax. " "I wonder If that doggie Is not some one's pet. If be la they will aurely advertise- for him." Sura enough, the above ad met her eyes In tha loat column. The next day Ardla took tha colli to the mentioned addresa, and waa met at the door fcy an elderly lady. The moment 'he lady's eyes tested on the dog aha took htm In ber arms and Invited Ardis In, to pay her the reward. In Some Way Ardla became very familiar with the pleasant old lady and told her All about graduating and not knowing -what to take up to make a living for her , tout her abd herself. . . t '.Do you play on the piano?" inquired '.ihe old lady, whose name was Mra. War ren. "I hare very good musical education, . tbanka to an unci of mine who died two years ago and left mother Just enough money, to take me through hlb school, gtv me music lessons and to on until I can. get work," -replied Ardla "Why not flv music lessons? My llttl . -g-randdaughter, Alice, is trying to get a music teacher, and I am sure you could ' gt her ior a pupil," aaid Mrs. Warren. Ardia thanked her, and when ahe got home she told her mother of her plan. tin. Harland thought It waa a good one arod aUviued Ardia to put an ad In The Be te get pupils, because the want ad , concerning the dog had been so successful. This was the ad ah put In: MISS ARDTS C. HARLAND. graduate In muvlr; piano lesaona. Address St. Tel. Red. ' In thla way ahe obtained many pupils - and made good living for her mother and herwelf. ; ; They both attributed all of her uocs to lb two want Ada in Th Omaha B. REAL ESTATE FARM AMI HCH ItKU FOR Al-E I (Continued i M rtM. OOOD New Merlco "lands. K to l' pet rr. In tracts of IOC" to t.op acres. Water for Irrigation. Fats all kinds of srraln and fruit. Also Irrifated farms In Colorado, and aaf money-making Irriga tion projects. The Hagadorn Investment Compacy. 161 Tremont St. Detver, Colo. A MB Ikta. OUT THE! GO TO HATNFS AXf VOTT. A1AMS AND HETTINQKR COUNTIES. NORTH DAKOTA, to buy our low-priced land and ace the big crops ( Dollar Wheat; hew railroad building and new towre. where new hotel and business houses are needed. Pee Wm. H. Brown Co., Haynea. Adame County. North Dakota, for maps and facta. Iowa lowa SACRIFICE OF CII1LDRLN Police Arrive Juit in Time to LiTri of little Onei. Sre KOTEEK IS DECLARED IXSAST Cay Flsker, Yoatk x'h bt Himself AerMal f LsTe Affair, Dies from Wd sit HtMSltal, ever had and his return to the ImMltilttoti 111 meet w 1th general fator anil approval MONEY-SAVERS If you vm real bargains, lorn prices and easy rental Urrnt, look these over, then see us. t-icwm modern cottaire, best condition, lot aOxlSO, 1 blk. from car, close In, ,6.; U.iO cah, ba). J0 per mo. k-roum cottage, w Ith sewer, closet, gaa, paved street, on car line, $1,850; 175 cash, 15 per rno. 4-rooni cottage, city tutor, fcti. U) Utah, 10 per mo. I- room houf, partly mod., close tn, (2,6o0; tisn cash, l-i per mo. II- roOm modern houee, close In, IJ.tO; UTi essli. M) per mo. New 6-room modern cottage, eorner lot, fine location, on car Una, 116U0; rental Ural, Ni w 4-room cottage, lot BO1U8, I block! from -car, U.iTS; I7& cash, f 15 per mo. l-room cottaice, full lot, Il.tfiO, small cash payment, hal. lit per mo. Veiy choice new t-room modern cottage, high, alghtly looatlon, full lot, H.700, eay terma. RUSSELL & McKITRICK CO., 4i2 Kamg Bldg. lth and Harney. OWN A FINE LARGE LOT HALF AN ACRE JUST RIGHT Why not ratae all your vegetables and fruit and chickens for home use? We have Just tne piace, "HOME ACRES" Fine level half acres, equal to three city lota. I blocka west of Fort Omaha, close enough to both Ames avenue and Florence car lines. Some of our best people are buying in this addition. Let us show you what we are offering. PRICES $360 TO 1400 EACH , .TtRMfc UO CASH, 10 A MONTH. . HASTINGS & HEYDEN, lS14Harney street. Conservative Building. W. L SELBY Doug. 1010. 436 Board of Trade Bldg. FLORENCE BOULEVARD A good 6-room, modern hous, 4 rooms and hall on first floor, X bod room and bath and large closet on second floor. Lot (Uvxit feet. Fine treea and shrubbery. If aold within IV daya will tak ,liM. A good buy. AN OPPORTUNITY To buy a fin home ready built for less than cost, k rooms and bath, oak finish on first floor, tile floor In bam room, Fine aoutii front lot on paved street, only 2 blocka to car. Owner la going to bcattle reason for selling. li.OuO. HANSCOM PARK A very pood t room, modern home! Large rooms, raved street. Convenient to cj. FIELD CLUB On 35 th avenue near Wool worth avenue, a splendid 8 room, all modern home, oaic finish on first floor. Sleeping porch, etc 1V lot. SELBY BIGGEST BARGAIN IN ILANSCOM PARK DISTRICT ldOS B. ffth St., fine large house on cor ner lot; s rooms, with splendid high ceil ings; modern. Both Georgia Ave. and Poppleton Ave. are Paved. iavlnx paid In full. Lot 60x142 fL; plenty of room to build a duplex flat on rear of lot. Owner about to leave city, reason for selling, frios, S.X6t) cash. We will loan 14.000 on thla property if purchaser wants It. HASTINGS A HETDEN. 1U14 Harney St. $9,000, $5,000 Cash. Balance I per out; olos in. always oc cupied, fays bco NET TO YOU. Looks awful big, but if you doubt tt oom in and we will convince you. NOWATA LAND A- LOT CO., Suite b24 .s. If Life iildg. Pnone Ked 1. O:o&ha, Neb. BUY A LOT FOR THE BOY In "HILLSDALE." It only take a dollar down and then fl a wek, without Interest. Located 7 Mocks went of Miller park. All big lots, Mgh and sightly. The advance of thete lots is certain. Omaha if growing the faKieat In this direction. Two years airo Collier I'lace was a wilderness. ' One yiur tea lapt spring Fort View Terrace 4 blixks south) was a corn field. Now- botn ar built up with a large number of new homes. Prices on these lots I1CW to 1X0, nothing higher, fl oaaik. (1 a week, without interest. HASTINGS & HETDEN, 1S14 Harney St. (-ROOM house, JW23 Marry St.. for sal by Geo. F. Wooley, b(J6 W. O. W. Bldg. FOR Quick returns, list your real estate for sale and exchange with me, no sale, no pay. W. W. Mitchell, Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Oklsksais. Oklahoma One Firm Produced 2,442,478 Bbls. Oil Sold 2,117,4S2 Bbls. in June in Nowata Co. 4 1040 acre of rich valley land. All amooth and part of aan:e Is In a high U'e of cultivation. This land is located within three miles of WaU'va, (Jkl.. and aix miles from Nowata. Okl.: WO acres of It Is prac tically In one body and 2 acres is loiateo three mllea south. The land Is well wortn fc en tp; an exceptionally good bargain at ai per acre. We have land in Nowata LO., in any aise tract you may desire from b acres up n price? ranging rrom iiv to a,ta per acre There are 4,poi flowing oil wells In Nowata Co. Natural raa Is suid aV2c per 1.000 cubic feet. Vou might get an oil well with your land. Average rainfall In Nowata Co., 36 Inches per annum; average from March 1 to Octo ber t 24 Inches, and distributed Just as needed. Prospects for a btg crop are in evidence on every hand. Corn stands lu to li fiet high; oats Just threshed mHklng 60 to 1'JO bu. per acre; wheat. 20 to 40 bu. On account of the seasons being over a month earlier than In the north, wheat sold for 11.37 per buBhel, as against Hoc this year. Oood water Is found from JO to 40 leeL Find Nowata county on your map. The Oklahoma A- Cherokee Central B, K, east and west through this county la a certainty. Land will probably double In value within two year. You can't afford to miss this opportunity. Let ua tell you why we can sell this land so cheap, ab Missouri Pacific ticket agent about low rates to Nowata. Come In and see ua, ot write NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 6114 N. T. Life Bldg. Phone Red UK. Omaha, Neb, LIST your property with Chris Boyer, and Cuming Sts. Why is It We hare a 8-room, brand new house, all modern, except heat; corner lot; fine neigh borhood. Will accept $4i0 down, balance by the month. Price $2,7i0. SEE US. P. 0. NIELSEN & CO., 703 N. T. L Bldg. Both Phones. BEM1S PARK lot. has sewer, water, r. paved street, bargain. 70. Must 'tw aold at Oi.oe. All tajsa paML UX N. 4th M. FOR SALE Two new-6 room bouses at 3Sd and Charles; strictly "modern. Call and tee. carpenter or 'Phon Xiouglaa Z3fei, even- BOVLEVARD HOUSE 2J43 North Wth St., -roomar modern, only 12,W6. Thomas urennan, Koom t, New lork Laf Bldg. BUT for investment Trttrb owner, two -room house, built 1 yerr All modern, good location, corner lor: rental, tT5 per month-; special low price lPpolrt In 0 days. Dr. M. M. Loomia, 101. fc' 84th. 6t. , REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAISCH LAND FOR BALE Colorado. DO YOU WANT A FRUIT FARM! One that will produce dollars worth of fruit, grain, alfalfa, sugar beets, cante- loupes and vegetables to best Nebraska or Iowa land quarters? Land is about 1&0 miles south of Denver. Colo., In Arkansas river valley, not bottoms; It's the best land on earth, with newt, reliable water rights In Colo, canal and private reservoir, deeded free with land, fully ri5 up and non-taxable; haa stood the test for 30 years without a failure. We have about 300 acres of 12-year-old orchard; this year we sold th Cherries at $600 Net an Acre on the treea, buyer picking them. Apples will do accordingly as well. We don't de pend on future promises ox blue sky talk, we have the goods to show to your satis faction, surrounded by. American com munity, best society, churches and schools. Prices below others. Long time payments at low Interest. Write or call for full In formation. ISAAC CONNER, 221 Board of Trade, Omaha Idaho. Idaho Carey Act Lands. Now opeu for entry in uie choicest agricultural fcection of the nortnwest. Th Snak River Valley, Southern Idaho Stale lovernmenl Supervision. For f re Information en Irrigated- Lands Writ C. H. Hurtu Boise, Idaho. Allmmeoia. UO ACREB well Improved land. Red River Valley, Minnesota. Nothing better uu earth, HJ.S0 ptr acre.- F. J. McMahon. .iidAom feu Paul. Minn. BUILT FOR A HOME New 8-room. strictly motlrrn Iiolm, built by owner fur a home, on U Ave., near hanacom park, taut front, nice lot auu good . barn, specials all 111 and paid for. ir'ric lo.iou. DARLING & DARLING. 441 Brandeis Lids- OWNER'S LOSS, YOUR GAIN $3,350 for a new, all modern houee In good loca tion. It haa SEVKN LARGE ROOMS In all. Parlor, dining room, kitchen, two bed rooms and ba:h. tieside front and rettr vetititoul on the first floor. Two large well ventilated bedrooms on eoond floor. First fioor finished in oak and hard pine, sod u waa built by day labor. Materials and construction F1RjT CLASS. It la on a corner lot, facing south and eaat, one block from a good car hne. Favorable terms can be made. Our aalecmeu will takt you to set this any time. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 11.14 Harney St. IF-YOU-WON A PRIZE LAST WEEK, WRITE AGAIN ' :. IF NOT, TRY IT OVER. ' V ' , t-ROOM M tuuarl. NO SUCH BARGAINS as tn southern Mis souri. Arrange lo go Ja uc August it. iinrop at lupin. 41s Bee. , RANCH, 440 acres, all fenced, one-half in CuiuvaUuu, U0 acles rich, Osnge lliver boi loin lana; uuiidina on Uiis piac cost over fci.UuO. Fine aprings, jkai.MM leal uuk fcaw timber, only two miles from Niaugua. frice, A per acre. A SNAP. LATHRuP s TOiilN, 41a Be Bldg. NICE, amootii, well improved larnis In Nodaway county, Missouri; price, -js ui tluo per aoie, just as gootl as )vu can- buy in MCstern luwa or euitern Neoraaka at iltM to (17s. Siuiih Hinea. Hopkins, Mo. Jioatsvsu. U. S. GOVERNMENT LAND Ot'bMKti I'MitK CAltLl ACT. Conrad- aner project, Montana. 70.000 acre of fine, grassy prairie under tiun. Lirawlng October 7, liXH. Must reg later for orawuig betor October . Can register by man. For information and bianks write W. W WA1 MAN. Valier Montana, or sou Security Bldg., Mlnneap- uiia. Minn. Trua. 2&0 ACRES of Improved Texas land, I miies from Alvin, lor sal at a bargain price. For particulars writ to Box 1&, Alvin, Tex. OUR next excursion to Panhandle couu- try August J.7. Lathrop & "Tobin. 4u Bt. REAL ESTATE LOANS H00 to 110.000 made promptly. F. D. Wewd, Wead lildg., lkth and Farnam. IfiOO to tr. OOO on homes In Omaha. O'Keef Real Lstate Co., 1001 N. . Lite. Doug, oi A-2162. MONET TO LOAN Payne lnvesment Co REAL eBtat purchase -money, mortgages and contracts bought. Antelope Investment Co., Old Boston Store Bldg. . FIVE PER CENT MONET to loan on Omaha Business Property. . THOMAS BKENNAN. Room L New- Tork Life Bldg. OARV1N BROS.. 218 N. Y. Life.. 1&00 1300,000 on Improved property. No delay. to WANTED-'-Clty loans and warrants. Farnam Smith A Co., 1X Farnam 6l. W WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. PATNE. BOSTW1CK & CO.. N. Y. Lite Private money. KM to J6.00U; low rate. SECOND MORTGAGE loana negotiated Apply Rooms 41T-1 First Nat 1 Bank Bldg Bell Phone, ouugias ui5. LOWEST RATES Benila, Brandeis Bldg REAL ESTATE WANTED When writing to advertiser remember It only takes a stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In Th Be. WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for eeeunw-hand furni ture, carpels, clothes and shoes. Tel. Doug. 1H7L BEST price paid stoves, clothing. W. for 2il-hand furniture, Rosenblatt. Tel. D. owl. BALTIMORE 2d-hand store pays best price Hd-hand furniture, clothes, etc. D. t'tiu. WANTED TO BUY Western unimproved land; send full particulars in first letter. P. O. Box Vi. Co. Bluffs. Ia. WANTED TO RENT WANTED Well furnished -house in West Farnam or Hanacom park district for at least A year by responsible parly ; no chil dren. Address D U, Bee WANTED A storeroom. W. E. Balduff. CO V ERN M ENTN0JjC ES OF (From a Staff Correspondent! DBS WOlNirs, Attr 11 (Special Tele gram. )-Mra. Nellie Golston of 111 F.nt Locust street was i topped br the polic from sacrificlrfc the lives of her three little children. She had a fir built In th back ysrd and th children were there undressed and h was securing a knife to mshe a human sacrifice when th police arrived, having been notified by the neighbors. This afternoon before the Insanity commi elon she was declared Insane. Bay Die of Wean. Guv' Fisher, svared ll years, of Gordon Grove, who shot himself at tK TentF street In thl city Tuesday, died at Mrrc hospital today from the bullet wound Delia Berry, ed 16, of Garden Grove, with Whom Fisher was madly In love and on whase account he Is believed to have committed suicide, cam to the hoJfpltal and was with him when he died. The famtlie had tried to keep thm apart solely because of their youth. Letters from the girl breathing an ardent affection for him wer found among his effects. The glil I claim nothing she or her parents did could hav caused hlni to shoot himself and thinks there Is some other reason. The boy refused to dlvuhre any. La Follette Commend loeraaa. In Ml Ayr today Senator I.a Follette delivered his first speech since congress Adjourned. He said the tariff bill would hav been defeated If th democrats had hot voted for It He claimed the average is higher than the IMngley rate and com mended Dolllver and Cummins for their work. Deserter Attack Herareaat. In Attempting to capture four deserters of Troup O. Second cavalry. Sergeant Breen was badly beaten. The sergeant had no run. The four deserters attacked him and then ran. The deserters were Albert Hatxberger, Walter Mohney, George Fousl and James Mile. Bo ne to Make Exhibit. Boone will be the only city In Iowa that makes a city exhibit at the state fair this year. The Boon Commercial-club has se cured on of the Implement buildings on the grounds and Is prepared to mak a fine display. Still more, the club has arranged for the people of Boone to come to the gToundr Monday with a brass band at the head of th procession. They propose to come In such style that everyone on the grounds will know that they are there. There are many - manufactures In Boone and In addition to exhibits from each of the, the club w-fll hav an exhibit show Ing the possibilities and advantages of Boone as A business and commercial center. -- Steaosrrapber oa tae Grass. Three young women stenographers occu pied a cool place on the grass under the trees on the state grounds today arid Air the fore of ' Ihe state government could not dislodge them. There was no particular reason for dislodging them, as they were not hurting th grass any, but an old rule was ' discovered whereby everyone must "keep off th gras," so th custodian sent Chief of Police Cox to tell them to mpve on. They told Cox to tell the custodian to move on himself. Then th custodian went down himself to talk to them, but the stenographers didn't budge. After they "got good and ready" and It came tlm to go back to work after the noon hour they got off the grass. Police Arrest Wire Tapper. Fred Parmcnter, arrested at this place, Is beheved by the police to be at the head of A gang of wire tapper who got advance information on the bas ball games of the Western league by tapping telegraph wires and then placed bets on "sure things," fleecing A lot of sports out of their money. Wife of Seventeen Asks a Divorce r ammmsemaam. Siyi Husband Had Eer Sign A way Dowry Eights for Hundred and Fifty Dollar. CKKSTON. la.. Aug ll.-8peclal An action for divorce which waa filed In ilia district court yesterday by Mra. Ma Shields of Afiun presents some rathr un usual and sensational feature. Th plain tiff in th vase is a girl of only 17 year, while her husband Is a well-knwn auc tioneer of 42, who ha been married three times previously Using his e pencil, e In such affair, tt Is alleged, he had his wife sign afl agreement to rrnource her dowry light Ja htsrprup erty Ih consideration of a sura C lis htt they were married Mrs. Bhr4d how k that the court set this contract aside In view- of her tender year and lack of rx pcfienc and grant her alimony tn th um i f 24.000. She ' chars; es that- her husband has applied vile epltlsfts to ber and ctrcu .ated stories Against her virtue. Mrs. shields brought action in the courts last year, but was persuaded by her "huaband tn drop It. m: ti r i,x tr actio mm r Telephone t'nmpaay 4t Oat sm lajaavtloa. FORT DODGE, la., Aug 12. tSpeclal Telegram.) The third act In th Straet Railway against the City war Is supplied by the Fort Dodge Telephone company. Which secured an Injunction today against the street railway.' alleging unlawful cut ting and destruction of telephone . wires of the plaintiff and other damage. Power was shut off also, and work car on th new line th railway company Is attempt ing to place against the city's wishes were Stopped abruptly for lack of power. A healing is set for Friday. Floor Setae! at Naaratlae, MUSCATINE, la., Aug. 11 -Th United States government today seised a carload of flour her under th charge of a viola tion of tha pure food and drug act, because the flour was bleached. Orders cam from Secretary of Agriculture Wilson and Artor new General Wickesharn. This Is to be a test case. Blar Fatr at Coral n sr. CORNING, la., Aug. n. Special ) Com mencing Monday and lasting four days, Corning is looking forward to the biggest fair In the history of Adams county. Good purse are offered for the racing program and a good list of base ball games Is also scheduled. Wood Alcohol Is Fatal. WATERLOO, la , Aug. 11 (Special Tele gram.) William Con s. A barber, suicided by drinking wood alcohol afler A prolonged spree. His companion, William Kennedy, will probably die from the sans cause. -1' . Gilbert Soceeed-s Brer. IOWA CITY, la., Au. 11 (Special.) Th state university college of law gets back a former professor as a result of th Appoint ment of the State Board of Education made thla week. Prof. Barry Gilbert succeeds to the post made vacant by the death of Prof. Lawrence M. By era, professor of pleading and practice In th college of law. Prof. Gilbert haa been at the University of Illi nois for th lAst two years, to which place he went from th university here. His re turn is marked by A substantial advance in salary. Whit her h was one of th most popular professors which th coll eg has Maaat Aabara Boy Drowaeo. A LOON A, la., Aug. :12.-8peclal.) Clar ence Schnore, aged A whose parent reside at Mount Vernon, la.. was drowned wHU bathing in the De Mulrtea river At this piece. H could hot swim - Ckamberlaln to Be Baried katsrAay. ; WATERLOO. Ia., Aug. . 11 '- "pedal Tele gram.) Tht body 'of .A, P. Chamberlain, who committed suicide in Dos Moinn yes terday, reached Waterloo tonight for burial Saturday. The Baltimore Sl Oki :.allra4. Low round trip fare from Chit ago ui New York City. Atlantic City. Boston and other eastern destinations during .'uly, August and September, 1WK. Return limk thirty flays. Stop-overs at PIUsburK. Washington, Baltimore and Philadelphia For Information address W. A. Preston. T. P. A., 44 Clark St., or B. N. Ausiil. O. P. A., Chicago. Notice. A reward of (10 will be paid for the con viction of any per-on who remove th shoe laces from eur street car cards now In the cars or tha mutilation of th cArds In Any way. F. P. KIRKENDALL 4V CO, t ra-ndell Bask Roabea. . : ABERDEEN. S. D.. Aug. HlSpoclal Telegram.) At 1:10 this morning four yeggmen robbed th safe of th bank at Crandell, 8. D., of ILOOO and escaped. A Total Bellpoe of the functions of stomach, liver, kidneys and bowfels Is quickly disposed of with Electric Bitters. bOc Sold by Beaton Drug Co. If you hav anything to sell or trad and want quick action, advertise It hi Th Be Want Ad. columns. DEPARTMENT OF THii LMtRlOR. oltic of Indian Aflan a, ashing ion, D. C bea-ted pioposal for itu.i. District No. X. In the Cheyeun River li. dian Reservation, &0UII4 Dakota, lor gra lug purposes, eOJier under a leaae or L. peruiit. will b roeiu at the ollice of u.i Commissioner of Indiau Affairs, Was.,, liiglun, D. C, unul U o'clock p. m., uu Monday. August Su, 1K0, aud will be imme diately there at Ler opened in tne presence of such piaaers as may auena. snaps shewing th location of th district and all necessary information may be obtained on application to tn Superintendent ot the Cheenn River Indian school, Cneyenn River Agency, South Dakota. R. O. Val entin. Commissioner. JyZldJvl DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, office of Indian Affairs, Waablngton, t. C, Sealed proposal for letting graslng privileges on th Biackfeet lndlui Reservation, Montana, under the permit system, will be received at the office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Wash ing, D. C, until 2 o'clock, p. m.. on Mon day, August HO. lnOit, and will be immed iately thereafter opened In the presence of such bidders as may attend. Maps showing the location of th reservation and all necessary Information may b ob tained on application to th Superintendent of th Black feet Indian school. Browning. Mont R. O. Valentine, Commissioner. JyildJut OCEAN STEAMSHIPS taatk Dakota. SOUTH Dakota farm, ranch, mineral and timber land tor saie or trade. 1 Mai acres part irrigated larni, fine improvements, on imi essi of Rapid City in Rapid River vaiiey for sale or traUe. Bargaiu. Teil us fully what )ou wish to buy. sell or trade. Com west; mak money in land. Rep resentatives wanted, larruera preferred. Farrar At Jepsen. Rapid Ciiy. S. D. MODERN HOUSE. FoR ,7S. Parlor, anting room, ditilng room and llbiary or book room and kitchen, I bed rooms and modern bath upstairs; large cel lar Bncaea up ana cemented; outside cel- larway; large furnace; lare new front' and side porch; house newly painted and la good order; lot auxUH; shade ireee; fruit if""":. JrVZr7.crP"nl pve1 ' relinquishments. For Z.-..Z1 . TJr. . . r- TV.' .. ' "-'" ; Hudson i-ana UVMsw asjiit wwum irii KJV Vil . ' m , , 1 , ATEi. I ojj account of aickneaa would Ukc to E7 N. T. Lit. I huiie. D L4. - svetl my relinquishment : rn my homestead. van s ay i iax J-mrop bju , g. r have some iniproi ements near rail road and good ce.griboi; U interested pleas write. Address A Id, Be. IF you are looking for an Investment tn good cheap farm lands, you cannot afford 10 buy until you have aeon th lands 1 hav for sale in Stanley oeunty, S. D. for tlliu to $u per sere; choice farm land and located in a nice couutrv alo have information writ agency, MiAiaod, b. V. FOI SALE 4-room. modern hous and barn, ia fin rendition; brick walk and shad tree, oa paved street; a snap -f taxes at ot). Tel. Doug .as avis. OUR next excursion to Huron August 17 , LATUKoP A TOBIN. Lew. CANADIAN PACIFIC tscsa TfAAJt roua bats at aaa. Vsa-iy gainag lsstwa Ateaarea, 'j-rta aaA Uverpeo. Twe Aaya 00 the oewuilfui It Lajrreae river aud la iiortsa ocaaa real 10 tvp. KoLhlns; aetter ee th Atlantic Uiaa out linprea- V Irelea on all teneTe, rtxat olaoa. MOj serosa. i,at e aiaae eabia, A. Ask your ticket aent- or write fi guga, ratea nd htek it & B. BXBeAAfTJt. 4. Am t3 BobAA Olarfe i liUITf i TARL1NE5 'cRUlStw miruj I SAJUrrti JANUAJrr 20.IVIO j to rladcirOpain xtcditcrrancan .Orknt Costing ortiy4O0and up for 73dys fru'5 Pept WKitg Star Lin WY eaf ynt,. it. Pitil Sis m5 iiiSisSIi WR'tott- Three splendid trains a day via The North Western Line leave the Union Sta tion, Omaha, at. 7:45 a. m., 7:00 p. m. and 9:00 p. m. J There are hundreds of cool northern resorts in the woods and on the lakes in Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Lake Superior District Low vacation rates. Tie Best of Everything For rates, tickets and full infor mation apply to Ticket Offices 14C1-1403 Farnam Street Omaha, Sti.