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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1909)
The Omaha Daily Bee TlIE OMAHA DEE for to the hosseo Is read r th mwi MlU good for dTtrtlMn. WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska Generally fair. For low l.ocnl howerg. For MthM report e pc 8. VOL. XXXIX-NO. 49. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 12, 1909 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. TRACTION STRIKE SEEMS PROBABLE Indication! for Settlement of Street Cat Trouble! in Chicago Growing Darker. K0 Eiri"INlTE OFFER TO MEN Union Officials Are Insisting Upon a Tangible Proposition. ' aaasBsanaasa. KORE PROMISES ABE .MADE Korth and West Side Lin Sub mit Terms Toda. .".. STRIKE COMING, SAYS EY toa ( Work br Moorae Coadaetor la Almot Inevitable. CHICAGO. August 11.-Th street cr nltustlon In thin city becam darker today than It bin been at any Mm since the unlcn men voted strlk. The failure of the conference between the union leader and the officials of tha street railway com panles to result In any, tanirlble offer that the unlen offlclala thought they could talk to their men and cava rise to a growing dissatisfaction among the employe. The union official tonight demand some thing beside promise to place before their men and declare that unless they can get It soon thay will not b responsible for what might oeeur. At a conference held between President T. K. Mitten of the City Railway company and President M. C. Buckley of tha South Fide Street Car Men's union, Mr. Mitten proposed to give tha Increase asked for, but making the -cent an hour scale applicable only to those employee who have been in the service ten ' years. Buckley refused this and said tha only thing the untona would accept would be an advance to SO cents within two years. Mr. Mitten aald he would bave to confer with his stockholders. President John Roach of the North and West sld lines haa promised to make the unions a definite offer tomorrow. "Substantial progress has been made and I feel confident of an early settlement," said Walter L. Fisher, the city's represen tative In the conferences. t "A strike among the street car employes seems almost Inevitable now," aald M. B, Herley, city traction expert. Bvletlona Res la Today. PITTSBURG. Aug 11. Early tomorrow morning forty Schoenvllle strikers and their families will be evicted from the Pressed Steel Car company's houses at McKees Rock by the sheriff of Allegheny county and a fore of armed deputies. The sheriff . warned his deputies tonight to use peace able meow lav the oHcttown The question of arbitration In the strike trouble Is now In abeyance until August IS. At that time the common pleas court will rule on the advisability of Invoking the law of arbitration passed In the state of Pennsylvania In ISM. Today was marked by several minor clashes between the state constabulary and strikers. , . After Cover nor Draper. BOSTON', Aug. U. Referring to the gov ernor Of Massacuhsetts merely as "Eben i Draper," a committee appointed at a pe- clal convention of the Massachusetts statu branch, American 'Federation of Labor, held her today, recommended that every effort be mad to defeat In campaigns (or public office Governor Draper, "and all other political enemies of the trade union movement." The convention wa called to consider Governor Draper's veto of the eight-hour labor bill passed by the last legislature and tha genera defeat of other labor measures by the legislatures and to decide on recom mendations as to what action organise'.! labor ahould take In the primaries and lections next tall. Steamer Adrift Calls for Help C Q D Signal Prevents Probable Wreck of Clyde Liner Off Beaufort, N. C. BEAITORT. N. C.. August 11 Th steamship Araphoe of the Clyde line for Jrrkionvlll and Savannah, from New York broke It tall shaft this afternoon at t it o'clock and reported by wlrelesa nuerage received at this station at 4:30 o'clock that It was drifting helplessly. The hip at the time that It flashed it "C. Q. 1," was twenty-one miles southwest of Diamond Shoals lightship. The wind la strong from th northeast and 1 driving th ship on short. It Is heavily loaded and ha a number of pas senger on board. Wlreleas report say that the steamer Huron of h Clyde line arrived to aid th Araphoe at ! p. rri. Th Huron I standing by and possibly will take th Araphoe In tow. PLAN FOR TAF1-DIAZ MEETING Mealcaa fflelala Will Take Step to Pat the City la Order. EL PASO, Toaae. Aug. lL-Ignacio d la Barra, brother of th Mexican ambassador to th Vnited States, and commute of three other Mexican official arrived at Cludad Juarea. across the Rto Grand from Bl Paso, last night. They will take Immediate step to put th city Into utt abl condition for th meeting between president Taft and President Dial. Th Mexican offiaala oalled on Mayor Sweeney of El Paso today to discuss plans tot tha aoeetlDg. CUSTOMS RECEIPTS GROWING ejollortloa, Yesterday Nearly Qaarter Mlllioa Mere Tkaa Savas Day Last Year. WASHINGTON, Aug. 11 -Receipts from custom today aggregate SLI41.US, a agllnat H.t.:0S for th eorree ponding day last year. Th acea 1 attributed In great mwuur te larg Imports of certain article ea whlcH wr deciwaeed by th ,are , fkf tivUv'i recelota Saji Verdict in Famour Ore Case at Helena Plaintiff is Given Judgment for $203,192. and Defendant Given Ninety Days to Appeal. HELENA, Mont., Aug. 11. Damages of $20S,191 were today awarded the plaintiff In the suit of the St. Louis Mining and Mill ing company against the Montana Mining company, limited, which was Instituted to collect 1 1. 00,000 for ores alleged to have been Illegally extracted from Its property. Tha property consists of a narrow yet ex ceedingly rich strip of gold bearing ground In the Marysvllle district of thlc county. The case has occupied the attention of the federal court for two months without In terruption. It Is the most famous mining litigation In the history of the state and has been before the courts for twenty years. The defendant was given ninety days In which to prepare a bill of excep tions, and a stay of execution was granted for that period. Likewise no operations In the disputed property will he permitted until the issue Is finally determined by rhe highest judicial tribunal In the land. Printers Will Ballot Today Six Cities Are After Next Convention of International Typograph ical Union. FT. JOSEPH. Mo, August 11. Delegates to the International Typographical union were entertained tonight with a dance at the Lotus club at Lake Contrary. Six cities have asked for the convention next year. They are Atlanta, Minneapolis, Salt Lake City. Houston. Rochester, N. Y., and Excelsior Springs, Mo. Tbe ballot will be taken tomorrow morning. Typographical union No. 40 of St. Joseph will celebrate Its Jubilee tomorrow with a program at Krug park. At today's session the freedom of th floor was extended G. L. Berry' of Cln-'' clnnatt president of the International Printing Tressmen and Assistants union, W. B. Prescott of Chicago, for many years president of the International Typographi cal union and H. N. Kellogg of Chicago, commissioner of arbitration for the Ameri can Newspapers Publishers' association. Berry pleaded for co-operation between the printers and pressmen's organizations. Kellogg urged harmony, between printer and publishers for their mutual benefit. Small Boy Shot By Playmate Walter Strayer of Lincoln, Aged 9, Killed by Phillip Whitt, Aged 11 Years. LINCOLN, Neb , Aug. 1. Walter Strayer, a child of 9 years, was shot in the fore head and killed by his playmate, Philip Whltt. A .38-callber revolver was used to Inflict the wound. The bullet entered the chin and ranged to the back of the neck, causing partial paralysis. He was able to whisper that the shooting had been Inten tional, but when the Whitt child was found after several hours' search he rip. ! clared the gun had gone off accidentally. The little Strayer boy lingered several hours after being shot. The Whltt boy Is 11 years old. Members of both families say they think the shooting accidental. COOL WAVES HITS THE EAST Sweltering Weather Gives Way to Moderate Temperatare Still Hot In the West. WASHINGTON, Aug. ll.-Th sweltering weather that has enveloped the east with It trail of many prostrations and a few fatalities has given place to a cool wave. Tor the next thirty-six hours, according to today's official prognostications, there will be moderate temperature throughout th eastern states. Out In the plains' states and the Mississippi valley, how ever, the warm weather continue. Con ditions remain unsettled over the gulf of Mexico and there ar Indications of a disturbance a considerable distance south east of the Texas coast. EPIDEMIC TAKES INFANTS Five Deaths Orrar la St. Paal aa Re-alt of lalaatlle Paralyal. ST. PAt'L, Minn., Aug. 11. Five deaths and a total of forty-seven new caea of Infantile paralysis have been reported to th health department to date, seven new cases being reported today. Thief Steals $4,000 from Sioux Cityan, but is Caught C. F. Morris, a real estate man of Hloux City, saved himself from a 4.0u0 theft in Omaha at th hands of a pair of smooth pickpocket. Th thieve took hi pocketbook, but he missed It bafer they could get away, gave the alarm by rushing after th thief who had hi money, and starting a chk that attracted the attention of M person ' on Farnam street, resulted In the capture of on of th pickpockets and the finding of th pocketbook In an old shoe at th fruit tor of C. Gonella at 110 South Thirteenth street. Th second Uiief made his escape. Mr. Morris left th Pax ton hotel shortly before noon to take a street car for feuuth Omaha. Just ahead of him as he was getting on the car h noticed a large man who purposely blocked the way. This man's action aroused the fiioux City visi tor' ausplcion and he glanced behind, to ae another man very clos to him in th act of putting something In hi pocket Mr. Norrla, a If by Instinct, at one fell for bl pocketbook and found It was miss ing. Then be leaped from th car after the man on th pavement and chased him across th street to th corner in front of the Rock Island railroad office. Her he TAFT CONFERS WITHO'BBIEN President Discusses Political Condi tions in Orient with Ambas sador to Japan. FEW RECESS APPOINTMENTS None Will Be Made Except When Emergency Exists. TRIP DOWN THE MISSISSIPPI Executive Will Make Several Speeches from Steamer's Deck. COOL DAY IN NEW ENGLAND Chief Kucotlve Goea for Automobile Ride M off led l"p la Overcoat Begins Reg-alar Exercise la Grmnaalam. BEVERLY. Mass., Aug. 11 President Taft talked with the American ambassador to Japan, Thomas J. O'Brien, for more than an hour this afternoon on the porch of his summer cottage. The ambassador went carefully over every question of Importance which wss pending when he left Toklo on leave of absences Mr. O'Brien Is to be re tained by the president as ambassador and Is credited with being as close to the throne as any ambassador at the Japanese court. Mr. O'Brien brought many messages of congratulation and good will to Mr. Taft from the president's friends In Japan. These friends Include men both In and out of official life. After his Interview with Ambassador O'Brien President Taft de clared that matters In the far east were very satisfactory. The ' probability of a break between China and Japan over th? Antung-Mukden railway Improvement was not taken up, since the situation, which now seems to be adjusting Itself, had not become acute when Mr. O'Brien left the Japanese empire. The question of the Japan-American treaty is soon to be taken up in this country and It Is believed the president gained much Information for fu ture use In his talk with the ambassador. Mr. O'Brien will sail for Europe on Friday, but will return to this country on bis way back to his post. Few Recess Appointments. President Taft made the important declaration today that It will be his. policy to make as few recess appointments as possible. In cases of vacancies on th fed eral bench, especially, the president has stated he will make appointments only In districts where the need of a judge Is shown to be imperative. The president does not believe It good policy to appoint a man to a life position and to commission him In the absence of confirmation by the senate. There have been several Instances In re cent years when federal judges failed of confirmation after serving from on to three years and the situation thus created have been embarrassing. . .'''. Mr. Taft'a declaration of hi policy as to recess appointments came up In connection with the vacancy on the district court bench at Chicago occasioned by th death of Judge Bethea. Mr. Taft will not fill this vacancy until congress meets In De cember. Talk With Jada-e Abbott. The president had a long talk with Judge Ira E. Abbott of New Mexico after luncheon today. Judge Abbott haa been spending the summer at Haverhill, his old home, and called to give he president some Information about political affairs In the territory. The question of statehood of New Mexico did not enter Into the Inter view, for the president takes It for granted that congress will carry out the party's platform declaration for separate state hood for both New Mexicon and Arizona. The president Is to make several stops In both of these territories on hi western trip. The president will not attend th army maneuver around Boston the week of Au gust 11-21. He thinks his visit would be "too official" for th vacation period. I.oara Game of Golf. Indeed, the president laughingly de clared today the invading torcea could capture Boston, Beverly or Ipschwlck, Just so they did not Invade the golf links at Myopia and Essex. On the Essex links today the president and John Hayea Hammond were for the second time defeated by General Adelbert Ames and W. J. Herman of Boston. To day the president and Mr. Hammond lost by 1 up as against up last Monday. The president could not be drawn Into any discussion that savored of politic today and announced that all such sub ject are tabooed during vacation time. He would not admit that he had seen any "Insurgents" threat In th paper and this Included the Cummins' boom for th presidency In 1912. Mr. Taft 1 "out of school" for five weeks and he 1 playing at play with his might. Late today the president and Mr. Taft and Captain Butt took a three miles auto- (Continued on Second Page.) neck. The thief ran on without striking back and dodged down the alley between Farnam and Harney and ran east to Thir teenth atreet. By thi time a larg crowd waa following down th alley In purult and th thief ran Into th fruit store of C. Gonella, 110 bouth Thirteenth street The proprietor wa not In and the fellow picked up an old aho Into which he placed th wallet he had taken from Mr. Morns. After this he ran out of th stor and started north. A crowd of fifty men and boy he held at bay ther by making a pretense at drawing a gun. Juat aa he started to move away some boy In th crowd burled a large stone at him and brought him to the ground. A big negro ran up and caught hold of the thief and held him until th police arrived. Th pocketbook In th fruit store was found by Detective Malonay few min ute after th thief waa captured. It con tained a check on a Sioux City bank for 3. and about StOO In currency . At th police station th thief gav hi nam of Thomas Mahar of Bt Joseph, Mo. He refused to say anything regarding his pal. The detective ar now hunting th second man. It'i supposed be escaped by going west oa rarnaas. while Jdaaer jwaj Mymm IMS " t msk ' ' i Faghlon Nolo: The) New Hat for Women Has Just Come from Franco. Toque and Is Eighteen Inches Tall, Made ol Fur, Topped From th'e Washington Ftar. GUNSHOT EXPERT ON STAND Dr. Schaeffer Says Lieutenant Sutton Could Not Have Shot Himself. SKULLS PART OF THE EXHIBIT Sergeant Todd Testifies as to Seeing; Maa Running and Hearing; Call to Halt. After Which Four Shot Were Fired. ANNAPOLIS. M(3 . A i. ttry- aTom feature wa tnls afternoon Introduced la the proceeding In the court of inquiry Into the death of Lieutenant James N. Sutton, jr., of the United States Marine forps, when t1e legal representative of Mrs. Sutton, the mother of the dead lieu tenant, brought to the witness stand Dr. Edward M. Schaeffer of Washington, an expert on gunshot wounds. The people In the room, spectators and Interested parties alike, crowded around the table and (raxed with the keenest In terest upon the doctor while he placed upon the table glistening skulls to the ex terior of one which he affixed. In little Urns of wax, steel rods Intended to Indi cate to th members of the court the course of the bullet in the skull of Lieu tenant Sutton. Lieutenant Adams had given a dramatic Illustration of the po sition of Lieutenant Sutton when th fatal shot was fired. The doctor waa equally dramatic as ha stretched himrelf upon the table- and showed by pantomime how, in his opinion as an expert. It was quite Im possible that Lieutenant Sutton could ever have fired into his own head the shot that put an end to his life. One of the points which the witness dwelt upon with considerable stress was the Impossibility of Lieutenant Sutton being able, under the circumstance de scribed In the testimony, to exert suf ficient pull on the trigger of the revolver to bring uown the hammer of the weapon upon the cartridge. Ghastly skulls and a flow of technical terms that kept the official stenographers busy asking for repetition were much in evidence during the afternoon and up to the time when court adjourned. Dr. Schaeffer waa still on the stand under cross-examination by Dr. Birney, counsel for Lieutenant Adams. Story of Ser;en at Todd. The evidence of Sergeant Todd, touch ing which considerable interest had been aroused by a published alleged interview with him, while It did not confirm th Interview In whole, did bring Into the of ficial evidence some points not In con sonance with evidence which had been given previously by young officer of the marine corps. Sergeant Todd said b heard an unusual noise In th guard room and there found Lieutenants Adams and Osterman, who asked him for weapons, saying there was trouble in the camp. They got no weapons. Shortly after he heard shots fired. Later Lieutenant Roelker, In civilian attire, came to him and said he had been shot. The witness found In Roelker's pocket a drill regulation book, he said, In the pages of which he found a bullet. There waa a (Continued on Second Page.) Are you looking for a room? An easy way is not to wear out shoe leather but to look through the list of rooms of fered for rent on the want ad pages of The Bee. There you will find practically a com plete directory of the desir able rooms with sufficient in formation to enable you to judge which will meet your requirements. Then, by in specting these, you will, be sure to find what you want. Have you. read Uio want ads. yut Boat Capsizes, Four Are Lost, Three on Raft Cargo of Anchors Causes Naval Tug to Upset in Stiff Gale Off Massachusetts Coast. rtOCKPORT, Mass., Aug. 11. The cargo of anchors on board the naval tug Nesln scot. Captain Evans, proved too great a burden and It rolled down th coast from Portsmouth. ' to Boston before a northerly gale early today and after th seas had flooded the engine room, the tug rolled over and sank off Cape Ann. Four of Its crew lost their lives, while nine others, Including the captain's wife and boy reached land after a hard strug gle. The lost were: CHARLES F. TROTTER, acting assistant surgeon. C. L. TAYLOR, ordinary seaman. C. F. WHITE, colored, ships cook, first class. L. R. EDWARDS, colored, seaman. Captain S. Evans and Machinists Mate A. Belfrlc were taken from an oak grating by a life saving crew after they had been in the water nearly five hours and had seen Dr. Trotter washed off Into the sea. Lincoln Man Hurt in Stage Wreck Edwin F. Richards and Daughter Are Among Victims of New Hamp shire Runaway. SANDWICH, N. H., Aug. 3L-(Speclal Telegram.) In a frightful runaway acci dent near Meredith, N. H , this morning Edwin F. Richards and his daughter, Marie, prominent resident of Lincoln, Neb., on a vacation, were badly hurt. Mr. Rich ards has two broken ribs, a fractured col larbone and possible Internal Injuries. His daughter escaped with bruisea. A stage driven by a woman, who ha been In four runaway accidents In two weeks, broke down descending a high hill. The horses were guided at terrific speed Into a ditch, th coach overturned and all the passengers burled beneath. On woman who live In Connecticut haa gone Insane from her experience. She cannot tell who she Is or remember anything. Gutzon Borglum to Make Tatt's Bust Noted Sculptor Will Go to Beverly as Soon as He Returns from West NEW TORK, Aug. U.-It waa learned tody that Gutzon Borglum, th sculptor, has received a commission to make a bust of President Taft. Mr. Borglum will re turn from a western trip within a day or two and It I understood he will go to Iteveiiy to execute the commission. Fireman Weds Tot Whose FREMONT, Neb., Aug. ll-(SpeclaI.)-As a sequel to the heroic act of Frank Larson, a fireman on the Chicago A North western railway, wbo saved little Earl Deianey from death beneath the wheels of hi engine near Exeter, Nob., two year ago, comes th announcement that th young man 1 10 be united In marrlag V th mother of th little tot at th Cathollo church her next Sunday. Larson's first meeting with his bride-lobe wa brought about under th most ro mantic circumstance. He wa firing on I an engine running at th rat of thirty It Is Called the Russian by an Aigrette. DIXDZZO MAKES TWO APPEALS Closes Saloon, but Proceeds to Fight Case in Court. BOARD EXILING UNSATISFACTORY Will Ask District Judge for taper cedeas and Heqaest Sapreme C'oort to Overrule Jndg Sutton's Decision. "We re preparing an appeal from the decision of Judge Sutton to th supreme court to bo filed at once," said W. M Oilier of Weaver dt Oilier, attorneys . In the Dlnutio S o'clock closing case. "Our appeal from the Sutton decision, which up holds the constitutionality of the closing law. Is on the same grounds that formed the basis of our original action." Frank Dinuzzo closed his saloon at Twelftn and Douglas streets this morning, or rather he did not open It, In conformance with tho ruling of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, which revoked his license because he sold liquor after S p. m. "But we shall also file an appeal flora the decision of the board," said Mr. Giller. "We (hall ask the district court for tt supercedeas and If wa obtain It Dinuzzo may reopen his place and continue business pending the action in the courts. It has been the process in such cases to grant supercedeasea and we hope to obtuln one ;i this case." "I don't know that the Anti-Saloon league has any plans further to prosecute In th matter of our protest for th re vocation of th Dlnuxso license," said Harry A. Stone, secretary of the league. All our papers Vnd Information Is in the hands of tha governor and I see he haa turned It over to the attorney general, so we are leaving It entirely up to him now." Dlnuszo's trial will be taken up In Judge Sutton's court Thursday morning. If evi dence can be secured by the prosecution a jury will be waived and the trial will be car: led through. If another delay Is nec essary the district court will not adjourn Saturday, as bad been decided, and tin case will come up Monday. Although Dlnuzzo's license has already been revoked he Is still liable to punishment by a fine of $100. It has been said in court that his attorneys would bring no witnesses fur defense, but would allow City Prose cutor Dickinson to make a prima facie case and will appeal directly to th supreme court upon conviction. It a possible that a decision on th matter can be got from the supieme court Immediately. If Dinuzzo' case can be finally won he cau recover from th city th 11,000 ha paid for a. license. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Raral Carrier Named for Roates lowaa aad Soatk Dakota. la (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Aug. 11. (Special Tele gram.) Rural carrier appointed: Iowa Bellevue. rout No. (, Fred L. Ernet car rier, no substitute. South Dakota Burke, route No. 1, Gustave E. Linden carrier, no substitute; route No. 2, Goorge S. Gudge carrier, Fannie B. Gudge substitute; route No. 3, L. E. Snyder carrier, L 8. Snyder substitute. Mother of Life He Saved a child ahead, asleep on the rail. It was took late to stop the engine, which wa pulling heavy load of cara. Crawling down over th pilot, Larson thrust the little tot aside with his foot and th babe ea caped uncathed- Th child wa the only son of Mrs. De ianey, a pretty young widow, wbo was teaching school at Exeter. Th mother met tb brave rescuer of ber child to thank him for hi heroic act. A warm friendship sprang up between them, constantly grow Ing more dear to each until It ha led them to th threshold of th altar. Larson, who la al year of age, U nearly PARDEE REPLIES TO BALLINGER Contest Over Policy of Interior De partment Breaks Out in Irri gation Congress. POWER SITES RESTORED TO ENTRY Former Governor Intimates That Peo ple Have Been Betrayed. TURNER DEFENDS SECRETARY Washington Senator Says Official is Within the Law. FIVE BILLIONS ARE WANTED Resolattons latrodaced Asklnat fnt Slllloa Keek for Irrigation, Drain age, "W aterways, Roads and Forestratloa. PPOKANR. Wash.. August lV-The Pall. Inger-Plnehot contest burst upon th Na tional Irrigation coi.grens this afternoon. Dr. George C. Pardee, former governor pt California, attacked Richard A. Bellinger. secretary of the Interior with a fleieeness only seconded by that of former Senator George Turner of Washington, who de fended the secretary. Mr. Balllnger entered the auditorium this afternoon surrounded by a reception com mittee and when he arose to speak he wns cheered for several minutes. He read from a paper his ideas on reclamation and th public domain. He contended that what has been done by the secretary of the Interior was under the law. Mr. Balllnger 'a Speech. His speech In part follows: "While the government has Invested over $50,000,000 In Irrigation works, many times that amount has been Invested sine the passage of the reclamation act by pri vate enterprise and It Is safe to say that a large portion of these private Investments have resulted from governmental example and encouragement; and let me say here that It has not been and la not the policy of the national government In the admin istration of this act to hinder or Interfere with the Investment of private capital in the construction of Irrigation works, but rather to lend it encouragement. This Is particularly true In reference to Irrigation under the Carey act in the various states. "The purpose of th reclamation act Is to undertake the Irrigation of arid and seml-arld lands where a considerable por tion thereof belongs to th public domsui, and by the diverting of availabl waters to irrigate the largest possible area within a given territory at the least cost to tho en try men and land owners, for construc tion, maintenance and operation, aim-ays keeping in view the matter of th settle ment of thee lands ard rendering them capable of supporting the greatest number of famllle. Th law la a beneficial one. It differs, however, from tb simple home. I stv&d law in that it hold out inducement only to men of sufficient authority and capacity to carry the added burdens of construction, maintenance and operation, which Is the cost of the land. While it is possible that persons of limited mean may successfully enter and acquire Irrigated lands, it will generally be found that tt Is not a poor man's proposition unless coupled with Intelligent Industry In agri culture. Any one who has visited one or more of the reclamation projects now In opera tion and sees on the one hand th desert. covered with sage brush and barrenness. and, on the other, the water flowing over the fertile soil, producing heavy erops of grain, or orchards of fruit, appreciates to the fullest extent th benefit of lrrlga-. tion. New Project Hinder Old. The people of th weat, therefore, who are familiar with thes wonderful results in irrigation, ar highly appreciative of th Importance of tbe reclamation ervtc, but the great difficulty which th service en counters Is In finishing th project now undertaken as against the clamor for a diversion of the funds to new field. In this respect the service hs suffered In not carrying to completion a less number of projects than it Is now engaged In con struction. 'I cannot conceive of anything which will contribute mora to th permanent wealth and prosperity of the reclamation states and territories pan the continued construction of the broadest possible seal of Irrigation work. The danger which Jh government 1 undertaking to overcome 1 th establish ment of small Irrigation projeou In locali ties, whereby such establishment tho larger opportunities ar destroyed, thus preventing enormou area of lands from ever acquiring th us of water. For lack of funds, th government I at present often required to aurrender possibilities In water appropriation which moan an en ormous loss In future development of Irri gation works, and I fear this 1 not fully ppreclated. It 1 for this reason that at times private enterprises ar disposed to contend that the government U obstructing their Interests, while from th larger view their Interest ar obstructing greater pos sibilities for larger area of Irrlgabl land. 'I may mention her what ha fre quently occurred to me aa a sourc of ad vantage both to the states and th fed eral government and that 1 th securing from the various states of uniform legis lation in the matter of th appropriation of water and its beneficial us and also legislation looking to the control and con servation of all available water power. I'alforaa Regalatlon by States. "Thl congres could accompliah greater work beyond th stimulation of Interest In th development' of Irrigation than to secure uniform water regulations In th state and also uniform legislation affecting Interstate waters. "Ours I a nation of busy people, a na tion of great resource and possibilities and most favorably situated for trad and commerce, it wealth la greater than that of any single country, even of Frane and Germany combined, and thi wealth I In creasing at a bulous rate. Much of It has been accumulated by th destruction, by th t.crifics and wast of natures gtfta. and It 1 a fortuitous circumstance that the country has been brought to un derstand the Importance of utilising and saving our natural wealth and making It possible for the nation to eonduu to pros per and far th generation taaa ar to com to have some share la tha prosper. yllt tin a fclw wua big run 9a th ccuif cnaiea. Jaut ,-fi ... nulM M mcK 14Ti bQ-jM MVjl4 , tb4 Ua (UJdo-lbo