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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1907)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. APRIL 2. 1907. -LAST WEEK OF MADAME YALE'S SKIN FOOD FREE! OUR SPECIAL SOUVENIR SALE -Of- Madame Yale's eauty Preparations WILL CONTINUE ALL THIS WEEK SKIN FOOD FREE 'ffityjiWm 52 Free Beauty Consultation Toadies who are desirous of trying then preparations and who would like to ask queatlona concerning them (the proper ones to select, etc.) can ob tain all the Information they desire from the young ladlea in our Toilet Department. ! I e Special for With every purchase of any of Madam Yale's preparatlona to the amount Of 83c or over we are authorized to give FREE OF CHARGE a large souvenir Jar of Madam Yale's celebrated akin food. ' S MAIL ORDERS FILLED tadles unable to call may order by mall. The akin food aouvenlra and beauty books will be Included with each order. s Schaeler's Cut Price Drug Stores Omaha Cor. 16th and Douglas Bis.; Kth and Chicago Sta. Bonta Omaha N. W. Cor. 24 th and N Sta. Council Bluff a 6th Ave. and Main Sts. And the Boston Store BRIEF CITY NEWS. X (ball be glad to meet my friends at the People's store. Brantley East. Wew Store New goode. Clothing for men and women, hats, shoes, furniture, carpets, draperies, stoves. Cash or credit, Union Outfitting Co., 1S16-17-1 Farnam. On Mora Woman Rings In Kitty Wright appeared In police court Tuesday morning and pleaded guilty to running a disorderly house at 1821 Leavenworlh street and was fined 26 and costs by Judgo Crawford. Korrla BeoUaea Batter Pay 8. P. Mor ris, general secretary of the Associated L Charities, has refused a flattering offer to go to Minneapolis in a similar capacity. Mr. Morris feels the Omaha society lias Just been established on a substantial basis and does not feel Justified In leaving at thla time. Lee Wan ays Tan Dollars Ten dollars costs waa the punishment Inflicted upon Wah, the Chinaman arrested for tun ning an opium Joint at 1009 Capitol avenue, by Judge Crawforti Tuesday morning. Offl cera found four white mon In the place when It waa raided and theff rases will be heard Wednesday. Old Woman Ont of Jail Mrs. Maty SchffTer, the old woman who fell from the top of the first tier of cells at the city Jail to the cement floor below Saturday, receiv ing Injuries for which ahe was taken to the hoapltal, waa dlschurged in police court Tuesday morning on a charge of stealing old Iron from the Union Pacific railroad. She lives at Fifth and Jones street. rink atus&et) for Taxes County and City Treasurer Fink Is having a rush In his office Just now, the occasion being the nearness of the time when 1906 county taxes will become delinquent. These taxes will begin to draw Interest on May 1. The treas urer looks for a rush all thla week. Tues day morning the cashier's window was the objective point for a long line of patriots. Ooerllti Money la Missing Ernost GoerllU, manager of Ihe Metropolitan Grand Orora company and Helnrlch Con rled'a right-hand man, reported to the po lice Monday night that his pocketbook con taining t7i Is missing. He said he did not know whether the book waa lost or stolen, or whether It left him enroute here from Kansas City on the train or after be ar rived at Omaha. Boy X. (turns Without Guard Frank Brlgga, a youth who waa sent to the In dustrial school at Kearney by Judge Sut ton, will be allowed to rrturn home alone on his honor, to attend the funeral of hla t You will recognize Ar buckles' Ariosa Coffee in the cup, any time, by the taste. That "taste" identifies it as the straight, pure Brazilian and distinguishes it from the make-believe Mocha and Java, and sundry other mis branded or misnamed im postures. The improvement in the quality of Ariosa is the natural consequence of our own com mercial development, arid promises more for the future. Sold in a sealed package only, for your benefiti aJUJUCKLS BOS. Will continue this week in our Toilet Goods Depart ment. It is unnecessary to state that Madame. Yale's toilet requisites are the standard, having stood the test of time and experiment. They are now in universal use bv all lovers of high grade toilet Bpwiaiwes uirougnoui uie world. It is safe to say that millions of pretty girls and beautiful women in this country owe the beauty of their complexions and the luxuriance of their hair to Mme. Yale's preparations. This Week Drug Department. father, who died a day or two ago In South Omaha. Judge Sutton telephoned the In dustrial school authorities Tuesday morn ing to let the boy come home for a few days. He will make the trip entirely with out guard cf any kind. Judgment In revor of Widow Settle ment for $3,250 has been made In district court by the Union Pacific for the death of Byron H. Morehouse March 22, In an accident at tho transfer station at Council Bluffs. Judgment by consent was entered in favor of Mrs. Ida B. Morehouse, tho widow. Morehouqe waa a switchman and waa crushed between two cars on a Y switch. Yrom Jail to Convent Miss Pawn Ball the 16-year-old girl who was arrested last week on the chargo of stealing some arti cles of clothing from Mrs. C. C. Cleary, 2406 North Twenty-fourth street, for whom she worked, was discharged In police court Tuesday morning upon the understanding she Is to be taken to the House of Good Shepherd. The young woman's sisters ar ranged for such disposal of the case, one of them appearing In court. Funeral of Xev. Xiorenso B. Coy The funeral of Rev. Lorenzo K. Ooy took place Tuesday afternoon at his former home, 2813 North Twentieth etrvet, and the body was taken to Waterloo for Interment Services at the house were conducted by Rev. Jchn Randolph Smith of Trinity Methodist Epl copal church, assisted by Rev. M. V. Hlg beo of ' Knox Presbyterian church. They were in charge of the Orand Army of the Republic. Blok, Iimi and Sore Eva Derycke la the plaintiff In a ll.OCO damage suit filed In county court against Mary DuBols for Injuries received In an alleged assault com mitted April 20. The petition states that the defendant struck the plaintiff several violent blows upon the left eye and the forehead with a key, breaking her glasses and causing her to become "sick, lame and sore," and causing her great bodily suffer ing and mental anguish. Widow Buea for Insurance Setting up that the accrued earnings and surplus on her deceased husband's life Insurance pol icy would have been sufficient to pay a de linquent premium, Mrs. Ida I HaTs has begun suit In district court against the Mutual Life Insurance company of New York for $6,500. the face of her husbaad'a policy. The company refused to pay the policy because of the delinquent premium, but she asserts It had at that time $434.60 of accumulated surplus which might have been used In extending the policy. She also alleges the forfeiture clause in the New Tor Cltgr. policy la void because there waa no con sideration. Blf rnaotlon for BUlia Omaha Tel Jd 8okn society Sunday afternoon and even In. May 12. will jtlve an athletic and musi cal entertainment In Its hall at Thirteenth and Dnross streets. This event will be In honor of Frank Hiha, who will leave May 13 for rraue, Bohemia, to represent the Nebrnka Bohemian turner societies at an International athletic meet. I'nusual prep arations are being made for the proaTfrsa to be given on Msy 12. Turner socletlos from Plattsmouth and South Omaha will Join the Omaha societies, making a total of 2v0 persons to take part In the program. Plaintiff SUU Laid Up Vincent Rau and Martin Cettln, the two Austrlaos arrested Sunday night charged with assault on George Tomska, 1337 South Twelfth street, were taken before Judge Crawford Tuesday morning and their hearings were set for April 26. Both are out on bond. Tomska was still unable to appear against them because of his condition following the aa sault. It Is believed the men attacked Tomska for the purpose of robbery, aa It was known he ltd a roll of 10O on his per son. The victim's nose was broken and he wns otherwise Injured. ramlly right Aronsos Sleepers The quiet of No-th Klghteenth street waa rudely disturbed about 2 o'clock Tuesday morn ing by the sounds of angry voices, break ing crockery and furniture and other un seemly racket. Several residents of the neighborhood were awa-kened and, being unablo again to go to sleep "for the noise. they telephoned the police. Sergeant Rent frow and Officer Fahey made a hurried visit In the patrol wagon and found Mr. and Mrs. Fagenberger mixing it shame fully at their home, (S03 North Eighteenth stroet. They took the pair to Jail and In the morning they were fined $5 and costa each by Judge Crawford. ALAMITO HAS NEW PLANT IN Dairy Company Installs Machinery In Basement of Its Perma nent I, oration. Modern machinery for the manufacture of Ice and refrigerating Is being Installed by the Alamlto Sanitary Pnlry. company In the basement of Its building at 1S12 Far nam street. The Ice factory will have a dally capacity of two tons of pure Ice. The ammonia process of refrigeration Is being used, by which brine Is cooled and conducted to all parts of the building In pipes. An Atlas engine of forty-horse power has been erected on a cement plat form In the basement and will furnish the power for the Ice plant, butter churns and other machinery. The Improvements will represent an In vestment of about $8,000 and the new plant will be In operation within ten days. The Ice machines have been placed In position, together with tho power engine, cans for making the tee have been received and pipes for carrying the brine to the various refrigerators are being placed in position. The refrigerating plant will carry the cooled brine to a large cooler on the sec ond floor, thirty feet square, In which but ter Is stored and where all milk and cream will be cooled to a temperature of 35 or 40 degrees before being delivered. Another Improvement being added at the dnlry company's plant Is that of an arte' stan well, for whleh drilling Is now being done and which will furnish a private sup ply of pure water. Insuring absolute clean llness In the entire dairy plant. 1 THIRD OF INCOME TO WIFE Man Cannot Draw Salary I'ntll He Paya Woman Fifty Dollars Month. William W, Koller, an employe of the Expressmen's Delivery company, cannot draw hla salary of $150 a month until he pays his wife, Cara L,. Koller, $50 a month for her support pending her divorce suit under the terms of a temporary Injunction Issued bjr Judge Sutton Tuesday morning. Mrs. Koller said her husband would not support her and was assigning his salary In advance so she could not get any of It. Judge Sutton li making tho original re straining ordnr a temporary Injunction de clared Mrs. Koller had the same right to live as hor husband, and as ho obligated himself to support her the court would see he carried out the obligation. Anna Thompson has filed a petition ask ing for a divorce from Samuel Thomp son on the grounds of nonnupport. She asks for the restoration of her maiden name, Anna Oleson. Anna Mason sets up the same charges In her petition for a divorce from Dallas Mason. She wants the custody of their five minor children. Susan Walker Tuesday .secured a decree of divorce from Howard W. Walker In Judge Redick'a court. Extreme cruelty waa the charge and the court allowed her $5 a week for the support of herself and children. SMITH CASE 0NSEC0ND TIME Man Chanted with Bobbins Residence of John Wlpf Facea Jury Aala. For the aecond time John Smith, charged with robbing the residence of John Wlpf, west of Omaha, la on trial In district court for the alleged crime. The alleged robbery waa committed last October and Smith was placed on trial at the fall term of court, but the Jury disagreed as to his guilt Ac cording to Wlpf's story he returned home from Omaha and found Smith crawling out of the wlndtw of his house. He says he gave chase and caught Smith after the latter had shot him In the hand. Smith was bound and brought back to Omaha, Smith dented on the witness stand he had entered the house and charged Wlpf Jumped, on him with a club and that he used a gun in self-defense. Ho said he wns a refugee from the San Francisco earth quake and was looking for work In a grad ing camp. He had $1,400 on hla person and he explained this by saying he had sold a fruit business In Sun Francisco shortly before the earthquake awl t:e money rep resented the proceeds. It la charged Smith got $30. Railway Notes and Personals. a - A. A. Iamereaux, rnllroad contractor, left for the west Tueaday. (. A. Uiiswold, city passenger agent of the Northwestern In Chicago, waa in Omaha Tuesday. P. U. Pearsall, assistant general claim agent of the Northwestern, has moved his fatally to Chicago. Q. V. Campbell, chief rate clerk of the Union Pacific, and A. L Roberts, chief rata clerk of the Northwestern, have gone to Chicago. Ths Northwestern took the Conrled Opera company to bt. Paul Monday night in two special trains of eight cars each. The first train left I'nlon station at 12.15 and the second at 12 :U a. m. The movement ot the beet sugar weedera to the fields In the west starts thla week, and the Uurlington la arranging (or a large iiiokenieiil flout Linrulii and nelghborlng towns to the fields of Colorado, western Nebraska, Wyoming and Montana. To assist In tts scheme of advertising the west the Burlington is arranging for a special car to be put on the road about August 1. This car wtll be fitted up with a full line of products from the western states and placed In charge ot a com petent K-rson. It will be run only east of the Missouri river, Th Northwestern will bring In a special trulnload of naval recruits and officers Wednesday snd turn them over to the Union Pacific. The consignment is en route from Newport News to Ban Fran cisco and consists of ten officers and 20s enlisted men. The train will consist of eight tourist cam, a standard sleeper, dlnr and a baggage car. UNION PACIFIC FINANCES Hani man Road Needi Between feTtntj Firs and Hurdred Millions. OBLIGATIONS THAT ARE ABOUT DUE Had Company OBflned Itself to Original rar pones Entire Rail way Sltnatlon Woald Be Clearer. Just at present the Union Pacific rail road, with its great reconstruct! t, E. H. Harrlman, stand in the center of the stage with the limelight shining directly on them. In the east and west they are receiving general attention and many of the eastern papers are devoting great space to the dis cussion of the finances of the Overland, with special reference to the policy of re trenchment so recently Instituted; In fart put Into effect only since the Nebraska legislature got so "perniciously" busy with laws which affected Its Interests. As con servative a paper as the New York Even ing Post says on Its financial page that the Union Pacific must raise between $T5,000.o"0 and $100,000,000 by fall to meet obligations and Intimates that this may be one reason for the abandonment of such Improve-1 ments as the Omaha general headquarters, without specifying that projected struc ture. The Post takes the view that had the Union Pacific confined Itself to the pur poses for which it was originally Intended the entire railway situation would be much clearer than It la. View of the Past. The Tost has this to say: Union Pacific sold down to 137 last Mon day, at which price it yielded Vi per cent, on persistent rumors that the company was about to Issue short term notes. As $220,yo,0iX) short term notes have been sold bv the re lronds since January 1. the Issu ing of such securities has been the rule rather than the exception. But the I'nlon Pacific was the one road thought to be ex empt from the necessity of adopting such an expedient. Tt was only four months ago that the annual statement was published revealing financial strength heretofore nn- ?aralleled by any other railway company, lecent disclosures, however, showed that since the close of the year debts had been contracted. Then came the piecing to gether of evidence that resulted In this week's rumors. For the year ended June 80 last, the Union Pacific earned 15 per cent for Its common slock and reported current asfts. Including $,"fi,0no.00rt cash, of $123,077,000. agnlnst only $34,710,000 floating indebted ness. It was pointed out In the annual statement Issued late In November that $5)1,000,000 would be required during i:W7 for construction of new lines snd for new equipment, but the sum was generally con sidered trifling In view of the cash on hand, $100,000,000 unissued preferred stock and on plodired securities amounting to porno $1S That was before It was known that flW.Wl.OOO had been spent for Illinois Cen tral, Baltimore & Ohio. New York Central, Atchison and other stocks, and before It became Impracticable to sell bonds. The purchase of those stocks compelled the I'nlon Pacific to use Its cash and besides Five the Pennsylvania notes for J4S.M6.nnn. The notes mature early In the fall, and the management must also provide for the JfA- OnO.OOO construction and equipment outliy. According to the Southern Pacific's last an nual renort, that company must raise this year $17,0io,ooo for equipment and enough to cover expenditures on account of the 1,600 miles of road under construction. All told the Union Pacific needs between $75.(00,000 and $100,000,000, while the Southern Pacific could probably get along with be tween $30,000,000 and $30,000,000 new money. There is no question as to the ability of the Union Pacific-Southern Pacific man agement to raise! all of the funds required. Hut, whether or not the money can be raised on terms more advantageous than those ofTered to Pennsylvania, Lake Shorn, Atlantic Coast Line and other roads with flrst-clsss credit remains to be seen. Eliminating all questions of profits by In siders and the loss of $2l,000,0oo shown by Union Pacific at one time, on the stocks purchased last fall. It grows more and more difficult to understand why that company's credit was used to acquire at top prices minority shares of New York Central.' Northwestern, liammore Ohio and North ern Pacific. If the I'nlon Pacific railroad had confined Itself to the pu! poses for which It was originally Incorporated the entre railway situation today would be clearer. Announcements of the Theaters. The people of Omaha and vicinity will have an opportunity to enjoy the charm ing and entertaining operetta, "Alice In Wonderland," at the Auditorium on Fri day and Saturday, matinee and night. This fascinating extravaganza, which has been creotlng such widespread enthusiasm along Its tour, Is sure to meet with the hearty approval of the people of Omaha. "Alice In Wonderland" Is given under the auspices of the Woodmen of the World camp No. 1 of Omaha, assisted by all other camps In this city, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. The play la gorgeously staged, the costunwa and scenic effects of unusual beauty, mak ing this one of the most brilliant of spec tacular productions. It Is attractive alike to young and old people and furnishes an evening of rare enjoyment to all who at tend. The play will be put on by a com pany of high-class artists and about 2o0 of Omaha's best local talent. The seat sale begins Wednesday morning, April 24, at the Auditorium, and a heavy salo la anticipated, as tho Woodmen of the World lodges have sold thousands of tickets, which are exchangeable at the box office for reserved seats. WATTLES BUYS RANCH HOME Gets Beautiful Piece of Landscape, Says E. M. Moraraan, In Southern California. E. M. Morsman, secretary and treasurer of the Nebraska Telephone company, who with Mrs. Morsman has been spending the winter In California, returned Monday, with Mrs. Morsman. They spent the winter at San Vlego and Coronado. "We had quite a colony of Omaha people in southern California at one time," acid Mr. Morsman. "Mr. and Mrs. Wattles, Mr. and Mrs. Bldwell and General and Mrs. Manderson were all there. All seemed to be having a most enjoyable time In that delightful climate." When asked as to the telephone business In that part of the country Mr. Morsman NOTICE TO HOUSEKEEPERS A demonstrator will call at avery bouaa In Omaha and rive each family a Ire trial package oltba calibrated n' YONDER j AX for yashlng Clothes Vithout Rubbing V Saves half the time, half the soap and half the labor. Will not Injure the daintiest fabrics. Leaves your hands soft as velvet Washboards unnecessary. Clothes wear twice as long when this wonderful article is used. If our claims were not true we could not aliord tu give you a free trial pucka ge. IM". UI)RI( BUS U aVoktgaa SL.Cktua said the principal thing he noticed waa that they had abominable service. "They have the double "phone system and I don't know but what one system was as bad aa the other, only I know It waa hard to telephone anywhere. "Mr. Wattles bought a beautiful tract of land In California about six miles from the j city. I suppose he will have It for a win- j ter home some day, and It Is a splendid i spot. About ten acres are cultivated and j eighty acres adjoins It on the rear and runs hack toward the hills, being especially susceptible to landscaping when Mr. Wat tles gets ready to have It done. "The rains were said to have been heavier than usual and after one of the heavy rains the newspapers would print of the damage with large headlines and the peo ple would flock out to see what devasta tion had been wrought. . "It Is hard work to get out of California at this time of the year because all the travel Is coming this way." SOIL CONDITIONS ARE GOOD Darllnaton Crop Beport Shows that PreelpltatloM Has Benefited Vegetation In Nebraska. The soil of Kansas and Nebraska Is In good condition, according to the soil and crop report of the Burlington railroad for the week ending April 30. West of Fort Morgan It Is dry. There was enough pre cipitation In Nebraska to materially benefit the ground. Winter wheat did not make much pro gress during the last week because of the extremely cold weather. The condition of the crop continues to be more satisfactory and nothing haa developed to affect the re ault since the last report. It Is feared the cold nights may have re sulted In aome permanent Injury to oata, although It is not probable. Other spring grain Is doing well. Plowlnf fir corn has progressed very well and nowhere has tho ground been so dry as to prevent plowing, nor has It been too wet to till. Weather conditions have also been favorable for preparing the ground for corn where plow ing is not done, that Is where It Is listed or planted by some other means without plowing. About the average crop of potatoes has been planted. Stock la doing well every where within the district of Nebraska. A small acreage of sugar beets has been planted already. . The Impression seems to prevail that peaches, plums and pears are entirely done for, but that there Is some hope for apples. The soil of Wyoming Is reported to be a little dry. according to the soil and crop report of the Burlington for the Wyoming district; that Is, It Is dry on the surface, with plenty of moisture beneath. Rain Is needed for the wheat crop on the Alliance division. The outlook for a large crop on the Sterling division Is good. Oats have not been growing very fast because of the cool weather. The fruit crop has been almost wholly destroyed on the Sterling division and considerably dam aged on the Alliance division. The early garden truck also Is damaged because of frosts on the Alliance division. Conditions are very favorable for all grasses on the Sterling division, although the stock la not In the best of condition because of the scarcity of winter feed. Alfalfa Is growing nicely. Sheep shearing has commenced at some points on the Sheridan division and Indications are there will be a large wool crop. Mangum & Co.. LETTER Si-iCIALISTS. RULE FOR SALOON KEEPERS Majority of Pollee Board in Favor of Cancelling Licensee of Lid Lifters. The new Board of Fire and Police Com missioners began laBt night by working overtime. Tho session lasted till after mid night. Tho cose of Policeman Emory Smith, who Is charged with slapping Mrs. Grace Birn baum, occupied tho greater part of the evening. Six witnesses testified on each side. Mrs. Birnbeum testified that Smith struck her three times with his clinched fist. Smith testified that the woman ap peared to be under the Influence of liquor and used vile eplthet3 toward him as he was passing by. By the votes of Mayor Dahlman and Commissioners Page and Gll ler Smith was suspended from the force without pay until May 20. Kennedy and Cowell voted for the dismissal of Smith from the force. Smith thanked the board and Intimated that he had learned a les son. A report was aubmltted by Chief Dona hue, telling of the progress made In clean ing up the houses of ill repute In the resi dence district. He said that data had been received from the Internal revenue office relative to the parties who had taken out government liquor licensee, and that no tices to move had been served on the oc cupants of twenty-five such places on Six teenth, Howard and Leavenworth streets. The chief asked that the names of the parties be not published as It would make It hard for them to rent other places, and would thus delay their moving. Tha re port of the chief waa placed on file. Charges were preferred against Officer W. T. Devereese by Harry J.' Fox that .the officer had insulted him and ordered him to move on without cause. The mat ter will come up later. The petition for reinstatement of C. T. Cummlngs on the fire department waa turned down. Two additional patrol boxes were granted to the neighborhood of Bemls park. Tho majority of the board went on record In favor of revoking the licenses of saloon keepera who violated the Sunday closing law. Members Cowell, Kennedy and Page stated they would Insist on this action In cases of a second conviction for thla of fense. Diamonds Mawhlnney & Ryan Co. YOUNG WIFE IS MISSING She and Husband Aecused ef Bigamy Disappear and Lesr !to Truee. Tha reported disappearance of both Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Humstedt from their home, till Ncrth Twenty-ninth street, is cau'lpg the brother of the wife, A. Q. Moore of Council Bluffs, great worry. The pair was married lews than two years ago, but recently Moore heard that Humted had a wife living at Atlantic, la., and so told his sister. The next time the wife taw her husband she accused him of big amy und immediately Humstedt disap peared. It was not l;ng before Mrs. Hum stedt also deserted the home without leav ing any word and up to this time neither the brother nor the authorities have been ablu to find any trace of her. She was only 30 years old. Row Look Out tor Rheumatism. Tho grip has beer, unusjally prevalent during the past winter, and In many casea Is likely to b rollowed au attack of muscular rheumatism, nls Is tha most common variety of that disease and least dangerous. There Is no swelling of tha J jinla and tha pain la not ao exoruciatlng aa in acuta or Inflammatory rheumatism. t Is sufficiently severe to disable a man, however, and every movement Increases ths pain. Keep aa quiet as possible and ap ply Chamberlaln'a Pain Halm freely with a thorough massage, and you are certain to get quick relief. i-W W SW SX VJ JtS M. JV We have just received a large shipment of Ladies' Belts, It embraces every new style in the prevailing colors of the season. Kid Belts will bo worn with nil the modish costumes this spring. We have them in nil colors, including browns, prays, tans, modes and the new corn shnde, also in black and white, at y C n 0 f C A prices ranging from iSJL TJU Lace trimmed embroidered "Wash Belts, including extra sizes, at prices ranging fQc to 50c We have 25c and 50c Belts with Swastika Buckles. JUST RECEIVED Splendid Line of Anthony Bags. SHAW CLIOUE GETS SCARED est Crow Trying to Oust Citj Eneineer Doubts Outeoma of the fcLema, LAWYERS ThY.r.G FOR DIFFERENT TACK Advise Conncll to Conjnre lp New Method, aa Old One Does Not Warrant Cilovvln Results. While the mandamus suit Involving the city engineersuip has been aubmltted In court and taken under advisement by tho Judge, considerable speculation Is going on in the city hall as to the situation and what the subsquent moves will be. The point submitted to the court Involves the ;rlma facie claim to tha office, turning on whether the council had a right to declare a vacancy and elect a new engineer to fill Jt In the way In which It did. According to Inside Information, the at torneys who appear for Shaw and for the city council In their effort to oust Androw Roeewater do not have much confidence in tho case they have made. At any rate, they have advised the council to prepare to take a different tack in anticipation of an adverse decision in court. It Is said that all three of these lawyers agree that while the authority of the councll'a action In electing Shaw may be questioned, the char ter can be read to give the mayor and coun cil the right to provide by ordinance for the filling of vacanclea by refusal of the mayor'a appointee to qualify. It la said that such an ordinance already has been drawn and was to have been Introduced at the last meeting of the council, but was withheld for fear It might effect. the man damus case then pending. This ordinance will define vacanclea In appointive offices and assume to the council the right to fill the same under prescribed conditions. Mayor Dahlman, who has taken the side of City Engineer Rose water all the way through, would be expected to veto the ordinance, buf the democratic ctuncllmen who are fighting the mayor claim to have enough votea to put It through over hla veto. This, at any rate, la the program blocked out by the lawyers retained by no one knows who, to get rid of the present city engineer and they say tho attempt will undoubtedly be made to carry It out. BOB BAXTER IN OLD HOME Child of the I'nlon Purine la Given Oration by Friends Who Love Him. "Just stopped off to snake hands with old friends and view "old scenes," said R. W. Baxter, superintendent of the Buffalo the largest division of the Lehigh Valley rall- rad, Tuesday morning. "I am on my way west to visit the old country so dear to me," added Mr Baxter. "I like the east and my present situation, but I cannot forget or forsake the old west, where I came unto my own aa a man." Mr. Baxter, "Bob," aa ha haa been fa miliarly known to bo many In Omaha and the weat for ao many years, left the Union Pacific In the latter part of 1903, about the time of the departure of hla old-time friend, Ed Dickinson, general manager of the Overland. Baxter was then superin tendent of the Nebraska division. Leaving the Union Pacific waa like leaving home to him. For over a third of a century he and Ed Dickinson had been In tho em ploy together of the Union Pacific Hla dutlea began In ths humble sphere of water carrier for construction gangs out along the line and he rose through the various gradations to the position of su perintendent of the moat Important di vision of the road. When he left the Union Pacific It waa with no special plan of service with an other railroad; he felt the need of a rest and Intended taking It. He and Mra. Bax ter went to San Francisco and remained for a long while. But "Bob" Bax ter was not the man to be let alone by the great railroads of the country. No sooner did the big railroad managers learn that he waa foot-looae than they began lilllMgl'HUHS' i Real Leather A II Solid Everywhere Ao Shoddy Aaywlien. UNDS odd. doesn't it la these days of cheap shoctthat oftta lock well sod nearly alwaya wear badly? Ouick taanintf. hurried workmanship, are flossed over ao they are in perceptible to ths ordinary purchaser, but be paya dearly ior it iatiieeud. Kirkcndall Shoes ALL OF THEM are fclh-tfrade shoss, combining both style and comfort- Made in latest she pes, of the beat ol leathers, best of carefully aelec tad materuus, f aatuooed on skillfully-made Uats. They keep their shape until entirely worn out and their durability will surprise you. Our method ol aboe-making are up to date, and the service given by our shoes is unexcelled. Insist oa beiot shown BTirkeadall Shoe by your dealer. If he cannot show you, let us tell you ths nearest dealer who caa. Write ua, F. P. KIRKENDALL St CO. lltl-Utt lUimtr 6C, OMAJf A, NEB. Westcra Mod fur Wflcra Tnde. 3 tyA 2x lagging for htm. The Lehigh caught him. Ho took charge of a Pennsylvania division of that road, but his proper measure waa soon taken and he was promoted to the Buffalo division, where he has made a, great name for himself. "You know we are on the water st BufTalo," said Mr. Baxter, "and our water, or lake, traffic Is quite aa largo and Important aa our rail," Mr. Baxter visited Union Pacific hend quartera where he was given an ovation by old friends. CORPORATIONS FAIL TO ACT Not One Pllea with Regrlster of Deed tn Compliance with -Hew Law. Up1 to noon Tuesday not a single foreign corporation had compiled with the new law requiring them to file with the register of deeds the name of at least one agent upon whom service of process could be had. The fact the law becomes operative ao soon evidently had taken those Interested entirely by surprise. A number of Inquiries were made yesterday at the register of deeds' office for blanks with which to make the certification, but none could be fur nished, as no provision la made for print ing any. The law requires the namea to be filed by April 26. FIFTH OF ECZEMA Affected Hands, Arms and Legs Endured Terrible Itching and was Unable to Sleep Would Tear the Bandages to Scratch the Skin In less than One Week CURED BY THE CUTICURA REMEDIES "I had cere ma, nearly fifteen years. The affected parta were my hands, arma and legs. They were the wont in tha winter time and were alwaya itchy, and I could not keep from acratching them. ' I had to keep both hands bandaged all the time, and at night I would have to scratch through ths bondage as the i ton ing was so severe, and at time I would have to tear everything off my hands to scratch ' the skin. I could not rest or sleep. I had Several pbvaioiana treat me but they could not give me a ' permanent cure, nor even could they stop the itching, After using the Cutlcura Soap, one box Cutl cura Ointment and two bottles Cuticura Resolvent for about fix days the itching had ceased, and now the sores have disappeared, and I never felt better in my life than I do bow. Edward Worell. Band 80th, U. & Infan try, Fort Crook, Nebraska. The most torturing and disfiguring humors, eczemas, rashes, itchings, irri tations, and inflammations of the akin, scalp, and blood, with loss of hair of in fants, children, and adults, are instantly relieved and speedily cured by the Cut, cura Remedies, when all else fails. CMnslrte EtrMl est Internal Trcahneet aw Xieif Humor ol Infaou, ChlldrM, en4 Aau)u .umI. ml Cbti. em So.p (ibt.) le Owuu. th. Bkla, Cutters oimmmU (to. ) to UmI ih. Skin, ... Cuilmra 11. (f hinime CmuA ate., en U1 M 0I I. Portly u BkK4. .Wiel ti rout bossi tk. world. PuMdt lii tm urn. a l imtc. rjsrs.. ! Prop. B'-eWi, Mm. Depot: L lJurtThoiie lie). Paria, Eotxma, $ tu tf I fatJU mrmtma wm, - uov m war no. ivnmmr EASY TO REMEMBER BEATON'S NEW PHONES Douglas 8182 and 83 Douglas 81 Prescription and Drug Department. Douglas 82 Prescription and and Drug Department. Douglas 83 Cashier. Beaton Drun Co. 15th and Farnam. The up to the minute druggists. CVUSS Dancleas J11 asAai.aSsT tV.a waaBTataea ilf Sail lfWOsl whsl Will MatiaiJ wvw ve f"" w- low delicious flavor.