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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1907)
B TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY, AFRTTi 24, 1007. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL BLUFFS Office. 10 Trarl PU Tel. . inn on mkstiov rMr1fl. drug. Stock ert sells carpet.. Fine engravings at Leffert's. Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer. Pee Schmidt's elegant new ehotoa. Coatmakers wanted at E. S. Hicks. numbing and healing, Blxby A Son. Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phone 97. Woodrlng Undertaking; company, Tel. PETERSEN A BCHUENINU SELL KL'US Watch repairing, O. Mauthe, Z2i West Broadway. Western league games received every venlng. 43 8. Main Bt. alleys. DIAMONDS AS AN INVESTMENT. TALK TO LKFKKKT ABOIT IT. Free A nice water Jug with each 2 frame order. Alexander s, 333 B way. High grade watches, wedding and en gagement rings. .Jg West Broadway. O. .dauthe. Marie Leik, 2.iS Avenue H. wns reported to the Board of Health yesterday us suf fering from diphtheria, Bluff City Masonic lodge will meet In special communication this evening for work In the sweond degree. Pallrt Hall vIvAn hv ijtdlea of the Macca bees. Thursday, April 'li, Maccabee hall. Whaiey'. orchestra. Tickets, Zoo. ' Bl'DWElSEK BOTTLED BEER IS SERVED ONLY AT FIRST-CLASS BARS AND CAFES. D. ROSEN KEDD CO.. Agts. The body of George McEwen. aged 78 yeans, who died Monday at St. Bornard a lpltal, will be sent today to hi. former hums at Little Sioux, . la. Mr. M. A- ArkwTlght Is home from Mont rose, la., where she wu during the Ulrvws and death of her mother, Mrs. Harmon, who tiled recently at the age of 96 year. I can furnish A No. 1 diamonds, the clear est water color, cut to sharp edges, not flat and no flaws. A diamond cut to sharp edges gives more reflection than one wita Uat edges. O. ilauthe, W. Broadway. City Clerk Bapp has received the con signment of dog lags for 1907. t'umale dogs will wear aluminum tags while the males will b distinguished. as usual, by the brass tags. E. I. Llitletiold. 2412 Avenue B, se cured Tag No. 1. Rev. Henry DeLong performed the mar riage ceremony yesterday at his office In the courthouse for Eugene Freeman and Delia Caatia, both of thl city, and A. De Wltte of Orand Island, Neb., and Eliza BhI of Ansley, Neb. Building permits were Issued yesterday to W. E. bugger, for a one-story frame residence, to cost 1.3o0, and a ooe-and-a-haU-story frame residence, to cost l,4o). Both are to be erected on Avenue E, be tween Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth streets. Elmer McCluro was arrested late Mon day night, charged with striking Guy Waton on the head with a pavln brick, somewhat to tlie detriment of the hitters cranium. Instead of being placed behind the bars at the city Jail McClure was sent to St. Bernard's hospital, as It Is believed he Is ,in ore or less mentally deranged. U. J. Bwalne and E. A. Reed, city clerk and treasurer, respectively, of Shenandoah, j a., were In the city yeteriiay calling on City Treasurer True to secure pointers on the new uniform system for municipal ac count. Mr True was a member of the state commission which formulated the sys tem to be used by the cities throughout Iowa. The receipts In the general fund of the Chrlstlun Home Inst week were M5.t, be ing :i.H above the needs of the week and decreaHlng the amount needed In the Im provement and contingent fund foT 1H07 to 14.341.ii. In the manager' fund the re ceipts were H7.U0, being $i.60 above the needs of the week. The deficiency In this fund Is I59U.06. Missouri Oak Wood. Chunks and split wood, largo ricks, at $4.50 Brldensteln Bmlth, 14th Ave. and tth Bt. Both phones 182 TRUE TALKS ON TAXATION N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 260. Night L-69S Marrlagre Licenses. Licenses to wed wiere issued yesterdny to the following: Name and Residence. Age. A. De Wltte, tlrand Island, Neb B Rllia Real, Ansley, Neb 61 I,eroy E. Sinclair, Neola, la SO Ella R. Schlerbrock, Nenla. la 28 Ernest Archar. Fremont, Neb 1 Mary Nelson, Fremont, Neb 18 Nels Borrnsen, Counril Bluffs 28 Jennie Chrlstensen, Council Bluffs 24 RSSH City Scavenger I haul dead animals, $1.00 per head. Garbage, ashes, manure and all rub bish; clean vaults and cesspool. All work done Is guaranteed. Calls promptly attended to. Ind. Phone 12il Y Hell Red J.87J J. II. SHERLOCK Holdi Farm Lands Art Undervalued by ths Township Assessor!. RAILROADS SH RK MUNICIPAL TAXIS By Distribution of Terminal Valuation City Lose, at Least Fifty Thou snort Dollars of Revenue It Is Entitled To. City Treasurer True In his annual report Juk completed, under the head of "Taxa tion," a subject to which he has given probably more attention than any other municipal official of lute years, discusses this Important problem In part as follows: The one thing of the most importance tc every city and its Inhabitants Is taxation; It is also the hardest of all problems with which a municipality has to deal, to pro portion the taxes, which are the basis of our existence, equitably and Justly to all property owners. While the law contem plates, or should, that all property should equally bear Its burden of expense of gov ernment, It Is very evident It does not. The township assessors of Pottawattamie county, when they last met, fixed S48 per acre for land values, which Is practically the same valuation placed upon It two years ago. The laws of Iowa say "All property sub ject to taxation ahall be valued at Its ac tual value, which shall be entered oppo site each Item, and shall be assessed at 26 er cent of such actual value. Such as sensed value shall lie taken and consid ered as the taxable value of such property, upon which the levy shall be made. Actual value of property as used in this chapter shall mean Its value In the market in the ordinary course of trade." Is $18 per acre the actual value of Potta wattamie county lands? To you who know anything about It, or own farm lands, or who from day to day note the transfers of titles of the same and observe the prices per acre fur which lands are actually being sold, I would like to ask If in your good Judgment you consider that $48 per acre would be the value that the laws of Iowa contemplated? I think, that you will admit that $76 per acre is nearer what It should ne. While there, may be some lands that are worth less, there Is a great deal that Is worth and Is selling for more. If I am cor rect In my conclusions, fnrm lands are as sessed for 25 per cent less thnn Is Just to other real estnte, or as Is contemplated by the law. Is there any good reason why farm lands, which are constantly advan cing In vulue, and for which there Is a good demand, should be assessed for 25 per cent less than other property? Injnatlcr to City. This works a great lnlustlce to real es tate In this city, for almost without ex ception, city real estate of speculative vtluo and for Which there la a lltnltori Hn- mnnd, la assessed at Its actual value, or nt least at Its market value, as con templated by the law. which first means that such city proerty pays 25 per cent more than Its share of the state and county taxes compared with farm lands; It means further that the great railroad Interests within the state, when before the state executive council consisting of the gov ernor, auditor of state, treasurer of state and secretary of state often show bv actual records of assessments and of actual transfers of farm lands, and use It as an argument, and Justly, that farm lands, being not assessed for more than W to 7B per cent of their value. It would be rii Injustice to assess the railroads for more than this amount, so It will be rendllv seen that city property pays at leest 25 per cent more In proportion than rallrond property, of the county and state tax, even under the present method of as sessing railroads, and I wish to call at tention to the rank Injustice to cities and towns in Iowa, where the country Is once more the gainer, and that is In the mode of railroad assessment, which Is termed the unit system. In which the main line only of railroads Is assessed at a given amount per mile, so thnt cities with all the Im provements within their limits, such as pns senger and freight depots, shojs, round houses, coal chutes and hundreds of miles of sidetrack actually worth millions of dol lars, receive for the few miles of main track within their limited area only the name valuation rr mile as the country township with Its many miles, with only a right-of-way, a road bed and Its ties and rails. It costs the country nothing to support their pnrt, while the city Is called upon for fire, police and other protection, for the millions of dollars of railroad property; the city and property owners pave streets and the city maintains the snme, for which the city gets a very small part of the Just amount of taxes paid. What Railroads Pay. The T'nlon Pacific railroad differs from I1 other railroads entering the city, as all of the mileage of the road within Jnwa Is within the limits of Council Bluff, and fur that reason we approach near to local assessment upon their property, as all their property within the city is couriered in arriving at their value per mile. Their main track Is 2.' miles, rwmi iI at Jl 'S..V3 ixt milo, making a total vnlue of 2:7, upon which they pay In taxes to the city $2u.Jl. Willi thls may seem end Is a large amount for one railroad to pay, It Is small compared to what other property In the cliy pays, exclusive of other railroad property. Tlu following shows the taxes paid by the other railroads to the city of Coun-il Bluffs: C. & N. W. Ry Co f.1.7V C. H. y. Ry. Co I.H.ji.12 C. M. & St. P. Ry. Co 2,"5.i; C R. I. P. Ry. Co l.'.t.tivi C. & O. W 1 i-'.s :ij I. c. Ry. Co i.;rt ;t; Wabash Rv. Co K'T .."2 O. B. A f. Ry. Co ifin.ii M UCCI, TOE ICE CREAM MAN Has remodeled his ice cream plant, and has installed new machinery, which has doubled the capacity for the manu facture of ice cream. The new process improves the quality 'of goods. 50 per cent. 5c Ice Cream Bricks on Sale Every Day QUART BRICKS, ALL FLAVORS. Latest flavors in ice cream, ices, sherbet and punch, applying to the pure food law. Just received a new line of the latest individual moulds. SPECIAL PRICES MADE TO DEALERS. "Write for our 1907 prices. Council Bluffs, la. Both 'phones 364. PS $1 w tA pasw?" Wisdom pHE wise shoe buyer looks for .i . i , 1 me name 01 uic maker, w nen you buy shoes with CROS- SETT" on the strap, you may be positive there is no dishonesty in the heart of the shoe. That's wise shoe making and wise shoe buying. CIROSSET1 Illakes Life's Walk Easy aM aa IsAOO BENCH MADE, $tjOO Call on oar ajeot in your city, or write & LEWIS A. CROSSETT, Inc., No. Abington, Mass. i , . , ., , . i Total $l2,"tC 2 It will he seen that the ahovo elsht rail roads pay taxes to the city of Council Hluffs In the sutn of 12,7M 29. However, we do not receive this full amount, as some of the railroads refuse to pay water and lighting levies uon a )xrtlon of their main tnrt which they claim Is oui of reach of these benefits. of tlie last name 1 ei,''it nllrmds I have recently had occasion to place the v.ilui tion i:pn their piopittv. and after much time spent with experienced tissistants as to values, placed a value upon their vlsl Me property, which would not Include their charters anil established business, of $3,478,247, and I doubt If three times that amount would buy their property. I'pon the value which I arrived at. If they paid taxes upon such value, the city would re ceive the sum of iii60, where thev now receive $12,7c:.29. or a difference of ap proximately $50,000. The city cannot afford to have Its valua tion cut down to a basis that the assessors assess the farm land at, for It Would not Klves us funds sufficient to maJntin govern, ment. Today the limited Ill-mill levy for general fund purposes brings us in only $37. WO to meet all of our expenses payable from the general fund, and we are depen dent upon Kaloon licenses, fines from the unfortunates, permits for certain prlvl lfKes and the like, to pay the balance of the $,AH) to $:iO,0t)0 annual expense. City Financial Statement. His report shows that the expenditures of the city for the fiscal year ending March 81, 1907, were $44.4;2.6S. At the btglnniiiK of the year there was a balance on hand of $txS,0M.ic, while the receipt were $:U7,79i.Sii, leaving u balance on hand March 31, 1!ai7, of $91,383.19. There was disbursed from the general fund, out of which the exiH'nscs of the sev eral municipal departments are puld, $,vt,- 647.66. From the 10-niill levy for this fund the revenue was but $;!U.9f1.49. The balance was made up from saloon licenses, police court tines and forfeitures, and other uncer tain items, going -to make up what is known ns the "police fund," although the expense of maintaining the police department is not paid out of this fund. During the last year $52,243.16 was transferred from the po lice fund to the general fund to meet the running expenses of the city. During the year the city haa paid $20,500 In bonds, as follows: On the $133,000 loan $ 9,000 On the Jiu.iku loan 4.ii On intersection paving bonds 7,500 candescent lamps for tho four arc lights. Sixteen Incandescent lights have been dis tributed in the territory formerly lighted by the arc lamps on tnc tower. An arc llKht, however, will be installed at the Intersection of Broadway and Kighth street. ANint nine years ago the tower, st Eighth street collapsed one afternoon, but. as It fortunately happened, no one was Injured. The tower, lpo feet in height, fell over the sidewalk on lirondwsy, but the large tree In front of the Danforth block prevented it from crashing against the building. West Knd l.ntaf Yes, we have 31 nice, high, level lota, very desirably located, for nil classea of people doing business or employed in either Omaha or Council Bluffs. Contemplated improvements In the Tlcln Ity will double the values within fifteen months. Buy now and the profit Is yours. We can give you a single lot or a block of lots together If desired. Get your friends to Join you and form new neighborhood of ycur own choice. A fow houses also for sale on the eay payment plnn. Trices are right and the terms of pay ment will be made to suit your purposes. Cull and let us show you. C. C. Clifton Company. 5o8 Broadway, Co. Bluffs. Both phones 751. Funerals of Accident Victims. The funerals of the two victims of acci dents in the local railroad yards last Sunday will be held today. Thnt of William D. Burns, the switch man killed In the Rock Island yards, will bo held at 9 o'clock this morning from St. Francis Xavler's ctnirch and Interment will be In St. Joseph cemetery. The Brotherhood of Hallway Tralnimn will have charge of the funeral and the memliers will as semble at Grand Army hall at 8 o'clock and march in a body from there to the church. The funeral of A. Uafman. the engine hostler killed In the Wabash yards, will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from Cutler's undertaking rooms and burial will bo in Walnut Hill cemetery. Total $ 2,5"0 There has also been called for payment $2,500 on Intersection paving bonds, which at this time have not been presented for pay ment This leaves the outstanding bonded Indebtedness of the city $1W)0, as follows: Intersection paving $ 6.1,600 Intersection grading 19,on Intersects n sewer 8.000 Loan of $135,000 1W,(i0 of $tij,on) .. ft',5"") ioa.n of $3u,oo0 ... 3o,ix;0 Total $3vU0O There is on hand In funds applicable to the reduction of this bonded Indebtedness to the amount of $18,000, which will be applied during the coming year. Where Verse anil Lumber Go Togrther. If you want to buy lumber and buy it Just right, then it's up to you to C. Hafer. His lumber Is the best it standi every test and you get Just what you pay for. The Cat screeches out to all; come on; no place Is safer. If you want to get your money's worth follow those that trade at Hater's. Cnnnrll to Discuss Water Rates. The city council will meet In special ses sion this evening to discuss the schedule of water rates formulated by W. Klersted of Kansas City, the expert hydraulic en gineer employed to assist the special water works committee In this matter. In view of the fact that the schedule is based prac tically on a valuation of $000,0o0 and Is the work of the city's own expert, It Is believed that the schedule will be approved and adopted providing the water works com pany Is willing to accept It. Mayor Macrae stated yentcrday that he was satisfied with the schedule, seeing that municipal ownership was now apparently out of the question. DEPOSITORS ARE FORTUNATE Stockholder of EtymooT lank Can Be Made U Fay Up in rail. FAiLURE DUE ErtTintlY TO FCOR LOANS Give us your order for that spring car pet. Wo do the rest sew, lay and fit it right to your room. D. W. Keller, 103 S. Main. F. A. SPENCER. Dumbing, steam and gas fitting, furnace and sheet metal work, galvanized Iron cor nice, skylight, tin roofing, gutter, spouting and repairing, Green and Norfolk furnaces. First-class mechanics in all branches. Both telephones No. 6W. 15S West Broad way, Council Bluffs. Ia. Investigate the A. Hospe Co. plan of selling pianos. It Is a system whereby you get the best possible musical value (he services. ior me least money. 26 South M:iin street, Council Bluffs. Mrs. K. IT. Phermnn Dead. Mrs. Kmmon Hawley Sherman, aged 17 years, died yesterday morning at her home, 617 South Seventh street, from heart trouble. Besides her husband, K. H. Sher man, she is survived by one son. W. W. Pherman of this city, and one dauihter, Mrs. Addle Ogden of California. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman were married January 1, 12. In New Mllford, Conn. The funeral will be held Thursday morning at 10 o'clock from St. Faul's Kplscopal church, of which Mrs. Pherman was an active member, and burial will be In Walnut Hill cemetery. Rev. H. W. Starr, the rector, will conduct Matters in the Courts. The trial of Arthur Southwell being completed, Judge Wheeler yesterday de cided not to take up any more criminal cases until some time next week In order that the civil business might be got out For Rale Rope Carpet Co. portieres. Slockert Matting and window shades at Stockerts. Wedded miss Is Short. Krnest P. Medley was mar; led January 17 of this, year and yesterday filed suit for of the way. The next criminal case on ' J'orce. He states In his petition that the assignment Is that of R. S. Kurhart, now a resident of Denver, Colo., under Indictment on a charge of forgery pre ferred against him by O. P. McKesson and Dr. Bellinger of this city. The case against Pat Crowe, Indicted on his wife. Vine left him short! yafter. their marriage and stayed away a whole week and that on her return she frequently varied the monotony of married life by exercising her muscles by beating him on tho head and hody and otherwise treat- the charge of holding up and robbing two ' ,n n,m ln anything but a wifely way. motor crews. Is still on the assignment and County Attorney Hoes states he is ready to try It at this term. Edward Huefner has filed notice of ap peal to the supremo court ln his pers inal Injury damage auit against Hubor Bros. Haefner lost part of his hand ln a sausage machine while employed as butcher for the defendants. At the first trial tho Jury railed to agree and on the second trial the defendants secured a verdict In their favor. Haefner sued for 15.000. The case of the state of Iowa against This treatment, he alleges, continued up to Murch 17, when he was forced to Beek respite from the beatings by leaving her. Grand Mverr. J. W. and Elmer E. Mlnnlck, proprietors, 124 South Main. Both 'phones 272. street nnllnay Aids Pavlnar. Councilman Maloney waited on the di rectors of the street railway company at their meeting yesterday and laid before them the matter of the paving of Lower nnoa,av frit Tn-anflaOi , , I. . . . j ! riT ' ncest case. I to the company.. brll1)fe. Mr. Ma. and Jame. 8. Chrlsman against H. C. ,oney waa mUl.h sratlnj when the d!rm,. Brandes and others, appellants, litigation ! torg promisod to contrIbuto 9htm toward eT fnr'h ManBWa- " , th cost of the Improvement. . It 1. figured set for hearing at the May term of the that tn9 contribution from the street rail- way company will pay the deficiency to be borne by the city on the block from Thlrty-sevanth street to the slough bridge. supreme court Card of Thanks. The family of Dr. M. C. Christiansen wish to thank the public, and lodges for the kindness and sympathy shown It dur ing its bereavement. THE FAMILY OF THE DECEASED. Missouri river Ice, pure, solid, the very best. Service prompt; obliging drivers. Co. Bluffs Coal and Ice Co. 'I'hone 73. The latest patterns In carpets, fltockert Carpet Co. Boards Consider Ditch Matters. The supervisors of Pottawattamie and Harrison counties meet today at Logan as a Joint drainage board. Yesterday the supervisors of Pottawattamie county went to Missouri Valley and from there took a trip over the Allen cretk, Willow creek and Boyer cut-off ditches, now ln course of construction. The work on all three ditches Is said to be proceeding satisfac torily. On Thursday the Pottawattamie sjper visors will meet ln adjourned regular ses sion here to take up the unfinished busi ness of the April meeting. It Is expected that the checking committee, consisting of W. B. Reed and J. M. Matthews, will at this time submit Its report on the re checklng of the county recorder's ofllce and possibly that of the office of the clerk of the district 'court. Hero to i. We are dally receiving new lots of 6hoes and are selling them at our usuul low prices. Duncan 81.e Co. Petersen Bchocnlng sell matting. Dismantling l.larnt Tower. Th Cltisens" Oas and Electric company began yesterday the dismantling of the electric light tower at the corner of Broad way and Eighth street, the city council having approved the substitution of ln- Vlce President Falrhnnks is to prak at (Mate Collese at Ames Satur day Afternoon and In Des lolnea In the KvealnK. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Aprjl ll (Si-cliil.) State Auditor U. F. Carroll returned today Trom Seymour, la., where the Fanners and Drov ers State bank Is In trouble because of a $75,OiO shortage of Cashier Ware. "It is Impossible to tell how much tho shortage Will be until the examination Is fully com pleted," said Auditor Carroll. "The work Is progressing as rapldiy as possiblo. The depositors will lose nothing. The capitali zation of the bank Is $so,jo1 and the stock all le nssejv-'d that amount In ad dition. Most of the stockholders' are men of wealth and many (f them, perhaps most of them, can pay their ns.-eHMiientS' out of their pockets, with the exception of Ware himself, who had only $.m stock ln tho batkk. The ciuise of Ware's shortage seems to be duo to loans to persons without se curity, lie denies speculating on the board of trade and all those In a position to know deny that ho ever speculated. It seems that he loaned money to persona, some of whom are good and will pay up. Others are not good. After he had started loaning them money he had to keep It up for fear he would loe It nil, and finally did, any way. It seems a very untnnkllke thing to do, loan money without security, but that Is Just what he did. For some of It he doesn't even have a note to ever the loan." Stnte Prohibition Contest. ' The annual oratorical contest of the State Prohibition league will be held at Drake university auditorium Thursday evening of this week. Central Holiness university of Oskaloosa will send a contestant, and this will mark the first state contest In which that Institution has had a representative. The contest follows a two days' convention. The contestants and their subjects are as follows: J. C. Prowt, Iown Wosleyan university, "A Plea;" A. H. Ayers. Central Holiness university, "Heroism of Reform:" S. J. Mr. Crackon, Penn eollepe, "America's Greatest Problem;" Georare W. Hall. Simpson col lege, "Prohibition a Rlngie Issue;" Ida I-wla. Mornintrs'ldo college. "Tho Conflict of Today;" Roy C. Hellfensteln. Des Moines college, "A Protected Foe;" Jesse A. Macy, Drake university, "The Greatest Foe to Human Progress." Goss Chairman of Pharmacy Donrd. J. S. Goss of Atlantic was today elected chairman of tho State Pharmacy commis sion by the rotation of the office to the oldest member of the commission, and Bert Russell was elected as vice chair man. Fnlrlinnks to Ames. Vice President Fairbanks will speak at Ames to the students of the State college next Saturday, ln addition to appearing ln Des Moines as the. chief speaker at the annual banquet of the Grant club. The arrangements have Just been perfected for his appearance at Ames. It Is expected that he will reach Des Moines Saturday morning at 9:30 and will proceed at once to Ames to speak to the students and that he will retitrn to Des Moines at 2 o'clock and speak before the Grant club In the evening. The understanding Is that his address before the Grant club will be con fined entirely to I. S. Grant and that ln his address at Ames he will touch on some of the topics of tho times and make a talk that will be more or less political. I.nhor Meets In Krnknk, Tho State Federation of Labor will hold Its annual convention this year In Keokuk, j June 11. The convention Is devoted strictly ! to business so far as the sessions are con- I earned and there is no program' prepared j other than the regular order for taking up business. The people of Keokuk have, however, arranged two steambout trips j on the Mississippi, one to Nauvoo and the other down the rlvor. Levlicne to Nebraska. Governor Cummins today signed the papers granting tho requisition for Ed- j ward Levlgne, who Is under arrest at ! Sioux City and Is wanted In Red Willow ! county, Nebraska, for counterfeiting. The , evidence seems to show that h manufac- tured several $10 notes of the Merchants and Planters' bank of Savannah, Go., of ' the date of Junu 23, 16. It is claimed j thnt he was one of a gang of counter feiters. Wonld Dissolve Insurance Company. Suit was bcyun ln the district court today by Auditor of State B. F. Carroll to have the Iowa German Mutual Insuranco asso ciation of this city dissolved on the ground that the company 1b Insolvent. The suit was started by the attorney general ln the Interests of the state. The grounds for the suit are the results of an Investiga tion of the company by J. A- McKellar. state Insurance Inspector. The liabilities are listed at $15,575.50. The company was formed January 1, 1M, by the consolida tion of four companies, the Merchants' Mu tual Insurance company, the Farmers' Live Stock Mutual Insurance company, the Southern Iowa Mutual Insurance associa tion and the State Farmers' Mutual Fire and Tornado association. Tho new company started out with $ic0,OX) Insurance In force and It Is claimed that bad management Is tho caune of its insolvency. The state uuditor has kept close watch of the com pany and four examinations have been made this year. The heavy assessments made by the company lead to the suit being instituted. NcrsiRg r,2ot semi In all stations of life, whose vigor""and vitality may have been undermined and broken-down by overwork, exacting social duties, the too frequent bearing of children, or other causes, will find in DR. PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION the most potent, invigorating, restorative, strength - giver ever devised for their special benefit. Nursing mothers will find it especially valuable in sustaining their strength and promoting an abundant nourishment for the child. Expect- -ant mothers too will find it a priceless boon to prepare tho system for baby's coming and to render the ordeal compara tively easy and painless. It can do no harm In any state, or condition of the female system. Delicate, nervous, weak women, who suffer from frequent headaches, backache, dragging-down distress low down in the abdomen, or from painful or irregular monthly pe riods, gnawing or distressed sen sation in stomach, dizzy or faint spells, see imaginary specks or spots floating before eyes, have dis agreeable, pelvic catarrhal drain, ulceration, prolapsus, anteversion, retroversion, or other displace ments of womanly organs from weakness of parts, will, whether they experience many or only a few of the above symptoms, find relief and, generally, a permanent cure, by using faithfully and fairly persistently Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This world - famed specific for woman's weaknesses and peculiar ailments is a pure glyceric extract of the choicest native, medicinal roots without a drop of alcohol in its make-up. All its ingredients are printed in plain English on its bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. Dr. Pierce thus invites the fullest investigation of his formula knowing that it will be found to contain only the best agents known to the most advanced medical sci ence of all the different schools of practice for the cure of all womaa'a peculiar weaknesses and ailments. Dr. Pierce's Lotion Tablets and Antiseptic Suppositories may also be used with great advantage con jointly with the use of the "Favor ite Prescription" in all cases of ulceration, and in pelvic catarrh. They cost only 25 cents a box each, at drug stores or, sent by mail, post-paid on receipt of price ia stamps by Dr. Pierce whose ad dress is given below. If you want to know more about the composition and professional endorsement of the " Favorite Pre scription," send postal card request to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y.. for his free booklet treating of same. You can't afford to accept as a substitute for this remedy of known composition a secret nostrum of - known composition. Don't do it. Of iemnn1a cf modem busi ness and social lifi strenuous thinking, worry, irregu lar meals, late hours overtax strength and impair health. When you feel that you are losing your grip on things, the strain is lx ginning to tell ana you have need for Wash Murhlne Specials. All kinds, from $3.M to J17.60. Ask to see the One Minute Wuslier, price $10. Tho easiest wuslier made. J. Zollor Mer. Co., lUO-lOli-106 Broadway. Phone 3W. Need any lace curtains? Before you buy better come ln and see us. We want i to surprise you ln price and quality. D. W. Keller, l'C 8. Mala. BEECH FILL Ai'S Buy the Jewell gas or gasoline stove. They are the safest. Petersen & Schoenlnx. Before cutting your upholstering, mat tress making, repairing and rellnlHhlng done, get the prices of the Mirgan Up holstrlng Co., Xil Broadway, next to Alexander's art store. Tel. for quick or ders. Bell, SS3; lnd 370 red. I Greatest Ice savel on the market ths to rertoje health and strength to tho overworked body and brain. The stomach relishes its food, the mind regains its poise, liver and bowels uct properly, the sleep is refreshing after a few doses of this half-century old remedy. Din. ; . .l- 1 ia in b i improve uic general neaiin ana quickly Alanka refrigerator. Ding. Petersen & Schoe- Lace curtains. Stookert Carpet Co. la laxrs Itc sb tic. Wtta lull lastrsrtieM lona Krwa Xofes. ATLANTIC Sheriff H. P. Duval h,is Just pun-has'-d a pair of thoroughbred hound to use in trat kliig d iwn ,ci linli aln. Ttie dogs are 9 months old and well traln-d. liAVKNPORT It was ilecldt d at the convention of th I'pper M.fslaHippI Turner soiiety to hold schools cf Inotructloii for active Turnern every The tlrt one will !) held ln Ios Molm-s in Jun. CLINTON' Agatha hospital wtll b made the tlnBt hni.ltl In tli Hate by the m. ftndliure of ti.' this summer. Mrs. W. 1. Young will erect a home for nurres on the giouni, to bo known as the Pool home, ln memory of her daughter, who died In Chicago recently. IlBl'Jl.'E A numlr of large furniture comrHtileS. closed by a strike here ten dns ago, have pu:n opened. Two hun dred out of the l.K) mn returned to woik skiiue ui the u luces Xviuid It luuKnultii ui open up because of the scarcity of men. Tho qui'Ktion of cstabllHiilng a boycott Is being discuNsed. CLINTON Kev. C. E. Organ, state evan gelist of the Christian church will prob ably accept a call extended him by the Central Christian church of Clinton. Mr. Organ has conducted a revival at the Clinton church during the lmt six weeks ami has become very popular with mem bers of the congregation. ATLANTIC The weather has been ex cellent for growing crops the last three days, and developments show that the late cold spell did not materially affect crops In any way. A few cherry trees that were prematurely ndvanced wero Injured, and Home tender garden truck, but farmers say that small grain was not Injured. CLINTON The Iowa Telephone company has raised the wages of Clinton operators. making the minimum pay for operators J-', p r month instead or m as it was formerly. Extensive Improvements In Clin ton are; contemplated by the company. In cluding the Installation of an underground wire system and thu erection of a new building for the local exchange. ATLANTIC The local council Knights of Columbus had their second initiation of members here Sunday, when a class of thirty-six candidates was taken into th order. The titst and second degree work was conferred by the team from Council Hluffs and the third degree by the Sioux City team. There were 3k1 visiting knights from len Moines, Council Bluffs, Sioux City, Neola and other cities present, In cluding head otneors in the state organiza tion. , ATLANTIC Company H, Fifty-fifth regiment, Iowa National Guard, that hia been stationed hcie for the last two years. will De mustered out or service next week Tho action of the state officers was taken unon request of Captain Miles, who be came discouraged at t'i' poor showing of the company at Inspection and after the company was unable to secure the support of the citizens and has had trouble about commanding officers. It Is said that Charl ton, from which place, the company came two years ago, will secure It again. Council Blnffs Real Katate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Boa April 3 by the I'ottawnttumle County Ab stract company of Council Bluffs: Susanna W. Stephens et al, to John T. Jones, n4 80 9, and the neVi swH, 9-75-41. wd mOOO James X. Annls, administrator, to John T. Jones, n1 se4 sec. 9. and the ne4 swv4, 9-75-11. pro. deed 10,05) Willis n. Austin and wife to Bessie I. McCaffrey, lot 15. block Central subdivision of Council Bluffs, la,, w. d Emellne Hhodrs to Peter Hartrtg, s 2 acres of lot 10, Greenwood's sub division of the nw'i se'i, and s26.6 acres or sw"h ne'i, :n-7a-43, w.d C. Hafer nnd wife to Maggie. Show- alter, lot 2, block 2S, Hayllss & Palmer's add. to Council Bluffs, Ia.. wd II C. Blilphen nnd wife to H. W. Binder, lot 9. Thomas Elder's sub division to Council Bulffs, In., wd... Pacific Realty company to Marv B. Whltbeck. lot 5, block 40. Beer's subdivision to Council Bluffs, In., wd : Roy Pullen and wife to Jennie M. Smith, lot 12. block 1. Gate's add. to town of Oakland, Ia., wd Krnest E. Hart, inc., to P. C. PeVol, lot 8, Aud's sulxllvlsion of lot 5, block 5, Mynster's add., and block 1, Bsyllss First add to Council Bluffs. Ia., qrd Paul C. DeVol and wife to of P. C. Devol, lot S. Aud's sulwlivlslon lot 6, block 5, Mvnstcr's arid., and block 1 Bavllss First add. to Coun cil Bluffs, fa., qrd 2.000 1,800 750 6S7 63 S90 Ten transfers, total. f S; vf On the "Training Table" xav -f no 1 " St--- fa a CZZZ3 nun 19 B a Some one has ashed: "Why is Shredded Wheat on the 'training table' of every uni versity and college?" The reason is easy to give. SliFedded Wtteat contains the greatest amount of muscle-building material in smallest bulk and in most di gestible form. The favorite food of athletes as well as children. ' For breakfast heat the Biscuit in oven to re store criapness, pour hot milk over it, add a little cream and a little salt; or, sweeten to taste. Shredded Wheat is also delicious and wholesome for any meal in combination with fresh or preserved fruits. At your grocers. 0 0 o a 0 4