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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1907)
rrrv . s . irx . tt 1 HE UMAHA JUA1JLY JoEE VOL. XXXVI NO. ho. OMAHA, TUESDAY MOUXIXfl, APRIL 23, 1007 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. WILL FLOOD BIG MINE Fir Egging- if Homeitak. Workings is Byciid Outrol. STREAMS TO CE TURNED INTO TUNNEL Whitewood Creek and Greater fart of Spearffch E rer to It TJwd. OPERATION WILL TAKE NINETY DAYS ITonth Will E Heeded to Fill Workian and Iw Men the to Drain Ihem. LOSS TO COMPANY IS ENORMOUS " Already Over One Million Dollar and Will Probably Be at Ieeet Two Millions More. I -RAD, B. D., April 22. (Special Tele gram.) Fire In the workings of the Home stake mine has reached such proportions that It will be impossible to quench It by ordinary methods, the accumulated gas making It Impossible for the men to work In the levels, where the flro la raging. As a last resort It has been decided to flood the mine and to this end the entire volume of Whltewood creek will be turned Into the mine through the Savage tunnel, flowing In at the S"0-foot level. Whltewood creek at this time of ytar carries a large volume of water and this, with the greater part of Hpearflsh river, Will be turned Into the mine. It la ex pected that It will take at least thirty days to flood the mine to the 300-root level and sixty days to drain the workings of water after it has accomplished Its work. For the nest thirty days it Is expected that there will be a complete shutdown in all departments of the mine. The loss to the company since the fire started a month ago has been over $1,000,000 and It Is estimated that it will be double that sum before the mine is again in work ins; order. FORMER JUDGE ENDS LIFE Joseph B. Moore Shoots Himself ns Result of Despondency at Lend, 8. D. LEAD. 8. D.. April 22. (Special Tele (ram.) Joseph IS. Moore, former judge of the circuit court for Lawrence county and one of the best known Jurists in the state, hot himself through the right temple this afternoon, killing himself almost Instantly. Despondency is given as the cause for his action. He leaves a wife and three chil dren.. I His business was a lucrative one and no cause other than despondency over, Ui health can be assigned. Judge Moore was one of the brightest lawyers practicing be fore the bar of the county. Ha was about 47 year of age. RESTAURANT FIRE IS i ATA I, Daniel Carroll Dead and Joseph Ryan Serioualy Darned. HURON. B. D., April II-(Special Tele gram.) Daniel Carroll, lineman of the Western Union of Algona, la., was burned to death In the destruction of the Avenue restaurant by fire this morning. Joseph Ryan was seriously burned and otherwise Injured, but will recover. Other had nar row escapes. The building was owned by A. J. Biik and was fully Insured. The ad joining brick block, owned by J. T. Breen and occupied by Fuchs' saloon and the C. D. Eager restaurant, was damaged 12.000. Fight Over Illegal Fences. GRAND ENCAMPMENT, Wyo., April J3. (Special.) Illegal fencing of the govern ment domain almost cansed a tragedy In this section a few days ago, when Louis Ounst, jr., tore down a portion of a wire fence erected and owned by his neighbor, Peter Verplancke. The Injured rancher waited upon Qunst and with an ax de - tnanded that the fence be restored to Its original condition. Qunst procured hi gun and brought Verplancke to a halt. The nsst dajr Varplancka had Ounst arrested, and the latter retaliated. Both were placed under bonds and the government agents have been asked to remova the Illegal fence. Hunter Accidentally Shot. 8TURGIB. S. D., April . (Special Tele gram.) William O orlen, Jr., of Sturgis, aged 19, while out shooting yesterday after noon with several comrades, met with a serious accident. A rifle in the hands of one of the party went off accidentally, the ball entering the left shoulder and Is sup posed to be lodged In tho spine, causing paralysis from the waist down. Hie condi tion Is serious and recovery doubtful. Oil Near Garland. OAKLAND. Wyo.. April S2.-(8peclal.) Oil and gas have been struck at a depth of f90 feet In a well being put down here by Montana parties. It Is a gusher and (pouts forty-two barrels of oil per day. Other wells will be put down at once and a boom In the oil business la expected. Killed by PMe Driver. PIETvRS, 8. P.. April Jl (Special Tele gram.) W 1111am Coggln, foreman of one of the pile driving crews out on the end of the 11ns. was killed by the hammer of the pile driver falling upon him. The body T taken to his old home In Madison tor burial. Jadrre's Illness Delays Court. STl'BOTS. 9 D.. April 3 -(8peclal Tele gram.) Th Meade county circuit court ad . Jjurned this morning on account of the lllneae of Judge Rice. U reconvenes May IT. LYNCH LAW IN POLAND nationalists linns Socialist They si. aert Waa Guilty of Killing a Girl. I.OPZ, Russian Poland. April B-L,ynch law hsa been Inaugurated by ths nation als to put an end to the socialistic out ru if here. Having raptured one of three socialist who murdered a 15-year-old girt the nationalists took their prlsonor to the ojtsklrts of this city, tried him. sentenced Mm to death by hanging and carried out the sentence. 1-sst week's victims of nationalist and socialist fights totaled twenty-three killed and fifty-seven wounded. The majority of the casualties were among the socialists. eUBABTOPOL. April .-Ttae petitions for the tranifer of Geueral Nepuleff, com n.and.r of tr.e fortress here, to some other tommand have resulted in his appointment tu oommand Kovno fortress, but the revo lutionary committee declares that the gea ewri WU1 sews leav gebaatunul ailva SUMMARY OF TliE DEE c -S" Tuesday, April 2.T p V' v 1007 APR' 1907 sua mom 'I 7 8 II 15 21 22 fai SAT 4 5 6 II 12 13 18 19 20 25 26 27 S Z .cS v 28 29 30 THE WIATSIK. FORECAST FOR NF.FRA8KA Tuesday and v fatr. FOHKCAHT FOR IOWA Fair Tuesday, except showers in southeastern p'jrt.ou. Wednesday fair. Temperature at Omaha yesterday: Hour. Dee. Hour. Or.,-. 6 a. m.. a, m... 7 a. m.. 8 a. in.. a. m... 19 a. m.. 11 a. m. . U m 1 p. m.. o m... m... m... m... m... m... m... m... . ?9 . 40 . 43 . M . so . tU . .fi5 8 p. 9 p. DOMESTIC. Fire In Homi-stake mine gets beyond control and water from Whltewood creek will be introduced at SOO-foot level, flood ing the lower works. Page X Rucf trial Is resumed at San Fran cisco, rags 1 W. O. IoiiKiaa, assistant loan cl rk of Trust Company of North America, who co-.ifessed to taking 150,000 In bonds, may have tuken tJOO.OOfl. Page 8 Report of committee appointed by Minnesota legislature, says property of Chicago Great Western railroad Is worth about one-nfth of par value of all Its securities. Page a Secretary Taft returns to Waehlngton after spending a month In Panama. Cuba and Porto Rico. Page 1 WABHIHOTOW. United States supreme court decides that bank stock Invested In United States bonds Is not subject to taxation. Paje 1 Abolition of army divisions brings about a general shakeup in army assign ments, which Is likely to bring General Carter to Omaha. Chief North of the census bureau explains his estimates of Nebraska population. Page 1 NEBRASKA. The Hamilton trial at Grand Island Is postponed until Tuesday on account of Arbor day. Fags 3 Cornerstone of $50,000 Young Men's Christian association building laid at Fre mont. Page 3 Rankers hold conventions at Fremont and Norfolk. At latter place a lively tilt was on between Senator Randall and Sec retary Hugheu of the Stute association over legislative matters. Page 3 Burlington road tiles report which shows an Increase In gross earnings In Nebraska of $3,000,000 and net earnings of an Increase of $800,000, which is $3,051 per mile for branch lines and all. Page 3 Kearney citizens have prepared papers and will file them In the supreme court today to test the veto by Governor Shel don of the Kearney Normal appropriation bill. It is alleged the veto was not filed In time. Page 1 P0RXIO1T. Because of the demands of Nicaragua on Salvador peace negotiations In Hon duras are delayed. Page 1 Strike of sailors on Caspian sea threat ens to deprive Russian factories of fuel. Page 1 LOCAL. In Woman's Realm Timely pointers are given to women who buy meat us the experience of those who know. Page 5 Several large contracting firms are competing for the construction of the Young Woman's Christian association building and will submit bids Wednesday noon to the architect. Page T Foreign corporations are tardy In com plying with the law requiring publicity of names of their agents on whom legal service can be had. Par U Manager Goerlite of the Conreld Opera company praises Caruso and condemns aa a damnable outrage the monkey house Incident. age B SPORT. Lincoln wins the second game of the series from Omaha by poundlns; Hall for thirteen hits. Fag 4 New York Nationals shut out Boston. The winning run was made In ninth In ning. Page 4 MOVEMENTS Or OCZAJf gTXAMBXXPS. Port. ArrWe4. gitied. PHILADELPHIA Pr1elnl CHKltlT'ANBANDHill( OIT UINIION LONDON . Minnra polls . Mcklnw ... Lk Erlott.. .Cymric ST JOHNS.... KOSTDN NAPLES ROTTEHtlAM Cl'KHHMCHd GIBRALTAR . OKN'iA UHEMKN .... BraUl?. jBmolattik. Rluwhar . SUvonia i CstnpanU Frmnklort. MORE LOTTERY INDICTMENTS Eight flllla Returned by Grand Jury at Mobile, bat Xamee Are Withheld. MOBILE. Ala.. April 22. Eight more In dictments have been found by the United States grand Jury, investigating the opera tion of the Honduras National Lottery company. The names of those Indicted will be divulged on Wednesday, according to United States District Attorney Ambrecht, at which time the Jury will have concluded Its Investigations In this city. The Wil mington, Del., grand Jury to be Impan elled Immediately, Is to take up the ticket end nf the violations, all persons Indicted here being subject to the re-lndlctment by the Wilmington Jury. PITTBBURG, Ta,. April 22. Samuel Conkle, alias J. W. Clark, accused of hav ing sold In this vicinity a large number of tickets of the Sierra Madras Im perial Ixttery company of Mexico, waa arrested t.'ay at his home In Chester, W. Va. T! esse wus worked up by post office lni'j.eotors who, about ten days ego, learned that many lottery tickets of the g:erra Mndrua company were being shipped from E.iSt Flttaburg to numerous points In Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York and West Virginia. W. J. BRYAN VISITS BOSTON Nebraska Consults Bay State Demo cratic Lea a era and Addreasea Mayora Club. IKBTONT, April H-Wllllam J. Bryan visited Boston Jday and held conferences with a number of leading democrats, in cluding es-Governor Douglas. Mr. Bryan's talk with, Mr. Douglas related to the tariff, according to the latter. letter Mr. Bryan spoke on "Problems of City Government" before the Mayors' club. Mr. Bryan Is at Kali River tonight, but will return here tomorrow. Among o-her affairs on his program for touiuirew is au edtiieaa at Harvard, SECRETARY TAFT RETURNS Head of War Tepartxent Eack from Cuba, Faiami oi Tort lioo. FIVE DAYS SPENT IN CANAL ZONE Foundations for On tun Dam Are Satis factory sad Work Is Progressing; Rapidly Praise for Gov ernor Macooa. WASHINGTON, April 22 Secretary of War Taft and party arrived at the Wash ington navy yard on board the Mayflower tonight, after an absence of exactly a month in a trip that Included Panama. ... i , . . ... . . . Cuba and Porto Rico. The secretary and xt t : . , , , i . . , , Mrs. Taft were Immediate y driven to their , ,. . residence. Former Oovernor of Porto Rico Heekman Wlnthrop and Mrs. Wlntlimp were guests of the secretary on the re turn trip. The others In the party In cluded Representatives Burton of Ohio and Do Armond of Missouri, Senator Kittredge i of North Dakota and Miss Maggie Ide. ! The party arrived shortly after 11 o'clock, loiter Secretary Taft gave out a statement ' In which he said he "found matters In Cuba In what under the circumstances ; must be regarded as a very satisfactory condition." that ther. Is every ground for nope mai rne aoopteo ror a census. preliminary election and a general election , six months inter, will result In the selec- ; tlon of a president and congress who will ; be able to maintain themselves and give ! Fianio ruie 10 me island, ana tnai ine oe- lay In taking a census Is regarded by the Cubans ns an earnest of the American governmeit's desire to secure n desirable government before It leaves, "so there shall be no excuse for a second Intervention." He says that next Friday he will go to Cincinnati to attend a Tale club meeting. will then address the Dayton (O.) Young j Men Christian association and on Monday I nieht n-m di,e .h. i I the Cincinnati Ttuslness Men's club, return ing to Washington by the following Wednesday. Mr. Taft says that In Panama the en gineers reported to him that the founda tions for the sites of the locks wore en tirely satisfactory and he discussed ad ministrative matters he took up In Panama. Secretary Tnft'a Statement. Secretary Taft's statement is as follows: We reached Colon March 80. We spent Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Weidrweeday on the Isthmus. The test pits had been sunk on the proposed site of the . locks, and the engineers. Messrs Noble, Sterns and Freeman, made the examination. They reported to me that the foundations were entirely satisfactory, but they ex- pwt to make a formal written report. I al7!uaLth8 r"' of Colonel Ooethals. qu.'Jrtlons aa to tho best means of con- ,' cl',a' fupl UB,J hV the factories In central structin the dams, both at Gatun and at j Kussia. the stock of which (ordinarily re- plenlshej during the spring floods, when 1 also held a long conference with the , h .. ... . . . . , Panama authorities in the presence of Sen- ! tho ol(r branches are navigable for big ator Kittredne and Minister Squlrea, In re- j steamers Into the remote interior of Rus spct to a number of matters which rveeded i sla) are now exhausted. Navigation will reached a satisfactory agreement, which will be formulated In subsequent corrcs- pomaence. I also heard certain complaints concern ing the deallna, of the . Panama railroad with Its lota In 0lfn. mviT took the mittr.r under consideration rending a statement to be made by the lot holders. I also heard i - 4W, the applications of the steam shovel men I representatives of the oil companies that and the section locomotive engineers and i no maaout Is available even for steamer construction train conductors with refer- ' fuel. ervce to their terms of employment, lnclud- i T - , , . , ing wages. I have forwardod a report tnl I-'a(,m Industrial magnate, have tele thls matter to the president. What has graphed to the lower house of Parliament happened In respect to this i do not know. ' asking that body to intervene. speVi;VnUaS The president of the Moscow bourse. In Mr. Rogers, general counsel of the Isthmian ! an interview today, expressed the opinion Canal commission on the Isthmus the en- ! that a continuance of the strike woulil glneers for the purpose of making further report upon the technical question? whl.-h I referred to them, and Mr. Rogers for the purpose of pushing some condemnation Ml gatlnn to acquire title to land which it has now, in the profross of the work, become necessary for us to take over. Praia for Mngooa. We left Colon on Wednesday, April S, and reached Havana on Sunday, April 7. I spent Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day In Havana conferring with Gover nor Magoon, Colonel Crowder, Consul Gen eral SlDltlk.ri mrA nl alan . - . 1 , the representatives of the various nolitl- cal organisation and business and commer- mlttee, composed of thirty agriculturalists riaLiP.'.0p!r .Huv'V,a- 1 . found mntyia i manufacturers and business men from all In what, under the circumstances, must bo . ... . . . considered a very satisfactory condition, P"rts o( tn empire, met at the ministry and this Is largely due to the hard work i of the interior today to consider the pro arid political capacity and level-headrdncs longatlon of the tariff arrangement with of Governor Magoon. The result was that ,, D... the conclusion was In effect one upon which ! ln nllea ote. substantially all parties Interested agreed. I The majority of the committee le com Tr" flwre STrtaln Questions that were sub. I posed of agrarians and large manufac mltted by Governor Magoon and discussed i . l. . , ., . . whlch await decision by the president or i turerg wno take the round thttt " ' un by the department after my return. Just to extend to the United States the General Harry and Goverror Magoon both j most favored nation treatment upon the reported that order In the IMnnd Is excel- !Kai. -rH h ,1, lent, and while there Is still a good deal i ba8ls offered and tnat lf the arrangement of suppressed political feeling snd excite- 1 must be accomplished a delay as long as ment I think there Is every ground for hope ' possible is better than Its Immediate Be that the method adopted of tsJdng n census '.,,.. ln order ,n ,ha, , and holding a preliminary election and then j -ePtanc'. ln oraer t0 create tha Impression a general election six months later will re- j suit In the selection of a president and a ' congress Who Will be able to malnt in ' themselves and give a sWble rule to the; inland. Conditions la Porto Rleo. We left Havana midnight of April 1ft, and reached Porto Rico on Sunday. April 14. We spent four days In the Island and had there to consider, at the Instance of Rlshop Jones of Porto Rico, some questions which are still pending of property between ths government and the church and also some military questions ns to the abandonment of certain posts In the Interior snd the adandonment to the civil government of some property In San Juan now used as a hospital for the army. The two political questions that are made the subject of frequent dlscuswlon for the lack of something else In the present happy condition of the people, are the question of cltlxenshlp and the question whether the executive council shall be elective. We have been away a nvinth. I have ns.y.."keVn MncSraann" therefore have nothing to say on politics. GCLDFIELD MINES ARE OPEN Miners Who Have Been on Strike for Several Weeks Resume Work. OOLDFIEIJ"). Nev.. April 22. As a re sult of the settlement effected last even ing between the mine owners and the miners, the mines were thrown open at 1 p. m. and all the mines that could find workmen enough started with a full fume During the strike hundreds Of miners left the settlement becomes generally known. for outside camp, to prospect or find tern- i "y . .1 . .f V a. ,hlrtr-n"" porary work, and th. dl.trlct I. short 64 ' VT" f".. t "gh ,OUn- mlner.. but these miners, together with ? 7 "J. ' ...... o" i" '" naiuruay nignt. ine owner other., are expected into the camp a. soon of the ..... ,, k- rrollf.rt ,. I BAR ON THE JJNWRITTEN LAW St. Louie Judge Befusea to Allow Men who Believe la It to Serve en Jury. ST. LOUI3. Mo., April C.-Flfty-three men out of a venire of 100 summoned for the trial ot Policeman Michael J. McNa mara, charged with murder for killing his wife and John J. Brophy. August 23. 19t, were excused today by circuit court Judge Bale after they had sworn thsy believed In the "unwritten law." Each of the fifty three said he would refuse to vote for conviction lf the "unwritten law" wm plaadsd la UcNatnara'S da(eae t FIVE JURORS IN RUEF BOX Fight Men Kxrnaed on Peremptory Challenge and One More Is Secured. SAN FRANCISCO, April 21-The first four of the twelve Jurors who will try Abraham Rucf on the charge of extorting Iftrffp Mum nf munnir fmr.i lha Pronh 1 tnuranta nf San Francisco, under the al iened threat as political boss, to deprive them of their liquor licenses, were secured today and sworn In. The eight others com posing the probationary panel were per emptorily challenged, three by the prose cution and five by the defense. As only I two names refnulned on the special venire list of fifty, tomorrow will likely see the ! loiiln. . A . i I I "U,"B " fnifim er.ii,ii .rnur, uri rnr i- tating an adjournment of one or two days. ,f , i,,,j . , , . ' . V ... Ito.mi i 1,1111111(7 iiirr Jul y 1'J . ,.,,, end of the week and to begin the actual .... ,. . trial of Ruef by the tak ng of testimony ! , , , . i not Inter than next Monday. A new line of questioning was developed ; today by the defense In the rross-examina- I tlon of talesmen, both those who had been passed into the box as qualified and others who had not yet been subjected to the i qualification tests. Ruef's counsel desired ' to know whether the Jurors who attended the earthquake anniversary banquet at the Fairmont hotel on the night of April 18 had absorbed any bias against their client ! from the speeches of District Attorney lMngAon Hnd AM,Rtant piot Attorney PnpJr , wh,rh Rupf Rn(J othrr R d j,.aftprl, werP vKoroll((,v denounced, 0n ,h ,echnrn, unA thnl JjHnnn I ,nd Hpney dd nt thg ur ORS( (of tortlon) hut mrelv n(.nonn(.p(, ; Ruef and his associates generally as graft ers, the challenges for ratise laid by the de fense against the Juror-banqueters were not allowed by Judge Dunne, and they retained their seats. j The number of Jurors In the box was In creased to five Just before adjournment by the tentative acceptance of Juror Davie. D I JPCi I a CAPCO CIICI rARIiatrf HUbblA FACES FUEL FAMINE Strike of Snllora Makes Impossible the Transportation of Oil. ST. PETERSBURG, April K. -Russian industry Is being plnced In a critical situa tion, owing to the continuance of the strike of sailors belonging to the naphtha flo tilla on the Caspian sea. The efforts of Baron Taube, chief of the gendarmerie corps, who has been detailed to deal Inde- pently with the strike, have not been suc- cessful Only ten of several hundred tank steam ers are in operation and both sides are ddfternilned to continue the strike. The on residue, known as mnxout, is the prln the reservoirs below Astrakhan, which sup ply the river steamers, are empty and ths shippers are unable to take advantage of the short period of high water. A veritable panic has been psvclpltated on tte Ka-An i Kr,nr k h .. v.. force most of the factories to suspend. i ,.,., , j . , . . i whlch ould ,brow hundreds of thousands of men out of work. GERMANS CONSIDER TREATY Majority of Economic Committee Said to Be Hostile to United tales. ! BERLIN, April 22. The economic com. n me l nuea eiaies mat tne arrangement waa adopted with great reluctance and that ,). trade re?iilaHnna l,ti.,un h . 116 lraaa rf,ulatln tatween the lnited States and Germany rest on a precarious basis. The eventual acceptance of the ar rangement is regarded aa certain. It was reported tonight at a late hour that the economlo committee had accerted the provisional agreement with the United States after a debate lasting (even hours. Japan Haa Kerr Proposals. TOKIO, April 22. According to the Japa nese Mall the Japanese delegates at The Hague peace conference will present a aeries of Independent propositions, among them being the conclusion of conventions . , ,h. ".,,, - .... -o""nvionB toT th conduct of ttlea on land and at i u" mines in commercial routes, I the use of wireless telegraphy between be- "? neUtr" ! moTy- the use of neutral ports for bel- ! ltgerent purposes, methods for declaring i th Pntn of hostilities and tha llmlta- lion oi armaments. Assassination at Seoul. LONDON. April 22. A dispatch from Toklo today announced that M. Pack Young Wha, chief of the board of audit of tho Corean imperial household, was assassin ated at Seoul last night. He formerly was nrsi secretary ot tne corean legation at 1 Toklo. ( ! Russians Drown In River. 1 ,8T,' t'ETERSBURG. April 22.-R was defl of ros negligence. GIRLS USE THE FIRE ESCAPE Chicago Ele-vator Conductor Reacuea Forty-Five Before He Is Over come by Smoke. CHICAOO, April 22,-Fire damaged to the extent of tO.OOO a building at 130-0 Wabash avenue today. Twenty girls, employed by the Healy Muslo company, were obliged to leave the building by means of the fire e3capes, but none were Injured. Horace Manley, la charge of the elevator, made repeated trips with hi. car to the upper stories and rescued forty five girls. Manley finally wa. overcome by auioke aod waa carried out fe fletuca. CHANGE IN ARMY COMMANDS Bricadiar General Carter Likely to ent U Department of the Missouri. GENERAL SHIFTING OF THE ASSIGNMENTS Director North of the Census Bureau Makes an Explanation of His Eatisaates Regard Inar Ne braska Population. (From a Staff Correspondent.) "Jt,UP'"Jn I"enworth and some in Atch- WAS1UNOTON. April 22.-(Speclal Tele- on Thr ' !!Mllty of the brew-gram.)-Wlth abandonment of divisions of ; brln given their property If they the army on July 1. including the Atlantic I withdraw from Kansas and agree to stay division, embracing the Department of the ! 0UV , ' . i Northern division embracing tne ueparc- ; mrnt of the Iakes and the Departments of the Missouri and Dakota; the Southwest ern division, embracing the Departments of tb- nliirA- th Inrlflr division. . . ' . . . ; embracing the Departments of California and Columbia, and the Philippine division. embracing the Departments of I.uxon, VI sayns and Mindanao, there will be a shak Ing up all around In the several depart ments which will be retained as now. In all probab ty Brigadier General W 11- .. " , j .,- i 1 am H. Carter, now In command of the : ' ' . , , ' . . . ,,,nrt ' . . ' . , . i order preventing the companies from mov to the command of the Department of the Missouri, with headquarters at Omaha. While army offliMals were reticent today ! regarding General Carter's assignment to the Department of the Missouri they could not deny that It was extremely probable I in view 01 ine mci int uc iw onwi. . have asked for the assignment. Then, again. It is generally understood Major General Frederick D. Grant, now ln com- j mand of the Department or the r.ast, win be transferred to the Department of the Iakes. It being the wish of General Grant to go back to his wife's home Chicago and there reside upon his retirement- As there is a vacancy In the Department of the Missouri caused by the death of General Wint, It would seem but natural that General Carter should be given the billet which he desires. General Ionard Wood Is slated for ccm mand of the Department of the East, with , heodqunrters at Governor's Island, on the transfer of General Grant to the Depart ment of the Lakes. There are three great departments In the army Department of the East, with headquarters In New York; Department of the Lakes, with headquar ters at Chicago, and the Department of California, with headquarters at San Fran cisco. These three Important departments wlll be commanded by Major Generate ( Wood, in the first instance, Orant In the j second and Funston. who attains the rank i of a major general in the very near future. With these assignments pretty thoroughly understood other departments of the army will be commanded by brigadier generals, or, should an occasional major general or two turn up he will tnke "pot luck" with the Junior officers In assignment to depart mental commands. Two Brian dlers to Retire. Brigadier General William 8. McCaskey. now In command Of the Department of Dakota, la flue to retire October t Ii7. when he will reach the age of 64. Briga dier General Constant Williams, now In command of the Department of Colorado, retires May 25. 1OT. Mortli F.Tplalns Ilia Figure. Director North of the bureau of census was today shown an editorial In The Omaha Bee of April 19, wherein the census bureau Is severely criticised for estimates of the population for the year 19P, as compared with the census figures of 1900, especially as It relates to Nebraska. After a careful reading of the editorial Direc tor North authorized the following state ment: 1 have examined the statement made In The Omaha Dally Bee of April- 19, in regard to the census bureau's estimate of population for the state of Nebraska for 190B, ana note that It criticises' us for not estimating the total population of the ' state In 1800 Instead of using the federal ! fnv that venr. Tt Is a well known fact that the elevennth census was padded to an extent that we cannot compute or even guess at, estimates going all the way from 75,000 to Sno.ono. but It Is Impractica ble for us to alter the 1W0 census figures I for the state of Nebraska as It would j upset all estimate, of the United States I based on results of the eleventh and ! twelfth census, which are the only figures we have, and, until the thirteenth census Is taken I will ha obliged to continue to ! use the 190 end 1900 census figures. South Omaha Mnt Changed. "Your statement that the census bureau has corrected the 1890 figures for Omaha, Lincoln and South Omaha Is slightly in error, as the figures for South Omaha were not changed. We did, however, make an estimate of the population of Lincoln end Omaha, based on the census of isso and WO, which was 102, AH less than the 1S90 figures. I do not believe, however, that Omaha had 86,538 people ln 1590, and that Lincoln should have been credited with 2.5S. In order, however, to make the figures check, It was necessary that the total estimated population of the state ehould be equal to that of the cities plus the rural dlstrlcta An estimate nf the population of the state of Nebraska, based on the tenth and eleventh censuses, would probably be far from the truth as It would how but T58.S51 or 90.305 less than the number returned by the census enumerators. I can hardly agyee with the statement that the census of Nebraska was padded to the extent of SCO.") at the census of ls.w. as you will note, that the Incrsase for the state of Kansas during that decade waa only 42.37, or 8 per cent and, assuming the percentage of Increase would have been the same In Nebraska, the gain would have been S1.RS0. "I would also coll your at. ntlon to the fact that from 10 to 1! thirty-five coun ties ln Nebraska, many of them In the western part, decreased In population. While some of these decreases were due to padding ln 1S90, I do not believe it was all caused by fraudulent work. The conditions mill naVP vi pmoirni -J ... state of Iowa and part of Minnesota have that have caured loss of population to the undoubtedly affected to some drgree the growth of population In Nebraska. "The cities ln Iowa, In five years from Ert to 16, Increased 48.4F2. while tha state showed a decrease of 11.803: consequently, the rural districts must have decreased In Ave year, at least 70 JSi, so that It Is not Impossible for the rural districts of Ne braska to have decreased ln population SS.O00 since lfcJO. "The fraudulent work done be enumera tors of 1S90 has been a great cause of em barrassment to thl. office and. while I am aware that bad work was done, I cannot make any estimate that will allow for the flnltkua returns made at the eleventh census. I am sorry the state did not avail Itself of the provision In It. constitution, under which it could have taken a census ln IS, and thus corrected, to a certain KANSAS FIGHTS BREWERIES Supreme Court Will Appoint Re ceivers for All Their Prop erty In the State. TOrFKA. Knn.. April 12. The supreme court late this afternoon allowed the suit of Attornry General Jackson for receiver ship In the ouster canes against the brew ery companies in Kansas. The court did not name the receivers, but will do so in a day or two. Attorney General Jackson stated thst he did not know Just how much property this receivership Includes, but mentioned eight or ten sets of saloon 1 ilia m:iiin t'l iiir oreweries in maning lit. defense came as a rrent urnrlse to the , ,. - - state officials, as It was understood that the brewers were planning a hard fight. The attorney general has a vast amount of evidence against the breweries, show- Ing tax receipts for wagons, horses and . ' . . harness, !ar fixtures and real estate, gov ernment licenses made out In the name of the brewery association or Its agents and affidavits of officers In various towns. The granting of a receivership today closes the r liquor Interests from Kansas. The at- ' .... . . , torney general has obtained a restraining ,"?, ,,, til nlfnl mirn.Vea ,,'. . , ' . The suits were filed two weeks ago. The br(,worpg neyer ob(alnfj a wn.e t0 , Kan.a. under th. corporation laws and In addition that ths business they were transacting waa un lawful. KEARNEY TO TEST THE VETO Papers Are at Present In Hands of Clerk and Will Be Filed Today. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. April 22.-A suit will be filed tomorrow in the supreme court to test the legality of the veto of Governor Sheldon of the bill appropriating JS5.000 for the Kearney Normal school addition. A petl- tlon for a peremptory writ of mandamus directed against Secretary of Statu Junkln to compel him to authenticate the bill ae passed is already It, the hands of the clerk of the court and will be filed ln the morn- ! Ing. The petition recites that the bill waa received by the secretary of state at 2 p. m., April 11, that the legislature ad- journea April ; wnereas tne constitution provides that all bills must be acted upon by the chief executive within five days after final adjournment of the legislature, otherwlso the same become law. without the action of tho governor. A number of persons, It Is understood, were in the office of the secretary of state when the bill wa. received, with the veto of the governor attached, on April 11. The attorneys ln the case are Oldham, Hamer and Sinclair, all of Kearney. The case Is entitled "State ex rel John F. Crocker agutnnl George C. Junkln." PEACE NEGOTIATIONS HALT Washington Hears tha One Demand of Xlcaraaou I. Reepoaal ble for Delay. WASHINGTON. April r2.-Advlce. re ceived here today from Central America are to the effect that the peace negotiations which have been ln progress for the last few days at Amapala have come to a dead lock and It Is feared that a renewal of hostilities Is Impending. The difficulty appears to He In the Nlcara. guan demand that Salvador shall be held responsible for what has occurred, which condition is not acceptable Senor Corea. the Nicaragua minister here, today explained to Assistant Secre tary of State Bacon the Nlcaraguan posi tion, which. In brief. Is a. follows: Nicaragua feels that by It. Interference between Nicaragua and Honduras. Salva dor has made Itself liable for damages In flicted upon Nicaragua and financial ex penses of some part of the war. A. Salva dor denied any such liability, Nicaragua, In order to avoid delaying the present nego tiations for peace at Amapala. propose, that the question be submitted to President Roosevelt or to some person to be designa ted by htm, a. to whether Salvador Is liable for pecuniary damage., and. If so. In what amount. ARCHITECTS HOLD SESSION American League Gathers at National Capital for Three Day.' Convention. tho WASHINGTON. April 22.-The Architec tural League of America began a three day.' convention In thl. city today with delegate, present from all section, of tha country. Reading of report, and other routine business occupied the morning ses sion and In the afternoon the delegate, will visit Mount Vernon. Tomorrow the reports of standing com mittees will be heard and ln tha afternoon automobile trips through the city and a reception by the president will be given. The convention will close Wednesday evening with a banquet tendered the dele gates by the Washington Architectural club. ENDORSEMENT FOR TUCKER Stockholders in I nrle Sam Oil Com pany Say the Corporation la Solvent. KANSAS CITT. April 22-One hundred and fifty stockholders of the Uncle Sam Oil company from Illinois, Iowa, Oklahoma, Missouri and Kansas met here today and passed resolutions endorsing H. H. Tucker, the Indicted manager, and Insisting that the company is solvent and should not be reorganised. Manager Tucker suld that .,.., he wou1'1 mmed.ately set In operation a plan whereby he could raise 175.000 to be used to secure machinery to refine the crude oil now In the various refineries of the company. Several of the etockholders attending ths meeting today offered to subscribe to this fund. TWO CHILDREN BURN TO DEATH Boy Seta Fire to House Sear Myatle, Iowa, While Mother la Away. OTTl'WWA, la.. April tt-Two children are dead and a third 1. dying as the result of a Are which burned the house of Charles bradaell, ln Mystic, near here. While the mother was taking one child to school this morning an older boy set a bonfire wluuh set th. house ablaae aod U ehU drea aouii nvt eece CARUSO AND FARRAR Hen Ceareid'i Two Moit Talked of Eoig Birds Heard is Cmih. AMERICAN DIVA IN ROLE OF NtDDA Etr Trinmphi of Voioe and Beaitj Art Eepeatsd at Vatinea. CARUS9 DELIGHTS CROWD IN EVENING Tamou! Trnor Heard in the Beautiful fnocioi Mtiiio. MANY FROM OUT OF TOWN HEAR OPEJA Omaha People Reinforces hy Vlaltora from Adjacent Territory, hat the Auditorium la Blar Enough to Mold All. Omaha and that portion of the west within a aide radius of the city enjoyed a surfeit of music of the high class by that organisation of all In America capable of interpreting the music of the great mas ters, the Metropolitan Opera company of New York, at the Auditorium Monday aft ernoon and evening. For the second tlma In two years llelnrloh Conreld Included Omaha ln a western musical sortie with hi. great troupe of great singers and hi great orchestra, from the Metropolitan opera house ln Gotham, and for the second time an Omaha audience had an oppor tunity of hearing the much-discussed En rico Caruso. The company, with M. Caruso and Mmea, Alten and Farrar, In whom Omahans were most Interested, arrived in the city Sun day night und the first performance waa given at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon, th second at 8 o'clock in the evening, which composed the entire Omaha engagement. Late Comers Dlstnrb Many, The greater attendance was at the even ing program, when "La Bohenie" wa. tha opera, of course, and although tho In formation that the curtain would rise at 8 o'clock had been thoroughly distributed, a most distressing tardiness on the part of thousands rendered the first act almost unintelligible to those who arrived on time. When the curtains were drawn aside for the opening, not more than one-third tho audience wa. present and seated, the rest trooping ln within the next half hour, causing the greatest annoyance to both singers and listeners and calling forth un complimentary remarks from persons at tached to the troupe, who said the door, should have been closed until the close of the first act. However, the people seemed to take the Interruption, ln good spirit and eettled down to the full enjoyment of the muslo when all had become quiet. In the way of popular attraction, the en gagement of the opera company wa. ac corded a trifle less attention than two years ago, when "Parsifal" wa. produced. It was estimated Monday evening that about 4.0U0 people were present, and not mora than 4,200, while during the after noon, when a double bill was offered, tha attendance wa. 8,600. The balcony waa given the greatest preference, but the lower floor and boxes were sufficiently well filled to make the cash receipts satisfactory. Many Come from Afar. The audience wa. a representative one of the middle west. People came from long distance, especially to be present or ar ranged their business affairs so that they might be able to be hero during the en gagement. People from all parts of th state, the Dakotos, Iowa Kansas, Min nesota and even farther away, came to hear the singers. The event was not one of society people ln particular, but on. of all the people. In fact, the absence of even ing clothes was a notable feature of th. second performance. The rr.atlnee attracted more of the society women than did the night performance, the lower floor and boxes being well sprinkled with member, of the city', first families and their guests. ConrieVV. grand opera will leave Omaha on the two special train, which carry the entire outfit to Minneapolis and 8t. Paul, this forenoon, to play an engagement there. The matinee opened with the production In Italian of the two-act opera of Pagllaocl by Leoncavallo, with Miss Farrar as Nedda, Mr. Bare aa Sanlo, Mr. Scottl a. Ton la, Mrs Rcls. as Beppe and Mr. Blmard aa Silvio. The singers were greeted with every manifestation of the heartiest ap preciation and were repeatedly called ' be fore the curtain. The matinee closed with- the fairy opera of "Hansel and Gretel," an extremely pretty production of three scene., by Kngleburt Humperdlnck. The rendition was given la German, with Mine. Mattfeld a. Hansel, Mme. Tlten a. Gretel, Mme. Weed a. Ger trude, Mme. Jacoby aa The Witch and Mr. Gorlti as Peter. In the evening Puccini.' "La Bohme" wa. tha bill with Caru.a and Mme. Claparelll In the leading roles. MISS FARRAR TUIlMPliS AS NEDDA Her Wonderful Work the reslue ot the Matinee. Yesterday afternoon and evening tha Met ropolitan Grand Opera company, with lta coterie of fajnous artist., held forth at the Auditorium to some 6,000 people. The place was not filled at either performance, but U 1. so huge that a really splsndld audience la lost ln Its vaetnesa. For Omaha, and the adjacent Interested towns the showing was very creditable. A sign really should be made and placed at the entrance of our city, vis: "We are only flfty year, old." Itf easterner, we seem to be clamed with St. Paul and St. Louis. It I. very compli mentary, but we can not always live up lo the implication. The Conreld manage ment seemed to feel that every mat In the Auditorium should have been sold. How glad would local music lovers have been to wi true S3 such a state of affairs! As It was, the audience here, perhaps, counted for twice a. much In effort and appreciation aa a lary-r one elsewhere. Alee! for the dollars! Sentiment and adoration of beauty are good things, but tliey won't pay sal aries. We need here, as I have said often bef re, more dreamers, more student, and more true patron, of art. "Pagllaocl" Introduced to Omaha for tha first time Oera'.dine Farrar, the young American prima donna who has reaped such sensational triumphs hare and In Durope during the twenty-five year, of her Ufe. give has every gift that the gods give beauty of voice, beauty e.f face and figure, and Intelligence of a very high order. She 1. m the formative period. If her good sense stands her In true faith she will eventually develop Into a very greet artist. She certainly has a spark of the divine fire .mouldering In her cnsmoi Her Nedda dominated th entire opera. While she wa. singing and upon the stage It waa Impos sible to look at anyone else. Tier recitative after the Roll Chorus, with It. final burnt, when .he U through with her ill dxeame a