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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1907)
TOE OMAHA DAILV DEE: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1907. Tin; Omaha Daily Bee. rOLNULU UY EDWAItl) ROBE WATER. VICTOR ROSE WATER, EDITOR. Entered at Omaha povtofflee ss second -Cina manor. TERMS OK SfllSCRIPTION. pall Bee (without Sunday), one year. ..MOO lally I'r,. an(j gun.iuj 01H, year 6 "0 Sunday Uee. (ne yfRr I 60 Haturtlay live, one year IM i'iiLl V EKED HY CARRIER. I'.illy le (Including Bunday), per week.. 15c Daily Ilia llllhinl Hunrinvl ner week. ..IOC Kvening Hee (without riunday). per week. ie Evening n. (with Sunday), per week... .100 J sxumrsn complaints or irreguianurs m mc Ilvsry to City Cirrulatlnn Department. OFFICES. Omnha-'The Dee Building. " South Omahn City Hall Huildlng. Council JUuffs-10 I'earl Street. Chicago-li,t Tnlty Hulldtng. . New York 1& Home Dlfa Insnmnca Bldg. Washington-nut Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Jommunlratlona relating to newa and ed Itotlal matter ahould be addressed: Orr.sha lie", Elit..rlal Department. REMITTANCES. Remit ty draft, express or roslal order, pay.! hie to The Uee Publishing Company. Only I-cent stamps received In payment of mail nccount.ii Per-onal checks, except on Omaha nr eastern exchange, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Btnta of Nebraska. Douglaa County, ss: Charles C. Rosewater. Feneral maniucr or Th Mee Publishing Company, beln duly sworn, aavs that the actual number of full and complete copies rf The Dally. Morning. KveninR and Pundiv Ts" printed durlrg the month of March. 19C7, wa aa follow: 1 33.030 18 KLCtO 32,810 19 a-'5'390 t 30,000 20 33,30 4 33,190 Jl a3-340 t 3a,iao ti 33390 31,970 2S 33,690 ' T 31,e50 24 ZOM0 t 31,950 16 34,040 9 3140 24 33,990 10 30,400 27..., 33,350 II 33,370 21 33.790 12 31.870 29 34,130 11 33,590 30 33,880 14 33,540 II 30,650 II 33,860 ' II,. 33,820 Total 1,008,860 IT 30,410 Lesa uno.d and returned copies. . 3,184 Net Total 899,378 Dally average 33,337 CHARLES C. ROSEWATER. General Manager. Subscribed In tr.y presence and sworn to before me this 1st day of April, 1907. . (Seal) M. B. HUNOATE. Notary Public. , WHEN Ol'T OF TOWH. Subscribers lea-ln the city tem porarily should 1ibt Th) Be luMlled to them. Address will be changed oa often aa requested. Mayor "Jim" would get along better with Jhe democratic city council If he were a republican. Forecaster Welsh can make a hit by removing fricasseed weather from his dally bill of fare. All doubt about the real arrival of spring have been dispelled. ' "The Balkan war cloud" has again appeared In the cable dispatches. .Much attention Is being given to the discovery, of an alleged substitute for coal Just at a time when the demand is for a substitute for Ice. One of the Rockefeller girls has married a man who is worth $80,000, 000 and who is not incorporated un der the laws of New Jersey. Kearney insists on testing the valid ity of the governor's veto of the nor mal school appropriation. Wonder who is putting up for the attorneys' fees? That Chicago dentist who claims to have secured $10,000 for repairing '.he teeth of tha ameer of Afghanistan probably makes a specialty of crown work.' Andrew Carnegie declares that "Ambassador Dryce knows more than any other man in the world." Per haps,' but has Mr. Bryce made a lariat record? This proposition to have the ex penses of federal elections paid by the government may hold some promise of better things in the way of campaign :lgars. Secretary Taft, the administration repair man, reports that he has fixed up the Cuban machinery so it will run for another year, barring .m unex pected puncture. The South Omaha school board has had a perfectly peaceable meeting,' but there Is no telling what may happen If the injunction against electing teachers should be lifted. President Roosevelt will attend the opening of the Jamestown exposition. Omaha could wish Jamestown nothing better than to equal the record made on President's day at our Transmlssls 6tppi exposition. Colonel Bryan has gone all the' way to Boston to speak on the problems of city government. He could find plenty of problems of city government re quiring attention by staying right heme in Lincoln. Hon. Pearl Wight of New Orleans has bcenjtendered the position of col lector of Internal revenue. Aside from the fact that he was not a Rgugh Rider, Mr. Wight is Bald to "be well qualified for the position. Secretary Taft throws bouquets for the good conditions prevailing In Cuba at "Governor Magoon. Colonel Crow der, Consul General Stelnhart and others." These names sound remark ably familiar upon Nebraeka ears. "More than 200 shots were fired and net a policeman In sight,"' says the New York Telegram In reporting a little ruction on the Bast Side. This Just confirms the prevailing opinion of the discretion f the average policeman. THE TtttASVBT ASV THE WEST". Secretary of the Treasury Cortelyou has wisely decided that he will not de termine all too fcatuies of the policy he will follow during hi tenure of Of"c ijntlj Via hn made a Visit to the business centers of the west and con ferred with the bankers ind business men. He appreciates the Intimate connection between the business of the country and the business of the gov ernment and proposes to obtain first hand Information upon the real condi tions In banking nd business circles, Instead of listening only to the repre sentations made by the financial inter ests of Wall street. Since entering upon his duties as secretary of the treasury, Mr. Cortel you has already responded to a couple of false alarms from Wall street and has used the equipment of the govern ment to prevent Unaicial panics made to order for his special benefit. By placing tha provlilons of he new Al drich currency bill into operation and anticipating certain bond interest pay ments, the secretary has released 1 good many million dollars to Wall street under the representation that the country wan 3ufferin from a cur rency shortage and that government relief was Imperative If a panic was to be averted. Lator Investigation has proved that the country was not scared at all and was in little need of ad ditional funds for the transaction of legitimate commercial and industrial business. Now Mr. Cortelyou an nounces his Intention of making an Investigation on his own account. Western bankers and business men will welcome Secretary Cortelyou and will take pleasure in surprising him with some facts about the real busi ness and financial condition of the country west of Jersey City. They will show him vaultB filled with cash and securities more than ample to "move the crops" and provide for legitimate needs, and that, too. in a time when remarkable development is In progress In all linos. Western bankers will show the secretary that their malls are filled dally with' letters from New York making apparently liberal offerings of commercial paper ' and securities at rates of Interest higher than are be ing exacted In the west. Most of the western bankers Jtre passing up these offers, preferring to hold then mor-y for the accommodation of local pa tron upon securities with which th? bankers are lamlllar. The secretary will learn that the deposits in the western banks are larger than ever before and that funds are available in reasonable amounts for all local needs. Under such circumstances, western bankers aro showing a marked dispo sition to allow the east to take care of Itself. The proposed tsor of the secretary of the treasury will be productive of great good If it results in enabling the Trencury department officials at Wash ington to distinguish hereafter be tween appeals fo financial help for legitimate business and those for spec ulative Interests. OAH SHORTAGE AND COMPETITION. An illuminating story comes from New Orleans relating to the difficulties of the lumbermen In the Teche dis trict in Louisiana In securing cars to transport their output, and the final solution of the prohk-ni. Tho Tech district contains the .jreatest producers In the southern lumber district and the lumber de&lars havi been suffer ing from a car shortage for more than a year. The price of lumber has ad vanced in all markets and the dealers of the south and southwest have seen fortune in profits going from them because unable to secure transporta tion facilities. Finding appeals to the lallroads in vain, the dealers finally de cided to go into the transportation builness on their own account. The result has been a determined effort on the part of the railway companies to relieve the rtir shortage. Th lumbermen f the Teche dis trict recently raised a fund of $150, 000 to improve the Atchafalya river for a direct water route frorr. their district to New York, and secured as surances of co-operation from other lumber deitlers throughout tne south. At a receat conference in Merophla, the dealers took preliminary steps to organize a water transportation line that would run direct from Memphis to New York, for the benefit of the en tire lumber trade adjacent to the Mls risalppl river and Hn tributaries. The railroad managers did not overlook the meetlag of the lumbermen, by any means. Tho announcement Is now officially made that the railroads en tering the lumber rerlojv of the south have agreed to spend a minimum of $86,000,000 within the next year -In extending tra"k and Improving ter minal facilities in the lumber ahinping centers, and they have given wide pub licity to the fact that they have placed crdors for 37 5 new locomotives and 25,000 lumber cars, contracts calling for the delivery of this additional equipment before October 1 of the present year. Thd Incident is noteworthy in view of the agitation tor the rehabilitation of the riwr transportation facilities that formerly figured so conspWounly In traffic affairs In the west and south. With the movement far enough along to have spurred the railroad companies t provide relief of the car shortage In the south. It - la hardly probable that the shippers will be induced to abandon their . project for Improve ment of the inland waterways. If mero plan for such Imp cvement hava already proved so valuable an asset In making transportation contracts, ac tc.a) water competition would surely be worth much more to them. AS TO CES8V8 ESTIMATES. The Bee's criticism of the Inade quate and Inaccurate guess at Ne braska's population made by the Cen sus bureau has received attention from Director North with the admission that the estimate for Nebraska is pal pably wrong, and this excuse, that to correct It In the official computations is Impossible because it , would upset the figures for the whole United States. That may be a good excuse, but it does not make the census estimate of Ne braska population any better, nor does it square the inconsistency of tho bureau in subtracting 73,759 from the 1890 figures for Omaha and Lincoln and then including the same 73,759 in its computations for the whole state. The assumption by the Census bur eau, furthermore, that Nebraska has been subject to the same conditions of emigration by which Iowa suffered a positive loss of population since the 1900 census, as shown by Its state census, Is hardly warranted by the facts. The most competent observers Insist that whatever exodus of farm ers has taken place from Nebraska to the west and to British Columbia has been far more than made up by the in coming Immigration from the east and the settlement of previously unoccu pied public lands. Yet the census es timate which gives the three cities of Omaha, Lincoln and South Omaha a population Increase since 1900 of 40, 439, credits Nebraska with an increase of only 2,184, or a positive loss out side of these cities of 38,000. In view of the admission of the Cen sus bureau that it was only guessing, this wide-of-the-mark estimate might not be taken seriously were it not to be used In vnrious connections as the basis for other statistical computa tions. It will be used as the chief factor in figuring out the per capita wealth and the per capita debt and the per capita taxes of the state. It will be used to show the number of people per square mile, as It was In the recent argument about the proposed 2-cent fare law, and it will be used to deter mine the rate of growth from year to year. If the population estimate Is notoriously wrong all of theEe deriva tive figures will be misleading. If it is worth while for the Census bureau to correct the return of the 1890 census for Omaha and Lincoln in order to get a more accurate ratio for Its estimates, itought to be worth while making the same correction for the purpose of getting closer to tho fncls In Its estimates of Nebraska pop ulation. illvsobt vrrx doors. American manufacturers and trade expansion enthusiasts are finding the once much heralded open doors in th3 orient Illusory. The speeches on the subject of our far eastern commerce and our capture of the trade of Asia published In tho Congressional Record and delivered from the hustings In po litical campaigns would make volumes enough to fill.a Carnegie library. ThJ country has been regaled with statis tics showing th 3 needo of the Chinese and picturing"' the profits of American producers wh'n this nation should bo furnishing the 400,000,000 Inhabitants of tho Flowery Kingdom with all their cotton goods, flour, shoes and other necessities. The outlook was pleasingly alluring, but is apparently BtllP re mote. Government statisticians ar hesitatingly admitting the fact that our trade with the Asiatic countries has nover come up to expectations. Latest returns relating to American foreign commerce show that the United States hi8 made an increase In only the one item, of raw and man ufactured cotton, the demand for this commodity beltK constantly Increas ing. In other lines, China and Japan have both almost ceased to be cus tomers of America except on a small scale and In lines the industrious Jap anese have not yet mastered. The Pa cific ronet lumbermen, for instance, re port no demand frcm China for lum ber this year, wh;rais they Lent 120, 000,000 feet of Oregon pine to Chlnew markets last ear. ' The explanaMon is that Japan has begun a tystematlc de velopment of the lumber producing in dustry In Manchuria and la supplying China's needs from that source. Japan bought almost as much American lum ber as China latt year, while this year Us purchases have been nominal. The Japanese have also turned their at tention to the cultivation of wheat in Manchuria, and Indications are that In a few years they will supply much of both the Japanese and Chinese de mands for flour, instead of importing that product from the United States. Dlsappolnmant in oriental export trade will not be felt particularly so long as pre tent condition in the home market obtain. It Is, after all, on the foundation of tho home market that the industrial greatness cf the United States must be built and as long as our own people continue prosperous and able to expand their consumption, the half-open door in the far east will be a minor factor In keeping tho wheels a-roovlng. Wall street financiers have another grievance against the 1 people. They have been investigating the cause for the withdrawals of deposits from sav ings banks and find that most of the money is being taken out by people who are buying their own homes, In stead of Investing it in the securities that are on the market at burlu price. 8n&h misconduct on the part of the people is of course reprehensi ble, from the Wall street viewpoint, but the rest of the country is not complaining. The standing offer of a retiring al lowance for Chancellor Andrews from the Carnegie foundation may be ex pected to stimulate renewal of the gloomy talk about plutocratic Influ ences In the State university, which, however, would turn to Joy on the part of the Chancellor's enemies If the al lowance were sufficient to Induce him to retire. But Chancellor Andrews has a reputation for being not of the retiring kind. People are complaining to the State Railroad, commission because the rail roads continue to charge the old 3 cent rate on through business, not withstanding the Nebraska 2-cent fare law. To an outside observer it would seem that the complaints should be directed to the Interstate Commerce commission and based on the ground of undue discrimination. It is announced that the next con gress will be asked to make provisions for the Improvement of the regular Infantry of tha army. This must mean that the cavalry, the navy, the marine corps, the engineer corps and the sig nal service can not think of anything more they want. The infantry boasts being always the first In fighting and tho last In receiving favors. The state school fund has Invested $50,000 of Nebraska money in North Carolina bonds, supposed to be paya ble In two years. It Is a safe guess that when the two years are up In stead of prompt redemption North Carolina will be around with some kind of a funding scheme designed to enable It to hold on to the money for twenty or thirty years longer. Everyone will rejoice that the Ne braska railroads now making finan cial reports to the State Board of As sessment show Increased receipts and increased net earnings, because it shows that the railroads doing busi ness in this state continue to get their share of the increased prosperity, not withstanding, that they have been com pelled to pay up their back taxes. Secretary Root now declares that there was never any danger of a war between Japan and the Unitad States. Possibly not, but he will not deny that there was danger that the naval ap propriation bill would have been trimmed a few millions if the war talk had not been encouraged at the psych ological moment. Senator Beverldge does not agree with Ambassador Bryce on the proper method of dealing with colonial pos sessions, but Mr. Bryce shows no dis position to carry the matter to a Joint debate either In the magazines or on the Chautauqua circuit. JTow Wntrh the Army Move. St. Louta Republic. Four hundred army .cooks have Just been graduated. Uncle Cam believes In good living for jood soldiers. A Democratic Innovation. St. Loula Globe-Democrat. In one respect the democratic party la not na alow as It tiaed to be. Tt claims distinguished republicans now before they die. Trot IHm Ont. Chicago Record-Herald. Nobody seems to have conaldered It worth while to suggest that David B. Hill ought to nominate either Bryan or Roosevelt next year. Affinity of Rarthqunkea, New York Tribune. In the remarkable succession of widely distributed earthquakes reported last week an excuse can be found for suspecting that disturbances of that kincf are more Inti mately related to one another than has yet been proved to be the case. Problems Liberty Drnuxht Vm. St. Ijouls Republic Ambassador James Bryce, speaking In Philadelphia, says that If the'ITnlted Ftatea had remained a British colony it would not be called upon to solve many of the serious problems which confront It to day. Perhaps not and the cause of liberty In thla world would have been more than 100 years behind what It is todav. Hlerh l.lvlnqr nnrt Kicking;. New York World. The bureau of labor, after careful in vestigation, has reached the conclusion that wholesale prices, estimated on the basis of 263 commodities, reached a higher level in 1H06 than at any other time during a period of seventeen years. Every housewife who keeps an expense account will endorse the findings of the bureau of labor, thereby demonstrating the accuracy of government reporta. HlKh Prleed Legislators. Philadelphia Press. If Pennsylvania makes the legislative sal ary $3,000 per term of two years and one regular session It will create an upward movement In the legislative rate that can not fail to have its influence in other states. Three thousand dollars a member is an extravagant price to pay for some of the legislatures we have had nt ilarrla burg. It is not too much to pay for a legislature whose ability and Integrity match its responsibilities and opportunity. The people will not begrudge the Increased pay U It Improves correspondingly the av erage character and capacity of the legis lature. Tricks of Food Manafaetarera. Indianapolis News. The secretary of agriculture notes that makers of food preparations are using the government labels as guarantee and are seeking trade on the basis ot a govsrn The labels place the responsibility where it belongs on the maker of the article. Yet, ment responsibility that does not exist. In advertisements, the food makers strive to make It appear that the government la looking after their special articles, so that tha consumer may eat drink and be merry, so to speak, under the conviction that some public official has been watching the food "from the field to you." Incidentally, this Is a lesson in paternalism not desirable, as well as an illustration of business methods aa little to b couimendeii. ARMY 00SIP 114 WAsmiOTO. Curreut - Rmli Gleaned from the Army anal Navy Regclster, Some new work la planned with the mili tary balloons this oummer. Army officers are Impressed with the report which come froii) West Prussia tliU week and which describe attacks made upon free and cap tive balloons In an effort to ascertain at what range and under what conditions they may be brought down. The Information la aa yet somewhat meager, but It appears that In the attacks made on three balloons two of them were disabled, shrapnel being used. It Is proposed by the army signal officers to have a similar test of this sort during the coming summer In the west, pos sibly at Omaha, where has been established a signal corps depot and which Is the head quarters of the army balloon trnln. Ex tensive tents are contemplated In which connection It Is proposed to take advantage of the experience gained abroad by Lieu tenant Frank P. Lahm, Sixth ravalry, who will shortly complete his course of Instruc tion at the cavalry school at Bnumttr, France. He Is expected In this country In October to take part In a balloon competi tion here and will then repair to Fort Iavenworth or Omaha and engage In the development of military ballooning. In which subject he naturally takes a great Interest and in which work he achieved distinction abroad, where here Is very tittle known concerning the ability of the balloon to de feat attack of vnrious sorts. It Is pretty well agreed that a rifle bnll will not ma terially Impede the progress of a balloon and there has also been more or less ques tion to what extent other forms of Are will place a balloon out of commission. There are those who entertain the view that the importance of military ballooning has been vastly exaggerated and they felt that such a test as has been held In West Prussia and the one contemplated at Omaha during the' coming summer will do much to place the balloon exactly where It belongs. Army regulations will be changed In the matter of providing continuous service pay so as to he In accord with the decision made this week by the comptroller. A cese presented by the paymaster general of the army for a ruling had to do with an en listed man, who, since August 1, 1894, served a full enlistment of three years, was honor ably discharged on expiration thereof, re enllsted within three months from date of such discharge, was again honorably dis charged after serving two years of such second enlistment making his continuous service exactly Ave years and re-entered the service after an Interval of more than three months from the date of the second discharge. It has been decided that upon such re-entry, tha third enlistment, the soldier is entitled to receive pay as of the fifth year of continuous service, which for a private Is $1 per month. It Is held that re-enlistment pay under the law Is earned when a soldier, has fulfilled the three con ditions of honorable discharge, re-en!lt-ment within the specified time, and con tinuous service for the period of five years. Nothing Is llkclv to come of the ex periment which has been going on at Fort Pllev. Kan., for a year In the matter of punishment Imposed by summary court proceedings. It was suggested that It mle-ht he well to make this punishment hard labor simply, Instead of confinement with hard labor. There Is nothing Illegal to such a plan, but there were those who doubted Its practicability. The experiment which has been tried has been without much result, according to the reports which have reached the War department from Fort Riley. There does not seem to be anything to Justify a change in the regu lations In order to adopt the nystom of hard labor without confinement as a form of punishment. It was thought that by this means It would be possible to relieve the guard houses of prisoners who would still be required to perform hard labor, hut tha trial of the new Idea does not seem to have met with the success prophesied by Its advocates. Leading Infantry officers of the army have been asked to contribute their views and the opinions of their associates, so far as obtainable, In regard to the reorganiza tion and enlargement of the Infantry arm. This is a step toward the unity of action in obtaining at the next session of congress some legislation which shall be of benetlt to the infantry- There are those who can see that the Initial step to this end would be the creation of the office of chief of Infantry, believing that there will come from it such advantages as are attributable In some quarters to the chief of artillery for that branch of the service. It Is In teresting to know te scope of the Inquiry and the character of the views solicited. These are given In the following questions contained In a circular which is being sent to prominent officers of the infantry arm: 1. Shall we ask to have established tho office of "chief of Infantry?" 2. Shall the incumbent be n member of the general staff ex-ofticio? 3. What shall be his rank and what his station? 4. Shall the Incumbent hold his office per manently or by detail for a term of years? 6. How shall he be selected and ap pointed? 6. What other or further recommendations have you to make on this subject? It is worthy of remark that there Is by no means unanimity of opinion regarding the necessity of a chief of Infantry There are those of conservative view, in Wash ington at least, who entertain the theory that no real advantage can come from such an officer. PKRSONAL AND OTHERWISE!. Speaker Cannon says he will "let poll tics go by the board this summer" and will act nurse to his two grandchildren who live at Danville, 111. During last year automobiles killed twenty-eight persons In New York, while vehicles drawn by horses killed seventy six. The advantage in numbers Is not with the swift. President and Mrs. Roosevelt go driv ing every Sunday afternoon, the weather permitting, and always visit Georgetown, the quaint suburban town, proud of Us hlBtory and its fine old colonial mansions. The hot end of tha Jamestown show Is appropriately named the Warpath. Should any modern Pocahontas stray beyond the peaceful bounds of the reservation it is assumed the Smiths won't do a thing to her. The Arkanaas embezzler of 2,300 of ex press money hit tho pike In Bt. Louis and readily dixposed of his pile in ten days. After-theater dinners for three at $60 a throw proved him to be a hot bird on the wing. His present fare costs about IS cents a day. Frank Stelnhart, American consul gen eral In Cuba, has been in the service of the Army and State departments for twenty-five years. He speaks four lan guages and has been nicknamed "the con sul of all nations," because of his ability to help the people ot other nationalities besides his own. Somo of the ininter applications of tha federal regulation law provokes laughter at tha expense of railroad men. A civil engineer in Pittsburg complained to the Interstate Commerce commission that a conductor on the Pittsburg & lake Erie road pliu-ked sixty-eight miles frcm his mileage book for ride from Pittsburg to Youngstown, claiming that the distance was only sixty-four miles. The railroad men declared the Pittsburger was lit for membership in the Ananias club. How ever, they surveyed ths road and found that tha Plttsbu ger was right. Herce forth slxtj-Xuur miles goes on ail tickets. rcam B dmm f wiar rJatfo from grapes Cream of Tar tar? absolutely frco from alum Strongest, purest, most economical and healthful of leavening agents Carefully guard your food from alum. ERYAJt'S NEW PLATFORM. Mayor Da hi man I see Clearer on De cayed Timber. New York Tribune. According to the Hon. James C. Fahl man, Nebraska's representative on the democratic national committee, Mr. Bryan Is going to run for president next year on a greatly simplified platform. Mr. Dahl man Is an Intimate friend of Mr. Hryan, and apparently talks by the card when he describes tho simplifications which are to be effected in current democratic doc trine. It seems to have occurred to the editor of the Commoner that he Is carry ing excess political baggage. When he returned from Europe last August he found the democratic party in an unex pectedly receptive mood, and under the spell of an expansive welcome he under took to outline the terms under which he would accept and exercise party leader ship. The program he submitted was both minute and comprehensive. But though the party had committed itself In advance to all his policies it began at once to criticise details In his summary; and lead ers like Senators Rayner, Daniel and Hat ley and Representative John Sharp Williams promptly said that if nominated he must be nominated on a platform which ignored his fundamental issue of govern ment ownership and operation of the rail roads. Mr. Bryan has shown Blgns for some months past of tiring of the government ownership proposition. He has repeatedly explained that he aims only at "ultimate" ownership and that he will be satisfied with a "gradual" taking over of the In strumentalities of Interstate commerce. In his Brooklyn speech last week he forgot to talk about the railroad Issue, and dragged the referendum to the fore as the Bheet anchor of democratic faith and the vital test of democratic safety ' and sanity. That masterly retreat from the Chickahomlny to the James seems to have been promptly Interpreted by Mr. Bryan's horns friends, for Mr. Dahlman now as sures us that government ownership and operation of the railroads will not trouble the dreams of the resolutions committee In the next democratic national conven tion. It Is an "ultimate" solution; let It be "ultimate" still. The free coinage of silver at twice its market value is also an "ultimate" Ideal. It will be left for some twenty-first century convention to deal with. "Antl-:mperlalipm" as an Ii-sup is neither ultimate, penultimate nor ante penultimate. It Is a burled memory; let It stay burled. But what Is left to fill the void? Why, the tariff, of course. "Tariff reform will be a strong feature," says Mr. Dahlman. But so as not to Interfere with cornplete harmony, the plank "will be moderately worded." Like Bottom's roar, It will not terrify the nerves of the most sensitive who hear it. As side Issues the democracy will present "civil service re form, cessation In armament, the election of United States senators by direct vote and a strong foreign policy." Mr. Dahlman seems to have edited the Madison Square garden deliverance with a cleaver. LIKES TO A LAl'GR. "I heard Mr. Beoaly, the stock broker, pay you such a tine compliment the other day, Mr. I,ambkin," said the innocent gill. Indeed! 'Yes. He said you were a good thin. And he spoke as if he really meant It." Chicago Record-Herald. Mrs. Crosswav I Tow many lodges does your husband belong to? Mrs. Kawler Only one, I think, but It meets six nights In the week. Philadelphia Ldger. 'You say your husband goes to the ball game for exercise?" Yes, answerea young mrs. loiiins, vocal exercise." Washington Star. "I thoueht vau told ma Mlsa Screamer couldn't sing." "So I dirt.' "Hut I have heard her at social gnther t t - i . r , ... ... " "I said she can't sing; I never said she doesn't." Baltimore American. "Pi" as Id little Willie. ' ttie goose has a bigger bill than any other bird, hasn't It?" "Well, iny son, replied pa, woo naa just ' Wise to You ghould not be miserly. Ariel you should not be wasteful. It's a ln to be wasteful of your money or your Unio. If you want the most for your money when you buy a Piano then you must urely buy it of the Hospe house , In so doing you give yourself the double advantage of saving money and getting a better Piano for that money than you could tot elsewhere. Nowhere in the whole I'nlted States is there a store carrying the magnificent line of PiunoB that we carry, comprising the best make In the market today. It Is such a comfort in trading with us to know that you are not paying more than others. Our one-prlce-no-commlHslon lan is a saver of money and time, and insures you that your money la Just as good' as anyone elses. WE HAVK OV -0 TO $100 OX A PIAXO. Western distributers for the Kranich & iUuh at $373, the Kra kauer at $350, the Kimball at $200. the Hash & Lane at $473, the Hallet tt Davis at $3lM, the Krt-ll at $:iU3, the CaMr-NHnon at i-75, the Wwr Hroa. at $20, tho KenMlngtoa at fpxa, the Crmiw-r at $100. TEX UOLLAHH HKXlrS O.NK HOMK. A. HOSPE CO. OXE PIUCE. v received a statement for his latest suit of clothes, "I gunce the tailor's goose has." Philadelphia Press. "Pnt, tire you in favor of this movement for world pence?" y "Sure, eor, if we have to lick all creation to git it." Washington Herald. Patron What Is this "mollyooddle soup" you have on the bill of fare? Walter It's a sort of a weak noodle, sail. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Mr. Ferguson That's the new girl singing In tha kitchen. Is it? She's a regular cuckoo. Mrs. Ferguson Yes, except that she can't cook. Chicago Tribune. THE ni.IZ7.AHD OX THE PLAINS. At noon 'tis all sunshine, so clear Is tha kky, The sun's rays are burning direct from on high, The winds now have blown from the south land for days. Barometers fall to their cistern relays. The hot, weary hcrsea are dragging a stage. Sweltering along 'mid the greaaewood and sage; O, for a relief from the dust and the heat. The Journey must know no delay nor de feat. Beyond lit the distance the mountains ap pear, Buttes that soem ten are fifty miles In tha rear ; The skin's sense of pressure portends a fctorm, Tho' no signs appear yet to presaaga alarm. The stage carries the mail nigh to Jack son s hole, Ona Ion ks for a draw or lee side of soma knoll. The driver knows well that his shelter de pends. Some natural restraint to the loosened wlraia. See! the sky to the north begins to unfold A meeouge so ominous, a signal behold, A gust of cold air and a few Makes of snow, A blizzard Is on us apace now we know. Notice the horses, how their senses do telL For they understand things cf nature full well; Twitching with fright not to tha drlver'a' delight. They know gainst the storm Is to struggle with might. No sheltering hand, o'er you, nothing but space, i The winds and the furies are off In a race; A snow fast and tine as to dazzle the mind, The landscape is changing to nothing in kind. The wliuls howl in unger, the snow cuts with teeth fine, Suffocation seems on.iy a matter of time. Full breath cant be taken, direction Mi lost. The mlml most enthroned In oblivion toet. What phantoms are these that spring up and an und To add to the cold, to benumb and con found. I'nhitch the horses, He down by their sides, Let the Ftiow drift and cover all att It glidea. The morrow may find you alive on tha trial, Or tho snow a glistening pall to J1 hnll. Dr. George Wilkinson. FISSURES " or ciacki in the skin am often very painful and hard to heal, extending to deep skin tiuue and frequently leading to dan gerous ulceration, tfl. Whether merely local ot in. connection with dii ease, tuch sj eczema, etc, they should have utmost Pond' 3 Extract Soap it itself an excellent emollient. Ths lathef is oothinc (oftMiing and healing, while the Pond's Extract, being antiicptic, prevent blood pouoa and ulceration. U obstinate, wrap in a cleaa cloth to protect from germ in the air. Cleans often with Pond's Extract Soap. Its whiteness indifslr its purity. From Your Druggitl Armour & Company Sola UcesMsa from PoniTs Extract Company Save Money Tm 1513 Douglas Street KO COMMISSION'S.