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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1907)
1 ' THE OMAHA DAILY DEEt TUESDAY, MATtCTI 26, 1907. 5 LIU- MRR1MA3 BAKES BIG HAUL BaUi Hill Etcok la Tim for Eaonarni Fronts to CttoUoldtn r rORTY-THRtt MILLION TO UNION PAaDC n1i U the Tangible Answer la CvHtelam o Hnrrlmnn BfMiM of IkTMlnfrl Other Rnllrnada, TtiS ITtainn Pacific management end K, M. Harriman have been criticised HwreW lit the last few weeks because It Is clalmnd ilia tthle Paclne stockholder stand to lee tnnn? millions of dollars aa result o( the temerity with which the Union. Pacific In VVtnme wilt have it "Bpeculated" In ttncfc of nlhef railroads, any the Wall ?trel Jmimali The rml (ruth of the matter U that be telian of the liquidation of the Hilt stocks end the Investments made (net fall Unlort Pacing stockholder, eland to nam about gVttKn& If MIS Harriman had not HquU dated the Hill stocks when he did not ml would tha tTnlnn Pnetflc railroad today be many million behind what It la In point profits, but In addition Ita surplus of reve tinea would be nearly C 000.000 a year leaa than what they really are, and furthermore, ft would be placed In the nnedlfylng posi tion of bavins to find &0.000,0tM to finance tha capital needa of the Hill roada. Without going Into the full process of figuring and reason Inn. the Union Pacific, It It had held all Its Hill stocks, would be In tha following position: Afm Northern. 246. 3R8 shares at 7l IH4H820 Korthern Pacific, 820,706 shares at 126 40,088.126 Dreat Northern Ore, S46.SMS shares at 60 14,73, 0 i Total $89,365,725 What felon Paelfle Gets. Inst as the foregoing shows what Harrt fnan might have done, but did not do, so Che following shows what Harriman did do and what the Union Pacific gets thereby: Received from sale of Hill stocks. $116,891,760 Now noma Knrthrn. fin JttU aharea at 140 .J 12,850,980 firm Nnrthern Or. 80.364 aharea at ; iSB.840 Northern Pacific, 41,628 aharea at . VjK 6,191,000 , 1 Total $1S9.666,50 The difference between what Harriman Bid and what Harriman did not appear therefore to be about $50,000,000 In favor of tha Union Paciflo stockholders. This Is What they gain because Harriman sold tha Hill stocks before the collapse came. The first table, however, loses sight of the fact that If all the Hill stocks had been lield they would have had "rights" to sub scribe to new Issues. Had all these right been sold they might possibly have brought $7,000,000 to $10,000,000. More likely, however, n attempt to sell them would have de moralised the whole market for these "rights." Bo that It seems fair to say that because these Hill stocks were sold at tha time they were the Union Paciflo stockholders have gained about $43,000,000. Now all this $139,000,000 had been In vested In stocks which yielded to the Union Pacific less than I per cent on their market value. When the cash was received some thing had to be done with it. It could 'not lay idle. Bo It was Invested In other Stocks which since the. Investment were tnada have shewn a depreciation In market : value. The Journal ' natnos the Illinois Physical Culture Exhibition n Combining Scientific and Artistic Principles. er: If You Read This It win be to learn that the lending medi cal writers and teachers of all the several schools of practice, recommend. In tha strongest terms possible, each and every Ingredient entering Into the com position of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for the cur of weak stomach, dyspepsia, catarrh of stomach, "liver complaint." torpid liver, or bl Homme., chronic Dowel affection, and all catarrhal diseases of whatever region, namo or nature. It is also a specific remedy for all urh chronic or long standing caws of catarrhal affec tions ana tncir resultants, aa uniiiniuai, throat and lung disease (except conoump tlon) accompanied with severe coughs. It Is not so good for acute colds and coughs, but for IlnirerlnK, or chronic cases It Is especially efficacious in producing per- lect cures, iv contains dikk wu rrj ui , Oolden Seal root, Iiloodroot, stone root. Mandrake root and queen's root an or which am highly praised as remedies for all the above mentioned affections by sncb. eminent medical writers and teachers as Prof. Bartholow, ofJe(Terson Med. Col leges Prof. HsreydT te Univ. of Pa. Frof. Flnlef-Hfngwood, M. D., of Ben nett Med. tpllege. Chicago; Prof. John 01 ; rroi. jonn .. of Clajcir.natl i rTol. M. n.. of Hahnemann Chlcairo. and scores of ally eminent in their several King. M M. Scudde Edwin Med. othe Schnms-ci pracuce. Is ttl The "Un den Aieaicn.1 LnscDverv- mflnin!1. Uien uubllclty ol Us (oroiula SDNDAY AT THE THEATERS Borwsod Eat a flay Eeminigcent of Its Est Cpeninc Hitht. flfi HI. Uien du ITT Tw JI rwulble gnarantr of Its merits. A glance at this pubiisrtea iormnia win show that "Golden Medical Discovery" contains no poisonous, harmfnl or hah t formlngdrugs and no alcohol chemically pure, triple-refined glycerine being nsed Instead. Glycerine Is entirely unobjec tionable and besides Is a most useful agent In the cure of all stomach as well as bron chial, throat and lung affections. There Is the highest medical authority for its use In allsuch cases. The Discovery Is a concentrated glyceric extract of n&" medicinal rooW and is safe and reliable. A booklet of extracts from eminent, medical authorities, endorsing tte Ingre ttlent mailed free on reqaiest. Address Dr. &. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. Central, Banta Fe, Baltimore & Ohio, Mil waukee. Northwestern nnd New Tork Cen tral as - the roads whose stocks show an aggregate falling off of $20,146,110. Reanlt of New Stock lasnea. "THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME" IS GOOD Play gtaa-ed vrUh Care by Mr. Hart- for aad Members of C'ompaay Arqalt Themaelvea with Mack' Credit. When the Burwood theater was opened In 1906 "'The Girl I Left Behind Me" was chosen for the bill, and was given such a greeting as seemed to be the acme of local enthusiasm. Yet If the ghost of the audi ence thaKwItnessed the first Sunday night's performance In the theater had been pres ent last night It would have slunk away, for It was more than beaten fairly. An other singular coincidence was that the house was opened in August, when warm weather Is naturally expected, but It was no warmer on the first night than It was last night It was Just a little difficult for some of the regulars to convince them selves that It was not August, 1905, In stead of March, 1907. Two of the biggest audiences of the season watched the per formances, and were well rewarded, for the fine play was appropriately presented. Mr. Hartford had arranged for a complete setting, and has called Into service a big detachment of the Omaha Guards, who do yeomen service as . dismounted cavalry. This, with the big cast, fills the stage with people, and the scenes are moat animated from the first Mr. Morrison acquits himself as usual in the role of Lieutenant Hawksworth, play ing the part with a straightforward ear nestness that brings It Into high relief. Many present last night could not help comparing Mr. Hartford's work as Lieu tenant Parlow with that of Mr. Owen, who was In the first cast, and It Is praise enough to say that Mr. Hartford doesn't suffer by the comparison. He plays the part with Intensity and Intelligent expres sion. Mr. Todd loses his identity In that of John Ladru, Scarbrow, the educated leader of the mutinous Blackfeet, and makes a good Indian. Mr. Davles and Mr. Phlnney as General Kennlon and Major Burleigh are good, and Mr. Phelps shows t f ssa. s4 rK The above figure, $20,146,110. does not wholly give the right Idea as the big de- w" Private Jones. Mr. Bchofleld and preclatlon In St. Paul common and North- Mr- maylock carry the comedy roles. western common Is largely the result of new stock Issues. The rights accruing thereon to the Union Paciflo If sold in the Miss Pettes has a difficult role, that of Kate Kennlon, which calls for an unusual amount of suppression rather than ex- market wm.M nrnhahlv hv Presslon. She Is required to hold in from $1,800,000, which brings the net shrinkage hf Hr tTon 8ce"e- n th". down to about $18,800,000. It Is Immaterial "" w"" l" V"B Pl T I i obvihu, is uuno wun nne judgment nu effect. She is increasing Her local popu that the rights were not sold and new I stock subscribed for. On the whole, therefore. It appears that larlty with each performance. Miss Edith Spencer has a good opportunity as the by ...ling th.HH, stock, and not holding -Afra. and she "takes the ni Mr. Harriman made for the Union Paciflo nearly $43,000,000; that the invest' full advantage of it. She has proven her oelf an excellent character actress, and her ments made last fall show a loss in the work h , , ... tn ,, present demoralised state of the her friends. Miss Maycllffe and Miss Mar market of $18,600,000; and that the -net profit tln are we and acqult themBelvea IHU.UO iur air. narnman lucK.nuiaerB uy i cre(tf fably me naner amounts to nearly sa.wu.uuo. The b; wn nn aU week wlth the UBual i ma is ine amount me eiociinoiaers are i matinees. ahead of where they would be If the Union! Vandevllle at -,- n. Facltlo baa stood pat on Its Hill stocks. rhlt week's bill at the Ornheum. aa a xnis concerns oirect prom oniy. nut- whoIe, )s one of excellence. Several of the Per Annum. I A eta ttM B'lnn, In thaU'MBnAAtlv. llnaM 7. 1, .u 1TI1I V - . 1 L.1J I " " ...... . ... .... .j.'. v . L 011 HID XI 1 11 HUUII UOyU UVtSIl I . . . . ttiev would h navlna- the Union I ' iui iinium, a Pacific today about $3,975,000 tlonal act of contortlonlsm; Bessie Wynne, Tha proceeds of the sale of the I In a singing act. and the TJhirand trio -of iV'! "'r1.- Tk- Um ..wl ' . "n operatic singers-all top liners held should yield the Union Pa- Every act yesterday won some recognition ciflo $.600,000 1 from two large audiences. Mies Wynne 1 made the Individual hH nt the hill with Gain per annum about .$2.62.0O0 weet voce and wlnnlnK Kianc(,8. E,,.a. Union Paciflo stockholder, have abso- hoth w. . , h , lutely nothing to criticise so far aa profit. the vaudevllIe worl(J and th,8 wn. attested go. in. wnoie transaction was a master yesterday by a hearty round of applause, stroke in their behalf. They gain First. About $25,000,000 In clean money. Second. Additional revenue, amounting to $3,636,000 per annum. BIG BRUTE ABUSES Joseph Feller Imposes on Woman with Consumption nnd Their . Nino Children. even when her name was flashed on the transparency, Tuma's act la one of the most novel seen this season In vaudeville. The first part of this act is llluslonary, in that a man is FAMILY I put through evolutions which suggest .the movements or an automaton; in iact, many were willing to bet good money the figure they saw was mechanism, until the Illusion was disclosed and Tuma "came out of It,' and went through some marvelous con- torlnnary stunts. Being a giant In height, Tuma's contortions are the more Interest Ing. Miss Wynne's advances in song upon a box occupant are made In a manner that evoke much merriment Her "Some, Is Waiting for You." ' Surrounded by a half circle of accusing neighbors. Joseph Feller was tried before Judge Crawford in police court Monday morning for abusing his family and was given the maximum penalty provided by I body. Somewhere, law, thirty days In Jail. The Judge did not I placed her all to the credit with those in want to send the man to Jail and deprive I front yesterday. She was a favorite tn ; MADAME YALE'S i BEAUTY CULTURE LECTURE -A ifatinee for Women and Girls I Madame Tale cordially invites the ladiss tf Omaha to attend her Beauty Culturo Matinee at DoycPo Theater Thursday, April 4th at S:30 r. M. A. an authority on Woman. Beauty and Physical Culturo lime. Yale stands alone . to her greatness. Her own physical per , Sections portray in tones more convincing than words the quality of her remedies and methods perfect in face, flours and i general mannerism, she Is an Inspiring picture for women to imitate and profit by hur example and teachings. ; The Yale System rovldes for the removal of all blemishes tnd defects to fare or fltrure that mr tieauty. If a woman is too stout or too thin. Mine. Yale htta exercises and meth , cds for bringing about the desired changu. . f he will tell In her lecture how women and girls may Increase In beauty and be come physically perfect In Justice to themselves all women should learn the .acientllto logic of the famous Yale sys , tern, tha only successful moans known of ' transforming human ugliness into youth ful, lasting beauty. Tickets for Mine. Yale's lecture, good for reserved seats, may be had free of Charge by applying for them at the Drug Ix-itartineht of the Boston Store, also Bchaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, Fifteenth nnd Douglas Sta The best seats, however r given to those who make a purchase of any of Mine. Vale's Kemedles at the tlms it applying for tickets. In order to obtain ehoio seats tickets should be secured early In advance of lecture. Ticket, are now ' ready. SCNAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUG STORE 15th and Douglas. AND .THE BOSTON ST0.1E t Drus Department, the family of a wife and nine children of any support, but a relative of Mrs. Feller appeared and said he would care for her and the little one.. The case was one of unusual pathos and cruelty, according to the testimony of half a dosen women, who were all anxious to tell what they knew of Feller", treatment of hi. children and the mother. Pale, thin. with the brilliant .pot. which betray the white plague without fall on her cheek., but .till patiently "rocking one of her many little one. to sleep In her arms, Mrs. Feller stood and looked on, but it was not neces sary for her to go on the stand.. She Is a little woman, while her husband towered above her almost a giant In size. She was plainly far gone with consumption and Judge Crawford was touched so strongly by the case that he gave the defendant the limit, first consulting the statute, to make aura he could not make It greater. Babe. In Toyland" and "Wonderland." The Durand trio from sunny Italy are musicians of ability. They were recaljed several time, yesterday. Elizabeth Murray Is singing in her well known manner, her GIRL BABY S AWFUL ECZEMA GREENHORN LANDS IN JAIL Fellow with Tin Star Makes Bad Mess of Bussing; gome Under -World Belles. Throwing aalde hi. coat lapel with the air of a Sherlock Holme, to display a shin ing bit of metal In the form of a star, I. Morrlsey, 80S South Twentieth street, en tered the house at 110H North Ninth street Saturday night and, telling the Inmates he was an officer, ordered everyone around with a stern voice, declaring If he was not served with free drinks he would "pull" tha place. Morrlsey did not know such ac tlons are far from those of any Omaha police officer, and a dead give-away that he waa an lmposter. While Morrlsey was busy placing himself in command Patrol man Cullen was summoned and the Imita tion plain clothes man was locked up for Impersonating an officer. Captain Dunn relieved him of his star and placed him in a cell. He had recovered from his foolish streak by Monday morning, however, and was released In police court. ONE MORE CHANCE TO REFORM Yoaaa; Will Get Another Trial at Overcoming; the Evil One. "You are going to bo given one more chance. See that you are not brought back here again." These were Police Judge Crawford's part ing words as ha dismissed Jesse Green, colored, who bad been arreaied on a charge of larceny a. bailee, but who waa to be given another trial by his employer Mon day morning. Green worked for Joseph Dtnusso, Twelfth and Douglas streets, and was sent to ths bank for change for a $100 bill Saturday. Whan he returned ha was short $30, which he said he had lost on the way back. After having him arrested Dtnusso determined to give the young negro an opportunity to profit by his misstep and askod ths Judge to let him go back to work again. Tha request was granted and Orean will work out tha $30 at Dlnus- so's place of , baalaaw 1b place . af tha .county Jail, Sight of Eye Destroyed by Disease- Tried rive Doctors but Grew Worse In Agony Eight Months Parents Discouraged, Until They Tried Cuticura Remedies IN ONE WEEK ALL SORES DISAPPEARED "Our little girl, one year and a half old, waa taken with eoaema or that waa what the doctor said it was. We called In the family doctor and be gave some tablets and said she would be all right in a few days. The eczema grew worse and we called in doctor No. 2. Ha said she was teething, as soon as the tenth were -through she would be a3 right. But ehe still grew worse. Doc tor No. 3 said it was eczema. By this time she waa nothing but a yellow, greenish sore. Well, he said ha could Lelp her, so we let him try it about a week. One morning we discovered a little yellow pimple on one of her eves. Of course we phoued for doctor ho. S. He came over and looked her over and said that be could not do any thing more for her. that we had better take her to some eye specialist, since It was an ulcer. So we went to Oswego to doctor No. 4, and he said the eye sight was gone, but that he could help it. W e thought we would try doctor No. S. Well, that proved the same, only he charged S10 more than doctor No. 4. We. were nearly discouraged. I saw one of the Cuticura advertisements in ' the paper and thought we would try the Cuticura Treatment, so I went and purchased a set of Cuticura Remedies, which cost me SI, and in three days our daughter, who had been sick about eight months, showed great Improve ment, and in one week all sores had dis appeared. Of course it oould not re store the eyesight, but if we had used Cuticura in time I am confident that it would have saved the eye. We think there is no remedy so good for any skin trouble or impu.lty of the blood as Cutioura. Mr. and Mrs. yrank Abbott, R. F. D. No. t, Fulton, Oswego Oot, K. Y August 17. l&OO. ' OnaisiHs KiUrJ ant Inwrnal Twin ant tat Iwj Humor ot latpaia f iairo. sad Mahs r'nilOT ot Cutiovis bumf) &i nana U4 km Mum Olu'JDll (Ate.) Q it Cba Skla, k4 CJUi-ur fleurcil lillel. (la d lura ot rVeo. ki rid fiua. kio. par rad ofmtt u Pwlrr u fe(uo4 eid uwqcix Mm , im rs Vn4 S Cm rurp . fe- i ru.. turn. an shum , Ca sftnasMl el asnasnMa, Always Cores Grip Tnr thirty years DUFFT'8 MALT Wi'iflKEY has been my one medicine. I have aiwaye used It aa prescribed, and It has proved a valuable aid, aa It hss not only cured several attacks of grip but has prevented any bad after-effects. 1 cannot speak too highly of what DUFF V8 PURK MALT WHTSKET has dona for me, and will always keep it to stimulate and tone up my system and an a sure cure for colds snd grip. Although TS years old. I am hale and heerty, due to the Judicious use of DUFFY'S MALT WHI8KHrY."-W. A. STACK. 106$ Pacific St., Brooklyn, N. T. negro and Irish ditties In dialect causing many to bring their hands Into such Juxta position as to cause applause. John A. West, as a musical Brownie, helps out In the fun making with a grotesque makeup and a bunch of stage buslnesss-eome,. new and some old. Richard Buhler and Louise Orendorf are seen In "The Cracksman." a sketch In which father and daughter meet for the first time In yeara In a house they Individually Intended to rifle, but recogni tion of relationship comes with the denoue ment and then the curtain. Although the sketch offers opportunity for acting it is rsther depressing. The Max Tourblllon acrobats are finished In acts of bicycle feats and other stunts requiring muscle and daring. One of the troupe does a somersault mounted on a bicycle. "The Isle of Spice" at the Boyd. "The Isle of Spice" was laughed at and applauded most enthusiastically when it reappeared at the Boyd theater Sunday night by a crowd which filled the house comfortably. Recalled again and again for encores, "The Same Old Qlrl," "The Ooo Goo Man," "Peggy Brady," "In Washing ton." "How Can Tou Tell Till You Try" nd others of the more tuneful and senti mental songs which have marked the bright .pots of the music were received with hearty hilarity, proving their popu larity has not diminished In spite of their frequent repetitions. In almost every manner the company ,1. as good as the one which first brought the awkward old sixty-seventh king of Nicobar to the city, but it is not quite so numerous. Whllo politeness and homage to beauty emands that "ladles should be first," Charles A. Pusey must be given first men tion because of his lofty position as Bompopka, the mighty king, who Is fully equal to the double task of overcoming the handicap of comparison with former Bompopkas and "making good" by him self. He has all the attributes of the funny, awkward, musical comedy ruler. nd he had but to appear on the stage and the audience was ready to laugh when he opened his mouth. ' Frank Woods and Jack Collin, a. the two American prisoners, O'Orady and Slubsy Mackinaw, brought roars of laugh ter, -no matter what ' they did and they couldn't help being funny when they did anything. The pretty and bewitching "Trinket." the long lease wife of the king, was art Omaha girl, Margaret Woods, who studied for the stage in this city. The part Is a most im portant one and was assumed by her most charmingly. She was formerly one of the court ladle.," but the withdrawal of Bernlce Baden from the part of Trinket gave an opportunity for making use of her talents. Her voice Is not strong, but other wise she Is most acceptable In the part. She waa presented with a beautiful bouquet of flowers from Omaha friend. Frank Woods, already mentioned, Is her husband. and he Is also an Omaha product, having been employed In the Board of Trade build Ing and an usher at the Boyd before going on the stage. Several excellent voices are heard In the cast. The show had but one performance booked for Omaha. "Montana" nt the Kmsr. Down at the Krug the first half of the week will be given over to "Montana, a drama nf tha familiar tVDe. In which a cowboy loves a lady, and finally wins her, in splto of some almost lnconclevable ob stacles. All sort, of Incident, are Intro duced during- the course of the play, most of them requiring the lugging out of huge irriinf .j CAITTIT All UH pistols, with which the characters go ac- flfiflinj ttl VJinUa coutred, and occasionally these are fired with much vlsror and indiscriminately. All of this is relieved by an undercurrent of Twa Saloon Hen Arretted on Chare cf comedy, and the whole affair is one that I Lifting; tha Lid. affords much enjoyment to tnose wno use that sort nf a nlav. Two rood houses watched its unfolding yesterday. It will ONE SAID TO HAVE DONE BIG BUSINESS run till after Wednesday night, with an After the tedious strain of winter which thin the blood and lowtrs the vitality, March, with its raw, rough winds and weather, isa most trying month, especially to those who have allowed their blood to become thin and their systems run down. Invigorate the body and brain with the world's greatest tonic-stimulant, DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY, which enriches the blood and makes it course more quickly through the veins. It builds new tissue, quickens the heart's action, prevents decay and fortifies the system against disease germs. Weak and Nervous Spring Tonic and Appetizer T wish to tell rou that last winter I I had a very severe time. I have bron chial asthma of long standing, and as a result a very weak heart. I hart nlso a very severe attack of the grip In Janu ary; It left me In very poor condition. My stomach and bowels were nadir out of order. I could not eat my stom- acn would not retain the food. The doctor tried to relieve me, but did not seem to succeed. I commenced to take DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY In April and am now very much better. I can eat all that I need and It does not hurt me. I have been gaining ever since I commenced taking it, and I shall con tinue to take it aa lone as I seem to receive benefit from lta use." Oapt. J. H. WARREN. Wolfeborough Falls, N. 11., July 30, 1908. Night Sweats and Chills "T have taken DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY for three months for lung troubles. When I first commenced 1 was bedfast, and now I sm able to work. Now, the doctor of our town said that nothing would help me, but DUFFY'S MALT WHISKEY did what the doctors could not do. I had night sweats and chills and weighed M pounds. I weigh 100 pounds now, the .chills have left me, and the sweats are 'also gone. I am looking for great re sults." Mr. JOHN BKNTliI, Urand Rapids, Mictu, Nov. IS, 1901 "I can certainly say thst your tonlc tlmulant, DUFFY 8 PURE MALT WHISKEY has been a great benefit to me. I waa weak, nervous and could not sleep and was troubled with losa ot ap petite. "I was recommended to tske DUF FY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY, which I did, and the result Is that I am stronger and better In every way, can sleep nights and my appetite Is much Improved. "I write you this, aa I thought it was my duty to let you know what your great medicinal Malt Whiskey has done for me." Yours very truly, Mrs. P. R. SOUTHARD, Woodmere, L. 1., Jan. I, wn. A Temperance Doctor "I Indorse DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY ss a medicine and for medi cal use and for nothing else. I oppose Intemperance and favor all lawa that tend toward the suppression ot drunk enness." T. P. PALMER, M. D., Rives, Tenn., Aug. , 1906. Strong at 94 "It is true I have used your whiskey and like It the best of all I have ever used. I was 94 on June 27th. Among my other presents was some of your Malt Whiskey from my nephew. , . I know that I would not be alive today did I not take It regularly In moderate quan tities, ss I do not have much sppetlte." MARSHALL PIERCE, Putney, Vt, Aug. 7. 1906. Best of Spring Appetisers "I am a veteran of the Civil War. served three years and am 94 years of ' 'take DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHIS KEY before each meal, and find It the best of Spring appetisers. I think thst there Is nothing better for a man getting on in years. I am a temperate man and only use your product as a medicine and only at such times aa I need It." C. H. CADY, 881 Park ave., Worcester, Mass., Sept. 1. 1906. Tonic for tha Old- "I have used your- whiskey aa a hnn lo st lhiu Imi t for aavaral years and have damn greatly bennfltled hy IV I have UnRji twnmmwiital It- -ta othwa and ihall cnntlnne tn do an. I Helluva that It la the best tonic fur old actn on the market." JOSEPH FTTCl.D, Ber gen, N.. Y- August 11. 1905. A Spring Medicine Last April I took a sudden cold, nnd t waa laid up with neuralgia In my shoul der, which brought on fever and took away my appetite, but by using DUF FY 8 PURR MALT WHISKEY I came out all right and on Memorial Day I was leading my band and playing aa well. I think your MALT WHISKEY to Just ths medicine to tone up and keep up the strength of old people. "Hoping your medicine will prove ben eficial to others. I can truly recommend It aa a valuable help."-G. I. PART. RILxJB, Franklin, Mass., Sept. 1, 190. Left Lung Almost Gone "As I am a member of the Hull House Women's Club, I was called out many times when the weather was very bad. and so caught a very bad cough, and doctors claimed that my lungs were affected; In fact, the left lung was al most gone, but since 7 have taken your valuable DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHIS KEY I feel better, and would not do without It. I have not been taking It very long, but I am sure of good results. I have good color In my fane and feel that I can work with a great deal more ambition. I cannot praise It too much. I have recommended It to soversl of my friends, and they, too, are thankful for the benefit they have already derived from it."-Mrs. VICTOR A. BEAU calre, 266 Ogden Ave,, Chicago, ill. . , DUffy's Pure "Mall. Is recognized everywhere aa the unfailing specific for the cure of consump tion, nerrousneaa, typhoid, malaria, every form or stomacn trouble, an diseases of the throat and lungs, and all run down and weakened condi tions of the brain and body. It restores youthful vigor to the old by nour ishing and feeding the vital forces of life, and maintains the health and strength of the young. It la a form of food already digested. It is pre scribed by doctors ot all schools, is used in all the leading hospitals or the world, and is recognized aa a family medicine everywhere. It is absolutely pure. Medical advice and a valuable llluotrated booklet on diseases sent Iren, uur is uu ever; uuviin, Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is sold by all firat-claM drogglnts, grocers and dealers, or direct. In sealed bottles only. Price, $1.00. See that the "Old Chemist" trade-mark is on the label and that the seal over the cork Is unbroken. Refuse substitutes and Imitations, puffy Malt Whiskey OoH Rochester, N. Y. mi stray -ainOBSSSSr other matinee on Wednesday afternoon. Vaudeville nt the BlJon. Those who desire to witness clever clog dancing, hear comlo songs and view the work of contortionists, were well enter tained last night at the Bijou theater, where a sort of variety program was Fire fend Police Commission Will Meet Tnesday Niaht to Consider Cneea nnd Chances Are Snloona Will Be Closed. The weekly roundup of the South Omaha on-erea. rerry uaen ana iess are a Baloon, eunday resulted In the arrest of enterprising comedlena Bonnie Dee, a of j0.enh gchWeger at Twenty-sixth tnd wee girl of 8, sings songs and dances well. p BtI.eets. He was found doing a thriving The Parks family of acrobats and con- business in three rooms connected with tortlonlsts are a meritorious aggregation the saloon. Beer and whisky were found In and do some extremely difficult and thrill- quantity and the men drinking. All the Ing acts. The Illustrated songs with mov- inmates were arrested as witnesses. Turn ing pictures were good. The program, on qulst and Shields made the arrest. the whole, was very acceptable. It will This is the first case since the board has be repeated each night during the week. , I been permanently organised and published its code of rules and regulation.. The NEW POST OF ARMY VETERANS probability i. that schwr w.u b. put UUL 111 UUD1ITOI . 1 1 1 1 o icbi m. " Organisation Contemplated to Em brace Spanish-American nnd Peking; Heroea In Omaha, The contemplated organisation of an as sociation of Spanish-American and Philip pine war veterans In Omaha is Intended to embrace all veterans holding an honor- ablo discharge from the Spanish-American I and Philippine wars, Including those en gaged in the operations against Peking, 1 China, of all branches of the volunteer and I regular army and navy service. It la Intended to establish a commando tn Omaha and a meeting of the veterans will be held at the Thurston Rifles armory next Monday evening for that purpose. and will have his license denied -when he seeks renewal. It Is thought by the chief that the saloonmen who have been trouble some had better take warning If they ex pect to remain in the business. All of the expressions of the board members have been of a nature to indicate that they will show no lenience toward the saloonkeepers who have been continually infringing the law while others have been lawabidlng during the entire year. A second arrest, made later In the even ing, was that of Maalowskl of the firm of Brodeiick ft Maalowskl on West Q street. The Board of Fire and Police commis sioners Is to hold a session Tuesday evening at which these and several other , cases will be considered. Greek Assaulted with Brick. James Lee was arrested yesterday, charged with assault and battery. Lee was one of five men who caught Oeorge Satroba, a Greek, and while the four held the helpless man beat him' on the back of the head with a brick. The cause of the assault was not learned, for Lee strenu ously denied that he had ever seen the man or struck him, and the Greek said the quarrel waa entirely unprovoked. The brick cut several severe gashes on the back of his head, but none are thought to be dangerous. The police made an effort to locate the other members of the party. They are said to room with Mrs. Cuslck on Q street. The friends of Satroba visited the jail in a body and identified Lee a. ths man who committed the assault. Mnarle City Goaalp, Dr. John Koutsky is reported dangerously 111. Every enthusiast who could twirl a base ball was out yesterday afternoon In every quarter of the town, taking advantage of the warm weather. No games were played but the men worked out finely for the first day. The ladles' auxiliary of the Young Men's Christian association will conduct a cook ing exchange at the association rooms next Saturday. There Will be a business meet ing, with Mrs. Howard Vore, North Twenty-first street, Thursday. George Jensen, William Kochelek, Joe Corbett, John- Scott, A. Tate and James Jensen, six boys, were arrested for drink ing beer and disturbing the peace of their neighborhood yesterday afternoon. They were charged with vagrancy. Norean Byrnes Is being held on suspicion at the city Jail. It Is charged that a lover at Grand Rapids, Mich., wants her re turned there under a charge of larceny. He wanted to marry her. It la said, and she refused, and now he takes this means of vengeance. The Sunday afternoon service at ths Young Men's Christian association was en livened by a solo by Frank Brown, and by the Young Men s Christian association quartet. M1ss Adeline Dim mock waa the accompanist. G. A. Young spoke on the life of St. Peter. POSTOFFICE MEN SATISFIED Clerks View the Graduated Salary System with Complacency, Snya Captain Pnlmer. The new law providing for the graduated increase of the salary of postofflce clerks and carriers Is to have a beneficial effect on the Omaha postofflce department. 'The clerks seem to be satisfied with the prospect," said Postmaster Palmer Mon day, "and we think we shall be able to re tain the services of the efficient men with out further fear of their resigning to go Into other work. The bill Is a very good thing for the postaf service and the men seem to be very well satisfied with the prospect." If you have anything to trade advertise It in the For Exchange columns of The Bee Want Ad pages. NEWS FOR THE ARMY. F. A. Murphy, civilian clerk at headquar ters Department of the Missouri, has Veen ordered transferred to Havana for tempo rary duty. He will sail for Havana April . There has been a perceptible falling off In recruiting for the regular army at the Omaha station during the last few weeks. Omaha still ranks seventeenth out of the sixty-nine main recruiting stations of the country. Twenty-three recruits were ob tained at the Omaha stations during tha month of January and a like number during February. But few re-enllstmenta have been made at Omaha. A new aub-stantlon has been established at Sioux Falls, and the recruiting stations at Beatrice la closed. Colonel Savage, recruiting officer, has gone to Grand Island for a few days to inspect the recruiting station there, which also is a sub-stanllun of Omaha. Major General A. W. Greely. U. S. commanding the Northern Military division and Department of tha Missouri, arrived la Omaha Monday morning on his usual aemi- menthly visit to army headquarters. There is no slgnmcance attained to his visit, being merely of 'a routine character. General Qreely la accompanied by his aide-de-camp. uuuienam r u. warnem. Captain Ieonard D. Wlldman. algnal corps United States army, has returned from his loave of absence and has again resumed hla dutiea as chief signal officer of tha Department of tha Missouri and commandant at Fort OanvhSa af' Pis n aououipnoiea hi in, . . The General Condemnation of So-Called Patent or Secret Medicines of an injurious character, which indulge in extravagant and unfounded pretensionj to cure all manner of ills, and the National Legislation Enacted to Restrict Their Sale have established more clearly than could have been accomplished in any other wav The Value and Importance of Ethical Remedies. Remedies which physicians sanction for family use, as they act most beneficially and ' tre ffrntls vet nrrmnt in effez-t nA "nil or! V,,V.t .1 ' 1 o j -' i ' - -. ...v, muv ,i.vv, wuuK uicy arc ui Known Excellence and Quality and of Known Component Parts. To gain the full confidence of the Well-informed of the world and the approval of the most eminent physicians, it is essential that the component parts be known to and ' approved by them, and, therefore, the California Fig Syrup Company has published for many' vears past in its advertisements and upon every package a full statement thereof. The per- . feet purity and uniformity of product which they demand in a laxative remedy of an ethical character are assured by the California Fig Syrup Company's sriginal method of manufacture, known to the Company only. 7?ere re' other ethtcal "medies approved by physicians, but the product of ' UY the California Fig Syrup Company possesses the advantage over all other family laxatives V tnat it cleanses, sweetens and relieves the internal organs on which it acts, without disturbing the natural functions or any debilitating after effects and without having to increase the quantity from time to time. This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of Syrupof Figs, and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians and the Well-Informed of the world to be the best of natural laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtlessly it will always be called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs; and to get its beneficial effects, always note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for Syrup of .Fls.' ,or by the M name syruP f -figs and Elixir of Senna, as Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Company, and the same heretofore known by the name, Syrup of Figs, which has given satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout the United States in original packages of one size only, the regular urice of which is fifty cents per bottle. Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C, the remedy is not adulterated or mis branded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Louisville, Ky. San Francisco, CaL U. S. A. London, England. New York, N. Y.