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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1907)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, MARCH 2G, 1907. & Indoor nd out. pipe amoking- i becoming u popular here as St has atwari been In England. Thi ii largely due to the increasing popularity of the largest telling brand of diced cut tobacco in the world, LUCKY STRIKE Pgffico It dVlljrhtful frsrrtnce plrsxrt nil. Fmrrs Inn, and coc with no wast, and Is rjy to handle, Currd by a scent prorrs known to in only. Pocket alia, tin box. 10c Note; The name " V alterson " on tubacco stands iur quality. DRUG STORE BILL GOES IN Crdinmct Eemlatins: Sale of Liouir Beoommended for FsBgsre by Council. STREET CAR CUT RATES KNOCKED OUT Mayor Dahlmaa'i Plan of Converting Market Hoaae Into I'obllo Datha Laea aa Aajalnut Bale. The city council, meeting yesterday after noon aa a committee of the whole, voted to recommena for passage thla evening an ordinance Introduced by Councilman Han sen to regulate the Bale of Intoxicating llquora In drug stores. In substance this ordinance requires that druggists receive a physician's prescription every time liquor Is sold tor medicinal purposes and a pro hibition la placed on the display of llquora by druggists and the drinking of liquors In drug stores. Notwithstanding this ordinance was re commended by the committee of the whole by a vote of ( to 4, It Is not believed the measure will be passed this evening, as It takes seven votes to pass an ordinance and It ia understood that six members of the council are opposed to the prescription clause In the ordinance. Councilman Ztrnman's drug store ordi nance which did not contain the prescrip tion clause was laid on the table. During the discussion Councilman Elsasser said he knew of a drug store were elghty-threo bottles of liquor were sold In one day. Mr. Fridge's ordinance requiring the street railway company to sell six tickets for 26 cents was voted down by the com mittee. Ice Dealers Make Fla-tit. Judge Baxter appeared before the com mittee as attorney for the South Omaha Ice and Coal company and to secure an amendment to a recent ordinance requiring that Ice dealers take out a license for each wagon at a cost of $10 per wagon. The judge thought 110 excessive and the committee concurred In that opinion by Intention was to regulate the Ice traffic rather than to make these licenses a revenue-bearing matter. Judge Baxter said ma cumpany no representea wouia nave about sixty wagons In service when the Ice business was good. Dahlman ia Turned Down. Mayor Dahlman presented his plan to make a public bath house of the old market house on Capitol avenue. The councllmen. however, believed such a scheme not prac ticable and voted to recommend for passage a pending ordinance to advertise the mar ket house for sale, the buyer to remove the building forever from the sight of the . councllmen. The committee gave favorable expression on ordinances making the market master Inspector of fruits, vegetables and food products; adding to duties of veterinarian Inspection of dairies and creating the office of Inspector of meats, hotels and restau- , rants. Councilman Brucker offered for considera tion of the committee a resolution asking - Ice companies other than those now operat ing In Omaha to bid on prices of Ice to be furnished, the city and general public for the current season, but Mr. Brucker's resolution was not seriously taken, on the grounds that It was not within the province of a city council to intercede on behalf of the general public In the matter of Ice ' ft I Good? Well I guess yes 1 Didn't you ever taste dood old Bottlea in Bor.ji Its flavor is surpassingly fine its purity is never questioned. It is the came good old whiskey it has always been "Since 1857" A. Cackechelmer & Bros. UutilUrt riUbarga,Fa, Sinc4 J65if "t(? lucky sirr? prices. Mr. Brucker Intimated that the present prices of Ice In Omaha were not as low aa they should be. City Electrician Michaelsen called the council's attention to tho fact that, accord ing to tho best estimate that can be made at this time, the lighting fund will be overdrawn If a halt Is not called on the establishment of new arc and gas lamps. Mr. Michaelsen said that the 822 electric and 1,225 gas lamps now In service will exhauHt the fund, considering the gus lamps at IL'S each, which price Is now In litigation, and figuring the electric light and gas royalties at $2,0u0 ouch more than that received lust year. The proposed amendment to the sign ordi nance wag not taken up aa was expected. IOWA CITY ELECTION ItESlLTS Municipal Contests Tarn More on Men Than on l'oltrlea. ATLANTIC, Ia., March 26. 8peclal Tele gram.) The city election wag quiet with no Issue at stake but the popularity of the men. There was no opposition to S. W. W. Straight for mayor, James Q. Whitney fot treasurer, or Tom Whltmore for solicitor. Other results weic three candidates for assessor, George W. Tow ne, 249; Frank Herbert, 3U0; A. M. Petite, 117; councllmen. George F. I-mif. First ward, no opposition; K. W. Luke 108, D. W. Smart 71 H. A. Dicker 19 In Second wurd, R. C. Taylor 141, J. W. Cuykendall 90 in Third ward, Dr. Graham 11B, B. E. Marquis 108 In Fourth ward. CllESTON, la,, March 2G. (Special Tele gram.) The results of the election In this city yesterday was a tie vote betwoen the republican and democratic nominees for mayor, the latest reports giving Willis C. Brooks and Thomas Maxwell the same number of . votes. Six democratic older men and four republicans and the city at torney Is a democrat. A close and exciting contest is expected between the candidates for mayor. MASON CITY, I a., March 25.-J. H. Mo Conlogue, democrat, was elected mayor to day by BOO majority. McConlogue was nom inated on a social reform platform. LOGAN, Ia., March 25.-(Spedal Tele Rrum.) Logan electa J. M. Albertson, Oscar Coffey, A. J. Miller and F. D. Stearns coun cllmen. . JEFFERSON, Ia., March 26. (Special Telegram.) Charles E. Marquis was elected mayor of Jefferson today over James A. Henderson and Dan W. Mugan by a vote of more than both the lower candidates. The election was hotly contested and a big vote was polled,- the Issues being rather between men than otherwise. Lyon was elected assessor over Flack, C E. White city treasurer without opposition, also S. J. Smyera for solicitor. MeClurar was elected alderman In Third over two com petitors, J. I. Potter in Second and W. O. Qrisler In the First ward. MISSOURI VALLEY. Ia,, Maroh 25.- (Speclal Telegram.) Election results here are: Mayor, W. II. Wlthrow. democrat majority 38; treasurer, D. A. Kellotrg, re publican, majority 63; assessor, A. N. Fountain, republican, majority S3; council men. First ward, George W. Williams, democrat, majority S9; Second ward. T. M. GUmore. democrat, majority 7; Third ward, O. A. Culver, democrat, majority 66. 09KALOOSA, Ia., March 25. William Crlckett, democrat, today waa elected mayor by a plurality of 200 votes. C. C. Orvls, republican, was elected city attor ney. The Civic league entered the cam paign with a third ticket and disorganized the republicans. SIIC1DE I. BIO FLY. WHEEL Patient at Yaablon Asrlnm Meeta Horrible Voluntary Death. YANKTON, 8. D., March 26 (Special Telgram.) William Williams, formerly barber at Volin, a trusty patient at the State Hospital for the Insane here, com mitted suicide by Jumping into the fly wheel of the engine in the power house. He was mangled to death immediately. IltirllriKton Surveyors Itnay. CASPER, Wyo., March 25. (Special.) Surveying parties for the Burlington rail road are' again working In various sections of the state and the prospect for a new line through Casper during the present year Is considered good. A party now in the field between Douglas and Guernsey and another west of Casper lends color to the report that the Burlington will ex tend Its North Platte river line west from Guernsey to Worland, passing through Douglos, Casper and Thermopolls. The large amount of business gained by the Northwestern from its Casper-Lander ex tension last year and the rapid develop ment of this part of the state is attract ing attention of capital In many Industrial lines and the railroads are after their share of the benefits. Antlltora Comlna- to Convention. PIERRE. 8. D.. March 25.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Several county auditors arrived thla afternoon and say that the attendance at the meeting this year will be almost as great as for any former year, regard less of the refusal of the legislature to make an appropriation for the expenses of the meeting. They take the position that the law requiring them to meet has not been repealed, and the next legislative seaslon will have to meet the expenses of the meetlnga required by law. If the last session refused to take such action. Soldiers Fluht Fire All Maht. BTCRG1S. S.'D.. March 26. (Special Tel egrain.) Through the good work of the troops from Fort Meade, the timber fire on the military reaerve south of Sturgis is under control thla morning, after a hard night's fighting. It burned over 00 acres, doing great damage to trees, also to cord- wood. The fire la aupposed to have started frum a woodchoppera' camp fire. An enormous amount of underbrush and tree tops furnished fuel for the flames. Elgin Hatter Market. ELGIN. 111.. March 2S.-Bl'TTER-F1rm today uu1 uochauatd from last k at per ltv The total output fur lh victk a as PA AND HIS SOTS START IS All Men Hers Spend Host of Day at Vintoa Park ia Practice. BATTiNS AVERAGES CF KEN LAST YEAS Reroadi Shows that Omaha Haa Straaa; Aggregation for Its Fla-ht (or Western Leaga Plaa. With that portion of hts coming cham pions that had arrived, your Pa went out to Vinton park Monday morning bright and early and began the season's work. The grass was turning green and the sky blue, the breese waa softly blowing and the boys steaming, Impatient to get up against the bits. It was a stirring sight, almost thrilling. Pa looked Ilk the old woman In the shoe and each of his boys like a pennant Itself. Omaha never looked so good at the beginning of a season. Every day, morning and afternoon, up to the time play begins Pa and his boys will be out at the big lot training. Here are the batting averages of this year's team made last season in their re spective leagues; Q. AB. R. H. PC. Welch 1IS0 3 102 190 .J43 Dohvn 119 439 66 141 .til Autrey, Webb City 96 3!U 68 10 .276 Autrey, Omaha. 61 219 81 68 .811 White, Webb City 1S8 619 63 166 .210 Kendor 69 262 66 76 . 290 Belden, Springfield, O.. 93 8f3 41 82 .9i0 Austin, Dayton, 0 143 672 76 146 .206 (tiding US 411 49 93 .IJ6 Francks. Oakland, Cal..l75 BOO 69 125 . 2 I'ry, Dallas 91 327 84 69 .211 Sanders 87 119 11 25 .210 McNeeley 62 156 14 29 .186 Thompson 17 84 1 6 .176 Flajnres Look Good. These figures afford some rich food for thought and consideration. There, for In stance, Is Autrey batting only .276 In the Western association and .311 In the West ern league; better In fast company than with the minors. White, In the same league where Autrey hits .276, bats .299. Does this signify that White will make a corre sponding gain In the faster company? If so he will be even more welcome than is now expected, and everybody anticipates good results from the little fellow. He was the star at short for three successive seasons In the Western association, and while may play second Instead of short for Omaha, he Is expected to continue his stellar work. Autrey's finish In Omaha last season was remarkable and satisfac tory to a degree. Now, right at the outset, let the Knock ers' club hold a meeting and decide on its attitude toward Joe Dolan, only let Its action be guided by common sense and facts of record. The record, which Is no kinder to Dolan than any otfier man In the business, shows htm to have finished the season at .821, twenty-one points above the "great batter" line. As to his fielding, he led the Western league first basemen. And Joe says he Is In finer form today than at the beginning of any season for four or five years. The chances are tho old fellow will be there to bat In many and many a needed run this season as hs was last. Buck Franck's record does not show him a slugger, but he did not have the best of luck at the bat last season. He Is a timely hitter and a better one than .225. On the coast he had a much longer season than they have here, playing In 175 games. Welch, doubtless, will bat better and field better this season than ever, for the simple reason that he Is a better ball player than he ever was, and with a finish of .343 at the bat he wasn't so worse' last year, eh, Cull? Bender, Belden and Austin have fair averages and will go to strengthen the aggregate this season. Johnny Bender Is in perfect trim and he will be a much faster man because of his experience of last year. All told, it looks Ilka ready money, the bunch that your Papa is hand' ing out. Word was received last night from Aut. rey. After reaching Fort Crook, be thought of something he hadn't inspected further down the river and so he went back to look It over. He expects to reach Omaha Wednesday morning If he has no bad luck. OPEM.XU DAY AT BENNIXG Malacca, Wins Spring? Handicap from Favorite by a Keck. WASHINGTON. March 26. Malacca's victory in ttie eighth running of the first Bennlng spring handicap was easily tho feature of the opening of the eastern racing season today. The race which waa worth about $2,uu0 to the winner, was fought out by thirteen startere. It waa the chief event of a good card which. In conjunction with ideal weather and good track conditions, attracted a la rue and fashionable crowd to the Bennlng track. In the stake Graziallo waa a hot favorite with Jockey Walter Miller up. Urazlallo got away well, with Tickle, Okenlte and Malacca cloaely bunched. The horses maintained their post tlons until the turn Into the stretch, when tho favorite seemed to weaken. Malacca, ridden admirably, rushed Into the lead, but under the whip Graslallo responded gamely. It was too late, however, and Malacca got the decision by a neck, Sllckaway easily taklna- third. Jockey Miller began hie aea son In the east by riding the winners of the first two races, bummary: First race, six furlonva: Anna May won, Lord Boanerges second, Quadrille third. Time: 1:17. Second race, Arlington purse, four fur- longa: Blllle Hums won. Hen uoie second, LhIm third. Time: 0:61t. Third race, seven furlongs: Lally won. Turbulence second. Old Colony third. Time: 1:31. Fourth race, first Bennlng spring handi cap, six furlongs: Malacca won, Graziallo second, 811ckaway third. Time: 1:1CH- Fifth race. stceDlechaae. about two miles: Dultian won. Pioneer second. Locked Out third. Time: 4:16, Sixth race, mile and forty yards: Reld- moore won, Kurtptaes second, ueipruo third. Time: 1:46H- GOTCH DEMKS WEDDING RUMOR Statement Made In Fort Dode, Where Bachelors Are Fined. FORT DODGE. In.. March 26. (Special lelecram.) Frank Gotch, the champion wreetler, In an Interview tonight, denied the story emanating from St. Ixuls that ha h mads a contract of marriage with Ida Emerson, the actress and divorced wife of Joe Howard. Barker Is Checker Champion. BOSTON, March 26. Charles E. Barker of Ti-,.t,,n aur-et-Hsfullv defended his title as national checker champion tonight in the final game wltn August j. nenner, aiao oi this city. Barker receives the first prize. Beel Throws Itooney. rillfAnn March 25. Fred Beel of Wis cousin won hU wrestling match with John Rooney of Chicago in siraigm tana loiugui. t HAVE YOU GUESSED ALREADY YET? HOW MANY - Will be sold this Spring Seaaon? No Doubt Your Hat Dealer has the Blanks for your Guess and sells the Lanpher Hat THE GUESS IS FREE immm ' - ' - in iuisciTTHE tm m& MWhm , "Standard or iiaiuiue cm Sold Everywhere Beel was fully forty pounds lighter than hie opponent. He had little trouble of dla poslng of the local man. Beel took the first fall In 20:15 with a crotch hold and ham merlock. It took Beel but five mlnutea to secure the second fall, using a reversed Nelson. INDIVIDUAL MATCH STILL A TIE Proapect that Bowline; Tournament Will Be Open Several Days. ST. LOUia Mo.. March 26. (Special Tele gram.) There Is a prtapect that the m- ivlduai championship of the American Bowling club tournament may not be de cided for another week. The 624 score hlch R, F. Malak of St. Paul and Mar- hall Levy of Indianapolis both lay claim to looks like the winner and if it la nut beaten with the conclusion of the tourna- lent on Wednesday the tie men will have to lie brought buck to St. 1ouis from their I homes to settle tho leadership. The rules of the American Bowling club In the mat ter of tlee for titles is that the tie men hall roll a match on the tournament al leys to decide which hall claim the title. a there will be no way of telling whether the M4 score will be beaten before Wednes day night, the men cannot be sent !r ntll the close of the tournament ana as In their match must be rolled in the hall the expense will be heavy as it will cost something like $l,u00 a day to keep the place open and In order. Tills matter of tie and the possibility oi a ueciaing game ill not disturb the standings and prizes of the bowlers in the money under second place. the program Degun toaay witn iwo-nieu team bowling. The five highest scores made Dy uie nrst flight of two-men teams resulted; Frank Hhr and Adland. Chicago 1.084 a A. Murray and George Dltt, Chicago 1,062 8. L. Ollnully, K. D. Baldwin, St. Louts l.8 W. Laumnn, G. McGowan, St. Louis. O. Nordstrom, C A. uosaan, est, r-aui i,wt The five highest scores made by the sec ond flight of two-men teams resulted: H. J. Clarke, A. Wengler, Chicago l.lnS O B. Leonard, A. Karlicek, Clilcago l,w Wv. Laidlow, O. Boeder, KanBaa City 1,071 . Brayshow, D. Thette, feoria i.w . Hollin, F. Tabler, Chicago l.Out The five highest scores made by the third flight of two-men teams resulted: XV. 8. Fleuner, J. Blouln, Chicago 1,116 G. Stell, It. Rolfe, Chicago l.oM E. George, B. Budinger, Chicago l,oo Dlnse. W. Meyers, Chicago i.uit F. 8. Mackey, F. Grill, Chicago DM The five highest scores made by tlio fourth and final flight of two-men teams resulted: . A. Poppelbaum and F. Blaul, Chicago 1075 C. Kern and A. E. Hull, Bellevue, Ky. 4 C. Ernat and H. E. Claua. St. Louie.... 924 J. W. Moore and P. Brandenburger, St. Loula 917 H. Omuberg and J. S. Beck, Chicago... 889 Individual bowling followed. Five highest scores made by the first flight of lndlvlduul bowlers: E. T. NlcholBon, St. Louis 6f!9 F. Hehr, Chicago 634 Johnson, tit. Jxjuib E. Kelaker. St. Louis 46 8. A. Murray, Chicago 42 Five highest scores in the second flight: . McGowan, St. Louis 670 . Hllderbrandt. Chicago 6I1 H. Banne, St. Louis 645 W. Lauman, St. Louis 622 . Hollin, Chicago o-i Five highest scores in the third flight: L. Everhardt. Kansas City 666 N. Adland, Chicago 632 G. Vandertelnk, St, Paui wi H. J. Clark, Chicago A. Wengler, Chicago DAI Five high scores In the fourth flight: F. J. Witter. St. Louis 672 F. O. Tablor, Chicago E: R. A. Bacon, St. Louis 632 E. Bluul, Chicago b G. Gerhauser, St. Loula 523 The five high men in the fifth aquad follow: B. Budinger, Chicago 673 W. 8. Fleuner, Chicago ",J R. Rolfe, Chicago k F. F.lnse, Chicago M8 Q. Steele, Chicago Ml Five high men In sixth flight: M. Van Llew. Joliet. Ill B W. Hartman, St. Louis 53a William Koasmuasen, Oshkosh, Wis 62 Helmurlths, Washington. U. t; e-t Rooney, Chicago on Five high men in seventh nignt: P. W. Darling, St. Louis 672 1 P. Brasch. St. Loula 617 Hawthorne, Chicago H. I Ermlnger, St. Louis...... 4:2 C. Rossmuasen, Oehkosh, Wla 4.1 Ftv hleh men In eighth flight: William Helnu. St. Loula 610 8. Hangert, St. Loula Bit C. F. Helots. St. Louis 4M R. P. Hlxaon. Bt.uouis y" L. Obert, Bt. Louis Five high scoses made by the first squad of five-men teams: Wright and Abba, Detroit.. Band s Diamonds, Cleveland 2.M4 All-Btars No. 2, Detroit 2.433 Haairera. Loulsvl'.le. Ky H417 Independents, Detroit ,3.c3 The second flight of twelve flve-men teams concluded tonight's schedule. Fol lowing are the five nign scores: The Barry, Chicago 2,708 A. B. C, Detroit i.wi Cadillac, Detroit Cohen's Cutters, Cleveland 2.5-"7 Herculean, Detroit 2.4J7 WITH THE BOWLERS. Th. rioM Tons won two out of three games from the Daily News last night on the Metroiolltan alleys. C. Prlmeau waa the only one of the two teams to reach the 6o0 mark, while Mahoney had high single game with 2ul. Tonight the FalatufTa against Black Huts. Score: JETTEK GOLD lUl'b. 1, I. 8 Total. 13K 1(6 174 47 PUJ ItiO 1S8 ' 611 160 IU 173 447 157 lti2 144 43 133 164 201 iM 741 7U6 KM) ,2,416 DAILY NEWS. 1, 2. S Tctal. 1M lt,' 144 4.6 146 ' 145 146 435 157 Hi 135 444 ISO li 149 449 lUi 145 158 4o6 5 6 6 IS MS 764 736 2.SU3 Prlmeau, H iTlmeau, C Grotte Rice Jenkins ... Patterson Totals a Basket Ilall at David City. DAVID CITY. Neb., March 25. Special.) Schuyler High school girls and David Cay girl- played a basket ball game, David City winning. 18 to 7. The (i.-huyler boys' team won, Si to . Hoth games were well played and a large crowd witnessed them. Negroes Confess Harder. BT LOCIS, Mo.,'' March 25-In the criminal court today William Robinson and perry Smith, two negroes, plraded guilty to the charge of having murdered John H M. Oahorn, a liveryman, last Decem ber and were aenienced to ninety-nine years In the penitentiary. Aocoramg to the confeaalon of Smith the two entered tie born a Uvcry barn at night and told in born they were going to kill and rob him. He selaed a rasor to defend himself, but a brwokori down and hta throat cut and Bkull crushed with a hatchet. The negroea secured H. Now la the time to make your wanta known through The Want Ad pa. WORK OF THE CLUB WOMEN labbi Cahn Addrwse Social 8citnce De partment on Parental Eeipoosibilitj. MRS. HELLER DISCUSSES PAPER AT LENGTH Matron of Detention , Horn Telia of Omaha's Experience and Saagrsta Some Remedies that May Be Applied. Rabbi Cohn was the speaker before the social science department of the Woman's club Monday afternoon, giving his paper on "Parental Responsibility to the Home," originally presented before the conference of charities and corrections held recently In Omaha. The membership of the de partment was supplemented by a goodly attendance of others Interested in the paper, which attracted much attention when first given, making the meeting one of tho largest of the year. A general discussion followed the paper, Mrs. H. H. Heller, su perintendent of the Detention home, be ing the first speaker. Mrs. Heller said that the presence of 98 per cent of the children coming to the detention home through the Juvenile court Is the result of Incompetent or Insufficient homes. She expressed the opinion that society should prevent the formntlon of some homes and that a stop should be made to subnormal girls rearing families. She urged that wherever possible cases of Juvenile delin quency should be settled without bringing them into the Juvenile court, suggesting that the church society and a little neigh borly goodness might prove helpful agencies to thla end. Mrs. Heller said at present more little children are in the home as a result of Incompetent parents than the larger, more difficult children ordinarily expected to be found in such an Institu tion. "We must prop up the family, she said, "and Impress upon these weaker parents their responsibility and then help them carry It out, for while we are having our theories, they are having the children." The necessity of religious training In the home and some of the objections to religious teaching In the schools were also discussed and attention was called to the fact that whllo many parents are giving their aid to the lower level of society, they are neg lecting their own. Officers ne-elected. At the business meeting following the program all the former officers were re elected to serve another year: Mrs. Draper Smith, chairman; Mrs. Ida V. Tllden, representative on the directory; Mrs. W. M. Alderson, assistant leader, and Mrs. Nannie E. White, secretary. The noxt and lost meeting of the department of the year will bo held at Crelghton In stitute, when Miss Hotter of New York, chairman of the national organization for the promotion of games among children, will be the speaker. Miss Hotter will speak under the auspices of the Civic Improvement league, and provision will be made so that the teachers of the city tray hear hor, she being one of the fore most klndergartners of the country. Men" Teachers In Revolt. The Association of Men Teachers and Principals of New York has recently been formed, including about 700 members, or about one-third of the, men teachers of New York City, and representing all branches of the teaching force. Tho ob ject of this organization Is to protest against and prevent If possible the grant ing of equal pay for men and women teachers. Resolutions were adopted con demning the liberal attitude of ; two of the New York. papers, and a storm pf hisses greeted the mention of the names of Senator McCarren and Assemblyman Conklln, who Introduced equal pay bills In their respective branches of the legis lature. A resolution was passed opposing the McCarren-Conklln bill on the ground that It sought to bring about a radical departure In the educational, social and economic policy of New York by estab lishing a wage law not recognised in the administration of any other department of the state or municipal government. Th meeting finally adjourned In the nldst of an uproarious protest agalnat a certain speaker taking the floor. HOW THE PLUMBERS SETTLED Basis of Agreement Between Journey men and Masters Joat Signed. The following Is a copy of the agree ment entered into between the Journeymen Plumbers' and Fitters' union and the Omaha Master Plumbers' association In the settlement of the recent lockout: The mnstervplumbers shall have the right and privilege of employing all the helpers his business may require, one apprentice to bo employed In each shop where two men are employed on an average In the year and one to each five thereafter. Our st.ops shall be open shops. We shall have the right to employ nonunion and union men. There shall not be any strike, sympathetic strike or lockout. No workman shall be discharged because of any demand made by any union. The wages shall be fi per day, previous contracts to be exempted. This agreement Is to be In force one year from date of acceptance. llENRY H. KRrGER. ' Chairman Of Presa Committee Omaha .Mas ter Plumbers' Association. ' A. C. KUGEL. Chairman of Press Committee Journey men Plumoera' and Fittera' Union. Prisoner Attempts Salelde. LEAD, 8.' D., March 25. (Special Tele gram.) W. H. Olnay. an insurance man awaiting the September term of court In the Deadwood Jail on a charge of forgery on the Lead bank, attempted suicide by hanging himself with a towel this after noon. The prisoners gave the alarm and the man was placed under guard. rhlcawa Mar et Water Power. JOLIET, III., March 25. Judge Marshall, In the circuit court, today denied a motion to dlHinlsa the condemnation petition filed by the aanltary district of Chicago against the Economy Light and Power company of Joliet. This involves possession ot va water power rights below Jollet. COOTS "Waiter, be sure and bring me Cook's Imperial; I have known that champagne for years and can depend on its uniformity of quality--it equals the best vintages of the. Old World." St-rzrJ Everywktrt m CEHT BELOW any ether DO HOT or on t'wf of trrmt until yon hare received our complete Fe Ca lognea tllutrating and dracrihins; every kind of r, ich-ersilt and low-amde bicrrlra, old patterns and Utrt modela, and loam of our remarkable I.ttT PM H''" T"J ""v!-rfv! -tp erT-re rde pnamhle by Belling Imm fu-tnry direct to rl.ler with no mi.Mlemen's profit. HT BttlP Oft A PPftO VM L atAm a erni lfns1, Tay the Freight and allow 10 lhj free 1 rial and tnk other liberal tcrv.i which no othrr bnute In the world will do. You will learn everything and get aaach valu able iulortnation by simply writing oi a postal. A W need a Kldmm Afrmnt iq every town and can offer an opportunity t make money to suitable SC.GO PUHCTUnE S SWJO per pau. j .O U Wa Will Sell gfjl i You a Sarrwlo .1 NAILS, TACKS i OH ka.S Pa for Only ii out the air (CASH WITH ONDtlt C4.B6) NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. Result of IS Years experience In tir - . . w lsvriBi'r i a. making. No dantfe-r from THORNS, CAC TUS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. Serious punctures, like Intentional knife cuts, can be rulcanired like any other tire. Twt Hundred Tkousans pair now In actual US. Over Sevsntj-flit Thousand pairs sold last ysar. JmORIPTIOHl Made la all elrea. It is lively and ey riding, very durable and lined Inalde ih a ipecUl quality of rubber, which never becomea porou and which clones up mU punctures wunoui iimwiui m ir w ykiv. vtm huhuii, v, m , irvra aaiiBuea customer atatlng that their tire have only been pumped uponceor twice in a whole season. They weigh no more thao an ordinary ure, tne puncture miuuni quauura prepared fa rnic on the tread. That ' Holding Baca" or aoft roan ia overcome by the patent "Basket weave" tread which prevent all air from being aaueeted out between the tire and the road thus overcoming all auction. The regular nrire of ih, tires U 50 per pair, but for advertising purpoaea we are making a special factory price to the ri.ler of only S.8o per pair. . All orders ahipped aame day letter i received, we ahip C.d.D. on approval. You do not pay cent until you hire examined We will allowaeaahdlaoonnt of $ per cent (thereby making the price Si. SO per pair) if you send FULL CA8II Willi UHUItg and enclose thla advertisement. We will also send on nickel plated braia hand pump and two Sampson metal puncture closers on full paid orders (these metal puncture cloaers to be used ia case of intentional knife cutaor heavy gashes). Tire to be returned at Ol'K expense If for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us I a safe aa in a bank. Ask year fostmaater. Banker. Kxpreaa or Freight Agent or the Editor of this paper about ua. If you order a pair of these tire, you will find that they will ride easier, run taster, wear better, last longer and look finer than any tire yon have ever used or seen at any price. We know that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle vou will give u your order. We want you to send as a small trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer. COASTEftt3flASCESf eve'rythfn taeicTCle"mefi!reed?yVt price charged by dealers and repair men. Write for our big SUJfDK Y catalogue. nn IV SIT- llirr hut write us a postal today. DO NUT THINK OF BCYIWO UU fftf WW AIM bicycle or a pair of tire from anyone until you know the new and wonderful offers wt are making. It only costs a postal to learn everything. Write it MOW, EIE1D CYCLE COilPiiiY, Dept. C2S6 CHICftGO, ILL. is Maryland's Purest Whiskey Iff pr. . j I H MNITMlH4a 1 I iilL The difference between success and fail ure In life Is due In nine out of ten cases to lack of physical manhood. You can t be half a man physically and a whole man otherwise. A chain Is no stronger than Its weakest link. We do not quota mlaleadlng prices In onr announcements. We make no tnla leadlng statements or decapMve, unbael neeellk propositions. We our men at the lowest charges possible for skiUfnl and snooessfal services. W believe ta fair dealing and honeat methods. We treat men only and cure promptly, safely and thorouKhly lHtOXCHITIS, CATAHKH, NKUVOrs DKIUL1TV, HI,(K)I) roiSOX, NK1N DISEASKS. KIDNEY and KLADDEIl DISEASES and all Special Diseases and their complications CONSULT FREE STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE DOeTOESSPo.R Call and Oe Examined Freo or Write. OFFICE HOI ItS 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. SUNDAYS 10 to 1 ONLY. 1303 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. Permanently Established In Omaha, Nebraska. HI II StlllBIMIJlI..J. .XI HI -37 ftmnhn vr&iftua.fcu The Illinois Central Trains leave Union Station: 8:30 P. M., Daily. 8:00 A. M., Daily except Sunday. CHEAP SETTLER'S RATES To points in North Da kota, Minnesota and the Canadian Northwest, each Tuesday during March and April. CHEAP ROUND TRIP HOMESEEKER'S RATES 1st and 3rd Tuesdays to same points. Tickets and information at City Ticket Office, 1402 Far nam St., Omaha. SAMUEL NORTH District Passenger Agent 71' nT---u j'lW aLaB' " to fa .i. m.'l'l a I'-i'r'-'- IS til IT WILL COST YCD to write fne or big FHKK llfClll.R ratalorue showing the mot eortiplfte Pre of htrh era-le HH'H I.K. TI KM ami SI KhKIRilu f RWK.4 tnanafacturer or dealer in the world. BUY A BtDYCLE'rzrzZ young men who apply at once. - PIlOOF TIRES O N LY $j.oo Notice the thick rubber tread) A and puncture strips "B and !,' also Hra atrip "IP to prevent rlra cutting. This tire will outlast any other make KOFT. LLASTIO and h.ASX KIDIMU. uuing qualitiea being given by aeveral lavera of thin "Holding Back" aensation commonly felt when riding patent "Basket weave" tread which prevent all air f uring givrn Dy aeverai layera oi sensation commonly felt when riding; on etnh the road thus overcoming all auction. The regular prii tlaing purpoaea we are making a special factory price t hlDDed aame day letter ia received. We shin con on and tound thera atrirtly as represented. The Roxbury Dfctating Ca Baltimore. Md. Henry Rohlff (Wholesale Liqror Dealer) Distributor ?6lh & LeiTcnwortb Sts Omaha. Neb. naii hi iii.ini niwTsaiamiiij m.mmmmmimKMl ... . . ; I ' ' 1 I) ; T-t , - ll the Reliable Specialists of the . 1. .. Ill uauaffla MEN SHORT LINE tn MinnPiinnlK ivy iiA.Jivvaa v WE CURE MEN FOR 56.00 10 DAYS' TREATMENT $1.50 Ey the Old Reliable Cr. Searles & Searles established in Omaha for 26 years. Tne many thou, sands of caae cured by us makes us the most prl- oud Bpeclallete In the Weal. In all dikeaaaa and dls roars of men. We know just what will oure you and cur quickly. a examination and consultation. Writ for c 6 wptom blank for noma treatment. 119 S. U Car. 1413 b Oou.lii Sts.. Oii.lea