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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1906)
3 CQYERM FREES CAMPION Jm-s son. Wlllyum. got thru the knnnl kornmj t . uv whtch l'nkel Joes chere. man. Ti the fellers tin t don t git no pie ttxt s Hliviivn kl'kln'. Why. there rul inllyiins 1:i thet kontract fer Nebrasky men, an I nkel ,bie nui Just looktn' out tr his home tellers. I tell ye tVre's no fly a on l'ike j(ie. He's all wright. He noes H"k"r, Hockey and Allm h. and he's Il.irernn s leHlinR m;m In th-se dlsgins. I til fer him first, second arid all the time, miles i make up my mind to axsept after sum big kommytee kails on me sn refuso to t it k no fer an answer. Trulv your packet. Mil. IxxM.KV of Omaha. I. 8 Pay yer fair to I.inkln and get re seats an' present 'em to our friends. Ageer, Snider A Co. I ll send yer express franks fer yer rnobeels next mall. Semi-AMiiai Pre-InvenSory Clearing Sale Begins Wednesday. Esoosd Tims Effort Bu Beea VU3 to Get Him Out f Jail. SEWARD AUTHORITIES CFJECT TO IT Effort o B Mane In I ralalittorr to " LTylHK Ta on the Hwru Fnnri af the Fraternal... Wednesday begins a sale which will long be remembered for its unusual bargain 'offerings. We never carry goods over from one season to the next, preferring rather to start the new season with fresh, new merchandise. For that reason we shall cut prices deeply Wednesday and all the balance of the week, in order to clear the stocks before inventory. THE RELIABLE TRg J GK AM) IM. AM) MK1 ARK t At CUT THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TTESDAY, DECEMT-EU ,2.'. inon. jilMY M THE RELIABLE STORK 1 1 From n Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb., Dee. 24 (Special T. le ram.) William Campion, in Jull at S.ward for child abandonment, who was paidorud recently by Oovernor Mickey nrt-r con Tlctlon on a paternity charge, wan anln pardoned this afterrwii n by the governor and the pnrdon Is broad enough to cover two changes and any order to the C( ntrary which may be Issued by tlm Jurlite of the district court. The sheriff of the county re fused to reooRnlEe the rlnlit of the governor to Issue the pardon In this case and attor ney! for Campion secured a writ of habeas corpus from Judge lotion returnable Janu ary 2, and the prisoner has been released Under ll.Oot) bornl. The woman In the case has married since Campion was sent t J ill. He strenuously denied responsibility. Cam pion has been li Jull for over thlrten months rather than Rive bond that he would pay a Judgment of $1,000 s-eurrd nua'nst fclm on a paternity charge. The matter was finally taken before the (rovernnr, who afttr reviewing the evidence, ordered th" min's release. The county authorities doubted the light of the governor to pardon In a s-ml-rlmlnal case, and he wa then arrested and convicted on a charge of abandoning tfie child. A hearing was held on thN today and the governor issued his second pir.lon' to th man. InrrMwi nte's I'ostaite. Tha Lincoln postal authorities have mae'e ruling that blanks sent out by the state auditor for the line of county tre:is.ireis tn making their annual reports must be ent as merchandise. Henry Seymour r-ir-rled his ninety bundles to the po-tofflc. each with a 6-cent stamp attached, when tha clerk made him stick on 4 cents more to each bundle. Kver since that time th"se planks have been going out as "blanks" and the deputy auditor Tias written to the authorities at Washington for a ruling on the matter. . ' , , MnHf t Tax Fraternal. An cffort Wui tie mart during the legis lature to get the revenue law amended so that tha reserve' funda of fraternal so cieties can be assessed; and taxed. 1'nder the present law the supreme court has rule! that this fund can t. offset by the out Standing' policies, which virtually wipes out the assessment. State House to be Closed The state house will lie closed tomorrow and all of the state officers and their em ployes will observe Christmas with the true Christmas, spirit. -Treasurer Mnrtenscn is till at Ord, but the-other officers will be In Lincoln, while most of the employes have gone to their homes. Tonight Gov ernor Mickey and his family, and his fam ily's family, had a Christmas treat at the executive mansion, and tomorrow will eat dinner together. Mrs. K. 8. Mickey was the only absent one, she Jiavlng been called home by1 (he death of her grandfather. Mr. Doolry to Legislators. The following message from "Speaker Uooley" has been reedved from Omaha, tha work.. of some humorist, who knows the situation very well. It is neatly printed and very -much enjoyed by all who have as yet had a copy of it: Members 'of the Leglslathurs Olntlemen: I congratulate ye sinseerly in V'rsflerkBhua ujieM,ir na -a ,stm. ker. "Twaa a grate" corniilimenl to V'r wlsdutn. 1 didn't siiend eight yers on one course in llarvld and pruclis law In Busiin an' not no whats it. . . Olntlcmen: The 'onest farnvrs expect us to practls riged ekonemy. I'm with 'em for ekonemy an' Khali applnt no employes to waste on ye while, ye puss a tue bilK I'll appint a Wlllyum Jennings llryan dyin mycrat tor doorkeeper an' ii 1 kan t And member who can read or wrlght, why, Armstrong will g.-t to be pom master for the house. If he gives up his putt. Ulntlemen: All kommytees will he abolished, "ceptlng the kommytee on the whole, uv which I'll be the chereman mc elf. The korpers are gittin' the. lulls redd thet we are to pass an' we kin pass em in three weeks an' ye kuu git hrfme to y'r korn huakln'. Ointlemen: I suppose ye want my vues bout the slnltoraliip. Well, the konslltu shun says we're to do the eleclln' an' uv Course we will do it, but as to the man 1 haven't committed meself y't. There's piles uv ki(Js wuntin' the Job, but the wrlght man hasn't bin nienshuned vlt. Jtus Brown thinks the ellcsliun over, since the state konvenshun. Ain't he a fresli kid? lie duxn't seem to be as good as ho molght he, although he has made sum eeples think he Is better, an' he wuld be f he wus us good as he Isn't. Now, therv s I'nklo Joe. He wasn't elided by no konvenshun. Them Krowit kids talk a hecp 'bout the korpers elk-tin. vnkle Joe without axkln' nobody. Well, why shudn't they ellet our HinltorsT Ain't they had the Job to do f'r twenty-nine years an' don't the statute of limitashuit run aginst the pecple In twenty-one yt-arsl A hull lot of them polytlxliuns talk 'bout that K'OO.tiuO glnerll fund wurrint which win tsshued to kerrect entrees In the state books thet I'nkle Joe caMiod for Hartlee. Vv course Judges NorvuJ and Sullivan S'li T'nkel Joe wusn't Innrsent. but what uv It T Weren't I'nkle Joe runtiln' a bank an' afther deposits? Nehrasky's rlrli an' kan Stand it a hull lot better 'an I'nkel Joe. Whin they get tired discussln' the wurrint an' ask In' L'nkel Joe to rezlne, they're mean enuff to ask questlns 'bout thet I'anamaW kanal k on tract ter ftjaxlin' thet Markel uti' If You Bead This It will be to learn that the loading mell cal writers and teachers of all the several schools of practice recommend, In tha strongest terms potulblo, each and every Ingredient entering Into the. computation of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for the cure of weulc stomach, dyspepsia, catarrh of stomach, "liver complaint," torpid liver, or biliousness, chronic bowol affections, and all catarrhal diseases of whatever region, name or natttro. It is also a gpeclHc; remedy for all such chronlo or long standing cases of catarrhal affec tions and their resultants, as bronchial, throat and lung disease (except consunip tlon) accompanied with sovoro conghs. ' It Is not so good for acute colds and coughs, but for lingering, or chronic raes it Is , especially efllcacious In irodncing pr feet cures. It contains black Chcrrybark, Golden Seal root, bkMdroott Stone root. Mandrake root and Qiu-en's roxit all of which are highly praised as remedies for all the above mentioned atTectluiis by such ftnlueDt medical writers and teachers as Prof. Bartholow, of ?JelTerson Med. Col lege: Frof. lUnvrt kt.e Univ. of Pa. -Thtrngwood, M. ., of Ken tllege, Chicago; Prof. John . oi Cincinnati; frol. John Si. p., of CiisJlnnatlt iTof. M. D.. of Hahnemann Chicago, and scores of liy emioK&t la their several ch(jr!ljrtjT pracL'ee. I T: "Golden 'leJlcsl Plscnvery s the f! l 1 l linn LL I'eople. Who Tried t Help Wholesale lloaae Held for Urn Debts. GRAND ISLAND, Dec. 24. (Speclal.)-A decision Just rendered In the district court In this county by Judge Kleder of Columbus as referee In the case of creditors of the Mlnton Woodward company, a wholesale grocery which failed about ten years ago, haa caused ctmslderable agitation and crit icism of the lawyers who brought the case. The decision holds about eight local attor neys and business men liable as stockhold ers to make up a deficiency of 13 per cent not paid by the receiver appointed at tha time on the claims. The defendants de clare that the real creditors will never get a of the Judgments and that, in sub otance. It Is a matter of successful specula tion rather than one of equity. I cally about Sl.liofl Is Involved. A year or more before the failure of the company Its oflicers solicited a lltt e aid among Orand Island's business men. These were Induced to take stock. Among, those who thus contributed were W. H. Thomp son, recent candidate for I'nlted States sen ator; W. A. I'rlnce, a leading attorney, F. 11. Mlehelson. J. II. Foley, Albert Ettlng, I)r. Hutnner Ihivla and Mrs. Wright, and a few others who have since left the city and state. H. H. Glover contributed, but would not receive stock. J. W. Thompson bought some of the stock, but escaped by reason of the fact that the transfers were not a mat ter of record. When the firm failed, a re ceiver was duly appointed, the assets were converted Into money and Just before the payments of the claims of eastern manufac turers and Jobbers, two local attorneys are alleged to have bought up a number of the claims at 50 cents en the dollar. Out of the assets all claims were eventually paid SI cents on the dollar. The receivership wus wound up with 13 cents on the dollar un paid. Suit whs then brought by Attorneys W. S. l'earne, since removed to . Chicago, and O. A. Abbott. Jr., to recover the 17 per cent from the stockholders. The latter em ployed, severally, nearly, every other attor ney In the city and some of these at once wrote to the claimants how it came that after being , paid 87 per cent they still brought suit for the 13 per cent,, the defend ants being parties who had not profited In arty manner from the business of the firm. Some of them replied that they knew noth ing at all of the suit brougt In their name; others stated that they had disposed of their claims and had no fu ther Interest and others neglected to answer at all. it thus became a light between local attorneys only and the defendants allege that the'real or iginal claimants will not see a dollar of the money recovered from the stockholders on their liability. In the progress of the hearing ItV was shown that the firm had failed to comply with the law requiring cor porations to publish their Indebtedness, once each year. The case will be appealed to the supreme court and the attorneys for the de fendants are confident they will secure a reversal of the decree there. $85,000 Worth of Women's and Children's Coals at One-Half Price Our winter is practically over, yours only just begun, thousands have been delaying the purchase of new winter garments in anticipation of this very event. Your saving expectation will certainly be realized, even surpassed, during this sale, for never in the history of Omaha merchandising has' such variety and quality been offered at like prices. Thousands of women will save half on coats and furs. Be one of them. Come early and get first choice. s k Some Extra Specials All Women's Coats, in plain and fancy mixed fabrics, that sold regularly at $10, in this sale, choice $5.00 $15.00 Coats, in kerseys and fancy mixed fabrics, including plaids, your choice ....$7.50 All $20.00 Coats, many of them fine satin lined garments, in loose, semi, or tight-fitting styles, choice in this sale.JjjlO All $25 satin lined cloth Coats, at, choice $12.50 All Other Fine Coats at Just Half Price Buy early -while the assortment is complete. If you will make a small deposit on any of these coats we will hold it for you until you're ready to take it.. All our infant's and children's coats included in this Half Price Sale. Hundreds of Children's Coats in this sale at $1.00 Children's $10.00 Coats, in fine imported materials, splen didly made, at $5.00 Children's $3.00 Coats in bearskins and other materials, your choice, at $1.50 Children's $5.00 Coats, in curly bearskjns, kerseys and fancy mixtures, at $1.50 All Fur Scarfs at Just Half Price. An excellent opportun ity Women's Waists Regular $3.00 values, in albatross, nun' veiling, etc., all colors, newest styles, choice,'. ' ' 'v in this sale ; ".. . .$1.0 "Women's $2.00 Knit Top Underskirts, "Wednesday . .9S Some Extra Specials for Wednesday Women's $1.50 Satin Underskirts, Wednesday special. 59 Women's $2.00 Eiderdown Dressing Saeques,; special," Wednesday .(59 Women's Waists, worth up to $1.50 special for Wednes day at 39 Women's Brook Mink and Coney Scarf, $4.00 and $5.00 values, Wednesday .$1.95 From 8 Till 9 a. nx Women's $4 Beaver Shawls, at.$1.25 From 8 Till 9:30 a. m. Women's Silk Underskirts, great bargain, at $1.98 From 9 Till 10 a. m. Women's $1.50 Wrappers, Wed nesday will go at i.G9 From 9:30 Till 10:30 a. m.-Women's $2.00 Coney Scarfs, Wednesday, at ; G9 From 10 Till 11 a. m. Children's $1.50 Bonnets, choice.19 to secure a handsome gift at a saving of half. c OLD-T1MK .KBRA8KAX 19 DYIXQ Member of the Territorial legislature Ih fSH. LA FORTH, Ind., Deo. 21. (Special Tele gram.) W. C. FicriVne;, Rl years old, la dy-ing-at his home In Anderson, Ind. He left this;' stte (n V0.-anl . W.e,nt . to JSebT.ufcjia, where he waa'a member of tfte -legislature there in lS68. He introduced the bill that chartered Nebraska's first railroad. He was one of the oldest Masons In the coun try. - , - . . Pre-lnventory Sale of Silks In order to greatly, reduce our silk stock before in ventory January 1st and to make room for the most tremendous assortment of spring silks ever shown in Omaha. We will begin Wednesday morning making sweeping reductions on all silks in our immense stock.' Don't miss this sale. Handkerchiefs at One-fourth Price All the handkerchiefs that have become slightly mussed or soiled by handling during the past few busy weeks will be placed on sale Wednesday. Half to one quarter regular prices. Corset Cover Embroideries Skirtings insertings headings edges etc. in cambrics nainsooks and Swisses in order to make room for new stock will be closed out at Half to One-quarter Regular Prices Special bargain prices Wednesday on Men's and Bys' Clothing. Special bargain prices ,i Wednesday on Men's and Boys' Clothing. Dralnase KnKlneer Reports. Rt'LO, Neb., Dee. S. (Special.) The board of directcrs of the Richardson County Drainage District No. 1 met at Salem, Neb., In the depot Friday to act upon Engineer A. M. Munn's report, which the law re quires that the meetings' of the directors shall be held within the limits of the dis trict and the depot at Salem was the only convenient place in which to hold it. , The engineer's report was taken up and the board arranged to give notice to. the property owners where land will be affected by th proposed ditch. i Knulneer Mtuin estimates that 1277,3)4.57 will be required to complete the work of this amount $,740 will go to build new bridges, $J.0OD f ,t the right of way. t7,r0) for engineering, printing, Incidentals, etc., $7(10 for flood gates, $700 for spiU ways. This land comprises 31.00 acres, and the value of said lands Is expected tor be in creased about four-fold. If this drainage ditch does the work, as many predict. Island railroad and are going from Ash land to Orand Island. 8VHl"yi.;R The Schuyler public schools t,oiit tKalp-iSuiHtmflii nrnirram Friday after- nnon; all rooms were elaborately decorated i wlUv JuJly. Tvej-RTeeir and drawings. All ho's,'w-'r glvVjS -to" th. eighth grade tor having the neatest room and the best program. The schools then closed' for the holidays. ' ' ;;: UN WOOD At the last meeting or tne Ancient Order of United Workmen lodge here the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Q. 8. Dorsey, past mas ter workman; J. J. Lockne, master work man; Joe Hunda, O; E. D. Mattlson, fore man; W. J. Blal, K. and F. ; George Cran furd. recorder; V. Wood, guide; E. H. Mattlson. 1. VV.; J. R. Tlchacek, O. W.; U. W. Draskey, medical examiner. I PAWNEE CITY J.. T. Trenery. president I of the Farmers' National bank of this city, has been elected vice president of the First National bank of Ht. Joseph, Mo., and will go to his new position' January 1. Mr. Trenery will not, however, dis pose of any of hie Interests in Pawnee CJty, and will continue as president of tne Farmers' National. Mr. Trenery has served two terms as president of the Ne braska Bunkers' association. At the meet I lng of the American Hankers' association ' at St. IxhiIh last fall. Mr. Trenery was further honored by being elected a mem ; ber of the executive council. I COLI'MBl'S-One of the old residents of this county, John Stelner, more than 76 years old and In the poor house of the . county, has tiled a petition In the district court alleging that his un son, Ferdinand Stelner, Is the cause of his poor and pen I n I less condition. He says that he owned a farm and deeded it to his son under an arrangement that the son should take care or him and his mother as long as they lived. The old gentleman could not re(l Complains of Marlile Works. FREMONT. Neb., Dec. 24. (Special.) Dr. A. W. Fees has filed a petition in the district 6ourt a-alnst Q. H. Hodges and A. . W. Baldwin, proprietors of the Fre mont marble works, to have their plant abated as a public nuisance. The' doctor lives and has his office adjoining the works and claims that the dust from the grinding r.nd polishing mnchlnes Is Injurious to the public health and that the noise of the I continuous pounding of the power drills also disturbs him. The case will probably be hotly contested. The company is located at the corner of Military avenue and Hroad, street, occupying a quarter of a Mock, a part of It with heavy and ex pensive machinery. There have been other complaints from residents o4 that part of lliu town, principally from the nolBe. It Is ore of the largest concerns of the kind In the west, employing a good many men ns expert cutter. Your Tongue is Coated! Watch for Symptoms! lege: rroi. Frot Flnlei celt Med. ther rf.,'j J2 WiVrtTrr I . ii...i.riient-w.,rnr r It, an any jj , j jji! ! tl lL'l' MHTV tevfl yrrrrs nTn nuhllciiv 777 li y F. r.,,".,! Uie beat posaiuie guaranty oi 1U merits. A glsnca si this publl.shrd formula will show that Golden Medical Ihscovery contains no poisonous, iiarmiiii or naiiit forming drugs and iioslculml chemically fiure, triple-refined glycerine U'iug used nsumd. Clvcrln U entirely unobjec tionable and VfiJ. Is a most useful axeot lo the cure of all stomach an well as bron chial, throat nd lung slTiH'tlons. There la the highest medical authority for Its use la allsuch cas. The Discovery 'is a concentrated glyceric extract of native, Btedlclusl routs and is safe and rvliablo. A booklet of extracts from eminent, mndlraj authorities, endorsing ltd ingrw Menu mailed fre on rwuiet. Address hr. &. V. ttaros, Huflalo, N. Y. thrailia Wed In Blons (Hr. . SIOCX CITY. Ia.. Dec. 24.-(Speclal Tele gramsMarriage licenses were Issued to day to II. Walter Martin, aged 19, of Wakefield. Neb., and Sophie Maria Inrk wood. aged 25, of Warsaw, Pa., and to George K.. Francis of Chanute, Kan., and Dora Swearinger of 1'lut tsniouth, Neb., who composes a vaudeville team which is playing at the I.yrlc theater. They were married this afternoon by Judge Ferris. ' Xel.rr.ka r SCIICYl-KR District court chisel Saturday after being in wwUm for a week. Jud Molerilxck presided over the Court. Si'll I' V I. til-Christinas- set vice will be held in all churches t lirlt lmas day except I the Epi")il church, which will ha,ve their j service Monday at midnight. . M'COoIj JCNCTION-The 'taxes will be' higher In McCcul Junction thin previous; iib for the reason that JU'ltnu nt tuia V.m. n .fil.re1 nn lttutiiMt tlm vIIImu unH ! levy mado is id mills. YORK In the game of basket ball be tween the girls of the York High school and the girls uf Crete High school York won ly a score of 37 to a. The game be tween the Ik was lost by York lo Crete. ST. PAI'l AlMut seventy-live Invited guests celebrated the silver wrikllng of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. 8teen at thrlr r si iliwt in this illy yesterday evtning. An eluborate assortment of silver presents was tendered. KCHl'YLER While driving to town Sat urday to do her shopping Mlas Tidrswetl was thrown from the buggy and her wrist bone broken. The horses were scared at some object along the road, causing them to Jump and throwing Miss Tldeswell from the buggy. 1.1N WiHJD There has been a gang of surveyors here for the last week or ten days. They have made three surveys from the bluft to. Iha.J'lalU valley, h ii f, purled thy sue lu the tuiyiuy of ths itock LOOK In your pocket-mirror! Or Inside the lid of your watch case! Fur coat on your tongue? Bad business. What you been Eating? What were you drinking? What kind of Lazy Chair did you take exercise In? Now don't think It doesn't matter! t Because, It's your Bowels that talk now, every time you open jour Mouth. That doesn't help your Popularity, nor your Earning capacity. Besides, a person with bad Bowels Is In bad way. Co and take Ten Mile Walk, lor Exercise! Haven't time? Too Lazy? Well, there is another Way. Take Artificial Exerc'.se for your Bowels. . That's CASCARETS. They rouse the Bowel Muscles, Just as Cold Bath freshens Athletic Muscles. Waken them up. Strengthen them so they Contract and Expand the Bowels and In testines In a healthy, active manner. That's how these muscles work the Food along, through your thirty feet of In testines, to its Finish. That's how they squeeze Castrlo Jules, Into the food, to Digest It. That's how they make the millions of little Suckers In the Intestines draw a the Nutrition out of Food, and transform it Into Blood, Brawn, Brain and Bon. One tablet taken whenever you suspec you need It will Insure you against 90 per cent of all other Ills likely to sitae' you. Cascarets don't purge, don't weaken, don't Irritate, nor upset your stomach. T8J Ten Cents, at all Druggists. Be very careful to get the gsr.ulne, made only by the Sterling Pemedy Company, and never sold tn bulk, English and was made to believe that all was right, and now John Stelner aska the court to come to -hlairellef and cause the son to do the fair tiling by him. COMTMBrS-Myrgmthe son of Mr. and trs. C. C. Gray, .hofeturned from .Mor gan Park Military aeaaemy, near viu cago. Myron was one of the boys who was sent home for the reason that dur ing the time the pupils made things rough In one of the professor's rooms, he knew who the fellows were, but would not turn state's evidence. They waut Myron to come back now and the probability la that he will go back after the holidays and re sume his studies. CHURCH PROPERTY TAXABLE If 'Property la Owned by Forelicn Bocletr It May Be ' Taxed. WASHINGTON, Dec. 24. The opinion of the supreme court of the I'nlted States in the case of the board of education of the Kentucky annual conference of the Metho dist Episcopal church against the state of Illinois, which was handed down today by Justice MeKenna. was favorable to the state. The suit grew out of a contention whether the Illinois law exempting relig ious and educational Institutions from the operation of the Inheritance tax law applies to Institutions outside the state. The state authorltlea undertook to collect the tax on a building In Chicago which was devised by a Kentucky woman to the church In her state. The Illinois courts held the law was Intended only for the protection of state Institutions and did not eover the Ken tucky bequest. Today's opinion affirmed that decision. In delivering his opinion Justice McKenna said: "It cannot be said that If a state exempts bequests to charity from taxation It is unreasonable or arbitrary to require the charity to be exercised within Its bor der and for Its people whether exercised through persons 4r corporations." FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair Today and Tomorrow In Ne braska, Sooth Dakota and Kansas. WASHINGTON. Dec. 14 Forecast of the weather for Tuesdny and Wednesday: For Nebraska, South Dakota and Kan sas Fair Tuesday and Wednesday. For Iowa and Missouri Cloudy Tues day; ry)glbly light rain or snow; Wednes day, fair. For Wyoming and Montana Fair Tues day and Wednesday, except showers Wednesday in west portion. Loral Iteeord. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA. Dec. 4. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with he corresponding (Jay of the last lhr years: IV. lyrti. lSuT Maximum temperature.... 8i 4 L7 44 Minimum teniperatare 24 IS li 2o Mean temperature t 3J 21 3.1 Precipitation 00 .00 ,T .OJ Temperature and preclpliath n deiartures from the noinial at Omaha since March 1, and conipnrcd w:th tne laat two years REVISED LIST OF DEAD Eieht Fenons Are' Killed In : Wrtolt in Forth Dakota. BROTHER OF BRITISH ADMIRAL DIES Delaval Hereford, Who Has Ranches , In Mexico and Canada, One of the Victims of the Disaster. ST. PAUL, Dec. 24. So far as the of (trials of the Boo Line have been able to learn they say that only nine wore killed In the wreck at Enderlln, N. D., Sunday morning. It was reported late this after noon that two of the injured had died, making the total death list eleven, but the Associated Press was Informed thiH even ing tha,t this report was untrue. The latest report received Indicates that, forty-flvi persons were injured, and of these twenty four, were classed among tne seriously huri. but it has been almost impossible to lean the extent of their injuries, as the rail road officials refuse to give out the In formation. MINNEAPOLIS, Iec. 24. In the list of passengers on the Boo train wreck at Enderlln. N. D., who were subjects of medical attendance, appears the name of Magde I-andland, Decorah, Ia. All of the other Injured, numbering twen-ly-three, are residents of Minnesota, North Dakota and Canada. Ten of them were only slightly hurt. The revised list of the dead Is as follows: CHARLES BACKUS, Bergen, V. D. TONY (JLFEN (or Glenn). Nelva, N. D. H. J. VOLKERING, Anamoose, N. D. D. J. BKRSlXjRD. Medicine Hat. Canada. HERMAN KOSENI3AUM, NeWa, N. D. W. R. DANIELSON, Shelden. N. D. NEILS F. C. HANSON, Kenmare. OLE THOMPSON, Starbuck. Word was received here that two of those Injured In the Enderlln wreck died today, making eleven deaths as a result of the wreck. Admiral's Brother Is Killed. EL PASO. Tex , Dec. 24. "D. J. Beres ford of Medlclnj Hat, Can.," reported dead in the Enderlln wreck, is Delaval Keres ford, younger brother of . Admiral Lord Beresford of the British navy, who ha a ranch in the Sierra Madre mountains of Mexico, south of El Paso, and another at Medicine HaU Can. The coroner's Jury returned a verdict holding the crew of the freight train re sponsible for the wreck and severely cen suring the Boo road for alleged negligence In placing Inexperienced men in the posi tions where their failure to perform their work properly hud resulted In considerable loss of life. Survivors Talk. ENDERLIN. N. p., Dec. 24. The passen gers injured in yesterday's wreck are being cared for at a small private hospital and In 'tho railroad hotel. A coroner's Jury is Investigating the causes of the wreck. The engineer of the freight train alleges he had boen ordered to move out west of the town, 1 where he was to drop off a flagman to stop the Incoming passenger train. The flagman testified he went on ahead of the engine nearly half a mile and not only placed two torpedoes on the track, but waited and signalled the passenger train with his lan tern. He swore no attention was paid to his lantern signal and ha could not say whether the torpedoes had exploded. The night was very foggy and the supposition Is that the lantern signal was not seen and that the torpedoes failed to explode. this city announcing the regular profit' sharing dlvldand. Treasurer Uw.rge i" Chase today Informed the operatives that a ten daysr vacation is to be given thorn In the summer of 1907 and that a 50 n .r cent extra dividend would W J neclion therewith. Tni. latter I. to b computed from the record of wage rrn during the present proflt-EharingTerni FATAL FIRE IN STUEBENVILL1 Three Persons Soffocaird When Flames llrrtk Oat In an Ohio linker? j STUF.BENVILT.E. O., Dec. U.-A fire j that started from an overheated stove In j the rear of Ira Hlllman's bakery, partly burned the upstairs sleeping apartments. Three persons were suffocated. Jlrs. Ira Hillmnn, aged 26; Katherlne Hilliiisn, age4 2 years; Elizabeth McCoy,- aped IS years. Mrs. J. Glance and Jacob Oxemlder wera rescued from their .rooms unconsrJou bj firemen wilh ladders. They will recover. A Skin of Beauty ia a .'o Creve) r. DR. T. Felix Oouraud'a 'Oriental ' Cream or MagJoal Beautlflar. Bmnta Tun, Plmplaa KrcrllM, Moth Picl,ra, tut, Slid hills Dururt too. ery blemi 00 beitutr. tnd do let detection, n Iim toed I ho Us) bf 67 ytmt Uti lft to hormlrio tafttrlt tobeurti III rr"ltrly mads Aecopt ftocftunlrr felt of oinillaf vome. Dr. L. a havro said to laJr ef llit haul U-n (s pattrnl "Ai you Ia4la will un tin-in I rocufnmec4 fSearnaS's franm' at the 1aet harmful rif all th Workers Get Vacation. Jf ln Jrtf,rm"0?'-., "r tale y all druitt and ) ancr FALL RIVER. Mass.. Dec. 24. In a -t- ,, . u. . ... . . . . . ter, to the employes of the Bourne mills of l.rWrslRJ, frr. II fcr J:nM o r:tt Hewlorl E3 m M 1 1 23 7 3 .11S inch Oo iiii h ...26 ;0 Indies l. Lverjr tablet Stamped "CCC. Normal temperature Excea for tiie duy Total excess since March 1. Normal precipitation Deficiency for the day Total rainfall slnco March 1.. DerVtency since March I 4.s0 Inchea Iiefii-iency for cor. period. 1(16.... 2. Kl Inches Deficiency for cor. period, ltfol.... 6.51 inches Reports from stations at T V, 8talion and State Temp, of Weuther. 7 p. m. " Bismarck, clear 2s Cheyenne, cloudy 'M Chicago, cloudy 30 Davenport, cloudy M lt)iiver, clear 4b Havre, cloudy M Helena, cloudy 36 Huron, clear 24 Kansas City, cloudy Ht North Platte, clear ......... 3s Omaha, cloudy S3 hapid City, clear !M St. Louis, cloikly 28 Ht. Paul, snowing 22 Salt Lake City, clear 40 Valentine, clear 40 WUUtton. clear Su T Indie! t raven of trK:lnlltloii 2 A. W KUm, Ueca, i wteuaitsr, Max. Ratn- Ynip. (all. .40 .00 48 . . l V 2b .0) 1.4 .(10 40 .OJ 3 . 32 .SO ) .UO M .00 3d .00 hi .a 28 .on 22 T 44 .00 to . M .ft) tTPnn he? orcPc?3 1 ... T '.V i The lines of the Chicago & North-Western Ry. radiate from Omaha to the north, east and west, with splendid train service, first-class equipment and through sleeping car lines that provide for travelers The Best of Everything. Fast trains for Chicago leave Omaha 8.00 a. m., 11.30a. m., 5.50 p. m.,8.38 p.m., 11.00 p. m. Fast trains for St. Paul, Minneapolis, Superior, Duluth and all points in Minnesota, South Dakota and northern Wisconsin, leave Omaha 7.50 a. m., 8.28 p. m. Fast trains for points in Nebraska, The Black Hills and Wyoming, leave Omaha 3.00 p. m. Full information concerning rates, tickets, titain schedules, etc.. oa application to TICKET OFF. CC0 : . 1401-03 FAR NAM 0T. AND UNION OTATION