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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1906)
HIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1900. Tiie Omaha Daily Dee, FOUNDED BT EDWARD ROSEWATER. 1 , VICTOR ROfcE WATER, EDITOR. Entered at Omaha postofflc ai second ers matter. TERMS OF BUR8CRIPTION. Iwlly Be (without Bunday), on year..M' Dally Bee and Sunday, one year J-00 Hunday Hee, one year W Biiturdny Bee, one year 1-W DKIJVEHF.D BY CARRIER. Tally Hee (Including Sunday, par week..l!c Dally Bee (without 8undy. per week. ..10c Evening Be without Bunday), per k. So Evening Be (with Bundar), per week. ...10a Address complaints of irregularities In de livery to City Circulation Department. OFFICE8. Omaha The Bee building. 8uth Omaha fty Mall building:. Council Bluffs 10 Pearl afreet. Chicago liJ4n Cnlty building. New York 150H Home Ufa Ins. building. Washington 601 Fourteenth etreet. CORRESPONDENCE. Communlcatlona relating to nawa and edi torial nutter should be addressed: Oman Bee. Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only J-cent stamps received aa payment of mall account. Peraonal check, except on Omaha or eastern exchange, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING) COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Douglas Charlca C. Rosewater, general manager of The Be Publishing company, being duly sworn, says that the actual number of fall and complete copies of The Dally, Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of November. 1908, was aa follows 1 ' 33.740 16 31.180 2 31,660 3 31,860 30,800 6 31.070 ( 3S.160 I 34,530 t 33.450 31,830 10 33,030 11 30,560 12 31,550 I J 31,040 14 31,880 II 31,330 It 31,890 II 30,000 It 31,430 20 31,770 21 31.400 il 31,100 tl 31,800 14 31,680 26 30,450 2( 31,400 21 31,850 g 31,480 2t 31,550 10 31,630 TotJ 861,810 Less unsold copies.. 8.878 Nat total galea 843,033 lally average 31,401 CHARLES C. ROBE WATER, . General Manager. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to Wore ma thia 1st day of December, 1SW6. (BeaL) M. B. H UNGATE, Notary Public. WIIEM OCT OF TOWH. gnb.erlber leaving the city tem porarily shonl4 have The nee mailed to them. Address will ahaagerf as often aa requested. Merry Christmas to one and all. Christmas Is the children's day. Help them to make the most of It. "Handsome is as handsome does" Is a trite saying that applies with spe cial force at Christmas time. California does not seem to be as proud of Its representative In the pres ident's cabinet an It should be. The base ball magnates will now be gin to make the patrons of the game think each club Is being organized for i pennant winner. That "cold weather" story from the, Yukon'eomes In time to make resi dents of ' Manitoba. Wonder why It ihould be considered strange. . . ! Tb,e sleigh draw bylrertofieer ob solete. The twentieth century Santa Claris travels in arTautomoblle and has placed an order for an airship. , Governor-elect Sheldon evidently be lieves that the plums will be just as thankfully, received whether dropped Into Christmas stockings or held over for New Year's gifts.' -. !q refusing, a peerage before accept ing the place of ambassador to the! United States, James 'Bryce shows his; distrust of the time-honored idea that, "republlcans.dearly love a lord." Tho demand for "moral training" in the ptfbllc 'school ' would be' more easily supplied were there fewer shin ing examples of "captains of Indus try" brought 'into court for law viola tions. -, united states senators who may contemplate totifllshmffht for Senator; LaFolljte majjf BRre) 'th mselve trouble by attending .strictly to business and letting ; tfcio Wisconsin senator do tho same this". The story that Americans are being fleeced, by ; wildcat mines In Mexico is an unwarranted reflection upon the AmerltVu-rnlne promoter who keeps the gre&ier part of the money at home ... . '; .t until n-amps me country. "Tariff' rippers" by their decision not to call congress in special session, to considers th,e tariff until after the next general- election leave Governor Cum mins free to continue his campaign, of education'.? t .-rr While, denouncing the wasteful habita nt; Americans John D. Rocke feller ls';t supposed to refer to (be custom. f,islng lamps In place of the candles , of the older time before the Standard Oil company became a real ity, yv .,. . , y t By ruling that the prosecuting ' at torney at Itndlay started suits agajnst the Standard OH company in the wrong court au'tfalo judge has demonstrated thai the corporation's attorneys krieV the law.'though they failed to suppress the facts..- -';v a Those Atrlan postal employes who J could think of no more forcible method of preaelnf demands for higher wages than in complying strictly with regu lations pass-' a severer comment on the rules than, would be permitted in the Imperial Parliament. , Archbishop Ireland statement that royalist stiment on the part of ecclesiastic Is responsible for much of the trouble in France at least shows a spirit of faJtaesa which might well be followed Vbn Tile gatern men t pre sents the atateTnutf lu'caa. - ' . v . CHRISTMAS. Christmas ha, been sententlously de fined as the day on which mankind pursues a course of conduct that should prevail during the other 364. It Is the time of giving and forgiving; when men and women put aside the strife and bickerings of life, forgetting Its hardness and remembering only its amenities. Whatever of divinity is left In man assumes the ascendancy on this occa sion, and for a season at least human effort is directed to the end that all shall be made comfortable and con tented If not actually happy. Happi ness, incidentally, is a relative condi tion and depends on that healthy state of content which is not inertia,, but a philosophic acceptance of what can not at the time be bettered. Man'B rest less ambition prevents him from ever being fully satisfied, and thus In the progress of the race neither content nor peace Is likely to dwell perma nently. The Christmas spirit, exemplified at present in much giving and receiving of presents, may be -the gainer be cause of the discontent of mankind with existing conditions. It is not Im probable that the precepts of the moralists will some day prevail to the extent that the good of others will be the ambition of the Individual, and then life will be "one grand sweet song," Instead of "a grand rasslln match," as It Is now. Yet even that condition of beatific existence could not efface the sentimental loveliness of Christmas. Whether Santa Claus takes on the fleshly embodiment of a loved one or retains the Impersonal quality a millennium of children have endowed him with, his recurrent visitations will still be fraught with such attributes of love and personal attachment as are in no other way manifest. A Merry Christmas to all, then, and "long live Santa Claus!" SEN A TE AXD CABISET. An examination of precedents and decisions of the supreme court de velops the fact that the action of Sec retaries Hitchcock and Wilson In sus pending proceedings under a recent act of congress regarding Indian lands was not only warranted, but praise worthy, notwithstanding the attempt of some senators to make sensational use of It In a senate committee .hear ing. To their faces the cabinet mem bers were theatrically upbraided with nullification and violation of the ex pressed will of congress, under cir cumstances, too, which insured the widest publicity, as if some extraordi nary wrong or contempt had been com mitted. It appears now that, quite the con trary in point of fact, there was no violation nor Intention to violate the law .but.that Jhere was onlaction In strict accordance with one of the old4 est departmental - practices .and ap proved legal principles, well within ex ecutlve discretion a: to manner and means. The inference1 accordingly is strong that'the attack Is inspired not bo much by regard for the law .aa by hostility to the administration and de- eirex to discredit It. There is absolutely no question that the very -course of the'-departments was with a view to the public good and advantageous for It, and the pub lic, if such congressional perversity continues, will not be slow In showing that it understands the difference be tween rational and candid criticism and a captious and mischievous spirit. THE LIFE ISSUHAyCK ELECTION' The result of the election of directors for the New York Life and Mutual In surance companies, whichever set of candidates may turn out to have been Chosen, Is to raise serious doubts in many minds regarding the system pro vided in the new law, and a serious movement Is already on foot to amend It. The object of the new law was verily ;to. put Jthe, of .the companies under control of the policy holders, the reverse situation appear ing in the light of the Armstrong in vestigation to have grown up with many evil consequences. But while the legislature endeavored to provide opportunity for every pol icyholder to have a voice in the selec tion of' directors, it Is complained that the erection has failed to meet ex pectations In many respects. The mul titude of policyholders scattered not only throughput this country,' but also in foreign countries, is so -great as to involve Immense obstacles to con certed and intelligent action. Thus consolidated financial Interests playing for. a great, stake In controlling such huge assets could bear the expense of comprehensive organization and can vass for policyholders' suffrages at enormous advantage over the majority of policyholders. "- , The danger is .therefore, pointed out that the law in Its present form may work out practically to restrict the average policyholder 'to choice between two or more directorial 'tlcjtets, none of which might represent genuine and exclusive poncynoiaerr Interest, but ratner. me antagonistic .Interests' 1 of "high finance," precisely the root of many of the worst abuses discjpsed in the management 6f these trust funds It, Is doubtless possible still to im prove the present law, but it to be remembered' that "as it standi it Is an Improvement of the legal conditions existing before the Armstrong Investi gation. Then control of some of the big companies at least was firmly held In the hands of numerically 'petty cliques. It is Ho -stniill 'advance to' have control submitted to serious con test and the publicity which such an election as has been held necessarily causes. The certainty that public at tention will be-crttcal.Jy concentrated peilodfcally boon" the ' uuUua of ' the companies, even though by force of selfish Interest, cannot fail to be an important restraining Influence against abuse, and thus an efficient public sen timent will be created and maintained and a guaranty had that no backward stp will be taken, no matter who controls. REPORT O.V I'CRjRBKCr HILL. Either the report of Chairman Fow ler of the house banking and currency committee goes too far or the bill for uncovered bank notes 'which the com mittee has agreed on does not go far enough. The' bill in substance em bodies the plan proposed by the rep resentatives of the American Bankers' association and the New Yerk Cham ber of Commerce for so-called "emergency" Issues of credit notes by a national bank up to 3 7 Mi per cent of its capital stock, two-thirds thereof under 3 per cent and the last third under 6 per cent tax, the proceeds to be used for redemption of the notes of failed banks. " But the essence of the committee's argument, through Its chairman's re port, goes out of sight beyond the pro visions of the bill, being in reality a plea for unlimited credit note Issues by banks. The ground explicitly and elaborately taken is that there is and should be no distinction between bank debts evidenced by deposit entry and by circulating note, and that "it should be at the option of a depositor of a bank to say whether he shall have cur rency credit or a book subject to his check." The position taken by the committee Is so radical and, Indeed, so revolu tionary that It would necessarily en danger the measure, if it had the re motest chance of enactment In this session. It is conceivable that many, even with no small degree of distrust, might be Induced to acquiesce in a measure for strictly limited emergency credit notes who would vigorously op pose it when involving committal to the principle of unlimited issues. Moreover, popular hostility In thia country to uncovered bank emissions is ingrained and inveterate. The pend ing scheme for narrowly restricted emergency notes has not been evolved from any pressing popular demand for relief, and so far as it has been con sidered at all it has not changed the general attitude of suspicion or at least as yet of suspended Judgment, where it has not aroused protest. It is a device, not of the judgment of the body of the bankers of the country, but rather of a fraction of them mainly grouped in the east and moved by special considerations. Since state bank credit notes were annihilated in 1862 by the national law no public resolution has been more fixed than not to tolerate the pa per inflationist practice whether by pa tiQnal..or hy fitate banks. The com mittee's reasoningrunB directly .coun ter, to thai -resolution and would cause a popular uprising if it were generally aesutned that 'the enactment of a measure- going to the lengths advo cated were Imminent. The railway Inquest Into the fright ful accident In which President Sam uel Spencer of the Southern railroad lost his life Thanksgiving day puts all the blame onto the operator at one end of the block, who let a second train pass him before securing a re lease from the first. The report says nothing about contrlbutary negligence by the other operators and by the train men, nor does it go into the conditions of service that would lead the operator to become careless, nor the overworked state of the road1 said to have-been notorious at that time. It may be and doubtless is the proper thing to bring the accused operator to account, but that will not excuse the officers of the road from making the necessary Improvements and tak ing every additional precaution to pre vent repetition of such frightful acci dents.1 - f 'Some 'of the state papers, are laboring under the delusion that the Nebraska club women are trying to secure a re vision of the Inheritance tax laws, when as a matter of fact their efforts are directed at a change' In the law governing the distribution of estates of husbands dying without wills and has' nothing whatever to do with the inheritance tax. The Nebraska in herltance tax law should be let alone, at least until we find out; what con gross, is going to ao in cne way or a federal Inheritance tax law. Members of congress seem to have experienced no difficulty in getting home during the holidays. Inasmuch as Che anti-pass clause is not supposed to be in full effect until after the first of the year, it will be interesting to watch and see how many of them take pains to get back to Washington be fore the tolling of the bell. Pleading that he la compelled to vio late a federal law In order to hold his, position, the captain of a California steamboat has simply made public a condition generally knowa to exist in many corporations, but his blunt frankness may be as fatal to his Job as his previous disregard of law. Iowa's legislature does not meet un til January 14. Nebraska's law mak ers who convene on January 1 will, therefore, have two weeks advantage of those across the Missouri river. The chances are even, however, that they will both wind up at about the same time and place. Aa Awkward Problem. Bt. Louis-Globe Democrat. Meat has become ao dear In Germany that many are com palled to drop it from tha. bill of far. It la an awkward laaua In tna coming election for tha officials wlm iiave bn at ptUna to disparage and exclude American meats, which may be safely pronounced the best exported any where. , Orlalnal ana I nlqne. Indianapolis News. Another promising way to reduce the Pnatofllce department's annual deficit has been suRgneted. That Is to pay the rail roads only what they earn. The Idea Is so original and unique that It will doubtlee rouaa vigorous objections on, the part of the railroads. '" - The Limit la bbery Kansas City Times. The robbery of a pawnshop In Omaha likewise shows to what extremes men will go In order properly to cele.bra.te the com ing festival of peace and good will. It la no. easy job to rob a pawnshop, which or dinarily Is far from- deflclent in the mat ter of protecting lta wn interest". "Fire Alarm" la Aetloa. Kansas City Btar. Senator Foraker protests that President Roosevelt la an autocrat. . This, of course, must be exceedingly displeasing to a poli tician who would like to see' (tie govern ment run wide .open. Still. It doesn't seem so awfully harsh for Foraker' to' call Mr. Roosevelt an autocrat when you pause to reflect what the president- thinks about Foraker. Troubles of Prosperity. Wall Street Journal. The car shortage which Is Interfering with the progress of business In many parts of the northwest, is, as ha more than once been pointed out, Identically the same In character and effect aa the shortage in credits. These are -. phenomena that raise the question In the minds of thoughtful ob servers: Is our prosperity getting a little too prosperous? Railroad Assertions Discredited. Baltimore News. Objection to the railroad rate bill on the ground that it would discourage railroad enterprise has been conspicuously refuted by results. In -exactly: seven days $263,000,- 000 of new stock" was Issued by three western roads to provide for great exten sions of plant. The Chicago, Milwaukee & Bt. Paul railroad alo'na has Just made an Issue of $100,000,000 to extend the road to the Pacino coaat. The passage of the rail road rate bill seems to have marked the opening of a new era of railroad enter prise. The gooth Wiklng I p. Chicago Chronicle. It has taken the southern people forty years to make up their minds to welcome immigration, and even now they welcome It because negro labor Is falling them, but what the ultimate results will be no one" can foretell. The probability Is that the negro will be crushed between the northern and southern millstones and that the south will experience an Immense Increase of political power: " If Immigration ever sets In resolutely toward the southern states it will point to a complete assimilation of their clvllixatlon to that of the north and to an ultimata equal division of power In the government. A CHECK TO EXPANSION. Minnesota's Objection to Railroad Stock Watering. Philadelphia Ledger. A very important ruling Is that of the attorney general of Minnesota, Invali dating the proposed addition of 160.000,000 to the capital stock of the Great Northern railway. This Minnesota corporation Is al ready CArdtallxed'-Rt-'llW.COe.OOO In shares. with bonds outstanding to me amount gi i2iB.nno.nm.'" Tha 'riroboeed ' issue of stock would make the total capitalisation of the system X4a,000,ooo ,on , miles oi roau, or above $70,000 per mile fdr the main line and branches, some of which, It la said, could not have cost ' more than $2,000 pef mile. V, The dividends upon this excess of capi talization, the attorney general snys, are "an unwarranted tax" on the patrons or the mail Railroad regulation and rat regulation would be a farce if a domestic company be permitted to Increase its capi tal gtocli at will, to an unlimited extent, especially "for the purpose of buying stock of subsidiary companies, composed of the same stocKnoioers. i -The Minnesota law requires that any In crease of stock must be authorlxed, upon application and hearing, by the State Rail road commission., Aa application haa not been made, the attorney general has thus a prior reason for declaring the issue in vaiid hut the reasons he gives why the Increase should not be authorlxed are of general application. , The Great Northern la a typical exampl of a "system" built up in the manner described, In which most of tha states have hitherto been acqui eocent. As wa se In our street railways at noma, the vast Inflation of capKal pro duced In this way haa Imposed burdens upon transportation that have become In sufferable, and that call at least for limita tion. If Minnesota has retained sufficient power to put a restraint upon Mr. Hill's further expansion, the effect must b of the utmost significance. PERSONA NOTES. ' President Roosevelt will deliver the prin cipal address at the "celebration of the fif tieth anniversary of th Agricultural Col lege of Michigan In May. A Yokohama paper suggests that Japan may not be getting Us ahare of American heiresses under treaty rights. Th Japs are picking up even the art of humor. Damages of 13,000 because of an accident that Incapacitated her from dancing should make a Milwaukee bolle satisfied just to think of former waxed floor triumphs. Edward Trlckett, fire warden and for merly chief of the fir department In Kan sas City, retired a few days' ago and for the first tlm In thirty-ona, years passed an entire night at his home. Many kindred of George Waahlngton, our first president, dwell on and about the original Washington plantation In West moreland county, Va. The present occu pant of the plantation la named George Washington. Tom Cale, the delegate from Alaska for the two years' term ' beginning March t next, has arrived In Washington. H Is 66 years old, but exceptionally vigorous for his age. II was born In Vermont, but went to Alaska as a prospector ten years ago. , Sympathy and confidence In large meas ure will go out to the Chicago woman who vehemently denies that her deceased husbund was a woman. "I was his wife," she exlalmed whan questioned. "I guesa I ought to know." That ought to hold the doubters. Congressman John E. Andrus, who repre sents! th Tonkers (N.Y.) district for sev eral years, has taken delight In playing th role of Santa Claus to the pages and telephone and telegraph boys of the house. This year, aa usual, his gifts to th young stars consisted of t2 and IS bills. Colonel Andrus W worth 120,000,000, intdo out of the manufacture of pepsin. Abraham Simmer, on of tbe must fam ous philanthropists In th west, has gone to California for th winter on account of his health. Ills home 1 In Waverly, la., but his charities have been distributed all over the country. H Is now working to establish a horn for exited Russian Jews at St. Paul. He has already beoned in various ways iuor than eUW.Uuft HRHTmi POKTRT. The Aaarel's Sons. (This, the most poetic of all the Christmas hymns, was written by an American. F.d-niut-d Hamilton 8ar (Sanilisfleld. Ma., April 6, IMo Weston, Mij.. January It, 1X'V. Its nuthor was a Uunltarlan minis ter, a graduate of Union collrge. Srhenec tady, and of the divinity school of Har vard. Although the hymn Is compara tively new, being published In the Chris tian Register In 1KTA, It has become popular and Its une In church service at Christmas time Is almost universal. Along with the older hymns It . Is sung na a carol on the streets In Kngland and In the colonies on the last few nights before Chrlslmaa day.) It came upon the midnight clear, Thai From angels bending near the earth io touun tnelr harps of gold; "Peace to the earth, good will to man. From heaven's all gracious king;" The earth in solemn stillness lay, To hear the angela sing. Still through the cloven skies they come, With peaveful wings unfurled; And still celestial music floats O'er all the weary world; Above its sad and lowly plains - They bend on heavenly wing. And ever o'er its Babel sounds. The blessed angels sing. O ye. beneath life's crushing load, Whose forms are bending low. Who toll along the climbing way, " With painful stfps and slow . Look up! for glad and golden hours Come swiftly on the wing; O, rest beside the weary road. And hear the angels sing! For lo! the days are hastening on. By prophet bards foretold, When with the ever circling years Come round the age of gold! When peace shall over all the earth Its final spelmiors fling, And the whole world send back the song Which now the angels sing! My Gift. Out on the night I send "A merry Christmas" to you, my friend; And out of the silence I hear "A merry Christmas," from you, dear. Down In your eyea I gaxe; Dear, beautiful, trustful eyes, And as the Arab turns, and prays Toward the east, their look replies. Deep into your heart. I go. IVar, dear, loyalcst heart of gold. And where Its richest treasures flow. Drink of the goblet you hold. Into the depths of your soul I look. Longing and loving and dreaming of me, And road in that holy place a book Scribed with my love for thee. Come with me, friend, out Into the night, And let us together follow the star, DuHtroua, glimmering, mystical light Away o'er the desert afar. Hand clasping hand, eyes meeting eyes; Never a word, as exulting we rove; Poul thrilling soul, In that paradise. Finding each other, and love. Mrs. A. H. Stuckey. Broken Bow, Neb. Star-Led. Star of the East that shtneth. Back through the ages dim, Lead where the ChrlHt child recllncth. For we would worship Him. Wo bring Him love for gold, iReflned and purified, The love that was born when the nail and the thorn Revealed Him the crucified. We bring Him the incense of prayer. The prayer of a life's dally need; Like lin-ense It rises where our Savior low -Heth,- Where asses and oxen feed. We bring Him for myrrh our griefs. Bitter our cup with woe, But we offer It there, with our love and our prayer To the Child in the manger laid low. And our three-fold gift He receives. And bestows the crown of His love. And the light of that star through the ages afar Shall lead to His mansions above. Omaha, December, 190(S. B. N. T. Christmas Tree la the Nursery. With wild surprise-- ' '; ' Four great eyes - -Ffom neighboring bfds ' , : f . LMked out and Winked- And glittered and blinked ! it. r At a very queer sight In the dim star light. As plain aa can b A fairy tree Flashes and glimmers And shakes and. shimmers. Red, green and blue Meet their view; Silver and gold Their sharp eyes behold; Small moorts, big stars; And Jams In Jera, And cakes and honey And thimbles and money; Pink dogs, blue cats, Little squeaking rats. And candles and dolls And crackers and polls, A real bird that sings. And tokens and favors - And all sorts of things For the little shavers. Four black eyes Grow big with surprise; And then grow bigger When a tiny little figure, Jaunty and airy (Is It a fairy?) From the treetop cries, "Open Wide! Black Eyes! Come, children, wake now! Yonr Joys you may take now." Quick as you can think ; Twenty small toes In four Drettv rows. IJke little piggies pink. All kirk In the air And before you can wtnk The tree Btands bare! -Richard Wason Gilder. A Sonar for Christmas. Chant me a rhyme of Chrlslmaa Sing me a Jovial song And though It Is filled with laughter. Let It be pure and strong. Blng of tha hearts brimmed over Mlth the story of the day Of the echo of childish voloes That will not die away. Of the blare of the tasseled bugle, And the timeless clatter and beat Of the drum that throbs to muster Squadrons of scampering feet. But O, let your voice fall fainter, Till, blent with a minor tone. You temper your songa with the beauty Of the pity Chrlbt has shown. And sing one verse for the voiceless; And yet, ere the song be done, A verse for the ears that hear not, And a verse for tire sight leas one. For though it be time for singing A merry C'hrlHtmaa glee, Let a low sweet voice of pathos Hun through the melody. James Whitcomb Kiley, in Reader. The Magic Charm. 'Neath the merry mistletoe Watch them gather, Ho! Hot Hot Kate and Bess, and (Jrac and Flo, Lillian, Alice, Maud and Jo, Not a word or look to show. As they stand there, that they know They are standing Just below. Just beneaih the mialletoe! How unconaclouB! Ho! Ho! Ho! Mabel, Mildred, see them go Carelessly, with motion slow. Right beneath the mistletoe! Manifestly they don't know They're In danger. Ho! Ho! Ho! PalMtbly they fear no foe, 1 HluiH lie, and Nell, and I'olly, oh! ! I'ruiteni'e. C'ella, Ilelle and 'Loft, I I'nderneath the mistletoe, i Do they falter? No, no ,no! IK) tney lingerr on, on, oh! Odd what niukes their soft eyes glow! 6lrange what can attract them so Into peril, . Ho! Ho! Ho! Right beneath the mistletoe! Bofnervllle Journal. 1 Chleaaio KerTe-Wealtcalasf New York World. Bom 2. WO school boys and girls Sat for fifteen minutes In quiet order while smok and flames were pouring from the front windows of the adjoining building and th fir engine were at work In the street. Then they marched out exactly as usual. Yet a. nerv specialist in Chicago declares we are moving swiftly and Inevitably toward nervous prostration as a national malady and In two generations "w aro doorried." It must be Chicago nrv la which h l a apwiatlst. - THE OFFICE OF FOOD The office of food is to to furnish the vital materials WHEAT FLAKE CELERY mm As It Is made from the whole grain of wheat, with celery, will furnish the elements to supply, heat, energy, growth and repair. -Persons could live a long period of time with vigorous health upon nothing but thia Priori. 8 raUUble-Nutrltlowa-Eaay ... a kol i All Jroeer Merry Christmas Knabe, Kranich & Bach, Kimball, Bush-Lane, Hallet Davis, Cable-Nelson, Weser Bros., Whitney, Hinsel, Bur ton, Kramer, Biddle, Gilbert and Hospe Pianos. : : i You Know the Best. A. HOSPE & CO., 1513 Douglas Street. REDEEM THE PLEDGES. Tekamah Herald: W. B. Rose, chairman of the republican state committee, has writ ten an open letter to the republican mem bers of the Incoming legislature suggesting the better methods of enacting into law th pledges to reform measures incor. porated In the last state platform. He also points out the usual methods adopted by the lobby In defeating wholesome leg islation. If the members-elect will take heed and act on the advise they will be wise. Any member who will play the part of a traitor to his constituency in thia ses sion had better move to some other State. Tha people are in earnest. Political boss Ism, free passes and railroad dictation must go. Wlsner Free Press: .The republican party Is bound by Its platform, by the word of Its state committee and by the utterance of Its newspapers and campaign speakers to perform certain definite things, Includ ing the enactment of a law for the regula tion and control of railroads, an anti-pass law, a direct primary law and a law of railway terminals. The party press, which advocated these, measures. 0 effectively, be fore election, can assist In a good cause still fort..ef"tyk-keplng thehf "leWre: the 1 peopleJand by 'Insisting-that' the1 men to whom responsibility - for their enactment was entrusted shall exercise every precau tion to wHte them upon the statute books In such language that no court can over rule. Norfolk Press: It Is stated' that the democratic members of the legislature are forming a combination to "put the repub licans In a hole" during the coming session and If possible prevent the passage of any effective laws aimed to carry out republi can platform pledges, the aim ' being to create campaign thunder for the next elec tion. This may be good politics, but it Isn't good citizenship. The moment a man is elected to an office he should cease to be a partisan and become a servant of all the people. The member of the legislature who aids In , defeating wholesome legisla tion for mere partisan purposes becomes a servant of tne corporations instead of the people. It is to be hoped the demo cratic members of the legislature will rise above the level of the partisan. Fremont Tribune: In hla letter of timely advice to members of the legislature, State Chairman Rose didn't eay anything about th employes of the house and senate, which Is an Important matter. There are at least one or two men looking toward the clerk ship of the house, whose services might well be dispensed with. Old employes who have been handy men for the corporations In the past ought to be left aut. They have positions, particularly that of the chief clerk. In which they can effectually hinder and delay tha process of legislation. Bills can be shifted and ail sorts of Utile tricks played that will thwart the ends of justice and legislation, and employes have not always been above doing It. It Is essen tial to have them In harmony with th progressive legislative program, Some of the old railroad strikers will be on hand ready to accept favors from the legislature, where they can the aior effeotuuljy serve their corporation masters. The members should beware of them. Alnaworth Star Journal: The victory la never won until the fruits are gathered in. There was a great battle within the repub lican party last yearIn fact. It haa been going on for many year in this state. The progressive element won out In the pri maries and In the convention. Then came the great battle before the people, and there another signal victory was chronicled. But there Is still another battle to fight IE WISH friends urn VY their generous patronage, and we wish you one and all a : : Merry Christmas Browning, Ming $k Co R. S. WILCOX. Mgr. Closed All Day Christmas supply best and energy, for growth and repair. of Digestion and Ready lo Eal mm far s fe alMtet! Sf Col H MHUHJ sjui. ,.ckmg. a and that Is before the legislature this win ter. All those other battles are but pre liminary to this greater one, and unless we win there all the others will be lost. We must win. The republican party must make good Its pledges before the people. Chair man Rose is out In a strong letter to the members of the legislature, urging them not to forget the pledges and to redeem them. It Is a strong and a patriotic letter and ought to do much good in stiffening the backs of some who are noted as "weak sisters." The press of the Btate is giving the letter the strongest backing It caa give and we ought to win, though the ene mies are putting in extra time to aeieat all attempts at living up to our promises. SPICED DESSERT. Teacher Yes, Johnny, the hairs of our heads are numbered. j, Johnny Well, pa's must be twenty-thipflr? New York Sun. Irate Customer (energetically) I want a square, deal in this establlnhment. Placid Proprietor All right, sir. Show the gentleman some kitchen tables. Balti more American. Then Mr. Richley didn't teally give ac cording to his means?" said the minister's wife; j V i A ' ( 1 ; '"N-o," upliouU the nflrfimeri "merely ac cording to his meanness." Philadelphia Press. . . "The newly -elected governor, mays he Is going to be his own boss." "Married?" ' - ' 1 - "Yes." "Then I suppose he means to get along without a cook." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Doctor Your husbund needs a rest, madam, thnt's all. Mrs. Nagget I know he does, doctor, but no matter how much I talk to him he Doctor Don't tulk to Mm, madam. That's the sort of. rest he needs most. Philadel phia Press. "Your promptness, sir," said Dr. Prloe Pllce, "is quite refreshing, hut, really, I don't expect you to pay It all at once if It's going to embarraHs you." "The bill Is a big one. for a fact, but I don't mind that. I'm grateful to you for ! sparing my life," replied the victim. Phlla I delphla Press. Ascurh I notice you're very attentive to Miss Rnxlpy. Have you received any en couragement? Hunter I should say so. I received au thoritative Information that' she's worth at leant half a million dollars. Philadel phia Press. "I wish, Jane," said the fond mother to her new nurse, "that you would us a thermomoter to ascertain nt the water Is the rlgnt temptrature when you give . a bkby his bath." "Oh," replied Jane, cheerfully, "don't worry about that. If the Utile 'un turns red the water is too hot; If it turns blue It's too cold, and there you are." Life. "The air In the crowded street cars 1 something awful, don't you think?" "Yes, but I've found a clever way of counteracting It." "Kh! How's that?" "I walk." Cleveland Plain Dealer, First Congressman What do you think of the president's sending us six special messages In a week? Second Ditto I think In self-defense we ought to pass an ami-wholesale rat bill. Baltimore American. "I told you," said the merchant, "to mark this box 'handle wlti care.' What's this nonsense you've painted here?" "That,'' said the college graduate, "la the Luln for 'handle with car.' " "How do you expect a baggageman to understand that?" "He won't, and therefore he won't get mad and smash the box." Philadelphia Press. . "You can't show me a single reason." blustered the paterfamilias, "why w should go to the seashore this summer." "What!" cried his wife, pointing to their quartet of marriageable daughters. "I can show you four single reasons." Philadel phia Uedgec to thank our and patrons for 9 1