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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, OCTOBER evr- "eaflBBBHBIaBtMBla1 5! v 2 Spcclih In Our 5 CHILDREN'S DEPT. Second Floor Old Store Children's white and colored bear akin coat a Saturday pcisl J" bargain at ..6m J" Children's heavy winter roaf in f O Jul 11 11 New Unclcrmusliti Depl. Main Floor -Old Store We cfi'er "ature,e cue lot r.. 40 doren ladies' (61 J M M Mr ITU M owting flannel night rsq fowni, ra-gotarly wot th Tip T I I 1 j b each. Terr atrial at, each B' Myk VV V 25 doan ladles miling flannel flown, eyu Urly worth $1.00 and l.2i TP "V. 3 f a alt colon, goat. cu. T 5 Children' pretty plaid wool dresses, priced for Saturday only, at 1.50 0OS I ?v f Children' nobby heavy mixture winter Pcisll priced for Sat ut da at, each 5 M coats-an exceptional 3.98 M H offer at. BBBBBBBBvBBvBBBB5-BbT 1 i - I J i)J 0J Mi (i r 4 i i HtBlBBBBSSBBBBB si ,! Saturday Specials in Cloak Depl. 5 2 n M HI n a 1 I- o&vX iW'r"' SI.' . p-.-Tv. 1;!', '' .'I'. '1 ,Vi Udif' $10 Cloaks, all latest styles, at $6.58 We place on sale Saturday a epecial lot of 60-inch novelty pattern coats, made with combina tion cloth collar, wide fJ Qfl ttfrtaa Inhnrlrnnrt fnnr.ii 1 1 ar VF pockets a coo tfo at $10-00' goes at Long Novelty Cloth Coats at $9.98 The fancy plaids, checks and mix turesthe popular 50-inch length all thoroughly tailored, TyQ& correc tly made and S&UJV trimmou a reiruinr BRANDHS' EXQUISITE RHLLINERY n M HI 'i $15 coat, at. The Stunning Itlack Tlroadioth Coats Spe cial uunibera in thpie very popular coats with full aatin lining and wide braid trim ming a fine as sortment, priced at Our Sjtreial Silk Pettk-oat There never bo fore was a petticoat of such high m Oft 1 ... . 4htM -n 1 .1 I 'U iiiotii.j in 1.JA113 buui. oti euni nt er bo- 4- LADIES' TAILOR. MADE FALL SUITS M This puit has lots of style it fits vrell, wears splendidly and gives all tht? appearance of a much higher priced suit; new styles, new fabrics, at. . . . The Famous Fashionseal Suits T . broadcloth, serires. cheviots and novelties excellent hand tailoring styles are the top notch of elegance equal to most $35 suits 522 You have your choice of the styles or materialA that are most becoming to you the eton, pony coat or blouse style many stylish checks and plaid effects, in this group, every suit well tailored and shape .f f. vnliie. at U M 0mm A Stunning Dress Hat $ Suitable lor Horse Show or Evening Saturday we show a maUhless Array of h newly arrived copies of Parisian hats. Ihese are shtwn for the first time and in- kj elude silk velvet hats, trimmed with orna- y merits and long ostrich plumes; also French $ felt hats, trimmed with long estrich feath- ers and fine ornaments; also, beautiful felt hats, trimmed with ribbons, breasts and Q fancy feathers such stun- fT r, ning hats as these couldt lj - ""-v not be duplicated anywhere else for less than $10 or $12 Q If will go at, each.. , $5 Long Ostrich Plumes at $2.50 Beautiful long ostrich plumes in black, white and $ colors a large assortment, in millinery & deportment regular $5.00 values, jpjw g at I. A Vonr TvfnlIeK Crnat ricAoc. lltir t 0 tZ V These hats would bring from$3.50 to $5 almost anywhere else in America all the & latest small and Urge shapes newest colors trimmed with feathers, f. fBeB4flBB4BBBflB4B414B4BeBBvBBBBBBBEeBBBflBB2 ilK JEWEIM, snvmwASEi bbI wl Tllflck Bends, 72 inclica i Our own imported' iet m long, all imported chains. : jewvMry. all t he very hit- m linked with gun metal, j reiislan ideas in plo. worth mTo 5. at ; b,.a,..!pl!,. ()r8 collars, ' beaOb, l.a Vollieis all at ' popular prices. J J Importer's entire ptof); of.mounted combs. These 5 sre ssniplvs and worth up H to 15. V) each. HnturilHy, each a 75c, $1, $1.25 59c to $2.00 FANCY HAT PINS Brsndeis Own Importation 2 Big special sale of Brantkis own impota- f A JfW, Vj m tion ladies' fancy hat pins, the orettiest, most 4tth )x $11 VlP M H MM I :ie highest quality suits, made of fine 5? Brandeis is headquarters for the girlish effects and jaunty little novelties for child ren. a large assortment oi velvet pokc Don nets ana oaoy shapes. also school hats and Juvenile dress shapes special prices in children's section, third floor unique collection ever seen in Omaha ;have been I H3f 25c-5c-10c-15c-25c r.fY Extra Special Prices in Silverware 184 7, Rogers Bros.' bet quality 16 dwt., six knives and ' six forks, at 3.75 H M 5 H IS 47, Roger Bros.' extra plate, Al vintafte and Berkshire patterns, set of six. . . . 1.19 1 Sterling sliver 9J5-1.000 Souvenir Spoon, fcaaring picture High School, Court House, Auditorium, or State House. v after dinner size, at 1 each Ladies Leather Wrist B&.gs and Strap Purses 25c I All the leading ahades of brown, black, green, leather lined, with 2, 3 and 4 da. m ana orn buy these becoming upto-date hats Saturday at, each New and Stylish Hats for Children and Misses - fittings, at, each. Ladies' Shoes ol High Quality $25! J. L. Brandeis (SL Sons EBvBvBeBBvBBBvBBvB4BvBB4BBvBB4B4BBBeBBBB4BBBM P. i Ladies' fashionable footwear new styles in lace and but- ton, all the correct lasts in all heels, from common 5 sense to extra French and Cuban heels, form fitting and splendid wearing, $3"3 50 J fit ... , ....V J Ked Cross Shoes Tha sole bends with the foot, per- - M at feet shoe comfort and style, at . . . . )1 Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes for Ladies Absolute ( r ease iu walking, stylish new lasts, at. m eBBBOBBBvBBBBvBTBBvBB4B4BBBTBvBBvaBBB4IBlB4B AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Bepubliots Ara Bhawine: atnob Eithu iaim in ths Prsatat OampaicQ. LIVELY MLETlNG AT f RANf K'S HALL I ..(rtumu Kcaitdr, C'.nt.r . trBy MilM.ti end t.esl.latfv CiiUitci Make Kffrrtl. following the orginla8t!rri of th repub licans of South Omnha Into a c inral club Wdneitday night, one that niU work In harmony to a common end for a common latin, cam. th. ovorflow meeting at Fran t k'a halt, in Brown park, last night, prac tically .vory republican voter In that por tion of th. city waa there, a was a great many democrat, to hear the principle, of i republlcaniarr1 expounded. Such a me.tinff a waa held laxt night has not h'm w'.t nwitd In South Omaha In yean, for both crowds and enthusiasm. Congreaman John 1 Kenndy waa tha principal apeaker and at once captured hi. audience. Hta Introduction by Chairman John Trouten waa followed by rounda of applause. Mr. Kennedy made a brief talk oov.rlng th. Iiwnies of the campaign and Vropoeed a aland itat policy for reouhltoanei et large. H alao atatod that thr.r. would a number of democrata who would vote th. republican tlrket becauo. of th. fact ' that In all the history of the United State tli. republican party Vaa been the hl.tory making parly of the country. In short, the rrty that doe. thing.. Following Mr. Kennedy waa County At torney Slabaugh with a short talk covering th. working, of his office during hi. In- cumbtney and asking support and election at the hands of the party because of what h. haa done. The placing of over 175,000 inheritance tax In the county treasury wa thoroughly explained, as was the benefits to th. taxpayers. The first part of th. meeting w given over to the candidates for the state legis lature, all of whom exploded the Idea that th. democratic party Is the originator of the home rule Idea by demonstrating con clvjilvely and to the entire satisfaction of tho audience that a republican member of the senate from the district of which South Omaha Is n part, at th. last session of the legislature, presented a bill giving the two cities of Omaha and South Oinaha the privilege of nelf-government or home rule. Th. efforts of the same men will be put forth to the same end this winter if they are sent again to Lincoln. The Omaha can didates to a man favored heme rule for South Omaha and Omaha and pledged their efforts along with those of Senator Gibson to that end. Between each talk an orchestra rendered choice so!ectlons. i All ir all. the meeting was a typlcRl re publican one. full of enthusiasm, republican good cher and demonstrated that the po litical aspiration of th. democratic candi date at the hands of the Routh Omaha voter will be without avalL lber AskeJ. It had been hoped that when th. Tnti.r atat. Commerce commission was In Omaha It would South Omaha, There are not a few In the city who think It I. due. Th. reaaon Ilea In the presence of several hun dred (Ireek laborers now employed In th. packing hoUKea of the city. It Is believed that they are working under a system bor dering en peonage. They ar. shipped in. so It U stated, under contracts from va rious points of this country, and not a few com. her. from Greece itself. Thae men do not draw their own checks, but they go through th. form of glvlrg a power of at torney to the superintendent of the colony and ho drawa the checks. It Is said that h. exacts certain sen-Ice according to regula tions agreed upon before the work la done, and If they fall in any particular they are subject to fines and dockage. The super intendent has a bakery, a boarding house, a restaurant and numerous lodgings, lit also runs a pool table. No part of the money spent by the colony got-e except through his hands. Large numbers of Greeks came Into, town during the past summer with the expectation of working on the South Omaha sewers, but this labor failed them. They ore largely employed In the packing houc. The bead of th. South AT THE PLAY HOUSES. "Coin in a; Tbro' the Rye" at the Boytl. "Coming Thro' th. Itye." a Bong-plny In two acta; book bv O-orge V. llolu-tl mtiHlo by A. Be.ldwln Sloane: under direc tion of the Will J. Block Amusement com pany. The princloals: Nott. the tailor Frank Lxlor Lord Battersbee, the Englishman '. Fr;u)k Iioane Vandyke Brown, the artist John B. I'ark William C actus Claude, the cowboy William Kiloy Hatcn Maron Sna-ce. th. riresn agrtnt.Blllee Taylor Omaha colony Is a (.reek, whose name In !-uguRtii3 J'lcto, matrimonial aacnt hi. business transaction, i. P. M. Snyder. F.a.1Vr,hVr; the IndanV.V.rlcs Sw Second Day of Real. (ratios. ! Prouoho Roy By Himself Today Is tho second day of registration, i iIrr- Kobbtbe capitalist.. Suscla for the , Season .$5 An Elegant $3 Hat for. An Eleff&nt r ""T 510 Hat for.vf) During the entire season we will carry a good Silk Vel vet Picture Hat, trimmed in one plume or two f tips, for vp D Lergevt a.oortme-nt of Ventilated and Wotea romp 1 the city. We carry an extra good wary three tent switch for S3.00. Ask to sue' our Marcrl wavUig. F. IX Schadell &Co. ISJa 1MHGLA3 HTKKKT. It will ba a great convenience to the cam paign committee. U' all the voters of the city will see to It that they ar. registered. An effort will be made to reach all th. un registered votei. before the last day of registration, so th. work will be materially lessened if the voter, see to it that their ! names arj down. The following are the j place, of registration: j First Ward, First District Twentieth and Mlusourl avenue; Second district, I Thompson' plumbing shop, j Second Ward, First IMstrlct Twentieth ami K streets; Second district, Twenty- fourth and Q .tree).. ' Third Ward. First District Rroadwell & ' Rich's coal yard: Second district, Thirty. I fourth and U streets. Fourth Ward. First District Twenty plxth and P .treets; second district, Q street, between Twenty-ninth and Thir tieth. Fifth Ward. First District 722 North Twenty-seventh street: Second district, Thlrtv-nlnth and !, streets. Sixth Ward. First District 114 North Twenty-fnnrtli street: Second district, 416 North Twenty-fifth -street. Xaale City !,. G. B. Gstford. livery. Tel. 10. Dr. Aberly, Wth and N. Tl. A S3 Mrs. Thon .a HfK-tor entertained a num- I br ot guests Wednesday evening. Chattel and salary loans, !4V N St. All business, confidential. 1. Christiansen, Seventeenth and J street, reports the advent of a son. Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to all parts of th. city. Telephone No. 1 Jsmet Koutsky has been enjoying some fine duck shooting in the sand hills. Andy Dupont and John t)nak were lined small sums in police court esterday. The Women's Afternoon club meets this afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. C Gib kOll. O. B. Gafford, moving and transfer. Tel. lug. .The Ancient Order of Hibernian, will glv. a ball Tuesday .vening, October lo. at Odd Ptlloas' hall. N. D. Mat.n ha. been entertaining Dr. S. Stewart of Kaunas City, dean of th. Col lege ot Veterinary Surgery. H. T. Brass and 1. A. Kellogg have chosen oppoait. .idea for a membership contest for th. Young Men's Chrlsilau as. soclaiion. - K. M. Rohrbaugh testified before th. Jirand Jury Wedneaday. Hi. testimony, tt s auppoavd, referred to th. Missouri ave nue paving. Superior lodge No. 193. Degre. of Honor, till nolj a special maeting Friday atter- MIrs Stella Mayhew IiIIta. the modl Miss Alma Toultn Bossie Claude, the cowgirl Wise Bessie Gibson Co'jiitebS Christiana Miss Christine Worthing Llisette. Mrs. KohVs maid MIrb Florence Townsend It d'-fiee description this arrangement of music and fun that Messrs. Hobart and Bloane have concocted. In the mixture there la a little bit of everything, and It is put together like a good 'pousse cafe, ao that you cannot only detect the colore of th. cordial, and liqueurs used, but can enjoy the separate and distinct flavor of each, and yet all are blended with thot exact nicety that make the drink an homo geneous whole. Some folks may not under stand this simile, but al! "who have known the pleasing thrall of the clink of the Ice In the pitcher the boy brought down the hall" will appreciate the fact that It Is Intended to be raid in praise of "Coming Thro' the Rye." Taken to piece, it amount, to very little; In Its completnesa, tt la a delight. Stella Mayhew la the "hcadliner" of th. enst; she 1. big and brimming over with fun Of th untlnct tired sorl-Jufcl good, honest, every day fun. llr part Is a musl. j cal comdy Mr.. Mulaprop. and she cer tainly doe use th English language it th. Work- uoon, October 26, at 1 p. m. m-ii tempi., The case, against Henry C. Murphy ar t John Ungga have now oen closed, with the diinlial of all th. charge, preferred by Bradean. Mr. and Mr.. K. S. Harlan of Atlantic. I la., ar. the gueets of Mrs. O. M. B. hlndei -cnjuyiuB m. attractions of th. Oiuaha Horse Show. Frank H. ftoberson ram. to town yea terday and reported to th. Young Man Christian association at rn u would be rtady tomorrow to glv his lec- I lure on Russia. 1 Bwlft at.d Company ba. their Improve ments mell undr way, consisting of a Urge four-story beef bouse, alth modern cement walla. Th. coei 1. Mtluiaied at about fluu.uuu. It I. reported that the Mollti. Plow com pany ha. purtba-a two acre, or land frjm Kd. Hamlliuu. The tract la located on th. cuurs. of tli. tracks which will socvuuuv date th. Jetter brewery. it. A. Young, th. new aecretarr of the loung Men's ChriMlau .satiation, put in hia m-kt day's work yesterday. He is a i it. n of mtdilla age and haa Hie app. arance ol bving a uplritrd mukir. Muke an offc-r on th. nurthweat corner of lMh and Mhmourl Ave. a nearly new house, ,t front, and neat cottage, south frunt; two new lot.. Rooux.for two more houxe. W:i eil on cut te;m. Pi li e .,; N. P. Vsrttg. t, ts, IT. aroa4a al ran . NAMg ON tVISV Sltl' f r t I II Always Delicious Pure I Wbolasome Digcatible I Oa Box will make II A Happy Hornet h Every Sealed Peckar ruarantecd Frecn and Full Veignt flaar Sum mm4 BaaAsO aa axcJasiys sjaa Am UiA THE WALTKK M. LOWNEY CO. M&aars W Cm aad CfcauliM OSTOM, MASS. ahafnefully, but with a smile and a charm of manner and utterance that makes It nil the mora delicious. She haa aome songs, but ia suffering from a cold to the extent that singing la almost out of the question. Nevertheless, she had to ing last "night until It waa Impossible for her to go on. Then there is Frank Ijilor, wtth hi lugubrious countenance and sepulchral ut terance, also a well-spring of laughter causing antlca and expressions. Frank Doane as Lord Battersbee la a clever ex ponent of tho musical comedy Englishman. It may be doubted if they exlat anywhere else, but they serve mighty well ft targets In thi sort of thing. Alina Toultn ia the aveet, graceful little singing girl we ad mired In other roles similar to her preejnt. Her voice la good and her presence a treat. Florence Townsend ia a aprlghtly miss wlm danOa with wondrous grace, and the others are worthy of the company. A chorus of uncommonly energetic girls, among them the much-talked about "Gee Gee" midgets. enlivens the spaces between songs, and adds to the effect of several of the numbers. It you are Just looking for nonsense, and like it served with a piquant sauce, "Com ing Thro" the Ry." ia what you want. It will be at the Boyd the rest of the week, with a ma'.lnee on Saturday Wll 1 la m a aad Walker at tke Kraft. "Abyssinia," th. new v.hlole in which Williams and Walker ar. thia aeason en abled to exploit their talents, is proving a real winner. Last evening at th. Krug, where a 8. R. O. house greeted the come dians, these colored leaders In their lino gave evidence of genuine ability In the deft touchea of comedy, while a strung support ing company did sveil In dancing, soloa, choruses and a general whirlwind of fun and melody. The stage aettlnga of "Abys sinia'' are superb, the fourth scene being particularly pretentious, with King Menelik IT. on hi throne and entertained by his subjects and a company of colored people kuppoaed to be visiting Abyssinia. Bert A. Williams, aa Jasmin Jenkins, "always with the money," and George W. Walker, aa Raslus Johnson, V. 8. A., take a trip from Kansas to Abyssinia with aome colored friends. Johnson takea with him nearly all the currency issued by tli. United States government, and is rather prodigal In hi. distribution of the same, giving Jenkins an armful of greenbacks on the slightest provocation. Jenkins spends all hia allowance for a camel, and when im portuned by Abyssinia pottery monger, to buy a Jar b. find he doe. not have "th. change." After a fight with All Foshah, one of the mongers, Jenklna Is arrested fur stealing a Jar and la arraigned before the king. The acene In th. court room la a rich bit of comedy work, In which act the tars show their consummate ability as comedian. A clcv.r Hone Show hit wa. given In the second aceqe, when Walker sang "Rastus Johnson, TJ. 8. A.," with four clever young women in a danoe and aong specialty. Mr. Walker, with whip In hand and Horse Show color flying, drives hi four high stepper, to a lively and captivating tun. A Ida Overton Walker doc. soma clever work In both singing and dancing, being graceful of limb and tuneful In voice. There are other clever people In the ahow, and all In all "Abyssinia" 1 a well balanced entertain ment . The management haa been lavish In the costuming and generous In stage aet tlnga. "Abyssinia" will be repeated thia and Saturday evening, with usual Saturday matinee. 1 i- 1 - ROTES ON CKARA SOCIETY The Oroaha club, commodious aa it is, could scarcely accommodate the large num ber of member, who went there laat even ing Immediately alter the Horse show for supper. One of the largest parties was that of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cuiahy. who en tertained Mr. and Mr. Charles Deuel, Dr. and Mrs. Fred Lake and Mr. and Mr. Floyd Smith. Mr. and Mr-. J. W. Foye had as their guests .Mr. and Mrs. William Tracy Burn. Mr. B. C. McShane and Mr. Harry Tukey. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgess and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Megeath were together and Mis. J. II. Pratt entertained Judge and Mrs. D. M. Vinsonhaler and Mr. and Mr. F. B. Hochstetler. With Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Gilbert were Mrs. Leroy Taylor of New York and Mr. and Mr. W. B. Melkle. , Mr. and Mr. W. J. C. K.nyon enter-1 talned Mr. and Mrs. George H. Palmer and ' Mre. Frank Lightner of St. Paul. Minn. In compliment to Mis Peck of Chicago Miss Ella Mae Brown entertained at din ner at the Omaha club Thursday evening before the Hors show. Cover were laid for Mis Peck, Mis Webster. Miss Brown. Mr. Arthur Cooley, Mr. Stockton' Heth and Mr. Earl Gannett.. Mr. and Mr. Nathan Merriam enter tained at dinner at the Omaha club Thurs day evening in honor of Miss Carey of Chicago and afterward took their gueate to the Horse ahow. Covers were laid for Mix. Carey. Miss Natalie Mtrrtam, Mr. George Redlck, Mr.' Barton Millard and Mr. and Mrs. Merriam. Mrs. Casper E. Yost wa hostess at a very enjoyable kenslngton Thursday after noon. American Beauty roses were need to decorate the rooms and pink carnations and pink-shaded candle adorned the table In the dining room. Assisting Mr.. Tom were Mr.. Richard Carrier, Mr.. Parmelee of .Council Bluffs, Mr.. O. A. Joslyn, Mrs. C M. Morsman, Jr., and Mrs. J. R. Bcoble. In honor of Mrs. Samuel Megeath of FTonkltn, Pa., and Mr.. Edward Smith of St. Joseph. Mo., Mrs. Ward Burgess en tertained at luncheon Thursday. Th. tab)., prettily decorated with red and white roses, was laid for Mrs. Megeath, Mr. Edward Smith, Mis Webster. Miss Peck of Chi cago. Mrs. Herbert Wheeler, Mrs. Harry Wilkina, Mr. J. T. Stew.rt. second; Mrs. Charles T. Kuuntse, Mrs. Mclntyre, Mia. W. S. Poppleton, Mrs. Joseph Barker and Sir. and Mrs. Burgesa. Miss Eldridg. of New York. Miss Julio Hlgginnon. Mr. Gould piotx and Mr. Law. rence Brinker were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Bwobe at dinner Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mra. William Sear Poppleton gave a dinner Thursday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Megeath of Frank lin, Pa. The table was prettily decorated with pink row .and pink-shaded candle, and was laid for Mr. and Mrs. Megeatl., Mr. and Mrt. Ward Burgess, Mr. and Mm. A. C. Smith, Mr. Edward Smith of St. Joseph. Mo.; Mr. Sherman Canfleld of Sheridan, Wyo.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kountse and Mr. and Mrs. Poppleton. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Walsh relebraud their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary Wednesday evnlng at their home, 1314 South Forty-eighth street, by entertaining about seventy-fiV friends, who were cor dially welcomed by the host In a short ad dress, after which chort talks were made by Rev. Dr. Schleh. Dr. Merriam, Mr. Charles ITnitt, Mr. Wulpl of Chicago and other. Dainty1 refreshments were oerved late in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walsh received many beautiful gifts. Mr. and Mr. WalHh have resided in Omaha mar.y years, and Mr. Waluh, who is state man ager of the Woodmen of the World, stands high among the American fraternal bene ficiary organizations. Mrs. Basford, the wlf. of Bishop Baas ford. I th. guest of a classmate, Mrs. T. S. Leavltt. 42 Cass street. Mrs. F. 8. Stein of Lincoln and Mrs. E. D. Huntley of Washington, P. C. acting aecretary of tha Baltimore branch of the Women's Foreign Missionary society, are also guest of Mr. Leavltt. Mr. Grace Carter Haynea of Chicago Is the guest of Mr. Fred C. Haynea and mother at 830 South Twenty-ninth street. She will remain a week. PAINT SHOPS F0rt HARRIMAN Bid. for Strartare Asked of Loral .Ceatractora by the tale Paclfle. The Union Paclfle has asked local con tractors to submit bid for the construction of paint ahope, whli h are to be erected us part of the terminal shop system In Omaha, on which. Including equipment, the com pany Is spending about tl.0Q0.000. The building 1 to be of brick, one and one-half stories In height, 6x3G0 feet In dimensions, and similar In construction to the shop building, now under way. Bids are being taken by Met Bros, on the construction of a new bottling house at their brewery. This will be two stories la h'-lglil and will huvc a large ground area. MILLER BUYS IN MURRAY Proarlel.r ef ll.r Uraaa sat Mil lard Gate Half la Tklrd Hetel. Rom. Miller haa bought from K. H. Hall a half intere.t In the Murray ho'ol property, at the northwest corner of Fourteenth and Harney streets, paying 120,388. The other half 1. owned by Mr. N. P. Brown, who operates th. hotel. Th. building 1. six stories and la Mill feet. It 1. .aid at th. Murray that Mrs. Brown will ccutuiu. t. vptrais la bvttl. Cured by Dr. Bull' Cough. Syrup. This dangerous throat disease haa Often led to mora serioy. and fatal diaeaaes through Bg leot to sure it ia its first ateges wits DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP DTO I have iut rotten over severe case of Kron en!! la, whloh I ooiiiracutd from riding on the Surface oar. which wart ao crowded, ooinpelllog iu. to.taudoo Ui. platform. I waa to peek for several day, and i owe uiy complete guooerr alelr to Lr. Buii's Couch hyrap." Jeaale bohuixe, laJ Laxiagtoa Ave., haw York. SAMPLE, SENT rit to all madera. Vi want vnn V va ahaotnta oonadeuoe in Dr. Bull . Cough Srruu and. to ini eno. will .una you a aainpi. tree. II rou wtu wnte ror it ant mention th i r.i,ir Addreaa A. O. i. 1 0 Beilimore. Md. TAKB NO SUBSTITUTE. The auhetltute whloh a dea ler may try to tell yos oo the aierits of Dr. Sull's Cong a, rrrup I. alia pi f a very eHaily put up eongh rail Mir. t),.t r-aa lilra a be 'tar arudt. a -aular yuui a.a. tt tax laa-'d lU. eauSCuuga byr.u. J-tt.. xj, av usa.