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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1906)
j. s 1 I i JTHK OMAHA PAHA UVAlt SATURDAY, UlTUltKK J7, l!'(Ki. THIG.IS THE HOGT P C3 E E A L GALE THE WEST MAS EVER IvfJOUH OuijIl lb u U lyJ U lb l!a ' t Jl - . i t. Is. 0 TTscri rra rp f r a fAl IF JL t nn r yy j Your Choice of Ail the Men's Winter OVERCOATS and SUITS actually worth $12.50, $13.50 and $15. on ' tile it Ii 1 nun in. 1 1 iJOW ON SALE AT least 10 leiiiis -on the lo ar All the Boys' and Children'! OVERCOATS and REEFERS From ths Big Stock. Actually worth $4.50 and $5 at Brand eis has given greater bargains in mens clothes than any store hi the west. All Omaha knows this.. Thit sale i the greatest thfct Brandeis ever held. The suits and orercoats are of the finest kind the bargains are enormous. Buy your orercoat or suit Saturday and take advantage of this extraordinary sale. Such bargains may never occur again. YOUR CHOICE OF ALL THE MEN'S FINEST HAND TAILORED OVERCOAT AND SUITS 11 From the wholesale stock -the very latest and most deairable styles and newest patterns -fetich splendid clothes at tkese should regularly , bring frons $20 U'f2f-Ynir choice of this great assortment Saturday at... sdtZiu - r m Em 1 1 1003 Pairs of Boys' $2 KNICKERBOCKER corduroy nnn PANTO (8 to 1 6 jrn if lib Choice from the Wholesale Stock Men's $8.50 and $10 Overcoats a"d Suits on Sale In Dasoment, at ... All the Men's Higi-Srads uil PAHTS s worth $3.50 and $4. at ! 1 j- 1 ki- I I ..f : :'; :.'. '1 fi ! , ! I 1 f V 4 ' x ! t ' - I' ' ) I I 1 li- : Ml " 1 The Best RSen's Shoes i That Ever Sold at 3 The new styles for fall and winter in men's single or double 5 sole sho-e. These are in patent colt C f skin, vici kid. gun metal, velour or box J wSJ can, an sizes; epienaia 111 ana wear. Every pair is a $3 or $3.50 valne, for. h t Snappy New Styles in Shoes for Men. We can satisfy you that these ilioen re equal 1 moat $5.0(J shoe shown In Omaha. The newest lasts and styles that appeal strongly to young men who vant style to their footwear. You save a dollar and. a half to two t"i rtnllara An thojt fthnea V at M M is S ! n M T,7 Men's j Boys' Sample Sweaters 50c-98c-P 1 1 K'l Sample Hats, 58c 98c These are the sample lines of the Brooklyn and Na tional Knitting Co. good warm sweaters in plain and fancy perfectly, at...;... colors -fit the figure worth up to f3.50- 9 as H Men's Warm Winter Underwear 98c Wright's $1.50 Health Fleer Underwear for Men at. a garment : ;3 and 3-15 I All thn leading hriu(, niCllffA and tin box om, new pattern, at $1, $1.50, $2 Men's line wool and fleeced under- YiT.t.25c-S8c-50c Sole agents Dr. Ruff's German Health. Underwear " Munsing Union Underwear for Z?-.. 1.50 to 4.50 Cooper's Ribbed Underwear, vests f.nd pants at, "garment. .1.50 to 2.98 BBBSBBB4BBBBBBBBBBBBB4BB1BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH This is the greatest hat sale we ever. held. 1,200 sample hats, entire sample line of two manufacturers soft and ' stiff hats in even new shape and color. worth up f5 jffc ' to 3-twu Ut?rand lots, at w THE STETSON HAT The acknowledged leader throutrnout the world. Thousiinds of meu are loyal to this brand soft and derbv shapes, at . . . . IlraiKlci HiMM-ial Hut All the latest styles in sort and stiff effects, at H "f mften-: ?--? Boys' and Childrens Winter Caps at 49c4. 2 BBBB4BE494BlSBfl4BEBBB4B'BSBnVk'BtBB4BM w UIIVI VJVM 98c 3.50 if! 1 I Dowglaa YV-W ) y y y V V VjvO Douglas 8 A full supply of fresh meats will always greet your eyes, if you look through our establishment and Ice boxes. We know your wants and know how to meet them In meats of all desirable kinds beef, mutton, lamb, poul try and sausage, too. If you choose you will lose nothing, but gain much by ordering meats here. For Saturday special we offer 5,000 pounds of pig pork loin at, per f f g&i; pound 65c rOPVRnitlT. Our Tea and Coffee Department Where the Ankola, Java and Mocha blend la made, are offering for Saturday "f our special 85c blend at, pound iUC POTATOES Won't forget to let us have your order for your atock of winter potatoes, now, as the six carloads from the sand hills of western Nebraska will soon be exhausted. We are selling them in lots, per bushel . . CANDY' Our home-made candles, pure and fresh, made while you wait are being snapped up by lovers of sweets In a degree that evinces ths fact that people do appreciate purity and mholesomeness. rattioa. an flavor Bltd Pfnut per pound t OWfc, pr pound TVantit Brtttl., 11,-. I Ans.l Food Tffy P-T pound ItJfc. pr pound See 'era made. Watch the man pull the taffies. SPECIAL Sacred Lily Bulbs. each 10c 18c 5c MEREST FLAGS IN GERMANY EDtbuiiaim in Foreica Itirtiani Difficult ts Snitiia in Eaiiei's Laid? REPORT CF DELEGATE TO CONVENTION 0 Scnndlaavlaii Work la Reported Makina Better Prosreaa, the Varlona Drpartiueata Gala las In , ftremfth. various buIU1lng and pro2H.rtlc of tlic o- clety, . vurloa from the varloun countricc. ! Ons . department 1 exhibiting and milling" I drawn work done by the poor widows ot i China under the direction of the Indus trial school managed by Mli8 Jean Ada. .is at Foochow. These widows aro from an abandoned class, who have no relatives l j support them and have been cant off lo starve. They aVe taken Into the Industrial school and taught to support themselves. Thl. rlrnu-n twirU 1 inuFi'.lnnulv flni. .. ... ,-, much superior to the Mexican work, and Is I done on linen of very fine texture that Is I only to be had In China. The c.ollei tlon ! includes pieces valued from 'Jo cents to i JWO, and the proceeds of the sale go to the Reports . occupied Friday morning s ses- t support of the Work. GRAIN MEN ARE AROUSED .'oil's toot Getting "Special Friilern" Threaten to Vais Trouble. INVESTIGATION STIRS UP HOT FEELING slon of the Methodist Women's Foreign Missionary society In progress at First Methodist church, and few aside from the voffiig strength of the convention were present. The postponed report of the Ger man work was made by Miss C. L. Roth weller of Columbus, O., secretary of that department. She sale' there Is little com- Vltnas ho llerrd Tratifr end impera that I'rlutrd Hepurla Ar Condt'innrd bj tr- lalu I'trtom. ' TEN YEARS OLD. SATURDAY, OCTDBER 27, 1905 GRAND UiONTEAGOHY Out till a Branch .Around tiie Grain exchange Friday inorri in the talk, outside of the, rcstilar trading, was on the mvoMlKution madn by the Intt.r- The exercises began at 7:4j and were r,r. prehension of the dlfnculty experienced In sided over by Mrs. II. Imbodon The prln keeplng up the Interest among the German ,.lpal addreps.s were msde by Mlwi Fian women of Europe, and expressed the die- c 8rolt FlorPnce Marshall vh. appointment of tho German constituency at (Hlkod on Ulp dtail, of . wcrk , M, the refusal of the last meeting to grant I w nere thpy nrft Ioratrd A lnln,b(.,. Its retiucet.lo withdraw and organize as , of rxp,anatorv Bvc,h,. wrrp m h one of the branchea. Paper, have been j oHlep WQmpn who ,,, of f presnted for one new missionary candl- fent ... n, ,,,, , . . ... and aress or the natives and sung the well Friday evening .designated as India night, had in store for the visitors a most enter taining program at the First Methodist i tnt Commerce comiiiLssHm in the laM two Episcopal church, but the rain and exceed- ( ,la'- u develops "iero weie- lew gium ingly high wind Hcpt tiie attendance lower I M'n h"1 were-"siirprlsed" by sonic or the than at the preceding gatherings of lhe ! conditions brought to 'ii;ht with reference convention. ' to- relations of curtain of the elevators with" tho railroads. On the tes-timony of tonic of the elevator men that they have been enjoying certain BENEFIT MATINEE GOOD ONE Man"or Burg and the members of the different theatrical coiVipanlea playing In Mill la Eaeelleat and Larar t Aialrnrr Omaha this week donated their services. fSreeta the Artors from Varloaa Theaters. A large audience attended the matinee I at the Boyd theater Friday afternoon. ! which was a beneilt performance donated by the managers of the various theaters for the Studio club, an organisation of iievspaicr men., All the act were warmly applauded, each being given .several en MISSIONARY FALLS FROM CAR Mlaa Ilia llaa China dale from the Germans and this, having one of their own women In the Held, will, she said, tend materially to stimulate the interest, and enthuMasin of the German wemeu. The Scandinavian work was reported by Its secretary. Mrs. A. Farrell of Seattle, Wash. The Swedish work was opened Ave years ago end receipts for this year will amount to a,'2.37. an Increase of over last year's, Indicating the growth of the work. The report of the children's work waa equally gratifying, 166 new or ganizations having been added In eeven branches this year as follows: New York branch, In: Philadelphia branch. 20; Balti more branch, ; Northwestern branch, 218; Cincinnati branch, 6U: Minneapolis branch, 13, and Pacific branch, 12. The' other branches have not reported. , t kcnif To Proaraut. The departure of the missionary candi i date, Jtisscs Welthy H. Honslnger, Alice Krethorm. Minnie L. Hank and Illene Tang, for the west this morning, to Kail from Seattle for Chin next Wednesday, changed J tha prcgrani Tor the afternoon and instead ; of the candidates telling why they go to the foreign field, the returned mlsftloiurl?s Individual experience that laid them to go Into the mlsson work. Two l.lorer front Fboalder Ills located. SfiM Ella Glover of China, who is In this j recited their country attending the conxemion of th Methodist Women s Foreign MlaMotmiy o- ong In the signs language by pupils of the cicty. in sesalon at tlio First .Methodist Nebraska 8 hool for the Deaf Contributed nirea, and it was evident the assemblage I Episcopal church In Omaha, was painfully. 1 n lntcren.:.g feature to the program. aa not, playing any favorites? Momlxra of the -'Cuming T.'W the Rye" company gave several, pleasing sketches. May Holy ttttd "The Polly Girls'' from I he Orpiieum gave a moat amusing per formance and thes Kates Brothers, comedy acrolmu from the Orpheuin, gave one of U.trtr aplcndid productions, much to the alight -uf tiie JunU)r portion of the audience. One of the bits of the afrernoon was the although not aeriously. Injured hi folllnrf A children' meeting, conduct td by the while attempting to alight from a Harm y children's lender, Mrs. Lucie Harriaon, will Street car, at Twenty-llfth and California I held thla afternoon at 3 o'clock, streets Thursday evening. Miss Glover was Missionaries In costume will tell stories of thrown to the pavement and suffered a I tiie children of other lands, dlfclocated ahouMer, but 4s not believed to I Among the Inu-- jtting anivals on Fn have any other injur k txeept those loci- I day was Misa Ida Jonti, president of Folt dent lo the shock. , j institute of Herkimer. N. V. The Foils Miss Glover was on her way to attend the 1 as bible and kindergarten departments reception given the. gate at tlii home of Mr. and Mrs. J. o. , women known gospe.1 hymns of civilized toniru.s In tiie words of the people of India, urn! also sang songs st to native music. By these methods an excellent ida of the oriental conditions was conveyed to the audience and some ImpresMon given of the difficulties which it must have heon necessary to overcome bffoiv a foothold could be secured among the heathen na tions. The progress accomplished since the first representative of the foclety set foot on East Indian soil was pictured In the tales of successful campaign and In-the descriptions of the large and ever-growing .(.tin.ll. mat n , I-.t ' i.uvin inaiiiiaillcu. OMAHA KEEPS HEADQUARTERS Mill ot Lose Department of thr Ml, aoarl, Paa Major General Greel y. visiting women d.;(.and i a pr- puratory school for young at th? home of Mr. and Mrs. J. o. , women for wont in the foreign or home monologue rendered by Carl Relter, l'hllllppl. iaui California street, and was flfld. It Is the property it the Women's There Is no danger of Omaha losing the hi.adguarters of the 1 i pai tnieut of the Missouri, accotding t) Major Gtncial A. W. GreeJy. In response to a letter of l;i-"luirj-. the Commercial club hus received this answer from Gencrul tircely: .. Heft!1Tliig to your Kile;- uf Octulier 20. I have tu smv I lint thf beadiiarters of the Northern I i vision Is ordered to be trans ferred t-j 'hicago and likewise the head quarters of the riuuthwtsterii ivUioi) io be transferred to St. I.ouis. The tat of Kansss In not transferred to the Suiitliwestrrn IMvlalon. nor lus any P-at containing lrooiti been so transferred. The only territorial transfer ts that of ih. j Hate or Missouri. In which there Is a Krn- rrn.1 rrt-ruu nig aepoi at jeneron rinrracks. I hear no talk of any change in the head quarters of the Department of the Missouri. Dr. W. F. Hutchinson. 20i Cuming, has so far recovered from his recent accident that he is able to attrctid to his office culls from 1 to 8 p. m. T 1 1 II 1 1 - I " zt t il, e iii t.ln .urn n i. i ,. ij .i.o. I augiiiing n-oin li e cur hut . a few door l-orlgn Missuiui:y society or trie Meui- audience with many of hlr well known Hebrew dialect rtoriea, and he was re eu'led scwral time. H.lrert Cuscadin otitrlbuicd hi share to the entei tainment a violin nolo, Sigmund 1jhi.1m.jits acting as accompanist. . - - from the Phitiippl lume wheu alie met nli odlst churcb and the only training school the accident. She was lminetliately u-,- n America under the management of the slated Into U end made u comlot t- aoclet. The course 1. particularly adapted able as possible until th; arrival of to college women, the ordinary college F. G. Sparling. Mil Soutlr Twenty-seven rat course being Incomplete preparation for street, ' j these workers. There are about flfty young ThA,,. ,r u ,iut u., i . 1 1 liv uinwairu nicni04-r was re.plui t d. w omen in mu himhh hi iiwriu, aiiionis t;ii.i was me i)iritiur or Giulianis and ! walker, the .two colmcU comedians, u allownncyk the other d. slers did not Gpt. a n iii.ber of the latter have nniiouiu rd to their fellows their Imenllon f presenting bills to the railroads for the samei n!k atice in proportion to their business thnt the others received. In case the rallroa.1i refie to pay, the grain men suggest n resort to the courts in order to get what they consider le rightly comin,-f lo them. Several surprises were sprang during this hearing and not the least was the, testi mony of Tom WiVrrall. It was not supposed Mr. Worrnll would be an 'brutally frank In denting With bis relations? to the Nebraska Grain Healers' assoclnt Ion. When he vlr tunlly adinlttfd he hud been bnught off to drop hie fight against the association after prominent members. -K. P. Peck and others of the association, had testified they had no knowledge of a settlement having been made, he threw a bomb Into the midst of the line elevator men and aroused their Indignation. Newspapers Are Attacked. The newspapers which printed the pro ceedings as they transpired during the In vest'gatlon also come In for abuse by cer tain persons who deprecate the whole Af fair as an "Ill-timed and nnnoylng piece of burtness." The fact that Independent Rfaln dealer wont upon the utand and told h'iw tiie big grain dealers. In collusion with the railroads, had cither froien tliom out or tried to, in the judgment a It least one n, ember of the Nebraska Gr-tln lii-alcrs' association should not have been printed In the columns of a newspaper. He didn't regard this as news, but a "distortion of facts. 1 Printing of verbatim statements of other witnesses who told of harsh treat ment they had received at the hands of the association also was condemned as "un just" and "false." Onit-sra Oil la l.ood for Ai that can be reached externally. i I'aln Trial lOe. Muaalah Military onllaaem. MADRID. Oct. . The military con tingent for 1hu7 ha boen fixed at lou.OiO men. and Mr. Itdlltppl insist d tlu.t ' them a number of natw girls from foreign auiig and dance act rendered doubly at tractive by the presentation of a petty ballet of four member of their company. 1'l n-e of rbe theutar was donated by sue remain ut thetr until al.c Is Weil tn the i-oad to recovery. Ii la exi . teJ tUv will be able to lvavv the huure today. Correct quality goods, lowest prbi Hubei liiaiui, Jcvcler, I3lh and luaiplas. lands. Hlxty graduates hace bem aent out fiom th two years' course the school otters and many inure fi in the one year' course. A inieMO'iary exhibit of much Interest hus been arranged at the rear of the auditorium Only Aathvrlard Collectors. Officers of the Associated Charities an nounced Friday morning that only i'tsnii duly auiiioiizrd by the indorsement com mlltee uf the Associated (lirllls should Im. recognized by the public in th matter of soliciting aid The endorsement commit tee ron.flsts of II. K. Umkel, A. Husi.e and E. V. Lewis of the Commercial club: V. W. 8labsug:i and T. F. s-Sttirgess of the Assn clated Cbaritiea and J. A. Kimderland and Joseph liaydeu, lueiubei at large. Does Not Coor Hair Aycr's Hair V igor, as now made (rem our new improved formula, does not etiln or color the bair even to the (lightest degree. Grsy ba!r, white hair, blonde balr is not made a shade darker. But it certainly does stop 'tiling bair. No question about that This Is a ntlr!y aew prepara tion. J iU puwd en In. tnst'l. M.C. ArsrOa. YA 11' ".WSr:i 1 tQ W'Jl a S Onc-thirtl Actual Si.c. Store, 113 S. Sixteenth St. A Beait Tul Souvenir FREE To. all puroJmswa of ."iOc worth of goods, any kind, Ton, Coffee, Spices, Ks tracts, Cocoa. Chocolate or Soap. This beautiful BLACK IRON CAN DLE STICK and COLORED TWI3TED CANDLE, gotten up ex pressly for us as a Souvenir on our Teulh Aiiiversi'.ry. Remember, it is given absolutely FREE of CHARGE - in addition to the tickets, usually given with our goods. We will limit 1he purchase, or giving out of these Candlesticks and Candles, two to each customer, so each customer may seure a pair. We will .guar antee our goods to be as good as you buy elsewhere, where no in ducements are offered and this spe cial pale is simplygiven to induce you to call mid inspect our store recently remod eled), and to see the fine line of premiums , an d inducements wo offer to purchas ers. Another Great Oiler To fitch piirclaei- of one (1) ran f our tirand I'nlon Baking I'owder at .-Hlr jut an. we will GIVE A BSOI A'TKLY FKER s rhliu Sulail Iiisli, nicely decorated in colors, size 104' In. We have imported more than 8S.O0O of ttttBe. Thla Kalad IMsh. would rr-tail in the open market -for not let-H than 50c each and in many stores would re-tail lor 6ie or 7oc each. Hoe our window display. We have received a larg number of tiiene for Omaha, but will hare to limit, the nnrchafie, one to each customer, so all may secure one. This Inducement is separate from the other, but with a II purchase an above at our store, you can secure one of these riulads and a Candle stick In addition to the tickets given aith a 60c purchase. SPECIAL NOTICE Wt t!l extend this special oftt-r to our Council 111 u ft patrons at our More, No. 402 1 (roadway. Council 111 tiff. Ten years ago we had HO Mores in the I'nited States. On October 27 we open at Great Falls, Mont., which will make 197 Mores and e have not stopped growing. All will be welcome whether you buy or not. Come and set our stores and inspect our foods. They will do the talking. Kemember the date ONK DAY 0LV tSaturday, Octo bcr 27. Those who can, please come in the forenoon. Omha-Branch, 113 S. 16th St, . Council Bluffs Branch, 402 Broadway GRAND UNION TEA COMPANY Xaadquarursi Cor. Vaarl, Front aa 4 Watar, Brvcklrm, ar. T. BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS ) 1 r V I i-e- V