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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1906)
TUX. OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. OCTOBER 25, 1006. srzciat I'.OTIGES Ad verllseane-nts tmr Ikrit (vlmit wilt be litkra wattl 13 we. fee k j rttaliit rrflltoa bp4 wwttl H we. for tin" nnril tmm4my -IHIw. Rate 1 1 -3- m word r tDserlle. . 1 a wort tkrrrtrtrr. 7lhln taken for lea than 2N for the loaer. . tloa, Tlifi a vertlenaea mast b ' r eeo-j tlTely. Ada-enlaere, kr rexi -. bered rtNk, rai ! wfrl ad- 4rf4 t aafcered letter la ear f The n. Aatwtn ao aMrmril w1ll delivered a preseatatlem at ,r!)rk, MISCELLANEOUS THE FALL TERM DOTLE.4 BUiSINSSH COLLEQB 13 NOW OPKN. DAY AND NIGHT. ' PtHoVnts are admitted any day. New Catalogue Fre. Tel. Douglas 1984, Address H. B. Boyles, Frealdent. J Boyles Builulng. Omaha. Neb. ' i ... ii WHKRE TRUNKS ARB MADB. J Trunk, suit a and shopping bans. Old trunks in rhinfv. Repairing. , FRKLIXU STKINLfei. 11A T .171. a 'KVnn I iralltrlaal 4 GAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES .WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BURGES3-GRANDEN CO., 313 a 16th St. Tel. Douglas 681. R M92S Grading Contracts Bids will be received for Immediate removal of 30,000 ouMo yards. All machln work. GEORGE at CO., 1601 FARNAM. R 449 31 Omaha Saf and Iron Work make a spe cialty of Or escapes, shutters, doors and safea. G. Andreen, Prop., 101 8. 10th St. R i.9 SIGN PAINTING 8. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. TRY Kellya Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. 3f.30. R Wl IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1019 Fsrnam. R-W HEFLIN-I-ocksrrilth, moved upstairs; en i ranee. 1324 Farnam, Tel. Doug. 2974. R-C35 BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or ex- hange, write us. GIXJHK LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. Omaha. Neb., or Bloux City, la. Y-1U8 Nl FOR SALE. CASH Hotel furniture and No charge for treatment at Crelghtoa Dental college. Wanted -Pattnnta. at Dental collcare. Treatment free. I M541 NurllJ MINES and mining and Industrial stocks bought and sold. Robt. C. Druesdow, Htovk Broker. 8" N. Y. Life Bldg. Y-M.T95 Nl . FOR SALE At a bargain, good clock of dry goods and millinery, with wull-estab-ltshed trade, hi good county seat town. For particulars, address Seward Dry , Goods and Millinery Co., Bev ard. Neb. Y M402 Nix , WK OWN property surrounded by mines In the famous Bullfrog district In southern Nevada, For particulars address the Ne vada Standard Gold Mining and' Milling . Co., 809 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. MS Nl MUST BE SOLD. Dandy little 8-room rooming house; well (Mated; doing good business. Price for immediate snte, $M0. W. 8. FRANK. J71 Neville Block. Tel. Doug. 3609. Y M467 2 A PROGRESSIVE saloon keeper respeots the stupidity of some customers when necessary and In time If he is wise will realize the necessity of Cel-Pen-Ko nerve biacer for his patrons. Y 404-24X IF YOU want to make money, or are serk Ing information regarding Nevada mining slocks, write us for our market letter. Sent free on request. Patrick Elliott & i 'amp, bankers and brokers, Goldfleld, Ne vada. Y fc2 L'4x WRITE for our Market Letter. Sent free upon request. Complete resume of Ne vada Mining operations. Patrick Elliott Camp, bankers and brokers. Goldfleld, Nevada. Y 4rt0 26x FOR SALE Drug stock and fixtures; will mil or rent building. Address D. . . E. Abbott, Pllger. Neb. Y M41S 28 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS TWO Bealey letter cabinets In rood oondl tlon, made of walnut and have twi drawers each. Call at Bee business of flee and get a bargain. Q 441X . WHAT IS LEFT vf my beautiful furnished home must be Mold at a sacrifice, ao any one desirintf choice high grade furniture, call at once ' si Uitl Park Wilde Ave.; goods can be seen till p. m. daily until sold. g-M22 27 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables: we lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. HrunswickvBalke-CoUendur, 4C7T 8. - lHh St. u ,W i'OR SALE School warrants. Omaha School Supply Co., ltd Howard St. X 963 BEND us your mall freight paid on $10 Drug Co., Omaha. orders for diu: lots. Myirs-Dillon ECJVARM rfano for sale cheap. ifU or 2b27 No. tflh St. Call Rl Q X IULK cows, easy Urms, M and Center. Q M6J3 I'OR BALK As I intend to give tip my stable, i will sen tne enure contents, consisting of a pair of the highest class black carriage horses, one black high lepper, one of the finest galled riding horsea In the west, two new, up-to-date gig, one psrk trap, one victoria, one family carriage, one Brewster rocks way ne depot wagon, one pneumatic tired HM-ed wagon, one new tandem harnean to anyone wishing one of the finest tables lit the city this la a splendid op jxirttinlty: Can be seen at my resident, corner Dewey and MU 8ts. Inquire of A. L. ttrandris. J. U. ttranarls Sons, Q 447 M CODA FOUNTAIN, any sue. ltll Farnam. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint, feiieim&a ec Mccounall Drug Co., Oman. y , ON account of moving. I offer for sale one dining table, one Ice box. one commode, one de board, one stove and eight chairs, Call 1 Uursuay loietioon, IJ ilurt Kt. Q-427 24 II ALL'S safes, new. Id-hand. 1818 Farnanv IRY GOODS boxes cheap, llelphand. $1 .No. 1 tin HI. Q M41 2x FtH BALE Heating stove and furniture, . lnqulie tmoriMtig) Ho4 . iitli. y U L'a TWO CHOICE cars of hand-picked white apMr lert. at ,u cents per cwt. r. o . ln u.k; bo-gal. but cld-.T U C. B. Par krr. Brock, Neb. Q U48 31 IOH SALE Empty packing Adlreas U W, Be office. cases, cheap, (j 444 WANTED AGENTS h'KW alnav protector ior Bice ard Lou a wwrk; sajiifirs free this week; ottier ' iiowJtts. Lauie (fcupply Co., SJ Prairie Ave., O.. CliluMto. J-llw NovlJx KM AllY and r biiuii,oh will be paid to i t Hue I'fo Uiau of (ipnitout. Ad- cit lix ll-V Liiui-Lu. Neb. J-771 Nov' LAW AND COLLECTIONS i "t a 'arlemi. t- N. X. L B'dg Tel, --I Nuvs WANTED MALE HELP WANTED-Chicken pickers; plenty of work: hen "nil spri-tra. 2c. Apply Hwlth Company. 217 8. Union St., Oi'umwa, la, B MS 14 WANTF.D Lumbermen, one who la fast and accurate In tallying; sluo two bnvs; On aha Box Co., East Omaha. B 94 WANTED Chicken picker; plenty of work: h'ns nni nrrinn, ?c. App'v Swift A Company, 217 8. t'nlon St., Ottumws, I., B MI56 27 CMTCKKN pickers wanted at Swift end Company. Falrhury, Neb.: fine new pl k Inif room; lota of poultry; hen. 2r; springs. 2Lfec. Write or come at on. E. Byllesby, Mgr. B-M254 27 WANTED Five boy; good wages; perma nent Job. A, D. T. Co., 212 8. 13th St. B 637 DRUO BTORES .bought and sold; drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knlenl, 24 N. Y. L B-63S CIVIt, SERVICE Want nunc men to pre pare. See Underbill, 330 N. 2'h. . B-M774 0 WANTED Man of of good buMneae etand Ing, energy end large acnualntunre to r;gtilarly rvprenent a leading brokerngp concern of I'aclnc coast In Kle of hlah grade, rmflt-paylng mining etooke. lib eral contract to Katlof ictory perty; cepaWe rrthn can make $tuO per month. Addreae with references. K. t. Robinson Co., Grant Bldg., Ia Ang'le Cal. B 421 WANTED. SOUND YOUNO MEN. IS to 88, to prepare for firemen and brakemen on new roads and for fall ruh; experience unnoceeary ; firemen $100. promoted to engineere $00; brakemen $75, promoted to conductors $kV); poaiuons now open. Na tional Training aaaoelation, V0 X Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. B M138 Nov! WANTED Experienced plledriver work men and bridge carpenter, $3.25 per day; ahd plledriver bridge foreman, $5.IV0 per day. Free transportation to work, In Houth Dakotn. Board $i per week. W. M llmurr 271 MudiHon St.. Chicago, 11U B tax HUSTLERS out of employment can do woll to call on u; pay weekly, u. r. Co., 161. Howard. B-M19 Nov2 YOt'R wife will never know If you drink Cel-Pep-Co. Be wise. B vn-n. Toothache? Free treatment at Cretghton Dental colles-e. Crown or bridge work. No charge t Crelghton IentaJ college except ior ma terial. B Moli Novll WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Bplendid time to Degin. rew wi rfetes. Top wages paid. Positions wait ing. Pest trade In the world for poor man. Little capital start- business. In vestigate. Moler Barber College, Ills Far nam St. B-M124 26X WANTED, for the U. 8. marine corps, men between ages 21 and 3t; an opisiriunny to see the world. For full information see poster In liostofflce of any county sent In Nebraska for the address of recruiting officer thereon. B Mia 11 GENTLEMAN stenographer wanted 2o60 Leavenwortn 1st. WHEN objects triplicate then uneeda Cel- Pep-Ko nerve bracer immeoinwy. . B 405-24 WANTED Reliable watchmaker. In one of Omaha's leading Jewelry stores; gooa mi ary to the right man. Address U-&1, Bee. B 413 WANTED A few reliable workmen for factory positions; steady employment, during the winter. Address I p. box g4 B M481 27x WANTED At once, smart boy, over it. for lmill order and snipping aeparimcin; good place for the right boy. See Mr. McEldon, the Bennett Co. B 407 26 EXPERIENCED ciothuig salesman of good reference lor responsiDio posniuii, state salary. Address U 8H, Bee. . B M 415 25X WANTED Man experienced in coal busi ness to handle retail yara in umui Address, with reference, in own hand writing. U J5. Omaha Bee. B 417 24 WANTED Three artists who can do first- class work in crayon, pastei, etc. i-ei-manent positions. Either salary or piece work. United Art Co.. fourth floor, Svkea Blk., Minneapolis. M1 w ANY person willing to distribute our mm imoi aieeklv. -"Flmnire." 92 La- Balle Bt., nicag, in. bibwj no canvassing. B-M479 25x WANTED Competent Job printer; steady work.. jseorasKa rxewspaper i mom ion. Neb. B M478 27 WANT an all-round printer. Platte County B 442 2x Leader, Humphrey, JNel. WANTED FEMALE HELP 2 Stenographers-$40. 2 Bookkeeiwin and Stenographers $40 to $&. WEtiTEKN KKf . ec iJOiNl Awn t,iv... 840-H41 N. X.. late mag. - i . C-463 25 WANTED Fifty girls to work In candy factory; good ciiance to earn money to buv your Christinas presents with. The Voegele It. Dinning Co, Ul( Jones St. 7 C-M783 EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers wanted at once. u. J. u tinea o., uus no wax a. a GIRLS WANTED. LoomlS Co., 818 Farnam St. - saisw WANTED A competent girl for general housewora, small i.roujr. aara. a. at. McClanahan. Uu N. toth St. Tel. Har ney 140i. C 498 WANTED A nurse girl, good wages. 2t08 Dewey Ave. 4 Cashier and Bookkeeper $. Apply at once. WESTERN REF. & BOND AS3 N (INC.), 840-S41 Ki. X. Life Bldg. B 464 25 .WANTED Washerwomen. 1002 So. 80th Ave. t- ms zox WANTfcil Experienced saleslady fur cloak and suit department; high salary. Fred rick Berger Co., 1517 Farnam St. C M428 WANTED Apprentice girl at Miss Wat son a hair dressing parlors. i. Neville block. C 440 26 WANTED Skirt and waist helpers and errand girl. 546 Kamge Bldg. Miss Ien- ser. - C-441 26x AT ONCE, girl for general housework; small family. Room Su6. N. 141 h Ht. 'Phone Douglas 7Hk C 455 WANTED A straight matter lady com. posttor. Anchor Publishing t.'ompatiy, Wtterson building, Omaha, Neb. C M460 ItiKlikeeir and Entry Clerk MO. WESTERN REF. at BOND ASS N (INC.) 840-S41 N. Y. Ufe Bidg. B 466 25 WAITRESS for tiinkig room, manager Dellone hotel. Apply to C M476 26 WANTED SITUATION EXPMRIENCKD young lady atenogTapher deairea position. Addreba U 9, Bee. A-M123 26X YOUNG woman etenographer desires posi tion; can turnisK refereuoes as to cliar acter. business ability, etc. Aiidmss 2770 Weoater. A Mi Ml 5 WAN71IP Situation as etenographer by young woman with varied stenographic experience. Address T 4 8. care Bee. A M27 25x WANTED A position 'as short order cook; A-l references; no had habits: Mibr. Ad dress U 34. & , A-WC4 27x WANTED A position In offlce or as srjles man; beat refrrenor.. I 'a 11 Djuftlaa b'19. A Mta Sx WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Hustling aaleainaJi traveling thin lucaltty tt aril enameled Ware, tin- r, ialtlea. aMirimnitii, etc., aa aide line; moat Uiaral commission. Dead one aa.v- atamps. Crlsvell M'-r.atillle Co., lt S. Mertiiau St., IndianaMiis. In, I. I 461 26 WANTED-Kxpi-rienced aaleMinau for fur nliiire trade. January 1st; ulv references, i'iltuce, etc. Audieaa U li. h. JU-iii(l iT Hardly a subscriber who doesn t read the per sonal ads on the Bee Want Ad Page. You should have yours there. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel, Uth and Farnam. E ii Doug. 611 O. M.E. Haul Trunki PLEASANT room, modern, private fam ily. 624 Ba 2t(h Ave. B 249 28x CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th and Capitol Ave.! American or European; steam heat ana modern eonveniences. E 47$ TWO nicely furnished light housekeeping rooms, modern. 815 8. 18th St. , E M420 28 NICELY furnished back parlor, modern, suitable for two; board next door. Z6.0 Davenport. E 406 24x 1 OR 2 furnished or unfurnished rooms, new flnt, modern; references required. Inquire mornings, 416 8. 20th Ave. E 474 25x NEWLY furnished rooms; new house; one block north of Farnam car; gentlemen only; every modern convenience; hot water heat. !7 8. Slst St. E 115 x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD PLEASANT SOUTH loom, suitable for to, in private family, with best home board; refined neighborhood. 627 Park Ave. F-M436 2ax Doug. 611 O. M.E. Haul Trunko F 4I VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. F 44 ROOMS and board at the late Judge Dundy residence, "18 8. 29lh St. F-410 24x THE ROSE, 2030 Harney St.; pleasant, Wdrm rooms; good board. F4S0 2bx UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR REN. STEAM heated flat of six rooms, on second floor of Harris &. Fisher building, 18th and Nicholas Sts.. $X.B0 for the winter months. Bemls, Paxton Blk. G M433 FOR RLNT HOUSES 2634 WIRT ST.. 2Si67 Hfarnam St., furnace. IJ6.60. rooms, modern. $1:5.00. 6 rooms, modern except 1917 Webster St., 7 rooms, furnished or un fumlslied. 2215 Dodge St., 9 rooms, all modern but fur nace, $40.00. 1549 8. 2bth St.. 6 moms. and barn, modern except furnace, $26.00. 1138 8. 80th Ave., 11 rooms, modern, $45.00. 2W8 Hamilton St., 9 rooms, modern except furnace, $i'5.00. 1524 Wirt St., i rooms, new and modern, $..oo. The Barnard, one furnished apartment. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, li04 Farnam. D M476 25 WK DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglaa' Win. Schmoller & , Mueller Piano Co., 1311-Utt Farnsro. D-444 ITOTTSFS ln aU Prt" of th "city. R UJVZrja c per, & Co., Be Bldg. D 47 HflTTSFS 'n all parts of the city. The IXUU011it3 Q, p Davis Co.. Bee Bldg. D 648 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk. D-4 OMAHA Van at Storage Co., pack, more, atore H. H. goods; storehouse 1120 24 N. 19th. Office, 1101 Farnam. Tel., Doug. 1551. D 650 STORAGE Household goods, mer chandise, etc., Fred Bush i .0-5 Farnam St. . D M568 Nov. 10. Transfer Lino, WE MOVE pianos. Mnggard Van Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. Msg.- omci, u " ster St. D-661 SEE us when shipping household goods to large eines wes. we can shvb you uraurj, EXPRESHAtEN'8 DELIVERY CO , 214 N, Sixteenth St. Tel. . Doug., 1195. D-oJ 2B04 St. Mary's Ave., -room modern house, except furnace, new porcelain bath tub, $26 per month. 2307 Fowler Ave., g-room, modern ex cept furnoce, $18 per month. 1704 N. 26th St., 8-room house, modern except furnace, $20 per month. D M41J 25 NEW APARTMENTS 26th and Half-Howard 8ts., I and t rooms each, modern In every respect. Rent, $37.50 and $40. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM. . Phone Douglas 766. D 460 Nov FOR RENT 9-room house, all modem; fur nace; $. C. M. Bachmann, 428 Psxtoa Blk. D-22 FOR RENT A new modern 6-room house. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg. D M47 FOR RENT Two first floor and on second floor fist, corner 29th and Douglas. Glob Land and Investment Co., ptterJJB51'- COUNSMAN-VAN BURGH CO. storage and transfer. Best storage house In the city. Immediate attention given. U29-81-3S N. lth St. Tel. Douglas618. D 'IT 9-r. mod., very choice, 2 Sherman Ave., $30 6- r. mod., good condition, lt Corby, $20. 8-r. mod., good condition, 22t4 Maple, $3. 7- r. mod., choice, 31i3 Marcy, $20. 6-r., partly mod., m So. 28th Ave., $16. 4-r., new, two lota, 4544 Grant, $10. Russell & McKitrick Co., 432-33-34 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney Sts. - D 446 2b FOR RENT Fine flat, all modern; good furnace; 405 8. 26th Ave. William K. Potter recefver, $vl Brown Blk. D S19 FOR rent. October 16, to responslbl ten ant, 7-room house, 2f67 Farnam St.; mod ern except furnace; $26 60. Apply at J N. 19tb 8t. D M648 COLONIAL residence, oppoaias Hanscom park; modern; after ' Nov. L 'Phone Douglas 6i3. D 10 FIVE-ROOM house. 1312 So. 4th St.t now being put In perfect condition; rent, $10. Bemis. Paxton Blk. D M39 $32. 60, STRICTLY modern -roora brick house. 1301 So. 28th St. Teiephon Harney 1767. D M419 28x FOR RENT To responsible tenant, 2103 Ixicust St; modern 7-room house with re ception hall, cement basement, cement walks, good barn; $. Inquire at prem lae D M4J5 FOR RENT To responsible tenant, mod ern, -rooin houae. In splendid repair. lUiimim Park district. Inquire 1313 S. 2Mb. St. D 426 NEW 6-room cottaife, strictly modern, ex cept furnace, south front, Vi block from Harney car line, 8226 Seward St.. rent ' $.2.60. Bemis, Paxton Blk. D M4J4 FOR RENT Lower flat, 5 rooms, modern. Price $J0. StM Leavenworth. D 4o FOR RENT Barn. 25o4 Chicago St. Tel. D M4i8 '1 PRINTING LYNQSTAD High Grade 1807 Calendars, . innvH- B- corner 16th tL and at J UK V It. Capitol At. 7 COMPLETE line of 1H07 calendar. 8 ne II printing Co., Sid a Uia St. -157 Nov! JOB pr luting and binding bpringer print ing Co., 2u6 Hii. l.tU. Tel. Doug. Al.l. -km, Nov. 10 CENTRAL PRINTING CO.: Bn Job work; typewritten letter. 118 8. 1 . s ti St., 1 biweks aoilli bw alia. aleei MwvU FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FARM NEAR OMAHA FOR SALE At $85 Pgr Acre 216 acres of improved farm land, only 3 miles northwest of Benson and Vfc mile of Irvington. This is owned by heir of an estate in the east and the executor is in the city making this low price for quick sale. . 01.1 . R. G. Peters & Co. 220 SOUTH 17TH ST. Investments $25,000 for the 3-story and basement brick building at Nog. 1611. 161$ and 1615 How ard St., and ground lease run- ' nlng 'until March 1, 1974; net income from the property now over $2,800 per year, and rents on stores can be In creased when present leases expire. $11,500 for -story and base ment brick building at No. 413, 415 and 417 N. 25th St., South Omaha!, with lot 60x150 feet; net Income now over $1,700 per year; 'we Invite in spection of these properties. . GEORGE & VO., 1601 Far nam Street. itl RE M414 : Home ariylnvestment 2918 N. .80tiiiSt., ten rooms, modern, andJ.wo acres ground (12 lots), on car line, for $7,500. You can't beat this. ' - . C. R. GLOVER &0N, . Sole Agents. Room $. N. Y, life. Doug 133, REI-M472 2a 2103LOCUST 7-room modern' house. In the very best condition, 4 large' rooms first floor, 3 b4 rooms second floor,- permanent walks around house, good tiarn. making a lovely home. Owner glad to show you through, and if not sold thin week will be for rent. Price for Immediate sale, $3,500. F. C. BEST, 821 N. Y. L RE-461 24 MAKE OFFER 90 FEET ON 20TH AND 150 ON HOWARD, VACANT. BEST LOCATION' FOR DOWNTOWN FLATS. CAN BE RENTED BEFORE BUILDINGS ARE COMPLETED, PAYING GOOD INTER EST. WILL DIVJDK TO SUIT. WILL CONSIDER BEST OFFER FOR ONE WILL SELL TWO '7-ROOM, MODERN COTTAGES. WALKING DISTANCE, DURING NEXT WEEK, AT A BIG BARGAIN ONE $3,000, THE OTHER $4.200-BOTH NICK COM FORT ABLE HOMES, ON PAVED STREETS. COM H IN FOR PARTICULARS. M N. Y LIFE PIDO. THE PUTNAM CO. W. B. TAYLOR, SEC. CADET TAYLOR, PRES. RE 126 84 REAL ESTATE BARGAINS ,FOR QUICK SALE $4,0u0 buys the pair of two-story 7-room frame dwellings at 1410 and 1312 & 28th feu; all modern except furnace; now renting at $4ao per annum. $3,000 buys 9-roora frame dwelling at 2809 Poppleton Ave.; fully modern; now vacant; was rented at $384 per annum. $7,0U0 for 509 and 611 N. lath St., two 8-room fully modern frame dwellings, with 4 room cottage ln the rear; rents for $&t0 per annum. H.2U6 for 2bu2 Charles St.; 6-room cottage; full lot, on corner. Apply to W. B. MEIKLE, SOt Ramge Building. RE 904 OWNER MUST SELL" THESE HOUSES. oo6 Sahler St., I rooms $1,500 26.S8 Sahler St.. 6 rooms $1,200 iix.1 Sahler SL, 6 rooms ..$1,4iO Mil Charles St., 6 rooms, modern lot faces two streets, $1,800. Two modern houses, th and Blnney, close to Dodge street car, $ and $1,500. Don't bother the tenants, see us. Must have at least $500 cash on each house. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam. St. RE 454-24 Business Property Investment 13UH-11 Howard, 3-story and baamnent, brick, modern. Good Inoonie. C. R. GLOVER & SON, Sole Agents. RE MIT? 28 TO exchange for merchandise or Income property. acres In Harrison county, Iowa. 200 acres of this Is tine rich valley land, all In cultivation; balance quite roll ing paature land. This Is finely Improved, cloe to town on the Chicago Northwest ern. Price $-0. J. R. Auklns, 14 Pearl St., Council Blurt's, la. RE MS7 26 TWO modern housea at the soumweet cor ner of .li at and t'a.s bta., with ground on which tu build another houaa. paved street, east I rout, nice shsde trees. Mak me an offer for one or both. I'llOMAEhRENMAN, Kooiu 1. N. Y. Life Bldg RE M816 C. G. CARIJIl'Ka, real entat ana In.ur anc. tU N. 1. Life. 'Pbou Rtd-74W. fcJK M179 J FOR SALF REAL ESTATE (BEE BUILDING.) RE II0Mi:S AT REASONABLE PRICES. $4,500 for 6010 Underwood Ave., new 8-room modern house, lot 50x128 feet, house unoccupied; key at our office. Nonresident owner anxious to sell and wants offer. Immediate posses sion. Part cash, balance monthly lo.s than rent. Built for a home. " Investigate. $3,800 for new 7-room 2-story square house, all modern, on 2ftn street near Poppleton Ave. $1750 for 8-room house with city wuter, sewer, gas and new furnace, large ham, east front, lot 45x127 ft., on 24th street near Nicholas. Re duced from $3,000 for quick sale. $2,700 for (l-room. 2-story house, modern except heat, well built and nearly new. 3124 California St. $1,850 for f-room, 2-story house, all modern except heat, nearly new, near 24th and Burt St. $1,700 for (-room cottage, modern except heat, on Fowler Ave. near 24th St. Immediate possession. GEORGE CO., 1601 FARNAM. ' RE-448 25 x Three Small Homes Vinton St.. near 20th; 4-room cottage, on paved street; 44 ft. lot; very cheap at $1,100; easy terms. Franklin St., three blocks from car Tood 6-room .house; city water: gas; 5er- -nanent walks; barn; all In first-class con- lltion: Ana home: only $l.3oa Ames Ave. and 38th St.; brand new 6-room cottage; ennniel bath: water; gas; large lot; nne view; nothing better for the mnnev: eamr terms: I1.3iiOL Many more In all parts of the city at bargain prices. Ask us about cheap lots. We have them. WRIGHT LA8BURY, 506 8. 16th St. RE M 477 2d Fine Home at Sacrifice Ten rooms, strlctry mod ern, oak finish, good repair, lot 50x130, large barn, drive way, paved street, permanent walks and stone steps. Former price $5,500; now $4 750. Must be sold yet this month. 0. R. GLOVER & SON, Sole Agents. Room 3, N. Y. Ufe. Doug. 133. RE-M471 2S. FOR SALE Elegant colonial residence, new and mod ern built; one of the handsomest end finest arranged houses In the West Far nam district. Price, quick sale, only $12,600; can give Immediate possession. For particulars se HICKS REAL ESTATE CO. Tel. Douglas 1169 439 Board of Trade Bldg. RE 170 2ox 120 ACRES Boyd county, Nebraska, land; 160 acres Texas county, Missouri, Im- ? 'roved and fenced and cross-fenced, also 20 acres of Polk county. Nebraska, land. Improved, any one of the above we will exchange for good general merchandise, good town Income property, or western land, or hardware stock; live stock slso considered. Address Hastimrs Bros., Ob ceola. Neb. RE M4X1 27 X KERR-FHALLCROPS CO.'8 ARSTRACT8 OF TITLES are the safest. You are pro tected by a $10,0i0 bond agalnat loss by errors. You don t buy a law suit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1614 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 64fc7. RE- CLOSE IN BARGAIN IF. TAKEN AT Owner must leave city Inside of ten days and will make a sacrifice price and liberal terms on his splendid residence, which would make a splendid rooming house; close to postofllce; $1,000 cash will handle this investment. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO., 63 Douglaa Block, 16th and Dodg. 'Phone Douglas 6691. RE M4JJ 25 TOWNSEND Realty Co., Fremont, Neb buy. sell and exchange lands, city prop erly and merchandise; try us for deal. RE-M241 Nov.tx TO exchange for merchandise, a One 276 sere Holt county, Missouri, farm; an ideal stock and grain farm located In one of the best sections In the state, only two miles from a good town on the Bur lington railroads this farm Is finely Im proved. Price $75.00 per acre. J. R. Ad klns, 14 Pearl St.. Council, Bluffs. la. REM438 26 FOR SALE. A 9-room hcuse f.'.ouo. A l-room house $2.6o0. A 6-room houae $1,600. A 5-room house $1,100. Will sell the above suapa If taken at once. GLOBE LAND AND 1NVE8TMKNT CO., Patterson Block. KK M397 BEAUTIFUL Wirt St.; modern home: hot ' water heat; 75 feet front; iinace to build another house; strictly Unit-class condi tion; large barn; muat sell; make offer. See owner. 1921 Wirt St. HE Mau3 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room ln Be office, cay ball building. 417 N. 26th fet.. Souin Omaha. Apply lo manager. 1114 FOR RENT Large corner ator rojm, ltth and Vinton Sta., $19. C M. Bach mann. 436 paxton Blk. I M4il THE two store rooms, with basements, at 7(I3-7ii ri. Jth alreet; W per liionta for both. Inqulr R. C. PETERS CO.. Ground Floor. Be Bldg. I-Mli BUILDING Farnam, will be vscanl November 16; 2?xl; 1 floors and base-irn-ul. Apply 114 First Nat 1 Bank Bldg. 1 twu LAND PERSONAL SPrWINd msohlnes rented. Any make: 78o per we-k or JO per mintti. reconi hand machines for pale. If. 00 and up. Neb. Cycle Co Ibth and Harney DR. ROY, chiropody. Doug. 6497. IM 'T. PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOMB, Mrj i Dr. iUng, 1018 N. 21st SU Tel. Doug. ;. gj A PI F ATI NO BuHons,KRuchmg. - ' -- Embroiderina, Isyelng and cleaning, sponging and shrink ing; only fro pr yard. Send for prlc list ajid sample. I till a aa n A rT.T aTrt 400 Douglaa Block. Tel. PoubImi I- LAUNDRY CITY 8TBAM. Tel. Doug. 254, 111 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits csstoff .I..1L, . . .. , .. ..A vi nun; in tact, anyinmsi iu ",j r.eed; we collect, repair and sell, at HI N. 11th St.. for cost of collecting l? th; worthy poor. CaJI nhnne Do us. 4135 and wagon will call. U-tll FREE medical and surgical treatment at CraLhlAn 1, i t l , , I K mnA I). T- enport Sis.; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by oolt.'go professors. "Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or nlghU . U 129 THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and worm BiS. 1 el. uougiaa i- U 2 SURVEYING. BUckensdvfer, $13 Bee Bldg OI7AHA Rtamiuerara' IngtltuU, Ramg tiiog. u i WE will find good comfortable honiea for i. i. , i . . . , . .mixra , wiiuae morners cannot carv i"i them. See "Mother Lee, Bupt." Tlnlsy Rescue Home, 403 Bancroft St. ' U-700 ct3 aUiUlXLiAlLy 8mltn llg N. u si noor. U MJ04 MASS AO P. Swedish movement, 410 N. iU-CVOQ-tt-UIli 16th. Room 2, 2d floor. U MIOi novl CHAMPION Carpet cleaning. Doug. 65ft. H23 Leavenworth. U MLS6 Nov8 ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 8i24 N. 24th 6t., Omaha. Neb. U M10O TRY KELLY'S Laundry. 'Phone Douglas PRIVATE home during confinement; ba blen sdopted. The Good Samaritan San Itartum. 728 First Ave.. Council BIuit. la. Tel. 774. U 122 DR8. VOGEL private hospital for women and for ladies before and during confine went. 2319 8. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. U-M90 Oil FOR anything in the sewing machine line go to P. E. Fiodman & Co.. . 1514 Capitol Av. II M163 Nov3 TYPEWRITERS rented, $2.50 per month; all makes; satisfaction guaranteed. Fox Typewriter c Supply Co., 1622 Farnam St. V-m Novi A Dollar Free for You. This coupon wll! be taken as $1 payment on a $10 purchase of shoes, hats or cloth ing; balance paid as you earn It, lioMts, CREDIT CLOTHING COMPANY, 1520 Dodge St., Cor. 16th, Omaha. "u 118 N18 PENNELL Millinery Co, $22 North" 16th St. U-M258 Jan RUPTURE CURED-No knife, no pain, r.O detention from business. Call or writs for booklet, etc QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO., 611. Woodmen uf World Bldg., Omaha. U 491 Crelghton Dental college. Patients free. Free treatment at Crelghton Dental col lege. U M640 Novll IF LUCKY yog get your picture enlarged to life sise In genuine crayon free in our drawing contest, every day, 10 a. m. to p. m., guaranteed worth $5. Wallace Bristol & Co., Artists, 620 N. 16th St, U M5J0 NovlO C. J. PALMQUIST-Custom shoe maker. 4124 Hamilton St., and 107 8. 16th St. " U M56& Nov. 10 ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Pax- ion a suive. a. a. ecanneii, agent, suv ware Blk. 11 M896 NovU CHRISTENSON, carpet cleaning. Tel. Doug. 1669. U 874 Nov. 14. THE ACORN Preaa. Commercial Printers, Tel. Doug. 879i 1610 Howard St. U M999 Novl8 HALSTED Show cards and small signs. 61 Douglas Blk. Tel. Doug. 36(6. U MUM ITS' EXQUISITE perfume Is only one of the virtues of Satin skin powder. 25c. U 6YRINGES. rubber goods, by mall: cut prices; send for fre catalogue. Mysrs- Dlllon Drug Co.. Om a ha U 825 MEDICAL DR. PRIES, specialist, women' disease, weaknesses, discbarges. Irregularities, cured painlessly and safely. Wltbnel) block, llth and Harney, Room 2, Omaha, BEST nerv bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" $1 box, postpaid. Sherman A it rA it n. v. , aax MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam, I and 6)4 per cent loans on real estate; no delay. W-667 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 668 WANTED City loan and warrant. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-669 BUILDING, loans on residence property; I per oeuL W. B. Mcikla, Ramge Blk. ' W-679 LOWEST RATES Bnl, Paxton Block. W-671 PRIVATE MONEY F, D. Weed. 1520 Doug. W-6J1 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. T horns s Btennan. H. 1. N. Y. LI fa. W C71 WANTED City loan. R. C. Peter oV Co. W-674 City farm loan. O. F. Carson Co., N.Y.U W-675 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Tbomaa. 6u5 First National Bank Bldg. w-; FOR SALE FARMS TO SETTLE AN ESTATE WE OFFER FOR IMMEDIATE SALE 313 acres In Sarpy Co., at Gilinore. four mile eouth of South Omaha. This Is one of the finest farms In the Papplo valley; 200 acres In corn this year, yielding 50 bushels to the acre; 100 acre In meadow and pasture, and 12 acres ln timber; has running water and railroad trackage; Im- firovementa consist of 9-room house, large tarn, granary, hog house, corn crib, all In first class condition. Must be sold by No vember 1. M CAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. Sol Agents, 1506 Dodge St., Omaha. Tel. Douglas 416. H-M4.9 .6 $1.00 AN ACRE CASH. $1.00 an acre each year, with Interest, for 4 years, will buy choice section of land near Kimball, Neb. This land at $500 an acre la a snap; nearly level, no sand, big crops every year on adjoining farms. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. U-4i3 U THREE farm bargains. Write J. T. Camp, bell. Lltchneld. Neb, U-MSi Slix WELL IMPROVED iS-acre farm; fine land. Addlnss Box U2, H. 5, Council Bluffs. ILeMl'Jg 2x THREW farm bars. ins. Writ J. T Camp. UU, Litchfield. i.o. U-i-H N. i r.:0N'EY TO LOAN CHATTELS EASY TO GET A loar on furniture, piano. Ifvestock r ether chattel", left In your i M (Undisturbed Possession) IF YOU NEED ' MONEY to pay your grocer, landlord, or any that b'Hs which may b bothering you. Our plan the beet s w giv you a writ ten copy of the eontrnct with a GUARANTEED REBATE If paid before th contract expire. SALARY LOANS made to people rtecdfl) m ployed. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COJ (fc.lKbllshed 19X Tel. Doug. &. -'I li Board of Irsoe Bldg. . . I v So. 16th Street. X-'C laittiittiaill MONEY TO LEND ON BALARiKS, FURNITURE. PIANOS, HORSES AND WAGU.N8. This I your opportunity to get money and pay those Utile annoying debt. An rang your affair now so that when th cold weather come you will only have on company t owe. You can repay us In small weekly or monthly payments, best suited to your In come; amounts pnld before due, full rebat I ALWAYS a.iowed. . Reliable Credit Co.' Rooms $07-306 Paxton Block. Corner Farnam and Sixteenth 6ts. $$$$$$$$t$fl$$ X M671 $1 SALARIED PEOPLE and other furnished money upon theit own names, without security; easy pay ments; offices In U principal cities. Have yourself money by getting my terms first. D. H. TULinAN, 714 New York Ufe Bldg. X-S74 DR. PRIBBENOWS MONEY! loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc.. In any amount; less than half rates; perfect privscy Immeritst attention: sny terms wanted. Payment uspenacd when sick or out of work. iI4 Karbach Blk. 20 SouV 15th 8 X 441 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private money on chattel or salary; easy to get; no red tape; you get money same day sekeu for at small cost. Open evenings tin 7. x 43 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE: reliable, accom modatlng; all business confidential. 1.1 Douglas. X 644 MONEY loaned on pianos, furntture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, $10 8. 18th. X-846 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker block. X Mi CHATTEL8. salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. 1504 Faf nam St. X 840 CHATTEL and salary loans. Phoenix Credit Co.. 6.13 Paxton block. X 847 LOST AND FOUND LOST Veterinary1 certificate or diploma; $5 reward for return. Ad dreB U 39, Bee. LobU-4,52 24x LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN-Bay mare, weighing about l.loo lbs i white star In forehead and white right hind foot; broken out on neck with prickly heat; was hitched to new, rubbrr-tlred. red. geared top Concord. Liberal reward will be paid If returned to W. F. Rice. 1741 8. 9th. Lost-M457 Tlx ... . ........... v, - son, ana Branaets store; . return 10 women's cloak department, Brandels', and receive reward. LOST M441 2s WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUT, SECOND-HAND ' furniture, stoves, carpets, clothing and shoes; pay th best pile. Tel. Douglas W7L N-4S4 Novll WANTED 10 span of work horses, 4 to 1 years old. l,80u to 1.600 cwt., well broken, sound In body and wind- Name cash price per span and where horses can be seen. Address U-13, Bee. N-148 26 SMALL modern 6 or 6-room cottage, close in; cash. Address U 37, Bee. N-443 27x WANTED To buy a 1 or 4-room cottage to move; south of R. R. tracks. Inquire of Berka ft Co., 941 N. T Life. N M4S9 27x PATENTS P. J. LARSON oV CO.. patent lawyers; patent book fre. Be Bldg., Omaha. Nb. 8HARPE MACHINE) WORKS patent procured, Inv tlon developed, drawing, patterns, csu,.gs, machine, work. . 6ot-till S. 10th St. . - PATENTS procured and sold. 1 fee. Nat l. Investment Co., Douglaa Blk., 16th and Dogge. M 412 Nov. FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not And What you want In this column, put an ad in and you will soon get iL Xr 813 FOR EXCHANGE A number of good first mortgage loans and good lands to ex change for groceries or a general stock of merchandise. , Globe Land & Invest ment Co., Patterson Bldg, Omaha. Neb. Z M908 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES MISS IRMA BPniNGER, piano lessons St cents. 1J) N. 41st SC. Walnut Hill car. -M Nov. 13 CHATBLA1N School of Languages-Day and 'evening classes, French. German, Spanish; fencing. Davidge Bldg. 873 Nov. 14 PLUMBING BUT plumbing supplies dlraet. Wholesale price. Save on every article. Only first class goods handled. Prompt attention to every order. Send for catalogue. B. V. Karol. 236 Harrison St.. Chicago, 111. -677 DANCING CHAMBERS Now open. Adult beginners Mondays and Thursdays. ( nlldreii LOST Brown purs containing about-ji til KWAn Ih. t)ola, 1 Alh mnA tunlffSV W eaneauajra. inq oaiuruay. opvciat ciaaa atrlctly for married couples, now formlnsw t every Tuesday evenln. Tele. Doug. 1871. 4W. u CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. The leading palmist of Omaha. Revelations of past and future described. Parlors, 111 8. lblh St., Opp. Boston Store. v 8 Mt77 FENCING CHAMPION f' oes best. Dougias-ls90. tU 8. li h. ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing 9 per iuoi. j n. iitn bu i n. (.l-ftUT. J OSTEOPATHY- JOHNSON InsUtut. 41$ N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. 1664. 699 DR. BOWSER, over 1660 Farnsm. Tel. Doug 63 VO. -hl'.&0! DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING In family r at horn, -s Mi Sturdy, 2uC6 Daveopwrt. Pbvn liar ney twit 1 .) DETECTIVE SERVICE WKTHORE defective servlc. "Phon Ro i 7401. Rooms U gad II Union UK, lr.i and rarnaio. . K4 ) 1