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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1906)
THE 'OMAHA PAtLY BKE: WKPXKKDAT; OCTOBER "'la lMfi. 0 V I 1 -w NEWS r COUNCIL Office, 10 Pearl MISOR MESTTOV Davis, drug. -Clark's, (odaa. toekert ells earpeta. Fin engravlnge 4 Letort't. F.d Roger Teroy Fust beet. i-t those new photos st Schmidt . I'imbing and heating. Bixby ft Bon. Iwls Cutler, funeral director, 'phone 7. hvoodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 839. 'Fluff City Masonic lodge will mMt to. night for Work in th first degree. MAMOXM A8 AN INVESTMENT. ,XTALK TO-LEFt ERT ABOUT IT. tr-asee Stephen Bros, for Are brick and nre ' f .--T, sewer ptps, fitting snd garden hose. ?' ' Superfluous hairs- removed permanently ny electrolyses at Graves . h Pearl street. Tor sale nr trade for Council Bluffs property, elf hty acre good land. C. U. .Mcnolson. tM Broadway. Do you want It done right? If you do lei rtorwwk. 211.8; Mitln, do your papering, painting and. interior. decorating. I pay 13 per ton for cast Iron; mixed U; Hove, tfc; rags, lc per lb.; rubber, 7"ic; t-opper. Jtc.per lb,. J. Katelman, W3 Main. lKtn 'phone ao. We nave, the flnat line of sample monu ments to seiect from In the west. Shecly Lane Marble and Granite works, 217 ilost Broadway. Council Bluffs, la. , The defendant In the flra Insurance suit of John C.r Bridget against the Mutual l own Dwelling limine Insurance associa tlon of Des. !((,.,. hied yesterday a motion for a new trial. a AH mertber of -Council Bluffs tent. Knights of the Maccabees, ' are requested o be present st the meeting this evening, as there will be work In the degrees ond a presentation to on of the sir knights.- Rev.' Henry" be' Long performed the mnr rlugs coreinony yesterday for H. L. Olon in II of Jan avllie. Wis., and Jennie M. Hatch' of Oakland. Is., ahd Ector Koche ford and Josephine Yellnek, both of Omaha. John L. Templeton. formerly of this city, now chief of the tire department Of Musko gee, I. T., has written friends in this city contradicting the report of the death of William lcgy of tills city In Oklahoma. ttnail we Iiains that picture? We can db It to suit you, we muke a specialty of fram ing pictures. Let us do it, we know the work snd price will be satisfactory. Coun cil Bluffs -1'alnt.iOU and Glass Co., Merriam The trial of Nicholas. Soencer of Love-,1-ind. Indicted on complaint of a young V"mao who charged him with betrayal un utt promise of marriage, has been, on motion of the defendant, continued to the next term of district court. Under peculiar circumstances we make the following prices; Carpets, per yard, Z7C and up; linoleum, per yard. 60c and up; oil cloth, 26c and up; stave patterns. 7eo and up; sink boards, wood lined. 76c and up. D. W. Keller, Mi South Main street. A chance for a bargain, do you want It? We have a large stock of carpet and mat ting retrtnants: must act rid of them: will se sell at -fnost any price. Stove oil cloth Tom 2&o to 40c a square yard; cocoa floor ruts, Wo to W.60N.' Btockert Carpet Co. One thousand bounds home mads candy. Opening canuy sale Saturday at purity candy Jtucnenv - Homemade candy loe. a pound. -.Butterscotch, 10c a pound. Pea nut brittle Ufc: s. pound. Angel food tany, loc a pound, v Oie Brown, manufacturer, M Broadway ' The councilman took a ride about the city last night to inspect the lights and ascer tain as far as possible how they could be rearranged so as to give the business por tion of tb city better lighting. No de cision was reached, but a report In ex pected from the fire and light committee at the. next meeting of the council. 3. . Black is- to have a heating befsre Justice Field tomorrow morning on com- filalnt of Miss Bessie Bundy, who charges ilm with using In her presenoe obscene and ' " rofane language contrary to the statutes. Black ia chef de rulslne at the Calumet restaurant,, while Mlsa Bundy earns a live lihood waahlng dishes at the same place. Inea Clark, claiming to be the wife of George Clark, a Broadway saloonkeeper, waa before the court yesterday on a dlpao charge. There Is a suspended sen tence of eighteen months In the cttate Hoa PttaJ to. ,lpebrtt. at Mount Pleasant hanging over her bead, but as she pro mined to leave, the stats, no committment was is sued. .; .; Another effort to secure, a meeting at the rooms of the Commercial club last even ing of those interested in the project to hold Chautauqua In this city next yesr failed (or lack of a quorum, only six mem ber a of the club' and one minister putting In an appearance. Those pushing the proj ect, however, are not disheartened and ' intend to keep the matter alive. The receipts of the general fund of the Christian home last week were $118.96, be ing SU.US below the needs of the wenk and decreasing the balance In this fund to M8K.3J. The amount needed in the im provement and contingent fund for the re mainder of 16 is fj.uuO. In ths manager's fund the receipts were XZi.bQ, being I10.W below the needs of the week and increas ing the deficiency In this fund to date to Have, yyl beard the. good news? Our 1907 ) wall paper patterns are coming In and you will be right Jn It If you let us do your in ferior decorating; and when It comes to painting, wo do not allow anybody to' beat us In furnishing good materials and good work. Now Is the best time to paint, the Insects are all gons and the weather nicely settled. , Let us figure with you. Jensen A Nicholson, JM Broadway. Ths grandest opportunity ever known for saving money . on high-class V'anos has brought many buyers to A. Hospe Co., M .South Main St, Council Bluffs.. Marriage Lleeaees. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the fallowing: r' Nam and 'Bertdenee. H. L. O'Donhell, Janesvllle, Wis.. Icnnle M. Iaich Oakland, la... Han F. Bcheel, Sliver City, la.... Dora J. Bendt, Mlneola. la.,,.. Ictor Bocheford. Omaha. .t Josephine Yellnek. Omaha Age. ... 24 ..23 ... tt ... 17 ... n ... 18 ! Clean Things to Eat and Drink are as desirable at pur food. Unclean food cannot bt healthful. It .it the method of barUiW)in the, manufao turf of food product that makes. ft clca or unclean. . DlueKibbon: U jnn factored , from the purest taateriaU br icrop nlcmalT cleaa machinery. From brew to bottla or leg it it never touched by hitman Kindt gad never conic ia contact with anything but pure, filtered air, ana pr- rcctir atehlized tube, pipe . . i . , asa soa-iea sioragv una. sorts street. Oaaak. Xeb. . Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer VHBW ORDERISO ASK rOM PABll I ..-... . -. .. '.' f rVasT 1 f I JOT Leaveai OF INTEREST FROM IOWA BLUFFS fU. TeL 4S. BUST DAY FOR COMMITTEES Daiih Esotheroood Tates a Day Off to Allow Them ta Wart. PROBABLE CHANGES IN INSURANCE PLAN Bnlntn and Fresno Each ratting tp a Lively Camnalga tor the Real Qaadreantal Convention of Order. Outside of committee work no business was transacted by the Danish Brotherhood convention yesterday, the entire day being given over to the several committee to formulate their reports on the various matters entrusted to them. Tiie delegates not engaged on committee work enjoyed a day of rst, but the convention ai a whole will resume Its deliberations this morning, when ail of the committees are eipected to report. One of the principal matters under con sideration at this meeting. It Is said. Is a readjustment of the Insurance plan. With the possible reincorporation of the order, a radical change In the Insurance plan Is expected. It Is said that the present sys tem Is too liberal and It Is proponed to cut down the scale of benefits. Since the so ciety wss organised In 1882 It has paid out In Insurance $400,000, for sick bent (Its. $138,- K0; to distressed families of deceased and Incapacitated members, $u0,000, and In other benefits, $3S.G67 The purpose of the organisation, as net out In the constitution, is as follows: . To work toward a union among the Danes in America; to perpetuate the mem ories of Denmark and to strengthen each other In true brotherhood; to help one an other by financial aid to sick and needy members; to help unemployed brothers to employment, and to provide a death fund whereby every brother will have a guar antee that his surviving relatives In case of his death will receive a sum sgreed upon on his admission to the brotherhood that will protect them agsinet immediate want, and to aid the local lodges in their obligations to their sick and wanting mem bers. Campaign for Xext Oanveattoa. The campaign for the next meeting is becoming interesting. Duluth la favored by many of the delegates on account of Its central position and greater accessi bility to the middle west and northwest. Fresno, however', haa Its adherents among the delegates and quite a number are anxioua to have the next meeting there for tha reason that in California there is an other organization of Danes known as the Danla society, and It Is thought that If the Danish Brotherhood society should meet there In 1910, a merging of the two societies might be effected and this, it Is believed, would materially strengthen both orders. Last night the visitors were guests of the local lodge at its meeting In Danish hall and were entertained with an inter esting moving picture show given by W. J. Levsrett of this city. At the close of the entertainment refreshment were served, cigars lighted and a social session enjoyed until quite a late hour. This evening the visiting delegates will be guests of honor at a banquet in the Dan ish hall, the members of the local lodge being the hosts. Ptaaos. . Ws are headquarter lor fine pianos. No matter what may be your need we can supply It. We offer you a line of pianos that are fully tested and we guarantee you satisfaction In the purchase of an Instru ment from us. Call on us. Tour money will go farther here than anywhere else. Easy terms If desired. Swanson Music Co., 407 West Broadway. Don't pound the life out of your fine Wilson or Axmlnster rug by cleaning It the old-fashioned way. There is a better way; cheaper In the long run. Our way will not Injur the finest fabric Our wagon will call. Tel. SIS. The Council Bluff Carpet Cleaning and Rug Manufac turing company. For Imported wines, liquors and Bud weiser beer go to L. Rosen f eld. wholesale liquor dealer, 619 South Main street. STREET RAILWAY LAWYERS Bl'SIT I'nabla to Keen In with Litigation f tko Company. In an affidavit filed yesterday In the dis trict court by counsel for the Omaha tt Council Bluff Btreet Railway company. In support of a motion to continue the pet sonal Injury damage suit of Mrs. Mary Lorenzen against the company, the claim I made that an unusual number of acci dents had happened during the present year and In consequence the legal depart ment of the street railway ha been unable to prepare for the trial of this case at this term of court. In the affidavit of Emmet Tlnley of the firm of Harl A Tlnley, local attorney for ths street railway' company, it 1 aet forth that the collapse of the platform of the Kuraaal at Lake Manawa. on July 4 alone resulted in the filing of eighty claims for claim or suits, on account of deaths re sulting from this catastrophe. In addition to the affidavit of Attorney Tlnley one br E. II. Odell, until a few day ago local claim agent of the company, waa filed. In hi affidavit Mr. Odell stales that five Im portant witnesses for the defense cannot be secured at this term of court. The court haa not yet passed upon tha mo tion. Judge Wheeler has overruled the motion of the defendant to transfer the suit of Charles H. Huber against H. A. Larson, proprietor of th Manhattan saloon ahd safe, to the United Btatea court. Shortly after the filing of thl suit Ander Larson of Clay county, Minneaota, appeared on the scene, claiming to be the owner of th property Involved, and on the grounds of being a nonresident of th state of Iowa secured. In the federal court, a tem porary Injunction restraining Huber from prosecuting hi suit in the district court This temporary restraining order ha not yet been vacated. Th cult I to enjoin Larson from operating tha saloon con trary to the mulct law of Iowa, and waa brought shortly after the city election la the spring by Huber. who wa defeated for counellman-at-larg on th democraUo tleHet. At th time it wa alleged, that politic was at tha bottom or ths suit. . Tb taking of evidence In the personal Injury damage suit of Edward Haefner against C H. and Al Huber wa com. pleted yesterday and the case will go to th jury this morning. This Is th second trial of the case. At the former trial th jury disagreed. Haefner wa employed In the meat market of th de fendant' and while making sausage lost tha four fingers and part of hla right hand In a machine. Th following additional petit juror were drawn yesterday for the October term of district court, to appear Novem ber Ti O. E. Knight, I. Cherni, W. 4. Kerney. C. O. Hamilton. Tom Troupe, John Sandfl, N. Celehaii. H. T. James. Ity; C. r , Briggs. Washington; A. E. Woodworth. Garner; Fred Heuwlnkel. Keg Creek; J. It. I rede, silver t reen; James Keiton. Neoia; otto lulls, Kocktord; J. JC. Hntler. Kane. For Pair. A GOOD PATINO SHOE STORE, DOtNG $1,600 A MONTH. WILL INVOICE fH.000. SPLENDID OPENING. DINCAN ft DEAN, a MAIN ST., COUNCIL BLITF8. A. Mtttgsr A Co. New Location of Wholesale Bakery. Sl( Mynater Street, Co. Bluff a, la. Home-made Bread a Specialty. Visitors Welcome. BUY (JHEES PIC KED I P BY POLICK Hare Beea Looking for Hiss Since Before Csrslrsl. Roy Green, tor wnom the police have been looking since a few days before the opening of the Council Blurts stieet fair and carnival last month, was arrested yts terday afternoon by Detective Weir. Oieen Is said to be an all-round crook and hotel worker. One afternoon shortly before the opening of the carnival a man was dis cove.ed prowling around the corridors of the Grand hotel. He entered the room of Conductor Sievert of the Northwestern ratlrosd and finding 8l-ert In made an excuse about seeking the toilet room. Sltvert detained the fellow, - whom he recognised aa having entered his room on a foimer occasion and made a similar ex cuse, until he rang for a belt boy and then ordered the boy to conduct the fellow to Chief Clerk Park. While Mr. Park was Interrogating the fellow he made a dasn for the door leading Into the alley between the hotel and the annex and escaped, but lost his hat In the shuffle. The fellow waa pursued and was seen to enter a rooming house at First ave nue and Eighth street, but a search by the police failed to locate him. Two men and two women found In the house were taken Into custody, but later released on their promising to leave the city, which they did. From the description of the fellow caught in the hotel the police were certain Roy Green, who was well known tc them, was the man. Green waa positively Identified by Mr. Park yesterday afternoon. It Is understood that Green Is wanted In Omaha on a charge of larceny and he will be turned over to the authorities of that city, If the police here are unable to make a case against him. As Green did not steal anything from the hotel, as far , a Is known, It Is doubtful if he can be charged with anything egcept vagrancy. When arrested yesterday he was found to be carrying a revolver and a charge of car rying concealed weapons , was placed against him. That Conductor Sievert Is the owner of several valuable diamonds Is believed to have been known by Green and the police ascribe this ss the reason for Green twice entering ' Mr. leverf room. THE MOST-UP-TO-DATE RESTAUR ANT IN COUNCIL BLUFFS. GOOD SER VICE AND HOME COOKING. The Calu met restaurant. 120 Broadway. If you want a good position, finish a course at the Western Iowa college. Day and evening school. Enroll at any time. 'Phone for Information. Pictures for wedding gift, ander, 133 Broadway. C. E. Alcx- Real Estate Transfers. The transfer were reported to The Bee October by the Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Counoll Bluffs: ' Julia A. Daugherty and husband to Nettie E. Drake, part of lot 3 in the original plat of Council Bluffs, la., w. B 12,700 John Goodchlld and wife to Nellie E. Aywood, lot 2, block H. in Wil liams1 1st ad to Council Bluffs, la., w. d 800 George W. West and wife to H. L. Robertson, nw ne4 6-77-44. q. c. d.. 370 H. L. H. Jennings to Martin P. Schmidt, part of stt ae seV3b-75-44, w. d i...... S00 Executors of the Etta P. Chapman estate to Stella Chapman, lots C. 7, 8 and t, In Chapman ad; lot 17 and wt, of lot 1, block 4. In Twin City Place ad to council uiuns, ia., ana . . part of nw4 ne4 1-74-44, and part of sw se4 38-75-44, executors' deed ' Five transfers; total 14.171 A Great Excitement. We are making the lowest possible prices on wall paper. The latest patterns. ' We will make you the lowest figure if you will let us do the work. Guaranteed to be first class. Council Bluffs Pslnt, Oil and Glass Co., Merriam block. WHEN GOING TO BUILD GO TO GEO. A. HOAGLAND, THE PIONEER LUM BER MAN OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. 724 SOUTH MAIN 8TREET. TEL., 24S. CENTRAL FLOUR-IU5. Every sack warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar ket. Both 'phones 24. Children's Hoars at Library. At the suggestion of Superintendent Clifford of the public schools of this city the children's room In the public library is to remsln open until t p. m. Instead of until 7 o'clock. If the experiment proves successful and the young folk behave themselves It will be made permanent. The library board ha further decided to make an effort to Induce school children to patronise the library more than they do. Attractive circulars calling attention to the advantages of the library are to be sent to all children between the ages of THS NAME STANDS FOR Honesty Honest ' Statement concerning Honest Oood Purity - Never a question a to the Purity of our product Quality Costliest and choicest material need exclusively Reliability Uniform ascaUaac always maintained Popularity Everywhere hifh ia favor ; who ever taste th Lowney product become a permanent customer THE WALT Eg M. LOWNEY CO. Makers ef Ceces sad Checolste -BOSTON, MASS. 12 and IS years. There Is also some talk of holding meetings In the children's room once or more esrh month, at' which ad dresses will be made on some topic con nected with the library and Its. use. MALONEY CIGAR CO.. PEARL ST.. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA.. DISTRIBUTERS FOR THE ROBERT BURNS' 10c CIGAR AND LITTLE ROBBIE, OLD TIME8 AND ERRI8 Be CIGARS. Hello, Central, give me everybody on the wires. Tell them of our big candy sale next Saturday. Home-mnde candy. 10o a lb. Purity Candy Kitchen. 511 Broadway. Opera House block. town Women Injured. DEFIANCE. Is.. Oct. .-8rcln!. While H. R. Kelmes of Omaha and others were driving a lot of cattle over a country road near this place they met Miss Leon and Miss McCaine. who wire driving In a buggy. Their horse became frightened and threw the women from the buggy, severely Injurylng them. Mr. Kelrnos went to their assistance and after giving them temporary aid sent them to their homes. n. I., and W. This phrase, when applied, means the best coal mined. W hnndle all the dif ferent slses. OUR WEIGHT tS OUR W'ORD. Iowa and Missouri oak wood In stock at all times. Brldcnsteln & Smith. 'Prmne 14th Ave and th St. , It will pay you tq look over my stock of phonographs, bicycles And sewing ma chines before you buy. I have som espe cial bargains In bicycles. I rent sewing machines. 8. M. Williamson, 17 So Main et. Papier Maehe Works Consolidate. CLINTON, Ia., Oct. . (Special Tele gram.) Charla 8. Cole, -proprietor of the Western Papier Mache works, Denver, has signed a contract to remove his entire plant to Clinton. He hopes to consolidate the Western with the Natolnal Papier Mache plant here, the largest in America, i C. 8. Richardson, former head of the Na tional Papier works, leaves for Kansas City. . ' N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. SO. Night, 693. The Knabe piano will cost you more money than any. other piano made, be cause It is the best one:, and only ob tainable at A. Hospe Co,, 28 Routh Main street, Council Bluffs. There la no getting around It, When you buy anything of John Olson, 739 and 741 West Broad wayi you get Just what you order whether you order over the phone or leave the order at the store. He does not handle anything but first class groceries and sells them at the most reasonable price possible. Iowa Candidate Resigns. CLINTON, la., Oct. . (Special Tele gram.) H. W. Seaman, nominee for sena tor on the republican ticket, declines to run. . Don't fall to see the Red Cross bsse burner. Let us show you the Eclipse grate, the only stove made with the Eclipse grate. Swalne fMaurer, Vfi and 838 Broadway. ' Owner Heed Money. Must sell elegant lot on Glen avenue; also good dwellings on eleventh street, near Bloomer school. Tel. fit., piias. T. Officer, 41 Broadway. . ' r. CORONER SPRINGSASENSATION In finite of -His Ktantki Jary Finds "Al" Adams Committed' - NEW YORK, Oct, . Thaf Albwt Adam, the so-called "policy king,'' who, was found dead In hla rooms in the .Hotel Anaemia, waa murdered is the belief of Coroner Har-. burger as expressed at the opening or the Inquest into Adams' death, today. '.The? coroner ald also that he. .'.was convinced that bl investigation als would "reveal evidence to show thgt the , murderer is a prominent witness at the Inquest. In opening the inquest' Coroner " Har hurger told the Jury thai before eomlng Into court this morning he had been abused and vilified by an Important wit ness In the ease." Continuing, he said: "Th relatives and police believe . that Adams committed suicide,' but as coroner I believe and expect to. show to yon that Albert J. Adams was murdered and that th murderer is sn Important witness in this cass who will appear before you.'' The following Is a list fff the wltnrsses subpoenaed at . the inquest1: Follre Cap tain Burflend, W. E. D. Stoke, proprietor of the Ansonla hotel; Mrp.: Adams, widow of the alleged .suicide. Albert and Louis Adams,' his sons; Dr. Tbornley, hnuss phynlclan at the Ansonla hotel; William Dunlevle, clerk at the AnionJa; Edward Mill, bell boy; G. W, Robblns and William H. Thomas, Adams' partner ahd friend. Societies Start Building:. . 8TURGIS, 8. D.. Oct. . (Special Tele- gram.) The corner stone of the new benev olent hall building waa laid today, four lodge joining in the erection of the build ing participating in the ceremonies under the auspices of the Masonic lodge, J. J. Davenport acting as grand master. Tho old fraternal building, erected In was destroyed by fire In March. ISiv;. It waa owned by the Masons, Odd Felloas and Workmen lodges. The new building Is to cost S31.000 and will be owned by the same orders, with the local lodge of Eagles added. The Sixth cavalry hand furnished music for the occasion. AH the. lodges had speaker present to elaborate upon the ad vantages and benefits of fraternallsm. An Immense concourse of people from the city and country waa present' All business house and schools were closed during the ceremonies. Wonnded Polleemaa Alive: MITCHELL, 8. D.. Oct. 9. (Special Tele, grara.) rWaiter Newman, the policeman who waa shot last night. Is still alive snd Is getting along well under Hie. -circum stance. The bullet wa extracted from hla leg today, but no attempt waa made to probe for the bullet which Is lodged In the left lung. For a time it appeared that the prisoner was in danger of being lynched, so high wa the sentiment, ut wiser eoun. set prevailed. The atrong physical condi tion of the Injured policeman stands much In hi favor of recovery If complication do not set in. Th city council employed three physicians and a professional nurse to care for the policeman. Reward far Mnrderer. PIERRE. 8. D.. Oct. S-(8pecial Tele gramsThe county commissioner of Stan ley county have offered a reward of 1200 for the apprehension of Harry Brooks, the man who killed Frank Llnder at Midland last Friday night. Brooks is a young man about six feet tall, very slender and with hair and eyebrows so light that he wa given the name of "Whltey" among his Companions. Militia Preserve Order. OTTAWA. Ont., Oct. f.-Eurklnghani ia In possession of th militia today and all Is quiet after th coafllct of yesterday. No further disturbance la expected. STRIKE OR SETTLE TODAY Employe god Hattcers f Traction Com pany Iet ia Afternoon. WIFE SUCS FOR VAlUi OF HER HUSBAND Alleara loan Woman Mole tffeftloas. W btrh. Are t aleed Twenty Thonsand Dollars the Wife. in UYom a Staff Correspondent.) DtS MOINES, Oct. .-KpeclaI.)-intll the meeting tomorrow ufternoon between the street railway official,, snd the oflVers of the new union of the company's em ployes is held It cannot be told whether there will he a strike of the men or not. The meeting Is called for t o'clock. Presi dent J. 8. Polk got up from a sickbed 10 attend the meeting yesterday. A written agreement was submitted by the new union of the employes and wa verbally agreed to with some minor restrictions. It re mnln to be seen whether or not these will be agreed to by the employes. The officers of the union have agreed that the wage contract signed by the men as Individuals, and to run for eighteen months, shall be carried out. nnd on this promise the com pany agreed to reinstate the ten men dl.. charged. In the meantime, however, tho company ha increased the number of strike-breakers Imported from Chicago to fifty, and they are still here. The com- pany siys they will Temaln till all possl- i ble need of thetn Is past. I Monnt Ayr tilrl Rrlngs Sail. An original notice of a suit for Jafi.tufl I damages for the alienation of the affections of Charles Blair wa served today on . Miss Nanna Boyd. The suit Is brought by Mrs. Dolly Blair.' wife of Charles Blair. She charges that Miss Boyd Is responsible for stealing her husband. Notice of the suit was served on Miss Boyd by Deputy Sher iff Wesley Ash at 1211 Cherry street, where Miss Boyd Is living. The petition In th Suit has not been filed. Sullivan tc Sullivan, formerly of Creston, are attorneys for Mrs. Blair. . Dickinson Indicted. . The Polk county, grand Jury this after noon returned an Indictment against H. B. Dickinson, the Insurance man, on the charge of murder 111 the second degree for the death of Ireie BIydenburg, the Elflora telephone girl who died In this city from a criminal operation. Will Retnrn Mlssonrlans. Governor ' Cummins todsy granted requi sitions for jthe return of Grant Brown, Pete Brown and Mamie Johnson, alias Ma mie Brown, to the state of Mla-ouri. Grant Brown is now at Oskalooaa and Is wanted In Chilllcothe, Mo., for forgerr. He broke Jail there August 20. Pete Brown and Mamie Brown are in Sioux City and are wanted in Buchanan county for the lar ceny of $130 from the person of Edward Coger. C Captain Madden a Candidal. Captain P. W. Madden, who w" warden at the state penitentiary under Governors Drake, Boles and Jackson. Is a candidate for warden to succeed the late warden, W. A. Hunter, at Anamosa. Madden's friends are arranging to lay his application before the Board of Control. Freeslng Weather Continues. Freeslng weather for all part of Iowa was predicted by the weather bureau for tonight. This Is a continuation of the cold spell of yesterday and today. Though the weather bureau thermometer In this city registered S above at 7 thla morning, there wa thin Ice in many part of the city. At Sl'pux city it waa SO abov this morning. j Appeals to Wanhlnarton. '. '-I'j The case of W. M. Long sguinst the i Bank of Clearfield i to be carried to the United State supreme court. Long, as trustee for Thomas F. Wells, a bankrupt, brought suit to recover money collected by the bank from Insurance companies. The federal court for the southern district of Iowa and the circuit court of appeals have held against the bank. The bank Is now In the hands of a receiver and It ha ap pealed the case to the United States su preme court, notice having been filed today j in the federal, court here. FIRE RECORD. Bias at Los Angeles. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Oct. . Fir which broke out mysteriously laat night on the ton floor of the Chamber of Comeree build ing caused damage estimated at HOO.000, i per cent by water. The Chamber of Com- merce building is a flve-story brick and ; stone structure and waa erected In 1908. The three upper floors are given up to offioes, the second floor to the une of th chamber thm first Is occupied by business estab lishments. The office and rompoesng room of the Herald, on the ground noor, wer flooded. Some machlnerr and a considera ble amount of paper In the basement were damaged. Boy Bnrns Barns. BATTLE CREEK, Neb.. Oct .(Spe cial.) Fire broke out, In-C. A. Hedman' barn, destroying the barn, with grain In It; also a carriage house, with a carriage In it. and a chicken coop and other out-buildings- The Methodist parsonage barn, across the alley from the Hedman barn, was also burned. A high wind prevailed, carrying the burning shingles, which set fire in 'other place, but no damage wa done. A little grandson of Mr.' Hedman started the fire. No insurance. Town In Kansas. , MARY6VILLE. Kan., Oct, . Fire today at Summer field, a small town near here, destroyed three stores and the Sun news, paper office. For a time 'the town was threatened. OMAH A FIELD CLl B GOLFERS Wl Cedar Haplds Man Get . Medal for Low Soore. SIOVX CITT. Ia.. Oct. . (Special Tele gram.) The golf team from the Omaha Field club, composed of Dr. H. C. Sum ney. O. W. Shields, A. C. Jonee and J. B. Clarke, won the team match In the inter state golf tournament in progress here, with an average score of 106. Dr. Sum ney' score of 9t for eighteen holes wss the lowest made by hla team. H. H. Ferguson of C-dr Rapids, la., won the gold medal for low score In the mmlifvlnr round, maklna the elshteen holes In 78 strokes. Dr. Surnney of Omaha wn runnerup with a score of 92 and Warren Dickenson of Des Moines nude third low score, 86. The cold weather was a hindrance to good play. . ' lie Gins la St. Lanla.' ST. LOUIS, Oct. J. The second gam of the local American-National post-season series todsy ended In tie 4 to 4. Dark ness stopped the play. Soore: R.H.E. Americans 0 It 0 0 0 0 04 11 i National 4 0 O 0 0 0 04 T 0 Batteries: Americans. Pelty and Spencer; Nationals, and Noonan. Last Bar la Faaad. NEW YORK. Oct. . Willis L bar bar, the 4-year-old Italian boy who had been missing from his home for more then two weeks and who waa believed to have been kidnaped, was restored to his parent today. The little fellow was found wan dering about the streets at the Brooklyn end of the Brooklyn bridge last Saturday night and taken to the rooms of the Children oclety. He waa identified today. Empleyera Ask Injnnetlan. TOPEKA. Kan.. Oct. . A temporary In junction was granted by Judge Pollock of the 1'nlted States district court today re straining the members of ths Iron Moulders' union of Kansas City, Kan., from Inter fering with the employes of the Riverside Iron works of th-U city. The company clsims that th men lmiorted to supplant strikers have been Intimidated and annoyed by tb union. Health insurance at little cost. BAKING $1,000.00 "Lr.Vs'! stance Injurious to tho health lnund In Calnmet Buking rwrler. i lHirltr it prime essential Cft.tnni4t is made only r( pure, lngTdlent combined by skilled and compltes with the purty.-Hi J laws of all states. It is the only high-grade Baking IViwder on the market gold at a moderate prices Calumet Baking Powder may be freely used with the certainty that food made with it contains no hnrmfnl draff no Alum, no Rochelie Salts, no injurious substance. SPECIAL H0MESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS To Hyannis, Nebraska October If), 1000, Leaving Omaha 4:10 P. M. To Lakeside, Nebraska November C, 1906, leaving Omaha 4:10 p. m. To Hyannis, Nebraska November 20. 1906, leaving Omaha 4:10 p. m. I will personally conduct the above Homeseekers' Excur tlons, at which times I will have with me townih,li plat showing the homestead land In thette localities. SPECIAL Ol'POKTl'NITIEg Lands that are now being cancelled on reports of the Special Agents of the Government are generally desirable homesteads. I keep track of all of the cancelled lands for the benefit of the patrons ot thla bureau. . R.Ti:a AM) TICKETS Very low round trip Home seekers' Excursion rates will be In effect on above dates to these destinatlona, and to any other points In the homestead counties in Nebraska. Those holding excursion tickets desir ing to visit other points will be furnished township plats show ing the homestead land in any section they desire to visit AKW l-XJLUER KKKK Write today tor our new tolder with map of Nebraska, telling all about tha 640-acre tree home steads, and how to acquire title. , RICHER THAN KLONDIKE Jo . . , M purifies and enriches th blood, cleanse and hetl th bladder and kidney when Irritated or congesteo. invigorate th liver, revive th plrit brightens th intellect, snd restores the Wasted power of Merro-Vital Debility. , 1,,our ,0 ,,,T evTri VARICOCELE, 'HYDROCELE, PROSTATIC SSV.S8, URETHRAL OBSTRUCTION. BLOOD POISON. NERVO-VITAL DEBILITY and ail reflex complications and associate disease and weak nesses of men. To these maladies alone we have earnestly devoted twenty four of the best years of our lives. . Physician having stubborn cases are cordially invtted to consult with us. W make no charge for private counsel, and give esch patient a legal contract In writing to hold for our promise, if affected. It la your duty to Investigate a cure that ha mad life anew te multitude of men. NORTHWESTERN MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE K. Y' Cor- 3th and OFFICERS CAUSED MUTINY Bussiin Commission Lays Recent Trouble to logligenc and Iniffioioioy. NAVAL MUTINIES ARE UNAVOIDABLE Wearers of St. George's Cress ABTc,led by Prevailing; Spirit and One f Tnena Is Con victed. ST. PETERSBURG, Oct. . The commis sion appointed by Emperor Nicholas to in vestigate the causes of the Sveaborg and Cronstsdt mutinies have found that the blame waa largely attribute! to the negli gence and Inefficiency of the officer. It Is considered probable that several of the lat ter will be tried' by court-martial as a re sult of the investigation. The continued naval mutinies are re garded by the commissions being un avoidable under , the present condition. Even wearer of the St. George' cross, which la conferred, like the British Vic toria cross, for acta of extreme bravery and devotion to duty, are affected. One of these ws condemned to death recently INDIA AND CEYLON Y(BU Is tea you don't tire of. Its dHtrtous flavor appeals to you, its full body hroil-fcly stimulate you, while It economy In use make it essential to you. McCORD-BRADY CO, Wholesale Agent, Om&h-, GALUiET POWDER fALUMEl In food. wholesome chemists, srmlL For further information cull or write D. CLEM DENVER, Agent, ' Homesetkcrs' Information Bureau, 100k Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska 15 THE MANLY MAN Such a man controls the. respect of bis fel low man and commands the a. miration of th fairer sex. In his every action there Is mag netism. His steady nerve, his sparkling eye and his ruddy complextion all proclaim him a prince socially, and In the business world he is th peer of the brightest and best. So many men fail to leach this highest stand ard of physical excellence, because their vitality haa been weakened or destroyed through errors, excesses, everwerk or mental worry. . If this I your condition we want you to hon estly Investigate our special treatment for weak men. It does not stimulate temporarily, but builds up permanently. During the paat few months It ha been tested on hundreds of cases right here snd not a aingle failure or an unpleasant result has been reported. What it haa don for other It will do for you. It stops every unnatural drain and builds ui the muscular and nervous svstem. Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. at 6t. Petersburg for. disobedience ef or ders and striking an officer. After a long investigation Colonel Semi novakl of the Rostoff Grenadiers, which mutinied In December last, ha been re lieved of duty and will be tried by court martial on the charge of laxity In main taining discipline in the regiment, ' HELSINGFORS, Oct. .-A test vote at the congress of constitutional democrat, now in cession here, haa not yet been taken, but the radical claim they have a working majority, pointing out th attitude of th speakers, . of whom 00 per cent advocated radical views. The belligerents, however, differ a to how far It ahould he left to th party to demand the Immediate financial boycott ef the government. The extremists advocate a bold appeal to the peasantry to refua to' enter the army during the recruiting Ma son, which' opens thl month. Th central committee today wa mor strongly dis posed to a compromise In order, to avoid a dlsrupture of the party, but apparently they can not hope to retain the moderates.' Sixty speaker ar yt to be hsard. . , Addlrk', Patty Meets. WILMINGTON. Del.. Oct, t. Th unlea republican state convention, called by J. Edward Addlck, met here todsy. Only twenty delegstes appeared. The objeet ot the convention, Addlck say. I to ar-. serve the union republican organisation. '