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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1906)
10 Tun OMAIIA DAILY BEL: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER in, 1906. 5 5' t a n m 2 5 2 r Sill Stock Thorsdi! Thorslaf Salt ( Shelly Stick raft 4 IS! 5 Big Special Sale Ladies' $20, $15 and $10 Silk and Lace Waists Bought from (he famous ($1 h-useof 4 D. COHEN 85 Fifth Ave., New York On Sale Wednesday The daintiest and most beautiful evening and dress waists, in stunning new styles fine black nets, pretty messalines and taffetas, in white and all colors short, three-quarter and long sleeves elaborate trimmings of fine lace insertions, medallions, etc. all sizes and a hundred beautiful new effects. Stunning Waists Actually Worth up to $20 At Five Dollars 1 $1 Towels at 39c Most Extraordinay Towel Bargain Ever Offered in Omaha. Tomorrow we place on sale 100 dozen regular $1.00 damask and linen huck towels of the. very highest grade. It is ; very seldom that such high-class towels are ever offered at special sale. They are in double satin damask with i open and drawn work, and very heaviest huck with damask border; most of them hemstitched, but many i of them , with long double knotted ; fringe. We place them 'on sale to morrow at thejinen department in the new store-at, each m f 39c Ladies' and .Children's HEAVY UNDERWEAR Misses', Children's and Boys' medium and heavy weight fleece lined and plain vests, pants and drawers -- all sizes up to 34, at Ladies' union suits medium and heavy j weight, soft fleeced sll jver grey and ecru In cluding Florence Seam less Combination Suits $1.00 values every where at 25c 39c-69c Misses' and Child ren 's medium win ter weight, fine ribbed vests, and pants all sizes, l2ic JBIG SPECIALS: $1 Broadcloths, Panama Suitings, "Waistings , T Tx and Novelty Goods, 54 inches wide, on sale at j) If front biirirain counter; Aisle No. 7. for. . V. . :J? f 39c puality of fleece lined Jersey Gloves, new store, Aisle ho. 6, at .... ... . . . . . Flannelette and Fleece Lined Dressing Sacques and yf CI Short Kimonas, on sale in old store, main floor, atTC 15c Special bargain of $5 ladies' Velvet Hats, trimmed and ready to wear, on sale in ' mm new store, Aisle No. I H 1. at . . THEY FIT ALL OVER ' Although knit with no seams anywhere, they are shaped just like the leg, ankle and foot. That is the great ad vantage of BURS0NS Fashioned Hose . We will give1 a new pair for every pair that Jails.-. Special Talks on Women's Footwear This Week By special Salesladies in our Hosiery Dept. Aisle 6. DOLL'S DAY IS NEXT SATURDAY. m m AT- FASHIONED HeOnfu Hose thiiia Khtifofit Wtiouta oeam JEW STYLISH STREET SHOES Tin now leathers and last shown in our ntreet nhofn (M fall are certainly a splendid combination of taste and utility. tiun Metal 'ulf, Munllft Calf. Chrome ('a If and Velour Cnlf, are among the btt of dull leathers for street wear. Shiny leather of all kinds on new and correct layts for both street and dress wear. SPECIALS $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 FRY SHOE CO. THE fiHOERS 16th and Douglas Streets Shaving Soaps and Creams. 50o Lloyd's 'A Enpesis 75o 4711 Shaving Cream J1.00 Plnaud'a Shaving Cream 10c Williams' Delight Shaving Soap ....... 10c Colgate's Shaving. Soap ...... 25c Sanitol Shaving Foam ' , 2Bc -Williams' Shaving . Stick .......... .... 25c Pear's Shaving Stick 85e Roger A .Gallet ' Creme 23i: Colgate's Shaving Sticks. 40c .5Uc .73c 3c 5c 20c ". 19c 19c ..25c 20c BEATON DRUG CO. isTK Aim . r AXYAJC. ' Soma of accuracy and compounding-. "rsllaw Ik rial" round trip iutes Buffalo. N. T.. Oct 10. 11, H .......$28.76 New Orleans; La.. Oct. 11, 13. 18. 14..: ....... $23.e0 Chattanooga. Tenn., Oct 14, IS. 16.. $28.00 Memphli, Tenn., Oct. IS, IS, IT, II . . , 919-00 Atlanta. Ga.. Oct S. I.... 982.10 All Information ehaerfully drs at wasabx ozTT.TioxaT orrxos, isol raxsam St. 'raoa Boas, ass. Or address UBT B. MOOmaa. O. A. F. C W ABASH B. B OMil, MXB. n1 i t. A. 8anipon. tien'l SalAt Agent, Omaha. PILLS KtraiYKUYAL rv TBI PIAMONI I.adl. Aak your I CkieKm THE SIAMONU RB V.. I.adwa. A4k your ai c imrm , nJ iaia nct.ll with Blua Rlbima. ' Buy of vowf rmiprUt I Mil ftwamm w a- V a.' . mmwm " . . . r : r n n . ui . ItlAMWND SUA KB I II.I.B, fc tan rassrrled as Sett. SaJaftC. Alway laliahla. BI4 by Dninrltts avtrrwbera t al 1 Ga -Ulaalaal. aW i-uii la aifA Takaaaatacr. W Cnnri fn'n Weak and nervous men rUUU.IUI who find their power to NApifai work and youthful vigor U I W gone as a result of ex- ceises or Indiscretions should take GRAY'S NKRVB FOOD P1LI.S. They will make you eat and sleep and be u man again. ' 91' Bos: S Boaea aa.50 by MalL Sherman H NcConneli Drug C COB. IffTK ABB BOB0B. OMAXA Low Rate to Chicago and Return v On October 8th, '9th, 10tht tickets from Omaha to Chicago and return, will be sold at one and one ' third. fare by the Chlcaco, Milwaukee Cl St. f Paul Railway ' Oaf- account of the base ball championship 'games. Good to return October I5th. Three trains daily, leave Omaha: 7:55 a. m., 5:45 p. m. and 8:35 p. m. For further information, apply 1524 Farnam Otrcot Talaphena Daaglaa 194. Business Boosters Try' tba Want Oolnmna of Tba SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. Students enter at any time Send lor new. Illustrated book, free IB St. Louis School or FineArts AWING. FAINTING, MODEL ING. DECOHATIVE DESIGN. APrUEIt ABT taaartiaat of Wualnrioa rnWanlty wiib Art MuHia ana ArlXlbrarr- Asxiua au4 ll(a aiudy, art aoatoay. ar apaotiTa, auiauoiitioa, ilma-work, ' Ulaa irataft laaivrasi caairlae tnatraetiofl. Ceramia ttiKlaota tarn forma u tua aoi tars' wheal, bar la tba kiln, daeorata U ra lief and color, an oar and ovar (lata. T artlttir boo' bladlmeoaraaltalaocomalaia. Oraud rl St. Uonla tipoaUlon. for atuda n' trorki Gold Madai to Mrartor. btudenta aatar at an. tluia. riaj and aicht. Illinirai-d (raa. tti Jraat opaaa blt. M. HAL8KV P. IVBS. L L. V., Dlraeor Utk Wu.t Ktra ta. bt. Uonii BELLEVUE COLLEGE COLLEG E Claatical, ariantlBc, philosophical aaunaa. aCAl'tMY An acirrdltad High arhool sraoaraa (or aallarua or any oiar collasa or uulvartitr. M'HMAb HTHOOL Elanieniar aad aavaacad rouraaa. rartlfliataa frautad. CONbEHVATOKV TMoir U atualc. plaaa, vau, viulia. alocutloa and art. OMAHA CONNECTIONS B lac trio Una aad Barllaa- loa railwar- roar Hadara DoratlUrlaa. . Addraas f raa 14 ant Tadawartk, Baliarua. Xak. OMAHA WKATHKR FOHIOC ART Wednesday, I nir anl Warmer. mm JJ CREEM TSADIXS STUMPS EVERT TIME A Most Remarkable Lace Sale! The choicest and most pleasing pictare-like display of Laces and Art Embroideries that Omaha ever knew Vals.', Torchon, Allovers, Chantilly, Point Venise, Fancy Nets, Etc., Etc. At Prices That Are Positively Sensational! These valves appended to the 'itern are honest state merits of fact they are not only totrth the figure stated, but are being sold in this city at such figures. Note the immense reductions. 21c 7c ..5c 39c ..3c ..5c 19c 10c ..5c 50 Assorted Pattern of French Valenctrnne Lace, worth up to 75c per dozen. Wednesday, a dozen Point dc Paris Law, large assortment of patterns, from 3 to 5 Inches wide, worth up to 15c, a yard at Linen Torchon Laces, Iklges and Insertions to Match, worth up to 12V6C at Fancy Allovcr Laces, 18-ln. wide, In Valenciennes and Cluny effects, worth up to 75c a yard, at. ..... . 2,600 yards of German Torchon Laces, from 1 to 3 inches wide, large range of patterns, worth up to 10c a yard, at Black Chantilly Laces, from 2 Mt to 3 inches wide, worth up to 25o a yard, at . . , Fancy Net Top Laces, from 5 to 12 lnchet? wide, worth up to SBc a yard, at , . . . Point Venise Laces, in edgings and bands, all new patterns, worth up to 20c a yard, at White Pillow Cae Lace, large range of patterns, worth to 10c a yard, at LACE AND SPAKGLE LMPORTED ROBES White Lace Robes, 1 Worth uo to y Black Spangle Robes, V $15.00 each, ' -' : Silver Spangle Robes', j at 9.98 American Beauty Corsets These elegant corsets are nn equaled for bringing out the best points of. a woman's figure and moulding it into the lines approved by fastidious dressers. Prices-$5.00 to $1.00 "We carry a complete line of other excellent corsets, such as Warners, La Greqtiie, Kabo and others. Expert cor8etier8 in constant at tendance; insuring a perfect fit. AM ZI IOAI BEAUTY My Is Tt3 ftmm9m fitf flail ffdV . QhlKc Second -I Floor t 'dozen' Saiuple Corset Covers, in sizes 38 and 38, very handsomely trlmms- din lace and embroidery, some trlnmed in back and front, others combination of lace, em broidery nd ribbon, worth up to ($2.50 ;ln two lots iO at 8Sc and OC Ladies' Long Flannelette Kim on a In fancy patterns, with band of plain material to match only Ladies' Eiderdown Dressing Sac- .qoe In fancy patternsonly 89c 48c LINENS PATTERN DAJMASK CLOTHS and NAPKINS. 2x3 yds. each, from $3 to. . .$2.25 2x2 yds, each, from $5.25 to $2.75 2x3 yds. each from $6.50 , to $3.25 2x2Vi, from $11.60 to... $4 .23 2V4x3, each, from $13.50 to. $8.25 3-4 Napkins to Match, dozen, $11.25 to $3.25 THREE TIMES GREEN TRAD IXG STAMPS IX LINEN SEC TIONWEDNESDAY. Southeast Corner Main Floor. Great Display of China, Cut Glass, t Lamps and Dinnerware if you have an October bride to remember, see the beautiful assortment. Handsome Cut Bowl full eight-inch sire, $4 value, for this weck $1.98 German China Sugar and Cream Set Pretty hand-painted decoration, full gold handles, 75o value, special, pr., 39 Berry or Fruit Set, in fancy German China, pink, blue and green tints, 6 saucers and large bowl, $1 value, special a set, at.. See the New Edwin M. Knowles Dinnerset Pretty green border pattern, full gold traced, 100 pieces for. S1G 50 Or sold in separate pieces. Over fifty dinnerware patterns to choose from at lowest prices. Always readily matched. Omaha's Leading Grocery Dally Special Sales la Fare fooi Depart ajeat TO CL08E OUT-GALLON CANS SWEBT CIDER aa lona- le as aupply laata Bnnett'a Capltnl Baklns: 21r Powder-lb. can ; "'' And twenty green trading atamps. Chocolate Menler S - pound And thirty green trading atampa. Diamond Damaon OB Pluma-can And fifty green trading stamp. Bennett's Pancake Flour 1fr package And ten green trading atampa. Basket Fired Japan Tea A Or, pound t-OW And forty gTeen trading atampa. Jell-O. aaeorted three package And ten green trading stamp. BUTTER. DIREC T FROM THE FIN- KBT DAIRIhTS. FRESH COUNTRT 50r BUTTER pound Corn can Peaa cn Lima Beans can . Sun.ota,M- ran SPECIAL OFFER 25c 5c 6c 7c 7c OUR VKRY BEST BRAND ffr EARLY JUNE FEAa-aa STOVES! Wesleni Beaaqaartert aa4 frtc Lcaaeraea The FamoDS Peninsular THE WORLD S (iuiuii srovi EKhcr ta HEru ar AAbi BASE BURNERS )e nt prices up from aO,UU BO FT COAL HEATERS C Bft up from U.OU RANGES y 4 Sf up from aWaU OIL HEATERS PERFEC- 1 TBI TlON-tt-a and Ja O COAL HODS OtEr, up from aJOC And thirty green trading atampa FURNACE SCOOPS ann at 0c and OUC And thirty areen tradlnar alumna bixjve PIPE per Joint e pedal SAPOLIN STOVE PIPE ENAMH-anenlal And ten anreen trading atampa BLACK JACK or BLACK KAllI.E PTlI.lHH And ten gren trading stamp. STOVE BRUSH E8 at lie.. 16c, 14c and laaC And twenty green trading stamps. ,Wa"l Irons hla;h and low 7-. tande K&o and iJw And Thirty Oren Trading Stampa EXTRA UOOD e LANTERN .."...OOC And thirty gTeen trading Lamps. 10c 15c i pa 10c Special Sale Boys' Suits, $2.50 and $2.95 Gowns Exquisite Millinery Conceits J THE RELIABLE ST9RB for the Horse Show Hundreds of Special Bargains The few quoted art" only an Influx to thr many, ftoc I'laltlvlk IVIt'wlth larp. of mall bUcMf, vt-rr stjllsh undX a great bargain Wednesday at 15c IVarl nuttons, on aale WcdnomPir at, dozen ..,.;. 2 CarHnRC lian. In sea lion, walrm and seal grin, Macks or browns, come In three sizes, on sal Wednes day at DHc 5 Or Corw-t Cover Kmbroiderloa. Wednesday, per yard 25c Special Sale of Real Laces The only complete stock of Real Laces in Omaha. Jacket. t'liemUcttes. Medallions, Financings, (ownx. Itcrilias. Stinks, tialloons, Collar and Cuff Kcts, Itands, Kdglnpx, in lrincess Hnr!ioss nrugiN Iriwh Crochet. Point Acnlce, Point llose., etc. , All on sale at special price reductions during the next tew days. , . ; 60c Pad Hose Supporters. Wednes-1 Warren's ltk Covered Featherbone, day ,S5c Wednesday,, per yard . . ., JOc Splendid Furnishing Goods Bargains a You'll find every one of these slashing values unmatched in any other store In Omaha. to 4. heavy fleece lined, sve vaiuo. per garment l"c Ladies' Combluutiou Knit, good win ter weights, nil sizes. Wednesday, 3Sc From Till lo A. M We will sell Boys Stocking Cups, In light and dsrk colors. - worth up to 60c, nt, each . . , I5 From 10 Till 11 A. M. We will sell Children's Buster Brown, sweaters. Men's Heavy Working Shirt, with double front and back, in heavy black and white twills, chambray or Old Hickory shirting, 75c values, special Wednesday 85c Men's Vnderwear Heavy fleeced, in all sizes, 75c value, Wednesday, per garment 33c and 25c Ladies' Vests und rants Heavy ribbed, good sizes, 39c value, at, per garment 19c 1 made rrom nne wool, worm up to Children's Vests and Tants Sizes 16 i $1.00. at .'. 2V From 11 A. M. Till 12 M. We will sell Heavy Woolen Golf Gloves and Mittens for men. women and children, worth up to 50c; Wednesday, for one hour, at pair This Is a clean-up sale of an immense Job lot purchase and represents values heretofore unequalled. In Omaha's Greatest Bargain Room 75c Cotton lied Blankets, extra large size, at, pair 45c Fleece Hack Flannelettes, values up to 18c yard, long mill ends, Wednesday at, yard -c Percales and Calicoes, worth up to 10c yard, In long mill ends, at, yard. . 1c flto Standard Dress Prints, from bolt. at. yard Mercerized Sateen, In black and , or8, worth to 35c yard, long ends at, yard Shirting Madras, In light and dark terns, worth to 26c yard, long ends at, yard . . . 25c Bound Novels iOc Great assortment of nicely bound novels by popular authors and Children's . books, well bound and profusely Illustrated, on sale Wednesday In 6c and 10c department, Basement Annex, at, each. .'. 1(V Hayden's the Great Universal Pro vider of Everything. Big Green Tomatoes and Pear Sa'e Wediesday. 7 Fancy Pears for Canning Six basket crates fancy Keifer Pears Tor can ning nothing finer, per crate $1.10 Single basket, each 10c Fancy Green Tomatoes for Pickles. One-third bushel basket, fancy green tomatoes for pickles, per basket 15c Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Prices: 6 bunches fresh Radishes, for ....5c 4 beads fresh Lettuce for , Cc Fancy fresh beets, turnips, carrots or parsnips, per pound lc Fancy fresh Wax or String Beans, 3 pounds for 10c Fancy fresh Spinach, per peck . . ,10c Fancy New Jersey Sweet Potatoes, per pound 1 Vic Fancy Cape Cod , Cranberries, per Quart 7 He One-third bushel basket fancy WhJts Onions, for pickling 50c Fancy Fancy Fancy Green Apples, per peck . . . 15c New Honey, per rack 12 Jit New Hubbard SquaHh, each 5c Half pound package .fancy California Figs .- .v Fancy Quinces, per dozen 20c 2 measures fresh roasted Peanuts, ,5c )ns, for pickling one Mixed Pickling Spices, lb.. ."m Jonathan Apples, per peck 2.1f HAYDEftS BROS. THE FREN01 WAY HAVE YOU OLD GARMENTS? If you have, why not get them cleaned or dyed so that you can wear them this Keaon? Brine- them in to us the net time yon come down town. We will phow you just what we cun do with them. We clean and dye garments eo that they are a good jh new. The price Is very reasonable. FRENCH DRY CLEANING WORKS. ' Tel. Doujr. 4172. 1908 Farnam Street Chicago and Return .VIA.. Illinois Central TICKETS ON SALE Oct. 8th, 9th. and 10th SaSSas Tickets, reservations and further particular at City Ticket Office :: 1402 Farnam Street ESI TO mm A SAN FRANCISCO OR LOS ANGELES. Tickets on sale every day to Oct. 31, 190G. VIA Union Pacific THE SHORT LINE TO CALIFORNIA. Tourist Sleeping Cars run every day via this lino to San Francisco and Los Angeles Inquire ' ' CITY TICKET OFFICE, ;i324 FARNAM ST. 'Phone Douglas 334! v