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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1906. SPECIAL NOTICES .Urrrtlitarita far IkMC ewlasaas rrlll k taken mtll 12 m. for th rrtilaf edition atari nntll S p. n. for th mnrali and liiilar edition. Rates 1 1-Se a ril Srt lnrHli le a wosd thereafter. Xotnlne Ukra for lea thaa 3e for the first lairr Hon. Tknt advertisement maiat rnn rnaaernUTel-. Advertisers, by reqaestlns a nam red rherk,. hare iintrri Iresaed f a ahrrrl letter In para f Tha Rm. Answers as addressed will no delivered oa presentation at check. ' ' , . MISCELLANEOUS FALL TERM B0TLE8 BUSINESS COLLEGE 18 NOW OPEN. DAY AND NIGHT. Students are admitted any day. Xf Catalogeu free. Tel. Douglas 1984. Addren H. B. Boylee, President. Koyles Builatng.-" Omaha. Neb. , R-627 WHERE TRUNKS ARE MADE. Trunka. mm casea and shopping bags. Old trunk In exchange. K'palrlng. FRELINU c STEINLE. 410 N. 16th Bt. . .'Phone Dourlas 4WS. ' :' R 49S Oct28 GAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., .U .'trt Ibid S1. let. txjusus toil. U MM Oman Safe and. Iron Work make a spe ciattjUot lire escape, shuttere, doora and ali.- u. Andreen, Prop.. 103 S. loth hi. SldN PAINTING- ti. if. Cole. ltt Douglas. ... li iwu TRY Kelly's Towel Supply. . Tel. Doug. 3530. f ' K 1 IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1019 Farnam. , It tU HEFLIN I-ocksmlth, moved upstairs; en trance 13s Farnam. Tel. Doug. 29i4. R i3u BUSINESS CHANCES Do you Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sel lor ex change write ua. GLOB; LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb., or Sioux City. la. Y MM10 Ol- FOR SALE! Hardware buelneas, com plete stork. Invoice $1,000; located In southwestern Iowa; population 6,000. For particular end rem Ed. Rotherys Information .Bureau, 111 So. 4tu St. X 150 FOR BALE Meat market, doing good business; building, fixture, double cooler; everything complete; a bargain If aold at once. AUdreas Market. N. Walnut St., (J rand island. Neb. Y-M208 12s FOR SALE1 Furniture, utensils, etc., com. plete. In good condition, for 12-room hoarding bouse; near postofflce. Address, T la, care Bee. t Y 219 Hi FOR BALE-CLUB CIOAR STORE; beat stand In So. Omaha; have other busi ness. J. W. Bouk, So. Omaha. Y M436 FOR SALE Well equipped newspaper. In beat one-paper town In ' northeast Ne braska. Price and term Tight. Address T 23, Bee. Y-M483 14x $1,000 takes excellent newspaper. Address T 18, Bee. Y-6U6 10 FOR BALK Small notion Mock of about $Mi0 and building and lot at $900;- total, 11,400. Building la 1 fix 44 and has four rooms for housekeeping. Good location. ' Best business town In Nebraska. . Ex . amine map for else of territory. Only stock of kind In town. Owner la a widower 75 years - old and wants to re tire. Christmas- roods not bought yet. Muat be sold by November 1 or will be I withdrawn. Just the place for a good I mechanic where family .. can. look -. after Htor. $400 can be left on. real eetate at low Interest. This is a fine chance for party having; $1,000 tt Invest. No trades considered. Willis McBrlde, Elgin, Neb. Y-MSO0 U Do You Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or ex change, write ua. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha Neb., or Sioux City. Ia T . 108 Nl FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. LETTER CABINET TWO Bealey letter cabinats In good condi tlon, -' made of walnut and have two drawers eaoii. Call at Bee business of tics aud get ' a bargain. Q 441 x SODA FOUNTAIN. My six. 1818 Farnam. Q .Jo BHERW IN-WILLIAMS CO.. beat mixed paint. Sharmau & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 7iw HALL'S safes, new, 2d-baud. U18 Farnam. FOR BALK New and second-hand billiard and pool table, we lead the world in cheap bar fixtures; aasy paymeut UvuijrewieiCwBailbe-Collendmr. 407 H mh st. um FOR 8ALh-Steaui house heating bolUr; was used, to heat S-rooin htMisr,- will be aold cheap. W. H. Bridges, aogiiieer Bee Uldg. Q-M4W SEND us your uuiil orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 . loU. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. ' y .! HQ! : ARE piano, for sale cheap. Call Rod j teal or S&i No. lath St. si x MILK cowa.-ee.iiy terms, 43d and Center. . : . . .. Vl-Mfcii ',M UNKJi7DJiMED overcoats. 4! 8 No. into. VJ M520 O 24 ALMOST hew Stelnway upright piano for sals. Address T 21, Bee office. I Q-M41T 12 yon SALE One f hr. power, 110 volt dl - rect current motor; good as uew; The BauneU Company. Q M478 11 VOX SALE Automobile, Rambler touring car, Iwu6 model, cape top, full equipment I t tool and extras. 82x4 Inch wheel; bet ter than new. Owner leaving city. Ad dress ,T I. Be. . . . Q M514 XOR SALE Tht entire contents of the most beautiful and elaborately furnished , htiue ever offered at private aale; every thing must be sold at any price: mahog any parlor 6-plec suite, mahogany and leather library suits, brass bed, hair mat tress, library suite, leather chairs, diesees and chiffoniers In mahogany Loon mahogany and quarter-sawed oak lu mahftgany, xmloster ruga dining tab bis and chair, aide board and buffet in quarter-sawed oak, lave curtalna, pic tures and draperies and china; don't mlsa this opportunity of setting the very linext up-to-date fumlahlnga, aa good as new, at your own price; remember, thla week only; sold separata or lot; call at- once for qtiolce selections. ISU Park Wilde Ava Take Harnay oar. Q MS21 13x WANTED TO BUT SECOND-HAND clothes. Tel. Red S2k. N .M.SHS 15 WANTED By family of thre careful adulta, a furnished or unfurnished house lo care for in owner s absencs, or would pay small rent or buy a home at a bar gain. Give full particulars in reply. Ad Ureas T 23, care bee. N 4JS 9x WANTED TO BUY. SECOND-HAND furnluire. stoves, rarpeta clothing and ahoe; pay the beat prices. Tel. lhiuglaa 3971. ' N-MJM o BEVKRAL horaes or about 1.208 lbs. and aaversj others of about 1,400 lbs. each; muat ba sound. Sea Tom Baker, baru astr, -The Bennett Company. H4H to ) r- . r WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED Five buys; good wages; perma nent Job. A. D. T. Co., m B. Uth tt. B 7 DRUO STORES liotight and aold; drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knleet, IK4 Y. U B 4V8 CIVIl, SERVICE Want young men to pre pare. See Underbill. 3X N. -4th. B MJ74 02 WANTED, SOCND TOL'NO MEN, 18 to Si, to prepars firemen and brakomen on new roads and for fall rush: experience unnecessary; fm-nien J10 pronmted to ensltieers IW: brakemen f73. promoted to comluctnn $150; positions now open. Na tional Training association, to X Paxton Blk.. Omaha, Neb. B MIK Nov2 WANTED i eoat makers; steady work; sack tnatn. and up. Lad the Tsllor, Sioux Falls, S. D. B-M38-' 18x Ht'BTLERS nut of employment enn do Wfll to tall on us; pay weekly. C. F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard. B M139 Nov! V. 8. NAVY enlists for four yeiirs young men uf good character and sound physical tondltsm. 17 to J years, aa apprentice seamen, and men qualified for special rntlriKS. 21 to a years; the pay is good, expanses moderate, food wholesome uiul HUfTH'lent. end life beneficial phyelcally and otherwise. Young men who are skilled mechanics, possessinr some knowledge of electricity or students of electricity, who show aptitude for the naval ervlce, niujr be enlisted as 'landsmen for electricians and given the training at the naval elec trical school; all such men must have a g')od education. Offices at Lincoln and Hastings, Neb., sjtd Des Moines apd Sioux City, In. Address Navy Recruiting Office, P. O. Bldg., Omaha. B-M180 WANTED laborers for Indoor work at tha sigHr factory. Sterling. 'Colo.; wag?s $:M0 and $2.40 per day; about four months' work. B M211 11 WANTED Men to leurn barber trade; 10 positions for every graduate; top wages paid. Few weeks completes. Course ln v eludes tools and diplomas; can nearly earn expenses. Call or write, Moler Barber College, lllti Farnam St. BM244 llx MECHANICAL draughtsman wanted; state experience and salary. Address T 12, Bee. B-223 11 EXPERIENCED pressers wanted, both men aud. women. The PantorUim. lotf Jones. B-497 9 WANTED Experienced ahoe cutter for men's and women's work. Steady employ ment at standard wages. Apply in per son or by letter. The Huinkamp Bioa., Keokuk, la, B M26i 10 WANTED At once, 2 or S smart boys with -wheels to deliver light packages; good pay for the right feliows. See Mr. Wllliamn, order department, basement. The Bennett Company. B 464 10 WANTED First-class shade maker and hunger; none but experienced men need apply; must start work-at once. Orchard & WUhelm Carpet Co. B-M480 10 INDEXING and flllnff clerk; must writ well; references required. Sunderland Bros. Co. B M4S1 11 WANTED Laborers for indoor work at the BURar factory, Sterling. Colo.; wages, $2.10 ami $2.40 per day; about four months' work. B 473 ! WANTED Boy for delivery in a meat market. 2623 Sherman Ave. B Ml'JJ AUTOMOBILE drivers, repair men, chauf feura and others1 wanted all over the country; CO.OW) machines built this year in the United States, affording great op portunities for our students; 6 cents a day will qualify you for good wages in this growing field; employment secured for our graduates. Flor full particulars and one free lesson, including dictionary of motoring ternv, address the Corre spondence School of Automobile Engi neering, Suite 609, Flutlron Bid., New York. B-05 lOx WANTED Furnace repairer. Omaha Stove Repair Works. B M519 12 WANTED At once. barber; steady. O. J. Clark, Fairuury, Neb. , B MUM lOx WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED A cook, high wages, small . family. Mrs. T. J. Rogers, 1120 Parle Avs. C-T-M434 9 WANTED Fifty girls to work in candy factory; good chance to earn money to buy your Christinas presents with. The - Voegeie & Dinning- Co.. 1316 Jone St. C M7S3 FIFTY strong girls for turning bags; girls lo or 16 years old for clipping threads. Bemls Omaha. Bag Co. . C M106 EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers wanted at once. D. J. O'Brien Co., U02 Howard. C-M2 WANTED Competent nurse girl at 19W 8. 32d Ave; inurt have references. Tel. Harney 3221. C-M262 WANTED Competent girl ' for general housework; good wages. 2608 Dewey Ave. 43 47S 10 WANTED lrl for general housework. 192$ Wirt St. C 471 10 WANTED Ulrl for general housework; good wages. 3032,Marcy ft. C 46 9x WANTED At once, machine operators, girls, at M. E. Smith & Co. Factory 11th and Douglas St. ' C 470 14 WANTED Girl for second work. 8510 Farnam St. C 4(8 10 . GTRI.S WANTED. Loomls Co., 918 Farnam , St. , C M4H0 WANTED A competent girl for general houxework. small family. Mrs. H M. McClanahan. 1312 N. 40th St, Tel. Har ney 1402. C 491 COMPETENT - GIRL; three in family; wagea $6 to $8. 116 XJ. SSth Ave. Phone Harnev 27M. C-4 11 WANTED ook for family of three; wages, $6. $8. Apply 2037 Dodge St. C-493 11 GIRL for general housework. 1911 Chicago Su C-M512 12 WANTED At once, girl for reneral house work; no washing; family of three. See Mrs. David A. Baum, 38 Harney St. C-M317 12 WANTED At once, experienced cook, muit have references. Mrs. J. E. Buitm, 8545 Harney St. C M516 12 WANTED AGENTS ORIENTAL WAISTS AND SUITS. Agents wanted everywhere. Ladies and gentlemen sre making $2a to $50 per week selling embroidery gooda direct to the la die. Good sellers in cities or country. No experience or capital required. Call at ofhee or write to U. H. Embroidery Worka, 109 and 111 So. 15th St., Omaha, Neb. J M732 011 WANTED Salesman to Introduce and aU the Gallup Fruit Gatherer. Large money to huatlera. Gullup Mfg. Co, Room 1 Patteraon Bldg., Omaha. Neb. J M620 WANTED Energetic, trustworthy man or woman to work in Nebraska representing large muuuiaciuring company. Binary i to $H0 per month, paid weekly. Ex pense advanced. J. H. Moore, Omaha, Neb. J 5o8 if WANTED SITUATION SEMI-TRAINED nurse secka position, in valid or coiitluement cases; good refer enoes. Address T 24, care Bev office. A-M457 log YOUNG man with knowledge of drawing, seeka situation: holds diploma for light .and shade. Addresa T .6, Bee. A91 to SALESMEN WANTED r WANTED Five e:;pert clothing sulCBineu, at once. Apply Goodman a- Sheer. Ne braaka City. Nib. f L M613 14 ' PLUMBING BUY plumbing supplies direct. W prices. Save on every eticle. Only flrst olaa gooda handled. P.'ompt utieution to every order. Seud for catalogue. H. jr. Karol. 236 Hanioon St., Chicago, III. ; , -677 m WANTED TO BORROW $900 on first mortgage, residence property. Will pay per tent; no more. 'Phon Harney 2440. V M510 lis STRANGE YOU JUST TRY A BEE QUSlUMtK. J, FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E 639 Doug. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunk s E 640 EXCELLENT modem furnished front room with alcove and bay window for two. 'Phone In house. 2674 Harney St. PLEASANT room, modern, private fara lly. 534 So. 26th Ave. E 349 28x LARGE, modern, well furnished south east front room, with alcove; private family. Telephone Harner 2295. E 584 Octlx GENTLEMAN ROOMMATE wanted at 5U IN. 23d St. E 466 9x CAPITOL HOTEL, 18lh and Cspitol Ave.; American or European; steam heat and modern conveniences. K 478 VERY large front room, modern, fine lo cation. 614 N. d St. E M4K1 10 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks F 643 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, tafe. F 644 LARGE south room (with board) will be . vacant October 10 at 627 Park Ave.; 2 ' gentlemen preferred. . F 542 27 627 PARK AVE. Commodious, warm, south room, for two, with board; private and homelike. F 603 llx FOR RENT HOUSES WE- DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1625. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. tTnTTSF2 'n all parts of the city. R llULOrjO c peters & Co., Bee Bldg. D 647 TTOTTSFS In Prts of the city. The IXKJVOHjn 0, f. Davis Co., Bee Bldg. D 648 HOUSES, Insurance. Ring-wait. Barker Blk. D 649 OMAHA Van & Storage Co.. pack, move store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, 1511 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 15'J. D-650 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 1496. Office, 1713 Web ster St. D-661 SEE us when shipping household goods to large cities wem. we can save you moiK-j. EXPRESSMAN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. 1195. D-452 FOR RENT 9-room house, all modern; fur nace; $3. C. M. Bachmann, 430 Blk. . D-322 PIANOS and household goods moved: boxes for sale. Cole A Gunnell, Frn.uri. Tel Doug. 670. D-M74 013 C3TYVD A fiV TO LET Merchandise, OlUlt-AUrj furniture. Tel. Don. 976. 1215 Harney St. D M827 Q14 FOR RENT A new modern 6-room house. Glrbe Land and Investment Co., Patteraon Bldg. HV-M247 FOR RENT Two first floor and one second floor flat, corner 29th and Douglas. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson BHg. D MM8 FOR RENT At 1511 South 29th St. New brick house, 7 rooms snd large reception hall. Modern In every particular. Lo cated In the best part of the city. Will be ready for occupancy, about October 20. Inquire of the owner. J. R. Camp bell, Bee office, or 1341 South 27th St. Tel. Douglas 5440. , D-762 - COUNSMAN-VAN BURGH CO.. storage and transfer. Best storage house in the city. Immediate attention given, 1529-81-33 -N. 18th St. Tel. Douglas-461. D Vli -ROOM cottage, modern except furnace; barn, cistern, cellar; $27. 534 South 24th Avs. D M477 lOx 11-ROOM house, bath, electric llrhls. barn, yard 6. W. corner 11th and Pierce Sts. Keys at 1284 S. 10th St. Mrs. J. M. Met calf. D-159 9X FOR RENT Six-room cottage, bath, closets, city water, sewer, gaa, cistern snd good barn. W12 N. 20th St. Rents, $28. Tel. Red 6524. D-M253 210 8. 30th St.. nine rooms, modern con veniences. Price, $40. Inquire next door. D 452 9x FOR RENT 6-room cottage. 2209 N. 28th Ave. D M407 FOR RENT -Six-room cottage, modern ex cept furnace, 2712 Decatur St.. tJ. New modern 6-room dwelling, 2710 Decatur St. D 476 9x 12-r. moil., very choice, 2416 Sherm:n Ave., $80.00. 8-r. mod., very choice, 2204 Maple, $23.00. 7- r. mod., good location. 3103 Man y, $22.50 -r. mod., close In. 622 N. 19th, $30.00. 8- r. partly mod., close in. 1161 N. 18th. $11. ' RUSSELL & M KITRICK CO.. 432-33-34 Ramge Bldg. lith and Harney. D 600 10 SIX-ROOM modern, with furnace. Henry F. "Vyman, 1003 N. Y. L. Bldg. D-C15 10 TWO houses on Caldwell street; vacant October 2o; 7 rooms, modern except heat, $21; 6 rooms, partly modern, $16: adults only. Inquire 2617 Caldwell. D-M521 10 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room tn Bee office, city hall building. 417 N. 25th 8t.,' South Omaha. Apply to manager. I 134 A GOOD OPENING for a bakery, with a drat clusa bake oven, 1718 Nicholas St.; steam heat during winter. Bemls, Pax ton Blk. 1 1696 FOR RENT Large corner store room, 16th and Vinton Sts.. $30. C. M. Bach mann, 430 Paxton Blk. I M621 THE two store rooms, with basements, at 703-705 S. 16ih streot; $4 per month for both. inquire R. C. PETERS : CO.. Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. I-M1M WANTED TO RENT YOUNG married lady whose husband travels, wants room and board In pri vate family. Call or write Mrs. D. C. Leonard, Grand hotel. Couucll Bluffs. . K. I7S 9x WANTED By faintly of three careful adults, a furnished or unfurnished house to care for in owner's absence, or would pay small rent or buy a home at a bar gain. Give full particulars In reply. Ad dress T 28, care Bee. N 455 Sx TWO gentlemen, father and son, one an invalid, desire two well heated rooms on bath room floor and first class board, where they may have the comforts of a quiet, refined borne. Addresa T-27, Bee. K 602 llx FENCING WIRE AND IRON fences; lowest prices; free catalogue. Omaha Wire and Iron Works, 933-36-37 N. 24th St., Tel. Douglas- 3702. -MJSJl 13 ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing 5o per foot. 306 N. 17th fit. Tel. Ked-614. -Mtati 13 . CHAMPION fences beat. 611 8. 16th. Douglas-1590. 4u6 OSTEOPATHY- JOHNSON lnatitute. 41$ N. T. U Tel. Doug. 1664. (99 DR BOWSER, over 1600 FamanT Tel. j Doug. 617 -MIH CAN'T GET OUT OF BUSINESS! WANT AD AND QUICKLY FIND A CASH v FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A. P. TUKEY & SON TWO BUNCHES OF LOTS In Tuky Heights we offer 15 lots, mostly In apple or chard, for $1,200. These lot have never been offered for sale since we platted the ad dition. They are acre lots 1, 2 and 3. blk. 3. Tukey Heights. v In another bunch we have 8 lots without any orchard, only one block from Grand Av., for $7. 4118 FARNAM A good six-room modern house, with attic over whole front part, floored and Just the place for a play room for the children. Good cellar under the whole house; fur nace and bath fixtures the best; paved street and perma nent sidewalk. A little over a block from Farnam car line; fine neighborhood, tn fact a very good bargain at $3,250. - WE NEED SOME COTTAGES Any agent or owner who has two, three, four or more cot tages' in a bunch can find a ready buyer tn us. We must hare some to supply the peo ple who are waiting for us to find them homes on easy terms. A. -P. TUKBY & BON. 444-5 Board of Trade. Doug. 2181. RE 499 10 4424 Parker St, large corner lot. 7 rooms, good barn, $1,800. I rooms, neat home, full lot, per manent walks, mod. except heat, Clifton Hill, $2,100; easy terms. 9-r., full mod., oak finish, 2 lots, corner, paved street, good neighbor hood; will take smaller house In part exchange. 8-r. house and lot 50x100, facing 18th and 19th Sts., close tn, near St. Mary's Ave. Room for flats, facing 19th St. $5,500. 3815 Charles St., 7-r., mod., pRved street, $2,750. Neat 5-r. cottage, 2 good $1,200. lots, 4-r. cottuge, corner, per. walks, $850. C. R. GLOVER & SON, Douglas 133. I N. Y. Life Bldg. , ,f RE M485 13 Your Opportunity for a Home Bargain Must be sold at once. Owners leaving city. Good 6-room -house, full lot, large barn, fruit, shade, etc., well situated, near 43d and Corby.- Price1 reduced to $1,800 for Immediate sale. Choice 9-room modern . residence, best, repair, large barn, iron fences, shade, paved street, brick, .walk, vie; full lot. east front on 20th, near Castellar. Price only $2,760. See us today for turms, etc. RUSSELL & M K1TRICK CO.. 432-88-34 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney. RE 601 10 A LEASE on choice trackage property, suitable for coal or lumber yard or manufacturing purposes; close In: office on leading business street (paved); am ple fire protection, Wallace. Brown Blk. Phone Doug. 1950. BE 168 10 rD air IT I'm-, kl.1r n.AHMn hm,a I two blocks north of Hanscom park, on I paved street, east front; rented for $70 ! a niontlil easy terms. I want an offer. ! . THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Building. C. G. CARLBERG, real estate and Insur ance, 911 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Red-7497. RE M179 WHY pay high rent 7 Let us sell you a farm. We have Improved farms In Iowa and elsewhere, of all kinds and tUea, for sals on the easiest kind of terms and payments. Squires & Annla. Council Bluffs, la. KB 64$ 0 TOWNSEND Realty Co., Fremont. Neb., buy, sell and exchange lands, city prop erty and merchandise; try us for deal. RE M241 Nov.6x , . i i . BARGAIN Modern residence. In Kountie Place; 76 feet front, large barn; hot water heat; cement cellar, laundry; slats roof, must be sold at once. See owner, 1921 Wirt St. RE M95J OWNERS I have 14 customers for homes of 6 to 9 rooms; sell now while price la light. H. R. Stringer, 227 Neville Blk.' Dg. T654. RE-229 SUBURBAN HOME Located six miles west of Dundee, on the weal Dodge road, comprising 10 acres, S acres under cultivation, balance pasture and orchard. Good house, barn, chicken house, granary, etc. An ideal garden spot. Price only $2.3sO, for quick sale. W. S. FRANK, 321 Neville Block. Tel. Douglas StloO. RE-M487 10 BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE Cottage and two lots, 512 No. 17th St.; easy terms; owner here fur a few days only; muat sell. See owner at Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam St., for three days only. RE M504 12 BARGAINS 4 rooms, large lot, west of high school $600. 6 rooms, close to car line; nice home $900, 6 rooms, modern, 80th and Chicago St. $2,650. 7 rooms, two full lots $950. 8 rooms, beautiful home, modern, including laundry $4,000. 9 rooms, near postoffice $3,650. 10 rooms; rents at $26 per month $2,0n0. 11 room, modern, close tn $3,500. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO. Douglas Blk., 16th and Dodge. RE- SIX LOTS J-ROOM COTTAGE ONLY $1,650 Six lots (little over au acre) of fine level land, on corner, with fruit trees; large blue graa lawn, good 8-rooni cottage,- large barn, shade treea, electric light in house and arc light on corner. Won't have thla more than a couple of day, mo come early if you want It. Only l.6-"i (half cuah) if aold this week. II. K. STRINGER, 227 Neville Block. 'Xhone iHiugl 7554. RE Molt 1 PERSONAL SEWINO machines rented. Any make; 7Sc per week or $2.00 per month. Second hand machines for sale, $5l and up. Neb. Cycle: Co., lith and Harney. 0-Mii DR. ROY, chiropody. Doug. 4f7. irio5 Far. U-k27 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME. Mrs. Dr. King. 18 N. 21st St. Tel. Don. :IV9. U M' PLEATING Buttons. Ruining, 1 Embroidering. Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink ing; only Be per yard. Send for price list and sample. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. 400 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 16. LAUNDRY CITY 8TEAM. Tel. Dour. 264. 211 B. 11th St. U-aJO THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castofT clothing; In fact, anything you do pot need; we collect, repair and s-U. at 111 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 41.15 and wagon will call. U 511 . FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crclghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. U 129 THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 14h and Leavenworth Sts. Tel. Douglas l:a7. U-832 SURVEYING, Bllckensderfer; 312 Be Bldg. U 633 OH AH A Stammerers' Bldg. ' Institute, Ramge U-834 6YRINGE8. rubber goods, by mall: cut prices; send for free catalogue. Mve-s-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. U 825 CHR18TENSON, carpet cleaning. Tele phone Douglas 16T.9. IT M900 octl3 WE will find good comfortable homes for babies whose mothers cannot care for them. See "Mother Lee, Supt." Tlnlcy Rescue Home, tt Bnncroft St. U 700 octi6 M AONT!TTntrn,nlent "nd bath- Mme. iUVUriXlt Smith, 118 N. 15. :d floor. U M204 octi7 ACORN PRESS Tel. Douglas 3762, 1510 Howard. U M204 oct!7 TO FARM ER8 AND COUNTRY MER CHANTS: We pay highest market price, charging tin commission, for all kinds of produce butter, eggs, etc.. cash or mer chandise. Write for daily quotations. We'll send pretty souvenir postal. THE BENNETT COMPANY. U-M30o MAKSAflF, Swedish movement. 410 N. 1 U Mi07 novl WANTED By family of three cureful adults, a furnished or unfurnished house to care for In owner's absence, or would pay small rent or buy a home at a bur gain. Give fuli particulars in reply. Ad di fss T 23, care Bee. U 454 9x CHAMPION Carpet cleaning. Doug. 655. lf.23 Leavenworth. U M1S8 Nov8 ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home tor Women at 3824 N. 2h St., Omaha, Neb. U Ml'K) USE Blanchard's Eczema Lotion for skin diseases, at druggists. Assistance given free by Prof J. Blanchard, skin specialist, Minneapolis, U M671 OlOx TRY KELLY'S Laundry. 'Phone Douglas 8520. U-S26 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium. 728 First Ave., Council Blurts, la. Tel. 774. U 322 HAVE Mr. Lovejoy clean and repair your sewing machine. All work warranted one year. Telephone Douglas 3936. U 467 14x DRS. VOGEL private hospital for women and for ladles before and during coiulne , ment. 2319 8. Uth 8t.. Omaha. Neb. U M9e0 031 NOTICE-Max II. Carson will obtain Im portant messages from Burma by writing to John N. Dryden, Kearney, Neb. U-M171 13 FOR anything in the sewing machine line go to P. E. Flodman & Co., 1514 Capitol Ave, U-M183 Nov3 TYPEWRITERS rented. $2.50 per month; all makes; e&ttsraction guaranteed. Fox Typewriter & Supply Co., 122 Farnam St. U-359 Nov MME. NORDICA, scientific palmist. Par lors 109 So. 17th St. 'Phons Douglas 6759. U-AB ti ARCHITECT O. U Broline, 618 Bee Bldg. U M246 Novj PENNELL Millinery Co.. 322 North 16tli St. u MM JanS RUPTURE CURED-No knife, no pain, no detention from buHlnes. Call or write for booklet, etc. yUICK CURE RUP TURE CO., 611 Woodmen of World Bldg., Omaha. U 194 EVERY exacting requirement of refined taste Is met by Satin skin powder, -i tints! it MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" $1 box. postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 665 DR. PRIES, specialist, women's diseases, weaknesses, discharges. Irregularities, cured puinlesaly and safely. Withnell block, 15lh and Harney, Room 2, Omaha. ' 6u6 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS.. 1604 Farnam. 6 and 5 per cent loans on real estate; no delay. W-667 MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. W-tibg WANTED City loans, and warrants. W. Farnam Smith l Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-669 BUILDING loans on residence property; t per cent. W. B. Melkle, Ramge Blk. W-670 LOWEST RATES Ben Is, Paxton Block? W 671 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. 152oDouiT W-672 $1,000,000 TO IJAN on business and real deuce property in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, K. 1. N. Y. Life. W 673 WANTED City loana. R. C Peters ac Co. V-ii74 City tc. farm loans. O. F. Carson Co., N lZ W-675 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, 506 First National Bank Bldg. W-676 DRESSMAKING MADAME WOODRUFF Robea. Suite 312 14-15-16 Neville Blk. Tel. Douglas 5412 969 023 DRESSMAKING In family or at home. Mlsa Sturdy, 3606 Davenport. Phon liar ney 281 738 DETECTIVE SERVICE WETMORB detective service. 'Phone Re. 7H. Room 13 and 14, I nion Blk.. ...h and Farnam. M 842 Otl5 HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE FAMILY- carriage horse. 6 ears old; will vll on account ul party leaving city. 1 ,15 So. Uth. P-MU llx MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS EASY TO GET A loan on furniture, pianos, livestock r other chattels, left In your (Undisturbed Possession) IF YOU NEED MONEY to pay your grocer, landlord, or any other bills which may be bothering you. Our pUn the best as we give you writ ten copv of the contract with a GUARANTEED REBATE If paid before the contract expires. SALARY LOANS made to people steadily employed. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO tEetablished 18P8 ) Tel. Doug. 2296. 119 Huard of Trade Bldg. go. 16th Street. X-M532 REDUCTION In salary and furniture loans from now until further notice. We are still offering to honest people our special $J0 loan for $X Reliable Credit Co. Rooms 307-308 Paxton Block. Corner Farnam and Sixteenth Sts. X-M343 31 The Union Loan Co. 310 BEE- BUILDING. Make loans to suit your convenience. X M109 15 DR. PRIJJBENOWS MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc.. In any amount; less than half rates; perfect privacy ; immediate attention; any terms wanted. Payment suspended whesj sick or out of work. 214 Kai bacb B k. $09 South 16th St. x 441 Bowen, 703 N. Y. LifeBldg, Advances prlvsts money on chattels or salary; easy to get, no red tape; you get money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 1. X 843 MONEY IX3ANKD SALARIED PEOPLB snd others without security; easy pay. inents. Offices In 58 rrlnclpaJ cities. Tol Su, room 714, New York Life Bldg. X-84$ EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; reliable accom. modating; all Dualnesa confidential 1301 Uougla. MONEY loaned on pianosv furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. i Keed, 310 dk 18tb. X-846 FUP.NITURE, live stock, salary loan. Dull Green Loan Co., room 8. Barker block. X 84 CHATTELS, salary snd jewelry loana Foley Loan Co.. 1604 Farnam BC X 840 CHATTEL and salary loana Credit Co.. M3 Paxton block. Phoenix X-847 FOR SALE FARMS CANADA LAND. CANADA LAND. U15ST INVESTMENT OF ALU Buy of us. Buy direct No agents. No heavy comrni ininns. Finest, all-pratrle, hard wheat land. Nine and ten dollars. Easy term. Others ask fifteen and more. V e save you money. Write ua quick. F. A. PARKER & CO., Spencer, Ia. H-267 018 THREE farm bargains. Write 3. T. Camp bell. Litchfield. Neb. 1 1103 Nov. 1 FOR SALE 320 acres table land, black soil, improved, in Howard and Boone counties. Neb. Address Joseph Slobodry, St. Paul, Neb. H-M342 llx DAIRY, stock, fruit and poultry farms In the Ozarks; mild climate, pure water and good health: bargain. In farm J. V. Klndrlck. Seymour, Mo. H M339 13x A CHEAP FARM-100 acres, four miles from Cabool. 60 acres in cultivation, close to school and churches, 2-room house and barn, 6"0 bearing apple treoa. peach, pear and plum; price, $650. Other bargains just as good in Texas county, Missouri., the land of the big red apple; fruit, dairy and stock farming are the principal in dustries and there Is no healthier climate on the face of the globe; write todav for our list of farms. South Missouri Exchange, Cabool, Mo. H M507 16x CLAIRVOYANTS MME. NELSON, the world-renowned palmist. Is here by special request. Madam offers assistance for troubled or unfortunate. If you are unhappy, have domestic or business troubles you will be told how to overcome them. SHE TELLS YOU HOW TO WIN THE. ONE YOU LOVE. Call and secure her never falling advice. Fees within n-ach of all. Reduced rate this week. 211 N. 18th St. 'Phone Douglas 8S40. S-Mlll llx MADAME BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST OF OMAHA. Eventful and truthful predictions given. Call 113 So. 16th St., Opp. Boston Store. , S 698 PATENTS F. J. LARSON & CO.. putent lawyers; patent bmik free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, N?b. 692 SJIARPE MACHINE WORKS-Patents procured, inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machlui: work. 604-612 S. 30th St. 9U PATENTS procured and sold. 1 fee. Nat'l. Investment Co., Douglas Blk., 16th and Dodge. ; M 412 Nov.6 PRINTINC LYNGSTAD High Grade 1907 Calendar. A inn'V R K- corner 16th St. and 42 JUltM., Capitol Ave. 97 WE HAVE a new press no Job too large or too small. Centrul Printing Co. M766 0U COMPLETE line of 1917 calendars. Snell Printing Co., 3,0 S. 12th St. -157 Nov2 DANCING CHAMBERS. 2424 Farnam, now open. Adult beginners Mondays and Wednesdays; children Wednesdays and Saturdays; Juvenile advanced Saturdays and private lesaona; terms reasonable, commensurate with advantages and benefit derived in our school. Telephone Doulaa 1871- M 871 FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want tn thla oolumn, put tin ad in and you will soon get it. Z 832 WANTED to exchange stock of general merchandise In good town in Illinois for good western farm. Address T 9. Omaha Bee. Z M32 11 FLORISTS HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. 691 L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1253. 695 Wnen You Write to Advertisers remember tt takes only an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad. In The Bee. BUY Union Pacific R. R. Co. land tn Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado and Wyoming. Fine farm and ranch lands. ; TO $.1 TKK ACRE. For information regard lug lauds and i-peclal excursions apply to LAM) AUK.NCY U. I. K. II.. IK-pt. II. 318 8. 15th St., OMAUA. GOVERNMENT NOTICES r-HIFF QUARTERMASTER 8 OFF1CB Orn.ha. N'. b.aska. October 10, 190A8e lei Forts Crock, Omaha, aim ?'mn'",1nv: bracks; Jefferson Barracks, Missouri; Forts Ltavenworlh and Kilcy. Kansas; r oris p. a ii ai-irtftnair a mi ciiaitu . Wyoming; Fort Ies Moines lows, sn.1 Fort Meade. South Dakota. rVrl f delivery at other places will be "J"'' tallied. U. 8. reserves right to reject or accept anv or all proposals or any part thereof. Information furnished on applica tion here, or to quartermasters ai the sta tions named. Envelopes containing propos als should be marked "IToposalsfor torn, and sddresscd to Major M. Gnry Zallnskl, C. U M OctlO-H-U-lSNOvt.-t FROPOSAI.8 FOR HORSES AND MULES. IULES. 1 Omaha. I propo- I t this 1 Chief Quartermasters umr, urnnii Noh Meniemher It 190. . Sealed ml, in trlnllcate. will be received at nrn.e until 11 o'clock a. m.. central proposals. In triplicate. hire and by quartermasters t the pos ) ame" herein. ..nt.l tu rn. nv. central 1 rtard time. November 1". 'orv'" fJ'J" I In ahellcd corn during the- fiscal ear end- "1 Ins June 3i. 1!7. at Omihn Q. M. depot. standard time. October 12. 1908. and then opened. In the presence of attidtng bidders, for cavalry, srtlllery, riding snd draft horses; also drnit and pack mules, for delivery at Omaha, Neb., or other ? prominent railroad points. The animals to ' conform to siiecificatlons for cavalry and artillery horses and mules. .United States reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Par ticulars and blanks for proposal will be furnished on application. Envelopes con taining proposals to be Indorsed "Proposals for Horses or Mulea," and addressed to Chief Quartermaster, Department of the Missouri, Omaha. Neb. 813-13-14-15. -10-llm. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QTARTER maMer, Fort Leavenworth, Kanua, Oct. , 1908. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here until It a. m., centrnl time, November 8. 191. and then opened, for constructing the following buildings. Including plumbing and electric wlrlns: Two stables, one double stahle guard building, eight double sets non commissioned stall officers' quarters, one engineer workshop, two pontoon sheds, nt Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Full informa tion and blank forms of proposal furnished on application to this office, where plans and specifications may b seen. United States reserves the right to accept or re ject 'any or sll proposals or any pan thereof. Envelopes to be Indorsed "Pro posals for 111 bile Buildings," snd addressed to Captain Peter Murray, Quartermaster. Oct9-10-U-12Nov-7 RAILWAY TIME CARD t' 74 ION TATlOJf TKNTH AND M ARC Y Unioa Paetac Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 8:1$ pra The Chin.i and Japan ( Fast Mall a 4:15 pm a 8:10 pin i Colo. A Calif. Ex a 4:18 pm a 9:30 am California A Ore. Ex. .a 4:28 pm a 5:10 pm Los Angeles Limited. ...all:) am 410:45 pm Fast Mail a 1:55 pm a 3:30 pm Coloro Special a 7:46 am a 7:14 am North Platte Local a 8:10 am a i:W pm Beatrice Local b 3:15 pm b 2:00 pm Chicago t Xorthweatcrs- Cedar Rapids Pass.'..,, .a 7:05 am a 6:08 pm Twin City express a 7:50 am 10:00 pm Chicago Daylight a 8:00 am all:16 pro Chicago Local all tu am a 3:46 pin Bloux City Local b I 60 pm a 9:33 aru Carroll Local a 4:$2 pm a 960 an) Sioux City Local b 8; 46 pm Chicago Express a 6:50 pm a 7:30 am k Fast Mall a 8:23 pm a 8:30 am 1 Fast Mall a i:00 ni Twin City Limited a 8:26 pm a 7:06 am Ovarland Limited a 8:38 pm a 6:1 am Chicago Limited all:00 pra all:l5 am Norfolk-Bonesteel a 7:40 am a 10: 35 am Llncoin-Lonc Pine b 7:40 am bl0:36 am Deadwood-Llncoln a 8:00 pin a 6:05 pm Casper-Shonshinl a 8:00 pm a 6:05 pm Hastings-Superior b 8:00 pm b 6:06 pm Fremont-Albion b 6:03 pm bl2:4J pm Chlcaga, Mllwsakee at St. Paal Chi. and Colo. Special. .a 7:56 am a 7 JO am caltlornia at ire. n.x...a e:w pm a s:w pm Overland Limited a 8:85 pm a 9:30 am Marion ec Cedar R. Loc.b 0:45 am bll:00 pin Wabaab Bt, Louis Express a :30 pm a 1:40 ant bt. Louis Local trrom Council Bluffs, a 9:16 am al0:S0pm 6tanberry Local (from Council Bluffs) b :00 pm bll.SO am Chicago, Rock Istaaal k Paalfta EAST. Chicago Limited a 1:25 am a 7:10 am Iowa Local a 70 am a 4:30 pi, i- Chlcago Mail ..a 8:16 am al0:10 put Iowa Local bl2:10 pin b 9:5b pm Chicago (Eaatern Ex.). a 4:06 pm a 1:46 pm ' Chicago (Iowa Llmlt'dl.a 4:35 pm al2:10 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Lin...a 6:35 pm a 3:15 pm Colo. t.Cal. Express. ..a 3:01 pm a 8:55 pm Okl. Sc. Texas Express.. a 4:40 pm al2:06 pm Colorado Fast Mall al0:15 pm a 7:36 m a Dally, b Daily except Sunday. Cblcaao Great Westera Bt. Paul & Minneapolis. 8:30 pm 7:10 rm St. Paul & Minneaoolla- 1:46 am 11:50 rnt Chicago Limited :4o pm 9:00 urn Chicago Express ........ 7:46 am 11:50 piu Chicago Express V80 pin 3:30 pm Missoorl Faclno St. Louis Express a 1:00 am n6:30 pm K. C. c Bt. L. Express. aU:15 pm a 60 pm Illinois Centra- Chicago Express a i:00 am a 8:55 pu. W Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 7:80 am , BIRLINCTON STATION lOtk llama BorllDg-toa Leave. Denver & California.. ..a 4:10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm Northwest Special a 4:10 pm Northwest Express all:10 pm Nebraska Express ......a 9:10 am Nebraska Local a 8:00 am Lincoln Local - Lincoln Fast Mall b 8:00 pm Ft. Crook tt Plattsm'h..b 3:60 pm Bellevue sV Platum'h.. V:W am Denver Limited Bellevue &. Pac. Juno. ..a 3:3o am Billevue & Pac. Juno. ..a 9:10 am Chicago Special a 1.26 am Chicago Express a 3:46 pm Chicago Flyer a 8:05 pm Iowa Local a 915 am St. Louis Express a 4:45 pm Kansas City-St. Joe....al0:46 pm Kansas City-St.- Joe. ...a 9:15 am Kansas City-St. Joe. ...a 4:45 pm Arrive, a 3:30 pm a 6 ao pm a 9:05 am a 8:30 pm a 7:40 pm a'9:bs".'ni al2:20 pm blOJaS am a 8:80 am a 7:10 am a 8:80 am a 1:50 p:n a .7:26 am a 8:65 pm a am al0:63 pm all:30 am a 8:45 am a 8:10 pm WEBSTER STATION ISfa A WEBSTER Leave. Arrive Twin City Passenger.. .b 6:30 am , b 9:10 pm Sioux City Fapenger...a 2:00 pm all:) am Emeraon Local ,...,....b 9 20 pra b 8:10 ant Emerson Local c 8:45 am c 6:50 pnt Mlaaoarl PaelS Nebraska Local, via Weeping Water b 3:50 pm blfctO p a a Dally, b Daily except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, c Sunday only. Dally except Mondsy. SftVE MONEY Dollars will decrease In your pockets, hat increase in the r Omaha Loan and Building Ass'n. Whether your avuiluhi k n ini. lar or more, you have your choice of surely increasing It or not. Savings accounts will give you s self-confidence and swlf-respecl which is more valuabla than dollars, be- Id-.i. it works and earn (or vou ui ml of nix per nent Interest dividend every six minue. biiii payment may m made or -i, cents per week or $1 per fnontti per share. A atemaJc regular monthly or weekly payment will glvs you a home or a com petence for old age. Our new location la the southeast cor ner of mill and Dodge. run iiuormation furnished by ... O M. ' NATTINGKH. Secreiaag. G. . 1XXJ.N41. rai:M. I - J