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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1906)
'l'lTE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 190R. S A L E YOU R DOLL A R S DODO U B L E DUTY IW OUR WATER DAL1AG nn Unprecedented Bargains Furniture Carpets SUPPLY All YOUR WEEDS Oar Prifes Mean a Great Saving to You. Prices are persuasive and the high quality of our offerings even more so. : That the remarkable bar gain offerings are a pleasure to our customers is evident by the tre mendous selling. LfULi Merchandise of True Merit priced at half and less its real value is the magnet which has drawn and will continue to draw great throngs to our store daily. Take advantage of Saturday Specials. .. w h m 11 LiMJUNJS THE RELIABLE. STORE. A Savings Recount -- Hayden's Bank It thi Stttsl Kind eft P t Cent nter esf lartstmtnf. hvtsltgtt Many Bargain Surprises Await You Saturday In Our Ladies' Suit Dep't. Appoint ronrlf a commits of on and ln cmwbuT tlirm.lToa are the most persnaslvf arjrumita to bayrrs, unaur SZSTlB "r-sTty of deign .material. VncqnalM in low trHces. See them L.,i.T. iwrtctrd traantltie w the necessity of an early call. lot Saturday $50 to $75 Tailor Suits High class Sample Garments only on of a kindf-made of fins imported fabrics in the very newest styles and colors. Gre&teet Bargains ever offer- . ed. Saturday at $21.50 $30 to $45 Tailor Suits Ele gant Sample Garments only one . ' of . a " ' kind unequalled bargains Saturday, at, your choice $14.90 $15 and $20 Tailor Suits Slightly damaged; about 150 garments ' to Beleot from, choice" $3.95 Charming White Wash Suits, that sold regularly at $25 and $30, 'fresh clean garments, in , ' newest .styles, choice. . . .$7.95 $15 to ' $18.50 White Wash Suits, absolutely ' undamaged, . all newest styles, ' handsomely trimmed, at -....' $4.95 Dainty White. Wash Suits, that sold regularly at $7.50 and Big Water Damage Shoe Sale sa.DU in one at choice 1 ... .$2.95 Pretty Wash Suits, that sold regularly at $5, will go Satur day at choice. ... . ... . . .$1.50 Women's Silk Underskirts, $5 and $6 values, made of Giver naud's best taffetas, Saturday at choice $2.65 Women's $10 and $12 Silk Un derskirts, at ......... '. $4,951 Women's $1.50 Sateen Under skirts, Saturday at .......69c Women's Dressing; Sacques, $5 and $6 values, the greatest bargains ever shown in Omaha, at $1.95 Women's Wrappers, that sold at $1.50, Saturday........ 59c Wrappers well worth $2 in Saturday's sale, at .98c Women's $5 and $6 Walking Skirts, at .......$2.95 Women's $3 Matinees, Satur day .,...,...$1.50 Women's $2 Dressing Sacques, at ......... ...75c Men's Stetson, Crossett and Huiskamp Shoes, Vici Kid, Box Calf and Patent Colt, Pft former prices $5.00 and $3.50 Children's Shoes, all kinds, styles and PA leathers, values up to $1.50, 75c and. . JUC Misses' Vici Kid, Box Calf, Wax Calf and Pat ent Leather, in welts, turns and Mc- 1 AA Kay's, former prices up to $2.25. . . . .IUU Men's Box Calf,, Kangaroo Calf and 1 AA Vici Kid, values up to $3.00 . . . . A.UU A splendid opportunity for our Grover customers to buy their supply now at greatly reduced prices. It only happens onoe in a life-time that you can buy Grover Shoes at less than regular prioes. " . '. We fill mail orders at these prices. Women's Patent Kid Oxfords and Pumps in welts, McKay ,'s and turns, values f t( up to $3.00.... I.UU Women's high grade Shoes in Patent, Kid, Gun Metal and Vici Kid, in turn and t'AA soles, former prices $5, $4 and $3.50. AiUU Women's Fine Shoes, odd .sizes, former Art prices $2.50, $3.00 . and $3.50. . .I.UU Misses Shoes and Oxfords, black and tan, former prices $1.50 and $1.75 75 c Men's Furnishing Bargains Interesting Saturday Specials Many Other Splendid Bargains in this Department Saturday. Fancy Pillow Tops and Backs, in great variety of pretty designs, worth regularly -up to 50c in four lots at 29c, 15c, TVfcc and 15c and 20c all Silk Wash Ribbons, at, yard 10c and 12c all Silk Wash Ribbons, at, yard. 50o Hose Supporters. . .25c 15c all Linen Handkerchiefs, Satur- ' 1g day.... . i 2C 10c all Linen Handkerchiefs, Satur- C day ; JC 25c Hose Supporters 10c oc 5c In Our Department Jelly Tumblers with tin top, 1 each ......... C Decorated English Semi-Porcelain lflr Dinner Ware, any piece. 1UC Semi-Granite Cups and Saucers, f each. fiC Wine Glasses, each 1C Fancy Art Pottery Vases, $1.00 and j!Zn $1.50 values, at Hand Decorated Chop Trays, Cake C Plates and Salads, each. . ........... .DC Men's $1.00 Negligee Shirts, in the very newest patterns and best materials, clean (JA high grade stock, at..JUC Men's Negligee Shirts, sold .regularly at 50c to 75c in two lots Saturday "TQ at 39c and Jv Men's Pyjamas, in fine madras and percales, that sold regu larly at $1.50, Satur- PQ day, at '. Men's 15c Linen Collars, on sale Saturday, fL choice C Men's Ties, in very newest styles, worth . regularly up to 60c in throe lots, at f f- 25c, 12a and lUC Men's Union Suits, regular $1.75 values, Satur- QQA day to close, at aOC Men's $2 Lisle Underwear, in plain white, to close Satur day, at, garment 1.00 Men's, Ladies' and Children's. Hose, in plain and fancy colors, worth 19c, . 10c ladies' Furnishing Bargains Ladies' Skirts, handsomely trimmed with rows of lace and embroidery, in finest materials, worth up f PA to $3.00, at $1.93 and. JU Ladies' Corset Covers, prettily trimmed with laces and inser tions, at, 50c, 39c and 25c Ladies' Drawers, nicely trim med, worth up to $1.00, will be placed on sale C l Saturday, at UC Ladies' Union Suits, all sizes regular 50c values, f Saturday, at 39c and.ewJC Children's Muslin Drawers, in all sizes, at, 10 C Worth double the price. Ladies' Gauze Vests, in plain and fancy colors, at 71$o and 5c See These Saturday Hosiery Specials Ladies Gauze Lisle Hose, in all sizes,' regular 50c ' .quality at, pair. . ;;. . JUes' Fancy Ic ILjk) In black or white, worth up to SGc, J at. pair. .. . 12V Misses' THark Lace Bom. in all sizes. tb 26c (frailty, at,' - t l : pair. . ; . , . . ........ .', . .'. . Nev Corset Models Our Corset Department offers to our customers a completely new stock of standard corsets. Every new Corset Model in Kabo, Warner's and R. & G. are here at from $2.50 1 Afl I.UU down to. Broken lots of Corsets, standard makes, 7 C that sold up to $2.50, choice Saturday. . L Batiste Corsets and Tape Girdles in CA great variety, remarkable values, at. . . vUL ATTENTION TRAVELERS ft I'-Oj ' , Secure the traraling neceisitiea fr your vacation trip Saturday at. Our SPECIAL TRUNK AND SUIT CASE SALE. A Handsome Laather Suit Case, 3 9$ Genuine Cow Hide Salt Case, 24-ln, ft QO steel frame, at . ,' iiO GREATtST TRUNK VALUES AT $5 98 TOS15.00 EVER SHOWS IN OMAHA. Omaha's Meat Saving Section Guaranteed Fresh Spring Chickens, Rib Roast, rolled and boned, pound. Pot Roast, pound , Shoulder Roast, pound , Shoulder Steak, pound Veal Stew, pound , Round Steak, pound Sirloin Steak, pound pound. . 20c 9C I Robber Gloves at Drug Department Specials i .BO 5VaC Elder Flower, Cream Marquise and ' ' I Almond Cream ISO 5 2 ; Colgate's Tooth Powder. . .'. . . . . . . I So . . 50 ! pear's Sop, (Unscented) ........ lOo ..3V4C .81-3c .91-3c Pear's Soap, Roach Paste Laxative Fig Syrup ; . Dr. Hall's Female Syringe,, Dr. Lee's Corn Plaster, bo. , .", .JOo . .91.49 .....Be GROCERIES! r GROCERIES! GROCERIES! GROCERIES! The tfMatest groorj, freab fruit, cracker, tatter, 1 oheeea,' 'jkaA eandy 4partmemtela the west. I lbs. tt band- picked Newr Beans.. SSo I lbs. beat Rollfid OetmeeJ. 99e J0 lbs. beet Oranulatcd Cornroeal . . . 13 'A o t OH' ardlnee. per cm. 1-lb. can Fancy AlaaKa Salmon... . J-lb. Jare Croaaeft Black wall's . , Jama of KlUlere' Marmalade.... Pint bottle Pure Tomato Catsup... ,'The beet Soda Crackers, lb . (Freeh, crisp Olngvraaapa, lb. Xcelo Braakfaat Pood.' pkg........ . -Saratoea Flakes, pk Potted Meats, per can Condeneed Cream, can Tsa aTO COTfEB niCES, . Fancy fiantoe Coffee, lb ncy- Porto Rloo Bland.' nothing finer for family uae, lb ..SOo Kanry fun Dried Japan Tea, )lf . . .';r'io Funcy Basket Fired Japan Tea. 30o Fancy Ta RtftlnKB, lh t ISHe BUTTER AND OXEEBXI PBIOX8.' Fancy Dalrv Table Butter 16o l 4m r txiij puiJammr xuiLer, 4U..a ..So .100 . .96e ,...60 , , ... 60 .lane ao . . .15o New York While Cheese, lb 15a Fancy Full Cream Swlsa Cheeae, Ib..l8o Baylea After-Dinner Cheeae.. Jar 7VtO OAIfST. - CAS ST. OAKBT. AJ1 ruaular 20c Candy for thja sale I per pound , lOe j All regular 40c Candy for this sale I per pound ;.. SOo I mTTTl TTTTT: TXTTTT. Fancy Table Peaches, baeket. . . . J . .'.abo 1 3uart boxes freeh picked Blackberfes.T?6 Pint boxes fresh picked Red Raspberries ..lOo Two heads fresh Celery to Large baskets freah ripe Tomatoes. , .loo Lrg, Juicy Lemons, per doawn SOo 2 measures fresh roasted Peanuts. .... .so 1 V, SATURDAY WILL BE OUR BIG DAY IN HARDWARE DEPARTMENT For Way Down Prices On Tools and Builders' Hardware 500 Planes Co at Ridiculously Low Price Henry Diseton D. 826 in. Hand Saws i.. 7 ?P r "' 1 '" No. ll(k-74 tn. long, (like cut), each,... '.:5c No. K Black Plane, SV In. long each.. lac No. lot Black Plane. In. long, each..22o No. 108 Black Plane, 6H lh long, adjust able, each ..j. 20c No. 180 Black Plane, 8 In. long, each... .400 No. 220 Black Plane, 7V4 In. long, adjust able, each .too Nol H Bafley Woo4 Plants. I in. loaa; . &o , Back Saw and Frame). Jin, K Bailey AVooa Jack Plazas. IS tn. long JSC Ifa. t-BaHa(y 'Wood Fora Ptaneav. B In. lansr -fU'i No. X3-Bailey -Wood Joiner Places. X lr. Ion ILe No IB Bailey Wood Joiner Planes, U In. long B-Hi 14 In. Compass Saw IOC 1 tn. Cast Steel Hand Raw too 20 In. Cast Bteel Hand Saw DOC In. Cast Steel Hand Saw 3Sc Hayden Bros.' 28 In. Hand Saw war ranted 35c Pack's Phantom Hat cherts A good Cast Steel Hatcbert.... X good Cast fttan! Hammer... A sjood Hammer Auicer Bits, each 731 eVixVi Stanley Jap Butt pair Rim Locks and Knobs, complete.. Bronze Plated Martin Locks I and (H In. Saw Flies f In Saw Files 10 In. Mill Files Is In. Meat Saw , And many other articles. $1.25 mm 4S , 1 .10o to Ka Jlngea, 17s lis ..... 7e Is ,....lis ....tbS AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Board of Education Makes Assignment of Teachers for the Year. -JOHN W.. DALY KILLED AT SWIFT PLANT Becomes Tansled In Bhaftlua While at Work Hepalrlna an Elevator la tke Plaat-Body Is' Badly Croaked. ' The teachers' committee of the Board of Education yesterday made public the as signment 'nf the grade teachers of the first list, which Includes all teachers who will be retained from the aid teaching force. Written notices hare been sent to all teach ers ahd'ao far no complaints have been offered. - '' . The board meets In- regular session next 1 Monday evening. At that meeting It Is expected that the committee on grounds and buildings will be able to report a fa vorable' bid for a site of the new bulldiny. tf a good alts is secured It la probable that the work of erecting the building will ta undvrtikeh with dispatch. The board hue Urn busy lately putting In cement sidewalks - at severnl of the buildings . In place of board walks. Appended Is the com plete Hat of the teaching force under the school to which each teacher Is assigned: Hlarh School N. M. Grahum, principal; Perrv Mel). Wheeler, assistant principal; Marv HtWH. T. K. Boswell, Berlhn E. flark, Homy Clausen, K. C. Flnley, Anna Kuwler, BiikIb Horen, Mary Hubbell, Marie Kennedy, Marie Hchlsbv, Patricia NauKh tln, Kvs O. Hulllvan, Hara 'Taylor, Mable Tliomiis, Myrtle KohertH. Jui'Kinunn School Margaret O'Toole, prin cipal; Bntlie Fowler, Kthel Sachra, Ullve Brown, Mary Miller. Kittle Rowley, Oert rude Holmes. Ilattle SmlUi, Hertha John son, Hupan Ileedle. West Sliln School Jessie A. Robeson, principal; Elsie Montgomery, Lillian Em y, Klla Kelly, Nettle Mann, Mabel Fran cisco, Mary Moore, Rosa Mulone, Agnes Condon. Eleanor Dlckman, Florenca Slocum, Eva Munnecke. Corrlan School Julia Carney, principal; Hiilome Hramlt. Jennie Smith, Mamie Heal. Hilda Condron, IJazle Kennelly, Alberta Barrett, Kate Begley, Nellie Lavelle, Imo Clifton. Marie llanaerovskt. Iiwell School Mary Fitzgerald, principal Ethel Yost. AUle Waterhury, Ruth Fergu son. Nellie Kliigerald, Mary Ruane, Anna Weeth, May Hhellan Highland School Jessie " BtUt, . principal; Anna Orahnm, Iymlse More. Ina Pick man, Mlna Swan Heck, Crace Thielke, Ku-ni-e Noe. Kit!" Ilyer. Alice Sbeeban. Washington School Uelle Newell; prin cipal; Corn Thompson, Esther Johnson, Lois Benedict, i Lincoln School Cora Laverty, principal; STRICTLY RELIABLE mm Nl Jb M Suppose you inquire. You will be surprised how little it will cost. WE ROTORE Functional order In those organs that have becime weak, run down and In capable of pei'f.wnilng tlielr function In a normal way. WHY OCR TREAT MENT Cl'RES: It la local, direct and efl.-i tK In tills, that It re-establishes the natural order of things. This U mal'-ly due to the fact that we personally ponrtict the treatment and see and know that each application haa the desired efTVct. There la no guesa work In our examinations, for they arc so Fearching lhit we are positive of the exact cause liefore tit-ginning treatment. VlCirnPFI F We rure aoundly anl ooinpUtely In 4 tn days, i Our treat IMnlUUWLLL. nient la painless, and one that will prvserve and strengthen reproductive system JTBIPTIIRF T"'re l no other treatment to our knowledge which will per dlSlulUltl manently remove all aoieness, inn.iinnianon. callous or harrow ing oonditlona of stricture. Ii Is most cleanly and perfect-and -comiietelw cures.. Fnnrf isnal flsrlins ur tridtmcnt for functional decline' or ''weakness." UllbllOllal UCkilllC , termed hy some, Is the result of years' ; anecial work Ju,. functional (llsonlera. The rcxuua t obtain are by'diroi-t methods and aie not In common uae. . " . . j ' InvrXiKate ar.1 ierm tliut our word 1m as uk-,I as our bond, our financial standing U solid, and tln.t our Umg riiwrience in treat lug special diaoahc of men iiiMiren )im of miiil'-m, M lcntitic trt-atmrnl tliat will accomplish neMratile ickuUs in all curuble cani. ' Consultation free, confidential and Invited. A tersonal. thorough and searching examination Is require.!. Write for Information. Ter are alwaya rnad to suit the convenience of anyone applying for treatment, and very red so nab I a charges. NORTHWESTERN MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE, NORTHWEST COR. 1STH AXI FAR-NAM SIS., OMAHA, JSEti. - Edith Carpenter, Rertha Anderson, Agnes iyalsh, Julia Wlllnrd, Mahle Stephen, Grace oung. Sadie Ayer, Maud Carter, Kate Roherta. Rertha Clements, Rose Harris, Cora Holmes, Martha Wlildls. Grace Miller. Hawthorne School Ruth Turner, prin cipal; Genevieve Maddox, Josephine Ahbott, Anna Sullivan. Nellie Walsh. Lillian Ru deradorf, Lorena Johnson, June Slocum, Eva Murphy, Fannie Brown, Laura Belpsch. Brown Park School Elizabeth Hayes, principal: Margaret llogan. Emma Smith, Emma Novak, Mary Giiest, Grace ljavls. Bertha Novak, Bess Fischer, Kstulla Gray, Ethel Breen, Bertha Meth. Central School Martha Campbell, prin cipal; Pauline Winter, Maud McDowell, Jean Roggen, Maud O'NIel, Margaret Gal bralth, Nora Freeman. Margaret Conrey, Lillian Haldc, Iaura Rudesdorf, Florence Moore, Ctcilo Lyon. Madison School Emma Herman, prin cipal; Mary Barrett, Anna Bratton, Stella Toft, Cora Rothchlld, , Margaret Delpseh. Fatal Accident at fewlft'a. Another fatal accident occurred at Swift and Company's packing plant last night. John Wesley Daly was crushed to death at 6 p. m. by being wound up on an elevator shaft. Some part of the mechanism had gone wrong and he and a companion, Thomas Thorgensen, a millwright, had gone up to the top among the shlve wheels to make repairs. In some manner he was caught In the, revolving shaft and whirled around several times until hU body was practically beaten to a pulp. Ilia libs, arms, legs and head all received injuries each of which would most certainly have resulted fatally. An effort was made to aave the man's life, which was still flut tering when he was extricated. . lie was taken to the South Omaha hospital and his wounds partially dressed when it was found that life had departed. Paly has been living at Twenty-third snd L streets, at the lodging house of J. J. lleasley. He la a married man and haa a son of about 8 years, but he was divorced from his wife, who lived at Murray, Neb. He was a member of the Woodmen of the World, being the counsel commander of Camp No. 211. He carried an Insurance on his life. His son's name In Harold E Daly. He has two brothers In Bouth On'.aa i. Washington Daly and William Daly. It Is expected that an Inquest will be held to discover the cau?e of the death. The de-, ceased wea elevator conductor In the sweet pickle department. How the elevator hap pened to be running while the repaira wero In progress la unexplained. The funeral will probably be arranged for Sunday aft ernoon under the auspices of the Woodmen of the World. Later notice will be given. Paving at Highland Park. A movement is on foot for the placing of pavemepts around '. Highland park, one of the grealeat drawbacks to an otherwise beautiful little park being the condition of the adjacent streets. Of late several peo-t pie who have the attractiveness of the park most at heart have begun an agitation for paving. A petition haa been culetly circulated seeking to secure signers from enough of the property owners to put the project through. It Js a . question with which the Highland Park Improvement club will Interest Itself , through several of Its autumnal sessions. - The next meeting of that club will be Thursday of the com ing week. : - . - Mrs, A. I foianir Dead. The death of Mrs. Carrie E. Conawsy, wifa ot A. I Ceawr( occurred last svea- ng. She has been critically 111 tor about two weeks, having come to the home of her sister from Douglas, Arls., a little over a week ago. She Was suffering when she arrived from an attack of cerebro-splnal menengitls. Her. agonies were acute most of the time, though, mercifully, she was unconscious a great deal. , The sister , who nursed her during her fatal Illness was Mrs. N. R. Bryson, Htt North Twenty-third street. A. L. Conaway, her husband, is well known in, this city, though for some time lately he has pern In Arizona, where he has mining interests. His wife was the daughter of Joseph Garlow of this city. She leaves two little daughters. It is likely that the body of Mrs Conaway-will be re moved to Penara, la., where she spent her girlhood and where her, mother Is burled In the. family sepulcher.' Made City ftosalp. Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to all parts of the city. Telephone Js'o. 8. August Johnson of bradshaw la paying a visit to Fritz E. Saodwall and their friends. James Comamlello, ' 910 north twenty seventh street, . reports the birth of a daughter. Nels Peterson of Bradshaw la the guest of his son-in-law, E. L. Gustafson, 1704 Missouri avenue. k Kor Rent -room ' cottage, 17th and V St., So. Omaha. Apply 'phone Doug. 4f87. J. A.-Jacobson, mailing clerk" of the South Omaha post oftlce, is spending his summer vscatioh at Elk Point. 8. D. The death of Josie Obol, daughter of Joseph Obol, 9"S nor"l twenty-ninth street, occurred Wednesday. She was burled yes terday.. , . F. M. Slsnon goes today to loin the regi ment of Nebtaakar National Guards of which he Is captain. The two regiments expect to go te Fort' Riley, Kansas, Bhortly. The sales of stamps at the South Omaha postofhee for the month of July amounted to l$,0!.48, as against S3, 234. 82 In the same month last year. This represents a gain of $1,861.60. , . F. J.1 Etter who has been for the past two weeka enjoyinu; hla leave of absencs at Ansley, Cusrer county reports greatly Im proved In health. Ills asthmatic attacke nave ceased completely. Lottie Connors, Fortieth and Q streets, cut her foot so severely last evening on a piece of shattered glass, that several stitches were necesaary to close the wound. Dr. Leo 1 I-Huncy attended the little girl. Make an olfor on the northwest corner of ISth aod Missouri Ave. a nearly new house, eal front, and neat cottage, south front; two now lots. ' Room for two more houses. 'Will sell on easy terms.' price. J2.7U). N. P. Dodge & Co.. 1714 Farnam St. Tiie friends of Mrs. A. L. Conaway will take notice that a snort funeral service will be conducted over the departed thla afternoon at 4 3o p. n., at the home of N. R. Bryson, 1418 North Twenty-third street. After the service the body will be aant to her old home in Iowa; aervlce there, Sat urday. D. D. White of Washington, connected with the Department of Agriculture ami surmlt-ed to be here for the inspection of the South Omaha packing houbea. regia tered at one of the Omaha hotels yesterday. Nothing was seen of him about any of the South Omaha plants, unless he traveled Incognito. He waa entirely unknown to the (.(lei. ,1b of the bureau of animal Industry at this point. The Bear Dlarrhoe Remedy. "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera snd Diarrhoea Remedy arid conalder It the best remedy of the kind on the market." says W. F. Mayes, a prominent merchant of WalliavilU, Tex. Thla remedy always effects a quick cure and la pleasant to take. Ever;' fiNtnily sheuld keep it at hand durli.g the summer months. NOVEL PLAN JT0 MAKE PILES Jew Scheme of Conatraietlna Con cretes to Be laed la Rome Miller's Hotel. A novel method of constructing concrete piles will bo used In Rome Miller's new hotel building at Fifteenth snd Jackson. The method Is entirely new to Omaha, though ths Inventor, A. A. Raymond, worked out his plans here. Mr. Raymond was formerly an Omaha contractor, but about six years ago he went to Chicago, where he perfected his scheme and be came the head of the Raymond Concrete Pile company, which Is doing the work on the new hotel. The plan consists In encasing a collapulble Iron core with a heavy sheet 'Iron shell and driving it into the ground from twenty to thirty feet. The core is then collapsed and pulled out, leaving the shell In the ground, which Is filled with concrete. The work can be done rapidly and Just as cheaply or a title more cheaply than wooden pile work and has the advantage of being practically indestructible, while the wooden pier is liable to rot In the course of time. The concrete pile will sus tain three times the weight a wooden one will bear. About S0 of these piles will be driven for the Miller building and work will begin on the piling next week. Mr. Raymond first tried his plan on one of the Transmlsslsalppl exposition build ings, but it failed, as he could not get the core out of the ground without Injuring the sheet iron shell. He set to work to devise the collapsible core and success fol lowed. The concrete pile Is used exten sively in the east, but has never been used in Omaha before. The work here Is in charge of T. E. Rlckard, superintendent. NEW LIGHTS ARE POPULAR Eleetrtelty for Street Pwrweses Is GlTingr Satisfaction la Resi dent Districts. Reports from the outlying districts re ceived by the city electrician indicate that the new electric lighting is giving gen eral satisfaction. The gasoline tamps burned for the last time on the night of July 31. Not a single one remains on ths streets of the city. The amount spent for them Is now paid out for the new electric lighting. One especially warm testi monial came from a street railway motor man, who gets up at 6 o'clock , tn ths morning to milk the cow before going to the car house. He believes ' Ms rural labors will be much pleasanter of dark winter mornings under ths rays of tfcs nr arc lsmp near tils home. Bee Want Ads lor Business Booster. S14.20--SIBJK i AND RETURN AND RETURN AND RETURN Tickets on sale August 4, 5 and 6, with return limit of August 15. Tickets on sale August 11, 12 and 13, with return limit of August 21 The Burlington has made elaborate preparations in the way of spe cial equipment and extra trains to handle the business offering for these attractive rates. Double Berth in Tourist Sleeper to Chicago only, $155. CHICAGO AND PEORIA TRAINS No. 6 Fast Daylight Limited at 7:25 a, m. No. 2 Afternoon Express at 3:45 p. m. No. 12 After Dinner Flyer at 8:05 p. m. ST. LOUIS TRAINS No. 26 St. Louis Flyer at 4:45 p. m. . No. 22 Night Express (via Kansas City) at 10:45 p. m, Tickets 1502 Farnam Si