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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1906)
TTIE OMAHA DAILY BEEt SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 190(5. ft? GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Leci.oi'ne .rcti are Fiatum of Local . Wnttt Pit. StPIlMoER CLCSt HALF-CENT LOWER Rallies Few and Cash Houses Sell on ' Etrrr Iplari-Tora r(lt . Prleee Trifle lllher Re ceipts Coatlnw Light. OMAHA. Aug. 3, ltl6. Wheat was lower early this morning, fnr e'gn new tiring bearish and cables lower. Pnr a lima the market rested steady on a very iigni iraoe, men lonowea me eH'. . I ... ..V. . . . 1 . . 1 w 1 riililf lluillinriirill lllftllFl iu m Iirrw (rw point. A here were lew rallies and cash houses stood ready o sell on any little upturn. Receipts were large and export Inquiries few, end'fhe northwest reported a poor rash, demand. Considerable cover ing was done after reports of heavy rains In Kansas, which probably will check re ceipts, bulls are looking to an export de mand or an accident to the northwestern crop as their only help. The close was Vc below yesterday. Corn was active and prices a trifle higher. Rains through the west and southwest were beneficial to the crop, but no moisture was reported In Illinois, from where soma complaints of drouth have been coming. Receipts are light and tha cash demand fair Primary whoat receipts were MM.ono bushels and " shipments tTl.oon bushels, against receipts last year of 762.0HO bushels and. .shipments of 4.12.000 bushels. Corn re ceipts were 857,(0 bushels and shipments 34.rK butmels; against receipts last year of 84.t"iO bushels and shipments of MS-OW bushels. Clearances were 128.0O0 bushels wheat, 28,857 barrels flour. 101,0u0 bushels corn and 14o,or bushels oats. 1 Liverpool closed d lower on wheat and unchanged on corn. The "Modern Milter will . say today: ."Farmers' deliveries of when are small of soft 'Winter and heavy of hard winter. Moat of the soft winter wheat farmers ,-e-fuso to sell at present prices. In Missouri feeding of wheat to hogs Is reported, but so far thlt ! of little consequence. The return ron tha threshing machines indi cate that the average yield per acre nearly everywhere la the largest ever reported." Locai range, of options: Articles , Ppsn. Hlgh. Low. Close.l Yes'y Whoet-rJ Septal ; Dec. ..I Corn f Sept... 7A 44VBj44T,45: A asked. B hid. . v " '. Omaha Cash galea. "WHEfAT-No. 1 hard, 1 car at 67e. 1 cara at 67Vc; No. 3 hard. 1 car at 67c, 1 car a, .664c, ,1 car, at 66c; No. 4 hard. 1 car at 64C COKN No. 3 yellow, 1 car at 47c. ' f) '' Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 3 hard, 6fKST68Hc; No; 3 bard, 6M68c; No. 3 spring, foe CORN-No. 3,.4Ve4Ic; No. 3 yellow, 47c; 'o--S white, 48c. OA.T8 No. 3 mixed, 30c; No. 3 white, 30Hcr No. 4 white, 30c. . RYE No. 3, Blc; No. 3, 50c. " Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. t Chlcafto Kantas City Minneapolis . Omaha Dululh Bt. pouls S2 165 30 . SOU 1M 121 17 130 17 86 '46 10 iii CHICAOO ' UHAH AN D PROVISIONS Features of the Trading; ss Closlnaj Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAOO, Aug. 3 Likelihood of a large yield of wheat In the v;nltea Btates causea weakness today In the local wheat market. Ule September delivery -closing at a net lona of Vtc. Corn waa ud Vkc. Oats showed a gain of Ue. Provisions were a shade to xtUn higher-., f ...... Sentiment In the wheat pit waa bearish ' all. day. there being vary little news or a character to encourage the bulls. The volumo of trading, bowaver, was small owini to a scarcity of offerings. The prln clpal sellers were cash houses, who sold against purchases In the country. The market wa depressed at the start by' a moderate decline at Liverpool. -Liberal at a -In- the- northwest also exentoov bansh effect early in, the day... Later 4 .St. Louis trade panel's report on the win ter wheat crop of tUs United States caused additional ' weakness. , This report claimed .that threshing returns Indicated that the yield will be the largest ever harvested In . .this cowntry. It . also stated that farmers In Missouri are feeding wheat to tits hogs. .The market closed easy. ' Sep tember opened Htfr'ac to Vc lower at 7Sc la Tia'ic. sold between 73Hc and 3Vy liW anacloeea at i3kc. Clearances o wheat and flour were equal to 267,800 bushels. Exports for the week as shown by iradstreiSj were equal to z.sno.uuo dusiv els. Primary receipts were 1.188.000 bush' els. compared wUh. 762,000 bushels the cor responding day one year ago. Minneapolis, , Dululh and Chicago reported receipts of ' iitn cara, against 1M6 cars lautt week and 373 cara a year axo. . Contiuuod absence of tain In Illinois was ' chiefly responsible for a firm tone In the corn atarket. The Missouri report show ing deterioration of 1 point In the condi tion of the corn crop during July helpod t0 stimulate demand. Commission houses ana cash Interests were the principal puyers. eeiiing waa maimy Dy pit traders j ne otose was nrm. ueptemoer opened un changed to higher at tSSt'S tirtsc, sold between 4840 and and closed at 4,c ixeai receipts were 166 cara, with 74 cars of oon tract grade. . respite liberal reoelpta. both locsl and at all primary points, the oats market was firm all day. The Missouri atate report : was ins cniei oause 01 ounian sentiment .a It showed the crop In that state to ie In poor condition, threshing returns Indl 'v eating a yield of only nineteen bushels to -..tha -acre. There was a good demand by , commission -houses . throughout the entire , session. September opened He to c - higher at 81c 1 to 314c, sold between SOVc and 3140 and closed at 31VsC Local re ceipts were ma oars. Provisions were strong on lively demand .py snorts and. commission houses. Re 'ceipta Of hogs were lighter than expected and this caused much of the flrmnesa An advance at Liverpool waa another bullish factor. At the close September pork was up 80 at 31 K7H Lard was a shads higher at 38.R7Si.tO. Ribs were 7Vc Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat 647 oars; corn, ion cara; oats, 337 cars; hogs, iv,""" newt. , Tha leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. I Open. I Hlgh. Low. Cloae. Yes y 8 rw 95 Cash quotations were aa followa: FLOUR Easy"; winter patents. 31 60 3k0;" straights, 83.3pu3.; spring patents, 33 7044.00; straights. W.46U3.7li; 8ukers, 3-' toi 90 WHEAT No. 2 spring. TfrgTtiHc; No. 8, "Ojllhc; No. 3 red, "lVofiHo. CORN No. 2. SOtjaoV; No. 2 yellow. tlWfctiVtc UAi'b No. t, 3tc: No. 2 white, 31S0 8JH'-: No 3 while, 3"ti3:'c RYE No. 2, 6c. !ul.e -oo-t f11ng, 36i38c; fair choice maltlnc. tyti6e. BEElJS No. flax, 3108: No. 1 north westero. 3103. Clover, contract grade. 112 00. PROVISIONS Short ribs sides (loosel, 39ub.10. Mess pork, per bhl., ill nt 17 1.". Lard, per 1" lbs . l k.V. 8 hurt clear sides ( honed 1. 39.50a . 621. Following were the receipts and shlp nieuis uf flour and grain: Hecetnt Uhlprr Flour, bbla Wheat, bu. Corn. bu. . at. bu. .. Rye. bu .. 17.700 3,4. ....4.I. .1 ....175.10 S4,:.VI 6 ( 74.) Harley. bu 7.7O0 400 Un the Produce exchanss today the but ter market was Arm: c-re-o merles, ltitjile, dairies. lnWlV. rags, fliru; st nisrk. Oases Included, l-Vejtl H"-vM trsts. 16 V: prlni tireia Kc; extras, lc. Cheese, strong; 11 913HC- l.l teeiool r.raln fieri. el. I.IVERPOtll. Aug 3-tVHEAT-Spot. non-.iriil, futures. steady; Si'ptcmlcr, ?A 4 HB 67A 69V4A 6SA 6SA 69 1 "B JAi IStt Wheat-I I I I I 8ept...'73SVr3VjlH 73 I 7S4 TTii Deo.... TJwa'U ft 76;76ifi'. 74, Corn II Sept... 4H4f 4 . 4I 4.14 Dec... 4H! 47 46Stj444fiS'H'S 4 May...;47H 47 4tHl 471 47Vo4i Oats i I 11 Sept... 181 fil 314 ' 31, 30', !-. ...33 ft-HI 3i4!Sl&'H32m'i t! Pork'""1! J ,4l' " i S4'3434' ei7... 13 80 I IT 00 18 80 I IS 87to! H Sept... 83Hf 8 96 8 87 J 8 90 Oct.... 8 97V, 9 00 8 95 I I 96 NOV. ..I s su 1 I w I -3 SIil .8 86 I 8 87Vt Sept...! 8 1ij "J0 I M I-3 15 Oct. ...( 3 36 ( t 86 I 3 .', 3 l4kd; December. 66d: March, nominal. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed, old. 4s S VI Futtirea, stesdy; September. 4s 6jd; lri'mtr 4a 7d. I'EAS Canadian, stesdy at 6s lOd. SEW YORK OESF.RAI. MARKET ((notation of the Day a Various t omrandlt lee. NEW YORK. Aug. 3 FLOUR Receipts. 18.26 bbls ; exports. 7.007 bbls. Market was dnll and lower for top grades: Minnesota patents. IVttvjM 50; Minnesota bakers, 3-1 4d e.lA"; winter patents. tt."Qi2t; winter straights. 13 75; winter extras. ti.t fl.40: winter low grades. 82. mi's 3 35. Rye Hour, quiet; fair to good. 13 a8.80; choice to fancy. 3!M.10. CORNMEAb-Steady; fine ' whits and yellow, $ 1 . f 1 2 S ; coarse, 11.1091.11; kiln dried, 32.76H5 2 85. HYE Nominal; No. 2 western. 67Hc, f. o. h . New York. WHEAT Receipt, 87, m bu. Spot mar ket easy; No 2 red. S7c, elevator, 8oe,e, a b. afloat; Tsn. I northern, injlutn, oc, f o. b. afloat; No. 3 (hard winter, die, f. o b. afloat. With few exceptions wheat was weak and lower today, touching the low point of the season. The selling motives were nig receipts. fsvorahle northwest news, lene export demand and the bearish Modern Miller report. The close eras ,8 c net lower; May, NlVuHc. closed at 8V; September, uWc. closed at 4c December. 82Wfi2 16-ltc. closed st :Sc. CORN Receipts. 510 bu ; exports, lnO,- 787 bu. Spot market steady: No. 2, bVo, elevator, and 67'iuC. f. o b. afloat; No. I yellow, Mc; No. 3 whits. Bc. The option market was without transactions and closed unchanged. September closed at W4C, De cember closed at mv. OATS Receipts, 4K.orm bu.; exports, 1.540 bu. Spot market stesdy; mixed oats. X to 32 lbs., 3V; natural white. 30 to 33 Iba, 3M 39Hf ; clipped white, 38 to lbs.. 42?44Me. HAY Firm; shipping, txwisc: gooci to Choice, 31.0Offl.nJ. HOPS Steady: state, common to gooa. t05 crop, lOOlTc: 1904 crop, nominal: olds, nominal: Pacific coast, 1306 crop. nftllr; 104 crop, 12S olds, nominal. HIDES Steady; Galveston, 20 to a ins.. V; California. 21 to 25 lbs , 21c; Texas dry. 2J to 30 lbs., lc. ' I.EATHKR Steady: acid, lH27e. PROVISIONS Beef steady; family. 10. 60JT 11.00; mess, ,- 38.00 8.R0; beef sms. 321.00922.60: packet, 33.0009.60; city extra India mess. 313 60017.00. Cut meats steartv; pickled bellies. ill. suit 13.25; pickled, shoulders, 38 5o.7T; pickled ams. 312 2.Val2.75. I-ard. firm; western prime, 38.9S4jrs.05. nominal: refined, Arm, con- inent, Vi 00; Houtn America. i".w; com pound. 37.12H7.3T4. Pork, stesdy; family. W; short clear. I17.owai.oo; mess, is.a' 1875. TAI.IXW Stesdy; city (2 per pKg.j, c: country (pkgs. free). 4Tt'B&c. RICE 8teady: domestic, fair to extra. SVofiv. c; Japan, nominal. POI'IyTRY-eUve, slow; western cnicgens. 14c; fowls, 13c; turkeys, 10c. Dressed, slow nd unchanged, but tone eaaler. Bl'T'i'ER Steady: straet price, ra creamery, 21c Official prleea: Creani- ery, common to extra, :swiic: renovatea, common to, xtra, lvwnc: western rsc- ory, common 10 nrsis, iwirc; wnwm mitatlon creamery, extras, UWc; western firsts. lHgi?Hc. CHFFSE steadr: new atate. run cream. large, fancy, 11 Hci fair to good, 10 1M; small, fancy, 110;. rair to gooa, iu'iiwnc; nrerior. sHto EGOS Steady: state. Pennsylvania ana nearby fancy selected white, 225c; choice, 22'o23c; mixed extra, 224223c; western firsts, 17iiiilic: seconas, lwaisvc; soutnern umiik. keys, 11613c; fowls. U14o. St. I,ouls General Market. ST. LOUIS, Auguss 8. WHEAT Lower; No. 3 red, cash, elevator, 70c, nominal; track, 7071c: Septemler, TOc; December. 73Wc; No. 2 hard, 671Hc. CORN Steady; No. 3 casn, one; tracn. 60 14 10' 61c; September, 48 He; December, 45c. OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 30Hc; track, 31t8mc; September. 30H0c; De- comber, 82c bid; No. 2 white, 84(U34Hc. FlOUR Steady; red winter patents. 34.36u4.60; extra fancy and straight, 83.760 4.30; clear, 32.7i3.2&. SEED Timothy, steady. 33.75ffi4.00. CORNMEAL Steady, 320. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 7375o. HAY Steady; timothy, 3126O17.00; prai rie. 38.0OS12.6O. IRON COTTON TIES 11.00. BA GOING C. HEMP TWINE TMe. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, 3H72V4. Lard, firm: prime steam, 38.62Vi. Trv salt meats, steady: boxed extra shorts. 39. 87; clear ribs, 39 KVi; short clears, 39.75. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts,' 310.124; clesr ribs, 310 37H:- short clear, 110.50. POULTRY Quiet; cnlcKens, wc; springs. 12Hsi turksys, 12Vi0k ducks. "Hfl geese, oc. . HCTTKKBteaqyj .craamary, kiiuho, dalr. 1 20c. . EQO Hteaay: tin, rase count. Receipts and shipments of flour and grain Were aa followa: i Receipts, enipments. Flour, bbls 7.000 T.000 Wheat, bu , 180.000 23.000 Corn, bu 40.000 4S.0H0 Oats, bu.; J.-.i. 131.003 48,000 Kansas City Grain aad Pro-Helens. KANSAS CITY. Aug. S.-WHEAT-Bep- tember, 69c: December, 72HC; cash. No. 3 hard. esOc; No. .3. 67Ht)69c', No. 2 red, 70c: No. 8. 6RV4c. t ' . CORN September, 4:'c; uecemner, ;--c; cash. No. 2 mixed. 48c; no. , sc; no. t hlte. 4ieV949Vc; No. 8, 49HC. OATS-N . 2 white, 84Ufl35ttc; No. 2 mixed. S?833c. RYE Steady, WTnc. . HAT Steady; choice timothy, 11025 10.60; choice prairie, 37.753.00. Hi TTtH-i reamery, 2"c; pacaing, nui;. EGOS Market Uo higher; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 3 whltewood cases in cluded, 18c; case count, lVfac; casea re turned, He off. ... Rece Dts and shipments 01 grain ioaay were as follows: HBremts. onmmeni. Wheat, bu......: 283.000 323 0)0 Corn, bu 60,000 19.000 Oats, bu " 1.000 4.000 Minneapolis Grain Market. ' utVNFAPOIJg. Anr. 8. FLOUR First patents. 84 10(j)4.20: second patents, 33.96tt 4 06: first clears. 33.26&.4i; second clears. 2?8???-. ..... BRAN in DU1K, i.du0' (Superior Board of Trade quotations for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). The range of prices, as reported by F. D. Day & Co., 110-111 Board of Trade, was: Artlcles. Open. High. Low. Close.l Tes y Wheat- May... TSfTS! epi...iiAH Dec... Oct... Nov.. 1 1 ow 109 ; Peerla praln Market. , PEORIA. Aug.' 3. CORN-FIrm: No. 3 yellow. 6ovto: No. 8. 504e; No. 4 49Hc; no grade, 4tj4KHC. OATS Higher; No. 2 whMs. new, 81631HC: No. 3 white, new, 80Ht31cNo. 4 while, new. Soc. WHISKT On the basis, of 8129 for fin ished goods. - Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Aug. S.-WHE AT-Dnll : No. 1 northern. 7S79c; No. 2 northern. Wit I 77c; September. 7Sc, bid. . RYE Lower; No. 1. wnrx"". PARLEY Dull; No. 2.. tfetlKci sample. 40ifi54o. CORN Firmer; No. 3 casn. wiraie; oep- t tember. 4Hc. t '- 1 ; PILITH, AUf. i.-wnr.Ai- 10 srrive O7 snd on track. No. 1 northern, TBHc; No. 2 6 northern. 74e; 8-ptemher and Dcemher. ia- xtmv 7itc! fintember durum. No. 1. ! h'7c No. 2, Vc; October. No. L 7c; i No. 1 Mr; old. No. 1. 9c; Ne. 1. 7c. 1 ATS To srrtve. on track and August, spwc ToledoeSeed Market. TOLEDO. O.. Aug. 3 -SEEDS-ClOver, steady; timothy. 12 00. Alslke. .3 80. incur and 3-slnaea. NEW YORK. Aug. 1 SUGAR Raw. 10 1 firm, fair refining. 3c; centrifugal 90 test, 1 3 tin 13-lftc; molasses stigar, ac. ttenneo, Istesdv, No. 6 4 10c; No. 7. 4 l&c; No. 8, 4 1oc; No. 9. 4.05c; No. 10, 4c; No. 11. 3oc; No 12. 8c; No. 13. 386c', No. 14. 386c; confectioners' A. 4jc: mould A. 5.15c; cut losf. 8 6c: crushel. &.0c: powdered. 4.30c; granulated, 4 0c: cubes, 6.06c. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 8. SUGAR Steucly; open kettle centrifugal, M3 7-lfc; centrifugal yellow, 3iOVc; seconds. 2Viii rvc. MOLASSES Firm, Jt&QOc. 1 79 78 78V? V. 79Mi i 74H1 73Tml 74 74 .1 11H 1 114 1 1 . 1 09W 1 04 1 09 1 O8V1 103. 1 09 1 03 tl'la -nil Htl'l, OIL CITY. Ta.. Aug. 3-Oedit balances. 31 W Sliipi'ents, 37.4 17, bbla. ; average. 31.. 9m7 bbls. Runs. 71.414 bbls. Shipments. Uma, 37.147 bhls.; average, S3.U3 bhls Puns, L'ma. 35.90". bbla. . SAVANNAH. Gi, Aug. 3.-01L-Turpen-tlne. firm, 87UC. RrsiN'-Firni; stock. 7l4 bbls A. B, C. 3 190; D. 34 0fij4Oi; E. 4 WM.IS; F, 34U'Hf)4; O. 34 1vn4 34; H. 34 -J4 Ii; I. 34(i4 3u; K. 34 65 4 70; M 11 7ic!4 tu: N. 5.01. Qi 06; W O, ei.a-i W, W W, 5 K-S li. . s NEW ORE STOCKS AND BONDS Market ii Spotty and Icolatsd IatUnoM of Strnctb art rwer, SLUMP IN TRANSCONTINENTAL ROADS SaecesalT Dlsappolatsseat Over Bi eeted Coaarsaatlaa at Rsusters at Deals nisappelets Holders NEW TORK. Aug. 8. -Today stock mar ket became even more spotty than that of yesterday and the Isolated Instances of strength were fewer. This showing told on speculative sentiment In the course of the day and the tone of the speculation be came less confident snd led to a sharp re action. This change waa derived more from the action of the market Itself than from any development in the condition of busi ness or industry until the slightly firmer tone of the call money market may have partly been responsible. Larger Impor tance was attached, however, to the fact that Bt. Paul and Union Pacific showed clear evidence of being fed out when at tempts were made to bid them up. while Southern Pacific was given over to positive depression. The opening course of prices waa quite generally downwards, but this waa at tributed to the Influence of the earlier dealings In foreign markets. In which the troubled affairs of Russia were once more a factor. The lower opening here was al mest Immediately repaired. In svmuathy with the sharp upbiddlng of St. Paul and Union Pacific. Their relapse waa the cause of some misgivings over the vague Infor mation on which much of the accumula tion in these stocks has been baaed. Suc cessive disappointments over the expected confirmation of the "deal" rumors which have hung about these stocks for manv weeks proves wearing upon the patience of the Ill-informed holders except when they have the example of large buying and ad vancing prices before their eyes. The new features of strength Droved Door substl tutes for these favorite leaders of market sentiment. The rise In New Tork Central waa connected with some revival of soma reports that a comprehenalve merger of the Vanderbllt railroad properties was In contemplation. There was a Joint advance in a number of the- north and south trunk line railroads which was associated with the government's cotton report which was expected to be favorable, but which even exceeded anticipation. Amalgamated Cop per waa neipea Dy a snarp upward move ment In the nrlce of the metal In the Lon don market. But these evidences of strength did not prove wholly convincing In face of manifest realising that was going on In other quarters of the market. It was oolnted out also that the first transsc lions which occurred In United Btates Steel were In the opening dealings of Wednes day, were at tne nignest prices on me movement. Tha 41 U touched then for an Instant waa not equaled afterwards. The deduction Is unavoidable that a very large supply of the stock was ready for the mar ket to take advantage of the dividend. The firmer tone In the day's call loan market was due to the Indicated decline for the week In the cash holdings of the banks which amounts to 34.771.000 on sub- treaaury account alone and which seems to be only slightly offset by the receipts by express from tne interior, n is sup nm1 that the auhtrossurv excess of re ceipts, which Is largely- on account of Panama In national bond payments, has hten nartlv offset bv redeposlt of govern ment funds with the banks. But these deposits do not go entirely into New Tiork banks, while bond payments have come almost wholly from that source. The week's stock market operations and the August settlements also point to some further loan .iMiuinn The Imnreaslon of the proflt- tuklng tendency of the day's .market was emphasised by the response to the late two-point rise In St. Paul, which waa met hv an outnourlng of stock which carried a inm list of active leaders from 1 to nolnts below last night. There was very little FMHivorv and the closing was easy. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, 31.007,000. United Statea bonds were unchanged on call. the The luiiowing are the q-.iota.ons on Stock exchange: ales. High. Lew. Cloaa, AOama Fibmss 145 Amalsamatad Copper 1M4 14 1 100, tl IS4 117 II 47H 0044 Am.rlc.n C. a r i.i" " 1 Am. C. St r. M.. Aaierltaa Cottoa oil w "is ' Am. Cotton Oil pf4,.' Amarleaa EioreM Aisrloa H. a U Araerleaa McurHIM. l.son 4T 11 - '"toii 11 7V 1 - UK 111 u 117 111 101 M7V MV iii" American Untaea oil.;.. Am. LlnaaM Oil pf4...'. Amerloan Locomotlva ,.. 4V 10. o ino fl.loo 400 1,400 400 41. 00 14. M0 'i.ioo lO.tno ii'ioi t,KX Am. Locomotive, pis 111 HJ 114 117 101 !M 01 100 141 111 01 A marl can g. a- R. ....... Am. A. a R pfa American Sugar RaOnlng inn W 101 ln 14 iH 11044 't :' 101 40 H lt Am. Tooacca pta etta.... AnacenOa Mining Co Auhlaoa Atchlaon pf4 Atlantic Coast una r.altlmora a osio 111 'ti" in Pal. Ohio pfa Brooklyn Rapid Transit.. Canadian Paclts Central of New )nj... antral Leather Central Leather pfa Chesapeake A Ohio Chlcaso Oreat Waetarn.. 14 111 M'e 101 11 11 104 141 II II 04 5S 17 71 41 117 10 111 040 41 14 il 41 70 70 141 14 100 174 II 84 IP 14 M 10 el 141 II 03 111 170 U 13 44 71 14 140 44 0 04 0"t IS 14 111 100 1,700 I 400 t.MO 101 64 MS 104 Chlcaso Nonnwaatarn. Chlcaso. Mil. St. P 41,to'l! Chlcaso T. AT Chicago T. T. pf4 . C. C. C. a at. L. 400 HH ColoraOo F. A 1 11.400 ! Colorado A Southern 1.4O0 iH Colorado A So. 1M pfd W0 11 Colorado A 80. M pfd 710 63 Consolidated Oai If IK Corn Prodoctt 600- 1H Corn Product! pfd loo 77V4 Dalawara A Hud .00 600 lit 04 l 17 1 "4 1M 1H " Palawan. L. W Denver A Rio Oraade 1.000 4444 41 n A R. O. Dtd Dlettllers' Beearlttes I. "HO 00 Krla 21, 400 444 grla 1 pfd f S Erie Id pfd 71 Oaneral Klectrlc Tns IMS Uraat Northern pfd 1.1W tn 40 4 7H lea XM Hocking Vallar Illlnon Coatral 6 700 I7H 1T44 lntarnatlonal Paper Int. Paper pfd International Pump lntarborough Metropolitan.. Interborough Mat. pfd lot. Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa Cltr Southern Kaavaa Otr in. pfd Loutavllle A Naahvllla Mai lean Central Mlnneepolta A St. L M , St. P. 8. B. M U . 8t. P. A S 8. M. pfd- Mlaaourt Paclc Mlaaourl. K. A T 70S 1.000 000 44 II 7H 44 17 w4 146 4 1044 44 14144 171 515 44 0 1 14044 47 00 'pi K-t M 1114 1 t H4 N 10 UH4 41400 700 100 1.400 100 1.400 1.100 1.400 8. eoo too 33.400 PiiO l.too "ioo l.oe too rr.tns poo 100 1.000 100 1. 0n M.i'ie 141 S 11 l 1M 171 4 34 Wt4 li H l4 1414 4714 1 'siii 14 lll4 1 7 Slt4 M 140 1M M . K. A T. pfd National Lead National R. R of M. pfd. .. New York Central New York. O. A W Norfolk A Westers Norfolk A W. pfd North Amarlcan Northern PaaISc I'aclOn Mall ..... Pennavlvanta People's Gaa P . I'.. C. A Bt. L.. ei-dt. Prraeed Steel Car. Prraaed 8. C. pfd Pullman Palace Car Reading 41 II 117 111 Reading 1ft pfd. ottered Reading Id pfd. offered Republic Steal , PCO 1114 Hepublle Bieal pfd Rock lalaad Co , 4.7ns ns Kock laland Co. pfd Wio u 8t. L A S. P. Id pfd too 44 st Louia 8. W .; tKvi n SI. L. S W. pfd eno U Sloaa-Ckameld Steal luO Tf Southern PaclOe 11.100 74V, Bo. Pacific pfd 41 11IW I M :i4 04 01 44 M 77 T4 111 M 'ii" i 44 144 41 44 13 74 74 117 ii 47 144 14 IM 17 tf 1"7 107 II lot 10 47 WO lit 01 10 M 41 Boutharn Railway Il.n 17 So Rallwar pfd I "0 M Tanneaaaa Coal A-Iron Taiaa A Pec I nc t.sns u4 Toledo, 81. L. AW 100 l T . Bt. L. A W. pfd V 41V t'nioa Paclde ln.MO U Cnlan Pacific pfds : I'nlied States Kapreas t olled Btatea Realtr I Rlted Statea Rubber.. I B. Rubber pfd l alted Slates Steel I 8 Steel pfd Va -Carolina Chomical Va -Carolina Cham, pfd Wabaea Wabaak pfd Wella-rarso Bipraea .. 400 44 741nS 11.400 1.100 '"'ioo I0S 40 l('7 11 104 44 io 44 41 Wratiogbouaa Klectrle Weatern fnlon 104 giu. Mt Vtheallng A Lake Erie I.ioo itt4 Wiacanala Central ft 14 H Wis Central pfd 44W Total sales lor the Bar. 1.S01 400 asaraa. Korelara Flaaarlal. LONDON. Aug. I Money wss In better supply today, rates were a shade easier and the demand was quiet. Discounts were rteady. On the Stock exchange the at tendance was small snd buainesa was dull. Coraola and other Brulah securities were maintained on moderate Investment pur chases, while foreigners benefited by Paris support, Russisns hardening H per cent discount. Americana were again the most active section. Profit taking caused a slight setback from the firm opening, ex cept in the rase of t'nlon Pacific. Southern Pacific and New York Central, which were actively supported ta a higher level. In the . afternoon the advance continued on New Tork support and tha market closed firm at fractionally below the best prices of the day. Klfflra were dull In tha sh een re of outside support. Japanese im perial s of 1H closed at 103. hp. kii?, Aug. a iraaina on tne ttourse todAy was quiet. 1 PARI8, Aug g-Prices on tne Bourse early today were steady, except for Rus sians, which were depressed and Irregular. Later the general market showed firm ness, Including Kuealana, Toward the close there was considerable realising In Rus sians, but the general close wss well sus- slned. Rueslan Imperial 4s, 70.36; Russian. REPORT OP TUB CLEAHISO UOtBU Trssisrtlssi eat tka Associated Bsski for tka Week. NEW TORK. Aug. l-Th following table, complied by iiradetreet, shows the bank clearings at the prlnclpsl cities for the week ending August x. witn tne per centage of Increase snd decrease aa com- psreu witn tne corresponding weea isst year: CITIE3. Clearings Ine. Dee. New Tork,... .tl,7ol.691.48t 88 Chicago u.s 137,1S9.3'0 211.743 .angi 12 S rioston 3.1 Philadelphia Bt. Louis Pittsburg 30.949.SUt II 39.917.019 1.7 37.4o.49 15 3 !5.15,0"O 101 .84.;56 18.9 1J.03K.617 31.8 15.240.12 7.7 16.154.87D 9.9 10.5H.753 110 11. 147.4" 10.8 9.898.417 8.0 9.224.94 3.6 I 8.368,369 6.7 6.442.000 3 4 8.0S0.302 ..6 6 S.t'O.SM 6.7 7.997.7K8 42 8 6.S4J.478 8.1 7.760.530 6.3 3.234.947 80.7 4.024.969 8 4 6.098.SI.2 6.1 4.708.0110 .1 (.333549 9 1 4.tW.98 11.7 8.073.;t9 30.6 4.844.215 23.3 6.394.781 a.6 4.391. !W2 4.1 8.797.6X3 18 0 8.671.920 49.1 8.338.719 21 4 3.510,467 19.3 3.631.817 32.2 3.&63,39 31.7 3.422.4S8 5 i,m. 7.9 3.078.441 3.7 3.921,098 81.8 3.1M.75H 10 4 3.228.806 30.0 1.163.048 16.9 1,5K2,29 .3 I.158.292 88.1 ...... l.oM. 7 3.8 1.S07.971 9 4 1.484.092 13.6 1.6WI.2S3 17.3 l,3.T9.c34 1.0 1,478,034 .4 771,230 1.8 1,974.269 1,458,119 44.7 668,713 1.334,946 1.211.964 1.361.649 4.2 1,140. ton 8 2 985.624 3.3 977,048 2S.8 831,866 2.7 9t3.S74 33.1 767,564 1.9 802,973 62.0 863.278 10.4 356.872 ...... 8.4 834.576 4.8 750,811 2.8 606,789 n.O 635.014 23.1 339.981 424,672 6.8 6&5.87R 28.0 466.925 15.6 488.84 16.7 470,760 S.I 422.581 4.7 646, 00d 21 .S 6JS.379 26.7 464.611 438.661 ...... IRO Ban Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati Kansas City New Orleans Minneapolis Cleveland Louisville Detroit I .og Angeles OMAHA Milwaukee PmvideiK.. Buffalo Indianapolis Bt. I'aul Denver Seattle Memphis yon wnrtn Richmond Columbus Washington St. Josenh Savannah Portland, Ore Albany Salt I-ske City. ...... Toledo, O Rochester Atlanta Tacoma Spokane, Wash Hartford Nashville Peoria Des Moines New Haven a Grand Rapids , Norfolk Augusta, Ga Springfield, Mass.... Portland. Me Dayton Sioux City Kvnnsvllle Birmingham Worcester , Syracuse Charleston, 8. C Lincoln, Neb Mohlls Erie Knoxvllle , Jacksonville, Fie.... Wilmington. Del Wichita Wllkeabarre Chattanooga Davenport , Little Rock .......... Kalamasoo, Mich.. Tope k a Whoellng, W. Vs.,, Macon Springfield. Ill Fall River Helena Islington Fargo N. D New Bedford Youngstown Akron Rockford. Ill , Cedar Rapids, la... Canton, O... Blnghamton Chester, Pa Lowsll Oreensburg. Pa,.... Bloomlngton, I1I...I Bprinafleld. O 273.R88 S3 2 10.3 "s's 9 9 319.906' Qulncy. m 849.1471 23.3 Mansfield, O... Decatur, 111... '.V ! 299.5611. iV-f 278. 4371 868.2761 76.4 Sioux Falls. S. D.ll Jacksonville. 111... Fremont. Neb ISouth Bend, lit 284,9771 21. 3 I 121.6481 891.8491 16.262.0491 56 9 . e.383.000!..... J4.S83 63.3 Tnonston .7.3.. Galveston ....f., a 8 run vrayne .. 16.6 Total. l S.. Outside K. Y. 3Z7o,S7.On 7.4 City,. 9s7.8,57& 6.0 "CANADA. Montreal . Toronto .. Winnipeg Ottawa ... Halifax ... ....It :xl-' 27,877.4601 .1 21,426.262 16.6 .726.6a2 23.1 2,719, iMi l.( 1.684.936! I,197,99. 31.6 1,731. 946 .7 1,6X9,194 31.0 1.263.2811 17.3 1.028.8201 2.0 692,1641 1.8 1.042.S61I 596.3461 14 8 Vancouver, Quebec ... B. C Hamilton St. John, N. B ... ....1 indon. Ont Victoria. B. C Calgary. Alberta. Edmonton Total,, Canada... ..It 71.933.7931 8.6 Balances paid In cash. Not Included In totals. Comparisons INot included In totals because containing other items than clearings. New York Money Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 8. MONEY On call, steady. 443W per cent; ruling rate, s per cent; closing bid, 3 per cent; offered at Xhi per cent. Time loans, firm; sixty days. 3Vl4 per cent; ninety da vs. per cent; six months, 6H per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-6Htj44 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm. then easier, st 34.8620 for demand and at H.S.35 for sixty day bills; posted rates, HaiWtf 4.83 and H Z3Wa-t. commercial bills. 34.41 64.81. SILVER Bar. 64c Mexican dollars, 60Hc. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, irregular. Quotations on New York bonds today were as follows: V. 8. ret la. n do coupon V. B. la. rag.... ao coupon . . . . t'. S- old 4s, m do coupon .... V. S. new 4a, n do eoupoa Am. Tobacco 4s. do 4a Atchlaon sen. 4a do ad). 4a Atlantic C. L. 4 Pal. A Ohio 4a.. ....10tijapen la. Id eerlee. 104 do 4a ctta 103 do 4a ctfa l"ll do Id aerlea ....101L. A N. unl 4a 10 Man. c. g. 4a II ,Mex. r.niral 4a lil do lat Inc 71'tltna. A Bt. L. 4a.. 11I.M . K. A T. 41 103 do la l !N. R R. of M. C. I HiK. T. C. I !!.... ...el ... 04 ...01 ..101 ...101 ... 71 ... 11 ... 14 ... 0 ...17 4a 14 ... 05 ...111 ...101 ...71 ...100 ... 14 ... 07 ... 00 la. 114 4a. 11 ... 71 ... 14 ... 11 ... M ...111 101 N. J. C. s fa do ! Brk. H. T. o. 4a 14 No. Pacific 4a da ta N. A W. o. 4a Ceo Ira I of Oa. fa Ill da let Ine 4 !o. 3. b. rfdg. 4a... 04 Peon con. !e.... 11 Reading gee. 4a do M Ine do Id Inc rtiee. A Ohio 4a. Chicago A A. !a. C. B. A Q n. 4a. C, R. 1. A P. 4a. do col. fa rrc a Bt. Lit Colo. lod. ta. Bar. da eerlee B Colorado Mid. 4a.. Cabs fa P. A R O 4a Dietitian' Sec. fa. . Erie p. 1. ta do (en. 4o Hacking Val. 4a.. Japaa 0a 107 St. L 1 I. H. 74 M. U A B P. fg. .. I?V SI L. 8. W. 0. 4a .. T7 ftaasoard A. h. 4a.. .. 11 Bo. Pacific ta ..101 do let 4a ctfa k. 77 Bo. Railway fa .. 74 Teiaa A P. la .. 11 T . St. L. A W. 4a ..104 '1'nlon Paetftc 4a.... .. 01 I'. 8. Steal Id fa... ..17 Wabaak la ,.1M, ds deb. B .. 01 I Weal era Md. 4a ..1H lw. A L g 4a .. 34 Wis. Central 4a .114 . 10 .101 . 04 .114 US . 14 . a . 01 Boston Stocks aad Boads. BOSTON, Aug. 3. Call loans. 364H per cent; tlma loans. 6fr5 V, per cent. Official (losing on stocks snd bondi: Atchlaon ad). 4a do 4a eMes. Central 4a... Atchison do aid ,. Bnetee A Albaay Buetoo A Maine... Boetoa derated .... Pitch burg pfd Mei. Oaalral "4. T.. N H A H apers Marquette Cole Paella Aaar. Arga. Cheat... do pfd Aaaer. Pnea. Tuba.. Aaaer. Buenr do pfd Aaar. T A T Anter. Wooloa do pfd Dominion IAS Bdlun glee. Ilia..., Maaa. Electric da pid u. Maes. Uaa tailed Pratt felted Bhoa Meek.. da pfd Omaoe Can I'. B. Steal da pfd Advaotars Atioaea 'oid. Asked ' . Amalgamated 101 .101 Ullanllc 11 . II Btngbam 11 . n4 ral. Hacla no .10a it catena lal II 147 Capper Kanga 14 iu Dell Waat n .141' Franklin 11 .111 lOranbr 11 . Tl Ule Rotala II .let iMaaa Mining 1 . at i me (i nan l! .lf Mohawk 11 . U'Ment. C. A C la. . N Old Dominion ,. 14 Oaceola 1"4 .I1J Parrot r im qatner aa .111 Shannon . Be , Tamarack 00 .101 Trtnltr 4 . is u. s. Mining M lal I'. B. oil. ...1 1C . li ll'uh I . 14 Victoria 1 , . 17 Wlneaa 1 ,.lio woi.erlee io .. Tl North Bane 01 ,. t Bnite (aalltlna 11 .. t Naeada 11 . 11 Mitchell 4 .104 Cat A Artaona !' e'e lacaeaaea .. U I Baast Clearlaas. OMAHA. Aug. 8 Bank clearings for dsy were H.ooo44lJ7 snd for the co rre I ppondlng dale last ar I.ei.43.7V. 0X1HA LIVE STOCK MARKET lot Eionch CgttU Hare to Miks t Tsgt f Yklots. HOGS ARC FIVE TO TCN CENTS HICHCR Sheea at All Klada la Geo Doaasl, with Reeelpts Llaht Lasnbs Are Steady ta a Little Lewer. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 8. 1808. Receipts were: Hogs. Sheep Omciel Mondsy Official Tuesday...., tlhri,! Wednesday tfTlclal Thursday ., Official Friday 3.4M 9M 3 3.IV7 4 0M t.M 10.308 13. 62 8.61 6.774 Thla week Ave rlava 18 500 48 444 34.91 Same days last week.... 17.275 38,337 30.9.13 Same two weeks ago 13,853 05.039 35.62S Same three weeks ego... 16. 11 87.870 21.932 Same four weeks sgo.... 8.940 37.040 1 8.460 Same days last year 13.390 82.901 39.2W RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha (or the year to date, compared with last year: 1900 1905. Ino. Cattle 649,973 601.8B1 48,042 Hog 1.678.8S8 1.544.266 132 692 Sheep 879.947 873.118 7.8S CATTLE QUOTATIONS. . The following will show the prices paW for the different kinds of cattle on the crnuth Omaha market: Good to choice corn-fed steers 36 .J0f 00 r air to good corn-fed steers 4 KBo Common to fair corn-fed steers.... 4.80i)4.65 Good to choice cows and heifers... off'4.18 Fair to good cows snd heifers 1.7604). 40 Common to fair cows and heifers.. 1 KV52 7S Good to choice stackers A feeders. 1.604.00 Fair to good Blockers snd feeders.. 3.2693 50 Common to fair Blockers 3O0jS 85 f uiis, stags, etc 3 n4.w Vesl cslves 3 T&U 76 rhe following tahla ahuera tia avann price of hogs at Soutn Omaha for the last several daya, with comparisons: I 106. 11806. 11804. lg. 190i. 1)901. 1. 621,1 e , 4 M, Date, July 38... July 24... July 36... July 38 ... July 27... July 28... July 39... mi y Ho... July 31... Aug. ... Aug. 2... Aug. 3... 6 31 17 t 16 6 06 6 01 6 06 8 13 e 5 08 6 03 6 16 ) 18 6 16 5 DO 10 4l 6 624 k 66 6 70 6 74 6 04 6 11 6 49'Al 5 601 6 44S4I 6 68 6 69 6 11 6 66 45 6 61 6 . 6 60 6 11 M7 8 3U 6 08 6 6-i 6 82HI 6 68 6 61 6 16 6 69 6 67 11 6 73! 4 971 I 6 62 4 94 t 76 6 79 Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. I6.12H 6 80 &6 S0 6.00 3S6 6 00 bta tt 6 96 fT!l6 Omaha I2.0tfi4 10 Chicago 1.2636 60 Kansas City local 16 St. Louis 301.00 Bloux City 2.60rt6.IS vhe official nnmher tif ea Of stock brought In today by each road was Cattle. Hogs. Bhe p. H r i C, M. St. P g Missouri Pacific 2 4 Union Pacific system.. 6 11 C. A N. W.. east 8 SS 18 C. A N. W., west 3 26 C, St. P., M. 0 10 C, B. A Q., east 7 C, B. A Q west. ...16 14 C, R. I. A P., east.. 3 1 C, R. I. P., west t Illinois Central 3 Chicago Great West'n.. 1 Total receipts 28 84 16 The disposition of the dsv's recelnts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. urnini racsing CO Bwlft -and Company Cudahy Packing Co... Armour-cV Company..., Lobman A Co Hill A Son : Bullan Other buyers 33 1.181 .192 .360 . 1 . 42 . 16 . 4 . 86 1.586 1.262 1.741 2,222 661 694 1,212 Total ...733 6,770 4,673 CATTLE It seemed almost like a Satur day at the cattle yards, there not being enough csttle to mske a market, only twenty-eight fresh cars being reported early. The arrivals consisted of odds snd ends and a sprinkling of slmost every thing except right good stuff. As usual when there Is so little on sale, It was a difficult matter to tell Just what the mar ket was. Hellers who happened to have something that buyers wanted were able to secure possibly a little stronger prices, but. on the other hsnd, a good deal of the stuff did not sell any more than steady. In fact, a considerable proportion of the receipts was the kind thst It la very herd to Judge a market by anyway. The most of the offerings changed hands In reason able season. Representative ssles: BEEF STEERS. t I 18 7 41 6 05 7 63 7 62 4 98 4 39 7 63 7 56 6 06 7 47 I 02 7 62 4 98 7 41 7 87 4 9 rfa. At. Pr. No. A. . 040 1 M 10 1111 4 00 4 1211 I 11 14 11M 6 tf 17....' 1817 4 61 COWS. 1 lOM l 78 ltTO t 40 1 110 1 OS 1 1040 I 40 3 1 OS I 00 1 1060 SO MO I 00 1 170 I 71 T Ml I 00 1 1110 II 1. 140 119 ft I0 I M I IM I If 1 1040 I 10 14 foo 10 1 IIU IS 1 1100 I 35 1 1140 8 60 4 8W I U HEIFERS. B IN Id BULLS. I 1U0 I If 1 1IM I 00 1 1010 I fS CALVES. 1 110 i M 1 IN I 7 4 1"0 1 71 1 110 3 00 I HO 4 15 4 170 in STOCKERS AND FEEDERS, t 10 I 71 II SftO 9 30 II 70 I 75 I I0 I M 1 170 1 M 1 1S 8 14 I on WESTERNS. NEBRASKA. 1 heifer., 8 heifers 1 cow 2 cows... 14 cows... , 700 833 330 , 8S5 , 376 2 60 2 66 60 7 heifers.. 823 2 60 2 66 2 40 2 66 8 heifers.. 10h0 2 40 1 cow. mo 2 40 2 40 19 cows. 866 C Coker Nebraska. 1 steers 1010 3 10 6 heifers.. 823 2 66 C. C. Coker Neb. 3 cows 840 1 heifer.... 600 2 "5 1 cow 870 2 7S 3 26 3 00 2 76 2 26 4 heifers... 887 1 cow... 4 calves 2 cows.. 2 10 3 heifers. 4 25 cows..., 3 00 L. Johns Meb. 400 868 . 232 .1040 W. .. 770 ,. 440 ,. 718 .1106 . 170 1 heifer.. 8 hellers 3 heifers 6 cows... 3 calves. 3 heifers 2 65 3 00 2 00 2 60 6 26 3 heifers... 860 2 00 2 86 300 4 26 360 heifer. 70 1014 241 6 cows.... 6 calves.. 1 cow 743 2 66 nous It was snotner. nay or uneven hog values, and so uneven In fact that It is no saay matter lo describe It In a way to meet the views of all sellers. Ono thing Is certain, the market was higher. It opened slow but stronger, and gradually worked upward, becoming 6c higher, and for a time frflluc higher. During the high point the trade was very lively snd some nogn atiiu si wnu ifinci. aaiicr un it eaaea off and closed with most of the advance lost. It can readily be understood from this that hogs of the asms kind and quality Bold at a wide ranee of prices. IMS wss truu especially or nesvy ana mixed hogs, as will be noted from sales below. Quite a good many of the kl pnanv m hoga that aold early did not get the full benefit of the advance, and the aame thing could be said of those which sold on ths close, all of which contributed to the gen eral unevenness of the market. It wss. to say the lesst, a difficult market to do busi ness on, snd the price which a salesman obtained for bis hoga depended largely upon his luck In securing tne right buyer st Just the right time. If he happened to be a little too early, or a little too late, his sales would show a good deal lower than ssles msds at the best Hire. This Is ths first day that ths market his shown sny advance since Tuesday of last week. k. . Oh. Pr Na ae. h. Pr. 14 IM 140 0 00 Kl 14 0 14 IT Ill ... 0 00 11 140 ... I If II r7 ... I 01 14 ?ll 40 0 II 1M 00 0 10 71 IU ... 0 II u 117 ... 0 10 41. Ill 110 0 II 144 110 0 10 71 Ill 10 t n in 140 o io ii tor 140 o VI I't ... 0 10 10 174 100 I H a) U 10 I 11 II Ill 40 I H M 144 140 0 II 40 141 110 4 tf U ir.i ioo 0 11 W.. Ill ... 0 tl ii n ioo o if to in oo o if 15 144 ... 0 It 01 117 49 4 14 1 too ... 11 It Ill 00 0 It 11 161 10 1 II 141 140 I It 14 HI 110 I 17 0O ,4 00 0 17 U HI ... " 71 Ill 114 I f7 71 141 ... IN 11 Ill 00 0 17 14 110 140 1 10 01 HI 140 I1 41 174 40 0 M 47 til IM IN 74 120 ... 0 10 71 Ill 0 4 M 4e 144 IK lit 44 171 40 f M 41 M4 110 0 10 71 tat It M 14 240 40 IN U 1 ... 0 10 II 144 ... 0 OS 71 Ill 110 I ft) II 114 40 0 10 71 I t 40 4 10 n ill tie oii oo HI ... o to 71. ...... Ill 40 d l H tu a IN 41 141 ... 111 '1 144 40 1 11 4 til ... Ill, If Ill ... 0 11 aa M 40 0 11 04. ....... 114 ... 0 11 II 171 OO 0 M .71 04 1H IS 71 Ill 140 74 IM o I If II Ill JuO 0 W II Ill MOM lo o n 0 01 SH EE The receVpe ur sheep have been nioderste sll this week, the total showing a derided falling off as compared with last week and with a year sgo. This morning there were only sixteen csrs resorted la. The market, as hss been the case on most every dsy this week, wss In vary satisfactory condition. f'scksrs were all looking fur supplies of desirable killers snd Srsrtlcslly everything answering to thst escrlptlon wss sold snd wo'ghed up by 3 o'clock In the morning or soon after. Wethers snd yearling" sold up to 35 60, with old wethers st 34.78, The best lambs here sold st 17 oa which wss a little lower than yesterdsy. Feeder buyers were com- flainlng that there were not enough of heir kind of stuff coming to snywhers near meet their requirements. One bunch of feeder lambs sold at 34 00. The feeling was thst anything In the feeder line would have met with very ready sale st good stesdy prices. yuotstlorc.i on killers: Good lo choice spring lambs. 36.7T47.60; fair to good spring lambs. 3.2Mi.7: good to choice yearlings, 5 364,6.76: fair to good yearlings, e"M 6 86; good to choice wethers. 34 76u.Ov; rslr to good metners,; gooa to choice owes. $4 30414.76; fair to good ewes. 13.90414.30. Quotations on feeders: l-ambs. 6.00; yearllnga. 35 006.36; wethers, 4.90; ewes. 33.604.16. Representative sales; No. Ar. 1 buck 100 S9f Idaho yesrllngs snd wethers.. 3 384 Idaho yearlings and wethers.. 88 6.603 t46ui) Pr. 60 I 50 6 60 6 50 3 60 89 Idaho yearlings ana wetners.. ro , . . . . "I. w Idaho buck lamb. 60 346 Idaho lambs, feeders.. 4 buck lamba 103 Idaho lambs 1 Idaho lamb 423 Idaho lambs 9S rireia-cin wefhera. culls. 63 80 89 :::::: 5? 10 6 00 6 76 6 76 6 76 76 4 T 4 76 4 76 100 4 60 19 7 00 7 00 91 250 Oregon wethers 17 384 Oregon wethers 10j 413 Oregon wethers 10! 4 buck lambs 66 617 Oregon wethers, feeders 93 813 Idsho lambs, feeders 69 8O0 Idsho lsmbs, culls 8 361 Idaho lambs Jj 234 Idaho lambs 70 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle steady ta Doll Hogra aad neep teadr. CHICAGO, celpts, 1,500 others, dull; 38 906 26; Aug. 3 C ATT LB lie head; market, hest steady; common to prime steers. COWS, 32.Tte 0.u; neiiri., bulls, 32 004.86; calve. Blockers and feeaers, o, . ' 62.60Q i 10; 33.00'fl 6.76; HOGS Receipts, 12,000 head; market steady; choice to prime hcav 2n 4 50; medium to good hesvy 36 16JB 6 80 butcher weights. 36 86(3 6 66; tood choice heavy mixed. 36.16li6.30; packlnK. "bhSep'aND LAMBS Receipts 6.004 head: market steady; sheep, yearlings, t6.00(ff6.00; lambs, 6.007.76. Kansas City Btaelc Market. KANSAS CITT. Aug. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3.000 head. Including 1.300 southerns. Market steady: choice export o.arr"2 beef steers, 3S.504i6.16: fair to good. MJWrf 35: western fed steers. 38 506.00; stockers and feeders, 32.26454.40: southern " 04 60; southern cows. 12.000315 , native cows. 32.00rg4.26; native heifers. .76r6.25; bulls, 32.00 8 60; calves, t2.60J.. M HOGS Receipts, 6.800 head. Market TW IflcKlgher: top.P36.40; bulk f JW 38 20t1.SO: packers, 38.S56.ti; lights, 36 30 gHfeaT" AND' LAMBS Recelnts. head Market strong: lambs. 36 6Cfi7 60: fed ?wes and sheep. 84.265.25; western Ted yehr llngs. 34.764,6.5; western 4C0 6.10; stockers and feeders. 34.0OS-6.. St. lvoala Live stoeat maraei. ST. LOVIS. Mo, .Aug- ,1-WHHi- celpts, 1.700 neaa, innuuraa ,.ov - Texans; market steady, native shipping 2nd Export steers. M-if-M; beef ana. outcner TI steers under i.uuu pon.i. . stockers and feeders 31 00V25; CO ws nd heifers, IJ."?";.". 1 A..r 3.00; bulls. 3140irrsoo: cair--. oa. 6.76: Texas and Inllan steers. 3S.16tf 5.09. cows snd neirers, iw'- . , ... HOQH Receipts, s.vuu l8c higher: pigs and lights. packers. 36.00O6.60; butohers ana dssi h'!Ty-Ji8?.;55-. .wo- D tt. o, a . . u . . , , , . m !, , nr. . . v , , . ...... PI 1 I.L., ., . . u..a. market steady: native muuun.. inn. tna .;.,'eiii, HOO4Y7 60: culls bucks. 32.60 3.60;' stockers. 3 6006.15 . St. Joaeph Live Stock Marxce. ST. JOSEPH. Aug. 3. CATTLE Re- celpts. 628 head: mVlLVt"!i 7'- i inlU' mwi and heifers. 81.60v4.25; Stockers' and feeders 38.00 3 75. HOQH Receipts, i.rii " olOc lower; light. 36 ,206 35; medium heavy, 86.05J.S&; nuiw, .n . SHEEP AIMJ " head; market steady to strong; 34.85. Slows City Live 8to,-k Market. SIOUX CITT. Ia.. Aug. 3 -8PC5 Tele-gram.l-CATTLE-RecelntB. 200 hesd. Mar kst steady; beeves. 84 .6094.15: cows bulls snd mixed. 32.50(84 76; stockers nd feederB. 33.00 4.00; calves snd yesrllngs. 33.0O88.86 HOGS-Recelnts. 4,t)00 hesd. Market 61J 10c higher, selling at 5.8ri; bulk of sales, 36.0Jd6: stock in Sight. w.atr.ta nf live stock at the six prin cipal western markets yeeteroay: v Cattle. Hogs fcibeep. 4,636 4.00" 2.811 04 6.000 South Omaha.. Sioux City.... Kansas City... St. Joseph St. Louis Chicago Totals 760 6.776 200 2,000 628 1,700 1,600 4.600 6. 000 3.376 6.000 12.000 6.678 33,161 16,350 Wool Market. BOSTON, Aug. 8 WOOL The Com mercial Bulletin of this city will say to morrow of the wool market: Careful In vestigation has proved that the local mar ket is comparatively quiet and that busi ness Is conilned to small trsnsfers and to the taking of sample bags for examina tion. According lo the oulletln of the government wool authorities prices will be maintained on their present ba.s1s for some time, but material advances are not expected. In fact, the merchants feel that current values are high enough to sustain a safe and steady market. Manufacturers are continuing lo show Interest In the of ferings, but they are not making purchases of consequence. Quite a fair business Is being cone In territory wool at 2bVSj:7Hj for half-bloods, fins medium Is selling at 24V4C Fine staple Is nominal at sbout 74t 75c and fine medium at hSn7oc. Fine cloth ing Is unchanged kt 7O07ie and fine me dium at oei&ioc. Fine medium Utah and Idaho is moving at i3324V:. Fine scoured Is In demand at 6e.70c; moderate trade In eight monthe' Texas Is passing at 244. or bXuiOc clean. Twelve montns Is be'ng taken at ftyullc, or 7t!&"3c scoursd. Best northern California brings rtjaic. or a clean coat of 70c. Free fall ecoured Is sell ng at 6o'(67c. Shsnlko (Ors ) wool Is arriving In good condition and Is considered to be worth 14425e. or 72tTf3c clean Tht ftnsr grades of pulled wool are moving steadily at 6364e for good A supers and at 724ie for Bs Ths shipments of wool from Bos f" .1 a... lnril.c,mlier 7. 100a. SCCord- tn to the same authority, are 14n,;a,( iwi trat 137.767.364 lbs. a year ago. '1 ho j recetnta to date are 163.la8.144 Iba., against ea u& ui ira. for the same period last year. i'oNDON. Aug. 8 WOOlc-At the Cape L n4 Hone and Natal aheepskin sales to- th. .kins wers offered, of which 81.- ih. i - w i . . . i .. was Mnjt.m, Sbl were sum. io -- V ' 6 x 0 W but Improved In quality. The demsnd was poor and mainly confined to th hoyrie trade. Long and short wool resllsed HSd and coarse H'4d decline from th lsst ST. LOUIS. Aug 3.-WOOL-Stady; me dium grades, combing snd clothing .3 a ttc; light fine. IS a lie; heavy fine. I$l7c; tub washed. 3-:fl3Wc. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 3 METALS-. There was a sensational advance In the London tin market, following the consid erable gains of vesteraay. bpot clised l t!7 Us, or it 5s higher, and futures ad vanced it to tl7 I6s; locally Ihs market was firm and hlsher In consequence snj spot was quoted at 3360386. The London copper market was also m""", hlsher. with spot quoted at I8l 2s 61 and futures at t8! 12s 6d; locally the tone m i,,,, - i,ri liar advance In Drlce reported, with lake quoted at 81t3'f. , El'sa Ferguson. 18 76. electrolytic at 818 37 0 16 66 and. Hamilton. ot casting l 0 ' a. oa V ' iau rhsnged st 33 "5 In the local market, but advanced Is 3d to fl Us 31 In London. Spelter waa unchanged at lit 12s 6d In London and at U0' 10 locally. Iron was higher In the English market, .with stsndsrd foundry quoteH at 61a 4d snd Cleveland warrants at 61s Ttd; locsl ly the market was unchsnged Ko. I foundry northern Is quoted st 81OOeJl60. No. 1 foundry north-rn st til 60J 18 00. No 1 foundry southern st 318 266 18 60, No. 2 foondry southern at 117 75 18 00 The London metal market will be closed until next Tuesday. ST. LOUIS. Aug 3 METALS Iesd. quiet at 35 65. Spelter steady at 5 :S. Coffee Market. -r-- Au. 3-COFFEE market for future opened steady at shanged prices to a decline of tea points In response to lower eshles and heavf selling for F.uropean sceount. There wss a good deal of demand at the decline feora local trade In' areata and snme of the WslI street bulls, hut ths msrket showed ltttla rallying power and It looked as If tho failure of the Braslllan markets to show greater aggressiveness In the advance wag fllrrolntlng lo local bulls. Ths rloee wag barelr steady, at a net decline of 6ff10 points Salea for the day were reported of 4.rV BASTS. Including September, 0o T: October, 77.o6c: December. 7 164J7 2V; January, 7 0c; March, 7.60o; May, May, J6vc: Idy, No. t July, T.lf4J7.15c. Spot Rio, BteBO Invoice, lc. OMAHA WHOLES ALB MARKET. Ceadltloa af Trade aad Qaolatloae aa Staple aad Kaaey Predaee. EGOS Receipts, liberal; fresh stock, ISo. LIVE POl'LTR Y Hens, 3c; roosters, 6c; turkeys, K"flUc; durks, Ic; spring chickens. He per lb. BCTTER Pscklng stock, l4c; choloa . fancy dairy. IIhbIOc; creamery, JKT21S40. HAT Prices ouote by Omaha Feed com pany: Choice upland, 33 30; medium, ft. fa); coarse, 38.uVo 5. Rye straw, 36. 6097.00. BRAN Per ton, f 14 00. VEGETABLES. TOMATOES Home grown, per basket of 20 Ins.. 6OA60c. WAX BEANS Per market basket of about 16 lbs., 36c. TURNIPS. BEETS AND CARROTS bu. POcttl OO. LEAr' LETTUCE Hothouse, per doa, heads, 20c. Ct'CL'MBERSK-HomB grown, per dog., 2630c. ONIONS Home grown, 3c per lb, GREEN ONIONS-Per do hunches, 208. RADISHES-Per dog. bunches, 160, POTATOES-Fer bu., 66c. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. 11.86; No. 2. $1.73. LIMA BEANS Fer lb.. 6Hc. . GREEN PEPPERS Per market basket, 26c. ORANGES-Medlterranean Bweeta. all sixes, It.OOiut.fO. Valencies, all sixes, 3S.0O 6.60, LEMONS-IJmonlers. extra fancy, 143 else. 36 00; 840 to 360 slie. $7.00; other brands, II. oc less. BANANAS Per medlum-slBed bunch. 31.iMJl 25; Jumbos, 62 fc3a.OO. FINEAPI'LES rinrlda aiaaa. la. XO and 18. 32 60. FRUITS. rEACHES-Yollow freestone. $1.00; Texaa Elbertaa, per 4-basket crate. 7&c; 6-baaket, PLUMS-Callfornla, 31.60tTl.T6. BliAC'KBEK Rl ES Per 24-qU crate, 33.24. PEARS California. 13 60 per box. MELONS. WATERMELONS Per lb., lVto. or about 30T)C each. CANTELOUPES-Colorado and Arltona. psr crate (stsndard). 3S.i ponies, It 60; Texas, per crate tabout 46 melons). il.7Sj ponies. 33 00. ' CUT BEEF PRICES No. 1 ribs, I2c. No. 3 ribs. 10c j No. 3 ribs, 6c; No. 1 loin, 15c; No. 2 loin. 12Ve; No. 1 loin, c; No. 1 chuck, 6,c; No. 2 chuck, to: No. 3 chuck. 4c; No 1 round. 8e; No. I round, 3c; No. 3 round. 6c; No. 1 plate, 3c; No. 3 plate. 8n No. 3 plate, 80. . MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Per keg, $3.76; per boh. $6.7. HONE Y New, per 24 Iba., $3.60. CHEESE Swiss, new, lc: Wisconsin brick, 12c; Wisconsin llmborger, 13o; twins, lHc; young Americas, 16c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1. soft shells, new crop, per lb., 16fco; herd shells, per lb., lSc. Pecans, large, per lb., 14c; small, per lb., 12c. Chill walnuts, per lb., 12tfl3o. Almonds, soft shells, pet lb., 17c; hard shells, per lb., 16c. Cocoanutg, 64.00 per aaok of 100. ' SUGAR Granulated cane. In bbls., 3&.2C; granulated cane, In sacks, $6.21; granulated beet, In sacks, $6.11. SYRUP In bbls., 27c per gal.; In casea. 6 10-lb. cans, 11.70; esses. 11 6-lb. cans, 31J0; cases 24 2Vi-lb csns, $1.85. COFF EE Roasted, No. 86, ZVto per lb.. No. 3. 20Hc per lb.; No. iS. I84c per lb.; No. w, ioc per 10.; jno. zi. iic per id. CURED FISH Family whlteflah, per quarter bbl., 100 lbs., 3400; Norway mack erel. No. 1, $28.00; No. 2, $2.00; No. 3, 320.00; Irish, No. 2. $16 00; herring, In bbls., 200 lbs. each, Norway, 4k, $12.00; Norway, 3k, 318.00; Holland, mixed, 31100; Holland herring. In kegs, milkers, 80c I kegs, mixed. 70c. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west ern. 6&9c; Maine, $1.16. Tomatoes, 3-lb. cans, $1.06(31.40; 2-lb.. 87V.cfi31.0O. Pineap ples, grated. 2-lb.. $2.O52.80; sliced, $1.30 2.20; gallon apples, fancy, $3.00; California apricots. 31 7T.'f 2.00; pears, $1.762.60; nefvehes, fancy, $1."52.40: H. C. peaches. $2.0032.60, Alaska aalmon, red, $1.26; fancy Chinook, $2.10; fancy sockeye, F $1 35; sardines, 4 ell, $160; mustard, $2 6o3 10. Sweet po- , tatoes, ll.lMl.25; sauerkraut, $1.00; pump kins. 80c31.O0; wax beans, 2-lb., 7&fi60o; lima beans, 2-lb., 76cS31.35; splnsch, tl M; cheap peas, 2-lb., 60c; extra, 7&90c; fancy, $1.3501 76. HIDES ATfD TAI.LOW-Oreeh salted, No. 1, 12VWC; No. X, llS4c: full hides. 8H4fSso: ?reen hides. No. 1. 10c: No 3, 8c: ho res, 1.60(98 26; sheep pelts, 50ctJl.A. Tallow, No, 1, 4c; No. 2. 80. WOOL Per lb 1826c. London Closing Stock. LONDON, Aug. 3. Closing quotations on th Stock exchange weroi Consols, money IT N. Y. Central. do aaoouol 18-11 Norfolk A W.. Aaacanda 11 da pfd 144 04 Atchlaon 04iOnUrlo W. .. 4H .. 04 .. 0 .. 00 .. 4 .. 41 .. 81 ..101 .. T ..101 .. 00 .. 41 ,.110 .. ii 5 N. 41 do nfd 104 PonnaytTanls Baltimore A Ohio 114 Canadian PaclOe 171 Chca. A Ohio 01 Chicago Ot. W 14 C. M. A Bt. P 101 PaBeers 17 Dearer A R. 0 44 Rand Mlaos .. Reading do lat pfd.. do 04 pfd.. Southern Mailt ay do pfd Southern Paelfle talon Poelflo .. do pfd V. S. Steel do pfd , Wabaah do pfd Bpaalea 4s do pfd Erie 45 I da lat pfd ! da Id pfd 71 I Illlnnla Central Ill I Loulavllla A Nish....lto M.. K. A T 01 81 SILVER Bar, quiet, 2srkd per ounce. MONEY ZVaWttaj per cent. The rate nf discount In the open market for short bills Is 813 1-16 per cent; for threw months' bills. 31-l68Vt pet cent. tew York MlaLngr Stacks. NEW YORK, Aug. . Closing quotation on mlnlug stock were: Adams Cob 0 Utile Chief . 6 .840 ,ifO . 8 . It . t . 10 . 00 .176 Alloa .110 Ontario Breeee Brunswick Con .. Comet ork Tunnel Con. Cal. A Vs.. Horn Bllear Irca Blleer Ueadelllo e ... . If . 10 . 14 . 10 ..lei Ophlr PlioentX ....... Pstoal Baease Bierra Sera da Small Hopes . Standard Cortoa Market. NEW YORK. Aug. . COTTON-Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 10. Hoc; mld dilnai gulf. 11 16c. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 3. -COTTON Spot closed quiet. Sales, 600 bale; ordi nary, Hc. nominal; low middling, c; middling. 10c; good middling. He; mid dling fair, llc, nominal; fair, 13c Re ceipt. 101 bales; stock, 28.381 bale. REAL ftiSTATB TRANSFERS. Edwin A. Casey and wife to Aluxan oer C. Keed, lot 2, block t, Utsel 'Icrrac Fred oiman to William 8. Wendell, lot la, block 476, Urand View Charles u. Huicnlngs to Arthur H. Laird, lot . Wallace s suoatvisioo - 3 j n.i u a. E. Porters add.. Peter E. Her to Omaha Paint, Pot ter; Brie and Tile company, ii 4-10 ft. east o! west line of Sec ond street - a. nm i,. same, lots II and 12 and w1 nf lot Id. bloc 413, Urund View.... 13,6u Clarkson Memorial Hospltsl to City of Omaha, atrip 6 ft. wide oft soutn side of north ao ft. of lot 1 and 2, Preston st William's add - I Hastings a Heyden to . Ueorge H. BWunirtls. lot . otooa a, nasiinge tfe Heyden't 2nd add G. Y. Craig and wife to OeorgelH. Swohoda, lot A George Forbe tub dlvlaion of aw of section 04-14-11.. Delia C. Patrick to Kate O'Brien, lot 23. bloc 3. Melrose Hill... Cillhas Jetter and wife to Sarah E. Harris, lots 1, 2 and 8, block Is, Drews hill, South Omaha Helen Kerr a-id husband to James Colder, lot 16, block 16. Walnut Hill Josephine English to Louis H. Rose, lot 4. block 3. Hswthorn sdd Nora O'Connor and husband to Annl M. Connelly, lots 8 and 8, block L Hammond Mace, South Omaha..... Jar. A. Ruitre-ll and husband to . . . w"t i Burke E. Hngwell, lot 13. DlocaJ a, Shull a 2d add et al. to Herschel p. 1, block 4, Kountae t fiare 1 - u . I . a a , ,4 Hi 9 m ,r, Uaew C McClellan, lot 3, block 1L Druid Hill Ellen C Raimussen. et si. to Jennie Suiley el al., 24 rods north of north east correr of w1 of a'fc of nt section 84-15-18 Clsrence W. Edwin snd wife to Joel A. Hoeoe. north 33', ft. lot T, block 2. Hsnacom Plsce Charles W. Cnnkllng snd wife to Jetur P. Cnnkllng. V'2. ft. of sw4 of ne section 24-16 )3 and til ft, iuri of Interaectiun Of south Una of Florence boulevard Jetur Cnnkllng lo CharU W. Conk lliie:. south 167H ft. esat of Florence boulevard snd south 70 ft. west Of Florencs boulevard The un- Total for August I, 1306. too 3.800 'tut 471 TU too 2.000 1,500 too 4.000 1.500 1.800 1.450