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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1906)
1 f TIIE OMAHA. DAILY BEE: SATO? DAY, AUGUST V AT 4, 1906. tm One Thousand Pairs $ MEN'S PANTS On Sale Today. ID XU IU1IA1 7 u f m. 3ocEi Slightly Damaged by Smoke Oniy Friday, the first day of our GREAT FIRE SALE, was a world beater as a record for a special sale. It was simply an impossibility to handle the throng that filled our store continuously all day, and we wish to apologize to all those who may have suffered a lack of attention. We wish to afford those who could not purchase Friday an opportunity to obtain some of the phenomenal bargains we offered, so Saturday, August 4 THE BANNER DAY of the sale we will put forth a num ber, of special articles not sold Friday, for the benefit of those who have not yet purchased. DON'T MISS THIG GRAND OPPORTUNITY A SECOND TIME We mention a few of our SALE SPECIALS below: All $15 and $20 Wash Dresses and Wash Suits 3.98 Wash Waists, worth $2, $3, $4 and S5, choice 79c $50 Fur Jackets, not' damaged one particle 5.00 One Chinchilla Stole, value $275 45,00 One Persian Lamb Coat, Z. $300 value, S.U 1 25,00 One Persian Lamb Coat, actual value $250, Vm.t. 85.00 New Is the Time to Buy FURS at Money Savin Prices WE HAVE SOME BEAUTIFUL MODELS IN NEW FALL SUITS $35 New Fall Suits, not damaged at all 17,50 New Fall Suits. Old Fall Suits, New Fall Furs, Spring Suits (all colors). White Serge Suits, Silk Suits (all colors), Wash Suits (all colors), Spring and Fall Skirts, Wash Skirts, Riding Habits, Fall Long Loose Coats, Silk Jackets, Fall Long Tight Fitting Coats, Covert Jackets, Opera Wraps, Evening Gowns, Princess Gowns, Silk Waists, Wash Waists, FALL WEIGHT PETER THOMPSONS FOR MISSES. DON'T MISS THE DICCEST SALE IN OMAHA'S HISTORY SATURDAY, AUGUST 4 nl IP n lairgeir k The New Cloak Shop AUTHORITIES ON STYLE 1517 Farnam Street c 2 J, NO TREES ON FOREST RESERVE Timber it Absent from Land Set Aiide by the President. REPORT OF FORMER GOVERNMENTSERVANT II Bays Roosevelt Has Been Deceived Int Relieving the Reservation Contained Wooded Sections. A former attache of the government service who, for obvious reasons, requests thai his name be not published, recently returned from the North Platte forest re serve country In Thomas county, said Fri day morning at the federal building: . "I have traversed the entire length of the North Platte forest reserve, have crossed It at Intervals In the Interest of settlers, snd am In a position to say there Is no timber whatever on that reservation, the only exception being a few laolawd trees, ordinarily bo elder about water tanks, and one or two trees set out years ago about ranch houses. There is not any natural timber In the country. This tract of over 100,000 acres was declared a forest reserve by proclamation of the president dsted March 10. 190s, on the basis that the president had been Informed that' 'the reservation was covered In part with tim ber.' . "The settlers In that locslity were sur prised that such a statement had been mad to the president, when the reverse was true. My Impression Is that the vast area of land was badly wanted by the cattlemen In order that they might lease It for graslng purposes, and I understand that ntarly every acre of the reserve Is under lease. Representations have un doubtedly been made to the president that there waa abundant timber on these lands. In the meanwhile efforts sr being made by these same parties to "tiave parts of McPhereon, Grant and Hooker counties de clared forest reserves, when. In fact, there Is no timber on these lands, scarcely a plum thicket. The scheme appears to be to have these lands segregated from public entry In order that the cattlemen may lease them under the forest reservation laws and thus keep homesteaders out. Settlers are going Into the country now and are being told that these lands are about to be made forest reserves and can not be settled upon. Since the csttlemen have boen compelled to remove their fences they are now working the forest reserve lease schema. . "With the Dismal River forest reserve It la different, as there is considerable timber along the Dismal river, which would bring that section within the pale of the forest reservation laws." CUSTER COUNTY FOR CURRIE Will Stand by Its Favorite Son for Senator. Says James Whitehead. Captain James Whitehead, formerly reg ister of the land office at Broken Bow, Is a guest at the Arcade. "Everybody up our way Is for Currie for United Slates senator," said Mr. White head. "We will hold our county conven tion Saturday and probably will Instruct the delegation for him without serious opposi tion. Everbody up there, as far as I know. Is also in favor of the state convention nominating the senator, and Is opposed to Inviting any more deadlocks by re ferring the senatorial selection to the legislature." Judge. Burke of Imperial was an Omuha visitor Friday. "There Is a large Rosewater sentiment In Chase county, but I think we will e'ect a delegation for Miles for governor and try nof to Instruct for any one for United States senator." said the Judge. On conditions out west he said: "The crops of Chase county never looked bet- MALL GOES TO SEE RICHARDS Attorney for Indioted Cattleman Visits Germany on Legal Business. , . i CLIENT NOW SUBJECT OF KAISER'S NATION Will Make that His Future Home and Therefore Wishes to Con suit with Lawyer About Matters Here. R. S. Hall, attorney for Bartlett Rich ards and W. G. Comstock. whose de parture for Europe was announced a few days ago, is now said to have gone over the ocean not so much in search for health, with which he Is already richly blessed, as to consult with Mr. Richards, who, with Comstock, is under Indictment on the charge of conspiracy to defraud the United States out of titles to public lands. Mr. Richards Is in Germany, was thers when the last federal grand Jury indicted him, lias remained there since, so far as anyone hero pretends to Know, aim is ter than they do now. The fall wheat will j give from thirty to forty bushel, to the to have evoWKa puruoBe of mak w.e , wneai rrom ni.een 10 , ,ng th(U n futu, home It has been ascertained that Mr. ttlch- twenty-ftve bushels. The corn Is In good shape and a good crop is Insured. For nine successive years Chase county has raised good crops without a sinrle failure. Tlie country. Is filling up with good settlers, Germans predominating. "The citlien of Imperial recently hav-j raised $2,600 to go toward building a new church building for the Catholic parish." It Is stated that a caucus of the Douglas county delegation to the democratic stat convention will be held next Friday to frame up the sentiment of the bunch re garding gubernatorial candidacies and other matters and to decide upon who shall bt backed as a local candidate for railroad commissioner. Two candidates already nave snown up, one being Benjamin H ards renounced his American citizenship and is now a subject of the emperor of Germany, which was made necessary through his marrying a German wile. It Is likely that a peculiar question will arise over the extradition of Mr. Richards, should he feel disposed to take advantagu of his German citizenship, as the often with which he la charged la not extradi table. It Is thought that Mr. Hall's visit to Europe may have something to do wltn the untangling of the dilemma. names to Conjure With. For years the names of Richards and Comstock have been conjured with In cattle matters In Nebraska and the west. They were once convicted In connection with Hayden, an Insurance man. The other is j land frauds and turned over to the custody i.papnrodltus J. Porter, a physician spe clalising In obstetrics and diseases of women and children. Mr. Hayden has been putting forth considerable effort In his own behalf. CHOLERA MORBUS Diarrhoea, Dyaeatery. Flux. Cholera In fantum, ate., can t qulokiy cured by ualnj Wakefield's Blackberry Da.lso.rn Bvary home should have a supply of this rw Rabin remedy m hand. CO years at auras. Ail druggiau soil 11 : f e fee at 6 f IS lain ' v vrr HEM AND WOMEN. ItatasX I r gig for asatsrel eiors,lBa.nMoa. ImuUNi er tlimimi Mkru. S.l . L At Ulll.. tuu umsm u. (! m uos. Hruavteta, rasper. 4. lor 71. II It. J 1 al ky Drmt J i emi Is slata in V 1 br pw. rpi Jf; J St. r MUn S1 1 I Ctnalar Ml ea ri of the United States marshal for a period of six hours, aside from being fined. It waa this case which resulted in T. L. Mathews losing the position of United Stales marshal. Richards was Indicted with Comstock by the last federal grand Jury for conspiracy to defraud the United States out of title to public lands by procuring fraudulent filings on lands within the Spade ranch enclosure in Sheridan and Cherry counties. The Indictment was the largest In the mat ter of specifications ever brought In the lederal courts In the Nebraska district, comprising over JuO pages of closely type- At a meeting of the local aerie of Eagles j written matter. The case was carried over John J. Ryder waa chosen to act In con- ! until November 12 of the present year. Mr. DIAMONDS Frensei. :itn and 'Dodge, T EAGLES GUN . LOADED FOR John J. Ryder Will Go to Milwaukee as Spoclal Aceat to Land Convention. OMAHA GUARDS GO TO CAMPi Three Companies Leave for Fort Riley to Participate in Army Maneuvers. ... t Three companlea'.e Nebraska National Guards stationed In, Omaha left Friday afternoon via the Burlington for Lincoln, where they will Join the Nebraska brigade and proceed via the Union Pacific to Kurt Riley to participate In the army ma neuvers. The companies leaving Omaha were Company L. First regiment, Captain W. E. Baehr commanding, with Lieutenant Charles Burmelster, Second lieutenant ttaiph Edmunds and tltty-eignt enusiea men; Company I, Second regiment. Cap tain J. A. Wlig commanding, First Lieu tenant B. T. Eller, Second Lieutenant Bert McMahlll and fifty-six. enisled men; Company G, Second regiment. Captain A. D. Falconer commanding. First Lieuten ant E. C. Hervey, Second Lieutenant Guy V. Furay. The battalion will go under the com mand of Lieutenant Colonel O. G. Os born of the Second regiment, with Cap tain Falconer second In command. Thi battalion takes with It a full equipment of camp and garrison equipage for each company and will wear their khaki uni forms enroute. The Nebraska brigade will rt-ach Fort Riley .bout 6 o'clock Sun day morning and will Make the trip en tirely by rail. The delay will be caused by the concentration of other companies of the brigade at Beatrice, to enable tho entire command to proceed by one or two trains from that city. There will be two regiments of Infantry and one battery of field artillery from this state. Their Instruction at the camp will begin with drlls by the Infantry and artillery, under the direction of the com manding officers of the regular service regiments of the various arms, to be fol lowed by lectures. There will be exerclsot In outposts and patrolling, marching, ad vance, flank and rear guard, tout pitch ing and tndvdual cooking! with muster, regimental parade, lnspeuton of brgade and athletics. On the day before their departure the troops will be paid. This is practically the same program that will be followed by the Missouri, Kansaj, Iowa, South Dakota, Arkansas and Okla homa troops. I Junction with a representative of the Com. merclal club In opening headquarters In Milwaukee In the campaign tq secure the next national convention for Omaha. Mr. Ryder will go to Milwaukee Friday, Au gust 10, In order to be on the ground several days before the convention opens. He will begin a press campaign at once and 'will distribute literature setting forth the ad vantages of Omaha as a convention city. The special train carrying the Nebraska Eagles will leave here Sunday night. The plan l for the excursionists to reach Mil waukee on a boat Monday evening. Headel by a band and with banners flying they will march through the streets to ths hotel which will be selected as headquarters. The demonstration Is expected to assist In securing the convention for this city. The work of the convention will begin Monday, August IS. . Comstock appearing for Mr. Richards and going on his bond for Jo, (00, with other u re ties, Mr. Comstock giving a similar bond. Take m Vacation. Now is the time to take a vacation, get out Into the woods, fields and mountains and visit the seashore, but do not forget to take a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy along witn you. It Is almost certain to be needed and cannot be obtained on railroad trains or steamships. It Is too. much of a risk tor anyone to leave home on a Journey wltnout It. Saturday commences a stirring sale in our Men's Pants Department. Not a great quantity in this- sale (only- one thousand pairs) but the values are big. Pants that we sold all season at $3.?0 and $4 are reduced to the exceeding low price of $1.90. Fine cassimeres, worsteds and flannels, in all Regular sizes also sizes for the tall and short men, who think they're hard to fit. , 74c $2.00 Men's Wash Vests -Reduced to .... Today men can take their choice of several hundred washable, vests that sold all season up as high as $2.00 all sizes all reduced TC IUU to 75c Boys' Pants O Qv Reduced to www The biggest values ever offered in boys' Pants go on sale today materials are all new this season's colorings taped seams and guaranteed not Of) to rip and a big value JajC worth 75c reduced to Men's Straw Hats Reduced "LESS THAN HALF PRICE." $4.50 and $4.00 straw hats, now $2.00 $3.50 and $.100 straw hats, now $1.50 $2.50 and $2.00 straw hats, now $1.00 $1.50 and $1.25 straw hats, now 75c 75c and 50c straw hats, now 39c Boys' straw hats that sold up to $1.50 choice at these reduced prices, 19-39-50c. Men's Suspenders that sold for 25c Reduced to , . , Men's Furnishings Greatly Reduced. 15c 25c 50c i Men's Fine Underwear that sold for 35c and 50c Reduced to . Men's Fancy Shirts that sold for $1 Reduced to . . OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT TILL TEN O'CLOCK. I TILL TEN . , H O'CLOCK. nmmm tummia -u .,,y,wiH. mum u i ,lmur-mKM1rmm mmi m . r.ii '''hit ' - 11 1 " - . ...n D RETURN OMAHA TO CHICAGO AN VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL RALROAD August 4th, 5th and 6th. Return limit August Sth. Tickets good on all trains and in chair cars and sleepers. Diagrams now open for reservations. Double berth in Tourist car $1.25. TICKETS SOLD IN ADVANCE Fast trains leave Omaha at 3:00 a. ra 5:00 p. m. and 6:00 p. nv City Ticket Office. 1402 Farnam Gt.f Omaha. 1 .-' 1 It FLYNN" FREE WITH MOSEY New Street Commissioner Ess Only EleTen Thousand Tollars in Fund. TW0-TH RDS OF APPROPRIATION SPENT Question at Cltr Hall Is How Mr. Klrnn Is Gains to Blake the Balaaoe Meet the Demand. Omaha Ladles Are Wise. The reopening of Berger s. store yesterday morning after their recent fir was signaled by a crowd of purchasers that packed ths sales room from end to end. Bo great was athe crush that It was nicessary at times to close the doors. The fact that this crowd waa made up very largsly of old customers shows that ths ladles of Qnisha not only recognize fine materials even when sold at ridiculously low prices, but that they appreciate . the genrruua treatment for which this store Is noted. A sal at Berber's always means that -..-aw cvmi. c-t.i. umai, aim me.r pa-., trons irt nui.'Lf t ,1 ..It t..-i-. . t Sale continues Saturday. Mortality Statistics. The following births snd deaths hsvs been reported to the Board of Health dur ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon Friday: - Ulrths Edwsrd 6cji!lck. K6i South El h tee nth. girl; Peter Koopman, 14 South Eighteenth, boy. lies ths Kobert Ayers. county hospital, tS; Edwin R. Blackwell, 4102 North Twenty-eighth. 63; Thomas A. Welrlch. 110 North T em v -second, 3Z. To the Ulsth Ware. Republican. The annual election of officers of the Sixth Ward Republican club will be held Saturday evening, Auguet 4. at Unwood hall. Twenty-fourth and Purdette streets. All republic. ns are requested at attend. H. E. OBTROM, President. WMhaell Wins His Kieht. Building Inspector Withnell has won In his effort to compel a fruit stand at Six teenth and Harney stre.t. to move barn off the street As soon ss the building is ensctmced on private property he will start proceedings to have It removed or de stroyed, because It violates the Ore limit regulations ea (rams structure. One Way Fare Plu 2.0U for Round Trip Fare Grand Trunk Railway System to msny summer resorts In Canada, Toronto and East, and In New England. Particulars of dates of sale, limits, stop over privileges, etc., can be obtained by writing Geo. W. Vaux. A. G. P. at T. A., Hi Adams St., Chicago. Automobile Rental Co. Office file, i, Moser, Sixteenth and Farnam. Tel. oug las Iks. 9T.1U to Minneapolis and Retora Via Chicago Great Western Railway. Account of G. A. R. encampment, August 13th to 18th. Tickets on ssla August 11 lit, 13th to 18th. Tickets on ssle August lltU, llth and 13th. For further Information apply to H. H. Churchill, G. A.. 161J Far nam St., Omaha. WATCHES Frenxer, lsth and Dodge 8ta With seven months of the year gone, only IU.000, or undor one-third ths whole amount set aside for the purpose, remains In the city street repairing department, the fund from which all betterments to unpaved streets must come. The expenditure of this fund la In the hands or the street commissioner, June 19, or about the time Commissioner Flytm took hold, a credit of $:n,26S remained In the fund out of ths total appropriation available of Hi, 000. August 3 only $11,005 was on hand, showing that Mr. Flynn has succeeded In disbursing about ll'i.O-O, or about one-third of the whole fund, in something like a month and a half. ITaturally, it was, expected democrats, so long kept from the pie counter, would Us ravenous, but expenditures at this rate were hardly thought of. It has been the talk for rime weks that the street com missioner had an abnormally large force at work, but there was no Idea that the revenues were being tapped to the extent revealed by Inspection of the comptroller's books. It has been the practice of the preced ing stieet commissioner, Joe Hummel, to hushand the yearly appropriation and try to n.ake it last throughout the year. Had he remained In office he planned this yea. to cut all the weed in the city and d'j all the grading and repairing necessary wlthcut applying to the cojncll for an other dollar. Commissioner Flr.r. already ha. put up a plea f -r several thcusind dollars to cut weeds, but the council could see no way to producn the money and turned down the rest. How the commis sioner proposes to worry through five months with only 111,000 Is a matter that the new council ncr anyone else clearly un derstands The ordinances require the street com missioner to make monthly reports to the city engineer showing the expenditures In his department for all purpoxes, number of men and teams employed and such other Information as required for the keeping of a complete record. Nothing of the kind has been done by Flynn, and the little matter of the report has been neglected In the scat of spending $10,000 in a month and a half. FOR I I' ii AVf; ! f ' f . " V-' , I ; LA J The Reliable Specialiots PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE OF OTHERS When you are slrk and suffering from a disease that Is sapping your Ufa away you should not experiment with free treatment propositions or Incom petent doctors or specialists. It Is then you need the very best, the most skillful snd successful treatment. Corns to the Btate Medical Institute, where you are sure to get the best. Don't wait until your whole system Is polluted with disease, or until your nervous eystem Is tottering under the strain, and you become a physical and mental wreck, unfit for work, study, business or marriage. With special dls eses and weaknesses you cannot afford to dlay. You must conquer them at once by the right treatment or they will fill your whole life with failure, misery and woe. Uncertain, Improper cr half-way treatment can enly do harm. The worst cases we have trea'ed were tho.e that had been Improperly treated before rnrnlng to j. miri). having been maimed for l!fe by bungling surglual procedure. We cure by restoring at.d preserving Important organs. We do not advocate thlr mutllatlr.n or destruction In an effort to make a quick cure. Every afflicted man owes It t himself, Ms family and to ths future generation to get i cured safely and thoroughly. Wewill make a thorough, searh'ng and scientific examination of your ali ment., an exa nilns Hon that will dlslrse your true physical condition, without a knowledge f which you are grorl. a In the dark. We want all rilling men to feel that they can .o ne to tU Imtltutlon freely for an f xamlnal Ion of their con.lltl. n '.vlh ut be'.ng bound by unv ubligailon whatever to tako treatment unlenn they desire. We cure safely and thorOMhly Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, snd all diseases and weaknesses of men due to evil habits, excesses, self-abuse, or the result of specific or private diseases. Office Hours a. m. to I p o Sunday 10 to 1 only. FREE CONSULTATION AN 3 EXAMINATION. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts Omaha, Neb. BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS