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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1906)
B THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1900. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE . D. V. SHOLES " 722 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. SPECIAL BARGAINS. HANSCOM PARK SECTION H,CW-12?1 Ho. 27th. Bn150 feet. rooms, modern except furnace, fifw plumbing, good rapalr, on easy terms. NOUTII PART. $l,260-413t- Grant St.. 60x130 feet. 6 rooms, sewer, water and gas; good shade; very cheap. 11,800 Templeton Ave., near 2fith, 42x132 feet, nearly new 6-room cottnije, mod ern except furnace; a gem of a little home. $2,000 841$ and $417 Jackson, two S-room frame houses, city water, sewer ami a-as, with 66x124 feet of ground, rent ing for $24 per month. This is In a choice location and bound to be worth double the money In a very short time. "WEST FARNAM. 654 So. 85th Ave., beautiful corner lot, 80x100 feet, a fine view, good room, mod ern, oak finished house, well arranged, good repair, with stone walk and stops. Actually the best bargain In West Farnam section. Price, $.".6oO, but for Immediate quick sale will discount some for cash. Don't -pass this up. MONTHLY PAYMENTS 2017 Dupont St., 4 rooms, city water, per manent walk. Only $. Only M down and balance $10 per month. BEMIS, FAXTON BLOCK. RE WHO WILL BE THE Fin3T7 Must sell by March 5 (leaving city) m beautiful home at 3112 Muson St., 12 mln utes from center of city. Come out and ee it; owner on grounds till sold, 8 to 6 p. m.; modern to date, beautiful shade, south front, street paved, lot 60x150, 8 rooms. Price, $2,500; $(&0 down, balance $25 monthly at 6 per cent. Cash buyer make offer. HE-M2M $1,800 Near 37th and Dodge, 6-room house, city water; east-front lot, 60x126; needs some, repair, but is good buy at price. SWEET & 11 EST, 13 N.'Y. L. Bldg. RE 6H0 4 Do You Want a Home? An 8-room house, modern Inside, with new both, gas, furnace; nicely papered, plenty of closets; floors finished for niRn; lot r0xl24; cherries, pining mid Km pes, more thnn yon can use; yard full of rosea and Khrublery; house aloiit 12 years old. In tine repair; just n plain house, but a home that will make you happy and at a price that Is about 'j what It cost to build It $J.fK). ll-l Plnkney St. W. H. GATES. C17 N. Y. Mfe Bldg. 'l'hone Dour. 12!4. UK oIK) 4 OTTO SIBMSSEN CO. Fire Insurance. 8.18 N. Y. Life. RE SILAS ROBBINS, FRENZER BLOCK, i-room cottage, 27th and Decatur, city water, gas, lot 60x127 feet,, room for two mure cottages. $1,600. 4-rootn cottage, 29lh and Sahler, city water. $650. (-room cottage, 28th and Dodge, walking distance, city water, gas, cellar, new side walk, east front. SI. 100. 5-room cottage, 32d and Lalk, paving paid lor. good wen. i.uo. 6-room house, 38th and Rrown, good well, lot 60x120 feet, $T5o; $luo cosh, balance monthly. 7-room house, modern except furnace, 21st and Mnmlerson, run lot. ijuhi; payment. 8-room house, 22d and Clark, modern ex cept furnace; easy payments. $2,000. 8-room house, 23d and Manderson, nearly modern, full lot. 12.&X). 8-room house, 23th and Decatur, modern except furnace, lot wxi7 reel. .,huo. 6-room house, near 24th and I.ucust. mod ern, oak finish, nice reception hall, elec tric light, rent for $30, an elegunt home, 83.200. $0 acres. miles west of city limits, on paved street; $110 per acre. acre on North 13th St., $uoo. SILAS ROBBINS, FRENZER BLOCK. RE 035 4x REED BROS. Houses and lots in all parts of the city, and down town property for Im provement or Investment. Farms and acre property adjoining the city. 80 -acre farm near Calhoun and 200- acre farm near Herman. Money to loan. , Insurance written. Property cared for. REED BROS. 1710 Farnam St. RE FOR Six well rented modern houses, all in first class condi tion. Rental 8 per tent on price. Nos. 24 1 9-2 $ 2 1-2 4 3-2425-2427 Dodge St. and 101 S. 25th Street. $31,000. East front modern house, paved street, lot 60x168 good neighborhood. No. 1036 S. 32ud St. ' $5,000. One of the finest bull ling, sites In Omaha. 32nd St facing Hansconi Park. sllghtl above grade, asphalt paved street, kept in rejalr without cost to property, 75 feet east frontage by a depth of 243 feet to 33rd St, $G,000. Modern 8-room, south front. No. 2640 Harney St. $4,000. We write Are Insurance, loan money on improved real estate, make a specialty of eating for property, collecting rents, paying taxes, superintending repairs, etc., and solicit your business. ALFRED C. X0 Frst National Bank Building. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE COMPANY TEL. DOUGLaS 49. 110,500 The Prrry residence. 130 So. 36th, !xl28 ffet. paving, stone steps, walks, etc., nil paid; beautiful grounds, most excellent, well constructs (back plas tered , -room house, fine oak floors, oak finish, verv best of plumbing, fine electric light fixtures, tine base ment and laundry, in fact a flrst- class, modern, well located home. For sale only because owner's leaving the city. VACANT:. WEST FARNAM SPECIAL. 136 feet square, east front, on 32d Ave., between Dodge and Davenport, between two I'JS.OOo homes, at $M per foot; beats anything in West Farnam section. $',( 0li "Ox IS feet, facing west on 33th, south of Joslyn's mansion, at only $-10 per foot. An exceptional, choice, cheap residence site. $2,85045x144 feet at the southwest corner 34th and Dodge Streets. A first-class buy. , SHOLES SUB. Southeast corner 16th and Vinton, the best South Omaha lots on the market, at $tino each, for 40x120 feet, lying beautiful, high, sightly, fine view. Terms or 5 per cent off for cash. We are selling them fast and after they are gone you will wish you had bought, so you better buy now. RE VACANT Dot near 2Mh and Maple. $oO. BEMIS, FAXTON It DOCK. RB- WEST FARNAM BARGAINS am Farnam St. 7 rooms, all modern; oak, eherrv and birdseve motile finish; mmit"l and grate; large porch; beautiful shade; nice barn and driveway. ixjok ui mu property and make mis an offer. 6th Floor, N. Y. Dlfe. RE OTTO SIEMSSKN CO. Ileal estate and In surance, tMi N. Y. Dlfe. li lt) lots, with 6-room house and barn; easy terms and payments SI. &oo. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. RE-599 4 NEW COTTAGES 33"8 and 3312 Sherman Ave., east fronts, modern, six rooms, now ready. frlce low, terms easy. 2x25 N. 24th St., corner Docust, nearly new six-room, modern, tine oak Union. Kent for S:i0. 2022 Harney St., 25 feet and good cottage; soon will be business property, $2,t(0. C. S. SHEl'AIlD, 308 N. Y. LIFE. RE utiO 4x The Byron Reed Co., 'l'hone loug. 2V2 S. 14th St SPRING BARGAINS $ 000 Cash balance monthly payments for a good 4-rooui cottage on S. 1:1st St.; good lot. l'rlcc 1,150. $ 300 Cash, balance same as rent, for u new 5-ruoin cottage; has porce lain tub, closet, hue porcelain sink, gas, city water and sewer; lot &oxl27; south front $2,000 A six -room cottage ou the Boule vard, near ,'totlw open plumbing, nice shade trees, etc. &l,U50 A dandy 7-room cottage ou 'Mil St., near I'oppletou Ave. This cottage Is all modern, and back plnstered; lot 50x107; near the Field club. $3,250-2710 and 2712 Parker St.. two 0 room houses renting for $;i!Hl per year; lot 0.12; paving and per inaneut walks paid. $11,250 A "Joe lamly" 7-room house on paved street; reception hall, llv lug room, dining room and kitch en, with a large pantry, 3 nice lied rooms, sewing room and bath room, with best of plumb ing; house Is new and nicely pa pered throughout; street paved and permanent walks; 3 blocks to 24th St. car. The best thing In Omsha for the money. $5,500 8-room house on Park Wilde Ave., just east of Mr. Kouutze's home; 3 choice lots, with tine shade. A good place for a rail road man. $8.500 An elegant 0-room, nil modern home on one of the best corners In Ilauscom Place; hot water heat, etc.; good barn; lot OOxltiH; room for n couple more houses Owner will consider a trade on smaller house. $11,000 A new elegant 9-room, nil mod ern nonie on 1'arlc Ave., near Jackson; one of the best built places in the city; hot water heat; lot 50x140. facing two sts. LIST lOI lt PROPKRTY WITH VS. WK HAVE THE BUYERS. SALE! so foot lot, barn, etc. KENNEDY Telephone 722. FOR SAlE REAL ESTATE W. H. GATES, X. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone iTM. C17 $S75 A good, well built five-room cot tage, south front lot. nt 21)22 Burdette street, renting at $10.5o.' $1.3oO A five-room cottage on south west comer 27th and Plnkney; nice location; corner lot. $1.3ot A four-room cottage, on south east corner lxth and Grace; lot 33x 140, renting at $11.50. $1.4oo A good, well built seven-room cottage, at 1524 Ohio St., in good or der, south front near Sherman Ave. $1.0iO A five-room house nnd lot 3:?x 140. at 202S North 10th (Boulevard), renting nt $17. $1,850 A seven-room house nnd lot SOx 130. nt 2247 North l!th, water, sewer nnd gas. $2,000 Eight-room, two-story house. modern except furnnce; east front lot 00x81; good location. $2,700 A new six-room modern house. nt 2416 Blnney, south front lot 31x130. $4,20O Eight-room modern house, 3'x40, hnrdwood finish on 1st floor, nice large living room, with fireplace nnd man tel: good large cellni- one of the best built houses In the city, on lot .0xl2S, south front, paved street, shade nnd fruit; a very nice home. vacant" lots 40x128 On northeast corner SSth nnd Hamilton, for $425. 50x140 IJttle west of above, toward 40th st car line, $050. 35x!tO South front on Spruce, east of 24th, paved street, $35. 33x1 40 East front on !!ith (Boulevard), little north of tJrace, $750. 50x128 On southeast corner 27th nnd Manderson, paved street, $750. 100x130011 southwest corner 28th nnd Cass, for $1,500. Half a block of lots on 20th nnd Sahler. five lots, each 54x128, only $ 1.200 for the bunch. Ten-acre fruit farm out northeast; 1.200 bearing cherry trees, 2.1X10 currant bushes; seven-room house, in gool or der; barn 20x30; a good place for the rlirht party to make some money; $3,000. HE BOULEVA.RD TERRACE This beautiful building site continues to at tract home buyers who know what loca tion means. No addition to the city will be built upon more rapidly, nor by a finer clas of people. It you contemplate a home at prices that are not prohibitive you should make your selection at once. Call on us for plat nnd prices. R. C. PETERS & CO., Ground Floor. Bee Building. RE-4111 4 Robinson & Wolf. $2,000 will give you a good home and also put you In . a good business a two-story frame, store below and good fiat above; property In A-l repair; lot 271x140; street paved and paid for. Also a stock of groceries and fixtures; will Invoice be tween $k0 and $500. Owner is leaving town and will sell the whole thing for $2,(A0. Robinson & Wolf, 423 FAXTON BLK. Doug.-2418. RE 612 4 BUY IT NOW. The man who imys rent eight or ten years pays the owner all the house cost him without ever owning so much as a shingle In the roof or brick of the founda tion. Think of It. Buy It now. OF IS. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. RE 538 4 $10,000 INVESTMENT 614-16-18 S. 22d St. (between Half Howard and Ht. Mary s Ave.), three ten-room houses, modern; rent $110 per month. GEORGE & CO., ltiul Furnam St. RE 3U4 Mch3 (1,600 buy 5-room cottage, south front, near 24th and Ames, city water and gas, paved street. P. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. RE-697 4 3 VACANT SNAPS Eastern owner says dispose of these: 60xlni, 40th and Parker 1125. 60x120. 20th and Saratoga J225. 62x140. :t4th nnd California. Snap 1700. SWEET & BEST. 613 N. Y. L. Hldg. RE-679 4 FARMS and city homes. Kemp, Real Eg tater, Blair, Neb. RE SC3 FOR SALE 100 beautiful south' front feet on Farnam St., ISOO. Lot 3, Mock S, Creston, front on 30th and 37th St., near Cass, fjoO. Lot 10, block 2, Mt. Doug las, 1350; by 3SUi and L Sts., South Omaha. Lots IS and 20. block 2, West Side, both $500. Lot 13. block 1. Kent' Add , I .SO. Five lot in Grandvlew, all t2S0. Some of the nicest lot In Florence cheap. Vacant lota In Omaha and South Omaha cheap. 160 acre In Garfield ' county; sell or trad DEXTER L. THOMAS, 412 Bee Bldg RE John N. Haskell Tel. Douglas 61 H. 914 N. Y. Life. About one-third of an acre on West Q car line. South Omaha. Pav ing and permanent walk all paid for This is one of the best Investments in the two cities at this time. OPPOSITE THE COUNTRY CLUB HOUSE ON MILITARY AVE. Two lots, each 45x128, south and east front; lay fine; across the street west from Z. T. IJndsey's flue home; only f-lOO each. Must be sold soon. W. II. GATES, 617 N. V. Ufe ttld. 'loae Doug. 1204. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE GEORGE & 'Phone Douglas 756. Houses For Sale $5 S"0 For good 7-room modern house on 35th Ave., near Farnam St., lot 14xCWfeet. 15.51 For desirable H-rooni modern house on F.irnnm Ht., near 4oth St., oak finish, lot 44x137 feet. $4.3oo For 7-room modern house In first- class condition, built only a few year ngo for a home; nicely located In Han sconi park district, east front, paved street, lot fioxiso twt. S3,7 For new 6-room modern square nouse, never occupied, on est Harney Ht.. lot 4VX121 foet $3.nor Kor excellent 7-room house, modern except heat, onk finish, sliding doors, mantel and grnte, very attractive in terior, on Snauldlng St., near 25th, lot 60x128 feet. $3.4(10 For S-room modern house, with hnrn, large lot, 5ix155 feet, No. 2S25 California. $3, (( For good 6-room. 2-story house, all mouern except rurnace, piped for fur nace, east front, on paved street, near Kountie Place, new one year ago. Owner leaving city. Investigate quickly. 2.700 For S. E. corner 25th and Spauldlng Sts., nice 7-room cottage, modern except furnace, barn, beautiful shade trees, lot 60x128 feet. Verv desirable. $2.r,SOFor 316 N. 25th St., 8-room house. In goon condition, modern except furnace; a pood property to buy for renting In vestment; slight reduction will be made for ntilck sale. $2.T.o For S. K. corner 2Sth Ave. and Chi cago ht.. new 6-room house, modern ex cept furnace, lot 50x152 feet: Improve ments and one-hnlf of lot for t? 250 $1,(k For 422S Burdette St., 7-room house, city water, sewer, gas In each room, cis tern water In kitchen, newly painted and In Food condition; large, pleasant rooms, nice porch, line lot, 50x120" feet. A good buy. $1,S(J0 For 8-rnom, 2-story house, modern excepi iurnace; mantel and grate, lot 50x106 fret, just east of Dundee, 1 block from ear line. $1.700 For good 6-room cottage, city water. g;i!. eic, on lirisioi St., near 2Bth St.. lot 3-!xl22 feet. $l,7i'o For new 6-room cottage, modern ex cept rurnace, near new shops at 27th and L-ike Sts.. lot 41x110 feet. $1.6."i0 For 5-room cittae", city water sewer ann iras, on In. intti St. boulevard, near Iike school. $1. wo For fi-room cottage, with city water. onrn. roicKen nouse, run lot, all fenced, 5"xl21 feet. 1 block from 24th St. car line, near Spauldlng 8t. $1,500 INVESTMENT Brick block on Cuming St.. yielding 10. tiuve uioer guoa propositions. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE- OTTO SIEMfSEN-Notary Public, 838 N. Y. jue. KE R. C. PETERS & CO. We are now located in our new quarters at Nos. 218 and 220 So. 17th St. (Bee Building). 8-room house (new) hardwood finish, near 33d and Burt. Price $4,(100. 8-room modern house, in fine condition and larire lot. south front, laree barn: near 21th St. car line. Price Sl.oco. 9-room modern house, in fine condition, permanent walks around house, open plumb ing, lot 60x130, on paved street. I'rlce, 3.500. Look at this. 7-room house In Hanseom I'ark district, modern except furnace and piped for that; lot 60x1X7. Price $4.(O0. Want offer. 7- room house In West Furnam district (on 8- room modern house on Davennort street, front, permanent walks. Price $3,OuO. 6-room house, (new never been occupied), walks in front and nround house, full two. Ames Ave. f rice $2,!w. 8-room modern house in Orchard Hill, house In fine condition, near car line. Price $2,750. 6-room cottage, all good sized rooms, cemented cellar, clt water, electric lights. piped for furnuce, (now being built and nearly 7-room house, well built. In walnut Hill, with two lots making lwxi&u. Darn S4xj, lots of fruit and grapes. Price $3,200. 6- room house, modern except furnaoe, on 24th nnd Lnrlmore, cemented basement, permanent walks, ground 100x120, house one year old and in tine condition. Price $3,000. House of five rooms and room for two more upstairs, ground l(Kxl25, fine location between Dodge and Davenport, house built 2 years, barn and coal house. Price $2,K. 7- room house on Seward street, west of 36th, newly papered ad In fine repair. Lot 50x130. Price tl.SoO. 0-room cottage, modern excopt furnace, located on 27th Ave., between Grant and. Lnke. Txit 40xlOS. Price $1,650. No. 3120 Burt street, cistern, gas. barn, lot 50x150. Price $17.00. On the corner of S3d and Spauldlng we have two cottages of 6 rooms each, city water and gas, both In good repair. Price balance at 6 per cent. VACANT Ixt 40x103 on Boulevard, half block north of Ames Ave.; east front, fine location. Price Sl.oiiO. On Park Ave., near Dewev, two lots each 50x140. Price $2,500 each. On Dodge, near 35th street Lot 48x135. Price $1.7f5. On Chicago, near 30th, south front lot SOxUO. Price $1,200. Want offer. On 2t;th, Just north of Woolworth we have two lots each 60x127. Price for bo(h $1,100. S. E. corner 2oth and Dorcas, 111x188. Price SOOO. Ixit in Dundee 50x135, on Davenport near 49th .choice location. Price $700. 60x180 facing two streets, lies fine and close in. Price $3,000. 100x120 S. W. corner 36th Ave. and Harney. Price :5,O0O. 40x160, 17th, south of Manderson. Price $600. 60x140, 34th St., south of Center, paved St. Price $1,000. ACREAGE We are offering for quick sale 10 acres well Improved, lying 4ty miles northwest of po8tofllce. The Improvements consist of a four room house, barn, two large and well appointed chicken house, fine well and a large assortment of small fruit and berries. If sold at once possession will be given March 15. Price $3,100. R. C. PETERS & CO. IT'S UP TO YOU. 2411 Indiana Ave. 5 rooms, paved street, permanent walk, renting for $12 per month. Price, $1,200. 2415 Indiana Ave. 6 rooms, paved street, permanent walk .renting for $12 per month. Price, $l,2o0. 93 N. 26th (around the corner) 6 rooms, renting for $16 per month. I'rlce. $1,600. W4a N. anth St. 6 rooms, renting for $17. Price, $1,700. All of these houses are In good condition and in a good neighborhood; paved street und paJtl for. This is a snap for home or Investment. See thepc quick. PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO., M-3 N. Y. Ufe. RE 606 4 FOR SALE OK RENT Good 8-room house. arn, coal and chicken house, large cis tern, good well and four acres of land, fenced with u good woven wire .fe;ioe, (water in house), located on Center St., (paved street), two block from 6-room srhjol; possession this spring. See owner, 4513 Center St., Omaha. P.E 510 4x OTTO SIEMSSEN CO., rentals, 838 N. Y. U RE THOMAS REAL ESTATE. Fine piece of trackage property at 5th St., running from Jackson to Jones, 284x157, ou U. P. track only $12,000. I want an offer on the Linton block, X. E. Cor. 13th and Mason Sts. lirick building, consisting of six stores and twelve modem flats; ground 132x132; now rents for $435 a month. Eastern owner is anxious to fell and will accept any reasonable offer. Ilrick block at 1914-1916-1018 Cuming St.-Three stores and 32 rooms; rented for $100 a month. This is also owned by an eastern party, who is anxious to sell and will sacrifice the projerty for immediate sale. Sixteenth St. is now the great retail street of Omaha and property bought there now is 6ure to increase in value. I have 8S feet on west side of ltth St., a few blocks from postoffice, which" I can sell at a remarkablj low figure, if sold during this month. THOMAS BRENNAN ROOM 1, NEW YORK LIFE BLDG. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. VACANT $5,non For 170x132 feet, N. E. corner 23d and Nicholas Sts. $4,&tioK'or 66x132 fret. N. R corner ISth nnd Webster Sts. Want offer. ' $4,dlOFor-64 feet, double frontage, suitable for brlrk . flats, on paved streets, west part, close In. $2.50o Will be submitted for 87x126 feet, east front, on 24th St., 50 feet north of liinnet". 1,!M0 For 41x132 feet, south front, on Har ney St., 265 feet east of 24th St. One of the cheapest close-in lots, considering loca tion, that we know of. jl.BoaFor several choice lots. 4x136 feet, with double frontaee, 1 mile west of busi ness center, near Farnam car line. $l,VioFor 6xin3 feet, east front, on Sher man Ave., Just south of Charles St. One third cash. $1,6(10 For 8 lots near 33d and Hamilton St. $1,500 For 66x 2 foet. east front, on 24th St., Just north of Bristol St. $1,360 For 60 by about 160 feet, south front, on IJnooln boulevard. In Bemls park, be tween 34th and ith Sts. Have 243 feot frontage to sell In this location. $825 For 42 9x132 feet, south front, on Bris tol St., 128 feet west of 24th St. $750 For pnxl30 feetMS. E. corner 38th and Seward Sts. $125 For 120x120 feet, north front on Sara toga, Just west of 40th St. Cheap. INVESTMENTS $14.500 For 3 modern. 2-story brick flats, In desirable location and in tlrst-class condi tion; rental, $1,500 per year. $13,000 For four 6-room detached houses, new and thoroughly modern, renting for $1,410 per year, located In west part, close to business center. $11.0i)0 For 3 new 7-room, 2-story, modern square houses, west part, within nice walking distance from business center; renting for 51.250 per year. $10,000 For 514-16-1S S. 22d St.. 3-story frame building, divided Into 3 apartments of 10 rooms each, all modern, renting for $1,320 per year. $3.5v For 2-story frame Btore building, with Hats above, in good condition, rent ins for $5' per month. In north part, near 20th St. car line. RE LOOK AT THIS Five rooms downstnirs, room for another apartment upstairs, which would make the property pav for itself. North part of city. Price, $i.4'). BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE Farnam street), lot 43x132. Price $3,150. (walking distance), lot 50xloOT south south front, fine lying lot, permanent story and very attractive, near 24th and- finished), lot 50x150. Price $l,0iO. $2,000 for the two. TerniB one-half cash. RE ONLY $1,750 Full south front lot on Farnam, Just west of 38th; cheapest lot on Farnam at $2,500; this week $1,750. HICKS, 439 Board of Trade Building. H-618 4x $19,000 INVESTMENT-RENTS $2,100. Former price (until now) $Ji.0i. Block of residence i5) In fine condition, fine loca tion, near high school and always rented. Owner nonresident and determined to sell; needs some money In Ills business. Ground 132x120, fronting two streets. See u at once about this. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. "RE 637 4 THE J. FRED KERR COMPANY'S AB STRACTS OF TITLE are the safest. You are protected by a $lu,000 bond against loss by error. You don't buy a lawsuit when Lou buy a "Kerr" abstract. 108 N. Y. ile Bldg. 'l'hone Dou. 2214. RE FOR SALE CHEAP-Two small houses, new brick walk, city water. Apply to owner, 2;2i Burdette St. KE Mill 4x BRENNAN TELEPHONE DOUG. 12G4. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE H MODERATE PRICED HOMES J-J If you had started to buv a home before, time. Why not make a start now? These tii i'ui urn; ern cottage, with large reception hall, on I iuii iim, not- oiock i m Mige ro . car one. i $.',lfo 2t;i" Caniilen Ave., 6 rooms, modern. I Just completed, en full lot. one block south t'i m r one to Florence; e:isv icrins. $2.150 Patrick Ave. and 20th St., nearly new all-modern (-room house, fine lot. fenced, barn. $2.6no Pith and Evans Pt.. BlutT View ad dition, one of the il. w nil-modern cottages built In this Hdditlon this summer; owner most sell. $1.7'0 lfil Corby St.. rooms, city water, sewer nnd gas. paved street. con dition, ready to move Into; owner leaving city. . MODERATE If you cannot start to pay on a house and easy terms, some as low as $u" down and $5 $ 500 S. E. cor. Indiana Ave., full lot. $ 6"0 S. YV. cor. 22d and Maple. 500 S. E. cor. Indiana Ave., full lot. 6"0 S. W. cor. 22d and Maple. 275 Decatur St., east of liwe Ave. 300 2Sth Ave., bet. Pratt and Bristol. 3"o 2Hd and Oak, on grade. 850 23d, bet. Iilrd and 8prngue. 375 .Manderson St., west of 27th. fOO-22d St. bet. lilrd and Spr.igup. BV) 23d St., north of Manderson. 6dO Seward St., bet. Hh nnd 4IM. 650 Capitol Ave., bet. 4Sth and 49th. Dundee. 0 Davenport, bet. 49th and 5nth, Dun dee. 700 Kith and Plnkney. all paved. 7oaMarcy St., east SIM St., on grade. 700 Ijtfayctte St., bet. 3Hh and ."Mil. 725 Miami St . east of 3th. south front. close to 2lsl 750 Lnthrop St., In Kountie plnce. S"e our other list of houses and lots In the News and Herald. We write Eire Insurance, open Monday evenings till 9 p. 111, HASTINGS 16094 Farnam St. 6 ROOMS NVar Uth nnd Cantollar; witer, gus, cat a run 1. l,u,-U. BKMIS, PAXTON BI-OCK. he- want TO SELL YOUR HOUSE OR LOT? Wo can. f-ell your property quicker than any one else- we have the buvers and spend money advertising your property in many dllleieiit ways at no expense to you; only charge tut- regular commission when we make a sale. Try us for a short tune and see your price must be right. HASTINGS c HEYDEN. lWDli Farnam St. 'Phone Douglas lfioft, KE 9-room, all modern, first floor finished in oak. east front, corner lot. size soxlX, south of Farnam 2 blocks on 3jlh. Owner leaving city; big snap at $j.j. F. D. WEAD, la24 Dol UI.AS. H E 601 4 HIKE The United States Land Corisira tion of 277 Broadway, New York, will give away a limiied number of building lots, 25x1(0 feet, at Washington I'ark, In the city of Waterbury, Conn. Send stamp for deed. RE 140 lx OMAHA 9-romu strictly modem lmuso, nearly now, yiith mul IMorei' Sts., $7.tM. 4T2 S. 24th St., t'erooii) house, modern except furnnce, also 5-rooin Louse on Willie lot faclnsr oil LMth Ave., modern exeeept furnnce, ground" 37x140 feet, imaj, or either ror iSWHHJ. 541 S. lititu St.. 8-iiKim, new, strictly modern house, $5,501 , with 33 feet.or $7.d0 with 00 feet,; purt ou time If de sired. 2!Ml7 Ixike St.. 5-rnom house plrv wa ter and cistern, lot 25x100 feet, $Sno. J.jOI I'oppletou Ave., lOrooin. strictly modern, something extra line, $7.00U. 4L'd nnd Farmim Sts., 0-roouis, uiod rn, $3,cmio. 200(1 X. 18th. 5-room cottage, ft:t, water nutl sewer, $2;2(N. 424 .Nicholas St., " rooms, $, gr n p. 4O30 Deentur St., new 5-room eottnjre, coal shed, lot 50x14!! feet, price $1,200. 1410 Martha' St., 5-rootn cottage, ground 00x72 feet, price $1,500. DUNDEE Iarge 8-room modern house, 50th and Cass Sts., two lots. $4,250. 4033 Ihivenport St., 0-ronni house, modern except furnace, two lots, plenty of fruit. $3.3oo. 820 X, 5oth Ave., 7-room modern house, price $2,500 with one lot. or $3.5i0 with three lots. Vacant lot. $0on. Snnp. Also 2 more at $1.7oo or $S75 for either. 4032 Capitol Ave., 0 rooms, strictly modern, two lots, south front, $1,000. LANDS 3S acres 1 mile north of Florence, 5 rooni house, barn and plenty of fruit, $0,500. So acres Just north of Center St., 1 mile west of city limits, $105 per acre. 04 acres 5 miles from poslortlce on Center St. roiul; been used for hog ranch nnd hns all necessary liuildlns and wa ter system; good place for hoir or dairy farm; must be sold at once. Come quick If you want n b-irnain. For price and further particular see us. We also hnve a number of olher good Investments. 20 ncres. well Improve)' 4 ncres fruit; must be seen to bo appreciated; posses sion at once. $5,500. L. L JOHONSON CO. phone Ited 1240. ltoom 3 Barker Itlk. IiK- Payne Investment Company, FIRST FLOOR N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Tel. Douglas 1781. 2910-12 Seward St., 2 6-room cottages, rent for f 1 7 per month, $1,500. 3820 N. 20th St., l-story house, east front, on boulevard, city water and gas and sewer connection In street. Price, $1,600. ' 4209 Cuming St., 7 rooms, city watfr, gas, good barn. Price, $2,000. 316 N. 41st St., 11-room house, strictly modern, two lot3, east front, fine neighborhood; the lots alone are worth $2,000, and you couldn't build tho house for less than $4, BOO. Price, $4,500. 3(J16 Lincoln Blvd., 9 rooms, strictly modern, well built, fine neighbor hood, downstairs finished in quarter-sawed white oak, well arranged. Price, $6,250. 2102-04 Maple St., 8 rooms, modern except furnace; owners are non residents and are anxious to sell and want an offer. 7-rooni house, modern except furnace, full lot on Seward, near 33d. Prlc $2,000. INVESTMENT Between 20th and 24th on Farnam, three-story brick building, rents for $100 a month. Price, $14,000. Dodge County Farm. 160 acres 3 miles cast of Fremont. Neb., nice, level land, good Boll, fine Improvements, which tonslst of one 5-room house, which Is modern, and also an S-room houte; fine large barns and blieUs, all well built and In good repair; all-equipped for a feeding farm or a fine home; 15 outbuildings In all. Improvements cost over $12,000, and the farm U very cheau at the price, $16,000. Payne Investment Co. First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE you may have hud It paid for bv this are Just a few samples of what we have $2.2"J 17'W 8. 27th St.. S rooms, modern, good barn; be sure to look at this. $2.ino New -room cottage. Just com pleted, on 33d St., .hist north of Hamilton; has city water, sewer, With, gas, electric light, paved street. $2.600 2SM Miami St.. ( rooms, all modern, good furnace, one year old; Is not laree enough for present owner; close to car; full lot. $2.3:o lC.-i N. Md St. (Hemls park), 6 rooms, nnd ern but furnace, paved street; now vacant; price reduced $10. $2.3oo-2606 Pierce St., 8 rooms, large lot. PRICED LOTS lot, l e?ln paving on a lot. We can make a month. $ 750 Hamilton. Junt west of 3Stlt. $ !'5n-tienoer St., 22d nnd 23d. $ Mi Mason St., -cast SMI St.. pavea $1.000 Corner 2rtth Ave and Mason. $Cit) AND $7 LOTS. In Sulphur Sprlntrs nddl'lon. Thess lots front south on U'nney sfr- snd North on Wirt street, Just east of Sherman ave nue, and a, t oe 1 v Omaha. I'lne location, high ground, good view. Will build a house for you und sell it on monthly payments. ACRES. 6 acres. 1 mile west of Miller park. $750. 1 acre. 4 blocks west of Miller park. $250. 1 acre. 7 blocks west of Miller park. $150. 20 acres, 3 mih s wist of Florence, nil fine, rich, level land. Would sell all or 10 acres. Price. $lc3 an aero. & HEYDEN, (Ground Floor. -RB3 THOSE $25 LOTS iJi down, balance $.'. per month. Only $100. Near 3.'ith and Grant Sts. JJKMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE FINE I.r'Tl.E HOME of 100 acres, near Mo. Valley, In., the best of soil, 14 miles from city limits; on account of poor health owner will sell if taken soon for $:S per acre. Address P. O. Box lillrt. Mo. Valley. In. Rlv-.MoiJ 2 brick fiats on S. 2Mh near Farnam. cor ner lot; room for atiotoer building $7. ,'). F. D. WEAD, 1C1 DOl'UI.AS. H&-5J1 4 B. R. BALL 520 N. Y. Ufe Bldg. 'Phone Red 2-'7. $4,5(.-0 2T.I6 Wirt St., R-room modern house, new. hot water heat; line home; large lot and good barn. Reasonable terms. $4,OOo.i:il4 s. 31st St., !-room house, modern. Ensv terms. $2.500 I'Jl'J Locust St., modern except fur nace. This Is a good home with a nice barn. $2 200 !1K S. 31st St., ('.-room house; pay ments, $3o0 cash, balance by the month. $1,S00 2(il9 N. llith Ave., K-room house, modern except furnace; rented for a a year at $ju per month. This is a good bargain. $1,375 South 27ih St., nenr Moolworth Ave., 4-room house, city water; easy terms. $1 230 Five acres of ground. 3-room house and barn, north of West Dodge. $700-1fvS feet east front on 30th Ave., one block from street car line. i FRUIT FARM 2 acres, producing fruit, R-room houss, barn; an exceptional bargain at new price, and ou easy terms. Reduced from 4 1x1 to $3,000 for Immediate Bale. SWEET & BEST, 613 N. Y. U Rid. RE 578 4 QUICK SALEb . Here Are Some of Our Choicest Snaps. They Ought to be Seen at Once. FARNAM STREET The cheapest property on Farnam St. Is 6 ft. north front, opposite ith St.; has good 7-room cottage on It. Ground alone Is $25 per foot cheaper than anything wo know of this side of 2Slh St HOMES $2 fioO Two houses, 6 and 4 rooms, lot ST 147, on 2"th, near Clark; rents. $JS and $30; close In to work and L". P. shops. $2.i(0 Uood 8-room. all modern house, new furnace, cemented cellar, good barn, perfect repair, near ilst and Lake. Couldn't build this house for $l.('0 todav, to sav nothing of larn and lot. EASTERN OWNERS Ml'ST SELL. $1 4t-3eth and Davenport; 6 rooms. $1.2"U ;-Mh and Decatur; 7 rooms. $2 riKi 21st and Lake; S-r.. modern. $1.71" 27th and Poppleton; 5-r , modern. and Boulevard; 6-r., modern. $S,0i 2Mh and Poppleton; s-r.. modern. $I,S(" 27th and Cuming; 7-r.. modern. $1 2-2';th and Fort; (-r., new. $l.tio 20th and Fort; 6-r., modern . 2,f,ini 3Tth and Davenport; 6-r. and 8-r. $.'. 42d and Cuming. $l.(Kt 2Mh Ave. and Davenport; modern. $4. sou pith and Charles; 2 houses. H ouo 24th and Bristol: 6-r.. corner, 132x132, BUILDING LOTS. $ 50O 2Mh Ave. and Cass. Jl,iiii2oth and Manderson. 3 lata. $ 225 201 h and Fort, full lot. $ nnd Blnney, 42108. $ 5i-l!'th and Vinton. 40x!J. $ f 2!'th and Indiana Ave. $ ; 2!'th and Indiana Ave. $ 600 34th and Hamilton, corner. $ M' 31th and Hamilton, inside. $ Ail 34th and Charles, corner. $!( 24 111 and Bristol, 6;xl2N. mid Farnam, Ih'XlM). U.Ufi lith and luvcnport. 41x132. TRACKAGE. loth and Douglas. 132 ft. tracks, $10,000. aih and Doim-las, li.xlJ.', Jl"."l. Mil and Douglas, lots. $ln.fl. Oh nnd Harney, 44x1 J. $12 9th and Harney, Mixl32, $l7,fn0. 14th and Leavenworth. $o,o0. N. P. DODGE & CO. BEE BUILDING, 17TH AND FARNAM". RE Tel. Douglas 1781 KE-o2 4 RE