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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1906)
0 TITE OMAHA' DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MARCH 4, inoa 5 CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Jobbers Pleased with Opening Sprin? Condition. BIG INCREASE IN FEBRUARY BUSINESS ttraagr Advance la Sugar la Aatlrl palloa of Canning lion-Fish Dtmini la Large hos Trade Better. . The trade I pleased with the conditions at the opening of spring. Ijist wwk showed'an excellent business, both orders by mall and from salesmen. February showed a large Increase In volume of busi ness over February of last year. To add to the Rood feeling engendered by big trade Conditions over the country are such as to rive the Jobbers confidence that the year will be a good one. The farmers have had rain an snow on their wheat and there Is now no 'danger of a drouth. Farm work Is trogresslng rapidly, many of the farmers l sections of the country having their thHr stalks cut and the ground ready for plowing. As a rule the local wholesale market Is firm. Prices have been firm on coffee. There has been considerable activity In the option market. Receipts are small, the shortage Increase, the market Is gradually and steadily hardening and Jobbers would not bo at all surprised by higher prices. Every man In those departments of the grocery nouses which handle Ann has been Working day and night the last week to meet the enormous demand for fish which came with the Lenten season. Mackerel and smoked white fish and In fact all lake fish are scarce and predictions have been made that they will advance 60 cents per half barrel In the next thirty days. Strong; Advance In Sugar. The sugar market has been exciting. In anticipation of the canning season, no doubt, the price of raws has been ad vanced I to 15 per cent, and refined sugar was advanced 10c per 100 pounds the mid dle of the week. Jobbers say the price will not be lower again soon, and may he higher. In fact, they expect a stendy in crease in the price. It Is said the esti mate of the Cuban crop has boen reduced from l.SOO.ono tons to or l.Ouo.ouO tons. On account of this, the fact mat wet weather 'has prevailed In Cuba the greater part of the time for the last tw. months and the fact that stocks in the hands of refiners are light, the holders of raws are not anxious to sell at prices which have been ruling. There Is no change to report In the canned goods situation, but canned goods of all kinds continue to move freely, the demand covering almost the entire line. In the line of dried fruits the situation is not materially changed, but every Item in th line shows strength, apricots, peaches and prunes being particularly in strong pom tion. Throughout California they have had an abundance of rain during the past two or three weeks, and the outlook for this sea son's fruit crop Is as fine as they have ever had. The crop of li"5 doubtless will be well cleaned ui before new goods can possibly reach the market, so that the new goods will tind an active demand the min ute thev are available. The rice market Is perhaps a little easier than It has been, doubtless due to the fa;-t tliut the mills haven't much stock left, and desire to clean up. Fall Shoe Styles Coming. Shoe Jobbers are expecting a showing of new fall styles and naming of prices In about a week. Fall styles are said to lie about the same as spring. It Is thought that there will not be any great change In prices when the fnH lists are announced. Leather continue firm. Advices from the Boston market say there Is an easy feeling in raw hides and more confidence is needed to keep leather up. This confidence will come, the eastern people think, this week. for the salesmen of the manufacturing houses have gone on the road. Jobbers, in reckoning up advances, say sole hides have advanced 165 per cent In the last year. finished calf 40 per cent, vici kid 22 per cent, green calk skins 68 per cent, sole leather 49 per cent and sheep skins 69 per cent. Trade the last week has been fair and Drlces have not changed. John Mulr & Co. of New Tork say cf the cotton market: "with the present enormous consumption of American cotton an 11.000,000 crop this year would be re garded by the world as a calamity, while as a matter of faot the south has only produced three or four crops larger than this. It Is foolishness to think - at this early date that tho next crop will be bumper; It Is more conservative to believe that it will be a good average crop and no more than the sntnners of the world de mand. We are. therefore, unable, viewing the situation from this standpoint, to see anything at present conducive to selling contrasts short In this market, but, to the contrary, can see how conditions might shape themselves in such a way as to produce very much higher prices, and with this idea In view prefer the long side. With Dry Goods Houses. All former records are left behind by February's sales In dry goods. 8o far this year the number of merchants who have visited the market has been larger than at any previous time, showing that the spring excursions instituted by the Jobbers and manufacturers are growing In popularity. The visitors have been good buyers, and those who have not come in have sent large orders by mull and through salesmen. Ail lines have come In for a share of the demand. The merchants have purchased freely domestic and staple prints and gingham and the belter grades of woven and wash fabrics and dress" goods. Hosiery and underwear have also been In demand. Cotton goods are strong, und no Immediate change In prices is ex pected. The question to be decided In the eastern markets during the coining weeks is whether wool dress goods or worsteds are to be the predominating feature for fall. As there are no evidences in the market ut pieseul that point to a strong revlvul of ' wool goods In the plain und tancy styles, a great many In the trade expressed the view that the 1908 fall and winter season will ngaln turn to worsteds, mohairs and broadcloths. The latter, of course, are selling at present in liberal quantities for tne coming season, ana are Deing taken in all shades and weights from medium to heavy. Un such lines that have been placed be fore the trade Import orders ' have be n placed cautiously. Un serges, broadcloths and plain and fancy Henriettas the foreign lines are under order for fall to a heavier extent than was the case last year at this time. These are the only classes of goods Of which this is true. Changes la Hardware Prices. As usual with the advent of spring, prices are up on hunters' canvas good. Grindstones are 6 to 7 per cent lower. Manufacturers have named prices 6 per rent lower on Dlsston's saws. Trade has been exceptionally good to the local hard ware men. Mail orders have been un usually good. One house recently received a $460 mall order for general supply of hard ware. Trade has been unusually good In paints. Oils and glass, orders increasing perceptibly over last week. Unseed oil Is off 2 cents, the raw product being quoted at 40 cents, with boiled oil selling for 42 rents. Tur pentine remains at 77 cents, and leads con tinue to sell at last week's quotations. The OUr TF0 1 TORIC LEN3E Bee That . Curve. Call nd e "Our Own" Invisible Bifocal Two In One. Prlce about half of similar lenses. IIITESON OPTICAL CO. 213 south 161b street Factory on th PremUe. Opposite the People's Btore. lass market Is firm, with excellent sales, here ts no special feature to the business. BLNDAY Omaha High school ftotes. On Monday afternoon next. Dean Pennl- man of the University of Pennsylvania will address the Juniors and seniors in room WU Mr. Pennlman is a man ot national repuls ion, i lie high school may consider Itself nghly lurtunate to be privileged to hear so noted a man. ' 1 he usual weekly program of the German oclety bore the customary marks of ef ficiency, in opening trie chorus sang a dainty Utile song entitled 'Abendgiock- 'in. ueorge Hulling ion tollowed this Ly n anecdote. "Der Dieb." ' Eln Deulcher Bpruch " was entertainingly told by Mallilida Kraft, Emilia lux leclted "Sang dea ShitYermudels.'' In ciuslng the chorus sang "h.ln Abendllcd. Miss Anna Adams, who a short time ago sprained her ankle by falling uton the Icy wais in front of the school imllding win resume her classes on Monday next. Many visitors were In attendance at the school during the past week. These eachers from the hig.ii schools at Lincoln and North Bend sprike well of the work carried on at the local school. This large ntlux of pedagogues was occaslonned by the presence of Surah Bernhardt. On account of the address to be given D Dean Pennlman on Monday afternoon, the wo-weekly meeting of the high school chorus will be nositmncri until March 112. The following program was tendered by tne TAtln society on Friday afternoon, to ward relker recited Possum el c oona. poem entitled "Cicero" was recited liy Hazel Haloh. Elizabeth Sweet and Mable Anderson engaged in a dialogue enimeu Duo Ylatores.' A May In wiucn me shades of long departed classic personages were prominent was presented oy memners of the society. The title of the play was Apud Immortalcs. The characters were Caesar, Cicero and Virgil. omaha wholesale: mabket. Condition of Trade and Quotations on Staple and Faney Produce. EGGS Receipts liberal: candled stock, unsettled at 12c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 10c; old roosters, 6c: turkeys. lie: ducks, lie: young roosters. 8'd9c; geese, so. DRESSED POULTRY Turkeys, l&19c; old toms, Willie; chickens, lott'o lUfcc ; old roosters, Jc; ducks, i.4uiic; geese, wc. BITTER racking siock, nvc; cnoice lo fancy dairy, ltwilac; creamery, itKumViC. HA I triced quoted py omana reeu com pany: No. 1 upland, $o.0u; medium,; coarse, 4.H)6.U. Rye straw, $ti.60. U RAN Per ton, $16.60. TROPICAL FRUITS. DATES Fer box of 3u 1-lb. pkgs., $"00; riauowe en, in u-id. uoxes, per iu.. oc, o.ij- ers, per lb., 4c; walnut stuffed, 1-lb. pkgs., K-uo per uoz.; b-id. poxes, ii.w. ORANGES California, extra rancy ilea land navels, all sizes. $2.00; fancy navels, 2.85; choice, all sizes. J.tkVy 2.75. LEMONS Llmonoi a. extra fancy, zw- nl.. tl "K- 4r1 tn V.lal.a tl 7& FIGS California, per lo-lb. carton. TbU &jc; lmporttd Smyrna, three-crown, lie; six-crown. 12c. BANANAS -Per medium slxed bunch, $1.76 fi2 2fi: bimbos. L'..Wi3 i0. Tangerines California, per dox oi about 126. il ill GRAPE FRCIT Florida, per nox, sf.uura 7.50; California, per box, $4.0044. &o. FRLITS. FEARS Winter NelilB and Mount Vernon, $2.60. APPLES California Hellflowers, per bu. box: Ben Davis. $1.75 per bu. box; Wine saps, $.2o per bu. box; other varieties, I3.ut) 'Hl.'M per bu.; New York apples, $i.i0 per bbl. GRAPES Imported Malagas. JS.oO-uuiv. OIJJ VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home grown, per bu,, 60U (Be; South Dakota, per bu., 5c. ok ions Hume crown, yellow ana rea per bu., 85c; Spanish, per crate, $-0U; Colo rado, red and yellow, por iu., si.uu. NAVY BEANS Per ou., -.uu. LIMA BEANS Per lb., 6VsC. CABBAGE Home grown and Wisconsin, In urates tipr 111.. 2c CARROTS. PAUSN1PB AINU Tt-nftiro- Per bu.. So'yioc. ,-rn.FRV-Kalamazoo, per dog.. 26!B3oC. SWEET I"OTATOE8 Kansas, per 2-bu. bbls., $2.00. N-EW VEGETABLES. TOMATOES Florida, per crate of 30 lbs. net U: WAX BEANS Per hamper of about 30 lbs. net, $6. . . , STRING BEANS Per hamper of about 30 lbs. net, $3.00S'4.00. . v.ctn PLANT Florida, per dox.. $1.2501.50. GREEN PEPPERS Florida, per hamper of about 10 dOX J3.60. TURNIPS Louisiana, per dox. bunches 7Ke. SHALI5TTS Louisiana, per doi. Vinnnhes T!ie. . HEAD LETTUCE Louisiana, per bbl., LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per dox, CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dox., $1.75. RADISHES Hothouse, per aux. uuncnes, SOtJj'iac. MUSHROOMS Hothouse, per lb., 60c. BEEF CUTS. (J. 1 riOB, Ule , 11 If. IIUO, 1.1.1 . v iiua, 7Ac: No. 1 loin, 16c; No. 2 loin, 12c; No. $ loin Mc: No. 1 chuck, BVic; No. 2 chuck, 4Wo; No. 3 chuck, 4c; No. 1 round. 7Vic; Kii d round t4C; NO. 3 rounu, oc; xmo. i plate, 4c; No. 2 plate, 3'c; No. S plate, 8c. ..Tf.,..-.,, . V 1.', ,1 JHiaLE,M.CUt.D. CIDER Per keg, $3.75; per bbl., $6.75. Npw. ner 24 lbs.. 33.50 . CHEESE Swiss, new, 16c ; Wisconsin brick 16c; Wisconsin llmherger, 16c; twins, 15c: Young Americas-. lic NUTS Walnuts, N . 1 soft shells, new .mn ner lh.. l5!Ac: hard shells, per lb. mi-,. Pecans. latKe. per lb., 14c: small per lb., 12c. Peanuts, per lb., 6Vc; roasted, per lb., 8c. Chill walnuts, per lb., 12ai3V4c. Mm, mils soft shells, per lb.. 17c: hard shells, per lb., lie. Cocoanuts, $4.25 per sack of 100. pbksh FISH Trout, 11c: halibut, 10c; pickerel dressed, 7c; white bass, 11c; sun- PSn, 6-dVC, perCII nr 111 miu uioocu, ov i,iii. liie' reilsnutiuer. 11c: salmon, 11c crap'pies, 6ii9c; eels, 18c; black bass, 22c; whltensn, i.c; inm leg, i) it er en. 33c: boiled lobsters. 3,c .i,,., fish i.V: herrlna. 4c: Suanish mackerel, 16c: haddock. He; shrimp. $1.00(1.50 per gallon; smells, 12c; cod, uo. ,viSTi.-.H!4 Fresh standard. $1.40 per gal shell oysters, $l.Mtf2.u0 per 100; Little Neck clams, 51. ao per iw. ui'.iau firunulHtea cane. In DDIS.. So.os granulated cane. In sacks, $5.01; granulated heet. in sucks, i.ii. . S4RI P in barrels, 24c per gal.; cases 10-lb. cans, $1.60; cases, 11 &-lb. cans, i . i.Mi.9 v4 2i.-lu. cans. $1.90. 1 I COFFEE Roasted: No. 35, ffiVic per lb.; No. no. aAsi per lb.; No. 25, ltc per lb.; NT,, "ii ir.u.e ner lb.: No. 21. 12Vc per lb. F!OUR (wholesale) Best high grade Ne braska, per cwt., $2; best high grade patent Minnesota, per cwt.. $2.30; straight patent Nebraska, per cwt., $2; second patent No- l.rvul 11 $i so. CURED FISH Family whltefish, per H hid., im lbs.. t.ou: Norway macKerei, per bhl , 2eo lbs., bloaters, $4t: No. 1, fJi: No. 2, ii: No. s. i3: lilsh No. 2. $17. Herring. In bills., 200 108. eacn, Norway, ik, uj; isor- way, 3k, ia; MOiiana, mixeu, n.uu. noi land herring, In kegs, milkers, KOc; kegs. mixed. 70c. BROOMS No. 1 carpet, $3.35; No. 2 car- ,.t si! 4o: No. 3 Plain. $3.23. i'anxf.D GOODS Coi n. standard west- rn. Syuikic; Maine, $l.i. Tomatoes, 8-lb. .. ii siul.Su: 2-lb.. 'TV4c($l. Pineapples. rraied. 2-lb.. tZ.'Mi -30; sliced. tl.&a'l.20; gallon apples, fancy, $J.50. California aprl- cols, $1.4w2 lO: pears, $1.7iii2.5o; peaches, fancy. $1.;6'2.40; H. C. peaehes, $2.u'cj2.50. Alaska salmon, red, $; pink, o-; fancy i-i, in, ink. v.. 12.10: rancy socKeye, r. sardines. Vk-oll, $-'.6o; -mustards, $i.5e'rf 2 10 Sweet potatoes, 11 lS'll.a; sauerkraut, li; iiiiiiiLiniiiB. .-".'ii.. ... - 1 " u i)c; Lima beans, Z-ID., 7S.'awcBi.J6; spinach, 4l.3b'ti--w; cneup jca, iu,, ow, uuo, toy !h-- 7nncv. Il.K.tlt.75. HIDES. PELTS AND TALLOW-No. 1 green hides, Hc; No. 2, 7Sc; No. 1 salted, loc- No. 2, 8c; s'l'een bull hides, 'tfSc; cured, milOc; dry hid. s. lu;c. Horse hides, large. $3 small, $2.50. Sheep pells, each. 6ic'a$l.o. Tallow, No. 1. Kc No. 2. 34c; rough. Hc. Railway -otes and I'ersonals. James Sharpe of Lincoln has been ap pointed assistant ticket agent In the local ottlce of the Burlington, and has arrived to accept his new position. The Burlington brought a party of thlrtv soldiers from Columbus, O., to be located at Ft. CrtHik. Superintendent Jones of the Illinois Cen tral is in the city. The Northwestern took the Kyrle Bel- lew company to Minneapolis Saturday night on a special train of six cars. Illdwells tio to J a pa a. General Manager Bidwell of the North western railroad, left Saturday for Ja pan, accompanied by Mrs. Bidwell. It was stated at Mr. Bidwell s office that the trip was simply a vacation trip, and had no business connection whatever. Mar Casl-OSr Kabber Goods, The authorities at the Child's Saving In stitute are still calling for mote rubber goods to convert into money for their lit tle wards. KeatarWy Marder Case Starts. CYNTHIANA. Ky.. March $. The case of the Commonwealth of Kentucky against Curtis Jett, Indicted for the murder of Town Marshal James Cockrill at Jackson. Ky., on February 37, 9o2, was called be fore Special Judge 11. G. Bolls of Owen- town this morning. Too commonwealth waa assisted by Attorneys J. 8. Webster of this cltv and Beverly Jouett of . Win chester. The otiM waa set for trial March 3. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements, for these columns will be taken nntll IX n. for the evening; edition and antll H p. m. for the morula- and Sanday edition. Hates 1 1-ite a word first Insertion, le a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than KOe for th first Inser tion.- These advertisements mast he rna eoaseentlTely. Advertisers, by requesting; a num bered rherk, ean have answers ad dressed to a aamhered letter In eare of The Pee. Answers so addressed will be delivered on presentation of cheek. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE PAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting. Teleg raphy, Normal and English, students sdmltted any day. Catalogue free. Ad- ' dress H. B. Boyles, Pres., Boyles Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. U o TYPE WRITERS All Makes TO SAVE MONEY IS TO MAKE MONEY. If you are la the market for a type writer let ua make you money. REMINGTON, No. 7, almost new, $57.50. REMINGTON", No. 7, good condition, $42.5. REMINGTON, No. C, fine, $32.50. REMINGTON, No. 2, from $25.00 to $18.5U. 0n - rt nDfttrD o tie no SMITH PREMIER, No. 2, from T45.00 to $35.00. UNDERWOOD, No. 4, from $60.00 to $47.50. OLIVER, No. 3, from , $50.00 to $37.50. BUCK, No. 5, from $18.00 to $12.50. SMITH PREMIER, No. 1, from $26.50 to $20.00. Machines rented, $2.50 up. Dollar ribbons, 50c each, guaran teed. Supplies of all kinds. FERKli'S TYPEWRITER AND SUP PLY CO., 607 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 7265. H txil 4 OTTO S1EMSSEN Notary Public, tWS N. Y, e. CITY SAVINGS BANK pa 4 per cent. it OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cialty of lire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. U. Audreen, Prop., Iu2 8. 10th St. Tinlo Tioa R RUM BEL & SON, 1124 R-W0 SIGN PAINTING, S. IL Cole, 1302 Douglas. U Wl WE BUY and sell typewriters. We will sell your machine on a small commission. Omaha Typewriter Exchange, 328 Neville BIK. Tel. DOUg. 4t)Ui. K Mill 2 STEIN WAY piano, upright, big bargain. feraeid tiano CO., ibu arnam ai. r sua GUNSMITH, keys, trunk locks, repairing. Heflln, 217 8. 14th. Tel. Douglas 274. R-803 KNIVES AND FORKS silver plated, $2.25 per doz. uinana Plating to., laus liarney ci. t jjui4 ai-ii.i OTTO SI EM SS EN CO. Heul estate and In surance, S3 N. Y. Life. R Chicken Wheat $1.25 cwu Wagner, 801 N. 16. H M277 M13 WALL PAPER cleaner. Tel. Harney R 64 HAVE Wilson hang paper. Quick, clean. Fa per cleuuiug a specially. Tel. Loug.-6ix. R iltvto MID J. H. STAN WOOD, ARCHITECT and Builder. Res. z-i ute. Tel. Doug. 4T27. Itr-Mllt M13 Furniture. rep'd & upholstered. Tel.Doug.32M Menu TRY KELLY'S TOWED SUPPLY. Tel. Doug. 3530. 11904 SECOND-HAND Typewriters sold, rented ana repaired. erer a Typewriter k sup ply Co., Wl Bee-Hldg. Pnone Doug. 7Jao. 11 7 Apr 1 INCUBATORS, brooders and chick food. Burr Incubator Co., 2sth and Davenport. K fll.tta A1CH23 OTTO 81EMSSEN, German consulate corre spondent, tu8 N. x. Life. R Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1818 Farnam. " BURVEYING, Bllckensderfer, 312 Bee Bldg. rl 645 8AD IRONS replated. 1508 Harney St. R M,uo Mch21 MARTIN MEYER, shirts, underwear to or der. R M7vtt Mch21 OMAHA Electric Works, electrical repair ing, trices riBiiv. ma-it im. jiin tn. lei. Doug. 11UL R-M125 M24 NOTICE Is hereby given that checks bear ing numners 3440, 3441, signed by J ievine nave Deen josi ana are of no value. r M326 t OTTO 8IEMSSEN CO., rentals, 838 N. Y. L, R LOST AND FOUND FOUND A place to buy diamonds on credit. For further particulars inquire of A. Mandelberg, 1522 Farnam St. , Lost M679 LOST OR STRAYED Scotch collie don red-brownish color, white shaggy bream four white paws and white dot on tip of tall, wearing collar and tag No. 3127. Re ward by culling Telephones Douglas 614, or liarney jjui. isi n LOST One package of United States inter. nal revenue stamps. Return same to 1007 jaegson bu ana receive reward. Lost M73 5x LOST Wednesday night, one pair small Piacg niuies. newara tor return or Infor matlon to Johnson Bros., Park Ave. an Leavenworth.. Lost (t4 4 LOST Scotch collie dog. color bright vel low, uum irom lent wuue, novo tiiacg shaggy appearance round neck, also Hind legs, answers to tne name of Shep. v 111 give icnaiu. nfiurn fs , 20in DU, or can lei. iea ah. Rugn. Lost 3.SS 4 CLAIRVOYANTS IF IN TROUBLE readings, 60 cents. consult Mrs. Faust liu jackson KL 8-M166 McbJx MME. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST Call at No. 113 South 16th St., upstairs. jtrsuiuui preuicuon susoiuieiy given. 8-80T REV. EDWARDS' spiritual medium gives spiritual ana uusiness aavice. Kooiu Patterson Bik.. 17th and Farnam. 8 M231 t SPIRITUAL meeting and lecture. Rev. Ed wards and Madame Bean Sunday even, ing. 8 o'clock. Patterson block, 17th anc Farnam; life readings daily. Room 1 Pat terson ma. o wm 4 PLUMBING CHAPMAN V MAHAN. Repairs promptly uuu. mwi rtaaouaDie. au n. 101 u. WANTED MALE HELP We antielDate a great manv changes dur ing the pi-esent month in offices, retail. traveling, executive and technical positions. At present we are In need of: Bookkeeper, $,o.00. Stenographer and bookkeeper. $ttn.H0. Assistant manager hotel, . 6.1X1. Bookkeeper. fcXi.uO. Traveling salesman, groceries, $1,100. Railroad rate clerk, ts6.ui. lulling clerk, railroad experience, $ii5.on. The above is only a partial list of posi tions we have. A comxib te list will be furnished upon request. Write for booklet. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN. (Inc.), Dept. B, B41-2 N. Y. Life Blug.. City. B 628 4 DRL'O stores bought and sold. Drug clerks wanted. F. V. Kulest, 6J4 N. X. B J7 WANTED For U. 8. army, able-bodied men between ages of 21 and S3; citizens :: United States, of good character and tem perate habits, who can speak, road and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Office. 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha; Lincoln and Grand Island, Neb., or Sioux City, la. B 172 TRAVELING SALESMEN Several for western trade, by large wholesale house, to sell staple, well advertised line to general stores; year's contract and lib eral drawing account to right men. Box 700, Chicago. B-369 3x WANTED A good, live man who has had 1 experience In moving buildings; will pay ood waaea and aive steady work by day or month or year. I. A. Murphy, Sioux Falls, S. D. B-75 Mch4x YOCNG MEN for Ry. braking and firing. Address Ry. Dept., Uj9 B. Kill, Omaha. B-MStil MJ WANTED Men to accept bargains In land, hotel and gallery. R. S. Korfrath. Litch field, Neb. B M803 Mix MEN and bovs wanted to learn plumbing uriCKiaying, piasiermg iraaes: pays j mi 1 , . ... I, I ' V. 1 I day. Covne Bros. Co.. New York, Chi ciigo, Cincinnati, St. Louis. Free cata logue. ,B-08 AMERICAN Barber Colege, 12th & Doug. B M372 Mlli CIVIL SERVICE work. N. 24th. See Underbill, 33M B 043 Mch IS WANTED At once. 20 men to give dia mond rings for presents to their moiners. sisters or sweethearts. Apply a. Aianaci- Uerg, laii f arnam bt. lour credit is kohu. j nib 1 1 UTHPat the Neb. House, 13"7 Douglas: A wi rooms 20c and uo; beds (Iron) 15c; Just opened; everything new and clean. U 4131a ul WANTED Installment collector for mer- chandise accounts; good salary and ex penses. Address Manuaf tcurer, P. O. Box 1027, Philadelphia, Pa. B M317 3x DETECTIVES wanted bv railroads and corporations; demand greatly exceeds trained supply; Instruction given at home. Enclose stamp for particulars. New York Detective school, 44 union square, inow York. U 3i 3X WANTED A first-class printer; booze fighters or cigarette fiends need not ap ply. Address T 40, care Bee. B-M341 3 WANTED Men. everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na tional Distributing Bureau, 100 Oakland Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. 11-M31H 4X WANTED Experienced cont and skirt hands for alteration department; good salaries. 8. Frederick Bcrger Co., 1517 Farnam St. B M34S 3 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; 10 positions for vvery graduate; top wages paid; few weeks completes; can nearly earn expenses If desired. Call or write Moler BarDer college, ma Farnam Bt. B-M365 8x WANTED Bv Chicago mall-order house. assistant manager, each county, $20 and expenses, paid weekly: expense money advanced; experience unnecessary. Ad dress Manager, 134 Lake St., Chicago. B M363 5x WANTED Experienced creamery man to run cream pnweurlxlng plant in coun try; good wages to right man. Alameda Sanitary Dairy Co., 2uo6 Farnam St. B M27S t WANTED An experienced retail furnish ing goods salesman. Apply to Albert Cahn. 1322 Farnam St. B M34D 4 FIRST-CLASS coatmakers wanted at once. E. B. Kline & Co., Sioux City. B-M3SI 4x WANTED A bookkeeper and general office man; must be nrst-cluss. 111. 1-. letter Wall Paper Co. B M382 WANTED Manager with small capital for summer park; nrst-class references re aulred: also good attractions; shoot the chutes, scenic railway, etc. Address Oscar Seewald, Jacksonville, Fla. isw 4X WANTED Ten good harnessmakers. Ap ply, WALTER BOYT SADDLERY CO., Jjb-iiu court Ave., ucm moines, 1a. B M1S1 6 WANTED A first-class experienced man to nil position us cashier ana auditor. large concern, omana. T 43, nee. B 611 4x WANTED General agent to represent us In this locality; man with some anility, We offer the best plan to buy orange monthly payments. Permanent position with liberal pay to gooa men who oan produce buslnexs. Write today. Califor nia Fruit Growers' Association of Los Angeles. 238, II. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. B 615 4. OTTO SIEMSSEN Notary Public, 838 N. Y. Life. a ACTIVE man wanted In 'each county to exhibit, demonstrate and advertise staple line; salary $18 weekly. $3 per day for ex penses; no capital required; nonesiy ana sobriety more essential than experience. National Co., 720 Chestnut St., Phlladel- Dhla. B 448 4X WANTED Four men "to travel In each state, distribute samples ana advertise our goods; salary $21 per week and ex penses, guaranteed; expenses advanced; experience unnecessary. Address, with stamp, stating age and occupaliun. Reeve Co.. 413 Dearoorn si., cnicago. B442 4x YOUNG MAN as assistant bookkeeper and general clerk; must De well eaucaiea, write a good hand and be accurate; sal ary to start $10. Address T ti, care nee. xs umi 1 WANTED Experienced clerk for general stor?; must speak uerman. uive reier ence and state salary. R. Tweed ft Son, Dttvenport. Neb. B tx 4x I'M srx weeks we educate you In salesman ship, secure you a position us tnornns salesman with responsible (Tun. AddrebS the Bradstreet System. Rochester, p.. . B 154 4x wiNTnn-Hiirh blacksmith: steady lob. good wages to right man. Robert Taylor, ADOOtt, NCD. r aiiw i DETECTIVES Don't write other agenoles till you get our offer; good men wanted; oldest, largest ana oesi; rsiaoiiMiieu ira American Detective Ass'n, Indianapolis, Ind. ts Hji 4X WANTED Experienced overall and shirt cutters. Apply to uyrne at itammer u. G. Cu. facturv. 12th and Howard Sts. B-461 4 BECOME a chauffeur at home; positions guaranteed at $-0 weekly; write for par ticulars. Automobile, Dept. 6K1, No. 742 Seventh Ave., New York. B M4a6 9x GOVERNMENT POSITIONS 30.000 ap pointments last year: chances better now; thousands we have prepared have been appointed; examinations soon In every stale. Write for free booklet 231, giving list of positions, sample questions, etc., to National Correspondence Institute, Washington. D. C. B 436 4x WANTED Experienced salesman tor ex tensive fine line of advertising calendars. leather goods, etc.; largest und best as- aortment. Address, with references, stat ing experience, Aug. Gust Bank Note & Lllho. Co.. St. Louis. Mo. B GOOD pay for earnest workers every where distributing circulars, samples and advertising matter; no canvassing. Co operative Advertising Co., New York. B 401 4x WANTED A lame person afflicted with shortened limb to sell the best extension shoe in the world. Pittsburg Orthodepic Co., Allegheny. Pv B 433 4x WANTED Good hustler to travel; good salary; expenses advanced; reliable house; traveling experience unnecessary: staple line; advancement; permanent for right party; references. Address Manager, 7(4 fcUiT bid., Cblcug-O. U 418 4x WANTED MALE HELP Good psy to men everywhere to tack signs. aiHirtoute circulars, samples, etc. ; no can vassing, v niversal Adv. Co., c iiicjisn. B 41. 4X MAN wanted In the renl estate business; experience unnecessary; If honest, ambi tious and willing toi learn the business thoroughly by mall and earn $300 to K0 monthly as our local representative, write im nedlately for full particulars. Address National Co-operative Realty Co., 765 B, Athenaeum Bldg.. Chicago. It 4ii 4x WANTED Two men In each county to represent hardware department; estab lished house; salary fc'l weekly; expense money advanced. Address Hardware L'csk IS, The Columbia House, Chicago. B 408 4X MKN everywhere, $4.00 dally; pass circu lars. tacK sins; no canvassing; steady. Continental Distributing Co., Chicago. D 41ff 4X WANTED Four trustworthy boys, with oicycies; permanent positions. A. D. T. Co.. 212 S. 131 h St. B M570 AS DRt'O CLERK, with one or two years' experience; must know something aliout soda fountain. W. A. l'lel, 18th and Far nam. B M7 6 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Experienced Indy assorter, Bluff City laundry. Council Bluffs. C 232 WANTED Qlrl for general housework. Apply Mra. Frederick Kustin, 3611 Harney ot, C J73 WANTED Experienced cloak and suit baiesiadies; good saiary to right parties. Address 8 50, care Bee. C tH7 GOOD girl for general housework. 3120 S. ism. c Ml Mtho ivahilu ai once, experiencea waisi nn- Lit..... Bu.h.UU'a Tl . I .. . lahers. Seebrlck's Dress Makina- Dent.. Deadwood, 8 D. C M-84S Mch 4 WANTED A girl for general housework; smtui lainny. aim fierce fl. C M90 Mch4 APPRENTICE girls, Burgess Shirt Co.. C-3W 21st and Farnam. WANTED At once, bookkeeper to tnko charge 01 smnu set or hoois and do gen eral office work. Adaie.-s T 3S, care Bee. C-M3.3 3 GIRL WANTED for general housework. C-328 3x 3o22 Pacltlc St. WANTED Experienced shirtmakers. Al bert Cahn, 13 Farnam. C M348 4 GIRL for general housework; good wages; small ianiuy. iws b. 36th. C 360 4x WANTED Experienced girl, general good wages. 35th St. C 359 8x housework, small family, Mrs. J. R. Snyder, 116 8. WANTED Good, competent girl In small family nt 115 South 34th St. C M379 SALESWOMAN wanted; must bo accttM- tomed to selling high-class wash goods. Apply J. L. Brandcls & Sons. C &6 6 WANTED A competent womun for gen eral Housework. Phone JJouglas-1691. 264 St. Mary's Ave. C 3S3 4 WANTED Olrl to do plain cooking: no washing; $4 a week; at the Creche, lsth and Harney. C 337 5x LADIES to do piecework at home; we fur- nisn an materials ana pay rrom 7 to 312 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Roval Co., 34 E. Monroe, Chicago. Ci'ji 4x STEADY position year round knitting noslery for us at your home: $10 a week; machines furnished on easy payments, write for particulars. U. 8. Woolen Co.. 63 State, Detroit, Mich. C 474 4x 500 people to make kitchen aprons by aniens; increase business; small room therefore homework. Permanent. Stamped addressed envelope for particu lars. American Apron Co., 4408 Indiana Ave, Chicago. c 483 4x LA DI ES Learn show card writing; good pay wnne learning. (Union wages. S18.1 Address Globe Institute, Dept 67, Minne apolis, Minn. u 424 4x SALARY of $21.00 per week and expenses 10 gooa pusiness woman; references re quired and given. F. E. Barr, Mgr., VI .omo Bldg., Chicago. C 472 4X . WAN irjL oewinc Dy tne day; 11.10 per any; gooa rererences. Address C 4227 nuraette tn., city. C M465 7x WANTED 50 girls to make overalls and shirts. Apply to Byrne & Hammer D. G. to. taciory, l.m ana Howard Sts. C 162 4 LADIES to work our rapid hosiery ma chines at home making hoslerv for us tn sell the trade; previous experience- unnec essary; no canvassing; steady work; good money earned; write today. Sterling Co., 01a xuver si,, i-ort jiuron, Mien. C 491 4x ACTIVE Catholic ladv to work at homer X3fi nnlrl f 1 A u u' trial ...... I i satisfactory John Engwall, Lakeside mug., Chicago. C 407 4x WANTED Bright women to take rhnra-a or mcai lerruory tor manufacturers; also irnveung manager; salary to start. 115. paid weekly; expenses advanced. Miss campoen, siu Deuroorn, Chicago. C-415 4x wanted to do sewing at home. maxing sanitary pelts: good wages steady work; particulars stamped -envel ope, ienox CO., Dept. 333, Chicago. C 116 4x RELIABLE and rerlnert vnung woman wishes employment sufficient to pay for wouni 00 ngnt worn in nice fam ily or. high class hotel, or stenography Best Omaha references. P. O. Box 293, city. C-659 4x WANTED Cook at 1916 8. 32d Ave. Tel j-iarney-isa. C M574 WANTED Competent girl for general nousewora. Apply en parg Ave. C-14 6 COOK and second girl. 2225 Farnam. C 010 GIRL for general housework; good wages, Appi.v JJ N. .'Bin Bl. C M564 6x Good Cook, $?5; no laundry work. tiousemain, per weeK. Parlor maid. $4.50 per week. Girl for general housework. $5 and n washing. Cook for private famllv. $K; no washing WOMAN'S DOMESTIC GUILD 619 N. y. ure. CH9 i SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED Office work part of dav for aesg room ana small salary. References, Address r M in care of Hee. A 61$ 4x FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOWS DEVVEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam, E 918 Doug. 611 O.M.E. Haul Trunks E 114 V ELL furnished, modern, steam heated rooms, za4 Farnam, Flat . Tel. Doug E 7U NEWLY furnished rooms, 2534 Davenport whining aisiance. i 432 1 RO. MS furnished complete on three hours' notice. We carry the largest and best lin in Omaha. We don't ask Installment prices. 115 worth. SI ner week OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO Between 12th and 13th on Farnam Street. E-531 4 FURNISHED rooms for rent at 2534 Dav enport St. E 751 NICELY furnished room, south front, new ana strictly modern, with board, close In. -xh uouglus bl. 'Phone Doug. 73c9. K 258 A LARGE front room, with alcove; modern home, private family; will rent to tw gentlemen; 116. Ill N. 20th St E M121 IX TVVO nicely furnished rooms, complete for iigrii noust seeping, 11s mouth. is uav enport. e tixut u NICE, large front room, well furnished modern conveniences, fcr gentleman: per month; private family; 1536 North win. tii Ji 4x WARM, clean sleeping rooms for reliable wuraiugmen; prices reasonable; 1712 Izard. JS A4877 4 FOR RENT Well finished front room, wit alcove, In strictly modern house; walking distance; jirivalt family, 2537 Daveuport FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS NICE, warm, furnished rooms; references required; 1713 Douglas. E M376 4x NICE, warm light furnished rooms, with bath, on car line. 811 S. S'th. K 642 4x HOT Water heated room, plentv of light, with bnth, 4 blocks from postofflce. ?oi N. 2oth. K-6;l 4 THRRK furnished rooms, light, one block from car. clean, warm, $47 S Mth K it 4 TWO nicely furnished room, modern: gen tleman preferred. Ml Cass St. Tel. Douglas ,VR7. E-M5M Rx -UHNI5HtU HUUMS AND BOARD THE ROSE. 2020 Harney. Nice warm rooms, with good board; also rtiv board or meal tickets. F 263 Marli x Doug. Gil O.M.E. Haul Trunks F-fllO VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, enfe. F-Ull . THE FARNAM 19th and Farnam Sts. F-841 ROOMS and good board, $5 per week and up. Call 1517 Chicago St. F .U BOARD or room. 2215 Howard St. F-3S5 Bx NICELY furnished south rooms, with board, for two gentlemen; also single room. Tel. Douglas 2632. 614 N. C.'.l St. F G1S 4x TWO pleasant southeast rooms, excellent board. 3K4 Farnam. F M44 6x WARM, light front room, with alcove, bath and telephone, with or without board. TX S. 17th St. F 641 4x ONE large front room, with alcove; all modern, with heat. 122 S. 2oth St. Tel. Hiv nougins. F 819 Fix UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 1S23 FARNAM ST.. entire first floor, on the corner. G 7F ) modern rooms, parlor f..,or. lo"9 8. 2sth St. G-262 'OUR unfurnished rooms, 2d floor, refer ences ex luingod. 4243 Harney. 'Phono tiarncy as, G M514 5x ON or before April 1st. suite of hnnh Keeping rooms In West Farnam district. Address T 64, care Bee. G 568 4x THREE pround floor rooms, with range, 1-. 1 o. ain si. 111. 9 G 618 6x OK 4 modern, newly papered, convenient. .14 N. ISt h. G Mil 9 5x WANTED AGENTS Anr-n'i-o . . . . . . nnnieu everywhere 10 Bell our i,u.iii.ii iiuncies, coe,lnii an accidents, oiseasen ana occuiiatlons; sometlilhn en tirely new and untied by tins society 1-1117, aoijr UHU-l llOOU HflU eilSHV SOfd cost uui per annum each, payable monthly if desired; large commissions paui immeuiaieiy and exclusive territory .,i-yncu. nuuicns i-.unnii.ti Amut'nt so ciety, 820 Broadway, New York. Estab- usnea io years. J M5S4 Mcho RELIABLE MAN OR WOMAN to travel. oisiriouie samples and employ agents; n, iiuuiuBi-ii, tiiiu, a wren and ex penses. Zlugler Co., 2:6 Locust St., Phll- nueipiua. J M367 4x TWO hundred dollars per month to ngents uuu BuieHinen; nanuie tne best seller of inn u), eiisny carriea in the pocket; sens 10 proicssional men, merchants, in it : t everyDouy. crown Mfg. Co., w iui, viiwimn, Ala, J 14 fx AGENTS WANTET-Sell our $1 bottle of -...dhi-b, ma ivi out, neat neuer; Girt per .rnt j. 1,-11 1. nine loouy ior terms and ir-ii.iory. t. n. uretne, lis Lake St., AGENTS and canvassers: cltv or count ? naii-vun line, uig pronis lo hustling ui mimi-11. vriie ior particulars. Bojnerest Laboratory Co., 194 Broadway, N. Y. J476 4r MANAGER wanted, every city and countv "i paying ousiness Known, legl- """'. new, exclusive control, no Insur ance or book canvassing, address Chus. naisieuu, at west a,in St., N. Y. J 173 4x AGENTS Self lighting gas mantle, .nil Bigni; oig proms; chemical everlast ing; good proposition; sample 20c, write uuicH. uepi. u. Matchless Lighter Co., ueirou, mien. j 479 4X rlLTLKB AGENTS Large 24x28 Inch framed wall pictures, cost 36c complete, sell for 9sc. easy; 185 subjects; credit given; enclose stamp for catalogue, por trait co., wayne, in. J 478 4x AGENTS Sell Fair Handy Hat Fasteners; pin or sew on nal; only practical kind; Bniimneiion guaranteed or money re funded; write for particulars; big profits. Patented and manufactured by Fair Mfg. v-u., .Main oi,, xacine, is. j 4x WE will start any worthy person In th uuveruning Dusiness; capital or expe rience unnecessary. Commercial Service. iuiTiiiiiB xiug., new lorn, j AGENTS wanted In Nebraska for Bllck. ensderfer typewriter; a high-grade ma- 11 one i a popular price; two mod-Is. wiin jii urn as ouows: no. 7, $50; No, - p r,te at for agents' special Bllckensderfer Mfg. Co.. 277 Dearborn at Chicago. j?u 1 ' xii 1. ifirnory you oesire is taken. ,0OO-$6.OO0 vearlv and rtiwn,., r,.r i.. 1 sales manager; world famous household nfneasLty' Colonla Co., factory 80. Wells- J 645 4x uniM-uvtu- snrewd men wanted In v .jiuiiiuiniy to act under our In structions; previous experience not neces sary. Send for free book nt niini,.,iiurt. Orannans Detective Bureau, Cincinnati! J 403 4X "Vm WANTKU-UJy agents to sell u, iiiueiioie puintea nouseiioid supplies scarfs, pillow tops, stand covers, center pieces and felt Pieces: new (nut nut- seller to be had; agents make $.'.5o' to !! per day; agent at Weimar. Te uli.. she sold $IS20 worth of our goods In four days; another sold over $700 worth In 95 days; you can do as well; good, steady egents wanted. G. W. Iinkford Indelible gunning co., iMi uouglas, Wichita, JVM"- J-441 4x OUR big $1.50 combination box containing r-ouiiic, urn uiu fiowuer, aentirrice, son oh; costs agent 15c; sells ut sight; deal with manufacturer. Davis Soup Works. 33 c nion i-ars piaee, Chicago. J WE PAY $36 A WEEK and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce our poultry com pound. Year's contract. Imperial Mlg. .v., nii, im, i-arsuns, nail. J WE will start any worthy person In the advertising business; capital or experi ence unnecessary. Commercial Service, aim nivnillllB oiug., flew 10TK. J AGENTS make $60 a week on frostproof winaow letters; .samples, price list, 10 cents. Flexible Gold Letter Co., Beaver sans, x-a. , J 428 4x W ANTED Energetic, trustworthy man tn work Nebraska, representing large manu facturing comiiaiiy; salary, $40 lo $'jo per .iiuniii, paiu weemy; expenses Advanced. Auureas, wun Slump, J. 11. Moore uinana, rseD. j 432 jx aucn i Luminous name n nti-i. iiin. numbers; readable darkest nights: easily sold; profits large; samples free. Wright Duppijr vw., cngiewoou, ill. J 421 4x WANTED Live men capable of succes fully handling agents. Three to Ave tho sana aonars yearly easily earned. Fred j-umrr, ui aiaraei, C hicago. J 422 4x 4fif"N'TKlmrn n tit il...... ... . .. - -T - . "r.".u," i.,r uui ii eo uoim un uie eye. it will f-ll you all about It; get a profession that pays you rrom r5 to $150 per month; the optical profession will do It for you; no field so pleasant, profitable or so little worked; no longer necessary to work for someone else at a meager salary. We are sending our booklet free; It will tell how you may become an -ptlcUn. a postal card will bring It by return mall. Jack Ionian Optical College, Dept. B 23, Jack son, alien. J $25 WEEKLY easily earned 'by each lady agent tuning oruers ior us; outm prepaid; we start you in business and nmks yon maepenavnt; write for circular and terms Woman s Apparel Supply Co.. Chicago. J- MEN OR WOM FN Nebraska Kaniui lows towns, our $1.00 and 12 oO Japanese iuia win niuae you ncn tms spring; bl oruers tasen one aay; writs for territory. uum, ui iia oi., njuisas city, mo. J 46a tx WANTED AGENTS THE new popular picture, "Everybody! M ..-l. 1.... .. a. lnk. t.l I profits; ii were sold In Chicago the! ttrst week; get tmsy Idle tms is new; I samples ltV; particulars free. Sullivan I Co., 46 W. Van Buien St., Chlcsgn, 111. J 4M 41 OAS lamp, makes Its own gas. light eaunj to eii i t licit . healer heals any room in sero weather; n-okcr cooks anything; all I three In one at cost of one cent daily: agents making bm m tiev. Crown Conw pany, 123 Ula-ity St., Dept. 4.11. New York. J-4S7 4X VH start you selling diamonds; don't fall getting our nnerai oner: . onuy sure. I'n,.t...t 1 Hit .,,,,. I Kt',,iHl.A f V I L.""""' , J-4"3 AGENTS-$) weekly selling self-generating rrns Durners, titling common Kerosene amps; brilliant, portable gaslight; ab solutely sale; exclusive territory; posl tive monopoly; description free. Lnstera Uasllght CO., 2W Broadway. New York. J 403 4X WANTED Canvasser everywhere to sell lorn w orrall s tiook. "Grain TTunt Kx posed." 60 per cent commission. Worrall Graln Co, lHnaha,Neb. J M5i7JO SALESMEN WANTED 8ALESMEN of nil lines of business (splen- iiid Ride line) lo sell our advertising fansi 7ft different styles, newest, latest pat terns: Just the thing customers want; we pay the largest commissions; many of our men give their entire time to our llne and make from $75 to $I2& every week; guaranteed best side line ever offered! write promptly witn rererences. The Gebhnrt Co.. 168 to 1673 Central Ave v uiuui un vi, v. Lm 1 Ji 4X WANTElv- High -class salesmen to sell ren crai trade; commission line: will earn you $5,(Hti per year; Investigate. Lock xiox x i7, Cedar Rapids, lo. L-496 4x SALESMEN WANTED In all territories to carry "Champagne Mist" (soda foun tain specially) 11s a side, line on commls-. slon. Address F. F. Mvkranta Pilar. Co fi,,lnitil,i,a fl T .n- V I'll, II. ....... V . . JL WANTED Capable specialty men of ex. penenrp to nil responsible ntisltlons with. established piitent medicine house as field managers; good opportunity; salary uuu expiies. uux ouo, Chicago. L-608 4X SALEMEN WANTED Strictly first-class experienced I au-smen w no cun present nigh grade ad vert Ising goods in a creditable manner; large light line of fans, l'.xT art calendars, ete ' I I ,11, llll.t U 11 f al.l,, II, 1A .P.iniu.lllnn, state which and give experience; prompt I commiHsioni. utvion, ward & (Inc.), tut) Racine Ave., Chicago, III. l-t4o 4X WANTED In established territory, an ex perienced salesman to sen bells, leather I goods, necRwear, comDs, etc. None ex cept those with good record need address. KliN .NSTADTER BROS., Chicago. L-647 4 WANTED Salesmen of ability and neat I appearanre 10 call on all merchants In their territory; elegant side line, con venient to carry; good commissions: prompt remittance. Belmont Mfg. Co., I Cincinnati, Ohio. JU 445 4x CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line, high commissions with. $H) monthly advance; permanent position to right man. Jess n. smith Co., Detroit, Mien. 1j 44l 4X EXCLUSIVE territory In Nebraska for salesman with anility to earn S2.otio and expenses annually selling Jewelry assort ments direct. Manufacturing Jewelers' Assortment Co., Detroit, Mich. La VI J IX BIG MONEY Quick returns; we manufac ture the largest exclusive line of adver tising fans, appealing to all classes; best months. March to June: liberal commis sions, semi-monthly: samples free to es tablished salesmen. Writs today. Thai Kemper-Thomas Co., Fan Department, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1443 4x SALESMEN to sell our large Una of tobaccos throughout the United States; permanent position and good pay. Ad dress Paragon Tobacco Works, Bedford City. Va. L 444 4x TRAVELING salesmen capable of earning- $1.8(0 per year and expenses. Manufac turer, Lock Box F, Paw Paw, Mich, L TRAVELING salesmen for Nebraska and Iowa: strong staple line: great induce ments to trade; high commissions; $30 1 weekly advance; permanent to right man. F. F. Cook, Bales uept., ueiroil. Mien. A LARGE manufacturing concern desires the services of a few salesmen to handle I a new and splendid seller: salary ana commission. A splendid opportunity is afforded ennoble men. Address Manufac turer, 816 Farmers' Bank Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. Ur- SALESMEN Splendid side line; specialties; sell to all lines of business; easy sellers; big commission. Pershing Mfg. Co., South Bend, Ind. i-r- BALESMEN WANTED John Sexton A Co.. Importers, manufacturers ana wholesale grocers. 16 to 22 State St.. Chi cago 'want active, progressive, hustling; aiiienmnn. to sell farmers and all large consumers. Sexton & Co., are the largest grocers in America, selling airectiy to mis class of trade, and are pioneers of the pure food movement. A permanent trade, paying fine Income, quickly built up; good reference required. L CIGAR salesman wanted In your locality, city and country trude. Salary and ex- penses or commission ; experience unneo- essary; enclose stamp for particulars. National Cigar Co., Dept. 29, Toledo, o. Li 427 4x WANTED Salesman by wholesale jewelry houKe to sell their line or jewelry to gen eml trade in Nebraska. We offer special inducements to merchants which makes uui.-a eiMV. llhrh commissions: permanent position. McAlllster-Coman Co., 356 Dear born St., Chicago, 111. L 405 4x SALESMAN Experienced In any line, to sell general stores In Neurassa an unex- celeil Hiieclaltv tiroposition. Commissions and $:C Hi weekly for expenses. The Con tinental Jewelry Co., Cleveland. O. Lr-42$ 4x WANTED A few experienced, first-class road salesmen; men capanie or earning high salaries; staple line for retail mer i himts' nld eHtabllshed lobbing and manu facturing company. P. O. Bog 41, Minne apolis, Minn. .U-4J0 SALESMEN. A large Pittsburg manufacturing concern desires a lew sniesmen Who wisn 10 im prove their position and salary. Address Manufacturer, sio f armers iiuut iiugH PitUburg, Pa. , Lr WANTED Exm-rlenced road salesmen: regular line; no schemes; give references. W. J. Lorack, Sales Manuger, Iowa Clty-i Iowa. iv til SALESMEN wanted calling now on dry goods stores, small towns, py importers of laces und embroideries; samples 28 pounds; liberal commission; expenses ad vanced. Feldhelm Co., 470 Broadway, New York. L 4o8 4x UK TO 135 weekly for enterprising men- business new ana permanent; no compe tition; experience unnecessary. Address Pomervtlle & Wilson, 401 Ashland Blk., Chicago. L 409 4x ea.T t..,,r.v- li'iVTlpn A Hv.i.aI... 1 1 . pjllir.nJlAiH I , 1 . ' n. . - . , round salesman to cover unoccupied ter ritory; permanent position ana gooa in come to rliiht man. Address Sales Man ager, Box 1198, St. Louis. Mo. L 410 41 WANTED First-class salesman. expe rienced in dry goods line. Apnty wim references to Box 1150, Nebraska City, Neb. L C4 4 Ant-VTU ,.. -..II Marina whlla 1o,4 atanla " T """t ,w und !ermanent business. Free outfit. Consolidated White Lead Works, St, Louis, Mo. WANTED By a large corporation, tws salesmen to Sell a high-class manufac tured article, will pay well for the right men. CkII Tuesday forenoon at 16 Farnam St. L M598 6 DRAMATIC Cha-nbers' School of Stage Arts, Lyric Theater. Nineteenth and Farnam, Thorough Course of Instruction In Stags Craft. Public performances by pupils In their own theater,' under personal directorship of Frederick "Jim'' Fulton, formerly lead ing chsracter with "Arizona," "Frederick; Warde," "Frohmun's," nine years Wood, ward Stock, Kansas City, Omaha. Tele phone. Douglas 1X71 14sS. WlUard a. Chambers, Maoagsr. 77"