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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1906)
B THE OMAIIA DAILY BF.E: SUNDAY." MARCH 4, 100ft a, h L- ' f FOR SALEREAL ESTATE FOR SALEREAL ESTATE A. P. TUKEY & SON A Spring Clean-Up First 8. E. corner of 3;th and Cuming, 113 feet on Cuming and 150 feet on Uh St., paved on both allies. The lot Ilea fine and has large trees and grod sod. Faces Ilernl park and one of the tiest building spots In the neighborhood. Our clean-up price Is only $2,9W. or nbout IX per foot. Becond Seventh, or Park Wild Ave., and William, a (rood six-room cottage with 55 x"5 feet of ground for fl.ino; 50x75 feet on the 8. E. corner, vai ant, for $550; 5trx75 feet, north front on William, for $350. Park Wild Ave. Is paved and all the Ground Ilea well. CHEAP LOTS FOR INVESTMENT We have ten beautiful lots In Tultey Heights, south front on Grand Ave., be tween 36th and 37th, for 'JXi each; corners 1225. 10 north fronts In same block for $125 each. A. P. TUKEY & SON. 444-446 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phones: HOUSES Near lltu and Hum-ioft, good nix room cottage, gnu. city water., sewer, cis tern; rents $10. Price ?1.7s. Near 2Jd ami tiriice, cottage live large rooms, all modern except furnace; a bar gain. Price H.'.nio. Near 27th and Lake, new flve-rooui cottage, modern except furnace. 1'rlce $1,750. Near 2Gth and Capitol Ave., nearly Dew, 7 rooms, modern except furnace; walkln gdistance. I'rlce $2,750. Near llanscom, In choice location, well modern house of ! rooms, with full east front lot; nice lawn and shade; paving all paid. Price $, on terms. Investigate and submit an offer. IMPROVEMENTS. Price ?3,r0O; rent $ti( two-story building In good location, must be sold this week. Price $10,000; rent $1.320 near 17th and Jacksop. double flat and two cot tages. Investigate. GARVIN BROS. liSH Farnain. KE- I OFFER FOR SALE DOUBLE BRICK HOUSE 1(1 rooms each; S. E. corner 2Sth St. and Dewey Ave. These houses are In first rote condition; have large rooms; good light and ventila tion and are modern. VACANT 110x155 feet fronting on three streets Harney. STth and Dewey Ave. FOUR ACRES fronting south on Ames Ave., a.t end of car line. FORTT ACRES Next north of Krug Park. SOUTH OMAHA - FULL. LOT 7-room house, S. E. Cor. 24th and G Sts. FULL LOT 130 feet front on N St., N. E. Cor. N and 22d. 40 FEET FRONT On 27th St.. near U. P. de;ot. W. W. MORSMAN. Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. RE 021 4 l-ROOM modern house, near 24th and Man- Horinn nil the luteal ntl.l most ni.tiiil'n conveniences; lot 46x1:10. with fine large j shade trees; wurtn will De orterea for a few days at S3.3HO. 2445 Spauldlng 5-ro m cottage, mod'-rn ex cept heat, lot 6rtxi:; shade trees; tZSJM. 2806 Ohio 7-room house, water, gas, sewer, eel ar and c stern: i 852 N. 2th St. 6-room brick house, fine ..i.,. o kinni,. f...n o.. w kiwi vi- nrio l.'eeO; make offer. ' " ' 23.15 S. 11th St. 6-room cottage, water, pas. cistern, barn and trees; lot 6iixU2: $2,G0. WESTERN REALTY CO. Phone Douglas B291. 429 Paxtnn !ock. RE 6: 4X THE PUTMAN CO, Cadet Taylor. Pres. W. B. Taylor, Sec. 604 N. Y. Life. Bend for new Illustrated pamphlets. South Dakota 13 to $15 rich farm lands. Excur- sum rates, we &o wun our customers, and we advise you to buy early. Prices are advancing. SPECIAL BARGAINS Cottage 25th St., near Indiana: on Howard St. near 20th; on Burt near 21st. Also best" and chea;i- est flown town va;ant property tor nuts, WANTED To buy a lot on or near Far nam bit ween 2". d nnd Also a 5 or ti- room cottage east of 24th and south of Bi-waru. We have a few 16-year gold coupon bunds tor sale, iiennminations i ov raen. He- curity, best Omaha business propi-Ttv. . CHEAP ACRES 10 acres extra choice land Just west of city for Sl.Guu; sea our bargains In acres. HICKS, 439 Board of Trade Bulldlnir. RE-618 4x Four stories and trackage "We kave for rent, a four-story brick building, with cement basement 22 feet frontage on Farnam St., between 9th and 10th St a. Trackage in the rear. Elevator and large burglar proof vault FOR TERMS APPLT TO 0. C. ROSKWATER. 6 IK RETUL&Tt TELEPHONE 23 1, ROOM 10ft, BEB BUILXUNO, Third -2!1S Burdette, a good six-room cot tage, with sheds, city water and In ele gant shape for $1,150. 2&20 Burdi tte. store building and large barn. In such shape that building could be re modeled Into cottage, for $750. Fourth ".lx54 feet, went front on 25th south of Chleagi. Two old houses, renting for $10 each. One of the beat locations for fl:ts In town. We will sell the whole for $i5of, with all paving taxes paid, or will allow a discount for the houses If we sell the land alone. Fifth S. W. corner of Ith and Davenport, 03x54 feet, with old house, $2,5"0. 15 lots In block 20, Halcyon Heights, south of the car lino. In Henson, Just across the street from the bunch of lots which we sold out for $1') each. We offer these lots for $75 each, on paj ments of $5 down and $5 per month, giving you a chance to own a little real estate by saving jour "pin money." Ofllce, Douglaa-2181; R"S., Harney-2176. RE SPRING BARGAINS Large 5-rooin cottage, with bath, lava tory and toilet; hard pine linish. gas and tixtures; large cemented cellar, storm win dows and screens, good barn, siiade and fruit trees; lurge corner lot; two blocks from Dodge car. This cottage was built four years ago by owner for a home, out is leaving Omaliu April 1 and must sell. I'rlce, $2,'W. On 3th near Cass 8-room. all modern full two-siury and full-size basement, with laundry; oak floors, combination tixtures, east front, terraced lot; In excellent neigh borhood. $3,5t). On Ames Ave., near 24th, a good two story ti-room house, all modern except fur nace; full size basement; built four years ago and In excellent repair; owner wants larger house, and will sell for $2,6uu. $l.(fl snap! Eight rooms, modern except furnace, full two-story; reception hall, front and back parlor, large dining room and kitchen, pood mantel in parlor, four bedrooms with good closets and bath on second floor, front and back stairway, good bricked up cellar, new gas fixtures, storm windows and screens, and everything In Al repair; lot nOxliii; one block from Famam car, near 4Mb and Capitol Ave. flnitd K t n i-i t niilt .i iru In trrrtt rannls rrn a 1 ft lltl (IvtltrMtt full ti'iuf frnnt fi.t fihuHu uti,1 fruit tre'; near frith and AmhsAv(. Price reduced for quick sale from $l,loo to $1,W0. VACANT 61 feet frontage on Florence Blvd., north of Ames Ave., about three feel ubovo glade; very sightly lot. $55l. 60 feet frontage on Fort, near Florence Blvd. $350. Corner tfth and Davenport; trackage very cheap. See us for West Famam lots. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. Telephone Douglas 1064. 1320 Famam St. . KE WANTED TO DIVIDE PROPERTY. Bargain in clean hardware stock, business house and dwelling. For particulars ad dles E. E. Darling, So. Omaha, Neb. HE-M 4x , FOR 8 ALE A home worth $30,000 for $12,- IM; west side. Address L 11, Bee. RE M8S CHA8 V;ii;0o U. S. Bk. Bldir. E. u"ioviu i,t Floor THE Glover Cuban Land Co., R. 3. N. Y. L. Bldg., Omaha, sell lands in Cuba. Round trip, Omaha to Havana. Ju7.85. RE aiti FOR SALE Nice 6-room cottiige south part of city, two blocks from boulevard: Dig yard, shade and fruit trees: a bar gain. Call 3ol Brown Blk. RE Ml ACRE LOTS on S. 40th. South Omaha. J1ve ttcres near South Omaha.; acre vo.iuiy one, f. J.JOOge dc o., ni rarnam. RE MS 3 CHEAPEST property In the West Farnam district, between 2Sth 8t. and 29th Ave., Harney and Dewey Ave., adjoining the First Baptist church property. Terms to sun purcnaser. WESTERN REALTY CO . 'Phone Uoug. ti2al. 429 I'axton Blk. KE M52ti & j 9room nou.e an bar ew .,..,-. ! furnace, gus, city and cistern water, new '. papered and painted. M13 Harnev. tl.iro. i 9-rom house, city and cistern water, 4248 ; i naries, i,auu. j 8-room house, modern, 24"9 Lake, $ 2,00ft. ; 4-rvom flat, modern. 2001 North 2oth, inW. J. H. PARROTTE, Paxton Blk. RE 525 4 I . J FOR SALE 7-room house and one acre of i ground, all In fruit, all In bearing, on Florence car line. SI. A. Stephens. 8'9 Curtis Ave. Ki-4t 4X ' FIVE. 10 and 20 acres, near Benson, $225 an acre; new o-rooin nouse and Z acres. $1,400, ; easy terms, w. i: uoilge & Co., 1714 Far- nam St. RE 45ii 4 MINNEAI'OIJS. Send us description of your Minneapolis rein esiaie. hp can sen it ror you. Min neapolls Trust Co., Minneapolis. Minn. RE-405 4x HOUSE TO BE MOVED. 1514 CasR St., f-room house to be sold to me uigneM Dinner. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1&9V, Farnam St. RE 61$ 6 M' l rHN house. 6-r. and bath, near "Jih Ft cur, north side. $1 L'Co cash, balance to suit. lei. imugiaa-wwii. RE 575 4x FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BAH GAINS. Purdette, near 21st St., 5'Xl3. $.. Icatur. between 2Mh and 2;th Sts., $300. lth. near Martha. Wxll'i. $i.5i. Hnrtn v and Mh Sis., large sign. Nt:ir .'.".tli ami Chliig. ixll:., $2.rti. Webster and 3th. P4i.IM feet, $4.l"J0. Farnam St.. 94 feet. .etV Famam St.. 115 feet. JS.ioo. 7 rooms, near :'7th and l,ake. $2,200. rooms, modern, close In. $4.2". Frame houses, rental S4". $6,750. i i new brhk Pats. rental, $5". 6 brick houses f 1 . 4 rental, $12.''0. JUHN N. FREN.ER, OPP. OLD P O. RE VU 4 IX") not build, buy or rent unless provided with practical ira n y-savlng advice; send address for free booklet. House Hints Publishing Company. Philadelphia, Penn sylvania. RE 4SR 4x l-ROOM modern house, walking distance, paved street and walks. Inrge lot, room to build another house. Eastern party has put the price to sell quick snap $.:.E'. Fine -rorm modern house, paved street and Kalks, near 24th street car $3 5l. One block from 24th St., new house with S roon.s and bath on 1st floor, two rooms second floor, gas, electric lights, furnace, grounds f:!xlC2 bargain S2.W0. I. N. HAMMOND, 'Phone "39. 332 Board of Trade. RE- WELL Bt'H.T house, seven rooms, fur nace, electricity, riis. bath, open nlckle plumbing, full' cemented basement, f3.4'0. 1H12 N. 34th St.. Hemls park. RE M573 . FOR SALE FARMS HIGHLY IMPROVbD FARM 10 MILKS-OMAHA $15,600156 ACRES. This farm Is N. W. of city, near Military road; lies fine, land In highest state of cultivation, 24 acres meadow and pasture, balance under plow; 9-room house, barn for 10 horses and 12 cows, machinery shed, two windmills. OFFERED FOR SHORT TIME ONLY. GEORGE & CO.. llM Famam, Omaha. H- HIGHLY IMPROVED FARM 10 MILES OMAHA 15,GoO 156 ACRLS This farm la in. W. of city, near Military ruuu, lays line, luuu in Highest state ol cultivation; -4 acres meuuow and pasture, bulunce under plow; U-rooi.i house, bun, 10 liurses and 12 cows, curncrib, granary cattle sheds and hug house; also machin ery shed, two windmills. OFFERED FOR SHORT TIME ONLY. GEORGE & CO., Farnam St. H -332 3 157 ACRES SUITABLE FOR STOCK FARM $35 PER ACRE Located t miles northwest of Gretna, 55 acus veiy nciiest bottom land, balance amiable tur .asture land; two small sets ot improvements. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM. H-2ii M5 80 ACRES DOUGLAS CO. SO 5 PER ACRE I Fivo miles not tli of Gretna, all upland lies wen, no improvements. Halt under cultivation, balance nay land; rents H per acre. GEORGE CO.. lfiul FARNAM. H-271 Mi Farm and Kanch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Coioiauo and W yoming; iuw ynces; ien ear time. Land Depl., - x. x., imutia, eu., ijept. a. H-939 EXCURSIONS NOW. North Dakota beats them all for farmlmr. siock raising, ror neaun and for businei. Iiud for H2 to lis an acre, will yield an acre. uei iacts irom vm. 11. Brown Co., 131 LaSaJle St., Chicago, 111., 35,0(i0 acres. Texas land near countv seat run sou; aounuanee of water; delightful Climate, t-asy terms; agents wanted. CARSON & CO., 413 N. . Life. H-524 4 157 ACRES SUITABLE FOR STOCK FARM-S35.00 PER ACRE Located 6 miles N. V. of Gretna, 65 acres very richest bottom land; balancp suitable for pasture; two small sets of Improve ments. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St., Omaha. II- FARM FOR SALE My farm, consisting of i ju acres in lass county, iseoraska. tores and a half miles northeast of Union; 60 acres m cultivation; balance In blue grass pasture and timber; springs never failing water; two line Huh ponds; story and a half house, four rooms; good barn and outbuildings. Mrs. Ella d. 1-ursli. For price, terms and particulars address John C. Watson, Nebraska City, Neb. U 151 4 EASTERN Colorado; 7.000-acre stock ranch, good, deep, level soil; will divide. $2.76 ier acre. B. E. Goodale, 1917 Broad way, New York, N. V. H 130 4x 640 ACRES In Burt Co.. with three sets of improvements, f.5.00 an acre. Will sell in separate pieces. A great stock farm. THE B V RON REED CO., Zli a. Hill St., Omaha. H-660 4 GREAT bargains In Improved farms in eastern-central Kansas, )25 to $35 per acre, worth twice as much. Excursion Tuesday, March 6. Round Trip, $10. Coirte with us. WEBSTER & MILLER, 515 S. ltith St., Omaha, Neb. H-576 4 80 ACRES DOUGLAS CO. $65.00 PER ACRE. Five miles north of Gretna, all upland, lies well, no Improvements, half under cultivation, balance hay land. Rents $4.00 per acre GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnain, Omaha. fl.000 FOR 160 ACRES of good, level, rich farm land, located south of Paxton, Neb., in Perkins county; tan sell you either a quarter, half Bec tlon or a whole section: can make t-rms. Also have 5 sections good, level land in Cheyenne county for $5 an acre; 4So acres In Kimball county at $3.60 an acre. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1609 Farnain St. Omaha. Neb. H-0o 4 FOR RENT HOUSES TiniTsViS I" aI1 Parts of the city. IL ilJ J OLO C- inters & Co., Bee Bldg. D H15 TTOTTJV4 m aU i'arU of he cl,y The ilUUOLO 0 r uvis Co.. au Bee Bldg. 13 bio HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. D liit WE are complete housa furnishers. We can save you 26 per cent on anything you wish to buy. We don't ask Installment prices. JI'jo worth, $2 per week. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO. Between l-'ih and I3lh on Farnam Street. D-4J2 4 $162319 N. 27th Ave., rooms, modern ex cept furnace; new house. $112527 8. sth St., 6 rooms, cistern, barn. $ $1107 N. llli St., tlal on 3d floor, 4 rooms, modern. R. C. PETERS CO., Ground Floor. Bee Building. IJ-691 4 THE Omaha Van & 6torage Co.. pack, move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse, 112ik-24 N. 19th. Office, 1511 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 165& D 91s WE MOVF pianos. Maggard Van ft Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. Hlni. Office, 1713 Web ster Bt. D-91 8-ROOM modern house, except furnace, $30. C. M. Bath ma tin. 4J6 paxton Blk. Tel. Red 2639. D 224 FOR RENT Nine-room house, east front, 56 So. 2Mh St., $40 per month- G W. Loomls. D 921 OTTO SIEMSSEN CO. Firs Insurance. fc N. Y. Life. D NINE rooms, modern. lilt Mason St.. $30 BwiiUu ouer, 2U 8, iiih tiu lt FOR RENT HOUSES SEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west. e can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. 11&. DjMlil J. Schwartg, mov's; van. 1610 Web. Doug. t'Hfl U vu Menu FOR RENT Seven-room house, with bath and laundry; N. E. cor. 2Mh Are. and Leavenworth; house In perfect order; new plumbing; hot water heating; rent $KK W, J. Connell. 101 Bee Uldg. D-U 92 H S-room, modern house In Hanscom Fark district. No. VX 8. 3'nh. R. C. PETERS & CO., Ground Floor. Bee Building. D 5SS 4 4-room modern flat. 1112 So. 11th St. D-2M FOR RENT 7-room house; also 6-room house. Apply S67 s. Z8th St. D-M322 7x SIX-ROOM, modern. 2012 Elm St.; 26. In quire 632 Park Ave. D-M3U 3x 7-ROOM. modern cottage, close In. Apply 2223 Burt St. D M34.1 4 1910 BINNET, 10 rooms, modern, $35; 811 N. 21st, 4 rooms, 10. Rlngwalt Bros., Barker Blk. D-M33S 4 191" ELM St. 1 large rooms, nice con dition; lot of ground for gnrden; very de sirable. 'Phone Harney-1730. D-M337 3x ONE new 8-room modern flat, 2218 Burt. D M3S0 i OTTO SIEMSSEN CO., rentals. Sis N. T. I. D 7-room flat, modern, clean, new, low rent to right party. CARSON & CO.. 413 N Y. Life. D-522 4 $30 8-room. modern house, with hot water heat; large vard; 331S Burt St. R. C. PETERS & CO.. Ground Floor. Bee Building. D-69 4 120 North Rth. 8 rooms. 135.00. 2718 South 16th St.. 6 rooms. 18.Bfl. Sons Hamilton. 6 rooms, $12.00. JOHN N. FRFNZEK, OPI OLP V o. D 5112 4 FOR RENT Ten-room modern house. 2f21 Mason St. Inquire of F. P. Klrond:ill & Co.. ll'fc Harnev St. D M 16 10 FOR RENT To smnll fnmlly. four rooms, with gns ranee and llcht, $8.00 per month. 522 N. 20th. So. Oranha. D tS 4 FOR RENT. 973 N. 27th Ave.. 8 rooms, all modern, thoroughly overhauled and put In fine con dition. $25.00. S24 Poppleton Ave., 8 rooms, nil modern, $3500. 2104 Manle St., 8 rooms, modern except furnace. $20.00. 1SS Sherman Ave., 3-room flat, modern, $12.00. 4013 N. 2Sth St., S-room new cottage, city water, gas, toilet, one block to car. $18.00. 2918 Grant St., 4-room cottage with city water. $S. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor. N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1781. D-553 4 2541 Chicago, 9 rooms, modern $.TT.rfl 2528 Charles, 8 rooms, modern 25 on 2815 Dodge, 8 rooms 20.00 ran N. 27th Ave.. 5 rooms, new, modern l'VO 4120 N. 24th, 6 roms, bath, etc 15.00 2"17 N. 21st, 7 rooms r.. 15.00 3317 Dewey A'".. 5-ronm pnttnge 12.00 SOUTH OMAHA. 357 S. 28th St.. 5-room cottage 2214 D St.. 4 rooms 8.00 GARVIN BROS., 1004 FARNAM D 652 4 $2010-room, modern house, good furnace; yard for gardening: WS Mnson St. R. C. PETERS & CO.. Ground Floor. Bee Building. D-690 4 t3.?5ft 8-room, modern brick house. 1303 S. 28th St. J. M. McGowan, Te' Hi"iev 1707. D M587 5 PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO. 1410H N. 17th. 3 rooms, city water $9. 321ft Corby St., 8 rooms, city water, fine vard, fruit trees $15. 985 N. 25th, d rnms, city water, close .In, naved street $17. 2323 S. 18th. 8 rooms, all modern except furnace $18 33. 1548 8. 27th. 7 rooms, strictly modern: will make any reasonable repairs requested a snap for $26. 42"0 Farnam, 7 rooms, all modern, good barn, nice yard $30. 4107 Lafayette Ave.. womi, strictly mod ern raved street $32.60. 1008 8. Wh, 8 rooms, strictly modern $37. 603 S. !7th. 8 rooms, strictly modern, close i-i5. 31?8 Cass. 9 rooms strictly modern, corner lot. good barn $32.50. 9ci S. 27th, 9 rooms, ectly modern except flii-nnee. close In $28. W8 S ffth. 10 rooms strictly modern $40. 2010 Wfhster St., 10 rooms, strictly mod ern $J". PAYNE. BOBTWTCK CO . Sixth Floor N. Y. Life R'5. D-598 4 WEST FARNM BARGAINS 9 rooms, modern, and barn, good furnace, 4168 Farnain $20. 8 rooms, cltv water. 2 lots. 2Sfifi Maple $18. 8 rooms, mcdern. 2t16 -Seward $30. 7 rooms, not modern. 3403 Fsrnam $15. 4 rooms, city water and gas, nice yard, 270C Mandersnn $13.5. F. D. WEAD. 1524 DOUGLAS. D 600 4 FOR RENT. 49 Chicago, 8 rooms, modern $10. 49"! Webster. 9 rooms, modern $1'0. 820 N. Sth Ave., 7 rooms, modern $2. Ml 8. 24th Ave., 5 rooms $18. 2825 Parker. 8 rooms, modern $20. Basement, 1712 Hickory St., R rooms, city water and sewer; rent, $10.50; landlord nays water rent. 1404 8. 17th St.. 6 rooms, modern except furnace $16: lsndlnrd pavs water rent. L. L. JOHNSON COMPANY. 'Phone Red-1246. Room 8 Bark" B'k D &X1 4 FOR RENT 8-rootrr modern house, Hans com park district: best furnace, lavatory. bah cia rleasnnt locality; good tenant only $25: vacant March 15. J. C. Se'den, owner, 409 8. 10th St. . D 669 4 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hail builoing, 41 in. -in Bt., euuui uiuaiia. Apply to manager. 1134 SUITABLE for wholesale or manufacture ins. 4lxlU): three lloors and basement elevator; will rent iixlou scr irately ; lom-5 larnatil Ht. inquire Jll first -National Bank Bldg. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK BL-L1NG. Small and large offices for ront on the ground Hour and upstairs. All nh-e. light, outside offices. One especially fine large otfice on 12th street, L2u) square feet ttoor space. Can be had at a low rate if rented al once. Bee us NOW. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO.. Ground Floor. 11 Farnam St, 1--639 4 GROUND FLOOR space 66x122, light three sides. Union Pacific trackage, suitable for manufacturing or light storage. L. U. Doup, loih and Nicholas Si. v I-M593 FINE JOBBING BUILDING WITH TRACKAGE. 411-13 South 10th St. 4 stories and base. ment, 33x120 feet, with alley and trackago alongside: nnvate driveway In rear; all modern conveniences; a splendid building for lobbinc or manufacturing purposes; Immediate possession can be given. For further Information see PAYNE. BOST WICK CO., Sole Agents, 6th Floor. N. Y. Life Bldg. i MH a WANTED TO RENT WANTED By gentleman April 1. large unfurnished room in good locality near car line; must tiava modern conveniences Address Box 14, Station B, or 'phone Har ney 176. K-ls 4x WANTED To rent small office room In suite with or 75 square feet uftlcu space, with use of telephone, by Omaha icpre- e mauve or bign class specialty. AO dress T 52. cars Omaha Bee. K 567 4x MUSIC AND LANGUAGES VWVPTI GERMAN AND SPANISH. 'v, CHATELAIN SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES. Davidge Bldg., isth 4k Kara. -M7 VIOLIN Teacher Wm. Miller Lessons st puplis nomes. raz t ur. du Tel. Red (136. 1.4 UU MISS BARNICK. piano, German method. NW S. HIM OU Wt A1C019 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SODA FOUNTAINS, any siie, ISIS Farnam. g i40 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. vj-911 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1M8 Farnam. y W2 IF YOU wish to buy a perfect A-l diamond ring see A. Mandelberg, 1522 Farnam St. Your credit Is good. y MSi FOR SALE Two life scholarships on Omaha business college. Address Dwlght Williams, 0;nalm Bee, Omaha, Neb. yS29 MILCH COWS, on easy terms. Center. 43d and (J-2W FOR SALE At a discount, due bill from one of the most desirable life limurance companies, which may be applied on a first year's premium; any one considering taking cut a policy can save money. Address P 57. care Bee. W 9J? PIANO FOR SALE Party who' purchased piano only a few wrks ago will sell It at a discount from the cash price paid. Address P 3. care Bee. y 906 PIANO Square, 110; 50 cents weekly. I'er tleld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam St. O. CI3 FURNITURE. Carpets, Rugs, Stoves, etc., on easy payments. Get our prices before buying, f-b worth, $1 per week. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO Between 12th and 13th on Fainain street. Q-634 4 WE TRUST EVERYBODY, easy payments, and lead the world In cheap prices on billiard and pool tables and bar fixtures; catalogue free. The Hrunswicke-BalKe- Collender Co., 407 S. 10th St., Omaha, Neb. CRIBBING, tlr timbers, SO feet nnd under: seasoned hardwood lumber. 10th & Izard. y 915 J00 STOVES to select from at low prices. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410-1412 Dodge St. y ihU SPECIAL PRICES FOR NEBRASKA. The famous Old Trusty Incubators, mado by Johnson, the incubator man. Send for 124-page free catalogue; 2jo poultry illustrations. M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Center, .Neb. y y? SECOND-HAND STEINWAY IT RIGHT pin no; big bargain. 418 McCague Bldg. y-M6U0 Mch3 WATER BACKS, furnace and stove re pairs, furnace pipe and fillings. Tel. Douglas-U00. Omaha Stove Repair Works. y-JIS M14 100 SINGLE iron beds, springs and mattres ses; $2 each, complete; worth $6. 2018 D'vpt.' y 200 Mch2t FOR SALE Two store buildings and brick house, all on corner lot; best location on south side. AddreBS T 42, Omaha Bee. , y 330 3x FOR SALE Motion picture machine. Cull on F. Horak, 1433 S. 14th St., Omaha. y-368 4x "LEE" Brooder, good as new, $8.00; also one ruhber-tlred phaeton, used but one summer. Frank, 4Sul Davenport. Q-635 4 THOROUGHBRED Barred Plymouth Rocks. Eggs, $2.5o per fifteen. Some hand some pullets and hens for sale. Davis, 4210 Ames Ave. Q540 4x WANTED To sell, lease on royalty or trade. Best fuel saver and most powerful heater Invented; also the Iowa Composi tion Fence Post. Address J. A. McDanlel, Letts, la. y 157 4x GOCART for sale. Inquire 2o07 Woolworth Ave. y Maw ox CAUTION! Beware of fake piano ads.; genuine new Stelnway pianos are Bold ONLY bv Schmoller A Mueller and they are the ONLY authorized Nebraska rep resentatives. Tel. Doug. -1625. 1407 Har ney St. y-M58l FINE $l.noo fire nnd burglar proof safe. made by Mossier, uanmann & to., suit able for large wholesale house or country bank, at groat sacrifice. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1407 Harney St. Q 584 4 I IF you could buy a slightly used No. 4 Un derwood ror a new ino. s Oliver ror $35, a fine No. 2 Smith Premier for $23, or a No. 7 Remington for $29, would you thtnlr thev were snans? CENTRAL TYPEWRITE! EXCHANGE, 1606 LeavenwoTtn. We ront typewriters. Q-610 4 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS IF MONEY 18 WHAT YOU NEED, THERE'S. AN EASY WAY TO GET IT. We will loan you money on your FURNI TURE. PIANOS. WAREHOUSE RE CEIPTS und SALARIES at rates which honest people can aftord to pay. We have Interested men of large means who aro satisfied with 6 per cent on their money and will advance any amount on satisfac tory uecurlty. All applications arc passed upon by our experts; no deserving utrson refused money. We are here to serve tho public at fol lowing low rat,s: t'M for Its- a month. $:! for 16c a month.- - $W for 20c a month. $50 for 18c a month. J75 for 4oc a month. tloO for 6U' a month, and other amounts In same proportion. There are no other. charges except a smnll commission fur inspection and guaranteeing the loan the same as real estate brokers charge. You can arrange to pay back the money In easy WEEKLY or monthly rA Y MENTS on our easy payment plan; you can make time of loan to suit yourself. You pay Interest only for the actual time you carry the loan. We pay balances due piano houses, also Installment furniture nouses. Concentrate your Indebtedness all In one place and carry It cheaper than any other way. our Business private as a Dank Call and see us, or if desirous you can 'phone or write. We will send to your house and give full particulars. HELIAKLE CREDIT CO. Rooms uii7-:s Paxton Block, N. E. Corner Furnain -i.nd ltith Sts. X- IF YOU WANT TO BORROW MONEY Much or little, on furniture, pianos, live stock or on your aiar, don't hesitate to come to us. ou can pay us back to suit your convenience. Chaises a;i low as any und much less tann many. No rod tape. Omaha AluiluiiKo Loan Co.. 119 Board ol Trade Bldg. lei. lxmglas 22H5. 3ot S. ltith St. (Eslubliulied lbf-.) X'Jus DR. PRIBENOWS PRIVATE MONEY luaned on furniture. pianos, salary, horses, etc., in any amount, at less loan half tho rate; no red tape; jaifect pri vacy: Immediate uttentlon; on any termt wanted; payments suHended In case of sicst ess or out of employment. Room 214. Kurbach blk.. 209 S. lilh St. X 9.0 When in need of MONEY Call on us. PHOENIX CREDIT CO. U2-3 Paxton Blk. X-971 $$ INDEPENDENCE $$ Why be obliged to others? It's easy to gal money ut me. jno red tape. jJuy wiien you can. LUt., ,tu is. Y. Lite Open evenings until 7. X 97 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLK and others without security; tasy pay ments. Offices In &J principal cities. Tol- mau. room ill. iNcw lorn iiie tfidg. X-W73 SEE the Western Loan company for fund turn, diamond and sulary loans. 331 Ni villM blk.. ltali and Harney. Tel. Dougla4 6C19. X-iM FURNITURE. Live Block, Salary Loans. Duu Green Loan CO., nuum V l.arker Block. X-975 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. 15U Farnain HL X 97ti MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. Jr. Reed. 310 8. 13th. X-977 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. lJul Douglas. ... WHEN YOU WRITE TO ADVERTISERS remember It takes only , an extra suoks or. two o' tne Jtu M say you saw Ui ad ut- turn snv BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE General store In southwestern Iowa. Do you want to make a profitable Investment: A business which will yield n annual Income of 25 per cent on the money Invested Is profitable. I can prove to ou that this business has not paid less than tnat for six years and that last year It earned for me more than 3 per cent; therefore the conclusion Is up to you. 'I his little town Is situated on the main line of the C. M. & St. P. R. R. The stability of the farm land, the thriftlness of the farmers and the large terrltorv from which to draw makes it an exceptionally desirable busi ness point. The stock will invoice about $S'.iM. I did KS.iMI business last year. Can give satisfactory reasons for selling. N 111 sell on reasonable terms, but you must act quickly. No trades considered. Address T 44, cure Bee. Y M374 4 OTTO SIEMSSEN CO. Fire insurance. 8SS N. Y. Life. Y HOTEL of twenty-six rooms, two-story frame building, t--o town lots; only hotel In a thriving Oklahoma couhty seat of to inhabitants. One block from Rock Island depot. Transient business ave rages $i per day. Completely furnished. Owner is In poor health. $t,ou0 cash buys It. Will pay for Itself In less than a year. Must ha sold quick. Address Cunning ham ft Cunningham, W1-W2 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Y-M126 4 $1,000 TO $5,000. 16 PER CENT LAST YEAR An Omaha firm, established nine years and opening biamh stores and factories In olhtr titles, would sell shares from $l.Cv0 to $6,0uo. profits lust year netted 16 per cent. Address T 4. cure Bee. Y-7S1 FOR BALE'-A good paying genernl mer chandise store In a new nini thriving In corporated town In Nebraska; this Is the only stock in the town, and Is worth In vestigation. Address, for further descrip tion, T 30. care Bee. Y M242-Meh5 OTTO SIEMSSEN Notary Public, 838 N. Y. Life. Y FOR SALE Successful and profitable wholesale fruit and produce business lo cated In a live city of 12,i0; good outside territory; 1906 business $1 60.000 ; snap for hustlers. Excellent reasons for selling. Address 8 57, care Bee. Y MiS3 Mch3 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 4i-bbl. mill In good order, in best wheat country; run by gasoline; nearest mill 18 miles; all wheat can tie had at the mill door; town of 7'0 inhabitants! good reason for si lling. Address T 33, care Bee. Y M25 Mentis HOTEL FOR SALE Will sell lurnlsh!nL,s and lease building; 33 rooms; (2 house; brick; two-thirds cash balance one year s time. L. W. Young, Clay Center, Kan. Y M3I3 3x FOR SALE Lease and furniture of Butler hotel, Boone, la.; doing fine business: pro prietor Wi"lie8 to go west. Y MJ44-Mch3x FOR SALE A bargain In a pair of bowl ing alleys in a iNeorusKa town of io,0"t. Leaving town, must sell. Address T 43, care Bee. Y M344 3x . LIMITED amount stock In valunhle going Arizona mine at 4ic per share; worthy of Investigation. Write American Copper and Gold Co., 189 Broadway, New Yiuk. Y 500 4x FOR SALE Good, clean slock of genernl in live western town, invoice about $10.io0: will take clear vacant prop erty In Omaha If well located, as part of the consideration. Address T 48, Omaha Bee. Y 517 4x FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-6.0O0 stock of general merchandise: good town; goo.l business; good reasons for selling. .1. L. Maurer, Arion, la. Y M308 13 OTTO SIEMSSEN CO. Real estate and in surance, ma N. Y . Lire. - SOME OOOP BARGAINS. SO ACRES Anderson Co.. Kan.: 70 acres cultl Tatfd: Ko-)d orchard: price. Ho an acre. 829 ACRES w I lion Co.. Kan ; io acrea cum- Tatd: aood welln. noun, etc.: 110. 5"0. J6t) ACHES Stafford Co.. Kan.; 13U acrfa culti vated, 8-roum house, orchard; 18.500. too ACRKS Ellis Co.. Kan.; mo acrea cultivated food bulldinfra; price, 126 per acre. 10 AIRES Stanton Co.. Kan.: black loam aou 15 mllaa railroad town; price, 11.000. Ill ACRES Unn Co.. Kan.; 4u acrea cultivated ail kinds of fruit: price. 450 an acre. 40 ACRES- Madleon Co., Mo.; 3D acrea cultl rated : orchard, house, etc. : price. SK00. 236 ACRES Charlton Co.. Mo.: 176 ac-ea-culti vated; l-acre orchard; price, 155 an acre. 440 ACRES I-Afayette Co., Mo.; 160 acrea cultl rated; iood bulldlnia: 180 per acre. 281 ACRES Barton Co.. Mo.: 106 acrea cultlratca I acrea In orchard: 111, too. S ACRES Ripley Co.. Mo.: 40 acres eultlrated orchard: t houses: price. 11.000. ao acres wn rut to., no.; 40 acres cultivated; amall orchard: near postofnee; 1640. 36 ACKEs Freestone Co., Tex.; 36 acrea cultl rated: ejord bulldlnis: price. I70O. 146 ACRES Smith Co., Tel ; 86 acres cultivated; I aeta of buildings; price, 4,u"0. 6d ACRES Comanche Co., Tex.; 16 acrea cultl rated; well watered: aood water; 14.000. 320 ACRES Coleman Co.. Tea.; acrea cultl ratM; one mile to ai-hool: price, $4.H00. 189 ACRES Montague Co., Tea.; 76 acrea eultl rated; new cottaae; price, S20 per acre. 110 ACRES Harrison Co.. Tea. : 76 acres timber 6-room houre; orchard: price, 81.600. 17 At Kfc.a Washington Co., Tex.; gin bouse, etc. 4.200. Also 13 acne timber. Hm. 80 ACRES I pshur Co.. Tex.: 45 acrea cultivated 5-room hcuse; orchard; price, 81.600. 8 ACRES Slanllaua Co., lal.; houae. Incubator Douse, etc.: irrigates; price, 12,000. 161 ACRES rolk Co.. Minn.: 110 acrea cultt rated; no buildings; price, $r.2 per acre. 80 ACRES Isanti Co.. Minn.: 80 acrea cultl rated; hnuFe. etc.; near school; 84.0OO. IfS ACRES Polk Co.. Minn : 80 acrea cultivated amall onhard; house, etc.; 12.500. 280 ACRES bouglae Co. Mo.; 110 acres cultl rated; 2 housea: orchard; 87.00 per acre. 14 ACRES Batea Co.. Mo.; Jun outside city limits; poultry rarra; rrun: price, 83.325. 32 ACRES Howard Co., Ark : 24 acres cultivated In limits of town; price. 82,000. 140 acres Frank tin Co.. Ark.; 70 acrea eultl rated; orchard; house; 830 per acre. 180 ACRES San Miguel Co.. Colo.; 100 acrea; cultivated: Irrigated; orchard; 86,600. 200 ACRES Helta Co., Colo.; 10 acrea orchard; price, llii.ixo. Also 360 acrea; 820 per acre. 64 ACRES AND DAIRY BUSINESS Improve merits I2.6u0; good business: price, t,6n0; Chaffee Co , Colo. HOl'SB AND LOTS Dairy Co., Mo.; 7-room J atory hmiee: some fruit: bttb room; 82.600. HOISE AND S. LOTS Lynn Co.. Mo ; 7-room houae; all kinds oi fruit: rent 112: price, 81.000. COUNTRY RESIDENCE Ascension pariah. La.; 6-room house: aw miles to town; 11.600. LOT Kltnlra Helghta, N. Y. ; good location; alectrle cars; good aldewalks; price, 800. 160 ACRES Logan Co., okl. : 7 acres cultivated; 8-acra orchard: near achool; 83,800. 1.170 ACRES Humphreys Co. ; Tenn ; near good town: 84 an acre. Also houae and int. 7oo. IKl, ACRKS McLean Co.. Ky : M acrea eultl rated; good buildings; orchard; 83,600. H ACRES Kent Co.. Mich : 60 acres eultlrated; fair buildings: good fenee; 82.500. 80 ACRES-Wexford Co., Mich.; 40 acrea eultl rated; orchard; bouse, etc.; 81.500. 1X3 ACRES Warrick Co., Ind. ; 163 acrea eultl rated; 6-room house; price, 8100 per acre. aoo ACRKS Missoula Co.. Mont ; 220 acres eultl rated: good spring: near town; 84.0UO. 128V, ACRES Rosa Co., o. ; 25 acrea cultivated; good buildings; rrlce, tl.56u. 241 ACRE: Laramie Co.. Wyo : 126 acrea culti vated; l-acre orchard: price. M per .acre. 140 ACREVhlte Co., Ark : 71 acrea cultivated' young orchard; near town: 82,600. 200 ACHES Clark Co.. Ark.; 120 acrea cultivated; 8 acrea nr'hard: near town; f'..5l0. 40 ACHSS Lnncke Co. Ark.: price. t,-,oo. Also house and 6 luts. 6 rooma; price. 81.000. C.ROI EKY-4 hlrklha, I T. ; brick building; dally aalea 3'n). fldilree 81 6f: stock 812 000 HtiTEL AND REHTAl'RANT Webster Co., la.; 12 rooms; good business; Invoice abuut 8''i0 PATENT COTTON CI'l.TI VATOK Fine pmposl tloa and big money mikrr. price. 21. OHO a state N B JOHNSON i CO., Bank of Commerca illdg., Kansaa City, Mo Y OTTO SIEMPSRN. Oermnn consulate corre spondent. 838 N. Y. IJfe. y WANTED Partner to put In lumber and cement block and brick machines in Central Nebraska town; best of refer ences given; notice display ail In this is sue. Address S 54 In care of Bee Y M 53ti 6x PATENTS GUARANTEED Patent Secured or Fee Returned. Send model or nketch for free opinion as to patentability. Send for Illustrated Ouidu Book. Contains loo mechunii tl move ments and LIST OF INVENTIONS WANTED. Particulars NEW TRADE MARK IAW COPYRIGHTS, etc. Pat ents advertised free in World's Progress EVANS. W1LKENS & CO., Reg. Attorneys. 6S8 F Street, Washington, D. C. Y- FOR SALE Hardware, clean, well selected t7,6no stink and fixtures; best city In Ir rigated part of Colorado; good competi tion, not overdone; sickness reason for selling; no trades. Address 2, care Wright & Wllhelmy Co.. Omaha. Neb. Y tX 4x BI'SINESS ClIANCE-One of the be;t known wholesale specialty manufactur ing companies In Illinois desires a capa ble, trustworthy representative ut Omaha; will pay expenses and kalary of $1.6uu per annum, also liberal commission allowance; Investment of $l,5uo required to be held during term of employment' highest commercial references given ami required. Address R. ( WIUm n. Audi torium Bldg., Chicago, Lll. Y 44 4x FOR SALE Good hotel, all rooms fur nished; good business; will sell cheap. I C. CrowU. JUvsrtun, laws. . I-M5C3 19 BUSINESS CHANCES FIRST mortgage on Improved farms. In the cell Prated Mouse Klver valley In North Dakota, lor sale. High rates of Interest giuuantn d. No safer Investment for money. Values rapidly advancing. Highest Link ri'tcreui s. Address H. F. Felton. Antler. Bottineau County, North. Dakota. Y YOU can never profit by business chances unless you have some money; small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a savings account with J I Bran deis K- Sons. Bankets, pith ami Douglas Sts. Assets over $HU". V ONE week's end selection of Industrial ails, giving you the widest choice of openings to homes, employment, health and wealth 111 the great awakening south, sent you for 2f cents stamps. C. D. lavers. Sum mervllle. Gvorgin. Y 4115 4x FOR SALE Tailor shop; oldest shop In. growing town of 4.000; I am going to quit tlie liusincss. for particulars nuuress T 47, care Bee. X M471 7 BI'SINESS man wishes to Invest few thou sand dollars with services in esianiisnea business, Omaha. Address T 46, care Bee, X 159 4x $1.50.) CONTROI.S high-grade company for small city; pays iu mommy tsaiary ana prttits); no canvassing; several companies earning large piotiis. For pnrtloularn, hunk references ns to earnings, address 1'lownmn, S3 Wall St., New York. Y-4S4 4X FROP'ITABLE opKirtunlty for active rep resentative investing live tiunilretl dollars In successful manufacturing corporation. Room 714, Washington Euan and Trust Bldg., Washington. D. C. YIO 4x VANTKT Resp.msllile man to manage tiraucli oltlce anil tllsiritiuting deMit for large coffee and spice company owning Us own mills; salary, JJK monthly ami commissions; references and Investment of Sl.uon reouired. Address Manager, IS River St.. Chicago. Y 4110 4x WANTED Exprlencel hardware or Im plement man wun eio.uuo cnpmu as ncsai clerk of u department In a large Incor porated hardware and Implement con cern; the hest of Its kind In Onllfornltt. For particulars write B. B. Dudley, VU salia, Cal. Y 4irJ 4x 12.' BI'YS 5 Mils and 5 offers on wheat: gorxt ror one weeg. i ocnts auvance or decline from price; gives $ln profit; writu for particulars. Commerce Grain Co., 653 Commerce Bldg., Chicago. Y 406 4x l'ARTNER wanted for real estate business; mine hut Al hustler nolo to manage oltlce need apply. Address T 68, Bee. Y-SM 4x IK) you want to sell your property? Do you want to buy a home? Io you want to rent a nouseT Do you want to get in or out of buslnessT Do you want to borrow money? If so, list your wants with us; we get re suits. TEMl'LETON M ANKER, 206 Beo Bldg. Tel. Douglas-2904. Y-M571 WRITE for our list of Investments; choice chiitp lands; gilt-edged, hlg dividend paying stocks. Address T 34, care Bee. Y-662 4x AVE CAN sell your farm or business, no matter where located. Cash buyers wait ing. Address T 35, care Bee. Y 663 4x BARGAIN clgur, magazine, candy and tovs; vcara In. samo location; cheap for cash. T 63. Hoe. Y 621 6 FOR SALE Newspaper In good town In northeast Nebraska, only paper In town of !mo; paid 40 per cent on Investment above running expenses Inst year; easy terms with good cash payment; good reason for selling. Address T 55, Bee. Y M566 5 A GREAT opening for a drug store, new building with counters and shelves, fifty miles north of Omaha, In Nebraska, to a( young or middle aged man who is ombl- tlous. upright and a rustler; there Is good money In It; no boozer need write. T 56, care Bee. ' T 665 4 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE n MONEY TO LOAN At 5 aiid ii per cout, on improved real estate, lit umounts $000 and upward. No delay, we puss ou security. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM W-S51 4 WANTED City loans and warrants. We r"ar nam Smith 6c Co., 1320 Farnain St. W 1124) MONEY TO LOAN Pay he Investment Co. W 825 BCILDINU loans on residence property; 8 per cent. W. M. Meikle, liaiogo Blk. W-K26 LOWEST RATES Bemls, J-ax'ton Block, W 927 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1320 Douglas. W-b-ai GARVIN BROS., 11W4 Farnam; city loans, S und bA per cent Interest; no delay, W-920 $l,0oo,cu0 TO LOAN on business and rest deuce properly In Omaha; lowest rates; no deluy, Thomas Biennun, K. 1, N Y. Life. W-830 5 & 5V4 PER CENT loans on city property. w. it. i nonius, ist national xianK uitlg, W-4J31 WANTED City Loans. R. C. Peters & Co. W-932 FARM, CITY AND BCILDING LOANS. Reed Bros., 1710 Farnam St. W U33 6 PER CENT STOCK 120 shares of U. S. Yards Co. stock for sale. W. L. Selby, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. W M2W LOANS made on Omaryi Improved prop- erty; also for building purpt ings & ileyden, lueli'.i Farm ses. Hast- mam. VV-13 4 OTTO SIEMSSEN CO., rentals, 838 N. Y. I W WE have $1,(00, $1.6oo or $2,nno private money to loan. You want to call quick. CAR SON & CO.. 413 N. Y. Ufa. W-523 4 LOW rates. Private Money. $100 and Up, CI IAS. E. W1LL1ANSON CO. W FOR EXCHANGE WHAT have you to exchange for a two seated suirty, uluiost new'.' Frank, 48ul Davenport. Z 636 4 IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an ad. in und you will soort get it. Z-3 WILL EXCHANGE for Omaha property" my up-to-date, modern residence at 11' aver Crossing, Neb. Address M. Kell ner. 54 M339 TO EXCHANGE for eastern Kansas or i land, a good piece of Iowa In come city property. Address T 41, car Bee. Z M340 8 EXCHANGE Ijtml for merchandise or good Income property; have buyer for lember business. List your trades with ( line & McKulght, 113 H'iUlh loth. Lin coln, Neb. Z 5u7 4 GOOD drug business in eastern Nebraska, town of l.jii population for sale, or would exchange for good central Nebraska land, no Band, If priced right. Address O. Roinore, Gvn. Delivery, Omaha. IS 129 4x FINE upright piano for carpenter work and painting ;:nd inper bunging. Schmoller Ac Mueller, lo Harney St. Z 6j6 4 WILL EXCHANGE biautlful piano' for tlrt-class hoi H.-r-'ioi-ing. Tel. Dougltut P'.21. Schmoller Ac Mueller, 1407 Harney St Z-6S2 4 WANTED TO BUY ONE or two diamonds, 1 to 2-karat; must be white, well cut, free from flaws und v bargain Addreks T 13. Bee. N M12S bX BOOKS Buy, sell, exchange. Address A. c. Buker, 2J13 E. uluul Sk. Des Molnsa. Ia. N-M7W WANTED To buy small frame shingle roof barn, suitable for moving. T Tie, lta. N-612 4x OTTO fclE.MHKEN CO. Real estate slid In surance, Ms N. Y. Life. N WANTED 7 or 8-room modern house on good size lot. West Furnain or Park dis trict; must be bargain; owners only. Ad dress T 63, care Bee. N 664 4X WANTED Dm y team, I.soo psunds. Se A, Uoali Cu., 1U3 iMUIilaUl St. 77