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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1906)
TITE OMAIU DATLT BEE: FRITUY, JANTARY S, IMG. 5f COURT FIXES A PRECE1EST Dtciiien ii Telepkone Cue of Great Intsr . eit to Tuiiig Authorities. fclNGHAM-BROADWEll CONTEST SETTLED pa4e Holcomb Will ft to Purine roast (or Benefit of Ills Health aa If It Improve Will Re. tara and Practice Uw. (Trcm a Staff Correspondent LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 4 . (Special The rule of taxation laid down by the supreme court In the cane of the Nebraska Tele phone company against Unit county, Just derided, will prove of Intercut to taxing au thority In the various counties, as It nettle a much disputed question. The rule Is "that the value of the tangible property f any express, telephone or telrirraph company, apart from Its gross receipts for the year prior to the time of assessment, nd Its franchise or right to carry on bust tiesa does not furnish the value of Its property for taxation. Such values should be ascertained from consideration of all tif the aforesafd Items taken together, and oy treating- the corporation as a going concern." The telephone company. In listing Its possessions In Hall county, put down the Value of the material composing- the plant, what It Is worth as material, second-hand In character, and added that to Its gross receipts, i The county assessor contended that the tangible property had a greater mine, as a going concern, and Increased -he figure. From this an appeal was taken, but no relief Is granted. An Irrigation Point. Tn a case from the Irrigated district the Court lays down the rule that If an ap proprlator of water does not beneficially tise the amount he has diverted Into his canal, but allows It to seep away or other wise exercise economy he cannot come to the courts for relief ss against others who are entitled to use of the water also. That Is. If there Is enough water In the stream. If properly conserved, to satisfy all de mands of those who wish It. Omaha Case Reversed. The supreme court this afternoon handed down an opinion In the case of Margaret H. Smullln et al against Ida M. Wharton, Involving the estate of the late J. II. Hoggs of Omaha. In which the court holds In favor of the collateral heirs of the de Ceased and against the Interests of the idow. It Is an appeal from Douglas county and the decision of the lower court Is reversed snd remanded, with directions as to further proceedings. In an opinion, Judge Barnes dissenting. . This suit Is said to Involve property worth In the vicinity of a quarter of a mil lion. Many years before his death Mr. Hoggs made a will In which he gave his wife certain portions of his property In fee forever, with the understanding that the remainder should go to his brothers and sisters and their heirs as collateral heirs. some parts of his Intentions being covered by parol provisions to which the wife as sented. ' Later, as she feared that the other heirs night contest the will, he gave her abso lute title to the property, with the parol conditions that the greater half of the es tate should be held In trust by Harry A. Wcstcrrlcld, snd that she should be given enough out of the proceeds to maintain her ar.d that she might give away $10,000 for charitable purposes, the remainder of that nrtlon of the estate to go to the heirs of the dead husband. After the death of the testator the wife refused to comply with the parol requests and directions made at the time of the execution of the will and disavowed tholr binding and obligatory force upon her, as serting that she had an uncontrolled dls netlon as to whether any of the property or Income should go to the collateral heirs, cities IIInahiim-Rroadwrll Case. Tho nnr-ir court this afternoon over ruled th motion for a new trial In the BlnshHin-Rrouilwell contest over the office tf clerk of the district court In Douglas county. It also overruled a similar nio t'on In the case wherein J. H. Ilarley of Lincoln recovered Judgment for something like fS.roo n8 damages arlnlng from In juries received in a runaway. Searle Is Obilnrate. The State Hoard of Education this after noon formully made out the minutes of Its meeting held recently at whirli It sought to have turned over to Knutzcn & Israel Kearney a portion of the t'i.'jQ withheld y State Auditor Searle as the contracted AFTER DIGESTION WHAT? If not enough to digest your food and reduce It to pulp and liquid Inside you. but It must also be properly absorbed, car ried to the proper organs, filtered, purliled and carried by your blood to the various ! parts of your body which are worn out and j land In need of repair. I This is a system of complicated machln cry. engineering, chemistry and physics, ! " y i eacn paia Dy ran before which all man s most wonderful I "lat" f,,r ,hp "a'P" t that animal The achievement since the world begun pale j auditor Is frank to admit that he Is doubt into insignificance. fl If there Is a solitary gray wolf In all of And. when you come to think of It, j York county, and It Is his opinion that the next to the murvel of any complicated ! scalp are those of coyotes and not wolves, piece of mechanism Itself Is the man who. Gray wolves, according to the auditor, are when it has broken down, can repair it ' none too common even In western Ne- nd make It go again. ' brriska, although the few that Infest that Stuart's DysM-psia Tablets. ! region cause stockmen no end of loss and Really tho most marvelous achievement In the vast field of man's many-sided en deavor. A perfect machine which never fulls to cure or set in running order again the : complicated mechanism of man's Internal digestive arrangements. i The secret of the great success of Stuart Dyspepsia Tablets Is simply this, that they have been prepared upon the firm foundation of the most thorough re search into the reul "origin and cause of ull disorders, due to the Improper digcMlon and absorption of food. Knowing the cause, further research led to the knowledge of how to relieve and eur. Stuart Dyspepsia Tablets are the only 'medicine founded upon certain scientific rules of treatment, which make success a certainty. They penetrate Into all the channels of your, being. Into the minutest arteries, the tlfilest lymphatics, the faintest tracery of ' nerve tissue, and renew, build up, refresh and restore to health every disorder which Improper food, poor digestion or incom plete absorption has caused In any portion of your anatomy. No need to consult a physician. At the least sign ol distress after eating take Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. On the least pain or discomfort in stom ach, liver, back or bowels take Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablets. For any craving for Improper food, con tlnual hunger, continual thirst or loss of appetite In greater or less form, take Stuart Dyspepsia Tablets. Hy following these simple rules you will aav yourself much pain, suffering and discomfort and will add greatly to your pan of life. Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablet will make you live long and happily. Try them. Book on Dvspersla fre Address F. A. Stuart Co., UarsbsUt Mi-t 16 per cent of the contract price, of con struction of the Btate Normal school at Kearney. The board presented the formal minutes to the auditor. In which It voted that all of the money be paid to the con tractor except ll.iVO. as that amount will cover Ui work yet uncompleted and which cannot be completed in cold weather. Auditor Eearle announced that this action of the board will not move him to pay over the money, as the condition upon which the tO'4 is withheld Is the entire completion of the building. Bord Con nt r Case settled. Decisions In favor of the state were handed down this afternoon In the Irst two of the several Boyd county land cases I which have become historic. These two de cisions took the same course as the former cases, the demurrer of the state being sustained, thus upholding the title of the state to the disputed lands. t.uardamen to Attend Convention. Nebraska will send a full delegation to the' Interstate National Guard association convention In Washington, D. C, January 22. Four officers of tha state guards will go, their Identity not yet having boon es tablished. C. D. Kvans of Columbus Is Secretary of this association and Adjutant General Culver Is vice president, so that thise two gentlemen will go as part of the delegation. The convention Is a school of Instruction In military affairs and will discuss affairs of the National Guard and recommend legislation. Lectures v ill be given by the heads of the various depart ments of the War department. Ken- Corporations. The Cole-McKenna company, organized to conduct a real estate business and to manufacture cigars, has Incorporated with, the secretary of state. The capital stock is to be loO.OOO. P. A. McKenna and A. W. Burdick are the Incorporators. The State Insurance company of Omaha, of which James E. Boyd Is president and A. J. Love is secretary, has filed witn the secretary of state amended articles of in corporation providing that the affairs of the concern are to be under the supervision of nine directors chosen from among the stockholders. The rowell-Bacon Automobile company of Omaha has Increased its capital stock to $10,'X according to amended .rtlcles of Incorporation filel with the secretary of state. Picket I nmoleated. County Commissioner Newton did not present an appearance at the court houso to oppose the newly elected commissioner, Robert I'ickel. and the change in office was effected without trouble. Newton's attorney had advised him that it would be a losing fight to take the matter into the courts. The first action of the commissioners was directed to cutting down salaries In the treasurer's office. The deputy, ' Mr. Severln, v.-as cut from $1,400 to 11.200. while three of the $1,000 clerks were cut to J900. All of the county officers made requisition for the old number of clerks, In spite of the criticisms made publicly and in the press that supernumeraries were employed In almost every office. The commissioners declined to make clerical allowances for ll'l llJIT.l I II II la IV r- VI' I I ' . I 111 ,,J ...... .... . the entire year, buflnformed the officers i that while no Interference with the present forces would be undertaken, they would be expected to drop out unnecessary clerks when business slackened up. Arrested on Felony Charge. Thomas Jess Rackley. a bartender at one of the local hotels, was arrested today on two charges filed by his wife. The Rack leys live at Seventeenth and M streets, but the wife charges that on December 17 last her husband deserted her and took up with a grass widow, Mrs. Earl 81awson. The police have for some time been en deavoring to have Rackley renounce the Slawson woman and go back home, but they have been unsuccessful. Mrs. Slawson is a dashing brunette, and says she had simply employed Rackley to drive her team and look nfter her horses. She drove up to the station In style and offered to put up tvm cash bond for his appearance, tlolcomb to Come Back. Judge Silas A. Holcomh said today that he expected to make his future home in Lin coln. The Judge has been a severe sufferer for several years from rheumatism and he Intends going to the coast within two weeks to try end get relief. If he succeeds In re storing his health he proposes to come back and practice Inw In this state. At the tnte Hons. Adjutant General Culver has returned from Omaha enthused over the bright pros pects for the success of the armory project recently launched In that city. The present plan provides for a structure to cost in the neighborhood of lOO.nnO, to he Jointly used by the three companies of the Nebraska Na tional Guard in that city and the Grand Army of the Repuhllc. Legion of Honor and other allied patriotic societies. The Nebraska Incubator company has filed articles of Incorporation with Secretary of State Gnlusha. The capital stock Is fixed at IW.neo. with Fairfield, Clay county, as the principal place of business. The manu facture of Inoubators is its business. The incorporators are H. E. Spencer, C. J. Har ti.i. W. A. Sumner, E. L. Lewis and J. E. Wilcox. State Auditor Senrle has rejected a claim of a York county citizen who declared that he had killed thirteen gray wolves and that worry. In fact, the stockmen are willing to pay a round $100 for every gray wolf scalp presented. nROKK. RICK M RECOVERING Irvine Iom, Injured at Fremont, a Snrprlae to Doctor. FRKMONT. Neb.. Jan. . (Special.) A letter received here from Irving Moss, the young man who had his back broken while working on the grade of the Great North ern near Yutan about four months ago, states that he is Improving and ha a rea sonable chance of recovering the use of his lower limbs. Should this prove true the physicians say It will be the first In stance of ftie kind in the annals of surgery. When he was brought to the hospital In this city the surgeons said h!s death was only a question of hours and that nothing could be done. The spinal cord and column were completely severed and mangled and all that could be done was to make him as comfortable as possible, but the young man did not die and was later taken to his home in La Crosse, Wis. He is recovering sensution In his lower limbs, which appear to be growing stronger, and hopes to be able to walk again. Farmers at Beatrice. BEATRICE. Neb.. Jan. 4. t Special.) Tha Farmers' Institute was well attended yes terday and the lectures proved ety In teresting and Instructing to those in at tendance. I'rof. A. E. Haecker of the State uni versity opened the program with lecture upon seed corn, the selection of seed, plant ing and culture. Later in the day he spoke on dairying. He gave explicit direction regarding the care of cream and It ripen ing. At th opening of the afternoon program Mesara. Btoll. Wlebe and McCleery. poultry elected register of deeds, was much disap ratsera of this city, spoke at length on th pointed In the turn of affairs. For the last poultry buslneka, TU gentlemen ahoaedtwo week he has been lamlllarixtng him- the profits of poultry raising, and gave their method of hatching and care. Cme. of the point made waa the necessity of hatching in February and March, a the early broiler commands a better price than the late chit k. and 6tO chickens ready for the market In the early spring are bettar than 2,00 late chickens. Miss Rose Bouton, director of the school of domestic science at the Stat university, followed with an address showing the chemical properties of food element and the relation they bear In the combining of the prepared food. In the evening she spoke on the relation of domestic science to the home. The lectures are interspersed with musical selections rendered by the leading musicians of the city. CROP AD SOIL THAI I buy Travels Thronah Snowstorm to C "h d -ron. Where Weather Is flood. CHAD RON, Neb., Jan. 4. (Special Tele gram. The crop and soil special &n the Northwestern railroad left Ewing last night In a blinding snowstorm, having been tn a blizzard from BoneMeel. It arrived her at 4 a. m. and found balmy spring weather. Going west it took on passengers at Whit ney. Crawford and Glenn; stopped at liar llson at 8:30, where addresses were made to a filled car; returned to Chadron at 10:45, where there was speaking by Profs. Keyser and Ferguson to a crowded oar of interested listeners, many of whom were fanners, though greater numbers would have attended had the coming been gen. erally known. On the train were Profs. Condra, Mont gomery. Keyser and Pugsley. N. 8. I. Hunt from Cornell university, Ithaca. N. Y., and C. P. Hartley, a corn expert, from Washington, D. C. The train was met here by Profs. Emerson and Fercuson. CRAWFORD, Neb., Jan. 4. (Special Tele gram.) The Northwestern soil culture spe cial passed through here on schedule time this morning. Farmers are much Inter ested, a great number listening to the lec ture on grasses, etc. VALENTINE. Neb.. Jan. 4.-(Speclal Telegram.) The special soil and crop train sent out hy the Northwestern road arrived here on schedule time, and the lecturer report large attendance and good Interest at points between here and Chadron. The program here was somewhat varied and more elaborate than at other points. In stead of speaking from the train, the hall In the court house was thrown open for the benefit of the speakers and all who wished to hear them on subjects of vital interest to development of this section. This was appreciated by the speakers especially and they were well pleased to be greeted so enthusiastically and the people regretted the love feast could not have been pro longed. Many an Idea was thrown out by each speaker that will grow and in later years yield abundantly In the progress of northwestern Nebraska, particularly in Cherry county. FEAK NEHK!K. IS MIHDERED George Merrlinan of Bralnard Missing at nnt Kt. SANTA FE N. M., Jan. 4. (Special Tele- ffram.) Georrre Atcrrtm:tn. plMi'trl,ijn rf ' , - . . . .... . Bralnard, Neb., reached here Christmas day with a friend. A. R. Johnson. Johnson se cured a position, but Merrlman stayed around until Saturday last. Then he disap peared and no trace of him has been found since. All his clothes and tools are In his room at the hotel. He had over $.00 In his pocket when last seen and had been drink ing. His friend became alarmed and re ported to the police officials, and despite every effort no trace of him has been found. Johnson Insists Merrlman would not have left willingly without telling him. Foul play Is suspected and officers are working on these lines. The state probably will make arrests of suspicious character tomorrow. Liquor Dealer In Trouble. DAKOTA CITY, Neb., Jan. 4. (Special.) Charged witli not having complied with the laws of Nebraska relutive to the sole of intoxicating liquors, Abner Gillstrap and Philip VanCleve, today waived their preliminary examination before County Judge J. J. Elmers, and were bound over to the district court in the sum of fcjUO eacn, wnicn uond neither could procure and In default of which they are now con fined In, the county Jail awaiting the con vening of district court on the Mh Inst. Gillstrap has been in the United Mate federal courts at Omaha, charged with selling liquors to Indians, while VanCleve recently came to this county from Onawa, la. The two had shacks about ten rods apart in what is known as Blyburg, about tit teen miles southeast of this place, and adjoining the Winnebago Indian reserva tion. The complaint was tiled by John Ashford of the firm of Ashford Brothers, general merchants at Homer. Six cases of bottled beer, about seventy-lve quart bottles of whisky and four five gallon kegs of liquors were confiscated at the Gillstrap shack by Sheriff H. C. Hansen, and several gallons at the VanCleve home. The liquors were ordered destroyed by Judge Elmers. Farmer Commits Suicide. WEST POINT, Neb., Jan. 4 (Special.) Adolph Posplsll, a well known farmer liv ing on the outskirts of West Point, com mitted suicide this morning by shooting himself through the heart with a shot gun. The deceased arose at 3 o'clock this morn ing and taking his gun left home osten sibly on a hunt for rabbits. Ills dead body was found at 6 o'clock in the roadway about eighty rods north of his residence. The deceased was 45 years old, married and had one child. He had been acting In a peculiar manner for some months prior to the suicide, but as he was a man of secretive and uncommunicative dispo sition, no importance was attached to hi actions. Coroner Morgan ha been sent for from Bancroft and will hold the customary Inquest over the body. Foraer (Jet Three Year. KEARNEY, Neb., Jan. 4. (Special Tele gram.) W. B. Warner, the accomplice of Fred M. Gillette, waa arraigned before Judge Hostetter ukh the charge of ut tering a forged check. He pleaded guilty and was given the same sentence that had been Imposed upon his partner, three year at hard labor In the penitentiary, and a fine of snd costs. The Now York authorities state that they will have the couple arrested when they are discharged from the Nebraska penitentiary. These are the two men who escaped a short time ago from the county Jail but were recap tured Christmas day. Two Claim One OIRce. KEARNEY, Neb.. Jan. 4 (Special Tele grum.WBuffalo county la at present I blessed with two registers of deeds. Victor B- Whe-lnck, the newly elected register, I nua Qualified and he and his deputy, ' Sidney Smith, aro on hand and attending to business. T. G. Spencer is also on deck and propose to stay until th supreme court passes on the motion for a new trial In the register of deeds rase, which Is now pen41ng. In the meantime an arrangement has been perfected whereby both Mr. Whee lock and Mr. Spencer will sign all paper o that they are sura to be signed by the proper person. Old Official Hans Oa. YORK. Neb.. Jan. 4.-(6peclal.) Captain N. Lundeen. register of deed, doe not propose to give up hi office and today filed hi bond and 1 In possession of th office. Mr. riarry ueecner oi nriamaw, wno was My Life a Sermon of Thankfulness Says Rev. J. Stoddard, D. D., Great Pulpit Orator and Former Rector of the Church of tiie Holy Apostles, in gratefully acknowledging the l:rr' f ; ' t 4 y ir ? sKLf v .,?Tl-'l4'- . ' :-S i' " J, a . . taMl 4- 9 j .... . j ;- V 1 1 'rt4w'4, 4 tmni E ..- . W (, VAIiWSM . REV. JAMES STODDARD, P. D., For - i'V-rtt'! f.v , - t - -f t s ' For more than fifty years Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey has been prescribed by doctors and used in over two thousand leading hospitals as the greatest tonic-stimulant and health builder known to medical science. It is endorsed by the clergy and professional nurses and recom mended by all schools of medicine as the best cure for coughs, colds, consumption, grip, bron chitis and pneumonia. It vstimlates and enriches the blood, aids digestion, builds up the nerve tissues, tones up the heart and fortifies the system against disease germs. It prolongs life, keeps the old young and the young strong. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey contains no fusel oil and is the only whiskey recognized by the government as a medicine. This is a guarantee. For sale by all reliable druggists and grocers.or direct, in sealed bottles only; never in bulk; $1 a bottle. Make sure the seal over the cork is unbroken. Doctor's advice and medical booklet free. Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y. self with the office work, expecting to as sume the duties of the office. Captain Lun deen expected to turttjover the office and his change of mind is due to legal advice. Mr. Lundeen says the legislature could not legislate him out of ofllce. Harlan Return to Alnska. TORK. Neb , Jan. 4. (Special.) Hon. 11. V. Harlan, district attorney for Alaska, left yesterday for Fairbanks, Alanka, at which place he resides. Mr. Harlan Fays that discoveries of gold around and near Fairbanks are wonderful, and not more than half developed. Copper Is found In abundance, larc nuggets of pure copper, and he believes petroleum enough to supply the United States. Good coal is found in the hills. Internrban Meetina- Tnatponed. DAKOTA CITY, Neb.. Jan. 4.-(SpeciaI.)-The annual meeting of the stockholders and officers of the Sioux City, Homer & South ern Railway company, called to meet nt South Sioux City on the d Inst., has been postponed until the 9th Inst., when It Is ex iocted the future of the proposed Internr ban line from South Sioux City to Homer Will be definitely settled. Mar Try to Oast Treasurer. BEATRICE, Neb.. Jan. 4.-(Speclal Tele gram.) A report was current here today that a suit Is to be instituted against J. A. Barnard, the new county treasurer, to test his right to the office on the ground of his alleged promise to give Dr. C. S. Boggs of Filley $100 and a deputyshlp. As Mr. Barnard assumed his duties today his friendsplace Unit; credence In the report. Drnc Store Chance Owner. AL.BION. Neb., Jan. 4 (Special.) Within the past week two important changes have been made here In mercantile circles. The drug firm of O'Neill & Baldwin has been dissolved, the latter retiring from the firm. Mrs. S. Lewis has retired from the Lewis Thompsen Drug company, leaving Thomas Thompson the sole proprietor. Swi of Nebraska. PAPILLION Fully four Inches of snow fell here yesterday. GENEVA Rev. Mr. Tarker Is conducting revival meetings al the Methodist church. PI.ATTSMOl TH-For the first time In many years the Cass county Jail has no oc cupant. TEX'l'MSEH District court will convene In adjourned session in this city next Mon day. The petit jury will be In service. I'LATTSMOl'TH County Judge Travis Issued ltiu marriage licenses lam year and united in marriage twenty-eight couple. DAKOTA CITY An adjourned term of district court will be convened In (his place oa me em insi. oy juage uiiy I. (..raves. YORK York college will open its winter term on Monday, Januaiy v with Hie largest enrollment in the history of the col li YORK In the death of Edward Chattin. a farmer living siutli of York, one of the best known and guccessiul farmer passed away. PAPILLION Married by Judge Vinson haler in Omaha January J. lia I'.eaiile uf Pupilllon. aged 22. to Miss Inez Mumord of Bpi ingtleld. aged 21. lORK-(. H. Durham, one of York's highly respected citizens ana one of the oluesl residents, alter a long illness died yesterday afieinoou. BL'RWELL A series of revival meetings are in progress at the Methodist Episcopal church, under the direction ot F. A. Camp bell of I uiversity Piace. BEATRICE The Davis house, which has beeo ill cnaige of E. M. Pratt lor tne post few months, changed lianas yesterday, E. F. Davis taking Charge. PLATTSMOL i H Jucige Paul Jessen. after disposing ot two uivorce and auout a dozen oiuer cases, adjourned disiiirt court and returned to Nebraska City lody. BEATRICE Rev. 8. E. Dark and family were tendered a reception lucsuay nignt at the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. 11. Feicu. The affair waa largely attended. Mr. Dark Is the new pastor of the baptist thuicn. ADAMS Theodore Ka-hler. a young man lUing -4j,i of loan, wiiile trying to stop his teajii caught his lett leg in the wheel of the wagon and broke loih boues just above tha ankie. Dr. McKebbeu ret th fracture. GENEVA As Father Becker, rector of St. Joseph Roman Catholic church of this city, with Ui sister, Mus Mary, ere duv- debt he owes to Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. Impressive truths from the lips of this dis tinguished divine, who bids his ailingbrother be of good cheer and prophecies that health, strength and the joy of living will return to him. S- 4.4 t - . 1 ) i 7 -vtrnri s : 'V. -..V . . nior Rector Church of the lloly Apostles, Ins Into town the other evening, his horse ran awav, throwing them both out, break ing Miss Becker collarbone. Shorwas taken Into the Reform school and cared for. and Is ft III there. Her brother escaped with a few bruise. Bl'RWELL Very few changes take place at the courthouse today. W. Z. Todd suc ceeds W. C. Johius as county treasurer and J. L. Jenkins succeeds Grace McCltmans as county superintendent. All the other offi cers succeed themselves. YORK The first gas manufactured In York was turned Into the gas mains today, and many patrons of the company com menced using gas for cooking, heating and Illuminating. At noon a bad leuk was dis covered, In which was a loss of 000 feet per hour. BEATRICE The funeral of the late John Ellis was held yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home on North Fourth street. The services were conducted by Rev. J. L. Rhodes, and interment wu In Evergreen Home cemetery. The funeral waa private. CHADRON The part of the Depot hotel occupied by the employes of the house caught tire yesterday. .The main part of the building was saved by the vigorous effort- of the tire company. The bui.uing is ow ned by the Northwestern Railroad company. Loss about i0. Bl'RWELL Two business changes took place here yesterday. F. J. GrunKeineyer sold his butcher business to Nunemaker & Zicgler, who took possession at once, and Frank Noble sold his restaurant and con fectionary business to V. J. Miller, who has taken possession. NEBRASKA CITY Joy Morton, who was injured lavt week by falling off his horse. Is steadily inipioving and progress toward complete recovery la very satisfactory. The progress made toward recovery warrant the tit Her that nr. Morton will De a Die to be out In a few day. TECCMSEH Muvor P. H. Hopkins has appointed Edward II. Seaver a councilman from the Third ward and Frank Dutoe a member of the City Library board to fill vacancies caused by the removal of Dr. E. M. Cra ml) fruin this city. The council has ounlirmed the appointments. BEATRICE W. N. Farlow has received a letter trow the capitalist behind the movement to prospect tor oil and gas near j tills city, stating that they were ready to 4iry leases on the land can be secured or at least not later than early spring. FALLS CITY J. C. Tanner, the retiring county clerK, has purchased the hardware business of A. F. Meyer and will tune pos session February 1. Mr. Meyer will move las lanuiy tram Falls City to the Pacilic coast and he will enter the employ of a Wholesale hardware firm as traveling sales man. BEATRICE The annual report of Sheriff Lou i rude siiowg that Uie office of sneritt of Gage county is not a big snap, tlnan cially speaking. During the past year he has earned $-.4.7.S7 in fees. Of this amount he has collected $1,11)4.13, and paid his deputy tWti, leaving him &v).13 as his salary. I BEATRICE Hose company No. i met last night and elected officers: Rufus Thompson, president; Charles Avey, vice , president; George Smitn, secretary; A. D. White, treasurer; Ira. Lock, steward; J. C. fc'.iith. foreman; Charles tihank. lirst ! assistant foreman; Charles Lock, second asM.-iant foreman. DAKOTA ( IT) The;il roster of Da i kola county's officials suffered only one ' change on Thursday the time at which the recently elected officers should assume their : offices, that of Ed Morgan, who succeeded ' L. Blanchaid as a member of the Board of I County Commissioners. The balance of tin I officer were all re-elected. BEATRICE Word was received here yesterday announcing the death of Miss Winona Haipster, a former resident of Blue spniigs. Which occurred at Lincoln. Miss lurilT was 2ti years of age and lived in (Ins county for years before going to the capital city. Interment will be in blue Springs cemetery. DAKOTA CiTY-Miss May McCay of Kh'UX City, assistant principal ot our schools, tendered her resignation during the holiday vacation owing to pour health, which Was accepted by the school board, and Miss B'-rtna F. Marshall of Central Cay, Neb., has been hired, reporting tor duty Monday of next werk. TEK AMAH At the regular meeting of the Tekainah Fire association the following efflcers were elected: A. M. -Vnderson, chief; C. A. Raver, assistant chief, E. I Baker, secretary and treasurer. The offi cers elected will have complete control of the three companies which hi retofore have be.n under separate organization. OSCEOLA For the first tune in twenty years republicans have placed officers in in polk county court house. The ,iew ohl ciiils are: Henry H Campbell, county Judge trep .; J- N. Norton, county cleric ipop-i; Joel Hansen, ciei k iiso'. c .c H. Anderson, treasurer (rep i. with Otto Johnson as deputy; William Ehllers. sheriff tpop.)i L. M. Shaw. M. I)., toronei U'eji ; Terry, N. Y., September 21, 1003. My Dear Brother: "Yes, dear brother, it would give me lasting joy to be at your bedside during tlies long, trying days, to be able to minister to your physical wants and to lead your thoughts along paths profitable alike to both of us. Alas, 1 cannot come to you, but I am comforted in knowing that the lung trouble is leaving you and that you are in good hands and have every care. Above all, that your doctors have found Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey the one medicine that is curing you. I am certain that this preparation will continue to build you up, that it will put you on your feet again, as well and strong as you used to be. "You will remember the condition in which the closing months of last year found me. My voice was gone, 1 suffered from chronic bronchitis, I was weak in body and slow of mind. "When hope had all but van ished a dear old friend brought me Duffy's Pure Malt "Whiskey. I took it according to directions a dessert spoonful three times a day. You know full well what a cure was wrought in my case. "Today I am strong, robust, healthy. My throat is completely cured, my voice restored. I am imbued with strength, energy and hope. My limbs have tho elasticity of youth and I possess the exalted powers of mind and body. This and more I owe to Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, the purest and most effective medici nal preparation nature has produced. I bid you, then, to take courage. "Yours with warmest good wishes, "REV. JAMES STODDARD." . V.1 Terry, X. Y. Miss Wilhelmina Rydberg (Ind. dem ), sup erintendent of schools, and John A. Mc-1 Beth as county commissioner (rep.). Judge T. II- Naunrters was tne last remumican county Judge and also the first clerk of . the district court in tne county, anu mo last clerk was a republican. CHADRON Juliet Amanda Richards, aged OS years, died at the residence of her son-in-law, Hon. Frank Currie. Deceased leaves a husband ind seven children, all of whom except William Richards of Fort Collins, Colo., and Claude Richards of Emi grant Gap, Cal., reside In this vicinity. Funeral services were held In the First Methodist church, conducted by the pastor. Rev. Emerson E. Hunt. PLATTSMOUTH Captain J. T. A. Hoover, an old soldier, passed away at his home west of Plattsmouih. In 151 he served as captain of Company D, Fifty-eighth Ohio volunteers, in the civil war. After the war ho removed his family to this county, being among the tirst settlers. He was the first postmaster in Louisville and in lSii he was territorial representative from this county. He was tO years of age and leaves a large family. NEBRASKA CITY Otoe county has two claimants to the ofllce of register of deeds. County Recorder Charles C. Brant ha filed with the commissioners a bond for . ilu.OoO and has taken the oath of office. G' orgs M. Lathrup, elected recorder on the republican ticket last fall, has also tiled a flo.OtO bond and taken the oath of office. Mr. Brant holds that he is en titled to the office until the supreme court I ha passed on the law in question. TEKAilAH The newly elected county officials took charge of their respective offices this morning as follows: Emmett I. Ellis (2nd term), treasurer; John U. Lar Basier (2iid term), judge; i son, clerk; 11. 11 L. D. 1'hlpps (2nd term), sherllT; W. E. I Piatt (Sth term), surveyor; Miss Eda C. ' Nelson, superintendent of public ilistruc- tlon. Owing to the change from township organization to the commissioner system, the clerk, treasurer and Judge will ap- point three commissioner Saturday for the triiBuiuB y rai . BEATRICE Mr. Rudolph Woelke and Mrs. Clara Mickey, both of this city, were married in Marysvlll. Kan., yesterday. . They have returned to Beatrice to make their home. In county court the marriage of Mr. Walter B. fluttertleld and Miss Lottie E. Hazelton Was solemnized. The gloom is a druggist at Filley, where the young coupl will reside. Last evening at the Methodist Episcopal parsonai-'e, Rev. N. A. Martin officiating, occurred the mar Ttage of Mr. Hiram (I. Baker and Miss Stella Irvine, both of this city. I TECVMSEII The Burlington Railroad i company s tender of a part payment of I' i taxes for 14 and 1")05 has been accepted by i I tne county treasurer. 1 tie assessor found I the company' taxes for the two vears to be 131.022.13 and the tender waa S19.1H3.04. a difference of HI.?. 49. This action was not taken by the county treasurer until It was demonstrated to him by Judge Munger of the 1'nlted States circuit court and the at torney general that the acceptance of the tender would in no wise stand In the way of i the county securing the whole amount found against tne company. I'LATTSMOL'TH At noon today the fol lowing chuiifres occurred In the courthouse: John D. McTtride. who ha held the office of aheriff for four years, was succeeded by Carl D. (Jiiinton of Elmwood; W. E. Rosen crans succeeded L. A. T son as county ! clerk, and Clell D. Morgan relloved J. L. Burton as deputy; Piol. J. W. Gamble be- I came county superintendent, succeeding C. S. Wort muni W. B. Banning as succeeded ii county commissioner of the Hecond dls- tiict by L. 1). Switser: Henry Boeek, cor- county commissioner of the Hecond dls- oner, was succeeded by Mr. Clement of l.lmwood. w. D. Wheeler, county treas urer; !f. D. Tra.'is, county judpe; H. A. Schneider, county recorder, ar.d E. E. Hil ton, county surveyor, were re-elected. FALLS CITY The newly elected officers took possession of their rl.ices In the court house in Falls City today. The outgoing officers are all republicans and the new ones are all democrats. The new officers arc: J. S. Lord, treasurer; John Huteh ings, county cleik; L. C. Edwards, register of deeds: V. T. Fenton, sheriff; John Gag- I non. county judke. Dr. George Kt-neker, I coroner; T. J. Oliver, supenntendf nt of public Instruction. There was no disturb ance or trouble in the transfers in any ortice except the office of register of tleels. William Relger has been register of d-eds for the last four years and was a candidate for re-election last fall, but was beaten by L. C. Edwards by ealght vote. When Mr. Edwards went Into the office this morning and asked Mr. Reiger to turn the office over to him Mr. Reiger refused to do so on the ground that the supreme court might grant a rehearing of the question as to whether the renister held over another year and might reverse themselves and that Mr. Edwards wm not competent to fill the office. He then wanted to make a contract with Mr. Edwards that If the supreme court reversed themselves Edwards would give him jacea hie possession of the office, and this Edward refused to do. After a little time Mr. Reiger i- M.'i be would tura Ui office over and did so. !.i ii BLOW AT VOTING DEVICE LAW wit Attack OD iietalltT 01 BUUie mad 07 I V V A. 0. Ellick. DIRECTED AGAINST FIRE ENGINE I0NDS Plaintiff Denies Authority ef City Officer to Call Special Elec tion to Vote oa Prop osition. Former Assistant City Attorney A. O. Ellick, acting for Isabel Linn, ha made the first attack In court on the legality of the voting machine as register of the people' will. The attack of plaintiff I di rected against the vote on the $HO,000 of bond voted for fire engine purpose at the election held November 7. A soon almost as the suit waa filed Thursday morning City Attorney Breen was at the office of the clerk of court to get the petition. Mr. Ellick set up that the special elec tion to vote on the bond Issue was called for the same day a the general election. He contends there waa no power or author- X in the city officers to call euch special election for such a purpose and that th ordinance authorising the special election . therefore null and vol.1 likewise the nr. ,s therefore null ana void, likewise tne or- dlnance passed after the election authnrix- ng the sale of the bonds: also th sal of th bona ,ggue , j u Brandeis & Son. There Is a plea that the court should so declare. It is set up that the mayor's proclama tion provided for the appearance of the bond proposition on ballots which should Inform the voter as to their purpose and amount, but that In fact "there wer no ballot provided on which was et forth said proposition, either In whole or In part." The petition goes on to say that th voting wan done by machine and that therefore the proclamation of the mayor was Insufficient and the special election a to the bonds void and of no effect and that the Issue should be enjoined. I vet the world know how Omaha Is grow ing and It will keep on growing. Do your share by sending your friend copies of th New Year's Edition of The Bee and Birds Eye View of Omaha. Do It now. w Governor of Massachusetts. BOSTON. Mass., Jan. 4 Curtis Guild. Jr. of Poston. was Inaugurated governor of Massachusetts today. In his Inaugural address he defined the attitude of Momi rhusetts In demanding a reduction In tariff end more friendly trade treaties. Queer frnsatlon I m siomacn. nam or uu.o., in in ni I certain dangers, which Electric Bitter are In stomach, back or bowels, are sign of guaranteed to cure. (0 cent. For sal by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Kork Island Passes Dividend. NEW YORK. Jan. 4 The directors of the Rock island company- of New Jersey, whlcti operates the Rock Island railroad system, at a meeting today voted to pass thet eiuarterly dividend on the common ind pre f erred stock. I here le no stoehelie Salt. Alti'w, lent or Ammonia in food made wltlf Saint Mini Powder i THl 8l H)W0t TtV$f snake ewr teeaa r