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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BKE: FRIDAY. JANUARY 5, 1906. 4 The Omaha Daily Ite K. ROBEWATKR. KDITOK PUBLISHED EVKRY VORN1NO. TERMS OF fllliSi'RIPTION. Jially (without Sunday), on year Dally JVe anil Hundsy. one year Illustrated Ree. nn year Bunday Bee. on year Saturday Bee. one year " Mil 2 V) DELIVERED BT CARRIER Dally Ree (Including Funds)) per week.. I,c Daily Bee (without mmflayi. per wwk..l.c Kvenlng Ree (without Bundayl. per week. Evening Br (with Sunday), per week..loc Sunday Be, per ropy '."'V Address complaints of Irregularities In de livery to City Circulation Department OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. tnuth Omaha CltT Hall Building. Council Bluffs-10 PcHrl Street. Chicago 6 Unity Building ' New Tork-15f Home Life Ins. Building. Washington V1 Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communlrationa relating to ncwa and ed itorial matter ahould he addressed: Omatia Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Rem't by draft, express or postal order, payable to The Bee Publishing Company. tmiy z-ceni stamps rwrivm n ij - - SmahiTrern THB BEE PUBLISHING COMPAM STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Douglas County, st i : C. C. Rosewater. secretary of 1h Bee Publishing company, being duly "worn, ays that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dallv. Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of December, Iowa: 1906, waa aa ful- J 81,040 17... 1 2,740 IS... t 30,0-M 19... 4 3t,B!H 20... t 31.7NO 31.IWO 22... 7 32,1.10 S3... S ni,r.O 24... 32,o4tt 23... 19 8o,i5o :... . :.:u.o2i ...31.H20 770 ,M,0!10 ...;vj,ioo ...iVi.WMO,o5 ...31.7S0 ...!Vi.2IO .. :w,oio 11 81.H40 II 8I.THO 13 8i,oao 14 31, MM It 81,730 14 IW.TIO Total Less untold copies . 1!8 ?9 30 31 no.ino . .nwi.n-to .. 10.S08 Net total sales t71.w:vi Da4ly average......... 31,319 C. C. ROSEWATER, Secretary. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before rue tills fflsi day of December, IDOi. (Seal) M. B. HLNUATE. Notary Public. WHEH OfT OF TOWJI. Snbacrlbera leaving; the city tem porarily should have The Be mailed to them. It la better than a dally letter from home. Ad dress will be changed aa often as requested. The new motor car shops of the Union Tactile cannot be built too large and too soon to suit Omaha. M'lth the famine in the northern provinces Japan Is learning the lesson repeatedly taught to other nations that even the victors may pay too high a price for war. The plans of the Omaha, Beatrice and Lincoln Interurban trolley line are not ready to be made public Just yet, but they furnish niuterlal for an Immense amount of hot air. If the TJuited States senate fioesn't hurry with the Santo Domingo treaty it will find that the party of the second part has moved to New York to be close to the trust funds. With the Inauguration of a new police Judge some reforms suggest themselves that might profitably be Inaugurated In the police court. The first of these is the refusal of straw bonds. Now that Senator Spooner and Sena tor "LaFollette have walked down the aisle together Senator Smoot may hope that the courtesy between members of the body will extend as far as Utah. It Is proof of appreciation on the part of Virginia that at the time it Is prepar lne; to celebrate the two-hundreth anni versary of the settlement at Jamestown It should offer to care for a number of the poor of England. .In selecting a general superintendent of a railroad company to prepare statis tics upon which the new revenue law of Minnesota Is to be based officials of that state are proving their value to their masters if not to their constituents. In overruling demurrers In land fraud cases District of Columbia courts seem disinclined to let the wild west settle its own problems, and one can but wonder how the wheels of Justice will turn tinder the eye of the secretary of the Interior. With the formal ending of the Rus sian Insurrection statesmen In the em ploy of the czar may have an oppor tunity to show Just what they have done In the way of helping him to carry out liberal promises made Just before the jams began to roar. The city of Omaha has a law depart merit, consisting of three lawyers; tbe Board of Education pays for a special lawyer, aud the Water board pays for two special lawyers. The wouder is thut the Park hoard and police board do not also keep special attorneys ou their pay roll. Omaha coal dealers appear to have very little show before the State Board of Purchases and Supplies. That fact within Itself would merely be suggestive of discrimination were it not also for the other fact that the preferred dealer had achieved a great deal of notoriety In connection with former coal scandals lu state Institutions. Fewer women are taking examina tions for teachers for positions In the grades and in the high school lu Omaha this year than for many years past, which Indicates that a matrimonial epidemic has Invaded the ranks of the schoolma'ama, or that they arc able to earn more money In other lines, or that their fathers and big brothers are able to take rare of them elvea without their upioit. to HKAr Tffr niiLtrnsr.s The Mil rfHlurliiK tlio tariff on riilllp plin' sutrnr and tolnr to 2T i-r -pnt of tlio IHiikIoj- rates and admitting froo nil other pHHlii. t- of the inland, was taken up in tli' liouso nf roproaoTitatlve jfHtcrdiiy. ltlnto on the nuaenro will pmlutlily be r.itinioil, ns It will 'U ountcr. as now intlWntoil, a strong; opposition. The groini'l of this la that th' propoHpd reduction on supur and tohacco will, if nindo, Inevitably operate to the injury of the domestic sugar and tolmeeo Industries. It will be urged that with the added competition of Philippine sugar, produced with the chenpost labor. It will not te possible for the beet sugar industry to grow and it would not very long survive. In regard to tobacco It is declared by the repre sentatives of that interest that it would certainly suffer from the Importation on a considerable scale of the product of the Islands. On the other band it N nrgued that of the domestic interests has anything to fear from a reduction of the tariff on Philippine sugar and tobacco. This Is the position taken by Secretary Tnft and the president made nn earnest presentation of It in his annual message. He recommended such legislation as is proposed In the pending bill and said: "So primitive are the methods of agricul ture in the Philippine Islands, so slow is capital in going to the Islands, so many difficulties surround a large agricultural enterprise In the islands, that it will be many, many years before the products of those islands will have any effect whatever upon the markets of the Uulted States." He expressed the opinion that the legislation recommended will aid the Filipinos without Injuring interests in America. It Is the under standing that most of the congressmen who accompanied Secretary Taft to the archipelago returned with the conviction that the tariff on sugar and tobacco should be lowered and other products of the Islands admitted to the United States free of duty. This has had a good deal of Influence upon public opinion here, which un doubtedly is at present less adverse to legislation Intended to aid the Filipinos Industrially and commercially than It was a year or two ago. The very earn est work done by Secretary Taft for tariff reduction has also had a great Influence. The sincere Interest taken in the matter by President Roosevelt, however, has been the most influential factor in shaping popular sentiment, it lelng recognized on all hands that he would not recommend legislation which there was reason to think might en danger an American interest. The prob ability Is that the bill framed by the ways and means committee will pass the house without any Important change In Its terms. Doubtless an effort will be made to have the tariff reduction on sugar and tobacco placed at 50 In stead of 25 per cent of the Dlngley rates, but It Is not likely to be success ful. What the fata of the measure will be In the senate cannot be predicted with any degree of certainty. Both the sugar and tobacco interests of the United States have strong friends In the senate and It Is very probnble that they will make a determined and persistent fight against the proposed legislation. . RKSTRICTISO TBA T K- The Indictment at Cluclnnatl of a score of the representatives of leading coal companies, on the charge of "con splracy in restriction of 'trade," is an event of general interest. The Indict ment charges that these companies or their representatives hae associated themselves together to fix And estubllsh prices of coal and that the price to the consumer wus controlled absolutely by them. It Is of general Interest for the reason that such combinations exist throughout the country and if the Cln clnnatl companies can be convicted of conspiracy in restriction of trade It will put an end to similar conspiracies every where. That they can be convicted there is very good reason to believe. Warrant for so believing is to be found In the decision of the supreme court of the United States in the pipe line case. The agreement entered Into by the coal com panics at Cincinnati, by Which they established a monopoly and fixed prices, was unmistakably a restriction of trade and renders theni amenable to the antl trust law. The result of the prosecu tlon of these companies will be lnv portant and their conviction would be most salutary. dT IMP ORTAST COSrKRFXCK. The conference soon to be held to pass upon the Issue between Germany and France regarding Morocco appears to be looked forward to by some of the European governments with anxiety, if not apprehension. A Loudon dispatch says thut official and unofficial circles there do not consider the Franco-Ger man situation serious, but from the same quarter comes the intimation that a rupture la possible. For a week past the foreign reports have told of the existence of a feeling of pessimism as to the political outlook and leading English papers have been quoted In evidence of this. The cause of the anxiety and appre hension is suspicion respecting the pur poses of the German emperor, whose name seems to be regarded lu England and France as a synonym for danger to the peace of the world, notwithstanding the fact that he has repeatedly declared himself the earnest friend of peace. A London correspondent says that Em peror William is distrusted profoundly by the masses of Britain, France and Spulu. Nothing Is heard more fre quently among the people of England than a straightforward repudiation of belief In his theatrical declarations that his first and chief desire is peace. This sentiment Is even stronger lu France, where it Is declared the government and peopjo are not misled by the kaiser's private pacific utterances. It 1 ex pected, of course, that tiermany will oppose France's position at the Moroc can conference, but there is only the remotest chance or possibility of a rupture resulting. Neither the dynastic nor commercial interests of Uermnuy would be served by a war at this time and should the emperor provoke n con flict he would have the most of Europe against him. No doubt tie will adopt an aggressive attitude In the Morocco conference, but if the decision of the representatives of the powers that will meet there Is against him he will accept the verdict. rut RKSPuysmtmr rixev The decision of the state supreme ourt in the Jorgeuson cose affirms the principle that the police board has the right in the exercise of Its discretion to refuse a license even where no pro- est has been filed. This decision puts the responsibility for licensing disor- erly resorts and resorts that are o- oriously dejendent for patronage upon the vicious and criminal classes upon the police tKjard, where It properly belongs. Inasmuch as the loard has it within its discretion to grant or refuse a license. whether there Is a protest or not. Its manifest duty is to exercise that discre tion in the interest of good government and not in the interest of tolerated vice and crime. And Inasmuch as the gov ernor, alone, is vested with the authority to appoint, and remove the police com mission, he is responsible for the policy they pursue. From that he cannot es cape by any fiction or assumption that he Is not expected to Interfere In the ad ministration of local government. The very fact that he exercises police powers in metropolitan cities carries with it the responsibility for the proper exercise of police powers, and that means that he is responsible for the acts of Ills agents Just as much as the police board Is responsible for the conduct of the police force. THE HWDflS HAND. A member of the Douglas delegation to the last legislature makes bold to assert that the move to enjoin City Treasurer llennings from turning over the public funds in his custody to County Treasurer Fink, in conformity with the law enacted by the last legis lature, was instituted In the interests of the paving contractors, with a view to reinstating the old board of public works that had been abolished by the new charter. It Is furthermore alleged that In order to screen themselves the con tractors have enlisted the attorney of the Board of Education, and through him have trumped up a pretext for the Injunction on the plea that the new charter being silent with regard to the turning over of the school moneys, the school board is obligated to Intervene and prevent the turning over of moneys until the supreme court shall decide whether the merger law Is valid. This version has, to say the least, a great deal of plausibility. It is a matter of notoriety that the at torney of the school board caused a great deal of unfavorable comment by his lobby work at the legislature. It was an open secret that while pretend ing to be there solely to secure legisla tion desired by the board and prevent legislation not desired by It, he was in reality plugging for the contractors and intervening for the brewers, distillers aud liquor dealers. The merger of the city aud county treasuries had been publicly discussed and was not openly opposed by any body. If the attorney for the Board of Education had given half the attention to the charter. Insofar as It affected the Board of Education that he gave to provisions that concerned the Board of Public Works, or had given the subject the same attention that he did the pro posed amendments to the Slocumb law, there need have been no defect In the charter that could be construed as bar ring the city treasurer from turning the school funds into the custody of the county treasurer. Very naturally a well grounded sus picion exists in the minds of the mem bers of the late legislature that the hid den hand of the contractors is behind the attorney of the school board, as well as behind Attorney Cathers in the at tempt to block the treasury merger, de signed to simplify the collection of taxes and the disbursement of the municipal and county funds. According to the fire Insurance record. fire losses In Nebraska for 1906 have not been as heavy as In 1904, the de crease being particularly noticeable In the larger cities. On an estimated total of $3.0i0,0oo paid in premiums for pro tection, the loss to both stock aud mu ttuil companies is estimated at $.0,0O0, aguinst $1,008,000 for the preceding vear. This wouiu indicate a net prom of over $2,150,000, exclusive of commls slons to agents and other incidental ex penses. Assuming these to be equal to 20 per cent of the premiums collected, there still would remain $2,500,000 for dividend. With such a showing the suggestion may not be Impertinent that a material reduction in fire insurance rates would be in order In Nebraska, especially in the large titles. The decision of the United States su preme court. Just rendered In the Peoria gas cases, will have some bearing upon the decision of the court of apieals in the Omaha Water Works case, lu the gas cases the supreme court holds that a city has no right to reduce the rates charged by any public utility corpora tlon below the rate embodied In the con tract between the city and that eorpor a Hon. It naturally follows that if the court of appeals shall recognize the validity of the contract between the city of Omaha and the water company the maximum rate, embodied in the original ordinance, which constitutes the contract, could not he reduced dur ing the life of the contract, except by mutual consent. The only divergence from this view by the United States su preme court was In the Frecport Water Works case. In that case the court held the statute of Illinois, which authorised cities to regulate water works, was In effect at the time the contract was made, and the water com pany was bound to take notice thereof and govern Itself accordingly, but this position was not concurred in by four out of the nine, who held that the con tract could hot be abrogated by the city, even If the statutes of Illinois authorized water rate regulation. Inasmuch as no such statutory provision existed when Omaha made Its contract with the water company the decision hardly applies to the local aituatlon. City Electrician Mlchaelseu asks for an assistant inspector and In support of his demand' points to the fact that the re inspection of old buildings, directed by the charter to be done once a year, has been neglected because of the great de mand of outside construction work, in cluding the underground conduit system. The request of the city electrician would seem reasonable. The question that suggests Itself In this connection is. however, whether inspection inspects. When Mr. Micheelsen came Into otflee a great many reforms were promised In the Inspection line, but for reasons unexplained they have not materia lired. Now that the supreme court has reiterated it former decision that the proper basis of value for taxation of a franchlsed public utility corporation Is aa a going concern, gross receipts and tangible property, being taken together and not separately, there should be no further -contention on that score. The house of representatives has adopted a resolution requesting lnforma tioii as to members who may have abused franking privileges. As this Is done while weighing is in progress in the fourth division it may mean less mouev for railroads on postal contracts in the west. In deciding to take action against the secretary of state. Who Is alleged to be short In his accounts, the governor of Indiana exemplifies his belief that one of the duties of the chief executive Is to protect the people 'from dishonest offl cials something apparently never learned by Nebraska, governors. Now that Secretary Wilson has been asked to take tip the fight against fruit pests In Nebraska he Is probably willing to admit that his Information regarding tha western bank of the Missouri river was . sadly deficient when he first be came secretary of agriculture. In asking taff'c and sane Insur ance laws Governor Hlgglns seems to ibe anxious to secure something which will satisfy popular clamor and at the same time run the gauntlet of a court. one of whose Judges Is an Investor In Fads and Fancies." Qolrk to Absorb Impressions. Washington Post. Governor Pennypacker is urging mem bers of the Pennsylvania legislature to re form the election laws. The governor is quick as any man In the country to see thing after it happens. Misery Lores Company. Tortland Oregonlan. Two men were arrested In Omaha Satur day, charged with complicity In homestead land frauds. "Progressive citizens" In other commonwealths than Oregon are also stopped from "helping the state." Despicable . Kraft. Philadelphia Record. Passes to politicians have' disgusted the people not only because they put legislators and officials under obligations to the men who Issue the passes, but because the men' who get the passes also collect mileage. Many congressmen are reported to have returned to Washington before the expira tion of the reeeas In order to use passes that expired December 31. but they will collect their mileage Just the same. American Kqaallty. Chicago Chronicle. It Is safe to say that this was the only country on the globe In which 9,000 of the people without the slightest regard to race, class, wealth or previous condition of servitude shook hands with the chief execu tive of the nation on terms of perfect fa miliarity and equality. The scenes at the White House last Monday were enough to make the enlightened people of Europe re flect that somebody must be living on the wrong principle there or here. Island Kingdoms (or Sale. Boston Transcript. Imperialism in distress at last! Too many Islands are In process of assimilation, with the result that a Job lot is now thrown upon the market. For proof see the adver tisement in a Ban Krancisco paper offering for sale Fanning and Washington Islands In the southern Pacific, under Instructions of the registrar of the British high com missioners' court for the western Pacific ocean. Heal islands advertised In the news papers: Where will this thing end? Dentin- with the ladlnn. Portland Oregonlun. Indian Commissioner Leupp is opposed to the system of educating the Indian and in favor of permitting him to live out his own life, assisted only by harmonious sug gestions from the white man. This solu tion of the Indian problem will hardly be agreeable to those who have been endeav oring for generations to make a white man out of the red brother. At the same Urns there Is merit in ths suggestion. In most cases the Indian receives Just sufficient education to awaken in him a desire for something better than hs has known. With this desire comes a realisation of the lnv possibility In his short lifetime of atuin Ing equality with the paleface. Ths result Is an educated, dissatisfied Indian, who is of less value to society than a, satisfied, uneducated member of ths race. Genera tions hence ths Indian problem will be worked out by assimilation of remnants of ths race by the whites, the "squaw man of ths reservations, detestable as he may be, having already begun the work. Mean while education has probably brought more trouble and sorrow fur the Indian tMin ran be counterbalanced by the good thut has been accomplished. ROtAD AtlOl'T SEW YORK. Ripples on the Current of Life In the Metropolis. The gloom in Tammany Hill Is thiik enough to rut with a cheese knife. Not a scrap appears on the pie counters. The hraves of other days wear a lean and hungry look, which accurately reflects their cnnHltlnn H'..n -. , . . 1. 1 ,1 fiance of a month ngo. and haughty alia I have been transformed Into funeral mel- ancholy. The tiger has been chained and ... ... .. .. . inniier inruwn into xne oay. v nancy i Murphy sulks In his Iong castle, a dethroned boss. What makes tho agony hird to bear ift thnt It la handed to the biaves by a brother member. Mayor Mc Clellan. formerly esteemed the brightest Jewel on the pie counter. Mcflellan's ap pointments are the hardest blow ever dealt by friendly hand to the organization. Hut the rest of the town rejoices and rudely mocks the wrath of Tammany. Things do not wear a bright aspect for the mayor. Though Installed for a four year term, thtire appears some trouble In store for him, which may shorten his ca reer aa mayor. The Hearst crowd, allied with republicans, have organised the city council and have instituted a contest for the seat of borough president, which will enable them to pry up the lid of hnllot boxes In Manhattan, and In doing so look Into the vote cast for mayor. With the Tammany members of the council Indiffer ent to the mayor's fate, It is easy to foresee what course the Investigation will take. McCiellan ia between two rebellious polit ical camps, one eager for his scnlp, the other secretly reaching for it. The new chief of police, Oeneial Theo dore A. Bingham, talked in a breezy fash ton to his subordinate chiefs. "I'm here to do a certain work." he told them. "and. by Jovo. I'm going to do it if It can be done. And you've got to treat me on the squure, as I Intend to treat you. I want to start out fairly, without any watching or spying. There'll be no spying. If you are manly men. why, treat mo right and I'll treat you light." These offhand remarks he emphaxtxed by genteel exclamations. "By the nine gods of war," ho declared, "if you do not uct on the level, off goes your star." There Is a decisive and a soldierly di rectness about General Binglmm which has often been mistaken for abruptness or brusqueness, but that mistake was usually made, by some one who had given cause for the exhibition of tho military side of his training. It is related of him that on one occasion, when there was a social function of Importance at the White House and a largo number of guests were pres ent, one of the guests, a well known sen ator, began the narration of a story In a tone which attracted attention throughout the room. Colonel Bingham saw that the president was annoyed. Without waiting for anything further he stepped up to the senator" and said: "The president desires to have quiet." The senator was extremely wroth, but it mado no difference to Colonel Bingham. He had merely noted and stopped a rude interruption of what waa going on. Tall and strongly built, a limp which a serious accident caused some time ago does not detract from the general's soldierly carriage. He has gray eyes, wears a mus tache, which ia blonde, like his hair, has full regular features and would be de scribed as a fine-looking man. He appears ten years younger than the 47 years he ad mits, and has a son 21 years of age. The cynical and picturesque Big Bill Devery. former chief of police, could not resist "taking a hand In the game" as it affects the cops. "They tell me," he said in an interview, "that this man General Bingham, from Conectlcut, who Is going to run the New York police department, had hlB leg cut off a couple of years ago by a derrick fallln' on It. I ll bet ho re garded that there accident as a great mis fortune at the time, but ho will find before he is in his new Job very long that a derrick ain't a peanut shell to what falls on the police commissioner of New York every day. Mr. Devery naturally doubts the ability of a man without police experience to run the police force of New York City. He Is outspoken In his opinion that the heud of the department should be a policeman who has risen from the grado of patrolman. In this connection he waa told that General Bingham and organized the park and White House grounds police force at Washington. "That may help him some," agreed Mr. Devery, "but a Washington cop, whose duties are confined mostly to plckln' up . T- T' ,iZ " . V. BruH' cop. The New York cop is In a class by himself. No other policeman Is like him. His work Is different from the work of any other class of men In the world, be cause this city is different from any other city In the world. "I don't want to bo glvln' General Bing ham any advice unless he asks for It. If ho chirps to me I'll go down there and put him wise to some of the corners and curves of hts Job. He may make good, and I wish him al the luck in the world. But If I was makln' a book I'd give you odds that they'll be bouncin' roasts off of him before he's In office six months. If he does all the newspapers and citizens ex- j pect him to do with the police force he's more man numan. ir ne tries to do too much at the start he will queer himself. and when a man queers himself at the head of the police force once his middle name Is Q-u-e-e-r-e-d unless they put an egg In his shoe and tell him to beat It." A MODEL INVESTIGATION. Inquisition Into Life Insurance Methods Worthy of Emulation. New York Tribune. It will be Impossible for some time to come to measure the full value of the In surance Investigation in practical results. There Is a mass of testimony to be sifted and analysed before the committee can even make Its report to the legislature. and it will be no easy task, notwithstanding the vlvd light which has been poured on manifold abuses, to devise and apply effec tive remedies. The public unquestionably and Justly demands enactments which will not merely prescribe but compel better protection tor policyholders, and we have no doubt that both parties in the legislature will be disposed to act promptly and vigor ously. Agreement upon a general scheme of Insurance regulation, however. Is nut likely to be, and should not be, reached in hast. But it is not too soon to express pro found respect for the manner In which the Investigation has been conducted. The com mittee has pursued Its laborious and compli cated task with unswerving fidelity from ths first day to the last. It has resisted the immense pressure of interests solleltlous to beguile It from the straight path of duty, whether for protection of for persecution. It has unfalteringly sustained its counsel In a resolute and at the same time a per fectly dispassionate purpose to expose all the serious abuses of a perverted system, in order to lay a safe foundation for remedial measures. There has been no attempt or desire to create a sensation, to excite publio prejudice or to further any personal end. No unfair advantage has been taken of a single witness. The truth has been sought candidly and courteously, without fear or favor. The Investigation has been a not able example of skill and rectitude applied on a large scale to the service of the stats. ECRFT RETAINERS FOR I.AWVF.RS. IHnrreriltntite I'mrtlrr Revealed by New York Tribune. Ixihhylng is a legitimate buMnes If legiti mately conducted. There Is no reason why a lawyer should not appear before a legis lative committee or prem-nt arguments to v Individual Uw-maker In bohulf of a client 't-re,tcd In a pending measure, prox iflea h," 11 , rn,- confines himself to ,h" ,r"'-r UM' 'f l-rmwalvr powers. K dence taken before the Armstrong com- j mltteo has shown, however, that many i members of the bar by no means thus limit the scope of their activities. Instance after Instance has been brought to attention of the employment of lawyers under secret re tainers to serve Interests to which they ap parently owed no alleglnnce. Gentlemen, under the guise of dlslntert sted citizens, wrote articles and appeared before commit tees In the endeavor to manifest an ap parent weight of public opinion with refer ence to certain subjects, when they were really paid agents trying to advance the Interests of an employer. Such methods arc a fraud upon the legis lature and upon the public, and they are a discredit to the legal profession. The old,: and noble conception of the lawyer waa thnt he openly represented a client and pleaded his case before the courts. The man who belonged to the profession, true to that high mission, would have scorned to make himself the agent of a secret Intrigue. He was neither a detective nor a hired servant, but a self-respecting minister of Justice. When a lawyer lends his professional tal ents and reputation to underhand schemes he puts aside all these old standards and Is false to his trust. In Massachusetts and Wisconsin, we be lieve, no person Is permitted to go before a legislative committee or undertake work as a lobbyist without entering his appear ance, truly stating the Interest which he represents. In .view of the recent dis closures, there Is apparently need of simi lar restrictions In this state. And they might go further. New standnrds might well be prescribed for the bar In general. We have done away with the old laws of champerty and maintenance, with the Idea of making Justice easier to the poor, and there are those who defend this letting down of the bars which formerly hedged about the practice of the law. It would be well to consider If we have not cone too far and made law too much of a speculative business. It would . be well, also, to consider forbidding secret retain ers of any kind. Many corporations In this way attach to their interests promi nent men in all parts of the country who really render theni no purely Itgal service. They are simply depended upon to use their Influence as politicians or citizens ns the Interests of their employers niRy direct. If they were the open agents of the employer the public could nppralse at Its proper value their persuasion, but when they disguise their paid work under the clnak of disinterested citizenship they not merely misuse their profession, but they wrong their country; for our Institu tions are founded on the theory that each man's opinion as It goes to determine pub lic policy will be honestly his own and not purchased. The man who sells his voice ns a citizen in the public councils Is Just as false to the state as the man who sells his vote. Members of the bar should be forbidden to do any sort of professional work under false pretenses, and, whether or not they should be forced in all cases to reveal the Identity of their clients, they should be compelled In all their transactions to let It be known that they are acting under retainers. This reform Is one Inevitably suggested by the Insurance Inquiry, and measures to accomplish It might naturally come along with those which will be looked for to cure the abuses more specifically connected with Insurance administration. PERSOX!. XOTRS, A Missnurlan has been selling a course In agriculture by correspondence to Kansas farmers for HI a course. Agricultural prosperity makes everybody happy. England has seven new peers. Not know ing how many of them are married, how ever. It Is difficult to say whether America Is sooner or later likely to have tho same number of new peeresses. Kxtenslve preparations are being made by Swedish residents of Boston nnd vicin ity for the entertainment of Dr. Utto Nor denskjold, the Antarctic explorer, who will visit and lecture In the city on January II. Thomas Price, the new premier of South Africa, was born in North Wales In 1S53 and was brought up to bis father's calling i as a stonecutter. Curiously enough, ho worked on the Parliament house In which ho now sits as premier. Senator Mclaurln of Mississippi had very limited opportunities for an early edu cation, having been raised on a farm and attended the neighboring schools occasion ally, until 16 years old, when he Joined the confederate army as a private. J. Plerpont Morgan's private library will be assembled and the thousands of valuable volumes gathered by him and his agents will be In their places on the shelves by the first of the year. Mr. Morgan's representa tives are still scouring Europe for rare volumes. Sarah Bernhardt nearly always Is ready to talk with newspaper men on subjects which Interest her, but with equal regular ity refuses to discuss topics which she dis likes. In the bitter case she makes puzzling replies, forcing the Interviewer to choose another subject. On one occasion a re porter was sent to find out what colors, food and wine she preferred, what hours she slept and so on. The tragedienne talked freely until sho was asked as to food. This was a subject too gross for madame, who said: "I sometimes eat more than I do at other times, but never less." Coal. Wood. W. sell the brat Ohl. and Colorado Coals, hot, lasting: Also th. Illinois, Hanna, Sheridan, Walnut Block, Coal, Eto. For general purposes, us. Cheroke. Lump, f 9.50; Nut, f 5.00 per ton Missouri Lump, $4.75; Largs Nut, S 4.50-mak.s hot, quick fir.. Our hard coal Is th. SCItANTON, th. Pennsylvania anthracite. W. also sail Spadra, ths hardest and elsansst Arkansas hard coal All our coal hand screened and w.lgh.d ov.r any city seal. a d.alr.d COUTANT & SQUIRES ff Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. ft EXCLUSIVE AGENTS At H C9i Every business man should investigate the Ver- M D s$Lr tical Filing Svstem or letters, documents, etc 1 X rlf ' 17 'T CLOBE-WERNICKE tiTrv UprUht Unlt A I TT ' - 1i ? v.nics.1 rite ' 1 I I n I h X :i; k C 8reatest and H i," device of the KM) OP GRAFT. Kill Tendencies llnnlsheil by the Thrills of Slnnlfnl Music. Chicago Tribune. At last the problem of graft has been ' solved. All thnt Is needed Is music. Shakes peare knew thnt the unmusical man was not to he trusted, but s more recent teacher lias discovered that a love for music may he cultivated in the most un promising sell and thnt the result will he the elimination of graft and all material evils. If such results have not already been attfilned It Is because music has not been properly taught. If steel manufacturers are not rendered more spiritual by the melodies that burst from the lips of shapely chorus girls. It Is because the music is bad. or else because their souls have not been trained to feel the regener ating power of music. The high morality and severe serenity of gypsies and other musical races Is a proof of the Inner evo lution of the higher life which always ac companies a love for music. The enthusiastic music teacher does not give the delnlls of the application of hts theory. The importance of the matter de mands immediate action from congress or the legislature. A commission should be appointed to draw un a project of law. The commission should have the power to compel the attendance of 'witnesses, and first of all should secure from the profes sor a list of the tunes which he considers most condue've to the higher life. Then from the confessions of eminent men and Inmates of the Jails additions can be made to the list and at the same time a new list prepared of tunes which have a power for evil. No man shall tie eligible to pun. llo office unless he gives unmistakable signs of being affected by the strains of the approved nlrs, and it shall be consid ered Important evidence lu a criminal trial whether the defendant is fond of music or not. A convicted gi after shall be sen tenced to take music lessons and all ld accomplices shall be compelled to listen to Ms practicing1. Tim unselfishness and freedom from Jeal ousy which Is characteristic of miislcHl artists Is now accounted for. All that Is needed Is so to diffuse musical culture that the golden ace will return spontaneously. The composer who sighed for the privilege of mnklng his country's songs erred In leaving to others the power of making Its laws. Ho should have snid: " me teach the children music and there will be no need of laws." I.At f.IIIMl ;A. "I can't understand why they culled Henry VIII "Bluff King Hal." "Well, why not?'' "A inn n with sl.t querns doesn't need to blun'." Cleveland leader. "Have you made political economv?'' ny especial study of "Not yet." answered Senator Sorghum 'but If the corporations hold out In their resiilutiMis not to contribute to enmpaign funds 1 suppose 1 11 have to." Washington Star. McJIgger I wonder if there's nnv truth In the statement that cigarette smoking drives people Insane? Thingumbob It looks thnt wnv ti, handsome villain In the plav. for instance, smokes cigarettes, and see how crazy aliout nun uie matinee girls are. Philadelphia Ix-dger. "I don't suppose 1 II get a chance to make a speech for a long time," said the new member of congress, "Maybe It s all for the best," answered his eminently wife. "Manv a man's chances for re-election have been Improved by silence." Washington Star. "I thought she and her husband were golm: to separate?" "They are. But she thought she'd better put It off until she could give a ball, two eceplluns and four bridges." Philadelphia Press. "I was marled to that man once," said the first society woman. To Mr. De Voss? The Idea! why so was I." said the second ditto. "Well, well! You don't say? Were vou berore or after me?" Philadelphia Press. 8qulre (helping the odd Job man to a whisky) Ah, Pat. I fear this is putting a nail in your coffin. l'ai Well, sorr. ye might as well put an other wan In wholle ye have the hammer In ycr hand. The Taller. GOOD ITEXT10.S. S. W. Gillilan In Baltimore American. Old Nick sat below and he chortled with glee As he listened to sounds from above. "They're having hot times on the earth, too. Just now, A-seeking themselves to Improve. Now listen, my Imps; you can rest for awhile. Your time and your labor be saving; Good-Intention foundries are working o'ertlino For our annual, manual paving. "They're making big bricks of the best looking straw. And loading them up by ths ton; Be sure to have furnaces down here red hot, To heat them tip well when they're done. And really so hard are these mortals at work That, despite the rule now In high favor, I'll give some a pass o'er the road they have made With such wearisome, drearlsome labor. "The great, brilliant deeds they are going to do. The big sins shut down upon hard, Will make splendid blocks in their beauty and si io For our much-needed new boulevard. Tho moderate resolves will do for our trade streets. If their style with last year's fairly tal lies. And toe mean little skimping, the halting and crimping. Do for duty and perky back alleys." "Yes," said Old Nick again, and ha laughed out so luud The cinders flew out on the gale. Till It looked like a Fourth-of-July fire works aiiow. And made the big furnace turn pale. " 'TIs the first of the year good-Intention crop time; On th smooth downward path I am sav ing; From urth to mv portals these well meaning mortals Are doing and rue-lng my paving." Coke. Kindling. 1406 FAR NAM Phon. 830. s