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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1906)
p 1 The Omaha Daily Bee MIA' I.BTTKR "TART Sunday, January 14 Sf IK THF. BEB. ESTABLISHED .1UXE 19, 171. OMAHA, SATUKDAY MORXIXO, JANUARY (5, 100(-TWKLYK PAGES. SINGLE COPY Til K EE CENTS. ntirt tJ.Tr km a-rajar Sunday, January 14 IJf THH OTHk FIRE IS KANSAS CITY Entire Downtown Retail Diitrict in Dangar for Eton Tims. TWO BUILDINGS TOTALLY DESTROYED Warehouse! of Columbni Buggy Company and Kiaball Piano "ompaay Qtit, i COMMERCE BUILDING BADLY DAMAGED Bank and Offioai in the Three Lower Ileere are Flooded. LOSS IS ESTIMATED AT $380,000 Columbus Bnmur Company's Loss 1s lOO.nnn and tha Vnuu 01 the ( Buildings la f 1BO.OOO-Other Losses $100,000. KANSAS CITT. Mo., Jan. 6.-The entire downtown rota!! district of this city was threatened tonight by a fire which started In the rear of the three-story brlok bulld lna; of the Columbua Buggy company, on Walnut street, near Tenth, destroying this hulldlng and the adjoining building occu pied by the Klmhall Piano company and the Hettinger Brothers' Manufacturing company, and bndly damaging the National Bank of Commerce building. The fire started before 10 o'clock and burned fiercely for two hours. The Columbus Buggy com pany'e building and tho building Immedi ately south, occupied by the Kimball Piano company, were very inflammable and the firemen were powerless to check the flames in these buildings. The stock of the Columbus Buggy company, too, fed the flames, and all of the available firemen and fire npparatus In the city were busied in preventing the spread of the lire to the large buildings on each side. It was Im possible, however, to prevent the spread of the flames to the Commerce building tm the south, and the offices on the first, aet-ond and third floors were badly damaged by both fire und water. The Commerce building Is one. of the finest office buildings In the city and the lower floor Is occupied by the National Bank of Commerce, the largest flnunclal concern In Kansas City. The bank's loss was confined principally to an addition which It built to the Com merce building about a year ago. The Mock of llelllnger Brothers' Manufacturing company, which occupied a portion of the Kimball building, was entirely destroyed. This firm dealt in dental supplies. A representative of W. 8. Woods, owner of the buildings damaged and destroyed, and president of the National Bank of Commerce, said tonight that the loss on the buildings would be $160,000. The loss of the Columbus Buggy company, according to one of its managers. Is $100,00. The entire loss Is estimated at $380,000. Fire Octa Fresh Start. At midnight the Are chief said that he feared the Commerce building could not be saved. The fire, which seemed to be under ! control at one time, got a freah start In the ur.p.r stories- theXoromerce building and the firemen were unable to cope with It. The destruction of the Commerce building would Increase the total loss by a quarter of a million dollars. iAter estimates nf the loss, even though the Commerce building be saved, place the total loss at tmnoo. The vaults of the National Bank of Com merce are uninjured. At 3 o'clock this morning the chief of the lire department said that the Are was prao . .. j ,,,. i ,i, leally under control and that only the t floors below tho fourth In the Bank of Commerce building had been seriously dam aged. At that hour tho firemen were pour ing volumes of water Into the building. Rank May Rot Open Today. Cashier Rule of the Bank of Commerce was unable to state where the bank would open for business Saturday morning. He said that while the main offices of the hank had been deluged with water, they might not be too badly damaged to permit of busi ness being transacted there. The use of several different buildings has been ten dered lo the bank officials, but no decision has been reached as to this point. It is thought to be a certainty, however, that the hank will bo open for business this morning as usual. CUT OFF FREE BUSINESS Hi press Companies Withdraw All Courtesies from Merchants and Other Patrone. NEW YORK, Jan. 5. The express com ponies have decided to Join with the rail roads in refusing to issue passes for the carrying of business tree ai cnarge. An- nouncement to mis encn was maas too ay at the office of the Adams Express com pany In tho following statement: The action of the railroads In cutting off free business has inde It practically neces sary for the express companies to do like wise. Accordingly, all the leading ex presses have issued orders that on and after January IS they will not carry any business tree of charge a a personal courtesy to merchants or other patrons or for any reasons. They will continue to exchange annual passes with each other and with railroad lines. ORCHARD ACCUSED OF MURDER Colorado Officials rrefer Formal t barges Against Alleged Dy namiter Arrested la Idaho. CRIPPLE CREEK. Colo.. Jan. 5.-Deputy District Attorney C. A. Gillette today filad Information In the district court charging Harry Orchard with the murder of J. W. Hartsock. one of the fourteen men killed In the Independence station explosion on June 6, 19ot. The Information is based on an affidavit made by Sheriff Edward Bell. I Orchard Is under arrest at Caldwell, Idaho, i charged with the assassination of former ! dovernor Steunenberg. Mr. Gllletto stated j that if Orchard was released in Idaho I requisition papers would immediately be asked for and he would be brought here for trial for murder in the first degree. CINCINNATI SALOONS CLOSE l.ld Goes Oa at Midnight for the First Time la Twenty Years. CINCINNATI. Jan. 6.-For the first time In twenty years the saloons In this city wors closed at midnight tonight and the midnight closing law observed. This gen eral closing of saloons Is the result of an order Issued today by Mayor Dempaey, who was elected mayor on the democratic ticket at the recent elections. During the night the police raided sev eral gambling houses and broke up all the paraphernalia. '' ! '' lr Edward Orrf Will Follow Poller of Uaadonnr Relative to Morocco. TiONTJON. Jan. . The Standard this tnornlng says that Sir Edward Orey. the foreign secretary, has formally announced through diplomatic channels his Intention to carry out the policy of his predecessor, j ira ianasaowne, wun rcgara to aiorueco. Therefore, the paper adds the appre t lions entertained abroad concerning the tudo to be assumed by Great Britain rr tho liberal government have been z ,oved with satisfaction to the interests rerned. I he announcement that the second squad m of the North Atlantic fleet, In command Rear Admiral Charles D. Slgsbee, will be C Gibraltar, which Is near Alegelras. at out the time when the Moroccan confer :e will assemble, has aroused much in vest here In diplomatic circles. A'ASHINGTON, Jan. 6 Ambassador rnry White and Minister Gummere have received from the State department full and final Instructions for their guidance as representatives of America In the approach ing Moroccan conference which It Is under stood Is to be held at Algelras, Spain, near Gibraltar. Custom forbids the disclosure of these Instructions In advance of the meeting of the conference. But It may bo stated on authority that they were drawn with special reference to the attainment of two objects: First, the maintenance of the open door In Morocco, and, second, the exercises of good offices by this coun try directly in the conference to smooth away asperities and prevent the develop ment of the friction between France and German-. In reference to the movements of Rear Admiral Sigsbee's squudron, It I stated at the Navy department that the plans for this cruise in European waters were pro jected long before there was the slightest suspicion In official minds here that the Moroccan affair would assume such shape as to threaten the peace of Europe, INSURGENTS TAKE TO WATER (Inn boat tarries the .Survivors of the Hand of Rodrlgrnes to Monte Christ. CAPB HAYT1EN. Ilayti, Jan. 6. Further advices received here today from the scene of the hostilities between the troops of the temporary president of Santo Domingo General Caceres, and the forces of the fugi tive president. General Morales, say that the defeat of the latter before Puerto Plata January 3, when General De.melrlo Rodriguez, the Morales commander, lost his life, was complete. About 150 men were killed or wounded. The remainder of Mor- ales' followers embarked on the gunboat Independence, off Puorto Plata, after which the vessel sailed for Monte Christ! General Guelllto, the former governor of Monte Christ I, who, with his troops, had de cttred himself in favor of Morales, on being informed of the death of General Rodriguez decided to fight In his own behalf and is preparing to attack Santiago. General Jimlncs, the former president of Santo Domingo, has left Puerto Plata for Monte Christ! and It Is understood will, with the assistance of Morales, compete for the presidency of the, republic against the other candidates for that office. According to the reports brought here by messengers a targe part of the population of northern Banto Domingo la in favor of 'General Jlmtnez WASHINGTON, Jan. B.-The secretary of war today received the following cable gram from Colonel Colton, the comtroller and general receiver of Dominican customs, dated San Domingo, January 2 Carlos P. Morales legally Impeached to day by congress. Raymond Cac eres acting In accordance with the constitution pending fma, ,, procPcdlnK collrt. This eliminates Carlos F. Morales from the situation and leaves without question the legality of Raymond Caceres eoverninent The government acting In conservatism and adhering to the constitution. Peace con dltions as reported yesterday. Carlos F Morales not yet heard from. CUBAN "WITCHES" GARROTED Two Jfegroes Executed for Murdering White lafant to Secure Its Heart. HAVANA. Jan. 6 Domingo Bocnurt, an old negro, and Victor Molina, a mulatto were garroted at the prison here today Both men were regarded as "witches" by their associates. Their crime was the hid eous murder of a white baby, Zolla Dias. for the purpose of securing the heart of a white female child which the "witches' prescribed as a poultice.- for a certain woman as a cure for barrenness. The child' body was found smoked and salted, weeks after the crime. The executions passed off promptly. There waa no special Incident and no witnesses excepting those officially designated to be present. A dozen other men and women are i t,nprisoned In connection with the crime. REPORT OF TURKISH FIGHTS Government Says More Than tlua Thousaad Casual! les Took Place lat Year. SAIXDN1CA. European Turkey. Jan. 5. A return Issued by the Turkish authorities shows that l.OM casualties resulted from the fighting in Macedonia between Turkish troops and Bulgarian. Greek and Servian revolutionary bands during ISioB. Altogether 119 encounters took place in the vilayets of Salonlca. Monaster and I'skab, In which tha insurgents lost o:d killed and 20 wounded. In addition the troops captured K5 prisoners. The troops lost 122 killed and i u wounded. A comparison of the num " ot men killed with the number wounded shows thut no quarter was given. I NEW ELECTRICAL DISCOVERY I ! Dr. I.oeb Aauounrrs Cause of Effect of Galvanic Carreat Animal Matter. BERKELEY. Cat., Jan. 5.-That tha : phenomena underlying the electrotonlc ef- ' feels of the galvanic current upon the I nerve and muscle tissues of animal matter are due to physical causes Is the latest discovery of Dr. Jacques Loeb. In pre' vlous researches Dr. lxeb found that sodium and potassium ions in solution stim ulated muscle and nerve tilwrs and that calcium and magnesium ions acted an tagonistically to the sodium and potassium Ions. In his last set of experiments Dr. Ieb has found that this phenomenon is due to the migration and concentration In the region of the electrodes of chemical u balances contained In the tissues. He has found that oleates, palmitates and stearates, all of which are found In the tissues concerned, precipitate calcium and that it Is In this way got out of the solu tion, preventing its Inhibitory effect upon the sodium and potassium ions, which are left free to act. POLICE FORCE TOO ACTIVE fur's Government Ii Apparently Carrjing Ita Advantage Tco Far. FIRES OF REVOLT AKE ONLY SMOLDERING Drastic Policy of Repression Mar Drive Liberals to Rapport of So. rlnltsts Hundreds of Ar rests Arc Made. ST. PETERSBCRO, Jan. 5.-The govern ment's victory over the revolutionists has been quite decisive, although open revolt continues In many places In the Interior. The military is employed mercilessly, and gradually the movement is bring stifled. These fires of revolt, however, are smoth ered, but are not extinguished, and the main fear Is that the government, en couraged by success, will fall Into the very error of which the revolutionists were guilty and attempt to press Its ad vantage too far. Already there are signs hat the policy of repression may be car ried to a point which Is sure to again arouse the resentment and discontent of he classes which shrank from the violent program of the "Reds." In St. Petersburg, for Instance. the wholesale requisitions of the police have been succeeded by a particularly offensive measure of the prefect of police, which practically gives the dvornlka, or house porters, a free hand to search private lodgings for arms, for suspicious persons and for documents, offering them a premium of fiO cents for the discovery of every revolver or bomb and S cents for a knife. Many Arrests Are Made. Such a measure naturally will arouse the cupidity of the house porters and restore the Intolerable system of personal espion age which was in vogue during the time of the late Minister Von Phleve. Thirty arrests were made last night. Among those takln in custody were four Moscow revo lutionists who came here to consult their comrades In this city. They were cap tured on their arrival at the rallrond sta tion after a desperate struggle with the police. The program for the demonstrations of January 22. the anniversary of red Sun day, Includes services for the "martyrs" at the Narva gate. Palace square and other places where the troops-fired on the workmen, and also at the cemetery of the Transfiguration, where the majority ,of the ; victims were burled. ' Two wings of the social democratic party have now joined the workmen's organiza tion In declaring that they will boycott the elections to the national assembly. The social democrats have adopted a wrles of arlr Hearing lesumony una aneinooi. resolutions Instructing the members of nd tonight relative to the death of Charles socialist organizations not to participate Kdwurds of New York, who was found in the "police elections" but to take every bull,t nd In his. head at tho advantage of such freedom of meeting as home of Charles A. Hlller Wednesday may be allowed them to discuss tho elec- morning, declined to make a statement. A. tions and preach the extension of the Maxcy Hlller is held t the coroner as a doctrine of armed revolt for the purpose witness, but Is at his njome guarded by a of completely overthrowing the present Policeman. The.ooronerlsald tonight, how government. Only then, the resolutions ever, that uo charge of Imy' kind had been say. will It be possible to ascertain the. real will of the people through direct, secret and universal suffrage, . . . - fUaesar Chrtsravaa Is- Hiweia. The Russians love nothing so much as their holidays, but depressed In spirits and purse In these revolutionary days, the cele bration of Russian Christmas next Sunday will be a sad one. The streets of the capi tal have put on a pitiful semblance of holi day attire, but none of the heavy buying characteristic of the prodigal Russians In fftfmnr Hai'i t- In Hi'Mnnpii v.'hjl. In t )a , ....,., . . . . Industrial sections the workmen, exhausted by a long series of strikes, are without i mnn v fnf rhrlilmni trees Th vraAn t ran. . . i.. .,,. i. .i . and gewgaws were brought into the city by the country people, but the trees remain unbnught In the streets. The holidays, however, promise at least superficially a period of comparative quiet, the proletariat organizations having de rided to refrain from activity until they are ended. Wltte'a Probable Action. The Kovoe Vremya is printing a series of articles In defense of Premier Witte which are attracting much attention and are as sumed to be inspired by the premier him self. The most Important statement made Is that Witto has taken a definite resolu tion to retlr as soon as the national as sembly meets. With the turning over of the reins of power to the people's representatives, he will regard his task as finished. The whole course of events since tho reform manifesto was Issued is attributed by the paper to the refusal of the conservatives to support the government. It Is expected that many ""'" ""- " "' eniMnei have continually been berated for not re alizing were not promulgated, because every hit of leeway given was seized on by the "reds" to advance an armed revolution, until finally the government, being without the active support of the conservative classes, was forced In self protection to adopt repressive measures. The policy It Is now following Is for the purpose of making possible the holding of elections and ac celerating the convocation of the assembly. The government is as yet uncertain as to what the results of the elections will he, but it Is rontldent that the party of la - e - and order will have a majority. The rumors that Witte s position Is shaky are charge- terlzcd as pure Inventions The writer of the article says: Witte Is as firm In the i . . - Til. 1 ML I J j sannin tut "n . ,i. .-,, , ( is proceeoing on me conviction mat at least ' three-quarters of the Russian people ap prove of his struggle against the revolu tion." fiernians "till I. rating Riga. RIGA, l.tvonla, Jan. 6. The energetic manner in which General Bnlloguh has in augurated his governor generalship is reas suring the German residents somewhat and there Is less talk of abandoning their prop erty interests In the Baltic provinces. Nevertheless another German steamer will have Riga tomorrow with too refugees of foreign nationalities. A gradual resumption of railroad traffic la in progress. Two trains re sent from ! jtiga daily. Governor General Sollogub has j announced that he Is willing to accede to ; the economic demands of the railroad men, i but he absolutely refuses to consider any political demands. The railroad men who have been obstructing traffic are being ar rested aa fast as found. Among them is tn assistant statlonmaster. The revolutionists today killed two mora policemen here in broad daylight, making the number tor the last three months twenty-eight. The devastation of estates by the peasants j In Esthonla proceeds furiously. In the Dorpat and Pemau districts twenty bulld- inga were burned last week. The author! ties are dispatching military expeditions with artillery In all directions. In CourLand no mercy Is shown a hers revolutionary bands refuse to surrender. The troops shell the towns and villages. Several of the latter have bean set on firs uud completely destroyed. PROGRESS OF THE STRIKE Emptoer and Printers Announce that They Are Making Gains and vre Satisfied. NEW YORK. Jan. S.-'-The Typographical union announced tonight that three firms of employing printers, members of the Typothetae. had acceded today to the union's demands of an eight-hour day and "closed shop." and by tomorrow morning about Inn nf the striking compositors will be at work. Early In the day it was an nounced that Pusey Co. and A. O. Sher wood had signed the union agreement, and tonight the Wynkoop. llallcnbeck. Craw ford company settled with the printers. On behalf of the Typothetae it was an nounced today that the right for the "open shop'' and the nine-hour day was going forward steadily. The American Bank Note company, it was stated, although not a member of the Typothetae, had come out for the "open shop" principle. The Ty pothetae announced that Mn nun-union men were now working In flflj "open shops" In the city and that the mimber constantly Is being added to. To assure the non-union men of permanent employment, the Ty pothetae declared that personal contracts for one, two and three years would be en tered Into. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. t. A further gain of sixteen men was reported today by mem bers of the Typothetae In the strike of the union printers for an eight-hour day. Ac cording to George McDado. the representa tive of the master printers, more than 0 per cent of the places or the strikers who quit work have already ileen filled. The union printers express themselves as satisfied with the situation. Officers of Typographical union No.ll said that twenty- seven firms have signed the eight-hour agreement. ST. LorlS. Jan. 5. Both the printers and the employers concerned In the printers strike say there Is no Immediate prospect of settlement. Some of those printing firms have yielded to the new eight-hour sched ule, but the majority of the employers firmly maintain their stand against udop tion of the eight-hour demand. President Jackson of the local Typographical union said today that no compromise proposition will be made by the strikers. E. B. Tier nan of the Woodward ft Tlernan Printing company said: "We feel thut the union has violated Its agreement with us concern ing the eight-hour rule and there Is nothing left to do but to light It out." A. MAXCY HILLER UNDER GUARD - Coroner Continues Search far Weapon i.k u-klrh MmnliAvu Killed. Mi havkis. Lonn.. Jan. a.-vomner , "'ade against any pe A. Maxcy Hlller said late today thut he would establish an allli when the proper time earna hut refused sV discuss the mys terious case further. "''' i-" .. . J. The witnesses at the inquest today were Charles Hiller and Margaret Reynolds, the latter a servant In the house where Mr. Ed wards was killed. No statement was given out as to the purport of their evidence. One of the Interesting developments dur ing the day, and which at first looked to be Important, was that Charles A. Hiller had furred over two pistols to the coroner for I his Inspection, the coroner later giving them to a gunsmith. It has since developed that the weapons were old firearms which had I 1 been a part of a collection In the Hlller homestead for years. The theory that the fatal shot was fired with one of these pis tols Is not seriously entertained by the police. i Although the police have not given up the hope of finding the weapon which caused the death of Mr. Edwards they are con vinced that It Is nowhere about tho Hlller homestead. Today the coroner ordered the search there discontinued. The body of Mr. Edwards was taken to New York today. Although the report of the medical ex aminer. Dr. C. J. Uartlett, who conducted the autopsy yesterday, has not been given out, it is understood that the examination of the body did not in itself throw light upon the question whether the case was of murder or suicide. The course of the bullet, which entered the head through the tipper part of the left ear and stopped just be neath the top of he skull, showed that It was fired at an angle, and from a point near the shoulder, nrrihfildv. It was nnul. , Jt waR galdi fnr maI) t(J nttye jnnctej such a wound upon himself. FAST TIME ACROSS CONTINENT Mall Makes Round Trip from e lork to an Francisco in fteven Days. NEW YORK, Jan. . Mail from San Francisco arrived here at U:52 a. m. by a train that brought it twelve hours faster than mall has ever made the Journey bn- , fore. The completion of even a faster : record Is anticipated Monday, when the . olghteen-hour train from Chicago arrives. cf)mpiPting a trip of mall from New York to Rln Francisco and return in seven days I j ,,m formerly was nine days. Mail now leaves New York at 2:45 Monday morning, l eaenea nan r raneiHCO ax noon In time for answers on the train leaving the Mime day at 0 p. in., arriving in New York at 0:30 Monday morning. Formerly 11 woum nave arrneu nere at the same nour on veonesoay or later, ay or later. Previous .. . . r-revious .11 leaving New York 'L W"',f.U' November last ma 2:15 a. ni. Monday, , . ,, . . , ... .... DeeniTne inspections of cattle were H.0&.267 and IU1 uowii at umi ,ii,i ii., i ria to 0UI1- Franclsco one day earlier. A new i o'clock train from Ran Francisco to the east saved twelve hours for the mall which arrived today and beginning on Monday more time will be saved east of Chicago, so that the round trip can be made at a saving of two days. MRS SAWYER GIVEN DIVORCE Daughter of Former Governor of Wlsroasla Graated Legal flepa ration from Husband. OSHKOSH, Wis., Jan. 6. Judge Rurnell today granted a divorce to Mrs. Carolina Cpham Sawyer, from her husband. Phil H. H. Sawyer. The ground given In the action was failure to supjiort her prop- j eral staff; Captain Carl Reichman. Seven erly. J teenth Infantry, and Captain Sydney A. The court awarded IoO.uiO to be paid Cloinan. general staff, to the plaintiff as a linal division of the j The secretary has asked congress to property of tha couple. authorize Brigadier, General Fell, Captain Mrs. Sawyer Is a daughter of former Grote Hutcheson, of the general staff, and Governor L'phum of Marshfield. She has Captain T. B. Mott. general staff, to accept been very prominent socially in Oshkosh. Mr. Sawyer is a grandson ef the United State. Senator Sa w sr. CHAMP CLARR OX THE TARIFF Viuonri N'embar Delights and Entertain Home for Three Houra. FAVORS PENDING PHILIPPINE MEASURE Fight Aaalnat the Rill Is Opened by Mr. Fordnry of Michigan, -who falls tttcntlnn to Repub lican Pledges. WASHINGTON. Jan 5. "Champ Clark democracy" was expounded to the delight and entertainment of the house for three hours today by Mr. Clark of Missouri, and constituted the feature of the debate on the Philippine tariff hill. Mr. Clark's speech took a wide range and lie labelled his political beliefs ns above In answer to a question as to what kind of a democrat he really l. He talked of the Philippines and favored the pending bill: he discussed , In Campbell county, Kentucky, where she the general tarlT situation: he reviewed j t.;in remnin as long as she wishes, no William J. Bryan's record on silver and j cotdiug to a statement made In Newport paid his respects In characteristic oratory to republican leaders. II. ..nrlhl f ,ln .r..ll... In whit hr ! termed the great "stand put" disciples and I tempt, to verify the report until today WASIIINUTON. Jan. ... . Sjs-clal lele declated that one of these, Secretary Shaw, j ,,el, ju,lg A,w, Herrv of ,,e Campbell ...- It Is extremely doubtful If any of whose record as secretary of the treasury contv circuit court, in Newport, whose,""1 present . deputies of Hie Ctilted Stales Included, he says, clas-irj Ing frog's legs ,iUUKUer Is one of Mrs. Tnggarfs close marshals oflice In Nebraska will recclv as poultry and ponies us 'household j fronds, said: ! reapi-olntmcnt. A lettr from the Dpurl- articles" for the collection of revenue, was j .. mivr positively refused to give the I ', "f Justice, It Is understood, has been :i loei. i.l reniihlicun i.iesi.lentla I nossihllitv. i r m..- t.. I,., . h.l.lieii. : written Marshal Warner advising htm tint unless the niuntle should fall on "the gray and grizzled speaker, t'nele Joe Cannon." Speaking from the forum In front of the speaker s desk Air. Clark addressed many of his positive assertions directly to the WOrse than would be meted out to a dan- , sanctlot ed by the attorney general, and it republican members. Me was Interrupted KorouH rtlminal Instead of a mother who, would rot be at all surprising If such a many times and these Interruptions gener- j through love for her children, seeks to letter went to the new I'nited States nl ally resulted In responses that delighted ; k,.rp pon.Dinn of them." ! torney when hit Is appointed regarding tliu both sides. ' force in his office. If Is manifest here that The rlslit against tho bill was opened in I me imere"u U! wic wei nilgai iiiuuiij Mr. Pordney of Michigan. He recalled the republican membership to its pledges on die stnndpat tariff planks of the party. The house at 5 o'clock adjourned until to morrow. Senators Talk of Itallriiad nates. The ecnut'j committee on Interstate com merce met for two hours today and dis cussed rate regulation In a general way. Senator Dolllver'i bill Is regarded us likely to draw administration support and the author is trying to shape It so us to draw some democratic support. The Iowa senii tor conferred with Senator Tillman for an hour after the coinrrlttee had adjourned. At today's session of the committee Sena tor Dolliver moved to take up his bill and consider It section bv section. He urgued that If the bill could be taken up and all pot tions on which the committee could not ugree be voted out, It would furnish a basis for an early report to the senate. He failed to obtain the adoption of his motion or any decision In regard to it, but It was agreed that an early consideration of the various pending measures should be had. This agreement, however, did not take the form of a definite program. The Indications are that the house will puss a bill and the measure will come to the senate before a report Is had from the senate committee on Interstate commerce. If the house would pass the Hepburn bill that .wauld.tir.inghtfp:e tha aenata a.inas-ure-almost Identical with the Dolliver bill. Senator Dolliver stated today that If his bill is rejected by the senate committee, he will make a minority report, which will bring It before the senate, and that he would move to substitute it for any measure reported by the committee if such measure were not satisfactory to the administration. As far as could be learned today the senate democrats will not unite on any bill. Senators Tillman and Newlands. both mem bers of the Interstate commerce committee, have bills pending. The former said today that Senator Dolliver's bill was an elabo ration of the Ideas that he had advanced In his brief measure and that he could sup port it "If no attempt Is made to make the democrats the tall to the president's kite." House nate for Ilnte Reirulatlon. Friday, January 12. was agreed upon today by the house committee on interstate and foreign commerce as the date for the con sideration of the general subject of rate legislation. Nearly twenty bills are In the hands of the committee, but It Is now re garded as likely that Chairman Hepburn's measure will form the basis for any action by the committee. House Will Insist on Economy. ,. ... ' The house committee on Interstate and foreign commerce decided today to defy the senate In connection with all lighthouse I measures and similar bills which must be I ' pa88t(l on by tn0 ,mmlttee. It has been ; tho rrttcllcc of xh house to frame these ; measures in such a way that a sum of money noi specuiea oui noi to exceed a cer- tain amount la to be used for the nnhlic I Improvement. The senate invariably has changed these bills so they appropriate a and Is not even affected by a contract of fixed amount. This system Is regarded by surrender between the two. It Is her sep the members of the house interstate and ' arate property and the husband cannot 1m forelgn commerce committee as being con- j pair its value. duclve to reckless expenditures and the I Th findings cover the case of Monroe members of the committee will refuse to ' Wallace, appellant, against the Mutual accept such a bill hereafter and propose Benefit Life Insurance company et al, re forcing the senate to endorse measures spondents, and they affirm the verdict as which will encourage the completion of rendered against the husband, in the Hen work at the lowest possible cost and the , nepin district court. saving of balances which may remain. j This action of the house committee is In line with the general measure for which the ' ! house Is offered for which Is declared to be the encroachment of the senate upon ita rlahts 4,0 Treatment of Animal Diseases. I Th Bnmlal r,,port of ,ha chlPf of tn. hnraii rif Bnlmnl indtmtrv rtt I lie Twnnrf- ! . i....i..., -i ' .... Hieiii in b'1 miuia miUM. rt u i ,01,11 1 lUl progT(.M ,n ,. treatment of the various an,ma, dll(oasP.. Muoh ,nrr,aaed work h been done dur- tn . , . , , , , , to )n th paHt year in Inspecting and dipping at anlmaIll for oaD. 0ver m,m lwJ ""iwere Inspected and nearly l7.onM dipped": I were mspeciea ana nearly j(,i'",'-) oil The Inspections of ci the dippings 563,391. The bureau's Inspectors at the different 1 abbatolrs and other places throughout the country. It is stated, inspect practically all the meat that enters Into tho Interstate and foreign commerce of the country, as the result of which, the report stated, the peo ple are assured wholesome meat products in our markets. Decorations for Army Officers. The secretary of stale has asked congress to authorise the following named officers of the army to accept certain decorations conferred by the emperor of Russia: Brigadier General T. H. Barry, Colonel John Van R. Holt, of the medical depart ment; Lieutenant Colonel W. 8. Schuyler, j general staff; Major M. M. Macomb, gen- decorations of the order of the Legion of Honor conferred oa them by tha French' ( government. FORECAST FOR NEBRASKA Fair Vatarday and tnndav. Temperntnres at Omnhn Yesterdn I llonr. Pet. . . : . . ar . . m . . at . . at , . n . . 4)1 .. .11 Hour. I P. lie it. 1 n . m . , on. m . , T a. in . , h a. in. . 1 a. m. , 1 a. in . , I a. ni . , i m. . . . an : :nt 3I an :t .til a i il p. .1 a. 4 p. a p. l p. m . u . 7 p. in . M p. ni. n p. m . MRS- TAGGART IN KENTUCKY Divorced Wife of Officer Has Chil dren In Jurisdiction of Friendly Court. CINCINNATI. Jan. S. Mrs. Taggart, whose sudden departure from Wooster. O., recently with her two sons, who had been awarded to the father. Captain E. F. Tag gart. after he secured a dlvorc aroused general Interest, has been positively located today. Mrs. Taggart and her sons were r ported as being Willi friends ai Alcx- I.".. K M...H. l,rplltl at. , They are within the jurisdiction of uij court and I propose to protect -hem. i "The manner in ahich Mrs. TaBart has .Pll treat, d and being hounded was CONFERENCE AT WHITE HOUSE ' Root, Intl. Moody and Bonaparte Spend Tnn Hour With the President. WASHINGTON. J:m. 3.-A" important conference which covered a wide range of in. in.em.nm.-nt of the War and Navy departments was held at the White House tonight. It was participated In by Secretaries Root. Taft and Honaparm and . Attorney General Moody, and lasted from S:M to 11:3" o'clock. None of the cabinet officials present was willing to Kay specif ieally Just what matters were under discus- j soin, but Secretary' Tut t. in response to questions, adiuitt-d thai any conclusions which may have been reached were not I mutters for legislative action, but were such as would require only executive ap proval. The proposed changes in the navy personnel bill, affecting the promotion of officers, which is now before congress was mentioned during the evening's discussion. From the length of the conference It Is be lieved that mutters affecting tho Philip pines, Panama, Santo Domingo, tho gen eral board of the navy and the general staff of the army also may have been brought up. MAN SAWS HIS OWN LEG OFF Rnalueer Pinioned I'nder Wreck - Mates Ills Life- by Adoptlna Desperate Measures. ST. LOI'IS. Jan. 5.-Plnlnned under wreck age resulting from the head-end collision of two Burlington freight trains near Woods Station. 111., today, which was made the more complete by the explosion of an en gine boiler und a carload of powder. Enpl neer drover Hinderer of Peardstown, 111., with his, leg crushed and held fast, sawed desperately for forty-five minutes und finally freed himself and was pulled out. He wait taken to the hospital at Alton and it Is believed will recover. Fireman W. A. An derson was also seriously Injured, but will probably live. Brakemen Mason, Franks end George Anderson were Imprisoned In the debris and at first were believed to be dead, hut finally were rescued, stunned, hut ! not seriously Injured. Rescuers were un able to release Engineer Illnderer and finally passed to him a saw, cheering him until ho released himself. Confusion re garding orders is said to have caused the wreck. POLICY BELONGS TO WOMAN 1 ... Minnesota Supreme Court Decides ,hmi ,',f Insurance Contract I Is a Yrsled Interest. ST. PACL. Jan. S.-Although obtaining ! a divorce a woman does not surrender any interest she moy have In any Insurance , policy covering her husband s life, It Is a vested Interest, the Minnesota su- preme court holds in an opinion filed today. BRYAN'S VISIT TO BACOLOD In Hpeech at Banquet He trsies Na tives to Have C'onfldenee In Americans. MiVTT A Ion C W T m-au thusiustlcally received yesterday by the provincial officers and people of Bacolud, Occidental Negros. At a banquet tendered him a leading native expressed the hope of ultimate independence, and presented or ultimate inuei .a.-.nii '"' ' " 'TL nf nomle and administrative province. Mr. Bryan's response was of the same tenor as his speeches st Manila. He enjoined the na tives to have confidence In the American Deonle. addina thut the work of the ednea. ,lona bureau was a proof of the good ( intention of the federal government, : . ACTIVITY AMONG SOLDIERS Three Regiments of I nlted States Troops at Manila t nder Field Orders. MANILA, Jan. t Great activity prevails among the troops In the garrisons at Manila. Three regiments are under Hold orders in view of possible eventualities in China. Movrmeats of Oceaa easels Jaa. B. At New York Sailed: La Touralne, for Havre. At C rlsilansand Arrived: I'nited States, from New York At Que- istoan Sailed: Noordland, for Philadelphla. At Movllle Sailed: Numldlan, for St. John, X. B. At Cherbourg Bailed; Amerlka, for New York. At IJverpool-SaUed : Cornlshman. for I "for X X N 1 "" Mv (ft QLD DEPUTIES Pepar mfnt of Justice Does Not Like Asiiftanti or Former MarabaL LETTER ON SUBJTCT GOES TO WARNER Subordinates in Attornej'i Office Likely to be Treated in fame Munner. GENERAL SHAKEliP IS MOOBY'S IDEA Dr. Everett of Live S'.oek Inspection Bureau fails of Vindication. KANSS MAN HAS LAND LEASING Bill Provides For Flc enr' l.casc on Mm eminent Land, l.cavlnv Price and Iteatilnttnns to the In terior Departmeat. I oni a man l.lirrrspnu.iem.; w personn.iy sai.socc, landing or each of his deputies ami In a position to vouch for their character. """'"'' "' "' " Altorn'J' Gv,u lal Moody means to brina alioiit a complete reorganization of the marshal's and district attorney's offlens. Everett Must Ntn Out. lr A. T. Everett of South Omnhu will not be lelnstated In the good graces of thn Department of Agriculture, uccordlng to In formation received today. Homo three niontns ago t-eien as removed from the position of live stock inspector on account of having given private Inspection to live "lock and receiving a fee therefor. Everett set up a plea that private Inspection of Uvo stock was common prnctlce, but In this particular Instance the Importer of a for- eign government took up the Inspection and fee charged and Everett met the headsman, Senator Millard asked for an Investigation of the charges against Dr. Everett, ahich was granted, and as a result of the inves tigation the senior Nebraska senator was informed that Ir. Evrrett could not be re instated. Charges were brought against Dr. Everett growing out of the private inspection of horses destined to Canada. The Inspection papers went forward, but not being regular the Canndlan Importer called the attention of the Agricultural department to the mat ter and as a result Dr. Everett was separ ated from the service. Test of Omaha Product. Today Quartermaster General Humphrey advised Senator Millard's office that a prac tical test would be made at Fort ( Crook and Fort Robl:ison of the products manu factured by the Lucerne Products companf of South Omaha. Protests on lint mil. letters and telegram are being received at Senator Millard's office from rallrond employes throughout Nebraska protesting against the passage of the Each-Townsend railroad rote bill. Nrbraiks Congressional Modal. The Nebraska delegation In tho house will hold a conference with social trim mings tomorrow night tit the residence of Representative McCarthy. This will be the second meeting the delegation has held since the, assembling of congress. These meet ings are e. combination of social and busi ness matters, the object being chiefly to keep In touch with one another, to dis cuss pending legislation and more partlcu- t larly to work harmoniously on matters af feeling the state of Nebraska and its In terests. John N. Dryden and wife of Kearney. Neb., are In Washington and today were guests of Judge Klnkatd at luncheon at the capitol. Mr Dryden and wife expect to re main in Washington several daye. Curtis Has Leasing- Rill. Representative Curtis oX Kanaas today introduced a hill regarding the leasing of unoccupied landa to cattlemen, which If enacted, will give the raisers of cattle In the various stutes of the union the privilege of securing a five year lease on such un occupied land under such conditions and restrictions aa the secretary of the In terior may see fit to Impose. The bill is brief and very much to the point and will be of particular interest to the rattle raisers of Nebraska, In view of recent events growing out of the illegal fencing nf the public domain by cattlemen In west ern Nebraska. Representative Curtis' bill authorizes the secretary of the Interior to lease for graz ing purposes any unoccupied government land In any state or territory wherein he deems It for ihe public Interest so to do. These leases shall be executed tinder such rules and regulations as the serretary shsll prescribe. No lease shall be executed for a period longer than five years and each lease shall contain a provision for forfeiture at any time, In case said leased lands are desired for settlement. Ralnbrldge nets a Place. W. E. Balnbrldge of Council Bluffs, former secretary of legation at Peking during the Boxer troubles, has been ap pointed special agent of the Treasury de partment at Purls, Franre. succeeding Major William 11. Williams, who has held the position for the past seven years. Mr. Balnbrldge's territory Includes Franre, Spain and Italy. Mr. Balnbrldge has been in Washington for some time In the hope that he might secure a consulate, but somehow has been unable to land such a position. However, Secretary Shaw, It Is believed, came to his rescue and brought about the appointment above noted. Postal Matters. Rural route No. J has been ordered estab lished February 15. at Reaver City, Furnas county, Nebraska, serving 316 people and seventy-nine houses. Iowa Bernard, Rout I 3 Michael J. Ward, carrier; Frank Melloy, aubstltute. Brooklyn, Route , Asa I.. , ruilun. carrier: Martha E. Galluo. substi- tute; Route 1, William McCluskey, carrier; Margaret McCluakey, substitute. Bussey, Route L James F. Bradley, carrier; Wil liam C. Bradley, substitute. Fort Dodge, Route 4, Peter J. lxihr, rurrler; Henry J. lAJlir. substitute. Grtruiell. Route 3, James H. Fowler,; Rosa Fowler, substitute. Ixickrldge, Route 1, George . Fagan, carrier; Alex Smith, substitute. Orient, Route 2. Charles E. I-klns. carrier; William F., substitute. Belina, Route 1. Thomas I- Morris, carrier; Henry W. Ritz, substitute. Yall, Routs t, WUilam J. Mc. J