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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1905)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, OCTOBER SG, 1905.. SPECIAL NOTICES Adeertleeaaeata ri ! rill be- takea aatll 11 a, for tfc frtilii edltlea aed ll m . a. Ratra 1 l.S nl rut laaertloa, 1 a word thereafter. Kothla eke tr er 20e far taa Bret laser. tea. TkM adrertleesseate naaat raa eoaaeeatlvely. Advertisers, by reeaeatlas? fcered eheele, ran have aaswers ad' rmH a a Maktrtl letter la ear af Taa Bee. tnwtn addressed nlll be delivered ea araseatatfqa ef rheelc MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE Business, Shorthand. Typewriting. Teleg roj.hy, Normal and English. Student a1rrt.re4 any day. Catalogue free. Ad dtvse H. B. Boyle, Pre, Boyles nUt;., Omaha, Neb. R-M241 QTOVPv: Replsted. Omaha Plating Co., O I UVta nag Harney Bt Tel. 2635 R-78 CITT SAVINGS BANK pay 4 per cent- , rl i o9 THY KELLY'S TOWEL, SUFPLT. Tel. R 790 m-Monopoly Garbage Co, ea N. 1h. Tl. 1779, f .ininrMiCITIITBAM LAU1NUK I Telephone 264. CUT RATE railway ticket TywF' P, H. Phllbln, IK Farnam. pbonJ OMAHA Safe and Iron Work make a pe nalty of fire escapes. huttcrs door and safe. Q- Andreea, Prop.. 102 8. 10th Bt. R .14 THE OMAHA FOUNDRY Iron and braaa casting. 02 Jackson. TeL 24J1 R 7S BUM PAINTING. S. H. Cole. 1302 "f.1" BAD" IRONS replated, c; three for60e. Omaha Plating Co.. lfc Harney. TeL to. LOCKSMITH lu'nTu'ih U 798 . HOLLOW BUILDINGS"- miuM.v rh.anMt nrir. Wemworth. 1 Pulnn' hlnck. rPhone 1672. R D J Tiac R Humbel & Bon, Dale I ICS UM N. 14th Bt.. Omaha. R 208 JanU iinnniM'thall iflth anrl Corbv Btl. Re lonablo for privat.or strictly Invitation affairs. Tel. ait. Miss Spence, 2110 Lake. 'Phone InaSSage cedar 43892. 8. Weir Mitchell Bystem, Orthoepaedlo Hospital, pnua. R -M228 2Sx OMAHA Wire and Iron Worka make spe cialty of wire flower pot stands and win dow guards. 2127 Farnam. Tel. A-S90S. R 179 N15 FREE Valuable formula for mahogany stain. Topshlne Mfg. Co., 1522 Dodge, Omaha. R 212 N16x CHAMPION CARPET CLEANING WKS. 720 8. 14TH BT. PHOK. it aba. R M745 N10 P! I R J redyed, repaired and remodeled. ruIJ Thomsen. 1417 Farnam. R-617 N23 PeNIO, Sign. A524 Dodge. Tel. 6630. ( R 628 N12 Crpot Cleaning, Cbrlstlanson, 2223 N. 20th. OAK block coal $5.00 a ton; best In town for money. Jeff W. Bedford Co. Tel. 116. R M220 Nil Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co. COMPRESSED AIR SUCTION SYSTEM. We clean and renovate carpets, ruga, up holstery, mattresses, 'etc. No Job too large or small. Prices right. 1919 Far nam. 'Phone B aStS-i . R-M608 N29 OMAHA ENGINE CO., western agents for the "Field" gas and gasoline engines. A few second band engines cheap. 1111 Far nam. . R MB96 N 22 KOTERA & CO. 2007. Engraver and Printers. Tel. R M683 N-25 BUSINESS CHANCES A LAWYER of much experience and good repute, would make and protect invest ment. of tl,0i)0 or more, at coming tax sales of lands and certificates, on terms entirely safe ana profitable to Investor, Address soon and before October 28. D-86, care pee.. x mzi? WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange a hotel or restaurant see Hart 4k Co, 401 N. Tf. laia, T 887 FOR SALli Dry goods and clothing store In Ainaworth. Neb.; stock in good shape; 4 caah. rest easy terms; owner wishes to retire- Aaaress ruray neat instate Co., Box 142, -alnsworth, titl. Y M2S7 MILLINERY STOCK In volet U.00O;. will sell for 1200; or what nave you to oner in exenanger -J. I. TAMINOS1AN, 4320 Chicago St., Omaha, Neb. ' . . Y 239 25 STEAM LAUNDRY In county seat town doing good business; good building and location; investigate, no reasonable offer refused. Address X 89, care Bee. Y-M314 Six HI'STLINO business man with $1,200 for Nebraska town; secures exclusive manu facturing factory without competition. Address Sml'.h, 622 8th Ave, Council Bluffs, la. Y 25 FOR SALE The best hardware business In the state of Nebraska, stock only. Owner wishes to retire from business. Address W. W. Coates, Plattsmouth, Neb. T-M599 Nl FOR SALE At once, 55-room, first-class. 12 per day hotel, good location, in Omaha ll.OoO if taken at once; terms. Call or write at once. Cause, sickness. Duncanson Real Estate and Advertising Co, 431-2 Paxton block. Y 632 FOR BALE. Owner must leave city and wilt sell new restaurant on DougUs street, near 14th. Doing big business, choice location; re ceipts 171 per day. See us at once. N. P. Dodge A Co, 1614 Farnam Bt. Y-14 26 A PARTY who can Invest from 11.000 to $2.6-0 can secure H Interest and permanent position. Salary. $-0 monthly; guaran teed and rigid investigation; trial al lowed; no investment until fully satis fied. .Add res Deo, care Bee. . i Y-MS40 2x FOB SALE HORSES, WAGONS FOR BALK A fin eam of high-bred car. riage hoi sea. cnetuut sorrels. Inquire by telephone M- P M47t ELEGANT Stanhope, with rubber tires, at lialf price; also extension top carriage from tha Saltley Mfg. Co,' stock, at a big bargain.. Johnson A Danforth, S. W, Cur. 10th and Jones Bta. P 870 HIRES open delivery wagons and one top wagon, good as new; a big bargain. Johnson & Danforth, 8. W, Cor. loth and Junes Bis. P Msuo -r J"AA b. K Standard bred mare, buggy and Harness; guoa condition. i'none H I k fcM P MSa6 27 PATENTS ;H. A. 8TURQE8, registered attorney; pat- ania, trade marks, cup) rights; no fee un ion succeaaiuJ. u N. Y. Life, Omaha. -ike y. J. LARBON & ADVTCia FREE. AJI32. CO, patent lawyers. UJ Uv Bldg. TeL M&3S EHAKPK M At ti IN K WORKS. Patents preourad, inventions developed, drawings patterns, castings, machine work. ttl 613 So. loth Bt. M 3U Njo FLORISTS HKSB BWGBOPA. Hie Farnam. r?T t HENDERSON, Ul Farnam. Tel. 1251 WANTED WALE HELP FALL TERM of the Omaha Commercial College NOW OPEN. DAT AND NIGHT SESSIONS. Catalogue free to any address. Addre ROHUBOLUll BROS, ltn and Parnam B 413 DRl'O stores bouaht and s-ld. Drug clerks waniea. r. v. ivniei, tut i. . . U 0 MEN and toys wanted to learn plumbing trane; great demand for graanaie. dy: many complete course two months; fraduates admitted to union and Master 'lumbers- association, t'oyr.e Bros. Co. Plumbing Schools, New York. Cincinnati and Bt. Louis. (Day and night class.) lor free catalogue address 239 10th Ave. New York. B 810 i POSITION guaranteed or no pay If you arc in need or a liave a "hesrt-to-heart ou arc in need of a position, call ana talk with haul THE EXPERT, :RT, 4pl N. Y. Lif ity snlcsmen at 1619 Howard Bt. Life. B 811 WANTED City C. F. B 649 Adams to, WANTED Watchmaker, good engraver and salesman. Ed J. Niewohner, Colum bus, Neh. 11 M 784 WANTED Reliable boys; good wages. A. V. I. WO.. 212 B. 1111.. D ofU WANTED Gordon press feeder, A. L Root, Inc. 1210 Howard St. B 448 YOUNG man to learn trade. Wire Work, 611 Bo. 16th Bt. B M648 ll WANTED Bmall Job of sodding done at ui and f arnam Bta. Apply ai room wa N. Y. Life Bldg. between 10 and 12 o'clock. B M140 WANTED Two bright young men to assist around college lor tree tuition. neDrasKa Business college, Omaha. B M270 26 WANTED Men to learn barber trade: 12 great schools undor ono management. Founded 1SP3. Fe weeks completes, little expense. Our diplomas assure em- filoyment at top wages. Call or write, ohler Barber College, 1116 Farnam St. B-M431 27x AGENTS City and country; big money; fay . weekly; need no experience. ine lawks Nursery Co, Wauwatosa, Wis. B M573 29 WANTED Teams to haul coal. Bteady work. Bheridan Coal Yard, 6th and Jtirk 80 a. B--578 YOUNG MEN WANTED FOR THE NAVY Permanent navy recruiting ofnee at room 322 postofflce building, Omaha, en lists American cltlxens of good health and habits. Good opportunity for pro motion; ages 17 to 25, or older If pos sessing a trade; wages , on first enlist ment, 116 to $6f per month. Retirement with pay after 30 years' service. Free transportation to place of enlistment after discharge. B M594 30x. YOUNG man to prepare for railway mall; salary fKUU to ii.buo; at once. 441 Hoard or Trade, Omaha. B 623 25x WANTED Experienced clothing salesman lor eaturaay. Apply at f eopie s store. B 622 27 WANTED A good tinner; one who can speak uerman prererred. win oe ex pected to clerk In store part of time. Gas Weasel & Co, Wlsner, Neb. B-M652 29 SALESMAN WANTED To sell the grocery trade; new scheme; no sample; mg com mission. Werts Bros, Bloux City, la. B-M651 31 WANTED At once; feed salesman who has had experience on the road. Address D-67 Bee. B M676 28 WANTED Carpenters. 25 cents an hour; work all winter. Address Jos. biesniger. contractor, Yutan, Neb. B Mbii WANTED FEMALE HELP 10 WORKING girl. Canadian Office. 15th and Dodge. , u WANTED Good girl for general house work. Mrs. E. Rosewater, 1711 Douglas. C M411 WANTED Girl to assist In general house keeping; no washing or Ironing. 711 So, 19th Bt. . C m WANTED Experienced cook Capitol Ave. Tel. 720. at 2416 C 689 26 WANTED A competent girl for general housework. Mr. Charles Ely, 2120 Kin ney. C M609 gl Kountxe, 40th Bt. nd Dewey Ave. C-M610 2 WANTED A competent cook at once. Mrs. John A. MCBhane, aJ2a Dodge. C-M601 26 WANTED Experienced cashier In cloak de partment. Apply at cloak department. reopie a store. c bzi zi 60 STRONG girls, for turning bags. ADnly 7 a. m. prepared for work. Bemis Omaha Bag Co. C 626 26 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; two in lamiiy; good wages. Mrs. Cox, 3332 Burt. Tel. Black-6161. C 660 27x WANTED Competent girl for general housework; three in family; references re quired. 2604 Dodge. C 657 WANTED Competent girl for general housework; good wage. , 112 N. 31st Ave. C 608 27 WANTED Two dining room girls: will send transportation. Koehler hotel. Grand island. Neb. c 5 26 GIRL for ganeral housework; no washing wages $6 per week. Inquire So4 8. 3-ith Bt c 3 ax WANTED Lady bookkeeper for music de partment; must be thoroughly competent. Good position for right girl. Aoply Mr. Kvans, music department, 3rd tloor. The Bennett company. B M683 26 WANTED TO BUY Antiquarian Book Btore. 1220 Far.; highest price paid lor za-nana dook. rei. -4o2. N a8 Nld SHETLAND pony, young mare; must be gentle and sound, Drone to ride and drive. Call 4 to a p. m. io liar a, r 182 HIGHEST price paid for second-hand goods. Telephone 1039. N-292 Nl COTTAGE, i to 4 rooms. in Omaha. Ad dress D 49, Bee. N 326 27x WANTED Pair, good young mules. Call on or address Beatrice Creamery t o, comer 10th and Howard. N 687 25 WANTED 200 gallons or more sweet milk dally. Call on or aadresfc neat rice Creamery Co, corner 10th and Howard. N-688 25 WANTED To buy, building lot within one mile or noHtomce and north ol Dodge St. Address Box 766, Omaha. N-34 26 "CENTURY DICTIONARY" and Modern Eloquence: will pay t nana price; state edition and binding. Address C23, Daily Bee. N M678 !6 BUILDING LOTS WANTED I have buyer for cheap building lots. If you have anything tn sell list at once. R. II. lnderyou, 442 Board of Trade. Tel ephone 2U1. N M617 27 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES, in French. Spanish or German; learn to apeak in 25 lessons, business correspond ence 50, to read literature 65 GUARAN TEED. F. Peltier, 115 South 2H h M812 Nil CHATELAIN SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES PPP1S1PH German. Spanish, Fencing. riLltVI The best results are obtained by our method of teaching. Trial lesson free. Davldge Bldg, lain and Farnam. Mail FRED O KI.IJS, teacher of voice. Room Id. Barker Bldg. Voices tested free. 333 N20 OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute. 515 N. 1664. Ufa. Tel. -87 MRS JOHN R. Ml fllCK. Osteopathy Phy slcian. Office, Neville Blk. Tel. 2&2X sio "There Is Always One By Which The Rest Are Measured." IN OMAHA, THAT ONE 19 THE BEE BEE WANT ADS BRING RESULTS. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL. European. 16th AChlcs go. JK SIS DEWEY European hotel, 13th Farnam. E 814 VIENNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. Ei BIB ROOMS and good board. 15 per week and up. can J617 Chicago Bt. ie Tel. 611 . O. M. E. Haul 1 runks 1-817 MODERN -fnrnlshed, steam heated room, single or ensulte. 222 N. 23d Bt, Flat 8. K 2(4 FURNISHED room for gentleman; private lamny. sis N. 18th. B M470 zvx TWO well furnished modern steam heated rooms; close in. reasonable. 2234 Farnam. Flat a. Phone 2203. E M611 26 DESIRABLE!, large south front rooms. rurnlshed or unfurnished; first class loca tion. 2224 Farnam. E M660 UOx FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th and Capitol Ave.;, veranoas, ample lawns, stately trees, rustio seats: home cooking; hot and cold water; reasonable rata. F 818 Tel. 611. O. M. E Haul Trunks F-419 SOUTH room, with the best of board, for iwo; modern, nomelike. hZl Park Ave. TeL Black-6425. F 211 26 THREE elegantly furnished front room for ngni nousckeeplngv 2018 Davenport. E M690 28X LARGE south front parlor for couple or iwo gentlemen; anomer room lor two gentlemen; all modern, hot and cold water, bath, gas and telephone; home cooking; rate reasonable. Call at 1714 Douglas St. F MG87 27x FURNISHED rooms, steam heat, good board. 1811 Chicago St. F M644 27x FOR RENT HOUSES PIANO moving: lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1626, Bchmoller & Mueller. D-S28 7-ROOM, all modern house, N. E. corner !d and Ohio, hot water heat ,125.00. Turklngton, 602 Beo Bldg. D 769 IIUU3CJ c. Peters X, tin.. Me. uA C. Peter St Co, Bee Bldg. D 820 THE Omaha Van St Storage Co. pack. move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Office. 1511H Farnam. Tel. 1559. D-821 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age co. Tel. 141. umue, 1713 Webster St. D 822 HmiSF m Pfcrts If the city. The O. D ui HOUSES, insurance, Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. U 824 FOR RENT 8-room i.wdi'n house, except furnace, 806 N. SOili Bt, 2X 4 bice large rooms, U21 N. lsth Bt, $12. 46 Paxtou BLk. D-4 FOR RENT Seven room house, 28th and i-arnam bib.; -a. inquire at 607 N. 19th street. D M276 FOR RENT 7-room house, $15; 6-room house, $10 ; botn newly papered. William K. Potter, Rec. 801 Brown Blk, D M278 FOR RENT Eleven-room modern house, newiy pupereu ana in gooa repair; will De vacant Oct. 20; rent $35 and water. In quire 119 South 25th St, B. Tsschuck. D IS1 WHAT Is known a the Fred M. Youngs house, 5002 Florence boulevard, 8 rooms, all modern, good barn; two rooms can be sublet if desired. For particulars see Harrison St Morton. Tel. 361 D 210 FOR RENT Desirable nine-room modern house, 4117 Farnam Street. $40. Alfred C. Kennedy, real estate, loans. Insurance, rentals. 209 First National Bank Building. Omaha, Neb, Telephone 722. D M369 $30 NEW, all modern, 7-room house, 3Sd and marcy. i-none tn. L MjOs COZY cottage home, furnished or unfur- niched; rooms, polished floors, full lot car Una one block. 914 South 40th St. D M543 28x J-ROOM house for rent JTU North 22d Bt Key 8715 North 23d, P. R. Cook. X M572 29x 1911 CALIFORNIA ST. 7 rooms, city water $18. Walter Breen, R. 416 Karbach Blk. D 631 FOR RENT A 10-room house, 37th and Mason, with furnace and fully equipped bath room only $15 per month. Inquire R. C. Peter St Co, ground floor. Bee Bldg. D-616 FOR RENT A very desirable 9-room house, modern ln every respect, with hird wood floors; good barn. Only $35 per month. 2010 Emmet street. Inquire R. C. Peter St Co, Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. D 621 NEW 4-room cottage, full lot, $12. SWEET St BEST. 613 N. Y. U Tel. 1472. D-M63 MODERN 8-room house, $23.50 per month. $715 N, 18th St D 664 27 X FURNISHED cottage for the winter, modern; no children. Address 2106 Ohio. D-65 27 4-room cottage, 3568 Leavenworth St.. .$12.50 4 rooms. 4430 Farnam ...$l 2.00 6- room cottage. 2no9 a. 20th Ave 7- room house, 2474 Harney 7-room house, 218 S. 35th Ave 7- room house, 8416 Martha 8- room house, 12u2 S. 9th 8-rootn house, 2713 Caldwell 8-room house, 2629 Be ward $12.50 $.50 .$18.00 .$18.00 .$30.UO .$26.00 .$20.00 F. D. WfcAD. l<t DUUULAB. D 668 27 WANTED A tenant for a $30,000 dwelling ln park district, which will be fitted up to make about 20 rooms; well suited for fine boarding house or a club. K. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas St. D 663 27 FOUR rooms; modern, except furnace. D M6s4 Apply 846 . 18tn Bt . FOR RENT. 1433 8. 16th St., 4-rootn cottage In the rear; $7 50 per month. us rhiraa-o St.. lik-room house, all modern . and tn first class condition. Kent, wr month. 108 Board of Trade Bldg.. large offlc room. 1st. floor, fronting on ittn Bt. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam Bt D M675 17 ONE-HALF ACRE Of ground and nearly new six-room house at 2611 Blnney St. for rent; fine modern Dlumblna: lot of fruit barn, chicken houxe, etc. PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO, 01- N. Y. I. D MfiS8 26 PLUMBING DI I IMR1N.T. Repair work a peclalty. l uuinun'vj Lynch B roa, 31'Vs B. 12th. Tel. 1477. MS6 N22 I VMPU Repairing Immediately attended L.IM-nto. 118 B. 16lh. TeL 3092. 585 N22 CHAPMAN & MAHAN. Repairing promptly at low prices. 61Z N. I6tn. Tel. Red bm4. cut D22 A. BAVARD. 4314 No. 24th. Tel. 5M1 -M5S6 N 3 AUCTIONEERS EXPERIENCED auctioneers on short no. tite lo conduit aalea of real estate, live stock, household goods, etc. Omaha Real Kftute Auction Co, 232 Neville Blk. 'Phune 6t;. - FOR SALE REAL ESTATE $1,200 A beautiful lot on Lafayette Ave. paving and permanent walk paid. 60x150, $1,20 2718 Decatur St Thl Is a good 6-room cot tage In good shape. Rent 1144 per year. $1,500 t room ln year. 2714 DecRtur, 6 room ln tip-top shape. Rent 180 per year. $2,000 room house, month. A bl 2030 Spring, 10-room house, 8 years old. Rent 128 per month. A big bargain. The Byron Reed Co., 'Fhon 297. 213 South 14th. RE 672 27 ' $1,785 Boy an 8-room house 4 block from P. bringing 12 K per year. F. D. WE AD, 1524 Douglas St. RE 6 27 Buy a fine double dwelling In Park district on car line, full lot and alley in rear: splendid purchase to occupy one and rent other at $30 per mo. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas 8t. R&-665 27 Buy corner two lots ln West Farnam Bt, district; Just proper distance off Farnam car and most sightly; owner has removed from city. F. D. WEAD. 1624 Douglaa St RE 664 27 Whtt Do You Think of This? 8-room modern dwelling ln good repair mantel, grate, gas, etc.; lot 50x128, on grade and nicely terraced; concrete walk; excellent location, on West Harney Bt, 4 blocks from Farnam car. Price reduced to $1,775 for Immediate sale. Easy terms of payment. House now vacant. See us at once if you want a home or Invest ment bargain. - W. H. RUSSELL & CO., 426 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Hnrney Sts. RE 662 28 AN OLD HOMESTEAD IN 6TH WARD, aiTUUT A VTI 1 I d w T C17L' I I U il I U IV a u ro i ii i a n u vrwAyoij ivi ihi w u, LARGE TRP:f:B, ABOUT ONE ACRE OF GROUND, JUST A GOOD WALK FROM BUSINESS CENTER, PRICE THIS WEEK. ONLY $6,750. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas BL RE 667 27 GAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES Wholesale and Retail. BURGESS - GKANDEN CO., Formerly F. M. RUSSELL FIXTURE CO. Ill South 16th Bt Telephone 681. Farm and' Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas1, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten y ear tune. Land Dept. U. P. K. R, Omaha, Neb, Dept "A." ' RE-830 ONLY $30 an acre, 100 acre ln grain and corn, 8U acres )n airaira, o in assorted fruit, 160 acres - ln all. includes i-roora house, implements, windmill, etc. Clear; guaranteed title. Must sell quick, or will exchange for city or town property. Ad dress D 66, care Bee. ttK Mt42 2tx CH,AB- Williamson Co.u- VtWrf- JtE il WRITE for Illustrated pamphlet describ ing two ranches ln the corn and altalfa belt Willi Cadwell. Broken Bow, Neb. RE bat $300 Down and balance to suit buys a pretty 6-room cottage on Clifton Hill. House ha hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen and 2 bedrooms finished InS hard pino. Double door between dining room and parlor, also between dining room and one bedroom. Gas throughout the house; city water in kitchen; full lot with nice shade tree and some fruit trees; small barn or chicken house. Price, $l,5ou. House In fine - shape. H. A. Bteavenson, 330 Board of Trade. Tel. 492. RE M645 26 IF YOU want to get right price on farm land in Custer county, write Willis Cad well, Broken Bow, Neb, for list RE-M300 N20 Military Road Bargain 2116 Military Ave, business center of Clif ton mil, on line or new oouievara; pav ing, sewer, permanent sidewalk, all paid; 6-r. house; city water; 23-ft. lot; $1,200; with. 4H-ft lot, $1,450; 69rft. lot, $l,6tW. Will sell 23 ft. vacant, $3ou; 46 ft, $ob0. Take it, anyway. You will say thl is a bargain. G. G. Wallace, Brown Block RE M649 27 NEBRASKA FARMS For Nebraska farmers; in central Ne braska; black loam soli, no sand, alkali or gumbo; everything grows, corn, win ter wheat and alfalfa, the staples; 160 acres, 8 miles from town, 130 cultivated, cheap house, well, pump, etc, $3,600. A bargain. Come and see for yourself. J. T. Campbell. Litchfield, Neb. RE M607 30 FINE BUILDING LOT, 30th AND CALIFORNIA. If you "are looking for a desirable place to ouild on see me aooui mis duxiuo, on car line, worth $1,000; for quick Bale, $75o. North front 150 feet west of 3oth street. Tel. 215L R. H. Landeryou, 442 Board of Trade. - RE M64S 27 FOR BALE Large house, two barns and two full lota, on Hortn ism at, ouiy $4,500. This Is a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room L New York Life Bldg. HE Ml 68 A MODEL home; 9-room modern house; everything in perfect condition; two lots, worth $2,6ii0; good barn and outbuildings; fine shade, paved street, new furnace, south frontage; buy from owner direct Price. $4 500. - Apply 3840 Charles Bt. RE MC80 26 FLORENCE LOTS I have some choice lot In Florence which I will sell singly or in groups. Also have lots In Omaha and 6outfi Omaha to sell or lease. Can aso secure you a tax certlvcat of the scavenger ale. Dexter L. Th.irnas, Att'y, 413 Bee. RE M6i7 29 AN OPPORTUNITY SIX-ROOM house at 2611 Blnney Bt, prac tically new, tine open plumbing, cement basement and laundry room, with hot and cold water; fine barn, with puved stalls, cow yard, chicken house and chicken yard, nice lawn: one-half acre of ground, with all kinds of fruit To be sold at once. Make us an offer, PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO.. SOI.B AGENTS. RPhone 1016. eul-3 N. Y. Life. . RE Mb 20 THE J. FRED KERR COMPANY'S AB STRACTS OF TITLE are the safest. You are protected bv a $1o,j0 bend agalnitt loss by errors. You don't buy a lawsuit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract, loos N. Y. Life Bldg. TeL 3244. HO PERSONAL FACTORY tuners nd action regulators at lowest rates for tellable service. Tel. 1626. Bchmoller 4k Mueller, piano n"1"", TUB, vapor and alcohol bath. 720 8. 13th. 11862 TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 330. 11860 'PHONE 701 and a man will call nd tune vour piano, $2. Perneld Piano Co, ml Farnam. U-61 MAHNPTIP treatment baths Mme. IYlUn CIIL Binith. U8 N. 15, 2d fl..r. 2. U 360 LARSON A JOHNSON Cut rates to all points. 1406 Farnam. Tel. 1935. Member American Ticket Brokr' association. I J S4 Cap. Ave. Laundry fiSTSc. ttc1. V-JWS) Nl THE Salvation Army solicit cast-oft cloth ing;, in fact, anything you do not need, we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11 tn St, for cost of collecting to the OTt')f poor. Call 'phone 4135 and wagon will call. U en PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once, $1 00 weekly. AU music lessons free. JOIN NOW. Perne'a Piano Co, 1611 Farnam Bt. U-806 ACCORDION sn1 SUNBURST PLhATJNG, RUCHING, BUTTONS AND FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING Send for price list and sample. THE GOLDMAN PLfcATINGCO 100 DOUULAB CLUCK. TKL. 1931 f- U 869 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies bourdr-d and adopted. Mr. Uardeil. 2216 Charles Tel. 53LU U-854 WE RENT sewing machines, 75o week. We repair all makes of machines: second hand machines, $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., 1 el. 1663, Cor. loth and Harney. U 866 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, U First Ave, Council Bluff, la. Tel. 774, U 322 OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramge Blk. U 866 DR ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 & i. 1606 Farnam. U-858 DR. JACKSON. Room 4, Frenxer Block. Chronic diseases a specialty. Consulta tion free. U 386 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; up to date and reliable. 2319 8. 13lh St, Omaha, Neb. U 2BJ Oct30x MEDICAL FOR WOMEN ONLY. Dr. Raymond's Pills for delayed periods absolutely reliable, perfectly safe; no dan ger, no pain, no Interference with work; relief brought to thousands after every thing else tailed. By mall $2.00. Dr. R. G. Raymond Remedy Co, Room 35, 84 Adams Bt, Chicago, 111. 866 DR. PRIES treats successfully all disease and lrregularlites of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address with stamp. Dr. Pries. 1611ft Dodge Bt, Omaha 867 PENrTAN-GOT Prompt regulator for la dles; never falls; $2 postpaid. Bherman St McConnell Drug Co, Omaha. 868 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no Injec tions. Call or write for booklet. Quick cure -Rupture Co, 611 W. O. W. Bldg, Omaha. -469 MRS. CARRIE SMITH, marvelous mag netic healer. 807 N. 18th Bt 'Phone Red 6736 M682 27 X LADIES Chichester' English Pennyroyal Pills are the beat; safe, reliable; take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars, "Relief for Ladies," in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES THREE-STORY and Dosement. Iu03 Far nam; elevator. 814 First Nat 1 Bank Bldg. 1827 WE have vacant a particularly desirable small office which rents for $lu.00 per month. Price Includes heat light, water and Janitor service. It is located on the fourth tloor of the Bee building and is Just the thing for anyone wanting a nice little office ln the best office building in town. R. C. Peters at Co, rental agents, ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1771 DENTIST can rent a An, ofllce with north light In the Bee building, dividing wait ing room and expeawe of office boy and telephone with doctor of established prac tice. Rent, $20 per month. R. C. Peters & Co, Rental Agents, Ground Floor Be Bldg. I-M346 A SNAP Drug, grocery, meat market: built as a department store; separate if necessary. Also bakery and laundry rooms, with par- lor. 'lizard. 220 No. 23d. l--1M36i4 FOR SALE FARMS $2,350.00 Buy 160 acre of choice farming land, 110 acres cullvated, balance pasture, about 130 acres level, all clay; 1V mile fencing, small Improvements, 1 miles from town of 4,000. Thl land 1 worth $3,000 today. Act quick if you want It Will arrange terms. R. Beecher Howell & Co., Karbach Blk. 671 26 A GOOD FARM FOR THE MONEY 160 acre, described as the north H of the north H. section 5-14-10. Douttlas countv. 7 miles southeast of Valley. All fenced and cross-fenced, 2 acres hog-tight fence; 6-room houite, new ham for 8 horses, cow barn, 50 feet long. 2,i0-bushel corn crib, 2 chicken houses,- wina mill, xsow rented to William Brown. Owner a nonresident and Very anxious to sell, and baa cut price to $45 an acre. caah. Hastings & Heyden, 1609V4 Farnam Bt Omaha, NeTj. 670 26 FARMS TO SELL KEMP," Blair. Neb. 325 N20 THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Thl agricultural weakly goes to 60.000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so if you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement Is small 2 cents per word in small type or $2.80jer Inch if set ln large type. CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA, LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 S. 16th Bt, upstairs. Resultful prediction absolutely given. B-.17 MRS. O'NEAL (colored), palmist and ad viser. Tel. Red 6161. 2214 No. 21st. S M5OT tOx LADY CELESTA Palmist, give advice on all affair of lire. Wellington House. 112 N. Bt. 8661 2x MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN LADY gl'KLN OK CLAIRVOYANTS. ir, N. lsth Bt. . 'Phone Red 6736 B-M6S1 2Tx WANTED TO BORROW WANTED to borrow 10 home money on ample city real estaie security at 1 per cent, without cominlsslou. Address soon D 19. Be . M12 DEATH NOTICES LARPEN Mette Katherlne, October 23, ged 83 years. Funeral fmm the residence of her son-in-law, Carl Nielsen. 3118 South Eighteenth street, Thurwlav, October . at 2 p. m.. to PTPEpect Hill cemetery. Friends Invited UNDERTAKERS Bralley A Dorrance, 20th and Cum. T. 526. -5X0 HARRY B. DAVIS, 411 S. 16th. Tel. 1226. 681 DODDER. E. U, 2224 Cuming. Tel. 677. 6h2 TAGGART. 23d and Cuming. Tel. 714. frSS MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS SALARY LOANS, CHATTEL LOANS, EASY TO GET. EASY TO PAY. WHEN Ton WANT MONEY why not go where you can get It cheapest and from an old-established firm who handles their own money. Establish a credit with them that will be of value to you In the future. We loan on furni ture, pianos, live stock and salaries; small WEEKLY or MONTHELY PAYMENTS, which are suspended In case o sick ness or out of employment. Fsct are, we want your business. Established 1889. Duff Green Loan Co. I and 1 Barker Block. TEL. 4034. X-M2 Our Money Is loaned on furniture, piano, live stock and to salaried people upon their own agreement to pay. Our rate are as low as any; our service Is quick and quiet and we never charge for making paper or notary fees. We want your business it you ever borrow money. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO, 806 South lfith 8treet Tel. 221-6. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. (Established Iw.) X831 LOANS1 LOANS1I LOANS!!! ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, DIAMONDS, SALARIES AND ETC, AT THE LOWEST RATES. the WESTERN LOAN CO., $31 Neville Blk, Third Floor, oor. ICth and Harney Sts, Tel. 6619. X-34 CHATTEL LOANS. We have money to loan at a reasonable rat on diamonds, pianos, household furniture or other good chattel securities to parties whose position in life require that such transactions be made and held ln strict confidence. Union Loan and In vest Co, 212 Bee. Telephone 2904. X 835 BOWEN'S MONEY Easy to get on furnl ture, pianos, horses, cow. Plain note if steadily employed. 708 N. T. Life. X-836 MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Office In 53 principal cites. Tolman, Room 714, New York Life Bldg. X-S37 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cow, etc. C. F. Reed, 819 S IX X-838 CHATTEL AND SALARY LOANS. PHOENIX CREDIT CO, TeL 745. 632-$ Paxton Block. X-839 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co, 1504 Farnam Bt X 840 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglaa X-641 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, horses, etc.; half usual rates. Dr. Prlbbe- now, room 214, at 209 8. 15th Bt Tel. B-MA. X-841 PRIVATE PARTY will loan on furniture, pianos, horses and salaries. Address C It care Bee. X M773 WHEN YOU WANT A LOAN ON FURNITURE OR SALARY without removal or delay, payable to suit your convenience, pnone 1411 or write or can on AMERICAN LOAN CO, Room 307 Paxton Block, N. E. cor. 16th and Farnam BtS. A. M3U2 t-OK SALE MISCELLANEOUS SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT, Bherman & McConnell Drug Co, Omaha. Q 400 CHEAP chicken fence, long fir timbers and telephone pole, vui Douglas. Q 801 MILCH COWS on easy term. 43d and center. ' j 33 SECOND-HAND. STEAM FH TINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain in steam fltlngs cal and look over tue following supplies: 1.8-inch Austin horizontal separator. 1.8-inch Austin's horizontal separator. 1.4-lnch Austin' vertical separator. These have been taken out on account of chnages in our steam plant and are ln good condition. Address Bee Building co, or see w. ii. nriagcs. engineer. ce Bldg, uuiana. 4 642 FOR balk-two me scholarship on Omana business college. Address Dwigut Wliluuua, Omaha Bee. Omaha, Neu. , lj-829 FOR SALE, about fifty feet ornamental aalvanized iron cornice and ornamental iron post, suitable for show window. Ap ply superinienaem oea xiiug. j ju&2h FOR BALE New and second-hand blllard and pool tables, oar nxiures of all kinds; easy payments. Send for catalog uu. Brunswick-Balke-Collunder, 4u7 B. loth be. u 802 t-DHAND sofa cheap. Derlght, 1119 Far Q W4 nam. 100 STOVES to select from at low prlcea Chicago Furniture - Co, 1410-1411 Dodge street- u au3 FOR SALE at a bargain, two bed springs. luu euro, guuu uuuuiuuu. aui (wnioago au FOR BALE Large safe; would exchange for smaller one. Apply thu Nebraska beea co. y Mi8l PHYSICIANS. ATTENTIONI Improved Harvard chair, ln perfect condi tion. Adaress u tu, tie. j juati l6x FOR SALE Airtight wood stove, cheap for cash, at 1819 Blnney. Q MuH8 2Gx WARNER'S World' Best Literature, 80 vols., as new, mor, $4&.0u; cost $.46. Go. Universal Ency,. cloth binding, as new, 1902, 13 vols, with guide book, for $25.uo; cost $54.00. Other fine books. Address 1 601, care Register and Leader, Dea Moines, la. y M679 2 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith at Co, 1320 Farnam St. W-843 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-844 GARVIN BROS, 1604 Farnam. City loan at lowest rales; no delay; gat our terms. W 84a BUILDING loans on residence property; 1 par cent W. B. Melkle, Ramge Blk. W-848 LOWEST RATES Ben, Is, Paxton Blk. W 847 PRIVATE money. F. li. Wead. 1520 Douglaa W 84 -V- $1,(00,000 TO LOAN on bunlnes and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, R. i. N. Y. Life. W-4 WANTED City loan. R. C Peters fc Co. W 660 FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. Thomas. 1st Nat 1 Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. W-fcl LOANS on Omaha Improved property, or to build with; ran I -ay It back ln monthly payment. Hastings A Heyden. If .Farnam Bt W 852 WANTED Application for h money on business property. F. D. Wead, 16z4 Doug las PL W-6tilt 21 PRINTING PRINTING MEMORIAL CARDS; ar ri,VeT7r ""'c designs. B. E. Cor. LYNGSTAO inn St aud Capitol Ave. DANCING ACADEMY Mr. and Mrs. Morand' School for Dan clng now open. Children classes meet ll our new academy, lfrth Bt. near Far ram; beginners. Saturday 1 a. m. am Wednesday 4. IS r- tn.; Seaf'on. 6 rnonthe. 110. Children advanced. Saturday 3 P m.; Season. months, $8. Adults me 1 at 15th Farnam. Tudav and FTl3rJ 1 p. m. Private lessons dally. Tel. tv'i 4f -717-f i ... . , LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow. -nurcn co, main floor, N. i. L Tel. I.V. -807 J. M. Macfarland. 309 N. T. L. Bldg. Tel. fift&l DRESSMAKING GOLDMAN Pleating Co, 206 Douglaa -871 1. In Families, Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney loot ' i4 7i- s FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want in this column, put an ad. in and you will sooa et It. z SM. LEGAL NOTICES BOND SALE. Office of the city clerk. South Omaha. Neb., October 16, A. D. 1905. Sealed bids addressed to the undersigned. and plainly mnrk-d "Proposals for Refund ing Bonds," will Iw received at the ofllce of the City Clerk, South Omaha, Neb, until I o'clock p. m. October 30th, A. D. 1905. For the purchase of the following de scribed Issue of city bonds of the City of South Omaha, these said bonds so offered for sale being general obligations of ihs city, namely: Seventy thousand and eight (T7P.00K) dol lars of city refunding bonds, Issued for the purpose of refunding seventy thousand and eight ($70,008) dollars ln city funding bonds. dated November 1. 1!M, now outstanding unner a reserved opuon. These bonds so ottered will e Issued and numbered, consecutively, from one to 140, or iv, 00m inclusive lexcepi number one. which shall be of the denomination of $A0( or $1,008, a the case may De, and will b of the denomination of $00 or Jl.Ooo each at the option of the purchaser, dated Novem ber 1, A. D. 19dS, due and payable In twenty (20) years after date, unless sooner re deemed under the legal option of the city at any time after five (5) years from date, bearing Interest at the rate of four and one half (4Vic'o) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually. May and November 1 of each year. Interest installments evidenced by coupon attached to the bonds, bond and the interest coupons payable at the fiscal agency of the state of Nebraska, In the City of New York, state of New York. cnitea ataies or America. These said refunding bond are issued for the purpose of redeeming and refunding certain outstanding funding bond of series dated November 1, A. D. 1900, which fund ing bonds were issued and sold under ex isting constitutional and statutory provis ions of the City of 8outh Omaha, Neb, and It is further certified that the faith anrt credit of the City of South Omaha are firmly bound ana revenue powers are Irrw vokably pledged for the prompt payment of these said refunding bonds and Interest thereof semi-annually, and at maturity thereof. Also that the total Indebtedness of the city. Including this Issue of bonds, ha not exceeded the constitutional and statutory limits, and that an annual tax, and other taxes and assessments to pay principal and Interest as the same respectively fall due, shall be levied and made. Each bidder must state separately the amount he will offer for this issue entire, as to "principal and premium." and that accrued Interest" will be paid to the data and delivery of said bonds, also as to the amount or the charge, 11 any, that will be made additional, by the purchaser, for the nrlntlng and lithographing of this said series of bonds. Each bid must pe accompanied cy cash, or an unconditional certified check on a registered national bank, in the sum of one thousand ($1,000) dollars, and made payable to the City of South Omaha, Neb, as an ev idence of good faith on the part of the said bidder. . The City of South Omaha, through It City Council, reserve the right to reject any or all bids, or to waive defects should they appear. By order of the City Council.-' - - JOHN J. GILLIN. Ciry Clerk. . . OctlS lit NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Proposals wlll be received for the pur chase .of the brick and stone residence at the southwest corner of Seventeenth and Douglas streets and Its removal by Janu ary 1 next For detailed Information and opportunity to Inspect the building apply to R. W. Bfiker, superintendent Bee build ing, who will also receive the bids, reserv ing right for the owners to reject any or all. MAEOct23 -4-6-6-7- S29 RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION TENTH AND MARC Y Cnlon Paclfle. ' ' Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 8:18 pm California Express a 4 :10 pm a SO am California AY Oregon EX. a 4:pm a 8:10 pm North Platte Local a 7:60 am pin Fast Mall a 8:56 am a 8:20 pm Colorado Special a 7:46 am a T:44 am Beatrice Local b 1:18 pm b 1 JO pm Chleswg Roc It Island at Pavcta. EAST. Chicago Limited a 146 am Chicago Express a 7:35 am Chicago Express, LocaL.bIl:40 am Dea Moines Express a 4:30 pm Chicago Fast Express.... 1:40 pm WEST.. Rocky Mountain Ltd.. ..A 7:30 am Colorado Express a 1:30 pm Oklahoma St Texas Ex.. a 4:85 pm Cblcaa A North. western. St Paul Daylight a 7:60 am Chicago Daylight a 8:00 am Chicago Limited a 8:88 pm CarroU Local a 4:32 pm Bt Paul Fast Mall a 8:28 pm Bloux C. St Bt P. LocaL.b 8:60 pm Fast Mall . Chicago Express a f :50 pm a T:10 am 9:66 pm a 4:80 pm bU :60 am a 105 pm a 1:80 am a 4:bS pm all 0 am 10 MO pm 11:50 pm 9:16 am , 1:50 am ' 76 am 9:35 au , 1:50 pot 730 am 10:36 am 10:35 pm a 6:15 pm 5:16 pm 106 pm 1:46 pm alO :S$ pm a 86 am bl0:8i pm a 8:06 pm Norfolk & Bonesteei a 7:40 am Lincoln St Long Pine a 7:40 am Casper & Wyoming 2:60 pm Dead wood & Lincoln Hastings St Albion... Chicago Local ...a 2:50 pm ...b 2:50 pm ...all 0 em ...a 7:26 am ...a 7:50 pm ...b 7:26 am ...a 7:50 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Express , Chicago Limited Minn. St St Paul Ex.... Minn. & Bt Paul Ltd... Mlaaoart Paciaa. Bt Louis Express K. C. St 8t L. Ex Calcavo, Mllwaakn a 940 am a 6 JO am a two pre allot pm SC PaaO. Chicago ft Colo. Special. a 7:65 am California ft Oregon Ex.a 5:46 pm Overland Limited a 1:80 pm Marlon ft Cedar It Loc.D 6:45 am Wabaah. Bt Louis Express 6 JO pm bt Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) 905 am Bhenadoab Local (from Council Bluffs) S;4t pm Chloago Great Wastera. Bt Paul ft Minn a 1:80 pm Bt Paul ft Minn a 7:48 am Chicago Limited a t:OU pm Chicago Express a :0e am A 7:Sl am a 1:10 pm a 9:20 am bll:00 pm I JO am 10J0 pin IM pm a 7:18 am a 7:65 pm al0:30 am a 1:10 pm BCRLINGTO.I STATIONIOTR ft UASO Barllngton. Lear. Denver California.... 4:10 pm Northwest Express ,...all:19 pm Nebraska points a 8:60 am Lincoln Fast Malt b 8:00 pm Ft. Crook ft Plattsm'th.b 1:60 pm Bellevue Platlsm'tn..a I ;aw pm Denver Limited Bellevue & Pao. Juno,..aJ2:15 pm Bellevue St Pac. Juuc.a 1:30 am Chicago Special a 7:25 am Chicago F.xprea a 4:00 pm Chicago Kler a 8 05 pm Iowa Local a 9:16 am St. Louis Express a 4:45 pm Kansas City ft Bt. Joe..slO:45 pm Kansas City ft Bt. Joe. .a 9:16 am Kansas City ft Bt Joe.. a 4:46 pm Arrive. 1:90 pm a 6:08 pm a 7:40 pm al2:0S pm al0:25 am b 8:32 am a 100 am a l:H pm a 7:25 pm al0:53 pm all JO am a 6:45 am a a:0t pm WEBSTER DEPOT IOTH ft WKBITER Mlaaoarl Paelae. Nebraska Local, via Weeping Water .... Lear. Arrfve. .b 1:60 pm bit $0 pm Cklcaso, St. Paul, Mlaaeapella Omaha. Twin City Passenger. ,.b 6:90 am b 9 10 pm Bloux City Passenger. ..a 2:00 pm all 30 am Oakland Ixxal b 8 45 pin b 910 am Emerson Local ...c 8:46 am e 4:00 pm a dally. D aany except ounaay, a oally except exceut Saturday. o uunday only. dally Monday DEPUTY STATE VETERINARIAN. H. L RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. S, crrr veterinarian. Ofnee and Infirmary, 28 th and Mason Bta, OMAHA, NEft 5lauaM fst. I 1 i 1. .j J 4r r vi