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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1904)
tllE OMAHA DAILY BEE: BUNT) AY, 'ATJOUET 7, 100. IT FOfl SALE REAL ESTATE l F. ROBERSON JOSEPH F. KELLY Omaha Real Estate dnd Business Chance Agency 405 New York Life Bldg. Telephone 3762 BARGAINS IN CITY PROPERTY W do a General Real Estate, Rental and Insurance Business We Solicit Your Patronage Special attention Is called to the following piece of property which must be old thin week: $2,600 Buy the desirable property consisting of six room and Urge lot. on the south west corner of 24th and Davenport. Two or three fata can be built here nicely, street roved and premanent walk A chance of a lifetime. $2,800 Buys two fine lot on Park ave., facing Hanscom Park. This la great bar gain: owner la leaving the city. $,(Vp Huya two good full lota on 8Tth street Ipi.nnO Buys lot and two houses, luixl24, on fj.uiv i""in". rnr on'i i-"ppiemn ave., oni io-room ana one s-room nouse, ootn rented for $40 and $J5 per month and water rent. Will sell together or sepa rately. $16,000 iirlck flat MiK.-2303-2.mB Douglaa atreet. now rented, $120 per month. There la an $ti.0on -mortgags on thla property which can be paid off If desired. 12 of the 40 Ion advertised last week In West Farnain district are yet for sale, linn buvs any ono of them $j5,000 Two-atnrv hck building, 1313 Douglaa atreet. Will take $5,000 eaah. balance at t per cent, or will trade for good Denver property. $-'6,000 with a-Mnry brick, contnlna three Mores and six (lata, near Audito rium, rente for $:f,8 per month. Thla Is a bargain. Coat $40,0u0. Owner wanta to leave the city on account of his health. Aside from the property abova mentioned we have a large Hat oi other good Veces and weoid be pleaaed to show you our Hal BARGAINS IN FARM PROPESTY S.-ACRE TRACT Do you want a cosy little home consisting of five acre, fully Improved, apple, each, cherry and apricot trees, grapes and berry bushes. A four-room house, imple closeta and a large brick cellar, only one mile west arxl half mile north of i-oulh Omaha. One thouaand dollars buya this. Be qujck or your neighbor will )tt It. Far a few daya only we offer 680 acre a at $2C per acre In Buffalo county, six .miles from Olbbon, Neb. 1 I 4o0 acres, alx miles north of Ashland, In Saunders county, Nebraska. 1 Price, $60 iper acre, $4.(X"0 cash, balance on long time. This is well Improved stock farm. We also hnve a large list of good arms In Otoe. Nuckolls, Clay, Adnms, Web- ier, oya ena Marian counties, tight or tneee tarms can be traded for atock of merchandise In Iowa, Nebraska or Omaha and South Omaha Improved property; the others are for sale and not for trade. If Interested, call or write for full partic SEE OUR AD IN BUSINESS CHANCE COLUMN. OMAHA REAL ESTATE & BUSINESS CHANGE AGENCY, 405 New York Life SHIMER & CHASE, BUILDERS OF MODERN HOUSES Bring In your crude plana and we will ' develop your Ideas nnd build a house to SUIT YOU. We build ull slues and styles, but muke a specialty of MODERATE PRICED MODERN HOUSES. No charges made for our IlluHtratcd booklet; get one. Elegant new cottage. Just completed. In northwest part of the city, containing 6 rooms, with bath room, p intry, vestibule and closets. Hath room fitted with porce lain bath tub marble slab and latest open nickel plumbing throughout. Very large clothes closets nnd vestibule. Large cellar tinder the entire house, contented. East front, corner lot, In a good neighborhood, near church, School, market and street car line. An Ideal cottnsre home and the best that can be bought In Omaha for $2,200. 6-room cottage, Just completed, near 24th and Lnrlmore Ave., near two car lines, school and market. Modern except furnace. Including porcelain bath tub, gas, hot and cold water, eto. A little gem for $1,800. Lnrge 6-foom cottage, not new, but In food repair, city water and gaa In the kitchen. Fine cellar under the entire house, bricked to the bottom; small corner lot. on 2th and Parker. This Is a bargain; only $1,200. We will build to suit a customer on either of the following sites: 40th and Hamilton, 17th and Grant, or on West Farnnm. SHIMER & CHASE, 1809 Farnam Bt. Ground Floor. Tel. $367. RE Don't Wait to Build Tou should begin now If you want your new house completed before cold weather. We have a number of choice lots to offer where we can build a new house for you. Bluff View Addition lots are the beat lots for the money In the north part of the city. Prices, $500, $00 $6uo, t'M. Buy one before the advance This addition la build ing up fast with fine new houses. It Is locate! at ML-, nnd Plnkney streets. Call and gel plut. Hastings & Heyden, Moved to 1611 Farnam Street. RE608 7 BNAP NEAR HIGH SCHOOL. IB-room house, walking distance, full lot, electric light and gun, hot water heat, strictly modern In all respects. Price, $.1X0. , Bemla, Paxton bloek. RE 638 7 , NEAT HOMES Below are properties owned by Insolvent banks or nonresidents who are anxious to sell. The pieces speak for themselves: . NORTH 2"04 Blondo, T rooms modern, $1,600. 2D12 Grant, 5 rooms, barn. $3"0. 18.18-4$ N. 2 id, 3 houses, $1000. 2j15 Hamilton, 10 room, modern, $2.f00. 8s.ii Decatur, 7 rooms, full lot, $1,iO. 3M0 Frunklln, t rooms, full lot. $1,100. 914 N. 42d, 7 rooms, modern, $2,500. 8! N. 4d, t rooms, modern, $2 600. 814 N. 4ft h, 7 rooms, neat, $1.4oo. 830 N. 27th Ave., S rooms, modern, $2,200.- SOUTH lo$ Elm, 6 rooms, barn. $1,6o0. 2..HI B. 11th, 4 rooms, full lot, $1,300. S.ilf-14 H. 20th, 4 rooms and rooms, $1,G00, ItU 8. 117th. 8 rooma, modern, $l,fcu0. ACRES $ acres, 52d and Ames Ave., $1,000. 10 acres, near Benson, $2,000. ' $ acres, southwest, $l.(io. Acre lots, South Omaha, $300. N. P. DpDGE & CO., 2613 U BtreeL .1614 Farnam. KE-Mu7 NEBRASKA RANCH FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. $ 000 acres deeded land, IMJ.OuO. l.lxi acres cultivated, ioo acres alfalfa, ' WELL Improved, abundance of water, timber and shade, considered one of the best ranches In t'niled States, TITLE CLEAR TO MANSION IN THE SKlKd. OWNER will consider $R0.0o0. MDSE. or good Income propery ; some cash and bal ance on louiy tlnio. TELL me what you can oiler flr this. J. it. JoHNSoN, Heal Eaiate and Hustnesa Chance Man. Hi N. Y. Life. HE 615 7x BARGAIN IN ORCHARD HILL. room houee. two flue lota. liouae modern except furnace; owner will sell for $2,0ufl If sale Is made at once. Bemla. Paxton block. RE-637 7 BARGAIN IN ALFALFA DISTRICT lt!0 acres 6 miles east of I-exlug ton, Neb., In liawiuii county, CO acres under culti vation, balance can be cultivated, soil of dark, ilch, sundy loam, with clay ubaoll; houMe, barn, cilbe, granury and other outbuildings; land all tenced. Be loiias to a noiiieaJdtsnt, who wishes to make quick kale, and has made a very low pike $20 ier acre In order to effect quick anle. 10 pot delay If you are la the luarkeL R. C PETERS & CO.; BEE BLDG. RE W2 7 lOWA FARM LAND FOR OMAHA PROPERTY. $-t acres ' of very choice farm land; Im rroeiuen.ta coat $J,0uo. Will tor good Oiiialu property. Price, $i5 per acre. AdUreu T 27, Be. KK MtWt WILL exchange $ lots, WOxlSO feet, N. W. corner of a. reel, giving ejutli sjid east expotiure; both (aved. permanent ulk and In Hie bent residence diBtilrt of tun aha. Will exchange for (foil tana Uud Address T is, Beo, Bl MH I FIRST-CLASS electric light and power plant In v thriving Nolrik town for aiUe Very cheap. Gixd re-iHinaible par tite can puri'liuiut on partial pu iin iila, -ciirfd by a nn.rlgagu on the plant. It Is paving inure than lit prr cent n.t at the irrt nt tlnio. vtlil. h ran be lii.'rif-d coo al I Mu I la y rmriy e ho mu r've Ihi '.r t- iriiiion aua t'tue. ti il 1j.' A-iorrwe 1 . c ivxJ-iuv.u $ FOR SALE REAL ESTATE between Podge and Farnam. prominent corner In resilience dlxtrlct. Bldg. 'Phone 3762, RJ3 Payne, Bostwick & Company, 6th Floor, New York Life Bldg. Special Bargains for this Week $-room new house .strictly all modem, ID Hunscom park district, with combination gas and eleotrio light; fine leception hall; polished floors; $11,600. In Walnut Hill district, 6 rooms, all one floor, strictly all modern except furnace, with a very large Jot; room for garden and chicken raiding; good barn; one-half block from car; $2,UX); $l,u50 cash, balance monthly. On WeHt Farnam, 9 rooms, strictly all mod ern, with furnace, south front, nice shade; only ,iw. Near 42d and Harney sta., $ rooms, all mod em except furnace, 60-foot lot, in good- repaar; ).'.. 2Sol and 2iw3 N. 30th St. one brick house, one store building, with four large rooms In rear, with around 77xll feet, for $2.5o0. $00o Curtis ave In Beivldore. one acre of ground with 7-room house, barn, chicken house, all kinds of fruit, fine shade, all fenced, one block from car; only $2,700. This Is a bargain. 43d and Francla sts., one block oft Center street road, 6 rooms, barn, cistern, well, fine repair, all In fruit ground 100x132 feet, for $loo. Close In, fine Investment, three houses, wfth room to bul'd more, ground 6lxl82; price reduced to $3,260. Owner anxious tq sell, Payne, Bostwick & Company, 6th Floor, New York Life Bldg. RE-U T NEW HOUSE EASY TERMS On west side of 22d st, between Clark ind Grace, modern K-room cottage, well built. Can't be duplicated for the price. $1,600. Kennard & Lower, Tel. 287. J08-10 Brown block. ' RE 617 7 A GOOD FARM 100 acres well Improved, driving distance of Omaha, only $iu per acre. HENRY F. DAILY 'Phone F3246. $01 Bee Bldg. RE-636 7 3541 JACKSON STREET. A i-room, modern house, ' In good repair, located In the West Faruarn residence district on a high, sightly lot, 66x120, with nice lawn, fine, large maple shade trees; view half of Omaha from your front porch; 3 large new residences just fin ished within one block. Owner leaving city and will sacrifice for $4,000, R. C PETERS & CO., BEE BLDG. , RE 601 7 W. H. GATES. 617 N. Y. Life. 'Phone 1291. $1,300 7-room lVi-etory house. $614 Patrick ave.; sewer, water, cistern, lot SnxlSi. $1,400 7-room H-story hoiike ut 2S1S Frank lin, water, sewer, paved at-, lot 30x127. $1,400 -room house and lot 113x140, 1813 N. 18th. $1,500 5-mom cottage and ground 80x160, T SiilS N. 17th. $2,200 A good 8-room house, fully modern, mantel and fireplace In sitting room, large barn, youth front, on West Farnam st. If you want a cheap home here It Is. located on beat street In city and In neighborhood that la Improving. 48x127 South front, on Lodge, near $8th. $00. 6Rxl24 Jackson St., near SSth ave., $1,000. 67x133 Bristol, east of 27ih, south front, paved st. and brick sidewalk, very cheap, $700. 67x160 S. L. cor. 3"th and Cuming, $2,100 BE BLOCK 13 BEMIS' PARK Our proposed replat of this block pleases the people. We have sold the whole east half and three fine nisidences will be built on the same very soun. We have three elegant lota left fronting aouth on Lincoln Boulevard, juat north of Or. Keys real deme. They are very desirable and noth ing but ftmt claas hounes will be allowed on the block. 8s us Monday If you wish one Of thee lots. A. P. TUKET da SON, Board of Trade Bldg. KE-t92 I Building Lots Before you buy a lot. let us show you what we have on our list. We have them In difloreut puna of the city, also Bentton and Florence. If we haven't what you want on our Hat, we will grt It for you. Bluif View Addition lots at loth and Plnk nry fctrreta are the cheapeM In the north J .art of the city. Prtoea, Ijuu, looO, Strtu and u0. Euay terms. Hastings & Heyden, Moved to 1611 Farnam Street U 6u9 T BEMIS PARK HOl'SE. Do you want au elegant 7-room houae Juxt cuiiU'lt'led, Veil located In Bemla I ink? M.nleni, and the price only i ivo. 1.. a.iH, 1 axluu block. RE iji 7 Flt PALE KIghty-arre fruit farm In the Oiarka. Vt uuiided aoldlar has to sell. I- mi iii. cuiuieiy, rattle l una, hunting and Ilnhli.g 'l ii croi.a will uty coal. iJalay iron i'eriu, lUkUauu. iivh FOR SALE REAL ESTATE D. V. SHOLES COMPANY. 722 New York Life Bldg. Telephone 49. HOUSES 1 1,000 $4 Taylor street, t-story, f-room house, barn, well and cistern, $0x12$ ft. lot; $4") caan, balance easy. t 1.150 gl 8. 24th St., neat i-room house, good repair, walking distance; price re duced for quick sale. Snap, $1,200 4012 N. 41, V block from Cemtral Park school, east front, &x140 fL, good 7- room house, I etorlej, good repair, In fronL g" IXK1 cellar. 4 closeta and $1,400 132x132 fL, block from the car line. cistern, well, orotiard, all kind of (un. $ 1,800 N W. corner 46th and Hamilton, very neat 8-room cottage, corner lot, 10 cherry trees beautiful place. $ 1,800 24 N. lSth st., large t-roura bouee. lot $ox140 ft., all modem. Owner Insists . upon closing this out. We want a cash proposition. $ 1,500 l'tf 8. Mi h, 60x140 fL, 7-room bouse, modern except furnace, paved Street and paving paid. s t $.250 60x134 ft., on Case at., H block east Of the car line. Dundee Place, tew, 7 room, 2-story house, strictly modern, well built, fine plumbing fixtures, per manent walk an Ideal spot. Look Into this. $$,3004246 Burdette st., one block from Walnut Hill car line south front, comer, Bon 132 ft.. 8-room house, strictly modern, fine plumbing, fine shade, cement walks, good barn; fair cash payment, balance easy. $ $,5001120 S. 2sth. 8-room house, modern except furnace, lot 60x150 ft., east front, food shade. We want an offer. .oS Georgia ave., lot frtrxluo ft., 8- room, 1-story house, all modern, excellent bargain, choice location, f S.700 10.8 8. 31st, an excellent well built 7-room cottage, strictly modern, fine brick and cement oellar under entire hou iw. 60x128 ft. lot, east front, with barn. Actually a bargain and choice location. $ $,S0O 47: N. 39th St., 4 blocks from Ames ave. car, 100x128 ft., 10-mom house, I stories, cost $5,600 to build, 2 fine mantels, tiled vestibule, ook finish, ex cellent cement and plastered cellar, permanent walks, filtered cistern, lots of fruit a fine home. It. $ 4.0O0 3m9 Marcy St., 2-Btory, 8-room house, nearly new, gtrlcMy modern, good repair. $ 4.0iO 2220 8. loth, lot lWxl38 ft., large 2-story, -room house, sewer, water, gas, fine repair, high, sightly location, on the car line. Investigate this, f 4,200 t'p-to-daie, nearly new, well bulit, 7-room house, east front, N. 40th near Burt, strictly modem, permanont walks, paving paid, 60-ft. lot, choice loca tion. $ 4,700 8. 20th st., lot 100x132 ft., east front, large I-room, J-story. house, atrlctly modem, good bam; Improvements costing about $4,000; ground easily worth $2,750 to $3,000. A bargain. Caeh propoeltlon an object. $ 7,200 The John Francis residence on and Pacific. 1U4X126 ft., on the corner, fine i trees, shrubbery, etc., -roorn, strictly modern house, with good barn; line re pair, 2 hatha Owner left the city, and It's gnt to go. $ 7,600 21 in S. 84th st., fine, east-front grounds, 100x140 ft., 10-room. 2-story hoie, strlotly modern, with barn; paved street and paving all paid. Look at this. $ 7,$00 8. K. cor. 42d and Davenport sts., a fine new square house, 2-story, strictly modern, oak and birch finish first floor, fine polished floors throughout, best Pf plumbing, has furnace, beam celling In reception hall which Is 19x21 ft; permanont walks, sightly, commanding view. Consider part In flrst-claas va cant. Thla Is a peach. Brand new. $10,0001116 8. 31st St.. In the finest section Hanscom Place, east front, elegant 10-room house, beautifully arranged, finest kind of oalc finish, hardwood floors, fine mantels, strictly modern and up-to-date; good barn. This property will stand all Investigation you will give It. Can be seen any day. Owner expects to leave the city and 1 going to sell. VACANT $ 30.00-60x118 ft., west front, on 6th at., 100 ft aouth of Spring; $5.00 down and $5.00 per month. $15065x1118 ft., east front, on 16th, block south of Vinton (sign on), $25 down and $10 risks mnnltt 26050x127 ft., north front on Dupont at., block west oi Georgia tve. car, on grade, sewer In; $50 down and $10 per month 300150x120 ft., north front on Lake St., between 42d and 43d. These are going to go. How much to start 'em 7 j 40040x132 ft., north front on Harney, 392 ft., east of 53d St., below grade, but worth something. What will you give? Speak up. This Is going, too, 450 N. W. cor.- 20th Bt. Boulevard and Laird, choice corner. 700- Bast front 60x166 on S. 24th, 100 ft. south of Castellar, with fine large oak trees. Ilea bnautitui. tou can just count on tins lot aouDiing in value as soon as cur line Is extended down 24th. t 1,00047x137 ft., north front on Farnam, Just east of No. 4109; permanent walk and paving paid A SNAP. $ 1,160 B. W. cor. 24th and Emmet. 86 ft. on 24th, 79 ft. deep. Make four business lots or two residence lots. Whit will' you give for 1t7 Talk up. $ l,joo6nx179 ft., west front on S3d, 200 ft north of Poppleton avenue. 1,600 60xlfi5 ft., east front on 36th St., 137 ft. south of Jackson; all specials paid. 1,750 N. W. corner S3d and Hamilton, 120x157 ft., faces three streets. The corner Is an Ideal business location, on the car line, $ 125060x100 ft., on Dewey ave., between J9th and 40th, finest gectlon West Farnam district. NORTH BOULEVARD East front lots Just south of Clark st. lot 40 to SO ft. front: He perfect; walk ing distance of I nlon Pacific shops, or business center. These are bargains at $2 per front foot. KOUNTZE SUB-DIVISION - . 81th and Farnam, a block of ground that la perfect In every respect; lots 60x168 ft., comers 79x105; paved all around; special taxes all paid, surrounded with very finest of homes. Two sales Just made for two beautiful homes. Parties are negotiating for four other lots on which will be built beautiful houses. These lots will soon be gone, as there are only 18. If you want the very beat and the spot that someone else will want when you are done with It, buy one of these lots now while you can. Price $4,000 per lot and up. These are the cheapeat of anything In West Omaha district, everything considered. RE GEORGE & CO. 1601 FARNAM ST. 'PHONE 756, HOUSES FOR SALE $7,000.00 for 610 Park Ave.; east front. 8-room house, modern throughout, new plumbing, has Just been redecorated and Is In best of repair. House alone cost over IH.OuO.OO to build. Immediate possession Can be given. Lot 76x140 ft. $4,300.00 for 6002 N. 20th St., 8-room house, strictly modern, built only four years, oak tlnlsh, open nickel plumbing, cemented baaemsnt, with laundry, good barn, ce ment walk, fine shade, nice lawn, plenty of room aod a beautiful view. Easy terms. $4,000.00 for N. W corner 83rd and Daven port Bts., lnrge I-room modern house, newly painted and papered, In first-class . condition, modern plumbing, laundry In basement, good barn. $l,ouu.00 cash, bal ance on easy terms. This proposition Is worthy of careful consideration. $4,000.00 for 2309 California St., new S-rodm modern house, best of plumbing and gas fixtures, large bath room, laundry, tine yard, artificial stone walks around house. Immediate possesalon can be given. $2,600.00 for 2596 Pratt St., new 8-room houae, large hall and store room, with sufficient room upstairs for S bedrooms. Well built and all modern, except fur nace, porcelain bath, open nickel plumb ing, -duulde floors, cemented cellar, stone walks, beautiful shade trees. A corner and very attractive. Easy terms. $3,160.00 for 1111 N. 18th St., 8-room house, all modern except furnace, large rooms. In good condition, nnd easy winking dis tance from the postofflce. Rent for $22.60 per month. Easy terms. $2,100.00 for 2C25 Decatur St.. 7-room house, all modern except turnace, well built anu conveniently arranged, immediate pos session can be given. $1.566 00 for 1561 N. 18th St., 7-room two atoiy house. City water, sewer, gus, une shade trees, Eacy terms. Oood place for anup man. ' ACRES $6,000 for 40 acres, two miles north of Ben son, and paved road. Known as Horace Olmscad Place. House 6 rooms, iy-tory, cellar, well, cistern, barn, corn crib and other outbuildings. Fine orchard and grove. Land all under cultivation. RE- MOVED to 1611 Farnam Street ' frcm 510 N. Y. Life Bldg. Hastings & Heyden. RE 611 7 WHY PAY RENT? YOU SHOULD OWN YOUR OWN HOME. No reason why you should not pick up the bargain we offer In the t-room cottage a little north of 2tth and Ames avenue, for $1,200; $:t6 down and balance monthly. Collage la brand new, full lot, fine shade treea, sink In kitchen, nice porch. Just the place you would like to call "home." Bemla, Paxton block. RE642 7 KOUNTZE PLACE HOME. An $-room, all modern house, hot water heat, brick basement, permanent walks, barn, nice shrubbery and trees, full lot, at Ifrth and Spencer st. Can be purchased within the next tew days for mucn leas than the actual value 01 the property, ae the owner Is desirous of closing this out at once. R. C. PETERS & CO., BEE BLDG. RE-:-tfJ0 7 AN OPPORTUNITY NOT TO BE LOST. 3J0 acres of fine grass and hay land, all good black loam soil and all under fence and located only 7 miles from Broken Bow, for $3,2iiO, towit: One-tenth cash and ths balance In nine equal yearly pay nienta with intereat at 7 per cent. lOu acres smooth farming land, balance rolling. Address Willis Cadweii, Broken Bow, Neb. RE Sol 7 1 Building Is' a Sure Index Of a Citys Growth, Real Estate in a Growing City is a Sure Investment. Now is the time to buy in Omaha. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE city water, cistern, II fruit trees, iron fence nantrr Unraaln. In (lore nee. with I-rtat;' house, t rooms, fruit and shade tree nruoe, etc., wiui Pierce County Farms After looking over a number of different counties in the state, we find the lands cheaper In this county than any other. This county is located In the northeastern part of the state, only twenty-five miles from the Missouri river, always producing good crops every year; never a crop failure: aa One buildings, groves and plenty of grass snd water. It Is on the C. & N. W. railroad on the way to Bonesteel, Just north of Norfolk. If you are thinking of buying farm lands It will pay you to go up with Ua and look over the Hat of lands we have for sale, Improved or unimproved. These are a few wa have: 100 acres, well Improved, 7 miles from Pierca, all In cultivation but 12 acres al falfa and pasture, large grove end or chard, 6-rooin house, barn for 10 horses, corn cribs, granary, cattle barn, milk houso. Implement and tool sbsd. Price, $37.(0 per acre. 160 acres near Pierce, 100 acres In culti vation, 60 acres pasture, fenced, 4-roora house, barn for 6 horses, granary, corn crib, windmill: one of the best farms In the county. Price, $31 per acre. 241 acres, all pralrla. 6H miles from Pierce, 10 acres In grove, fenced. Price, $.6 per acre. 80 acres prairie, 8 miles from Pierce. $16 an acre. We have listed over 100 fine farms In Pierce county. Write for our list. Hastings & Heyden, 1611 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. RE 610 7 WEST FARNAM STREET LOT. Choicest lot In West Farnam district, paved street, east front. Owner aays SELL. No reasonable offer rejected. Bemls, Paxton block. RE 643 7 L00kl GENTLEMEN Lookl HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT . Two lots SOxtfO on Park avenue, facing Hanscom Park. No paving taxes to pay; if sold at once 2,800 gets them. This is a great bargain. Owner must have the money. Omaha Real Estate & Business Chance Agency. 405 N Y. LIFE BLDG. 'Phone 3762. RE THREE GREAT SNAPS. Widow must sell 2101-4-6 North 29th ave., large six-room houses-; two blocks from Lake street car; good and cheap homes; $1,0U) each N. L. Trimble, 1216 Farnam St., second floor. RE ROSEBUD LANDS Their enual in Holt county at $3.00 to 110. uu. Kee J. IS. PlfEK, Ui Bee Hog. Omaha. i w m . . I "1 u SEARS & LEWIS, 821 NEW' YORK LIFE BLDO. FOR BARGAINS IN REAL K STATE. RE 513 7 $20 ACRE8 of good Sarpy county land, very well Improved. Will exchange for gooJ Omaha property. Address T 24, Kte. RE-en) I 26tvs Spauldlng street, 8 rooms and recep tion hall on first floor, haud.some solid o ik stairway, three good bed rooms and bath room uitalrs, double floors, bent of plumb ing, lot 4oxlt6 fet, adjoining lot rented by me, can be bought cheap under scav enger law. price, 1.5i'J oar and $1,U00 at ( per cent. Bee owner at houee. RE-611 7x FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Benson Bargain 7-ronm bouse In fine condition, I cm first floor and 3 on second, has 7 lots, larxe barn, chicken house, fine well and cistern one block from Military paved road, Ihe finest location In Benson, 6 blocks from ear line; also has large apple, pear, ehfrry ana plum tree, it sold this week, price, i half-acre lots on raved road. two. t-room new house and 3 lots, wind mill and well, lots of fruit. Price. $2,5uO. New house snd two lots. SI.). 4H acres 3 blocks from end of car line. nne. rich land, ror 10 acres, six blocks from car, $?.2fA t acres, six blocks from car, $1,260. Many others. Call and see us. Hastings & Heyden, Moved to 1611 Farnam Street. RK 607 7 EI.EOANT residence In west part of city. 110 feet front axe; house contains every convenience even to permanent refrlrern- tor; large barn. We are authorised to accept for quick, balr $,2uu. F. D. WEAD. 1524 Douglas St. RE Mffi t HOMES. Nent 6-room cottage, 1 mile southwest post office, newly psinted. lot 2xlS $l,Si. 8-room cottage home In Bemla I'ark. with sewer, hath and gas, high and sightly, a gem, xz.ioo. -room cottage on West Famam hill, car In front of door, a bargain nt ij."). 6-room cottage, and barn, and full lot, oi 2Mh north of Bristol, $1,178, 10-room house on 32d north Mr. Tate rest dence, $2,6o0. Owner Is going to sell 1m mediately. 7-rnom cottage nnd full lot, Orchard Hill, $soo ensn $i,i. , F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS ST. RE 634 7 H MANDERSON ST. HOME H Eight large rooms, city water, sewer, gas bath and furnace, larsje lot. fine shade on paved atreet, choice location, between 24th and 25th streets, on Manderson, Possession alven September 6th. This Is a bargain $3.5JO HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 610 N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phone 1006. RE R.S3 7 FLORENCE BOULEVARD. 60x.W FERT, ALSO FRONTS WEST ON 24TH BTKKKT, $n00. 73 ACRES NEAR GRETNA, $5,800. 80 ACRES ON MILITARY ROAD, $6,400. BRICK HOUPE CLOSE IN, $1,360. 1714 SOUTH 13TH ST., RENTAL $240, $1,600. 2417 DAVENPORT, 75x115, $2,4oO. 6118 N. 32D ST., ROOMS. $2,400. 216 8. 2TH AVE., MODERN, $2,400. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. RE 600 7 BEFORE leaving for east owner of a sightly home 3 blocks from Joslyn's will sen at $3,ooo; xouo cash, balance easy. F. D. WEAD, ) 1524 DOtTriLAB STREET. RE 633 T Elegant Up-to-date cottaae of t rooms furnace, porcelain tub, closets and large pantry; corner lot, dzxizi, soutn iront, fine shade trees, hlah and slahtly. Northeast corner of 3d and Davenport street, must be sold quick. Make us an oner. 2toi7 Davenport, modern, 6-room cottage, a snaD at $2,500. Elegant Kountxe Place home on Spencer Street, easily worth $5,600, our price, $4,000. One of the best vacant lots In Kountie Place, only two. lilt South aith street, 6-room, modern cottage and full lot, only $2,200. Call and see us about fine brick business block, paying big Interest, only $8,600. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Building. W. H. Crary, Manager Real Estate Dcpt, RE-616 7 LANDS. CHEAP. Large bodies of land and ranches, timber lands, mill ana trucK rarms, in nansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Old Mexico, Louisiana, Arkansas, southern Missouri, Colorado, New Mexico and California. Tell me what you want and where you want It. and how much money you will Invest If suited, and I will send you the Usf of barralns of the kind you want in the locality, i aiso nave small rarms ana ranches tn all parts of said states. I am working above mentioned territory thor oughly. Write me and see how well and how promptly I will serve you. I have lana at so cents to sao.uu per acre. George W. Morris, Lyndon, Kansas. RE-621 7x FOR SALE, lots 11 to 17, block 2, Hun nond's addition, Omaha. For further particulars address S. Hanson, Shena doah, la. RE 6 ACRES. 60th and Browne sts.. $1,100. 4 acres, 6oth and Grand ave., very sightly, 1.,2W. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS 8TRE7ET. RE6S2 7 FOR SALE, 640 acres fine farm land; J acres cultivated, uu acres pasture, lencea, balance "hay land; well, windmill and tanks; Bufialo Co., Nebraska; $10.60 per acre u tacen at once. Address s. m. Bee. RE M4S2 FOR SALE One note of 21.800. due In one year; secured by first mortgage on good improved Omaha property, bearing 6 per cent Interest, payable ssml-annually ; aiao one note for $1,600, due on or before three years; Interest at per cent, payable semi-annually; secured by first mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely safe and given by respectable parties. Address the owner, S. 25, Bee office. RE-M458 TWO brand new cottages, modern except turnace; one n,B) and the otner SHIMER & CHASE, Builders oi Modern Houses. RE-734 Ilus. your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co. RE 95S CIASWilliamson.Co.,u-18stbti1001rd'- RE 9.9 FOR SALIC Two modern cottages, West Farnam at. district, only $1.6u0 each: Thomas Brennah, Room 1, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 900 DUNDEE PLACE ' Nice new 7-room house, entirely modern, nlckled plumbing, furnace, cemented cel lar, everything new and clean. A very neat, attractive home. Price, 13,000. BENSON & CARMICHAEL 642 Paxton Block. RE M3f0 7 SPLENDID sightly 10-acre tract northwest of Seymour Park for $1,260, or owner will trade for cottage home. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS STREET. RE 631 7 WALKING DISTANCE LOTS. 85x150 feet at the northwest corner of 27th and Webeler, south and east front lots, beautiful location, right on the new Boulevard and walking distance from the fiostoffice. This property will he divided ii t o east front lots and; alL or any part sold at a bargain. There la no vaoant lots close In that can be compared with these for location and price. Two new houses Just being started In this locality. IaI us ahow you these lots this week. They will sell quick. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. First Floor N. Y. Life. Tel. 1781. RE-626 7 JUST COMPLETED. 7-room house near 24ih and Fort sts., bed room on flrat floor, elegant finlxh, corner lot 65x18, fine cellar. Everything com plete and price only $1,000; $600 down and balance to sun. liemia, tax ton Mock I RE 640 T SCHOOL and Indemnity lands on the Rose bud reservation will be offered at publla sale August 26, 19o4, at Fairfax. South Dakota,. For descriptions, price and terms apply to C. J. Bach, commissioner of school and public lands, Pierre, South Da kota. RE-767 A24 64 ACRES In eastern Kansas, unimproved, all good farming land. In alfalfa belt; price, $:' per sere; easy terms, or part trade. , llilund P. Lock wood, Kansas City, Mo. RE-M401 7 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE New BARGAINS i You can t beat these: One at $J,000, the other at $.'.', s rooms each, lull two Story, cemented cellars under hole house, porcelain bath and nickel piumolig, iwin with one; brand new, and you can I bullj infra lor ins money; close to car and easy waixing uutance; must be seen it oe appreciate. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., l&A) Farnam Street. RE 394 K-ROOM COTTAll T-I Srlenrtld 8-room e.ittuKe on South Side sewer, city water, s, bath, barn, all lor xi.ZUO. Bemla, paxton block RE-641 7 112 BY 627 FEET, on trackage, J4th st. and. Grand ave., near car barns, for sale, $l,8o0. U. A. Roeder, Grand Island. N.-n. RE M1.6 3IX DO YOU WAKT A FREE HOME? Why nut take a honicateaa in South Da kota? Inquire W. '. DALY, 7ul Is. loth. lei. !4l. RE M445 Hi FOR SALE Modern six-room cottage on "i earnani street car line; new and at tractive; lot 41x150 feet. Price, $2,6uu; $. ciiBii, Quia-nce muninly, per cent interest. The O. '. Davis Co., iiOS Bee bldg. ItL MJ82 11 TO BE SOLD The brooertv miiimi.ii.i enmer nt 13th and Davenport sts.. with two slurps, two tlata above, and cottage, has been ordered SOLD. This property produces good Income and Can be made to produce more. Will sell on will be sold. For full particulars see THE M'CAGl'E INVESTMENT CO.. 1506 Dodge St. RE-M398 LOTS ON EASY PAYMENTS Lots adjoining- and overlookina Miller nark large sixe, on car line, only um up; . uown anu Daiance o monthly, (let in nne ana start paying on your "home. Bemls, ltoxton block. RE 644 7 BARGAIN to home purchasers If you mean Dusineas. can w. uoara oi Trade. HE M491 A21 $M0 CAgfl and $1,500 In monthly payments or m win Duy a snap in o completely modern, full 2-story dwelling of 6 rooms, on corner lot, atnlito, on boulevard, two blocks from South Omaha car line; Ideal surroundings. W 1, Bee. RE 6)S1 7x NORTH OMAHA BARGAINS. 7-room brick cottage, store building and cottage attached, lot 77X1H1. on car line, rents $26; $2,5oO, half cash. Applv to owner, ul N. Y. Life. REM447 THREE GREAT SNAPS Widow must sell 2102-4-6 N. 29th ave., lnrge e-room nouses; two niocKs from Lke st. car; good and cheap homos; WILL sub mit any reasonable offer. N. L. Trimble, 1218 Farnam St., second floor. RE 640-ACRE homesteads. If you wnrit one you win nsve to speaK soon. I can locate you. Write me at once for terms. Frank Edgerton, Fremont, Neb. RE M676 lOx DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock raisers about it. The best way to reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 2D-HAND safo cheap. Deright, 1119 Farnam. y Sao 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omuha. . (J 951 FOR SALE Several scholarships tn a nrst-ciass standard school in omana, comprising complete course In business, shorthand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee office. Q 882 TELEPHONE poles; long fir timbers; cueau cnicaen jence. wk iiuuKiav, Q-952 WE RENT Sewing machines, 75o week. We repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured. Second-hand machines from $5.00 to $10 00. Nebraska Cvcle Co.. 'Phone 1668. Corner 15th and Harney. Q 953 FOR SALE Solid oak nnd mahogany top bank or cashier s nxture, in good condi tion, at a bargain. Address C. C. Rose water, room 100, Bee Bldg. Q 824 ELECTRIC nickel In Bint, Peerless plnno players and Regina musio boxes, nig money makers, cheap for cash or time. Schmoller Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel 16'6. Q 955 TWO HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILERS FOR 8 ALU Two boilers, 100 horse power, which have been used out six years; mnele or nrenox rteel, triple riveted, butt and strap Joints, nsurance company permits of pressure ofj 12S pounds. They are -now In use and can be seen at boiler house rear of Bee a ee building. Can be delivered about August 26. Cnll or address W. H. Bridges, engi neer. Bee building. Omaha. Q M902 COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodne. Tel. 2020. Q-950 ICE CREAM 16e pt., 25c qt.. 90o fjil.; made from pure cream, uunrieu a eons, inn and Clark. Q-137 GO TO DIAMOND Loan Office for loana; bargains in goods in pawn. 1401 Douglas. Q-967 CADILLAC automobile, good as new, with tonneau. sisJU. ii. 1. j reoricKson, IW Capitol ave. Q-M419 S3 AUCTION $5,000 worth of first class furniture will be sold at auction to the highest bidder at 131$ Douglas at., Omaha, Neb. Sale at lu a. in. sharp, Monday, August 8, 19 4. parties are leaving the city and this will be a rare opportunity to equip your household with elegant furniture nt very low prices. Q M47$ 7 ANTIQUE oak bookcase and desk com bined, tail 3104 Maple tit. g 447 FOR SALE One Judge's denk. one Bmlth- yrenuer tvpewruer, cheap una in nrst class condition. Apply to M. J. Kranck, Midland Hotel. Q-MIS9 7x FOR SALE Genuine lf4 sliver dollar In I excellent condition. Address John Ear liart, Lancaster, O., core Dally Eagle. Q M485 8x PUBLIC SALE. The stork of seeds, poultry supplies, furni ture nnd fixtures or the nrm or t:. il. llllcry & Co. will be offered for sale at public auction on Monday, Aug. 8, nt 11 o'clock a. m. nt the atoreronm, 1611 How ard St., Omaha., The property will be open to Inspection during the morning of the sale duy. C. E. Abbott, Trustee. Q 584 7 NEW HOME. Household, White, Domeatlo and Standard sewing machines, nil nrst cluss; supplies for nil machines; special attention given to rennlrlng; nil work guuriinloed. P. E. FLODMAN CO., 1614 Capitol ave. Q fiRl 7 FOR SALE, office desk and furniture. Cull Monday, 434 Ramge Bldg. Address T 59, Bee. O MCT0 x FOR BALK, cheap for cash. hw Reming ton typewriter, mtcsl model, and Im provements. Address T 51, Bee. Q-62.1 7x FINE, larue Mastiff watch dog for sale verv reasonable. Anyone looking ror a reI watch dog will d well to Investigate this. Address D. il.. Bee. Q-M007 I FOR SAL'S QoMcn oak alieval dree-. center taoie ana rocaer, cntuip. iid b. 2lh. Q-Mi;7G 7x FOR SALE, a complete hydraulic paa-en- ger elevator, 6x&xr win sell at a bT g.iln. wlih complete equipment: also counters and shelving ue. bv Kelh-y, Btlger ft Co. Paxton Real Estate o, 6ut Ware block. Q 13 FOR SALE, oak foMlnar bed. iilvn r,i cupboard Inquire HI : Mlrkorv O-W FOR RENT HOUSES FOR HKNT, elx-room cottage, all modern convenient ea, within three blocks of High cikmjI. Cull at 26a 'j.iJli ava , ,,r teHi PUvue Mo. 468. , i-Vib Jx FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RK.NT Nine-room uciached houeev thorough repairs, jul tiniaoed, nitnldrsj tin ouftuout, i.usu to high noou Call lr key at Moraiid s, Ue Dodge SL D-M7is FOR RENT 6-room modern house, fur lushed, nrar Hanscom puik. Apply 416 V lath or 1136 2Mb. at. D PAYNK-B08TVICK CO.. Choice houaea. Dui-ouj New Voik Lite Blug. Phone ii Ilfl 1C ire In all carta of the city. The UUUJUJ o. F. Davis Co., ov8 Bee bldg. . D4HJ A BRA-NO NEW HOUSE, of eight leoins, modirn and up to date Is) every particular, at b40 South i.4th St., neag St. .Uai a ava., UAKV1N BROS., 1004 Farnam St. D U& THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, m ve and su re 11. it. goods. Storehouse, HJi-;4 N. 19th. Office, lollle Farnam. 'lei. 1658. D-l WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van Stor age Co. lei. 14tf. Ollice 111$ Webster sb HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwslt, Barker blk, D HHIIVPQ I" "'I parts of the city. R. G I1UUOCO meters A Co., Bee Building. D u4 RESIDENCE on Georgia ave.. near Pa cific, 10 rooms, Attic, oaeeinent; modern east trout, nne grounds, tsixltO; tree. Apply 314 First Nat l Bank bldg. D it 10-Room house, in first-class condition, five minutes nnla from postotnee, vis N. ifttt St . between Case and Calltorula; rent $4i. Walter Bieen, room 416 Karbaclt block. D-M.S7 SEE CHRIS BUYER, 22d and Cuming. U A1481 NICE 6-room house, modern; lawn. T19 8. 87th t. l 4M yog IN DUNDEE Strictly modern. 8-roont house, opposite Hoagland residence. In quire of owner, Dundee Grocery Co., 4o Cuming st. D M4M DESlt ROOM, with 'phone jwrvtce: nominal rent. J. it. jonneon, t,u n. i. i4ie. D-M7$ 8-ROOM house on 31st ave., near Dodge, unusually attractive in nnisn and ar rangement, handsome bath, hard-wood finish, electric light, etc. $oO per monitt. Telephone F-S506. D M&J4 6-ROOM. brick dwelling, modern except urnwea. inquire bq ai. lain wu i iu HOUSE FOR RENT Modern, 8 rooms, 73S jacaaon street szi.oo, to small family. Wheeler & Wheeler, 16th and Douglas sta. Telephone 186. D M442 6-ROOM, modern flat, 1st floor. 111$ 8. 11th. D M87i 614 8. 22d St., 10 rooms, modern, $35; 618 8. m., ii oiumn, aw. imers. rtingwait Bros., Barker blk. D M4H3 7 8-ROOM cottage. 846 8. 86th ave. DM4I7 WEST Farnam dlstrlot, 8-rm., strictly modern , tT7 60 1914 N. 87th St., 8 rooms 17.M w. narnam smith ft Co., 1320 Farnam Rt. D 478 MODERN brick house. 8 rooms, 4 8. $6tt ci. inquire r . r. jvirnenaail t'o. D-606 10 HOUSES. 2 rooms and up: also Insurance). CilAB, Hi. W IL.UAM3UJI CO. TWO fine ten-room flats, strlotly modern, in wiin oi me ocst locations in omana. Call at once. Chas. K.' Williamson Co.. Ground floor, U. B. Nat Bank bldg. D-61S T Hfti'Rics von iu.'ut Very choice brand new modern brick ot 8 rooms. No. 63H 8. 24th St. A good modern house. 8 rooms, excellent repair, 2664 Harney St v Large lot and dwelling, 10 rooms, modern. lawn, ahnde. 1914 Ti.n.1 flf W48 Dodge -r., modern $2.'60. ami in. zotn, choice a-r.. bath $26.09. 14o3 Jackson, 7-r. flat, hath $24.00. 2106 Grant, s-r bath $20.00. 1214 8. 17th, good 6-r. $11.00. 2616 N. 31st. -r.. hath Jliort 2916 8. 17th, 7-r. cotage $11.00. 3419 Mason, 6-r. cotage $11.00. 1024 S. 2ith, 8 rooms-412 00. C4AKV1N BROS., 1404 FARNAM BT. D 697 T FOR RENT 1961 H. 16th st, S rooms upstairs, $14. 9th st., 8 rooms, bouse modern, ex- furnace. $26. adison ave.. 8 rooms, modern ex- 2216 8. ceDt 1604 M cept barn. im-nace. Large, shady yard, good modern house, nenr In. $50. 11 t'MIIV 1 HATT 8-room Phone F3246. 601 Bee Blda Idg. D 694 FOR RRNT. 324 N. 35th St.. 4 rooms t a on 8418 Jackson Bt, 6 rooms 12.00 8417 Jackson St., 6 rooms 12.00 8 N. 85th Bt., 8 rooms 15,00 inn Mason St., 7 rooms $o oo 876 N. 28th Ave.. 10 rooms PK i 2123 Cass St., 10 rooms 75.00 rtooms ana suites in Wlthnell Block, 15th nuu iiurney, ana oi. Alary B Ave. Bldg. at 27th and St. Mary's Ave. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam. ij Q Street , D 608 2622 WIRT ST., -rm. strictly modern house, barn; $25. 8302 Sherman ave., 8-rm. house, thoroughly uiuufiii, npienuio location, paved street nn Ilia a - lln.i f 'IT 28th and Dewey nve. ; there are only four ui mrsu naiB jeit at eacn. eee them at once. 1 1556 Sherman ave., a splendid 9-rm. flat witn J uatn rooms, all newlv papered and painted; easy walking distance; $20, or will rent one floor separately. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY 1st Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781. D-M617 T SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR irniiBT 9-r. all modern dwelling, a bargain for $30. at 2204 Ohio St. ew. 8-r. strictly modern dwelling, fine condition, mggesi nargain in Omaha ror $27.60. at 816 So. 35th Ave. 8-r. dwelling, all modern, with fine lawn ana nam, new pavement, all for $.16, Just oppoalte Hanscom Park, at 1901 Bo. 29th A v. 8-r. brand 'new, strictly modern dwelling, ngni up to aniirr, a snap lor $35, at SAA Marcy St. 8-r. nil modern, ensv walking dlatanoe, for $32.50. at 613 No. 2nd Rt. 8-r. strictly modern, prettiest home In Wal nut inn, at 41W Lafayette Ave. Special price If taken at ones. 7-r. cottaare, modern except furnace, close In, for $25, at 646 So. tilth Ave. 7- r. modern except furnace, a bargain, for $22,60, at 1522 So. 26th St. 8- r., strictly modern, swell residence, in urui t'.. -... , .. . i ,A ... . . . : . . minim ui.iiu i, i ira vnrnifii eepi, 1, at $35. Better see us about this one, too. fl-r., partly modern, for $22.60, flue dlstrlot. too, at 1510 (leorKia Ave. 6-r. cottage open plumbing, everything but. furnace, fine repulr, near 8. O. car, only $16.66. 4-r., well and cistern, good repair, $10, $04 8-r. brick houses, city water, newly papered, for onlv 17 find $ at 8o38 U. ISth bt. and 3'H3 8. IHth ave. PAYNE, BOSTWICK A CO., Bole Airents, ol-3 New York Life Bldg. 6th Floor D 618 7 STEAM HEATED APARTMENT. Choice 7-r. apartment, on Farnam car line, with new open plumbing, In first-claas repair throughout, nil modern, Including steam heat, within easy walking distance, for x.10. only one left; be quick If you want It. PAVNE. BOSTWICK & CO.. Sola Agent. . 601-$ N. Y. Life. - D 620 T $M0 S. 2STH ST., 8 rooms, everything newly repaired and strictly modsrn. Walking dlatunce. KENNARD A LOWER, Tel. 897. jH-U Brown Block. D 616 f 8-ROOM house, modern except furnace, all rooms nwlv papered, everything In good punj.r. o. . lurni-r ma ana iioa;e. ijy. jieiniB, l ux loo iiiocR. D-M',45 10 SEVEN-ROOM cottage end stable, $17 per nion I h. $-roorn modern house. 125. Gannett, 611 Brown Block. D-M1.V) I F. D. WKAIV room modvrn house, tWi Caldwell, ti, 8-room mo'T.i-n house, jmfl bsrn.'lM N. 2. t h. $.1. "-room bouse, modern 2!mi F-rtinm. $26 7-ioi)!n in w modern houa i, 27' is C'uldwell $'.o. ' 1-romii house, an K-r-i V.M 1 1 ni 11 (on $16. 6-roiim cottage. r"7 t ?iih, i$50. 4-rooin rott'ine. 3'ir Leavenworth. $170 Two modern flats, 16l$-liU iiurt. euvu, 117.60. ., Vi DOC 0 LAS.