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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1904)
1 1 13 BUSINESS CHANCES H. F. Robertson. Joseph F. Kelly Omaha Real Estate & Business Chance Agency 405 N. Y. Life B ig. Telephone 3762 $:00 buy a good bakery, confectionery anl Ira stand on North Itiih street; doing good bu-dnesa. Owner wishes to Nn tlia city. fl.000 Ooori feed at ore and meat market In suburb of Omaha lt,um Bakery, confectionery, cigars, fruit and restau'ant In good Nebr'.el? town. Jl.OUO NIc xtotk of groceries Tin Farnam street. Jl.eon clean stock of groceries near Han scom Park. tlfwO Cigars, candles and Ice cream parlor and canned goods. This la a money maker, but owing to poor health the owner wishes to sell. $,OHL(id established grocery on North 16th street. 7,SoO Kins bakery, restaurant, cnnfec'lnn ary and loa cream parlor In one of th bept towna In South Dakota. Full equipment for manufacturing; sales 19u3 il.HO: poor health cause of selling. llO.OOo Onod business block find stock of jrenersl merchandise for ssle or trade In good Nebraska town; owing to poor health owner wlnhes to gi in Colorado. V" have a 'arse list of all kinds of mer chandise stocks for aale In Iowa, Ne braska. Call and see our list. See our add In real estate column, , FOR RENT One of th beat saloons In the city. Owner has laft town and will transfer his license, also sell his bar glassware, cash, reclater inil entire equipment cheap. In vestigate this quick. Omaha Real Estate & Business Chance Agency OS N. T. Ufa Bid. Phone ru I ABBOTT-COWAN CO.. 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg,, can get you in or out of business. X 911 8HOLE3-ARMSTRONG CO.. 722 N. Y. Ufa. Tel. 4. T-iU "WHEN you want to buy. aell or exchange your property or business quick, eee J. H. Johnson, til N. I. Lite. TPhone Lino. I 01J TO get In or out of business, or If you want to uy or sail real estate aee Omaha Real Kstste and Business Chance Agency, uo N. r. Ufa bldg. Y-914 Sholes-Armstrong Company, 722 N. Y. Life. Tel. 4a, REAL ESTATE TO TRADE 13V4 acre well Improved, 1V4 mllea from Council Blurts motor Una. Frtoe (3,600. Trade tor Omaha cottage. &ij acres splendid land with firat class Im provements, mllea anuth of Ashland. Land around it selling for flW to 1100 per acre. This la offered very cheap at $5,?o0. Will trade for Omaha cottage or take back a mortgage on the place. Two brick stores, well located on paved treet and atreat car line in Oman. Kent fit; per month. Price $S,000. No encum brance. Trade for good land. Handsome residence In West Farnam dis trict, 7,5(i0. to trade for large tract of land. Would pay $10,000 to 116,000 cash In addition. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WlTfJ US FOR SALE OR TRACE AND WRITE US WHEN YOU WANT ANYTHING. SHOLtS-ARMSTRONO CO., Y U12T my speolal plan of prompt salea of drug a tores. Jr. V. Knlaat. 701 N. Y. l,ite bldg. T 91 A YEARLY Income guaranteed to the one Interested with ua, a proposition as good a government bona; lust month s divi dend paid equaled 20 per cent; bank refer ence given: write for literature and pros pectus, which will be forwarded free upon application; representatives wanted. Lavi dur Promoting Co., Milwaukee, Wis. I Y-M417 A1S BUSINESS CHANCES-FARM LANDS. OMAHA APPRAISAL COMPANY, 2J NJflW XORK, LIFB BLUU.. Y-M707 FINK stock hardware; Scandinavian town; about 12,500; bargain. Address TllBee. COUNTRY MERCHANT. Do you want to retire from business T If so we have an exceptional proposition to sub- "'THE NEW BNOW CHURCH CO., OTrat Floor M. Y. Life Bldg. ? MUM A NEW modern front storeroom to rent for clothing store In Nebraska's beat town of -' l,5u0 Inhabitants; an exceptionally good opening; building to be completed October 1. Address T H Omaha Bee. Y-M4M 1 ,1,800 GROCERY, good trade, fine location. P. O. Box U. Y ii lOx A FIRST-CLA89 electiio light and power plant In a thriving Nebraska town for aula very cheap. Oood responsible par ties run purchase on partial payments, secured by a mortgage on the plant. It is paying more than 10 per cent net at the present time, which can be increased considerably by party who can give their attention and time. Price. tO. Address T 2. Bae. Y AM I July 1 1804. th Etorey Cotton company (capital JlOO.OiiO, surplus 1102,130.4.!). The bourne, Philadelphia, Pa., tills day an nounced and paid to all customers of rec ord a net profit of two and a half per centum 0-"i per cent on all funds on de posit during June for Investment (subject to withdrawal on demand) and on special time amounts a net profit of 2Vj per cent plus i per cent regulur bonus. Cotton investments as thus operated pre sent the best, the safest and most profit able medium now before the public. Booklet free. Y PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS secured or fee returned. Send model or sketch for free opinion as to puleiuabliliy. bend for Illustrated UL 1 DO iiuulv and list, of lnvei.uons wanted; niukt publication inaurd for fre nlsir. button;- contains valuable. Information re cording patents, trade murk i and copy lights, how to obtain and sell them, 10) mechanical movement, etc. Patent se cured by ua adveitlsod free In the Patent Jteoord; nmple conies free. Ald:es Lvuns, Wlikina & Co.. Regimered Attur boya. iuS F it . Washington. 1). C. Y A Ten Dollar Note for a Flyer Will t'&rry a 25-word Classified Ad vertisement into a millioo homes one time. This is tnc list. Where else can you get u Wier combination fur the money T .-ostbn Herald, Omaha Hoe, l'hliu. No. .i:oerlcun, luiitalo Courier. fiynn'UM li;ral4 Kocii. 1). & Cliron., nuabuig I'ispit-h, Providence Telegram, lultiniore liris J, (leve. J'lmn Dealer, st Ijiuij (Hole 'Mm. ,.. M. K A Leader, Waeluuston Pott, Denver post, Ml), r rte prcs. Sail k ran. Chronicle. ; iur.'ni,U Kng il.r, A u.i n in Constitution, Mniii-uollH li:l) iui, 1 luilas Nes, Oetioil i-Yce Pru.s. Chicago Inter Ocean, iuaianOpU kxuliul. Kuimus City Journal. lOlVlii TH'rf L13l' A TH1AU RUDOLPH GUENTHER, Wawnpaper and Mag.ii.iue .luverl.aing, Ks Bt., isw viilt. Writs for Com Vmuuou utter. Maaai-ine Lists. V fcl'ACK for rent for barber sh ip. Conll iieiual (. lar felore. Y-Mii.7 S Ptilt SALE OR TRADE-Restaurant in Corning, la.; well eial,ll!-lj. d ami has liua Hade; Invoice about II. ). Will sell or t: ie for to or M rm. Iowa liind preftneJ. kf.. E. Chrmtls, Corning. U. , I 4i. 2 7 VANTK1V-Party wilh $.1 0i to $f.0n0 to Invest in v. -11 known li-giiluiate Imslcess, will pay 7 tr cent inteiiht or s'litre j.n.nts; wUlnw lady wlih muiiry i-eKinrf .f- in vhi ineitt prolerrt'J , refivncisa. A-J:c ti. J. XL. bcliulsr, Noi). X-4.1 7x BUSINESS CHANCES THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO. First Nat l Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb, 'Phone Wlf WfcEKLY BULLLTIN OF BUSINbSS ChANCtb. c , 4Ut tor a Weil eataoiisned business In UmaJia; n,'At nua u Ji in w verlisliig. tioou ino" niaacr. Dandy mue cisaj aim comecnonoi y f r Invoice auoul Bus.niaa per o pronis average per ceuU Low rent. LHt you w-iii u iu-roum uoaniing aim room Ing uouiMi Uial ptobabay makes more money man any ol Its wse in (jinuuaT vve nave IU i rice, VfOJ, lnciuuing piano. timm in uuiaiia store. Big business and nue im:m.i.iiii. mil invoice aoi.ut mosuy stock, bee ua at oi.oe. Oood lmie groceiy on ieaveuwortu s.itei for wO. oheap lent, bieein living rooms in rear, and good busi ness. -room House, modern except lurnnce; I lots, good furniture, including new piano. i,oou lor ail W down, bal ance to suit purchaaer. located in West Council .bluffs. tnap. Oood restaurant in 'reinont, feu. Cheap. r us for particulars and make oner. One of umana's oldest established shoa tores Invoice about J-i,ouo. BUsi ns clears over t,mn annually. Owner hIck and must retire. Party with H.uxt to h.OOu can secure Bouth Omikiia branch of large Omaha wlio.eale and retail busineaa. By working with Omana house large Income Is aasuTSd, v Beet barber shop In Iowa town of 5,000. 4 chairs everything up-to-date. Oood busineaa, Prug atore In town near Lincoln for 11,560. Old established drug business In 8. K. Aeb, town of 6, (Ml. invoice t3,M, Owner wishes to Remove to , X. st ute, Furniture and undertaking business In voicing about $6,6uu; town of 3,000. Trade for (arm. Furniture atock Invoicing W.000, town of 2.M0. Trade for Omah tealdence property. Will assume some in cumbrance, Best grocery in Neb. town of 1,000. In voice about W,0uu. Owner retiring from business. Clears over I3,oo annually, Do you want a small gTOceryT fjbook at this. - You rant building and fix tures, Just buy the stock. You will probably need IViO to get the sto 1i. $1,000 for one, at Omaha's we.l known rej tauranlta. A good place and at the right price. (30-aore farm IVi miles from Oolumbus, Neb., very finely imnreved. An Ideal farm for atock. To trade for J0.000 atock of general merchandise, balance long time. Write today. If you have anything to sell or trade no matter where located or how big It Is write us. It you want to get Into business, write us. Come in and have a talk with us. THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO. First Nax'l Bank Bldg1., Oniaha.- Y FREE lota to advertise N. Y. suburb: send stamp for one let; ocean view; high ele tlon. Seaside Co., 231 Broadway, N. Y. Y-640 7x A Secure Investment . Paying a substantial and regular return Is worth a great deal more than any kind of a speculation. Our system of cotton in vestment Insures a high degree of safety and pays t per cent per month lq semi monthly payments of Hi per cent. If you desire a safe INVESTMENT and not a SPECULATION our methods will In erest you. Full particulars free on application to Elliott Kingsbury & Co. flncorpo rated.) 0- Wall street. New York. Y-656 7x CA8H for your real estate or business no matter where located. If you desire a quick, sale send us description and-price. Northwestern Business Agency, D 312, Bank of Commerce Building, Minneapolis, Minn. Y J. H. Johnson, The Real Estate and Business Chance Man Has For Sale or Exchange : QEN'L MDSE. STOCK 25,000 to $16,000, clean, up-to-date; good Neb. towns; for good Improved farms. GROCERY BTOCKS-12,000 to $3,000, city and country, fine propositions; will sell HARDWARE $2,500 to 17,000, city and country: fine openings. DRUGS $2,000 to $6,000, clean, up-to-date stocks, country towns considered. LUMBER AND COAL. $6,800 Stock only one In good western Iowa town, fine opportunity, good business, but owner has other Interests also requiring Mb attention. HOME IN FLORENCE. NEB. FULL lot, 8-room houre, good repair; nec essary outbuildings, etc.; price $1,000. Will take small farm reasonable distance from OMAHA and pay cash difference. HOTELS 30 to 0 rooms, In fine NE BRASKA and IOWA towns, furniture for sale, good business, pay to investi gate. ROOMING HOUSES In city, a few good ones at right figures; fine locations; see us about them if you are Interested. MY list is full of good business proposi tions. All Innulrle answered promptly. J. H. JOHNSON, 843 N. Y. Life. Y-612 7 THE OMAHA APPRAISAL COMPANY. Sa N. Y. Life bldg., Omaha, has the fol io Ing for sale: Three restaurants, 2 shoe stores, 6 cigar stores, drug; stores, i gro cery and me its, 10 saloons, hotels, i dry goods, 2 feed and coal, 3 meat markets, 6 i hardware, & rooming houses, 2 clothing, 1,600 acres farm lands. Y 66 7 BUSINESS CHANCES. If you have nrst-clase, well located suite of offices and are capable of tilling the position of general agent for a large, well eatabllshed metal manufacturing corpora tion controlling the entire United Stales on a line of goods protected by United States patents declined te be placed in immediate use throughout the country, and can furnish evidence of having been a pronounced success In your present or former vocation, we can place you In a position where you can make from $SO0 per month up. One representative cleared 6,500 In July, another $3,20. We want correspondence only with men capable of earning big money. Thle Is a bona nd, genuine business opportunity and will re quire a personal investigation on your part at the general offices of the com pany. If you have the prorfer facilities and ability for handling the buslnexs an swer. This Is a hlph grade opportunity for a blah grade man. Address, Bales Dept., Main St., Davenport. Iv YOU can never profit by business chances unlets you have some money; smull sav ings are tr.e foundation of large fortunes; - start a aavlntis tir counts HithXJ. L Bntiidela A Sons, Bankers, 18th andXkn g las Sts. AMit over $400,000.00. V FOR SALE, 150 shares In prosperous cor poration; 10 per cent per annum guaran teed for three years by bnnk. Wrl'e fr particulars. Artnur renneia, ut. jo-ejin, Mo. Y-6K2 7x KRfc'E. six months' subscrlpllon to our Hull.tin & fining fiews. ir intrrestea In mining writ Knye, Dowolf & Co . 30 Cortlandt St.. N. Y. Y-501 7x ONE DOLLAR; not much money. Is It? but If Invested with us It's enough to give you sn oM'ortunlty to receive a sum run ning Into fve MKiires. Write at once for Information, mine me, zn nroad bit New York. -566 .1 JAMEit 3 O MA' LEV CO F'tuic jj , pay stockholders from 1 to JO per sent weekly upon their ti:oney oners tng the vear round at New York. Clilcano. St. Louis and Sun Francisco. Write for full particulars how to become a stockholder. Juiiies J O'Mal'ey & Co., lXi "1 ! rborn St., Chicago. Y v 7t W A NT K n T o rnt, ,irst-hiP- Intel, f . nished or partly fornlshed I hte cir ood furniture I wish to, ne In the hotel. Address A. F. Swart, Kan, lull Hotel, Beatrice, Neb., Cor. 5th and Cort S's Y V'4 7 DO YOU want to earn an extremely Msh rat of Interest with abnoiute safely? You run try even with a very email auiiount. AoMrenn I.. A Werner, Monadnock. Hull. ling. Chicago. 111. Y-647 7x FOR SALE Meat market; half rrice If .lil At once Aildrs". Mnl Market, E. 6th St., Fremont. Neb. Y o,7x BOOMING house, clearing lloo .er rionth; cheap If txken at ooce; fcwet locstlon In city. Address Til. Bee. Y M ,t NV 1 I) money t.jdiy anj mnt sac-'Iue 2iV shares tc k In nn of tlie bt Kan- t-U c. l!i ,!!- at 10 c&tg I r e. AuJri T Oi, Jj.e. l-ti Tx TITE OMAIIA PERSONAL DR. ROY, Chiropody. R. J a. 05 Kn -n m U 7S GET THE LOCATION HABIT Owing to the wonderful growth of our bue lnei and the public demand for a lrk li-firl-clniis juano store of HIUH-ORADK INSTRUMENTS at relHble price, we have lens.l the new building at 16,1 FAR NAM STREET. Our line of pisnna will be the same ea be- fre. Also you will find the beautiful SMITH NIXON Orand Piano In an up right caie. Thle Is a wonderful tone. Hear and se it. The KBtRSoLL and other new ntnnm. Trusting we will receive a call of Inspection anu .inanaing veu ror past favors, we remain. Yours respectfully, PERFIELD PIANO CO. 1811 Farnam Street. EASY TERMS. HONEST VALUES. U-2 1 DETECTIVE Capt. Cormack. $17 KarbTt h blo-k. Tel. A 2wl T U 7 MAGNFTIP treatment A baths. Mme. UlrtVJll tML Smith. 118 N. 16, 2 fir. R. i. U M AS Germanic I)Jr Wks. Up-to-da;ec:n- HATS '""led shaped and presse SMART'S HAT FACTOR Y, pressed. ,th No. 16lh U-M774 Ai8 nT.' J w,do. - : lady, 24, with unlimited means, will marry at once; money no objeot. "Allison," Paola, Kan. U 407 7x TRY KELLET'8 LAUNDRY. 'PHON E U 9S0 5LTOSi ,T"de, 'i'-L1?. wome. 4,w3 riirnnm sr. THE H. J. PENFOLD CO. U-M35S , "VIAVI," way to health. 350 Bee BUlg. U Ml TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 13th. U 12 MATRIMONY Gentleman, 27 years old. with ood position, would like to call on or correspond with some lady; object matrimony Address Q. 8.. 924 Mln. ave.. Kansas City. Kan. U 340 ix DON T fool with your eyes; be careful who examines them; we test eyes free for glasses and guarantee satisfaction. . THd H. J. PENFOLD CO., Leading Opticians, 14o( Farnam, U-MSiS ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PI F ATI MCI , RIIru:Mn SEND Vt)li Pl-.IC'E LIST AK'D SAMPLES GOLOAIAN PLEATING. CO, 200 DOlUj-iiI tiua.. iu... U 9.54 ' ROSEEK4h ' U D86 PHILIP BARNHART, come home or write. MAMMA. U Ml U A14x WORLD'S FAIR accommodations, every nrlnvan (crisis f lr aa aa 1 1 ' ' vnr lines, i minutes ride to fair1. 44 Laurel ave., St. Loula. Boll telephone. Forest 966 A. U M3il 61 LARSON & JOHNSON, cut rates to all Liinuta, mi .amain, xei. aziii. Mem bers American Ticket Brokers' Assn. U-Oillg 81 PROFESSIONAL gentleman with fine practice and very wealthy desires capa ble and deserving wife. Address Mr. brown, 302 Dearborn St., Chicago U-336 "X RHEUMATISM CURE-Never fails; send iui ieuiJC. i al 4UU aX! MATRIMONY Correspondence deairod with educated lady of means; object matrimony; by southerner of 83; good position. Box SU Torras, La. ; U M621 9x DR. KLAUSNER, . Dentist, 607 Karbach blk. Tel A2064. UVM417 Si VIENNA CAFE New management; imer . chants' lunch, 15c; short orders a1 spe cialty. Wm. Miller, Prop., 1016 Farnam. ' U-M3I7 SI PUT in $450 outfit and go with me for the winter prospecting; tine climate; can five reference. Address T 47, Bes. U 448 fx PERSONAL To the public: I would like to locate Ed Knutson, age 60; left Ester ville. Ia., for this city in 1873 or 1871 L. K. Megaurden, Bearmouth, Mont. U-MG22 lOx HAVE YOU A8THMAT If so send One Dollar to the undersigned and receive formula that will cure. J. W. Dletrlck, Omaha, Neb. P. O. Box 212. U-558 7x PROFESSIONAL GENTLEMAN with fine practice and very wealthy deBlreasr apable ana deserving wire. Address Mr. Brown, 802 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. U 8:14 7x MARRY wealth and beauty; marriage directory free; pay when married; en tirely new plan: send ne money. Addre.-s H. A. Horton, Dept. 297. Tekonsha. Mloh. U-633 7x MARRY RICH Can you get the kind of a husband or wife you wish. Pay when married. C, H. Rowan, Milwaukee, Wis. U- PERSONS suffering with constipation and piles CURED FREE. In order to prove it we will send you an order on the drug gist for a 25c bottle. American Pharmaoal CO., Evanston, Ind. Box No. 8M. U-- WANTED Street entertainments and at tractions for M. W. A. picnic. August 25. Address Secretary M. W. A., Hehroa Neb. . U 6S8 7x LADIES 25c In stamps will remove freck les, tan. sunburn, etc.; not a toilet nrtlcle; a medicine to apply each nlht. Myers Dlllon Drug Co., pmaha, Neb tT Mr,9S pa. HANDSOME American widow. worth $;tR,000, wants to marry good, honeat man. Money no object. Address Mrs. Mnson, Olrard Block, Chicago, 111. U-40 7x OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO. Manufacturers of paste for all purposes. Te'.. A-2G52. 2210 Cuming. Established lf-A. U-582 7 FOR BALE, at a discount, one week's accommodation at The Inside Inn, St. Louis, to be used In August. A'ldresa, T 67, Bee. U-W14-7X BUPERFLOUS hair, wai ts and moles per manently removed by electricity; consul tation free and confidential ; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, Alt N. Y. I lie. 1 U-C11 7x ALL THE leading hrnnds st Continental Cigar Store, Base Ball Headquarters. U M' 2S 8r BEAl'TIFL'L, rd ica c I ensiern youn b-dy, 27, some properly, iIckii ins to live In a wnrmrr climitc. Tionld mniry; strictly cniuldential. Toledo Cor. League. Tolcrtj, O. U-M'23 Sx -V MEDICAL HOMEOPATHIC nieuiclnes, wholesale, re tall. Sherman & ftlcConnell, oniaud. i 9o6 DR. PRIES treats aucceKsfully all diaeases and lrreBUlnrities of women, iroin any cause; experienced and reliatile. AodreHs, wlih stamp, Dr. Pries, iaill Dodge ti., Ohialia, - 687 PRIVATE lioine during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Cjood Sani tarium VJi 1st Ave., Council Bluffa. lit. Tel. 774. 6:'ti ST JtJSEPH'B hospital; everything modern. Tel. 117. M 'M SjX PRIVATE hospital during confinement; be hies adopted. Mrs. OarUels. .'1U Churlea Tel. AHjIS LAIHES Anterior Regulator, sure. V. 0) box. The Columblu Co., Clarlnda. Iowa. M-430 S3X PRIVATE home during confinement; ba l ies adi.ptf(l Mrs. Dr. King, 6"i N. lti'h, 3d Hnor. Tel. 8. M2o6 Alii Ull. W. Hl'T'TlNSON, heclallt of women and children; 3u yens' practice. Oftice. 2:6 C'.ituiir;. Itesidetice ti Uphons, 8twi; ofIK-e, ?nii. LADIES When In need send for free trial ut our never-f. tiling remedy; rvfief guli k end a.ik. Jaria Cl,eiuli:ul Cu., MilMauk.e, Wis. LAID ES htclieter's Fnid'sh Pennroya' l i 1 ate the Lt. Sife. reiieble. Taken bend 4c sli:ins3 for particular, "itel'ef for Lac'iea," In letier liy leiuiu tnailj Ask vour dru(.i(iit, CLkliatiUar Ciiviiucifci Cv.a .l!uv.:-fl P" . DAILY UEEl SUNDAY, AUGUST T, ItTO. THIS FOH THAT E ILL trade sewing machine for type- riter. reo. cycle Co., ltu ana narnry. Z-72 WHAT hare you to exchange for a piano? i-emeid l liuio Co., Bee mug. lei. ci. Z (71 IF THERE Is nothing In this column you want, put an ad. in and you will soon WILL exchange second-hand phonograph records for others in good condition. N. S4, Bee office. .Z M222x FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE A fine ml!". nery stock, in a good Iowa town. -dress N. hi., Bee. Sl-M2 FOR TRAI'E, half section, Woodson Co.. Kan.. In oil belt; good Improvements, all fenced, orchard, grove, 100 acres In culti vation, 12o acres meadow, K0 acres pas ture; leased for third of crop and $1 per acre cash, oil lease with royalty. Price, 140; will consider trade In desirahls Omnha residence or rental property. W. Farnam Smith Co.. ISM Farnam St. Z M?11 FOR EXCHANGE Any pfrrt of $12,6X0) dividend paying stock for stock of mer chandise. Must be well located. Ad dress, Lock Box 611, St. Joseph, Mo. Z 7 7x FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS HIGH-GRADE rubher-tlre runabout slightly soiled, at half value. Also good top buegy and harness, cheap. Johnson & Diinforth, 8 W. Cor. 10th &. Jones tit. I' OAS 3IE the flno line of vehicles for sale i,y Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P tit' W. J. LAPAOE, oartlaee and wagon; 2d hnd vehicles for sale. 1507 Jackson. 'Tel. 2456. . P 456 A20 FOR SALE, single-seated handmade phae ton, nearly new. Apply Mrs. F. M. Youngs, 6uu2 Florence Boulevard. P 3R4 7x FOR SALE 2 double-seated carriages; also 1 buggies, cheap. 66 8. 24th ave. P-640 7x FOR SALE 1 Columbus buggy trap, rub ber tires. In perfect condition. Also 1 Co lumbus hiiggry phaeton, roomy and In good repair. See Tom Baker, barnmastcr, Bennett's barn. 17th and Howard. pR7 7-r FOR SALE One 5-year-old bay horse; well bred, good traveler. H. J. Morten sen, 1116 6th ave.. Council Bluffs. P 6S3 t WANTED TO BUY ' SHONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN, 8 N, Y. i.ife, pays highest price for books. Tel. tout. N-U67 HIGHEST prices paid for furnished tints. 8 31, Bee. N-M61S A SMALL house or a good lot on monthly payments: must be well located and a bargain, from the owner. Olve full de scription and best price. Address T., care Bee. N M435 7x 5,000 TONS IRON; also metals and rubbers; write for prices. A. Ferer, Great Western Junk House. S12 Douglas, Omnha. N M373 WANTED To buy for cash stock of cloth ing or general mercnanaine. Address T 67, Bee. N-MC71 llx WANTED If you have n 6, 7 or 8-rooni house which would make an agreeablo home for a small famllv, and wish to dispose of it for spot cash, write me. If you have N a lot on which a comfortable home could be built, give location, price, etc. Address T 63, care The Bee, Omnha, Neb. NM"" s LOST LOST Turquoise matrix pin, set round with pearls, two small diamonds, three pendant fresh water pearls: liberal re ward. Mrs. Myron L. Learned, 136 N. 31st. ave. Lost M4S3 x LOST Black silk watch fob with blue enamel charm; liberal reward If returned to 213 So. 13th street or telephone L-2C67. Lost 691 7x LOST Light Jersey cow. Notify E. J. Bod well, 4101 Farnam. ,Loot 60 7x LOST, June 25 In South' Omaha, fan, em broidered In dragon design, carved sandal wood frame. Reward If returned to Bee office. South Omaha. Lost 653 7x LOST. greyhound dog. fawn color. Re- ward If returned to 2&08 Miami st. Lost MG49 8x LOST, on July 14, bunch of keys bearing name of Henteges Clothing Co., Yank ton, 8. D. Return to Inspection dept., Neb. Telephone Co. Reward. Lost MG46 8 CLAIRVOYANTS GYLMER, palmist. 716 No. 23d. Tel. B5216. 8100 YOUR fortune told by the most reliable clairvoyants; send birth date, dime and stamp. Profs. Carl & Rollin, 4fl0 N. Clark St., Chicago. 8 M Ix BUSINESS MEDIUM, 718 N. 17th street. 8 Mfi5 S6x KNOW YOUR FUTURE, To be Ignorant of what the future has In store for you Is to be indifferent, care less end unambitious; every Intelligent person now knows this to be an absolute fact. People who don't amount to much as a usual thlr& don't care to. They are drones by choice. Palmistry reveals the future and aids you to be successful. Consult Mme. Gylmer. the foremost . palmist of the age. Parlors, 715 N. Zd. 8 MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN LADY OUEEN OF CLAIRVOYANTS: everything told, past, present ard future; satisfaction or no pay.. 807 N I"1. S-M415 7x PRINTING PRINTING LYNGSl AL) i High Grade Work. Crounse block, corner of Wlh St. and Capitol Ave. -9,0 KRAMER & CHANDLEP QUICK PRI'sT i,Ks, li3 Farnam. To deliver work when promised Is our hobby. !71 J. M. 6IRPLE3S. relible printer Estab lished 12 years. 203 S. ISth St.. Omjliir MIS" All FLORISTS HESS & 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnare. JU IffiNDERSON, 151 Farnam. Send for price lint of cut flowers and plants. "If . ALFRED DONAGHUE, JR.. W07 Farnam. Tel. 3.13. i SHORTHAND AO TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN SANT S school. 717 N. Y. Life. FACSIMILE letters, envelopes addrexed. P.rj U.s cpljege. i BRASS FOUNDRIES CRASS and nluminum casting, nickel plat ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co., 41 N. Main St., Council Bluffs. Free Trolley Excursions Free You oukIiI to so. Bee !aal Sun day's papers, oil of tlum, fnr mr tlculars, uintei- "For Bale, Real Entitle." Excursions on other lines will be announced later. C1IA9. R WILLIAMSON CO Ground lloor, U S. Nit'l. Bank Building. OPEN TUESDAY EVENINGS. Bales Department Geo. Marshall, J. M. Welshaus, Mgr. GOVISRNMKXT XCTIKS. OFFICIO OF THE COXSTBT'CTl NO Qua.'termustai, tl J Douly Buli.lliitf. halt City, i:tuh, July , Dot. .-e ced pro i.uD.ila, In triplicate, will be .received here until 11 a. m., st inriard lime, August b, li4, a li J their opened, fur tne construe Ion in MatM.liiu; KuBd.i ant ( enent Walks at Kurt lMHiitlas, l uh. BiiMcra will Hats la tl.tlr hll the ti:iie In winch they will com pete the woik r'ull iiil. rm tiou-and blmiu lm-iiia of priipuB.ils furnl!hed on applica tion to this ollice. PI mi and speullicai oim may he eeen here l i.Hed States reae ves the rifc-ht to accept or reject any or ail propoHuls. or any part theriof. tnvel p c.iniHiiui.g proptMala to le tmluroed ' Pio poeals fur Huads and Walks." and ad dreaned to CiUltt buttl'l V. Ham, Ouar tsi iuaatcr. ( " ECHOES CF THE AXTE P.S3'J Oraler of He(Usi flans. The sixteenth annual picnic was held yesterday afternoon at Krug Park with a big attendance. The picnic was held under the fired auspices of Ctan Gordon No. S3 and was a pleasing success throughout. Many of the clansmen were attired In their picturesque Highland costumes, giving to the picnic a most pleasing effect. Many Caledonian games of various de scriptions were scheduled for the after noon. Putting the sixteen-pound shot was participated In by numerous contestants and was won by J. Wareham, who made a record of 29 foet I Inches, jwlth W. O. Ferguson second, 27 feet 6 "inches. The boys' race- was won by John Rlgg, with William Kennedy second. In th! old men's race, D. McMillan was the winner, with R, H. Davey second. The women's race, for clansmen's wives only, was won by Mrs. Douglas, with Mrs. Anderson ecord. In the girls' race, under 12 years. Miss Ellen Eastman was the winner, with Irene Michael a close second. In the women's race, contestants to be over 20 years of age, there was some diffidence ns to en tries, but It was run nevertheless and M.s. D. Noyes won first and Mrs. W. H. CI irk second. There was quite an animated con test In the hop-stcp-and-Jump undertaking, which was won by C. Battelle, with R. Gordon second best. The 100-yard running race was won by W. H. Dorrance, with second place tied by three contsstants. Throwing the twelve-pound hammer was won by J. Wareham, distance 70 feet 7 Inches, and T. O'Connors second, distance 68 feet 7 Inches. Following this contest the clansmen and their families and frlind.i scattered themselves about the park for their picnic supper. At 8 o'clock the . contests ware resumed and Included sack races, egg race by women contestants, three-legged race, 100 yard amateur race; running long Jump and running high Jump. Prizes also were of fered for the best dressed Highlanders, In cluding boys and girls, for the best danced Highland fling, sword dence and a bag pipe competition. The prizes were In most instances cash or orders for merchandise and were distributed at the close of each contest. Clan Gordon No. 63 had an enthusiastic meeting Tuesday evening. Two new names were handed In. The social hour was takfen up by Messrs. Buchanan and McDougal playing the bagpipes. A flute duet fol lowed, by Messrs. Cook and Gavin, and R. G. Watson and Robert Beatie sang. Mr. Urquhart made the speech of the even ing, while G. W. McDougall capped the climax with an artistically danced High land fling. Mr. Lindsay gave something Instrumental and the Jolly evening closed after the clansmen had dlscusHed the quality of an abundance of cigars fur nished by one of the members. Woodmen of the World. The carnival committee of Alpha camp No. 1, finding that the grounds at Fifteenth and Capitol avenue are entirely too small for the accommodation of the great aggre gation of show and free attractions which It waa Intended to have at the carnival, have made arrangements with the Court. land Beach Amusement company to place the shows and free attractions engaged for the carnival on the grounds at Courtland O. M. E. Tel. 611 MESSENGER AND BAGGAGK. UU Farnam Street WILL GET YL JR BAGGAQB THERft ON TIME). -M7a RAILWAY TIME CARD UMOSf STATION TENTH AND UAKCY. dhIeaa;V Rock Islasid Jt Paclflo, CAST. Leavs. Arrive, Chlcifo Dtrllfht Limits I M am Chlc DarlUM Local 1:0om a:Mpa Cblctio Kipreaa bllivl Pm a I IS pa De Motnea Btprau a 4:10 pa klUt is CblcKO Kat Elprosa at :40 pm t l:li (a WEST. Rocky Mountain Limits a J am IIMia Lincoln, Colored Springs, ta- r. Pueblo and tM a 1:M pa s 1:0 pa Chicago Great Western. St. rial Mlnnospolls Limlua.. I 10 pm a 1:11 ta St. Paul 4c Minneapolis Eipreaa.a l a am a'l.Mpa Chicago LimlUd 4 60 pm ilO.itia Ckloaso Express a : aa a :o pa Union Paclne. Too Ovorland Limited a 1:40 aa a 1:01 pa Colorado A Calllornla Blpnas ..a 4 :10 pm l it u Chicago-Portland special a 4:10 pa Kartera Exprass il:H pa Columbus Local b 00 pm kl.ttaa Colorado Special a 1 :4i am Chicago Special aliOia Beatrle Local b J:W pa b 1:15 pa Fast Mall lI Mu 1:M pa Chicuao A Northwestern. Past Chicago at to pa l:M is Local Chico all JO aa Mall 1:10 aa DaUght St. Paul iT Um 10 Do pi Payllglit Chicago 1 l:il ia ll:4pm Limited Chltaso a . pa . 14 am Local Carroll a4 :0ipm I tOam Fait Ht. t I II pm T.05 aa Local Sioug City A St, Paal b 4:00 pm a t :80 am Pant Mall a 1 to pm Chicago Express a I II pm Norfolk & fjoneateel g 106 am 10:aiaa Lincoln A Lous Pit ,....b I W am 10:Jtam Dcadvod A LlncalL al tOpa t it pa Caapet A Wromlug d i to pm 110 pa Uaetmga-Alblon bi:tOa t:ltpa Chicago, Milwaukee et St. Paul. Chicago Daylight Expreaa a T:tt aa all OOpm CalKnrnla-Oregon Bxpreas a l:-lt pm a J10 pa uveriand Limited a t an pa if tia Dea Moines A Okoboll Eirea...a t:tt aa a t:10 pa HllnoU Central. Chicago Expreaa Chlcaao Limited .a T:t0 am a 10 It na . .a pm a t:ui aa Mlnnauilia ac st au K itreas. .9 i kw Diu:ua pu, Mlnaeaolla St. Paul Limited.. VM pin a 114 pa liissotiri paeliic. St. Loula Expreaa alO tt am a 1:1 pa Kaiiaas Cit 8t. Louis Kapreaa. .ail :t ptu a 7 i pm World's t air Upoolal at:p ail.Waia VWabush. t. Louis cannon Ball Expreaa.. a 4:io pa a I 20 am New World'a talr a .4iaa t oo pa Local uom Couuutl BluBa a t:ltaa -a t:M pa UUHLlKCiTON TATtOS 10TU A UAIO.1 C'hioaavo, liarlluutuai tgulaey. Loave. Arrlee a i.w m a l.ta pa .a 4 lw ui a t ie am Chicago aperlal Chicago Vesubuled Enpreas Caii-l,, Local callage Ltiu.ied seal aee.ll a aa ail.wi pa a t.W pm :4up4fc I.ptt hi. Joaepla at Coaateii City IllutYa. Kaneaa city Lay Expreaa a t:lt aa a til pm k. oua t ier a pm ail.uaaa Kauaaa city Night Eapreae alv-iia a 4.4 aia iiuriiuaUou v Aliaatiatl lltvtir. W more. uttrKe a Lincoln ,,.il.Mia bJI:0tpa wiaaaA a.xrea aa:tvaui a,.upa Leuver Lim,id a t.'iu am a e.L. .. I B.aca in. .a a fuget guuad Ea. .ell. in pa a iia letoreue vatiijuieu ri)er m m-Ju pm Lio.a t eat iJ bJ.-Tpm aik.Mpm a oil cruo ac i'uilaiuuuia a t:ti pm bie.e aid iKllevue 4. rac.uv aauciioa a '1 :u pm a. a aa Llleirue a. 1 au.MC J auction a n.i am Uclievwe and PlaiiaiUwun, bu.le pu W ICBSI I EK DKPOT t3TH aK WUftsTUH. Mlaroarl Pnelate, Lea'e ', Arrlfe. Nibraaha Local, via Weeping Water b 4:10 pa all tl pa lii.cgu, SC. Paul, sllaneagiatiia jh. Uaunha. rwln City Paaeeuger b t to aa b 1:10 pa bioua Cu raeier a t uv pui all Hv am Oaklalid IaicaI .....b t-ea pm .b t.ia aa a Dailjr. b Dally oacept Sunday. 4 Lalll oacepi tWturuejP. Sacepl Mouaav. OCUAK stl'ICAaiaHIPSj. UOLLttriD-artERICA LIH. e 'Itili iKri ai m uf tx et li, am, loua, NaW lrohiv aoi i , una, via i'uui.u.,( balllus 1 uvea-, al IS a, a. I'ysdaa Aug. t roliim Aug. t ,S4fUam Aug. 14: r.ultl,.aa byl. g it-tvuam A.a. alHiauaox apt. li llol.UAU-aktHiCA 1K. fe'IOura bl , Ikr t., 111.' btuorea. lawl larua SC , C k u, lutUri, teat tmua i. Js. eVetiHilea UA liiHa be. Beach. Arrangements art) being made through railway offlcea of this city with the Western Passenger association of Chi cago for excursion rates within radius f lno mllea. The rommlttee upectt that tf satisfactory arrangements can be secured on transportation at least 10." out of the ; SO.0O0 members of the tvrganlatlon in in" l and adjacent states should attend the car i nival. No efforts are being spared by the committee and camp In general to maae the carnival a great success. The da'es of the carnival will be August 29 to Septem ber 4. United States camp No. 22 Is prerailng to Initiate a very large class of candidates Thursday evening. August 1. The orches tra is preparing a fire program of music for the occasion.' H Is expected also that the sovereign officers will sdd their pres ence to the Interest of the meeting. An Interesting event of this week among lodge peorle will be the organisation of a new grove of the Woodmen circle. This t.tkes p'.ace Triday ever.rhg, August 12. In the Patterson block. Seventeenth and Doug . .nil from the site of the chsr- ter list It will at once take Its p are ss an Important factor In the development of this magnificent order. This grove will be an auxiliary to Camp No. 23. 1 - Knlvhts of MiiMt"- Everything Is prcgres-lng nicely for the picnic to be held by the Maccabees at Mis souri Valley August U. The program con templates a large list' of attractive events, with many valuable prises for the ful competitors. All the tents and hives of Omaha. South Omaha and Council B.uK. will participate In the picnic and look la for an attendance of nearly l.oca A competlltve drill among the tVgree tnw cf the various tents and hives will be a tea 'ture of the picnic. There will also be an exhibition drill by the Uniform Bank of Council Bluffs. The Trlbo of Men liar. Omaha court. No. 110, has postpone It. lawn social until Wednesday at 8 P. m on account of the wea her. It is to be held on the lawn at Twentieth and Mason streets. All friends have been invited and they are promised a ood time with fine music and refreshments. Modern Woodmen of America. Arrangements are about completed for the Modern Woodmen picnic at Blair Au- . a nf 69 cents for the round Urlp has been secured, which will insure a big attendance. . Tne program u. ... picnic promises a big grist of enjoyment and will Include prize drills, athVetlo eon tests and exhibition drills. All the camps In the city, South Omaha and Council Bluffs will participate and the Blair camp Is making every arrangement for the com fort and entertainment of the visitor. The Clan-Wn-Onel. The annual picnic of the Irish nation alist societies of Douglas county will be given this -year at Tcnnant, Ia., a town site about forty miles out from Omaha on the Chicago Great Western railway. The date set is Sunday. August 14. A pro gram of athletic events, with prlsea, music by orchestra, dancing and addresses will be carried out. All arrangements are about complete and an enjoyable outing Is looked forward to. There will be plenty of shade, shelter and tables. The trains will leave the Union depot at a. m. and 12:80 p. m. The first train will stop at the principal atatlona to pick up plcnlokera. Both trains will atop at the Bluffs, from which laxga crowds are expected Knights of Pythias. Triune lodge, Na 66, held Its sjyiual plcnlp at Seymour lake July 81 and it was a decided success. The picnicker were conveyed In two large carryall" n the trip waa made delightful In this way. Those present of the lodge were: Messrs. Hugh Melchotr. Walter Carter, Al Rawlt ser, Billy Ech, Tom MlckeL Frank Colvin, W. W. Scott, J. C. Brewington, li. D. Blackwood, Thomas Sullivan, with their wives and children. With them were a number-of Invited ruesta and these were Joined later In the day by others who came in private carriages. The noonday feast was spread under the wide-spreading branches of a magnificent oak. This oak also became the base for supplies of all kinds for the balance of the day and was the center of attraction. Some of the par ties went fishing, but caught only "chlg gers." The return was made early In the evening and each one felt better for the outing;. FIRE WIPES CUT ENTIRE TOWN People of Black Bear Are Rendered Homeless and Nearly ElOO.OOO Damage la Done. WALLACE, Ida. Aug. 6. Scores of peo ple were rendered homelesa and nearly fit. 10 worth of property was -destroyed by fire that swert Black Bear, a small town between Wallace and Burke, Ida. Only a dosen small cottages in each end of the town were left standing. The fire waa only stayed after dynamite was used to destroy several houses. The ' loss Is practically total. rommen-ia Naval Lieutenant. WASHINGTON, Aug. 8. Lieutenant Vo gelgesang, who commanded the turret oh the battleship Wisconsin, which attained the highest merit of any twelve or thlr-teen-inch electrical turret, winning the prlie for that class of turrets In. the last annual target practice, has keen com mended by the Navy department for the seal and ability displayed as a turret of-, fleer. REI.ItilOI .. The Swiss rove-nment. It Is said, has de rided no lonser to permit parents to bap tize their children with fitnlastlc names. The American Baptist union for the year Just closed realized an Income of T7v.5!)4.15. donations from legacies, CilS 32: t,. on.nS Irnm anitnltv funds; $4: IV-.t from In vested funds; from donations, 1 s'S OKI. 44. The financial receipts of the American Church Misslonnry society sre 2R per cent In advnnce of the same date of last year. The socletv hes Jugt purchased a fine property for Calvary mission, Jesus del Mnnte, Havana. Bt. Kov. J. H. Lynch celebrated the gulden jubilee of hlr prlexthood at Zanea vllle, (., on July it was the first of the kind ever held In Ohio and the second ever celebrated by the Dominican order in the United Stales. P.i-v. Dr. t. A. BJork, who has been re elected president of the Swedish mission convent of America, Is a noted church man and missionary worker. He nrganlze-1 the convent In lSf5 with a fw hundred mcrnnera. and now It has SO.noO members and l-ui churches, with missions In Alaska inn China. Bev. Wllllim Lawton Brown, the oldest living graduate of Brown uulveraity, has turned liis Mlh year. He Is a realilmit of Wrenlham. Muss., where he lives with a daughter in a ciy home. His first piisio rais as In Ann Aroor. Mich., to which pines he ent In loii. There Is only one other living member of hln class, William H. Potter of North Klngatuu. K. I. A t'hrlEllun cliurch wlilch will be erected at Ccncurtlia, Kan., shelly will Le an In novation In church edifices, it will ra semble u modem lealdcnce more than an orthuilox liouhe of worsiilp. The biillillnir will be a plain, square siructure, coiihIsi Ihk of two aitnles ami a b iseineut. with a lare veranda on one side the entire lenxth of the building. The main auditorium will be on the that floor and part nf the second four wlil be utlllred sa a nailery. The re maining part of the second slury will tie tnken up with parlors, reading rooms and Sunday school cl ins rooms. In the lsu meiit will be s kltcl-en. dining ronm and socinl rufinn ali.o a bowling alley, gym PHHium and a room for other f!me The churi'ti will be open beven days In the Dak snd I wenl v-imir houis a day. . The Bee Waal Ads A' the Lck( Buttueas &Ult teti St CONDITION' OF OMAHA'S TRADE Paokinf; House Strike Inures Trade with Both Jobbers and Retailers. OUTLOOK GOOD FOR FALL BUSINESS gar Hell las? at Highest Polat im Msay Months aad Stilt Hlaheal Prices Art l'fiy pre dicted.' .," Business was rather quiet last weeX In Omaha and tributary territory, both In a wholesale and retail way. There are sev eral reasons advanced In explanation of tins state of affairs. In the first place the early part of August Is a between season period, lietnllers make an effort to sell out the remninder of their summer stocks at reduced trices, but the demand Is naturally limited even at the bargnln counter prloes. With wholesalers business Is quiet for the reason that retailers aa a general thing have placed their advance orders and they are not ready to come t market to complete their buying of fnll stocks. These are all normal condition and cause little comment and no worry, About the only factor In the trade situa tion which 'Is not normal is the packing house strike. Owing to that the movement of live stock from the country has been grently curlnlled and at this time of year about the only source of revenue to farm ers is their live stock. Shipments of hurt In particular should be heavy and were it not for the strike the remainder of the fat cattle left In the country would be coming forward. Thla Is also the opening of the season for grass cattle and if they were being marketed by the tralnload it would mean that an immense amount of cash would be going back to the country. This temporary curtailment of the usual revenue from live stock has necessarily affected trade in the country and also collections to a marked degree. The outlook lor the future, however. 1 1 considered moat encouraging. The excel-! lent condition of crops makes both wlifil ' salers and retailers confident that fall buaer,' ness will be exceptionally large and a.' preparations are being merle on that bnslt The markets are In abeut the usual mid, . summer condition. Prices on summer linen are of course cut to plecea to quite ail', extent and the market on fall and wlntet . lines Is rather quiet. The fact that this, Is presidential year has a tendency to.' weaken some lines and make people cau-. tlous about buvln too far In advance.. rders this fall will probably be smaller, IIUI Ilioio iirijuriii iiiiui . J " Mnis. ah. general Impressian, though, seems to ba that In a few weeks when fall busineaa gets well under way that values will stiffen and that people will not be so cautious as at the present time because of the good business that Is sure to coma from bountiful crops In nearly all section of the country. There la undoubtedly aa underlying feeling of confidence In future values which Is sure to develop and become apparent when the summer lethargy Is cast aside. Isggr on th Boom. Wholesale grocers report business as be ing falsi for the time of year. They hava not been exactly rushed, but still for mid summer they have been enjoying a good, trade. The market has not fluctuated to any great extent, being in rather a waiting condition, except in the case of sugar, which la decidedly stronger than it was a week ago. The enormous demand for sugar that has been experienced ever elnca the opening of the small fruit season baa carried prices steadily upward and aa everything points to a continued heavy . consumption during the remainder of the season, those beHl posted freely predict still higher prices. As compared with a week ago the market is 10 points higher and all grades are affected. ' Raws ar quoted as hlsh as 4Vio In New York, which, breaks the record for a great many montha but It Is, though the high point has not yet been reached and In fact many re finers are predicting a still further advance Of 16'fl'6o per 100 pounds. Other lines of staple groceries have not . fluctuated to any great extent during th week under review. Dried fruits, canned goods, rice and all such classes of good are moving out as well as oould be ex pected, considering the time of year, Cottem Goods Holding; Their Own. The cotton goods market la about th same as it waa a week ago, so far as quo tations are concerned. In some lines 'of staples, however, a scarcity of popular make is threatened. The strike at Fall river has made It difllcult to buy print iu firompt delivery and many other lines re sted to print cloths are expected to ad vance. Stocks ara being gradually depleted and the market Is thought to be quite bar ren of goods in first hands. Trade with local dry goods houses ha been rather quiet, but probably no more sa than would naturally he expected for the first week In August. Jobbers have been making use of the opportunity to rush out their fall advance orders, and they hav also sentrepresentatlves cn the trade ex cursions with the Idea of making ne friends for the Omaha market But whll trade was quiet last week an Improvement ia looked for this coming week. The usual reduction In railroad fares for the benefit of merchants expecting to come to market will go Into effect this week and last for ten days and it Is expeoted that a great many merchants will take advantage of the opportunity to come to Omaha and lay In their fall ttocks. Jobbers have made preparations for an enormous house trade and expect as bis an Increase over last year as they have made In their advance orders.' ...... Hat snd cap Jobber are also looking for ward to an excellent fall business and e pect It to be well under way by the mlddl of the month. Styles are not to be ma terially different for fall than they hav been during the spring and summer. In the soft hat the Pan-Tonrlst style, with both plain and fancy hands, will be very good this fall and winter, ae well as for next snrlng. In the stiff hat there will be little change In the block. Black will be th prevailing style, though browns will b worn to some extent. In the east brown have been pushed very hard and with soma little success. Several Changri la Hardware. The hardware market fluctuated hack and forth to quite an extent last week. Blieet lino advanced Ho per pound and, solder also moved upward. Tin plate, on the other hand, is off K0c per box, owing to the condition of the Iron market. Axes, however, have been marked up f I per dozen and hatchets 6)e per dozen. There have been numerous other changes of minor Im portance, but the leading staples not men tioned above are selling about where thejr were a week airo. , There la evidently a growing opinion, among- the heaviest consumers of pig Iron, that the market has reached the bottom, as Is shown by numerous heavy purchase made last week, some firms placing order to cover their requirements for the fol lowing twelve months. That leads to the belief thnt the market will be more actlv In the future, with a better tone and wltrt the tendency of prices upward rather than otherwise. Omaha Jobbers are all count ing on a good, healthy market from thl time on end nre prepared to handle the heaviest builnesa In their experience. Implement men are flpuring on Having am exceptionally good trade on farm wagons. " owing to fhe fsvnrnhle outlook I'lT a gno.t corn crop. For the last two years the wnirnn trade hns been rather disappointing, owln to the light corn crop, and for that rensnn iohliers excectx the demand thl vear to be fill the heavier. Shovel boards shou'd also move freely and fill kinds of tools used In harvesting th corn crop. Leather ftnod Quiet. Leather goods Jobbers are not doing much Immediate business. They are getlii:g In a few sifclnB up orders, but they are not large. Their time Is being tnken up shlp plna their advance orders, of which they have sine asMirtment. Rubber goods ar aire being tlilpped to some extent. In a short lima Jobtcrs expect fall buying t heuin ag iln and they look for a good trade, Merchants have sold out their summer lines In fairly good shape so that th.y should be weli prepared to stock up freely 'VoV'mucV'biiBlne'ss la expected In rubber ... m . . 1 J V-. tvcaicblra. f rKtl ro(wiH until arir emu wnuuirr stocks now in the hands of retailers. Ho manv of them carried over considerable stock from the previous season and those who did not bought thetr supplies before the sdvsnces went into ene i m-. -r. v that It is not reasoniible to look for much, buying until snow and cold weather set in. Ued Itrmaad t KrM. Wholesale fruit dealers did a rushlna buslne... last week. The tuii.ed poople's attention lo fruit moie a uhii.iI ind all lines moved B.e. r eg peaches canteloiipe an., -v.tef melons "...,ed to I the most popular. Hum, mown peaches are now on the market In f.rire oui.iitliles and are selling at i.e. ix-.r Un-pouuil b..rkel. Apples are improving In ti'iilily and are selling at II per bushel, or lino to lf per bane.. Ahout the same lines of vegetables ar on the market as were offered a k I'rli-e ruling on both fruits and vegetable will lie found In another coldiiin. Kkkk are coining In o,uite freely and the pipe bus liei-n fluctuating buck and form fio" lu tu Is cents fur candled stock, poultry l al nut the e.ime as II was a vtcek ago. wlih the exception of eprti.g thickens, wlilrh ait coimldeiahly i.ei, owInK to IHithI re. , dpi. In the 11 u 4 bullefj gvacklun Slut.k is wvilb. Iv'u, s 1 1 e ill lit I . t 1 li