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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1904)
1 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for these eolamns will be likra til 13 m. for tks renin edition wwtU s . m- for the morilii and Bdr edition. nates, 1 I-2o a word Drst Insertion, 1 a word thereafter. Kotbla takes tor less than JM for the rmt laser tlon. These advertisements aanst ra eeatlrely. Advertisers, bjr reqnestlnar nnm bered ebeok, can havs nnewere ad dressed ta a am be red letter In core f Tha Be. Aimrri so addressed mill ba dellrered on presentation of ebeek. MISCELLANEOUS CL'T-KATU TICKETS ivery where. P. H. Phtlbin, liMo uiiiim and upp. LUiou sta tion, ittm, 74 anil Ibid. H XUY KULLYD UOWKL SLPPLY. Tel. CITY SAVINGS BAN K puys 4 per cent. it sw AOLU Louo Office; reliable, accomoda ting; all business c mllueiiiiul. X3Ji Douijia ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., 1&1 N. 16th. Tel. lil. K k9! fcXPREScSMENS Delivery Co., moving anil storage. ZI4 N. ltilh. Tel. 119o. It PUBLICITY DtSIUNS W'HKA'fON in tha tea bid. R-901 81UN painting. B. 11. Cole, 1302 Douglas. It 9u2 PERF1ELD rtano Co, Dee bid".; no In lerest; honest values; easy terms, lei. 7ol. It i H. W. M'VEA, Plumber, 1124 N. 2tith. Tel. 8747. R-9Q4 1 BICYCLESI BICYCLES! OJUMA BlCiCLU CO., loili ana Chicago. K iioo I fllDC Stammering and Stuttering. I vUlCj. Vaughn, Kamge bid., Omaha . . R-9u7 STANDARD Altera, Huber. Tel. 8913. 1301 Farnam. . R 909 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY m s. hth. 'Phone 25. Why carry your soiled linen 'f Our wagons call and deliver Hint.' Bills collected monthly. ' K-MM AU r. MELCH01R, machine works. ISth and Howard. R-M9ti2 All r SILVER. NICKED Plating; Om. vJUI-U bating Co iiu8 Harney. Tel. 2f35. R-910 ' FURNACES Repaired and reset. Omaba Stove Repair Works, 1207 Douglas at. Tel. WO. K-M404 A. MURPHY A SON. horBeshoers. carriage builders, general blacksmlthlng. Tel. 11.6. 1410 Jackson. K- M499 Bo NAT. STEAM DYE WORKS, B. Hth. Tel. B2229. R M378 81 WANTED, person to call on retail trade for manufacturing house; local territory; salary $25, paid weekly; expense money advanced; previous experience unneces sary. American House, Star Building, Chicago. B-669 7x OMAHA TENT & AWNINO CO.. whole sale and retail. Bend for catalogue 46, Omaha, Neb. It COLLINS PIANO CO.. wholesale and re tall musical Instruments. Talking ma chines, records exchanged. 113 8. 17th St., Omaha. R MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY. If you are annoyed by numerous small bills that have accumulated during the winter It migdt be an advantage to you to secure money from us and pay them and then pay us In weekly or monthly payments until you get out of debt. We loan on furniture, pianos, live stock and other chattels and we make loans to salaried people upon their own agreement to ' re pay. Our rates are aa low as any and a great deal lower than some. Our service Is aulck and without publicity. If you hava ealt with mb and are pleased, tell other, and If you are displeased, tell us. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established 1S92.) Sufi South 16th St. X-922 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, ETC. PAYMENTS AND RATES TO 8UIT YOU. PELIABLE CREDIT CO. 07-SOs PAXTON BLK. TEL. 14U: X-923 DON'T BORROW MONEY On Salary, Furniture or Planoa UNTIL YOU BEE US. J. A. HL'TTON CO., 514 Paxton Block. . X-925 P. G. YEAR FROM 1100 to 16. via loaiiH oh your personal note at i PER CENT PER YEAR. All 1 good loans wanted. Call or write und get my system. W. U Eastman & Co., llud r arnum, Omaha. X 928 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others with security; easy payments; largest business In 4 principal cttl-s. Tolinan, room 714 N. Y. Life. X 27 MONEY to loan on furniture, horses, etc., at half usual rates. Dr. Prllibenow, room 215, tit 2o0 B. loth at. Tel. B 2'J4. X-H2S CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Koley Loan Co., Iu4 Farnaui St. X SALARY und collnteral loans. Templeton, Hi Be BUg. Tel. 21W4. X 930 MONEY loaned on planes, furniture, jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 1119 8. ul x-uai MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO.. 044 PAXTON BLOCJC. ' X-932 BDE FULLER, 426 Pnxton Blk., for loans on watches, diamonds and Jewelry. X-633 LOANS made on all kinds of chattel ia ' cunty, also on SALARIES. I iw Rates. Kny Terms. Quick and Confidential Hervlca. Call CO us If lr neod ef MONEY. PHOIsNIX CREDIT CO., IM Paxton Block. X-2PS MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE JTARM and city loans, low rates. W. II. I ho.-nas, First Nat I Bank bldg. Tel. W-il PR.1VATB money. F. D. Wead, W20 Douglae, W 'Mi WANTEI City loans and warrants. W. , turuiin Bmlth A Co., 1320 Farnatn st W-9 MONEY TO LOAN. Payne Investment Co. W-TO4 t par cent loans. Qarvln Bros., jeo4 Farnam. W-WS LOWEST rates. Bemls, Paxton block. W-Mlot MONEY to l"n on resl entate at 6 and per cent. W. B. Molkla, Kj6 Ramca Kldg. Alii WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED-Bltuatlon by flrst-olass book fcer, city or country. References. Ad diets, T tid, hue. A Mjij-4 OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, M4 N. X. Life bldg. T. Itv4. W4 Mil JOHN R. MUS1CK. Osteopathic I'hy nKiiin; oihue, iul block. TrL IR. FAIIWELIj. upecia'ty nervous disee evi 1'Bxtoit. WANTED MAIL. HELP DEFINING THE DIFFERENCE When man csn get a violin for 1 98, whafa tha use of paylnf H2.000.00. They look alike, don't they? Tull a bow across the strings of either, and It will give forth sounds, won't UT Nevertheless, one Is a fiddle. v The other Is a violin. .. One was slapped cut of plank by machinery In very ihort meter. The other took old man Stradlvarlus month to males. One may be worth 11.98 and It may not be worth a plugged Canadian dime. The other could not ba duplicated for several tlmee $12,000 old man Stradlvarlus la dead. Just so with business college courses. You never have and never will as long na this old earth pounds around the aun on Its cinder path, get a thorough, practical education one that will enable you to step from college to a fine salaried and responsible position for a "cut" price for a "bargain" tuition fee. Cheap Is cheap, and good Is good. Our tuition fee Is large enough to Insure ua a living profit, and Insure you a com plete, finished knowledge of the lntrlcaclea of stenography, bookxeeplng, business practice, or whatever course you take up with ua. We will lose money If wo ask less. You will lose' tha fine edge that means EX PERT Btenogrnphy, EXPERT bookkeeping, If you pay less elsewhere. To be a Boyles graduate means to be a euccess. If you falter because of the little extra cost of the little longer course, blame only yourself for tha half-success of your future buplness career. BOYLES COLLEGE, H. B. BOYLES, President. NEW YORK LIFE BLDG., OMAHA, NEB. FALL TERM, SEPTEMBER 6. CATALOG READY. CAN Invest from J.vtO to 11.500 and serv ices In gt)od paying proportion muvt stand thorough investigation. Adurens T H4, Bee. B (W4 7 WANTED FOR V. S. ARM Y 'Able-bodied unmarried men between ages of 21 ana 35; citlxens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habile, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas sts., Omaha, Lincoln. Neb., or Bloux City. Ia. B M297 MOLER'S BARBER COLLEGE. Denver, Colo., wants men to learn barber trade; special Inducements this month; write for terms. B MG68 A7x WANTED Competent bookkeeper to take cnarge or department; must ne neat, ac curate and attentive to business; perma nent position ; reply In own handwriting. Itutlnff 1 1 i'i svnnrfpnpn and attlnrv pv- pected. Address T 64, Daily Bee, Omaha, 1 Neb. B M689 8x WE FURNISH EMPLOYERS HIGH GRADE HELP FREE OF CHARGE Are You Satisfied With Your Present Position? IF NOT -CALL ON US We want men and women with BRAINS and ABILITY to accept GOOD risitions. Below is a PARTIAL LIST of our VACANCIES. Can you ILL ANY OF THEM7 t Implement and carriage salesmen. 1 Druggist capable of taking charge of store. 1 Salesman familiar with windmills, pumps ' and dumbing aupplles. 1 Salesman for wholesale grocery company. 1 Druggist lor out of town. 2 Experienced bookkeepers. 1 window trimmer. There are new vacancies turning up every altlon, call or writ us. WESTERN REFERENCE-& BOND ASS'N.. "MAN-HUNTERS." 840-841 N. Y. WANTED, woodworking mlllman , and bench hand; also skilled carpenters. Conklin-Reullng Co., I'ekln, 111. B M441 10 EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY for a nrsi class auveruniug suiiuiiur mat well acquainted with the newspapers and other publications of this district to in troduce a lino of special features in con nection with the circulation department. Good compensation for the time le quired. Address V. W. Walsh, Publica tion Department, 62 East ISth street. New York City. B M 135 7x THE RELIABLE wants salesmen, agents, clerks, i:tenogiapheis or any one who wants belter positions; send 1 for regis tration; we locate you where you want to go. H. 11. Kennedy, ludianola, lu.. B-M444 10 WANTED Nonunion railroad telegraphers, out of town; good wajses; permanent po aitioua. Apply Room HO, Midland Hotel. B M437 7x WANTED Ftrst-clasa barber; steady Job; by August . uranu ioiei uaruer Bnop, Council Bluffs. B M34 I WANTED Bookkeeper for grain business; must give references. Address T 4a, Bee. B-M47ii WANTED, an experienced foreman for sewer work; references required. Address Lock Box 835, Dea Moines, la. B M464 7x WANTED Men, everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chtcugo. B -M M 7x DETECTIVES, every locality; profitable; Inexperienced applicants trained. Inter national Detective Agency, Milwaukee, Wla. , B 6i7 7x EARN TEN DOLLARS a diiy representing us during siare hours. No canvassing, l.xpeileuce unnecessary r men or women. National Contest Co., 20 Br und St., New York. B-504 7x CIVIL Service Examinations will soon he held for clerks, bookkeepers, observers, luesseiiKers, watchmen, stenographers, meat Inspectors, civil engineers, iiutetit otlu-o, Internal revenue, poatotTUe, Indian Si'ivlce. Full InforniHtion und questions Used by the government free. Columbian Correspondence College, Washington. DC. Ii-530 Tx DETECTIVE Can you spare purt it your time fir profitable detective workT No experlenre n eiied. W ilte AmeiicHn De tectlve Association, ludlunupolls, Ind. ' B-671 7x WANTED, trustworthy man to manafte a branch ofliee for a lai;e manufacturing coueeru; salary $126 per month and com missions. Appllrinit must furnish good reieieiires and . ) to (I .'i cash. Ad-dr-'M. Manuger, J.i W. 12h til., l'lui'.o. B- "liiH ii ge and want suve while you may; M inotnlng sun lasts through the risv. ritsi t a savins ai-ount with J. L. ltran dcls A Kins, bankers and recelvwi. 4 per cent Intel est nil yuur kaviugs. 1- TnB OMAnA WANTED MALE HELP DETECTIVES Men everywhere, alao a few bright women; good salary paid; ex perience unnecessary; wa Instruct you. National Protective Agency, Pioneer Press bldg., St. Paul, Minn. B 649 7x A POSITION now open for managers, salesmen, bookkeepers and technical men; salaries $1.000-l,000; write for free llt and plan. Business Opportunity Co., 1 Union Square, N. Y. B 653 7x WANTED everywhere, people to copy let ters at home, spare time, and return to us; good pay; material sent free; no mail ing or canvassing; enclone addressed en velope for particulars and wages we pay. Guarantee Co., Dept. 8S9, Philadelphia, Pa. - ,661 7x WANTED, clothing salesmen to act aa manager of branch tailoring store. Fix tures and woolens furnished free. Sales men must have J500.00 as security. Apply No. 1408 Douglas. ( B M&6 1 Clothing salesman. 1 Dry goods salesmen. 1 Druggist and Jeweler, registered In Iowa, 1 Bookkeeper and stenographer. 1 City salesman. 1 Assistant bookkeeper and stenographer (lady). 6 High school boys. day. If you are open for a better po. LIFE, OMAHA. B I HAVE 400 to Invest with services. What hava you to offer? Address T 03, Bee. B-MU03 7 WANTED Two agenta to work from our wagons. C. Jf. Adams Co., ItilD Howard street. ' . B20 YOUR chance for good position and salary la as good as otnera. Study electricity, mechanical or stnain cnglneei lng. at home by mail. We have helped thousands. 80 puge, bulletin mailed tree, liiiecincui En gineer Institute, New York. B WE NEED COMPETENT MEN To fill positions aa inanaaei;s, accountants, advertising men, saUismeu and bookkeep ers; also technical and executive men, high grade exclusively. - W e have olflces In twelve citiea. Write for plan and booklet. HAPGOODH Hncorporated), Hd Chemical building, BC Louis. . B WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks completes. Positions guaran tied, tools donated, diplomas granted. 112 to 16 weekly paid graduates. Can earn all expenses before finishing. Call or write Moier Barber College, Doug las ML y , B M537 12x DARIN" J young men In every locality; RO0 a day and expenses; experience unneces sary. Mllw, Co-op. Detective Service, Bta. C. Milwaukee, Wis B--652 7x SALESMEN We are looking for good ettlesmen in any kindred line to sell on commission In conjunction with their ' present business our we I known make of gloves. To those having established trade liberal terras will be offered. Ad dress, giving reference and elating terri tory covered, J. F. Draper Co., o64 Broadway, New York. B 676 7 x AMERICAN BARBER COLLEGE, leading barber school of the west. - Write for particulars, B Mtf'iO 9x BUTCHER to run shop of his own In a downtown grocery store; free rent. Ad dress T 64. Bee office. B tsl9 7x WANTED A married man and wife to work for me on my farm near Albion, Neb.; a good place for a good man. Frank Day, Albion, Neb. B M677 WANTED, detectives everywhere, good salary; ability nut experience necessary. Address Pacific Coast Detective agency, Angeles, Cal.; Lankershim bids B 4 7K VJ EMI ARK A PAPERS THAT "TOOT" THEIR OWN IIOIiN so much fail to pet the pitch of public opinion and therefore necessarily strike a discord with the popular air when comparing theuiBelves to The Omaha Pee. Everyone knows The Uee is the best newspaper. It lias the largest circulation prints the most paid want ads and gives the bst returns. A trial will convince. T DAILY DEE: SUNDAY, AUOURT 7, lflPt. WANTED MALE HELP FALL TERM -OF THE- Omaha Commercial College 17th & DOUGLAS STREET Opens Thursday Morning, September 1st OUR OUARTERS The most extensive preparations ever made by the Omaha Commercial College for Its Fall Term, are now nenrlng rompletion. Our quarters have been repapered, repainted and renovated throughout. Many Important changes have been made. Our accommodations cannot be excelled In any respect, whatsoever. Our Gymnasium has been moved from the third to the second floor, end a new Shower Hath installed and arrangements made for Basket Ball which will be a prominent feature of the Institution this year. COURSE OF STUDY The following Couroea of Study will be made prominent throughout the year: Regular Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, Pen Art and Civil Bervlce. , . QUERY BOOK Our Query Book was published two weeks ago. More than l.ono orders have already been received. They are going out nt the rate of about 0 per flay. Thla nook la unique, interesting ana promauie. A copy oi it is sent to any so dress for ten names of young people desiring to go to school, or for ten cents In postage stamps. , . The cashier of the First National Bank of Humphrey, Neb., writes: "I received the little ihln cinerv Think and have rend It carefully. Little In siae. but big In good sense and good things. 1 am still wondering where you found so mnny questions of turn interest to the general puonc. lour onoa is now a source oi mucn oriifin hhu pleasure to me. It should be In every library." Do you want a copy?lf so send names, or If you prefer ten cents In postage stamps. It Is on sale in several book stores in Omaha. Shorthand lessons free. To any one Interested In Shorthand we will give six les uni free. Write us at once for particulars. MOSURR flHOUTH AND Wa teach Mosher Shorthand in preference to any of the Pltmanlc systems, because It Is more legible, easier learned, easier written and Just aa rapid. 11 serves me purpose mucn peiter man tne i-nman. GENERAL INFORMATION Fall Term opens September 1st. New classes In all deportments. Places to work for board furnished. One thousand students enrolled last vear. Nieht School heains September 1st and runs four nights each week. This Is the only commercial school maintaining lioara oi Trade, a college liana, a couege urcneaira, a urmnuium unu a n'v If 'you Intend to take a Commercial Course this year, or a course In Shorthand and Tvnawrltlnar. it will cav vou to write Rohrhouah Rros. at once for full Information. Advertising literature of all kinds will be tha opening of the Fall Term. Address, ROHRBOUGH WANTED, salesmen for full line of poul try and veterinary remedies; liberal sal ary and expenses to right party. The F. , C. Slurtevant Company, Hartford, Conn. B 11378 16x BARBER WANTED A good, steady, aober barber; young colored married man pre ferred; wages J12.00per week; steady Job. Apply at once. R. E. Anderson, Marshall, Minn. BM413 Sx BARBER WANTED A good, steady, sober barber; young colored married man pre ferred; wages 112.00 per week; steady Job. Apply at once. R. K. Anderson, Marshall, Minn. B M113 Sx FIRST- CLASS baker. Bakers' Supply Co. pir-: M428 7x WANTED, two experienced sidewalk men. Apply at McWllllams Bros., sidewalk con tractors, 432 Paxton blk., Monday morn ing. B-t6 1 WANTED, 100 drug clerks, managers, drug salesman and sody clerks, registered and unregistered. Call or write F. V. Knlest, 701 N. Y. Life bldg. B-647 7 RELIABLE, energetic workers to distrib ute circulars, samples and advertising matter. Good pay. No canvassing. Co operative Advertising Co., New York. B-677 7x WANTED, an experienced horse collar cut ter; give reference, J. B. Sickle" Ped dlery Co., St. Louis, Mo. B-6S1 7x Nebraska Business College A. C. Ong, A. M., LL. B., Pres.; A. J. Lowry, Prln., 17th and Harney streets. "COLLEGE NOTES. v Fall Term Opens September ?th. Everr arrangement la helri made for the largest attendance In the history of the enter. As young people come to know of employing none but teachers of acknowle their minds as to what school to enter. Contracts are being closed for many n term. It Is the policy of this school not two years, replacing them with new ones, chines to practice on, thus enabling the OUR FACULTY The principals of the different depart rears of tha most careful training In the raining of a skillful teacher Is worth mor some one who Is Inexperienced and poorly along this line, and we will send you a eh teaching force. We do not aay It boastf teachers In our faculty than all other sch truth of the saying: "The teacher makes DO WE ASSIST OUR GRADUATES TO POSITIONS? - This Is the all-absorbing question with every one who expects to work for a salary on the completion of his course. The records of our office show that during this past week we had nine calls for our graduates. One of them was to report a con vention of a week's duration. This work generally paya $10.00 a day. Such Is the reputation of thla school for doing high-class work for Its students that there is a constant demand made upon ua to fill positions. It Is only a matter of finishing our course thoroughly and we will asslat you to one of these desirable places. GREGG SHORTHAND If the merit and popularity of this system were known to the young people who are expecting to take up shorthand, It la safe to say there would be a very few who could be Induced to take up any other. The managers of shorthand schools through out the United States would not change to the Gregg system till they were fully satisfied that It Is the best system ever devised. The statistics today show that Gregg shorthand Is today In use In more public and private schools throughout tha country than any other three systems combined. The Increasing popularity ia evi denced by the fact that 160 schools adopted Greg? Shorthand in one month last year In addition to the hundreds already using It. The Nebraska Business college Is the only school in Omaha that makes a specialty of Gregg shorthand The principal Is a fraduate of the author's school for Gregg teachers, and young people who wish the est system of shorthand as taught In the best wiiool in the west by the best short hand teacher In Omaha, will do well to ca 11 and . ee the management of the N. B. C. the school that makes a success of every student. Apply for catalogue and college literature to the school that secures positions for its graduates. NEBRASKA BUSINESS 'COLLEGE. WANTED FEMALE HELP 80 GIRLS; Canadlun office, 16th and Dodge. c-aii WANTED X second girl. Apply at 36U Farnam. C 60S EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. 2122 Burt st, C M484 Sx WANTED Ladles to learn harldresslng. manicuring or facial massage; few weeks completes our method; positions guar anteed; $11 to 16 weekly paid graduates; can nearly earn expenses. Call or write Moier college, 1301 Douglas street. C M530 12x LADIES to do piece work at their homes; we furnish all materials and pay from 17 to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 31 E. Monroe St., Chlcuro. C-6S6 7x WANTED, girl for general housework In small family; wages $5 week. Apply 1248 Park W lide ave. C-M458 7x EDUCATED, refined lady for position of trust; pleasant work: good pay; perma nent. Address r oi. lice. t on. sx O. K. American-German employment office; oldest, most reliable In Omaha. 15-4 DoiUe. C M4J6 Bi LADIES $10 weekly earned; plain sewing at home; experience unnecessary; steady employment; material sent free every where; send stamped addressed envelope for particulars. La Roy Co., 41 Journal building, Boston Mas. - C 628 7x LADIES $'-'0 per thousand paid copying letters nt home; no mailing or canvassing; material sent free everywhere. Send stamped addressed envelope for particu lars. Howard Mfg. Co., i8 Brosdway, New York. v C Ml 7x GOOD GIRL for genernl housework. Mrs. K. R. Porter, S43S Lincoln Boulevard, Bemls park. C 624 T WANTED SALESMEN a Lecture Course, a Literary Society, a sent free to you. Be sure and begin at BROS,, OMAHA, NEB. WANTED, by manufacturer of perfumes. toilet articles and flavoring extracts, an experienced road salesman for an estab lished trade In Nebraska. Permanent position with good pay to right man. Ad dress T 49, Bee. 660 7X SALESMEN wanted for catchiest and easi eat side line, or exclusive. Sell dealers only, or consumers for introduction Dozen live nrnsnects in smallest town Sec'y Lander, Equitable Bldg., St. Obi x SALESMEN, Local or traveling, to sell fireproof safes to business men and farm ers; experience unnecessary; quick sales; big profits. Alpine Safe Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. 630 7x STRICTLY flrsL-class vounr men with knowledge of shoe business; good oppor tunities on. road, f actory r. u. oox ais, Cincinnati, Ohio. 629 7x CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with startle line: high commissions with advance of l(i0.00 monthly; permanent position to right man. Jess tt. smiiti to., .Detroit, Mien. o ix SALESMAN WANTED Experienced trav ellng specialty salesman who Is worth a salary of lH) per month and expenses; permanent work with long time contract for man qualified to till the position widely advertised staple line; responsible well Known house; write, giving refer ences and experience. Address x -is, uee. 525 7x the opening of the Fall Term. We will hava school. Many have already arranged to our superior facilities and of the school aged ability, they ara quick to make up ew type writers which go Into use next to keep typewriting machines longer than This method gives our students new ma in to do the best of work at all times. OF TEACHERS. ments are all college people who have had Ir profession. One term under the careful e to a student than twice this period under qualified. Send for special Information ort sketch of the Individual -members of our ully, but we have more college trained oois in Omaha combined. Don't forget the the school." WANTED Energetic, trustworthy man or woman to work in Nebraska, representing large manufacturing coinimny; salary 4o to H0 per month, paid weekly; expenses advanced. Address with stamp, J. H. Moore, Omaha, Neb. B74 7x TRAVELING Salesman One good man for each Htute; experience unnecessary, Just hustlers; permanent; good pay; liberal running expense account. E. M. Arthur Co., Detroit, Mich. L'a 7x SALESMEN Fast silling side line; staple article; large commissions; small sample; sells at all seasons of the year, tilah Novelty Co., South Bend, Ind. 623 7x SALE8MHN wanted, good onea, every where, quick.- Kinloch Paint Co., 8t Lou!- 670 7x WANTED Experienced clothing sales men for Nebraska; nono but men of experience, with eatabllKhed trade need apply. Addreas Felix UotlischUd &. Co., 218 Market nt, Chicago, makers of nien'g, boys' nd children's cloth'lujj. SALESMAN To sell aa aide line new patent miners' taps and lanis: only those calling on the wholesale grocers, hardware, dry goods, hat and mine sup ply trade need apply; liberal commission to Al men. C. & T. Supply Co., K:iO 6th ave., Pittsburg, Pa. 645 7x SPECIALTY men covering Neb., Kan., the Dakota and Oklahoma can nmke money carrying our goods as a side line; small sample, big commission; write for par ticulars. A. E. Chambers & Co., Bartlett bldg., Falrbury, 111. (,'fi 7 pes N. HTH, S ROOMS. MODERN, $35. 2n:3 HARNEY. ROOMS. $18. 114 N. 25TH ST., II ROOMS, MODERN. JOHN N. FRENZEU, OPJ. OLD p. O D f91 T SALESMEN wanted: side line; pays hotel and rlwar hills right along; no samples. American Chewing Gum Co., St l.ouls Mo. 67 7 WANTED SALESMEN TRAVELING salesman, by large whole sale house, to sell general storea In Ne braaka. Position permHiient. I". A. Wat eon, salea manager, 6 6th ve., Chicago. 644 1 X SALESMEN-John Sexton ft Co.. Importera of teas and coffees and wholesale gro cers, li to 22 State St., Chicago, want experienced, honest, energetic, high-grade men to sell farmers and other large buy ers. We are the largest grocery house In America engaged In the business, and the originators of honest and modern methods of conducting It. We handle the finest goods and gunrantee quality and quantity of every aitlrle; no capital required; exclusive territory given. In which an established trade Insures flno Income. We are fanners' headquarters In Chicago. 6J 7x WANTED Four good salesmen to cover Iowa; good saUry to llrst-rlass men. Apply to Sua N. id St., Council Bluffs, la, J. C. Borvham. 6v4 10 SALESMAN Jewelry assortment, perfume. Si-ales or crockery preferred, as assistant manager and capable Instructing new men. Salary. $.'"0 and expenses state experience, records made, references, home address. Box 106.1, St. Louis, Mo. . 6.(8 7x WANTED AGENTS JEWELRY We ray you $12 a week and 25 per cent commission to appoint h gents to sell our Jeweiry. Write. National Jew elry Co., btatlon u., isew ioik J oo3 7x DON'T MISS IT. Be Independent; wonderful Invention; everybody needs It; experience unneces sary; sells itself; quick returns; big profits. Vermlnol, n estate oi.. xew York. J 660 ix AGENTS make 6"0 per cent profit selling "Novelty Sign Cards," merchants buy 10 to 100 on sight; fcuO varieties; catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 1139 MaplewoOd ave., Chicago, 111. J-627 7x WE start you selling diamonds; don't fall getting our liberal oiler; $6 dally aure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Mention paper. J 632 7x MEN willlna to work nosltlvelv make $2,000 to p.(m per year welling our Just patented inacnine. .agie Tool Co., . i. Cincin nati, O. J-631 7x WANTED Agents and solicitors to repre sent largest sick and accident society In the country: big commission; easiest selling policy in the world. American Benevolent Association, St. Louis, Mo. J 567 7x OUR men make $3.00 to $10.00 per day fitting glasses; our 21-p. FREE EYE BOOK tells all about It. Write Jacksonian Optical College, College Place, Juckson, Mich. J 54S 7x ' $75 WEEKLY and expenses enslly made, writing Health and Accident Insurance; experience unnecessary. Write Royal Kra. tenia! Union, St. Louis, Mo. J 5"? 7x FREE Just out; mammoth 1,660-page cat alogue agents supplies. Get wise on prices; 100 formulas. Stang Co., W Mar ket St., Chicago. J 573 7x AGENTS, get out of the rut. Why not own -your own business? Quick sales; Urge profits; samples tree. T. M. Sayman, 2141 to 2161 Franklin Ave., St. Louis, Mo. J AGENTS wanted sill our $1 bottle Sarsn parllla for 35c; bent seller; -00 per cent profit. Write today for terms and terri tory. F. R Greene, 115 Lake Street, Chi cago. J AGENTS for "Mechanical Rosebuds." Newest ami best campaign novelty offered.' Send dime for samples. National Tool and Stamping Company, Philadel phia. J BIG MONEY in squabs; tney sell for $2 to $6 a doxan: cheaply raised In only four weeks;, write for our free book about this rich industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co.. s 2&S Atlantlo Ave., Boston, Mass. J OUR PLAN for starting beginners In profit able Man-order nusiness is very success full. We are pioneers in this field. Some We started three months ago receive 100 letters dally and are making big money, Complete plan for stamp. Central Sup ply Co., Kansas city, mo. J LADY AGENTS WANTED. Mme. Yale Is now offering lady agents great Inducements for selling her famous line of facial remedies and toilet prepara tions. Many of her agents are making $60 and more a week. "Beauty Books" that actually sea tne goods are furnished agents for free distribution. They never tail, to Interest ladies to the extent of placing an order. A rich hnrvest enn now be reaped at the different summer resorts. Visit the seaside and mountains and take your occupation with you, combining business and pleasure. Write for terms and books of particulars. Address Mme, M. Yale, Flatlron bldg.. New York City. LADY agenta. Exclusive territory to bright, energetic women. Liberal oner. Euclid Medical Co., 114 Euclid ave., Cleve land, O. J-646 7x Al TRAVELING salesman. Large calendar and advertising specialty line. txclUHlv aitents earn $3,000 to $4,000 annually. Give references and experience. P. O. Box 2S4, Chicago. J-643 7x WE DON'T blow. Our agents do though. They have reasons. Quickest seller ever sold to farmers. We need more men. Farmers' Account Book Co., Newton, Ia. J-641 7x YOUR NAME In raised letters on an alum inum plate, suitable for door plate, trunk or valise, 10 cts. ; agents wanted. Roscoe Specialty Co., 115 West Roscoe St.. Chi cago, Ul J 554 7x AGENTS $50 a week guaranteed; Auto matic Washers sell themselves. Agent writes: "Exhibited sample to ten women; took ten orders;" time 45 minutes, profit over $50; guaranteed to do a washing In SO minutes; furnishes Its own power; re quires no labor; costs less than any other machine; free sample and exclusive ter ritory furnished. Automatic Washer Co., Station U., Chicago. JjiS 7x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES TWO-STORY building, 1612, and the second floor 1506-10 Howard, w. 11. iuslimun. I !!9 IF A GOOD light Is needed, we i .iu show you a north iront office on the fifth lloor iw you a nortn iront omce on uie tutu noor a splendid room, at the modem te price of $20. R. C Peters & Co., ground floor Bee building. I 22 BTORE ROOM, 617 S. 16th St. Inquire of Clark Powell. 1616 Cupltol ave. 1990 A $10 office In the Bee building carries with it all or tne convenience sua advan tages In the way of heat., light, Janitor service, all night and all day and Sunday elevator service. A $10 otlice is now va cant. Call at once. It. C. Peters fc Co., ground floor, Bee building. 182$ TWO large rooms suitable for doctor's use; water, giis ami eiectric , ngni. itunt. it. Bennett, Agt., Continental blk. I M4D2 THREE-STORY and basement brick bldg.. 10112 Farnam, i-xitm, nyaraunc elevator suitable for whulesale or uifg. 314 1st Nat. bank bldg. I M877 U. S. National Bank Building. This Is what we have: 1 ground floor Offices. 2 suit's and 2 smaller rooms. All nice, light offices; newly decorated; hoat and Janitor service furnished. DESK ROOM In large ground floor corner office. Light, heat. Janitor and telephone service tur rilshed. This is a bargain. Call and see us at once. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. Ground Floor, U. S. Nat Bank Bldg. I .14 T f M TJ IWI.-I V A U ? A .t i'i " ....... n 1 . A fine building, 22xl'4 feet, 4 floors, with cii-vsmi, nieitiu ileal, water, etc, well adapted for small wholesale business. For ull linrtleulnrs hce PAYNE. HOST WICK CO.. Solo Anents 1-S N. Y. Ufe, Omaha. 1-619 T WANTED TO BORROW $1.0i)0 ON FIKHT MORTGAGE Becuiltv; or s years; 0 per cent. AUuri-sa, t 46, Pee. 6!-7x WANTED To borrow $1 .5f for live veurs at 8 per tent Interest on t't.miO Hanacoui Place Addiua, T 66, I;.i-. 610 7x WANTED, to borrow $5.0n0 for ninety days. 10 per cent; unquestioned security; will ai'Ct-lit ill Il.OuO AluOLifilM. T .w. Bee. 74 ' FOR RENT-FURNISHED ' ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, ltth C'- DEWEY. European hotel. ISth and Karnnm. E Wi $1.26 PER WEEK, Do ran house, 4J2 S. lth. E s.;s VIENNA HOTEL. 1011 Farnam; fine rooms, ladles' cafe, private dining r.; openlghis. THE FARNAM, lth and Farnam streets. E 941 APARTMENT HOUSE FOR MEN 'iiihl CHATHAM; luxurlnntly furnished rooms and smoking parlois; appoint ments first class. 110 8. 13th at., opposite Mllhird hotel. 1 W2 1817 Capitol ave., desirable front room, modern, tel.: gentlemen preferred. E M422 7x Midland Hotel. i6:h & Chicago; reaaonah a. E M4W TWO suites light housekeeping rooms; also Bleeping rooms; modern. 70t S. JMh. E-M4ol 7x TWO nicely furnished front rooms, single or ensulte; modern. 1817 Leavenworth. K M4tU 7 NICELY FURNISHED Large front room; modern house, 'Phone 621Vi South l!Hh. E 5ol 7x SUITES, light housekeeping, single rooms. 1(05 Chicago. K M4o3 7 FRONT rooms, light housekeeping per mitted. lUdl California. E M4h4 1 SINGLE room, well furnished, modern house, reasonable. 615 N. 20th. E M4S 7 LARGE front alcove room, also single rooms, porrh and large lawn and shHde. 'Phone L2793. 623 N. itlth. M406 7 TWO front rooms, new, modern house. 622H 8. 1ft h. B ONE large room, modern detached house, lawn, reasonable. 2130 Douglas. K M4S1 :x THREE unfurnished rooms, modern house reasonable rates. 25tU Duuglus. E M4S2 7x TWO newly furnished rooms for liph housekeeping for man and wife, nai', California. E o9 7x FOR WORLD'S FAIR VISITORS-Flrst-class rooms and accommodations; pri vate; Bell phone, single or parties: rea aonable; references; 4 car lines to exposi tion or 15. minutes' walk. Write or call. Mrs. Wrrl. Mehl, 6037 Bartmer, St. Louis. E- DESIRABLH room, first-class location, 2224 Farnam. E MW3 9x FURNISHED front rooms In modern flat; all conveniences; rates reasonable. 712 3. 16th. K-762 7x LARGE, elegantly furnished front rooms, south and east exposure; all modern con veniences; quiet, refined neighborhood; rates reasonable. 616 S. 22d. E 763 7x NICELY- furnlohed rooms In all-modern flat; rates very reasonable. 712 Nj 16th. E 764 7x WANTED, one or two gentlemen to room and board: nice front room; excel'ent board. 2227 Lake. E 744 7x FURNISHED rooms, southNexposure. 3134, N. 16th, Flat L. E-817 7x 122 N. 26TH ST., neatly furnished rooms; finest location In the city; reasonable terms. E 662 7 V. ROOMS for World fair visitors, rate $1 per per dsv and up. Address Mr. J. EL Fow ler, 2834 Euclid ave., St. Louis. 135-682 7x TWO nicely furnished rooms, modern. Apply 2519 Jones St. K MC48 THREE pleasant, partly furnished rooms, niuurui, ran lie nuniipcu i"i n,,ii.riir-T-(. lng; references required. 2701 Woolworth ave. E 668 7x TWO or three elegantly furnished roomsj sll modern conveniences. 704 B. I7tn su Tel. L-3376. B 60 7x THREE or four well furnished rooms. modern: housekeeping; close in; reason able. 2234 Farnam. E MOTS 8x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD TUB MERRIAM, 26th and Dodge, 'phone 85; nice, light, airy rooms, ensulte and single rooms; veranda entire length of building. F 846 FURNISHED rooma and board, $16 S. 2;th. - F-847 O. M. E. TEL. 611 MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F-94S THURaTON HOTEL; cool, outside rooms, $1.60 to $4.00 per week; board, $3.60. F 334 Midland Hotel, 16th & Chicago; reasonable. F Mttis FURNISHED rooms, modern and board. 626 S. ISth. F M400 S4x LARGE front rooms; modern brick house; tlral-clasi board. 618 S. 19th. F 502 7x LARGE, cool room, modern, tlrst-cluss bourd. 'Phone A-1D91. 2418 Cass. F M498 8 LARGE soutl. front room, modern, newly furnished. 'Phone A-2693. 2406 Cass. F M497 7 TABLE BOARD. We serve the best at the most reasonable price; try ua. 710 South 15th- F 60S 7x 111 SO. Hth at.. Schlltx No. 2. Try our 15o meals; home made pics with all dinners. , F 685 7 LARGE front room, first class board: mod ern. 1812 Chicago. F 708 7x LARGE, cool south front room; board op tional. 2308 Douglas. F 496 7x FURNISHED rooms with hoard; modern; large lawn and shade. 642 S. 24th. F 494 7 NICELY furnished, cool rooms; modern brick houe; strictly first elusn board; 'Phone; rates reasonable. The Rose. 2' 20 Harney. F 819 7x LAROK SOUTH ROOM, i'nr man and wife; K private rnmiiy: renneT nugnoornoou, beautiful lawn: the verv best board, homo couklng; references. 6T7 parK ave. F-6S0 7x NICELY furnished, st front room, with board, In nrlvate famllv. for two gentle men; within walk'ng distance and close to car line; modern: telenhnno: rates renonnble; referencea require. Address T 2, Bee. F 108 10X ONP! dotifc'e t plnr'e rooms; firt-clasS hosrd. efj S. 1th. 8d f' or. F M667 8x PFRTRAm.F rocms and boar for entle-m-n. MS Fnrmm. F-M67S lfht UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TWO unfurnished rooms, light housekeep ing permitted, modern house. 2412 Cans. G M480 Tx THREE beautiful unfurnished rooms. 1636 N. 20tb G M464 7x TWO fine rooma, office or housekeeping. 15o6 Farnai.i, room i. G Mt5 8 $ OR 4 un'urnlshed rooma for light house keeping, 2217 California. G M678 rx WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED house for winter; no chil dren; lamlly of three. Address T 61. Bee. K--MH 7x PATENTS PATENTS H. A. Bturgis, registered attor ney. Patents, trademarks, copyrights. No fee unless suciesnf ul. 617 Now Yolk Life building, Omaha, Neb R-M182 AH SI 'Ed & CO.. Patent La wyers: advice free. Thi,e o tikes: Ben building, Omaha, Neb; lh4 Dearborn St., Chicago, III., and lota IT St., Washington, D. C. Tel. pi.M. R-W9 AlDx H. J. COWG1LL, 430 Paxton blk., Omaha. -6" LAW AND COLLECTIONS E F MOREARTY, Att'y., 437 Paxton. Tel. A2iUl9. lil JOHN M MACFARLAND, New York Mf bid-., rooms M tuul (Ua, Ii Xiii. Iva! V