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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1904)
THE OMAHA DAILY IlKE. SUNDAY, MARCH fi, 1004. FOR HAI.R-RFI, ESTATE. FOR V41F REM. ESTATE. FOR ltl,E-RE4l, ESTATE. FOB S ALE RE L. KST4TK. FOR I.E REAL EST ATI! rtm Mi.K-RKti, -rn7. KH V F HF. M, r.'Tttr, c. PETERS. R. C. Peters & Company, Ground Floor, Bee Building. Two tot, east front, at K and Kavan streets 60x120 feet each. $560.60. 50x124 feet, fronting east at 26th and Mason atresia, within walking distance of Postofflce and wholesale olstrlct, $1,00000. Five-room cottage with electric Unlit. porr-elaln bath. gas, rlty water, sewer, rment basement under whole house, new roof, 0x12 summer kitchen, lot 5o-foot frontsge on Marcy street, alley In roar. nice Ihwh and shade, room on lot to build another cottage; owner leaving rlty. Fit a few days wlH make price of $l,75O.0n. If you ran una a house of this size do not fall to Investigate this property, an it Is very cheap. , Nine-room house well and rIMern, large barn, chlrken house, permanent walk, lot S2xl40 considerable cherries, apple, grapes and other fruit; all kinda of vines. Oil car line; 34th and California, l2.5u0.tR Klght rooms, modern except furnace, porcelain bath, hot and cold water, aewer, gas, house, extra well built for home, lot 110x132 feet. SI fruit trees, bearing, nice grape arbor yielding t bushel the past season, currants. mnple shade trees rose bushes, vines, nice lawn, two blocks of street car. owner removing to Seattle and will sacrifice. Trice, 13.600.00. Nine-room modern house, hardwood finish. Carton furnace, modern plumbing, full east front lot, nice lawn, paved street, permanent walk, in the heart of the West Farnam district, belonging to nonresident, who ordera us to sell It at 17,250.00. Double bouse. IS rooms each, city water and sewer, on North IRth street, rents for 122 00 per month. If sold this week will accept II, Sou 00. Will pay 10 per cent net on 2.J".. Four cottages. store buildings, flats above, ground 6fixlS4, northeast corner of 17th and Grace streets, renting for 1132.50 per month $I2,hO. RU 14-room and three t-rnom three-story and basement brick flats, ground 130x134, at northweat corner of 26th and Harney streets, renting for 1397.50 per month $40,000. 46 acres, north of Omaha, bouse, two large barns, fenced and cross-fenced with four-foot woven wire, good hog yards, hog house, 24x60, three-fourth in Alfalfa, spring, land very fertile, $125 per acre. 40 acres, 15 miles from Omaha, good house, barn and other outbuildings, Im provements worth over $3,00t.00. soil best black loam, with clay subsoil 160.00 per acre. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH WK HAVE TUB BARGAINS We believe the following properties to be the best values for the money In all Omaha at this time. Be sure to see us Monday. MFTW PRESSED PRICK 8-room residence, ail modern, oek finish, full sixe basement, fine barn, cement walks, bricked drive, large maple trees, splendid location, north, paved street, built and occupied by owner, who goes Into Duslness east. Price only $4,750. 6-ROOM Modern 24th, Kountie Pric $3,000. cottage, corner lot, on Place, new, oak finish. -ROOM house, modern except furnace, Hanscom Park district, full lot, lawn, shade, $2,350. , JS'BW 8-room cottage, pore. bath, closet, hot and cold water, gas and fixtures, lawn, shade, lot 40x132. tine location, north, near school and 2 car lines, only $1,475. BWEET & BEST, 613 N. Y. L. TBI. 1475. RB-111 H 5 Acres Improved. H 1 mile N. E. of Benson on main road, fine land, about 300 grape vines, 4-room house, good brick cellar. stables, corncrlbs, chicken house, workshop and granary. If sold this week, price $1,400. Have many other pieces near Omaha. Hastings & Heyden, 610-511 New York Life Bldg. RE- COME to us for bargains In, real estate Kenny R. K. and Investment Co., room 800. Bee bldg. RE S15 12 DESIRABLE LOCATION !We offer 75 feet, south frontage, on the northeast corner of Stith and Lafayette iv., for il.nio cash. This la a very de sirable location tor a good residence. A. I. TL'KEY & SON, Board Trade Hldg. RE 6BB Tt. H. Landeryou If you wish to buy or sell real estate. 442 Hoard or Trade. Tel. 2151. RE 681 W. H. THOMAS MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY PROPERTY In Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. BUILDING LOANS DESIRED. Loans in Douglas and Sarpy Counties. FIRE INSURANCE. Farm W. H. First National Telephone 1648. t-KOOM completely modern house. West iraiuain su lau be uuugnt lor one-uuiu iss tuau cost ut buiiutug ti iaau at tmce. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. tti-3U0 I HOME REAL fcUTATE UAHUA1NS. Ala., ism itaiu Co., imt a. auu tuipia. 4e Co., piauiauuu, l a., uupts. 4S. A. i., ASauuouia, uear inuawaier. mu a. 1ouvoi, Cherry Creek Gardens, Hue res., iv a. t'. Columbia Co., 4,ouu a., partly timber. A la,, nr. i auiiolosassu, lu a-, uiange grove. tia., V uiiu.( iuu co .5 a. ana tutyia. lu., Naples, good uw.l. ana lout. Chicagu, i unujy local. a biuT. lois. ay-i oiuhaiu Co., Suw a. win luipm. . be Morge, uue li-ruom res., a a. Annu . Jacaon Co., 120 a. ana luipts. Aio., Carroll Co., Im a. oil ana gas land, splsnoid proaixicis; natural condition luafce Oevtiliipuiviit easy. Ho.. Lawreno-iown. ra. and lots, suit able lor piiysician or blacnamlih, tiualy located. No., ark Co.. excellent MO a, farm. N. 11., bulllvan Co., 6u a. and linpis. N. Y.. Yonaera, line lu-r. rea., tiinor PI. N. Y., Chautauqua Co.. fine farm, t'6 a. L. I., Smlllitown. Suffolk Co., e a. land, buffalo, $ fine lots, t'Ak. dl. C. Uavluaon it, orsyco Cos.. Ill a-, lmpts. Ohio, Troy, $-r. res , 4H a. OUo. Warren Co., 172 a. and lmpts. Ohio, Ashtabula, good 6-r. house and lot. Pa, Northumberland Co., excellent 42 a, farm Pa., Beach Bottom Twp.. 16-r. res.. VA a. Pa., Bucks Co.. One farm, to a. Pa., VandargTlft, good 7-r. house and lot. Pa., South 6naron, d 7-r. house and lot. Pa.. Ridley Park, magnificent 17-r. res. R. I.. Provldsnce Co.. Zls .nit tmm Memphis, baauUfully located suburbaa rea. IOC Iteh, IUU Co., $7 a., lmpts.; 1J share waier etoca: s a. orchard; near Provo, vt., Chittenden Co., valuable mineral springs property, i a., splendid looatlon tor hotel or sanitarium; excellent invest ment. a. fowhataa and uCmberland Cos ; two 'nni, mi a. ano a., respectively. Wash., Thurston Co., 110 a,, tlmberland. Wis., Adams Co , fine farm, ISO a. W. at. OttTRAJsOER. N. A. Bl.rvj., Phlli iiaV-lM F. J. FITZGERALD. M. D. CAMERON. V8 FOR QUICK BUYERS. 8ALE. RE H Exchange. H Have 10 acre fine land, 6 blocks west of car line and near Fort Omaha. Will sell for $1,9i or trsde for 6 or 6-room cottage In Omaha. Have tlno 7-room house in Clifton Hill on Krsklne St.. between 42d and 43d sts. Will sell for $2,100 or trade in tor 8 or 9-room house In Haiiscom park or West Fatntim district. Hastings & Heyden, 610-511 New York Life Bldg. HE 80-ACRE FARM NEAR MOUNT AYR. 1A. Reduced from $70 to $t0 per acre, mis is $15 lower per acre than land In the vicin ity Is selling for. Uood reason for sell- lng BEMIS PAXTON BLOCK. RE $01 Good Building Lots Low Prices. $1,000 For fine lot on Madison sve.. Just east of 16th st. South front paved. Street pav ing taxes all paid. For 100 feet south front lot on Pratt, near 25th st. $850 Near 24th and Burt sta. It 50x162 ft., on grade. South front, within walking dis tance of city. GEORGE & CO. 1W)1 Far nam street, RE-278 6 NEW 6-room house, built with ample room for two additional rooms up stairs; full . lot, east front, close to car. In north part of city. Bargain at $1,300. BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. RE 802 23 ACRES of splendid land within mile of the city limits of Council Bluffs; would make the best site for a nursery or green houses that can be found around Omaha. This place is offered dirt cheap at $126 per acre; has some improvements. Sholes-Armstrong Company,' T22 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 40. RE 232 6 Illus. your property. Bsker Bros. Fng. Co. RE 035 Thomas, Bank Building. H 4 New Houses. H Just been built by us on N. 24th St. between ixx-uHi ana mnney, east front, that are nearly ready to move Into; the north one already sold; have electric light, gas. the latent nickel open plumbing, full cemented cellar, outaide entrance to cellar, hot and cold water connection throughout, double floor, lirwt-e.laaa material and workman ship throughout. Now Is the time to buy one so you can move In when spring opens. Have many other houses In different parts tir me cuy airay uum. Open Monday evenings from I t JO. Hastings & Heyden, 610-611 New York Ufa Bldg. BJ&- W. H. GATES. 617 N. Y. Life- 'Phone 1S4. $3.750 8-room modern house hardwood fin ish on first floor, corner lot, paved St., In Kountse Place. $3.6ou 8 ruoms, modern, corner 18th and Bnencer. ground looxlM. paved. $4.auo7 rooms, up-to-dato, in West Farnam dUttrtct. east front. nlc. $2,5oo $ rooms, modem, well built, large tarn, Zbl tfctward. $2,ooo room, gas, new open plumbing. complete, SolS Dodge. A good bouae In nice order: bam and lot 4.X1J7. $1.5ou i-room cottage, gas, closet, barn, Salt be ward. $l.oo 8-room house at 2018 Dorcas, has bam; house la well built; rents at $16. $l,u-rom houa t-slory, bath, barn. south front, near Z2d ami Grant; cfteap. $ i 6-room cottage at 2726 Parker, pavid street, well located, rent $10. $l,6u i-room new cottage and lot 80x140 S23 No. 17U1. RE 30 6-r, modern cottage, built I years, on fepemer St. near 20th; the owner leaving city on account of health; $0 will buy his equity, $1,100 mortgage, or pay cash price, $1.6. F.D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS RE 2ta COMK TO 18 FOR FIRE IN8CRANCK. KENNY R. E. AND INVESTMENT Co., Room $o9 Bee Building RE-$14 12 THE BYRON REED CO. fl MONTHLY PAYMENT BARGAINS. $150 Cash and the balance in monthly payments ituys a nice nttl &-room cottage, cttv water, lot &UX132 ft., only 1 block to car line. $300 down and balance the same as rent for a tl-room modern house on lot &oxl27 ft. Street paved ai d brick sidewalk all paid. In fine neighborhood. $500 cash and the balance little more than rent for a fine 6-room, all modern cottage on lot 50x140 ft., south front, fine shade, ta n. paved street, brick sidewalk all paid. This is a "Jim-dandy" place. $800 Your choice of those fine building lots on Maple street. Just west of 2oth. We will sell any of these on payments. Four new houses now In course of construction. The Byron Reed Co. $1000 for the northeast corner of, 14th and Pa cific streets Soxloo. A SNAP. The Byron Reed Co. 5 ACRES 8-room house, barn ,etc, near 61ist and Cen ter. THE BYRON REED CO. TIE LOT8 In Rowling Oreen, Just south of Ben son, onlj- $50 each. Easy terms If desired. BEMIS, I'AXTON BLOCK. RE-303 6 Payne, Bostwick & Co., 601-1 N. Y. Life Bldg. SPECIAL BARGAINS FuK THIS WEEK, 4112 Lafayette ave., a beautiful eight-room, ail muuern hou.e, in A-l lepaii, south front, paved eirt-et and nice snaUe; lino reception hall and bookcase, mantel and grate; house very finely decorated; price, 4.6oO a gem. 2216 Hlnney st., Kountze Place, large ten room house, all modern conveniences; good barn; owner unxious to still. 13:is 8. 27lh, seven-room iiuuse, hard-oil finish; full lot $2,40. Good Investment, 2408-10-12 Seward St., two 8-room houses and one 4-room house, rent ing tvr $50 per month; paved street only l'C2 N. 33d st.. Bemls park, seven-room, all modern house, nearly new; nlco shade, furnace; everything up to dute $3,200. Close-in investment; big snap; 2Mh and Douglas St., two houses, corner lot onlv $1.8uo. Look at the property and make us an offer. CHICKEN FARM. 4312 Grand ave., five-room house, cemented cellar, cistern, city water In house; out buildings; ground 165x125 onlv $1.6"0. 1912 S. 6th St., five-room house for $700. 1621 N. 34th St., ono block from car, four rooms $700. 6th and R sts., 8o. Omaha, good four-room house and big lot, wlth fruit and shade; small barn; near packing houses only $1,260. BUILDING LOTS South-front lot on Farnam st . onlv $1,000. 100x126 feet, east front, on 43d ave. and Dodae. for $!: verv rhran Good building lot on Douglas St., east of 44 til $350. Three south-front lots on Cam and Slut sve. See us for nrice. Nice south-front lot on Maple, half block east of 24th-$O0. 85th and Center, nice lot; want offer. List your property with us for quick sale. Payne, Bostwick & Co., Sixth Floor. 601-3 N. Y. Life Rldg. II E 228 6 INVESTMENTS Two nice, seven-room modern eottagea same tenants for up in first class, rented for I6Ui per year, three years, everything pnee jor oatn, 4.7uu. 7 PER CENT NET ON 510,000. A piece of Improved (brick) business property, owned by eastern company. Our orders are to sell this week for $9.OU0.00. VACANT LOTS 100-foot front on DavenDort Street, facine the Van-a mansion, only $25.00 per front foot. You cannot duplicate It for double the price. List your property with us for quick sales. We have a largo list of customers who have registered their wants with us. THOMAS BRENNAN, ROOM 1, NEW YORK LIFE ULIJQ. W. II. CHARY, Manager Real Estate Department. RE BEAUTIFUL 12-room completely modern house; one of the most sightly locations in Omaha, overlooking the city and within a stone's throw of the finest house In Omsha, Mr. Joalyn's residence. Two lota with fine shade trees, also some fruit trees. Price. $5,300. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE 305 6 ON A MOONL1GT WINTER'S NIGHT YOU MAY READ THI8 AD LISTLESSLY OR without giving It the serious consideration you snouia, nut IN THE GOOD OIJ1 SI MMER TIME you will wish you had the beautiful iO-acre rruit rarm we are orrerlng tins week, only 3 miles from car line on a rino road to the Omaha market. It has tsu apple, 3o) peach, Jluo plum and 60 pear, apricot and cherry trees, 1V acres of strawberries and 2 good rows of gooseberries. A beautiful location and a money maker. We have a fine list of others, improved and unimproved; the improved embracing all the varieties of fruit raised In this sec tion of the country, and REMEMBER our prices are always right and terms easy. THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME and we can offer two this week on monthly payments of $15. We have them ranging In price from $o00 to $10,000. We can suit you and oy Dealing with us you will GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTH Walter L. Selby, S34 Board of Trad. Tel. 1510. RE FOR RENT OR SALE On crop payments. several choice farms; send for list. J. Mulhall, Bloux City, la. RE iJ'i 6X WITH SPRING SUNSHINE COMEB BPRING GRA89 GRASU WILL FEED CATTLE AND CA1TLE ARE WORTH MONEY The ranch is a big money maker. Some of the best ranches are located in weetnrn Nebraska. The Lnlou Paclno Land Agency 3 South 13th St., Omaha, are prepared to furnish ranch land lu any desired sizes of tracts, and at prices which are ally below any equally good lands on the market. Not being in tna rancning or rarm lng business, ths Union Pacific R. R. is making these extremely low prices and fa vorable terms to close their lands out at once. Tills Is the land buyer s opportun Ity. The more you investigate, the better you will appreciate our offerings. Call and see us or write today. The Union Pacific Ind Agency, .'2 South lSth Ht Omaha, Neb. RE Z13 S-r. cottage on Piece st near J2d $525. F. D. WEAD, 124 DOUGLAS 1524 DOUGLAS RE M29 I The amount of building planned for 1904 IS THE BEST GUARANTY OE PROFIT ON A REAL ESTATE PURCHASE MADE NOW PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor, N. Y. Life. Tel, 1701. Omaha Homes at Bargain Prices. On 17th St., near Dorcas, 6-room cottage, city water, only one block from car line, price $SV. ,VTv-On Maple St., near 31st, 6-room cottage, south front, price $!i0. 6.V.4-In Lei Place. 5-room house, city water and cellar, price $9-4). 319 In Orchard Hill, 7-room house, with larg cellar, prii-e $1.2"o. 55o9 on Emmett St.. one block from 24th St. car line, i-room bouse, two lots, price $1.7o 5039 On Marcv St.. nenr 31st. 9-room house, with gas. bsth. city water, sewer connec tions, cellar, etc., large rooms, high ceilings, bnrn and buggy shed, fine lot, nice neighborhood; price $U.3iio. Don't fall to ask about this property. 979 On 4.'d St.. near Ixard. 7-room house, oak finish downstair, nicely arranged, gaa, bnth. furnace, etc., price $2,400. JS0 On 24th St.. near Caldwell. 2-story brick building, three fiats above and three stores below, and two 8-room houses on paved street; price $13,000; easy terms and low rate of Interest. Business Property. ICO feet south of Jackson, on the west sl.l of lfith St , which extends through to 17th St., 150 feet in depth; an elegant piece of ground for sale at a bargain. See us about it. Just the Place You Want to Build. Soiithwtst corner 3th and Chicago, lot 130 feet east front by 24 feet deep; would make a beautiful residence site or could be divided Into six lots. on Lincoln Boulevard, east of 3tith. south front lots, nice shade trees, no special taxes, 61 by 135 feet, price $1,400 for quick sale. i Two lots on Hawthorne Ave.. Just west of 34th, both 60 by 150 feet, price $10 each. Hi) feet from the Fat nam street car line, east front, on 37th, two nice lots, price 3'SIn Kountie Place, on paved street, special taxes of every description puid In full, north front, fine surroundings, only $1 Ooo. .,, ,M -.t mu- is i The choicest corner in Hanacom Place; southeast front. 100 by 150 fet , onl $5.S10. On 35th. In Homle Park, two lots, 40 by 15' feet; price for both 11.000. Corner lot on 35th and Lafayette Ave.. 63H by b0 feet, price $'60. Land Bargains. Farms in Stanton count v are the best bargains In the state of Nebraska : prices range from $40 00 to $47.60. which Is $10.00 to $16. W an acre less than the land adjoin ng ' PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor, N. Y. Life. Tel. 1871. mo RESIDENCES. Onlv three bl(s.ks from the Ilifsh school, h(use of 9 rooms and large attic, in good repair; new plumbing and furnace; too lajge for present owner, who will oiwiioeo of it at a bargain. Price. .5nu Choice corner In lianwom P. ace. lot &txl70 it , house furnished in ouk downstairs, rooms large with grates and munteK art tlass windows, a beautiful Interior; east ern owners will close out this deslrablo home for $",(, Jut one-half what it cost West "'Farnam location, ID-room, modern, new residence, choice location. Price, Kinohome with large grounds HOxlKi feet on Rurt St. near 36th, house large and In first-class repair, large barn, shade trees. Prlcre-, 5.600. Modern H-mom house, West Farnam loca tion. Price. 4.6W. . . On 20th, near Mason, modern house or six large rooms, barn, large lot tioxl32 feet. Price, $3.9u0. . . i Farnam :ocatlon, 7 rooms, modern. Price, M.00O. Two cottages of 6 rooms each, paving all paid. Price, $2,500. Kesitnce lota in all parts of the city. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., i;20 Farram Street. RE Kountze Sub. A NEW ADDITION. Mr Kountie has platted the beautiful block of ground located on Farnam street, between 3th and 37lh streets and Dewey avenue Into 18 lots, of which the corners are each 7ixliio feet, and the Inside lots each fioxl65 feet. This is the finest tract of ground for fine homes of any tract in the city of Omaha, as it Is already brought to a perfect grade, all streets being paved, permanent walks and street improvements paid for. This ground lu surrounded by some of the finest homes in the city, and considering the lay of the land and the surroundings, the price is reasonable, blue print of the addition can be seen at our office any day. and within a few days we can furnish plats. Here Is a chance to get the finest residence borne in Omaha. DON'T WAIT l'NTIL they are all BOLD. YOU MAY HAVE A CHOICE as to location, THEREFORE AVE ADVIBB THAT YOU BBB LB REM KM 11 ER THERE 13 NOT ANOTHER SUCH TRACT I.N OMAHA. D. V. SHOLES CO. SOLE AGENTS, 722 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. RE 331S EMMET ST.. ti-room cottage, full lot. $I50. A splendid house for little money. 2119 S. 43d st. (Ambler Place). 7-room house. full lot. $jo0. A good place for garden or rnicHuns. 1817 Miami St.-. C-room cottage, small lot. S)00. A tine place for someone who wants a good, large house, well located, at small price. GEO. K. Tl'RKINGTON, 606 Bee. Wanted, applications for loans. RE 108 ONLY $100 TO $200 EACH. STOP PAYING RENT and start a little home of your own by getting one of our nice large lots in north Dart of city on car line for 1100 to $200 each and only $0 down ano . per month. BEMIS, I'AXTON BLOCK. RE-306 Modern Cottages. 8 rooms, new, entirely modern, paved rtret, easy walking distance, beautiful home for small family $3,250. f 8 rooms, all modem, oak finish. fine resl- denue, Mo. hm he ward st Vi.vM. t rooms, modern except furnace, on South 27th St., near Poppleton $2,500. STOP PAYING RENT Let me build you a house to suit you at southeast corner of 36th ave. and Jones St.; terms easy. O. C. OLSEN. 1704 Farnam Street. RE la tx New House For Sale Across Street From Creighton College $4,000 2309 California St. 8 rooms and large recep tion hall. All modern, best of open plumbing, cemented cellar, laundry. Im mediate possession can be given. GEORGE & CO. lGi'l Farnam street. RE 27 W. A. SPENCER, 626 NEW YORK LIFE. No. 21 North 2Mh St.; 4 rooms; city water) lot 34120 feet. Price $50. Neat e-room cottage, almost new, water bath, gas, sewer; near motor and paved street. Only $l,Kl. No. 1SH9 8. lath; comparatively new; 7 room house, water, bath, gas. aewer. fine location, only $2.2oo, reduced from $2.5uO. VACANT LOTS. Have several choice building sites In Ilans com park and West Farnam districts, which 1 can sell at right price, and some of them on very easy terms. Also choice lots in many other locations. RE 275 New House For Sale West Farnam Street District 55,800 sin t kiw v uvf 1 rooms, large reception hall. f in 1c finish, strictly modern. A most sttractlve home. GhORGE & CO. 1601 Farnam street. RB-280 6 4 ROOM house. 2917 Dupont St.. $750; down and balance 110 per month. UKMIS, PAXTON BLOCK RK-304 8 H 5250 Lot. H At 23d nd Oak St., 2 blocks from 24th and Vinton; line laying lot; the corner for $300: others on S 24th St., from 1 to S blocks north of Vinton, for $550 to $.50. Open Monday evenings from 8 to 10. Hastings & Heyden, 610-511 New York Life Bldg. RE BARGAIN In Modern Home 8 rooms, lower floor finished in oak, laundry, etc. Paving all paid, permanent sidewalk. Early possession can be given. Price $4,2?0 Wyman Shriver Co., New York Life Bldg. RE 110 10-room modern West Farnam residence, 75 feet frontage, paved and parked street; fine shade trees A great bargain at $7,500 Apply on premises, 504 So. 28th Street. RE-1C4 6 BARGAINS. 8-room, modern house, Huuscom park d trlct alfiOO. 8-room, modern house near Ilanscom park -$2,250. Nice cottage In Bemls park $2,150, half cajih. 4 acres between Dundee and Country club $H60. 3-story building, with fine basement and elevator. In wholesale district. F. D. WEAD 1524 Douglas. rJB 299 HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT Desirable Modern Home 56,500 610 Park ave. East front lot 76x140 ft. One of the best locations in city. House 9 rooms, first class condition. Cost to build $8,000. CEORGE & CO. 1601 Farnam street. RE 281 6 B. R. BALL, 626 NEW YORK LIFE. TEU B-1229. $4,000 9-room house; spendld home; on S. 80th ave.; Hue location. $3,000 231 Grant St.; new, modern house, also 5-room house; this property rents for !2 per month. $3,000527 8. Hist ave., 8-roum house, mod ern except furnace; will exchange equity for good lot. $1,600 24IH Hlondo st., 9-room house with city water and barn. VACANT LOTH IN ALL PARTS OK THE CITV AT VERY LOW PRICES. RE263 FARMS FOR SALE. KENNY REAL ESTATE & 1NV. CO.. ROOM 300 11EI3 BLDG. 820 acres 6 miles south Kwlng, Neb.; good improvements; $22 60 per acre. 20 acres near Verdigris, Knox Co., Neb.; well unproved; running water; $11 acre. 80 acres good land, Harrison Co., la.; $K per ai re. 154 acres t miles from Council Bluffs; $60 per acre. 103 acres 4S miles from Ashland; line Im- irovements; good orchard, two-story ,ouse; $75 per acre. 9An-acre etock ranch, all fenced, running water, tine Improvements, 7-ruom house, 12 miles from Cnaurou; a big bargain; $6,250. 64o acres school land, lease for 21 years; ,(! acres of good range, water by wind mills, equipped by reservoirs, well Im proved, cheap ranch; only $7,250. RE263 FOR SALE W acres Irrigated land In Wyoming. For particulars set, Dr. J. J. Solomon, 1837 Vinton St., city. RE M460 it 12-r.. all modern house, 1724 Izard. 8-r., modern, 2d Karnam $25. 7-r , modern. :c.l Latayette-$22.50. 6-r., city water. 1'jj3 1 otiglaa-$25. 6-r.. modern cottage, 2dAi Spencer $lt 4-r., city water, 3110 Maple $0. 4- r, 1 ity water. s, lx-avenworth $12.50. 5- r.. well, 1Hi7 N. 23d-$7.50. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. D 2j D. V. Sholes 722 N. Y. Life BIJ-. Now is the Time to Buv Omaha Dirt. It is a Good Tiling. Never Be Cheaper, 11.000 0U i!Ml Castellnr. neat 4-room house. NKW, with seaer. .itT Hinl :is. ! tine 6o-foot lot, on grmlc. brick i w-nlk. two bloi'ks finm car. on ! payment plan pt $1' cueh, bal ance same a rent; is a snap 1 ou cannot afford to iet go b. Kt-e us about it. $-,000.00 Neat little cottage in Clifton I Hill, near car line CAN UK . HlirilllT AT A IIATttlAIN. $2,100.00 4.7 Cuming Pt.. 7 nonis. Imth. ; gas and city witter, line arrange- nn tit. and In good repair, beauti ful lot. good barn, t avd etrret; $iog cash, balance monthly. 21. .3 l'ccntur tit., new. i-rooin house, oak floors below, pliil for furnace, ntvl exeeptlonallv well built THIS IS! A KAItC.AlN. $3,300 00 9-room, modern bouse, with bain. full lot, on 27th 8t.. south or Poppleton, well built end In good rpnnlr. t.v. b,!w.w w-toot lot, east trmt, on 2"tn Bt., rear Leavenworth, s rooms, monern, mun narn. a iu imk . OAIX. ft, I'nvenpori m.. u.-roni imni. full depth, S large rooms, very fine, well built, strictly modern. 1 with fine shade The best bar- I gain near the High Rehool to.lav. $3,7S0.00 1H14 80. 31st St., east front, inxir.ii foot. S riMims, all mo.lern, except furnace, very good repair, exeep- tlonal locRtloti. This is the '..est i bargain offered in Ilanscom Place and we are going to sell I this this week. The lot alone. Is 1 worth $2.Mo and this Is a snap. . $7,000 00 The .lodge Ives residence, 132 N . R9th St., the second h me south of the bountiful .loslyn home, . eaat front. fnixISS foot lot, with 8-room, strictly modern hnise, One of the Most Desirable Homes in West Farnam St. District For Sale 518,000 Home of late Judge Onden, 132 S. 39th St. 9 rooms, built of stone. Is strictly mod ern throughout. New hot water heating plant. Fronts east on 3!Uli St., liulf block north of l arnuin st. GEORGE Si CO. ltXIl Farnam street. R 10-282 WUUN, SHRIVER CO., ini'3 New York Life Hldg. Full lot, paved street, la rooms, large barn, 1 block west of llantom Para. $-,500 10-rontn modern house, lull corner lot, pnveu street, nun near JO 12-room modern brick hoiiHe, ,'lotli near Pacific 6,"iio 5-room cottage, new, 26th near BiH-ncer. l.COu Two-story ana basement house, lull lot, near and Uike z.bou Lot 67xiO feet. Parker and Military Ave 350 Full lot, paved street, 3Xth Ave and Dodge bt 1.400 Three lots, corner 29th and Shirley Sts . all 2.000 Lot 60x57 feet, corner 2th and Parker.. 800 44 feet. 24th and Parker, two small buildings 1.600 tine residence, modern. In Kountze Place 4,000 Modern residence, 23d and Ulnnev 4. M0 RE 109 $550 Will buy a splendid building site 30 ft. frontage on Caldwell st., between 24th- and 25th; paving and per manent sidewalk: paid in full, 2 ft, above grade. This is a genuine bar gain. See us Monday morning. SWEET & BEST, 613 N. Y. L. tel. ht: RE 112 6 8NAP FOR SOMEBODY. ion acres improved Iowa bottom farm, one mile from railway station, all level and good soil; no marsh or bluff land; '&) miles from Omaha, $55. J. B. PIPER, Bee Building, Omaha, Neb. Ittt 120 GLOVER'S 'Phone North of Farnam. 7-room cottage, Clifton Hill $1,500 Sroom, riodem except heat, 19th St.; lot 65x86 2.200 C-room cottage, near Remls Park SCO 7-room modern, on Davenport St., between 25th and 26th 2,200 3557 Cam St.; 6-r; lot, 53x100 1,300 Cottage, $8th and Blondo; want offer. 2922 Grant st 800 947 N. 25th ave 2,000 4023 Dodge St.; 10 rooms 8.4O0 2234 N. lfth st; 7-r; barn; lot, 56x130... 2212 Charles; lot, 62x130 ,0U0 8S24 N. 29th; 7-r 26 N. 27th ave 2.40J 2709 Blondo; 6-r house, barn 1.6oo 4468 Farnam; 8-r, modern 2,6aO C. R. GLOVER & SON, Poom 3, N. Y. Life. House Within Walking Distance, City Close to High School $3,650 rooms. Modern, large lot. desirable loca tion. House alone cost more than price asked. GEORGE & CO. 1501 Farnam Btreet. RE-2S3 6 FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY I have some fine bargains in ranches, farms, houses and lots and vacant hub. gome are well Improved, In Nebraska and Iowa. WHY NOT COMB AND BKE ME. If you want anything of this kind? Irlces are reasonable and I will make you easy terms. WILLIAMS, Room 411, McCague Building. RE- Douglas County Farm Close to Omaha and Biaith Omaha, good farm for feeding or farming: land across the road recently sold for $-'00 per acre; good house of k riMims. barn, granary. We are going to sell this property. To do go It will t sacrificed at $lftS.u0 per acrs W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. Sole Aleuts. RE-156 SPLENDID BF8INEH8 CORNER In South Omsha; 6-room cottage, stores and hats, recently built; $912 and 8914 W St.; street car to door; two full lots; present rental $32 pr month; would rent for more; owne- very anxious to sell; make us sn offer. Oeo. P. Hernia, sole sgvnt, "4-i Paxtoi block. 'I'Lone 5S5. RE-ld Company, Telephone 49. But Will Be Higher. nicely arranged, ery good repair anil r,o choicer location In the citv if Omaha. Price reduced for Immediate sale. This Is the Iwst Veit Fnrnani bargain on the market today. See us about this lull k for 11 Is liable to be sold nnv dav. Consider cash offer $.&'. The lilcklnsnn house. 1002 Psrk Ave, elegant 10-room house, strictly mmlern, fine parquet Moors nil through, five stationary . wash bowls, elegant barn and man's room, fine grounds. Prick residence facing Hrnwnelt Mull; line 10-room brick and stone. Hl.00rt.00 $10,000 00 slate roof house, oak finish, large bnrn. stone drive. The finest Uiifiuln in the city. VACANT Heautlful tlxl) foct lot. Lafay ette Ave. near :th Hai gain. $71.10.00 k'xI24 foot, south front. Locust near ltUh. S. W. Cor. b'.th and Pinney,Mx124. Hargaln. V.x7.'., east front. I4th and Kmmet. line shade, room for two or three houses. A 1IAKOA1N. f'xl:5, on loih St., facing Brownell Mull. Very cheap. N. V. Cor. 3;ld and Hamilton. l.x1?o feet, room fi r four houses. liargulo. WEST FARNAM For inoxi:5 foot corner, 33th St., across the street from the Jos lyn ri slilence. This Is one of the bandsumeet building sites In the city. l('Xl5i feet, adjoining aboxe. Hli- $1.0(V.O0 vjt $!,3:t 00 $l, $7. Sod 00 $G,;i)0.tX) 11 Building Lots. 11 We have over 2".i to select from In all parts of the city; In Item is park from $n to $700. North park from l;tio to $l.lw; Ilans com park diatrlct. nea rthe park, $5tKi to 1..iHi. Call and look over our lit. Will build a house to order oil uny lot. See tia before you build. Open Monday evenings from 8 to 11. Hastings & Heyden, D10-6U New York Life Bldg. RE ACHES of ground, with new 6-room house, Juki outside of South Omaha; 1j minutes' walk from the car line; pienty of room for chickens and fruit $l,o0v, one halt cash. Address E 33, Bee. RE-2.13 S BAKiiAINS THIS WEEK. Elegant residence lot. southeast cornt r SSth live, and Dodge, paving, curbing. Fewer and other taxes paid up. nothing finer In West Farnam district; only $2.7.i. Handsome south front lot, Dodge, near 32J, very choice location; only $2,250. Full cast front, lot noar Farnam motor line, for $1,375. Six lots near 42d and Farnam, good loca tion to build cottage to sell or rent; prlco. this week only, $2,750. Two full east front lots near 87th and Farnam, worth $1,800 each, owner will take $2,700 for both. Choice corner lot 37th and Marcy, $775. Largo lot with two modern 10-room houses near high school, fine tental property; ground worth $3,000; bldg., $7,500; we can deliver It for $7,500. Five acres near Country club. $1,500. Ten acres southwest of city. $1,500. 20 acres near Center st. pavement, $3,500. 65 acres lust west of city, $7.KX. HICKS REAL KSTATE CO., 4.19 Bourd of Trade Bldg. RE 318 x Six-Room Cottage Near ISth and Clark Streets 1.650 1643 N. 18th st. Lot 30x140 ft. House Is modern except furnace. GEORGE & CO. 1G01 Farnam street. RE 2S4 6 10 ACRES Just west of Dundee; lies high and sightly, beautiful residence site; price only $1M' per aire. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE 307 6 BARGAINS 133. South of Farnam. 2226 8. 15th; good cottage: barn 1.900 2215 8. 29th; 8-r; lot. 80x150; line prop erty 4,200 1729 8. loth; 7-r; lot, 60x150; fine prop erty 4.000 2226 8. 10th; 7-r; Sot, 83x132 1,800 2230 8. 10th; 6-r; lot. 33x132 1,700 2218 and 2220 8. 11th st.; 8-r and 4-r houses 4.200 2419 Valley St.; 0-r; lot, 50x140 ,t0 2937-2939-2941 Martha St.; all for 8,000 2933 Castellnr St.; 6-r; water and gas.. 1,200 ' mi and 1813 Castellar; lot. 60x162 2.000 54 8. 27th St.; lot. 50x132; 6-r; close In 1,700 2228 a 12th St.; 2 7-r houa'-s, 1 4-r oot- tage 2.600 2548 Reese St.; 6-r l.ftA) 1949 H. 15th St.; 8-r. See me. 2916 Shirley st.; 6-r 1.1(0 Fine residence, 8. 10th st 11.000 -RE $385 will buy at our office Monday morning anx72 at Indiana ave. and 5th st. Paving and permanent sidewalk paid in full. Call or 'phone us. BWEET & BEST, C13 N. Y. L. TEL. 1472. rk-c: FOR RENT, FARMS. 25 acres garden land near Florence; good house, bum, well, two acres in alfalfa. For fuitlur particulars call on or ad dress. Geo. T pleise, Poppleton ave , Omaha. HE 274 ex $3.500 A NEW 7-room house, all modern conveniences; large lot; corner 3oth and Dodge sts.: easy terms Westvrtleld & Hill, 516 First National Bank n(.-Miis u Business Property Investment. A close In b islness property, two stores, finis above, three collages, lot ixl32, cor ner, pavet streets, car line, alwsys rented, brin, ing tl.3j a ear, with small expenditure ..ill bring $1.5i. tine of the lent local lor a n. the city for grocery and meat market. A bargain at I7,60u. Get part lculars. GLOKGE G. WALLACE. Brown Block. RE -M 937 5 HOCHE8 TO RENT. We want houses to rent. List your vacant houses with us. as w ate turning away people every day who are looking for llIIUIM'S. N. P. DODGE A. CO.. Kll FARNAM BT. RE M&ll 6 $1,700 home In Benson. 7-room. elrctrlct lighted house, two lots, one block from car. PENSON & CARMICHAEU t42 Paxlon Klock. re Mat: i FOR Noon Luncheon try the KARBACH RK8TAI RANT. where you will find the leat prepared meals In the city at reason able prices. 413 8. litti, Joiwph Btrsub, Prop. RE S20 M-14 x