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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1904)
16 TIIE OMATTA DAILY BEE: RTTXDAY, MAKCn 0. 1P04. SPECIAL A Irrrtlirtnf nil for. thru rolnmns wilt be tnkra until lit m. for the iriln( edition and nntll M p. m. for .lie inornlnK and Sunday edition. i: ate, 1 l-2e a word flmt Insertion, 1e a word thereafter. othlng taken for less than SIX for the flmt Inner iloa. These advertisements must be I'm eonsecntlvely. Advertisers, by requesting- a nnn itered cheek, can have answers ad dressed to a numbered letter In rare of The nee. Answers ao addreaaed mil be delivered on presentation of the rherk only. MISCEM.AEOIS. GREEN STICKERS NO COMPAniSON 1 TO THE PROSPECTIVE PUR CHASER OF A PIANO. An opportunity offered whereby you can iv e 31. 5 per cent In the purchasing of a iano, upon our plan, an oumpared with aat of others dolus: business In the fame .tie, la submitted to your careful thought -nd consideration: A PIANO, the purchase price being $.Tn0, sold on a monthly payment of $4.ou, with Interest at lu per cent per annum, would require 75 months to complete the contrac t. Purchase price of piano HOO.00 . .Uerest at 10 per (out 75 months, less rebate for average time on monthly payments made 93 75 Net cost of piano $393.75 OUR PLAN. A PIANO, purchase price being $300, payable $8.00 per month, without in terest - $300.00 Net amount saved by our plan I 93.75 In other words, your piano has cost you but $206.26 by our plan, as compared with iun above. CALL AND WE WILL EXPLAIN MORE FILLY. CUT FRH'E PIANO TUNING THIS .MONTH. TEL. Till. I'ERFIELD PIANO COMPANY, HEE BLDG. R- UMAHA Safe and Iron works make a spe cialty of flro escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, prop., lull H. lot li st. R MhjO May25 U. M. HAVERLY EXPERT ACCOUNT ANT. 212 BEE BLDU. PHONE 2!M. R 634 CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Works. 718 S. 14th. Tel. K.5. R 903 flOI n SILVER. NICKEL Plating. Om. VJ L.U plating Co., 1508 Harney. Tel tft-15. It 635 CITY SAVINGS HANK pays 4 per cent. R-638 FPECIAT, For a limited time we will fit you with a guaranteed pair of spectacles for tl. Pon't miss this chance. I', a. Op ticians, 308 N. Kith St. R 637 HAOLE Loan office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas R 639 EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving nnd storage. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 11. R 644 TRY THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. Tf yon don't, we both lose. Good work, prompt attention. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 103. R-640 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools, vaults, removes garbage, dead animals; reduced prices. 621 N. 16. Tel, 1779 R-641 P. MELCHOIR, machinist, 13th & Howard. R 643 PTTBLICITY DESIGNS WHEATON, Tn the Bee Bid. R 643 J. E. WALLACE, Taxidermist, ens s. 13th. R 028 Al "STRONGEST In the World." The Equita ble Life Assurance society. Its policies are sight drafts at maturity. II. p. Neely, manager. Merchant' National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. R 646 PRINTING ) H1"n r,e work- r IMl I llJ fCrounse block, corner LYNGSTAD10th et- and SIGN painting. S. H. Cole, 1302 Pouglns. R-647 A LL kinds carpenter work, promptly attended to. J. T. 20th and Lake. repairing Ochiltree, R-370 J. DAVIS, 1119 Farnain. safe mover, Tel. 363. heavy hauling, R-152-M3 VODrCKA A CO., tine tailoring; all kinds pressing, repairing. Krug Theater bldg. Tel. 3182 R 6S CLOTHES pressed, altered, ton hotel tailor. Yousen, Pax R 649 TRACINGS; blue prints and working drawings. Sues & Co., Omsha. Phone 1623. n-237 Apr22x I'ERFIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg.; no In terest, honest values, easy terms. R 638 LOCKSMITH &thR- BF&?; 309 N 2974. R M333 ..ET us show you how much gas engine power will save you. Wltte Iron Works Co., 629 W. 6th St., Kansas City, Mo. R ARTIES desiring to join Arkansas ex cursion April 6 great opportunity for In formation address E 36, Bee. R 249 6x I WILL place 60 high-grade milch cows lor dairy purposes on shares at mv ranch; no capital necessary; first-clsss mincers only need apply. Address John u. uoiion, .auyviue, reD. R M2U9 7 CAKES: try our 3-layer white cakes. 50c; pure milk bread, best In the city. John son at uoouieit Co., Bakery, 20u2 Lake Telephone 1575. R NO banking fires. All expenses cease when vou stop a witte ias Engine. Wltte Iron Works Co., 629 W. 6th St., Kansas City, CLAIRVOYANTS. GYLMER. palmist. 715 N. 23d. Tel. B-3245. B 111 ItEAPlNGa, 60 CENTS. n'sr.iBiu-i lairvoyani. palmist and as- troiogtr. Keveais all questions of life per taining to marriuge, sickness, death. cnanges, travels, uivorct-s, si-paratlons. lawsuits, business transactions, deals. mortgages, loss of absent friends, mining ventures, eta Hours 9 to 9 dnllv. Iil9 ioage si. B-M93S 5x TRANCE reading of your future by the only reliable clairvoyants. Prof. Carl Rollln. F. 490 N. Clark St.. Chicago: send a i me. pirtn date and stamp. 8 156 tix FREE Your fortune told. I foretold the l nicago tnenter nre. Bend three 2-eent stampB and birth date. Ir. True, 13. ISO Dearoorn, I'nicago. 2117 6x MME. GYLMER OMAHA'S FAVORITE PALMIST WU3B Ufe accurately and her predictions are always correct. Palmistry has lee.i recently estahjished as one of the hid ing sciences, und Mine. Gylmer has mas tered it. hhe has no suit-rlor and tew as a "life reader." This wonderful woman lias revealed many siaridug tacts which were setmlugly beyond the power ot u human being s dtbcerumeiit and which have shown her to bu the greatest of life readers. Parlors 715 N. -3d street. READINGS 50 CENTS. . t'ON KIBIO Clairvoyant, palmist and as trologer. Reveal all questions of life per taining to marriage, sickness, dcuth, changes, travels, divorces, separations, lawsuits, huslnees transaction. deals, piortgages, hiss of absent friends, mining ventures, etc.; tells who and when vou will marry; reunites the separated; causes speedy marriage; teat hrs palmistry; de velops medium. Hours 9 a. m. to 9 p. in. daily. Sundays, lu a. m. to a p. m. M19 Dodge St. S 2ii 6x MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN LADY Wl'fcKV iK CLMltVOVANW EVERYTHING TOLD PAST. PRESENT AND FUTURE. SATISFACTION OR NO PAY. 807 N. 1STH. S-293 6x TICKET BROKERS. CUT-RATE railroad tickets everywhere. f. IL i'hllWu, li,-j Farnam, 'Phone ; 4M WASTED MALE HELP. IT'S JUST LIKE THIS! Wlirn a school prows from nothing to the Inrgost college of its kind In a Krefit state like Nebraska, nnd does It In six years, there Is some cause for it BOYLES COLLEGE hn done this vtry thing. The nianagemfnt desires it distinctly understood, however, that It does not, never did, nnd never will, advocate or teach a "Krensed lightning, easy to learn, easy to write, and easy to rend" system of shorthand; that it does not know any royal road or short out to a scientific knowledge of accounting; that it does not solicit students who are not earnest, wide-awake and rrore88lve- HOW WE GROW. We graduate thorough, competent stenographers and bookkeepers and se cure desirable positions for them. They are more than satisfied; they are pleased; they send their friends, who in turn send their friends, and so on, until now we have nearly One Thousand living, talking advertisements for this Justly popular school in this immediate vicinity. We have at this time an enroll ment of more than 3T0 students who are looking forward to the day they will stop iuto the commercial world and make it better by their skill and knowledge. COrtUKSrONDEXCE COURSES In all departments. Interesting literature will be sent you on application giving further par ticulars of our successes. H. B. BOYLES, President, N. Y. Life Building. MEN to learn barber trade, free railroad fare upon our failure to convince you of this being the BICT. largest nnd only reliable, most practical burber college In this section. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbers' institute, Omaha, Neb. B-655 WANTED For U. 8. army, able-bodied, unmarried men, between ages of 21 and .'6, citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, re;id and write English. For Information apply to recruiting ofllcer, 16th and Dodge ti., omaha, or Lincoln, ISeD. B M154 West'n Employ't Ag'n, R. 14-15, Crounse blk. r w) TWO men to work from our wagons; steady position, and experience unnecessary. (?. K. Adams & Co., 1619 Howard St. B 657 CLERK, energetic, to prepare for Gov't position. 1. C. I., Cedar Rapids, la. B M602 6x FERSON to call on retail trade for manu facturing house; salary 120, paid weeKiy; expense money advanced; previous ex perience unnecessary. Standard House, 334 Dearborn St.. Chicago. B M782 6x TAILORS Wanted, first -class bushelman and coat makers; steady work and good Wttfiea. MacCarthy Tailoring Co., 304 S. 16th street. B 875 WANTED, colored base ball players who are musicians to play on ban team ana In band. Season from May 1 to Sept. 15, 1904. Will pay good salaries to good men. Inquire of Manager Base Ball, box 102, Esthervllle, la. B M933 9 TINNER wanted, young man preferred, one inai lias enougn experience to lajtecnarge of a country shop and help in store; no boosters need applv; a steady Job for the right party. Address W. B. Frymtre, Bloomfleld, Neb. B M984 6 WANTED Bright, Intelligent boy for work in railroad otnee. Good chance ror ad vancement. Address, E 20, Bee office. B M944 5 TOTING MAN wanted; prefer married; ac- quainiea wnn general omce worn; gooa stenographer; desirable position for right party; give age, experience, references and salary expected. Address E 24. Bee. B-M963 6x A GOOD POSITION Is always open for a competent man. His aimcuity is to una it. we have openings for high grade men of all capacities ex ecutive, technical and clerical paying from $1,000 -to $10,000 a year. Write for rlin and booklet. Offices In twelve cities. IAPOOOPS (Incorporated), 916 Chemical building, St. Louis. B WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertis ing Bureau, Chicago. B M976 Ox WANTED, men everywhere; good pay; to distribute circulars adv. mnttT, tack signs .etc. No canvassing. Nat' 1 Adv. Bureau, Chicago. I! J74 6x WANTED, rr.en as field superintendent; salary $X0 per month and expenses; must be a hustler. Address C, Box 2S3. Minne apolis, Minn. B M978 6x $1,200 a year and expenses to a good man to travel; must have good references and be able to furnish S0 .cash security if necessary. Address 306, 15 N. Fourth St., Minneapolis, Minn. B M 972 6x MEN AND WOMEN WANTED to run our rapid knitting ma chines at their homes, making worn ror us to sell the trade. No experience; no canvassing; steady work; good pay; write today ;dlstanee no hindrance. Address Home Industrial Knitting Machine Co., Congress St., Detroit, Mich. M9M 6x WANTED I want the name of every man In any way Interested in incubators or poultry raising. 1 have something for you. Write at once to M. M. Johnson, The Incubator Man, Clay Center Neb. B-M2 6x ANY person to distribute our samples; $2.60 dally, steady. Mgr. "Empire" 3o23 Grand Boulevard. Chicago. B-M981 6x MANAGER WANTED Every county, for rentlns the famous "Skllllard Oame" to public places and make collections; airli-tlv Uwful everywhere: replaces for- hidden slot machines: played with nickels or pennies; electric bell rings each time It scores; sample game furnished agents free; fine side line to work evenings In small towns. "Skllllard Game" never sold, always our property; agents make $75.00 to $300.00 weekly; twenty thousand rented nrst montn; secure appoint ment quick. Morgan Safe Co., Depart ment 35, Chicago, III. B 216 6x WANTED Practical bookkeeper for gen. eial work (one who has had experience In hardware line preferred. by manu facturing concern. Good position to right party. State experience, age and salary expected. Address rj SO, Bee. B TO s WANTED An experienced salesman In our silk department. Apply J. u. uranaeis oe Sons. B 101 6 WANTED an exnerlenced laundry washer well recommended, stout young married man preferred: nay $15 per week. Pros nects of raise to $18. Write to or call on R. W.. Room 407, Auerbuch Bldg.. Salt Lake City. Utah. B-251 6 LADV or gentleman, each county, to man age local busuiens for wholesale houi paid weekly; expense money advanced position permanent; experience not es sential. Manager, Como block, Chicago, B 156 x GOVERNMENT Civil Service Examlns lions will soon be held In every state; full information and questions used by the jj iveruiiient. lree. Columbian Correspond ence . oiiege, asmngton, U. . B 141 (x $2o0 MONTHLY commissions paid live men selling "Liberty Hre l-.xttngulshers; sel at utK'ht every where; new plan; tieats In surance.; exclusive territory. "Liberty" Association, 14 State, Chicago. B 152 6x GENERAL manager for state of Nebraska; must be capable ot managing local and traveling sa lee men; state qualifications; reference Acme Hygienic Co., 2t) Broad way. .e Yoru. B 14s 6x I DETECTIVE Can you spare part of your' time for profitable detective work? No ' exoerienoB needed. Write Americsn De- I tective Association, Indianapolis. Ind. I B-159 sx I MAN to travel: salary and expenses: ex- I pe-rlence unneoeavary : no canvassing; , Promotion according to ability displayed, i Empire, Manhattan bldg, Chicago ! B 114 X DETECTIVES, every locality; good salary: experience unnecessary. International Detective Agency, Milwaukee. Wis. WASTED MALE HELP. n- WANTED Specialty men to sell a first class assortment line; at least $3iX) per month to the right man. This Is some thing new and attractive. In answering give your experience. Address E 21. Bee. B-131 6x MOLER'H BARBER dOLLEOE of Den ver, Colo., offers advantages In teaching the barber trade that cannot be had else where. Write today for our terms. B M217 Aux WANTED, ten men In each state to travel, tack signs and distribute circulars and samples of our goods; JtW per month, J.'l per dav for expenses. Kuhlman Dent. H 2. Atlas Block. Chicago. CO., B-122 6x HIGH class traveling or local salesmen can earn at least $60 weekly with new side line adapted to nny class of busi ness, city or village; can make $250 daily; proof of statement; sample case (weight In ounces), free by return mail. Address A X, Manager, P. O. Box 23ft, New York. It Nebraska Business and Shorthand College. A. C. ONG. A. M., LL, B., Pres. A. J. LOWRY, Principal. COLLEGE During the months of January and February every seat in both departments was taken. A more entbuslastlo body of students would be difficult to find. A number of new students will enter students may enter any time and progress During the past month the young men records and given practical explanations of the work, records of deeds, mortgages, etc., and were Bhown how to obtain any Information desired relative to property, eto. They appreciated the work very much. There were over forty students in the but the demand for the graduates during the have gone into positions. On Friday we had positions. Four students will go ;nto permanent positions Monday. ine louowing are the names who answered the calls mentioned above: Miss Carev. Miss Bnrtos. Miss Olennnn. Mr. Dalxell, Mr. Hutchlngs, Miss Crawford, Mr. Wilcox. From the above record It Is self-evident students of this institution. The business school to call on for competent, thoroughly We had two calls from the Standard Oil of our graduates placed In permanent positions with this company within the last ninety days. Tou have only to examine 'the merits of this school; ask any student, ex-student or business man and you will be convinced of the thoroughness of the work done. Apply for catalogue, free bound In alligator, finest ever published by a business college. TOUNO man; money may be earned; ar tistic employment at home gliding ticKets; write for particulars, Inclosing stamped, addressed envelope. L J. Noel, 129 W, 126th SU, New York. B 12 6x ARE YOU SATISFIED With your present position or salary T If cot, write us for plan and booklet, vve have openings for managers, secretaries, advertising men and salesmen; also tech nical, clerical and executive men of all kinds, high grade exclusively. Offices in twelve different dtles. HAPGOODS (In corporatedj, 916 Chemical bldg., Bt. Louis. B A GOOD all around newspaper man as managing agent. 609 Brown blk. B 268 6 WANTED, men to learn barber trade. Graduates earn top wages, tew weens completes by this method. Can nearly earn expenses. Tools and diplomas given when through. Call or write, Moler Bar ber College, 1302 Douglas St.. Omaha. B M120 llx WANTED, first-class carriage painter; also Al blacksmith. Kred uoerne r won. -.-tn and J sts., South Omaha. B 313 6x ENGINE SALESMAN WANTED. A man with some technical knowl edge of machinery and some expe rience as a salesman. To the right man a first-class salaried position is offered with an A-l company. State qualifications and give references. Address: E 40 Bee. m . B S2S 6 WASTED TO BORROW. WE HAVE customers wanting to borrow from $600 to $3,0u0 st 6 per cent on nrst class Improved Omaha property. Hastings & Heyden, 610-611 N. Y. Life Bldg M lo3 0 $1,300 FOR 8 years, 6 per cent; private party; good security. Address Ess, Bee. y 318 tlx Ml SICAL. THOS J. KELLY, colce. Davldge block. Si8 DAISY HIGGINS, voice, piano. Tel. A-2741. 8013 I.eav, M313 CI1AS H. KEEFER, piano, 66 Barker B!k. HAS THE COOK GONE? INVITE ANOTHER WITH A WANT AD IT WONT TAKE LONG TO GET ANOTHER. WAITED FKMALE HELP. SPRING TERM OF THE Omaha Commercial College, 17th and Douglas Sts. ROHRBOUGH BROS., Prop's. Opens April 1. As usual new classes will be organized n a 11 departments. It will be a good time to begin. GENERAL INFORMATION Government Examination. The IT. 8. Government recently Issued a call for twenty telegraph operators. Four of our students took the examination ajid paswd a high grade, as a result they received their appointments and given a salary of $66 per month. No greater compliment could bo paid our Telegraph Deportment. Courses of Study. Regular Business, Shorthand, Typewriting. Telegraphy, English, Normal, Penman ship and Pen Art. Mosher Shorthand. An Improvement upon th Gregg. Easy to learn, easy to write and easy to read. New text, now ready. Shorthand Journal Just out First three copies free. Send name and address. New Students Now Entering. Good time to begin. Btudenta coming In right along. SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND ILLUSTRATED CIRCULERS Address! ROHRBOUGH BROS., Omaha, Neb. B WANT E U KEM A L K HELP. ANYONE need of housekeeper or man and wifo call Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. C-&8 WANTED, cook and laundress for small family; good wares. 2037 Dodge et. C 460 29 WANTED, a woman who thoroughly un derstands making shirt waists to open a shirt waist department with a leading dressmaker. Address E 7, Bee office. C M806 WANTED, a girl aoout 14 or 15 years old for light housework, 9 In the morning until 0 In the evening, $1.60 per week. 3715 Lesvvenwnrth street. C 878 GOOD girl for general Park avenue. housework. 1024 C-M997 7x NURSES' COLLEGE Pueblo, Colo.; six weeks' course; has no equal; opens April L C 142 6x BOYD BUILDING, OMAHA, NEB. NOTES. Monday. The work is so arranged that as rapidly as their ability will permit. have been taken In squads to the county advanced class of shorthand on March 1, past week, has been so great that many ten calls for permanent and temporary Miss Tnnnin Miss O'Connor. Miss Hacket, Miss Hollandsworth, Mr. Eckstrom and as to what Is being accomplished for the men have learned from experience what trained help. company last week. This makes six WANTED, a good girl cook; family of four; no washing; pleasant surroundings; 6ood wages; apply at once. Mrs. J. E. aum, 2545 Harney. C M943 6x WANTED Competent man to do sticker work; state experience and wage ex pected. Address Fort Dodge Mlg. CoM Fort Dodge, la. C 46 t WANTED Girl tor general housework at 947 N. Z6th ave. u mhos o STENOGRAPHERS We will aid you In securing a position. Clerical Bureau, Room 417 Bee Building. C M960 6x SCHOOL teachers, attention. Do you want to make some money? fermanem posi tion, agreeable work, short hours; salary paid while learning; will require about $25 cash security for stock,, etc. Address W R, Miller, 80t( Insurance Exchange Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. C M971 6x WANTED, at once, a good, economical lady cook, at College dining hall: nothing but plain cooking; good wages to the right person. Also, a lady to take charge of help In dining room. Addrww W. H. Clemmons, Fremont, Neb. C M906 6 WE want at once several ladles for solic itors and demonstrators; steady employ ment In your own locality; experience un necessary. Llndon Cereal Coffee Co.. Ben ton Harbor, Mich. C 190 6x LADIES $15 per week, sewing at home; materials free; no canvassing; beautiful sample sent free on receipt of addressed envelope. Malestlo Lace Co., New York. C 179 6x LADIRS To do piecework at their homef; we furnish all materials and pay from $7 to $13 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 84 EL Monroe St., Chicago. C ano 6x WANTED Ladles, send us name and ad dress; we will send handsome sttck-pln free; send no monev. Western Mercan tile Co., 1410 Ashland Block, Chicago. C 199 Sx IF YOU wish to earn money by writing short storiew or by aotlng as news oorr spondont address United Press Syndicate, 333 Postal Building. Indianapolis, Ind. C-153 6x WANTED Energetic lady to travel, adver tising and collet-ting for Nebraska; salary $i monthly from start and all expenses; stu1v position. Addreas Supt. Travelers, 211 Pontlac Bldg., Chloago. C 158 6x LADY wanted; money may be earned; ar tistic employment at home gilding tickets; write for particulars. Inclosing stamped, addressed envelope. L. J. Noel. 1S W. 12oth St.. New York. C 127 6x WASTED KEM4LE HELP. WANTED FEMALE HELP. LADIES Most profitable home work; $9 to $15 weekly; malerlal ;ree; no canvassing; stoady work. Send stamped enveloiw. Surety Co., Chicago. C 203 6x WANTED everywhere, people to copy let ters at home during spare time nnd re turn to us. Materials sent free. No mail ing or canvassing; $9 weekly earned. En close self-addressed envelope for particu lars. Guarantee Co., No. 627 Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. C 140 6x LADIES to do plain sewing at home; steady work; $9 per week. Materials sent everywhere free. For particulars send addressed envelope. l)u Pont Dept. 527, Box 13S2, Philadelphia. Pa. C-139 6x WANTED, ladles to learn halrtlressing, manicuring or facial massage. Good field for positions; residence trade or estab lishments of your own. Four weeks com pletes. Splendid paving work. Call or write. Moler College, 1302 Douglas St., Omaha. C M119 llx HOME WORK $9 weekly during spare time; no canvassing, experience or money needed; enclose stamp for outfit. Instruc tions, etc. Address Universal Co., 3-5 W. 23-1 St. New York. C WANTED Lady agents to Introduce prac tical Indies' article for which there Is a freat demand; hlg money maker; satls actlon guaranteed; liberal terms. For Particulars address A. W. Turner, M. D., 2 Massachusetts Ave., Boston. Mass. C 187 6x HOME work. We pay 26e for writing short, plain letters; particulars free. National Memorial Co., Columbus Grove, O. C 169 6x WANTED, ladles who will give 5 minutes of their time at home, receiving liberal compensation for same. For particulars write Eclectic Co., Dept. G. 320 Broadway, New York. C 184 6x LADIES $8 to $15 paid weekly doing plain sewing at home; material sent free-everywhere; send stamped addressed envelope for particulars. Weber Manufacturing Co., 1135 Broadway, New York. O WANTED Apprentices and preparers in millinery department; apply Monday morning, Miss Knowlton, second floor. The Bennett Company. C M2SS 7x WANTED, salesladies. Hsyden Bros.' cloak and suit dept. Must have long experi ence. C M292 7x LADIES that embroidery, crochet or knit can earn $12 weekly working for us at home; addressed envelope for free sample of work and designs. Mexican Co., 132 Nassau st. N. Y. C 827 6x SITUATIONS WANTED. YOUNG girl attending school wants place to work for room and board. Address J SI, Bee. A 871 6x WANTED, place tc work on farm by man and wife; permanent. Address J. Wilson, Logan, la. A 892 6x YOUNG lady with four years' experience in dry goods ore wants position; best of references. Address J 81, Bee. A-903 Sx WANTED, position In a drug store. I. J. Bassett, Blair, Neb. A 949 9x STENOGRAPHER with five years' experi ence, rapid and accurate, wants responsi ble position or temporary work. Address E 27, Bee. A M980 7x EXPERIENCED grocery man, had full charge for past five years of large grocery house In Chicago, 15 years' New York and Chicago experience combined; would like to connect with grocery or dent store nere; Deet references. Address K 29. care Bee. A 221 6x WANTED A position by man 20 years' ex perience as buyer nnd manager of dry ?oods business. A No. 1 ref. Address E 8, Bee office. A 147 6x WANTED, position by experienced book keeper and lumberman. Competent to manage yard In country town. Satisfac tory references. Address K 84. Hop. A 113 20x WANTED By man with eliriit years' ex perience in office of wholesale house, po sition as assistant to credit man or man ager or cashier for some large enneern. Address E 3? Bee. A '"ft 6r FOR BALE HORSES, WAGOSS, ETC, FOR SALE. 2d-hand, ham, at bargain if Harney. 4-passenger broug taken at once. 1 3 9 P-677 FROST doesn't shave men, he shaves spoken. Wagon repairs, 14th and Leav enworth. P 1!78 HORSE8 for sale; second-hand harness, vehicles cheap. Melcheor s Stables, U1 S. 19th. P-Mid FOR SALE. 8 spans of mules, weight, 2,000 to 2.500 per span; also 8 head of horses, drivers, drafters and chunks. Jones' Stables. U14 Dodge st. P M404 PHAETON and surrey cheap. Sam'l Burns. P M915 SAM'L BURNS, phaeton and surrey cheap. P 925 Al FOR SALE 9-year-old bay horse, l,fl.)0 lbs., gentle and perfectly sound, but de fective eyesight: good to use In team. Inquire at Willow Springs Distillery. 4th and Pierce. P 250 6 DRESSMAKING, IN families. Miss Sturdy, 26u6 Davenport -M;ios GINGHAM aprons made. Red-2S64. 1770 S. 9th. Tel. -9u2 M17 M'DOWELL'S school removed to YK Far. nam st M916 A 1 FOR REHT-Ft RS1SHED ROOMS. CENTER hotel, 210 N. 17th; nice transient rooms. fei 1 mis ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th Chicago E 6v-9 DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam E 6W) NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha at.nm laundry. 1750 Leavenworth. 'Phone A-17S3. O. M. E. hauls trunks. V. 661 Telephone 611. E-662 $1.25 FER WEEK, Doran House, 422 S. 18th. E 663 SINGLE room. In nicely furnished, st.-ani- heated tlSt; B1I mimi-i li, "in'"S lunuuirr, verv reasonable. Tel. B24W. 2234 Farnam. second floor. Vienna Hotel. 1011 Farnam; fine rums; la dles' cafe, private dining r. ; open nlghjs. NICE furnished rooms. 824 N. 15th E-G6T, LARGE, warm room, steam heat. W9 Capitol ave. fc Mi20 rOU 3 rooms, modern, steam heat, 230 N 23d! E-M465 LARGE elegantly furnished alcove room. Steam neat, not wnior, us, nam. teie phone, Hrge lawn, tine location, reason able. 1623 Douglas. E M806 LARGE front room, suitable for two. Prl- vate ramtiy. . ua, no earn. E-M812 6x ELEGANT apartment house for men; rooms single or ensiilte, luxuriously fur nished, now ready for occupancy. Apply st the Chatham, 13th st., opposite Millard hotel. K M81Z HOUSEKEEPING Parlor floor, 8 rooms, all modern. 220 N. 23d. K M466 NICELY furnished front room, suitable for two; modern conveniences; gentlemen only. 2101 Farnam. B M56 ex A FEW desirable rooms at the Farnam, for gentlemen. K M956 FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing; 2 blocks south of Auditorium. 1411 Jones. E M945 6x 6 ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished. 1401 Webster. E 967 6x WANTED Gentleman room mate; $1.B a week. 1909 Douglas. B M904 7 PARLOR suitable for two, also small room. modern. 1H12 Chicago. B IX ROOMS-1615 Douglas St. E-M991 9X FRONT parlors for four gentlemen. Tel. 2407. 1716 Dodgo. F-M990 7X NEWLY furnished rooms, steam heat. modern. 220 is. ntn. K mwh (X ROOM T jn rge enough for two, steam heat, modem; also housekeeping. 212 N. 17th. ; i tx FURNISHED rooms. 1815 Douglas st. E M995 9x FOR RENT 3 rooms, furnished or unfur nished; no children. 2412 Seward St. Lovejoy. E 244 6x 2 OR 3 FURNISHED or unfurnished for housekeeping, 1 block from car. 2214 N. i:tn st. E 173 6x LA RGE room with alcove; suitable for two 411 No. 19th. E M2G5 8x TWO large pleasant rooms, also small rooms. 623 No. 2fth. E M267 8x FOR RENT, three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1340 S. 27th st. E M291 Rx FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 2019 California. 3 M265 S SUITE of pallors suitable for two gentle men or man and wlfo. 2234 Farnam. Tel, 2V3. K M824 7 FIRJVISHED ROOMS AMD BOARD. 609 S. 26th ave. Tel. L2718. F-660 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney, rooms, good board; reasonable rates. F M818 MZ.X ONE south front room, also board. 8418 Cass. F M826 UTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport. F-6G8 ROCKAWAY, 1316 Douglas. Meals, 15a F-6 Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, 16th & Chicago. F 667 NICE rooms; good board. 808 8. 20th. F 226 Mart BEST meals In city. Karbach restaurant F-857 MarlS NICELY furnished wanted. 811 8. 20th. room. Day boarders F M967 ex LARGE room suitable (or two, board op tional. 1707 Cass. F Mift2 7x FIRST-CLASS boarders who desire nicely furnished, clean room, with modern con veniences, call 2823 Harney, or 'Phone F 2928. F M977 6x ROOMS, modern, also home cooking. Tel. 3456, 131 S. 25th. F-M987 7x ROOM and board. 621 8. 18th. Mtsl O. IL Frederick, 'phone 1203. F M34T 8 ROOMS, single or en suite.; housekeeping. 609 No. 17th. F M285 8 SINGLE room with board; gentlemen pre ferred; references required. 2406 St. Mary's. F-M2S8 7 SOUTH front room and board. 2418 Csss st. F M255 8 FURNISHED rooms and board reasonable. 409 N. 19th. F M267 8x FTRMISIIED ROOMS. TWO unfurnished rooms, first floor. 2013 Cass. G M334 8 FOR EXCHANGE, WILL trade beautiful piano for horse. Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam st. Z-6S2 EIGHTY acres land In Burt county, Neb., for Omaha residence property. C. T. Dickinson, New York Life bldg. Z-M762 1 REGINA MUSIC BOX, with 12 plates of music, almost new, will trade for young horse: original cost JS0.00. Address E 31, Bee office. Z 211 6x TO TRADE Standard typewriter for top buggy. PoHtoffice box 93, So. Omaha. Z 2S9 x PARIR SUITE and piano to exchange for vacant property. Address E 37, Bee, Z-M260 8x THREE lata and store bulldlnr. now renterf for $26, In business section of an Iowa city, to trade for stock or rarrn Imple ments of about $3,600. Sholes-Armstrong Company, 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 49. S5-231 6 WASTED TO BORROW. WANT $1,600 for five years at 6 per cent private party; nrsi-ciaas security. Ad- dress 6S, Bee. M-4C1 6x FOR SALE, per cent first mortgage real estate loan; reliable party; new dwelling, bought fur home; loan less than 60 per cent of valuation; security on NEW prop erty better than on old Improvements 16' Farnam Real Estate. Loan a Tel 2422. M!39 5 DAriQ ACADEMY, MORAND'S spring te.-m; lessons for adult beginners. Tues. and Frl . I p. m. ; private lessons dally; liberal reduction to pupils who Jc In now. t all 15th and Harney. 59:1 Marl? 8HORTHASD AMI TV PEW KIT1.NU. A. C. VAN BANT S school, 717 N. Y. Life. 724 Neb. Bus. & Shorthand Col., Boyd theater. -L'2o LAW A.D COI.I i; TIO. 8T1LLMAN & PRICE. 410 1st Nat. bk. bldg. ti'ji THE new Snow-Church Co., law collec tions, real estate, attorneys, collectors, brokers everj where. 1st floor N. Y. Life. Tel. 123. . -A JUDGE DICKINSON, 616 N. Y; Life; SttlUemcut ealMAoS auetUlty. Tel. Fo. PERSOSA1.S. Paper Hanging?,, O. P. MoCLAiN. teed at .r prices. 210 N. Lth St. Tel. P.-2 . r- m HIAWATHA and 60 other mni; book. 6 cents, postpaid. R"t !' I . Ron 8. 13th. l--.M.-.. v Accordion Pleating, cheapest, best, q i Mrs. A. C. Mark, ITtli and 1ouk1:i.- r LA HOOK, ladles' tailoring. bU l Blk. 1 ANY poor girl In need of a friend c- : or write to the matron of the Army Home for Women, !fC4 N Omaha, Neb. U .M.'o; M i Stammering cured. J. Vaughn, lUnnu- ELITE parlors, 615 8. 16lh. 2d floor I'-.r - "V1AVI," way to health. 360 Beo l MAGN ETICgmKh'nS N. l!? M- .T: U-M.m -. WHAT'S nicer than nccorillon pi, ; We do nothing but the finest. ;.; Pleating Co., 200 Douglas block. I. BEN BOLT Why dldn t you m.i-t n- ,lt Columbia Phonongraph conipurv night? I wulted till half pusi :-. s,i, Ihelr free concerts nre gr.tml, m ,; j bought a dozen X. P. tto record I r . i each. Peggy From Paris. l" mi; ; WATERS PRINTING- CO., 1213 Doug!. K l'-73ri ' l- A MTrtnil III Tel. 963. r A1N 1 UllUmCTS"'"?'J'-r," 407 So. lath. v-;r BIIiT-Ara next to a good thing; meet ma at Btoecker's cigar store tins evening and we'll smoke a 6c Monogram an i ru "Up" It off to you. Frank. V SVM BEND 25c for HOMESTEADER'S )I U-r containing forty-eight pages or vaJu;,irn Information. OFFICIAL MAP and Mil Instruction how to get a cl.iini on n ROSEBUD RESERVATION. Fern." li,? eating Agency, Bonesteel, S. D. r x,; PIANOLAS for rent; 3 months' rpi.tiif lowed on purchase. Schmoller & V :e'.r 1313 Farnam. Tel. 1625. I H. O. SMITH, plumbing. 118 N. 15; "tel T"W V -M.W, ' TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 8. I3t h st. V3'A FAMILY hand laundry; rough drying i specialty. 915 Jackson street. U-M379 M23t OAS fixtures at cost Sam'l Burns U-MS14 Al 514 Al cigar. Mnvle SMOKE Cnpt. Freer's Oreenlandor cigar! a. io-u. u aim j jviay W ANTED To meet stylish young lady; nm niimiKer in ciij, iona or company. Address J 80, Bee. u W76 ex INFORMATION DESIRED regarding Mr Larrence W. Hoffman, not heard from sinoe he separated from wlfo, abonit 15 years ngo. Address FtMmme Brothers, 287 Broadway, Now York City. U-872 8x THEATRICAL masq. costumed. Llohen. 1018 Fnrnam. U Mini HANDSOME American lady, without ktth or kin nnd worth $45,000, wants sincere, honest husband. Address Lowe, 201 Clin ton St., Chicago. M 198 6x SOLID Gold Rimless RyeirMes only $3 50 with our parent "Slip Not" i.uanls. $1 00 extra. Eyes oxarr.1r.ed by our specialists fres of charge. Huteson Optical Co., 211 S. 16th, near Farnam. U 342-21 IF THE GIRL who left home In south part of city a week r.go Sunday wishes to save her mother's I'.fo and restore her rnason. must return at once; any informa tion thankfully received. U 212 6 MIDDLE-nged business mnn, very wealthy, sober end reliable., wants pood. Indus trious wife. Address Mr. Andre. 8" Hud son ave., Chicago. U 28 f,x MARRY wealth and beatifv: marriage di rectory free; pay wh,ti m.-irrtcl; entirely new plan: send no monev. ("idress H. A. Horton, Dept. 2V7, Tekonsha, Mich. U-201 fix LARGE sum cash is offered any rrspectn- me man to marry a prettv heiress Dr. Wilson, 109 Central Ave., Minneapolis. U 125 r.x MARRIAGE PAPER; best published; PI psgen ppo seaiea; msnv worm n.coo to $100,000; best bank reference. R. L. Love. Denver, Colo. U 129 6x BEND us 10 cents for a year's subscription to trie western woman and If you like It we will make you our. agent in your county. WeHtern Woman, 609 Brown b'.ock, Omaha, IT 269 6 SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts end moles per manently removed ny electricity : consul tation free end confidential: all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 423 N. Y. Llfo. 1T-204 6x A POOR hut honorshle, well educated man, age zx, would use to nuet lady or means, matrimonially Inclined, who would help me In business; strictly confidential. Ad dress J. R. Parkin, boat 643, Denver. Colo. U-329 Tx IT WILL be a benefit to any of the living children of James and Catherine Riley o? Jersey City (now deceased) if they or any one knowing their whereabouts will com municate the same to Owen Farlev. SriO tth st., Jersey City, N. J. U 3J0 tx READ of your loss In the paper: will yon please come tmcK and start life snewT (jatnanne rc. u sx BOB Your mother Is much worried lest you are 111 or In trouble; she has heard from you but once: If you see this write her a frw lines. Harry. V9tt 7x M1DDLB sg-ed business- man, verv -wealthy, sober and reliable, wants good. Industrious wife. Address Mr. Andre, 86 Hudson nv,, Chicago. TJ-M3 Tx TANAKA, the celebrated Japanese hair food. An InfalllaWe cure for dandruff and falling out hair. Bottle, SO cents, ex press prepaid. The Tanaka Co 10 TTast 14th St., New York. "JS2i tx WAJTTED TO BUY. Drvb-c; bought, sold. Antlqiis Book Con DUUrvo cern, 213 Karbach blk. Tel. 8534. N-6.'9 ID-HAND furniture; high prices. Tel. 803). Chicago Furniture Co. N W0 WANTED, to buy, horse to work on do livery wagon. Addresa J 82, Bee. N--901 Ez WANTED 6.CO0 second-kajod dress J 78, Ilea brick. Aft. Ntft tx WILL BUY vmd-hand delivery vngon. Address J 76, Bee. N-Hi ( WANTED to buy, seoond-hand clothing and shoes: will pay v hat they are worth. Address Wm. Levfia General Delivery, Omaha. N-SS6 Cx WANTED Ohfap Tcr rash, good, first class grocer's ruf 1ruto,-, platform scales, showcases and other necessary store fixtures odiess D 23, Bee N-'JOO 6 WANTED Serond-hand brick Mason steam power elevator; must tie complete state cash price. T. C. McDonald. 2216 J Bt., South Omaha. N 102 fix WANTED, to buy, Id-hand soft clay brick machine, horse or steam power 1'8!9 South 16th. Omaha. N 104 fx WANTED Gasoline engine, from 2'-4 to horse power; send description ana price to Theo. J. Steen, Bt. Paul, Neb. N-M218 s WANTED, to buy. good range of 6 or 8 holes; must be In good condition and standard make. 2616 Farnam. N 174 6 WANTED to buy. 5 or 6-room house; all modern Improvements not necessary; barn and good-sized lot In southern part of the city preferred. Address E 3.Y B-e. N-M'-'K 8x OSTEOPATHY. Johnso.i Institute. 6'.5 N. Y Life bldg. T1( Dr. J. A. Meehan, 515 N. Y. l ife Mdtf. T.1',64. 71K The Hunt Infirmary, MrCague bldg. T. 7.0 DR GRACE DEEGAN. WJ N. Y. Life" ''-' T 2 721 . Fayette Cole, osteopath. 509 Paxton block. -72! DRH. LAIRD LAIRD, 203 Karbach blk. I uuu mu, til uj ti