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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1904)
18 TTIE OMATTA DAILY I1EE: SUNDAY, MARCH fi. 1904. il i l 9 i FOR MI.K-RF.U, EST A Til. HOUSES IX 600 2813-15 Dodge Bt. On three-room I milage and one eight two-story house. Rents I17.BO. New paving. City wster. Good InvMtmtnt. ! $1,400 B. W. cormr axth Ave. and Douglas. '', 1ot 64 x 79. Six-room house. City i water. 12,000 2hol Blnney and two other cottages in rear facing tn Bt. Room tor three or four more housea Nearly an acre rf ground on aouthweat corner of Wh and Blnney. House thoroughly repaired and painted. Present Income $18 per month. Match thla If you ran. 14,600-1515 N. 1,'th HT.rt IMS N. 16th. Kir fit two-story frame and all-room brick. Jot x210. Double front, both streets paved An excellent permanent ln- veatment or home. S,000 2813-16 N. 15th Ave. Two email four- rnom houses. Hnla $14 00 per month. H.400 2767 Cuming. Bin-room cottage, newly painted and repaired. Lot 42x132. t2,6flf 819 4.1d Bt. Nine-room modern houae, alghtlv location. Barn. 13,500 2212 fierce St. Eight-room houae, four Iota. Barn, large old-fashioned house, brick and frame, large grounds. 12,500 2616 Hamilton Bt. Ten-room modern house, except furnace, flrat west of Baptist church, fine lot. I 900 212 fierce at., four-room cottage, newlv painted and repaired. W.00O 1838-40-42 N. 22d at., three houaea, all recently repaired and painted; lot 66x14 feet; Income $408 per annum. Splendid home and Investment for 1 . P. ahopman. $2,0003314 Francis at., neat eight-room houae, modern except furnace, porce lain tub, emth front, on paved atreet, paving paid for; lot 45x33',$. Muat have order to go through, as 1 tenant does not wish to move. N. P. DODGE & CO. 1614 Farnam Bt RE WHEAT LANDS WHEAT LANDS fenlmprnved tracts of western Kansas wheat lands 12 to $4 an acre. Write for Hat Immediately. Fletcher Real Estate Co., 10$ BEE BUILDING, OMAHA, RE-268 A House and Lot For $700 is possibly high, but a nearly new DEPOT WAGON at $20.00 Is cheaper than Dirt. Call and see it. Another one, all-glass sides $75.00 6 Phaetons, each $25 to $60.00 S 2-Seat Carriages $)S to $75.00 A Light Wagonette for 185.00 Fine Coach Gear Trap ...$85.00 Fine Top Stanhope, rubber-tired $90.00 6 Sets Team and Farm Harness. ') 4 Sets Double Buggy Harness 2 Sets Single Express Harness AT COST TO CLOSE. Don't Delay Call Now. Drummond Carriage Co., 18th and Harney Sts. SHIMER & CHASE, Builders of Modern Houses 13,000 S-room entirely modern cottage, south front. West Farnam; elegant home. $2,400 l-room modern cottage; new; near Hanscom park. 11,800 5-room modern cottage; Just com pleted; north. $1.700 t-room cottage, 4Sth and Hamilton. $3,200 S-room modern house; large lot; 40th and Dodge. S1.1C& A-room house and barn; S4tb and Chi cago. $2,600 8-room modern house, 26th and Bris tol; paved. $1.100 6-room cottage, X3d and California. $1.260 e-room cottage, 27th and Capitol ave. BUILDING SITES W. will sell you any of the following lots at the price named or build a house to suit you: 27th and Nicholas $000 , 41st and Seward 400 21st and Ames ave $00 29th and Shirley 7W) 40th and Seward J0 Pther sites West Farnam, Hanscom park, Kountse Place, Military ave., etc. SHIMER & CHASE, (Tel. 2420. 1609 Farnam. RE INVESTMENTS. XARNAM, NEAR 14TH ST., 22X132 FEET, WITH -flTVRY BRICK HTORE, $22,000. BRICK ROW UF HOl'UES, RENTAL $2,600 PER YEAR, PRICE $M0.0UO. THREE 4-8TORY AND BASEMENT BRICK HOC8ES, CI8E IN, $U,000. TWO s-ROOM FRAME HOUSES, REN TAL $640 PER YEAH, $4,600. 7J & 27TH ST., $3,700. 417 DAVENPORT, 76X115, $2,400. 110 NORTH 26TH BT.. $1,000. R W. COR. 13TH AND CA8. $i.5O0. JWFJHT FARNAM DISTRICT. 125X150 FEET, LIES SIGHTLY, CHEAP AT $4,010. JOHN N FRENZER. OPP. OLD P. O. RE 274 ( ACREAGE 1 comer In Patterson Park, $300. J corner In Brook'yne, $300. acre. 43d and U $4u0. Vt acres and buildings on Center near 54th St., $1,000. acres three blocks from motor In Flor ence, $1,000. $3 acre near Dundee car, $1,250. 10 acres near Hensnn ear, $1,700. S acres, Papplo valley, $8(0. $ acres near Hanscom Park. $3,000. Lota, tin.. 30th and Vinton. $500. Lots, One, Bancroft St., $30. Ixrt, Ana, JMh and Webster, $700. IxH. fine. Military ave., $700 David C. Patterson, 1(2$ Farnam. RE-270 A Fine Home for Sale Lot 42x150; on corner, paved St.; cemented sidewalks; special taxes all paid; nice hade trees; fine neighborhood; $ rmi., hardwood finish, fine mantel, modern plumbing; owner has left city. Must sell. Price. $4,800. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO 1st Floor N. Y. Lit. Bldg. Tel. 178L Sole Ageuls. RE M90 I MAN who owns a nice home on 8. 10th St.. lias a chance to buy a hotel at bargain, so he Is willing to reduce the price to $3,800. F. D. Weed. 1524 Douglas. RE Mini 7 118 ACRES. Twelve miles from Omaha; 66 can be culti vated, baWnce fine pasture. Purchaser gels Immediate possession. A bargain at $43.60 per sere WE8TERFIELD HILL, lib First National Bank. KE 968 I BEVEN-room cottsge, modern, 25th and Chicago $1,200; nice home for small family. t . b. 1. M K. 4t T. add., $3uu, monthly payments. Improved farm. $00 acres, near La Platte, barpy county, $46 an acre. X 14. b, 14. West End. worth $1,600; make Her. W. N. NASON. 444 Bee Bldg mn 9U.R-RRAL F.ST ATR. GIBSON & HOWELL CO., REAL ESTATE, 217 South 14th St. Tel. 114. It la our aim to place upon our hooka only desirable property, and we shall be especially careful to advertise only such property its we believe to be bargains at the prices quoted, and we can afford to publish only a small proportion of the bargains. Here nre a few: $6.5uO Within one block of 24th St. car line we have a large corner lot with 2 modern dwelllnga of 8 and 6 rooms and good barn. $5,500 Large aouth and east front grounds In Bemls Bark, with modern houae and good barn, very pretty home. $4,000 8-roorn modern houae, south front, paved atreet, Hatiecom Bark Ilst. $2.600 i -room, new. modern cottage, east front, near loth and Bancroft. $2.26e--7-room, nearly modern, 31st and Ieaven worth. 1 ,100 6-room cottage, full lot, 2 fronts on North 20th St., very cheap. Don't think of buying until you have seen our new Hat. RE 253 6 BARGAINS In Kountxe Place, 10-room modern house, south front, two lots. $4,750; want offer. Three-story brick block, renting for 3 00) per annum, always rented; price, $27,000; building coat $30,000; a bargain. A row three bricks (latsi renting for $9"0 per annum. In good location near 26th and Howard; nonresident owner says eubmlt offer. tine east front lot. Wth and Poppleton ave., on paved street ; $900. Big lot, 62x244 feet, east front on S2d ave., facing Hanscom park; price, $3,750; want offer. GARVIN BROS., Farnam Bt., Com'l Nat'l Bank Bldg. RE 1604 70 ACRES FOR RENT. All good farm land; mike east of Irving-ton; unimproved. $200. GEORGE & CO. RE M908 6 FREE rent and new house. Will build modern houses six rooms. 25th and Blondo sts. Caah payment, balance monthly. Nlca houses and good location. Price $1,960. W. T. Graham, Bee building. RE 921 S RE GLOVER, 1st floor N. erty, farms, ranches. Y. life, city prop Tel. 138. RE 88 WHEN buying or selling; real estate be sure to get a Midland Guarantee and Trust company bonded abstract, 1614 Far nam street, in. tr. uoage, jr., ireaiaem, RE M6X9 IF YOU want to buy, sell or rent a house or a farm; If you have a business for sale or want to buy, call on or write Kenny R. E. Inv. Co., 'Phone 336. 300 Bee Bldg. RE 66 ENGLISH & CO. PAXTON BLOCK. one or the finest s-room modern residences.) in W'Mt F"a rn.m rilntrlrt IS Uto l RE M341 $1,300 WILL BUY a corner lot and good house near 14 th and Lake sts. Thomas Brennan. Room 1, New York Life Bldg. RE 418 FOR SALE 11-room house, modern and In first-class oondltion; large yard and shade trees; 3177 Davenport at. Apply ' H. J. Windsor, 1518 Dodge St. RE M.T76 Williamson Ca.u.'g brag RE 795 WE write all kinds of Insurance. Kenny R. E. & Inv. Co., 'Phone 336. 800 Bee Bldg. RE MG86 $2,4002622 Decatur St., new. well built. 7 room house, modern, piped for furnace, oak floors downstairs. A BARGAIN. D. V. Sholes Co.. Til N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 49. RE-87 ROSEBUD INDIAN RESERVATION ma rs showing In colors lands to be opened to settlement: also the Indian heirship land In Charles Mix county: price Sue. Grimes A Absher. Wagner, 8. D. RE 822 M14 SPECIAL attention given to property placed in our nanus ror rental. Kenny R. E. & Inv. Co.. Phone 836. 3u0 Hee Bldg. TRACTS of land, ranging from 320 to 10.000 acres, at & to f0 per acre, io iraao ror city or town property and small amount of oash. Btate what you have, price, en cumbrance, etc.. and I will write or call and see you. Address L. G. Byerley, 106 Bryant bldg., Kansas city, mo. RE $48 i TH ACRES OF RICH GARDEN LAND. Five-room house, bam and outbuildings about 100 fruit trees and small berries; lust outside city limits, between Center and L streets. For quick sale, $1,750. HARRISON MORTON, 91$ N. T. Life. Tel. $14. RE 9614 IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW MUCH OR HOW LITTLE MONEY YOU HAVE The Union Pad tic Ind Company can In terest you In farm and ranch lands. If you want a township or a county they ran accommodate you. If you want ISO-acre tract or a whole section they can do you good. Only one-tenth down nl i.n vun to nay the balance. Ad dress) Union Pacific Land Agency, 23 South 13th St., Omaha, Neb. RE M96t f A. P- TUKEY & SON.. w nAVr ihrM mutn front lots near I6tb and Lafayette avenue, 60ilbO, high and sightly, for $700 each. 444-446 Board of Trade BMg. KE-963-4 HANDSOME GRAMMERCY PARK We offer choice of 18 of the best lots in this addition st $176 each. On Military r.j.,i- iut outside of iltv limits. Can furnish two or three lots in s bunch If ira PivM street, street car and clt water. ' A. P. TLKEY SON. Board of Trade Bldg. RE-(-e BARGAINS Investors, look here! I have soma mum In Holt county farms and ranches; some for trade. Csll or writ tor Use V. &. Blgnold. Ewl" FOR REST HOI F.. THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse, 11JO-24 N. lth. OfTlce, lbllH Farnam. Tel. 1669-863. D 67g UOIIQPQ'n ell parts of the city. IlUUOLJn. y. Davis Co., 60S Bee The Bldg. L ;i UOI ICCC In all parts of the city. R. C. Peters A Co.. Bee Building. D-6,2 PAYNE-BOSTWICK CO, choice houses. 601-6"$ New York Life Bldg. 'Phone l'Oti. D-73 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van ft Stor age Co., Tel. I486. Office, 171 Webster Bt. D-T4 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker hlk. D-67j FOR RENT, 11-room house, modern and In flrst-claas condition; large yard and shade trrea; 3177 Davenport at. Apply H. J. Windsor, 1518 Dodge St. D-M375 2020 Bl'RT ST., 9 rooms, modern, owner pays water rent. Others. Rlngwalt Bros., Barker block. D M951 t HOUSES FOR RENT. Wlthnell bldg., 15th and Homey, 4 rooms. $10 2604 Burdette St., 7 rooms, modern. $123413" Jackson st, 6 rooms. $123424 Jackson St., 6 rooms. The McConnell house, 2123 Cass St., large 10-room house, with barn and extensive grounds; will be for rent from Juno 1st. Rent, $75 per month. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 FARNAM ST. D-M942 5 FOR RENT, barn, twenty-two stalls, wash rack and electric light. 615 8. 14th st. M935 6x TWO 3-room flats on North 24th St., city water and closet, $8.00 and $1000. Payne, Bostwlck & Co., 601-8 New York Mfe. D 965 R. J. SULL1VAN-323 8. 13th St. 2024 N. 19th St. rooms, city water $16. 1419 N. 22d St. S rooms $10. 1421 N. 22d St. 4 rooms $10. 1811 N. 26th St. 3 rooms, city water $8. D 239 t HOI-SES FOR RENT ISIS N. 18th Bt. 8-r., modern $30. 1057 Park Ave. 10-r., modern $35. 31M Harney 8-r., modern $28. 647 . Ktn Ave. 7-r., modern $18. 710 N. 20th 6-r., modern $30. 712 N. 20th--r.. modern $25. 2010 N. 27th 7-room $16. 1632 N. 21sl St. n rooms JR. THE BYRON REED CO. D M 238 8 2011 SHERMAN ave., 8 rooms, modern. laundry, hardwood flnlah, barn, full lot. good location, $35. Lease of a year or niore. Oeorge Q. Wallace, Brown Block. D M107 8 2928 GRANT ST., 8 rooms, city water, barn, 112. 209 8. 28th ave.. 8 rooms, excellent condi tion, bath, toilet, lavatory, gas, hot and cold water, only $20. 982 N. 25th ave., S rooms, modern except furnace. S'-'O. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st fl. N. Y. L. D VS 6 HOUSES FOR RENT. 9-room house, strictly modern, 2116 Chi cago St. $32.50. 5-room cottage. In rear of 2915 Parker St. $8.00. Two 4-room fiats, 1105 and 1107 N. 19th St. $8 and $12. T. H. Fell & Co., First National Bank bldg. D-215 6x FIVE-ROOM Building. cottage. Enquire fiol Ree D-M180 7x 2-ROOM house. 7 acres, near Gibson; city water, barn: fine for chickens and plgv several small houses In all parts of the city. Chaa. E. Williamson Co., Ground Floor, U. S. National Bank Bldr D-1T1 HOUSES FOR RENT Ht7 8. 19th, 4 rooms, city water only $7. 923 N. 25th, 4 rooms, well and cistern J8. 2722 Hamilton. 5 rooms, city water $12. 2323 S. 18th, t rooms, city water, porceHIn bath, closet, gas, nicely papered $16.50. 2635 Davenport, 9 rooms, strictly ALL MOD ERN. 66 ft. lot, close In onlv $30. 2024 Wirt, choice 10-room. strictly all mod ern houae, two lots; good barn; paved street; juat put in A-l snape o. 9038 8. 18th, 3 rooms, brick, cltf water, cemented cellar, close to 8. O. car $8. 2614 Hamilton, 6 rooms and barn, city water $16. 624 N. 17th, elegant 10-room, strictly all modern house, close In $50. We have a few others. See our list before you move. Payne, Bostwick & Co., 601-$ N. T. Life Bldg. D 229 6 7-ROOM cottage, new porcelain bath, pol ished floors, fine condition, on car line. New brick house, strictly first-class. West Famam district. WM. K. POTTER, 303 BROWN BLK. D 271 tm HAI-.NEY ST., 7 ROOMS. tt. 2303 LEAVENWORTH. 5 ROOMS. 7. 1424 N. 19TH. MODERN BRICK. $26.W. JOHN N. FRENZHR, OPP. OLD P. O. D 273 FOR RENT Strictly modern flat on the second loor or Daviage wing., opposite cltv hall. JOHN W. ROBBIN8. 1802 FARSw ST. FOR RENT New. 8-room cottage, cheap. 1608 Spencer St. x MZ54 x 16-ROOM brick dwelling In south part of city. Just nnisnea; win no reany ror oc cupancy April 1: strictly modern; rent reasonable to right party. BEMI8. PAXTON BLOCK. D-308 6 COME to ns for cheap houses. K"ny R F. and Investment Co.. room rcm w bldg. D 314 12 FOR RENT. -r. house, sll modern barn for 4 horses naved street. MO.on: i& 8. 7Ktn St. 9-r modern brick house, hardwood finish rwOO: 1507 Park ave. Brick flat, east front. 6 rooms, all mod ere : ' en. KENNY T.-RAT, F.ST. TW. CO. ROOM 300 BEE BLDG D 261 MOEY TO I.OAJI CHATTKUs. MONEY Furniture loans, plsno loans, live stock loans, salary loans; quica service; any time: oasy payments; best terms. We can make the loan so you have the option of paying It In one montn, or it you so desire you may pay it In 1. 2. 3, 4, 6. 6 or even more Monthly Install ments, and as fast as you pay the Inter est stops. Our rates are as low as Is to be obtained In the city; we do not charge for papers snd we never deduct Interest In advance, as some do. See us before you borrow. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established 1892), 306 B. 16th St. X-M910 MONEY TOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS LIVE STOCK. SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business confidential. Try us If vou want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 633 Paxton Block, 16th snd Farnam Sts. A. IlK) MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others wltn security; easy paments; largest business In - principal cities. Tolman, room 440. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. X 7i MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried f eople: business cnrnnenuai; lowem raies 14 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X 706 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew elry. horses, cows. etc. C. F. Reed 819 S. 13th. X-207 CHATTEL, salary snd Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., K. s. narxer niocs. a. .vi MONEY to loan on furniture, horses, etc st half usual rates. Dr. Pribbenow. roc-m 216 at 209 S. 15th St.; tel. B2964. X-M427 MONEY You can establish a CREDIT with an old RELIABLE pt" snd secure money when ever you need It. We will advance vou enough money to pav off all your debts so that you will owe It sll 1n one plsce, where you get courteous treatment. Our eav navment rlan has sstonihed peo pie who have previously borrowed of other loan companies, on account or our liberal We'rnak loans on LAPlFt FURNI TURE, PIANO! T.IV" STOCK, etc. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. WASTED TO REST. WANTED To rent or lease for 1 to years, or 7-room modern cottars or flat. T. i. rioriaa. u m. uu au b. u tx miE rii.4sc. E9. Sholes-Armstrong Co., 722 N. T. Ufa Bldg. Tel. 49. Every one of these is a genuine snap and will be ff unc just as rpre- sented. $1,S"0 Ice cream and candy factory and bakery; most complete plant In the western-part of the city. A big money maker for the right miin. Very cheap, t5o Pool hnll with three tables and plate gln.s cigar case, In Nebraska town of 2.IHO. $2 . A a Soda bottling p'ant; established two yewrs; paid $1.2 net last year. $3.ono Up-to-date stock of farm Implements, good eastern Nebraska town; all clean stock; take half cash and good security for balance. $3,nk Hardware store and tlnshop, beet lo cation In Omaha; established 20 years; business of $2,' to $14,000 per year. For sle at !c. on the dollar. $.1,00O Clean and desirable hardware stock In good Thayer county town doing a large business; very desirable location; sell at Invoice. $350 A grocery and bakery within M bWk of atreet car line and one mtlo from post- office; splendid location for baker; grocery stock runs about $150; complete fixtures for both bakery and grocery. This la a snai. 320x136 feet on paved street and street car lino l' miles N. W. of P. O.. has small house, rents for 8.10 per month; room for ten building lots here. Will trade for Ne braska or Iowa form and assume some encumbrance. It we don't advertise what you want write for our trading bulletin It has a very large list. Y-227 6 1 CAN quickly sell for cash without local publicity, your real estate, business or cartneishlii. no matter where located. cenu me lull particulars, price, etc. Ad dress Chan. E. Powell, 19 W. Mohawk Bt., Buffalo. N. Y. Y-M712 Marl3 SHOL.ES - ARMSTRONG CO., business chances and exchanges; write us, TO, .New York l4fe Blag. Tel. 49. I ai TO GET in or out of business call or. Wil liams, room 411, IdcCague building. " Y-52 PUBLIC SALE A creamery building and contenta. vis.: 12 horse-power ooner, 1 couble acting milk pump, 1 single acting water pump, with rteumpipe and nttingb: $ milk and water ttuiks, 1 milk weigher and Babcock tester, and other articles necessary to run a skimming station. March li, 19o4. J. F. Wyvel, Ainsworth, Neb. Y-MS78 9 FOR SALE Newspaper and lob office, res idence; established; nortneast Ne braska. Address E 15, Bee. Y 899 7x AT invoice $450 buys good bakery, restau rant aim lodging business; good Nebraska railroad town; good reason ror selling. Address E 19, Bee. Y M9.13 6 FOR SALE Established manufacturing business In ladle's garments. Modern equipment, machinery, stock, power, etc. Exceptional opportunity to secure a staple, profitable business. $2,5)0.00 .will buy plant and provide working capital. The business will be sold at a great sac rifice on account of disagreement of part ners, call or address w. A. L. Gibbon, receiver, 422 t'iret Nat l Bank, Omaha. Y M9S6 5 ()K SALE Only stock of hardware In a lively ct-ntral Nebraska town; good busi ness: will invoice about 54.500; rent cheap. Box 160, Grtnd Island. Neb. Y 243 6x $1,000.00 salary and share of profits to ca pable business man who can Invest Irom to $5,000 in stock of company and t'ike management of state agency for Jobbing, hardware and mull order busi ness which will pay him from $1,000 to $2,000 annually, besides salary and com missions. Wheeler-Simmons Mercantile Co., 19 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Y 195 6x EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for progres sive orewer or ousiness man to procure part or controlling Interest In paying brewery; not In Cb.lca.go; state amount you will Invest: correspondence confiden tial. Address Brewer, Box 62, Chicago. Y-191 6x ...1.1..... M. , t . I ,,, II... n I ( 1 1 17 . 1 I ir"- braaka for a leading Drug Co. Salary a year. Must five best or refer ences and bonds. Write now for particu lars to Rev. Wm. F. Diehl, Napervllle. III. Y 123 6x $13,000 STOCK of general mdse., consisting or dry (roods, nats. caps, boots, shoes. Uxliee' and Rents' furnlahlna- goods, gro ceries and other staple goods; no clo'h- ir.g: gooa town, on main line H. t M. R. R. In eastern Nebraska; annuel sales. $35,000 cash; a rplendld chance for man to got into a good business; owner wants to retire from active business for 2 or 3 years. Address E 26, Bee. Y 165 6 PATENTS GUARANTEED SUES CO. Address. Bee Building, Omaha, Neb., or 1003 F Street, Washing ton, D. C. Only firm in the United States having a western and Washington office. eena lor references and free patent boek. I FREE 100 lets, to advertise Bdrewater Park, suburb JN. v.; l.rst loo sending stamp given 25x100 feet. Seaside Co., ml Broadway N. Y.. Y 176 6x WE place United States government bonds In escrow to guarantee investments In stocks and bonds; our eastern correspon dents are in poeltlon to sell securities so guaranteed. Central Slates Underwriting and l.uaramee corporation, Tribune bldg., Chicago. x 192 x IS-ROOM HOTEL, good business, well fur nished, reasonable rent, ready for busi ness, a bargain. Address Box 215, Schuy ler, IN eD. X 146 BX EXCEEDED OUR EXPECTATIONS. MAIL ORDER ADVERTISERS. Hfad the Following: New York. February 8, 1904. Rudolph Guenther, City: Dear Sir We find the results from the ad. in the 24 papers as advertised by you far exceeded our expectations, and we are still hearing rrom them. Yours trulv. Chester Mllli ADVERTISE! ADVERTISE! For $10 I will Insert for one time (any davl a 25-word clreslfied adv. In the following metropolitan net or twenty-four papers: Bniton Herald, tndlnar"lla Sentinel, Phtl. No. American, Fhlls. Rwnrd. flyrai'UM Herald, Omaha Bee, Buffalo Courier. Hoehenter II. At rhron.. Providence Telegram, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Pittsburg impatrn, Baltimore Herald. St. Iuia Globe-Dem., Wa.hlnRtna Pnat, Pea Molnea R. A Leader, fteuver Itepubllran, Ban Kran. rhronlcla, Atlanta Conatltution, Chicago Inter Ocean, Mllweukea Free Preaa, Cincinnati Enquirer, Mlnneapolla Trthuna, Patrult r roe rre Kanaaa-city Journal, Give Thla List a Trial. RUDOLPH GUENTHER. Newspaper and Magarlne Advertiser, KG ruiton mi., i-none iin jonn. isew york. Write for Combination Offers; Magazine Lists. Y YOU ARE A CHUMP to waste your spare time ana energy; small outlay starts per manent MAIL ORDER BUSINESS in your own town: successful new system. We furnish catalogues, stationery, advertis ing and carry your stock popular Una muse, beno stump ror catalogue and In structions. Chicago Specialty Co.. ('hi- cago; established 1b85. Y 115 fx MUST dispose of staple, clean stock general merchandise, invoicing alnuit 83, 300. will accept clear land and one-fourth cash. J. D. Hice, Nebraska City, Neb. Y 214 6x CAPITAL SECURED for building electric railways, neveioping mines, promoting manufacturing enterprises or any good business protect; have established clien tele and unlimited facilities for secuiinr forelim and domestic canltal. Paget & Kendig. 78-80 Wall St.. New York. Y-210 x SEND for our free hook, Suggestions to Speculators, describing option trading In wheat; $20 margins loo bu., 2. cents. The Gkborn Grain Co.. Mlnneapolla. Minn. Y-206 6x $10 INVESTED In puts snd calls made $55 this week. Get our booklet, "Small In vestments I.arge I'rofilts. Onen $10 ac count today for next week. Established firm; profit checks weekly. The Horner Commission company, 211 Grand Ave., Mllwuukee, win. 11:13 tx BIG MONEY IN CORN AND WHEAT A $?Q Investment made fur a client of mine $2 tioO In six days Write fur circular and copy of his letter: $10 buys a Pl'T or CALL on K1.011O bushels of wheat or corn: a mowmei.t of 6c makes ym $t0o. Send me $10 or more and take a chance. Now Is the time to buy WHEAT; you can't make your money make money by keep- In It ill your pocket. Stocks. Grain and Cotton traded In on 2c margin, do It Do it now. Write me at once, for I can and will make you money. WILLIAM C SHIELDS. Investment Broker Suite 1101 and 1102 Chemical B d , BU Lout. M.O. X 1 tx BISISE CIIASCKS. THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 312-14-14 BROWN BLOCK. OMAHA. WE WISH TO CALL TOUR ATTEN TION TO: A FARM OF lt ACRES 14, MILES FROM FLORENCE, FINELY IMPROVED FOR $70 PER ACRE. A STOCK OF HARDWARE IN NE BRASKA COV NTT SEAT THAT WILL INVOICE $8,000 TO TftADE FOR GOOD FARM. A STOCK OF OENl.RAL MERCHAN DISE IN GOOD NEBRASKA TOWN TO TRADE FOR FARM. INVOICE $7,000. A BUSINESS FOR $1,000 THAT WILL CLEAR $150 MONTHLY. OUTSIDE WORK AND CONGENIAL. A CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY STORE, LOCATED IN OMAHA, THAT WILL EABILY CLEAR $150 PER MONTH. PRICE $500. A 12-ROOM, ROOMING AND BOARD ING HOUSE IN THE BEST LOCATION IN CITY. PRICE OF FURNITURE $750. A GROCERY STORE THAT IS AN EX CEPTIONALLY GOOD LOCATION. ABOUT $1,600. AND IN ADDITION TO THESE, DRUG STORES. LIVERY BARNS, HARDWARE STOCK. JEWEL RY STORES AND IN FACT EVERY LINE OF BUSINESS. SEE US IF YOU WANT A FARM OR RANCH. WE HAVE A BIG LIST OF BARGAINS. THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 312 BROWN BLOCK. Y PROFITABLE Jewelry stock In Iowa town or l.aon; ugnt competition; invoice i.w"; can readily be reduced to about $1.5o0; terms reasonable. Address E 28, Bee. Y 172 S FOR SALE, drug stock and fixtures. Must be sold at once. Make us an oner, mm N. Y. Life Building. Tel. 3456. Y-245 6 WILL sell cheap, Marconi. Murchle. Tread- well, Kererendum, vixnaga, mi. jenersos. Big Dewey, Book Lovers' Library, New York Grass Valley. H. H. Pottle Co.. 41 Wall Bt.. New York. Y 183 6x FREE, special letter on Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Write for It. W. Bremerman A Bra.. 1 Newark St.. Hoboken. N. J. Get on our mailing list for these let ters. I 1SZ (IX 10-ROOM rooming house; always full of rrood roomers, one or the nest locations n city; H block from postofflce; rent very reasonable. Must leave city at once and will sacrifice. Y 175 6 FOR SALE Photo gallery, with living rooms; north light; a bargnln. For par ticulars address John Rhodes, Shelhv, In. Y 225 6 FOR SALE Meat market, hoarding house and conrecnonery comoinea ror w.hoo, either cash or on time with good banka ble note. This business Is for sale, not for rent. This Includes stock and all. En quire of Julius Schroeder, Gretna, Neb. x INCREASE YOUR INCOME. We will explain how you can do It. Spnd rnr booklet. Mailed free. Highest bank reference. T7. B. SECURITY CO.. INC.. 820 Fourth Ave.. Pittsburg, Pa. YOU can buy an interest In a coal mine on monthly payments: 16 per cent sure; no chance to lose. Address L. D. Kelm, 167 Dearborn St., Chicago. Y 124 6x BEFORE you buy any real estate 5n sny part or the united States, write and tell me what locality you are Intereated In. I guarantee to fulfill your requirements. Free catalogue. William T. Brown, 205 Brown bu:id!ng, Lancaster, Pa. T 'PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS secured or fee returned. ' Send model or sketch for free opinion as to patentability. Bend for Illustrated GUIDE BOOK snd list of inventions wanted; fin est publication Issued for free distribu tion. Contains valuable Information re-eardins- Detents, trade marks and copy- rignts; now to ODtain ana sen inem; iw mechanical movements, etc. Patents se cured bv us advertised free In the Patent Record. Sample copies free. Address Evans, Wllklns h. Co., Registered Attor neys, 603 F St., Washington. D. C. Y MONEY placed with us earns a steady 1.1.. lnAMA TXfwI.A m4amr a.,o booklet, "Modern Speculation." Custo mer, bank and financial references. Mack Commission Co., Mack Block, Milwau kee. Wis. . i I JOHN R. WARDELL. OLD RELIABLE TURF COMMISSION ERS AND TL KF A 1 V lDhno. NEW YORK. NEW ORLEANS. CHICAGO. SAN FRANCISCO. Y-188 6x WANTED Stocks of merchandise, to close out on the premises at loo cents on the dollar: can reduce your stock one hslf In ten days' time: convert it Into cash; fill vour store with actual buvers, bv our peculiar and up-to-date methoda. No auction. Addreaa, for dates, Boton Brokerage Co., Tama, la. Y DO you need money? Do you want an In vestment 7 we can accommonaie you in either; we loan on your personal note, at 8 per cent: solicitors wanted. J. D. Rust t Co., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Y 191 6x CORPORATION controlling business es tablished 1865. desires energetic, expert enced business man. who can furnish un questionable references as to ability and Integrity, to take management branch office. Salary $2,500 per ennum. Address Supt.. Box 636, Madison, Wis. Y 121 fx CAPITAL FURNISHED meritorious enter prises; stocks snd bonds underwritten and sold under guaranty on commission; com panies Incorporated and financed; good patents promoted; bank references: es tRrtshed !0. MacRse A Company. Cine), 41-43 Wall St., New York. Y 181 6x BY APPLYING at once, the right man can secure permanent nosltlon ns local sales manager: salary $150 per month; oppor tunity for advancement : references re oulred. Address National Art Ik Cplendar Company, Drawer 644, Detroit, Mich. Y FOR SALE Blacksmith, horseshoeing cr- rlage shor In largest town Black nil s: established trade; stock alone worth the money. S. T. Dorsev, the Baum Iron Co., ISth snd Harney sts. Y-M2S7 12 FOR SALE OR TRADE for rood land. clean stock or leweir- a-d nx'ures in good town. Address W. W. Pell. Syra cuse. Neb. Y 321 x BRICK YARD WANTED An experienced brick maker with some means 10 put in a yara. iny nai oeen tested and Is first-class. Shipping facil ities good. Address Lock Box 15. Oak dale. Neb. Y Mi2l 13x SPLENDID weekly dividends earned on ac counts of $26 and upward; positively no mining, oil or stock speculation, but a safe and sound business proposition; this is tne cnance or a uretime ror sman in ves tors to earn a regular weekly Income with your principal always at your call; handsome free booklet and references sent upon request. Baldwin A Co., Mall and Express bldg., New York, N. Y. Y-S26 6x FOR SALE, clean, up-to-date stock of hardware and stoves, with tin snop; live town, large territory; nearly an casn falling health. Address Owner. 606 Poplar St., Atlantic, la. Y M325 kx THE Albion Bottling Works at Albion. Neb., are ror sale cheap ror cash; good reasons for selling. Call or write. Harry R. Cannon, Fullerton. Neb. Y M3J3 8 FOR KET FAHMS. 14 ACRES BENSON. CHERRY TREES. JOHN N. FRENZER. Ol'P. OLD P. . 273 I FARM FOR RENT. 17 acres land near old fort year, $100. p r VVPAH 1?24 DOUGI'AS r. U- WUnL, Wt UUUULnj I M-7 c DETECTIVE AGEV 1. Capt. Cormacfc. 517 Karbtvch blk, T1 A-3. FOR SALF. 8UCKLI.A1F.Oi . March Piano Sale Like a whirlwind Is rushing the pianos out. Three extra teams yesterday neces sary to deliver as promised all the STEIN WAY PIANOS. STMGER TIANOS. EMER SON. VOSE SONS. A. B. CHASE, HARD MAN, 8TECK. and SCllMOIJ-ER A MUELLER PIANOS will be sold this month. PRICES LOWEST EVER. Our Bargain Room Is the place to find the snaps the real brilliant, fascinating bargains. One up right $41.00. others at $i.00. $72.00. $96.00, $118.00 up to an EMERSON $190.00, CHICK ERING $148.00, PEASE $137.00. $1.00 a week payments. SQUARE PIANOS $12.00, $18.00, $24.00 to $18.00. Kimball Parlor Grand, oak case, nearly new, $342.00 $5.00 month. Knabe Concert Grand make offer. PIANO PLAYERS Nearly a dozen different kinds at prices way below the ordinary. Take a look In our bargain room. It's a revelation to most lookers. Schmoller & Mueller, Main House and Office, 1313 Farnam St OMAHA, NEB. Factory 131 Farnam. Council Bluffs Store 602 Broadway. Lincoln Store 136 South 11th. Sioux City Store 408 4th St. Q INDIAN goods- and relics. 1119 Fa'nam. y 694 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB BING. Long fir timbers. 8ul Douglas. W 696 100 KINDS of Miners! Water. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q--697 KIMBALL PIANO, slightly used; big bar gain. Call or write Room Bee Bldg. Q 698 HARD cosi stoves, $5 up; furniture cheap. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Q 699 SECOND-HAND Millard and pool tables: billiard tables repaired; large stock cheap bir fixtures, cigar counters. The Bruns-wiek-Balke Collender Co., 407-9 8. 10th. Q-700 160 WATCHES, 75 diamonds, left In pawn, cheap. Diamond Loan Office, 1401 Douglas. Q-M701 SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS These machines have all been thoroughly sverhauled and put In first-class Condition, and are bargains for the money: Yost $10.00 Callgraph , $10.00 No. 6 Bllckensderfer $16.00 No. 2 Remington $20.00 No. 7 Bllckensderfer $25.00 No. 1 Smith Premier $25.00 No. 1 Densmore $50.00 No. 6 Remington $42.60 No. 6 Remington $60.00 No. 6 Remington $50.00 No. 2 Smith Premier $56.00 No. 2 Oliver $45.00 No. 3 Oliver ,..$60.00 No. 1 Oliver ). .$66.00 SECOND-HAND MACHINES. Never such prices for such goods offered before, and If at any time within one year you want to buy a new machine we will take the old one back at exactly what It cost you. Tbe following Is a partial list of what we offer for all this week: Former This Prloe. Week. 1 Domestic t 8.00 $ 4 00 1 Domestic 20 00 10.00 3 Singers, high arm 24.00 12.00 1 Singer, new Improved 30.00 16.00 1 Household .20.00 10.00 1 Union 10.00 6.00 1 White 10.00 8.00 1 White 10.00 6.00 1 Wilcox &. Qlbbs 60.00 20.00 1 New Home 20.00 10.00 1 Singer, tailoring 40.00 20.00 Modern drop-head machines, slightly used, at one-half the regular price. We rent machines at 76o per week, or $2.00 per month. These are modem, up-to-date machines, with all attachments, We sell needles and parts for and repair every sewing machine manufactured. Second-Hand Bicycles Good as New, $.00 'to $15.00. Nebraska Cycle Co., Cor. 15th and Harney Sts. Phone 1663. GEORGE E. MICKEL. Manager. BRANCH OFFICE-12 Omaha. N. 24th, South Q- Ws rent Sewing machines. 78c week. We repair snd sell psrts for every machlntj manufactured Second-hand machines from $5.00 to $10,000. Nebraska Cycle Co.. Phone 1663. Corner 16th and Harneg. STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO , Headquarters for Whips snd Axle Oresse. We make a special of the above and for that reason can frlve you sny kind at eastern prices. J. G. Blessing. 331 N. 2Mb. St., South Omaha, union shop. Q 774 FOR BALE Several scholarships In a first class standard school In Omuha, compris ing complete course In business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Pee office. Q 852 BILLIARD ft pool ta blea 1407 Harney St. Q MB48 Mar 10 FOR SALE cheap, old ink barrels. Apply to the press room of The Bee. Q 343 AUTOMOBILES, new snd second-hsnd. $250 to $4.0n0; writs for catalogue. H. E. Fredrickson. 16th and Dodge. Q Mill ?! -4 SEVERAL hundreds of Incubators snd brooders for sale, practical, well made machines, fit to man any noultry plant. They are all Petalumas snd have proven their worth by years of success. For further Information address E 14, Bee. Sam'l Burns, gas fixtures at cost Q-924 Al FRAME barn. In good condition, for sale, 24x20 feet. I. Haxsrd. 1619 Ohio. Q-947 6x JUMP eest buggv. Simpson make; a bar gain. 1S37 N. 24th St. Store. Q-964-10 SEVERAL hundreds of Incubators and brooders for aale. practical, wel made raehines. fit to man any ooultry pla.nt. Thev are all Petalumas and have proven their worth by years of success. For further Information address E 14. Be. Q- FOR SAU: Fresh Jersey cow snd calf. Telephone L3242. U-M234 7x roH K AI.E MIS4 El.l,AKOt 9. 'OR SA1JC fine Brownell A Co. boiler, 54 Inch rlla. by 16 feet , with 4 3v-hu h mhos Is of the return tubular type and In koo. condition; Is good for 7i lbs., pressuru. In cludes) dead plates, lei-ksta.vs and boiler fronts; one storage tank, 9 ft. 6 In. din. by 10 ft. 7 In. high, made of quarter-Inch m.i 'terlHl, capacity 5,(" gal.; also have assort ment secund-haivl pulleys, cbiti ht s. Iiai ti ers, e4c. If Interested In the aboxe, see us before buying, as we will make attrue tlve prices. Swift and Conipanv, Soulii Omaha. Neb. g Lsy 6 RECOND-H AND bicycles, good ns new. ?. to $15. Nebraska Cycle Co., i,th ami II u -tiry St. J -M235 12 8IX1T machines for sale. Continental Tjjr Store, l;lth and Farnam. Q-MiT7 7x FOR 8ALEHrtck. $7.00 perMr":7thHml O, So. Omaha, y -M.-.m 7x HORSK clipping machines and repairs for all standard makes; we do K lmlluc ami repairing promptly. A. I I ndebuid. 1..16 Dodge St., Omnha. U -31u 6 ALF.SMKS WASTED. $6 DAILY average selling Ideal pump equal. Ir.ers; they, make hardest workir.g pumps work easy; windmills turn In stghieKt wind; fit all pumps; merits ilirtn; fully warranted; exclusive territory. Pump FquaJlxer Co., 'V.aeea, Vlnn. - -2Ui Sx WANTED Experienced salesmen; lighting systems, lamps and mantles; slilptxd 2 weeks trial; good side line; com mission or salary; atate experience. Na tional Stamping & Electric Work:". Chi cago. 196 6x A COMMISSION big enough to produ.e neart lauure ror traveling men whli golden tongues and established routi s Address Side Line, box C63, Cincinnati, '. ltS 6x SPECIALTY traveler for Cutlery side line; state experience, territory and how often covered. Chicago Knife and Shear t'o. 163 fx 8ALE8MEN for Nebrsska; large CM. ,(.,, wholesale house; staple line to general merchants; permanent, right partv; n f rence required. Drawer "8, PtilenKo Ml ENERGETIC traveling salesmen to sell campaign advertising novelty to clothing, dry goods and furnishing roods 1-aile; etLslly sold; big money maker. White Goods Mfg. 'Co., 254 Market. Chicago 151 fix SALESMEN Six vacancies; A-1 men onlv; permanent, with salary to right men. R. Wilson, swVs Mgr., Washington, D C. 149 Rx SALESMAN WANTED Commission con tract with liberal advance: well knon extensively idvertlsed : tapis line. Ad dress E 17. Pee. 14(1 6x WANTED Salesman, good side line for man calling on saloon trnde. Address St. Louis Automatic Funnel Co., 114 Elm St., St. Louis. Mo. 14.1 fix SPECIALTY salesmen, two exceptionally good positions open with large established Cleveland house. Salesmanship, energy and business ability will make position permanent. General mercantile trade; nigh commission -ontract, with $25 weekly advance while traveling. W. E. llodc men & Co., 90 Prospect St., Cleveland, O. 13i f.x TRAVELING salesman to sell all classes retail trade. Business fully established; high priced men Investigate. Box 5'.2. De troit, Mich. 135 Ox ! SALESMAN One only In every elpetrlc! licntwl city, town, village; doubles llsht, lessens expense; outfit complete, 60 cents; pays big: sells at sight. Swarts M'f'ir Co.. 42 Broadway, N. Y. 1S6 6x SALESMEN, side line. Can make 125 to $50 per week handling our up-to-date line of Advertising Fans special and exclusive designs no one else can offer them. Sam ples ready, l'ght and easy to carry. Ap- Bly at once. The Kemper-Thomas Co.. iept. B, Cincinnati, O. 166 Gx SALESMAN wanted to sell Coal Mining Stock which Is sure to double In v.-luc within sixty days; lllvrnl corr.mlsi Ion : "gilt-edge" securities, which ctin be sold everywhere. Address M. S. Greene. 90 Chambers St. New York. 22.1 fix SALESMEN make big monev selling staple article; bought by merchants everywhere; excellent side line: pocket samp'e; write Immediately. E. W. Merck Co., 900 Collins St.. St. Louis. Mo. FOR H KMT STOKES AMI OFFICES. FOR RENT, building suitable for whole sale purposes at 916 Farnarn, 22x90, four storieu and first-class cemented basement, elevator, fire and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary Bee Building Co., riom loo. Bee Building. 1-M507 t STORIES and basement 22x100: 1006 Far- st. Inquire 314 First Nat'l Bank bldg. FOR RENT, three upper stories In fnnr story building at 916 Farnam St., two stories If preferred. Address C. C. H one water. Secy, Room 100 lie bldg I-M9S.1 FOR RENT 4-story and basement build ing. 1515 Dodge St., now occupied by Omaha Carpet. Co. Inquire on premises. 1682 TWO-STORY building. J513 and the second floor 1508-10 Howard. W. H. Bushman I-6S3 DENTIST wanted to share office with a physician with fine quarters In Bee bldg., with well established practice. Address C 21. Bee. 1131 FOR RENT One-half store room, good lo cation on Douglas street. Address D 17, Bee. 1-653 FOR RENT Halls on third floor of the Crounse block, opposite postofflce. suit able for lodge purposes. Arply to Jani tor, room 1. or to 11. 3. Windsor. If;i8 Dodge st. I M!40 (i EARN a better salary and position: study electricity, mechanical engineering, tel egraphy, at home, by corrnspondenee. Thousanda successful. Thomas A. Edi son Indorses Institute. Book "Can I Be come an Electrical Engineer?" mailed free ELECTRICAL ENGINEER INSTI TUTE. New York. l PROMINENT corner offices: ample floor space. First National Bank Building. I " STORE BUILDING FOR, RENT. 1515 DODGE ST. DESIRABLE RETAIL IXICATION. $20000 PER MONTH. Building 22x120 ft., four floors and bna ment; elevator, steam heat; good condi tion. GEORGE & COMPANY. I -M277 12 ".MOSEY TO LOA KEAl, ESTATE. FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bank bldg. Tel1W. PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 937 N. T Llfo. 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls. PaxtonBlock. PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1620 Douglas v- -1 18 WANTED, city loans t-nd warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 FaxnamSt WANTED reel estate loans snd wsrrajils. H.C. Peters A Co.. BwBldj. W-716 B-per cent farm loans. R. C. Patterson. 1IV4 Farnam. W-7W I n.r cent loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 FnrnHin. v W 717 MONEY to loan. Kenney Real Estate and Investment Co., r. 300 Bee Bldg. W 315 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W--37 COME to us for loans. Kenny R E. and Investment Co., room 9i0, lice bldn. W-317 12 WASTED TO HET. RESPONSIBLE party wsnts to rent fur nished house for the summer. Address, J 67. Bee. K KH8 61 YOUNG MAN wsnts board and room In private family: must be close to car line; Slate price. Address J 66, Mee. K-t3'X MAN AND WIFE wsnts to rent suite -if rooms In good neighborhood: must hs within walking distance. Address f 3. Bee K-87rttx WANTED Nice furnished fiat or sml cottage, suitsble for gentleman ard wife. Address E. rare llei Grand K 100 6 IPHOI.STEHINU. GATE CITY, 1706 Bt. Mary's. Tel B :o .T aUii Mil