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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1903)
Till: OMAITA' DAILY BEE! SUNDAY. OCTOBER 23, lJXtt. ro 4i n-REU r.iTTK. D. V. SHOLES CO, TV . X. T. Uf. rvi (""SI By rth st.. I rm. good repair; 1 lota HiJ BARGAIN. tl..Mi ad Ar'ior ... NEB' 4-rm. cottar, wwrr erntlon city water ,er..m-I alnk rrlr-d fur r. rwiii; It fcl feet, 11-s tine ail soioed; r.i-M dawn, ti- enr tii w pr nv r.ia SNAP. 1 tAJM . i-ih4 asie iar st. m a Vv. 1 Hd Hide lorgia 'a rax tw blocke frr-ra end of lini-. (Lo ." N. Sith ', t-storjr, .-room Ixmn, tt ut be sold this week. Want an offer. A. E oornif 41st and Califomt at , larg tout. and lrn. with corner lot. This idwi be dosed out this wek. Look at It a.itd make u. a rn'W'i'W 4.17 C umtiif st, I f'jmi. fin bsih. city waver and gs. Zw.t rash, balance easy. 2.7w, ua Z7lh knd Leavenworth at, fin C- roors ni)mi cot 1k-. larg lot, 7(rxliJt ft, cor-rier. PIG BARGAIN. prfl'a-NMr Slot (in J Marty eta, i rooms, strictly modern, furnace. tl.i.t rnomn, etrtrtljr modern, ! i" new, near .t n and Dtifr 4 K H room, ail modern. well ball. smith froit. paved street, Mar 114 and Chicago sts. t4.7fi Ch'iir West Farnam hart-sin. trimly modem, beautiful location- A PEACH riwuit-flr karr, -room rieus. hot nur hmi, leant brick rw,ented base ment ur.rtec entire hw. v-ry fin plumb- ng, acilm reiiir. well built. cast front ot on Oeorgla are., owner loeving city; will oonelder reasonable projwitiou, fT,( (K The bs arrargd 3-roem Wt Farrier reeideno offered: exceptionally nod repair; elegant brik buwnenl; handsome Interior oak finish: twx cases built Iti; tare lot; good rm.rn; um vaiks a rul amir jua. B aura t a tt; actual a SNAP. DICKINSON HOUSE Southirfwt enrnfr Park Arwiu ard Mann. iiant home; 18 room a modern; fin oak floora In ail rooma; twHutlful parlura, d!nln room and llTrar-: iarc fine barn. ertinc (SKiW: t't eonr Jut: trrtm, ate. Owner leavlna- dty: will ttarrl- fce for quk-i aale. fan he rm any Uiv. f aoid wrvk will lake ULtttt W. This la a aplaodid bargain. VACANT ttfl 0-i?k1 rt.. on boulevard, 1 fetl north of Mn'1-'n. PNAP 0 N for 1Ua feet farttur ocrt m Ca. lust a.t cf Ii.t; lie beautifully and a bic terrain, fceln e'ral to oalr W00.1 for fcif-ft. lo1. A P5AP. . ( TxK ft.. ra(het rorner 3fe1 h and Jarkaoo aia, orpoaite MHiidT"n, Klrk- ndall and OaiLghtr a fiaa bora. Tfcla 1 lcant. tt ttti t atiil A ft. a5tolnl-,r ai.ri-4K.-iJ ft, wtft fruriU m 3th. Dear Jackson. TRADE Dna raaldeaca property Bear lUnncon I'axk, ud bouees and 4 k'ta, in Pouiij Omaha; ail bo4oa and clear, for farm la&d; UBproared or hay- land. ACRES ( tcraa B. W. of city. barria. K 00. IVk arraa. bouaa, barn, well and cistern, near M aad C !.. KM fine. pnoa. I m B. B. f Soulb Onuht North of bam, j Avarr ataXJon, 4-room bouse. ehlrkea house. 4Tood wU. two acres ai- i faiia. v, arra frail. raach, tUM.Uu. REZ3 S N. P. DODGE & CO. 1614 Farnam St. OWTNCl TO THE FACT THAT Ol'R LOCATION 18 SO CENTRAL AND CONVEMKNT, NOT BKINO KKk'K S ARY TO CiJMB STAIRS OR TAKK KLKVATOR. WH HA E A GREAT WANT 1NWVTRJE8 PUB ALL OF PROPI.RTT. IP TOV HAVE AN V RKAL ESTATE KOR P-U-B WRITE V OR TELEPHOKE m. N. P. DODGE cS: CO. 1614 Farnam St RE-X1-S EinHTT ACRES. CTbaioe an .roA anlv seven miles front Oenafaav Matottca. Bssnis. Paxioa block. RJt 7 OMS REAL. ESTATE BAROAJNa. Ark. fkiliunbu Oa 1 JS A and tmbta CaL, Ontario, t A, oraaae rrua and tsipta. CaU B iv. eta Co., Int. In S1 A. adjolnlac: Fail River MUls; suitable for Iowa alia. Cai., Banta Clara Co.. aqna. frnlt and araia raacn. aa ja. sine amiviuw aear KusselL MU A. laad. Calo.. Lenver. 41 A. lmpd. ranch. lleta Island, seal Kw Haven e-r. rea. la, at. Joim a Co., a A- eqpd farm. Chlcasro, bldg- LniTeralty subdir. Cbicaao, s-r. brkk res., Orenahaw BC K. CUoago. Mdg. lot. McAllister Ave. Chicago. I bldg. lota Avondaie stitxiiv. J a-, bntan Co., nn stock farm. 277 A. la., Lkamet ('.., lx A. land. Ksa-Crawford Co. m A. and tmpta KyTPulaskt Co.. W A. and pnpta lid, Cecil Ca, A. and lanpta ilasa, Turner'a Fella, rea and about t A. Mast, Worceater Co., eni". Una, lis) A. tiaa. iihhumhiuiL t r. rea and mound. SostonAHston dlst.. -r. rea and grounds. LurWMviatw. awed rea lot. Xi m Vera Crai. xiravtnoa Tuatlar, Int. tn ealuabla rubber, augar and fruit plan tation. IsiolL, near Traversa City, summer site Vtrm feet en Long Lake. Ulna Polk Co.. 1 A- and taapts. Jlniu. rniluth. decic property. 31 lota. St in,m u,tr iMx Weet End. Mo.. Aloatsotnerr City, s-r bouse and lot. Mont- Powell Co.. 1 tn A. eyl. ranch. EebVIJnonia, lota stb atd K rts. sb.. lwa Co., stack ranch. Lbs) A, . I . hldsvAeld Park. S tUc. VMa K. Kn.ia trnire. fine buudiag pVnt. V, raano nrx, xtiaa. ivi. KeMilng Cientr. -r rea and 1 A. t. T. Clli K. Stwn St-. 4 Uis; I cottages k'. T. 1 L. 1 lota. Rlwerbeiad. JrooaJyn. J Iota Rugby, aid ward. Y- V later ss A. ana impta. Y Ibb. s-r. ra . A. C Iupiin Co.. Vw A. and Impta r W (V. to A. and iaaota rL, burton, near Cleveland, mod. rea. 1 W A. lit, isniw, s-r. res, xtiexier at. n . Wsnte. I r. rea, about A. land. fill I, adleinlns- Jeftninas. Is A. and Impta t.. Iiiioo CI it. lt-r. rea and let. Pa., Reatlr. modem K-r. rea. Spring St. Iltvsbiir. West Park. I bid. Iota ls. Wvomlna Co.. lie A. mineral land. W.a. atartwn Co.. U A. farm; o-ai under. "1a, Po-tare. brik store and ofnee blcg. 'ls . Bnffeio Co . 1" A and lmtta YV. U. OfTRANDK-R. N. A, PI tnl. PWla. Riv-Sa lax FARM AND RANCH. LANDS. Nebraska. Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming. 50c to t2 per acre for ranches. $J to 112 for good farm lands. One-tenth cash. Write for particulars to a A. McALLASTER. Lani Ckm:ii!ssioTiff. I'nkw Pacific R. R. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Rfi- $450 BUYS FINE BEMIS PARK LOT Th'rty -sixth and Hawthorn ave ; paved street , ruxiw, suuia irui.1. a big bar- gaia- CHEAP BL'ILDING LOTS Tweeiy-ctia ana urana ave. en easy versaa rroa av is j aaca. R. H LANDbRYOU, 42 BOARD OF TRADE. TEL. 2151. HE MS ZWWACRE FARM. fine Zn-acr farm, thre mil front fcwath O-naha stcK k ards. good Itupreve reratx f.rm bounced by ilrina water, fenced ai,4 cross f-nced: aplertid local i m ror ireaing aud dairy farm. i, Pax.. tea black. RE T ft SNAP FOR SOMEBODY. Se-arr tract In aorthast Nebraska. 34 mile frem llirsourl river and near Apple k ' t-'.nk L.un. iAI ' rl. v -m.iI- a hulk!:.-!; ttr.tiy aH ''!!, ti.i.hj l.nd. Bd on'y t-t per acre. J It. Itper. li-ia and Harnry eta. o.n.t . hivti. Men- Uoa Oaaaba be wbea wntiug RE Sal V1TW Sve-eoota heu ea ear ft; as fob MLE-iiea mitr. Do you want to buy a nice little home on easy payments? If you do look over the follow ing list of small homes at small prices. We believe we have what you want and will sell it to you right U A rr Jr property. T room, dtf water InntSa. sewer, fulr lot. house in a-aod ondHJoa. Mrwk ar4 a balf to nth etreet car, arord location. Present price ! ruio. A nice little place of t room a. well. ct terT', karn. nice shade, fenced, bouse rn food r-tair. close to South Omaha car. t'noa MKi IS Another a-room eottaa. wnrpnUnt to tfcroih Omaia. city water In yard, tenoed. oa arade. btuee in t"rd repaJr, a-ood yard. wner ark5 l;Ki. Make ua aa t.fler. C A r'"! frroora f'Uff w1!h city water and sewer, sfr.all liera, half l-ock f rm Harr-y tar line, blfh and Jr-. bousa la r,rwt- condition. Ptk tl.S-a. 53i This is a si'tendid bara:lTi. -Toom cattaira. batb, toilet, electric lifrnta, n tat modern except furnace, beautiful yard with all klne of hmbtierr, srlrndid Wition. I 'no te.S. t2h "-room houea with bath, ja, toilet. lavatory, fumace, firm yard, frut lot' Oon. two bknk from car. bouse In ax cellert repair, C.SW. lU-Annilirr 7-room house with larae W. nicely located, r-orcelain bath, toilet, nice conation. A cargrain at ll.v IV A weB built a-rooan houee, sorrelala bath, toilet, laratory. nickel platerf plumb itim. firi eellar, la fart ali tnwiem except tfie furnace, beautiful lot with shale. frtiit trwa. all kinds nf shrublry, paved etreet, one t4oca irota itth bt. car line, i.7t. AVONDALE PARK LOTS. We have several very pretty bull-Una lot. la A vundale Park, lust west of Creiahton colleae, convenient to either the Cumins rtriei or Harney street car l'netv The owner has authorised as to tell tbenj at bargain prices. Com In and set quota tions on these fine luta. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Main Floor New fork Ufa Bulldln-. Tel. VU. RE-CS1-3 GARDES, PRriT POULTRY ACRES. Is acrea. three miles from posiocice. x...mj. acres, los !n, well Itvproved, M.Mi. t acres, close io. fil improved. a.Wl. 2b acres, cl'ic In. Weil improved, (u.twti. l' acre. er Country club. O,&oo. In acres. n ar Dundee. tL.fM. 1 acre In Benson. l,t HKHm, iAATO B1XX K. RS-t77 S FINE HOME. A large, 8 room, modern house and full lot on 20th St Boulevard, near Manderson St The neighbor- hood is eood. It is orTered for sale I for the first time, and will make a fine h t 0(10 G. E. TURK1NGTO.V, 605 Bee Bldg. re at s FARMS 13 acre, eastern part cf Lancaster count v. rc-ad station, very highly Improved, l'i r.fc . r- 1 1, in I , Mr. .rr.,nM -' r-t 1 l M en In irjorale limit a large i-story lu room house, beautiful lawn, shade, orch- id. fruit, good bam aud other outboild lnica: toll acres very rkb corn bind; 75 aorea fine biue grass pasture; an elegant tana; snouM be seen to be aprecwioo. Price, tie per acre, and a bargaia. This larm wui aureiy be auM soon. IV V. SHOLES COM PANT. TeL 4s. QK T. Life. R an s W. H. GATES fflT K. T. Life. Thone 134. I7W 7-rooo housa and lot sOxlSO. 4711 Ham ilton. tl.iwi Small eottaaa at 1CU Spruce, let 4x lit a-ood looatioa. H5 caau. balance 1 per month. ILi&tt g-room two-stonr house, well and cis tern, bam, soil Dorcas. Rents for fl and in rood order. SLWO i-room cottage and lot S3xl4Q, on the I southeast corner iMa ana urace, or can ell the v-room bouse on same aise lot at same nrares. B.J-To s-roora oottaaea close In. on parea street, gooa oraer, resting lor xje ter month. H.7(t New a-room cottage at SS3 N. 17th, ground stixlta. Owner Is very anxioua to sell this and would like to ret an oner. tXTiw T-roora bouse, lot SSxitQ. east front. at one of the best locationa on S. luth at. fluu for Sxxltf. vacant, aouth front on Capi tol are. between 4h end 77th. pt'iOx340 on lind near Burdett. rrri Smx1!7 on Miami east of linbi sewer. MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Why par rent when we can sell you I. t. 4 or p-room bouses and lots at from &K to tl.Sm each en monthly payment", sum as rent. Bemia, Paaton block. hK-w s M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO I $05 DODGE. SPECIAL BARGAINS, For quick sale we offer two eight-room, modem houses, Nos. SJ7-5!9Park ve 75 feet front at for both. Will sell separately. ALSO Fine east front house. No. 522 S. 40th street hard wood finish, hot water heat three mantles, cheap at 56,000. RE M1H0 3 TWO BAROAIXB. Eastern owner says to sell at once north- east rer of J&a aad Woolworth; fine aad aigbtly ligation, full lot, asphalt paved street, rood Bvs-room rot I as a. Any reasooaba oner will be sutmittea. AT 1714 Ctouth atth. Z-etory. -reom bowse. full east front level lot; small payment down, balance montmy. rnce, i,,ti. J. H. BMaKWIX. M7 N. T. LIFE. Phone Xaa. RE-WB NEW fc-rwora stylish cottage, east front lot. oa rraile. treea arpha:t atreet. av Ah. near YUilaa. R. 17. l-ativreon Hlora. IvCrf all & LAKL'S, rancnea wrest and farms In south eastern Nsbraaka. ix yoa want one? Have ou a farm to sell or exchange? Money to loan on good eastern Ne4raa farma Writs Henry C. Smith. Falia Qtl, Neb. HXr-r, a I CAN aell your real estate or euetuesa, no matter a hat kind er w ner located ; seae description: state price. Oeo. N. (Hear, Marshall. Ma RE tTMut for aouth front let en Burt street, near ere gnion t.ouege. ui.uh.GK at COM PA NT. ltlul Famam btreet. RE muz: Zl AUTHORITY aa realty. Parma, ranches. dty properties wasted every w&ere. u cribe our wanta We supply er 41 real estat quK-aiy by new, origin! plaa. U. S. Realty Trust. IM1 broad way. New Yerk. RE FARMS FOR SALE. Fee- Bala. Sn farm of ' acre; four food houaes; barna. etc tan be aivtted or Md a a whole. About l.alf tn rora; bal ance In maaduw and pasture. Iohg tiraa caa b given on deferred p xeesta. Cbaa T. Officer. C B-. Council blwSa la. KI A COZT HOME AT A BARGAIN. For SaW Flve-rwetn cottage, nice yard, gaa ad electric llrt. it aalfr la kitckea. god ctsiern; ta good repair st.d now reeled for t-i. near Ligbteeath sad Bjt dstt streeta Crwne lvtrig city wtai.e t sell aad will be pleased bew tti teoperty to) aageo luterasted Addeeaa T ai, bt. .. As FOR SILB-HEIL FITATK. R. C. PETERS & CO. cRorvn nmR nr.s ptttlpino. CHOICE LOCATIONS TO Bl ILI HOMEl fcxlfA. JWh and Fhtrier streets. T( E.?Ht. xM and Ca Ifornta Thre- lota. fcilS each. 41st ana I'onea streets, east front, f each. Owner wants to make quick enle. Rt 4SX140. 8. W. corner th and Mason streets, paved street, east Iront. ai.i. YOU WILL ECONOMIZE IF IT IS TO PAY FOR ONE OF THE FOI LOWING HOMES. WHICH CAN BE BOUGHT ON VERY EASY TERMS. TiS 4-roora bo us, bam. bufrrhed. city water. Rth and ffeward. li-lx 14s -rocTa house, city water am! gas, sd and California, tot tl.2u. TIB Two bout, en 4 rooms, one S rooms. mt artd N t reels. Kouth Omaha. U. Tis-e-room house, city water .sewer, eras. lAs-barret cistern, rhade and fruit treea, rot fcemLMt. eat front, on 2Sth street, near Vinton. HWi. 11H 4 rooma. all wo4rn, ;?th and Wool- worta street. al.Jiw. rooms and bath, ail modern except furnace, Jth and Wool worth. D-l. K4 h rooma modem except furnace. 11th street, oorta or Leavenworui. j.'M. This la rks to Hlah school, postoffice and tiw business part of city. Bic bar-a-ain at this price and must be seen to ! appreciated. 03 rooms, all modern, poredain bath. new ci?tem. 2Tta and Iavenport. tx.hwi. ITS 7 rooms, modern except furnice. lot lWxi4, east front, on Zta atreet. near Wool worth, nice shade trees. $I.50. Tie 1 rooma, modern, ali la good repair. just spent al-sixf la rpa!nnr teauti fylne the trronnds. iSA and Fopplaton, sooth Znont, oa paved street, Ck. FARM LANDS. Uli 14i acres In FUmore county, rood elpht- roorn bouse, barn 7dtw, ho- boun, cribs, a-ranary, machine shop, wlndmiil, nice orchard and -ro-e, all fenced and cross-fenced, HA per arra 32 acres im in cultivation, bal&nce pasture and hay land, food frame noue, barn, cattle shed and other out buildings, windmill and orchard, near Watertown. In Buffalo county. ti.Ki. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US FOR QUICK SALE, WE HAVE THE BUYERS, VACANT lot. SSX325. on 56th t , near Kt- Marv a are., very desirable. Only tlMu. P peak Quick If von want it. Bemts. Past on SHIMER& CHASE Builders of Modern Houses, Build to suit Ton anywhere, acr kind. Better see vs. plans and specifications nere. Asa atout It. A FEW KtADY BUILT WEST FARNAM 4-r., aU modem; comer HARNtr-4-r.. lao ft. fronts: bm. au m (dim repair; oujer one onerea eoia KolNTZE PLACB PIHTRICT lanre rooma modern, wracUcaily new: a rem: f'wr leavtns city and anxioua to sell a-.wv. itri.iEiv- r , ail on cround noor: a ana borne, aearly sew; must be Bold QUKK U.1UU- HANbCOM PARK r.. brand new. mod ern: everything first claav; Immediate possession; two blocka from car. school ar.a cnurcn t2.2b. AM8-i r.. just finished: bath, closet, bat and cold water; car passes the door, near omucwi; jusi me taing tor small ran' 111 : such house are aot for rent. Take it lor xi.bviu. TV KN1 Y-KIGHTH tnorth) r, partially svaernj xwrBer; cneap ax IJ.20U. BUILDING SITES West Farnam. Leavenworth, doss In Marcy, good one; Grant, aouth front. o u outers. SH1MER AND CHASE M Bee bldg. Realty. "Phone 1441 RE-S7D B- R. BALL Ot N. T. Ufa Phone Sg.MsB.tia 427 S. Zlst av , K-r. mod. house; could take H.a.u or (UXKi.Hw In ataer t. rotten v. at 1., in .i. a ej , m good earn: lot corered In ahade and fruit treea This la aa Ideal home. Will take reasonable payment down aad xtMxuhiy iNirnirDim. ( S41S Corby rL. 4-r. house, full lot i.u-llU N. auth it, J r. bouse, lot x i4o rt. H XI W0 Good t-r, mod. bouse, on Boule- varo. near oon-r at. tl.tHV ss-S.04 N. Uth st- t-r. aousa lot sfixltB laus n. pin sr., gooa i-r. nouse. Ataae me an offer. eiaw.Ob On acr oa X. Kith at-, near MiUer rtrx OK W Two tea-acra lots In Benson, email nouse, n.iA.iK Five acres. Z blocks from 'Beaaott car. 8 acres north and adjoining Ben- HOMES FOR THE PBOPLK. On car line. llfX) to LliO for larre lots near xetn ana rxtrt sts., only w down ana per saonta, liemia, Paaton block. RBSDi S ENGLISH & CO, PAXTON BLOCK. Eight-room modern brick residence, West Farnam district owner's price 4,000; must be sold quick; make offer. RE-Ue- Williamson Co, Rjfc-eal TIMBER! TIMBER! THE best' Investment. Larre or small tracts Referents furnished, writs our wants SIMONS A BE A BOXER. Ashland. Ora Ktt Nib- N7X FOR SALE Six-room cottage; first class shape: fine neighborhood; elegant lot, b x JM. with large natural forest shade trees 1 biock rroaa car line at M a. St it bt borne tit owner, who Is leattng city. In quire at ail Rarbach block. RE 117 2.x LOTS NEAR Z4TH AND ERSKINTE STS Only Z down and lti in monthly pay ments of Za each. Only a few more left en these terms and you will have to step hveiy to get In en the ground floor. Hernia, Pax urn bloc k. RE Z7 ZZ MUST BE SOLD. Owner is leatinc city and Bars ret aa offer en ta2Z tiecrgia Avenue Large lot. Ived street, t a all modem finest of plumbing, a eiMemud hot water healing plant. HENRY F. DAI LEY, Phone FT544, -601 Bee Bldg RE Uk S BARGAINS. Lots near STth and Sprague FO Liois south of Hartacom irk Kv Martha, near Ibih st, taxUa ',t Leavenworth, ttar Mh su. &txLD4. ... Tt Shih near tua.ltig, Zzla 4Ni I-ecatur. betweea Ztth and Sth sts... lata Stierxcan ave, op. Kowntse Place.... boo Chicago, near Zlst sc.. ai'xlZ ft Ifxrj Choke kKa near Browne ! Hafl 11a HOI SES. UTa, FLATS AND STORES IN ALL PARTS or THE C1T1 AT LOW ft i C" V ft. JOHN X. TRENZER. Op. CHd P. O. RE n a RKAL ESTATE BARGAINS, t-room tiouse aad corner lot near Ztth and Laa st. only tl.wst i-ruom cottage and good lot oa BUmey at, H.1JB. t kcuMS aad lot. rant far (349 a Base Lb. THOMAS BRENNAN. So Isth St RE C S t-ROOM modem bouse near All Saint church, boa A Wo i-room r.oiise, sace keta:il'. Z-.'.a. b-mir. Paxten 1 xkW RE to! ZS rom SAI FJ-OR TRADE FOR SMALUEsl PKOPr-.HTY room raodwa koua aad emandid bam; 1st tlllA Apply ewnei. ...a em I mmm v.. FOR P t LP 4t K A L ESTATE. HOUSES FOR SALE GEORGE & CO. 16ol FARNAM ST. $6,500 for No. CO Faik avenue. -room bouse, la ttrn cuss condition. t painted tw coats, new plumbing, lot .oxl' ft.. hvlr. 7 feet at frotiiag on l'atk avenue and feet rrontage weet on na street. pved street, iernanent sidewalks, tm provements slot cost over PX.b: hou now vacant and Immediate possession can 1 given. ... . . $4,000 class conoitioi IOT jno. -t l r. fin siiwi. e room modern house, built onlv two reirs. in first- clasa conoition, lot "xA5 feet, near car line. $2.7o v jot new j-room nouse on near Nicholas street. modem excert ftimace. east front aarhalt paved atreet. on car line, a tin kKatlon. east front a si a tin locallot $2,700 has barn, fix from car line. for No 7447 Fpaulding street, f-rooni cottage, well bui't. all modem except furrsc. has barn, fin shade, full lot, or, a block $ for T-roirm cot'are, two fSS f MbT-ks west of Hich school. iJS J ntodem eacept luroace, as phalt paved $2,2So phalt paved street for o. im n. utn sireei. -roorn cm tax a, modern ex-cet-t furnace, la rood con dition. $2,100 for X, zv-4 St Mary's ve nue, t-rwm cottage. In good malr. modern except fur- tisce and tx location. $1,750 $1,750 iisce and bath, on paved street. In fine location. for Xt. LS1Z Lake rt. Z-room cottar, with city water and sewer, let Kx7Z feet. for No. H4 N S.ih at.. 4 room cottare. with city water, sewer. In first-rlaea condition, on car line. $1,650 No. 143(1 Indiana avenue. room cottar, with city ater. eewer anil batb on pared street, near car line. $1,600 lor No. . nth rt., i- rooni cottar. rty wxter. tn rnA Minitlt:rM . . . . Leavenworth i.eavenworxn street Chi fTAA tor Is"- 7nR Capitol a vent!. J)1.5UU -roc.m house, with dtv water aad sewer. In good repair, lot COxlS feet repair, joe wtu.s $1,250 f: or No. 1M1 X. Wih stret. - room cottar, citv water nd sewer. In rr,ral ootxtl. tlon, good location, lot 13x30 fL RE Ml 47 S H H Homes. S-roonj cottage, rood full lot. Pratt street west of rJth etreei Price lam SIOJ Eurt street, Z-room cottas. lot S5x35 iet- irees ana spnitwry. fLSXt ?7th Ave. close to Lake street. New house. a-rooma. all modern, except furnace. Close to car. ti-Wlfi. Eaav terms Zth Ave.. X blocks from Karnam, S rooma au EDoaern. ,im. LOTS ZT feet on Snh street, south of Farnam east froot. a UlUs above grade. Price it feet on 4Mb street, south of Howard. high and alghtly. east front. For iuitk sale. Price 41. ktfv Poulh front oa Dodge, near ZSth atreet. Prio py.0. ACRES Ten acres south of South Omaha. Only P". Adjoining land held at Uk to tuA per acre. Fifty teres improved land, three mfleg north of street car in Florence. Cheap ursno. Eleven acres southeast cf Posfs dairy. Fin place for garden and fruits. Price tl3 Ter acre. Ten acres adjoining Dundee. Sl&O per arra. xteven ana one-tmra acres or.e-hair miles aouth of R users oa main traveled road. Prio S120 ner acre Ten acres In Benson, with fruit, lltfi per awry. Fin tract of land with new 7-rooro hmis In Benson, high and alghljr. Only Z2.W on terma, . HASTINGS & HEYDEN, au-SU X. T. Life Bldg. RE-4 S t-ROOM moilern house, near Cd awe. and r-aroam at, tt.wa. ziemis, z-axton block. RE H S LOSS LOSS HA VINO met with a sever loss by fire a few days ago, completely destroying the entire f umhtkinga of an elegantly equipped A-room modern arouse and causing constd erabla damage to tua beauiiXui home, th owner Is greatly discouraged and will sell the beautiful east front corner lot Zith ave, aad Francia St.. one block aouth ef Center sc. Z blocks west Hansoom park, with a good Z-etory house, barn costing when new ZLZiKi. good outhouse, most of walks good, shad and fruit trees and shrub bery, greater portion of bouse food, best make of furnace tgood as new;, unharmed by fire or water, water g&a and sewer tapes Intact and e k. porce'ain bath tub, marbl wasbstand and cloeat all right. This property can be made as good a Pew for l"l. H0 to ZLlfKi; will then be worth at least t,". It cost the former owner fT.iaaj. 4Se it oulck do yourseif Justioa. Buy it for SLAM', and you're a to ruinate man. Within t4 of price asked Is ofJ,er. Raira rt. It s jours. Till perfect, with abstract clear. J. K. JOHNSON. X. T. LIFE. phone L-rro. re at s T-POOM modern cottage near Ztth and Farnam eta. nice shade trees, Tt.y. Beoiia. Paatua block. RE-CU Si O. C OL6EN. bouse, lUh Bear CaateUar. city water. ZtKm. 4-room houe near Tth and Center, tvflO. 4-room house, X. Z2d St.. KM. a-room house, th and Burdette. good re pair, p. a-room house, paved street, dty water, barn. H.06&. a-room bouse, city water, 17th near Vin ton. ft.Xl. Z-room 1 rouse, all modem, a bargain, tZ.tng. 7-room Loue, CUfuia Hill, recta for tit, ll.ZiA Z-room house, all modern, almost new, osk finish, paved street, close In, C.4VK1. Stone bu-ldmr. fiats and three cottages, rents for ITi aunually; bargain pnoe. tarn. O. C. OLSEX. 1764 FARNAM ST. RE 228 S REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 43 feet. linh. near Center, trackage. 4 Half lot near Mh and A Kts., S. O 5i ft. east front, aouth of Cass fc ft., near duth and Ames ave 9 Oood lot tn Central lark bt en acre near Capnol, Cheyenne. LunA Fcr lot In Wakeley add l(w Comer on car line In Bfcker Plane. ISO Good south front lot in Baker I'laxe. .. Ia0 M ft. on Boulevard. No. ot Muidvrsoa Oood lots In M)-stic Park 1i Good quarter-section. Keith county 4b acre near Astoria. Ores m H ft. on nh, ntar Ames... Commission to agents. SAMUEL S CURTIS. Receiver. IbuS Harney street. RE-MS 94 THIRTY ACRES XEAR FLORENCE. 4-room bouse, barn, ail fenced, weii cistern. rl cellar, nne J. lace rar gardening, fruit, poultry, etc. Price on'v t'ioe. Bemia Paxtoa Uock. RE Zw FOR SALE Or rent, on 4Kth st. bet. Dodge and Davenport sts.. a-room new nouse, uictlv modern. See owner, Mr. Soren aes, ZAe LuKln bird. RE-UM1 hi ALL. about North Dakota and wnere to buy rread lands cheap; oet-criptive folder and 1st sent free; rejahle representatives wanted. Whitney A Wbceiock. 11 Broad way, Fargo. N. t. RE Jai RANtH and farm tan as tor aal by th Lmoa Pacifle Railroad company. B. A. McAiMsner. land commisaioiKT. Laloa pacific Hoadquartera. Omaha. Neb EXCHANGE WfU trade good large kit near Z?th and Farnam sts. for a choice fe.iw to (10 ..) remdenc la Mat Faraaxa diatrV-t. Be mi a. Paaton bkick. BJ3 Bal k HOUSES aad lota ta all tarts ef atr acre property and farm land The O. P. Darla Co, Room ea, Be bid. RE-dtd FOR SALE, modem houw of T rootna In uir (iZ a. istb. iUb-M8Ss TO TRADE. New C four -room cottage near West Laavecsrorth at, good bars, cbickea Louse, aaU. etc, to trad fur fir acre euiai'i of city limit! either la.provsd r puimpreved. rtenii. raauia tl -a FOR SALK REAL. K'TATG, N. P. DODGE & CO. The following list of hows Were obtained b-v loret insure of mortgage arid present pwnere must sell at once st a very heavy loss. Each prrrty baa been put In good repairs and palMd: ZM S. 11th street; 4-room cottag-e. dty water: lot ZcxlW feet; a neat home con vemeot to railroad fitkWV. tnl X. ITth are; e-ronm modern house and bare; bowse now vacant aad pur chaser caa move right In. l.tJ. Cuming st ; 4-roora cottage: room In front for store building and fiats; eplwn cud opportunity for Investment. $L3.Vt 3E11 and JfnS X. Uth ave : two small cot tages; rents :i; can be ZiC. (fl X. 4Sd st : a-room mod house, sightly KetKn. rootl barn: on ef the list bar gains in Walnut Hill; house will be va cant and purchaw can move right In. f2.r. ilS Hamilton at ; 1 a-room iMrm hmise. floe lot and convenient to car; hows, newly painted and repaired. tijt't 3C O.sriea St.: g-room modem house. splendlcly built for a nouse: we have spent get In putting this house In ex cellent condition and tt is now the beet bargain north of Coming street, $a.f. IV you want a good bouse that will In crease in value T Then look at mi . 1 . la st. and 146 N. Kth at. Two good houses with double fronts- on 1Mb. and 17th rt. Or. house of T room and one brick bouse of rooma. We know of no better place to build some brick flaie oa lth street. Buildin3 Lots. S730. Be feet, north front oa California st. near ZC'th. EW. C feet, east front, on Lew ave, sear Burt at. STOO. East front lot on 77th street. Zd lot north Popple ton; handsome shade trees, ixi. tUM-O. Smith front lot on Farnam St., near tlst; paving paid for. $.. Comer ef Ztth and Jackson, facing new boulevard; splendid lot to mote three houses on. N. P. DODGE & CO 1614 FARNAM STREET. RE-Z57 S DO IT NOW BUY A HOME " rVY t-room modern hova polished oak Doors: east Iront; In heart of West Farnam district: lot fcxlaS. if T riA "-rain modern house, east front. f't'W corner on Georgia ave ; baUk atreets and alley oaved and aaid. f I Cflfl 10-room modern bouse and barn, (jrT,Jvv east front, corner, oa paved streets, all paid; one block from Has acorn park. A fin home for anyone tn need or a large house ft -room modern house, south front, iTT.WU on paved street, near Haoscoa park. $.1 inn w 'room modem house, cor- 1 ner. on paved street, cloae In. 1 1 s 0 e-room oottaga with sewer, water , - - ana gas, close tn. CI (VVi 7-room house and two large w . , w w KitS. BUILDING LOTS Cf rnft th ave,. near Joalya r'i'W mansion: treel paved and sewer, water and gas connections, ail made to lot line. CI CnH fronting upon new botile- PltJW vard and Curtis Turner park. CI oCn iTHxlelt, east front, oa tfth atreet, fl.u'U south f Farnam. r900 ctlj0. W abater aad Zsth eta. rvY smr.149, double frontage, en JOtli Wl" L bonlevard. near Maaderwaw. St OtY east froat corner, aouth of w Hanacom nark. I have ether bargain In every part of , nves iron si.uii e ias ana at ijiv ana upwara. PON"T BUT UNTIL, TOr SEE MT L15T LIST TOUR PROPERTY WITH ME run WL MSl.fcJt JOHN W. ROBBINS 1802 FARNAM STREET re ao zs Pea tUCJTT HOUSES tBtL HOUSES, tnsurahoa Riag-waJt, Barker BlX HOUFS I JJ Parts cf th dty. Th nuuo o. F. iSaria Co, ut fie Blua. 1-K ro MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co, eSc Ulli Farnam. or Tela 4 D Tl rOR RENT, ten-room house, modem, and barn, m West Fan. am diatrirt Wm. K. Potter, Rec, No. ul Br am BIx. D-MC24 FOR RENT, g-reem house. S3 W sol worth Ava, fj per moats; p oases. on glewa Oc tober 17. Aiply te Mai Lai, ear DaUg News office. D MZV7 V. PATNE-BOSTWICK 4k CO, cBoioa beasea. aui-ul New Yark LaI Bldg, 'Pben H'li, D-ej4 KK MOVE pianos. Maggard Van 4k tor age Co, TeL 1414. OOos. ITU Webster st. D-A07 MODERN 3. Zsih. I -room house. war park. 1S D 2 ELEGANT Z-room house; aU modern Im provement. 410 X. 2td st, XV MM Zax SEVERAL good houses. T- to tlS Chria B-rer. 2M and Cuming. 'Phone ZM9. D VI 114 XEW Z-room modem bouse. Intmodlat pisseKion given. J. N. Marsh, 'phon 21IC. 44Z Board of Trad. I IU Z-ROOM hour 4Mu California at, furnace, gaa. bath, near car. 'Phone Black 17L Leavitt. D Mix Sx GOOD t-room modem bou for rent, fur nished, f-St per month. HARRISON d MORTON, tlf-lt N. Y. Lite. TeL Z14. D zui as GOOD, wf rm. a' x -room cottaga 3ZLh. Rent, lit. X. D-Xa FOR RENT 4-room coltage. good repair, water, sewer, gaa. near r7th and Patrick ava; tit. Ernest Sweet, 411 X. T. L. D-H0 S Six-room flat. 3' X. rtth at. D M7 S SEVEN-ROOM modem house, near high echnoL T. G. Kinney, car M. K Smith A Co. DM341 Stx FOR RENT, t-room cottage. IE 4 X. Z7th St. U ZZ4 ZkS PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO. 114 S. ZSnd av.. 12-R, everything raodera. an immense rard. Zoh. 1X5 6. Sind. le-R.. strictly aU modem, -vacant Nov. 1. zte 1X14 Case. -R . city water, bath, closet In- aide. KXau. 1 urnltur la bouse for aal at (4. Mi N. 24th. Z-R . dry water, bath. gaa. etc. on 24th at car Un. arr.aa K N ZMh. splendid Z-R bouwe, aH modern. possiaston nvew at once. kj. Jbt; Davenport st., 4-R, city water, aewer, smelt bam. tlL IC4 S. Kth. 4-R. city water, bath, etc til 58. -l S. lth ava. Z-R- brick, city water, ecly :(!. W bar others. Be our IJat before yew move. PAYNE; BOSTWICK & CO.. 601-3 N. Y. LIFE. d-zu a tT 4 43UI Hamilton at, fiat, t rooma, water In hiicben. newly paprrea. ffiiu S. Ztnb, Z-room fiat, rnoderrr t,a. 5SZ Bpeacer. 4 rooaua. aaodera e cant furnaca. R. C- PrTTERS CO . Ground Floor Be Bldg A new and eteraat Z-raota boos tn West Farnam district, t per month. R. C PETERS A CO D E S CFNTRAU steam, modem 4-room fiat. t N . ZZ4- i M FOB RX NT 4-room cottage. 17th and Webs ler. t 4 tHber for rextt- J H. fsbar- rjeaod, M M. I. Lata Zxtext a ... Dd ta FOR REST HOC KS. FOR RENT rratur t . T rooms tl M Si.t N. 17th ava, roctna. modern. and barn J" CP Tin 8 17ih av.,- two room t(a !( X. Ztth St.. 4 rooma modern IMW d st . near Capitol ava, 4 rooms. modem N. P. DODGE & CO. If. I Farnaa Street. r-7i s IK X. "th. -R . strictly ail mouern. nicely furnihd, onlv Zs). D4 N. -K everything modern, fur nished. MA PAYNE, BOSTWICK CO., 601-J N. Y. LIFE. D 4ft4 3i X. 3TH AVE., t tile large rooma Z1Z. Several two. three, eight and tn-room houaes in good rotwllfes at vry reason able rental. Bemis. Pax ton block D-SPg 3 FOR RENT Asford'g addition, eight-room modem bouse, ZA. nil laki St. 1 Ex FOR RENT, nine-room hous. all aocom- modations; good repair. 1M bo. Zt.-.h st. Can look through at any time. H 1 Wbltney. Tel. LMfe. U MJT4 Zl monjl cottage. Nicholas, In good con oition; dty water msiae. email earn. Water tax Mid by owner: rent Z- g-rown house, D414 South 1 St., small barn. r-ror-eet v In r od condition: rent s. WALTKR BR&EN. 414 KARBACH BIX. u 9m s ICIUEM CHAlCZb WHEN you want to buy. eeJl or exchang cy properry or business quick, see 4 . fx. Johnson, ett X. Y. Life. Y fca FOR SALIC an eld established liquor bust- pes (barre: nouse); gooa traoa. oia liga tion. Owner baa ether Interests. Address P ZS, ivea Y-Maa at FOR SALE Blacksmith shop: firt claa location; wp-to-dat eel of tools; Tor par ticular writ to Mtgnson A Seymour. Fullerloa, Neb. Y MlSt Zx FOR SALE or LEASE, good newppaper and )ob printing business in good t wo ef "( population; easy terms to the right man. Address T 4. care Bee. T Mtfifi S FOR SALE, good grocery and butcher ftx turea, including ic box. Inquire Z74t Far. nam. x FOR SALE Cigar store and pool room; good location; a snap. Address T 1. Bee. T MIS fix 4. St SHARES of gilt -edit mining stock for sale; greet bargain; must sell. Adiirest S 4L care Bee. Y-MSS7 Si FOR SALE, bakery and restaurant doing a wholesale and retail bakery business In one of the best towns in southern Iowa; population i.flOO; good reason for Belling. i-or particulars address Lock Boa RL Chariton, la. Y MM Zux FOR BALE ZS.tWC Uvery stock to Ball: might consider good town property er tSm hardware stock; No. I town and lo cation. Drue stork, abowt tHOO. 4-room hotel: rood town: will take Dart ether property; and ether properties to sell and exchange, v nuj me. Mrnry t braiu. rails tuj'. iveo. sua za FOR SALE Importing and lobbing gtoe PUKinees; I . ts. agency lor a first claaa line of ladie. kid gloves; small capital required; small expense: cood profits esnabllshed business; must sell at one. Aaaresa a u. lie. I i a DOCTOR If yen wish to boy or sell a mod leal practice or procure a partner address. giving particulars. Dr. W. O. "Dyer, Weet- neio. wis. Y tF TOU HAVE MONET and would like to have It EARN MORE MONET, write ua today for partlca'.ars of an Investment that win pay over M0 per cent profit In Z day. MORTON 4k THOMAS, BANK. hi RS. Bourse Bldg, Philadelphia. Pa. LET YOUR MOXET WORK" WHILE YOU SLEEP. ? . EACH ' tltW.GB "Invested tn Cereal Mutual has earned ZE7.3 In 20 weeka Cereal Mutual Th Modem Method of aoeculatian. At era- proftu t per cent per week. Accounts oi tM ana up received. Profits sent Monday or tarn week. Accounts subject to with' arawai oa demand, correspondence so. lie! tea. Writ for Cereal Mutual Booklet. Addrwaa label) 4k Ce, Na. 4 Sherman at Chlcag-o. Y 3t Sx WANTED W are In search ef suitable man to manage the branch office and shipping depot which we are about to epen In Omaha; experience In our line not neoeasary. but we will require someone w bo has a good record and rs a hustler. Salary for the first year H.&J0, (payable mommy i. ana commission on business. Applicant must be able to Invest f? M. which will be held bv us aa security dur ing terra cf employment and returned at the expiration ef contract. In accordance with eur co-operative method of doing business. Address National Oyster i Fisheries Company, Laf LaSalle St.. Chi cago, y-at Sz WTWfQ CDltV ffTrVW t3fi W re. angina 1.000 bushels of grain. tSd t) to gM'.eg margin 10 snare or stock. W execute grain orders of LtiO bushels and upward, and stock order of 19 share and upward. Snd for eur booklet on tculation and market "Tetter. maTled free. Flower A Co.. board members, 35Z SO LaSalle Bt, Opp. Board of Trade, Chicago, UL Y SK2i FOR SALE A Xe. 1 rood pa ing bottling worse, good established trade: will aell cheap for cash; good reason for selling; If sold must go at once. Address Fuller ton Cigar Factory. Fuller ton. Neb. T 306 a OUR NEXT OUARTERLT DIVIDENDS. PAYABLE NOV. IgT. will far exceed any of th quarterly pay ments made by us during the past three years, which hav averaged 30 per cent on th capital Invested. In addition to these extra quarterly dividends our In vestors hat received every week our reg ular dividend of 4 per cent, Let ua explain to you tb plan of Invest ment which haa enabled ua to make bucq hsndsome returns THE METROPOLITAN ASSURANCE AS SOCIATION, I noorjKw-Ated . Xd Broadway, New York Citv Y-S z THE opportunities offered Investor with fifty doiiar or more by the btook. and Prevision company of Detroit, Mich, are the beat attainable; an established comoany controlled by bumneea men and condw'ted on business prtncinlea, your in vestment always beinr subject to your demand aad earning for you a regular weekly Income: write for particular. Stork. Grain A Provision Ce , Buhl Biock, Detroit, Mich. T 361 Ztx START a business ef your own with little or no capital; our book Businese Oppor tunities ' tells all about It: eend for it at once; descri;tive circular free. Metro politan Supply and Novelty Co, K ansae City. Kan, T-3f,7 a BUSINESS BARGAINS Valuable siai property, claims 11 A . In Oxark Mta Ark : excellent lnvestment. ValuaM euid n!n and Id A, near Newell. Meckleeibura- Ce, N. C Z10 ' Sawmill, gen'l nsdae. store and 27 A. farm. Russeirs Ldg.. pnsraev , Hiss.. 'i . Restaursat bus, stock, fixt . Ottswa. Kaa. Hotel property, ftirriinr. CrKridg, IU. r. hotel. La Grange. Mo . t7.Sott. TMill property. 17 a, near Orange. Mass. iJiigry Man mry. ana planing mi'i. utter Lake ich : fine investment. Zi t-w. Furnished betet 4 lets. Lss Aalmaa Cal. Bicyci aad aulemobil bua, stuck tool! aad flxl. Newburvport. Ma, 44 4 Farm implement rrfr. bua. bldg. and tools, Aurara. X C, tl tt Tea and coffee bua. Waco. Tex, ZTTA. bl-ukaraith. woodworking bu, Pa!ymra. Neb. Drag bua stock flxL. Southern Fine. X. C. Pat. on lmed. draw and skirt drifter. Co olete custom shoe bus, San Francisco, I7e W. M. OSTRANDER. X. A. BUXJ Prn. Y-SK S.M. HAVE yow ever bwt aaeaey speciiUting? If a w reoover It fr eu Write before laveetlna yeair mae-ev. W know tK faker. Iariaes' protective Im HZ La Ba:! t Chicago. 111. Y 1 Ki 1 I OO TO THUNDER mo nuts I a for gold: eur cosaeanv ha It: Y a ua: erespectMs free; sHNck cheap R H Hisbea, 0rmi-i4 lar -4, bt- P44, Uiaa. , Zta BiiiKg tntAacKt. rrn cfvt fxtra t pfr cf.nt n K (1 vt i:tha fih ctsr t FF-R CENT EXTRA 9 Pi.R CbJsT On tcolr L JK. w paid all our Investor a quarterly dividend of P per cent on ail nwirr Invested with us. In addition to th reg-uler Z per cent weekly dividend which I forwarded to all lrvaator en dndav cf each week. This extra quarterly dividend has varied In amount aocordirg- t th result attained by ua la our entrrria but It lias always bea substantial snd w-e never pad a quarter without th taymenl cf an extra dividend. For verification ef these atatanvwite we cm refer you to many rcomtneat and satisfied Investors all over the country wbe have given us permission to wse their names aa reference, which 1 enclosed with our prospectus . vi-artfrlt rmrrvTf patt. QUARTERLY PinMNM PAID. OI ARTKRLV rlVTPKVrS PAID. FOR THK yi ARTER ENDLNO JI LT Tu ic 7. lucent FOR THE QI ART:R ENt'lNO tX-TOBKR L I!1: llWi pwr cwex FOR THE OUARTER EXPIXO J ANl'ARY 1. 1 ...lrwaBt FOR THE tiUARTER ENDINO APRIL 1. 15 C4 per cent FOR THE QUARTER ENDING Il Li 1. ! si per cwnx FOR THE QUARTER 'NOW rxPF.1'1 04.1XU KK I, 1)... per ce-nx W have nver contntd ourselves with paying th reg-ular Z per cent weekly dividends, but have always striven for belter resa't. Our aim l to py Investor the full earning on th money Invested by them, as the above statement will show, and our en1-rrrie Is such a wonderful and growing success that w are confld'Tit thit th next auarteriy divi dend, pavabie January 1. lw. w-ill rvach much hirher than th present dltidend 5u.t paid. Full particulars and beautifully lllurtratad book mailed upon apo'iTton THE C. E. RAND COM PANT, tB BROADWAT. NEW TORK CTTT." 1 G S WHEAT Is. w think, th best Investment on the list; Z!0.W margins I SXi bu. Z cent: send for free book. Facts and Firures, xpltnlng option trading The tfbom Grain Co. 17 Chamber Com mere. Minn-, apolt. Minn., members Chamber Com merce. Y ZZS Sox A REGULAR INCOME OT ARAXTKED. Z to 7 per ent wV1y on invest merits ef t3 and trpward: principal returned oa oe mand: endorsed bv hundreds of bona fid investors: positively no mining, oil. stock or betting system, but a sound buin proposltlrm: unquestionable reference; rw.oon rating; write for free booklet. John R Pearson A Co.. Phot well Bldg., 6.Mh st. and Washington ave, Y Zl Ztx WE SECURE charters and capital for oor- poratior.s, underwrite and sua rente stocks tend bonds. International Bonitng Co.. Plttabnrg. Pa. T XJ4 Six . FOP. SALE, hard war and Implement bus-' Iners In central Nebraska town, uoubia front store build'r.g. Best business of tta kind In tb oount ; fine otportun1ty for the light man. Annual sales $.W ta tSu.goa. Value ef stock biut tM"- 0 be reduced. Address T . Be. Y-iSZ Sz . I CAN SELL TOUR LVSfNESS. no matter where It Is or wnat it ic worm; sen o aeriptJon, state price aad learn how. Office nd special repreeentatlrea In tt cities. W. M. OSTRANDER, Horn Ofac 1U X. A. Bldg, Philadelphia PRO"EX BT V. 8. MINT RECEIPTS thst this company produoed over Mb. 003 gold , bullion from ots year a developmant work on on claim. It paid over a.0i la dividends last year. Tb Nevada Key stone Mining Co. owns seven additional claims and it Is for th purpose of puh. Ing development work on these that a limited amcunt ef stock la offered for as la Such development work si baa been dsn on th seven claim has demonstrated that tbev are richer than the developed claim, the Keystone." which giva th nam to the whole group. Ten per cent par annum In eirtfienda en your Invest ment Is certain because of the earning power of the developed mine, with a msrTU&oent opportunity ef Increasing th value of your bold in en by th develop ment of th seven additional claims. Tb company courts th closest Investigation ef both large and email capital Dun and Bradstreet mercantile agencies hav 1 telHrent report on th company. High eat bank references. Wa recommend thii aa a rar opportunity for a safe and re munerative investment Write at one . for booklet containing facsimile of IT. 8. mint receipts and "what other have to ear." laded Iaveetment Company. SL Louis, Mo. T INVEST aora money tn Olnser.g rarms; coming great Industry, where your money will double: absolutely aaf; book and special Inducement on application. Ad dress Ginseng Farms, Boa A, Rea Mill. X. T. V CASH for your real estate or business re matter where located. If you desire a auick aale. sand us description and price. North western Busmees Agency, Bank ef Commerce Bldg, Minneapolis. Minn, AUTOMATIC machine will revotuttonts Important Industry: control Iowa Neb. Iowa take mv Urn and capitaL Sell Xeb. Investigate. Address T Zf. Be. Y 211 Kx DOUBLE YOUR INCOME Do you earn ZlflO per month? W pan dtmW It with a t Investment. Larger amount In proportion. Oldest and lt known corporation la our Una Caplullaed for two. two. NUonl Bank reference. Writ ii STAR CRESCENT CO, - XX La Sail St, Chtcara Y Zli Sx 15 Per Cent Weekly You can handle your own money and real ise an average income at th above rat: eend for eur free booklet, which explains our method In full. GEORGE T. REYNOLDS A CO, M Broadway. New York City. r sa z.x J. H. JOHNSON REAL. ESTATE BUSINESS CHAXCES. HAS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE: General merchandise, for city property or land Grocery stocks, ret to .wv; cms wow property. Drug slocks, tUM to tCOOO; cash and good land. Hardware Biock. Zt to K.OOO; cash and good property. Implement buainess and property, tLZOA, for rood improved farm. EltK-trie light planu t.M0; fr good laad. Flour mill and property. fs.WSi; for good farm. ... Coal and feed plant. C.(W: for gvtd land. ROOMING HOUSE SNAP'S. Well furxushtd. 3 rooms. t3M: I rooms. te: Z rooms, : 10 room. ZW: many other different wars and pricea Ail fin loo tlona. Now I th time to local for money-making during th fall and Winter. Com quick if you want one. HOTEL FURNITURE. For Bate, reasonable, modem 3-room. (3 bouse. Monona county. Iowa: W room. Shelby county. Iowa; K rootna Adam count r. Nebraska. The are gilt-edged propuei lions, y. in w n v If you have anything leritimat to seil er exchance. send full prucuir. Bay what y m want and I'll hut-tie up a deal oulckly. J. H. JOHNSON. 4S N. 1. 1-1 r tt- Y 4t 2 - FIRST-CLASS furniture and leasehold of good -rotm rooming nouse. iocs tea very close in. for sale at only 14T:; this la a real bargain. See Payne. Boetwick A Co, agenta, -l'Z X. Y. Life. Y-Zit S PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS SECURED OR FEE RETURN ED. Send model or eketch for Free opinion as to tatentabiliiy. Send for Il lustrated GUIDE BOOkC and list ef tn veiilions wanted, finest pebtictta hwued for free d.sint.utum. Cociraius valuati Informatioo regarding iaienis. trade marks and ropyrighta; hoe t ebtain atid sell them; l'W mechanical movement, etc. patents secured by us advertised free In the PAYENT RE-OORD. SAMPLE COPIES FREE Addresa. EVANS. W1LK1NS A CO;, P-egistered Attorney. aU F St, WssWng tun. D. C T Z7Z & GOOD plac fur who shfr.lng taad; rent fee per day. inquire at office of arwtit ef United Suaue bar-k bulling, ruom t'l.arl.a E Wililafuson Cm Y-f-e s TICstET BBOZaXm. CUT RATE railroad ticket everybody. P. H. Phi. bin. la Farnam 'Pho&a I -471 I I 1 Oht Van TORAttZr, tar. Ca, ZaUk, farg Tata, U-X