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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1903)
?. ) Tmf OMAIIA DAILY HEEi BUND AY, OCTOI1ER 23, 1D0.T .1 SPECIAL NOTICES Will aa Ukra aatli IX m. far Ik svealas edttlea t4 atll H M p. aa. ( aawralaa' Md Bandar edlllea. : States. 1 l-3e a ward Srst laeertlea. 8e a ward thereafter. Kotklag takea fee lesa taea S.ta far Ike rat laser tlaa. These tlmtbtatili se rwa eoaseeatlvely. - .Advertisers, ar r ! aaa. real check, raa haa answers t Taa Ree. Mtn aa addresses! will ee delivered aa araaaalatlaa ( taa heal, sir , WASTED SITUATIONS. WANTED, position ns traveling rales man. 27 year's experience In randy busl lieee; references given. K. L. Butts, Cam bridge. Neb A MI95 !5x WANTED Position as credit man and manager; Ave rears New York experi ence. J. Van Cslenbrugge, 45 W. 2d t., N. Y. C. A-M.112 26x WASTED-MALE HELP, Educate for Business, ; Boyles College NEW. YORK LIFE BLDG. BUSINESS, SHORTHAND. TYPEWRIT. 1NU, ENGLISH. DAY AND NIGHT. ItX'DENTS ADMITTED AT ANY TIME. ' Apply fr Catalogue. . B 101 OOD messengers wanted; first-class pay. A. D. T. Co., 218 8. Uth. B so WANTED, flrst-olasa wood turner at once. Good wages. Lincoln Bash, Dong Meg, Co., Lincoln. Neb. fl 3J8 ANTED, for U. a army, able-bodied. nn mauled men, between ages of 21 and 4a, fit liens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habit, whu can apeak, .read and write English. For Information apply to recruiting officer, ltltb and Dodge Cinaha, and Beatrice, Neb. B-M1U WANTED Two agents at once; good sal ary; city work. C V. Adams Co., 16r Howard at. . B-MM WANTED, a newspaper or magaclne so licitor to work the city on a nsw prop coition. Call at Circulation Dept. Omaha Bee. B MeiJ WANTED, first-claas glailers; can give steady employment and good pny to right people. Address B 67, Bee. B M121 ii PERMANENT position to ladles or gentle men In good towns for special work; also munager for branch office, Omaha, wanted Immediately; exceptional oppor tunity; properties or business handled every w' ire quickly. - Southern Guaranty ' Investment company, Sioux City, la. B Ml J 24x fOUNO me i end gins everywhere, copy letters tlome evenings; 10 week; send ad dressed envelope for particulars. Ameri can Mfg. Co., 706 Nicollet, Minneapolis, Minn. b AH67 avx l ant aD, a flrst-class bookkeeper, one wno -s 8 had several veara' exnerlenre in a lk. A good sulary will be paid to we rigrt man. Aaaress r in, Bee timet. B-17S 26 R' ANTED, men everywhere, good pay, to (IlKtriaute circulars, adv. matter, tack s'gns, etc.; no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau. Chicago. B Mlbl 26x WANTED, IS boys. Apply Mr. Hall, Peo ples1 fitore. B-M19S 26 ETKCTIVES Every locality; good salary: experience unnecessary. International Detective Agsncy, Milwaukee, Wis. B-2-U 2Sx WK will pay any man 186 per month and all traveling expenses such as horse hire, railroad fare, hctel bills, etc., to take Orders for the mrntmmt nnrl-alt house In the world. Your salary will be guaranteed and paid to you weekly If .ra,cIroU Auuress n. v. v,urry. uepi. b&z, Chicago, III. 8 244 25jt rpu could sell old line life Insurance If you knsw how We teach the art free at charge and pay you for your time. De alrable contract awaiting special and general agents. Addreas T 16, Bee. B 304 26 MANAGER wanted In every larre count Oame o Skill" nickel slot machine for Srin.k !"l c's"ra or money; takes place of forbidden slot machines; strictly lawful every waere: rented or sold on easy pay ments; 0,Xlo now In use.., Cunningham Furniture Co., Dept. 85, Chicago. II'. tj-ms jsx n n i r.Lf-wien to learn barber trade. Our fall offer Includes many advantages. Our course consists of steadv nrartioe hv f r-- .shaving and hair cutting. Careful Instruc tions ad demonstrations given. Few weeks completes. Cull or write. Jioler oaiucr v.oiiege. l uouglaa St. , B-T-M271 Dftx fTAJCTEp-Coupon letter N of Malt Vita oK"' ui iv. umut n. R-275 55x fc'ANTED Solicitors, salesmen and others r 5L.'" " lo "1BKe an income, 12,000 to j l),rxio during the coming year are re quested to write to us. We want only live people who appreciate a new and at tractive proposition that has more good talking points In It than anything ever berure offered to t'-'e public. We have agents who are making from $100 to $600 Pr week. Their names and addresses win ie lumisnea on application. The en terprise Is backed bv some of tlia mmi prominent business men and capitalists In America, and offers its representatives re Brannimi, niessani ana prontable em pioyment. Write for particulars. Orizaba nuvoer j-inni&iion Co., Zl Dearborn St. f-hicago, in.; SO East 14th St. New York, ' . n Six IALESM EN Side line men Immediately up-to-date men only; best and most re mtue proposition this year; rll trade now on. The Floyd Compaj..1. Detroit, BAN WANTED Money earned at home gliding tickets; good work, good pay; fur particulars arna stampen ajaresxed en vlope. L. J. Noel. 12 W. ljth St., New orx. B-254 26x Mf.N wanted to distribute aa.r.i, clrcu litra tack slans. eto. We hlr Viirii.n . i 4 . .. i 1 i . .. . . e nent occupation. Atox. South Whitley, 1 1 1 1 1 1 v A POSITfON IS OPEN Do you know where It Is? We do. ave upenlngs for high grade men of iR tlnds Executive. Teclinlcal and Clerical aying irom w.txiq to iiu.uou a year. Writ or pian and booklet. ufflcea In twelve nuea HAPOOOD8 (Incorporated! I Suite 62, Monadnock Building. Chicago. B- IHORTIIAND In 30 days: Boyd's Svllablc no riiiea lines: no snsaing; nothing to oonruse; only s ensracters; easily read: study by mall; circulars, testimonials and nrat lesson., covering ons-rourth th course, for two 2-cent stamps. Chlcag orresponopnee cnois. incorporated, I National life Bldg.. Chicago. 111. Ii REfREBENTATIVEB wanted In every lo callty, not a aet-rlch-iulrk scheme: a and upwards per dav easily made from start, while estauuaning a prontable ant permanent business. - We have manufac tuivd and n-jnaied tnts nc article alon here since 1V4 and this Is the first II m Ii have placed It In ti e bands of aontatlvee. ' Sample with full particulars mailed to sny address on receipt of 26 rents. Wilieon Bros., Z221 pine St., San rTsncisco, lai. ts JOVKKNMt.M' positions ran be secure through civil service examinations. Full Information and questions by the government free. Columbian t orresrond ence college, asniugion. u. u. . n d EN Work for ua at home a few hours day, tit per week: muat have small space la cellar, yard, barn or attic: no outfit to buy and no ranvaistna-. Addreaaed vHone fur contract. Lulled Product Co, 2ol B way, N- .Y. . B-;M Sx 600 FOR $1 Agents wsnted everywhere for mat popular ana clie-p-st Insurance eve offered; new plan: oil re'l'lile compsnv; death bsneflt. weekly lndeirlty, free medical sttendance. many other oriklnal aid popular fsutures; 81 a year pats for 8"J lueurance. otber.iDiounts In propir tion; tiollclrs Issued to sillier sex witheut rested to natlonsHty. color or vcup'lon; all c'alms promptlv. srd llberllv settle'': Insurance rt. exclusive terri tory and literal contract with full re iieeal roniailssions to capable agents; eg rei.iu nal onportucltlra to obtain sol co" trol of gjod terrlto-y by apfvlylur l-me'll-ately. lnirrriatlouai Coaii'auy, XU Pr' sd ?. Kw Yuik. B-Ci -x i WANTED Tourg woman of good address to sell rmiiUAKU LECTURriS; vary position. Call 18 to 2, 6.U Pan ton block. B SU to WANTED, to know If you will dlatritute edvectlHing matter; reliable apeuialty company; $16 weekly and expenses. Tri umph Co., Dallas. Tx. B MA& tlx 4- WANTED- Flrst-class drug clerk; food wsges to good man. Sherman ft MfC'nn nell Drug Co. B J 26 YOUNG MAN wanted In office of mum facttirlng company. Must le quirk at figures and good penman. High school graduate preferred. Address T 28. He. B 4n0 27 WANTED, first clnsa hat man; also n first class furnishing (to Is man: good wages to the right fellowa. Apply by loiter at once. Address T 30 Ree. X B 408 25 WANTED, first-class "ad" solicitor. Must be husUer; good salary. Call for Mod Jeska at 610 So. 15th. at., a. m.. Mon day. B-S95 3 WANTED Veterinary surgeon to locate In Usmond; on who speaks tiermsn pre ferred; good opening for rood man. Ad dress J. F. Green, Osmond, Neb. B Wa S WASTED- SALEbMEN. SALESMEN moke. 600 per cent commission selling 'Novelty Bign taras;" mercnanis buy 10 to 100 on sight, 8"0 varieties. Cata logue free. Sullivan Co., 1139 Maplewood ave., Chicago, 111. 276 20 x WE paid ona salesman this year from Jan uary to July, ii,tw commission ror awn ing Weir white lead aa aide line. Write for our proposition. D. T. Weir White Lead Co., BL Louis, Mo. 246 26x SALESMEN New aldo line; sells to every business, sample case free, commission 26 per oenL Company established 1723. Address L. N. Co., 78 East 126th St., New York. -266 26x TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska; no technical knowledge, but active ana un round hustler; established, well rated house. Box 624, Detroit, Mich. 278 Sax SALESMEN for white lead. Commission Eald weekly; good man can make from '0.00 to 1100.00 oer week: fine side line. Merchants White Lead Co., St. Louis, Mo. SALESMEN Side line; small sample; standard article: liberal commission. Trojan Mfg. Co., W .. V, South Ber , inu. oi Aa SALESMEN wanted to flit vacancies; two first-class traveling grocery specialty sslesmen; well known house: trade wej established; permanent employment; men worth good salaries; write, giving age, experience and references: personal Inter view lr satisfactory. Aaarau x . rare Bee. 1 -259 25x SALESMEN WO. 00 a month and expenses: Immediate and permanent; no tnnwa tyeq PPiy; we mean Business, rim nuuii Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. 2M 26x GOOD salesmen can make big wages sell ing our shoe polishes and dressings; nov elties alio manufactured. Write for term. Cleveland Toy & MTg Co.. Cleve land, O. 328 36x WANTED At ance, experienced traveling salesman for Nebraska. We want a salesmen, none other need apply. Address Drawer 8., Chicago. 8i!7 26x WANTED, 8 flrst-class specialty salesmen for holiday sraae. position permanent u results satisfactory. Liberal guarantee and commission. State experience and give references. Address Wm. R. Jones, Sales Mgr., 816 Dearborn St., Chicago. 240-25X CIOAR salesman wanted. Cigar salesman In your locality for city ana country trade; experience unnecessary; $60 per month and expenses; Inclose stamp for particulars. Pioneer Cigar Co., Dept. 74, Toledo, O. 232 26x WE must have more salesmen at onoe. Geo. A. Baker & Co., Bourn uena, ina. WANTED Salesman; t0 monthly and ex penses; permanent, perry Nursery co., Rochester. N. Y. CIGAR salesman wanted; experience un necessary; gooa pay. tmnnuei vp., oia- tlon J, New Y fork. CAPABLE salesman to cover Neb. with staple line; high commissions with ad vance of 8100.00 monthly; permanent po sition to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit; Mich. -200 25x TRAVELING SALESMAN for Illinois, cen tral and southern lowa ana eastern Me brarka. thoroughly posted In stationery and fancy goods line, with established trade. Address T 2a, Bee. 848 27 WASTED FEMALK HELP. 100 Girls. Call Canadian office. 16th as Dodge. c (KM WANTED, flrst-class ladles' tailor. Max C-MaM Morris, im rarnam. WANTED, girl for general house, work. i I a. r C3 ! I B-a avl aet l 111 eaViU' BaUlVStsalg V 4 W l fOL II bV& C M484 GIRL .for general housework; 688 Park ava. MiUB tUX WANTED An Al lady solicitor; good sal ary to ngnt party; o commission. Ad dress T 8, Bee office. C 188 YOUNG girl to assist at general house work. Inquire 137 B. 25th St. C M154 2A WANTED, lady to keen books and do ten eral omce work; wouia prerer one with some experience. Aoaress 1 si, uoe. C 403 25x WANTED, competent girl for, general nouaewora: reierences requirea.. tug b. 87th St. C-204 86 WANTED, a girl for general housework. Apply iu ts. ma at., urnana, ineb. C-20S Mx GIRL for general houaework. Mrs. L. R. Llghton, 3646 California Bt. C 211 28 LADIE8 wanted to ropy short letters at nome; . per thousand or -i per hundred, paid weekly; enclose stamp for particu lars. ' parlalan Supply Co., Grand Rapids, .Mien. j aa wi MOI.KR CDl-LEQK, ISO? Douglas St.. wants ladles to learn nairaresalng, manicuring or faciei msnsage. Lat-st methoda, care ful Instructions, free clinic. Four weeks eomplclea .Graduates placed In best ea- tar)iisiments everywhere. Top wages paiu. an ur wnie. M.'iu (JX GO on th. otage. Easy Instructions sent you by mall. Positions secured when competent. Fame and fortune Is now your opportunity. Full information free ny anortwsing lienry Keane, Cbllds build tug, rvew, ora city. u am 26x LADY WANTED Money earned at home gliding tickets; good work, good pay; for particulars send stamped addressed en velope. L. J. Noel. 129 W. 135th St.. New York. C 251 25x LADIES do plain sewing at home. 18 to $16 mid weekly, experience unnecessary, ma ertal sent free everywhere, send stamrwd envelope for riartlculars. Weber M'f'g v.. jioa orueuwsy. rnew sora. C-277 2Sx LADIES havlnr fancy work to sell, dollies, centerpieces. Battenberg and drawn work, evnd stamped envelooe Ladles' Exchanits, M, v, tionrot si., c nicago. u SJA x LADIES to do piecework at their homes we f.irnlsh all materials and pay from 17 io i4 weeaiv; Mirn stampea envelope to Koyei co., 4. K. Monroe St., Chicago. C-831 2CX LAD1FS, coin money; Introduce our good among your friends: active women mak this a permanent and profitable bualneas. Burwash Co., 3 elate at., Chicago. C S18 2Cx LDT:s Ty the New Economy Millinery no b. lain at. c e34 ax I.AL'IES to write letters home; 826 a nun dred. Address envelope 'or particulars Amerlcsn Novelty Co., Dept. 10. South Bend. Ind. C 241 25 1 $31 PER HUNDRED writing letters front oony; "'"itei, eaaresseT envelope I la coin WoleeHle Co., Dept. . " ' ncol Ave.. Chicago. C 2l 25x WANTFD. two ladles to travel advertising era conotine ror music nouse. Baian 8x0 nonlhlv from start and all exDenaes ttady r-rtlon. Address Manager Chap man, ru roniiae mi., t-nicago. C 838 tax WAVTFD LADIE" ti make ladles' rolWrs, neckwssr. l)t!nUr Uce. etc. No ou fit to sell. All material and Instruct I. mi sent jrjpsld. fcxneiienre not rsoulrei Stampeil eovelop lor o&rticulars. t 'ulte ituDuiv It.. U list BC. CUic-, III. V -Wl A Why Walk All A WANT AD WA'VTKD FEMALE HELP. A LADY agent for rapid selling article; sells at sight; big profits' for free ssm- V pie and particulars address Marietta Stanley Co., 41 4th St., Grand Ha ni ls, Mich. C K1 ix A OOOD position awaits every woman who will eel) our beautiful petticoats and solid comfort walking skirts: exclusive terri tory; big profits: no experience necessary; send for catalogues and particulars. Pauls Skirt Co., 1U 'Viaduct, Cleveland, Ohio. WANTED, elderly lady for general house work. Inquire 1025 N. Sid St. C 23) 25x LADY or gentleman, who will work for us at home and has small space In room or cellar to put our goods; 112 per week; goods sent prepaid; absolutely po out fit needed: addressed envelope for Instruc tlotie. Combined Browera Co., 7 Beekman St., New York. C 24 25x WANTED A good cook and general house work girl. 212 N. 22d St. C M3K9 2 AN INDUSTRIOUS GIRL can obtain a complete course of shorthand for $20.00 snd work for board while taking Ad dress T 27. Bee. C 390 25 WANTED. good girl for general house- work. 161J Bo. 3Zd St. C M373 27 WANTED, woman as second cook: t20 per month, honrd snd lodging. Address Com mercial Hotel. McCook. Neb. C M201 25 HELP WASTED. WANTED, a good newspaper solicitor to work R. F. D. on new proposition: good money. Call at 10 Fearl St., Council Bluffs. ' -M9S0 LADIES Try the New Economy Millinery. K4 8. 16th St. 336 25x FOR KENT FIRM SHED ROOMS. O. M E. hauls trunka Telephone 6U. ilfi-814 DEWEY European hotel, l3th and Farnnm. E-"u ROYAL HOTEL, European, 18th at Chicago B tit WARM, furnished room for two, with or without board; modern; 'phone. 2232 Far nam. 10 MU2 25 x NICELY furnished rooms. 1803 Capitol Ave. NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Steam Laundry, 17M Leavenworth. Phone A-17SI. . . E-vlJ AETNA MOUSE, European, 13th & Dodga PLEASANT south front room with private family, for one or two gentlemen. Aa. dress S 36, Bee. E M 741 NICELY furnished room in private family; no use new ana modern, lai'j jones ai. ii Mfio LARGE. LIGHT, AIRY ROOMS. 812.50 and up per month. 76c and up a day. v AT THE DELLONE, 14th sU and Canltol ava Steam heated; elecmo lighted; private and general uatns; ail conveniences; nrsi class service. Eat where you please. ROOM AT THE DELLONE. E-M12JI Nov30x COMMODIOUS, modern, unfurnished room, iso lumisnea room: private family; ref erences. 627 Park ave. E Mljw 26x NICELY furnished rooms; everything new ami moaern; gentlemen preterrea. ibio Webster St. E M337 TWO elegant south front rooms, (modern). best location in the clty Zili Douglas Bt. E 331 26x TWO rooms, 2606 Dodge; gentlemen: refer ences, a 247 ibX TWO r good, rooms; modem. 2580 , " E-M343 tlx Harney. FOR housekeeping, 2201 Douglas. E 845 25 ELEGANT "newly furnished room for gen tleman in private family: an modern: gas, bath, steam heat and telephone; one block from postofMce. 1701 Davenport st. 1 QQ9 OK FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. DESIRABLE ROOMS at The Farnam, 19th nd Farnam sts. M9b4 MODERN, house, nicely furnished rooms; flrst-class table board. N. K. cor. S3d and Burt. F 175 25 LARGE, finely furnished front room, with good board; steam heat. !Ulo f arnam at. - F MU2 itjx TWO rooms, with alcove, on first and F M200 second floor, 212 South 86th. ELEGANT furnlBhed rooms and board, thoroughly modern, In strictly private family, In vicinity of 29th ana Leaveu worth. Address T 14, Omaha Bee. F 2B4 26X FOR RENT Large nicely furnished south room, wun or witnout poara, one diock from car. 1318 8. 31st F-829 25x MODERN ROOMS, well heated, single or ensulte, with board; references. Address T 22, Bee ortlce. . F 846 tax FwR KENT UN" L'RNlill ED ROOMS. TWO or three beautiful modern rooms. newly papered : very ngnt Housekeeping, for parties without children; board if de sired. 14 N. 17th. . G M 816 BINGLW ROOMS in the Withnell Build ing. 15th and Herney 86.00 8 rooms, 710 South lith ave tt.00 N. P. DODGE ft CO., 1614 Farnam street. G M372 27 r'LHMi CHH PACKlftG. Peterson ft Landberg, 116 8. 17th, Tel. L-2368. u S Ort, Uikt-SiOrtES AbU Ua FCa. FOR stniiN X uuiialug suitable tor wools sate purpueea at Him aaruaui, law, luu: siuilM kuu lusti-olMS veuicuicd Uaaoiuaiit, eiuvaioi', me :.u puigiar yiout vault, ot nee couuier and lunulas. ui uud partlcuiais Inquire c. C. Kusewatvi', aou lui i us Bee -ouuuuig Co., tvoui luv, ine building. I Mnvi sOll RjsiNT The building formerly ocuu- 1'ldil by 1 lie ilea at sis ruaui St. ii lias luur stoiioe and a buaeuiuuw, which was tuiuieriy useu by 'i'he Bee press room, 'iuis ul be temed vary reaauuably. if luiei'Mivd apply at ouiue ot C C. ilose wai'jr, secretary, rootu lis) tie building. I iei 1-STORY and basement, 22x100; lUuS Faroam at. inquire lit ust. rai iin jiiug. 1 I AUW FURNISHED private office with use at reception room, telephone ana steno grapher, 4ul Ware Block. l-Ulta FOR BENT, three upper stories In tour. story bulluing at m rainara st.; two stories U pielerred. Addris C. C. Rose water, bc y., Kooin lvu, Bee bldg. I MSM DESK BPACE telephone and Janitor serv ice; neat, ngnt tree; in umitu Diau's National bank building. Call at office of agent of buildlug, ruvtn Si. Charles U. Willlamsoo Co. i H ACKaTS WASTED. WANTED Canvassing; agents In every couuty to solicit suCacripUoas to THai TVaNTlETH C&MIUHI FARMaK. Steady employment wuk asaurad good lu ceuis. Agenis In tha counury wltu horss aiul buagy aspeciaiiy d tailed. Caiivaaavr make easily ou to 81uo per moaia. Ad dress Century Farmer oGuuilore' liureau. iiee building. Omaaa. J 4.4 TO BELL the Climax Drop Light, adjust able to any height; dace away with labia and can be iiiaiaotly attached to chande lier; a money maker. Write the Grove Mfg. Co.. ppiingneld, Ohio. J AGENTS or deputies to represent largest sick, accident and death benefit associa tion la the weet; up-to-date Plan; choice terrtlury; 11 cuntiact to men who can pruduia businewi. American Bauevoloiil iLUv Ulkm, at. Louis, Mgi J Over Town to Find a Position? WILL TELL YOU WHERE TO GO. j AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS WANTED Idiea or gentlemen, for the greatest sucnesa ever known; the "Karnham Gauge Shears" cut with un erring sj-cuiarv straight strips any width, bias folds, rutflee, piping and all fancy figures; any child can oix.Tate; only thor oughly practical Improvement In shears In last century; three styles straight, bent, buttonhole; made for right or lett handed people; patented 1H03; wi.oOO sold In days; three agents sold 96 doxen In Ave days; no such success wss ever known; genuine merit produced It; No. 1 style only tl poKtpald; absolutely guaranteed; exclusive territory, eplemlid terms; ex tensive advertising Insures agents great succeea everywhere; Illustrated circulars and samples of work done sent free. Heed , Manufacturing Co., Pittsburg, I 'a. J-287 26x LADT agents to sell a novelty petticoat; sells at sight; sample free; write at once and secure money-mnking agency. Lln co. Mfg. Co., 72 Leonard St., New York. J-290 2tx AGENTS Newest, fastest selling 80c riov elty; can make tlOiW) per day; no capital required: over 100 per cent profit; winner for holidays. Goodspeed Co., Dept. J. 95 Washington St., Chicago. J 284 26x OTTR pocket outfit starts you selling nat ural diamonds; defy experts; drop every thing; write for outfit. Address Natural Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. J 283 25x AGENT wanted In Omaha for high rrade, elegant package, chewing gum; i agency given right party willing to C -. small stock; very liberal discount, dress Morrison, 216 West 126th 8. . New York. -282 2fx AGENT8 WANTED Sell Rubanit' J button utton iy . In- fasteners: fastens any butt stantly, Securely; 1 package, 1... l.nno fasteners, 81.00. Patent M f g Co . Bt, Louis. J 29- J6x OUR MEN make $3 to $10 a day fttlng glasses. Our 24-page free eye book tells all about It. We establish you In I -'ness for yourself. Jncksonian Optical ,ege (Chartered, 104 Main St., Jackson, Mich, J 2U7 25X MAN cleared $1.1112, lady $920. last 6 months Introducing Ilolladay's Black Marvel Belf-Shlning Shoe Polish; why hot you? Demonstrated samples free, Holladay A Co., 27, 188 N. Monroe St., Chicago. J 279 2Sr AGKNTB makln money selling new auto mutlc luirglar alarm for doors, windows; retails 60c; sjAte managers wanted. Ra mona Co.. 14U WtiSt 23d St., New York.. J 280 26x AGENTS $S a week guaranteed; Auto matic Washers sell thems"'ves; agent wrltee: "Exhibited sample t en women; took ten orders." Time 45 minutes; profit over $50; guaranteed to do a washing in 80 minutes: furnishes Its own power; re quires no labor; costs less th"n any other machine; free sample and e...'Iuslva ter ritory furnished. Automatic Washer Co., Station U, Chicago. J 817 56x STOP runaways; hitch ho-jes solid in stantly; carry In pocket: sight seller; agents wanted. Pocket Hltchlngpost Co., Richmond, litd. J 238 25 x AGENTS, MO tc $50 weekly easily made. We prove this. Luminous nvmeplxtes, numbers, signs readable darkest nljrhts; samrlef free. Right Supply Co., Engle wood. 111. J 234 2ix WE INSURE UP TO 84. Good side line for Insurance ngents. American Life Ins. Co., Box 24. Elkhart, Ind. J- $32 A WEEK salary and all expenses for men with rigs, to introduce poultry com pound. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 64, Par sons. Kan. ' J WANTED Field Supt.; wide-awake man; no selling; established buslnesa; position fermanent. Luke Brothers Co., Interna lonal Nurseries,- Chicago, 111. J WOMEN agents wanted to sell novelties which every woman will buy on sight; steady income of $15 and $-0 per week; vou risk nothinar. Write us today. Nor- cross & Co., -441 Marquette Bldg.. Chicago. J- BEGIN business for yourself; stop Working for otbera We start you in profitable mall-order business at your home. Pleas ant work; Immense profits; unlimited pos- . slbllitlos. Full information for stamp. Franklin-Howard Co., Denver, Colo. J DON'T ba an aeent. Be the boss. We start you in business. Big money. Particulars for stamp. New Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo. J AGENTS WANTED Sell our $1 bottle Sarsaparllla for 35 cents; best seller: 200 per cent profit. Write today for terms and territory. Address F. R. Greene, 69 Dearborn St., Chicago. J JOHN MITCHELL'S book. "Organlxed Labor." Is having a tremendous aale. Good workers are taking Ave to twenty orders dally. Everybody, union and non union, buys. If you are making less than $26 weekly, you should send i5o for outfit andS get your share of the profits. Ad dress American Book and Bible House, Philadelphia. Pa. J 218 i5x WANTED TS) RENT. WANTED 8 or 4 unfurnished treated rooms, bath, central. Mrs, M. Earlcs and daughter, 208 No. lth. K 184 S6x WANTED, to rent or purchase, 6 or 6-room cottage; genteel looatlon. Address T 16, Bee. K-188 36 X WANTED, 8 furnished rooms and board; bed rooms snd a sitting room; for 4 adults; best of references. Address T tl. Bee. -. , K MH13 27s FURNISHED room in private family by lady employed during the day; best of rererences lurnisnea. Auuress i a, rtee K-2rt 26s WANTED, four or five unfurnished rooms, with hest. for light housekeenlne. Ad dresa F 3d, Bee. K 31V) 25x WANTED TO BlI. I will buy . HIDDEN FORTUNE AT 20 CENTS. Bend me your stock. HERBERT L. PHAW, Brown Palace Hotel, Denver, Clorij. N-813 86 A FI RST-CLA 88 jack, fully guaranteed, and low price for -cash. J. C. Rockwell, box 15. Council Bluffs, la. , N-864 26x FURNITURE T-srtpom house for sale; flrst class and cheap. 711 8. 17th st. O MM 2Cx TOR SALE FIR i Tl HE. FULL Una of hard Coal stoves now on sale. Chicago Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodgs Bt. O 242 FOR SALE, t-ft, standing desk. Block 80s Browa U-M448 A FIRST CLASS rotary neostyle mimeo graph machine and space to rent; owser will take rent In mimeograph work. Ad dress T 2, Bee. O 394 25 FOR SALE HORSES. WAUOKS, ETC, MONROE sells pleasure vehicles at 811 N. iin. aU P-4U8 HARRY FROBT'S Carriage snd Wagon Works ts on corner jt lttb and Leavea worlU. P J FOR 8 ALE Two-seat, axtensioo top car riage, in good condition; rubber tirea MlHon Rogers ft Nona Co.. 1IB and Far nam sts. rMtrr FOR BALE Full leather top. rubber-tired buggy, almost new, at half cost price. In quire at Coliseum. - PUVt tt FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. TELEPHONE POLES: long fir timber; chicken It uce; oak piling. 801 iouj:a FOR SALE, secondhand locomobile, la fjret-clasj shate. al one-half price, fail or address. IWi Farnam BC 4 84 INDIAN goods and reltoa Ull Farnam FOR 8 ALE. two almost new cash resiarVrs for Sale. Muat be sold at once. Write for prices. Addifea T U. Bee. W lid 26 NEW and tdhana typawritera. UiSFsmsnt, FOR HALF!-MISf ELL ANfeOl 9. IRON & wire fences, tree guards, trelllaea Was Urn Abcbo- ence Co., A N. litu St. U CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. v 4 983 FOR BALE Several scholarships In a first class standard school In orauha, compris ing complete course in buslmss, .hurt hand and typewriting, inquire at Has office. g-tut FOR SALE A number one roll top quat tered oak desk, with chairs to mutch; also rugs and maps. Object for selling, leaving business. Room Ki3, N. Y. L. bldg. Q 764 Second-Hand Sewing Machines We hare the following second-hsnd box-top machines that have been thoroughly over hauled and are In condition to do good ork, at the following prices, and com plete with attachments: , 1 . W hlte $ 4 00 Household 6.00 Household 11.00 Finger , 6.00 Singer a... 10.00 Singer 12 00 New Home 9.00 Standard (dressmaker; good as new 10.00 Wilcox ft Glbbs (good as new).. 25.00 Singer (tailoring; In good condi tion) 10.00 Standard (tailoring; almost new) 16.00 DROP-HEAD MACHINES That have been slightly used, but are In perfect condition. The latest tldng the olTerent factories produce, from $17.50 to K'5.00. These are exceptional bargains. We rent machines for 76e per week, and sell and repair parts of any machine manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co. Corner 13th and Harney 'Phone lu3 834 Broadway, Council Bluffs. .'Phone B-B18 612 N. C4th St., South Omaha 'Phone 4iki6 Q-M149 S6 FOR SALE Co'.i business. Capital reaulred. $2,000.00. J 21, Bee. $D1IAND safe cheap. Derlght, lilt Farnam FOR SALE, an up-to-date postofflce outfit, suitable for a town of 1,000 to 1,600. The outfit Is A-shaped nnd has 200 call boxes and 82 lock boxes and drawers. It In of the best grade of tho Yale and Towns manufacture, and is complete In every particular. In use but four years. A J i tst 8 , Bee, Q-M138 28 AUCTrON sale of bakery and confectionery fixtures, tools horse and wagons; Mon day, October 26, 10 a. m. and 4 p. m.; at 2Su6 Leavenworth st. Q M163 85x FOR ' SALE Cheap, square Chlckerlng piano; first class every way. 518 S. 20th street. Q M127 )x FOR SALE or trade for a good motor pvcle, one 8-horse power gasoline engine. T. F. Mark. Fremont, Neb. Q M309 26x COAL SAVER Cuts your coal bills In half; anyone can make and use It; ft is simple, cheap and effective; full Instructions mailed for 25c. Metropolitan Supply and Novelty Co., Kansas City, Kan. Q-2T 25x LADIES Try the New Economy Millinery. 105 8. 15th St. Q-336 25x MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK-Houaehold f roods, piano, stoves gaa, eook and heat ng. Call at one. 47u N. 24th st. a Q-344 25x CLAIRVOYANT!. GYLMER, palmist Em 716 N. 23d; 'phone B s ; -M708 MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN of clairvoyants; every thing told, post, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. 807 N. lath. 8 j0 WIZARD OF WALL STREET, PROF. ZANZIC. OREXT REDUCTION FOR 7 DAYS. 60c FREE IF INCORRECT. 60c. The great reader of life mysteries, man). festatlons that dumbfound sceptic; yhur life from the cradle to old age accurately portrayed, the clouds of sorrow dispelled ana nearts o. tgmenea or tnose wno con- vv.iv 1 1 . i ,1 . autug vi, uuhjiiio". Bi,n uisu.fii. Investments, changes, travels, wills, old estate. THE rUTtHK CAN WK TOLD advice that will do good. He gives truth ful revelations on all love affairs: tb troubled and unhappy should seek his ad vice; he settles lovers' querela, reunites the separated, tells you whom you will marry and when to marry for hannlness: tells you for what business you are best adapted and how to be successful nnan clally and socially; how to fascinate and control .those whom you desire. All told to you without your aaklng a question.' Jriours, s a. m. to s p. m. daily. ,171.9 DODGE STREET-1709. 8-C63 26r i MME. GYLMER Genuine Palmist) Seven years in Omaha. If you have not consulted this wonderful woman you should do so at once. Her advice is Invariably benellal. Persons who have not had a reading by Madum Gylmer have not had tha beat, parlors of Palmlatry, 71S No. 23d st, S ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. IS, Id floor, r. t T M40B NBX PERSONAL. PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and uurwg conuueuent. Dr. sua Mrs. uerisca. Me caiuoruia si, lerma reasonable. PRIVATE during confinement; babies adopted, alra UaiUela, i&i Laka. lei. staa-iA6. ( u "VIA VI" way to health; 848 Bee bulldinfc iiimus. U'"ia PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good rJumarttan Sanitarium, ra 1st Ave., Council Bluffa ia. u ng finement. lira L. Fisher. 1601 Vinton Tel. 1&&9. WE RENT sewing machines at 76u per weea, sz per montn; we repair ana sen par is tor every machine inetiuiaciuraa, second-hand machines Horn 81 to tiu. Nea, Cycle Co., 15th and Haiuey. U JJ DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cauxe; experienced snd rallable. jii'l uoage St., Arlington block. Omaha. U-Mt BOSTON Umbrella Mfg.. eon 8. U. Tel. 1H7. Umbrellas, parasols re-covered, repaired or maae. ti tm $2 TUNING, piano or orgm repairing. Per field Piano Co., 1 Bee Bldg. C-Xt 2bX MAGNET PILE KILLER. At druggists $L IT CURKS. U--S43 WANTED, farmer without children, cloee to town, to Doaru noy or 81 not over V- per wwn. Aaareaa iau o. 9th. uHM aox WANTED, a refined, elderly widow to adopt girl of 18. Address T 17. Bee. U-2U8 26x PERSONS who have lost money on the red letter brokerage scheme will learn something of interest by communicating wun ueo. . uuo, Marquette Uidg. Chjcago. U-8U6 2tx I SEEK husband for lady 22, worth 110.0m) and beautiful farm; young widow, $15, i and stock farm; lady 24. S20.0uu; widow 4i, .fc,(Xi. Address Jeapie, 19 8. Broadway, BT- 1.UUIM, AlO. VO-lt JuX SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity: our sulfation free arid confidential; ail work guarantees!, situs AllenUer, ii N. Y. 1 U-ia 2GX MARRY W E A LTH Y 6S8 bona fide descrip tions, nic; sent sea lea. n. i.ov inn ver. Colo. U S6 Xix WOMEN only; speedy relief; tl.ftiO tee If 1 don't relieve abnormal jpre- slon from any cause; teatlmoiila Is, Information free. lr. Martha Walker Co.. Xlul State atreet, Chicago. U 235 ZiX PERSONAL. MARRIAGE paper, with all names, ad dresses snd iMirtrslts, sealed, 10c; best on irth; none free. Box Hi1. O, Jacksonville, Ohio. U tJo tox MARRIAGR director)', free to al): pay when mnrrlel; new plan; send no money. ror particulars address 11. A. Horton, Dept. 297, Tekoneha, Mich. U 3-"0 25x Wl'R life reading: many typewritten pages concerning business, love,, etc., free; send date, birth, sex. AWlress Aa tropathio Institute, Auditorium Bldg , Chicago. Reason, your recommendation wanted. U 815 25x LADIES-Ty the New Economy Millinery. 1U6 o. Bt. u 26X MORPHINE, laudsntim. opium, cocaine una liquor nanus pcrninnentiy ana pain lessly cured at home. No detention from business. Action Immediate. Leaves pa tiont In natural, healthy condition with out desire for drug. Cure guaranteed for $in.00. Write for particulars. Dr. Long Company, 760 Empire, Atlanta. On. YOUNG men, you can stop your bad habits; seiin pan'ciirars rrep. Aduress western Appliance Co., fc8 Waugh block, Denver, Colo. U- WANTED. to correspond with a refined young lany wno would like a goon nome and not onject to living otl a ranch; ref erences exchanged. L. R. Thurston, Gor don, Neb. U !4fl 2Sx MONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. farnam Bmlin ft Co., Farnam Bt. W948 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 837 Y. Lira W-944 WANTED, real estate loans and warrant R. C. Peters ft Coy Bee. Bldg. W-946 FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1H04 farnam. w 4i TO 6 P. C. money, Be mis, Paxton block. W-94S FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. nomas, f irst Mal i tsana mug. Tel. ims. t w-ta PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1520 Dougjaa v i TO LOAN, $500 at T per cent on good real estate security. Address F 20, Bee. W M.1'9 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS. LIVE STOCK, ( SALARIES, ETC. Cow rates and easy terms. Buslnesa Confidential. Try us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 883 Paxton Block. 18th and Farnam ft. A-94S LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices in prin cipal cltlea Tolman. 440 Board of Trade Bldg.- X-ttt MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business connoenuai: lowest ratea. 114 Paxton block. The J. A. ilutton Co. X-S64 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows etc. C. r . Kaea, His . is. X-966 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans Foley C A QV TO GET CAD I TO PAY Best explains our methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc. Or if you have a permanent position we can make you a SALARY LOAN without security, except your own agree ment to repay, our service is quick ana confidential and we always try to please. All -that we ask is that you give us a cull before you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MOnTGAUK LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295.' (Established 1892). 80S B. 16th Bt. X-M182 MONEY To salaried employes and wage earners. uet our system or loans tnat gets you out of debt. Any lady or gentleman, ma chinist or engineer, etc., having reliable employment can get, Just qn his note: , Half ' Monthly. Monthly. Weekly. 00 Return to ua.. $26.66 or $1S35 or $6.68 60 Return to us.. 12.3.1 or 8.65 or 3-30 25 Return, to ua.. 8.66 or $.33 or 1W 15 Return to us.. 4.00 or t.00 or 1.00 Easiest terms, lowest rates, confidential. No inquiries. Quick service, courteous treatment. THE 8TAR LOAN CO.. 824 PAXTON BLK. . A EASY MONEY ON FURNITURE OR SAL-TRY. LOWEST RATES. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. PRIVATE OFFICES. . RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY, 307-308 PAXTON BLOCK. y-MltT ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN. 800 Douglas block. ACCORDION pleating. cheapest, best. quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17th and Doug. ' -M748 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bala Tie Co., 811 North 16th. tS5 ' BRASS FOPNDRt. BRASS and aluminum casting, nickel plat ing and nnisning. apeciaity JUtg. v.o., i N. Main St.. Council feluft. CHIROPODIST DR. ROY, rooms t-t, 160 Farnam st. .TO ' EXPERT 'ACCOUNTANT, O. R: RATH8UN. room 14. Cora'l Nat l Bank, rnvuie lessons in bookkeeping eta i GOLD AXD SILVER PLATING. OMAiU PLATING CO., 3S B'dg. Tel. . CARPENTERS AMD JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attenaea to. 4. l. ucoutree, 2oth and Laka Bis. - . . 870 DANCING ACADEMY. MORAND'S,' 16th and Harney; classes now forming for children; Wed., 4:15 p. m.; Sac, ii) a. m and 8 p. m. Adults, Tuea. and Fri., 8 p. m. Asaemblies Wed., 6 p. iu. Classes always open to beginners. Private lessons dally. For terms and particulars call or Tel. 1041. tlO Ni MORAND'8. ISth and Harney will sell you a iicaei ioou ror li teraons at tne re duced price ot ladius, It. gentlemen. $6, for the new class of beginners . com mencing on Tuesday and Friday, Novem ber 3 and 4, 8 p. m. Assemblies every Wednesday, 8 p. m.i admission, 60c 217 2Sx DRESSMAKING. KEISTER'S Ladius' Tailoring College. 170s Cuming BL write tor booklet IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 624 N. loth. M449 NkX IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, Ste N. 23d. M449 Nkx DETECTIVES. CAPT. T. COKMACK. 611 Ear bach block. Tel. A2HSI -vi BEBOUT Detective agency, 708 N. Y. Llfs. Tel. 8040. -9W-NUI LOCKSMITH. C. R. HEFL1N. ut N. 16th St. Tel. 74, al 13. LAWN MOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Mslcholr. 13th ft IIowsrA 8'PHOLSTERIWa. GATE CITY. 171 St Mary s are. TeL hwnk DRF.M tl'TTlNH C 1IOOI, STANDARD GARMENT CUTTING COl LEGE moved from Paxton I'.lk. to 2-31 Farnam St fo." better accommodations. Extra class taught from 7 to 9 p m M ' t tS FOR RF.NT FA B M.I. A LARGE and well Improved farm In Stanton county for rent; 040 acres wltn 1U,(M) worth of Improvements. R C. 1'KTK K8 Co.. Ground Flour Boo Building. -M.' FOR gAl.F. T1MBUH LAND. WE ARK HEADQUARTERS FOR TKL LOW PINE In the Soft Yellow I'lne Bilt. This timber coTtiparcs favorably in quality with the White Fine of Wis consin and Michigan, fun all be lopgJ with Wg wheels. No fire risk Complete and reliable information. Perfect title LANDS WE CONTROL AM) CAN DE LIVER 25.0W ACRES, uvrrage 2.fHJ to ihe qmrter section, price 87. no per A, lO.OuO ACRES, avcrnge 2.t) to tho quarter s.ctlon. price $0 Ou per A. I.OKl ACRES, average 2.000 to the quarter section, price 8l.0O per A. 8,000 ACRES, aver.tgo i.bini to the quar section. lMice KM tier A. 14,000 ACIVES. Spruce and Hemlock, avers g 8.5iiO to the quarter section, price $U.u4 per A. CERTIFIED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP In large and small amounts at the market price. References furnished. Correspond ence Solicited. Address, AMERICAN TIMBER CO., E. M. Runyan, Kgr., Marquam Pldg., Port land, Ore. MJiW nov9x ITHMTl RE, FURNITURE free. Send stump for pre mium catalogue. American I'ncklng Co.. 42 Chauncy St., Boston, Mass. Packers of high-grade groceries. loX FIR DRESSING. J. E. WALLACE, Taxidermist, 606 8. 13th. -701 FLORISTS. HESS ft SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. ' L. HENDERSON, florist. 1519 Farnam St. as; GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLT GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage 1 and dead animals at reduced prloea. 63 N. 16th. Tel. 1778. 289 INSTRUCTION. GO on th stage. Easy Instructions sent you by mall. Positions secured when com petent. Fame and fortune Is now your opportunity. Eull Information free by ad dressing Henry Keune, Chllds building. New York City. 2t,7 25x LAW AMD COLLECTIONS. 8TILLMAN ft PRiCE. 414 1st Nat. Bk. bldg.' ?3 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life bldg., attorneys and collectors every where. 874 LOST. LOST, on the streets of Omaha or on South Omaha street rar, a roll of letters and other papers, belonging to Omaha. Cooperage Co. and M. D. Welch. Kinder please 'phone or call at office of Omaha Cooperage Co., 24th and M, South Omaha, and receive suitable reward Lout Mint LOST, from 3Sth and Charles. Scotch colli ' (shepherd dug), reddish brown, white breast and feet: answers to Rover. Re ward If returned to B8;i5 Charles street or to Mr. Kennedy, advertising department, Bennett's. Lost 210 Six . LOST Pacriage of battenberg In car, 24th or Walnut Hill line, Thursday evening; party returning it will get reward. Ed wards, drug department, Bennett's. Lost 850 5x UEDICAU LIQUOR HABIT cured In three days. Pay . n. , a kta v,.,nn.dM.tnu l'.ll. .... r. 1 1 ..u uujn. , . w ,.y .uuni in.a. iwc circulars. Gatlln lnsutute, 2J0 H. 1 th. BT. VITUS DANCE and nervous diseases cured forever; nature has a cure for every 111; Red Deer Vltaltaer is nature's cure; write for testimonials. Red Deer Remedy Co., Dowaglao, Mich. &8 26x SI8TERS IN DESPAIR-If In need write me for remedy which relieved me of ob stinate suppression in five hours. Mrs. A. Green, 13o Dearborn St., Chicago. -274 26x LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal pills are the Dest. pare, renaoic. lane no other. Send 4c, st imps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles,"- In letter by return mail. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. ' DR. W. HUTCHINBON, epeolsUst ot women and children: 80 years' practice. Office, 12' 16 Cuming. Residence telephone, F-2790; office, B-2&36. DR. PRIES. German graduate, renowned for his skill and experience in confine ments; euros sterility, long standing dis eases of uterus and ovaries, cures painful, profuse, retarded ar aupureased menstru ation, from any cause, mnt or of long standing. Ladlea who have suffered for years, hopeless snd dejected, csn be cured, without operation or the hospital. If a personal Interview Is Impossible state your case fully. Inclose stimp and answer snu advice will promptly be given. Address It. F.sPrles. M. !.. 1613 Douge Be, Omaha. Neb. LADIES, onr harmless remedy relieves without ran oeiayea or supprussau in struallon. For free trial address Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee. Wis. MLSICAL. THOU. J. KELLY, voice. Davldge Block. JOB E. D KECK, Voice Teacher, Davldge bldg. m Novix LEiVrtiO ORCHESTRA. TeL L-26S4. 2ERKOWSKY, violin. R. 10, Withnell bit M 401 Ni GENUINE BARGAINS IN PIANOS Send tor our 12-page bargain list or pianos re turned from rental. Splendid pianos of all leading makes must be sold im mediately to niako room. Get particulars of the uprights at ia. iw ana ibd. We tiiii tiianin everywhere Monthly Py- ni.nii Krclirht is only about so.uu. Strongest Kuarantoo. Write for list. Lyou ft Healy. 67 Adams St.. Chicago. OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute, 616 N, Y. Llfs Bldg. T loM The Hunt Infirmary. McCagua B;dg. Tiil Atsea ft Farwell. Paxten Blk., S04-T. 1865. DR GRACE DEEGAN. 83t N. Y. Llfs. Tel ttsM. DRS. LAIRD ft LAIRD. 203 Karbach blk. ixa i"i ''' PATENTS. H J. COWGILL No tea unless successful. 818 8. 16' h Bt.. Omaha. Tel. 1786. -Wl . PATENTS Sues ft Co., Omaha. Neb. 11- luktraiea patent dook iree. mi. j M 67u N16x PAWNBROKERS. EAOLE Loan Office. Relluble, accommodat ing; all business confldenual. Uul Douglaa --e-i SAN1TOHIIU. OMAHA Florence Sanltorlum. 'Phone Red 8M4; X blk. w. of car line. City 'phone. 119:. M-ti0 M WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED To borrow $9u0 to $1,0) at 1 per cent on good South Omaha rental Jirouj rty; security ample. Address T X. Ilea. SHOIITUAKD AltD TYPEWRITINU. A. C.jVAN SANT'k achnoL 717 N. Y. Life, KFB. Raalaaas ft Shorthand College. Bovd's 1 " T i l