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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1903)
Iff THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: BUND AT, OCTOBER 2r, 1003. FOR RXOIAtKK. TO EXCHANGE, good western lend. 3,W fur clear Omaha property. Ad drees T 1. B.. Z-216 2x MERCHANDISE, farm lands, bustrene and restdenre properties for exchange; w .V propirtles fur exchs .e: end me full descriptions of what you have for exrhiinre. K. Mather, (estabilar.ed I87:i), Cedar Rapids, la. Z 210 26 MISSOURI, Iowa. Minnesota farm to ex change for m rchnnrllBe or hardware stocks. K. M. Bettesworth. Ced-ir Rap id", la. Z Ml 25 K ! .. . m a ITAMMERIRU AN!) iTtTTEHING. CUP. ZD. Julia Vaug-hn, 430 Ramp Bldg. r,.-,,,,. a, -, . .. HERE'S 4 Depot Wagons GOOD SECOND HAND VALUES J Worth buying at ence. ALSO 2 Fine Rockaways 2 Traps A Light Dray or Stake Wagon 6 Family Carriages, 6. Phaetons Good Harness Yaloes DRimr.?or.D 18th and Harney. LEGAL KOTICB. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed hlda or propoaala will be received t the office of Superintendent William K. i'owler, secretary of the Board of Educa tion of the Stat Normal school, oapltol building, Lincoln, Neb., until o'clock a. m., Saturday, November 7, 1SU3, for tha erec tion and construction of a chapel building on the grounda of the State Normal school at Peru. Nemaha county, Nebraska. All blda must be accompanied by a certified check on a Nebraska bank In the sum of five hundred (3500) dollars for purpose men tioned In the specifications. Bids for heat ing and plumbing, accompanied by a check of five hundred (16001 dollars, win be con sidered separately at the above time and ?lace. and must not be Included In the bid or the building. Plans. and specifications are on file In the offices of Superintendent William K. Fowler, secretary, oapltol build ing, Lincoln; Mr. George Rogers, president of the board. 160$ Farnam street, Omaha; Principal W A. Clark, State Normal school, Peru, and Mr. George A. Berllng hot. architect. Beatrice. The board reserves the right to reject any and all blda and to waive all defects In the same. By order of the Board of Education of the State Normal school. . , WILLIAM K. FOWLER, Secretary. Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 1, 1903. O20d lOtM NOTICES TO BIDDERS. Sealed bids will be received at the office cf secretary of state tip until 11 o'clock noon of Mondav, November 2rd. 1903, for the erection of a kitchen and Ice house at the Institute for Feeble Minded Youth at lleatrice, also a commit sarrr building and one dynamo for 8. and S. Home at Grand Island, Nebraska, as per plans an speci fications on file In the office of secretary of state. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. GEORGE W. MARSH. ' Secretary of Board. OBd. lOtm. p AILROAD TIMS CARD. li.MOX STATIOI lOTH , AKD MARCY. Illinois Central. Leave. . a 7:3b am Arrive, a 6.10 pm Chlcaa-n Fin unicuKO, Minneapolis ft St. Paul Limited a 7:60 pm Minneapolis, A St. Paul Express b 7:85 am Chicago Local 10:36 am Chicago Express Chirac Great Western Rjr. 104 Ft. Dodge Express.. b 6:20 am 103 Ft. Dodge Express.. a t.H pm 7 Ft. Dodge Express., , 103 Ft. Dodge Express.. a 6:05 am bl0:36 pm al0;36 am Co. all:26 am b 9:10 pm Chicago -A Northwestern. "Ths Northwestern Line." fast unicago i:4o am Mall. a Ktfii pm Local Sioux City a 6:10 am Daylight (Jt. Paul a 7:W am Daylight Chicago a 8:00 am Limited Chicago.., a i:U pm Local Carroll a 4:U pm Fast Chicago a 6:i0 pm Fast St. Paul a 6:lo pm Kail Mull a 7:00 am a 6:60 am a S JJ pm a V.65 pm all:lo pm a 6:16 am a 0o am a 1:46 pm a 8:16 am a 3:40 pm b 6:60 am al0:o am b 10:65 am Local bioux City Norfolk A Bonesteel.. Lincoln & Long Pine.. Wabash. ..b 4 oo pm ..a 7:16 am ..b 7:25 am fit. Ixiula "Cannon Ball" Express a 6:&6 pm a 6:!0 am cil Bluffs a :1J am al0:30 pm Chicago, Hock Island A. Phi Inc. EAST. Leave. Chicago Daylight L't'd.a t.ii am Chicago Daylight Local. a 7:W am Chicago Exprexa....: bllljam lies Moines Express a t:3o pm Chicago Fast Express n 5:3o pm WEST. . Rocky Mountain L t d. .a 7:S0 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs. Arrive, a 6:60 am a 9:Jj p.n a 6:35 pm bll :40 am a l:-6 pro a 7:26 am Denver, Pueblo und West Truss. California Oklahoma Flyer, laloa Pacltte. Overland Umlted. The bast Mall .... California Express l'acirto Expreaa.... KMLern Kxureea... a 1:30 nm a 6:00 pm al2 pm a :H pm a i: J pin and a 6:16 pm a 6:40 am a 4:20 pin allutti pin a 6:30 pin a 7:3) am a 3:40 am a 3:40 um The Atlantic Express... The Colorado Special... a 7:10 ara Chicago Sptxrlai Struinaburg Express.. b 4:00 pm blZ:60 pra North Platte I-ocal a 6:00 am a 6:16 pra Krenu isianu xjocat o s.ju pm D V:3e am Chicago, Mllwankoe it. Paul. Chicago Dsyllxtit a 7:46 am all:16 pm a 3:40 pru a 7:50 am a 3. 40 pin a 6:3 pa a 6:16 am ltkKO Limited a 6:06 pm Des Molnra Express a 7:45 am Mlasonrl Paolhv. St. Louis Express al0:0 am K. C. tW fit i Exp rasa, a 10 50 pm BIRUNUTOX IT VTlOa lOtU MASON Chicago, Barllaaton dr. Qalury. Chicago Special a 7 00 am Clilcngo Ytsubuled ex.. a 4:U0 pm ' Local a 6:13 am ( hlcuiio 1 Jinited. .a 6:06 pm Fast Mall a t:S6 am a 7:46 am all:oo pm a 7:45 pm ... z:i pm Joseph at Coanell Kansas City, It 5f8 U Intra, Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 1:16 am a 6:06 pm 1st. Louis Flyer a 6:S pm allttiain Kansas City Night Ex..iil0:46 pin a M am Barling-ton A MleeJnrl River. Wymore. Beatrice and Lincoln a t ' am bl2 06 pra Nebraska Ex:rcks....,..a 8 6u um a 7 5 pm Denver Limited a 4 ID pm a 6.46 au) 1,1,.. -X Hills and Puget n duuiid Express all .10 pro a 3 10 pm Colorado YesUbuled Flysr a 8 16 pra Liuuuia iesiail. b Hi rat m l.v out BATTLE W ITH BAM ROBBERS Man Believed to Hire Robbed the Buirton, Xaniae Bank Csp-.ured. ONE OF THEM IS BADLY WOUNDED Bat Mill Money la foead In Their Poasesslo'n and They Say They War .Never la Tewa of Hnrton. BURRTON, Kan., Oct. 24.-After a deter mined chase and an exchange of shots, flvs men who It Is believed robbed ths Burton bank on Thursday were, captured last night on an Island In the Arkansas river, fifteen miles from Burrton, and lodged In Ve Newton Jail. They gave their names as James Bell, aged 3; George Olson, 26; E. H. Johnston, 3S, who was severely wounded; Thomas White, 24, and Frank Harwood. 26. Johnston Is badly wounded, bring shot in the head, breast, arms and leg with No. 4 shot. The men declare they were never In Burrton, but W. L Daly, a merchant of Burrton, Identi fies them as the men who came to bis store Thursday evening. The bandits had only 630 in their possession when searched Parties are now going over the trail look ing for the money which Is supposed to have been burled. Yestaruay, In a tight between two of the pursuers and three of the robbers, Harry Westmascotte, who was carrying a double barreled shotgun, fired at the men and. In addition to wounding one, knocked a re volver from his hand. Friday afternoon 150 rltlxens formed at this point, sytd fol lowing a trail of blood located the robbers In a wooded Island In ths Arkansas river? A party of thirty heavily armed men. with the assistant cashier of the bank, E. E. Shlve, then proceeded to wade across while the rest of the pursuers covered the Island with guns and revolvers. Seeing the over whelming odds against them the robbers waved a white handkerchief and crawled from the sand pits they had dug and sur rendered. TJie men gave as their reason for being unable to escape that they were compelled to assist their wounded leader. It Is thought that these men may have been the same ones that held up the eating house at Mc Farland recently. The men claim they are Iron workers from Kansas City and Joplln. TOPEKA. Kan., Oct. 24. The stolen money was recovered this afternoon, to gether with the robbers' safe-cracking tools, In the brush on ths Island whera the men were captured. The find wss turned over to the bank officials, who re fuse to disclose the amount of money. Mlasonrl Bank Robbed, KEOKUK. Ia., Oct. 14. Tha vault In the bank, of the Hays Banking company at Queen City, Mo., was blown to pieces by burglars early today. The amount stolen has not been learned. HEATH TALKSJDF CONVENTION Republican Committee Will Meet In December to Settle the Time and Place. COLUMBUS. O., Oct. 24.-Perry S. Heath of Utah, secretary of the republican na tional committee, stated today that soon after tha election next month a call will be Issued for the usual meeting of tha repub lican national committee In Washington on December 6 or 10, for tha purpose of se lecting a place and time for the national nominating convention of 1904. The convention, ha believes, will be held near the middle of next June. Only three cities have up to this time actively entered tha race for the convention. They are Pittsburg, St. Louis and Detroit, although it la understood that Chicago will become an active aspirant. DEPUTY MARSHALS RESIGN Officers Who Allow Mall Pooeh Rob ber to Escape Give Cp Commissions. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 24.-E. H. Davis and Alvah Baker, tha deputy marshals from whose custody Albert E. Bell, the mall pouch robber and check forger es caped, left this city today for their homo In Denver. After falling to deliver their prisoners tha deputies atked permission to return home, but their request was not granted by United States Attorney Holland until he had thoroughly Investigated the manner of Ball's cacape. . Before leaving both men said they had paid their own expenses while here and that they had resigned their commissions as deputy marshalr. President Resomes His Dntlea. GUAYAQUIL. Oct 14.-General Plasa yes terday re assumed the presidency of Ecu dor, having returned from visiting his mother, who was pronounced to be dying at Bahla. province of Manabl, luring which time Vice President Banuerlxo exercised the executive power. IAILWAY TIMB CARD. Fort Crook and Platts- mauth ,b 316 pm bl0:3S am I'.ellevuo & Pacific Jet. .a 7:60 pm a 8:27 am Bellevue & Paclllo Jet.. a 3:60 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Daiiv except Saturday, s Dally except Monday. WEBSTER DEPOT 1RTH A WEBSTER Chicago, St. Paal, Minneapolis Jk Omaha. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ..a 6:80 am a 6:10 pm Stoux City Passenger.. a 2:00 pm all :20 am Oakland Local b 6:46 pm b 8:46 am Chleace A northwestern, Nebraska and Wyoming- Division. Black Hills. Dead wood. Lead. Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 6:00pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm s 6:00 pm Hastings, York. David v City, Superior. Geneva, Exeter and Seward a. b 8:00 pm b 6:00 pm Mlaaonrl Parlnt. Nebraska Local. Via .Weeping Water b 4:10 pm a 10:35 am Chart. Less Tbaa Ail Others DR. r.lcCREW SPECIALIST. Treat all terms si DISEASES OP MEN ONLY A Meal col Eisert 26 Years' EassrUaca 16 Year la Omaha NMrM.IHMCs -swore Virleawle. ttjerocsla. Blsoe Fetsoa. Btrletae. 1it. Kwwl Datum. Uaa af sttwsih ase VUal ty s4 sll tvmm af cirsM slsmi-s. Terlairt by otil. Call er vnu. Baa Ma. t w tit g. lh C Keuevc. Kidney! uiaaaer doubles at once, i Cure In 48Hcursn URINARY LEOIARGES Kcl. Cap- la t K ff tk ft-Vai of J -! rnjMrtMt V Um IN CLUB ASS CHARITY Just now, at this season of the annual convention In ao many of the states, and with so many national officers, past, pres ent and would-be, circulating so generally, one hears a grest desl of the political side of the club movement, snd. sll In all. It Is Interesting. It la of the aspirants to the presidency and board membership which one hears most, however, and the woman who Interests herself to ' the extent of watching what Is going on cannot be sur prised at the developments promised at the St. Louis biennial next yesr. There can be no doubt that Mrs. Dlmles T. S. Denlson has strengthened her popularity smong western club women by her recent visit among them. Such contact Is always conducive to persons! Interest thst Is, In the main, liable to be more favorable than otherwise. This Is certainly true In Mrs. Denlson's esse, for with one yesr of her term as president closed, with so much accomplished, and standing to her credit a year of tactful administration of the affairs of the General Federation while acting president during the absence abroad of her predecessor, Mrs. Lowe, she is gen erally recognised as well qualified to fill the office that Is hers, and clubdom Is only waiting to see her preside over a biennial before committing Itself regarding her re election. With her wide personal ac quslntance with the clubs of almost every state, Mrs. Rabert Burdetta of California, first vice president, Is regarded by many as Mrs. Denlson's most likely successor, but wirh a great many others this very acquaintance will be Mrs. Burdette'a greatest obstacle to succession to the presidency, as her extensive visiting among clubs Is looked upon as self-advertisement that has prejudiced many against her. In spite of her persistent and almost sensa tional refusal of the presidency at the Los Angeles biennial, Mrs. Sarah Piatt Decker of Denver Is still the choice of a host of women, east, west, north and south, and would be a formidable opponent for any woman In the General Federation, If she should favorably consider accepting the office. But the woman who Is looked upon as the most likely candidate, should Mrs. Denlson retire after her first term, or even at the close of the second term. Is Mrs. Phillip Moore of St. Louln. Mrs. Moore, as chairman of the local biennial "board, will naturally be very much In evidence during the biennial next May, and upon her In a large degree has fallen the responsibility of the undertaking by the St. Louis women. As president of the Wednesday club, the Influential club of St. Louts, and also presl- dont of the Missouri Federation, Mrs. Moore la among the foremost women of her own state, and at the Los Angeles biennial last year came prominently before the convention In the Interest of the proposed Hall of Philanthropy, as chairman of the committee for the permanent memorial to the Louisiana Purchase. Her promi nence In a hostess' position will add to her strength as a candidate for the presi dency. And, last but by no means least, there Is the women of ""whom one hears little In this connection, but who has had a conspicuous and very responsible part In the last two biennials, Mrs. Emma Fox of Detroit, second vice president of the General Federation, and for two terms recording secretary. While it wss Mrs. Rebecca Douglas Lowe, as president, who received the credit for the conduct of those two trying meetings, when reorgan isation and the' color question came before the convention. It Is known now 'that It was the quick Judgment and parliamentary skill of Mrs. Fox that kept the convention off the rocks at Milwaukee and again at Los Angeles, for It was she who supplied the decision while Mrs. Lowe, to gain time, asked for a repetition of the ques tion, the motion or whatever It happened to be. It Is confidently predicted by many women of the east that Mrs. Fox will re ceive a stronger support from that section than sny other women at the close of Mrs. Denlson's term. Dr. W. O. Henry will address this after- noon'a gospel meeting of the Young Women's Christian aesoclatlon, his subject to be "The Holy Lands." This address was to have been made last week, but the date was changed on account of other spe cial evangellatlo services. The association Bible classes opened last week with sixty-four members. The educational committee announces a change In the date of the first number of the entertainment course. Dr. White's lec ture will be given Monday evening, No vember 23, Instead of the 16th, as an nounced. November 14 and 16 have been announced as the dates for the state convention of Young Women's Christian associations, which will be held at York. About sixty young women enjoyed the Monday evening rally at the gymnasium, the gymnasium committee serving refresh ments after the game, concluding a very enjoyable evening. The gymnasium girls will give a mask party Monday evening, November 3. The. gymnasium and sewing classes will begin at South Branch this week, the Bible classes and Sunshine club having al ready resumed their meetings. The exten sion committee has been especially active among the factories this fall, and a num ber of speakers have been taken to talk to the young women, whose noon hour will not admit of their coming to the associa tion rooms for the noon meetings. Monday Mr. J. H. MoConnell, who has been singing In the city, conducted services at M.' E. Smith's, and Tuesday noon Dr. Walton addressed the young women at Byrne Hammer's. Ha was assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Lowe. The suffragists of FawnOe county wi'J hold a county convention at Table Rock Thursday and Friday of this week, and Saturday NNemaha county will hold a con vention at Peru. -Mrs. Frank Young, state president, and Miss Gregg will be among the speakers. , f Mrs. W. W. Keysor of St. Louis, sx president of the Omaha Woman's club. Is expected Wednesday and will apend several dsys In the city. On Thursday she will be the guest of the art department at the morning meeting, which will be followed by a buffet luncheon In her honor. On Saturday afternoon -at 1 o'clock Mrs. Key sor will deliver an art lecture at the First Congregational church, the proceeds to go to the art department. PUTS TRUST IN HIS KITES British Inventor Resolved to Cross English Channel tm Boat Polled by Aeroplane. (Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co) LONDON, Oct, t4.-(New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Though S. F. Cody, Inventor of the signaling kites used In the British navy, failed to cross the English channel In his small canvas boat, using two of his aeroplanes as a sxll. be Is still confident that he ran do so If only tha wind Is favorable and la determined to make the voyage. . In his unsuccessful attempt be started from the beach at Dover, opposite the esplanade, at noon last Saturday la the presence of a large crowd. He was sent off with a ringing- cheer, his little craft, flying the French flag at the bow and the red ensign at ths stern, gradually being towed out of sight by his two kites, which were flying at a great height. Toward evening the wind dropped so much that no progress could be made aad the venture had Ui be abandoned. T031 11URR AT S1SDNDERST00D Born Traits of Bis Ultraotar Outlined by On Who Knew Him. JUDGE SLABAUGH HONORS THE PIONEER Hla Retleeneo the Result of Hla Sad Experience with Men Who Were Rent en De ceiving; Mlsa. In speaking of Thomas Murray the other day Judge Slabaugh said: "A biography of ths pioneers of Omaha would be a valuable contribution to the history of the city. It would be the true history of Its early days. I should think that an annual reunion of the pioneers. In which would be presented and preserved historical data, would be very pleasant for them and profitable for us all. From what we have seen of these persons in late years, even with the help and Inspiration which they have afforded us, we are not able to Judge of what they endured and of the good that they accomplished In the making of our city and the conquering of the new country. "The passing of Thomas Murray sug gests an Illustration of thst kind. Tom Murray was misunderstood by persons gen erally. You did not know him until you had fully gained his confidence, and that was not an easy task, for he had been Imposed upon so often that he became sus picious of all strangers, and, indeed, all but tried friends; but when once you had gained his confidence no truer friend could be found. I was his attorney during the hard times the times that tried him as never before the times that swept the fortunes of so msny, many men away, and which ultimately, by discouragement and the train of ills that follow In Its wake, ended so many lives. I have known him Intimately since and I found him possessed of many commendable traits. Of all I admired the most his courage and fortitude and bearing after his wealth had been taken from him. Indeed, his mode of living did not have to chunge but It was the same Tom Murray the same horse and wagon the same outward appearance, and from his general bearing you would never have known that misfortune had met him In the way so near the end of the road. A quality well worth emulation. Honest nud Merelfnl. "I found him perfectly honest and more sinned against that sinning. Many a note and account against others he refused to sue and It became outlawed. Rather than worry another he would himself suffer. "Most of his litigation was In defense of claims, often without foundation, yet had to be defended. For instance, some worth less fellow whose services were worth about 2 cents a day would seek a shelter at his house, and Mr. Murray would take him In, with the understanding that he was to work for his board and lodging, or was to be paid In tobacco or the like, and such person would hang around for months or years and then demand perhaps 62 a day as rea sonable value of services while there, Mr. Murray had to admit the time he was there and that now and then he did something, and would then have to assume the burden of proof showing that he was to work for board and lodging or for tobacco; and with Murray rich, and a trial before a Jury and in the court bouse where the lawyer would point out to the Jury through the window Murray's dilapidated buildings Well, Mur ray generally had to pay. "I found him prompt In the payment of every debt which he believed was Just. I never waited an hour for my jjay. And I never heard him say an abusive word about any man, so far as I recall. Ha seemed to be constantly on the defensive. Although a man of good Judgement and quick to act, apparently he relied too much upon too many of his old-time friends who had different Ideas, often causing con fusion, often Inaction, on his part, Hla greatest Monnment. "In the monument of enterprise to the memory of Murray, that pride of his life that ho loved and admired ao intensely, thi Murray hotel, and which, with the hard times, brought him to his knees, was an example. During the World's fair the manager went to Chicago, leaving Murray aa manager. Offers were numerous from competent hotel men over the country to lease It, but he felt that none were good enough for the Murray. He would con sider one man, and It being so important to him, he would start on a tour of bis friends and was always able to find one or more who would advise against the proposition. A unanimous vote he seemed to want. He finally, and at a loss, ran it himself; but nothing waa too good to be found on the tables of the Murray. It being his main revenue-bearing property, did not prevent foreclosure, and a blanket mortgage on all he had was finally asked as the only alter native, and then the shadows began to deepen. And yet with all his love for the hotel he preferred life In the hut in which place his early struggles and hardships and customs had made him roost content. "I will never forget one Incident In which his peculiarity of second-hand purchasing resulted In a good Joke on me. I had Just won for him In a blackmail case, and he waa so happy that he presented me with what I supposed to be a fresh box of cigars. I have never been an expert on cigars a two-fur suits me about as well aa a 25-cent-atralght. I was Just about to be married, and was expecting a would-be brother-in-law, an expert on cigars, from Missouri. I would open a fresh box to htm. He came; but he couldn't say 'Venl, vidi, vlcl," because they were as near weeds as tobacco could be, and a twenty-horse power engine could not get smoke through them I I learned later, and nearly every time I meet my brother-in-law I learn that the cigars were wrspped too tight. Mr. Murray told me later that he supposed they were all right, and I know he did, as he knew tobacco about as well as I did. I now look mainly to the drawing rapacity of the cigar. Ills Worst Side Oat. "Every place may have Its eccentric man, but many of the stories told of Mr. Murray are fiction. He measured to others Just what he promised. Remarkably true to his word he was, and he demanded exactneas on the part of others, and as often did not get If, he demurred, and hence arose what apparently seemed a delinquency en his part. "His worst side was out. Outward ap pearances invited the criticism, so much unjust, that gave a reputation unwar ranted. "In hla' life there are many lessons we can learn with profit to ourselves, and in his death we are reminded that it Is easy to pass unjust Judgment, and that en. conlums and praise rather than criticism ts the living will make the buitlen lighter, the life happier and the way more easy to travel." HONORS MEXICAN MINISTER Made Grand OSctr of Legion ( Honor and Reeolves Present. (Copyright. 100. by Press Publishing Co.) , PARIS, Oct. M.-(New York World Cable gramSpecial Telegram.) Joos Yaves Llman. Mexican minister of finance, who sailed for New York Wednesday, was named fraud officer of the Legion of Hooof the day before he left, and was given an emblem of diamonds by French exporters with Moxicaa Interests, mm.. , DO Thehandyway to broil! siiwvnuij. UILLL IlMnUfc. a m Vs. WITH HlNGFn Too toyou- "V FOR TABLE AND KITCHEN. Itcclnra. " Broiled Oysters a la Mode Rinse In their own liquor aa many large oysters as are needed. Brush with butter a griddle or wire broiler and place the oysters upon It. Broil over a clear, hot fire; and it the oysters should drip, place them far enough from the coals to prevent their becoming smoked. If using the wire broiler. When done a deli cate brown and their gills ruffle, place them on delicate squares of toast, and put very small pieces of butter on each oyster. Oysters Panned a la Mode Cut slices of bread, about a quarter of an inch thick, cut them in rounds to fit the bottom of individual casseroles. Butter them slightly end toast nicely. Put one In eaoh casserole, pour over them enough of the heated and strained liquor of the oysters to moisten slightly, then place six oysters on each piece of toast, dust with a little pepper, place them In a large baking pan, cover tightly, set them In a hot oven, let them cook eight minutes, or until the gills are ruffled. Then lift the cover and put a little salt on them, and let them cook Just a minute longer. Serve In the dishes in which they are cooked, with quarters of lemon. Paris Oyster Fricassee Scald a quart of oysters In their own 'liquor; Just as they come to a boll drain the liquor Into a bowl, keeping the oysters hot, while you make the following sauce: Put In a stew pan two tablespoonfuls of butter, melt, but do not brown, then stir In two tablespoonfuls of sifted flour, and let cook a moment with out browning. Then add a cup of the strained oyster liquor, stir and cook until It bolls, then remove from the fire, add a teaspoon ful of lemon Juice, salt and pep per to taste, and yolks of tiro eggs slightly beaten. Mix well together and place over the fire again for two or three minutes to set the eggs, but do not allow to boll. Next add the oysters, and serve very hot on slices of toast. Btaten Island Oyster Pie Scald a quad of oysters In their own liquor, when It comes to the boiling point skim out the oysters and set where they will keep hot. Add to the liquor two cups of hot water, season to taste with salt and pepper. Rub two ounces of butter to a paste, with two ounces of flour, dilute with a cup of hot milk.-and add to the broth. Stir and cook until smooth and creamy. Have ready a crust of nice light biscuit dough, rolled half an Inch thick, cut Into Inch squares, and drop Into the boiling stew. Cover closely and cook thirty minutes. When done take them up carefully and place In a hot dish. Stir the oysters Into the broth, and when thoroughly hot turn Into the dish with the dumplings. New England Oyster Pie Butter two deep pie plates of uniform sise, and tine with puff paste, or plain rich crusts, and bake in a hot oven until the paste Is well done. Meanwhile prepare the oysters. Drain off the liquor Into a saucepan, place the oysters in a colander, pour Just enough cold water over them to remove any small bits of shell which may cling to them. Then put tha oysters Into a saucepan with barely enough of the liquor to keep them from burning. Season with salt and pepper to taste, add a tableapoonful of butter, and a little sweet cream or milk so they wtlu have a little more than enough liquor to over them. Add one or two crackers rolled fine, let them simmer a few minutes, without boiling,' then turn them Into one of the crusts which should be allowed to remain in the pieplate, then place the other crust on top as a cover. Garnish and serv e. Delmonlco's Oyeter Fritters Take quart of select, plump, good sized oysters, drain oft the Juice, snd strain it through a piece of cheese cloth. To a cup of the Juice add a cup of milk, salt to taste, the well-beaten yolks of two eggs, and enough flour to make a batter as thick aa for griddle rakes. Drop each oyster Into this batter, taking it up with a targe spoonful, and fry In deep, hot fat until a nice brown. Berve very hot with nice crisp celery or cold slaw. The pries and quality of Egg-OSes make it a standard or tha world. It is displacing ninety per cent of all other flaked wheat foods wherever introduced. i I J Retails at (0 cents Yet ths quality is ths best and the package is full weight. The largest food mill in the world enables us to do this. Axt Tear If Kir for tt Irsif tttlit If joer frees om not kas S.piii ultiuM aS IStssS wswUlasad foasmntas. arepswt. Mdtaai att mnil ratio EgS-O-eee, dslaeyt '" 1 1 i i I H I I 1l 3 :5 I. 1V1 tlJ Just you m ok ' S3 WA o SALE BY LEADING STOVE DEALERS In sickness Sold buall Grocsrsi "Shredded Wheat Biscuit is a Natural Pood containing ail that is nutritious and beneficial for the Invalid as well as the healthy person." FLORA M. LUTZ, Buffalo, New York. i ; My w, A 'yi'if; CONDITION OFOMAH A'S TRADE More Seasonable Weather Would Help the Demaid for Fall Llnea, NONE, HOWEVER, OFFERING COMPLAINTS . v Traveling; Salesmen for Local Job bers Meeting with Good Saeeess In Their Cnmpnlarn (or Advance Orders for Spring;. The demand for fall and winter goods was quite brisk last week In the territory tributary to Omaha. The need of colder weumer ,s naturally Demg ieu oy reianers to quite an extent, but at the same time j . . .. .. . . . ... they are doing no complaining, . as they are very confident that as soon as winter ! w.,h., . .J .m I weather docs set In they will do a rush- ing business. Considering (he warm weather experienced so far. they have sold more goods than would naturally be ex- fWClfMl. s - in tne who esate d tr let trad a r- . . . . . - bunch of orders for Immediate shipment. so that the total volume of business has been quite satisfactory. Jobbers are now devoting constdersble attention to future business for spring. Trawling men are carrying their spring samples and so far have met with good success. They find merchants more will ing than usual to anticipate their wants, so they hope to land more spring business than tncy did a year ago. There have been a few price changes during the week under review, but the markets as a whole are in much the same position they were a week ago. There Is nothing at the present time to indicate any radical changes In the market for some time to come and in fact those best posted are very confident that prices will continue firm and that fall goods as well as spring lines at present prices are good property. Collections are In good condition, as mer chants are meeting their obligations promptly and very few bad accounts are reported. Sucar May Co Higher. Wholesale grocers report trsde for sll seasonable and staple lines as being ot very satisfactory proportions for the time of year. The market has fluctuated back and forth about the usual amount, but none of the changes have been at all sensa tional, sugar is quoted the same as it was a week ago, but Jobbers consider present prices exceptionally low and think that any changes in the near future will be In the direction of higher values. The de- mand Is heavier than Is generally exper.- enced at this time of yea?. The extort demand for cheese has kas Ia7t".nd home ! K.Vl.l''t ',om,i onen aa urn. a this wee consumption has also shown some de create, and aa a result the market has weakened a little on Twins and Young Americas. Bricks, llmberger and Swiss, however, are cent higher. The coffee market continues strong snd active and higher prices are atlll being predicted with a good deal of confidence. The New York market has been more or leaa excited anil each week the fact be comes more evident that good coftt-es are going to be scarce. Owing to the strength of the green market all roasted coffees have been advanced H cent per pound since last report. There has been no material change In the canned goods market. Corn is attracting a good deal of atten tion but there haa been no change in the market. Tomatoes have eased off a Utile, the beat grades now being about 6c per doxen lower than the opening, while the lower grades still show more of a Iohm. Blocks of small fruits sre now well cleaned up with the possible exception of straw berries and black burrles. The demand In fact for all kinds of canned goods has been very brisk so far this season. In dried fruits, raspberries are quoted strong with the market well cleaned up. Evaporated apples show sn sdvanca of k M&ao over the prices In force two weeks ago. Owing to the heavy demand for this line and the limited supply of apples avall able for drying, tower prices are not beiug anticipated. , ,, The price of raisins has been materially reduced and In fact to such an extent Is that the case that loose raisins can now be retailed tor luc per pound at a profit. It is evident that the demand so far this year has not been satisfactory to the Cali fornia association and these prices have been made to stimulate consumption. New rice Is expected on the market short I v snd It is said thst the quality will be unusually good. The crop of head rices turned out much better than usual so It Is expected that prices will be correspondingly low. The only change In fish worthy of aien tlon sre advance on mackerel and cod. Stocks ef both of these Unas are limited. JTffiJjrgl. 'Suyera- havibee'ii g lTi men have also been sendlna In a nice .c,"?ni;e. J'"0? v"!??? "."?. -ae pull the chain and up goe9 wnoie Front Top. Then can Iry kindllntr "e fire, brofl, o oVtrcefrth6 1,51141 WSIif (a iKa... iL the fire, brofl, or or in health 250 'Pads a book bent r mm m rres '"mL " II AT' Hi". i'TIl 'L' Nl while the demand la large, so no reduc tions are expected. Cotton Goods Continue strong. i The cotton goods market Is reported as being In a good strong position and those who are in a position to know say that there is every reason for looking for a firm market for several months to come. They figure that merchants will be per fectly safe In laying In good supplies of spring goods at present prices, as they do not see how there can be any reductions. Trade continues of very satisfactory pro portions for the time of year. Not many buyers were In the city last week, so that house trade was a little quiet, but travel ing men picked up a good many sorting up orders and mall orders direct were also liberal. As soon as colder weather sets in Jobbers expect to enjoy very liberal patronage. Traveling salesmen are also taking up a good many advance orders for spring. Wash goods, dress goods, laves, embroi deries and white goods are selling espe cially well and so also are shirts. Every I LIllllH I II thing st tne present time. Jobbers say. poin,. to a bl jsk advance order business I from this time on. Binek iron n Little Lower, ' " ot the moat important changes In the , hardware market last week waa a reduc tlon in the price of black Iron amounting i 10 cents. Ualvanlst-d iron ..iso eused I .,n ympathy with the decline on the I ti 'inn i" -.- m. ouiiunn it a i vi w oVJ xj s.r he?ta. Builder' hardware in in. 7 . v ' rrr - CT,V7V1 ' of I he v aa. i and i t n mwara (hat mnra hmlH. rope is quoted All goods are not selling as freely as might be expected owing to the lack of cold weather, it Is thought, however, that a touch of winter is ail that Is needed to make seasonable goods very active. The general volume of business, though. Is quite satisfactory to Jobbers and they are planning on a very brink demund throughout the fall and winter. Leather Goods Very Firm. Leather goods are quoted as being In very good demand for this time of the year. In spite ot the warm and pleasant weather it seems that retailers luivu been doing a nice business and as a result they are placing liberal siting up orders for immediate shipment. Quite a few buyers were in the city last week and they all had a good word to say reKaJ'dlng lh trade they have been having and of the prospects for the future. Hni-tng orders are also coming in quite freely and Jobbers say that rsullers will find spring lines at present prices good property. Ths market Is In a very rlrm position and. In tact, a good many lines are quoted higher by manufacturers than they were a short time ago. The ad vances do not amount to over 'V to 6 cents per pair, but in large orders that Is quite an item. Frnlls and Produce. The demand for fruits was liberal last week, the same aa it has been all the season. There were very few changes in ruling quotations, however. This week will about see the end of the supply or peaches. I prunea and plums. Apples wl I then i be lu bigger demand than fojmoi-ly. elthoiigli thy hays been u"r irhl Z,J-i .3 ippU "is now verVcon.ple.e and the quality bitter than usuul. I'nces are about the same aa a wet-K ago, ranging uvm so..a to M OO per barrel. There have been practically no changes In vegetables worthy of mention. The poultry market haa eased off con siderably during the week. It seems that the big packers at South Omaha and other live stock centers have nut been taking hold quite ao freely of late, and as a result the liberal receipts have caused a reduc tion In prices. Eggs and butler, however, are selling In Just about the aume notches they wore at last report. Oyaters, aa will be seen from the quotations In another column, are also a til He lower, the reduc tion amounting to Itr&a per can. Forelgs Financial. LONDON, Oct. It. Money waa scarcer In the market today, which was attributed to the Bank of England's endeavors to aoaorb the supplies end obtain control of the mar ket. Discounts consequently were firmer. Busineae on the Block exchange was In animate, partly on account of the far east ern situation, but more particularly owing to forced selling of home rails and Grand Trunk on disappointing trafllo returns and fears of more failures at the settlement, commencing with the carry-over of moneys on Monday. Consols were easier. Ameri cans opened dull snd Irregular, became siag-nant and closed quiet in aiiticlpai'on of a poor New York bank statement. The amount of bullion taken into the Bank of England on balance today was 11,&.0. Oold bars, 77s; American eagles, 76s 64d. PARiil, Oct. 34. Prices on the bourse to day opened Arm. Later Internationals be came irregular. Industrials were strong and active. Itlo Tlntos, which sained 16 franco, were (he feature of the day. The private rat of discount was 1 16-16 per cent. Three per cent rentes, 7f 17Vc for the ac count; exchange on London, 2f Ho for checks. BEKLIN, Oct U Trading on the bourse opened quiet, but later became more active. Most of the securities were slightly higher. Exchange on London, 3bmlifg. for checks: discount rains, short bills. 3 psf cent, thxee-iooulh bills, 1 par vent. I viiiw vi ceuiit. uui niuv im uuuifu nrni.