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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY KEE: WEDNESDAY, JULY IB. 100.1. r i SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements lhsa folsmm Kill ItkM m. for the venlnet edition and nntll M:i a. la. foe moraine and Hnailar edlttnn. Rates, 1 l-'lf m word drat Insertion, I a ward thereof, er: Nothing taken tow leoa than lor Ikr drat Inner tloa. Thes advertisements naaet be raa eonaeentlvely. Advertisers, by ' requesting; a hered cheek, cad bare anerrrrs ad. dreaaed to a nnmbered letter la rira f The Ree, Answer ao addressed wHI be delivered m arcaeatatlaa ( tbe beak aalr. SITUATIONS WAITED. INKROETIC ' mm desires any position offering advancement- age 'ifi- college graduate; hu ruffi i-rleiiee ni traveling salesman; also , In teal estate business. Excellent referenced' given: Address li W, Bee. . A 4iW liX BOOKKEEPER, well recommended, wants position. Address H 51, Bee. A M460 ll'x , W ANTED MALE. HELP, THE BUMMER TERM ' BQYLES COLLEGE la bow open, in ot too lata to enter. I:v,r . I .u .nrnfliiiMtit dnv. business. shorthand, typewriting, Eng- Halt, lies a-catalogue.-; - . - U. B, BOY.LE3. President. TaL, 1984,;. N.. T, Lile. Bldg., Omaha. 26 SCHOOL, teasbors for summer, work at good aalarlea. See Manager. Boo. War Blk, - TRAVELING MBN, visiting the grocery ana urug tiaue. .wmeu u lade' 'as a' 'side llhe. good eornmtSBlon raid. W. H.' Clements, m s. nth st.. Omaha, Nb. - 11 MS17 WANTED, a capable rnan who can do first-class work and manage steam laun- drv iluina- cuod business! gooa salary with prlvuege of ljuylng. Roy Urokeji Bow, Neb. , ' 13 MJ) 18 WANTED Good U Address 11 itt. Bee,, round blacksmiths. B SsXS w k NTfii-. man to work about house and barn. Apply at ofUce of Leormrd Everett, 18 Tc'eArt street. Council, Bluffs. .11 1 A WANTED 25 n " for Ice work. Apply 1 3 at -lea : bbjo, 11m u Nicholas. B M420 16 wiHTnnuil mnnA all round combined tlnnerrand plumber; must be an Al man and strictly sober; steady work year round; a good lob to the right man; mar ried man preferred' -Fowler & Gott, Pones, City. OkLf - : b M4jz 11 , AN old-astabllshed firm desires to engage the- services of a,, wideawake solicitor or salesman to represent them in each ooun ty. Prefer those -wtio'-have been success ful In workjng out In the country and on the rural route;- permanent position and rood income. Aaaress, giving iw perijnee and references, H 44, Bee. wiNTim.A' a-ond salesman or solicitor. prefer one who has had experience "In Bell ing good In the' country and on the rural routes.- Will give a-oowpetent and expert, enced person a permanont position at $20 a week and expenses. Address, 11. 1, ova. barber trade; growing demand for gVaduates; can earn hriv il exiSensed 'before- completing; few weeks our method of practice. . ,Write today. Mpjer Earbr CoX- lege, lwz uougias pv. o-imw wiNTrrwi jliflt nun to work about house and barn. ..Apply at office of Leon ard Everett, 18 Pearl Bt., Council Bluffs. I' . T - uT)s ., , B M421 16x TtT.TTMTtTCR. wanted In, a aood. live town: rdenty of work.. Bartman A Bullock, York. Xeb. '','-. m M44g in mn' aatUfled with your present post- . tlon or salary? If not, write us for plan and booklet. We Tnava openings for rrtan- ' agera, aaoratartea. advertising men, sales men, etc- Technical, clerical and execu tive men ' of all kinds. High-grade ex rtuslvely. ' Openings for' college men. Hapgoods-flncnrporwteeSi uito- WO- Me-. naduook JJiiiiamg, vmcacu. . ' a WANTED, for United States army, able- bodied, unmarried' men, between ages ot 21 and 86; citizen of United States, of good character .-. and temperate habits, who can speak, 'read and write EngllHh. For. Information ' apply to recruiting ' officer, 18th and Dodge Sta., Omaha, and Grand isiana, rseo. WANTED, a hustler at door Union Dental college. o-aiw WANTED, a thoroughly competent man to take charge of a. Targe soda fountain; al ' dMirable T.oaltlorl and good wages to the right man; give sge, experience and where employed. f Aaoress wi, 0M4M j-x ' WANTED, youria" rnan. about 18, to deliver goods and taKe care oi norse ana Darn. . . ....... n . - S - - Tl ,,r, , .- Apply iais rarniroi . d-mhh i WANTED.' butchr"who can deliver and work la shop. Apply 2707 Leavenworth st. v. i 13 WANTED, a first -class grocer clerk: state age, experience ana wnere empioyea; gooa Wages to riglll pariy. Auureaa 11 00. nee. B M455 15x Wanted fehalb help. 100 Olrla. Call Canadl&s offloe, 15th A Dodge, C 1 L s AN EXPERIENCED demonstrator- wanted who can place a' demonstration for. a aklrt supporter nd waist former In one of the leading ' department stores; good salary: elate articles previously demon strated 11 Adaress .Bpencer ' Moeaeield, . Adam Bia., on ranciacu.iw.; WANTED, girl to do general housework In 1 small family. Mrs. BlmefaL 976 North k 28th Avtw-r.. m.v . 0-812 WANTED, r competent girl to do plain housework p 16 per week, - wis uavenport. Take Farnam car.- : u 3 WANTED, at once,' girl for freneral House wurk; wages $6 to $6 for competent -cook. 218 South 8tn ave.. . . . . u-mw LADIE4 learn hAtrdresslng, manicuring or faclaU ntassaisit. Years saved by our " method. Our diplomas help graduates to positions at top .wages, call or write, Mo-er college, ijpj iiougias. u MSo 1,: WANTED, a good girl for general house work; small family.. -Apply 8lM Cum St. 1-MJ 18X t ,, - : , . 3 .. FOR BENT UOLSES. UOIIQPQ ln a11 PrU of the city. K. stwwM vjj-i'uiars wo., avo Bldg. . . ,. ' ' ... K-1W FOR RENT. J. room house, all modern ex cept rurnace. iw n. wna .., ju. j. al. Bachman, 43-37 Pxto blk. imiTQP to all parts of the city. The O. liwu w W, jr. Uavts t-u., fru Bee Bldg. ' ',OJ I-lui X ITNR.llOSTWICTf'A CO Cholca hnn.,1 twl-ottt New xoik km oiug. rnone ini D 6(W WE MOVE- pianos.. Msggard Van A Stor age Co. . Tel. IW. um, 171, U'.k.,u. u 1. . V, ffU.1,1 01, I 661 ONE of the fine, all modern, 7-room brick nouses, .'JiH ana iiara sis., 131. it. hi. Turkington,' Cu6 . Bee.- D MJ24 , u ' 1 , . , TOR RENT 7-rosmii J house, city water. barn, nice yard. rioar Hanscom park. $15. Wll'liuii K. Putter.. Receiver, 3u3 Brown Block, umana, rsco. i 443 ' ' . 1 . FOR RENT, ten-room modern house near High school. No. 412 North T-'d street. In quire next door or at 412 N, Y. Life build- . Ing. ...... D-82S ' FOR KENT.:- ' t-rom modern house luntl bam. fCli Bin- n'y street v. ......... ,. w I-room modern boMS una Darn. 2446 6outh 20th street... J.. : 20.00 THOMAS BRENNER. 8. 13th St. " . , . ' 11-400 15 QOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. Cor. 2uiq and fit. Msry'e Ave., ft. rooms, modern, shade, lawn, $35.00. t.5 til. Mary'n Av.. -r., .modern. fn.iO. Il4 Loouat St.. i rooaiB.t modem, large lawn and eli,0e. $27.50. 21)0 80. S4th. Ilmi. X1S-00. Bo. J2d, I rooms. tlS mi. ' f tGO He ward, T-r.,-bath. $'5.00. -I l' 1 ry Ave., 6 rooms. $10 00.' ' 1 Ll 80. 17th. 6 rooms'. $10 00. I GARVIN BROS. tm' Nat, back Bid!-. 1H rarnam Ht. FOR RENT HOUSES. CENTRAL, lst-claa 7-roorn house, 220 N. 23 D-M477 TEN ROOM brlok. 114 N. 26th St.; gas, bath, furnace, laundry. Hot basement plan. 15 4T.9 17x TWO -room houses, nil modern. Ill 00. C. M. Kuchma nn. 436-87 Paxton block. D-M7 HOUSES. Insurance., Darker blk. D 167 TO MOVE right g Co., ofllce t ct Omaha Van Storage arnam, or Tels. lfwS (4 d tta 8-KOOM cottage, 2D06 Franklin St. D-2S9 FOR RENT for two or three months., fur nished c ottar!? to couple; references' re-1 quired. Jan H. Wheeler, Jr., 1 S. 2Mb. St. D jaiaw m FOR RENT K-room house. 2Sth and Far- nam; thorough repnlr, new plumbing. Mr. E. Wakeley, .Su7 No. 19th St. D (41 14 FOR HEKT-Fl iniSIIED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. ROYAL. HOTEL., European. 16th A Cmcago. I L. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 780. E 172 $1.00 to 12.00 per week, 422 S. 18th St., one block south of court- house. E lii NICE cool room, modern, very reasonable; uenuemen preferred. 142b N. I7tn. CENTER hotel. European plan; south cool rooms, j to 14 per week, zio r. l'tn ni. Tel. B-2647. E 732 20 NICE cool rooms, US Bo. 20th, IS up. THREE' large, cool, elegantly furnished rooms, nil modern conveniences, ineiumng telephone: suitable for Hunt housekeeping, 116 So. i5th St. 'Phone, B-2G60. E M2B7 O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 780. E-C60 FRONT- and other desirable rooms, bath, cool and central. lor gentleman. let J Cass St. E M807 ai AETNA HOUSE, European. Uth A Dodge. C 1IU Hotel Hubbel, 13th 4 Howard; 'phone 2888. K M41S AX NICE ROOMS, light housekeeping. 1112 8. 11th. E M415 . NICE rooms, modern. 2C80 Harney. K-MJ36 18x m t r-ir r -v ,,i.v.. inntM nmoS. steam laundry, 1750 Leavenworth. I'none I 218 N.17TH Cool front rooms for two. ' . E M444 AW FIRNISIIED ROOMS AND BOARD. THE FARNAM, 19th & Farnam. . F 174 609 8. 26TH AVE.; private family. F 176 FOR RENT Single and double room with first class board; moocrn conveniences; close to car: line; within walking dis tance;-rates reasonable. 2516 Davenport St. M9Si lox THE KENWOOD 2C16' Farnam Street. . Phone 3043. ' F-M523 THE ROSE. 2020 Harney, nice cool rooms. good' board rates reasonable; also meal tickets. . . MS4U 1 ( DESIRABLE rooms at the Pratt, 212 8. 25th Ave. F M145 27 1'VRMTIRB PACKING. PETERSON & LUNDBERG, 118. So. 17th. Tel. jj-zawi. . ti tJO ' , ' . ' WASTED TO RUST. , . $ -OR 6-room cottage In good neighborhood. Adoress 1 . a. runey, uv a. win ave. IV JHIDJf z A. 1 1 . , ' 1 -M " "i "ioa, 'nf Stores" Aso'wifieKti I FOR-RENT, the -buUdlng rormerly -oecu plod by The Bee at 916 arnam Bt, It has lour stories-ana a Dusemem wnicn was formerly used as The Bea tiress room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at office of C. C. Rose- water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. -. -.-. I Ml FOR RENT, building suitable for whole sale purposes at via tiraim, xano, four atones ana nrsi-ciass cemeniea uasement, ! a vfLtor. . fir and burclar -' troof vault. ofllce counter and fixtures. For price and! particulars inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec- retary the Be Building. Co., room 100. Bee building. ' I-M57 AGENTS WANTED. THE ONLY AUTHORIZED LIFE OF POPE LEO XIII; written with th en- couragement, approbation, and blessing ot hia holiness, by Mgr. Beriiard O'Keilly. U. I)., Lu u., wno lor tjgm .years uvea ln the Vatican hs domestic prelate to the pope. This distinguished American author was summoned to Rome and ap pointed py me pope as ms ouiciai Dlog rapher;- approved and recognized by Car dinal Gibbons and ail church authorities as the only otnciai Diograpny of the, pope; over 800 pages inagnillcently illustrated; unparalled opportunity for agents; best nuniiy ior agents; best gant xutnt free. Send 15 ie. The John a. Wlnninn commission ele nts for bos Urn Co.. 228 Dearborn SL. Chicago. III. " . . . , ' - . J-M419 16 WANTED, canvassing agents in . every bounty to no I lot subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment' with assured good in rora. Agents' in the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers maxo easily v to situ per montn. Ad dress Century Fanner-Solicitors' Bureau, ch puuaing, ujuaiiM, j zi AGENTS wanted to sell the "Life of Pope iveo JL111, wruien wuu ine encourage ment, approbation and blessing of His Holiness, the Pope, by Monslgnor Ber nard o Keiuy. ii i-axton Blue. v... .. '. -- J M864 THE ONLY authorised memorial life of lJope jeo JUii. ueauiuuiiy illustrated with- colored art. plates of rarest value. Approved and recognised by archbishops aiul bishops. Unparalleled opportunity for agents. Largest commission. Elegant OUini free. . o-im iuauia, AMERICAN PUBLISHING ClXOrnahia, outnt free. ncna cenis tor postage. FOR SALE FIRMTIRE. CHICAGO Fumlturn Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2H29. New ana aecona-nana oougui. soiu, 1 exchanged J 1W K-OH SALE liOltSliS, vAUOMSi, KTU, HAVE your rubber tires set while you wait. 11. r rost, xtia ana jeiiveiiwonn. P lsl MONROE sells pleasure vehicles at 811 N. 101 n u .mow. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. I . , , I NEW and 2d-uand typewriters, wi r arnam. y-la6 2DIIAND safe cheap. Deright, 1119 Farnam. iOM FOR SALE Second-hana Locomobile, in nrat-ciaas imuiio, m. wh.-ho. w. v. or address 16il Farnam su Q 6si FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. 2fi cents a .. 1 -n IHTKe. . .11 luaua i ri-i, iiinno III al riuai aarbage receptacles. Fred Youngs, foreman Bee press room, rear entrance Bee Bldg. ' Q-M431 ikiiun soods and relics, lilt Farnam. vi FOR SALE A new 800 ampere double pole switch; never been used. Apply to or ad dress "duperiutendeut lis Building, Omaha." ' Vr-Miw PHOTOGRAPH vCAR Komi Art store. for - sal. Apply vr i FOR SALU Crane liydraulia elevator; can ! uwil either passenger or freight; com plete. Iron guide pouts, cage and-wire eu- J. IM miuu.u o swu. ' Q 6tl inox anil wire (mrai. tree guards, trel- Uses. Wesurn Anchor Fence Co., 205 N. 17th at. TELEPHONE poles.- long Tir timbers; chlckea fence; ornc fnnng. sui pouniai. WARaUiOUola acalaa chca. Sam 1 Burns. a-.Ml AU WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE THE MONEY THAN SOME OFYOUR UNUSED HOUSEHOLD GOODS. A WANT AD IN THE BEE WILL SELL ANY OLD THING. FOB HALE Mist F.LLANP.Ot . CATALOGUE rut drug prices free. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. W-184 FOii SALE 1,600 feet ot second-hand Hire rote. In Brood condition. Apply to or address "Superintendent of Bee Build ing,' umani." . m.w, FOR HALE Gasoline launch in ftrst-rlass condition on Lake Manawa; a bargain If taken at once. For particulars address S, Ree office. Council Bluffs. . ' ci..4invo.Ts. MRS, CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY yUEEN of clairvoyants; every thing told; past, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. 807 N. 18th. S 1W MME. LUCRKTlA, medium, 1708 California. B eOb A4 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. GRACE O ERYAN, Baths. 720 a 13th. T M694J MME. SMITH, baths. 11B N. IS, 2d floor, r. i EMOLINE SHEPARD, massage and va- Second floor,'- 606 por baths; assistant. N 16th st. 1 M348 A MISS HOWARD, elegant massage and vapor oatns; aicouoi ruDbing. 3l7'4 N. 16th, flat E. T-M265 al MRS. DAVIS, 1621 Howard St., front rooms; iuu u.iu, urai-uiuss tiLeuuani. T Mill Al EMELINE SHEPHERD. 606 N. 16th, -2d floor, furnished rooms. T M 4tl rCHSOVAL DR. ROY. chlrooodlst: corns and sunerflu ous nair removed by electricity. 11. 2 and t, uuo f arnam st. u 181 VIAVI, a wholesome nerve and tissue food ana nome treatment lor disorders of women.. Free booklet. Viavl Co., 348 Ree ciog. lilVi MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES, At drugglBts, tl. u it I PRIVATE home during conllnement; babies adopted. The tiood oumarltan Banitajium. rumntmnv manicuring, scalp, facial, pecial massaire tausht and hygiene and practiced. A. Mayer, 612 Bee Bldg. Con sultation free. Use Re-No-May Powder. - . ' U-198 WE RENT sewing machines, 75c per week; we repair ana sen pans tor an makes of machines. Nebraska Cycle Co., cor. lath and Harney sis. 'Phone 1063. 1 U Ma63 jyl WANTED, 600 ladles to visit our '.Garment Cutting College to see Its workings nnd test Its merits by taking one lesson free. Room 627 Paxton block, torner Hivh and Farnam Sta. - U M647 20 ' PRIVATE hospital before and during con- nnement) naoies Doaraea ana aaoptoa. Mrs. Gardcis. 2234 Lake. Tel. Red-lW4. ,. 1 U M284 . TELEPHONE 780 for O. M. E. messengera, .- . u 200 ; ECZEMA SALVE that cured W A. Paxton. B J. Bcannellr agent, tXAi ware oiock. 1 II M3K7 'a $30 WE CURB RUPTURE FOR $30 NO detention jrom uu"iiiei jo,vuy v"c ratients; send ror oooxiet, etc. umpire feuoture Co.. New York I4fe bldg., Omaha. Neb. TT-19 PRIVATE Santltarium for ladies oerora and during connnemenu ur. unu an. Gerisch, oi wauiornia du irrmx ,-ct.nt'p li able. J '" U-4H1 Jyi PRIVATE, hbrpltal before and during eon- nnemeniioei. m"'"-?''"' " :sif" Ura. L. Fisher, 1601 Vinton. TeK -1889. . j0nbV to loakrea" etat13. WANTED, dry loans and warrants. W. rarnata emiip - 7 w-20l" WANTED, city and u lj JK l-d. warrants. R. C Varnam St.. Bea Bldg. W 202 mAnu. ond city loans:-low rates.- W. tl. rThomai Fl?st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648, w aja I noiviTm mnnv. Sherwood. 937 N, T. Life, W 204 ; I ' . -., -J 4 TO P. C. money. Bemla, Paxtonblpca 1 W-r-206 FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros, 1 Farnam. " tv . T1J. money F Di Weed, 1620 Douglas, PRIVATE m oney. . u. eu, w207 MONEY -TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE.. TO GET TO PAY . ?P,LM,.?"5rlo.- warehouse ".?r.f. etc Or if ypu have a permanent . etn mak you a T, W wa en mako you a w .jaiTaRY LOAN . .' ..yrAi. ni.i .i ikmir laniiri 1 w. sjtwb'v - ---- , to repay.. Our service Is Quick ana .12 .rtrSryo- Sv.'u.Tciii ATolto co, ; 119 Board OI iriiu? 's- i tEsUbllshsd 1892.) 806 So. ltth St MONEY .'... .mninvn and wage earners: i h. eets you Get our yom 'TaZ nr gentleman. mlUlnlsr engineer: etc"' having reliable ..wiu unnihl. Weekly. ... u'nr 11s as or $6.66 100 Return 10 -' - .35 60eturn to us... 13.33 or 6 or ?-Ku J?"!" fS or' iw 11 1M 16 Keiurn -r:. ...nftdentlaL rJasiesi x.-V Courteous IN II 1IIUUI..V i . (mint. . . mv, tt xr I TJjgTAK LOAN CO.. 644 T5ad MlinEil A - - - . a slUit VOUr L-VU vsrin.. v. or removal of property. U,nRELIABLE CREDIT CO mw-Skj. Paxton BUx.k. X-M463 18 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITUREr PIANOS. LIVE STOCK, rU V SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business Confidential. Trv ua If you want to save money. 1 ,?,,ivv cRi-niT rn 623 Paxton Block. mm ana rsrnain nia. X 211 MONEY loanad on plain note to salaried nonnle: business CPnnarnmu. 1 .e. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co, a m LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO RiT.ARIFD rturLGi., learn atrra boarding houses, etc.. without se .,..1. u- ...mIioI Irrmi. 40 offices ln Prln clpal citits. Tolman, 440 Board of Trsde Bldg. CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan CO., SUO. to J-. urcca, Cl. e, earner ua. A iU MflKF1 V loaned on pianos, furniture. ! elry. horees. cows. etc. U. r . neea. sis o 11 - X 216 Bl'SIXESS CHANCES. FOR SALE, by administrator, good clean, stock of . general mervhaDdtse in good brick building In good location, ready to begin buaineas at soy time; Invoice about $6,(0u; must be sold soon. Call on or sddress 8 W. Chumbers, , aOmlnlstrator, ' . . V W Q7I xilttir. nw. WANTED, XO.OuO hnmeseekera, farmers an stockmen to loin colony to Argentine: ric corn and' alfalfa land, Son to $2 per acre. Write the Booth American colonists lo No 1. ( nam bar or -tjommerce. Minni ... 1 AlTvl UX nt!iKs t iiA.Nt :. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exehangs anv property or business quick, see J. 11. Johnson, 813 N. Y. Life. Y-H7 VE CAN sell your real estate or business wherever located; we Incorporate and float stock companies; write us. Horatio Gilbert & Co., Ellicott sn Buffalo. Y M40H 1GX FOR SALE A small stock of drugs In Franklin county. This Is an al opening for a physician. .Address H 40, Re. Y-M4U5 19x "TO NORA II," richest mining camp ever discovered. For particulars, free of charge, address lllrschler & Montaaue, Ban Francisco, Cal. Y M4. lux FOR SALE or rent, butcher shop with full equipment of tools, Ice box. blocks, etc. All new. Fred Feyerliern, Stanton, Neb. Y M 970 lSx EXCEPTIONALLY good opening In our office for an energetic, congenial man who has small capital; prefer Judge of prop erty with large acquaintance in Nebraska: Vtate age and experience. Address Imme diately, Southern Guaranty Investment Co., Sioux City, Iowa. Y 451 16x rOR BALE REAL ESTATE. $4,750 - For a Lovely Home In West Farnam district; built last year; house has eight , rooms; lower floors fin Ished In oak, with lavatory; cement cellar; lot (0x100. This Is snap for some one. The owner will take one-fifth cash down, balance payments. You have to see this to appreciate It. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 3320 FARNAM STREET. RE 452 14 10-ROOM modern house, 11 blocks from postomce tor saie cneap. iu in. jstn. Benewa A Co.. RE 220 W. C. CHISSELL, 833 N. Y. Life Bldg. K1S M368 A 7 HOUSES and lots In nil parts of city; also acre properly ana mrm lanas. The o. v. Davis Co., Room tnx. Bee Bldg. RE 221 XIT I I A MCON CHARLES E.. 1203 i iL,uiiiui If arnam street. RE 218 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union faclllc Kntirona company. B. A. McAllester, land commissioner. Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. - - RE-219 MIDSUMMER BARGAINS. SNAPS IN RENTAL PROPERTY. $2,500 Two houses; modern except furnaces, block from car,, good repair, renting $450 a year. ' Can you beat that? $3,000 Two 8-r. houses, modern except fur- races, ground 70x110 to alley, close in, rental $408 per year. Will easily net . 10 per cent, ' $4,600 Four houses, ground 120x90, corner, street and alley on every side all in ' good repair except one, rental $900 a year. Will pay all charges and pay a for themselves In T or 8 years. One ' third cash on al above properties. WALLACE, BROWN BLOCK. '-'. '-' ' ; " : . . RE (416 , , A CCORJJEQH PLEATING. ''"" ; rrr 'MV ..m .;. 1L .. 1 . MRS. GOLDMAN, ioof Douglas block. M-772 BABBITT, .M ETAL. FRICTIONLESS. worth 26e; closing It out al use. ti,. b. Mann, H. 17, com. Nat l Bank. . . - - 735 a BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North 16th. R. RUMBEL A SON, only tie factory In the state. Try us. 14tb and Nicholas. Tel. F3359. - M 768 23 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. mLL Unds of carpenter Work and repairing iirumpuy aiienaea 10. j. a. ucnutree, zotn and Lake streets. - 270 CARPET CLEANING. A. K. JETT calls for carpets. Tel. A -3302. -.-,-... MJIsJAl CONTRACTORS AND Bt'ILDERS. A. J. PLERSON, 20th and Burt, TeL L-2i3. .-' 61S DENTISTS. C. H. PAUL, removed to residence. 2022 Burt Tel. F-2753. -225 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry and City Towel Dupyiy. itou ieuveuwuriQ. lei. a-1703. . 237 DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK, 617 Xarbach block. Tel. EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. G. R. Rathbun, room 15, Com'l Nat Bank. 227 FLORISTS. HESS A 8WOBODA, 1414 Farnam. 228 L. HENDERSON, florist, 1415 Farnam St. 229 FIRMTIRE PACKING. GATE CITY Upholstering Co., woven wire springs iignteuea. Tel. 13-2076. 1705 St. wary s Ave. 263 FOUND. FOUND Package containing lady' gar ments; owner must prove property and ya tUHTKHI. VJO XN. i.U SI. Found 152 14jc GARBAGE. AKTI-MUNOrOLI GARBAGE CO. cleanj cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 loiu. lei. ins. 210 GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bea Bldg. TeL 263a. - mi LAW AND COLLECTIONS. rilLLMAN A PRICE, 22 U. 8. N'l B k, bid. 234 new BNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. Y. 1-110 mag., attorneys ana collectors every, where. 235 MACFARLAND A MAY, New York Llf mug., room au. rooam lObz. Z58 LAWN MOWERS, SHARPENED. P. Melcholr, Uth A Howard 233 LAWNMOWKK8 sharpened, saws filed. ,nmDriua repaired, acys, etc, ti. lKtn. MEDICAU Piles Cured without pain no cutting, tying or burning. All blood, kidney and bladder diseases cured; a guarantee given in every case treated by W. C. Maxwell. M. D., 24 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb., graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medlaa.1 College, New York City. ' A. ANDERSON. 2fith and Isard. after about eleven months with dropsy, is passing about four gallons of water dally by tbe use of I'rof. Johnson s medicine, nun sna Jones st. M12 lfix Ml MCA L. THOS. J. KELLY, fblct. Davldge Block. a OMAHA COLLEGE OF MUSIC, $16 Ramge blk.; summer term. Apply F. H. wrignt, L. L. C. M.. Director. 'Phona 1101 -M283 1I PATENTS. M. 3. COWGTLL No fee unlees auocessful. 818 8. 16th St.. Omaha. Tel. 17S8 w OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suits 616, isew iork Hie liiag. lei. 28$ The Hunt Infirmary, McCague Bldg. T, 2352. w AUen A FarwelS. Paxton Blk.. $04-7. T. 1S66. M241 DRS. FINCH A MILLER. 124 8. 25th St. 481 Dr. Grace Deegan, 609 McCague. Tel. 2352. 264 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLB Txen Office, reliable, accommodat Ing, all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 41 P1AMBIXG. DALY & SON PRACTICAL PLUMBERS steam and gas fitters; Jobbing neatly done; all orders promptly attended. Tel. 2$4L 2306 Leavenworth. RIG MAXIFACTIRISO. OMAHA Rug Factory, 1521 Leaven. Tel. 2068. !4J TAHMERIXO AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bid 247 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere; P. H. Phllbln, 1606 Farnam. 'fhone 7K4. 653 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN BANT'S school. 7T7 N. Y. Life, 248 NEB. Business A Shorthand College. Boyd's Theater. 24 STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., IEIIVb Farn. Tela. ir59-862. a.o TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. THE DEPOT on time. O. M. E. Tel, 780. . 'SI When You Write . to Advertisers ' remember It only takes an extra Stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad ln The Bee. FOSTOFFICU NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested. as changes may occur at any time). ForeiKn malls for the week ending July 18, 1903. will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the general postomce as tonows: rar- cel-post mails close one nour earner tnan closing time shown below. Parcels-post mails for Germany close at 6 p. m. Wednesday. Regular and supplementary malls close at Foreign Station half an nour later than closing time shown below (exoept that sup plementary malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station.). Transatlantic Malls. WEDNESDAY At :S0 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. sv Philadelphia, via Boutnampton; at 7:30 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. s. Noordam (mail must be directed "per s. s. Noordam ); at 8:30 a. m. (sup plementary 10 a. m.) for EUROPE, per c. s. Germanic, via Queenstown; at 8:30 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Llgurla (mall must be directed "per s. a. Llg urla"). THURSDAY At 6.30 a, m. for EUROPE, per s. s. F. Bismarck, via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg (mail for France, Switzerland, Italy, - Spain, Port ugal, Turkey, Egypt, Greece, British In dia and Lorenzo Marques must be di rected "per s. s. F. Bismarck"); at 7 a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND, ITALY. SPAIN, PORTUGAriTTURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MARQUE., per s. s. La Lorraine, via Havre (mall for other parts af 1.' 1 1 T"l 1 Ti m lint Ha rliiM.tAi 1 . . I Lorraine"). SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. (suplementaf y a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Etruila, via Queenstown; at 8 a. in. for BELGIUM direct, per s. a. Finland (mail must be directed per s. s. Finland"); at fc.3) a, m. for ITALY direct, per a. s. Hohen collern (mall must be directed "per s. s. Hohenzollern"); at :30 a. m. for SCOT LAND direct, per s. s. Ethlopa (mall must be dlrecta4 "per s. s. Ethlopa"); at 11 a, m. tor DENMARK direct, per s. a. Island (mail must be directed "per a. a. Island"). 1 PRINTED MATTER, ETC.-Thls steamer takes Printed Mutter, Commercial Pa pers, and Samples tor Germany only. The same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe win not be sent by this ship unless specially directed bv her. After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named above, addi tional Supplementary Malls are opened on the piers of the American, English, French and German steamers, and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour ot sailing of steamer. Malls for Soatk aad Ccatral Amcrlea West ladles, Ete. WEDNESDAY At 2:30 a. m. (supplemen tary 10:30 a. m.) for INAGUA, HAITI and SANTA MART A, per s. a. Alleghany (mall for Savanllla must bo directed "per s. a. Alleghany"): at 12:30 p. m. (supple mentary 1 p. m.) for TURKS ISLAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per a. a. New York. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA, per a. a. vigiiancia tmait ior Mexico, via ATogreBo. v.aui)Ji;viia a.,. , i . u, 11111,1 q. rected "per a. a. Vigilancla"); at 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. s. TJomo, via Pro- ereso (mail must do oirecieu "per a. s. TJomo ); at 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 p. m.) for BAHAMAS, UUANTANAMO and SANTIAGO, per s. s. Seneca; at 11:30 p. rn. for -NEWFOUNDLAND, per s. s. ilty 01 nouioay, iroin 2'miaaelDtilt (iuuai-ai u m. ior miLAitju, per s. s Matansas, via lampico (mail must be di rected "per s. s. MaUnzas"); at 12:30 p tn. (supplementary l:3o p. m.) for inauua ana a ii, per s. s. Flandrla.: at 1 D. m. for PORTO PLATA. rer a. a Captain Bennett, from Boston (mall for otiier parts ot the Dominican llepublio must be directed "per a. a. Captain Ben nett"): at (:30 p. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per a. . Vancouver, from Boston. SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for NEWFOUND LAND, per a. a. Rosalind; at I a, m. for HLKULUA, per s. s. irniiaad; at k:30 m. (supplementary :3ti a. m.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA,, per a. s. Maracaibo (mall for bavanllla, and Car tagena must be directed "per s. s. Ma racalbo"); at a. ra. for PORTO RICO, per a. a. Ponce; at $ 30 a. m. (supple mentary 10:80 a. m ) for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX. LEEWARD and WIND WARD loLANL-o, BlUTLbli. DUTCH POSTOFFUK NOTICE. and FRENCH Ol'IANA. per s. s. Csrlb bee (mail for Grenada atvl Trinidad must be dlm ted "ppr s. s. Carlbbce "); at :t a. m. (supplementary in::ii s. m.i for FORTUNE ISLAM'. JAMAICA, SAY ANII.I.A, CARTAGENA nnd OUEY TOWN. per s. s. Vslencls (mull for Cot Klcs mum be direcini "iht s. a, Va lencia"); at 1 a. m. for CUBA, per a. s. Mexico, via Havana; st 10 n. m. for AR GENTINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s. Trojan Prince, Malls Forwarded Overland, Etc., Ks eept Tranannelde. CUHA-Py ru to Vert Tampa, Fla., and thence ny sicnm-r, clours nt this ofl ce dally, except Thursday, nt $o:30 a. m. (Hit cnnnecllng-malls close on Mondays, Wednesdays nnd Saturdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless sparilly sddrpSstJ !rr fl?sch b steamer, clones st this ofllce daili, xciit funday, at 1:30 n. m. and 11 30 p. m. Sundays at 1 p. m. nnd 11: p. nt. NEWFOCNPLaND Br rail to North Syd ney, and thom-e by stiTtmer. closes at this olllce daily at f:30 p. m. (connecting malls close here every Monday, Wednesday and Baturdai. JAMAICA By rail to Roston. and thence by steamer, closes at this on Ire at C:30 p. tn. every niosunv and inursiiiv. M1QUEIXN Hy rail to Ronton, and thence by steamer, i at mis onice aauy ai (i :i d. tn. BELIZE. PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA ny rail to jsew (irlenns, nnd thence by steamer, closes at this office dnilv. except Sunday, nt 11:30 r. m. and I11:T!0 p. m , Sumlays at tl V- m. snd 511.;i0 S. m. (connecting man closes nere Mon va st 41110 p. m.) COSTA RICA By rail to New Or1rns, and thence bv steamer, closes nt this office flallv, eTtcept Sunday, nt 1:30 p. m. nnd U:30 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. a. and ll:;;0 p. m. (connecting mall closes here Tues days nt 111:30 p. m.) IReglstered mall closes at p. m. pre vious, day. Tranaparlfle Malls. AtTSTRALIA (except West), FIJI ISLANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, via Vancouver and Victoria. M. c, close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to July flKth, In clusive, fur despatch per s. s. Miowera. HAWAII, CHINA, JAPAN and PHILIP A-UNIi 1SI.A.MJ3, via Ban hTancisco, close here daily flt 6:30 p. ni. up lo July Slstli, Inclusive, for tlesputch per s. s. Doric. CHINA and JAPAN, Ha Seattle, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to July 18th, inclusive, for despatch per s. a. Lyra. HAWAII, via Ban Francisco, close hers dally: at 6:30 p. in. up to July SJOth, In clusive, for despatch ver a. s. Alameda. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, M. C, close here daily at 6:3 p. m. up to July fc-iat. inuiuaive, tor tie' r.atch per S. s. .Empress of India. (Mer chandise tor IT. S. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can nil. 1 HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA snd especially addrea-wd' mail for the PHILIPPINE ' ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 v. m. Up. to July, ii'Mh, In elusive, fqr despatch per s. s, Nippon Maru. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, vie an 1 Fran- . Cisco, close here iUly at H w p. m. up to July J, an. inclusive, lor aespatcn per u. S. Transimrt. CHINA and JAPAN, via Taooma, close here dally at u:su p. m. up to July lath,, Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Olympla, NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except West), NEW CALEDONIA. FIJI. SA MOA and HAWAII, via San Francisco, close nere dally at :.fu p. m. . up to Au gust (1st.' Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Ventura. lf the Cunnrd steamer car rying, the British mall for New Zealand rlopji not arrive itl time to connect with this .despatch extra, malls closing at 6:30 - a. m. 8:30 'a: m. and 6:30 p. m.; Sundays at 4:30 a.' m., 2 a, m. and 6:30 p. m. will be maue ;up ana ;orwaraea untu me ar ' rival of the Cunard steamer.) TAHITI' and MARUUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:S0 . p. m. up to August loth, inclusive, for . despatch Ter' .' s. Mariposa. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia is forwarded via Europe, and New Zealand and Philippines via Sun Fran Cisco mo . quicaest routes. A'nuippines speclnllv addressed "via Canada" or "via Europe''1 must bo fully prepaid at the for blgn rates?' Hawaii IS fcrwarded via San i 1 ancisco exclusively. TrannpacXlc malls are forwarded to port of sailing dalty snd the schedule of closing is arrangi-u on the presumption or their uninterrupted overland tranalt. Registered man closes at s p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster, Postofflce New' York, N. Y., July 10, 1903. LEGAL NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR SITE AND DONA TIONS FOR A NEW STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. In accordance with House Roil No. 1. a I bill for an act to locate nnd establish one I (1) additional tate normal school, and to j provide for . the erection of buildings, pay ment, mainieuunce and receiving donations for the same, the Board of Education of the state normal school hereby solicit pro posals for donations to the state of a suit' able site for an additional state normal school, but said proposed site must Include a suitable tract of land not less than twenty (20) acres ln extent, raid land to be worth at least seventy-five ($75) dollars per acre, and said location ot bite for said school must be west of a bolnt not ex ceeding five miles east of the ninety-eighth meridian. . Bald donations or proposed do nations for a site may Include a building or buildings, and such proposals may also I include donations or money or duty regis tered municipal bonds to the state for the use and benefit of such normal school. All such proposals shall be in writing and transmitted to the secretary of said board ln sealed envelopes, which shall be opened ln the presence of said board on Tuesday, July 28. 1003, at 2 o'clock p. m., In the office of the superintendent of public In- Nebraska.- "and the properties mentioned In said proposals shall be examined and I investigated by said DORra ana tne ad vantages and disadvantages of said pro- posed site shall be considered, and said board In accepting or rejecting any pro posal shall take into consideration the lo cation of such proposed site, the character and value of the same, the character and value of the building or buildings thereon. If any. whether such buildings thereon are I propose.d to be donated or sold to the state, of bo be -partly donated and partly sold. the amount of money, If any, proposed to be donated 01 the value of any bonds ac companying such proposal, and may accept such proposed donation and locate I such . normal school upon anich ait I W1 VnWnu )UXrnV, arid I'lTA.'iiirinLO.iit-ra. inn. bjjdcd r m utj iur iiifj i best Interests of the state In the premises.' By order of the Board of Directors of the state normal scnoois. WILLIAM K. FOWLER. Secretary Tioard of Education, Superin tendent 01 riimic instruction. GEORGE ROGEP.8. President Board of Education. Lincoln.' Neb.. July 10. 1903. Jy lid Htm NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Public Lands and Buildings at the office of secretary of state for the erection of brick Public Comfort and Water Closet Building at the State Fair grounds. Plans and specifications of same are on file at the office of secretary of state. Bids must be In the hands of the secretary of state by 12 o clock noon, Monday, July zoth. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. All bids must be accompanied by certified crf I2rKvJ!f.3 ,Z?I,;TZ.Zl state, to be forfeited to the state In case successful bidder falls 'within five davi after the award of such contract to enter Into contract and bonds for th faithful performance ot suen contract. Secretary of Board. July S-10-11-12-1S-14-15-16-17-18 GOVERNMENT NOTICES. onnPOHALS FOR SUBSISTENCE enra Office Purchasing Commissary. U. 8. Army, Omaha, Neb., July 14,'19u3. Healed nnuli. sublect to the usual conditions will be received st this offloe until 10 o'clock a. m.. July 24, 1903, at which time and plac they will be puuuciy openeu ior lurniurung subsistence stores as follows: Bacon, sugar, canned goods, etc. Preference will be given nroposals and specifications can be obtained to article or aomesiic production, xiiana at this office. W. H. BEAN, Purchasing Commissary R AILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION-10TH AND MARC Y. Union PaelSe. Leave, .a 2:40 am Arrive. Overland Limited. a 7:50 pm a 1:26 pm Th Fat Mall California Express a 4:20 pm Paclfio Express. .,..,. .all:) pm Eastern Express Th Atlantlp Fxpres... The Colorado Special... a 7:10 am Chicago Special coin. Beatrice and a t La a $ 40 a $ 40 am Btromaburg Express.. b 4:00 pm bll:60 pm North Platte Local J. t-no am a 6 15 pm Grand. Island Local b 1:20 Dm b 1:36 am Oaleaaro. Mllwnnkon A St. Pant. ClUcbfo Paylffht ....T..a T:46 am all:ll pm 4 II. WAY TIMS CARD To flawed. Chicago Fast Express. .a $ 45 pm a $-4i pm t 'hlcsgo Limited ;...a 8 06 pm a 7 80 am Des Molnas Express a 7:45 m a :40 p;n Cblraao A Nortbnestrrsi. "The Kortkweatain Line.' Fast Chicago a 1:40 am a 7:00 am a 8 3Cf sm a I..10 pm I0 'J pm all :10 pm 6.10 pm a f :15 am . :W sin a $:45 pm a 8:15 am a 2:40 pm b t-:60 am al 36 em blO-35 am Mull .'. .'.a t:u0 pm LocM Sioux City a t lo am Daylight St. Paul a :aam LaliKht Chicago ..a 8:00 am Local Chicago all :30 am l,ocul IVdnr KAptds..,.. t!10'pm. Limited Cliicago a 8:16 pm local Carroll -..rn 4:1! pm East Chicago a.Wi pm Fast Si. 1'aul u pm Fast Mall .... Local Sioux City b 4 00 pm Norfolk A BonesteI....a 7:2 am Lincoln & Long l'lne,...b 7:25 am Chicago. Hock lalaad A PaclBc. EAST. CMcni-b Daylight L t'd..a $ IS am Chicago Uao'iigat Aoc?.l.a 7.-90 am Chicago Express bll:l.i am Des Moines Express., .a 4:80 pra Chicago Fast 'Express.. 6: pn WEST-. RrtcJty Mountain L td. a 7:30 am Lincoln, Colo. Rprlngs, alto an a M pm a 5:m pin bll:t- am A l:a pm a 7126 sm lien ver, lueblo ami West a 1:20 pm b 1:00 pm Coin.. Texaa, Cat ant Oklahoma Flye .a 6:40 pm alt. 40 pm Wabash. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express Bt. iMila Local, Coun a 6.55 pre a H:W am II Blum Mlssonrl PaclAo. St. Louis Express...;, ..a t:15 nm l:.ts pm .stO:00 nm a :S pm- .alOwo pm a :la am .a I 36 am a 6:10 pan t ' .a 7:50 pm t: am K. C k SU L. t-jt..-. ., Illluuls Central. Chicago Express Chicago, Minneapolis Bt. faul Limited Minneapolis A SL Paul Exoress .b 7:."4 am bl9:3S pm a 19:86 am Chicago Local Chicago Expres 10;S am WEBSTER DEPOT AOTH A WEBITKH Cblcago, St. Paal, MlaneapoUa A. Omaha. Leave. Arrive Twin City Passenger... a :30 am a. 8:10 pm Sioux City Passenger.. .a 1:00 pia al' 'Jo am Oakland Local b 6:46 pm b 1:46 am Missouri I'aclde. Nebraska Local . Via ' Weeping Water bl lffpm S.10: am thleago A- ortherter, Nebraska. and Wyomlog Dlvlaloa, , Black Hills, Deadwood, Lead. Hot bpiings a 3:00 pm. a :00 Dm Wyoiiiiuii, Casper ahd DouKlas a l:uu Dm ;0 biu, Vii'k, David City, otiptilor, Oeiieva, Exeter and Bewuid....b 3:t)0 pm , b 1:00 pm . BURLINGTON STATION I9TH MASO Uarllnv ton A Mlssoarl River. Leavs. . Arrlr. Wymore. Beatrice ' ami - Lincoln . du: pm Nebrasaa Express ..a .a 7-46 pm Denver Limlieu a (:46 am Black Hllia ftna lAigw Sound Express au:iu pm a 1:10 nm Colorado VestibuleC Fivei a 1:10 Dm - Lincoln Fast Mali b 2:52 pm a :US am -' Fort Crook and Piatt-- .. - mouth b I:7v Dm bl0:SK a m Bellevue & Pacific Jet. .a 7:00 pm a 8:27 am Bellevue A Paclfio Jet.. a 1:50 am - Avauaaa City, St. JoaepU k Cooacli lllofla Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 2:15 am a 6 pm St. Louis Flyer.. a 6m pm all .06 am Kansas City Mght Es..al0:30 pm a 6:1 am Cblcnao, linrlingtoti, A dolacy. Chicago Special '.a 7.00 amy a 8:56 tsm . Chicago Vestibuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:4a am Chicago Ijocal..., a 2:18 am all:00 pm Chicago Limited ....a 5.05 pm a 7:46 am Fast Mall - , . a, 2:40 pm a Daily, b Dally except Sundsr. d Dsllv excrpt Saturday. Dally except Monday. TKA.MSUIrl.. ANCROb UNI P. . a. Utt VTBAHSBlrt UBW TOBX. LfNDONDBRRT AHD OLASOOW. I-IW TORSV'O RALTxa AND MAPLU. lasiarlor iveomrnvdatlea. Vxoallaat Cntaisa, 'Tsa Comfort of FaaMosvra Caratully centlaaraA. Slatia ar Kouds Trip Tlrkcts 'ta4 batwaaa Nw Terk U4 ' Scotca. Eosliak.1 litab-and all prtaclaal aaatiaaaial oolota at attractive rates.' Band for beofe at Tsum. yor tickets or tcnaral luformatloD apply la aas local asanl ot tba Aoobor Uaa ar tai HBNUlflnsilM BKUa... uoa ft asauia. vaioaso. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE K New Twln-Brrew tmr of 11.600 Teas V ,. NEW YORK ROTTERDAM, via UOUbtXJNB, BailiDg' neanaMiay ai 10 A. m. Bottordasi July Z Ryndam ....,.'.. .Aug. It Potadam Aug. S Noordam Au. M Btatandam Aug. lJKotiram . . .Bapiemner 1 -HOLLAND-AMERICA LINK, H Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Rarrr At 00 rot, 101 Farnam at., C. ntberfora. 1121 rarnam at., J. B. Ra-BOlds. 1A01 Faniam ac PARIS TrlLLBEMJIIFUI IN O DAYS Can be iwM by taking say Ona of the gtgaatti Maw Twin avraar Steamers La Lorraine . La Savole La Tourafne L Aquitaine , Sailing every Thursday from New York Kaal oflfloara In command, man-of-war dleetpllae. Brery sotb century aafety davlca. Celebrates outline. Engllah apaakiag attandaata. Compagnie (Male Transatlantiquc FAST FRENCH LINE for alius, booklet aad pacta! Anf ormaUoa ayply Is Barry 21. Moorae, 1691 Farnam St., J. B. ,B wlda, uot rarnam St., ft rat National Baak, learga B. Abbott, 1314 rants St.; Agents. WANTS NAMES OF DOG OWNERS Young Wonaa'i laausnal Reqaast Start City Clerk's Sta at to Goeaalng. Desk room is at a premium In the city clerk's office at present. In addition to the regular number of attorney and assistant looking over and making copies of or note from city record a number of clerk are employed In checking . up the circulation statement of Th Bee and . World-Herald. The lost request for official record, and a table at which to copy them, was th first one of its kind ever made - and knocked out Clerk Elbourn In the, first round. It cams from a demur young woman who wanted th dog license stubs. ut declmed to reveal tfia use to which the I " .i v,. rrw. A iniurniaiiuu hv . -j 1.. iv. of the beta on the matter, however, were that If a new dog disease ha not been discovered a new remedy for one of th old disease ha been prepared, and that all Omaha owner of dog will soon b In formed regarding It merit. PAYS HIS ASSAILANT'S FINE Two Uolom Labor Men Farnlah Picas. nt Incident la the Po lice Court, O. P. 8hrum. a well known' labor loader, and James Morrlsey, a hodoarrler, had ba- com Involved In a quarrel ahd blowui were exchanged. Shram I a bricklayer and the trouble la said to hav grown out of certain differences between the two olauses of labor originating ln the strikes last spring. At any rate both men were before the police Judge to explain the matter: Morrlsey was found guilty of disturbing the peace by fighting, while Bhrum was exonerated. The former was fined $3.50. He wa being escorted back to the Jail room when Bhrum stopped th officer. and told th court he Pm I would pay Morrlsey An. H did am I "Now." ald Judgo Berks, - "you hav hav don so much for a fellow ' working; man, and I think the- best thing you man can do Is to shake hands' and forget your quarrel." Bhrum and Morrlsey gripped, riands and aid that all difference war thing of tl past,