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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1903. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Corn and Wheat Dfrelop Strongto u Day Wean on, Closing Higher. OATS ARE EASIER AND DROP FRACTION Provision Star Steady " Trade, Selling; Abont at Monday's rianrrs All Throngk essloa. miti Tniu 14 What showed Strength except for a t'n'Por,r.y. 5 2? ear'y In the day and the clone was Arm at an advance lor September of Ho ove r yes t"rday Corn?opend easier, but developed trength and doted with a tinia ruiesri nwii vit - . . ,1 tor September of c. Pr01"10"" n steady and cloed at about yesterday s Good buying by large m'""1"""" who were on the besr side y"'6" caused the late strength tin wheat The buying was the result of a teneral lmP" ?lon that the decline of th. 'last day had about reached Its limit and "ring by short.. There waa 'llnl1J weakness soon after the opening. waa a shade to VtfSc higher for Bentem be" at 77774c. Bearish weather advices ind eaMeT cable, resulted In .ltne. to Uc. With the Improved demand, how ever and light offering, a better market resulted and September went UP to o. The c'ose was at a gain of 1c at 7iHf8'lto; ClearanS. J wheat and flour were equal o 182.J77 bV. Bradstreef. world s v ible Shewed a decrease of 2.000,000 bu Minne Ills and Duluth reported receipt, of 1 JO cars, which, with local receipts of 73 ci irs 26 of contract arade-made a total for the three points of 202 cars, against 180 last WTta"w InnSSfnin, hof cot, , by co-nmlsslon houses early on bearish crop advices favorable weather and cables, and th. marke declined from th. openhij. which waa easy at a shade to c lower Tor Ttembe at MWMVtc. A ufflrtfnt demand developed later .however, to br ng about a reaction, country offering, be ng Smaller and .enUment divided future trend of the market. September dosed .tely at 50c. a gain of HJrHe. after ranging between 4M.C and 61Vc. Local rcefp j were 300 car., with 28 of con- Therera. a fair trade In oat. and the market ruled steady, with but little change In price: Some of the big local trader, are still bullish on the crop 'ltulon.but bought on the declines and a"y .T owitamhtr closed at a loss of at mK. af?er ranging between ,33 tfJ3V40 and 34c. Local recelpU were . A-.mA frnm commission house. and broker, and some Indication of sup port from leading packer, held prov Ulonj firm Offerings were fairly libera1., but not sufficient to more than fupply the deneu. o . v.. uifb fnA Rc lower at 414.00, while lard and rib. were unchanged at ,7Esma"ed$re?elpt. for tomorrow: Wheat. 15 cars; corn, 180 cars; oats. 140 cars, hog., 25.100 head. ' ,, The leading future, ranged a. follows: nelfer wa. unchanged In Iondon at 20 Irs d. and locally at . 3.ono.12H. Iron closed at 62s 4d In Glasgow and at 4s 4td In Mldillesbnro. Locally Iron waa nomi nally unchanged. No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at SIR Wa '9 50; No. 1 foundry southern .oft at tix.0n!?18.60. OMAHA WHOLESALB MARKET. Ceadltloa ef Trade aad 4,antntlons'oa (Maple aad Faaey Pretlaa... F.009-Fresh stock, loss off. 12HO. LIVE POULTRY Hen., &tfloc, .prlng chicken., per lb., lfi318c; roosters, aceird Ing to age, 4?T5c; turkey., lMgl3c; duck., I tj7c; geese, 6f(i7c. BUTTER Packing .tock. 1.1Hc; choice dairy. In tubs. 14sjl6e; .eparator, 20c frehh FISH Fresh raugnt troui. rlrkrr.l fir nlk fto nrrtv Ac:hurTala. t1? blueftsN 11c; whlteneh, 9c; salmon, 14c; had dock, 10c; codfish, 12c; redsnapper. 10c; lob sters, boiled, per lb., 25c; lobsters, green, per lb., 23c; bullheads, llo; catfish. 14o; blaok bass, 20c; halibut, 10c; crapple, 12c; her ring, tic; perch, 4c; whit, baas, 10c; blue.flna, imAN-Pcr ton. US. t , , lUY-tviru nwniori tv Omaha Wholesale Dealers' asnoclntlon: Cholca No. 1 upland, I8 60; No. 2. ts.OO- medium, 17.50; cors. 17.00. Rye straw, $7.00. These price, are for hay or good color and quality. uemanu fair and receipt, light. OATS 3SC. RYE No. 2, 4 SC. V ETA CI'1?9. NEW POTATOES Southern, per bu., 80c PARSLEY Per do, bunches. 40o. CUCUMBERS Home arown. Per doa.. 40 4Bc. BEANS Home grown, was. per market basket, 2.rc; string, per market basket, 16c PEAS Home a-rowu. oer market basket. 36c. CAULIFLOWER Home crown, per do.. 60c. CARRAOE New California, per lb., 2e. TOMATOKSUTmi nr 4-basket crate. 0e. RHUBARB Per lb., lc NAVY BEANS Per bu.. 12.50. CELERY Mlchliran nr itoi.. Xe. ONIONS New California dry. Der lb., tol Texas, per lb., zo FRUITS. BLACK RASPBERRIES Per 24-at. case. 13. The dominating factor was the feverish- ess of wall street. Speculation wa. nor ma ni in all directions. Consols were tey. Home rails were heavy, growing rmer later. Americans opened steady nil about narltv. hut Hired afterward. Operator, were noncommittal. In view of tha nervousness of v all street, t-rices see sawed, but Improved .lightly and closed rregular. The amount or bullion tanen into ine Unnk nf Knrland on balance today WTis fe&o.con. HERLIN, July 14. Prices on tne twurw were somewhat firmer today. Foreign se curities were steady and iron and coal hares were moderately higher. l:i..hirM nn London, aim 38t4pfg. for check.. Llsscount rates: Short bills. 34 per cent; three months' bills, 3 per cent. NEW YORK STOCKS ASD BOSDS Artlclea.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Cluse.Yef y. Wheat tJuly July ISept. Sept. Corn July Sept. Deo. Oata--July Sept. Dec pork July Sept. Lard July Sept Oct. Ribs July Sept. Oct. 7H 77 76 77 77 78 T7Sf 77 60VWVi 61tV 3H t 34V4 34t 34HI 34 14 10 14 10 14 30 14 40 7 45 7 46 7 6T-i 7 66 7 47 7 66 R 25 I 30 8 32 8 87 . I 00 8 06 76 761 764 761 7V 7 7ti-, 77 Vi V677((Ii76'H 49 4M4 6O;i00t') 48 4y 4MiOl uO 89 B'8 ' 34 13 95 14 1 7 42 7 60 7 40 8 8 26 39 33 'A 34H'0 13 95 14 20 7 42 7 67 7 46 8 30 8 3D 89 81 81 13 95 14 26 7 40 7 67 7 47 8 32" 8 3z OU No. t tOld. New. f'h nuntatlons were a. follow.: FLOUK Steady; winter patent., 83.76 8.90; .tralghts, w.40o.7o; springs, m wxuo w trnignts, jju'iii wi, ori, (j- WHEAT Nj. 8. 75(&)c; No. 2 red, 76 'm'itNlJ. I GflWc: No. 1 yellow. 60Sic. OATH No. 2, 87350i No. 2 white, 3U(839c No. 8 white, 33vmc. . HTR-No. 2. BARLEY Gooa feeding, 40942c; fair to choice malting, 48&,5lc. SEEDS No. 1, 87c; No. 1 northwest em, 11.02; prime timothy, 33.40; clover, con pnrwi.mlNSMes Dork, per bbl.. I14.00i3 14.11. Lard, per 1U0 lb.., $7.4iti7.45. Short rib. aide, (loose), 38.30. Dry salted shoulder, (boxed). 87.76u.7.S7. Short clear aide. (boxed). S8.nO.Jl 8.62. The following were the receipt, and ship menu nf oraina veaterdav: Receipt.. 8hlpcienta Flour, bbl..... 13.450 8.4.0 What. bu 6i.4i6 Corn, bu ; au,400 27V,ii0 Oata bu 243,000 l!tt,700 Rye, bu... 2i),4tiO 4,710 barley, bu W.4U0 4,710 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa steady; creameries, I7'aac dairies, 14 18c. Eggs, steady, at mark case, returned, l14c. Cheese, about steady lullc. NEW YORK GENUHAb MARKET. Cinotatlaas ef the Day ou Vorlou Commodities. NEW YORK. July 14 -FLOUR Receipt., 17,654 bbla; exports, 4.9Jtl bbl.; quiet out steady; winter patents, h.wklh.ou; win ter atralghta, t3.6b.8ii; Minnesota patent., $4.40ia4.?u; winter extras, ti.loiiJ.iu; Minne sota bakers. 33.66(a3.75; winter low guides. 2.7lo3.uu; winter straighta, S3.80C(i3.(6. Rye flour, steady; luir to gooa, f.t.uiKi..Jo; cnoio to fancy, CORN MEAL Wuiet: yellow western, 11.12; city, 81.11. Brandywlne, 3.124jJ.2o. RYE Viulet; No. 3 western, 8jc. c. L 1 afloat; state, 6ti6o c. I. t., New York. BARLEY Duli; feeding, 62c c. l. 1 New York: malting, 61(aui'o c i. f., Ne York. WHEAT Receipt., 48,075 bu.; sales, 2, 126.0U0 bu. futura. Spot, steady; No. red. 86c. elevator. 86c (. o. b.. atloat: No. northern, Duluth, !Uc f. o. b., afljat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, lo f. o. b., a'loat. Op tion, displayed fair activity and weakness durlna tne. forenoon, under saies luuuceu by continued fine weather, easier cable. ana onerings oi new whmi. iuier n rai lied on an umavorame weeaiy crop gov ernment crop report ana ciosoa nrm at hi' r, ftrn Soles Included No. 3 red July M4.iiuic: closed 85c: September. iilWaS-' closed, 82T4c; December, 81aoJc; cloaeu, 81lo. . . CORN Receipts, ss.iau ou. ; exports, zia, 240 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2, o.o elevator and 68c f. o. b. artpat; No. 2 yellow, &8c; No. 3 white, 5Hc. Options declined with wheat and' on bearish crop news, alter which It rallied on coverings and closed unchanged, July, 664j57c, cloned 67Wc; September, MttoSV", closed, 66c; De cember, 6tia66c, closed 6(Sc. OATS Receipts. 72-0 bu. ; exports, none. Spot, weaker; No. 3 oats, 42c; standard white, 44c; No. 8, 41c; No. 2 white, 44Sc; No. 3, 4314c; track white, western, 4J'(ji 4o; track white state, 4:'ii9c. Opiioa market was Irregular, Anally advancing with other markets. HAY Steady ; shipping, 80ft 85c; good to choice, 1 .1041. 15. HOPS Easy; state, common to choice, 19UX 17 22c; 1901, 13tf lSc; olds, i(ic; Pacinc coast. 1902, 17u22c; l'l. Italic; olds, 6i9c. HIDES-Easy; Oalveslon, 2o to 8. lbs.. 18c; California. 31 to 26 lb.., 19o; Texa dry, 14 to 30 lb... 14c. LEATHER Steady: acid. 2325c. 1UCE rlrm; oomestic, lair to extra. 40 c; Japan, nominal. PROVISIONS Beef, easy; family, 310 00 (fl0 60; meaa 88.0wtj .60: beef hams, i0.6o'2100; packet. a. 19.50; city extra mess. 3l6.onllu0. Cut meats, firm; Slckled bellies li7510 6o, pickled shoul ers, 57.Oiiia7.60; pickled hams. IliOOaliuo. Lard, quiet; western steamed, 87.90; July closed (7 90, nominal; reiined, weak; conti nent. 88 00; South America. 84 76; rompiund, 37.2o4f7.76. pork, easy: family, 3l7wij 100; short clear, 14 25n.76; mess, 816 sOcolia. TALLOW Quiet; city, 4c; country, 4 C&c BUTTER Receipts, 14.600 pkg..; steady; tate dairy, 14vJo; creamery. 15,53i. CHEESE Receipts. 18.287 pkga; stnady to firm; state, full cream, fancy, large and .mnll. white, lOo. EOUS lUcelpU. 14,160 rkgs.; firm; west, ern seconds to extras, lt(UVc. POULTRY Alive: Steady; western spring chicken., lte; fowls. Uc; turkeys, llo. Dreewed: Urm; weetern broilers, 17o; fowls. 13r; turkey. Uojlio. METALS Spot tin declined 15s 8d to 124 16. la jendon, ana futures there were 1 lower at 41:1. The local market waa also easier, closing at 327.4Or24.t0. Copper advanord T. 44 In London, spot there nos ing at a 64 lia and future, at 54 6a. Lo cally ooiier waa quiet and unchanged. Ike and electrolytic are quoted at 813. 76 truoa, and casting at 3il.sau.60. Iad ad vanced ta d in London; it cluaed at 11 to Id. bat reinalne.1 ulet We at H12, RED RASPBERRIES Per I4-Dlnt case 12.66 HL.UEBERRIES Per lS-qt. case, tzjwr 76. PLUMS California. Clvman. per box. 81.26: Ooone tiluma. nrr 24-at. box. 81.60. Liituitita t aiiiomia. wnite ana oiaca. per lu-lb. box. ti. peaches California, per box. 31. CURRANTS-Pcr 16-qt. case, 3'i GOOSEBERRIES Per 1-ot. caae. 82. PEARS California. Rartlett'a. ner box. cantaloupe California, per crate, vi iem, per crate, Arn.KS-Njw -toclt. bu., 76c WATERMELONS Oeorala. 36c: each Florida, per lb., lic. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIOS California- nr 10-lb. cartona. 7So: Turkish, per 18-lb. box, 18c. ORANOES-Medlterranean, all .lie., $3.00 G3.25: Jaffa, t3.2f.fr3.60: fanev blood, ner half oox, iz; St. Mickea, or paper rlne, all sixee, 83.60i4.00. LEMONS-Californ la fancy. 800 to 30 slses, 36.766.00; 240 to 270. sixes, 54.60tf.0; xueisinas, o.uKa).WJ. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR Oluo, per lb., 100. POPCORN-Per lb.. 2c: shelled. 4c 1 veal calf, 8 to li lbs.. c; No, 3 veal calf. li to la los., tic; cry saitea niaes, wizc; sheep pelts, 2o(s7jc; hoisehldes, $L602.5u. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, tier lb.. 17c; hard .hell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 .oft sheik. er id.,; ro. i nara sneu, per id., uc irazlls. ner lb.. 12c: Alberts, per lb.. 12c almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell. per id., lac; pecans, large, per id., 120 small per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, per do.., 61c chestnut., per lb.. 10c: peanut.. ier lb. 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black wainuu, per bu., i; hickory nuts, per bu., ai.w. St. Loo Is Grain and Prorlatona. RT . Tnlu li WUC1 AT Ul.l,.. " v. v. , v ..I'll, v.m-K, IT "J 81c; July. 7T?4(ij78c; September, 77; Decem- oer, (si4c; no, i nara, ibtatuc. CORN Firm; No. 3 cash. 48c: track, 48c; July, 48c; September. 49e. OATS Lower; No. 3 cash, 87e; track. ic; BRpiemner, 3zc; December, xac kib-niener: 6ic. FLOUR Steady : red winter natenta. ft K 4.uu; extra rancy ana straight, 3.66j3.80 cieHr, ..urud.4b. SEED Timothy, nominal. CORNMEAL Steady. 32.80. BRAN Dull; sacked, cast track, 7577e, HAY Heavy : timothy. 38.0CKai5.00: nrairle. IRON COTTON TIES 81.06. BAGGING 61i66c. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged: Jobbing. standard mesa, $14.36. Lard, lower, 3T..96. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts. 89.37 clear ribs, VJ00; snort clear, $9.76. METALS Lead, higher. 34.06&t.O7: reel ter. Arm. 15.60. POULTRY Steady ; chickens. 8c springs, kic; turkey., lie tor 01a; aucks, vc geese. 3S4c. J 1 1 " 1 J kh oteady ; creamery, I5srsic dairy, l&SJl.c. buus-steady. I2c. loss orr. Recelnts. Shlnment. Flour, bbls 6.000 9,000 Wheat, bu 73.0)0 25.C00 Corn, bu 6,000 173.CO0 Oats, bu 1 77,000 49,000 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. July 14. WHEAT Jul v. fi!e; September, 67!(C; cash, No. 2 hard. 7K(72c; No. 3, 6970c: No. 4, 60c; rejected, 61 (( 63c; No. 2 red, 76 "2c; No. 3, 6U71c CORN July. 4;c: September, 46c: Cash, No. t mixed, 4S4nSc; No. 2 white, 61c; No. 8, boe. OATS-No. 2 white. S8c; No. $ mixed, 85c RYE No. 2, 52c. HAY Choice timothy, $13.00; choice prai rie, $11 fWf 11.50. BUTTER-Creamery. 16218c; dairy, Market Slampa Again, Reaching; Prac tically Year Low Price Lerel. NEW YORK, July 14. After occasional resistance to the decline price, or siocas sold off sharply late this arternoon 10 prac tleivlly the low level of the year and the Mn.L.t nmmA ttntlv and Weak. Willi thO declining tendency apparently In fu'.l force. The enarp recovery in me nun t""-, " yesterday and a further advance In London this morning aroused some hopes that the fall In price, was enaea, temporarily 0.1 lea.t. But the slight opening advances here attracted heavy selling, and whUe there were later occasional checks to the decline there waa no further attemptof consequence made to put up prlce. The selling wa. entirely based on general con sideration, and was chiefly Interesting for t. sources, which, however, remainea mm ii of a mystery. Who it i. that Is selling sucn enormous amount, of stocK ana ti tremendous sacrifice, based on any possible nnrfhiu nrtce for two vears past. Is a subject of earnest surmise. The Interest attaching to the subject causes it to be surrounded with a vast deal of gossip and rumeir, which flies back and lortn noi oniy within the Wall street circle, but over the oaVtiM frtfim nnntinent to continent. Au thoritative and reliable Information on the subject Is not to be had. But the volume and the method of the liquidation put It beyond question that It Is urgent and for account of powerful financial Interests. A .n.,1 mnrpH nn was mn. lt) upon aviiii- nrni hv the larsre liquidation In ConsolN dated Go., which carried It down 6 points. St. Paul's 4-polnt break in tne late aeaungs to a new level at 1WH suppiemenieu mem flnnnc nf the hrpak In Consolidated Gas, The publlo utilities of Greater New York suffered in sympatny wun vonm.iuua.iru Gas, as did People's Gas. The drop in the United States Steel stock, late in the day to new low records was coupled with re norta that the cuts made In Drlces of Iron bad not resulted In bringing in buying or ders. High-priced investment stocks con tinued to be sold at wide price conceselona. The condition of the money market was the only development ot tne aay 10 uccoum for the acute weakness of stocks. It was vonarallv accented that the great railroad companies are active bidders for money for fixed period, at per renx, ratner man attempt any Issue" of new capital at this time, uanaer. ana money ienura m consequence extremely loth to consider any request Tor loans out tnose 01 me nignt-Bi r.M ' Tt fa mirrnt ' renort that not only the grade of the collateral, but the intended use of the money is closely scrutinised by the lenders. There was a story current of a refusal bv one of the great Wall street banks to lend .omething over a million dollars on the highest grade of collateral because the Industrial purposes for which the loan was designed did not meei me nnmva.1 nt tha hank officials. "it la nolnted out bv the Financial Chron icle that the same adjustment of value, to a higher interest baais wnicn nas Deen in progress on the Stock exchange for so long has also been going on recently In the mu nicipal bond Issues, In whlcn the list of nfYrlnan which met with no bids is con stantly lengthening. The advance In the money rate had tne .eneci oi weaaen m sterling exchange and Inducing the selling nt loan hills bv bankers, and the sharp rise In theprem!um on New York exchange at Chicago Indicated the pressure to remit to this center. The weather bureau's weekly crop report had an unfavorable effect, as It concerned wheat, but the good promise of corn and cotton would have been sufficient to offset this Influence In the stock mar ket. AU news of a favorable character was larnnred although Raltimore & Ohio showed some early resistance to decline on Its fa vorable showing or net earning, ror me year. The Toledo, St. Louis & Western atneka were marked un on rumors of a traffic agreement with the St. Louis A San Francisco and Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chi cago & St. Louis made a 6-polnt recovery from Its recent break. Pennsylvania again broke through the subscription price of 120 and closed at 119.. JNew xora .;enirai was weak, but did not get back to yesterday's tjow level. Honda were wean in sympuiny wun stocks. Total sales, par value, $2,295,000. United States bonds were all unchanged on the last car Following are the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: trlfugsl. Sfr3'V; centrifugal, white, 4 $-16c; yeiiow, j-vh.i i&-ic; seconds, znaac JMUl,AtMSfc,n (itn kettle, nominal, liwa-c: centrifugal. 6tfl8c. flvruo. nominal. lnf 24c. NEW YORK. Julv 14. SUGAR Raw, firm: fair reflninv. 3uc centrifugal. M test. 8V; molasses sugar, 2c; refined, firm. London Stork Market. LONDON, July 14. Closing quotations: Contois for ioojr... 2 New York Central. ...1W . 4Ji4 Norfom nwtara... . 4 4o -fa Jl . s Oninrlo Wntars.. I4H . 2Vrnniy!nl 42. . M fund Mln .lt4m Reading . IT, do Hit pM 41 . ltl do d pf K .144 Southorn Railway.... tH . 1V do pfd ! . I74 gnutbarn Pa'Ho. 41 . M4 Union Pactao . .:,! do pfd MH . 47 v United Statat Rtaal... . 87 I do pfd 1H 1!t!& .Wfthaah V do pia nil do account Anaconda Atrhlaon do pfd Baltimore se Ohio., Canadian Pacific tioaapeaka A Oh la Chicaao O. W C. M. a m. P..., nBcm , iMnrer A R. O.... do pfd , Krlo , do lrt pfd do td Pfd tlllnola Central loulaTllla Nh...lll I Mlaaourl. K. aV T.... liui BAR SILVER Firm at 4d per ounce. MONEY 2(f2Vi ner cent. The rate of dis count In the open market for short bills z-teri 1-10 ppr reni ana iur ro-mv, bins is z v(! per cent. Boston Stock Quotations. nnaTfiM Jniv 14 Call loans. 84M per cent; time loans, 4i& per cent Official closing prices on stock, and bends: Atrhlaon 4a nmAmalnatae Mex. Central 4a 71 1 Bingham M Atrhlaon an Calumet a Hela....4M do afd 119 cantennttl f Doaton ak Albany. ...! jCoppcr Ranja 41 N Poaton Ma 16. Dominion Coal Huston Elerated ....140 jKranklln N. Y. N. H. H....1M Vlile Royals Pltrbhur. pfd 115 Mohawk 31 Union Parlflo Tt Old Dominion 11 Uj Mn, Central i0 Oaceola 104 Amarlran Buiar 11SS Parrot H do Dtd lHUGulncr pa American T. A T....12a Santa r Copper 1 . 14 ITamaraek .171 ITrlmountals 4 . 14 .Trinity . 81 United States 1 .101 Utah . 1744 Victoria ivtj . . Winona 71 Common... M Iwolyerln 44 4 United Copper 14 EGGS Fresh, 12c. Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oat., bu Receipt.. Shipments. 69,c00 12 800 12,000 36.800 8,000 14,000 Visible "apply of Grain. NEW YORK, July 14 Special cable and telegraph dispatches received by Brad street's shows the following change. In available . applies, compared with last ac count: WHEAT United States and Canada, east of Rockies, decrease, 2,000,000 bu.; afloat for and In Europe, decrease, 2.100.000 bu. ; world's available, decrease, 4,160,000 bu. CORN United States and Canada, east of Rockies. Increase. 4-'4.00O bu. OATS United States and Can da, east of Rockies, .increase, 44,000. The decreases are: Portland, Ma, 140.000 ihi., uepvi naruor, jm.uuu du. : Manitoba. 382.009 bu. The Increases are: Chicago private ele vators, liiu.irw du. ; jNBsnvnie, Kf.uoo bi!.: Dallas, 66,000 bu.; Port Huron, 60,000 bu. Philadelphia Prodace Market. PHILADELPHIA, Ju'y 14. BUTTER Steady, fair demand; extra western cream ery, zic; nearoy prints, Z3c. EGOS Firm, good demand: fresh nearhv 17c. Iofs off; western, 17c; southwestern, 16c: southern. Ic(ul6c.' CHEESE Quiet and a shade easier; New York full creams, choice, new, lo(ffl014c; laji in ajuuu new, 7VU Mlnnennolla Wheat, Flonr and Bran, MINNEAPOLIS, July 14. WHEAT n, o.iac; juiy, sour; September, 7Ho; on track. No. 1 hard, fWVjc; No. 1 northern, o,-v, nuiiiiern, poc; no. i northern 83M,(U434c. I' LOUR First patents, $i.6O5T4.70: second patents, h.doclm.mi: nrst clears, 83.4oa3.60; second clears. $2.50(82 .60. BRAN In bulk, 812.2612.60. Liverpool Grain Market, LIVERPOOL. Julv 14-WHRAT-Rnot dull; No. 1 red, northern, spring, Ca 6d: No. 3 red. western, winter. 6a 2d: Nn 1 California. Cs 6Vi.d; futures, quiet; July, 6s so-. rcpiemDer, os sa; iecember, 6s 3d. lAJriiN opoi, easy; American mixed. 4s 'a; futures, quiet; July, 4. 6d; Septatn bar, 4a 6Hd. Atrhlaon do pld Bal. at Ohio do pfd Canadian Pacloc ., Central of N. J.... Chea. It Ohio Chicago at Alton... do pfd Chlcaio 4k O. W... do lat pfd Chicago N. W... Chicago Ter. A Tr do pfd .CCA Si. L. Colorado Ho do lei pld do Id pfd Del. A Hudson... Del. L,. A w Denver A R. Q... do pfd '. Erie do let pfd do Id pfd Great Nor. pfd,... Hocking Valley .. do pfd Illinois Central ... Iowa Central do pfd . C. Southern... do pfd . A N Manhattan L Met. t. Ry Minn. A BU L Mo. Peclnc M . K. A T do pfd Nat. Ry. of, Max.. do pfd N. T. Central Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario A W Peanarlranla P., C. C. A St. L. Reading do lat prd do 3d pfd Rock lalanl Co.... do pfd Bt. U A S. F do 1st pfd do id pfd Bt. L. H. W do pfd Bt. Paul x Offered. 6;il St. Paul Pfd 170 . ut so. facinu 4tS . J jao. railway ii . tl I oo ptd .UyTeiae A Pad 0c 26 Mllwankeo Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Julv 14.-WHEAT-rull No. 1 northern, $9fy;ac; No. 3 northern, BUBic; new, eeptember, T7Vi577Hc RY E Ve lower: No. 1. 64V4c. BARLEY Dull; No. 3, 6aa0uc; sample, 4 afr fi-!f Dolntk Grain Market. DULUTH. Julv 14. WHETT iin No. 1 northern, 86c; No. $ northern, Mc; OATS-S64j38c. Peorln Market. PEORIA. Ill July 14CORN-Steidy m. "V , 31 J. ej, JC. OATS-Dull; No. 3 while. 36o. ' . Toledo Seed Market. TOLKDO, July 14-SEEDS-Clover. dull. . rw uawb ak4auav ae.sif. Ferelajn irinnnelal. LONDON. July li-The demand for money wa. fairly active In ,k. i.-. !2'Uf,a,.'.raane w,ln th Payment of the $1S,u60.ujO insiallroent of the Transvaal loan. Bualnees on the Mock exchange uywwu ewuiswuai Bepree.eq acid besltatliial Dominion I. A B. Oen. Elactrlo Maaa. Klectrle .... do pfd United Fruit U. 8. Bteel do pfd... Wentlngh. Adventure Allouel .. Kerr York itlning ftootetlons. NEW YORK. July 14 The following are tne quotations on the New xork otoca ex change: I Little Chief .. ;o Uontarlo 16 Ophlr 3 iPhoenlx 1 Potoal gavaga .100 I Sierra Nevada .UO Small Hopei . . I Istandard Adama Coa Alice Breeca Rrunewlrk Con.. Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va 120 Horn Hllver .. Iron Silver ... Leadvllle Coa. x Offered. . t ,.4t0 ..144 . 1 ,. II .. .. l .. It ,.1M OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET ef 8t4)rt and Oowt in Aotirt Demnd at Etetdy PrioeB. HOGS SUFTERCD ANOTHER SHARP DECLINE Bkeen Reeelpts Fairly Llheral and tke Demand front Packers Was In Bad Bhapo 8 the Market Waa 3Cx tresaelr Dnll an Wenk. SOUTH OMAHA, July 14. Rerelcts were: Cattle. Hon. Sheep Official Monday 3,777 i.oM 8,J Cfliclal Tuesday 3.277 13.000 i.Kl Two dav. this week.. 7 064 10.664 14.2K8 Same day. last week.... 7.263 13.477 6.7 ;i Same week before 8.6M 17.362 8.6.19 Same three weeks ago.. 8.423 36,857 8,4X1 cams tour weeks ago....lS,oa m.zxs Same days last year..,.. 7.413 11,449 13.818 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The tnllowlnr tahle shows the receipt, of cattle, hog and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date and comparisons with last year: l03. 1902. Inc. Deb. Cattle 632,668 3x6,179 146,373 Hogs L370.711 1.409.867 .u Sheep 689,736 467,044 132,661 Average price paid tor hogs at South Omaha for the last several day. with comparisons: Dtfle. 103. 11902. 11901. 11900. 118V9.11898.11897. ,.!? loteuo, St. L. A iW. to .. do pfd .' 41V6 ,. a Union Paclflo 77 ,. btSil do pid Wa ,. UnWaba.n 2l ,. tji; no pld Uta ,.164 iWhealiug A Ij. a,.... 1 ,. i 'ia. Ccutral ls .. m! oo pid w ,. 7 lAdaina x Ill ,. lb American Ex lu .. 64 I United Stale Kx 1UV .. 24iiWella-Fargo x lai ..Ida lAmal. Copper 4a ..142 Amer. Car A T 94Vj . . no pia to .. 7SW Amer. Un. Oil 10 .. tui do pfd 32 .. MVt Amer. Locomotive... S'H .. r4'V do pfd w ..170 American B. A R.... ; .. 7W do pfd ill .. n Amer. Sugar Kef....ll6'4 ..126Vi'Anac. Mining Co.... HI .. 24 iBrooklyn R. T 524, .. 41 .. II .. 41 ..ism ..11' .. 78 Colo. Fuel A Iron.. Columbue A H. C Cona. Oaa Gen. Electrlo ... Inter. Paper du pfd Inter. Pump xdo pfd jtiVNallonul Biscuit . 4;i1 national um ,. . Ws :No. American ... . l Pacinc Mall .1 Peop'"' s Uaa .... . 3 Preued 8. Car... . JS I do pfd . 134 Pullman P. Car.. .UMi nepuono scaei 70 . tl . I0U . 4a . . 70 . BT . 144 .140V do pfd Rubber Oooda do pfd Tenn. Coal A Iron U. 8. Leather do pfd U. 8. Rubber do pfd U. 8. Steal do pfd '. Weatern Union .... 40 14U ..lfctVa .170(4 . Ua . 47 ,. . 77 . : . 16 . 2 . it . 5', . id ,. 46V. .1 . li . 71 ,. io4 ,. 74 .. 47 .. S .. IVi ,. i .. 48 .. 7 .. 74 ., U Srn York Money Market. NEW YORK. July 14. MONEY On call steady at 2wn3i per cent, closing 24 per cent; time money, nrm; sixty days, 4 per cent: ninety days, 4Wflo per cent tlx months, s per cem; prime mercantile paper, 6HS per cent. STERLING EXCHANtj K Steady at a rioclln. with actual business in bankers' hills at l.ffi'0 for demand and at 84 846.K& 4.M55 for slxty-aay Dins; nostea rates, n and 34.68: commercial bills. 31.84 V BIL.Vr.K- oar, oo-)c; dicxican aoiiurs, 2- ... ... BONDS oovernmeni, sieauy; railroad, weak. . . The closing quoiauoni on Donas are as follows: V. 8. ret. ta, r....10S Meg. Central 4a 74 do eoupon lua1 so la mo ii do la. rag 10.4t Mtun. A St. L. 4a... do coupon luiaM., K. A T. 4 to do saw '4a, reg mi o aa do coupon ltt'.fcN. V. C. gen. a.. do old 4a, ret Ill gun, Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS. July 14. COTTON- Spot. nominal: sales. 6uo bales: ordinary 9 11-16c; good ordinary, 11c; low middling, 111e : mlddllna. Uc: rood middling. 13Vi('.: middling fair. 131&-16c; recelpU, 1,411 bales; stock, lo.sot Dales, f utures, steaay; juiy, 12.60c. bid: August. 12.66c. bid: September. 10. 2.Vg 10.26c ; October, .47S9.48c; November, .iMi(w.3oc; December, .iiQrj.&c; January, 9.2i9.8lc. NKW YORK, July 14 COTTON Opened weak at a decline of 6j27 points under an other sensational break In the Liverpool market, the excellent crop weather re ported from the belt and a renewal of Wall nil t , : v . u. r . uum unci tlic un.I which had closed the preceding day at 11.67c, sold at 11.60c, with September at 10.40c, July at 11. Wc and October at 9.73c, these being net declines of from 11 to 35 points. Later Liverpool cables, however, reported a sharp rally In that market and the bulls again came to the suonort of local value, and a rally of from 6 to 20 point, waa Boon apparent. Then trading became less active and the market ruled about steady to midday, with the trade apparently waiting for the weekly crop report before operating aggressively. The report proved leas bullish than had been expected and prlcei immediately broke points under excited liquidation and a renewal of bear pressure. This selling soon exhausted Itself and waa followed by an other slight rally under covering and bull support. Soon wire orders from out of town began to come in. however, and local bears were encouraged to sell the market by the weakness in Wall street. During tho balance of the session the market tuled n.ore active, with prices generally showing weHKnens. ine ciose. wniie steady, was at a net decline of ISiftSJ nolnts or about tha lowest of the session. Bales estimated at 350.000 bales. , . ST. LOUIS. July 14.-COTTON-3ulet. tin- cnangea; miaanng, ie; sales, 17 bales; receipts, none; shipments, 209 bales; .tock, livehpVkvt. Jniv 14 mrrnN gnt moderate business drt'ne; prices 12 points lower; American middling fair. 6.66d; good miuaung, d.iw; minnung, o.zua; low mid dling, 6.94d; good ordinary, 6.64d: ordinary, 6 44d. The sales of the day were 5,000 bales, of which 1,000 were for speculation and export, and Included 4,300 America. Re ceipts were 4,200 bales, all American. Fu tures opened and closed quiet and steady. American middling, g. o. c, July. 6.03 6.04d; July-August, 6.03d; August-Septe-n-ber, 6.0K(i6.02d; September-October, 6.62d; October-November. &.27('5.28d ; November December, 6.19d; Decemher-Januarv, 6.14d; January-February, 6.12(g.13d : February March, 6.115.12d; Maroh-Aprll, 5.11cijj.l2d. Wool Market. BOSTON. July 14. WOOL-An Improved demand, particularly for medium grades, and a gradual strengthening of price, on fleece and other descriDtloi: most wanM at the present time, are the feature, of the ! traoe nere. xne American Woolen com- fany, wnicn operates thirty mills and a arge proportion of the other manufacturers are in tne mantel. The goods market Is nly weak on spot In slsrht. Recently, it la said, several manufacturers olTered consid erable quantities of low grade good, at about the same prices a. last year. The wool u-aae r.aa expected an advance. Quo tations: Kentucky, Indiana, etc. S-blood. 23Vli24c: Vt-blood, 23V(i24c; braid, 21I&22C. Texas 13 months. iW&)c; 6 to 8 months. 17 lSc: fall, Iodide. California North, choice. ii'U--c; average, iuisc; mmaie counties, 16 4! 17c; southern. 12'ul3c. Territory Idaho, tine. 14'aioc; line medium. lbVMi 17Ac : me dium. loojlWie; Wyoming, fine. 14(16c; fine meaium, iwy-nc; medium, istu ic; L.tan and Nevada, tine, I6(l6c; tine medium, 1718c; medium. limTOc; Dakota, fine. IbiclHc: fine medium, 16Vrr'l 1 Vic ; medium, 1920c; Mon tana, line choice, ls19c; fine average, ltiVcf irjc; line meuium cnoice, waive; average, 17(fil7Hc. ST. 1a)UIS, July 14. WOOL In demand, active and strong; medium grades clothing and combing. la21c; light line, 1 org 18c; heavy nne, laojiTc; tub washed, wfzc. NEW lOKh. Ju y 14 WOOL Firm. LONDON. July 14. WOOL The offerinrs at the auction sales today numbered 13,116 Dales. jompeiiiion wa. spirited ana prices were firmer. Crossbreds were bought freely dv tne nome iraue. nau-orea comoinss and scoureds were In strong request for r ranee, scoureas were in active demand for Germany. Broken wools sold at the highest price, of the series. Cape of Good Hope and Natal grades were in better de mand. Several lot. of medium sllpe. and half-bred lambs were taken by American buyers. Following are the sales In detail New South Wales, 1.S0Q bales; scoured, lOVid fills lOd: greasy, 7dftlsld. Queensland. 2.000 bales; scoured, 8d(ils9V4d; greasy, bW ll',a. victoria, imu Dales; scoured, luOyV la loo ; greaay, oayis zo. eouin Australia, 200 bales: scoured, biftfxi; greasy, 6A'g Is d. West Australia. 100 bales; greasy. 6'q 1D',J. Tasmania, sno bales; greasy, 64d'a Is. New Zealand, 6.200 bales; scoured, 5u lslOd: greasy, bdralaid. Cape of Good Hone and isatai, l.buu bales; scoured, a-dg) ls9d; greasy. 6Vflod. Punta Arenas, luo bales; greasy, 6'7Vid. June li... June 18... June 17... June 13... June 18.. June 34),,, June i.., June 22... June 23.. June 24... June 26.., June 28... June 2.. June 28.. June 29.. June 80.. July 1.... July 2... July I... July 4... July 6... July 6... July 7... July 8... July 9... July 10.. July 11.. July 12.. July 18.. July 14.. 8 IW, 6 86 6 oih 7 I 4Va 124 I 88 6 7 1 36 t 81 t M 7 84 8 ti 6 to 1 u 88 1 44 6 911 ( 8SA I 89 6 77 7 60 6 67, 7 69 i 831 6 67 7 67 6 99 6 704, 7 61 8 88 6 to 1 bi 6 91 7 66 6 87 6 664, 6 90 ( 86 7 62 5 60 7 64 t 89 6 66 7 64 6 U 6 60 7 82 6 74 a ae e 7 64 B 73 6 66 S 79 6 4S 7 76 t 39 7 82 6 82 6 44 7 80 S 83 6 82 7 63 6 86 6 36 1 1 8 V2 7 77 8 96 6 28 6 05 i 16 7 72 4 891 I 841 8 771 4 86 8 62) 8 90 8 631 3 84 8 8U 188 6 Ob 4 44. 3 611 I n U 80 4 ail 4 Ml 1 t 00 3 66 8 72 6 13) 3 3 ' 8 31 8 31 3 It 3 31 3 U 6 17 6 101 8 vol 8 11 4 991 i 01 0 VI a 6 OS 6 16 6 11 a 6 13 8 13 6 04 6 02 6 131 6 08 8 U 8 31 I 3 21 3 821 3 68 3 24 3 69, 3 62 3 63 3 60 8 661 8 61 3 61 3 631 8 641 3 66 8 6 8 t I 73 4 I 781 3 78, 3 83 8 81 8 90 8 96 4 04 4 09 8 82 4 0o li 3 66 3 66 3 761 3 81 3 78 8 70 8 73! 3 23 8 16 3 61 3 24 8 24 3 U 8 18 8 21 8 28 3 28 3 82 3 36 3 28 3 18 3 14 8 la .till .! I.. 3.. 1.. I.. 6.. I.. 1.. i r a u I Tt I 00 1 1404 I tt 1 I I40 I 70 1 1 ino t n STOCK CALVES. S) 144 I 40 1 10 4 44 CALVES. m in I it 1M 4 10 1 10 STAGS. iioo 4 r, STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. M0 t 4n I u I 44 BTOCKKRS AND FEEDERS. too 00 11 '0 IS 440 t tl 10 707 I T4 til III U 4 It HOGS Receipts of hogs were very liberal at all points today, and as a result the ten dency of prices continued downward. The market nere opened a big dime lower ajia packers picked out the most desirable light and medium weights. Alter the first round tne market grew rapldiy worse and closed a big 16c lower, some salesmen quoted the market 16tj2uc lower on the close. Trading was fairly active at the beginning, but by the time 100 loads had changed hands buy ers aasumed an Indifferent attitude, as they nao tneir more urgent orders lined and aid not care whether they got any more hogs or not. As a result the close wa. not only very weak, but also very dull. At the beginning the bulk of the sale, went from 66.16 to $520. with a ton at 8622. Prices though kept going down until on the close heavy hogs would not bring over 85.10, with light loads celling very mtie better. Representative sales; Indicates Sunday. Holiday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: cattle, .nogs. Diivn aew. C. M. 8L P. Ry....4 Wabash Ry Missouri pacinc Ry.. 3 Union Pacific system. 27 C. 4 N. W. Ry 6 F., K. ft M. V. R. R. 31 C, Bt. P.. M. ft O.... 15 B. ft M. Ry 60 C, B. ft Q. Ry 4 C, R. I. & P.. east... 8 C, R. I. ft P., west... 3 Illinois Central Ry.... 8 Z9 6 1 29 7 65 12 83 18 11 201 ii 'i 1 e 4 mm e-e 23 16 Total receipts ....162 The disposition ot the day', receipts was a. follow., each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Omaha Packing Co... Swltt and Company Armour ft Co Cudahy Packing Co Armour, Sioux City Vansant ft Co Lobman ft Co Huston ft Co L. F. Husi Wertheimer Other buyers Total..... Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 472 771 842 824 46 s 47 7 14S 2.U40 8,064 3,927 2.861 1.104 12.976 ool 8u6 643 1.492 3,443 do eoupon do la, reg. do coupon 14 lie ..111 No. Pacinc 4a IW- 10J do la n lua k w. con. aa aa Atchteon can. 4a... a t Heading gen. 4a 4ia xdo adj. a a ot. u, a i. a. e. aa.iiuva Bal. A Oblo 4a itiuei. a., at o. r. aa.... ee do i f .ai- a. w. u vo do conr. 4a 10V xdo la 11 Canada 8o. U M4 8 A. A A. P. 4a.... 7I iv aa. racice aa oe tt ibu. nauwar aa lu Central of Ga. aa. . do la Inc Cnea. A Ohio 4ia Chlrago-A A. iVea C., B. A W a. aa .lOoVTexaa A Parttc la..,116S, ittlT., St. L 4 W. ii 1 .Lnloo Pacidc 4a C. M A Bt P g 4a...lu6l do conr. 4a CAN. W. e. Ta UuVWabaah la C. B. I. A P. 4a 101 do la C C C A St L f. 4a.. 47 do deb. B Chicago Ter. 4a ta Weat Bbore 4a , Colorado So. 4a It Wheal. A L. B. 4a., lUeater A R. O. 4s. I7.W. Central da Erla prior Ilea aa.... to jCoa. Tobacco 4a.... do general 4a jlV'olo. Kuel cone. 6s F. W. A D. C. ls....lot, Rotk laland 4a ;a'a Hocking vai. a...i',n- con. oiig g. ta.ioo I'r 8. Stael Id 6a k Pans. coar. H U A N. am. en n x Offered. 14 H4 liV, lit IVI M U la .3,227 CATTI.K There was not a heavy run of cattle here today for a Tuesday, and a. a result the market was active and steady after buyers and sellers finally got down to business. All desirable grades were dls rosed of In good season and the prices paid were very satisfactory as compared with yesterday's sales. Reef steer, made up the bulk of the of ferings, the same as has been the case for some time past, and the market could aaiely be quoted steady and relive on me dium and lightweight cattle of good qual ity. Heavy cattle ware a little neglected, and the same was true at 'he commoner grade, of all weights. The cattle, though, began moving toward the at an early hour, so the bulk was disposed ot In good season. . ... The cow market also showed very little change from yesterday. The demand was brisk for cornted grades of good quality and. in fact, all kinds that were at all de sirable sold without much difficulty at fully as good prices aa were paid yester day. When It came to the commoner kinds and especially to inferior grassers the markot wa. slow and uneven, tne same as usual. . . Bulls, veal calves and stags all met with ready sale at the same prices that were paid yesterday. The supply of stockers and feeders was again limited and, In fact, there were so few on sale that It Is difficult to quote a market. As a general thing though tha few bunches thnt did arrive sold at what looked to be steady prices. Representative sales; tJEEJT DiCIilts. At. Pr. No. At. Pr. . 440 3 00 40 1007 4 41 . 400 3 00 17 ....1110 4 70 144 8 00 44 1071 4 70 No. 1... 1... I... 4... 90... I... 1... II.... .... I.... 6.... II.... II.... 154... 1.... I.... 64.... I.... I.... I.... II.... II..., II.... II..., II..., !.... II..., II... 11... II.... 7... II.., 11... 31... 10... 41... 17... tl... 17... 4.. 14.. I.. 14.. I.. II.. li.. Dn Casta Market. nw TORK. July 14.-DRT OOOD8 Buyers are here In Increased numbers, but the market shows little evidence of in creased activity. Conservative buying Is tha order of the day. and when aooda are wanted for immediate delivery prices near the top of the mantel are -being paid. The Inquiry Is cunnnea isrgeiy to spots and in dividual purcnases are reainciea. V 6..r n.d Mel...... NEW ORLEANS. July 14. SUGAR Dull; I November, 4.0i4i4u6c; December, 4 30c; Jev open ketue, tltU T-isoi epea aeiue, eea-1 uary, t.36o; March, ttoo; Ma, 4.KMX OH add Rosin, OIL CITY. Pa.. July 14. OIL Credit bal- ances. 3160; certificates, no hid. Ship ments, 67,713 bbla.; average, 71,008 bbla.j runs, 15,762 bbls.; average. 69,683 bbls. Ship ments, Lima, 69,364 bbls.; average, 63.797 bbls.; runs, Lima. 8,493 bbls.; average, 61.- 789 bbls. SAVANNAH. Ga.. . July 14. OIL Tur pentine, firm, 48c. ROSIN-Firm; A, B, C, 3166; D, 310; E, 81.65: F. 31.70; G. 31.75: H. 3238; I, 82.65: K, $J.84i; M. 3&0; N, 83.00; WG, 83.16; WW, VI 41V NEW TORK. July 14. -OIL Cottonseed, easv: Drlme crude, nominal: prime yellow. 4-.'i-tJc. Petroleum, steady. Turpentine, nrm. ROSIN-Steady Evaporated Apples and Dried Frails, NEW YORK. July 14 EVAPORATED APPLES Market steady to firm under a fair Jobbing demand; common are quoted at 4"iuc; prime, &4jc; cnoice, c; lancy, CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Spot prunes are firm, with Home export demand noted, but prices remain unchanged, rang ing from 3c to 7c for all grades. Apricots rule steady on spot; futures are freely of fered, but attract little attention; choice are quoted at 7ghc and fancy at 1'Jiqv 12'c. feacnes are steady ana uncnangoo a vuic for cnoice ana ntf iue tor lancy. CaaTee Market. NEW TORK, July 14. -COFFEE Spot Rio, quiet; No. 7 invoice, lliu; mild, easy Cordova, 7 if lie. Futures opened steady at unchanged price, and ruled quiet. In keep ing with featureless foreign news, but turned quiet later in the seaalon on offer lnara by lniDortera. and closed dull, net un changed to 10 points lower. Sales were 12.600 bags. Including September at ISo 1151 I ti .... tit I to li 4 00 120 4 00 1141 4 00 141 4 04 1004 4 It DM 4 it 14 4 10 til 4 II t!7 4 10 IS IN t7t 4 at 1041 4 14 1!0I 4 tl lttt 4 44 1!M 4 46 USD 4 44 1001 4 44 tit 4 41 444 4 U 1071 4 40 1141 4 it 1144 4 it 11M 4 40 1144 4 40 1111 4 40 1711 4 40 loll 4 40 1001 4 40 1140 4 40 1CI4 4 40 1111 4 V , 1240 4 44 , 1234 4 4i 1014 4 46 .1141 4 U .1024 4 44 II. 74... II.., It.., :.- 10.., it., it.., 14.. 17.. it.. 84.. II.. It.. .. I.. 10.. 10.. 10.. to.. 11.. tl 1 17 II t II .1211 4 74 1341 4 74 lilt 4 70 1147 4 70 ,.1151 4 7t 1344 4 71 .......1141 4 71 1441 4 Ti 1241 4 74 1324 4 71 1341 4 Ti 1114 4 74 1104 4 Tt 1114 4 Ti 1114 4 40 1267 4 SO 1211 4 10 1344 4 40 1244 4 M , HGt 4 14 1Z41 4 U 12t 4 14 12&0 4 U 1370 4 II 1111 4 44 ll7 4 44 1404 4 It 1314 4 DO 1427 4 40 1371 4 40 1270 4 40 ms 4 M 1230 4 M .1321 4 44 1411 4 5 ......1500 4 li 1414 4 li .1340 I 00 M 14 11 20 : ii i !!... tl STEERS AND HEIFERS. .1017 I 40 4 in 4 tt .144 I (6 It 1011 4 40 . tdl 4 10 t '. til 4 40 . tl 4 10 17 111 4 to . IM 4 li 1' 1111 4 46 . (t 4 24 1 STEERS A HKIKER8 ,.1011 4 16 1 Ki 4 it STEERS AN COWa .1001 4 40, ... 171 1 04 ...aoo t ... Ml ... no 1 1 I.. ... M0 I 40 ...1174 t 40 .. 124 3 W ... nt t to ...1O10 140 ...104 t 44 ...1014 I 40 ...1014 144 ...1040 t 44 ... tot I 74 ...00 I TO 117 I 74 ... Tit I Tt ... IM t Ti ... tut I li .... t I 44 ...140 t 10 ...1114 I 46 ...1U24 I It .... IM 8 10 tkO 10 ,...lei0 I M aao'l H ..U4 I 04 .... !.! 44 .... M 11 ... M IM . loao a J ". . 104 140 1 1st t 14 ....1010 I It ... lot I 4 t it ....1044 I W ... IM I ti 1U 3 COW8 AND HEIFERS. 1 HEIFERS. 444 I 40 I 441 I M t 4M I 04 t ...... ' I 1 tU I 44 1. 10..., 1... II.., 1..., 1... 1... t... II... 18 I t It.. II.. I.. I.. 1.. COWS- 7... 1... It... t t 1 I It , II I 11 t 1 , 4 1 , It 1 1 1 I 1 11 3 I I 1 t I t t 1 1 II 1 Vv:.:. 4 1 8 140 IM 1020 t 44 ... 141 t 40 ... N4 t 40 1230 t 40 llo I 40 1140 t 44 1U4I I 40 W I 40 1010 t 4t 434 t 40 lltl t 44 1370 t 44 1111 t 40 1044 t 40 !e0 1 44 IN I 44 404 I tt 1140 t 44 171 I 71 1014 I 71 10M I 74 lout I 71 1224 I Tt lilt t Tl tN I 71 1UI I N km I a UN IN loat IN nn IN 1IM 4 M If 4 4 W 7I 4 00 UN 4 14 lull 4 14 IN 4 It "41 4 M I'M t N 10N 4 it N 44... il... 16... 40... II... It... 44... 47... W... 41... 44... 44... 44... 4t... 44... 41... 41... M... 44... 44... 44... 41... 41... 44... 101.. 14... 16... II... 67... 41... 44... 41... 41... 41... 41... 41... 70... it... it... 74... 43... IT... 17... 4... 48... 44... 74... tl... 7... 70... 46 71 to 44 41 It 17 II II 17 44 44 40 74 101.... 14 41 41 114.... 71 71 17 17 11 alt 45 41 fl t! 51 46 t aaa a w I " 4N t N 3 ... I tea I 74 e.. a K I. ...... ,w " a 11N I I " 1414 t I 1014 t J. UN 3 laa 1 Tl BULLS. .ItN IN I 1...., I .. 444 I N .. 434 IN .. Nt tt .. 104 4 N ..7 4 N ..434 t N .. 44 4 44 AT, ....nt sit tn 177 140 16t 2M 171 117 171 tt IM 170 171 14 144 171 171 Ill lot 26 247 Ill t04 tl Iftt 174 Ill Ill . til IM 261 141 I4t IKS 274 2"! 270 145 140 140 140 t4 tit 131 140 131 136 130 171 ft ..167 ..lit ..Ml ..141 ..160 ..lit ..171 ..Ml ..140 ..164 ..IM ..140 ..Ml ..171 ..111 ..141 ..111 . .141 ..246 ..161 ..174 ..10 ..260 ..l4 ..131 . .141 264 40 10 40 144 N 40 iio 40 tot 40 10 0 IN iio M 140 40 to lilt too M too 10 110 0 40 too rr. I it I 14 I 14 I 10 t 10 I It I 12 I ll 6 11 I 1!V I 12 I 12V, I 12 I 12 6 12 I 12 I 11 12 6 11 6 11 I 12 6 II I 12 i 12 I 12 6 12 I 12 I II I 15 I li i It I li I 15 I II I li I li i li I II t II I 16 I II I II I II I li t li I li I II I li I li I II I li I II I It t li t li I li i II I li t li I II I II I li I II I II I II Na. 14..... II.... II.... II.... tl.... II...., 40.... 17.... 17.... 41.... 42.... 71.... 44.... 41.... It.... (!.... tn... 47.... 46.... 71.... 44.... 41.... M.... 46.... 41.... 47.... 71.... 11.... 70.... 44.... 71.... 14.... II.... 70.... 45.... 7.... 71.... 17.... 47.... 71.... 40.... it.... 77.... Tl.... 41.... 41.... 44.... 45.... 47.... 71.... IT.... Tl.... 44.... 0.... TO.... 71.... 17.... I.... 4.... 71.... 41.... Tl.... 10.... it.... 70,... 41. 41. AT. ,..114 ...167 ...147 ,..141 ...IM ...11 ...121 ...171 ...M0 ...217 ...lit ... ...1.17 ...H ...111 ...120 ...141 ...141 ...111 ...131 ...147 ...141 ...I4 ...121 ...lf0 ...231 ...121 ...127 ...144 ...144 ...124 ...161 ..HI ...27.1 ...117 ...121 ...!! ...Mt ...170 ...177 ...nt ...220 ...221 ...lot ...144 ...tfl ...141 ...121 ...121 ...131 ...111 ...141 ...141 ...141 ...til ...117 ...836 ...lit ...140 ...lot ...111 ...lot ...171 ...117 ..111 ..141 71 t it.. 71.., 71... 71... 40.., Tl.., to.., T7.., 74.., 71.., Tl.. 117. 76... ..K0 ..131 ..144 ..lit ..275 ..lit ..121 ..134 ..117 ..130 ..3.-1 ..IN sk. IW w 1N iio M IM to to IM 'to to lit iio 120 no 40 ino to iio 40 140 140 tn too IN 40 I II I II I It I IV 1 1 I II I II I li I 15 t II I 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 t 17 I 17 t 17 t 17 I 17 6 17 I 17 I 17 6 17 I 17 t 17 I 17 I 17 f 17 I 17 I IT I 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 t 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 6 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 i 17 t 17 i 17 I 17 I 17 . i 17 I to t to t to I 10 I 10 I M I to I K t to t 10 t to t 10 I It t 10 I to I to t 10 I to I 20 I 10 I to I 10 I to I to I 10 I 20 8 30 t 12 I tl I 12 celptaj. 1.067 head; market lower: natives, 83.7MIS 16; stockers and feeders, 8S.0ii'S.86. lit 1418 Receipts. 6.370 head; market 10e lower; lights, 68 30ijj.3&; medium and heavy. 86.ldty6.rrH. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, l.KW head; market strong to 16c higher; top na tive ewes, 33.68; top good natives, 86.76. stack la Sight. Following were the receipts of live stock at the tlx principal western cities yesterday: Hogs. Sheep. 13.0i 6.891 Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Louis .... 8t. Joseph .. Sioux City .. Cattle. ... 8.277 ... 8..VO ... 8.7O0 ... S.Ofl ... 1,067 ... 100 17.000 13.0.4) 8.6011 ' 8.370 6,300 lo.omj 1.7ii0 8. OKI 1,200 Totals. .13.134 86,170 13,291 FLOATS DOWN THE MISSOURI W. L. atocklas; Makes Trip from Fort Rfatoa te Omaha by Beat. W. L. Stocking of Fort Benton. Mont., ar rived In Omaha Monday from that place, having made the entire trip by boat on the Missouri river. Mr. Stocking I. a ranch man of the vicinity of Fort Renton and ha. been a resident cf the section for forty ye.r. He I. 87 years old and the boat In which he made his voyage was of his own construction. It was of the fist boat pat tern, about four feet wide and twelve or fourteen feet In length, with a sort of cabin for shelter agaln.t Inclement weather. He left Fort Benton April 1 and floated down the fiver at hi. leisure. He carried provisions, ammunition and an old double barreled shotgun of the mutile-loadlng pattern. He would tie up at nights and set hjs fish Una. He managed to keep himself supplied with fish and would occasionally bring down a duck or wild goose with his shotgun for a change of diet. The trip wa. made entirely for pleasure. He had man thrilling adventure, and en countered many dangers. The worst trouble he had was with drift wood, which threat ened "many times to send him and his toat to the bottom. He made very few stop, on the way down, his last stop being at Sioux City, where he had to lay In a few additional supplies. One day during the high water he made fifty miles In four hours He landed with his queer outfit down near South Omaha, .old the rig and will remain in Omaha for a few days. He will return to Benton by railway. He states that he enjoyed the trip Immensely and never had better health. DHH.EP There waa another llheral run of sheep and lambs here today, and ap parently the supply was in excess of the demsnd, as buyer, did not take hold with any life and did not seem to care whether they got any fresh supplies or not. What few bids were made were a good deal lower than yesterday, but a good many salesmen said they could not even get a bid on what they had. It was a very slow, weak and unsatisfactory market and up to a late hour only two loads of fat stuff had been disposed of. The demand for feeders was again In good nhape and the market on that class of stock could safely be quoted steady with yesterday. Toward noon buyers took hold and bought a few loads at Just about steady prices, but it was very evident that the demand at such prices was very Uxlted. A bunch of Idaho wethers brought 83.70 and yearlings 84. which were the same prices paid yes terday for the same stuff. Some Wyoming wethers of fair quality sold for 83.35. Even with these few sales at about ateadv nrlcea the market could not be quoted anything put siow ana weaK. Quotations for grass stock: Good to choice lambs. 35.60(56.00: fair to good lambs. 85.00?6.50; good to choice yearlings, 83.S541 4.Z&; ralr to good yearlings, 33 tW3.85; good to choice wethers, 83.50fg3.76; fair to good wethers. 83.0003.60: good to choice ewes. 32.7&&S.40; fair to good ewes. 32.502.76; feeder lambs, 83.60fi3.75; feeder yearlings, 33.00J3.5O; feeder wethers. 327608.26; feeder ewes. 32.00ffT2..SO. Renreaentatlva anlna; 641 Oregon feeder wethers t f 78 M3 Idaho wethers and ewes S3 3 SO 651 Wyoming wethers 107 8 35 636 Idaho wethers 106 8 70 320 Idaho yearlings 88 4 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK -MARKET. ll Cattle Are Steady. While Sheea aad Lambs Drop. Lower. CfltlCAOO. Julv 14-ATTLI5Rcelnta 8.600 head: market steady; good to prime steers. 36.0nir6.6O: noor ta medium. tt.OlVfs 6.00: stockers and feeders. 82.6Oi4.60: cows. 81; heifers 82 2K4JS.00: eanners.-81.60; nuns, tz.zwH4.zis: calves, 32.6Ot.0O; Texas fed steers. 33.35fr4.60. huob-Receipts. i7.tmo head: estimated tomorrow, 16.000: left over. 8,000; mixed and nuicners. w.iwio. M ; good to cnoice heavy, 35.80ff5 40; rough heavy, 84.6Vf? 30; light, tS S'xfTRW.: bulk of sales. 86.2W6.36. SHEEP AND LAMB8 Receipts, 10.000 head; sheep opened steady and closed lower: tamns lower; ralr to choice mixed, 33.0063.60; western sheen end yearlings., iiauve mill w, Kaaaas City Live Stoek Market, KANSAS CITY. July 14. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6.700 natives, 4,800 Texan., 1,800 Texa. calves, i,2j native calves; dressed beeves steady, others weaker; quarantine, weak to lower; ut heifers steady; cows weak stockers ami feeders quiet; choice export and dressed beef steers, 34.705.10; fair to good, 84.OOtfi-4.70; stockers and feeders, 32.604f 4.26;- western-fed steers, 33.00fr4.76; Texa. and Indian steers, 13.1(4.00; Texas cows, 31.75ift'3.50; native cows. 31.75fr4.0O; native heifers. t2.Z6fi4.30; canners. .oo2.26; bulls, 6Z.0TKfi3.6O; calves. 2.2ifr5.00. Hons-Recelnts. l3.oo head: inc lower top, to 4?H; bulk of sales, 65.20'fT'i.25: heavy, t.".v(J6,S0- mixed packers. 85 . 2-iS . 26 ; light, x5.i7'.ft75.3ZVi; yorkers, lo.iMiia.rc; pig, 85. 25i?i 5. 42. SHEEP AND LAMHH Receipts, 1,700 head: western lambs, 83.0otii5.75: fed ewes 33.0oT4.85; Texas clipped yearlings, 83.203i 6.oo; Texas cupped sneep. Ki.out7t.yu; stock ers and feeders, ti VaJ f. Kew York Live Stock Market, NEW TORK, July 14. CATTLE No re ceipts; dressed beef steady; city dressed native sides, 64tfSVic per lb.; cables quoted American steers, top price. 12c, dressed weight; top price for refrigerator beef, 9e per lb.; reported exports for today, 2,Ou6 heaves. 760 sheeD. 4.300 quarters of beef, CALVES RecelpU. It head; very little trading; a few veals sold at about steady prices st 36. ootid. 50 per cwt. ; city dressed veals, 7(010c per 10. iiikih Keceints. l.ww nean. 8HKEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 11,662 head; good sheep Ho higher; common and medium grades quiet and steady; lambs In good demand and steady, closing nrm; sheep snld at 32.6064.00 per cwt.; lambs, 85.70os.76; dressed mutton, 0(00 per id. dressed lambs, I 11 He. OMAHA GIRLJN BUTTE JAIL Police Find Her In Pitiable Ceadltloa aad Associated Charities Be comes Interested. A delicate little girl In her teens, who said her name was Ella Kutch and that she came from Omaha, Is In the county Jail at Butte, Mont, where the police rescued her from he Jibes and abuse of a mob of trlen and boys. The girl was weep ing, her clothing was torn and she was almost fainting from fatigue. So hysterical were her actions that the police concluded she might be demented. . She was so young and In so pitiful a condition that the As sociated Charities of Butte has endeavored to do something for her. Mrs. L. M. Cunningham, the president of the organisation, has written Chief Dona hue as follow.: "The enclosed clipping tells the story of a sad case that has come to our notice. Will you kindly locate the mother of the girl for us, so we may get Into communication with her as soon a. possible?" There la no such name a. Kutch In the Omaha directory, but Chief Donahue la making an effort to find the family. Ac cording to the Butte clipping the girl told somewhat tangled story of being enticed away from a good home by a coachman, whose name she did not give. Bhe lived In Salt Lake, City for awhile, and somehow found her way to Butte, where her condi tion became miserable. She could .find no place to stay, excepting for two nights. when a kindly woman cook let her share her room. ..! I If ..1114 I 40 ..! a as 8.....M.M..uat 6 M Thess births and death, have been re ported to the health office: Birtns .J. win rnotiyson, sjz7 eoutn Sixteenth, boy; Harry Darker, 8J6 South Forty-llrst, boy: Frank Kuncl, Third and Williams, girl; Hans Anderson, 2231 Mason, girl; Arthur Edmlsten, 82U9 Cass, boy. Deaths Infant Almcsterer, 8 months, 1036 Dominion street: Margaret Jackson. 23, 1526 Wirt: Benjamin Bates. 74, 2517 Franklin; Clyde cnappeli, 17, Benson; Baby Thompson, 22 days, 1501 Vinton; Sis ter Mary Rose, 39, Fifteenth and Castellar; Mrs. Fannie Carter, 36, 1313 Davenport. t. Loala I.lva Steek Market. t" iwTfTH Julv 14. OATTLE Receipts, 8.000 head, Including 6,000 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers. 34 SM16.26; dressed beet end nutcner steers, u aL Hi' ateara under I.OP' lbs.. 83.764i4.80; stockers snd feeders, 32.6yn4 25; cows snd heifers, 33.26414.50; canners, 2 00a3.60; bulls. 32 764)3 76; calves. 82.6jJ.60; Texas snd In dian steers ef i."Bl.B. cowa anu nuiua, .wa v lower: pigs and lights, t-V 15-i(6.75; packers, a fv hutchers. 86 2Vrj6.60. - SHEEP AND LA HUH- Receipts. 3 600 head; market ateadv; native mutton. 8104 t,4im: lambs. 34 6036.00 ; culls and bucks. 32.OU0H&O; stockers, R 0031.15; Texans, (3.60 J4.60. leas City Live sleek Market. SIOVX CITY, la.. July 14 (Special Tele- v R a. 1 r 1 a U0 head: steady; beeves. 34.0043600; cows, bulls and mixed. 31 5014.30; stockers snd feeders, 82-76 tj3 Ka: calves ana yarungB, e.w' -HOaS Receipts. 6,800 head; 16 20c lower, selling at M.ota m; duib. h iwod.w. t. Jeaepk Live stock Market. 1 ST. JOSEPH, July 14. CATTLE Re- Mortallty Statistics. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 600 876 156 100 INSTRUMENTS (lied for record yesterday as lurnisnea oy ine Midland Ur.orantee end Trust company, bonded abstracters, 1614 Farnam street: . Deeds. Frank W. Slabaugh and wife to Em- ny J. campneu, e no feet lots 1 and 1. block 33. South Omaha 13000 George T. Crandell to John McCor- mick, lot 7, block 18, McCormlck's add .' 1 Sialeswskl to Mary Stale- wiski, wire, 101 4, Dlock z. Arbor Place add 1 Sheriff to Julia Merrett, lot 17, block 11, nan scorn riace aoo 6,670 D. V. Sliole. company to Wilson T. Uraham, undivided half Interest In lot. 10 and 11, block 6, Plalnvlew add.; undivided half interest In lot. 1 and 2, block "E," Lowe's add.; undivided half Interest in lot 18. Beauvolr Place add.; undivided half interest In lot 33, block 17, Orchard Hill add 1.600 Thomas r rawiskei to frank rawiskei. lot 6. block t. Wilcox s aud Margaret Haley and husband to Ma ria c. fyke, 101 11, block li. urown Park add E. R. Hume, trustee to Vaclav Van- cura, lot 17, block 3, Vassar Place add Patrick J. Lynch, sr., and wife to Mi chael Ooggin, s 3 teet lot s, block 2. Shull's first add Victor E. Polssant to Corinne Pols- sant. lots 13, -0 and Zl. block Z, and lot 9, block 1, South Exchange Place add.; also lot 14. block 8, Bedford Place add 1 Thomas H. Fell and wife to Robert Cuscaden, lot 11, block u, west end add 4.62S Hanna L. Anderson to Oustave E. Lund and Ida a. iund, n ft 101 4, block 70. South Omaha 1.000 Laura S. Forbes to Guslar A. Engel ana sisry u. duici, juim m,,..,.., lots 8 and 4, block 16, Hanscora Place a44 1.200 H. A. Tukey to Thomas C. Kennedy, lot 26, block Z, tirsmniercy rar -.44 1 Tukey Land company to Thomas C. Kennedy, 101s 1 ana s. pioca. iui. 13. 14. 16, 16. 17, 1. 20 and 21, block 3. lots 11 and 12, block 4. lot 23, block 6 lots 1. 4, 8. 6. 7. 8. 17. 18. 1 and 20. block 6, all In Grammercy Park mAA - 1 President and directors of Insurance C ompany 01 worm Amenca w aiuua F. Jenkins, 101 e, uioca a, auuiuw place add Mortgages. Sibyl Clark et ai to Charles Loomls, s ns sec. e-io- inula V. Jenkins and husband to pres ident ana oirrcmn ui " Company of North America, lot 6. t.wi 1 Knuntia Place add 1.800 Josef Sperl and wife to Omaha Loan and HUliaing awH-iainni, iwi wiw a. Potter Cobb's add....... Nora E Muagrove and husband to same, lot 9. block 8. Meyers. Rlch- r.4a A Tilden's add v.prol art wire 10 some. lots I and , DlOCg IS, lianecnm riaoa 4.600 178 350 60 PRIVATE WIRES OEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO. GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS. 124 Board ef Trade Bldg . Omaha 'Phones luut aad 1017. Members ail prta sipal echiigea. Write Utr eur dally Skar aval letter. v; r 1 :-! 1 i 1 )