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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1903)
So TITE OMAnA DAILY BKKs WEDNESDAY, JULY 1ft, 1903. TAXES FOR STATE PURPOSES Board "Will If ai at Lincoln Hext Monday to Tix the Bate, DOUGLAS COUNTY WILL BE BEPRESENTED EaTert WUI Be Made te Bare) Rate Flaed far TnU Cowaty tbat W ill Be Ban I table with Other Cowatlea. The Board of Equalisation meet at Lin coln Monday to fix tha levy for state pur poses In tha various oountlaa of Nebraska, and It Is expected that tha general levy will be considerably higher this year than last, as tha last legislature Increased tha maximum amount which may be levied for state purposes from TVs mills to H mills. The meeting of the board la of consid erable Interest to the various counties of tha state for the reason that assessments which are too high compared with assess ments of like property In other counties are her equalised for atata purposes by varying tha levy. Last year the levy varied from 4 mi 11a in tha case of Douglas county to 7H mills in several counties where, In the opinion of tha board, the assessors had placed a very low valuation upon tha property. Tha year previous Douglaa county had paid tha limit for state purposes and there waa no objection, for tha reason that there had been little or no attempt to secure an assessment In this county for county purposes higher than tha prevailing aaseaament in tha state. Last year, however, tha assessment was greatly Increased and tha county commls si oners, at tha request of the Real Estate exchange, sent a representative to Lin coin, who by making a showing of the facts had mills stricken from the Douglas county levy for last year. This saved to tha county, upon tha basis of last year's assessment, about 176,000 and placed tha property of Douglas county upon a much ' mora muI table baaia for state taxation than It had been before for many years. Doaglas Coanty Assessment. This year a Ilka representation will be made and it will be possible, in the opinion of many of tha persons Interested In the matter, to show that on an average the assessed valuation of property In Douglas county will approximate nearer 25 per cent of Its true value than any lower propor tlon. This high average la made up almost. If not Quite, from the assessment of real estate, although there are a number of owners of personal property who firmly believe , they have been assessed for at least one-fourth of all tha property ,they own In tha county. The high est average real estate assessment comes from the Eighth ward, and the Jowest, probably, from the Ninth ward, although there are some com paratively high assessments In the Third ward, notably the First National bank building, which is assessed at J62.000 for county purposes, while assessed for city purposes, on full valuation, at $230,000, or a little more than four .times as much for the latter as for the former; the Omaha National bank building, which Is assessed for exactly five times as much for city as for county purposes, and the United States National bank building, assessed for county purposes at 133,000, against $130,000 for city purposes, this being more than 26 per cent of the real value aa found by the city tax commissioner. Still! greater variations are found in the outlying additions to the city, where the county assessment fre quently approximates 75 per cent of the city assessment, and the city assessment Is confessedly higher than the price for which tha property could be sold at the present time. Lawyer Will Wake Ikowtag, J. P. Braen, who will represent the county, has written to the secretary of the board, to ascertain what time the board will consider the Douglas county assess ment, anl will go to Lincoln to make the required showing. In the light of the In crease in the maximum rate of taxation for state purposes It Is not believed that the state levy will be any lower than It waa last year, while there are fears that It will be higher, not only in Douglas county, but throughout the state, and the (Torts of tha attorney probably will be devoted, to maintaining an equitable ratio between the rate for Douglas county and that for the other countlea In the state, regardless of the rate of last year. The average, rate last year for all of the coun tlea In the atate was approximately 6V4 mills, while for Douglas county It was 4Vs mills. Th RnaHl Coiapaay. The best plane to buy your groceries alwaya fresh, pure and reliable prims the. lowest all our goods displayed with price tickets on. Sliced beef, glass Jar, 10a Imported sardines, can, lOo. Table syrup, can. Sc. Ireserved blackberries, can, Bo. Presto, for pastry, pkg., so. SALMON SPECIAL. Fancy steak salmon. H-lb. can, usual price, 80 can. Cigar special. LILLIAN RUSSELL CIGARS, I for 26a rfT"1"-'-' ffTT-TTI ELEVENTH STREET VIADUCT Railroads Igaore notices to Repair and City Pats t Fences. Rough and not particularly handsome fences now adorn the north and south ends of the Eleventh street viaduct, and at night they are decorated with red lights In the form of lanterns with the globes swathed In a fair quality of carmlne-hued flannel. Notices sent to the Union Pacific and Burlington railroads to repair the vladuot have not been heeded, and as the flooring in a number of places has become so worn and rotten as to be dangerous Engineer Rosewatar ordered it cloead. Residents of the south side sjid others who use the viaduct are now expected to give vent to their wrongs, and the matter will probably come before the city council. Under the law, as Anally decided by the United States courts, the railroad com panies must maintain this and other via-duots. A BALD NEWBPAPKR MAR. Getting a Ifew Crop of Hair, and Has No Mora Dandruff. Everybody in the northwest knows Colo nel Daniel Searles, the veteran Journalist and publicist of Butte. January 10, 1900, the colonel writes: "I used a couple of bottles of Newbro's Herplclde with marvel ous results. The dandruff disappeared; a new crop of hair has taken root, and the bald spot is rapidly being covered." Her plclde Is the only hair preparation that kills the dandruff germ that digs up the scalp In scales aa It burrowa its way to the root of tha hair, where it destroys the vitality of the hair, causlntt the hair to fall out. Kill the dandruff germ, with Herplclde. Sold by leading druggists. Send lOo In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. special agents. B 13.(5 O St Louis and return via The Wabash Railroad. Sold July 18, 19 and 2a Wabash city office, 1601 Farnam St. Dramatic Entertainment, The Oats City Amateur Dramatlo club will give a domestio drama, in four acts, entitled, "True Friends,". In Thurston Rifles armory, 18th and Harney streets, on Thursday evening. Curtain rises at 8:15. Admission, adults, 26c; children under 10, If accompanied by parents or guardian, admitted free. Quiet Summer Resorts Alonar tbe Lake Shore Michigan gonthern Ry. Is the title of a pamphlet that may aid you lr. deciding the perplexing question of "where to go" for your vacation. Copy may be had by addressing M. S. Giles, T. P. A Chicago, or C . Daly, cniez A. u. P. , Chicago. s 13.00 Bt Louis and return via The Wabash Railroad. Sold July 18, 19 and 2a Wabash city office, 1601 Farnam St. For Sale Due !!! on one of the best New York City hotels at a good discount. Ad' dress E M. care Omaha Bee. PERMANENT WALKS ARE LAID Ka CJty Contractor This Year and Property Owners Act Voluntarily. More permits for permanent sidewalks are being issued by the Board of Public Works than during any July for a number of years. Features of the work are that many . property owners are voluntarily, and on their own motion, laying walks, and the increasing proportion of brick being uaed In the construction of them. One explanation of tha present rush is that until a short time ago sidewalk as well as building material was tied up on account of the labor troubles. Owing to the city being without an official paper there is no permanent aldewalk contractor for 1903 up to the present time. As soon aa the advertising can be dona, and the contract is awarded, there will be consid erable work tor the contractor, and the year in this Una will compare favorably with any of its predecessors. . Ten Risk Year Life If yon neglect plies. They will causa fatal diseases, but Bucklen't Arnica Salve posi tively cures or no pay. 25o. For sale by Kuhn Co. Have Yon Ever Seen Niagara? If not, your education has been neglected. In going to Nsw York, Boston, or anywhere east, make it a point to take the Mtchgm Central, "The Niagara Falls Route." and get stopover at the Falls. Send for illus trated Bummer Tours, to Niagara Falls, The Thousand Islands, St. Lawrence, Ad Irondacks, Hudson river, Berkshlres, White mountains. New England coast, Mackinac island and the 800, etc. Send a red stamp to O. W. Huggles, U. P. T. A., Chicago. Call for City Warrants. City Treasurer Hennlngs decided yesterday morning to disburse another auo,uw or tno taxes collected last month and therefore Issued another call for city warrants. It Includes these numbers: General fund. 620 to 1366: sinking fund. 41 to 68: Judgment fund, 75 to 114; sewer maintaining fund, 130 to 176: park fund, 264 to 3yo: lighting fund. 45 to el; neaitn lunu, 110 10 iw; street clean lng and sweeping runa. m to lot; euro, gutter ana paving, zo to 00. Methodist Camp Meeting. Announcement has been made that the annual Methodist camp meeting- at VVau neta. Neb., will be held from July 80 to AuKunt 10. Services on week davs will be at z:so ana r:w o piock ana mere win De three services on Sundays. The principal evangelists will be Rev. S. B. Edmondson of Liberty, III., who will have charge of the services, and Kev. y. c. .carlln of Bridge port, 111. Will Do All This for torn. Dr. King's New Life Pills puts vim, vigor and new life Into every nerve, muscle and organ of tha body, iry them. 25o. For sale by Kuhn 4 Co. J The - tna ef American Watering Plaeeo" (The poetic name given to Atlantic City) and other Atlantic sea coast resorts, are reached from the west via the Lehigh Valley Railroad. 8end X cent stamp to General Passenger Department, Lehigh Valley Railroad, New York, for Atlantic City booklet. pedal Low Hate C'hantaaqna Einr. slen Jnly 14, Via Lake Shore Michigan Southern rail way; 81400 for the round trip from Chicago. Return limit 90 daya A handsome Chautau qua book, with any Information desired, may be had by addressing M. 8. Giles, T. P. A.. Chicago, or C F. Daly, chief A. G. P. A Chicago. Reek Island Changes the Time. The Rocky Mountain" Limited leaves Omaha a 7:30 a. ra. for Colorado, Instead of 8:60 a. m. And eastbound at 1:56 a. m., instead, of 1:09 a. m., commencing Jul (Uu "TURNED OUT" Several New Vehicles, "STYLISH TURNOUTS," last few eltlseaa. Prices baying. days to Omaha so low can't help Quitting Business and Selling every carriage and harness la the honae. DRUOND, CARHIAGEM AM. EIGHTEENTH AND HARNEY. - iH?',.. Don't Forget that the biggest slaughter sale of clothing lurniBiiing goods, etc.. for men and boys' wear ever held in Omaha positively opens inursuay morning, July 16th. when the Guarantee Clothing Co. will place on sale, on the second floor of the building at 1618 1521 Douglas street, the stock of Sol Levi re, formerly of Cedar Rapida Particulars prices, etc., will be given In tomorrow evening's paper. Watch for the quotation 01 me moat sensational low price ever quoted In Omaha. -" tltrn turn IH.M. UNITED (STATUS liBHtiSITUHY. riu uui. " R a w,m. - . - t n.. rmMr Clearing Sale of JjO summer Shlrta LlQJH ' . i m a a w m m vnn it n Clearing; Straw hats A Grand Clearing Sale fyjen's Outing Suits Tomorrow we offer great values In men's fine summer clothing at rlesr ng sale. This Is without the slightest question the biggest clothing oppor tunity of the year. Light summer suits at the very height of th ennnn ell 'ng at loss than half what you would have paid for them two weeks ago. Every Summer Suit Must Go We Will Dispose of Every One In Our Enormous Stock If Low Prices Will Move Them. Our stock of Outing Suits Is so large and so varied that we can suit your taste as well as fit you perfectly. These suits are all new and only recently rent to us from an enntern factory that puts out only the finest grade Outing Suits. Men's $10 & $12 Outing Suits 4.75 Swell new Outing Suits that are Just the thing for the warm days of July and August they come in the very popular homespuns, the light, cheviots, the cool serges, the stylish flannels, etc. A week or more ago they were priced at $10.00 and $13.00 CLEARING SALE PRICE JSik Men's $15 and $18 Outing Suits $8.75 Here are the prettiest Outing Suits from our recent great purchases of high grade summer suits made with the shape-retaining fronts In all the latest shades for stylish summer suits they were priced fifteen and eighteen dollars CLEARING SALE PRICE. Choice of ROOER5, PEET & CO.S finest two-piece Outing- 0 Suits a magnificent showing 1 m. XJ Your ohoice of all tho ROGER, PEET & CO.'s finest Sum- 4Q fC mor Suits In the house nt Lzr JJ Our Greatest Pants Sale 2.50 Summer weight Trousers all light., well tailored garments very suitable for dressy summer wear these Trousers were worth up to six dollars CLEARING SALE price 71. H. 3ntnhia & Ourt 21. "ST. Sratifcri & on as c- - l - t - - m fc. . - v r Smoke Omaha's Finest So. Cigar the.' an iTinir i i ini" i' i " i i ini.ii ii E f w 'V II .If V" KEY I 1 I ? " WEST V - CIGAR sO' Park A Telford- Mt Favorita 15 sizes. S. Rodrigues Charles tne Great 12 aiaes. Enuello Lopes Lord Temple 10 size. Tel. 1BUO for a box. We W. F. Stoecker Cigar Comp deliver I f ipatty I J Street Railway Pay Checks -AND- Postoffice Pay Checks Will be cashed at our bank. We v open accounts for one dollar or more and pay 4 per cent in terest. Certificates of deposit is sued for 3, 6 or 12 months, bear- i ing 4 per cent interest. J. L. Braudeis & Sous, ; BANKERS. SCIK.10LLER MUELLER. 1313 FARNAM 8TREET. Great CLEARING SALE PIANOS Goes on With Unabated Vigor. Marvelous success has attended the first half of our annual July Piano Clearing Snle. Nearly twice as many sold as usual. It's Fairly Staggering It's iust a little the blftgest and best piano sale the good city of Omaha has ever seen. Wc Sacrifice Profits You Reap the Harvest These pianos were not made to sell cheap they're not "chopped-out-with-an-axe affairs" but in clude the most desirable styles of the most celebrated standard makes and the prices they are Simply Amazing Read Them $200 Pianos for ,...120 $300 Pianos for $180 $350 Pianos for $210 $400 Pianos for .$240 $450 Pianos for . .$270 $500 Pianos for $300 On Terms of Nothing Down and $5 a Month THREE BIG STORES Omaha Lincoln Council Bluffs s23?f II XI When you wear summer clothes you should wear summer shoes OUR CANVAS TOP WELT SOLE SHOES are cool, neat and durable. Suffice to say they are ONIMOD and when ONAMAN Tou know what that means. SOLID COMFORT ALWAYS 03-60 and S2.50 Regent Shoe Go. 205 So. 15th St. We close at o'clock Wednesday, July 15th, l at which tine oar 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT Sale on our crips and auit cases closes. Investigate right away If you desire a real, genuine bargain Telephone 1058. Repairing Doue IAHATRUilKFACTORY- fansi TOES UP OR ON THE RUN! That's the (lx we have tha bedbugs and cockroachea of Omaha In with our sure death. We have yet to find a complaining patron, but we have plenty of enthusiastic ones who are more than grateful for the relief tliey have received. Tou see, this preparation Is in liquid form and ovry bug it touches is silled instantly, and when the liquid evaporates a CHYSTAUN (Is that o. k., Charley?) powder is left and butts won t slay near this, so that ail untouched bugs are chasel away. So don t you see they are either TOES UP OR ON THK Kl'N? It come In four size, vis.: Pints, lie; quarts. 2iev half gallons. 600, an! rallons, 90o. A nire pint oil can with long HiMunt free with 6ic or 90c Ue, or 5c extra with 15c or c slse. We deliver everything o sell, any plate In city, free, from 7 a. m. 10 10 p. m. OPEN ALA. NIGHT. GHAEFER'S CUT PRICB DRUC1 STORE Two 'Paoaea 74T a TVT. ic:i aa CklMgs troota, Ossaka, full sei oi Teem $3,00 Gold Crowns from $2.85 Work done I This OfTCr 'T.'i.1 Good Until JulylO. to Inoreaxe our clinic, we want' woman and child to have their teeth examined by tha 1'ro- fessora Work guaranteed 10 ycaru. Incorporated under Htata I -aw. FREE In order every man. (Si FUiiagstraai 29c Tseta Extracted FREE AluailouBi Pistes frosi 9. bridge erk Irea 2.8 UNION DENTAL COLLEGE OP PAINLESS DENTISTRY. liljaMftu. Stxa taa Ul t. isa4 aj lis. Matsssssjsj i Anybody can catch bass ....IN THH.... MINNESOTA LAKES BEST REACHED BT ILLINOIS . CENTRAL R, R. GI2.50 VklWU Dally during July, August and September. Talk wltb us at 1402 Para am SCrsol. OMAHA W H. BRILL IT HDlst. Pass. A cent. ii1 THK HKI.IAIII.K KTUHli. nr 111! AH? mi Tltto IIKL1AUL1S STOKE. July Sale Wednesday in Great Domestic Roota Now the proat Rlaujililor sale of summer goods is on, and we. defy any other house in the eountry to make suoh prices on this class of stuff at this time of the year. Compare These Prices The Great 10c Sale. 25c COLORED WASH GOODS. 10c. Imported Scotch mndrnwos. nrfntnl piques, gephyrs and chnrahrnys. corded India linens In plain Wno and black, Irish dimities nnd French batiste, preat variety of styles nnd strictly fast col orswere 25c now 10c. 20c COLORED WASH GOODS, Bc Tlaln black India linens, corded ba tiste, light colored grounds with dark hair line stiiDes. nrlnten PronM, K,i0t and .vlss muslins were 20c now 8Vic. 15c COLORED WASH GOODS, Cc. Assorted colored ehambrav srlneliams. fine printed Swiss siren rwlln at4 French batiste, nil utrWiv lour ctrlnit and fast colors were 15c now flvic. 12c COLORED WASH GOODS, 5c. Irish printed dimities. Scotch nrlntetl lawns and remnants of all of our 12'ic wash goods, including yard wide per cales, seersucker ginghams, etc. were 1ZV4C now oc. 7c MUSLINS, 34c From Transportation Company, Hay- den's bought one carload of flnt vard wide bleached muslin, WET ON END, otherwise perfect worth 7ic on sale Wednesday at 3c a yard. $2 TURKEY RED TABLE CLOTHS, 75c. Martha Washington oil boiled turkey red cloths, 24 yards long, Mime i slightly mussed but most of them peT fevt. pretty patterns, guaranteed fnst ' colors 12 values on rale Wednesday at 75c. 12Vic LONSDALE CAMRRIC. Be. From Transportation Company, wo received 10 cases of ionsdnle cambric, long mill ends, most of it perfect, worth 12VjC per yard as long as It Inst at lie a yard. 12 yds ENGLISH LONG CLOTH, fl.OS Will place on sale Wednesday morn ing, 2 cases fine Imported English long cloth, yard wide, worth 15c at 12 yds. for i.oa , "t 25c WHITE GOODS, 1V One big square 40-lneh India llnon, 40-Inch lawns, 40-lnch organdies, mer cerized mulls, Leno stripe dimities, etc., long mill ends not a yard worth less than 25c at 10c a yard. 50c TABLE LINEN, 25c On sale Wednesday morning, citra heavy Scotch table linen and snow white damask, 50c values nt 25c a yard 00c READY-TO-USE SHEETS, -lc Linen finished blenched theets, sb.e 214 wide, 'ln long, UOc quality on sale Wednesday lit 4l!'ic. Uayden's Shoe department is now having the most successful shoe sale ever held in Omaha. The purchase lately made of two splendid shoe factories at less than half wholesale cost', makes it dead easy to give bargains in shoes. ram FM1 UJ ALBERT EDHOLIY1, JEWELER 107 N. I6TH ST., OPP. POST-OFFICE HIGH GRADE RAILROAD WATCHES 17, 21, 23 and 24 Jeweled watches of the best American makes, Adapted to the uiuBk cAti;uii8 wine avrviue. jveaBUiiituifj in price, union fUClnC WaiCri Inspector. dottle: SDarkllnr sorlnc water ear- tsr thm nnlv hr mails frnm tjtire fully brewed thoroughly aced finest auality orlvats brand. nstlTn4 ts anr part of Omsha, Council BloBi or South Omaha. Order a cas, from JETTER BREWING CO. 0 Hugo F. BILZ, 1324 Douglas Street Telephone IS42 or LEE MICHELL, Wholesale Dealer, Council Bluffs. Tel. 80 IS It is beneficial to ail, For young- and old, sick or healthy Stors Blue Ribbon beer Is good for everybody. Why? Because, It Is an absolutely PUREJ beert No purer Ingredients of healthglvlng qualities are found In any other beer. The great demand for Stors Blue Ribbon beer 26,000 BOTTLES DAILY. Is the best proof of Its great value not alone as a refreshing, palatable beverage, out as a great neaitn ionic. Bottled at Brewery only. STORZ BREWING CO., Telephone 1260. COI'NCIIj BLUFFS OFFICK 33 West Broadway. W. A. WELLS, Agent. We Clean China Silk, Mull, organdie and alpaca dresses and make them look just like new. It makes no difference how much lace and other trimmings are on them, we will not Injure them In any way. All work gunrantsed In every respect. Ooods called fur and delivered. Ask for a price list. L E PAI1T0RIUI.1 OMAHA, 407 So 15th Et Tel. 0G3 TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Bast Agrlsaltarai Weakly. 7 The Bee build ing has nat ural adyen- Move where m . m g tagea, whloh make It IT IQ Cfl ft I oooBr than any other II, VVTVra 0mahaomc9 building. It 1 protected on the west from the eourohlng afternoon tun; the breeze has every opportun ity to find It, no matter what direction It bio we. It's white walled court, with lta marble foun. tain, not only pleases the eye, but was de signed by the architect to give perfaot ventlla - tlon to every o ffice. A very attractive efflce gulte ound floor na a very win proor vauii. en the burglar raMhier .mini., ln.Ht1M. With private ornce, at Sf0 per month. Borne splendid rooms from 110.00 to fui.OO per month on the fourth and fifth floor. I aiU2WfmVYdLJXWl I 10 I il" . 1. TNI I I HI ' , ' I U ,