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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1902)
tJ? rfr rt fc fr .J.f ..! rt? t J t fjt jt j ?t? $ ?j tjt jt rfc rj? 4 if rif if if Hf t tt H fr Tt Hf .h 'A X W WHN Oh 1 H WW, J) (Incorporated January, J8MJ TWELVE YEARS OLD. JURISDICTION, UNITED STATES AND CANADA. 4- 4 2. 7 ...STATEMENT... Benefits in Force, June I, 1 902, . . . $500,000,000 Net Increase in Membership, 1 90 1, . . . 41,295 Total Death Claims Paid, 13,000,000 Total Number of Camps, 6,500 Total Pail for Monuments 700,000 Total Membership, June 1, 1902, . . . 350.000 Total Death Claims and Monuments, . . . 13,700,000 Reserve or Emergency Fund Invested, . . $1,500,000 0 CAPABLE DEPUTIES WANTED. UR Popular and Original Features commend the Order to favorable consideration. Five Hundred to Three Thousand Dollars Benefits at Death. Graded Assessment Rates. A Hundred Dollar Monument Placed at the Grave of Every Deceased Member. Monuments Unveiled and Graves Decorated Annually by Beautiful Ceremonies. Emergency Fund keeps Assessments at Minimum. Total Disability Benefits at Seventy Years of Age. One-tenth Face of Certificate Paid to Member each Year thereafter. or J. T. YATES, Sovereign Clerk, Address J. C. ROOT, Sovereign Commander, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. 4 4& 4& 4& 4& 4 4& 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 MKEOBQSMGMMG CO. CD 5 jisUb j EAGRAVLNG MADE FOR. ALL PURPOiTEif AD BY ALL KAOW PKOCEEJ1 -r .. ,-Sv STAIIT Till: YIJAK KICIIT, GET ON THE CIRCUIT No Farm is Complete Without a Telephone Kvery Bueces.sful fanner must he in quick connection with tbe niurkets of the country. Get prices on our Special farmers' Phone They are the BEST at lowest prices. Over lun.uoo ia use to-day. Wisnitv I immcu Co. "FOLLOW THE FLAG." GOING SOUTH Leaves OMAHA UNION STATION Arrives ST. LOUIS in CO o VI 3 o o CO S:js A. WO y. A. o C -t oo O o c a SOLID ROADBED, NEW STEEL RAILS, NEW VESTIBULE TRAINS. For rates, descriptive matter, reservation of berths and all informa tion call at WABASH, SrS?S.r"" Or address Hakky K. Mookks, (ioiu-ral Arent l'asscnircr Dejiarttiuut, Omaha, Nhhkaska ;HL Long Distance OMAHA, MB.