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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1902)
The Omaha Daily Bee ESTABLISHED JUNE 10, 1871. OMAHA, MONDAY MOHNING, DECEMHEH 22, 1902. SINGLE COPY THKEE CENTS. MASY FINNS STARVE i Drops Fail All Oyer Country u Betult of Copious kains. FROST ALSO AIDS GENERAL DESTRUCTION Pea Hot Grow and Potatoes An Not Gathered. MEN EAT BREAD MADE OF UNRIPE RYE Fod ii Bo Bitter That Horses Befusa to Swa'ljw It. eaawanaaasssnse SCHOOL CHILDREN GO HUNGRY ALL OVER Uintan Sama Arc Voted to Give Re lief, bat Maar Will Mlu Dla- Thla Knlif Christ, mas Day-. ST. PETERSBURG, Dec. 21. Tbe average grain crop gathered in Finland Is valued at (30,000,000. The estimated value of the 1M2 crop la $20,000,000. While this loss Is generally distributed' throughout the coun try, the provinces of Uleaborg, Kuplo, Vasa, St. Michael and portions of Vlbourg, are practically without grain. Teas have entirely failed and the potato crop haa not been gathered, the hay has rotted or been swept away by floods. The disaster Is due to the late spring, the nearly continuous chilly rains and the early frost which was recorded on August 10. In the north there have been only halt a dozen .days when It did not rain. The rains also spoiled the fishing. Bo complete was the failure of vegeta tion that hundreds of dead birds have been found In the forests. The present .crop failure la the wont that has been ex perienced for the UBt fifty years, but it is hoped that better methods of communica tion will facilitate the work of relief and avoid wholesale deaths by hunger and typhus. Grind larlpe Grata. There are, all told, about BOO parishes in Finland, 194 of wilch are now nearly destitute. The agricultural board has re ceived reports from 140 parishes, showing that 106 have food supplies which will suffice them until Christmas only. The unripe rye and barley which the people ara forced to use make a bitter bread, which even the hungry horses refuse to eat. In some parti of the country bread is baked from barley husks and straw, mixed with a little flour, and la purchased by the needy people with their boarded savings. Such bread contains little nutri tion and is extremely unwholesome. The peasants have expended all their money for flour and ar( consequently unable to buy clothing. Count Bobrtkoff, governor general of Fin land, has Issued an appeal for help in Rus sia, and a voluntary relief committee has been organized by Finns, with branches throughout the country. The Anglo-American church here is affiliated , with, this committee. - Vat Mint at Money. The senate has decided to expend $JT5, 000 on public works and has allotted $500, 000 for the purchase of grain, which will be sold to the people at cost. Seventy-live thousand dollars will be used to encourage cottage Industries. The provinces and cer tain cities of Finland have also voted various sums for relief work, amounting In all to $500,000. The voluntary relief com mittee has received $125,000, but It is un derstood that all this sum has been al ready expended. Pastor Qilburn of St. Petersburg has Just returned from a sledge Journey through Kuplo province. He found 1,900 - school children who were In need of food. Of this number 1,115 were totally destitute. It Is estimated that 400,000 will be without tood on Christmas day. Business in Finland la suffering In sym pathy with the extreme conditions, but no failures have yet been recorded and the banks bava not raised the rate of discount. Emigration Is Increasing constantly. Up to November 17, 20,155 persons had left the country this year via Hanga, while un known numbers crossed the gulf of Both nia to Sweden and took passage from there. The effects of the crop failure on emigration, however, will be felt more strongly in 1903. The Russian government has drawn up a comprehensive plan tor relieving the distress which Is widespread throughout ten governments of European Russia and some dlstrlcs of Siberia., ' WILL KILL FOREIGN DEVILS Tasg Fa Slana; Organises Chlaeao Foreea with Consent of Km- presa Donafer, i SHANGHAI. Dec. 21. The North China Dally Newa hears that Tung Fu Siang, the exiled Chinese commander, la mobilizing In Kan Bu 10,000 well equipped troops, includ ing the provincial garrison of 4.000, which was disbanded by Imperial command. Tung Fu Siang contemplates the extermination of foreigners In the provinces of Sben 81 and Kan Bu and the seizure of Slan Fu. Friendly official are advising foreigners and missionaries to depart in order to avoid the impending trouble. Tung Fu Slang la buying great quantities of grain and fodder and la In constant com munication with Prince Tuan, the dowager empress and Tung Lu, who are believed to be secretly encouraging him and supplying him with money. ARMY'S NOMINEE ELECTED Haadrcd Votes Vail to General Sard, WhIW Fifteen BUaWa Are fast. PORT AU PRINCE. Haytl. Dec. 21. There waa a disorderly scene at today'a sitting of congress as a result of violent speeches by 8ena(or Cauvln and Deputy Jeannot, who protested against the procla mation by the army of Geueral Nord as president of the republic. One hundred and fifteen votes were cast. Of these General Nord received 400 and waa elected, while fifteen of the ballots were blank. The people of the country de sire peace and they have received tha re sult of the announcement of the election with satisfaction. Hrlflsm Gets Chlaeao Land. BRUSSELS. Dee. 22 King Leopold has concluded negotiations with th. Chinese government for the cesslcn of a tract of territory similar to tha aettlemcnta of other European Battens. Belgium has ac crued this arrngem' Instead of ft Dae dal compensation for Its claims arislug from the rectal rebellion. WILL STAGGER HUMANITY llnnberti Declare Safe Fraad Story Will Sarpnaa Panama Mentation, MADRin, Dec. 21. When Mme. Humbert and others charged with the Parts safe frauds were arrested yesterday one of them handed a package containing $48,000 to some people who lived In the same house. This package has beer nt to the French con sulate. .. , . According to pTa "Mervlews, Fred erick Humbert derik v7 ' uhe revela tions of himself and hs. '" "ts will rival the Panama scandals . ' -i they were the victims of robbers ed them. He says that all classes . from ministers down, will be InvolVt. Mme. Humbert also claims to have in Paris documents which compromise promi nent personages. , While the police were waiting to enter the house Mme. Humbert burned many papers, including banknotes to the amount of $1,200. The ir!sonere are being well treated In prison. They are permitted to have their meals sent In from a neighboring restau rant and all occupy separate cells, though a careful watch Is kept and they ara not allowed to receive visitors. ' A maid servant, who was employed by them In Madrid, said they allowed no one In their house and started In apprehen sion at every ring of the bell. They as sisted In the housework themselves and the men of the party never went out ex cept at night. PARIS, Dec. 21. A special messenger haa left here for Madrid with the documents connected with the extradition of thfllum berts. The prisoners are expected to ar rive here on Wednesday, GERMAN LINER IS DISABLED Daratlaa; Deatachland Cylinder Floods Voaacl with Steam Which Greatly Alarms Passengers. PLYMOUTH, Eng., Dec. 21. The Hamburg-American liner Deutschland arrived here at 2:15 this afternoon. When nearlng the Scllly islands a cylinder burst and the starboard engine was badly damaged. It will require four months to effect repairs. One engineer was rather badly scalded. The steamer left here at tor Cherbourg and Hamburg. , The accident occurred at 1:30 this morn ing. For a time the vessel was in com plete darkness and filled with escaping steam. The passengers were greatly alarmed. They rushed from tbelr cabins anxiously making inquiries as to what had occurred. Excellent discipline, however, was main tained and when everybody was assured that there was no danger tha excitement gradually subsided. With the exception of the engineer, who was caught In tha escaping steam, Deutach land's officers say no one waa seriously In jured. The steamer came into port using Us port engines alone at a speed of sixteen knots. LONDON, Dee. II. The British steamer Northpolnt arrived, here .today with , the. crew of the German .steamer ' Pure Oil, which foundered on December 14. North point had Pure Oil la tow tor five hours. HELPS AUSTRIAN SHIPPING Government ,WU1 Introdoea Bill Re stricting; Emlajranta to Ns tloaal Vcaaela, VIENNA, Dec. 21. Early In January the government Intends to Introduce in the Reichstag a bill to restrict and regulate emigration. One of the objects will be to restrict all Austrian emigrants In Auatrlan vessels from Trieste Instead of permitting them to travel by German and other for eign lines. The Eremdenblatt, a semi-official organ, supports the bill In the Interests of home shipping and estimates that In five years Austro-Hungarlan emigrants have taken from the country 28,000,000 florlna, the bulk of which has been paid to foreign railroads and steamship lines. It urges the Im portance of emigrants retaining a sense of their Austrian citizenship as long aa pos sible and thinks the proposed bill will as sist this end by enabling tha government to protect the emigrants beyond the first stages of their Journey. The new measure will follow the. lines of the Hungarian bill now under parlia mentary consideration. Tha supporters of this bill report that emigrants not only embark at Flume, but Insist that they be carried on Hungarian ships, manned by Hungarian crewa and furnished with Hun garian supplies. AMERICANS OUTDO BRITISH Alfred Moaeler Clalaaa lotted Statee Workmen Tnra Oat let ter John. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 21. Alfred Moseley, who has Just made a tour of tha United States with a number of representatives of British labor uulons, arrived hers today on Umbrla. He said he hoped reports would be pub lished within a few weeks, and that as a result changes would be made in the meth ods At present employed In several English tradea. He could not anticipate these re ports, but was greatly Impressed with the superiority of American to British 'work men. The Americans worked harder and were better trained and educated than the Englishmen. Mr. Moseley aald he Intended to take another commission to the United States in the autumn te Investigate edu cational conditions. Political Bankers Fall. LONDON, Dec. 21. The private banking firm of J. J. W. Pease of Darlington has failed, with liabilities estimated at $2,500,000. It is understood that the family of the three partners are practically the only ones affected. The partners In the firm are three members of the House of Commons, representing Barnard Camle, Darlington and Cleveland Yorkshire. Sev eral friends of the family have offered financial assistance to arrange a settle ment. t'hoato Visits Tarkey. CONSTANTINOPLE, Deo. 21 Mr. Choata, the American ambassador to Great Britain, ai.d Mrs. Choate arrived here today. They were welcomed by the etan) of the Amer ican legation, and then proceeded te the British err.batny, where they will spend several days as the guests of Sir N. R. O'Connor. Do Rydesewakt la Free. PARIS. Dee. 21 Tha order dismissing tha case against Ja"h de Rydezewskl, In whose apartment Mrs. Ellea Gore was shot on November 19, haa beea signed, a FOR LEASING AND RESEEDING Nebraska Delegation lavorf Secretary Wil son i Plant, OPPOSITION TO EIGHT-HOUR LAW Senator MrCeanaa of Marylaad Malt. Insr the riant of Hla Life la Favor of This BUI, to Which Maaa. factarera Object. (From a Btaff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. (Special.) Next to the desire for clean meat Is the disposition to demand plenty of it at a fair price. Last week congress appropri ated $500,000 to enable the secretary of ag riculture to stamp out the foot-and-mouth disease, which threatened to spread to every state In the union. The secretary will do this by destroying hundreds of cat tle In New England, and already his agents are engaged In the work of slaughter, the committee on appropriations and the committee on agriculture have been con sidering bills to destroy diseased cattle in the east the western members, and par ticularly Chairman Lacey of Iowa and the committee on public lands, have been busy devising means for feeding healthy stock In Nebraska. The controversy which has arisen in that state over the alleged Illegal occupancy of the public lands by the cattlemen has at tracted national attention. A year or two ago Secretary Wilson made a personal In vestigation of the conditions which exist In western Nebraska. The secretary found that thousands of sections of land hnd been denuded of their pasturage through the system of grazing them In common. When the secretary of the interior and the commissioner of the general land office came to look Into the subject they re ported In favor of leasing these lands, and at the same time to provide for reseedlng them with grasses which will thrive In the arid regions. It is reported that no method has yet been devised for Irrigating the arid acres of western Nebraska, and the only hope of preventing the further destruction of pasturage rests upon a plan for curtail ing the number of animals pastured on each square mile, thus giving the grasses time to grow again. The Nebraska dele gation In congress Is practically a unit in support of the idea that the lands in con taoversy are useful only for range pur poses. It will be decades before they can be used for agriculture, and they are con sequently working together to secure the adoption of the plan recommended by the secretary of the interior two yeara ago namely, to lease them to responsible per sons at a fair, rental which will assure their preservation, or at least prevent them from being cropped so closely as to give the young plants no chance to recu perate. Inasmuch as the lands In controversy are valuable only aa range landa, because the sandy character of the soli makes Irriga tion practically Impossible, It Is claimed that some plan should be adopted which will bring about returns to the govern ment. It Is proposed to do this by leasing tracts large enough to feed a few hundred head only, In order to' prevent re monop oly, and during the remaining days of the session the western men will devote their attention very largely to this object. G I (ran tie Railroad Betterments. Almost on the same day that congress provided for a grand union station In the city of Washington the municipal authori ties of New York City adopted an ordinance giving the Pennsylvania railroad the right to tunnel through the borough of Manhat tan and both the East and North rivers. In one week legislative bodies have taken ac tion which will assure enormous progress In facilities for travel between the north and south. During several years past the Pennsylvania company has been engaged In practically rebuilding the greater part of lta roadway between the capital and the metropolis. Millions of dollars have been and are being expended In betterments and millions more must be spent before the gigantic work contemplated can be com pleted. When this work is done, however, it will be possible to shorten the time be tween New York and Washington by a full hour. The work will also Join Long Is land and New Jersey with Manhattan is land in such, manner as to assure constant communication In spite of the storms and the Ice which so frequently hamper and delay traffic. Washington will benefit In other ways, too, for the tracks which now deface the beautiful parkway knowa as "the Mall" will be removed and the first step toward the plan for making the capi tal the most beautiful city In the world will be taken. The Pennsylvania railroad has been working to this end for years, and the successes of the past week are as gratifying to the people of Washington as they must be to the officers of the com pany. Oppose Eight-Hoar Law. According to declarations made by the conservative element In the aenate, there are breakers ahead for the eight-hour bill, which has passed the house three times and afterward been killed in the senate. The senator who is championing the cause of this measure with Intense seal and per slsteoce is the chairman of the senate com mittee on labor, Louis E. McConiaa of Maryland. McComas wishes to succeed himself in 1905, and there Is no doubt If be can get the elght,-hour bill through the senate after the three disastrous defeats It has suffered in that body the labor lead ers and agitators will recognize him aa their greatest champion. It might be aald that the manufacturing Interests In Senator McComas' state are arrayed solidly against him In his effort to place this bill on the atatute books of the United States. If such an event should happen, according to rep resentations made by representatives of the great shipbuilding and steel manufacturing plants of this country, as well as the Na tlontl Association of Manufacturers, those Interests would positively refuse to bid on government work. The contractors argue that they could not at the same time obey the provisions of an eight-hour law and meet the rigid specifications prescribed In government contracts. They also maintain that It would work great Injury to the discipline snd commercial output of their plants In having In the same establishment one force of men working eight hour on public work and another ten hour on pri vate Jobs. Many of the senators are de bating In their minds tha remark made the other day before the aenata committee on labor by Edwin 8. Cramp, who said that If an eight-hour law had been enacted twenty yeara ago, the battle of Santiago would never have been fought, because It would have been impossible for hla works to have turned out the battleships which destroyed Cervera's fleet. A number of workmen from tha Cramp shipyards and the Homestead Steel works testified on one oc casion that they considered the bill a cur tailment of their privileges to work aa long as they pleaaed and a menace to their (Continued ea Second Page.) SIGNALS ARE DISREGARDED (allforala Collision! Followa Attempt to Wara Trainmen of Impend, lasj Iaaa;er. BRYON, Cel., Dec. 21. Sixteen persons were killed and twenty-seven Injured In the collision last night between the south bound Lea Angelea "Owl" and the Stock ton flyer. The engine of the local plowed Its way Into the last coaches of the "Owl," which were filled with Fresno people. The passengers were hurled to the forepart of the coach and hemmed In by a mass of debris, their suffering aad danger Intensi fied a hundred fold by clouds of scalding steam that poured from the shattered boiler of the 8tockton engine. After the "Owl" left the Oakland mole It waa noted that there was a leak In the flue of the engine. Thla Increased to such an extent that It was deemed advisable to take up a freight engine for relief. The train officials knew that the Stockton lo cal was following half aa hour behind and sent a flagman down the. track to give warning. It Is said that tha Stockton train got the warning signal In time and gave the usual response with whistle blasts. Why the Incoming train was slot checked, how- ever, has not been thus tar explained, the men who could tell being- among the badly 1 Injured. The victims were spared from fire only because the oil burners i were extinguished when the crash came. Axes and saws were brought Into play, passengers and train crew lending eager aid. Messengers were aent to Byron Hot Springs and Drs. Bird and J. D. Davidson came quickly to the station. A trained nurse accompanied them and first aid was at once given to the mangled, bruised and scalded sufferers who were lying near the track. Every effort was made to alleviate their., sufferings and those who were un able to proceed on their "Journey were taken either to the Springs hotel or to the church In Byron, which was tem porarily transformed Into a hospital. None of the passengers of the Stockton train were Injured and- all of the crew of the "Owl" escaped unhurt. Of the killed It was possible to Identify but one person; the others were not known to tbelr fellow pausengers and nothing was found on thera to furnish a clue to their names or restlence. FIGHT IS GROWING COMPLEX Teller Has Foar Republican Oppo nents for raited States Senator. DENVER. Dec. 21. Senator Henry M. Teller arrived home from Washington to day to look after his Interests In the con test for re-eloctlon. In addition to Mr. Teller the announced candidates are: For mer Senator Edward O. Wolcott, Frank C. Goudy of Denver, District Judge Walter N. Dixon of Pueblo and Irving Howbert of Colorado Springs. Teller claims the entire democratic vote on Joint ballot and will probably get It, as there Is no one op posed to him In the democratic party. The remaining four candidates will di vide the republican eupport. Goudy claims to have about- two-tktrB ef -threpub llcan members of the legialature pledged and thla claim Is said by well Informed leaders not to be sanguine. But mnch depends on the outcome of contests now before the state canvassing board. Should the democrats be seated the house will stand: Democrats, 32; repub licans, S3. The canvassing board contains two pop ulists, elected through fusion with demo crats. Failure to accept propositions for fusion at the present election held out by populfets has caused some 111 feeling and It is feared the populists will seek re venge now through their representatlvea on the canvassing board. The Illness of a representative-elect at Hot Springs, Ark., also complicates mat ters. Should he be compelled to remain away and the democrats be seated the vote In the house would be a tie. RAIN FOLLOWS PRESIDENT Spoils Hla Holiday, Tkosgh Ho Goea Rldlnaj la After, noon. RAPIDAN, Va., Dec. 21. In a driving rain the president, Mrs. Roosevelt and four of their children, accompanied by tbelr host, Mr. Joseph Wllmer, went horseback riding this afternoon. The party left the Wllmer house shortly after 3 and did not return until after 5. It has rained here hard and Increasingly since an early hour last night. This morn ing tbe president and his family and Mr. Wllmer drove to the picturesque little Episcopal church in Raptdan. The trjp was made In a big carriage capable of seating comfortably ten persons. It was drawn by four horses, Mr. Wllmer himself drlvlDg. Not more than a score of worshipers braved the storm to attend the service. At the conclusion Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt were greeted, cordially by the pastor and the few members of the parish present, the Introductions being made by Mr. Wllmer. Owing to the severe rainstorm the wild turkey hunt planned for tomorrow has been abandoned. The president and his family will return to Washington tomorrow morning on a special train leaving Rapldan at 9 and due in Washington at 11:25. . WILL KEEP OUT ONE-LUNGERS California Senate Committee necora menda lawi Barring; Caa aamptlvea from State, LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Dec. 21. The com mittee appointed by the state senate to report on consumptives coming to Califor nia from eastern states and the proposed plan to establish a state institution tor tbe care has decided to recommended restric tive legislation. It was decided not to support the plan of establishing a home for patients, the committee being of the opinion that such a move would only result in encouraging persons suffering with tuberculosis to come to California. FARMERS SURROUND BANDITS Robbers Who Held I p Restaaraat aad Stores Cssght la Iadlaaa Bara. LOGOTEE, Ind.. Dee. 21. Word was re ceived here tonight that farmers had sur rounded In a barn west of this place the outlaws who held up ths night clerks at Patterson's restaurant, robbed two stores and attempted to rob the White River bank here yesterday morning. A posse of t-venty armed men left at once, accompanied by detectlvea employed by the bank and Insurance companies, to assist to tbe capture. PRESIDENT FAILS, MAN WINS Golden Bnla Jones Says Roosevelt li Greater Than Government- SETTLES STRIKE IN SPITE OF OFFICE C'lalma Battle la Marder aad Declarea So Son of Hla Shall Draw Sword to Defead Katloa'a Com- CHICAGO, Dec. 21. "Theodore Roose velt as a man Is greater than the govern ment he represents. While the govern ment of the United States was unable to restore peace In the anthracite region. Roosevelt, not as president, but as a man, suggested a rational way to settle the trouble. The man triumphed and the prob lem was solved." Thus spoke "Golden Rule" Jones, mayor of Toledo, O., before the Chicago Peace so ciety today. He sought te show that force of arms was futile, that It was Inexcusablo and that killing In battle was murder. Mr. Jones declared, however, that he was an optimist, and In spite of recent wars, he said, the world waa better off than It was 100 years ago and was con tinually improving- That brought him to tb late coal strike In Pennsylvania and caused the reference to the president. He criticised Major General Young, who at a banquet In Cleveland on Saturday night spoke of the necessity of force to maintain the supremacy of national com merce. "No one will accuse me of being unpa triotic," said he, "but I would not raise a boy to go into the army or the navy to support commerce of this Hind." Rev. Francis J. Barry, chancellor of the archdiocese of Chicago; Joseph Stols of tbe i Jewish faith and Rev. Jenkln Lloyd Jones were the other speakers. PIERCES HEART WITH NEEDLE Chicago Vlvlscctlonist Demonatratea Possibility of Administering Local Treatment. CHICAGO, Dec. 21. After a series of ex periments, covering more than five years, W. Byron Coakley, a well-known vlvlsec tlonlst of Chicago, has discovered that It Is possible to admlniater local treatment to the heart. By meaus of a fine hollow golden needle, seven or eight inches long, which he terms "organotone," Dr. Coakley not only has been able to pierce the heart without causing death, but to inject Into it various fluids without subjecting the pa tient to the slightest danger. Thus far he has been compelled to con fine his experiments to dogs, rabbit and similar animals, but so certain Is he of his ground that he will attempt to secure a human subject for a demonstration he has been asked to irake before the International Medical congress at Madrid, In 1903. While at work over a dog recently the doctor conceived the Idea of Injecting a salt solution Into the animal's heart. To his surprise 'the dog not only withstood tbe shock, but the heart action was greatly Improved. This led him to make iabrsx-: tended Investigations, and these resulted In the verification of hla first experiment. Weak dogs, sick dogs and strong, healthy dogs were used In the experiment and. It is said, there was not one that did not survive the injections. FILIPINOS MUST BE FREE Cornell's Prealdent Saya Independent Government Mast Be Given to Philippines. NEW YORK. Dec. 21. J. H. Schurman, president of Cornell university, delivered an address tonight on "The Problems of the Philippines" to a large audience at the People'3 Institute, Cooper Union. He was heartily applauded when he aald the United States must ultimately give the Philippines Independence. A vote on the question of endorsing this view was adopted almost unanimously. In the course of his address Dr. Schurman said President McKinley at the time of his appointment to the Philippine commission acted with the idea of giving emancipation to the Filipinos as well aa to the Cubans. Asked by a member of the audience if the Monroe doctrine had not been weakened by the acquisition of the Philippines, he replied: Theodore Roosevelt Is at this moment asserting the doctrine and asserting It hard. GAS CAUSES FAfAL FIRE One Inmnte of Burning; House Leaps from Window and Will Die. PITTSBURG. Dec. 21. An explosion of natural gas In the boarding house of Mrs. Laura Rlckards, on M:Kean street, early this morning, burnt one man, probably fa tally, and seriously injured turn others. F. O. Walters, a telegraph operator of Marietta, O., was burned about the face, I chest and arms and Is not expected to recover, while E. W. Barrett, whose feet and arms were burned. Is In a serious con dition, and Burt Piper, with burned face and arms, will recover. The men were asleep on tbe second floor and were surrounded by fire and smoke when they awoke. Walters Jumped out of the window and sustained severe bruises In addition to bis burns. FIRE BURNS CHRISTMAS MAIL KCearly Eight Haadred Poaches of Greetlaara tonanmed ea Kew York Central. 8YRACUSE, N. Y., Dec. 21. A carload of Christmas mall for tbe west waa burned near here this afternoon. The car was attached to the fast mall train No. 3 on the New York Central, which left New York at 8:45 a. m. Only twenty or thirty out of TOO or 800 pouches were saved, the burned mall being for Chicago and points further west. The mall sacks were In a storage car, which carried no clerks. The crew was on the car behind and discovered the fire be tween Peekaklll and Highland. Tbe car was left burning at the latter station. OHIO RIVER FLOOD HALTS Watera Reach Hlah Point aad Are Expected to Recede -Today. EVANSVILLE, Ind., Dec. 21. This after noon tbe Ohio liver, which has been over flowing the lowlands above and below the city for a week, came to a stand, and by Monday noon It Is expected the high water will begin to mede. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair Monday and Tuesday. Temprratare at Omaha Yesterday! Hoar. Urn. Hoar. Hen. ft a. m ,'4 1 p. m St I 6 a. zn .14 I p, n at T a m 84 8 p. ra 3.1 " a. m ,t4 4 p. m At 9 a. m at II p. m HO 10 a. m 8 4 p. m X 11 i. u 84 T p. m 27 12 m 34 H p. m ittl t p. ra ..... . i3 DENVER TRAINS DAY LATE Storm KSTcrta Still Felt, Though To day Schednlc Time May Be Resnnied. DENVER, Dec. 21. The storm which raged on Friday and Saturday In eastern Colorado and Wyoming and western Kan sas and Nebraska has at length subsided. All trains on the Union Pacific and Bur- I lington were delayed at least twenty-four hours and some trains dtie yesterday morn ing are only reaching Denver tonight. On the Kansas Pacific branch of the Union Pa cific snow drifle from six to ten feet deep made the movement of trains impossible until the tracks were cleared, but per haps It was most severe on the Denver and Alliance branch of the Burlington. This line ruus to the Blark Hills and trains which left Denver on Friday were only re leased from the drifts today. One, which was completely hidden from eight by the snow, was relieved by snow plows from Alliance, Neb. A supply train was also run from Mercer with fuel and provisions to provide for the needs of the Imprisoned passengers. It required desperate work to reach the stalled cars through the blind ing storm and almost impenetrable drifts. The attention of officials today haa been directed almost exclusively to getting the trains going on schedule time again and by tomorrow It Is expected usual condi tions will prevail. RAISES THE SNOW BLOCKADE Tralna Laid I'p for Fifty-Two Honrs Started on tbe Union Pacific. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Dee. 21. (Special Telegram.) The Union Pacific snow block- ade between Cheyenn-and Sidney was raised at 11 o clock tonight and trains are now moving. Six westbound passenger trains which have oeen snownouna lor fifty-two hours will arrive here about midnight. Eiistbound trains aent via the Julesburg branch today were The Chey- enne & Northern and Burlington roads are still snowbound RAISING THE SNOW BLOCKADE First Tralna on Union Paclnc Since Satnrdar Moraine Pan a Throsgh Kimball. KIMBALL, Neb., Dec. 21. (Special Tele- gram.) All trains on the main line of th Union Pacific have been blockaded on this division, since, Saturday morning, , West bound passenger trains are etnrMng out and It is expected that eastbound trains will bo dug out this afternoon. The storm Is the worst seen here for many years and the range loss will probably be heavy. GRANT OBSEQUIES CONCLUDE Civil and Military Officials Join with Knmlly to Honor Noted Presi dent's Wife. NEW YORK. Dec. 21. In the mausoleum on Riverside Drive brief and simple serv ices were conducted today over the re mains of Mrs. UlyRses S. Grant. In addi tion to the members of the family there were present among ho C00 persons to whom invitations had been aent: Governor Odell, Mayor Low, Secretary Root, Rear Admiral Barker end staff. General James Grant Wilson, General Grenvllle Dodge, General Horatio King, General Charles F. Roe and staff, Mr. and Mrs! Andrew Car negie, and many federal and municipal offi- cers and officers of the army and navv sta tioned In the city. General Frederick D. Grant and other members of the family occupied seats overlooking the crypt. The services were conducted Ly Bishop E. G. Andrews of tb? Methodist Episcopal church and the Rlgbt Rev. Alexander Mackay E. Smith, bishop coadjutor of Pennsylvania, and opened with the hymn, "Lead, Kindly Light," after which the burial services of the Methodist Episcopal and the Protestant Epl.copal churches were read. The servtrea wer churches were read. The services were closed with the reading of a poem, "Tho Land Beyond the Sea," which had been a favorite of Mrs. Grant, and the singing of the hymn. "Abide with Me." DIES TO ESCAPE DAMNATION Grand Raplda Man Thlaklna; Hla Soul I. oat Drowna Himself la Clatern. GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Dec. 21. After a terrific fight Henry Larlnk today broke loose from three nelghbora who rescued him from a cistern Into which he had Jumped, and dropping back Into seven feet of water, was dead when thev wera ! I to get hold of him again. He believed that he was predestined to be eternally lost. CABLE SHIP REPORTS WORK Over Twelve Hundred Kaota of Pa ride Wire Aro Now Uafely Laid. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 21. The following message was received toduy at noon from the cable ship Bllverton: Latitude 28.44 north, longitude 143 2fi west Total tabie paid out, 1.2t knots. Weather fine. VANDERBILT IS IMPROVIMf llVirnUViryo Trmprratare Decreases Daring Day and Condition Reported More Karosraglsg. NEW YORK, Dec. 21. Cornelius Vander bilt's condition showed considerable Im provement today, there b(.ing a reduction of 1 degree In his temperature this eveulng. Movement of Ocean leasela, Dec. 21. At New York Arrived: Island, from CopcnhHRtn, ct-.; Sllnm ii pollst, frum Lou don; Ktrurla. from Liverpool. At Quocii.ttown tiulled: Commonwealth, for Hiatoti; t-.-ixi tila for Ronton. At llHmburg-Arilved: Mi, like, from New York via Plymouth and t hi-rbourg At Uveri oiil a.ilU-.i: Carthuis. nlan, for Boston. At London Arrived : Bun l'rdmlmo. Clumlx-rhall, from j t i. inojrii Arrived: Deutnrhland, from New York, for Hamburg via Cherbourg, , and pruceeded. ROOSEVELT WILL ACT Loadon Believes President Will Arbitrate Venezuelan Tronbloe for Allies. ANSWER SAID TO BE ALREADY SENT Foreign Office Makes No Announcement and Profosies to Expect Refusal. HOLD AMERICA FAVORS PRIVATE AWARD Diplomat Think United States Would Up hold Contract with Financial House, NO POWER UPHOLDS HAGUE TRIBUNAL Home Dispatch Allraee That Not Oao Single Debtor Believes Interna tional Coart Proper Authority to Adjadlcata aa Qaarrel. LONDON, Dec. 21. It is believed that President Roosevelt's answer to the pro posal made by tbe allied powers that he arbitrate the Venezuelan Issues haa been received In London. The strlcteet secrecy with regard to every phase of the negotia tions la preserved, however, and It la Im possible to make a definite etatement, but such indications aa are obtainable point to President Roosevelt's acceptance. A constant Interchange of cables Is pro ceeding night and day between the United States embassy hern and the 8tate depart ment at Washington. It Is believed that the president's answer will be submitted formally to the Foreign office tomorrow. By Wednesday, unless souio unexpected com plications arise, the negotiations should have reached a stage approaching a settle ment. At the same time It must be ad mitted that It the president accepts it would greatly surprise the Foreign office, which has always been doubtful of. the Issue of arbitration on account of the belief that President Roosevelt, or the United States, wab not willing to undertake the responsi bility thereby Involved. Judging from private telegrams received In London, President Roosevelt as arbi- ; t rater would be favorably disposed toward the temporary, adoption of some metnod a, wag arranEed with the V such , mem u am was arranpfln wun inn venex- uelan Becret ml8Blon and communicated to the State department by Isaac Scllgman. With President Roosevelt as arbitrator the serious objections In the matter of guar- , antees which frequently have been men . tlon at the Foreign office would dlaap I pear. j In spite of the fact that Sunday Is usually I sacred to leisure in London's diplomatic ! circle, today has been marked by activity I at all the embassies, especially the Amer- lean, where work waa In progress all last 1 night. I The Dromotuess with which Washington deals with vital matters concerning which ' prolix pourparlers have been Interchanged i In Europe astonishes diplomats here and forms on Interesting phase of an engrossing situation.' . , . Klpllna- Opposes Alliance. LONDON. Deo. 22. The Times this morn ing publishes a poem by Rudyard Kipling protesting strongly against the Anglo German agreement. Provided the guaranty question can be ratlsfactorlly settled the London newspa pers agree this morning In desiring Presi dent Roosevelt to accept the office of arbi trator. They fear that If the matter Is re ferred to The Hague, Venezuela will Ig nore the award. At the same time the president's reluctance to accept the office la perfectly understood and his motives are respected. It Is recognized that he would have a difficult task, because, It- Is suld, among other, things, there would be some thing like a scramble of the nations to be heard. The hope Is generally expressed that a pacific settlement will be reached, thus avoiding the necessity of sending to Venez uelan waters the large fleet which could alone render tbe blockade really effective. Great resentment la evinced in the press this morning at the report from Port of , Spain, Trinidad, that the crew of the Brit ' 1bd steamer Topaze was dragged ashore at ! Puerto Cabello at midnight halt clothed, prodded with bayonets by tbe soldiers. roughly handled by the mob and Impris oned in one filthy room. Opposed to HaR-ae Coart. ROME. Dec. 21. It has been learned her that tint nna l Ik. .111.. . . I t,mplate. ,ubmlulnR tne Venezuelan dim- i culty to The Hague court. The Venezuelan t (tiintli-.n mrm fultv rl I V. ir t ir ; , ' , 7 i t ? 1 lEmm"uel f1 " ' minister at heir semi-weekly conference this morn- lng, and much satisfaction with the more peaceful turn of events was expressed. Signor Prlnettl baa officially notified tha American ambassador of Italy's partici pation In the blockade. BERLIN, Dec. 21. It has been learned here that the governments of Germany and Great Britain had adopted detailed an swers to the proposal to arbitrate the Venezuelan Issues. These communications will be handed to the American ambassador ! here and to the charge d'affaires In London tomorrow. Tbe German answer agrees In all substantial details with tbe British re ply and makea no separate reservations on behalf of the German caae. PARIS, Dec. 21. A dispatch to the Matin from Caracas says the Venezuelan revolutionists In the Hlguerlrole and Rio Chlco regions are levying heavy contribu tions under penalty of Imprisonment upon foreigners as well aa natives. The conciliatory manifesto issued by "El Mocho" Hernandez has been cordially received here. There are in Caracas today food supplies sufficient for one month only. The revolutionists are stopping cattle from coming Into the city. Vessels Mot Hark, LA GUAYRA. Dec. 21. The Italian crUl- ' xiovsDDi iiusan naa capiurea a Sloop ; which was coming from the esst. The Brit. I Isb cruiser Tribune left here at noon to day for Port of Spain, Trinidad, with the schooner Mercedes In tow. The German training ship Slouch left port this after noon to take Mme. von Pllgrlm-Baltalzl to Curacao. A German cruiser, supposed to be Ga zelle, pastted, towing two large schooners In the direction of Trinidad. The commander of . the French cruiser Troude visited M. Qulvereux, the French charge d'affaires, at the French legation In Caracas. Troude will leave tonight. One of the results of the blockade of the har bor Is that corporations and shipping firms here have dismissed their laborers. Over 500 men are therefore out of work. accepts Itooaevrlt na Arbitrator. CARACA8. Dec. 21 In the name of Ve nezuela, President Castro has signified his acceptance of tbe appointment of President