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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1902)
December 21, 1902. THE ILLUSTRATED BEE. . 1 7.r m .. 2210L ; 'IF i I EiTni I 111 1 1 rA I 24 I s m Si MA ,Jtt -Jl I 111 1HIS -i'--liiiVli1i tVIWTif 'iM'l: Ufkl III I ! S i I. t " "", ftl V - - U III I I. . $ II f 11? IN - i.C.'.U AMI ill V.V- I&J II IS C. Ill K rM Ii iV i KT 1 1 1 I 4 I'll Mf III II I I 7 ! . 1 J ,7 VCT rJS'A! .Ii I I It a- -t mm i 1 H. D. NEELY, I S Hanager for Nebraska. C l if w f? Merchants National Bank BuUdTng ft? g OMAHA. M t u .1 ? " -I II I ... ILI..I ...II . 'ay . i - i HOLIDAY GIFTS Nrtkla mm iffnpttel Uu lt ml OPERA GLASSES W kM 'mm la fimt vwtahr W mmam MMUitUuM. lKrtnometri timrt imaj it wmhi aim an immMi Ta pvicaa abawl taa mm aa faa a14 aay alaavaaia far aaIUUaaaaii B iting CUM, BAromoton, field OIMt tmi Oatlcal Cood olttrnwy dweriptiaa. lack all aaw aad la fiaaaar varMy 4F,Pnil.lORYE WHISUEY 5 "J I II al-kfi .! "IUf ! l-wlrllnk myj mm kmw ia ar I FAY ALL CHARCtS This whisker ! lottltJ 1 1 prmf for wf tii nl auld Uircl to 4Hinuiur thun rtvinitali rwtnilr' irJ'tl. I TMttrMaii ii to b diim. I'urt old rim, (.tern, in iN.t. and Iti tif ittia whik7 ( auM fortlouliUihn ri(. If iot 'imoiu(wI) ftutiMiHt-tory iwiui n a in U ui iitl 1 Wiii )ou your moitt)' bit i It. lrUr wi of thRM'kif outcllfur l'i qu-n, lo b triij. KfritoMi All auk in OiunliM ur any iirtMM or rai.ru4 vuiuiuf. Y ni lo MEYER KLEIN Wholotale Liquor Dtalrr 3nlTltlK.l Cr. 16th aid California U, OMAHA, Kl. FRKifi with every purchase of $1 or more a, bottle of wine and a beautiful 1903 eel' endar, which la a work of art and espe cially ornamental. mmi OfXlcal Cood olnmry dwcHptiaa. jQaQ2 B Mack all aaw aad la fiaaaar vaiMy -JB I ma ara, tafcia. JrfmJm I The H. J. Pwnio.d Co. fxi "Big Four" A Railroad Of the People Operated For the People And Recofiiixed By the People Aa the standard passenger line of the Central Statea. 2.500 mile oi railway In Ohio, Indiana, Illinois Kentucky and Michigan Write for folders. Warren J. Lynch, W. P. Deppe. Oen'l Pans, a Asst. tiwn'l P. Tkt-Agt. & T. A. CINCINNATI, ODIO. Fur 70 Years Dr. Marshall's Catarrh Snuff has kept on Curing Catarrh Tba Oldaat Remedy, haa a national rrp-itaiinn and haa ntvtr Imb wiunlleil fir thi ttmlant rt'ltef and H.riuaiint curv nt Catarrh, Colds In th bend and the Attendant llnaitacha and ltnfnew. Hh aturwa Lml 8na of Hmell. lnimediate rlif lluarantftHl. (luarantd uerftotN hnrmlnaa. Aak your ilealar fur It. HrfuMi all autiaillutKa. Pru- So cant. All, or bjr aiail poatpaid. P. C.KEITH. (Mfr.KCUvcland. Ohio SALESMEN AND AD F NTS WANTD. Trr am k BIO WACE8- faiout Fr tut a H aicr illL otilriui ib b- alditiar IIOU oravia ruma. a.e ainw; awa, lrflMu4 Bornwu. Kfvrfttutly buf. twrt ta ktica out It furotht nl.Bt of 4itiUs)d, arai4. Srliatoua, La W.i.. k.i. aavakuiAaia'VB) FuauT w m rw mvw " - - iiff aod hi. ball; rvaia tjr-hoid. rr if Mia itH .waw riui Acrama, I. aUlk'. A.l.lraaaat. Harrltoii Mlg. Co., to Narr.$oa Bldg., Cincinnati, 0. anaaaaaaaal . An Opera Glass Will Make am Acceptable Christmas Present... We hare a nice selection of Lomaire Opera Glasses in white and oriental pearl, ranging from $9 to $30, with or without handles, folly guaranteed. Come in and let us shovr you, or write for a catalogue. Mawhinney & Ryan Co Jewelers and Art SUtlo tiers, ISth and Douti&s 5ta. OT1AHA a -a-a - Fred 6. E. Kuebn 6uy e. arenning Kuehn & Manning, Hot Water and Steam Heating... PLUriBlNd AND OAS FITTINa 521 South 16th St., Telephone 1613. Omaha, Neb. Byrne & Hammer WHOLESALE OUR "OAK BRAND" LINE OF Shirts, Pants, Overalls and lined goods is unsurpassed in quality, style, tit and tinish by any in the world Byrne & Hammer Dry Goods Co.' III K aaiaBBBeB)BBB aaBaaaaaaajiaaaaBaBaaaKBmsi u I a 91 II i . iiiiii . , riiiniimrK jaiaiawiy llll I aa ottttth' Equipped With MOFFET KOLLEU I3EAKING AXLES Built By P. J. KARBACII & SONS Sole Agents for Nebraska, Iowa and Colorado. THIRTEENTH AND HOWARD STREETS, OMAHA, NEB. Superior Electrotyping We make and quickly furnish on order sv fine line of Miscellaneous Cuts, Newspaper Headings, Subheads, Date Lines, Calendars, Backgrounds. We have recently installed in our Electrotypinj; depart ment machinery of high grade and late development, which gives us tlie best, if not the largest, electrotyping foundry in the west. EVERY KIND AND QUANTITY OF ELECTROTYPING DONE PROMPTLY. GREAT WESTERN TYPE FOUNDRY 'PHONE 1070. Dry Goods Go. DRY GOODS iinaai tfU '"'gaam 1114 HOWARD STREET. p finf a