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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1902)
roopmlpr 21. 1002. THE ILLUSTRATED UEE. 15 y ; i . 2 . c1 17" tor urn "Lr : j. w i smS! THE PIANOLA Is used and endorsed by Paderewskl, Hofman, Bauer. Rononthal, Saur, Maszowski, Mancinella, DePachmann. Pauer, etc, the world greatest plaaiata, from whose Judgement there la no appeal. THE PIANOLA IS AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS QLVT. Price $250.00, Caen or Payments. SOLE REPRESENTATIVES, Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 FARNAH STREET, OMAHA, jyfilj. Mr. mid Mm. Mornnil'it II1-Winter I , Term In IlancInK Will lien In lie - KlrM Week In January. Children IleKlnnem, Saturday, lO a. in. Adults, Tuexilny and Friday, H p. in. Mr. Morand la the only member with a diploma In the city of the Association of Muster Dancers. We give to our pupils the udvar.tages of the latest dances. We have In the past sixteen consecutive years of successful teaching in Omaha taught many of the young society people of the present day and Introduced all of the lat est dances which are popular here now. For our Christmas greetings we will In troduce the Military Dip, which we found so popular during ojr visit to Saratoga and Ixmg Branch last summer and so fas dilating to the elite of Boston and New York. Do not make the mistake of lay ing this suggestion aside. Head what the New York Herald says: "The Military Dip is one of the delights of a modern la. I room." Also stylish London has taken it up. One or two private lessons will teach you the dance pertectly. As in the past, the children's parties will be at Christmas, St. valentines Day and the first week in May. They are a, ways free to the pupils and parents. Mr. and Mrs. Morand are never absent from the classes and their work is never lett to an assistant. Hence their Buccess in teaching their pupils to dance perfectly in one term. Mrs. Morand supervises a motherly care over the children and sees that the young ladies and gentlemen of the adult class are properly presented. Classes are always open to beginners Please call for particulars. 'Phone 1U22. Head What WW 1 X M I v I 1 vCoburn 5a. ys. "I'm glad to Fakmer's con wondering are able to nether such a fund ilia, valua- mation. You making a much morn asked for it." Kansas State More monev is snent for artirlcs by the prominent lnfn and for the handsome ami interest ing illustrations than by any other farm journal. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER.. tar. Mm St., Omaha, Nb WE WANT A O IOU AU NT AT tVtKY PuStOrFICE hear of the growii i tion, and stantly how yon pull to- each week of interest- ble infor are surely naier worth than the innnev F.D.CohurM.Sft'v ioarJ oAgrit utturi The Best International Dentifrice l MakMthtth boautlful. tlia PrtMttrrea aa whII aa ttAautirlHa lAotti. Uvereouea all tba oh)otlun. alils feature found in powdora and llquirln. ConrenlBnt to qm and rurrj, CENT. At Mil druaaUU. C. H. 8TRONQ A CO. Chicago, U.S.A. - 1m i " ''- 7 I ''Mi a : "A WORD TO OMAHA CITIZENS" Do you want a perfect malt beverage for your home table? Do you want a perfect tonic for convalescents in your home? Do you want a perfect appetizer and revivlller for your worn and tired nerves after business? In a word. "YES VK IIAVK 1T-"BLI'E RIHHON HKHR" IS J'KHFI'X'T and all the virtues and strength of the best Ingredients possible go to make it so besides it Is thoroughly sterilized, killing all unhealthful germ's "Ml. UK KIMHON" has made Its record, winning prizes and nu daM wherever shown. You can make no mistake. Order that which you know to be right and that which has proven all that Is claimed for it. Storz Brewing Co., OMAHA, NEB. Try a Sample Case. Telephone 1200. RED -3- GROSS WHISKEY 4 Full Ouarfs S3.00 Expresa charge pre pill Itecom mended by the leading physi cians and used In oil prominent hos pitals. The Hed Crou Whiskey enjoys to day the bcbt of rep utations and stands above all In quality and purity. References: KIMST NATIONAL. HANK OF OMAHA. OR ANY KXPltKSS COMPANY. Western Distilling Co., 716 So. 1(H!i St OMAHA. Sole Owners. Orders from states west of Nebraska will be shipped by freight. E. J. DAVIS ... All kinds ol Heavy Hoisting and Hauling. Safes a Specialty. 1119 Farnam St., Wltfi Hall Sale and Lock Co. Tel. 353. Nebraska lousiness and Shorthand College. A. C OXll. A. M . I,. I,. 11, I WDKVr, MiVD I !l" 1 1 .1 l N i. OMAHA, N K 1 i It AS l A. ji.ujia.n n.i p -1 jrvf "y.r I avrHg.HHii n iijaa 1 v ,r-t . m i ii ii ''.V.I ill.'.'''-" : r.'.c....'.:t; f- , y'-:;:.);.-.-: . , .' , .. , pe?J U " J.I "ZZ." View of Typewriting room when mi typewriters are In use. WINTKK TKHSI ol'KNS MONDAY, JAN. 6, 1903. The most elegantly equipped Institution In the west. Jll.non on expended In fixtures, furnishings and typewriters. Two entire Poors re furnished; solid golden oak bank fixtures, and fine roll top desks and revolv log olliee chairs In Commercial Department and Yale lock. Oxford desks In the Shorthand Department. Nothing comparable west of Chicago. IK YOU WII.I, SKND l'"OK ol'K NKW AND KI.AKoltATK l'lti (SI'KCTVS bniiiul III alligator ami said to be the finest piece of catalogue work ever published by any Miislness College in the United States, you will not be long In inaJUug up your mind what school to attend. It is free, ca'l or semi for It. A Prosperous 5afe Concern. The Mee man In his rounds dropped Into the office of J. J. Derlght & Co.. 111!) Kar nam street, safe dealers, and found Mr. Derlght busy with a mass of correspond ence relative to safes and safe burglaries. f 9 4 t J. J. DEHIGHT AT WORK. This concern docs as large a business in their line as any other concern outside of New York City. From a business of about $10,000 a year in 1M(5 It has grown until the concern last year sold about a quarter of a million dollars. They carry a large stock of new and second-hand safes of different makes and employ a large force of traveling men, cov ering the entire middle west. Their prin cipal bank safe Is what is known as the Manganese Steel Safe. This safe differs from other bank safes In that it is cast solid, having no Joints, bolts or screws: the door la ground into a perfectly air-tight fit and it Is the only safe manufactured today which is guaranteed to be absolutely burglar-proof. The concern has had a large sale on them for the past year and have taken In a large number of other makes of safes, which they are offering at ridic ulously low prices. They also employ a force of safe experts and have calls from all parts of the country to open and repair safes. lYI. A. FREE G. W. WICKERSH AM. FREE & WICKERSHAM PLUMBING AND AH rlTTIXi, S I IC A M AMI) HOT WATIXIl Your I'lit roiiuup rarnrillf solicited. All nrderx for repair promptly filled Telephone 1!H1 ftoii Sit. INlli St., Omnhn, Neb. Kopp-Woodward Company, . . . .flanufacturers of ... . Fine Chocolates, Bonbons. Jobbers of CIOARS, PAPER BAUS, NUTS, BTC. 1316-1318 JONRS ST. TEL. 546. OTIAHA, NEB. T i BETTER :think ABOUT (THIS There are engravings and en- gravlngs, but the kind that are really good are the ones we make. J. Manz Engraving Go, P A BUSINESS DISPUTE la eaaily aetricd neo accounts ar properly Kept. Dun t practic falas economy by trying to save on BLANK BOOKS. We will make you a art ruled and printed to order at such small coat tnst you can buy the beat. A. I. ROOT, Printer, M4-4S Mtfa St.. . . OMAHA. NEB. I i - SAHl. BURiJS 1318 Farnam St. LIBBIB'S Elegant China FINE CUT and 0L.AS5. Novelties ""sssssasssssssssBBBsssssssssssssssssSB 4 1 Years la Omaha. GRAND SALE DEC. 22. OPEN BVENLN&S UNTIL XMAS. I f CHICAGO: NLW YORK 195.207 Canal St. 2J-25-27 City Hall Place 4 LAUNDRY Why carry your soiled linen WHEN you can hqve City Steam Laundry WAGONS call and deliver to your room and collect every 30 days WE are witting to trust you ; you trust us City Steam LaunJry, 211 S. Uth St, Telephone 254 5 ore US' h 10 f ACCORDION AND SIDE PLEATING TUCKINO, PINKING, SIIIRRINO, FLUTINO CRIMPING, HEMT11NG, ETC. ETC. ARNOLD C. CCENKl Uaoc. Mem. Am. Boc. C. K Mem Am. W Wki Ana'n CIVIL AND HYDRAUL'C ENGINEER 04-6 N. T. Life Bld( . OMAHA. W.ter Supply, SewiraKe, Crad. Plata. Paving. Brldaia, Ituofa, Sunjpljjv. and Bterl Towers and Tanks. , Biamlnatlons and reports on railway, waterpowar and .l.ctrtral power tranamlaalou iimjueta Strictly Professional. n0 coulrsctlng. THE GOLDMAN PLEATING GO. Suit 200 Douglas Block. 16th and Dodge Sta., Opposite lUyden BrodU, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Send for circular and price list. Buy Your Ilorso A Christmas Present ONE OF OUR "Stick-to-'Em" Ouck-Lined Blankets The perfect flttlne kind that will not blow off or fcret under the horse's feet Nothing Better Mads in the World That's why we sell them. For sale only by the OMAHA TENT & AWNING CO. COR. ELEVKNTU and UARNEY 8TS.