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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1902)
THE ILLUSTRATED UEE. lVct'inlier 21. 1002. APPROPRIATE FOR THE SEASON f hi-IMmn ComM lnt Oncf n YeBr. lint C otnlnn Onrt Kill All Month with fhrff. THE BANKERS RESERVE LIFE Looks Kwrnnril l This lirllmii with More Tlmn Ordinary I'lenmire. Christmas Is tho great rhrlstlan fi'Htlval. All other celebrations sink Into Insignifi cance In tho presence of this brightest day of tho calendar. Nut nlnno licraiiHO of lis dorp religious Importance do wo enter Into the festivities of tho birthday of our Lord and Savior. It Is the fi-aat day of all, Jew and (lontllo, native and foreign born, re ligionist and Infidel, Catholic and apostle tiik iiAKr.iiH i.ii r. has Been but five Christ mas anniversaries, but It comes to the front this year nil smllrs and nil Rood rlu-er. The year 1 !)''. ha been a genuine record breaker. No single month of the rolling year Just paused hns failed to make Its record on new busl iipbb. The result Ib iiiohI gratifying to the management and Its friends. The 1AY OK SMAI.I. TIIIJ M I" ST. The Hankers Reserve Life, having fought Its way to the front, Is In position to lead In the Insurance field In Nebraska. It should have $10,000,000 by July, 1003. The assets are rapidly Increasing. Next year, unless all signs fall, It will receive an In come of at least $2M,000 In cash. No wonder it. ii. iioiiiHo, pur.sini'.M'. la eagerly seeking experienced underwrit ers. He tins already engnged several old commercial travelers. These men having bad training ns biwlness . solicitors, make superior life Insurance ngents. Any man who has traveled for a commercial firm for a period of years can make big money soliciting applications for the II A N K K II 9 It ISM Kit VIS 1. 1KB, t)MAII. BEAUTY HINTS. New and I'p-to-Date Ideas, Hints nnil Advice, About the Care of the Skin and Complexion. The Moat Kspenslre, Kiqulslte anil I'erfeet Toilet Preparations In the World. They cotudst of A tllKAM which Is a perfect tissue builder, restoring the kln to its natural healthy condition, H A SKIN TONIC, something entirely new, to be used externally, put up In tablet form. One tablet, dissolved In a bowl of water. not only medicates It, but perfumes It with a delightful odor, converting It into a cool ing, healing and benullclnl tonic, $1.50. A It) WD Fit for the face which contains no hurtful Ingerdlents and Is the tlnest powder ever manufactured. $1. A COMI'LKXION HKU8II made In the form of a wedge, the pointed part of the brueh being more pene trutlng, as the bristles are stlffer and of unequal length, a new and good Idea, $1.21. A MEDICATED BOA1 made of the purest, best and most expensive materials ever put Into a soap, equally good In either hard or soft, hot or cold water, 25 cents. All of the preparations are pucked In a box called "THE VALUON ltEAUTY BOX," price $o. With this box only nre given the Instructions of Louise Vunbonne's physician, the most distinguished physician In France. Ills Instructions are worth sev eral times the price charged for all the preparations. Sl'EClAL SAMPLES AND HOOK-Tu prove that the Valbon Preparations are "THE FINEST IN THE AVOHI.D." we mall for ten cents a suiniun of the Soup, Cream, I'owdcr, Skin Tonic Tublctti and our book, one of the duintlest, prettiest books ever printed, full of up to date Ideas abou the care of the complexion, the hands and linger nails, the teeth and hair, etc. Its Illustrations are works of art. VALHON CO., 156 Fifth Ave., New York Cleanliness Is Next to. Godliness Neat, clean clothes Is the badge of self appreciation and evident respect for others This applies to ladies as well as men. It Is our business to keep you looking thl way, and at a very small cost, considering the benefit derived. By having your clothe carefully cleaned and pressed occasionally they will look enough better and wear enough longer to more than pay for the cleaning. We clean and reflnlsh ladles' dresses, shirt waists, wrappers, jackets, ball costumes, etc., just as they do In Paris, without the least danger of fading or shrinking. All work guaranteed. The Pantorium, 407 South 15th St. Telephone 963. logs for sale of all kinds. Fancy pig eons, lielglan hares and ferrets. Send 6 cents for catalogue. LtANDIS, Vox o. Uowers Station, Iterks Co., Pa. Husy Season for Aids (Continued from Fifth Page.) bucketful, but by the carload of bucketsful. If every oyster had Its pearl, pearls would be, at this season, cheaper than glass beads or resolutions of respect. To the freight companies, Christmas loesn't mean so much at least not Just at Chajstnias time. Indeed, there is a posl- ive slump In business during the holidays. They have done their part earlier In the season, when stocks were replenished In ho stores and shops. Few presents nre sent by freight, (ilft-glvlng Is supposed to be conllned to a single, particular day, and ho man who has ever tried freighting knows that single, particular days are noi o be relied upon in that business. He knows that December 25 Is apt to find the Ift bo started December 20 lying cold and undisturbed on the floor of a box car side- rucked at Sullie's Siding, twenty mile from anywhere and ten miles from a tele- graph station. Chrlstmus presents sent by xpress average in weight from three to five pounilH, bo that the charges are not so heavy as to seem to Justify any experi menting with the freighters. Frequently birds, cats and dogs are sent as gifts. Il freight they might be fossils before they reached their destinations and the recipl- nts. Hut most of all It Is the messenger com- iany that profits by the Christmas boom. Tho day prior to last Christmas the thlrty- flvo boys employed by one company an swered 2,800 calls. This is not an estimate. I is the record on tho company's books and the busy young woman In the sweater an show the entry In the bank book as further proof. The calls were all answered between it o'clock one morning and 2 o'clock the morning following. All the money paid for the service is not shown on the bank book, however, as It was a memorable day for tipping. Tho boys were tipped until they literally bent over with the weight f their wealth. In the ofllce the night be fore had been stored hundreds and hundreds of bundles which had been left there to be delivered at certain designated hours. TIiobo to go at 1 o'clock were In one pile; thoso to go at 2 o'clock In another, and bo Any left over from 1 o clock and I o'clock were dollvered together at 3 o'clock, after the fashion of the man In the vaude ville Joko who was out of remedy No. 9 and so took Nos. 4 and &. Every messenger boy knew the plan because he knew the Joke. Indeed ho would be a very slow mes senger boy if he didn't know that Joke, be cause It's older than his father. Hut every thing goes at Christmas time! Especially Jokes. And money! Money goes easier then than at any other time, and the mes senger boy knows that better than anybody. lie knows, too, that wherever he goes ne wUl be received more kindly than ordl uarily. It is a noteworthy fact that people who growl and grumble at the lad ordinarily havo nothing but pleasant words for him al Christmas time especially when he Is com ing to them with a packugo instead of going from them with one. The boys have strange burdens at such times. Last year the wheeling was gooa and they could carry almost anything. And that's what they did carry. Boxes of candy were more numerous than all the other thlnira combined, but among the other things were plenty of boxes of tlowers, plenty of sleds, plenty of dolls, plenty of chlnaware and even such things as baby buggies (two of them sent to bachelors by .... . , a ti . , 1 an alleged joKerj, gas stoves, a pair ui mi- glan hares, a suit of clothes and a corset, The boys knew it was a corset because one of them accidentally stepped on the box and the woman cashier screamed. A woman has Just three kinds of screams One she uses when she Is kissed without warning, one when she sees a mouse with a warning, and one when a corset box Is crushed. The average messenger boy early learns to detect between the three and at Christmas time be gets .to hear all three kinds with rather more than ordinary fre quency. The transfer wagons carry what the boys cannot and their deliveries mount high into the tons for a single day. Usually they have to help the delivery crews of the big stores, as these delivery crews working early and late are still unable to keep up with the demands of the time. It Isn't In human power and horse strength to do so, But to tell all that is hauled would be to give an invoice of a department store and the Invoice of an Omaha department store is much too long to print. Those Chicago Knots Cleveland Plain Dealer: "They've got a clergyman up In Chicago who takes a great pride In the firmness of the marriage knots he ties." "How does he show It?" "When he finishes he says to every cou pie, 'Now I want you two to unders'and that I'll take it as a personal affront If ell her one of you applies for a divorce In side of six months." J i m i at i m -v.. : - .lus 1 1 , MA V K.J lr x j CT xz SB. s. 11 1 '- 1 1 j m V.h The above Is a cut of the first "Foot Hall Team" the Omaha Commercial College ever hnd. but It will not be the last. Though their record for 1902 was not brilliant. It was not disappointing. The team for 1903 will be organized early In the season and placed under a competent coach, who will put it In fine shape. The team la now open for engagements next year. We want the names and addresses of every foot ball player who Is so situated as to be able to take a Commercial Course or a course In Shorthand and Typewriting next year. We propose to offer superior inducements to crack players who will attend tho Omaha Commercial College and Join our foot ball team. Special arrangements will be made for those who signify their intention of be ing with our team. There are many high school foot ball teams within 500 miles of Omaha. We would like to have the names of every one. We will have some Inter esting communications to make and sonic remarkable propositions to submit to them for a course of study In the Omaha Com mercial College. It is our purpose to have a first and second team and not less than thirty of the best players that can be se lected from experienced men. Those In terested in foot ball playing and who con template a commercial course will please write us at once. Address, Rohrbough Bros., Omaha, Neb. WINTER TERM opens Monday morning, January 5. New classes in every depart ment. Send for Illustrated catalogue at once. Address ROHRBOl'GH BROS., Omaha, Neb. A $5.00 Value for $322 CUT THIS COUPON OUT AND MAIL, IT TO US WITH $3.00 EN CLOSED AND WB WILL SEND YOU FOUR FULL QUARTS OF 10-YEAR OLD KEN TUCKY CABINET AND A FINE QUART BOTTLE OF OUR MEDICATED BLACKBERRY FREE WITH OTHER SOUVENIR. COUPON Distiller to Consumer HARDINO DISTILLING CO., 1308 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb. Enclosed find $3.00 for which please send me 4 full quarts of the 10-YEAR-OLD KENTUCKY CAB INET and the present you offer. Name Town , State P. 8. All charges prepaid. P'$m f A) Her Rule Chicago Tribune: "Auntie, how long do you have to roast a chicken before It's done?" "Well, If your oven Is good and hot, one hour for every year of the chicken's age." "But how do you find out bow many years old the chicken Is?" "That's easy enough. At the end of ev ery hour stick a fork in it and see If It's tender." 11 Thlm'r v I V, J I ir BBM " r I' 'aoi.faj Ma.4 Von hftv my to makm t Ml- toa mt ft ring, b rrlDft, flutr ton tftiorftWirll. to tend tl for ur at- mlotUuo. If il rl' Tft. Py n flfth ofthft ertcft ftM ktwp It. lini lit l-im m tqusvi luuDlMy pyiunu. iift ft Nt UWn fusUftiil witri ry diftinoud, feitk icbanf m nf tiuift, or ehMrfully ft una $Buor ii foods r nol tfttttfaKlory. torit (r cll"fus, i thowt iht ntt of bMLiiful ltilp$f for DirlttatM wttblft ih fwh ff U, through our Ltiw-r! trlt ft 1 ! Our t1cm w froiB 10 ftu M r ftaulV luMftf t? lucai dlrm. 10FT13 BROS. & CO., H'.W:", CpC U A tl U BIW kb, Ultus 11., U.S. A. G. A. Lindquest TAILOR. A good assortment of winter suitings, finished and unfinished worsteds, for Cut away, Prince Albert and Dress Suits. Also a One stock of materials for over coats, fancy vestings and trouserings. Prices Very Reasonable. 1410 FARNAfl STREET" Omaha's Popular Tailor! YOU'LL choose from a beautiful as sortment here, not a few ORDINARY PATTERNS, but you'll make your pick from nearly 1,600 choice fabrics drapad Ids by side for easy and quick com parison. Trousers $5, $6, $7, $8, $9 Suits $20, $25,530, $35 On finest tailoring wa save you ONB TTURD off the lofty price commonly asked by CREDIT TAILORS. Our window display Is an index 0 what you'll find oa our tables. YAH LOR 209-211 So. 15th Street. Grand Electric Go. Moved to Larror Quarters GENERAL ELECTRICITY Industrial I Iron I W orks ft Office and " wsr 1 n 1 . iviacmne anops 1406.8 Howard St. Telephone 1449 Iron and Brass Foundry 802 Jackson St Telephone 2432 m Bowta ltta itr Drop Into the water pan of your furnace, a small quantity of your favorite perfume, lilac or roses, and it will give your house an air of spring-like sweetness that will surprise yourself and friends, liefore doing so clean out the water pan and give it a coat of our white enamel. It vou find our advice In this matter good, you will find It equally as good when you need hot water attachment furnace tlrepots or grates or stove supplies of any kind. We also move and set up stoves, cover furnace pipes with asbestos and In fact when you want anything In the stove, range or furnace line (except to buy a new one) telephone 960. Omaha Stove Hepalr Works, 12Jl Douglas Street.