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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1902)
TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEEt SUNDAY, JULY 27. 1002. 0 BASE BILL COSSIP OF WEEK Omaha, Winch Up Home 8rie with Six Tierce Gam ee, OLD RIVALS TRY TO SETTLE SCORES L Kansas Vtir aaa St. Joseph, (cm I.ooklna- fop Revenge, feat Oct Defeat Iaatra af Vea-aaee. LooksMIke a cinch. Omaha's, hold on the pennant eeem to be fixed for the season. Much depend on the present trip .to the mountain. II Omaha can get an even break on the et(ht (tme scheduled for the present visit to Denver and .Colorado Springs, U s about alt over but the shouting. Those moun tain town aeem to have a demoralising Sect on visiting teams, though, quite un accountable, hut nevertheless veiy appar ent and very effective. When Denver and Colorado Pprlags coma down-' from their mountain fastness, the lowlanders maul them and roll them all over th field, but Just let th mountaineers once get under the sheltering peaks of the Rockies and what they do to the sassenachs from Ne braska and 'Missouri and Iowa and Illinois and Wisconsin is a-plenty, sure. Charier Nichols and Hugh Duffy (ay a visiting team can't win at either Denver or Little Luonon; 8111 Rourk hasn't said to yet, but his team has an Unbroken record ot defeat up to date in Colorado. Maybe th apeclflo - germ of th dlaeas will be Isolated this trip. If it is you ran bet that Papa Bill will prepare an antidote Blighty quick for it Thee games are Important, because hould Omaha lose th entire series, and Denver continue the winning streak, It will land Denver mighty close on Omaha't sell for Jhe lead. It 1 hardly likely that such a disaster will overtake th Rourk family, though, and aa, Denver has alx games with Colorado Bprlngs coming .tip right after Omaha and Dea Moines play there, "It it probable that a check will be put on the Cubs. At any rate, that latter aeries will give outsider a line on the exact nature ot the malady which ha affected every visiting team in the Colo rado towns. It ha been called bom um piring for want of a better name. Omaha' last six games at bom were the fiercest struggles ot the season here ao tar.' Kansas City, and Bt .Jo each had a (core to settle with Omaha for in dignities suffered at home, and Omaha had to get even with the visitors for the way they behaved when they wer . her in June. All. the game were fought from start to finish, and that Omaha fairly out played the visitors is shown by the sta tistics of th six games, which are: . AR. R. H. O. i A. S. Omaha 21 1 85 183 S 10 VUltors 223 IS 46 174 14 19 This gives Omaha a batting average of .116 for the six games, one of which was the no-hlt game pitched tor Kansas City by Norwood Olbson. The visitors' batting average tor the six game is .202, much better than Omaha's, but not enough so to win. On th other hand, Omaha'a field ing average for the six game was .965, while the visitors did but .931, a decided difference, which told in the . result. In the Kansaa City aerie th figure are: AR. R. H. O. A. E. Omaha 121 6 16 l'2 44 I Kansas City 117 5 20 W 45 11 In on gam Omaha got no hits and in another no rune, but In th three baa a batting average ot .124 and a fielding aver age Of wKO, while Kansas City' batting, was .11 and fielding .02. In the Bt. Jo trio "the record made la: AB. R. H. O. A. E. Omaha 95 12 So 81 43 7 Bt. Joseph 10 10 26 76 39 8 This give Omaha a batting average ot .111 and fielding ot .947 for th thre game and St. Joseph .266 tor batting and .935 for fielding. . In these figure better than anywhere else will be found the aecret ot ' Omaha' winning. Both Bt. Joseph and Kansaa City outbatted the bom team, and yet Omaha won tour of the six game. It yU splendid fielding and perfect team work that gtve th victory. That no-hlt game of Gibson's, with th work of Nichols and McFadden, cut a deep gash In th batting record ot the Omahas. Eton la keeping up his wonderful pace, but none ot the rest are following him, al though all ar batting close around their season's' form.. In fielding th showing is tnuch better. Genlns has suffered some In his average through being required to play through th week at second' and third baae, while, both Carter and Stone stuck in muffs that took a point or two off their average. Pears continued bis perfect work on first base, finishing th bom erle with a total of 134 accepted chances. Captain Stewart continues his steady high-grade perform ance at second base and Johnny Oondlng has Improved his record materially. . A close tudy ot the figure will support what 1 aald above In regard to th secret ot Omaha' winning: . BATTINO AVERAGES. Last AB.' R. H. Av. W k. Stone Svs 81 79 .80 .SM CrHham 12S 19 to .274 Ionian 2SJ 41 76 .2X3 Fie wart 2n3 89 79 M Oenlna t 49 77 . .2fc0 Carter 2V9 SO 74 .247 Culhmrh 104 2 47 .242 Oondlng ,h 2) M .211 jllckey 3 St 67 .114 Thomas 139 - 14 28 .2l Alloway 67 I li) .176 Crelghton 10 0 1 .inn Owen 74 T 11 .144 Pears 43 2 7 .163 Brown 74 10 .147 Dolan . lilckey .161 r . (7 144 40 36 .81 .807 Omaha'a present winning trak has been long and well sustained. Bine th team left Colorado 8prlags on June 19, It has played thirty-two games, thlrUen abroad and nineteen at home. Of the twenty five wer won, six lost and cm tied by th Omaha team, a percentage of .8045. Four of th six defeat were on th home ground, which shows that th team I aa good abroad a It I at heme. Hard lnck In th way of sickness and accident ha been auttalned without overcoming th winning strld of the team, and It now ap pear that, barring th unforeseen, the pennant Is at Omaha' mercy. Charlie Nichols is having a little more than hi share of hard luck In th way of player Just at present. H need an out fielder, an Inflelder and a catcher, and la willing to pay almost anything to get them. He was congratulating himself on having aoured Herman McFarland from Comlskey, when the Baltimore upheaval came, and Comlskey recalled the loan. Just at that time Robinson got sick, and left a big gap at second unprotected. Blats Davla waa given a try, and found weak. Dudley Rlsley has been doing fair work en third, and In the outfield. If a good second base man could be secured. Rlsley would likely get the outfield Job when Robinson get back into the game. Th bard luck i par ticularly bard. Just at a tlm what Kansas City patrona ar showing a preference for th Western over th American and Man ning and Nichols' ar especially antlou to plea the people. Nlcbol I not dis couraged, and la trying In every direction to get the men he want, and when tie suc ceeds will give Kansas City a ball team werthy th name. Dal Dear ha challenged Nichols for a aerlea of poat Season games to decide the merit ot the six rival teams. It Is to be hoped that Nichols will ignore this challenge. In th first place, it will not settle anything, but will merely erv to widen the gap by Increasing the num ber of partisans In Kansaa City. It la not at all certain that Dal Oear will have a team when the aeason closes for th West ern, and at any rat Nichols can better afford to Ignore bia challenge than to lend the weight of the Western league team to draw money Into th empty coffer of the American association outfit. It Isn't the merits ot the teams so much as It la the dol lars the aeries would bring la that attracts the Hlckeylt magnate to the plan. West ern league base ball I now on a well es tablished business basis, and Manager Nich ols can well afford to let It remain there. After shutting out Omaha In a well playe.d game hst Sunday. In whloh he used a itralght ball almost exclusively, - Nlcbol said: "Hive mm m ilk k v . t - ...... v. i m uv UH UVUirUI U U can put 'em over,' and don't car whether he ha curvea or not, we'll win the game. it a control that counts. I have won manv a gam In th National league, using th am ball I did aralnst Omaha. Put '.m over and make th batter hit 'em. Give the fielder a chance. Don't be alwaya working for strikeouts. That's wh ere VAiinv pitchers make a. mistake. They put them selves into notes, and bancs on balls or bits are th result." Those who watched that game on Sunday got a good Illustration of th truth of this. Owen pitched a game that would win nine time out of ten, but be put himself Into two or three holes by using his curve too often. President Bexton is etill looking for um pire material. He mad a nit when he se cured Marty McQuade, for th games he umpired on the Omaha grounds were among the most enjoyable aver witnessed her. Absolutely free from wrangling or kicking or .any kind, played fast and clean, and urn plred by a man who understands his bust ness, th sport was nearly perfect. Mr. Mo Quad Is certainly a auccesa as an umpire, and Omaha people will alwaya be glad to see him FIELDING AVERAGES. .277 .274 .2 .ibi Mi .124 .221 .2 .111 .It .15J .31 .m O. A. E. Tot Av. Week. Pear 131 I 0 134 1.000 l.CtiO Creltthton XI I 29 l.ono i.otin Allcmay i 73 1 84 s$ , . Calhoun fl 11 691 .91 .11 Oondlng 4"4 97 10 "9 .HM Brown 12 83 8 VS .970 . 95 Stewart 197 24 22 4o ,M .96 Thomas 34 14 11 2.12 t9 .-t2 Btona li t 7 119 lt .9(3 Carter ...17 t 1SS ,9S : .941 Ownlns JS7 S 15 1HS . .9-t .9 ii Graham. 24 . 64 I luO .PJ0 .940 Owen-. 10 68 7 75 .9u7 .M HOW EARL FARNSWORTH LOST Some Gossipy R(w A boot Hie D feat la the Kcsweos Clab Tocraey. Omaha Field Club athlete and tennis aevotoee or th city and atat generally have been extremely anxious ttr of the defeat of young Earl Farnsworih of Grand Island in the second round of the Western Athletic championship tournament held at the Kenwood Country club, near Chicago, during th week Just ended. raroawortn entered the tournament aa a representative of the Omaha Field ilub. This, of course, mada Karnn - ....... of Interest In the weatern championship piy ior neorasaans, and despite his youth great things have been predicted for him. No on haxarded he would win. but tb third round wa a general guess. Meager press report tan or hi defeat In the sec ond round after he had th battl won, all but a single stroke. Omaha tennis men hav been wondering what caused th sudden ravers, sad now It develop that It waa nothing less than a graas court that beat Faraaworth so con clusively in that round. He at a dirt, or clay, court player exclusively anil tfc. Kenwood court were, of course, very nara on bis styl of play and general game. He intended to go in early from Nebraska o aa to play a week or ao on th tourta ana become accustomed to them, but aa unable to make th early atart and n. tered . the tournament practically a grtsa novice. In view of that fact the showing that Farneworta made at Chicago waa vary re markable, and It la aald that he won high regard aa a tennis player from th cracWs with whom ha played there and with -shorn he will play next week at Lak Mtnnetonka, near Minneapolis, whera the Northwest srn championship event, occurs. .-. . Bummed up, Fatuewortb'e experience at Chicago were thr.t without having time ta accustom Himself to th low. slow bounce ot th grass ba drew in succession two of the hardest men In the race, beat rn and almost defeated the other. In a letter to the sporting editor of Th Bee, Mr. Farnsworth tells of th Kenwood tourna- Give Your Hair a Chance Healthy hair cannot grow on a diseased scalp. , Dandruff smothers the roots of the hair, pro ducing Eczema, scalp troubles baldness. COKE 'DANDRUFF- . CURE Cures dandruff, makes the scalp healthy, 'gives the hair a chance. Its wonderful success has' produced imitations. Avoid bnldnes by buy ing the genuine Coke Dandruff Cure. . In $1.00 and 50e bottles. JDOICE CREAM FOAM , !S5 rVLVk . t. :LV--r,:r5k'"J,"".,'Ji"TA. J" wnaMiattiy. jLav the akin anfr And .)v-.t w Co., Chicago. Bremer H ment and what ba hope t do later. laya: 'I wa unlucky In my drawing and bad to play a fast man In tha vary first round, C. A. Balrd. I finally beat him, -, -. It was a bitter fight, for neither side ran to advantage. The atraln waa great, and with a very little time for rest I hal to play my second match that same a tier neon Mr. E. F. Ashcraft. 'He i a Chlcagon and ranka about third or fourth among th player here, o you can e he I good. H I aa old timer. At tint I bad Ashcraft tilng. I took th first aet, -l, being still well on(o my game and atrength. In the aecond tet I had him 5-1 and a score of 80-love against him on my alxth and winning game. Right there I broke and - weakened, exhausted, and finally, after endleaa chasing, be beat me, 9-7, throwing the set to deuce twine, t waa thea worn out and a dead on, and ha took the last aet, 6-1. "I feel confident that I can beat Ashcraft on clay courts, but It is Ilka learning tha gam over again to play on ' tba bt courts they have here. Th ball bourn: very low. "Next week I play In a tournament at Lake Mlnnetonka for the championship et th northwest. Th affair will be on dirt courts and I should stand a better enow. "There are many fast player hera at Chicago, and If I could have beaten tt.y second man I could have bad a good ahow In the last rounds. "I am advertising th Omaha Field club tournament as much as possible, and ex pect to get the fast buncb out there. The storle you gave me in Th Omaha Bte have followed me everywhere, and I have received aoticea of them from all part cf tha country." It la most apparent that there waa -n-ich honor In defeat for Earl Farnsworth In the Western championship tournament. This can ba seen even in th players' can very modest version ot his experiences at Chicago. Field club men ar confident that Farnsworth will be up to all their expectations at tha Omajia tournament. Meanwhile preparatlona for th great event ar proceeding apace, and tha prospect are now even better than last week for the biggest gathering of tennis exponents er held here. All tha arrangement for the event are now In motion and ara being kept up at top pitch despite tha taut -hat the affair 1 attll two week distant. Great care, especially, is being given ip the oourts, in order that no mishap mymr their perfect surface between nowond August U. Arrangements for . entertain ment are still being conducted on the as roe elaborate acala outlined in last 8undy' Bee. and the committee may be congnitu. lated on tb great amount ot prellmlnkry work turned off.. OMAHA EAGLES THE WINNERS Com Oat Ahead of Ball Game on Field. Fremont a Mnddy In a Out on the Vinton street battle around Saturday afternoon the Eagles of Fremont aerie No. 200 collided with the Eagles of Omaha aerie No. 88 and when the feaUicr- pulling waa over the cor leaned lowara Omaha, ( to I. ' . The feature of the game were tne rano, the rain, the good cheer of the Fremonter In the face of adversity and the trousors that your Uncle Buck Keith wore. Urunkie wa he real hit.- Posing far out in the west lot, b looked like the receiving vault Is a deserted cemetery, but twice when things came his way he sprinted like Mercury of old, with his abdominal annex Jigging in rag time and the crowd of 800 ardent rooter rewarded his apeed burst with loud acclaim and a few choice Im ported hussaha. The visitors played in duck overalls, orphaned atocklng and fear o their Hies, ror tney ai sienaer cnaps wun ineir ni so close to their undershirts that a Ian can count the left flelder'a from tha blench, era, whereas the whole Infield of the Omaha aggregation Is of Clydesdale breed ing, very tiroad wnere tne names go ana heavy shod. There were no phenomenal plays, the hits being bunched on errors made at critical times. After i the game closed tha teama were chotocraDhed and the crowd then repaired to the Eaglea' hall In response to an Rivlta. tion extended eariy ny Master ot tore monlea Keith, who delivered an addreva to the grandstand. In which he told the multitude where there waa a keg of mllkt shake and aome angel food. Next month the Omaha team is to play the Fremonter at home on the day of their picnic there. The date la not yet decided on. About fifteen from Fremont came for the game yesterday, among them T. B. Taylor, who acted as official scorer, and gave out the following: R.H. O.A.I. Hary, lk... t 1 Alln. lb.... 1 -Olidil.n. u.. 1 K.llh. If t I HK-lult. lb.. Morrtaon, et. 1 14 0 Tllmmnn, p.. CoAr. lb 1 ItKtlm, e 1 aunoney, rr. w ruiiit n McDonald, e OMAHA. H H O A . BowIm, aa... I t It Darts, lb-... I I I I Lund, tb Ills Haoa. p-lb. Totals . Omaha .. Fremont till 0:Honnln(, cf. t till, rt. t i in i i o o o 1 Totals .. .6 0 0 0 0 0 14 11 8 I 9 t till 8 111 1TI1 11 ioi I 14 11 1 0 o 0 0 0-8 Flarkt with VatDlro. RAIN STOPS TENNIS TOURNAT Preliminary Ertntt Postpomd Till Monday . Owiof to Wet Ground. k asMBaaa J J " ( SrLCNDIO LIST OF ENTRIES ANNOUNCED Mar Players Tfcsa liver Started la oa Omaha Taaraaaaeat Ara Listed far tha Freseat Competition. 1 Th preliminary event of th city cham pionship lawn tennis tournament ware pulled oft yesterday in the customary man ner and, aa usual, that old veteran' ot Omaha tennis, Jupiter Pluvlus, waa the victor. J. P. bad put forth his best efforts on th court of tha Omaha Field club, through th preceding night and yesterday afternoon he reigned - in undisputed possession. Other enthusiasts looked ssdly serosa tha sodden clay at a listless bsa ball gam and re called similar experiences of tha middle nineties. It waa hard to believe that it was the anniversary ot. the famous hot day of 1894, 'when tha atat tournament' was In full awing on the courts on Harney, atreet while th Nebraska corn crop wa being burned to a crisp. It was ' unanimously agreed that tha next tlm f city champion ship tournament Is arranged It will ba a part of the committee' duties to plan aa an alternative an indoor tournament of ping pong and that Jupiter Pluvlus, ba barred from entering. Record 1.1st of Eatrlo. With an entry of forty-one players, every on a resident Of Omaha, for the city cham pionship In singles) there was no disposi tion to blame the committee tor the un avoidable postponement of the competitions from Saturday to Monday. There ar nine tha to ba decided la tha preliminary round, and the eighteen men Who take part In the ara' Invited by tha committee to ap pear promptly at 5:80 tomorrow 'evening that there may ba so delay In making a atart It will ' need constant vigilance to close up tba tournament y Saturday night, even if tha rain holds off, and It can only be dona if the player will co-operata with the commute In being prompt In their at tendance. Fdrty-one antrlea Is by -far tba largest number' ever obtained for any tournament in Omaha, and It anyone Imagines that the game Is on tha Wane let him remember this. When tennis flourished on the Hamey street court five or six year ago a tournament with half the number of players waa counted a success. Etery nlgbt of thlb week,' beginning at 6:89, the eourta will be busy. Weather per mitting. One source of consblation to the commit tee yesterday was the plan Vbch they have devta-d to exclude Jupiter Pluvlus from in terfering lh future tournaments. Before the data of the Interstate meeting next month the club will be In possession of a salamander to dry tbe court and a steam roller to pack them- li will then be pos sible, to start a game Within a tew minutes after the- rain st6p and to play on hard court oh which the balls wfll always bounce true. Interstate Entrlea. ' . F. M. Bllsh, chairman of the committee of tha Interstate tennis tournament, to be held at the court of th Field club August 11, has received many letters from parties from -thw vartoue -elate who desire to en ter. The' chairman Is endeavoring te cor reat tba Impression that Is abroad among some of tbe players-of tha. stats that .the contest la merely fot '-Omaha players and those ot the other states.- All'player from out In th date are expected and their presence I ' desired. ' The ' committee la busily at work making arrangement tor the meeting and It is expected that a grand tournament will be the result. Parties de siring to enter should address Mr. Bllsh at tha Ftrat National bank. '. DAVENPORT, la., July . The Daven port team of th Three-I league scored the winning run In a flfteen-lnnlng game today on a baae on balla and two single off Daniels In the final Inning. The game waa Interrupted in the twelfth Inning )y a fight between Catcher Ever of Davenport and Umpire Hlckey, who had put Kver out of the game. The umpire took refuge In an omnibus, but cam back to the dia mond when promised protection, Evera re tiring from the game. Score: R.H.E. Davenport. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 1 1 31 8 Decatur ...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ I. .4 Batteries: Davenport. Wfnjg, McCord. Ever and Relslnger; Decatur, Daniel and Kreb. At Bock Island Evanavllle, t: Rock Isl and. 1. . At Horkford Terre Haute, 8: Rookford, 0. At Cedar Rapida Cedar Rapids, I; Bloom' Ington, 2. - At Vlaton Street Park TodaV. . The Omaha Originals and the Argo ot Nebraska City will play at Vinton street park this afternoon. An excursion train on th Mlosourt Pacific lll bring up a large crowd of Otoe county enthusiasts, who, being deprived of a chance to see a game on their home grounds on Sunday, are willing to eome to Omaha. The game will be called at 1:30. Th llneupi Originate. Argoa. Foley ftrat base Ouy Bradford second base Myers Carey third baae Miller Kennedy snortstop Clark Scully , left field Kurih Howe center field Himmer Taylor right field Mayee Perdue catcher Olaistr tteur-Mcllveine ...pitcner.... Baay-Ltelaney Jetters Agalast Diets. Th Jetters of Bouth Omaha and the C. N. Diets team will meet on the lumbermen's diamond at Courtland beach Sunday alter, noon at 8:30. Thla ta the aecond gam be tween these two teama, and a the Diet club won the first game th Jetter will put up a trong gam and try to even matter up. Th lineup will b a follow: .pitcher. C. N. Dleta. Nestlebush .. or Oordy. Hathaway ... Harrison... We'ah , LtnTerty.... Jenkins .... B. Plattner, Anderson center U. flattner right catcher.... ....first baae... ...aecond base.. ....third base.. ahortt. .left ne!( elf.'.'.' Jetters. .. McHale 'Conaman ..McH igh Ruff .....Kahili ... O I boon Clark held Jaekaon field Rowley Th wa 'he strong, steady pitching of Lavlne s the feature of the came that th Young Men's Christian association droppfd Saturday afternoon to the Caroenter Panrr company's team, to 8, at th association's park. Fltiajerald caught Lavln for the paper crowd and Whitehead and Willurd pltchtd to r:ckaon tor the Christian. Bcore: R H H c. p. Co oioiooo-sut Y. M. C A.... 11 H 1 I I 0 1-1 111 Joaah Wla. Yesterday the Jonah defeated the Thompoun-Retden Juniors by a score of 9 to 8. Batteries: Jonahs, Morgan and KeUeyi Junlurs, Smith and Lauger. 85 81 20 80 37 83 19 78 20 (4 40 84 20 81 27 .K9 30 89 81 - 93 40 M 38 . - 95 22 ' 96 40 96 41 97 40 7 38 104 BLIND BOGEY AT FIELD CLUB Handicap Match neve-lop Some' Groat Score 'aad Excellent . Sport. . .. Yesterday fternoon the Field club golfers gave themselves over to the de-light of a handicap match against a blind bogey ever the lghteen-hole course. After the play bogey was drawn, proving to be e'ghty-oie. Thla gave the prises to F. Boyer. John Murphy and Nate Recard.' The score are: Gross. Handicap. Net. F. Boyer i............ IIS John Murphy... .i... 1"0 Nate Rerard.. ; 130 H. B. Morrill 7 Dr. Sumnoy...... 10 J. B. Plnnchard 124 C. St Clair I' " J. B. 'Reynoirt..... lie H. C. Townaend J19 W. M.-ailter.... ,127 Jack Bharp.: 133 F. J. Han W. C. Sunderland 117 R. t. Storey 13 J. W. Tlbbett 137 D. A. Mechle 137 J. B. Spencer........ ...'. 13 In the eml-ftna! forth cup Dr. Sumney beat J. B. Revnold .4 up and t . to .play. Dr. Sumney and H, B. Morrill will play th final round, for the cup during the week. . Cretajfctoa Fall , to !. , Tha C. N.' Dleta team and representa tives of -the Omaha 'Field club played oft the deciding gam Saturday afternoon on a muddy ground and In a drlzelltig rain. The society men wer abut Out. 4 td 0. ' Ed die Cretghton was alab artist for-the Field club and waa found for ten, safe hits, four of which were good for two bases. Nestle bush, Tor the lumbermen, allowed bat three-eme.ll hits and sent thirteen men to the bench.; .Score: , RHB Diet ..'.....'...I 0 0 O'l-O-l -6'l6 0 Field Club ..-0 0 -0 0 -0 0 0 00 8 I Batteries: Diets, Nestlebush and Hatha way: Omaha Field Club, Crelghton and Crawford. Struck out: By Nestlebush, 13; by Crelghton, 7. Two-base hits: Dleta, 4. .' Aabara Fall at Hanboldtt " HUMBOLDT. Neb.' July J.-(Speclel.)-Th game yesterdav afternoon on the home diamond between the locals and the Auburn team wa rloaely contested and full of Interest throughout. The crowd wa not very large. Score: RHE Humboldt ...0 0-10 0. 0 0 3 4 Auburn 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 2 6 Batteries: Humboldt, R. IJnn and Se grtet; Auburn, Clark and McKeen. Struck out: By Linn, i: by Clark. 9. First base en balls: Off Linn, 1. Two-base hit: Tan ner. . Time: 1:30. Umpire: John A. Fellers. Fort DodsTO Downs Browale. FORT' DODGE, la., July - 24. (Special Telegram.) Fort Dodge defeated the Al- fona Brownlea here today by a score of to 8. The grounds were very wet, which prevented fast fielding. Both pitcher did effective work, considering the slippery r!s of the ball. Batteries: Kort Dodge. MIHIken and Whlttmor; Algona. Jonea and Johnson. - t Barrister Defeat Officials. YORK. Neb.. July 26 -(Special.)- The gam of bas ball between the county and city officials and the lawyers of York county wa one of the beat game played this season at York. Th acore was 7 to 4 In favor of the lawyers. The proceeds of the game wer donated to th city park fund. ' . CIrld Wlat Nloa On. NORFOLK Neb., July 3.-(Bpc1al Tel gram.) In th baae ball gaiso today be tween Colerid? and Norfolk th viaitnr won, 1 to 0. Score: roieridg o' l a a o a Norfolk 0000000 Batteries: Norfolk. Bucklin and Egun; Coleridge, Mdrrison and Wood. t : r : r : Danger lurks la darkness. Not a step can ba taken nor a move mada with safety, until tbe darkneaa I dispelled. Physical darkne baa been mastered, but mental darknesa seems to be "born In the bone," for it takes years of endeavor to penetrate and overcome It. Mental darkness ta simply another name'for Ignorsnce, for It we KNOW we will net do a the unknowing, do. Wa pity tha savage who la Ignorant ot the necessity for personal cleanliness, but Is our own edu cation along theaa linea complete? How many of us know a much a It Is our plain duty to know about tbe care and preservation ot the hair. Tha lamp of science bas lately Illuminated th subject of dandruff, falling hair and baldness, and from a purely educational standpoint. If for no other reaaen, it ia tha duty of everyone to learn what scientific men hav to ay upon this Subject, Every rareful reader of scientific llterstur know that Prof. I'nna, the dermatologist ot Hamburg, Germany, baa discovered thst a germ or .parasite I the primary cause of baldness. This discovery has been verified by prominent dermatologlstl tba world over. Dr. C. Henri Leonard, M. A., M. D., has mada n exhaustive study of the vegetable parasites that Infest the scalp, acd following ara a number of excerpts trom his work. He describes minutely four varieties of scalp parasite, and oonttnulng, says: "They are very small, usually not over the one five thousands of an Inch In diameter." "Being to email they era vary light, and float eattly' In tha atmosphere. This ia the -chief form ot contagion for thla ctyptogamlc growth." "HOLD A PIECE OF COLD GLASS. SO MOISTCRE WILL CON DENSE UPON IT, FOR A SHORT TIME ABOVK THE J1EAD, OF A PATIENT AFFLICTED WITH THIS PARASITIC DISEASE. AND ON MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION IT WILL BE FOUND TO HAVE BEEN FREQUENTLY VISITED BY THESE CRYPTOGAMIC BULBS." "They also thrive upon abraded surfaces of persons In good health. The beat ot tha body and tba easy access to the hair follicles favoring the cryptogamlc'a apeedy growth." "There Is another sourc other than our fellowmen and our domestic anlmtls from which we may take these vegetable- parasitical diseases, and that la from the conldia (spore) from tha common mould of decaying vegetables." "These, when favorably transplanted to - .1.1.. .mjI 1. -1 - Alltt- ..-111 J...I.. 1.1. An ftf th pfrn( ma rhlph WA flnf f.nHnr lh... ) m- u 1 1 H . . ' 1 "So too, the parasites from our hair follicle. If transferred to decaying vegetable matter will take on a form of growth char- ' acterletlc of the mould fungus ot the plant on which It thrives." "Tha effects of these different rrypogsmic growths l a our bodies ara specifically given." "In general we find them producing Irritation of the skin, DRYING UP AND SPLIT TING OF THE HAIRS, OR A TOTAL UPROOTINO OF THEM, WITH FINALLY PERMANENT BALDNESS AND SHRINKING, OR CICATRICIAL HARDENING OF TIIE SKIN." The vegetable parasite can be taken from tba bead of a person Buffering from partial baldness and ba cultivated In a . laboratory aa potatoes are grown In tbe garden. Certain fluid favor tbelr growth. These fluids ara called culture media. Certain other fluids destroy tbelr life. These fluid are called antl-parasltldea. Tb safest and meit effective on so far dlsoovered la called - n ? rwa7 U W i nn n oil Is P n Ad There Is absolutely no doubt about tha mlorobe destroying property ot this remedy, for It was fully tested before a Ingle bottle wat offered for aale. ANIMAL PARASITES. In addition to tha tegetable paraalte that Infest the ecalp and cause baldnesa there are ani mal or BACILLI. These are far ivre difficult of extermination, for the reacon that washing and brushing tba hair does not tend to destroy them as uch Washing and brushing tends to diminish the vegetable parasites. It has been demonstrated tlm and time again that a iystematle treatment with Newbro'a Herplclde will rid the calp of germa and bring vigor back into each hair follicle that la not completely destroyed. It I the advice of our most capable dematolo glets that the care and preservatlo of tha hair requires as constant attention as the care and preservation of the teeth, Vegetable scalp parasite may l acquired in tb dally walk ot life, and animal parasites or germs may be gotten from balr brushes, towels, etc. DILIGENCE IS THE PRICE OF HAIR PRESERVATION Inasmuch aa a germ or parasite may flourish in tha scalp tor years, and Ita presence be unsuspected, It requires constant diligence to protect tb hair from destruction. DANDRUFF Is undotbtedly the first symptom that may be re lied upon as indicating tbe presence of acalp germa or microbe. Arter dandruff comes In regular order It may take years itching scalp, falling hair, and baldness. Baldness la Just as much ot a disease aa is rheumatism or consumption, and the reason ao many people are bald la because they ignore the symptom of approaching baldnesa. INTELLIGENT ADVICE We have given you Intelligent advice; w have pointed out that baldness can he prevented, and sometime cured. We .have spread before you th latest scientific research upon tha subject. We have mentioned a remedy that will do abso lutely all we claim H will, but we cannot go out and forcibly treat yon any more than a dentist can atand on the atreet corner and compel people to save their decaying teeth. We furnish the mean of cure, but you must apply it. Read what Is said by people who have heeded our advice: I have used Newbro'a Herplclde for dandruff and herpes of the acalp, with excellent resulta. I ahall preacrlba It In my practice herafter. (Signed.) J. T. FUQATR, M. D. Urbana, Ills. I had been bald alx yeara, and had tried all kinds of "cures," but with out any benefit whatever, until I tried Herplclde. Nov. 16..1R99, I began using Herplclde. and In three months a fine growth of hair covered my head com- PlfsTgn'ed.) NEL8 PETERSON. Lima Spur, Mont. Hnlf bottle Herplclde has nearly eradicated my dandruff, and stopped my hair from falling out. As I waa bidding fair for a conspicuous honor In bald headed row, I greatly appre ciate Herplclde. (Signed.) W. H. THAIN. Logan, Utah. Two bottles of Newbro' Herplclde stopped a bad case of dandruff that I had for years, and has started a new crop of hair on a bald place on top of my head, which is now being rap idly covered with new nair. (SlR-ned.) DANIEL SKARLES. (Noted Journalist and Publicist.) Butte, Mont. Am pleased to aay that Herplclde has thus far produced beneficial re sults; and from all appcarancea It will accomplish what you claim for It an absolute cur for dandruff and falling hair. (Signed.) THOS. B. SHANNON. Idaho Fall, Ida, . Newbro'a Herplclde in one month rured me of dandruff and stopped my hairs falling out. Before I began the use of Herplcld, my hair waa com ing out at an alarming rate. (Signed.) ALBERT ANDERSON. Sturgis, S. D. A DELIGHTFUL HAIR DRESSING A single application ot Newbro'a Herpicida will convince the most Incredulous that Is it a deltghtful hair dressing. It. la cooling to the scalp, and stops Itching aa if by magic. It 1 ao delightfully perfumed that tha most tastldioua will not tall to be pleased with H. A WARNING The extraordinary success of Newbro'a Herpicida has caused the market to be flooded with so-called dandruff germ destroyers. Don't ba deceived, for there Is but one genuine, and that la Newbro'a Herplclde. Some dandruff cur mak er have abandoned their own advertising and boldly appropriated oura In its entirety, but the fraud ia so glaring aa to deserve email conalderation. Newbro'a Herplclde la aold at drug stores, and applications may be bad at leading barber ahops. GET A SAMPLE It interested, write for booklet or send ten cent in stamp to pay lc postage and boxing. Use this coupon. Ban Ball Toaraaateat Likely. D.. July 28. (Special ) SIOUX FALI.8. 8. If present plana maUrlaJl, a they OB F27N. CUT THIS OUT inclose 10 cents in stamps for which please send me sample of Newbro's Herplclde Name. Street and No. Town and State. Address, THE HERPICIDE CO., Detroit, Mich, DESTROY THE CAUSE, YOU REMOVE THE EFFECT INCORPORATED 100,000.00. EASY MONEY tlO make tlOO by eur aura and eafe system of turf Investment Entirely NtwFlaa, rREK. Writ for It quick. THE DOIGLAM DALY CO., Turf Commissioners. 112 Clark Street. CHICAGO. BBS doubtless will, a base ball carnival will be held in Bioux Kalis this fall during the county fair. The question la now being dlncuseed and the Idea meets with general favor. It is planned to bring in a oouple or more of the big league teams and put up purses smountlng to about 1,M0. Five Sioux Falls men have offered to contribute the sum of 1(K each toward creating a purse that will be worth fight ing for. Ey a a Get Gold Cao. CHICAGO, July 26. Th Onwentala cup and gold medal were won by Walter E. Egan of the Lake Geneva Country club in tha 86-hole medal pUy competition of the concluding day of the Onwentala an nual golf tournament at Lak Forest to day. Kuan dlHtanced hi field, getting a core of 161 for the double round. 79 In tho morning and 82 in the afternoon. A score of 169 was second, that by Chfaholm berch Of Cleveland, O., though Lawrence Adama of Glenvlew bad turned in a full card of 166. It waa found, however, that Adams had omitted to lot down two strokes at the fourteenth hole and h who accordingly disqualified. Phelps B. Hoyt won the Lake Forest Cup with a score of 173 In th sam com petition a that for th Onwentala cup, the other score between Egan's Ml and Hoyt' 177 being mad by players under SO years of age and hence Ineligible for tho Lak Forest cup. Wasp. Wla Klac Prls. LONDON, July 2. Tha last stag of the shooting for the king prise at the National Rifle association meeting st BIs ley was favored by beautiful weather to day, although a gusty wind across the rang Interfered with th Ions rang shoot ing. Lieutenant U. D. Johnson ot the I.rndon Rifle brigade won. Private Sam Waya of the First Dorset regiment and Private McCallum of the Fourth Argyll regiment tied tor second place. Johnson's score was 9u7. In the ahootoff Bam Waya won second place with S and McCallum was third. The match was concluded under th moat trying conditions. The wind In creased to a steady gal, carrying away targets and blowing acorlng boards and umbrellas about the range. gaeea YORK, tCalrlo for York Fair. Neb., July . (Special.) Th manager or th yora county fair la od veriUnif many attraction. Already a large number of speedy horses have en tered for the race, for which there are liberal prises. The York county display of agricultural producta will be unusually fine. A number of stockralaers will ex UUH IU stuck. Br EVERY MAN WHO IS AFFLICTED WITH STRICTURE, VARICOCELE, BLOOD POISON, (Syphilis) HERVQ-SEXUAL DEBILITY, KIDNEY AND URINARY DISEASES and associate diseases and weaknesses of men, due t Inheritance, habit excesses or th result of specific- disease, owes It to himself and tie pos terity to get cured safely and positively without leaving any blight or weak ness in his aystem. You do not want to be mutilated and maimed for life In trying to ba cured of Varicocele, Stricture and kindred troubles in a few day by surgical procedures. We make no misleading statement or unbuslnass-li.e proposition to th afflicted In order to ecure their patronage. The many yeara of our successful practice prove that our method of treatment ar aaf and certain. Call at ou- offices or write and If wa find that you cannot be cured we will NOT ACCEPT your money under ASr COWDlTIONgi but It w accept your case for treatment we will guarantee a SAFE AND POSITIVE CURE In th shortest possible time, without any Injurious after effects. Our charges will be as low as poaclble for conscientious, skillful and successful services. Consult' ua before consenting to any surgical procedure upon Important blood vassela and organs. Wa will spar you th penaltlea associated with Nervous Debility, Weak ening Drains, Self-Abuse, Wasting of Organs, Premature Decline, Loss of Mem ory, Energy and Ambition, Nervousness, Pimples, Palpitation of the Heart, Shortness of Breath, Apprehension ot Calamity, tho Chagrin and Mortification of Weaklings, the Fright of Contemplated Matrimony. We will render you robust and strong mentally, physically and sexually. Call at our offices or write tor our book, free, which will explain th dis eases we cur and bow we cure tbetn to atay cured when otbera fall. Oar special borne treatment vrlll car 70a. Coaaaltattoa at office or by letter free anal strictly coafldeatlal. OFFICE HOURS t a. m. to I p. m. Sundays 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Befvaa Beat Bank aa Leading; Baslnes 24a of This City, State Elcctro-Pcdical Institute. IOCS Karaaaa It., Bet wee a ISrh aad lata Ita., OaaaJia, Neb. Longest Established. Thoroughly Reliable. Autboriied by tbe law of tbe State. " m n.... mm ,m , , ., , - THE BEE f OR ALL THE NEWS J J 3 J : J J : 1 1 : i 1 J ill