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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1902)
TITE 03fAnA DATLT BEE: SUNDAY, JULY 27, 1002. We have had carpet and rug saies beore and have give?i you maiiy astonishing bargains, but the vahies we offer you tomorrow are absolutely beyond all comparison 7t? jay tf these carpet and rug offerings are wo?t- 3 1 1 43 M irfr' derjul would be saying very little for them, 1-4 price expresses it in one line more emphatically and more to the point You can's mlanndef- ' staud tttal t - 10 I .Ww II II I i I A Carload of Wet Rugs and 'Carpets On Sale Tomorrow at One-Fourth the Regular Prices DURING a recent railroad washout a car load of fine carpets and rugs consigned to a western wholesale house became damaged by water. The railroad company accepted our cash offer of 25 per cent cf the invoice price and we are going to sell them in the same proportion. The goqds on the bottom of the car were quite wet, other rolls of carpets and rugs were wet only on the edges and a large portion are practically perfect as the only injury they suffered was being in the damp car. The prices we offer this lot of carpets and rugs at are bound to create a great stir tomorrow. No doubt you realize an early visit will be the most profitable to you . . . . . , . $1.00 Carpets, 25c a yard $1.25 Carpets, 39c a yard $2.00 Carpets, 69c a yard 7 elret and brassels carpets with and without borders. the very newest and most stylish. Some of these carpets are slightly stained on the selvage and Borne have been quite wet if perfect the would retail for f 1 yard. We offer you the choice of these Unfritiged Ingrain Cnrpet Rugs A very large quantity will bo placed on sale to morrow at $1.00 Silks 25c Yard $1.00 Taffetas 50c Yard Handsome satin foulards, in , j , , r This lot Includes yard wide large and small new designs, t -, light and dark grounds; also best Tongee silks and best heavy corded wash silks and de a STyliS 1 !7T!?.!!l25c Per yard .....owe VERY SPECIAL DRESS GOODS VALUES Che correct mode for autumn and winter wear, styles that are not passes, on sale at very special prlcea. Voile etamlne, mistrals and twins etamlnea, the regular $1.00, lt25 '7'"?C and $1.80 grades, at, yard $1.00 yachting cloth and creme woolens of the pronounced fashions! -f ft ft 62 Inches wide; yard A Creme Slcllllan (heavy silky kind), per yard I-00 Creme mohair, 75c quality, per yard 39C Black Slcllllan, 46 Inches wide, $1.00 quality, per yarfl 69o Clearance of Highest Grade Wash Fabrics Very choice styles BOc, 76c and $1.00 qualities now on sale at OESrv per yard ... ..O BOSTON STORE. GROWTH OF JOBBING TRADE Tsar Sees Grsat Iioreua in Buiinsu of Omaha Establishments, NEW CUSTOMERS IN OLD TERRITORY Store Than Two Thousand How Stores Started In Country Directly Tributary to Omaha, Dar ing Last Year. There Is no greater evidence of tbs gen erally prosperous times in the west than tbe record kept by the commercial agencies of tbe fluctuations of ths business world, bowing Si It does a great Increase In tbe number of business houses for this part of the country for tbe last year. Tbs figures ars hot at band to give tbs total of all of the business houses of ths United States, Bvnd therefore no comparison can be made st this time between ths different psrts of the country, but those In a position to gain a fair knowledge of the general condition are of the opinion that every part of tbe country shows shout tbe aame general con dition so tar as the Increase of ths volume cf trade la concerned, with the posstbls ex ception of some places In tbe south, wbers ths season has been unfavorable on account of rain. Her at Omaha the commercial agencies report upon tbe condition of business In what has been called the natural territory of Omaha, although the jobbing Interests of the city have st this time outgrown the arbitrary division Into which attempts have been made to circumscribe their trsde, sod Omaha houses now bsve branches snd rep resentatives In all parts of ths United States, particularly In ths northwest and on ths PaclBo coast, the people of which con tribute largely to the prosperity of the Omaha Jobber. But tbe original "Omaha" territory has always been recognized ss the t ate of Nebraska, tbe Black Hills country ef South Dakota and ths western counties M lows. Inereaeo of Sis Months. In this territory st the present time there are approximately 25,464 business houses large snd small, from ths Jobbing louse with Its capital counted In millions of dollars to ths corner store where needles and plus ars sold to busy housewives who a-asaot lose the time to visit ths regular re A IVeaEx SihomacEn Indigestion Is of ten caused by over eating. An eminent authority says the barm done thus exceeds that from the excessive use of alcohol. Eat all the good food you want but don't over load the stomach. A weak stomach may refuse to digest what you eat. Then you need a good dlgestaot Ilk? Kodol, which digests your food with out tbe stomach's aid. This rest and the wholesome tonics Kodol contains soon restore health. Dieting unneces sary. Kodol Quickly relieves the feel ing of fulness and bloating from which some people suffer after meals. Absolutely cures Indigestion. Kodol Nature's Tonlo. Prepared only by B.O. DsWitt AOo .Oblearo. 1b.ii e-u ieroma .ewriunielAKLY UISLUS The famous little pills for constipation. of the best grade, 25' The patterns are &S.OO Rugs for &1.GO. Elegant Smith's Moquotto Rugs In and colors, slzo 3Gx72, some slightly soiled on odgoson $50 Wilton Rues This lot Includes Royal Wilton, fine seamless Velvet and elegant Smith's Axmlnster and Moquette Ruga. Also the finest wool Smjrnas. All are Blees 0x12 ft The patterns are extremely i beautiful. Nearly all the absolutely perfect Your choice of the entire lot for J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. tall districts, and ths country general tore whose proprietor has In embryo the department store of tbs larger city. The Increase of these houses during the last twelvs months has been something unprece dented In a country which has been for sev eral years considered as "settled." Last January the report of the commercial agen cies showed a total of 18,405 business houses In the stats of Nebrssks. The July report will show a total of 19,064 bouses, a gain of 649 houses within the last six months. It is said that ths increase for tbe preceding six months wss slightly in excess of this, the total gain for the year being approxi mately 1,300 bouses, sn increase of over 7 per cent for tbs period. In the "Omaha territory" outside of the ststs of Nebraska the approximate gain for ths last year had been 908 houses dur ing ths year, ths rate being almost ss high ss thst for tbs ststs of Nebrssks. This Is the story told by the records of the commercial agencies whose work deals with ths facts snd figures relating to the cbsnges in ths personnel of tbe manage ment of the houses and with tbe financial responsibility of ths Institutions within ths territory. What Jobbers Report. In ths Jobbing district of Omaha there is a yet more pleasant report, for while the number of houses in ths borne territory baa been Increasing at ths rate of 7 per cent per annum, ths trads of ths city baa tsr exceeded tbls rats. This is due to the fact thst whils tbs houses have in creased In number in a aatlsfsctory degree the clsas of trsde has Improved and its volums has lncressed out of all proportion to the increase in tbe number of housas. Nebraska, from the stsrt, was a free con sumer of the better clsss of goods. The state was settled from ths north largely and was developed by persona who were never satisfied with pioneer conditions. Ths railroad followed too close upon the trail of the plainsman to permit httn to acquire babtts of economical living aud of "putting up with what Is st hand,!' ss is found in countries longer settled, where communication with ths outside world was difficult for years after the first settlor cams upon ths scene of Indian life. But "hard times" is no respector of geographi cal locations, snd with several short crura snd general low prices tbs class of goods purchased by the Nebrssksns depreclau-d to a certain degree, as their purchasing power decreased, snd the volume of trade declined even to a wore reuarkabU man ner. Lean Years and Fat,- Beginning with 1894 and continuing tor seversl years ths class of goods sold In ths Omaha territory was cheaper than ever before known. The upward tendency started in 189S, but It was not until iroo' that the present high level was reached. That spring salesmen in tbe local Jobbing houses noticed that the lines of prints end muslins which bsd been staple for a num ber of years was passed over or purchased sparingly by their euatomera. This con dition wss not .confined to Nebraska, but the Texas trsde came lnts St. Louis so strong on ths better lines that one dry goods bouse which bad purchased heavily of tbe previously popular cheap lines Mas cramped by failure to dispose of its hold ings. Ths condition was not so !ad In Nebrssks. as ths Jobbers had been feeling the coming change and bad nit Joalsd up with the cheaper lines.- and yet they car ried over goods to ths next year which, ordinarily, they would have snM The better lines of goods hsvs in them more of profit for sll dealers and more of economy to the consumer, so every one is pleased over the changed conditions. Jobbers Were Active. Local Jobbera have not been backward At 39c a yard we will sell all the best grades of velvet and brussels carpets most of them are absolutely perfect in every respect. They come with and without borders in all the newest de signs for parlor sleeping room, hall and stairs These are $1.25 qualities on sale at, per yard..- at $19.98 $25 v room sizes. The majority of these "I l ( fcj Rugs are sound and perfect LjmjCy a?."!T.r.r..T l $150 Shirts &'Coaf Shirts 50c Men's stylish negligee shirts and "coat" shirts so called on account of being taken off the same as a coat they are made to button all the way down. These negligee shirts and "coat". shirts are made of the finest' silk striped mad ras cloth in plain and pleated fronts with sep pirate and attached cuffs also of fine white nainsooks, plain and pleated. The season's newest novelties fl and $1.50 values spe- 50c price .... , BOSTON STORE. in preparing for ths Increased trade of ths territory. Nesrly every house In the city has sdded travelers to its list of employes within ths lsst twelvs months and there hsvs been few, if sny reductions. Ths number of traveling salesmen sdded has not been in proportion to tbe increase of trade, as it has been found eaBier for a man to visit the trade in the different towns under existing conditions thsn it wss a very few years ago, as he does not hsvs to work so hard to dispose of his goods and can almost cover the Increased territory todsy ss easily ss he could do it a year ago. One of the favorable signs of tbe pres ent condition is the slie of stocks carried In the smaller towns. In the single line houses in Omaha there are few which carry as large stocks ss msy be found in such towns ss York, Bcatrlcs or Grand Island. In the eastern part of the state, within easy reach of Omaha tbe stocks ars not so Urge nor so expensive, as retail dealers find It more economics! to purchase often than to keep the money invested in stocks, while freight rates snd' the desire to supply im mediate demands compel tbe desler In ths more dlstsnt towns to carry lsrge snd com plete stocks. New Territory Com In ST. Tbe newest development in the "Omaha territory" is along the line of the Elkhorn In Boyd county. This county has sn en viable reputation as a producer of crops, being one of the few to suffer little from tbs drouth of 1894, snd It Is far enough from tbe city to cause the retail dealers to carry comparatively heavy stocks, so that It has done more thsn the ssme extent of territory ordinarily would to Increase the volume of Omaha's Jobbing trsds. Many of ths local Jobbers profess to be lieve that the next five years will see a greater advance in ths number of bouses In the "Omaha territory" than any time in the history of any city, with the excep tion of Kansas City, when Oklahoma was opened to settlement. They predict this increase through the operation of ths irri gation law recently enacted by congress, which they expect will make the sand hills bloom like a rose end the semi-arid lands become ss productlvs as tbs rlcheat land on the Missouri river bottom. ELECTRICITY AT NEW SHOPS I'nloa Paelflo Takes Oat rermlt to Install Light and Power riant. City Electrician Schurlg iasuee a permit yesterday for sn electrical equipment tor the new Union Pacific shops, Including both sn illuminating snd power plsnt, snd tbe work of putting in the machinery snd fixtures will begin at once. Tbs dynamos are capable of generating 770 horse power at 230 volt pressure. Electricity will form tbe motive power of sll the machinery In the shops. There will be sixty-eight dy namos, ranging in capacity from two to twenty horae power. There will bo 1,000 Incandescent lamps snd sixty-five are lamps. BACK TO THE COUNTY COURT Judge Manger Sends the Tonaalln Case to Judge Tlneonhaler for Hearing. Judge ' Munger has remanded to ths county court of Douglas county ths esse of Gertrude E. Touzalin sgalnat ths ex ecutors of ths eststs of Albert E. Tousalla. In tbls cass the plaintiff attempted to col lect a claim of SS.0O0 asatnat the estate. The defendants sttempted to remove ths csuas to the United States court, alleging that they were nonresidents of Nebraska The order remanding the 'case was made upon a polat of practice, ths court de ciding tbst the application for removal was not made la time. Rugs on sale for $12.98 $19 Rugs on sale for $9.98 This lot Includes the best grade of 10-wlre Brussels Rugs, fine Velvet and Axmlnster and beautiful . Smyrna Rugs. All In $2 & $2.50 Shirt Waists 95c Women's stylish shirt waists, made of beau tiful white lawns and India linons handsomely embroidered effects to button in front and in back also beautiful colored shirt waists made of very ' fine materials chic patterns all are handsomely trimmed the very newest effects and the most desirable too. Waists that usu ally sell for $2 and ?2.50 on sale Monday on main floor, at 95c J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. LEAGUE OF HOME PROMOTERS Review of Proceedings of the Tsnth Itisioi ofths United Statsi League. - FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPALS AND PROGRESS Conservatlvea and Progressives Cross Swords in Defense of Old and New Methods Land Title -Registration. PUT-IN-BAY. O., July 14. Chsll build ing and loan assoclstlons bark back to tbe simple principles of ths fsthersT Is It safe to wholly abandon ancient landmarks of co-operative effort and set sail on a voyage over unchartered sessT Sbali tbe oringlnal purpose of boms getting become sn Incidental feature of association work? These were the main questions discussed st tbs two days' sessions of tbs United States Tragus of Local Building and Loan assoclstlons, which closed this afternoon. Ths convention brought together about 100 representstives of ststs lesgues from four teen ststes. Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Illinois' sent large delegations and ths mors dlstsnt ststes of Massachusetts snd Ne brssks, as well as Louisiana east, weet snd south, bad representatives present. Practically all the wheelhorses of the league, the men who organized It in Chicago ten yeara ago, were in attendance, with a liberal sprinkling of young and nsw fsces of men who sre talking hold and puahlng ths work gradually laid down by ths elders. Vast Intereeta Represented. The United States lesgue is not snd can not bs a large body of men, composed ss It is of delegates chosen by affiliating state leagues of local aasoclstlons, but It repre sents a mighty host of frugal people and vast financial Interests working noiselessly for tbs common weaL ' Statistics compiled from official aources by tbs secretary of tbe league show 6,802 . assoclstlons In the United States, with a membership of 1,689. 693, snd ths aggregate assets of these as soclstlons smount to ths munificent sum of 8565,387,968. The increase in member ship during ths yesr wss 44,457, but ths sggregste assets decressed nearly $6,000,000. The tendency shown by official reports is toward consolidation, but tbls tendency does not explain ths decresse In assets. That Is largely due to liquidation In New Tork, Missouri, Illinois snd lows, snd to merging associations into trust compsntes, ons or two having occurred in Ohio, It is Inter esting to nots thst Nebrssks Is ons of the ststes showing sn Increase la assets and membership. Tbe enormous smount of business trsnsscted by tbese sasoclstlons Is astonishing. For Instance, the aggre gate receipts for ths yesr wss $395,987,218, which sum was bandied at an expense of $5,195,376, a ratio of less than 1 per cent of the sssets. In round numbers there wss psld to members In profits snd principal ths sum of $182,000,000. Ths magnitude of theas tranaactiona, carried on at so little expenae and representing millions of finan cial units. Is all the more remsrkable when taken In connection with the faet that comparatively few of tbe managers snd directors of assoclstlons are trained financiers. Progress and Conservatism. Aa economic movement embracing so msny persons and diverse environments naturally give rise to many different meth ods of operation. While most sssoclatlons atlck to the fundaments) principles of eo operation, probably a majority have so broadesed their activities as to cause the older supporters of the movement to en tsrtsln doubts of their ultimata success 39 all tho vary latest designs salo tomorrow at .... .... . ... . We will sell all the large room size Rugs that are the least bit water stained or mussed for S9.0S. You will find many WE 4 - 0 fine Brussels Rugs and Rugs In this lot They are splendid bargains at BOSTON STORE. snd permsncy. Among this clsss are Judgs Dexter of New Tork, Judge 8tern of Chi cago, Messrs. Brown, Clsrency and Carson of Philadelphia, and D. El dredge of Bos ton. These men adbere to snd uphold ths old system of serlsl sssoclatlons founded for ths purposs of enabling members to secure homes. It Is this class of associa tions that have made Philadelphia a city of homes, and of which there are now 1,116 in tbe state of Pennsylvania. In all other states, however, psrttcularly In ths centrsl west, the serial plan Is no longer in favor. A majority of association are operated on tbe permanent plan. The difference In the two plans is this: The serial compre hends a group of shareholders whose shares mature together. The permanent plan is one in which each member's shares con stitute a series In themselves, maturing Independent of all ' others. The serial method provides for ststed weekly or monthly payments In shares, and by this means secured a larger ratio of members to assets. In ths permanent plan, In most Instances, not only sre advance payments on stock encoursged, but slso deposits of lump sums of money, psld up stock is Is-. sued and loans mads on acceptable real estste security other than homes. Evolatlon In Systems, t Tbls evolution In tbs original system of homo getting by co-operstlon provoked ths questions abovs stated and a sharp, ex tended debate by advocates of esch. It is impossible to give sn adequate synopsis of the debate In this letter. A condensation of the papers which provoked the debate would not do Justice to tbs suthors. But sn outline of the general proposition will interest the average reader. Advocates of the original or serial sys tem mslntain that It is the safest and best method of furthering tbe fundamental prin ciples of co-operstlon In home msklng. It restricts membership to the wsge earning class, to people of limited, means, who ars ensbled to ssvs a portion of their earnings weekly or monthly snd thus secure either a home or a fund for old age, for alckness. hard times or like emergencies. It does not encourage or invite the Investor look ing for profit. It does not trench on ths domsln of bsnktng speculation. In its es sence, the serlsl plan is t)ie rock founda tion of home getting by co-operation and departures from It are fraught with grave dangers to ths growth snd success of the movement. Advocstes of the permanent plan, and they were in the majority, displayed marked ability in combatting ths arguments of ths serial supporters. They likened the suggestion to return to "ancient land marks" to a proposition to abandon electrlo lights snd return to ths tallow dip. Tbs evolution in sll things mstenjal in ths United Ststes resulted In making the na tion the dominant power In the Industrial world. Shall we abandon ths present com manding position and go back to tbe primi tive trade methods of ths '60s? In industry, trsds and commerce snd In national do msln ths republic bss expended to an extent little dreamed of even ten yesrs ago. It there be dsnger In this expsnslon ths na tion Is competent . to desl with it when it arise. All progress is forward. Old ways and old systems of business srs gons for ever. This is also true of co-operation. Tbe primitive methods of the founders of .co-operstlon in home getting srs no mors sacred thsn a thoussnd bygone methods in manufactures, commerce and trade and like tbe latter must glvs wsy to mors prsetlcsl modern methods, improved ss experience warrsnts. Tbs trend of the argument hers outlined was a reiteration of ths progres sive .Miilcy urged upon Nebraska associa tions by Hon. P. L. Hsll of Lincoln, former secretary of the State Banking Board. Dr. Hall expressed tbs opinion tbst Nebraska assoclstlons should broaden their methods snd sxtend their usefulness so ss to fully occupy ths field abandoned by savings This lot comprises all the finest carpets manu factured including Smith's extra axnjin sters, French Souvenierres, moquettes practically the cream of this immense , shipment the pat terns are the very newest, and all are absolutely perfect carpets that sell for up to $2 a yard, $1.59 Smyrna 9.98 20c Laces at 3c a yard A New York importers surplus stock and sample pieces of fine laces--over lo,ooo yards on sale at Sc yard. This is an extraordinary every woman should take advantage of it. All kinds and styles of laces and insertings, are in the lot,' including French vals, Normandy vals, English vals, Net Top . Orientals, Chantilly .Laces, Tointl d'esprit and scores of other styles and patterns 20c values. ......... fc ............... Sale Fine Embroidery & Inserting An excellent Tarlety of fine embroideries and lnsertlngs, yery pretty styles all widths made of fine Swiss, nainsook and combrlc. The regular selling prices of these goods range up to 35c & yard on sale In four assortments 5c, -7Jc, 10c and I2c yard J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. banks. To become, in fsct, mutual ssvlngs banks, and by ao doing mora completely perform ths work which modern necessities require. . Yet msny of thoss who cbsmplon ths permsnent plan concede the need of apply ing the brakes to some of the wheels, espe cially In ths direction of so-called "quick assets.",. Tbs influx of ths investing clsss into associations ss depositors and holders of psld-up stock producea at tlmea a sur plus of idle money. In order to maintain its standard of profit it is necessary to keep money at work. Reducing the loaning rate doea not always reduce ths surplus. Tbe problem of employing thst Idle money per plexes the managers. Instead of following the old method of requiring non-borrowing shareholders to become borrowers or with draw it Is proposed to invest in bigh-clsss bonds, national, stste, county and city, and other similar security of conceded vslus. In this way ths surplus msy bo employed for a time and made available for conversion Into cssh whenever the demands of borrow ers and of withdrawing members warrant. But in a majority of atstss legal restric tions prevent expansion in tbst direction, although It is prsetlced to a limited extent by msny associations. Beneflts of tho Torrens Law. The operation of ths Torrens system of land title registration In Chicago was the subject of a paper by Theodore Sheldon, a resident of thst city. Tbls Is a subject of considerable Interest to the people of ths wsst, wbers the cost of transferring or mortgaging real eststs is becoming very complicated and costly. Unlike other re forms from the South Pacific, ths Torrens system encounters sharp opposition, ss wss shown In the divided report of the Ne braska commission last winter. It Is re pugnant to abstractora and title examiners, and by an alement of ths legal profession which thrives on title flaws. Notwithstand ing this sntrenched opposition, ths lsw wss stesdlly growing in fsvor in Cblcsgo. Under the old system tbe cost of sn ab stract of title, or its continustlon, ranges from $26 to $50. Rarely is the cost under $26. . Under the Torrens system ths ex pense is snly $3. In two yesrs between 700 snd 804 applications for certificates of title under the law have been mads In Co?k county snd a corresponding number of certificates Issued. Tbe eost of obtain ing a certificate of title la $24, snd ones obtsined It dispenses with bulky abstracts snd the cost of keeping them up. Mr. 8heldon Illustrated ths simplicity of the system by comparing a registered certifi cate of -title with a stock certificate. They may be bought and aold and mortgaged and dealt with In ths registrar's offics with less expenss, less tlms snd less bother thsn the owners of securities can receive when dealing in the sams In tbe Chicago or the New York stock exchanges., In fact, ths real estate certificate can bs disposed ot or borrowed on in leas ttms and with less expenae thsn if it were personal property. For building and loan associations tbs reg istration system Is particularly valuation. Inasmuch aa It simplifies titles, sxpedltes tho making of loans snd reduces tbe eost of such transactions to boms builders. "When you once know this system," said Mr. Sheldon, "you will not any mors go back to ths old systems thsn thoss who use electric lights would go back to csndls lights." Oersld Fitzgerald of Grand Rapids, Mich., wss chossn president, Jsmes Clsrency ot Philadelphia vies prealdent and H. F. Cel laiius of Cincinnati aecretary. Tbs next convention of tbs league will bo held In Boston. July. 1902. T. J. FITZMORRIS. Decorated with tho Cross. PARIS. July rS. Prof. Alcee Fourtier. Iprofeesor of languages at Tulana univer sity. New Orleans, La, since 1M0, has been decorated wlUt tbs cross of tbe Legion of Uecefc 69 Velvet and Moquette Rugs H Yds. Long When fringed they make very neat looking rugs. On sale tomorrow at c Each lace bareain and' all at 3C a yard in various widths BOSTON STORE. MORGAN HAS A BIG GRIEVANCE Objects to Ifewebors Shouting and Not Telling What the News Is. Chsrles Morgsn, assistant city sttorney, who lives st Twentieth snd Csss streets, has a grievance against ths Omaha News boys' union. "They awoks me at S o'clock this morn ing," ssid hs "shouting 'All sbout ths big prize fight!' snd I got up snd went to ths window to listen. For hslf sn hour I strained my ears, expecting one of them would ssy, 'Jefferles knocked out,' or Fits Simmons put to sleep,' or something llks thst then I could hsvs returned to bed. sstlsfled. But they were too foxy; they didn't tip their hsnds. As they were three blocks swsy. I couldn't buy a paper and so I didn't get to hear how ths fight came out till this morning." STRIKERS INP0LICE COURT Men Charged with Assaulting Hon anion Workman Arraigned Before Judge Berks, W. W. Richelieu, F. Scales, H. E. Pos ett and W. A. Noble have been arrested on complaint of H. J. O'Ksns, who chsrges them with sasault snd battery. Tbs sr rested men sre strikers formerly In tbs employ of tbs Union' Pacific Railroad com pany and ths Istter is a nonunion work man employed by tbe company at Council Bluffs. O'Ksns was arrested Thursday night in Omsbs ss a suspicious character and locked up over night. Friday when ho wss dlschsrged by ths police Judgs, hs claims thst the men followed him snd when swsy from the station asssulted him. Ths men were srrslgned snd the hearing 'set for July $0. About twenty strikers wsre In court yesterday morning. DON'T jIVE UP Discouraged Citizens Will Find Com fort In. the Experience cf an Omaha Man. Profit by ths experience of others. It msy ssvs your life. The experience of friends snd neighbors, Tbs testimony of Omaba people, Will bring renewed encouragement. Here Is a case In point: Mrs. Dsvld Oorbsn of 401 North 11th street ssys: "You ars welcome to mf name ss sn lndorser of Dosn's Kidney Pills. I had kidney complaint for about three years sud tried doctors and medicine, but nothing seemed to do me much good. Backache, headache and dizziness bothered me constantly. When I procured Doaa'a Kidney Pills at Kuhn st Co.'a drug store I wss so weak I could not do snytblng. Tbslr uss brought me relief In a short tlms. Any of my neighbors can vouch for tbs great good Doan'a Kidney Pills did me." , For ssls by all dealers; price 60o. Fos-ter-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. T.. aole agents for ths United Ststes. Remember tbs asms, Dosn's sad take ao substitute. ' The greatest remedy of the age, Cure Kidney. I.iver and Stomach Diseases, Rheumatism, Catarrh. Malaria, Palpitation of the Heart, Headache, pain in the Side, Park, Under Shoulder Blade. LaQriiipe and Sleeplessness. 30 days' trealmuu X cents. 4-U druggists. 25 harness ff V Y j '.