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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1902)
The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10, 1871. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 26, 1902 TWELVE TAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. r s 1 ( PEASANTS IN ARMS Situation Grows Berioui in Franca Orer Oloaing of Unauthorised Bohools, COUNTRYSIDE RESISTS PREMIER'S ORDERS Gather at Breit and Assert They Will Pro tect the Siitora, CONVERT SCHOOL INTO A FORTRESS Tlaoardl Art Foaled in TowialiipS Urging Besiitancs to ths Police, WOMEN ARE MAKING VIOLENT PROTEST for Blood Will Flow If Measures Are Ko Taken to Stop the Altered Ill-Treatment of ala ters. PARIS, July 15. A serious situation la prevailing In tha Catholic country around Brest on account of the closing or tb un- authorized schools. Tha countryside baa taken up arms and la determined to resist any attempt at the forcible .execution of the orders of the premier. Ad incident yesterday evening at Saint- Meen, eighteen mllea from Brest, shows the spirit of tha peasantry. Two newspaper men of Brest drove there In an automobile to investigate the situation at the Sisters' school. Immediately after they entered the commune a boy sounded a bugle and crowds of peaaanta swarmed from the fields. armed with pitchforks and Iron-bound sticks shouting. "Long live the slstersl "Long live liberty!" One of the reporters waa dragged from tha automobile and the fanatlca beat him Lorda today Lord Burghleler, liberal, asked with theli- pitchforks and atlcke. The news- Lord Onslow, under secretary for the co paper man explained In the Breton dialect lonlal offlce, If he could Inform the house that they had only come In search of In- regarding the alarming atatementa that formation, but the crowd refused to listen Canadian land was being bought up by to him and the reporter had to keep them Americana, of whom 200,000 were aald to at bay with a revolver. He aucceeded In I regaining the automobile and drove off at full speed, followed by a shower of atones. Fortress Made of School. A school at Ploudanlel, In the aame neighborhood, has been converted into a fortress, barricades have been erected and the Inhabitants have formed a cordon about the surrounding area. The lady su perlor said: "You see our barricades. They must Ihoot us before we yield. There will be bloodshed If anyone attempts to enter." Placards have been posted In the town ahlpa urging resistance to the police. The population of Landerneau, twelve miles from Brest, has formed relays to guard the achool and peasant women sit on opposite- the gate knitting while awaiting tha coming of the gen darmes. They are greatly excited and de clara they prefer to be shot rather than abandon the .sisters. . Ths lady superior of the Landerneau convent aald: "Like true Bretons, we will only yield to force. The women and other peoplo who are guarding the school night and day have given us a eouragenua example.' The population of Roscoff Is guarding the schools day and night. Sentinels are watching the road and men are sleeping on the ground In the neighborhood tn or der te be ready at the first alarm. Count Albemun, the clerical leader In the Cham ber of Deputies, Is stumping ths country, denouncing the action of the government and ursine- resistance. I wm imnlorn Madam Loubet. A strsnge scene, reminiscent of stormier. adder days In France occurred today at law ci.y.oo ..B ""ob-""" " women. Including the wives of several members of ths Chamber of Deputies, as sembled at the palace to endeavor per- !""?J"P w ul -'"' I Uons. Mm. Loubet sent out word to them by Qeneral Dubois, head of the president's Military household, that It waa Impossible tor her to receive a deputation i.pon a lubjeot which was solely within the scope of the executive. The wife of Deputy Rellle made a violent protest. "Tell Mme. Loubet," aha said, "that tha ..nman war 11 4tnv If Iwi an t at s fas not .k.n to stop in-tr.a7ment of iha ....... t... -..i .aa,... ., tn th. vito of the pre.ld.nt. In which we will .-t..& on.... iinnn tl ah A ntMshaKArnt Th I Christian women VVanc. have decided ... ...ft., in iini- " I a .m imii at th. nal- ace today examined the queetlona brought up by the application of the law of associations. President Loubet signed a decree submitted by the premier, M. Combea, ordering tha forcible cloaure of twenty-aix congregationlat schools la Paris and In the department of the Seine, which have refused to disperse voluntarily. Decrees closing forcibly similar schools in other departments will be signed se soon aa WZZ decree Blgned by President Loubet. dealgnatlng twelve eongregatlonlst achool. tn Parla aajl (ourtaea la the department of the Seine which It orders to be closed Immediately, aa they have been opened elnce the paassgs ot ths law of associations without auinorua- tlon. Aa a matter of fact. moBt of ths schools designated have been closed al ready and the alatera In charge of them A great clerical deraonatratlon was made In front of the town hall at Angara, capital f th. A.nartmont of Mains Elolre. laat ..d waa continued till midnight. The municipal council waa In aeeslon at the time of the demonstration. There waa much fighting between studenta of the Catholic college and the radlcala. In which eeverel peraona were Injured. Twelve ar - rests were made. , MOBS CHEER LORD KITCHENER , , London Crowds Hold I'p Carriage ContalnlnaT Conneror aad Are Driven OS hr follce. LONDON, July 25-Lord Kitchener, who hd been largely lost to public view aluce bla triumphal re-entry into London. July 12, received an unexpected demonatratlon ot London enthusiasm today when a cab In which he visited tha city was actually mobbed closs to the Bank ot England and the conqueror of South Africa had to be reecued by the p slice. Lord Kitchener drove to a private bank near the Mansion house. He waa Inatantiy reeogaUed. and auch a crowd collected out- elds that ha had to escape by a aide door. Ha waa delected, buevr. and drove off amid frantic cheers, which he smilingly acknowledged with a salute. While passing through Queen Victoria street Lord Kitchener waa agala recognised and ths cab waa held up by a cheerlug T. P. O'Connor, Irish nationalist, regret crowd. Tha police had to open a way I ted that tbe chancellor's "sws song" Wore the vehicle could proceed. 1 speech should be aaaiABt Ireland. NO SYMPATHY FOR CADETS Lord Roberta Mnkra Hla Bip4r4 Address on Trouble at Sandhurst. LONDON, July 25. The long-expected address of Lord Roberts, the commander to-chief, to the cadets of the Roye" Mili tary academy, Sandhurst, where , -4t- break of a number of Incendla. V - caused the rusticating July t of tw '"' nine cadeta because they failed to na those supposed to bare been concerned in the Incendiarism, was delivered today. It conveyed sent condolence to the young 1 men who hare been rather posing- aa mar ten to tha arhltrarr methods of the war offlcera. Lord Roberts' visit waa nominally " offlf P""0" f "'"I"!. Ac.aa" CUIT HUQ CBincu UUl w,Lg micuiuu. Thai mAArcmm mm frank Anil rather curt. The commander-in-chief said he had been a cadet himself and had clayed longer at achool than any of hla hearers. He thought I ne ougnt 10 mow now mucn itj. auu uuw they should act. II had tried leniency When the Area first broke out at the acad emy he stopped the punishment of the cadeta In order to allow them to attend the coronation. Instead of taking their discipline tn a manly, soldierly fashion. they bad behaved In a mutinous and most improper manner. He waa glad to ear however, that as a result of hla tnvestlga- tlona ha waa able to reinstate all but two 0f the rusticated cadeta, and he hoped that on the occasion of his visit to Sandhurst n December he could congratulate the cadeta on the proper tone prevailing at the academy. NOW RESIDENTS OF CANADA Question of American Emigration to Btrttiah Sail Called Cs In Hesse of Lord a. LONDON, July 25. In the House of have emigrated to Canada tme year, me under aecretary aald he tnougnt noru Burghleler's figures were incorrect. In 1901 the number or Americana wno emi grated to Canada waa 17,987, while to the moat recent date thia year the number was 24,100. The under secretary also aald that in weatern Canada land waa being taken ud with unexampled rapidity, not only by Americans, but by Englishmen and other Europeans, which bid fair to make the Ca nadlan wheat fields an lmporant factor In the wheat aupply of the world. Lord Rosebery, liberal, asked for the figures of the emigration from Canada to the United States, but Lord Onslow was usable to supply them. HICKS-BEACH URGES ECONOMY Hoted Englishman Allndes to Cost of Boer Wu and loaaeiti Changes la Tosatloa. LONDON, July 25. Sir Michael Hicks Beach was the guest this evening of the lord- mayor- a ad city banker and ' xner chants at a farewell dlnner'et the Mkhalon house. In aft address dealing with national finance the chancellor said, that the Chi nese and South African war had cost Oreat Britain 228.000,000, of which the taxpayers have already willingly contrib uted 75,000,000. The expenditure had been borne without aerloua Injury to com merce ana .i50.uw.uw naa oeen oorrowea on easy term., wnicn ureal Britain s con I ttnknl.l na shhnp. nv1d . hilt milld not .... a,r 'xn,.h..i HtrVa- Beach he ,ooke(, fof 4 rMnIlon of ta.atlnn .nil ha warned hla hearers against the constant growth of national ex penditure, urging that preparations ought to be made for a day of adversity, and that revenue, though Incr.a.lng. should not V- In tmm r.... W oauasaaa U a as aiiuw wo ayn.uvwas WILL SEND A COMMISSIONER Emperor of China to Have a Repre aentatlve at It. Lonla Ei position. PEKIN, July 25. The emperor will an nounce tomorrow that he haa decided to commlaslon.r t. ; repre- t China at the St. Loula expoaltion In of placing Chin.', interest. In ths HB !Ut"' " b"'n lUtt Th unumi elates minister nere, r. monger, " aecured an audience with the emperor for John Barrett, tha commissioner gen eral of the expoaltion for Aala and Austra lia, for tomorrow, when the announcement will be formally made. Mr. Conger tonight entertained at din ner the members of the council and of ths foreign offlce, who discussed the exposition with Mr. Barrett. Incidentally they thanked Mr. Conger for the apparent ala cerity of the United States' assistance In bringing about the withdrawal of the for troop. rom Tien T.ln A'aflRMAN UAS LAST TALK U UUHMAN flAi L.MO I lALA l I Blona rnlle Bishop Has Final later lew at Vatican and Sails for Home. ROME. July 25. Bishop O'Gorman of Sioux Fails. S. D.. bad a final audience with Cardinal Rampolla the papal aecretary of 'y- They discussed ths Philippine situation and the Importance ot selecting a aultabl candidate for an apostolic delegate, but no name waa mentioned. The bishop leaves Rome tomorrow and aalls from Genoa for New York on the ateamer Hohenaollern IJu'T" - He goes first to Oystsr Bay. U I., to pro sent President Roosevelt with the letter ' pp Thenc. u. bi.hop will go to Washington to deliver Cardinal Rampalla'a letter to SecreUry Hay. TURN DOWN MEMBER CLANCY Motion Introduced In Honso of Com mons by Irish Representa tive la Lost. i LONDON, July 25. In the Houae of Com- mona today Irish matters cams up again. A motion of John J. Clancy, Irish nation alist, to the effect that tha overtaxation of Ireland constitutes a pressing grievance, waa defeated by 168 to 117 votes after a number of Irish nationalists had spoken snd been replied to by the chancellor of toe exchequer. Sir Michael Htcks-Bearh. The chancellor aald Ireland', share In Im perial taxation waa decreasing rather than Increasing, and that It waa the fairest ays- Item which could at present be devised. RIVAL FOR SHIPPING TRUST Canadian Pacifio Railway Propo to Es tablish Bteamihip Lint. DOMINION GOVERNMENT GIVES SUBSIDY Government Will Inalit I'poa Having; Refrigerator Plants, Carry Insr Capacity and Speed. LON 'ly 25. The announcement from Mou that the Canadian Pacifio railway had. At the requeat ot the Cana dian ministers now In London, offered to es tablish and work a weekly fast service be- ween Quebec and Liverpool in the sum mer and between Halifax and Liverpool In the winter, with a good freight service, is causing considerable etlr In England, where It la hailed with delight aa being an offset to J. Plerpont Morgan'a shipping combine. The evening papers have flaming placards reading: "English Combination to Fight the American Trust," etc. The officials ot the Canadian Pacific railroad here deny that they have any auch Intention, but they as well aa othera believe that the long discussed Canadian fast service Is nally approaching realization. The chief Indication of this Is the fact that the offer waa made by the Canadian Pacific railroad at the Instant. of the Canadian ministers now here and that they were fully aware of the conditions the im perial government Is prepared to accede to. Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal,' the Canadian high commissioner, aald in an In terview today: Whilo I am unable to add tn tha In formation already printed, the terms seem reasonable and probable. The members of the Dominion government eome years ao were authorised tv the Canadian Parlia ment to offer a subsidy of 150.000 for thla purpoae. Bo rar as 1 know thla offer haa not been Increased. The reported subsidy of 280,000 shows an advance over the original offer, but it baa always been un derstood tnat ureat Hrltaln would supple ment Canada's offer, though I am not say ing to what extent. Canadian Pacific railroad directors con firmed to a representative of the Asso ciated Press every particular of the Cana dian Pacific's offer to build and operate a subsidised line, and both he and othera lntereated were confident that the project would be accomplished. The chief requirements of the Imperial government will be that the steamera shall become auxiliary crulserc, the same the Canadian Pacific railroad's Empress (Pacific) liners. The principal points on which the Canadian government will In alst relate to refrigerating planta, apeed and cargo capacity. It la admitted on all aldea that the present movement waa hastened by, if it was not the Immediate outcome of the formation of the American ahlpptng combine. Joseph Lawrence, member of Parliament for the Monmouth district, baa Informed the Newport Chamber of Commerce that Liverpool la practically certain to be the terminal port of the new Canadian service and that no Brlatol channel port will be chosen. Comment ot . the Press. The Globe, commenting on the offer. says: "Naturally a suc-aioy win oe ex pocted for the new service, but elnce the Dominic- government la moat willing te share thla obligation there ahould not be the leaat difficulty In financing the acheme. Apart from the etimulua It cannot fall to give to Anglo-Canadian business. It will be most helpful In perfecting all ths British lines of communication with the tar eaat. The Pall Mall Gazette aeea In the Cana dian Pacific railroad proposal a guaranty against the Atlantic becoming "strictly a preserve of the American shipping trust and adds: "It waa only becauae the At lantic trust had command of the railways of the United Statea that they could hope to rival England In the carrying trade They did not expect competition irom Canada aa well as from obaolete England. Now that It is clear that they are going to have It. the prospect cannot be re assuring to the Morgana and the fortune- hunting allies In England and Germany. COLONIES HOLDING ALOOF Canada aad Australia Not Enthnal aatlo Over Imperial Defense. LONDON, July 25. The whole aesslon of the colonial conference today waa devoted to the discussion of Imperial defense. An Interesting proposal waa submitted by Richard J. Beddon, prealdent ot New Zea land, looking to the establishment in each colony of a military reserve selected from the local forces of the colony. The matter waa thoroughly canvassed, but no action waa taken. The war aecretary, Mr. Brodrlck, It la understood, submitted certain plana of hla ewa which will be separately considered by tha varloua delegates, who will there after acquaint the Imperial authorities with the military reaourcea and require menta of their reapectlve colonies. The representative of the War offlce are aald to have been disappointed at the lack of enthusiasm shown for the scheme of Imperial defense. Mr. Seddon's support ot the Idea waa nullified by Canada and Aus tralia atandlng aloof, Sir Wilfrid Lauiier and Edmund Barton, respectively prime ministers of tha Dominion aad the Aus tralian federation, making It clear that they had no Intention to ask their parlia ments to sanction any military expendi tures beyond what were required for their own defenae. They were ready, they aald, voluntarily to render service In any future war aa they had done In the war In South Africa, and, with thla intention, to reorgan- 1 Ixa their local forces so aa to fall Into line with the Imperial army In the way of em ploying standard patterna of arms, ammu nition, etc. REHEARSAL OF PROCESSION KlnsT Is Still Improving: and Prepara tions Continue for the Coronntlon. LONDON. July 25. This waa the first brilliant day alnce King Edward's arrival at Cowea, Isle of Wight, and bla majesty enjoyed the sunshine on deck. At 12:50 p. m. the royal yacht left Its moorings and cruised westward. All reports trout the yacht agree that the king 1 steadily Improving. There waa another rehearsal thla morn ing ot tha royal procession from Bucking bam palace to Westminster abbey. It waa witnessed by a large crowd. Earthunnaev tn Persln. BOMBAY. July 2i Earthquakes have occurred dally at bunder-Abbas, Persia, since July I. The Inhabitants are camping oa the beach and there Is great Buffering on account ot the abnormal heat. Other towns In tha vicinity vters damaged and ths old fortress of Ornius waa destroyed. The- loss of life la bellsvsd to bars bean small, MAKE PLEA F0RTHE FRIARS Resolutions Adopted hr Qnadrennlal Chapter of AnsraMIn Order Made Pnblle. NEW YORK, July 25. Rev. J. F. O'Reilly of Lawrence, Macs., made public today resolutions adopted by the quadrennial chapter of the Augustlnlan order at Villa nova, Pa., July M and presented to Presi dent Roosevelt today at Sagamore Hill. Tha priests in attendance at ths meeting at which the resolutions were adopted repre sented the Augustlnlans of the United States and Cuba. The resolutions follow: Whereas, We, members of the Augus tlninn order, aseembled In quadrennial chapter at Villanova, Pa., reflecting on the sua straits or our orotners religious m tns hlllnnlne Islands, wherein they nave man fully toiled (or 300 years and upward as philantroplsts. educators, mitonrs and pioneers ot civilization, now suffering; under grave civil and religious liberty, threatened. moreover, witn ignominious exile irom a country whose very clvllliatlon la the con- ueet or their heroic laixiis ana seir-enorl-oea. do deem It our duty as American citizens who conrtde In the honor and In tegrity of our government and the Justice of our people, to raise your voice In behalf of these Catholic mlsslonera, the friars of the Philippines, whose honor. Integrity and rights are so wantonly assailed; therefore De it. Resolved, That we energetically nrotest aa-ainst the concerted effort which Is being made to defame and to vllllfy the friars of the Philippine Islands and to alienate from them the love and reverence or a people whom they have ransomed rrom ignorance and barbarism. Resolved. That we. deolorlng the seemlna disposition of our government to discredit the services of the friars In tha Philip pines, do regard any hindrance to tha legitimate exercise of their labors as- a serious menace to the civil and moral well- being of the people of these Islands and unwarranted urecedent fraught with nerll to the Catholic church in the United States, a grave violation of the treaty of Parla and a ratal departure rrom the time-honored American principle of separation of church and state. Resolved. That we protest artlnst the general condemnation of the friars for what may have been the errors of In dividual members of their body, and de mand for them that same measure of jus tice and protection which Is so truly ac corded all other persons and corporations under the Jurisdiction of the United States. Resolved. That we. sensible of the un- morlted obloquy heaped upon the friars In the Philippine Islands by roul slanders emanating from misguided friends and treacherous foes, do proffer sympathy to our suffering brethren and encourage them to conrrae in me nope mat our govern ment, true to its mission and purpose, will ultimately ruinn the dictates or Justice and fairness in their regard. POWER FAILST0 APPEAR Complainant Against Northern Se curities Deal Absent from Heat tag in Kew York. NEW YORK. July 26. A hearing wa. set for today in the eult brought by Peter Power to prevent the carrying out of ths plan to turn over the stock of the North ern Pacific Railroad company to tbe North ern Securities company. It was expected that Power, tbe complainant, wouldf ap pear to answer questions to bs put to him by Francla Lynde Stetson, counsel for tbe defendant, but neither Power nor bla at torney, George Alfred Lamb, waa present at the hour aet for the hearing. Mr. Lamb arrived later and declared that hla client had, not been properly aerved with an - order to appear. ' Mr. Lamb aaked that the hearing go over nntll after his (Lamb's) return from Europe, where he expected to spend a vacation. Mr. Bteeoa aald he would tvgree to any delay, and that if Power was not pro duced by next Tuesday, application would be made to have the ault dismissed. After some further discussion Mr. Outhrie, who i. associated with Mr. Stetson aa counael for' the defendants to the action, said to Mr. Lamb: 'We serve formal notice on you that unless your client is produced for exam lnatlon at the aeaslon next Tuesday, we will take steps to have him committed for contempt of the United States." It waa brought out during the discussion that Peter Power is employed In Mr. Lamb'a law offlce. After the close of the hearing Mr. Stet son aald a second service of subpoena had bean , made thia afternoon on Power, requiring him to appear for examination on Tuesday next. Thla waa done, Mr. Stetaon explained, to overcome Mr. Lamb'a contention that the aervlce waa not reg ular. MESSENGER BOYS ON STRIKE Bnataess of Weatern Union nnd Postnt Companies In Chicago la Badly Crippled. CHICAGO, 'July 25 The messenger boy. ot the Illinois District Telegraph company. which delivers under contract the business of tbe Western Union, struck today. Ac cording to an official the boya made no de mand and their grievance la unknown. The aame company also looks after the local delivery service of the Postal Tele graph company, and tbe boya at the latter's offlce atruck out ot sympathy. The Weat ern Union company Is offering $40 a month to men to deliver messages te avoid an in terruption of their business. The greatest Inconvenience occasioned by the strike waa on tbe floor of the Board of Trade. The striking boya met today and formed the Chicago Messenger Boys' union with a membership of 150, and at once called a atrlke of Its members. Organizer Fltzpatrlck of the Chicago Federation of Labor organized the union and has asked for a charter from the American Federation ot Labor. Pending the temporary embarrassment cauaed by ita measenger boys, the 1111 nols District Telegraph company 1. de llverlng all messages through the postofflce with special delivery stamps, thus inaur lug prompt and efficient service. SIX MEN HANG IN ARKANSAS Executions Pass OAT Quietly and Without Sensntlonal . . Features. LITTLE ROCK. Ark.. July 25. Six men were hanged In Arkanaaa today, each for murder. Ths executions, were aa follows: At Washington. Deo Noland, colored, for the murder of his wife near Wallareburg Tom Sims, colored, for the murder of Nancy and Thabtta Jutten, near 6pring Hill. At Arkansas City, James Kltts, colored, for the murder of Jim Johnson, colored, November 12, 1901. At Forest City, Cy Turner, colored, for the murder of Robert Black, colored. At Van Buren, Dave McWhorler, white, for the murder of bla wife near Mulberry, November 15, 1901. At Center Point, Lath Hembree, white, fr the murder of AVllilam Willis, white,. in Polk county, Marth 2, 19(0. Iran Molders He-Eleet Officers. TORONTO. Ont.. July 25. At today a ses sion ot the International Iron Moldera President Martin Fox of Covington, Ky.; First Vtcs President Joe Valentine of San Francisco; Second Vice President M. J. Keough of Troy, N. Y.. and Third Vice President J. Frye of Worcester, Mass., were re-elected. Philadelphia waa selected a. th. aext place ef nieeilf . INDIANS MAKE A PROTEST Strong Keiolntioni Adopted at a Meeting af Lodge ofOmahas. SUFFERERS FROM A VICIOUS SYSTEM Denounce Methods by Which They Have Beea Wronsred by Leas ing; and the Proposed Sale of Their Lands. PENDER, July 25. (Special.) The Omaha Indiana are waking up In earnest to the situation on the reservation and have decided they will no longer be plucked, at least without a protest. The Omabas have always kept up a eemblance ot their tribal organization and whenever the lntereata ot the tribe are involved or any considerable number thereof the lodge of the tribe is called together to dlacusa the question and take action. In purauance of thia custom the following call waa issued: Notice of a General Council of the Omaha Tribe of Indians, to be held at Daniel Wolf lodge, July 26, 19"2. at 1 o'clock p. m., to take Into consideration section 7 of the act of congress of May 27, 1SHI2, and to revise constitution of the tribe. By the council: WILLIAM HAMILTON, President Pro Tem. H CHASE. Secretary. juiy m, iwi. In response to this call a largely attended meeting waa held and after a thorough dis cussion the following resolutions were adopted: Resolution ot Omaha Tribe Indiana. We. the people of the Omaha Tribe of In- litna of Nebraska, have existed bv ter- mlsslon of the Supreme Ruler of the Uni verse ss a separate and distinct community from a period extending beyond the records and memory ot man. Having certain rignts and attributes essential to our happiness, condition snd existence: having relations with the United States of America by treaties wherein the public honor or a fieat and powerful nation is pledged to us n the security and enjoyment of our said rights and our lands; and. Whereaa, or mere than ten years a sys tem has been Inaugurated In consequence of which our said rights have been disre garded and our weliare and property is curtailed and our people are given up as prey to the Insolence of rapacious and un scrupulous speculators In league with In dian agents, who plunder and cheat us of our full rights and benefits of our lands, although laws and rules are made for our protection In thn leasing of cAir lands; and. Whereas, At this time our people are an noyed, oppressed and harrasaed by .the Im portunities ot tnese speculators, wno are tresDusslnK on our rlnlits and corrupting eome of our people to aid them in alluring Ignorant and helpless Indians to sell our lands to them by unfair means and at In adequate prices; and. Whereas, It Is the judgment of our peo ple aa a tribe that to sell our lands Is to destroy our happiness, prosperity and hopea of our people; and. wnereas, it is ins judgment oi tne umana tribe that the act of congress of May 27, 1902, providing for a method of selling of what is called Indian heirship lands was passed without due consideration of It pernicious effects on our people and was passed without our consent; and. wnereas, ine umaim iriue la Rniioun 10 be Diaced In the altuatlon aa if said law had never been passed and that the wrongs herein complained or oe rrctinea; ana. Tribe la Misrepresented. Whereas. The Omaha tribe Is grossly mis represented in the matters' herein com plained or Dy evu men ana oaa omciais or the government,' who make light of our grievances In their reports, to tbe United States government; and, .-. Whereas.1 we-are sensible er our vveaa- neaa.i-bttt bellerinar- tiv 'the-- iuetlce, ( our cause, ana repoauisr wrmisi trouuueace tn the honor, wisdom, humanity and power of th united mates to srive lusuce in tne premises through the integrity of tta high omciais: We. the Omaha Tribe or Indians or Ne braska, In general council assembled, do hereby resolve and declare: That all proceedings tending to the de struction of our rights, happiness and prosperity as herein complained or are Jiereby disproved. That the act of eongress of May 27. 1902. providing for the sale of the lands of de- ceasea inaians oi our trioe, is nrreoy tua Droved as not binding; on our people. That all Dcrsons ena-ased in the matters and things herein complained of as destruc tive of our repose, nappineas ana pros perity be held to be disturbers of the peace and welfare of the Omaha tribe and be held to their Just responsibilities by course of law. That our tribal council be and tney are hereby Invested with power to proceed at its discretion, collectively or severally, to obtain relief from the wrongs we have so long suffered, even to the bringing of aults or actions on behalf of tne tribe tn any court of Justice, against any peraon or per sona wno violate our rig n is. Be it further resolved. That these resolu tions be sent to the president of the United States, to all omcers ot inoian anraira, to statesmen and philanthropists and Indian Rights associations. yont at XJUiuei vvuu a iuuio, uuiy a, itu, By the council ot the Omaha tribe: ELI3 BLACKBIRD, President Pro Tem. TT. CHASE. Secretary. And also 1M members oi tne umana irioe of Indiana. . CARS GO DOWN EMBANKMENT Paasensrer Train on Sierra Road Badly Wrecked aad Five Men Killed Outright. LCS ANGELES. Cel.. July 25. A apeclal from Tucson, Ariz., aaya: Five peraona were killed and a number Injured In a dis astrous Trreck ycaterday pear Llano, town seventy miles south of Nogalea, on the Sierra railroad. The northbound In ternatlonal train waa derailed and tha en glue, baggage car, two coaches and a Pull man sleeper toppled over an embankment The baggage car and one paaaenger coach were smashed to kindling wood, but the first-class coachea and tha Pullman ea caped with little Injury. The killed and aerloualy Injured were all In the second-class coach. A brakeman and an engineer who were deadheading and three Mexican employee were killed outright. Three passengers were seriously Injured. Many others re celved slight Injuries and bruises. The en glneer and fireman escaped Injury. Ths engine waa buried up to the top of the wheels In sand. JUDGE RESCINDS WARRANT Contempt of Court Proceedings Aajnlnst Secretary Wilson Aro to Be Dropped. INDIANAPOLIS, ind.. July 25. W. B wuson. aecretary and treasurer of ths United Mine Workers, today received communication from hla attorney at Park eraburg. W. Va.. aaylng that the warren for bla arrest on a charge of violating a Injunction, Issued by Judge Jackson, had been rescinded. Wilson believes that the charge against him wss dropped because of tear of further exciting the miners. TALKING OF ANNEXATION Planters of the Larger West India Island Are Greatly IHs aatladed. KINGSTON. Jamaica. July 25. All the planters of the larger West Indian Island ara t&ikisg ef annexation to' the United Statea owing to their dissatisfaction over the small amount of money contributed by tbe imperial government to help tbe augar Industry. The newspapers reject the Idea but the annexation feeling Is evidently arewiag among ICS plasters. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Generally with Possible Scattered Showers. Fair, Temperature at Omaha Yesterdayi Hour. Deg. ' Hour. Deg. Ba. m ta l p. m...... hi fl n. m Tl - 'J p. m Ml 7 a. m ...... T.I a p. tn ...... Mi H a. m ...... T6 dp. m mm O m KO Bp. m...... K 10 a. tn SI M p. m. . . . . . Mil It i. n M4 T p. m HI IS m.. (Ml " p. nt...... HI 9 p. m ..... . 7 COURT RELEASES STRIKERS Contempt of Court Caaes Dismissed During; Good Behavior ot the Accused. PARKERSBURO. W. Va.. July 25. Dis trict Attorney Blizzard, in the United State court today, stated that there were eleven cases pending of alleged violators of the court's Injunction, but that If they ould refrain from further violations he would consent to their release on their own recognizance. The court agreed to thla and they were released pending their good behavior. John Oehr, who Is charged with making a vtcloua verbal attack on Judge Jackaon, la now on trial. "Mother" Jonea aaya ahe will not atop her work among West Vir ginia miners, but will try to observe the law. John 1 Gehr of Colorado, an organizer of the United Mine Workers of America, late thla afternoon pleaded guilty to con tempt of court, after hla case had been pending all day and many witnesses had testified to hla speeches of contempt. Sentence waa deferred until tomorrow. Gehr la the only person here now charged Ith contempt, the eleven other cases. which were pending against alleged vio lators of the court's Injunction, being re leased on their own recognizance. The warrant for the arrest of W. B. Wil son, secretary and treasurer of the United Mine Workers, waa rescinded today. 0 REORGANIZE ROCK ISLAND Leading; laterest la Road Outlines Plan for Adjustment of Com pany's Securities. NEW YORK, July 25. A leading Interest In the Chicago, Rock Island ft Pacific rail road today outlined the plan, for the re adjustment of the company's securities. The organization will be along the line of that Introduced by the Chicago at Alton road. It will be on a baala of ten 11.000 per cent bonds for each 100 aharea of ex Istlng Rock Island stock., 75 to 77 per cent of new preferred stocks and probably 100 per cent of new common stock. It ia alao atated that Rock Island will take over or leaae another large railroad ay.tem and It Is alao proposed to build a direct road from St. Loula to Joliet, 111. The entire matter is now In the hand, of the Rock . Island', legal advisers and a formal statement will probably be made next Tueaday or Wednesday. The exact date ot next week's directors' meeting de pends upon when a quorum of the board can be gathered In tha city. .;a'; . The plan now under consideration by tha Rock Island jnvplvea tha organization ot a aeourttlea iomfiany. ; r. BAND OF TICKET FORGERS Chleagro Ganar la Broken Up by Spe clal Aareats of Paaaenger Bureau. CHICAGO, July 25. A band ot alleged forgers of railroad tickets whose opera tlona, it Is charged, have extended from coast to coast, waa broken up- today by special agenta ot the local passenger bu reau and tbe central police. Charlea J. Allardt, owner ot the National Ticket offlce, Alex Freeman, James Dona hue, Ed Farnum, alias W. T. Davidson, and Maggie Davis, alias Agnes Davidson, were arreated. All were charged with for gery. In the raid the police secured nearly $4,000 worth of railroad tickets, die. of every character, acids and stamps, Indi cating that the operation, of the band had been extensive and remunerative. Secre tary Harry B. Bronaon of tbe paaaenger bureau aald it waa Impossible to estimate the loaa to the railroads through the work of the gang, but he thought It would run Into the thousands of dollar. CONTRIBUTIONS STILL GROW Moacy Continues to Pour In for Bene fit of the Striking Anthra cite Mlaers. INDIANAPOLIS, July 25. Contribution. to the strike fund continue to come In to the headquarters of the United Mine Work er. Today a check tor $1,025 waa received for the atrlke fund from Fontanet, a little mining aettelement near Terre Haute. A Chicago man who desired hi name to be withheld aent a check today for $1,000, Many donation ot this nature are being received. A check of $8,000 wa received from the Indiana bituminous miner. The check from th bltumlnou organization amounts to nearly $1.25 for each member. WRECK ON THE MILWAUKEE Paasenarer Train Crashes Into Bex Car, Killing Flremaa Barns and a Trump. i ST. PAUL, July 25. A northbound pa- aenger train from Chicago on the Chicago, Milwaukee 4 St. Paul rosd ran into a box car atandlng on ths main track at Etter, eight mllea below Hastings, tonight. The engine waa derailed and Fireman Burns who lives at Red Wing, waa killed. An un identified tramp was alao killed. ANCIENT TEMPLE OF SOLOMON Walls and Dr. Gateway Discovered Selllm of Vleaaa Vnlveralty. VIENNA, July 25. The Neues Wiener Tagblatt aaya that Dr. Selllm, a professor at tbe Vienna university, who ia explorln Palestine In behalf of ths Imperial Academy of Sciences, has discovered the walla and gateway of the ancient temple of Solomon In the neighborhood of Janohah. in Samaria. Movements of Ocean Vesela July it-V At Hamburg Arrived: Moltlee from New York via Plymouth and Cherbourg. At Oueensiown Arrived: Camnanla. from New York, for IJveroool. snd proceed-?-!; I'tonla from Boston. At New York Arrived: Lucent, front T-lverponl snd Oueenstown: Calnhrla. f'o-n Nan'es: Colunabli. from Htmburg. Bnl'ec Rovlc foe Liverpool. A Bcllly P-sm1: Msnltnu from New York for lyndon At Prawle Pol"t Psssel: Potsdam, from Rotterdam, for New York rti-fhd Ps : rinnlt, from aiaw Voik. for Onaanstowa and UtMoooi Knocks Ont Fits When Latter Apparently Hai Fight Won. CHAMPION IS SEVERELY PUNISHED Oornishman Has Him All but Ont and Then Drops Hit Guard. " m BIG FELLOW SEES HIS ADVANTAGE In Eeply to Word from Fitziimmoni Ea Lands Two Terrifio Blows, REMARKABLE ENDING COMES IN EIGHTH With Blood Streaming; Down His Face aad with Championship Fleetlns; Jeffries Lands Successful Blow. RINGSIDE, SAN FRANCISCO, July 25. After fighting a battle ot eight rounds that waa fraught with brilliant and courageoua work, Robert Fltzstmmona tonight for feited bis last claim upon the heavyweight championship. He wss knocked to th floor by Jamea Jeffries and counted out after he bad so badly punished the cham pion that it waa a foregone conclusion among the spectators that the Cornlshman muat win. Bleeding from a number ot gashe. in the face, apparently weakening and clearly unable to cope with Fltzalin mona superior skill, Jeffrie delivered two lucky punchea as Fltzslmmona paused tn hi fighting to speak to blm and turned the tide. The battle waa brief but note worthy and will llvn in pugilistic history. Fltzslmmons tried once to rise from the mat, but eank down again In hslplraanesa and heard himself counted out, where but a moment before he bad apparently all the better of 11. "I will never fight again," said the bat tle-scarred veteran of the ring when he had sufficiently recovered to talk. "The fight waa won fairly and to the best man belonga the laurel." You are the most dangerous man alive," aald Jeffries In return, "and I con sider myself lucky to have won when I did." Fltzslmmons had been fighting at a fu rious gait, cool and de-liberate, and chop ping the champion to plecea with the ter rific rlghta and lefta thaj. have made him famous. Jeffries All but Lost. It waa the draught horse and the racer from the tap of the gong. When the men came together Fltzslmmons appeared rather worried, hut on the opening of the first round he assumed an-air ot absolute confidence and' fought with the deliberation of the general that be la. As early as tbe second round Fltzslmmona hsd Jeffries bleeding profusely from mouth and nose. Again and again he landed oa hla bulky opponent, getting away In auch a clever manner that It brought down tha great bouse with cheers. It seemed, indeed, that'.' Jeffrlea could .scarcely weather 'out th? gale. Then the eighth round came. lad., under a aerlea of hot exchangee Fitzalm- " tnona paused "With his guard down and apoka to tbe champion. Th latter, reply consisted of the two terrifio blow, that brought back to him the fleeting champion ship and forever removed the veteran Fltzslmmona from the fistic arena. Fltz slmmons took hla defeat with amazing good cheer. He walked to tbe center ot tbe ring and, raising hla hand, addressed the multitude, aaylng: The best man has won. Had I beaten Jeffries toi.lght I should have conceded him the championship and forever retired from the ring. I retire Just thesame now, but without having accomplished my am bition. I am satisfied. Statement of Jeffries. After the fight Champion Jeffrlea wa teen in hi dressing room. He wa jubilant over his aucoeas, deaplt the terrifio scar of battle. He said to tbe Aasoclatad Press t Well, I have won. Juat aa I expeoted to. It waa a fierce Mailt, the fiercest I ever had, but I won. Yea, I not a aood beating -as far as the marks of battle count but then I rather expected that. I knew Fits- slmmons had a cutting punch and would land It at aome time of the fla-ht. But the few marks and the loss of a little blood -wont hurt a man. I took them and oniv waited for the onoortunltv tn land my Jiunch. I found out Kltxsimmona could not ar me, even with his famous right. He rue me up, or course, out tnat old not hurt. I never was tired at anv stsge and was stronger than Fltzslmmons at ail stages. You saw that he wore heavy bandages and it was these that nut me up. I wore no bandages. Fltzslmmona cer tainly It. a wonder. He is the greatest fighter of hla weight that ever lived. Aa old as he la, he Is the shiftiest and the cleverest and the hardest hitting man I ever met. I want to aive him credit, ns I know all - who saw It will, for the great fight he put up. I have no plana for the Immediate future, as I have not thought of anything but thla riant for some time and will not do anythln for a lone oerlod. I I will take a rest after ths lone siege of hard training. I think that Fltzslmmona can defeat any' other man than .myself. What Fltssimmons Buys. Cheerful In the face of defeat and full ot praise for his vanquisher, and writhing In agony on his couch, surrounded by a score of friends offering their consolations, Flts simmons, between short sentence. Inter spersed with groana, announced that he had fought his last battle. He said: I fought ths best I could and the best man won. He la a arrest fla-nter ani tied I been awarded the decision tonight - I would have turned around and eiven him the championship, for ha is th only man In the world capable of defending It. 'The blows that put me out were a left short arm Jult under the ribs and a right to the ,1w. Aft?r reeelvlna: the terrific body bl w I knew I waa gone and told Jeffries to keep away, but he was anxious to finish me and sent a right awlna to my Jaw. I fought in the way I did because both my hand were gone when I entered the ring. I Injured them on Wednesday hnxlng with Hank Oriffln. My rlaht hand In nnrtlciilar was almoat useless. I sm ennfldent, now even more so than ever, that in mv first battle with Jeffries I was Ann. Hla show, ing tonight proved to me conclusively that my defeat at his bands In our previous battle waa unwarranted. Asked why he did all tbe leading. Flti- . Simmons Indignantly denied the allegation and aald that Jeffrlea did a great deal of the work, especially In tbe clinches and at close range. "He la aa strong aa an ox and his blow hurt ma considerably, espe cially his terrific left to the body," said Fltzslmmons. Asked In regard to hi. plans for th fu ture. Bob facetiously remarked: "I gtn going back to Densonhurst and attend to tbe development of the youth of America and try to make them like ma a vlguroua old man, past bis fortieth year and a. bale and aa hearty aa a man well within bl. thirties." At this juncture Dr. I. C. Cox, who h4 been summoned to attend lb fighter, com menced an examination of the defeated pugilist. After a careful examination tbe doctor announced that Fltzslmmons' ribs were not broken, but that his ''ft r'df waa badly bruld, lb muaolta lna tf